The Nick DiPaolo Show - Pappa John and the "N" word

Episode Date: July 12, 2018

Papa John said what?? California does not like white people. Hear what I have to say about their new welfare program, aaaand.....Adam "Pacman" Jones got in another fight!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh yeah! Oh, yeah. It's that time again. On a muggy Wednesday. How are you, folks? Nick DiPaolo podcast. Should I try to sit back? I don't know. I have the posture of a jumbo shrimp, as I once said.
Starting point is 00:00:42 And it's a nice $4 necktie, too. Anyways, how you doing? Good to be with you. 888-599-NICK. 888-599-6425 is the phone number if you'd like to join into the show. I've got to thank you guys. I really do. I mean, I'll thank you officially, but the subs, subscriptions are going through the roof.
Starting point is 00:01:08 And you know what that means? There's a need for this show. That's all that means. There's a need for the show because there aren't many places where you can be politically incorrect. Another way of saying that is leaning right in your politics and being for the truth and not the fucking lying horse shit. writing your politics, and being for the truth and not the fucking lying horse shit you hear on MSNBC, NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, LA Times, New York Times. You know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:01:33 And that's why the Sirius show got so popular so fast. And I think they might have had a problem with it getting that popular that fast. They put me on at 8 o'clock and was hoping I'd just play quietly and nobody would hear it, but they did. So, you know, here I am. Look at that studio. Look at it. Look at that. Look at that. That's Legos, by the way. That's all Legos. Two of my nephews did that. They're in their 40s. Gives you an idea where I am. Here we go. This mouse.
Starting point is 00:02:08 I have had enough technology. I really wish I was born in, seriously, 1766. I would have spent the day churning my own butter today and visiting people in the stockade. Hold on. Let me move my page. I have to pull this up and zoom it to like 11 so I can see. That's where I am. That's the one thing I noticed.
Starting point is 00:02:31 I watched the last couple shows, some of them, and the fucking glasses. I'd rather have cancer of the pancreas than be farsighted. I put these things on. Is there anything unsexy? Not that this is about sex at this point in my life, but let's be serious. This does not get anybody wet or hard.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Hi, how are you? What's milk go for in here? Buck and a half a gallon? What? Official thank yous. These are called shout outs. These are the people who joined the Michael Corleone level, level three, 30 bucks a month,
Starting point is 00:03:11 and part of the benefits of doing that, and by the way, we have a ton of them, so you get your name mentioned on the show, which people like, and they deserve it. S. Jersey Matt. I'll call him South Jersey Matt matt i'm keeping the glasses off probably getting these names completely wrong vince jacobo steve daly otherwise known as uncle steve around kindergartens that's creepy uh gary anderson pretty sure it's not the field goal
Starting point is 00:03:40 kicker might be i don't know he kicks lefty but maybe he's a righty politically. I don't know. And Robert Schlueter. Those last two names I recognize from the old podcast. They've been behind me for a long time. Those are your shutouts. Guys, thank you so much for subbing at any level. Fredo. And there's
Starting point is 00:04:00 nothing wrong with being a Fredo. Fredo had some good points. He was banging cocktail waitresses two at a time. So somebody liked the prick. How do you say banana daiquiri, Mike? We had the two twinks, Jason and Ryan. They weren't that familiar with The Godfather. That was their first training.
Starting point is 00:04:19 They had to watch that six, seven times, reenact it with their parents in the kitchen and shit. I heard it went pretty good. My tour dates. As far as stand-up, which I haven't been doing much of, I got to be honest. Think about going into the city tonight, maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:35 I just have to get out of the goddamn house. Wednesday, July 18th, and Thursday, the 19th, I'm going to be at the Village Underground. That's the Comedy Cellar satellite room right around the corner. You know the Village Underground. And then Wednesday, July 25th, the Fat Black Pussycat, which is connected to the Village Underground. And Saturday, July 28th, the Fat Black Pussycat also.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Friday, September 14th, Arlington Draft House, Arlington, Virginia. One of my favorite gigs. It's an old movie theater. People sit in seats. They're like old car seats. They're like, they pull seats out of a Lincoln. It's one of my favorite gigs. When somebody wants to heckle, they pull the handle on the recliner and they sit up like this
Starting point is 00:05:15 saying, hey, suck. It's a great place. And what else? Friday, September 21st, the Orpheum Theater in Flagstaff, Arizona. The night before, I'm doing a corporate gig somewhere in Phoenix, and Sunday, September 23rd,
Starting point is 00:05:35 House of Comedy in Phoenix, and that's Saturday the 22nd. I'm doing something. There's a comedy festival there. I don't have the exact venue yet. My agent sent it. I don't have the exact venue yet. My agent sent it. I don't know if I wrote it down or not. I will see you guys in
Starting point is 00:05:50 September in the Phoenix area when it dips into the low 100s. Can't wait. Still love stand-up. Love this, but stand-up, there's nothing like it. Snorting coke before the show and getting high with kids half your age after the show. You can't beat it. 888-599-NICK is the phone number i had uh before i get to the news or whatever we want
Starting point is 00:06:15 to call it i had the septic tank guys come out today emptied my septic i want to ask you a question who came up with the concept of a septic tank i was watching these guys hey you know can you can you guys come up with an invention where every time i flush my shit it collects in a box somewhere on my property so when the wind blows and i have the window open i'm eating beef stew could you guys do that for me i don't understand it but i live at the end of a private road and uh it's really pretty gross but i was watching the guy a couple years ago he took the litter and i was looking in there and i think it's like a time capsule everything's in there you could do a base of one man show on your septic tank there's there's good times you know it's birthday cakes and then tampons float by
Starting point is 00:07:00 bad times and and uh it's like a time capsule it It's sort of like the Smithsonian, only based in shit and pee. But I want to know who came up with that and why it's on my property. But these guys came out. It backed up when we first moved into the house. There was a clog in the pipe. This guy came out. There was a foot of snow on my front lawn. And I'm like, this guy's never going to get this done.
Starting point is 00:07:25 The ground's frozen. This guy was out there for like seven hours. He found it under the snow. I didn't even know where the opening was. I watched this guy snake, put together this snake one piece at a time, links of like a chain, and then fed it into the. The chain was freezing up. He's using a torch, a welding torch,
Starting point is 00:07:46 to loosen the links on the chain. And I'm like, this guy's just not gonna, there's no way this is gonna work. Sure enough, he hit something in there, piece of tube stake or whatever, and the dam burst and it worked again. Those are the people that make this country great, folks. Those people that do those jobs,
Starting point is 00:08:03 God bless their souls. And hardly elites, let's put it that way but uh if i if i had hands like that i try to put an office chair together for my wife and i'm not going to take full blame for this today okay it's an office chair there's the bottom and a back and and the pipe it sits the wheels, basically. And they color-coded all the screws that came with it, but there were no directions, none. No directions in the thing. And they didn't color-code the holes that the screw, otherwise the colors mean nothing. So cut to me three and a half hours later for a 20-minute job, bleeding from my knuckles and forehead to put an office chair together.
Starting point is 00:08:41 I just, I'm disappointed in myself and my ability as a man to do shit like that. Best thing I ever did was install a toilet, which a monkey could do. I don't know why I'm on a septic tank toilet rant, but I'm just saying. I went on the video online on Home Depot, how to install a toilet. Of course, in the video, there's a guy in a room
Starting point is 00:09:02 that's like 300 feet by 400 feet. The toilet's in the middle, there's a guy in a room that's like 300 feet by 400 feet. It's toilets in the middle of the room, nothing in its way. And it's crystal clear. He takes the old toilet off. You could eat off it. It was so clean. I took my toilet off. I found it. This is where I found a pair of like 60 year old reading glasses and a mouse skeleton. And the toilet, this house is built in 37. The toilet was jammed in the corner i couldn't get in there there's a girl with an eating disorder up the street i had her come in she's getting anorexia she got in there very nice and uh helped me put the wax ring on and whatnot so um anyways that's all i have to say about that i just wanted to bullshit at the top of the show what's i i teased this story yesterday uh about uh cal poly slow you know uh cal poly san luis obispo university uh they're
Starting point is 00:09:52 making a big push for diversity and inclusion on campus while you're breaking some fucking ground there i guess that means there's still a few white people left on campus. And we want to bring that average GPA down, down, down. And I teased it yesterday. I just want to hit you with a point here. Literally, in keeping with the diversity and inclusion movement sweeping campuses across the country, Cal Poly Slow, we'll call it, recently released a 30-page report outlining plans to improve diversity through a bunch of initiatives i'll cut to the meat of it um they want to get it down they want to get the numbers in line with the uh percentage percentage of white people as far as population goes in the city so to further advance its goals of reflecting the demographics of california and
Starting point is 00:10:44 creating a more diverse and inclusive campus community, how could it get any more fucking diverse or inclusive? Well, I'll tell you how. They have developed the following diversity action initiatives document. And its administration details a multi-year effort with dozens of initiatives, including ones to further lower the percentage of white students on campus and increase the number of faculty of color.
Starting point is 00:11:10 No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. Yeah. It is. For students, the school plans on recruiting applicants more heavily based on race. That's called discrimination. Didn't the Supreme Court just rule on something like this at Harvard? Asians brought a suit.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Asians are getting fucked at Harvard. They could have twice the grades of a minority and still not get in because it's important to black and brown everything, I guess. I don't know. It's just unbelievable. But here they go right after a whitey. For instance, the school has recently implemented several new scholarships aimed at recruiting more African-American and other underrepresented minorities. It's also working to recruit low-income and first-generation students.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Why don't you just go to the border with a van in Arizona or San Diego, and you can fill the campus in three seconds. You're really setting the bar. Low-income and first-generation students by partnering with high schools that enroll a high percentage of these students. Where's the part about really hating on whitey? And the college announced its intention of forcibly increasing diversity in traditionally male-dominated majors. So not only they wanted less white, they wanted less male. Jesus H. No, no, no, no want it less white, they want it less male. Jesus H! No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Starting point is 00:12:30 No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! No! Not this fucking time! Oh, yeah. No fucking way! No fucking way! No fucking way, mate! This fall, campus leaders will require a diversity statement from candidates for all faculty and staff searches,
Starting point is 00:12:45 the report state. It adds that search committees will now be made up of diverse membership and academic affairs has set an expectation that search committees will be based on best practices regarding diversity. For instance, the document calls for the implementation of pre-enrollment diversity training for new first-year and transfer students. This diversity training, anytime you had diversity, you know what that means. That means get out whitey. Will be in addition to the two mandatory orientation programs, Slow Days, SLO, San Luis Obispo, in weeks of welcome. But they literally, it's literally in writing that the campus is too white.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And they're basing admissions on race instead of how good a student you are. admissions on race instead of how good a student you are. If the top 2,000 students in the country, the brightest ones, happen to be all black, then they should be all black-led in, or all Asian, or all white, or a mixture thereof. I don't understand the left. When whitey back in the day was discriminating and doing shit like that, it wrong but now it suits your purpose and it's right it's fucking disgusting and it really
Starting point is 00:14:10 irritates me but could i grab this microphone i beat your brains out with it because that's what she deserves that's what she deserves i went to humane they took anybody and everybody there were people up there with one leg of all races. They needed the money. You had to debone a moose in under 20 minutes, I think. That was to get in. And everybody was represented. But this is out-and-out legal discrimination. You guys should be in California. You're losing your goddamn mind.
Starting point is 00:14:39 How anybody still lives there that is white, other you know the elites the zuckerbergs and and the silicon valley people who make a trillion dollars a minute i understand and i'm going to be doing another story later on about what they're doing in stockton california they're giving people a 500 stipend people who are unemployed just a 500 universal income they're trying that out in stockton it's such a rundown time 500 bucks for doing nothing and you can spend it any way you want and I guess Zuckerberg's partner a co-founder of Facebook is actually you know it's some of his dough but he's not gonna do that forever eventually it's taxpayer money so think about that when you're getting up at the crack of your ass to go to
Starting point is 00:15:18 work somebody's getting a check for $500 and never leaving the fucking house I'm telling you what is going on? Pretty loud, fellas? Probably blew your ears out with that. I could sit back, but then people will see this fucking necktie. Let's go to Ryan in Portland, Maine.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Ryan in Portland, Maine on our line, too. Ryan, how you doing? Good to see you. How you feel? Hey, Maine. Ryan in Portland, Maine on our line, too. Ryan, how you doing? Good to see you. How you feel? Hey, Nick. How you doing? Good.
Starting point is 00:15:50 I was calling because I got to see you at Jonathan's at Gunquit, I don't know, like a month ago or whatever. Yeah. And took my dad, who's not really a big comedy guy, but he definitely aligns with you politically. And that was like one of the funniest shows I've ever seen, man. It was great, dude. I appreciate you coming out and bringing you there. How do you align politically? Look, Ryan, I'm guessing you were listening to me while you're on hold.
Starting point is 00:16:14 I don't even know how the show works, but do you have a problem with... Yeah, yeah. I was getting some dinner ready, but yeah. Let me guess. Lobster? I was listening. I was listening. Well, how do you feel about universities discriminating, literally legalizing discrimination because they want the campus less white? I mean, your thoughts on that?
Starting point is 00:16:35 Yeah, it doesn't make any sense to me. Well, to me, I went to school in North Carolina at High Point, and that was, I mean it was definitely uh pretty white but we were surrounded by a lot of uh you know inner city uh you know what I mean uh it was definitely we got integrated that way yeah but uh it doesn't really yeah it doesn't make any sense to me you know what I mean yeah I don't I'm asking you because I'm guessing how old are you i'm 23 take your time answering that uh you're 23 so because a lot of your generation buys into this horse shit they think oh uh why do you have their time yeah yeah no i would say yeah you know do i mean like people that were like of my you
Starting point is 00:17:21 know i mean like you know like when i was younger like click or whatever probably now like they would probably be saying the opposite of what i'm saying just to be like accepted you know what i mean they wouldn't be saying they wouldn't be sticking up for it but it doesn't make any sense but it's just because they've been i don't know they probably feel like they've been handed it or whatever you know what i mean they just want to say the opposite yeah and that's that's why i asked you that that's why I asked you that. That's why I asked you that, because I remember I was talking to Joe List, my comedian buddy, and he was hanging out with some of his fellas. Oh, yeah, I love Joe List.
Starting point is 00:17:51 And he said, one of the comics he was hanging out with said, I was thinking about moving to Seattle, but there's not enough black people there. I mean, if that's not evidence of a complete— Why does that matter? I mean, Jesus. Yeah not evidence of a complete... Why does that matter? I mean, Jesus. Yeah, that's pretty crazy. Your dad enjoyed the show? Yeah, fuck that, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Yeah, who, fuck your dad? Oh, yeah, no, actually, he went to UMaine, too, and played football. He's a little bit older than you. Wait a minute, what's your old man's name? Cassidy, Gerard Cassidy. Gerard Cassidy, don't remember him. I old man's name? Cassidy. Gerard Cassidy. Gerard Cassidy. Don't remember him.
Starting point is 00:18:28 I played with a Butch Cassidy. Guy could run like a motherfucker. Yeah, I think he was probably. Yeah, yeah. It's not my daddy. I don't think he could run like a motherfucker. Of course not. He's white and he's from Maine.
Starting point is 00:18:39 All right. Exactly. Exactly. All right, Ryan. Well, thank you for calling the show. And thanks for coming out to Jonathan's. I wanted to let you know. Appreciate Exactly, exactly. All right, Ryan. Well, thank you for calling the show. And thanks for coming out to Jonathan's. I wanted to let you know. Appreciate it, buddy.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Have a good day. Yeah, no problem, yeah. You got it. Hey, Agonkwit, Maine, by the way, is a big gay hangout. And it was the best gig of the Nick is Right tour that me and Fiore did. Agonkwit, Maine. It's a real big gay hangout in the summertime and people i remember talking to the owner and he said he actually got a few emails
Starting point is 00:19:11 before before i even got up there a few days before saying why are you having him do you know his politics and again more closed-mindedness this is the shit we have to deal with and by the way it was packed and it was the best show i'm show. I'm not just saying it was the best show of the whole tour. And I would love to do it again. Because, again, it's comedy. And words can't hurt. And there was nothing homophobic about it. I'm in show business.
Starting point is 00:19:35 I have more gay friends than Kelly Ripper. I don't know how many times I'm going to have to say that. And it was great. And I was taking pictures with everybody after the show. Nobody hit me with their sandals or their purse. It was tremendous. But this is absolutely fucking ludicrous. This is a public school, too, by the way.
Starting point is 00:19:55 So I'm expecting people who went there, you know, alumni or people who donate money to the school, I would think that would dry up after hearing this. But I feel bad for California because I love the state. I went out to San Francisco, did comedy there in the early 90s twice a year. And it was my favorite city. And then I see the pictures now of human shit all over the streets and needles and stuff. And literally businesses aren't holding conventions in California because they're obsessed with this type of thinking.
Starting point is 00:20:24 They're stuck. They're progressives. But ironically, they're obsessed with this type of thinking. They're stuck. They're progressives, but ironically, they're stuck in a fucking time warp. This bean counting and a campus racially has to be proportional to that community racially. Think about a school in North Dakota, which is whiter than Maine. Think about if they followed this logic and said, we want the campus to reflect the amount of, you know, white people percentage-wise. You wouldn't see a person of color in some schools in North Dakota and Utah.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Think about it that way. Am I making any sense? I don't know. By the way, we've got a couple good stories coming up. Papa John's in trouble. It's something to do with the N-word. So what a world we're living in. Pac-Man Jones apparently had to play some defense at the Atlanta airport.
Starting point is 00:21:12 We'll get to that in a second. Adam Pac-Man Jones. I guess he's the victim, which I find that hard to believe. But we actually have footage. So let me take another call before we get to that. Vinny in Bristol, Connecticut. Vinny, welcome to the show. How's your stem?
Starting point is 00:21:36 Vinny, I'm sorry. How about if I click the... Vinny, sorry. What's up? It's okay. Hey, so I saw you in New Haven about a, I don't know, a month and a half ago or so. In New Haven. What?
Starting point is 00:21:52 Oh, yeah. Yeah, you were in New Haven, maybe. Downtown at the theater. Oh, you were fucking great. Yeah, yeah, you were fucking great, by the way. Thank you, Vinny. I appreciate it. What was that?
Starting point is 00:22:03 Was it the Schubert Theater? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Thank you, Vinny. I appreciate it. What was that? Was it the Schubert Theater? Yeah. Yeah. Yes. That's what it was. Yeah. So I actually wanted to call and actually, I'm 36 years old and I was actually called
Starting point is 00:22:18 a racist for the first time in my 36 years of life. First of all, I don't believe that. I gotta believe you were called it before that. Even if you weren't racist. No, no, no. Never? I know. You would figure in the same age, I would have called that earlier, but no. What are you, a pussy?
Starting point is 00:22:37 Yeah, exactly. What are you, a pussy? You're not playing hard enough. Nobody's called you a racist. You're 36. You've been hiding. Come on out, Vinny. No, go ahead. I'm a racist and a racist. You're 36. You've been hiding. Come on out, buddy. No, go ahead. Go ahead. I'm a racist and a pussy. Anyway, I was at work the other day, and, you know, I was working in a factory that's primarily a, you know, a lot of minorities work there or whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:02 You know, fine. And I was pretty much the only white guy in the area and um you know i had this you know black guy getting in my face about something and i i didn't know what it was and he had a problem with the fact that i didn't say excuse me when i walked by him oh god and um so anyway um Oh, God. And he's like, I'm not, you know, he's like, I'm not fucking moving. I'm like, well, how do you expect me to get the materials in and out of the area? He goes, I don't know. You fucking figure it out. I'm like, I'm still trying to figure out why you're such an asshole. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:54 And anyway, so, you know, the, the, everything escalates. And then he basically told me, you know, he's like, oh, what's, what's the matter? You don't like me. You don't like black eyes. You don't like this. You don't like that.'s like, oh, what's the matter? You don't like me? You don't like black eyes? You don't like this? You don't like that? Blah, blah, blah. And are you, you know, are you, you're a racist?
Starting point is 00:24:10 I mean, he called me a racist in front of everybody I work with. Just shouted me out like you're a racist and this and that. And I was just like, what the fuck just happened? I don't even know what happened. Well, I'll tell you what happened. Let me tell you what happened. Okay. Ironically, obviously he's what happened. Let me tell you what happened, okay? Ironically, obviously, he's the racist.
Starting point is 00:24:29 He hates white people. He provoked you. He blocked the door, and you called him on it. But in his world, nobody—in most of the situations, white people just shut their mouths and take it. So we've created an environment that's so touchy that now that you actually defend yourself or your position, he thinks that makes you racist because he's been coddled and nobody's probably challenged him his whole goddamn life. And he's the racist. Well, that's the thing, too, is I. Based on your story. He had said that I.
Starting point is 00:25:02 I said I basically said, like, I think the shoe's on the other foot because I'm the only white guy that works here in this area, and you're the only one that gives me any shit. So I think you're the actual racist here. And what did he say to that?
Starting point is 00:25:19 And then he proceeded to call me a faggot. What's that? Go ahead. It's a one-hour show. I'm hoping it ends in gunfire at this point. No, no gunfire, unfortunately. He just called me a faggot and tried to, you know, choke me out and whatnot, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:40 And is he still working there? So, yeah. No, I'm not, actually. No, is he? Is he still working there? So, yeah. No, I'm not, actually. No, is he? Is he still working there? Oh, is he still working there? Yeah, no, he's still working there. Because if I said anything, I'd be the bad guy.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Eh, I don't know. If I spoke to upper management and said, like, this guy's giving me a problem, I would be the one that's the bad guy for ratting out, for saying anything. I'm the white guy saying something bad about the black guy. I'd be the bad guy. Well, you would. Yeah, because if they fired him, if they got the truth and found out he was at fault and
Starting point is 00:26:19 wanted to can him, then they get a lawsuit against him. So that's where we are. Hey, thank you for the call, buddy. It was pretty interesting. I appreciate it uh and thank you for coming out to the to the schubert i appreciate it uh but that's that's the times we're living in i mean uh there's a lot of bullying like that going on i call and there's linguistic bullying i call too like when uh people some guy was using the term colored people, which is, you know, anachronistic. But black people call themselves people of color.
Starting point is 00:26:50 And then you say colored people. I call that linguistic bullying. It's just the times we're in. And I've said it a thousand times, you know, one-on-one we all get along great. Let's be honest. We all, black people, white people, pretty much we all get along pretty good. great. Let's be honest. We all, black people, white people, pretty much, we all get along pretty good. But once
Starting point is 00:27:06 it gets into groups, and that's done by identity politics, like the shit going on at Cal Poly Slow, where how's that going to help race relations, really? California, I don't know what the fuck is going on. But you've got to lighten up. You have a sense of diversity,
Starting point is 00:27:22 and you know, Enough is enough. Let's just go to work. Johnny the Greek in South Korea. I don't know if he's serious or not. This will be a real test of the phone system. What are you, in Seoul, Johnny? No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Absolutely. I used to call you when you were on the nick and arty show dude how you been what's happening where are you now uh not oh i'm actually in uh soil that's right oh i thought you were kidding beautiful what can i do for you no absolutely well it's like a comedy question i hate to lighten it up a little bit maybe it won't be light based on the question I asked you. No, that's all right. But considering the way the PCification of comedy has manifested itself over the last, I don't know, few years, you'd be one of the guys to know one way or the other. Do you think eventually the pendulum is going to go the other way and it's going to get a lot dirtier and a lot more, for lack of a better word, they start to call it cringe now, cringe comedy, I suppose.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Do you think it's going to go the other way on purpose and people will start accepting it again? Because it's really horrendous going into these clubs and seeing people fear for whatever words coming out of their mouth that they're not going to trigger somebody. But let me stop. Put an audience member in the fetal position. Yeah. But let me stop right there. Cause you made a mistake that a lot of people make confusing, um, unpolitically correct humor with just dirty,
Starting point is 00:28:55 which it's not the, the, the dirty is always going to be there and it's always going to work. That's not being politically incorrect, being politically incorrect. When you talk about race or gender and you go against the hashtag MeToo or the hypersensitivity when it comes to race and shit,
Starting point is 00:29:14 that's being politically incorrect. As far as doing blowjob jokes and talking about sex and shit, that's not politically incorrect. That's just people find it inappropriate. That's a whole different issue. But is the pendulum ever going to swing? Not as long as the media is 98% fucking liberal. It's going to take a long time.
Starting point is 00:29:35 You ask a great question because I did my first open mic back in 1987, I think. And I had done about six months of open mics. And somebody came up to me and said, you're really you're politically incorrect. And that's the wave of the future. And that was in 1987. Think about that. And I remember saying to him, I don't think so. I think I said it's going to get a lot worse. So it's going to take a lot for it to swing back. But, yeah, I'm sure people are getting fed up. People are getting it's getting so crazy that liberals are attacking liberals. So we're making some headway.
Starting point is 00:30:07 How long that's going to take, I have no fucking idea. But the PC move, and I'll say it again, it came about to silence guys like me, straight, white, heterosexual males. I don't see too many black comics getting in trouble for picking on white people and female comics saying bad shit about men and gay comics making fun of straight people. It doesn't really affect the... Let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:30:30 It was created to silence, you know, sort of guys about my sensibilities. But hopefully it will swing around because this shit's exhausting, isn't it? You got it. Johnny, good call. Thanks much and appreciate a thanks for calling from South Korea man and thank God Trump Trump went over and straight and shit out or you could have been in trouble all right Johnny take care
Starting point is 00:30:59 yeah California and I was gonna do the story but I want to get to the good stuff. This is Stockton, California, sending poor people 500 bucks a month in an experimental welfare program. We'll get to that another time. I wanted to get to this story. Pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza. Pizza, pizza. Although that's Little Caesars, I realize.
Starting point is 00:31:22 But Papa John's, you know, John Schnatter, seen him in all the commercials and shit. Well, apparently he's in deep shit. Something to do with the N-word. And his stock was down more than 4% today following a report that he, John Schnatter, allegedly made a racist comment during a May conference call in which he was receiving public relations training from an outside marketing firm. The controversial restaurateur who, in January, I remember he got in some shit about the national anthem, and that hurt his stock, too.
Starting point is 00:31:55 But apparently he said in one of the meetings, Colonel Sanders called blacks niggers and never faced backlash. This is according to Forbesbes which first reported the incident schnatter also reflected on his youth growing up in indiana indiana's hardcore that's like the home of the clan isn't it i'm not picking on you people in indiana but i'm just saying it made more sense when i heard that allegedly said on the conference call that people used to drag african-americans from trucks until they died according according to the Forbes report, which claimed that Schnatter shared the story
Starting point is 00:32:27 in a misguided effort to show his distaste for racism, which is exactly right. No one's going to tell me in this day and age the CEO of Papa John's said at a meeting, you know, we could fucking start dragging behind trucks again. He was obviously, if you put it in context, but once again, the media jumps right on it, and you have you put it in context but once again the media jumps right on it and and uh you have to put it into context i don't get the colonel sanders um crack that uh
Starting point is 00:32:55 you know i don't know how that fits in there we have to get the whole transcribe the the whole fucking meeting but um it reminded me, this is classic. This is classic old New York. The Italian pizza maker having a problem with young black guys and shit. It reminded me of a movie. Remember Do the Right Thing? Remember that? Do we got that clip?
Starting point is 00:33:21 This is some... Yo, put some extra mozzarella on that motherfucker and shit. Extra cheese is $2. That was John Schnatter having a... Put some extra mozzarella on that motherfucker. But I gotta believe, you know, he was taken out of context. He didn't go in there and fucking drive.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Colonel Sanders probably did say the N-word because he gave black people the, what's it called? The secret recipe. You guys are all looking at me. Are you from the fucking United States? The twinks are looking at me like, do you have a Colonel?
Starting point is 00:34:11 Anyways, representatives of the outside marketing firm Laundry Service declined to comment on the incident, but owner Casey Wasserman terminated the company's contract with Papa John's according to the report. Really?
Starting point is 00:34:25 So it was just out-and-out racism? There's no, you can't put this in any context? I find it hard to believe. I'm not saying he's the brightest guy in the world. But then Papa John's made a statement, as these companies always have to do. Papa John's condemns racism and any insensitive language, no matter the situation or setting.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Diversity is an essential ingredient in our pursuit of providing a better product and better service to our customers and to the communities where we operate and live. We take great pride in the diversity of the Papa John's family, though diversity and inclusion is an area where we will continue to strive to do better. So let's see what happens. I know the stock got hurt a little bit today, but let's see if there's a national boycott. And again, none of us know the true story
Starting point is 00:35:13 and what context he said it. And I don't believe he went in and started dropping the N-bomb. Although he is from Indiana, you never know. But let's see how bad...'s if starbucks can get in trouble that politically correct shit hole nothing makes me angrier as a person who leans right when i walk by a starbucks and i look in that glass window and there's 22 broads wearing those janine garofalo glasses sipping their eight dollar coffees on their fucking computers and they just look out the window like I'm a fucking peasant.
Starting point is 00:35:47 And that's why I press my ham against it. What? You should see the faces on these two guys. 888-599-6425 is the phone number. So, yeah, Papa John's rocked again. I look at him now. I thought i don't know i assume this is racist to my part he was a nice italian guy but uh john schnatter from indiana my wife's making weird faces at me now and it's kind of disgusting she's fucking mad hey what's new
Starting point is 00:36:21 um so papa john's uh i had your pizza many times on the road when it's, you know, I've got 19 beers in me and there's nothing else open. And I've got to be honest, the crust is a little soft in my taste. Should add a little more racism to the powder. It's too spicy. But I don't believe it. I want the full story. I'm sure it was taken out of context,
Starting point is 00:36:49 but Mrs. Wasserman, the person that ran the public relations firm, naturally she just shit-canned the account. It's got to be true. A white fellow said it. Let's go to Sam in Florida. Sam, college students want to discuss life on liberal campus. What's up?
Starting point is 00:37:16 Hey, Nick. How are you doing tonight? Good. How are you doing, Sam? What's it like? Are you a college-age guy? Yeah, I'm a big fan of yours and uh i first of all i want to let you know that not all of the millennials are uh brainwashed you know liberal uh retards a lot of us are sick of this
Starting point is 00:37:34 uh political correct no hold on hold on hold on hold on no you're right you're right i never said all but uh but but when i read polls and i've read them many times, where almost 40 percent of millennials have a problem with the First Amendment and free speech and are in favor of curbing it, that's too many, way too many. But you're right, not all millennials are PC pussies. I agree with that. Go ahead. Sorry. Oh, no. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:38:01 It kind of makes me depressed because I feel like, you feel like I'm in the minority and I'm alone. But it gets ridiculous because I had to take a college English course a few years ago, and they made me write a paper on the effects of global warming. Now, keep in mind this was for an English class, not like class or anything like that right it's uh it's also hard as hell to start a uh college republicans uh you know organization on campus too just because of of the uh bureaucracy right of the administration right so so but, you know. Your point being that there's, you're saying there's a good number of you millennials on campus who don't buy into this PC horseshit. But don't you think on the average college campus you're outnumbered? Safe to say.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Yeah, it's, yeah, I mean, I know, but, you know, I'm willing to speak out about my conservative opinions because I really don't care. But there are a lot more millennials out there who are more conservative libertarianists who don't want to say anything because they think that their grades will get dinged or whatever. So, yeah, which is also possibly true. Okay, but, okay, can I just say, and I understand that, but if you don't say anything because you're afraid your grades, you're being intimidated into fucking silence. So fight back, whether it's keying the professor's car or something. Do something. You can't just keep your mouth shut.
Starting point is 00:39:46 You have to make it known your professors are fucking with you. Otherwise, this is going to go on. This is how we got to this point. Threaten the fucking Chancellor's cat. Do something. Or, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:02 inviting Apollo to do a comedy stand-up night on their campus. That would be another way to intimidate them, too. Yeah. To fight back against the left, I should say. I'll do it. What's the college?
Starting point is 00:40:19 State College of Florida. It's a community campus. But, you know, I know it's tough. Not even Jerry Seinfeld wants to do campuses. That's why I said this about millennials, and again, not all he is, but most he is. I say congratulations,
Starting point is 00:40:36 millennials. You're the first generation that finds Seinfeld too fucking edgy, you pussies. I mean, hey, who uses cotton balls? I don't know, but cotton's picked by black people. Jerry, you better be careful. All right, Sam, I gotta go. Your phone's coming in and out.
Starting point is 00:40:52 But keep your chin up out there and if your professor gives you any guff, kick her in the sandals for me. All righty. Step on her hairy toes. I always picture the lib professor with the sports jacket. He's got the fucking, he's got the padded elbows.
Starting point is 00:41:10 You know, that type of horseshit. Not up at Maine. They're all hippies up at Maine. We couldn't tell. Buddy, Wildman, Pac-Man Jones, otherwise known as Adam Jones now, you know who he is, NFL player who's been in trouble with the law
Starting point is 00:41:28 on tons, tons of occasions. Well, he got into it, I think, at an airport in Atlanta. And this story, I think it was TMZ, making him out to be the victim, which is fucking priceless to me. A man named Frank Reagan, or Ragin, I'd go with Ragin with rage it's more appropriate has done the impossible made adam packman jones the good guy at least in the
Starting point is 00:41:51 eyes of the law according to tmz an employee at a cleaning company that's reagan uh abm is the company made a made a gesture towards the former bengals cornerback at Hartsville-Jackson Airport in Atlanta on Tuesday night. Jones confronted Reagan verbally and then things escalated. What kind of gesture do you make? What kind of gesture? Exactly. I'm sure he didn't go, hey, Pac-Man, I'm over here. Can I get an autograph?
Starting point is 00:42:20 I'm guessing it was one of these. Something out of the hood. Fucking. Is that racist? Oh, I hope not. But what kind of gesture? Did anybody ask Pac-Man that? I mean, maybe it was just this. The brothers get a little fucking sensitive with each other.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Don't ever step on a brother's foot in the VIP room at a titty bar. You'll end up uh in deep chat um we actually have some footage uh of the altercation and apparently the guy got physical with pac-man is the last guy that you want to get involved with by the way and i just want to tell you women out there if your guy gets in a fight don't do what pac-man's girlfriend or whoever the
Starting point is 00:43:03 broad was that he was with uh don't don't fucking do this because you're not helping your guy. You're going to you're going to end up getting him killed. Although it's Pac-Man, I'm sure he can handle it. But here's here's the footage at Atlanta Airport. And what scares me, this guy works at Atlanta Airport that's trying to beat up Pac-Man John. That's the fucking I'm sure his grades are tremendous when he handed in the resume. Jesus H. Christ! Sorry, guys. Go ahead, roll he got into it. No, black guy.
Starting point is 00:44:10 I gotta be honest with you, those punches weren't too manly. For Pac-Man, I mean, straight out of the fucking hood, or Mr. Reagan, or Reagan, however your parents' name. I was a little disappointed. They were throwing like girly haymakers, were they not? One of them landed, I guess, or whatever. But, um, I want to know. I think his form is a little off there.
Starting point is 00:44:31 It looked like a slap fight at a sorority. It looked like he was winding up a throw pitch. It was weird. I think the guy was throwing up some politically incorrect gang signs and that kind of triggered him. Well, that was my guess. Did you come up with that right after I did that? Yeah, I mean, this shit. I couldn't join a gang. I have carpal tunnel to begin with.
Starting point is 00:44:47 I couldn't. What's up, West Side, yo? That's really offensive. Please stop. Yeah, fuck you. Anyways. I'm telling you, man. But Pac-Man has been in a ton.
Starting point is 00:45:04 He's not a fucking nice good hell of a football player but he's free agent again he's a free agent every year because he has a lot of a lot of problems but he can play football the nfl and by the way leshawn mccoy running back he's in the nose allegedly allegedly sent somebody to his ex-girlfriend's house to get jewelry back that he gave her and they pistol whipped her. There's a picture of her face caved in and the NFL is just, I don't know. They don't vet, as Trump says.
Starting point is 00:45:37 There's not much vetting going on. So anyways, I guess it caused a laceration to Mr. Jones' face. I know the feeling. What the hell else? That's the lawyer talking, of course. Mr. Jones then started to defend himself, causing Mr. Ragin to fall on the ground. Ragin was arrested for two counts of battery as he also hit a woman who was with Jones. She had some backside,
Starting point is 00:46:06 didn't she? She had an ass on her like a fucking Detroit Lions fullback. That's a good thing, by the way. That was a compliment. Don't take that the wrong way.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Anyways, Jones, a free agent, one of the most controversial players getting arrested and suspended many times since being drafted in 2000. He missed the entire 2007 season for numerous violations the nfl's personal conduct policy
Starting point is 00:46:31 included his involvement in a uh a strip club fight that left the man paralyzed he was making it rain in the club some shit broke out seriously it went outside it spilled outside he shot from a car and i remember he paralyzed the doorman who was from Long Island, I believe, if I got that right. I pulled up his arrest record. Can we pull that up or no? Huh? One second. The twinks in there are going to pull it up.
Starting point is 00:46:57 And this is a mild. This isn't Pac Jones' record like in high school and in college and shit. But let's just skim over it. Let's see. But after a bunch of arrests early in his career, Pac-Man settled into a nice little kick return. The bulk of his criminal exploits happened in strip clubs. Really? Didn't happen at the Pottery Barn or One Potato Two?
Starting point is 00:47:26 It happened at Titty Bars? I can read it, guys, if it's too much trouble. I didn't really give you a heads up on the article, but... First, he was charged with assault and felony vandalism in 2005. Then he violated the probation
Starting point is 00:47:43 stemming from the charge. On another occasion, he spit in a woman's face while intoxicated and was charged with disorderly conduct, and that was in 06. Pac-Man followed that up by making it rain in a Vegas strip club, which led to a shootout that left the man paralyzed because Jones wanted to take his money back. Even I know as a white fella, you can't make it rain at a titty bar and think you're gonna get the rain back i tried that shit in aap and supermarket and uh i was making it rain with
Starting point is 00:48:14 the cornflakes and then uh they still wanted to charge me remember that honey um nfl suspended him for a year but wait there's more jones got into a fight with his bodyguards because he was drunk and received another year-long suspension. We still don't know how he still has a job in the NFL. What are you talking about? You don't know how he has a... That's a perfect resume for a guy that plays in the NFL. What the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:48:40 He's not a hooters waitress. Matter of fact, if I ran an nfl team if i was an owner i'd look at their arrest records before i looked at their statistics in college and if you don't have at least two felonies a couple you gotta have at least 12 priors as far as guns go or you're not playing for me you want to be going up against a guy who fucking got a ticket for loitering? Or do you want somebody who... Obviously, I can't, folks. The domestic violence shit, that should be an automatic...
Starting point is 00:49:12 I don't mean to be a pussy, but that's an automatic if proven. Because a lot of this shit, you know, there's women out there, money grubbers, who say he did this to me, did that, and it's not always true. But these pictures of LaShawn McCoy's, again, it's all alleged, but people are saying that he might have sent somebody there to her house to get the jewelry back. And this girl's face is beaten. And if that proves true, that guy should never see a football field again. I know I'm taking a real tough stance there, but for Christ's sake.
Starting point is 00:49:44 And there was a Patriots player there, but for Christ's sake. And there was a Patriots player today in the paper for domestic violence. And you got Pac-Man. I mean, what the fuck? More calls. By the way, the number, I haven't given it out in a while. 888-599-6425.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Let's go to Nelson in Philly. Wants to talk about the Pac-Man fight. Nelly, what's up? Hey, Nick. Yo, Nick. How you doing, brother?
Starting point is 00:50:16 What up, Nelly? Hey. What's up, man? How you feeling, man? I'm glad I'm on this show, man. I've listened to you for a long time. I appreciate it, man. That fight reminded me of the scene at No Problem, man. Big fan, man? I'm glad I'm on this show, man. I've listened to you for a long time. I appreciate it, man. That fight reminded me of the scene that
Starting point is 00:50:25 no problem, man. Big fan, man. And I'm one of the only Puerto Ricans that have voted just like you. Actually, there's a lot of them. People don't realize that. The Hispanics work hard. Yeah, I guess we're keeping it hitting. Yes, you are. But go ahead. Yeah, that's true, too. How do you feel about this?
Starting point is 00:50:41 But anyway, the Pac-Man fight? Yes. The fight kind of reminded me of the scene out of King of New York with Laurence Fishburne when he threw down that pack of chicken. I don't remember. I got to be honest with you. I saw that a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:51:02 He threw what? That's what I thought it was. When he dropped down that Popeye's chicken, I i was watching on i thought i was watching king of new york for a minute so they checked this out i was a little i was a little disappointed again pac-man's got his broad hanging on him that's a that's the first way you get killed if your chick's holding your right arm but they both there was terrible form there not not that I'm a good boxer, but I mean, what happened to a straight right and a hook? These guys look like a pillow fighter,
Starting point is 00:51:31 the goddamn black girl's sorority, as opposed to a male sorority. Yeah, yeah, that's what I thought. Yeah, that's what I thought too. That's all, you know? I don't know. But didn't he try to wrestle one time too? So I guess he's transcending his wrestling skills on there too.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Oh, I don't know, Pac. Oh, I don't know. Pac-Man, I don't know. But he's been in a lot of... And here's the funny thing. I'm not making this up, Nelly. The NFL, they do this now. For the last few years, they have a veteran come in and talk to rookies coming into the league. I'm not making this up about how to behave off the field and shit. Who was one of the guest speakers?
Starting point is 00:52:03 And I'm not making this up. You can look it up. Fucking Pac-Man. No, for real? behave off the feel and shit. Who was one of the guest speakers? And I'm not making this up. You can look it up. Fucking Pat Mitchell. Woo! No, for real? I swear to God. I guess the thinking being he's been in enough trouble
Starting point is 00:52:13 and done enough things wrong where he could actually help people out. But they brought in Pat Mitchell. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind.
Starting point is 00:52:25 There's something wrong with everybody's mind. Don't get all fucking in a huff if you hear that out there. But it is packed. Let me tell you, and again, besides the violence and shit, the guy can play football. He's been around for a long time, this dude. Well, yeah, of course, because he keeps getting suspended. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:52:43 That's a good point when you miss half the season because of assault, your legs seem to stay fresh. Yeah, well, of course. He'll probably play until he's 70, man, if he keeps getting suspended like that. Well, congratulations on the Eagles beating my Patriots, Nelly. I got to go. I got a bunch of calls here, but good to hear from you, pal.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Hey, I'm a Giants fan. Oh, all right. Fuck the Eagles. All right, take it easy. For the love of Pete. What the hell else did I want to get to? I started with this yesterday, and then Jay threw in his stupid yolk joke. Jay's listening now.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Right now he's in his RV giving me the finger. He's on vacation, by the way. I don't know. He left, when did they leave? This morning? Probably about 4 a.m. Did he say what time? No?
Starting point is 00:53:34 Yeah, about 3 a.m. About 3 a.m. And what's scary is he's leaving from Connecticut. He just called in. They're only in Massachusetts right now. Real lead foot on that fella. I've got a few minutes left in the show, but I wanted to get into this girl.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I mean, this woman. Did I say girl? Jesus Christ. Apparently, she got molested by an off-duty pilot on United Airlines. She woke up to that. And, hey, who hasn't, huh? Twinks?
Starting point is 00:54:09 But I started to tease this fucking thing. And the pilot, off-duty pilot. And I read this thing, and he touched her like three times, okay? He was drunk. Monty Wendell is the pilot. He had three or four vodka sodas. Jesus, real heavyweight, okay? He was drunk. Monty Wendell is the pilot. He had three or four vodka sodas. Jesus, real heavyweight, huh?
Starting point is 00:54:29 Turns into a rapist after fucking Lime Ricky. He told a flight attendant that he had been away from him home for two months. He missed his wife. So, fuck it, I miss my wife. I'll grab that chick in 3A. And he said he was horny. So the woman is suing united airlines for failing
Starting point is 00:54:46 to protect her from a drunken passenger who molested her on a long-haul flight um ann dowling says she fled fled her business classy when she awoke to find monty wendell rubbing her crotch and masturbating under a rug under a rug That's not too obvious. Hey, why does that guy in 2C have a fucking 12 by 14 area rug over his lap? Why does it look like a tent? So he was masturbating under a rug that he had on his lap from Hong Kong to San Francisco. That's a long flight. I went from Hong Kong to San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:55:21 I must have finger popped two three broads that night. And I had two Diet Cokes. Thank you, Dow. She says she reported 47-year-old Weddle to a flight attendant but was told to resolve the incident by returning to her seat to go talk to her attacker.
Starting point is 00:55:42 That's what their advice was. That was part of the suit. Cabin crew eventually moved Dowling to another seat further along the same row. However, Wendell, a veteran freight pilot with FedEx, continued to torment her as she got off the flight. But here's the thing. She woke up twice. Once he was touching her leg.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Another time he had his hand like on her lap. And she didn't move. She just said, what are you doing and and stayed in the seat by the way he was cleared of these charges so when i first read this i'm like how the fuck was he cleared of charges but she had two chances to fucking move now i'm not saying she's guilty but i'm not trying to defend this guy's behavior but she had two chances to fucking move and didn't as i so when i read that he was cleared of the charge and again and then and then there'll be a civil suit and whatnot but jesus and i i'm starting to feel bad i mean a woman falls asleep these stories are coming every
Starting point is 00:56:39 week somebody wakes up a guy's gnawing in your nipples fellas take it down a goddamn notch my next question was like what kind of vodka was that? But, yeah, criminal assault complaint was filed on December 5th, District Court in Northern California. But on June 7th, the following year, he was acquitted of all charges. The two travelers ended up sitting side by side when United upgraded Dowling from economy to business class on the 13-hour overnight flight to San Francisco International Airport, which tells me she was probably good-looking, because I read that's what they do.
Starting point is 00:57:11 They upgrade the good-looking people. If you're sitting there and you've got a glass eye and a hair lip, they're like, no, we've got seat 66G for you, right by the shitter. Get back there. Here's a grilled cheese. Dowling says she woke to find Wendell's hand on the back of her leg near her buttock. She removed his hand and fell back asleep. Now let me ask you a question, broads.
Starting point is 00:57:32 I mean, women. Chicks. If you wake up, you find the guy's hand on your ass or your thigh, are you going to fall back asleep? I'm sorry, but I'd like to be his lawyer instead of hers.
Starting point is 00:57:47 She then awoke a second time to find his balls on her forehead. She still said, no, I'm exaggerating. She woke a second time to find his hand rubbing her thigh and grabbing her butt and attempting to reach into her pants. She cried stop and withdrew his hand from her body.
Starting point is 00:58:09 She asked him what he was doing and he creepily smiled at her in response. He creepily smiled at her in response, the complaint alleges. Darling says she woke a third time. That means she didn't move after the first... Am I being sexist here or whatever next thing gonna tell me she was in a string bikini but can i ask you ladies after the first time would you not insist if they said go talk to
Starting point is 00:58:39 the guy and try to straighten what would you say go fuck yourself you talk to him i'm standing in the aisle the rest of the flight okay if it's 23 hours but she twice she woke up he's touching her so i'm guessing he's kind of i saw the picture he's not a bad looking guy that's we have a better picture of him actually but look we have a picture of him on a ski slope and with his wife or whatever but uh that's him that's him driving an u right there. And, no. But young guy, drunk, misses his wife. My point being, if I woke up and a girl was touching my ass and leg, I'd go right back to sleep and hope it continued.
Starting point is 00:59:15 But not a girl. That's sexist. But I'm just saying, now I understand. She asked him what he was doing creepily. So Donnelly says she woke up a third time to find Wendell's hand running up her thigh. This time he began rubbing her vagina through her clothes while rapidly masturbating underneath his blanket. What happened to the rug?
Starting point is 00:59:36 She wakes up a fourth time. He's got a parachute over his lap. And then a boat tarp. And it continued. For the love of Christ, after the first time, crack him in the face. I'm saying that as a guy who got hit in the face by unjustifiably so.
Starting point is 00:59:52 I wasn't rubbing anybody's clit on a plane. I was telling jokes at a club. But I'm just saying, ladies, not that you're asking for it, but after three times, I'm guessing she was a little horny herself. That's what he thought. Dowling shot out of her seat the third horny herself. That's what he thought. Dowling
Starting point is 01:00:06 shot out of her seat the third time in shock when she realized what was happening and told Wendell to stop. So, whatever. She gathered up her belongings, asked for a different seat. Wendell said the words to the effect of, I think you're horny
Starting point is 01:00:21 and I'm horny too. Dowling got out of her seat, approached United Flight attendant, asked to move seats because of assault. Said there were no seats on the plane. She ended up being strapped to the wing for the rest of the flight. Anyways. Even after they
Starting point is 01:00:38 got off the plane, he pursued her. So this guy's a real creep. I like to hear from the wife. In a thinly veiled attempt to minimize disregard and ignore the assault, Wendell continued his torment of darling by approaching her
Starting point is 01:00:49 as she was leaving the plane and asked why she moved seats. Because it was a draft? Why did you move your seat? I don't know. I get hit in the face with cum twice? What a... This guy's psychotic.
Starting point is 01:01:10 She filed her civil suit last week accusing him of initiating harmful offensive conduct. Now she's got post-traumatic stress disorder and all that shit. Whatever. I mean, really? I don't buy that shit either. So waking up with some guy touching you is the same
Starting point is 01:01:25 of as a uh you know a world war ii veteran watching his friend get his head shut off it's the it's it's the same i guess it's the same now you're that traumatized by uh guys acting like pigs anyways the point being is you should have moved the first time even if you had to stand the rest of the flight if you were that bothered that's just my take on it. All right, kids. I'll take one more call before we go. I hope it's about this subject, you know. And let's see. Of course not.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Maryland, it's off subject, but it's the last call of day. Joe Rogan versus Alex Jones. Please tell me it was a discussion and not a fight no it wasn't a fight nick but uh it was close enough it was close enough nick hey how you doing nick i'm your big fan of yours but uh alex jones and joe rogan have been going at it for the past two weeks uh joe joe rogan had a podcast with some guy and uh said george soros well it wasn't a Nazi, apparently. He was captured by the Nazis.
Starting point is 01:02:26 But Alex Jones disagrees. And they've been at war for the past two weeks. Alex Jones made almost an hour-long video about Joe Rogan. You should have the rats in the back look it up. It's really funny. An hour long. Nothing's that fucking interesting. So Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Exactly. He really killed the subject. So wait a minute. So Joe Rogan... Exactly. He really killed the subject. So wait a minute. So Joe Rogan was defending Soros or just defending that he's not a Nazi? You know how he rides the fence. It kind of sounded like he was defending him and it was against him at the same time.
Starting point is 01:02:58 But from my point of view, it sounded like he was sucking his balls. Boy, that's quite a view you had. Anyway, I'll have to check that out, John, because I hate George Soros, and I tend to believe he is a fucking Nazi, and I love Joe Rogan. Yeah, he is. And so I'll have to talk to Joe about that. I asked Joe.
Starting point is 01:03:18 I texted Joe to call in the first day. I didn't hear back. But, you know, a guy's got 19 businesses and $400 million in the bank, and I'm sure he's a little busier than I am. But I'll check that out. Maybe we can talk about it tomorrow, John. I appreciate the call, buddy. All right. Thank you, man. I'll talk to you soon. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:36 That's about it, kids. I think that's about it. Let's see. Did I cover... Again, my tour dates real quick you can go to or wherever I'm sure they're up somewhere but uh Wednesday July 18th and 19th that's next week uh Village Underground New York City Wednesday the 25th and the 28th which is attached to the Village Underground the Fat Black Pussycat Friday September 14th the Arlington Draft House one of my favorite gigs Arlington Virginia Saturday September 14th, the Arlington Draft House, one of my favorite gigs, Arlington, Virginia. Saturday, September 15th, Arlington Draft House, Arlington, Virginia.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Friday, September 21st, Orpheum Theater in Flagstaff. Saturday night, I'm doing something for a festival. I don't have the venue yet. And then that Sunday, September 23rd, House of Comedy in Phoenix. I believe those have been confirmed. I hope so. We're advertising them like they have been. That is it.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Jay, I hope you're enjoying your vacation and hope you and the wife on the side of the road beating the shit out of each other and show up on some viral video. I want all of you to enjoy your cake. Enjoy. Nice job by the two young fellas. They grew up with this shit they marinated
Starting point is 01:04:45 it took them two seconds i can't even open in my email for christ's sake i'm severely retarded and that's it i guess uh you got it guys you were you were smooth as silk i think jay would be proud of you if he was in there right now i'd be touching both ears i'm a little glad he's out of here now all right kids uh see you tomorrow i guess uh take care of yourselves remember you think it I'm a little glad he's out of here now. All right, kids. See you tomorrow, I guess. Take care of yourselves. Remember, you think it, I'll say it. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. We'll see you next time.

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