The Nick DiPaolo Show - Owen Benjamin

Episode Date: July 19, 2018

Today’s show the multi talented Owen Benjamin calls in, Josh Hader’s haters, FB removes anti Republican page....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh yeah! It's that time again, folks. How are ya? On a Wednesday, a beautiful Wednesday. Welcome to the show. I'm your host, Kevin Brennan. What? He's a friend of mine. I thought I'd give him a plug. Say hi to the twins, I call them. They call them twinks i call them twins jason and ryan a couple of kids we're doing how you guys doing all right so how are you
Starting point is 00:00:53 they're so white they get here 10 minutes early and shit it's just it's so pleasant nick what i mean by that you know what i mean i worked at chris rock at hbo for a couple years i used to get there late because everybody else did. I kind of like that about the black culture. Life's too short. Okay, I'm eight minutes late. Don't pull that shit with Bill Parcells. You'll end up on the Jets.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Am I right, kids? Hey, on the show tonight, and I'm looking forward to this because I haven't, I asked this guy to be on my serious radar for a couple times. He's too, you know, at first I got mad because he wouldn't really answer us. And then I started reading about him and how busy he is and how this left-wing world has really punched him in the gut. And I saw how busy he was and it was understandable. But the great Owen Benjamin, this guy is smart, multi-talented, plays the piano. I think he's a libertarian.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Social media makes him out to be this, like me, right-winning extremist. And I don't know why they get to fucking decide the barometer. But I am so looking forward to talking to him. Interesting guy, smart guy, funny guy. And, you know, he's taking it in the gut more than i have career-wise because of uh this pc world we're living in which is absolute dog shit i think we can all agree on that 888-599-6425 888-596-425 if you want to spell it 888-599-nick is the phone number. Oh, I'm in green today. What's with the physique, man?
Starting point is 00:02:27 I did, you guys, if you want to stay in shape in my age, is the way to go. Sign up there. You have access to about a thousand, I don't know why I'm plugging them. They're not even a sponsor yet. But they have about a thousand workouts that you can do in your fucking house. And they're hard. They get your heart rate up twice the normal rate, which is scary for me at my age.
Starting point is 00:02:53 I mean, Colin Quinn can have a heart attack. He's certainly been eating better than I have the last 10 years. But I did the workout today. This broad, I mean, this woman, I mean, this chick, where where'd i go where's my picture uh autumn calabrese she's got negative body fat just a freak of nature and um but there's sean t that guy sean t there's a thousand different workouts i pick a different one every day and uh not every day let's be honest three times a week and um i did it, but I think the smoking is starting to get in the way of, because I picked like one of the easiest cardio workouts.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And easy is not easy. But I was spitting stuff all over the rug. You know, lung oysters, as they say. So I couldn't keep up with it, which I usually can. So the cigarettes, you know what everybody said about them? It's true. But again, it's a nice buzz for somebody high strung like me.
Starting point is 00:03:48 So I think about, yeah, everything's good up there. Yeah. My nice green shirt. That doesn't fit me. Somebody bought me this when I was at Acme. Now it's gone again.
Starting point is 00:03:59 What's with this stupid monitor? Couple minutes setting up Facebook. You know, I want you guys to understand we're doing a tv show from a house over the internet so it's very complicated for you people get a little antsy this is like doing tv actual tv like i said in the early 50s we are pioneers people are going to laugh at this shit in a few years with the 78 cables and stuff. And you know how this technology moves so fast, it's obsolete in six minutes. So did I mention Owen Benjamin? Yes, I did.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Calling in at the bottom of the hour. That's 630 Eastern Time. In the meantime, shout outs, folks. These are people who signed up at the Michael level. The Michael Corleone level, the $30 month Zach Ross Jim DiLorenzo Nicholas Simone
Starting point is 00:04:51 and Chris either Thone or Tone Jim Tome spells it T-H-O-M-E so maybe it's Chris Tome I'll go with Chris Tone anyways, thank you guys $30 level the Michael Corleone level
Starting point is 00:05:08 why do we keep losing that picture not that I have to look at myself people are people at home seeing what I'm seeing okay no that's fine I don't want to look at myself in my late 90s
Starting point is 00:05:18 I watch Fox News you know I like to you know I lean a little right in my politics I like the not only the anchor woman but the products on there. I'm starting to... The products are for really old people in the 80s and 90s,
Starting point is 00:05:30 but there's a fine line between a 90-year-old and a guy like me in his 50s who's very fucking lazy. Who doesn't want a tub with a door that opens up? I don't want to lift my leg to step in the tub. I have balls like a Great Dane at this age. I don't want to see those in the mirror. So I'm paying somebody to... I want to get a tub with a door on it.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Same thing with the acorn stair lift. You don't want one of those when you come home shit-faced? Look up at that staircase. It's like Mount Everest. Strap yourself into that seat. There's more to that bit. But I'm not going to do it. Thank you guys at the $30 level. Thank all of yous. But these guys
Starting point is 00:06:05 they get a break on they get a free hat a t-shirt and 20 off uh merchandise and for people say that's a little steep it's not personal it's just business sonny it's just business i have a hair hanging down you guys can't see it's like a two by four anyways what did i do last night went into the uh the village underground that's the comedy cellar one of their rooms they're all what the can you i have a i'm at that age i have hairs growing you know i'm starting to get andy fucking rooney eyebrows and one hair will hang down that nobody can see but me and it's like a piece of rope hanging on my eye. The Village Underground, the Comedy Cell, it's one of their rooms.
Starting point is 00:06:48 They're all right in the same block. Fat Black Pussycat, Village Underground. They're right in the same building. Comedy Cell are the original ones around the corner. So I went down there. I haven't been there for a while. I cut my teeth at the Comedy Cell, folks. I was there every night in the 90s when it was slow and then when we
Starting point is 00:07:06 did tough crowd it got really popular i'm on a list along with colin quinn and a few others there's like six people i don't have to pay for a drink or food there ever and here's why they're so awesome down there i got on there and there's a waitress last night who i've never seen she's young so i just assume she doesn't know me and she she brings me drinks and and she never charged me i said i said you know how did you she i'm on a list i think she goes i know i know who you are and i go how the fuck do you know who i well you know somebody trained her there's no way she was watching tough crowd or was a fan of my stand-up i don't think but i appreciate anyways the village underground good outstanding i haven't been on in a while No way she was watching Tough Crowd or was a fan of my stand-up, I don't think. But I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Anyways, Village Underground. Good on stage. I haven't been on in a while, and that can work out one or two ways. Sometimes you come out kind of rusty and shit, and other times you feel fresh because you haven't been on in a few weeks. I don't do it every night like I used to. I live 40 miles from the cellar. So I went on down there and started off pretty well,
Starting point is 00:08:04 and then I went into an Anthony Bourdain bit about him hanging himself, and it got all quiet, and then I commented on them being quiet, and it's mostly millennials in the audience, and I'm not going to pick on them. Too many people pick on millennials. I think a lot of millennials have had enough. These guys are the politically correct horseshit, but I went into the Anthony Bourdain shit, and boy, did it get quiet,
Starting point is 00:08:25 and then I commented on them being quiet and how they were the first generation to find seinfeld's humor too edgy and then i dug a bigger hole i actually started getting dry mouth up there and and what's tough is you go on you're following young guys who are still trying to impress people who run the comedies they're doing their best eight minutes and ripping the tits off the crowd. And then you go on and I have no game plan. I'm trying to fuck around. I like to wing it. But you're only doing 15 minutes. Although I'll be doing more.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Anyway, so I started to do well and then I there was a lull right in the middle of the set where they disliked me for disliking them. That's what I do. I comment on why are you getting all quiet and shit? It's a comedy club club don't be dinks and uh they stare so i did my bourdain shit and and um they got all quiet and then colin quinn told me after the show i i explained to him what happened he goes well the millennials love
Starting point is 00:09:19 anthony board i should have figured he's on CNN. You know, whatever. Yes, he hung himself and whatever. It's dark humor. But that should be allowed. Dave Attell, I ran it to him a year ago down there on the sidewalk. And I said, how bad is it getting? He goes, there's a lot of groans. There's a lot of groans now where there were never groans. And people just take it so seriously.
Starting point is 00:09:40 And I felt some of that last night. But, you know, I've been doing it long enough. But you can't go to a comedy club and fucking judge people their jokes or their humor if it doesn't agree with your political beliefs or whatever that's just that's what's wrong with the country right now is it not well nick it's not funny people hanging themselves there's humor in it that's what i i like to do i like to dig where it's hard to find humor but it's very pc down there look it's on the campus of nyu okay so and you know how my politics are and this is where i cut my t's don't tell me you haven't
Starting point is 00:10:18 paid my fucking dues luckily i've been around long enough and there was there was again i would say 170 people and they would have and there was, again, I would say 170 people in there. And there was like two tables when I was kind of bombing for a few minutes that were laughing their balls off. And again, young kids falling out of their fucking seats who get it. But what has happened? That's how it used to be all the time. You could be dark and edgy. And I tell you, young comics, they always ask me, you know, I said, you stick to your guns.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Yeah, I see it. What did you say, monitor working? Huh? Oh, okay. Whatever. That's so distracting. I might break that TV anyways. I got a big flat screen that we use as a monitor.
Starting point is 00:11:01 888-599-6425 so it was so it is it it's tough you're on the campus of nyu and if you're comical leans a little right like owen benjamin does on me it uh they get fucking very touchy i wish some adults would come out that's why i love the nick is right tour uh when i was doing these venues in the springtime, it was actually I saw people my age, a good range from people in their 20s up to my age and everything in between. But they they pay to see you as opposed to a comedy club. They wander in and sometimes they don't even know who's playing. But so I got you. I got some flop squat on my forehead.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Those rooms will keep you honest down there is what I'm saying. If you're a young comic and you're in the New York City scene, play those rooms. But don't go up there and do your best 15 minutes that I saw you doing a year ago on TV. That proves nothing. Go up there and take it in the gut. That's the way you get better. I'm going back down there tonight. I have to run out right after the show is over because, again, I'm an hour from there.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Speaking of my tour dates, tonight at the Village Underground, 825, Wednesday, July 25th, a week from tonight, the Fat Black Pussycat, Saturday, July 28th, the Fat Black Pussycat. One of those shows starts at 6.30. One starts at 8-something. Go to, which you should always be doing if you're not there already.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Friday and Saturday, September 14th and 15th, Arlington Draft House. Arlington, Virginia, one of my favorite gigs. And then Friday, September 21st, I'll be doing the Orpheum Theater in Flagstaff, Arizona. The night before, I'm doing a private gig with Israel Money. And then I'll do the Orpheum Theater, which I can't wait. I love Arizona. It's a nice mix in Arizona.
Starting point is 00:12:52 I used to do the Tempe Improv. Last time I did it, I had about 18, I'm not kidding you, 10, 15, 18 Latino kids come up to me in their 20s and knew me from Tough Crowd. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Cigarettes. So I'm looking forward to that. So, yeah, I'll go down there tonight and try a little harder, I guess. And I don't blame these young guys that go on. They're trying to impress the people that book the comedy cellar. It's a place to be. So, you know, they're busting out their shit. But don't hold it against a few of us veterans who go up there and throw out no shit
Starting point is 00:13:29 and if it doesn't fly my wife is laughing her ass off because i said i did this bit about smoking how they say sitting is the new smoking and uh you know people are yelling at me because i i started smoking in my 50s and i said, I'll have cancer in my 80s. I'm timing it perfectly. And then I said, you know, sitting's a new smoke. And all you people technically smoke right now. I appreciate you to stand up. And that got a lot.
Starting point is 00:13:54 And then I said, this is me quitting. So I got in the crouch position like I was sitting and I stood up. And that got fucking crickets. Nothing more embarrassing. You do a physical thing and you get dead silence. Anyhow. Facebook. Going to put on the glasses.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Removes page inciting violence against Republicans after lawmakers appeal. They did that yesterday. Removed a page inciting violence. Thanks to Republican Matt Goetz. He's a Republican from Florida. He brought it up at a hearing. Goetz said his office previously brought the page to Facebook's attention, and the social media giant dismissed concerns.
Starting point is 00:14:37 But he presented the page to Facebook's head of global policy management. Isn't that creepy when you hear global and company? Directly during the House Judiciary Committee's hearing, examining how social media companies filter content. During the hearing, now this is the important part, the Florida Republican highlighted content posted on a page titled Milkshakes Against the Republican Party that called for, in quotes,
Starting point is 00:15:02 crazed shooters to target the gop's congressional baseball team and attack the uh the nra uh gets noted the social media platform listen to this this is the key previously said the page didn't meet its criteria for removal when his office contacted them about the posts. Okay? You fucking believe that? Uh-oh! Retard alert!
Starting point is 00:15:29 Retard alert! I'll repeat that again. It's encouraging shooting the GOP's baseball team, but Facebook already said that it didn't meet their criteria for removal. Are you shitting me? Are you dog-styling me? In this day and age if you you know if you a Slight gay slur or black slur you'll be booted from any social media whether it's Twitter Facebook
Starting point is 00:15:56 This I mean seriously you have to have a hearing you have to bring a goddamn congressman into it to get it taken down What the fuck is going on here? congressmen into it to get it taken down what the fuck is going on here luckily i'm armed to the teeth i hung out with anthony comey and learned a lot about guns comey is like a scarface with his uh gun collection you guys own guns twinks guns scare me nick guns scare you jason what do got, like a super soaker with cat piss in it? I've held a gun before when I was with my family in Kentucky. Did you hear that? Ryan held a gun before.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Family in Kentucky? You should be armed to the teeth. They were. Or tooth, I should say. It's Kentucky. You held a gun? Yeah, I held a little tiny, little teeny tiny revolver. A revolver, like a.38 Special?
Starting point is 00:16:43 Yeah. Yeah, that's not going to stop anybody on fucking angel dust. But the point being, they had to have a hearing to get this taken down? You've got to be shitting me. If somebody conservative posted, go to the Democrats baseball team, which they don't have, because they're fucking girls, and shoot up them, you think that would have been taken down in a second? Of course it would have. Of course it would have.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Of course it would have. How does that not meet the criteria? I do. Look, I'm cutting them some slack. Let's be honest. There's a billion people on Facebook. It's got to be hard to monitor all this shit. But come on.
Starting point is 00:17:18 My A can fucking stem. So they finally had to go to the global person. And again, that gives me the creeps that their company, you know, they have somebody in go to the global person i don't like and again that gives me the creeps that their company you know they have somebody in charge of their global operations that should give you a shiver up your backside let's go to the phones uh shall we uh uh i want you to stay on topic too by the way so i'm going to go to uh pete pete and austin looks like he's listening and paying attention. Hey, Pete, how are you?
Starting point is 00:17:49 What's up, Nick? Not too much. What's going on? What's your question? Hey, you know, I... Yeah, you know, I... I just... I'm wondering where you see,
Starting point is 00:18:00 you know, this true comedy that you and Kumia and Owen Crowder and all these other guys are trying to keep alive. Yeah. Where do you see that going in the future? I mean, I've been thinking about just doing stand-up, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:11 just for the fuck of it, just, you know, just to get some laughs and, you know, poke fun at the lefties. But I don't know, where do you see this going in the future? Do you think this is just going to be like an underground thing? We'll have legs? What do you think this is just gonna be like an underground thing um i have legs what do you think yeah no look that's that's the the the basis of comedy it should be punching up there's this misnomer out there that gop or right wingers are punching down somehow because their policies you know are anti-immigrant and all this other horseshit but we are now the counterculture
Starting point is 00:18:44 which is what art should be, going against the fucking establishment. Especially comedians. So we need guys like you. It reminds me of a line in a Gotti movie in the 80s on HBO. And they're talking about John Gotti, Gambino's, the upper level of the Gambino family. One of them said, we need all the John Gottis we can get. So I suggest, don't just do it to fuck around, Pete.
Starting point is 00:19:07 You've got to take it serious. You're just going to go out there and fucking, you know, it's not something you just fuck around with because you've got to do it almost every night if you want to get good at it or you're going to make an asshole of yourself. But I don't care where it's going. I don't care if there's a tidal wave of political correctness. That's fertile ground for
Starting point is 00:19:23 comedy. You have to stand your ground, and humor's a great way of doing it. But I don't know. I mean, eventually, you know, I just did that story on Facebook that people, you know, encouraging people to shoot the GOP baseball team, and Facebook takes its time taking it down.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Yeah, I got banned from commenting. I got banned from commenting for calling this journalist on Fox. I was like, yeah, look at this fucking faggot. I got banned for that for like two days. On what? On Facebook? Yeah, in a Facebook group that was private.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Oh, boy. How do they even? I guess it's not private. Nothing's private, is it, on the internet? No. I bet you, who are you calling?. I bet you who you're calling out. Can I tell you real quick? Shepard Smith?
Starting point is 00:20:08 Can I? No, a Vox guy. Oh, okay. So, yeah, they don't like the word. That word, hold on, Pete. That word, this is a global cabal. I'm convinced there's 12 people that run the world, and eight of them are gay, because there's this agenda that's so sensitive
Starting point is 00:20:26 when it comes to the gay shit. Even the comedy cell last night said the word fag because I knew it would bother them and it should. I said, this room is getting really faggy and fucking,
Starting point is 00:20:34 boy, do they not like that. So, but to answer your question, yes, stick with it. Go ahead, real quick. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:43 My favorite politically incorrect joke that you made was a pack of the Larry the Cable guy roast when some black comedian or actor was there, and you were like, no, no, I said 35 acres and three mules. Oh, that... It was just silent, and you're like, that was a good joke, you white liberal faggot. All the black people laughed, and all the white fucking Obama supporters were fucking crying. Yeah, and I gave the crowd the finger, actually, and I said, God bless Ian Coulter on national TV.
Starting point is 00:21:10 So you wonder why I'm in the woods doing my own joke. I directed that joke at Warren Sapp, a Hall of Fame defensive lineman. And, you know, he was laughing his balls off, but everybody else wasn't. Thanks for the call, Pete. I appreciate it, buddy. And go ahead. Go out and do your comedy and keep your chin up all right but uh he poses a good question it's really the theme of the show today because uh like i said oh and benjamin's gotten in all kinds of deep shit but again it's
Starting point is 00:21:35 comedy did you ever think we'd get to this point folks i don't last night was a little bit of a wake-up call i i know it was getting really PC down there. I had heard rumors about the comedy celebrating. But hey, that's the world we live in. You're going to sit home and go, they might not laugh at me or they might dislike. Let me tell you something. If you're going to be a comic, here's the idea. I like when about 60% of the audience doesn't really like me.
Starting point is 00:21:59 I'm talking about if I do a comedy club, not a venue where they're paying to see me. But about 60% and 40% do. That's the ratio I like. That means I'm not being a crowd pleaser. I'm stating a point because there's guys who kill every night, but they're not taking any risks. I was one of those guys early in my career. And then I did Tough Crowd, and here I am up in the woods.
Starting point is 00:22:29 We got to fix that fucking screen it's very distracting but if the people at home aren't seeing it that's all right um that tv's 45 years old anyways but uh let's take one more before i uh we get uh owen calling in about seven minutes, hopefully. And he wants to... What's that? Ryan, why is that? Do we know why that's happening? Shouldn't that be already set up? Is it not streaming to Facebook Live? No?
Starting point is 00:23:00 I was told by this guy, Ralph Sutton, who runs a great show himself with Big Jay Ocasin. He goes, don't worry, you're going to have plenty of kinks because it's the Internet, and that's what's happening. We'll take one more, and I want to talk a little bit about Owen before I bring him on. But let's go to Anthony in Dublin wants to bring up my smoking habit. Anthony, how are you? Welcome to the show.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Yeah. How are you, Nick? What's happening? Glad to see you back on the air. Thank you, sir. Your brand of cigarettes, have you considered changing it? I find if I switch off a brand, because some of them are just tobacco, and then there's other ones that are filled with everything,
Starting point is 00:23:40 and I find they don't advertise, like, this is the healthier cigarette. But I find if I switch brands, I'm in bits and I just, like there's a brand over there, I think it's called American Spirit American Spirit, yeah yeah, that's an organic tobacco or, it's at least additive free
Starting point is 00:23:57 I like to film with the Gladiator what's his name, Colin Russell Crowe, the insider and it was all about what they were putting into like the impact boosters the formaldehyde you don't need formaldehyde you're not addicted to that
Starting point is 00:24:10 you're hooked on nicotine just tobacco will do fine like a guy I'd have to have a Dunhill International or nothing else like I'd have to be on an island gas them for a cigarette
Starting point is 00:24:18 for it to go for another brand you know yeah some are worse than others like I find some of them are just like there like i find you make it just like there's uh there's some brand it's like exhaust fumes no you're right uh yeah i mean marlboro lights the bigger the company the more poison in there and i heard there's rat poison in there
Starting point is 00:24:35 and sure it wouldn't go near them i i borrowed i borrowed i borrowed it but you know i borrowed a native spirit whatever the fuck it is from david tell night, and I had to suck on it like I was sucking on the tailpipe of a bus to get any smoke out of it, and whatever. I'm 56. I'm not worried about cancer, but somebody made a great joke, it might have been Quinn, about the native
Starting point is 00:24:57 spirit cigarettes. It's got a picture of a Native American on it, which they're the ones who introduced us to tobacco in the first place. So who's committing genocide on who? But no, I'll take your advice, and I'll switch around. There's great Chinese stuff. You get it in any Chinese place.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I can't think of the name of it, but if you Google black Chinese cough medicine, you'll find a picture of it. That is how it goes. You ever see those ancient Chinese guys 100 years old smoking a cigarette and alive?
Starting point is 00:25:28 Yes. I use it. When I wake up with a dirty lung, I have a little soup of that. You make a tea? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Black. You know why the Chinese are smoking when they're 100 years old? Thanks for the call, Pete. I've got to move on, but thank you. Always good hearing.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Anthony, I'm sorry. There's someone coming over the line there. I've got somebody coming on but uh i appreciate the call i love when ireland calls in okay um but um yeah but the cigarettes i like are filled with rat poison and all and all that shit so um switching brands vaping all that i can't believe i'm even having this discussion i used to be an athlete. But what the fuck, fellas? You need something to spit up when you're on the treadmill or something, don't you?
Starting point is 00:26:11 Otherwise your mouth gets... I need, you know, big oysters and whatnot, Chase. How else will you know you're doing a good job if you're not vomiting? That's what I'm saying. If I'm not spitting up blood, I don't know if I'm really pushing it. Pieces of lung, whatever. Go hard or go home. Fucking Jason.
Starting point is 00:26:28 He uses like a Vince Lombardi slogan coming out of a guy who looks like a male cheerleader. Nothing wrong with that, by the way. Real quick. I wanted to, I'll get to this baby after Owen or whatever. Depends how much time we have. But a picture for the Brewers. He was in the All-Star game last night. Catch it.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Is that hair again? Oh, my God. I'm going to kill... I got it. I got the mother. Can you see it? Look at it. Can you... It's like something you'd find in your muffin at Denny's. I wanted to talk about that. I'll talk about it later, maybe. Josh Hader, the
Starting point is 00:27:00 relief pitcher, whatever. He tweeted some shit when he was 17 and drunk. Some racist, homophobic shit. And now, you know, hater the relief pitcher whatever he tweeted some shit when he was 17 and drunk some racist homophobic shit and now you know you can tell from his uh sleeves but he has to go to sensitivity training mlb's making him i read this story i almost went through the fucking roof and the sanctimonious press going do you still feel that way now like they have never uttered a racial it just where we are in this country makes me want to shit fucking blood honest to god Do you still feel that way now? Like they have never uttered a racial... It just... Where we are in this country makes me want to shit fucking blood, honest to God.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Jesus, it pissed me off. He put up some shit as a 17-year-old. And yes, it was probably homophobic, racist, and all that other shit. But can we look into people of color, players of color? I'm sure they've put a few fucking horrible things online. And Chapman what pulled a gun on his wife he's still pitching so stop with the horse shit stop with the double standard for the white fucking male and this this going to sensitivity school you're going to take sensitivity that's rush that's soviet union shit in the 40s that send you to political rehabilitation if you didn't agree with their fucking horrible Marxist-Lenin philosophy.
Starting point is 00:28:10 What the fuck is going on? He was 17. I'm not saying it's right, but just an apology should be fucking fine. Should it not? Do you guys agree with it out there? Oh, bullshit, He should do a year Other than I don't see people plays of color getting called on it, right, you know and and and excoriated again white liberals help this fucking
Starting point is 00:28:41 Let's go to a Jeff in Pennsylvania real quick, Jeff, because Owen should be calling in soon. But welcome to the show. How are you, Jeff? Jeff, your phone. You got a cell. We can't even hear you, dude. Can't hear you. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Horrible connection. Some of that delay, by the way, when we do phone calls, that's just natural. Cell phones have a natural delay, and now it's got to go through a software program and whatnot. And I'm trying to explain that to you. But boy, did that infuriate me. Let's pull the clip of him explaining himself. Josh Hader. We got that YouTube clip?
Starting point is 00:29:27 Volume? we got that YouTube clip volume I was 17 years old as a child I was immature I said some things that were inexcusable that doesn't reflect on who I am as a person today and that's just what it is. Does it reflect your beliefs? No, not at all.
Starting point is 00:29:48 How did they live this long? How did they stay that long? I mean, no deletes. You know, obviously when you're a kid you just tweet what's on your mind and that's what's on. How did you find out that this was out there? Just came in and my phone was blown off. How did you find out that this was out there? Just came in and my phone was blown off. How do you respond to that? You can't. There's no excuse for what was said.
Starting point is 00:30:13 I'm deeply sorry for what I've said and what's been going on. Like I said, it doesn't reflect any of my beliefs going on. All right, that's enough. It's making me fucking angry. He's being held to this standard for something he did years and years ago. I mean, let's hold everybody to that standard. You know?
Starting point is 00:30:31 Boys, that infuriates me. 17, probably drunk. Some of it was rap lyrics, they said. You know? But if you're going to do that, how far back are we going gonna dig into people's paths Digging up shit. What a weird what a way. It's like Salem, Massachusetts during the witch hunts 888-599-6425 the phone number and
Starting point is 00:31:03 This is a guy I got Owen on the line I've been dying to talk to him for a long time he you know they call him controversial I've read it I read his stuff and what gets him in trouble and only in today's world could be considered controversial a guy plays the piano he's been in movies MTV and I think he's a libertarian I don't know what we'll ask him, but it's amazing what kind of resistance he's got for, you know, the few things that he said that make perfect sense. And I'm really glad he agreed to do the show. Owen, how are you? What's up, Nick?
Starting point is 00:31:42 I'm a big fan, man. I'm pumped to be on. what's up nick i'm a big fan man i'm pumped to be on look i i tell you oh and i i people when i have my serious radio show kept saying you're gonna get on owen benjamin on i wasn't familiar with your work and we called you a couple times and and then i like i said i read what's what's been going on in your life and uh and career and and i can see why you are tremendously. By the way he's on Patreon too and has over a thousand subscribers so but you seem like a an eloquent you know
Starting point is 00:32:12 really bright guy and I can't believe the resistance and the the shit that you have to put up with career wise for what you've said on stage and it all started with that it all started with that uh it all started with that uh that what was the national the npr guy jesse thorn announced that
Starting point is 00:32:33 his six-year-old child was born a biological male and is transgender but we raised a girl and um of course everybody praised him and you said you didn't see it that way. You said that when you were young, you would have been labeled a girl because you hated sports and whatnot. And then as you got older, you realized you were attracted to women. And you tell the people what happened to your career at that point. Oh, man. I mean, I was at CAA. The hilarious irony is so was Harvey Weinstein at the time,
Starting point is 00:33:09 but they were fine with him. That was great. So I was my age. You know, the whole hotel rape is fine, but me standing up for a six-year-old and not have hormones shot into their body because one day they wanted to like play a flute or something um so i was called like hateful and bigoted and all this stuff and i'm like listen i like if you like adults should be able to do what they want but you can't push this agenda on kids and and so i was uh my college gigs yukon i even tweeted the the email because i was sick of just having all this be hidden, like these emails and people telling me to retract tweets and all this stuff. Fuck that. And it said that I couldn't perform there because of my problematic and transphobic views.
Starting point is 00:33:58 And I was like, no, be specific. And that's what these leftists, that's like their kryptonite, is be like, what exactly did I say? I do the same thing when I'm called racist. I'm like, give me the quote. Tell me the context. What's racist? And they're like, no, I don't have to do that for you. And I'm like, no, you just, it's the modern, you were just talking about Salem Witch Trials.
Starting point is 00:34:22 It's the modern equivalent of the unjustified label of sinner. Yes. You know, where you're just like, okay, what did I do? And they're like, well, you're just one of the bad ones. And I see this leftist cult happening in Hollywood just like in journalism. And it infected comedian world just like it infected honest journalism. And now they have these purity tests where if you don't agree with nonsense they get very terrified and and angry at you and and my basic what you were talking about earlier with like piano and stuff right my whole thing was a lot of it had to do with men and women being
Starting point is 00:34:55 different and like that alone was seen as is uh problematic and i and i'm not one to to agree with things i know are false because i know that once you take a knee, you'll never stand up again. Amen to that. And you make a good point about they never get specific. I noticed that when people started using the term institutional racism, it relieves them of the obligation of pointing out specific cases of racism by just saying the whole system's racist and uh it's absolutely horseshit and as you know recently i've i've uh i've been dealing with this a little bit too i mean i get fired for a tweet at serious radio and then uh you know a few months later i get sucker punched by a girl in birkenstocks who could be the poster girl for Occupy fucking Wall Street because she thought I was racist and sexist.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Actually gave me a black eye and like a slight concussion. I mean, what would you tell comics? Are you a libertarian, a conservative? Let me ask you that, Owen. How do you see yourself? Well, I'd say I see myself as, like, I think there's like four quadrants. I see myself as the libertarian type of conservative where I'm about smaller government. I'm about live and let live.
Starting point is 00:36:14 But at the same time, I'm not full-blown libertarian. So I think that it's the same with the left. You have your classical liberals like the Dave Rubins and the Brett Weinsteins on the left. But then you have the authoritarian left, which is now taking over. And then you have the same with the left. You have your classical liberals like Dave Rubin and the Brett Weinstein on the left, but then you have the authoritarian left, which is now taking over, and then you have the same with the right. I just think I'm normal. I was joking with Steven Crowder the first time I did his show. I even did a tweet. I said, I moved to LA a liberal. I left a conservative, and none of my opinions changed where it's like this Overton window is it's swinging so far That like a normal guy that wants a normal life and sees like
Starting point is 00:36:53 You know what wants to have a shotgun in case there's an intruder and no Safety at the border and everyone gets a fair shot and yeah men and women are different but work great together Like that's all just like seen as this crazy right-wing stuff. And so I just kind of embraced it. I'm like, because they were using right-wing as, like, this insult, because right-wing is associated with Nazism, which is actually left-wing. That's left-wing, yes. But no one wants to ever talk to them.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Yeah, of course. Well, they're fascists. I'm an individual guy. Like, I see people that... Yeah, fascism is just socialism with race. It's just stupid. They're collectivists. It's almost like when you try and trick a kid into eating broccoli.
Starting point is 00:37:35 You're like, you can have broccoli or cauliflower. You don't even bring up pizza, you know? It's like, when you see the world as individuals and not demographics, the whole trick is to say that the right are Nazis and the left are communists, and there's no other option. And the other option, of course, is the American Constitution and how we're founded with just, you know, the separation of church and state and our right. I'm like you. I gave up.
Starting point is 00:38:02 I kept getting thrown into this, he's a right-wing comic conservative, after Tough Crowd. And I kind of pride myself on, I was a little ahead of you guys. I was on Tough Crowd saying shit that was right-wing on TV. So I got pigeonholed right after that as a right-wing or a conservative comic, which I'm really not at all. But we're in show business, Owen. As you realize, if there's 20 issues on the table and you lean right on two of them in show business, you're a fucking Nazi, right? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:37 And it can be like any of them. It's one of those, like it's like in logic, it's the difference between and and or, where the right seems, and I've just accepted this, because I almost, I used to take it as an insult a while ago, because I was in LA so long, and I was around so many people that, you know, I try to be like, oh, no, I'm not right-wing, like, blah, blah. And now I would be considered, I would take it as an insult if someone was like, oh, you're on the left, right? I'm like, does it look like I don't own a gun? You know? I could be like be like no they went insane that's you know it's like this i was all i was uh pretty tricked by a lot of the left uh growing up because i thought they were the freedom party about you know free speech and and uh you know gay rights i didn't know that gay rights
Starting point is 00:39:23 would mean trans kids in like three years after they get the right to marry. Like that to me is like a Ponzi scheme, you know, and I and they're not even anti-war. They're like they're just like the worst of everything now. And it's happened so quickly. It was that identity politics, Stololinsky stuff of the Obama administration. Right. And Trump being elected to me, what that did, it stripped the vene administration right and and trump being elected to me what that did it stripped the veneer right off the the left and showed them what they what they're really all about identity paula look political correctness i think it agrees isn't it didn't it come about to do one thing
Starting point is 00:39:57 censor guys like you and me straight white males i mean i don't see black comics or female comics or gay comics getting in trouble for attacking white people or straight people. Don't you feel—I think one of the best things that come out of Trump getting elected, it's exposed them for who they really are. He's almost like a blessing in disguise. Of course. Oh, absolutely. blessing in this course and oh absolutely and when he was first running I wasn't supportive because I I I didn't understand what he was going to reveal and now I'm like I feel like we dodged the biggest bullet in in history I'm like this was all real the hatred you know that uh I was on this lazy river of just like you you know, I'm not interested in politics, but you can ignore politics, but they won't ignore you.
Starting point is 00:40:49 You know, some Birkenstock bitch will punch you in the face for being hilarious. Right. And that kind of stuff happened to me, too. I'd lose these massive deals when someone would see one tweet that was funny. And this is what would happen in my life where I'm like, do you not find that funny and they'd be like well well that's not the issue i i did a bit a bit about russia like a year and a half ago where it was like uh russia hacked the elections it's like yeah but you still emailed this you still emailed this shit though right and they're like that is not the issue it's like no that is the issue like that that's like if your girl finds
Starting point is 00:41:25 your phone and she sees like a naked chick on it and you're just like the issue is that you hacked my phone it's like no but you did like screw over bernie sanders like you were colluding with like the democratic you know it revealed just all this corruption and no one even cares you know like there would be managers and agents and stuff where they'd be like, you have to delete this tweet. I'm like, yes or no, you laughed out loud.
Starting point is 00:41:49 And yes or no, it's not in fact racist. And they're like, yeah, I laughed and it's obviously not racist, but you got to delete it. And I'm like, no,
Starting point is 00:41:56 dude, I was a world war two history major. And I know that political correctness was first invented by Mao who killed a hundred million of his own people. And even George, George Carlin said, uh, political correctness is fascism disguised as politeness. You guys are wrong, and I don't want this world. So I'm not good. I don't comply with any of it.
Starting point is 00:42:15 It's like if you're being mugged. Like, you don't, like, any bit of it is compliance. And predators sense compliance. Oh, do they ever look the definition of political correctness is using language to change people's behavior and that's exactly what we've been watching for the last 30 something years so i know i know you got in a lot of trouble for uh what was the n-word thing i know you got in trouble i watched your eight minute video explaining uh the meaning of the n-word you it was know you got in trouble. I watched your eight-minute video explaining the meaning of the N-word.
Starting point is 00:42:46 It was thought out, logical, and I think you were responding to something you might have got in trouble for. But it was so thought out and reasoned. I was laughing watching it, Owen, because I'm going, this guy's so bright, but this is logic and reason being applied to a word that's 99% emotion. Logic and reason being applied to a word that's 99% emotion every time somebody brings it up. I'm like, you know, explain, you know, your definition, the N-word, and why it's so silly people get in trouble for using it. And I'm not defending the use of it. I'm like you. I don't use it. I've used it on stage in jokes where my mother is speaking like a black person or whatever, talking about how much
Starting point is 00:43:25 African-American culture has been shoved down our throats, that my dad talks like an 18-year-old black guy or whatever, to be funny. But explain your reasoning behind why it's so silly. We give a word like that so much power. Oh, of course. And also, when someone says N-word, it's like, one of my jokes I did once, I was like, do you mean necrophilia? And they're like, no, you know the word. I'm like, wait a minute, what's more offensive than fucking dead people? And that puts people in a funny spot. I wish I thought of that. God damn it. Justin Trudeau was trying to ban...
Starting point is 00:43:59 Justin Trudeau had a tweet where he was trying to ban words in Canada. He was talking about getting rid of Mother's Day and Father's Day because it offends gay couples or whatever. And I just retweeted it. I go, Justin Trudeau is a faggot nigger. And, like, I thought that was hilarious because he's not gay or black. So it's like you can't – I said the two worst words. And it was me – Oh. And I said, I'm an American, so I can still say that. And then another time I said, what if my preferred
Starting point is 00:44:31 pronoun was Justin Trudeau is a faggot. That means he has to say it and then commit hate speech on himself. Like I was just doing logic off fallacies. And so when people were saying that that word is just, just saying the word, I'm like, no, but I didn't call a black guy that. I go, I'm saying a taboo word. You know, like moron and idiot used to be used in the eugenics program for people with low IQs and replaced it with retarded. Yeah. And so political correctness is a way to not deal with any problems. It's like we wouldn't have had to end slavery if we just called them N words,
Starting point is 00:45:07 you know, it's like, that's absurd. Yeah. So when you're calling, uh, putting light on a lot of our actual problems that, that a lot of these,
Starting point is 00:45:14 uh, these high and mighty social justice warriors are actually deeply racist in their condescension that they think by simply uttering an archaic racist term from, you know, a long time ago, and now we don't live in that world anymore. Like, now white people take a lot of pride in not being racist. Like, I hang out with all kinds of people, ranging from bikers to cops to artists to anybody,
Starting point is 00:45:39 and I never hear people, even in secret, like it fires with guns. You know, no one's ever like, we got to do something about these. It's just not our culture. Right. And so I'm so sick of people just constantly implying that white people are racist is, in fact, racism. And it's kind of like what you were saying, how it's this double standard. And I'm like, no. saying how it's this double standard and i'm like i'm like no and and i saw this one meme that kind of blew my mind where it said uh it said uh censorship's ridiculous or whatever imagine if
Starting point is 00:46:12 we held uh uh rappers to the same standard as to kill a mockingbird with the word n-word or whatever i mean it was a decent point and uh but the the issue that i had with it is it still said n-word it still censored itself within a meme about censorship no so i was like i'm gonna take a i'm gonna take a lot of shit over this but i'm not gonna say n-word anymore i'm just gonna say it in context and trust that yeah intelligent and kind and good hearted people will know that i'm not actually uh saying anything with any um hate in it uh We're talking to Owen Benjamin. By the way, his website is, and go there for his dates and stuff.
Starting point is 00:46:52 There is such a double. I always bring up Tracy Morgan, who a few years ago when his wife had a baby, and he used to say on stage, well, if the baby was gay, I'd kill it. And he got in trouble, I'd say say for about 48 hours on on social media and then it just went away and the last time i checked he has a netflix series and whatnot so it's funny and my buddy louis i watched one of louis specials and and like right at the beginning of the show he's like well we have a couple announcements please use these x's bye-bye and no jews no jews jews you have to leave. And there's no repercussions.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Although Louie, although Louie and Louie's like you were talking about like a classic liberal as opposed to a leftist. Louie's like a classic liberal who they used to take pride in looking at both sides. And when he used to be on a show, he would let my get my conservative, you know, in quotes quotes conservative point of view out with my character so he was very fair and and his but but he went he went on a remember he attacks sarah palin he was he drunk on a plane and he went nuts on her on when on twitter like six seven years ago and he caught a little bit of heat but it seems to dissipate when when when you're making people money whether it's tracy morgan or look they seem to look the other way unless. When you're making people money, whether it's Tracy Morgan or Lou, they seem to look the other way, unless, you know, you're Larry the Cable Guy or whoever, somebody like yourself.
Starting point is 00:48:11 I'm just sick of the double standard is my fucking point, that's all. Well, yeah, it's deeply condescending to any minority group because they're basically saying, like, listen, Tracy's black. You can't hold in the same standard as white people i mean yeah that's racism right there like it literally is like that right it's such racism and it's like i know a lot of black people that agree with us like a ton and i think a lot of them are starting to feel this because like you you know there was a time when i would have just assumed i was a liberal where I'm like, but then I realized that a lot of these are Ponzi schemes, like they'll have a plan,
Starting point is 00:48:49 and they'll get it. And then I realized that the whole thing is based on chaos and wanting stuff. And that's why I would now be considered conservative, because the things that I thought society should change for a more liberal, you know, society, we got. And now, so, okay, like my mom was in this group called the Late Shave League when I was a little baby because women weren't allowed to breastfeed in public. And that was a really good move and breastfeeding is awesome. And they got the laws to change and awesome. So what happens?
Starting point is 00:49:21 The group doesn't go away. Now they're all about trans men breastfeeding with fake boobs. You know, it's like they're insane now. I saw it. Did you see those? Go ahead. They just can't stop, and my mom was horrified. Did you see the supermodel walking?
Starting point is 00:49:36 Yeah, my mom was horrified. The supermodel walking down the catwalk breastfeeding the baby. I mean, I enjoyed it it but i don't think that was the goal of the group yeah back when it started exactly and a lot of gay people were experiencing this too and they're like listen we just didn't want to be like like we like messed with that bad it's like we didn't we weren't saying that there's no such thing as men and women and there's 90 genders and now they're trying to normalize pedophilia. It's like that's a horror show, you know?
Starting point is 00:50:09 Of course. That's what made people like Dave Rubin become more libertarian, is because he was sick of being looked at as a gay married Jew and not Dave's. And so that's why he was like, oh, no, the left is just acquiring voting blocks, and that's why, you know, they're trying to get all these immigrants in, quote unquote, immigrants. Like wanting secure borders is not racism. Like nobody's like like my wife's father was from Mexico. And, you know, sometimes I describe him as like Home Depot Mexican versus like the white skin landowner Mexican.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Right. But it's, there isn't that hatred of that. There's a fear of people not following rules, and there's also people are realizing that there's trickery because the left wants millions of people to vote for them. So they'll look at these demographic breakdowns, and we're not bringing in
Starting point is 00:50:59 people from Venezuela, Cuba, or South Africa because they'll vote more for freedom, personal freedom and liberty and less socialism. We're bringing in people that'll vote left and that's what's really bothering people.
Starting point is 00:51:12 And I get that. Okay, I don't get the gay thing. How, the gay agenda, why? What do you mean? Well, they make up, what, maybe 5% of the total population, 8% if you want to be, you know, generous. And the amount of time that we...
Starting point is 00:51:31 Yeah, do you include life in prison or people after 30 beers? Yeah, we count those two. Go ahead. Yeah, I just don't... The amount of time we spend. I have this theory. I really believe there's 12 guys that run the world in a room somewhere, whether it's Bilderberg or whatever.
Starting point is 00:51:48 And I really believe like eight of them are gay. I don't get the whole gang of television. You ever watch the Food Network? I can't find a straight person on it. Every time I put on Chopped, it's like a woman looks like John Madden in a dress paling a carrot angrily with a crew cut. We spend so much time. I don't understand. Like a woman looks like John Madden in a dress paling a carrot angrily with a crew cut. We spend so much time.
Starting point is 00:52:08 I don't understand. I'm not being, I'm not homophobic, but we spend so much time in such a small percentage. Can you explain that to me? I don't get, even in comedy clubs, like last night I said fag and it got all quiet. I don't understand why that's our focus. It seems like as much as race. I don't get it. Can you explain that to me? What's your theory on that?
Starting point is 00:52:31 I think that it's just a... My theory on that, because I'm in the same boat. It's like my piano teacher as a kid got a sex change, like open-minded human being. You know, my dad sang opera. I was around a lot of like broody people i know in my heart i don't have bigotry towards people at all like i can be just as friends with a gay person as a non-gay person i judge people on their character so that's one
Starting point is 00:52:56 reason why it's hard to uh mess with me with this stuff because i know i know myself and i know that i don't have that and i think i with you, I think there's forces at work. And I think the breakdown of the nuclear Western family is important to increase taxes, where if you have the man and the woman both working and more of these broken families, it doubles the tax base and it allows the government to expand. And also there's this pathological drive to keep pushing taboos and so when people are like oh being gay is weird they're like gays are the best and now that being gay is cool it's like now there are i do a bit about how it started with the l's and go and and you know the lesbians just wanted uh more rights and then the g's they're
Starting point is 00:53:42 kind of like the l's but do more blow and they're into real estate. And then the Bs come in and they're like, well, fuck anyone. They're like, anyone? And then it keeps going until the Ts are like, you know, and the Gs are like, oh, so you dress like a woman. That's cool. They're like, oh, I am a woman. And then everything starts burning. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:59 And then the Ls are like, we should have just knitted sweaters. Yeah, it's like you can't base anything on a lack of discrimination because discrimination is how you make anything. It's like, I only have sex with my wife. That's discrimination. I don't eat batteries. It's like you have to do that with your political groups too. If you want gay rights, you can't say no discrimination
Starting point is 00:54:21 because now they're literally trying to normalize pedophilia. You can't say no discrimination because now they're literally trying to normalize pedophilia. They call them minor attracted persons. And that Jesse Thorne guy is seen as a hero for literally, yeah, for putting his child in a group that has a 40% suicide rate. You know, there are men and there are women. You know, there is gender dysphoria. There's 0.3% of the population. And that's why this trans thing people just latch on to,
Starting point is 00:54:47 because it's a breakdown of the norm. They just want to destroy any normal aspects of society so that people are in a constant state of chaos. I know, but they get so much help from the mainstream media. It's just, fuck. And now, before I let you go, and now the lesbians are pissed at the T's, right? They're encroaching
Starting point is 00:55:08 on their, now they're eating each other. They're eating each other, literally, as I like to say. They're fucking they're fighting which I love when they start fighting amongst themselves, but yeah, you're right. It's getting to a point where they're eating each other. Let me, before I
Starting point is 00:55:24 let you go, I, you know, you heard about me getting socked in the face and i read about you and you inspire me to stand up to this i've always been like that it's how i was raised you don't you don't back down or whatever so this woman i you know i can't find a lawyer that's really interested because i don't have brain damage or i'm not in a wheelchair and and then the fact that it was a woman that hit a guy you know whatever uh you, I can tell the ADA is not really interested in pursuing. But I'm going to look at if we had true gender equality, I could have punched her in the face back. And everybody that witnessed it would have said, you know what? She had that coming. But we're never going to have that day.
Starting point is 00:55:57 So I'm going to go to court. I'm going to play this thing out as far as I can to make to make a point. Would you say that's the right thing or the wrong thing to do that is absolutely the right thing to do i think that that's awesome and i wish more people would do that because it's faith it makes people face the realities of the situation that this is all nonsense i i wanted to do something well i would talk about on stage and stuff but i never had something that traumatic happened to me. Like, someone actually punched me. I've seen Antifa stuff, but I've never seen that. But, you know, me and my brother do arborist work. You know, we cut down trees.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Oh, you bastards. There's never feminists trying to get in that work. Yeah, it's one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. And you'll see all this stuff at Google on gender equality. It's like, how come this is all men? How come no one wants to be a ditch digger? How come no one wants any? And to me, like pushing that on people where it's like, how about the death gap?
Starting point is 00:56:55 You know, how about the fact that all like 97% of work-related deaths are male? Like no one wants to talk about that. And it's because there is an agenda and it isn't just because everybody's an idiot a lot of these people are a lot of them are useful idiots don't get me wrong they don't understand all the factors going on like people like me and you are faced with these realities and have to like learn to survive in a free speech a career and being white males that aren't insane and so i think it's awesome that you're going to do that because she beat you. Like, make these people
Starting point is 00:57:28 say it's okay to beat a man. It's on record. You've got to wake up more people that don't have to face this. Let me clear the record because I knew this would happen once it happened to me. I said, you watch, in a couple days, people are going, you got beat up by a girl and I'm still, and I go, no, I get sucker punch. I didn't even know she was in the room. I was talking
Starting point is 00:57:43 to her father and it's not like she outpointed me in a fucking 12-round decision. But I knew it was going to turn into that. And, you know, and so, but, so, yeah, so you say I'm doing the right thing. Hey, Owen, I'm going to let you go, because I have to go to the, drive into the city and do comedy. And, but it was a pleasure talking to you. I mean, you bright and, let me say, articulate and clean, as Joe Biden would say. This guy is actually clean.
Starting point is 00:58:12 And it was really great talking to you. And keep your chin up, man. I know you're doing great on Patreon. And let's talk again sometime. Yeah, you too, man. And people really look up to you. And you're really holding the flame for a lot of people. I know media can treat us like shit sometimes.
Starting point is 00:58:32 But the people that matter really, really respect what you're doing. And it was an honor to talk to you. So, all right. Good chat, Nick. Same here, Owen. Thank you. The great Owen Benjamin, folks. And go to his website,
Starting point is 00:58:46 And, yeah, I mean, his agent dropped him because of the trans, you know, just defending. So fuck this. You know, you want war, you're going to get fucking war. You know? This shirt looks like it's an XXL on me. But Christ, I have a physique under here somewhere. What the fuck? I should be wearing what?
Starting point is 00:59:04 Ryan, I should be wearing your tank top. I don't think we can fix that in post, sir. No, you can't. These guys. Oh, I love these guys. Anyways, I'll take one call, and then I gotta get the hell out of here, because I gotta bolt into the city. My spot's at like 815 or 820 or some shit, so...
Starting point is 00:59:19 Taylor in Las Vegas, PC language, he wants to comment on. Taylor, go ahead real quick. It's close to the end of the show. I appreciate you calling, buddy. Absolutely. Nick, first of all, you look stellar in that green shirt you just said.
Starting point is 00:59:36 I look Irish. I think it fills you out pretty well. You do, and I'm Irish, and I'm saying, well, hell, this cat looks pretty crude. I did that thing. I'm actually more Irish and I'm saying, well, hell, this cat looks pretty crude. I did that thing. I'm actually more Irish and English than I am Italian. But go ahead.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Sorry to slow you down. I digress. Yeah, you know what? I did too. You know what? I'm Czechoslovakian Indian. So what the hell is that all about? Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Somebody was raped at a mountain somewhere. Hey, I still got that drink into me, though, by God. Hey, I still got that drinking to me, though, by God. But my question is, Nick, first of all, I'm a huge, real quick, because I know you've got to do your set, but I'm a huge fan. And I've been watching ever since, I mean, going back to Tough Crowd, just a huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge fan. And I look up to you and watch you every day thank you and i'm thinking you know i want to go back i want to go back to the pc uh thing that you're talking about the beginning of the show yeah you know i i work on set for different movies and television and the i remember back in the day you could talk about everything you know and and everything and i was on set and people started bringing up
Starting point is 01:00:45 the political stuff and uh i put in my two cents and then all of a sudden it was just like everybody backed off me and i lost my gig i lost my job well why don't you do what the left does when that happens file a suit get real specific and describe what happened to you just like a black a black woman right now was suing bill maher she worked for a company he invested in and she was offended when he used the n-word last year and uh she got a group of her black co-workers together and they put a suit together and people are saying that she's going to win so i suggest you do the same on bill maher i know it's it's unbelievable but i um i just couldn't believe it i remember back being back you know talking about stuff and and it's just it's like i and i was even smoking a
Starting point is 01:01:35 cigarette and i was like you know i might as well been in a camp somewhere right you know and it's just like i can't believe that i can't say anything or do anything to where i can say you know what no this you know what? No, this, you know, this is my thought. This is what I want to do. This is what I want to say.
Starting point is 01:01:49 And this is right. Just read the facts, read the facts. Well, like, like, like it's just ridiculous, especially out here in Vegas.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Yeah. Well, like I said, Taylor, I would seriously, I would get a lawyer and seriously, you know, write down exactly what happened to you and,
Starting point is 01:02:04 and get real detailed about it because that's discrimination. Whether somebody pops you in the eye after a comedy show or you're losing work because of your political belief. It's fucking liberal fascism and you've got to stand up to it. I've got to run. Thank you for the call, Taylor. I hope to hear from you again. That's about it, folks. I have to scram MOLA.
Starting point is 01:02:24 I didn't get to... We'll do these tomorrow, I guess. The Facebook thing. A woman gets arrested for taking seashells, conch shells. She's going to do jail time for taking them out of the ocean.
Starting point is 01:02:40 But this broad can pop me in the face and fucking do no jail time. What is going on? And I was going to talk about this female teacher who had sex with a female student, 16-year-old, which I think is so controversial, yet turns me on at the same time. Oh, that's horrible, Nick. Yeah, well, I'm fucking horrible. That is it for today, folks.
Starting point is 01:03:00 As always, thank you so much. Go to and uh you can listen uh we we stream it live you can watch uh youtube today is a free show by the way do free two free shows a week guys thanks a lot and uh i will uh i'll talk to you real soon uh i love you and if you don't believe me listen to this guy i love you for helping me to construct of my life, not a tavern, but a temple. I love you because you have done so much to make me happy. You have done it without a word. Oh, and Benjamin would love this.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Without a touch. Without a sign. Oh, and Benjamin would love this. Without a touch, without a sign, you have done it by just being yourself. Perhaps, after all, that is what love means. And that is why I love you. Bye.

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