The Nick DiPaolo Show - PC Run Amok in U.K.

Episode Date: November 20, 2018

U.K. High School Censors Costly Clothes. "Gangsta Hotline" creator, Stand-up Brent Weinbach Skypes in. Chipotle Rethinks Racist Firing....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah, welcome to the show. It's a Monday. It's a dirty, filthy Monday. How are you folks? 833-599-NICK. 833-599-6425. 833-599-6425. 833-599-6425. Streaming live, motherfuckers.
Starting point is 00:00:49 We'll do it live. We'll do it live! Fuck it! Do it live! I'll write it and we'll do it live! Exactly, Bill. I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So, enjoy. You've got to get mad.
Starting point is 00:01:06 You've got to say, I'm a human being. God damn it. My life has value. I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore. Anyways, how are you folks? New sponsor, which means the show's cranking, Action Heat Clothing, this episode of the Nick DiPaolo. Who put Nick DiPaolo D-E?
Starting point is 00:01:37 Unbelievable. Probably Priscilla. Brought to you by Action Heat Clothing. It's a great product. It's getting colder outside now, and Action Heat Clothing wants to make sure you never feel the chill. Action Heat Clothing makes the world's best adjustable battery heated clothing. Yes, heated clothing I said.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Like something came right out of the dryer only way better. And now you can get it with 20% off your entire order. Just go to slash Nick. Action Heat Clothing provides toasty, warm, and comfort for your whole body, including heated jackets, socks, gloves, hats, even undergarments like heated base layer shirts and long johns. Not only can you stay warm, but since Action Heat is powered by rechargeable batteries, get this, this is crazy. You can also recharge your phone or any other gadget while you're walking around or just chilling.
Starting point is 00:02:27 I wouldn't put chilling in there, or just warming. They keep you warm and your phone charged. Action Heat is perfect for any friend or family on your holiday gift list. Great for anyone who works outdoors, skiers, slash snowboarders, or anybody that loves the outdoors but hates the cold. I'm thinking football games in the winter. Action Heat is available in men's and women's styles and will make winter activities more enjoyable with a blast of warmth all day long,
Starting point is 00:02:50 even in the most frigid winter weather. We've got a special deal for our listeners to save 20% off your entire order. Just go to slash Nick to check out everything Action Heat has to offer. That's slash Nick, or use the coupon code Nick at checkout to save 20%, and we thank Action Heat Clothing for sponsoring this show today.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Excited to have them. What is going on? Oh, dates real quick. By the way, bottom of the hour today, which means 6.30 Eastern time, Brent Weinbach is going to call. He's a really funny stand-up. If you guys watched the show last week, we played the Gangsta Hotline.
Starting point is 00:03:31 He was the creator of that. Watch some of his stand-up on YouTube. Really funny dude. I'm surprised they hadn't heard of him. He's going to be Skyping in at the bottom of the hour, 6.30 Eastern. Club dates for me, Friday, November 30th, and Saturday, December 1st, the Corner Comedy Club, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Saturday, December 22nd, the Comedy Works in Saratoga Springs, New York. Monday, New Year's Eve, December 31st, Tarrytown Music Hall, Tarrytown, New York. Saturday, January 12th, Fairfield Theatre, Fairfield, Connecticut. Saturday, January 19th, Bobby V's, Windsor Locks, Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Excuse me. Sunday, January 27th, Ventura Harbor Comedy Club, Ventura, California. Working on more dates for that weekend. Friday, March 8th, Wood Theater, Glens Falls, New York. Saturday, March 9th, Cahos Hall, Cahos, New York. Friday, April 26th, Steel Stacks,
Starting point is 00:04:24 Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Saturday, April 26th, Steel Stacks, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Saturday, October 19th, the Ridgefield Playhouse in Ridgefield, Connecticut. And I want to thank the people that came out to Bud Lake, the comedy shop in Bud Lake, New Jersey, this weekend. Something's going on, folks, and I think it's this show.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Two weekends ago, Mohegan Suns packed. All the shows were packed. Saturday night, packed. No empty seats. So, and a lot of people come up after the show saying they listened to the show. And I can't tell you the number of women that go, your voice is in my house. And my husband's taking a shower in the morning, taking a dump at night. And I said, I don't need that last visual.
Starting point is 00:05:01 But, I mean, something's happening. It's a groundswell. After 30 years, let's keep it going. Come out, go to for the ticket information. The live shows, people see me, and then they go home and they sign up because they haven't seen the truth of the real deal. I've got to blow my own horn. Nobody else will.
Starting point is 00:05:22 A big shout- out to Christopher Lab who moved up to the Vito tier, which is the $30 a month. A few other people have too that I mentioned weeks ago. So you know what that means? They can't get enough with just a couple shows.
Starting point is 00:05:37 They need at least four. And I'm happy. You don't see me say that very often. I'm never happy. My face is very old as I look. I'm not you don't see me say that very often I'm never happy my face is very old as I look I'm not happy now I see dents in my cheeks I used to get a lot of ass some of it female back in the 80's
Starting point is 00:05:53 now listen what's uh what's Ryan doing looking for some porn site with Cub Scouts on it yeah he got a little bored so he's like I'm to look at Pornhub. Yeah, tell him to fucking focus. We love him. He was in Maine getting drunk. He put on
Starting point is 00:06:09 six pounds. Two of that lobster, another pound of it was hamburgers, he said, and the other three pounds, some type of fluid. I don't know. I'm not going to get into that. That's gross. That's gross, Mr. DiPaolo. 833-599-6425 833-599-6425.
Starting point is 00:06:27 That's my phone number. Wait a minute. I got to take this call right off the bat. We don't do this often. But Jake in Ohio says he's a comedian. Maybe Sam or he's talking about a comedian. Doing gigs in China and getting your material passed by government agents. UK arresting comments.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Oh, he's not talking about me specifically. Jake, real quick, buddy. What are you talking about? Go ahead. Nick, I love you. You're a breath of fresh air, bro. Every comic they're putting on TV. I mean, can a comic even get a gig on Comedy Central
Starting point is 00:07:06 if he isn't like a total anti-American twit? I mean, is it ever going to happen? The answer is absolutely not. And same with Netflix. If you saw the people, Jake, that ran the business, you'd see why. But I am, can I just say this? I feel vindicated.
Starting point is 00:07:25 I couldn't be happier with the career path I chose as far as material point of view. And I feel like I'm ahead of the curve. And once I'm dead, hopefully I'll be recognized. But you make a great point. To get on Netflix, again, you have to be a Puerto Rican born with a cleft palate and one leg and LGBTQ. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Well, I do comedy all over the world. I'm flying in the Dayton Funny Bone Wednesday, by the way, but I like how I got that in. So I noticed when I was in Asia, they do comedy in China. But when I was over there, I make YouTube videos, right? I couldn't post one because you're not allowed. And the comics have to clear their jokes with the government agent. And then I don't know if this is true or not, but I read that Jimmy Kimmel, like, literally gets DNC talking points. Like, literally. Jimmy Kimmel literally gets DNC talking points. Literally.
Starting point is 00:08:28 He's like a propaganda agent almost. It's nuts that this is comedy now. How about the fact that you said you have to get cleared by the government in China to put up YouTube stuff. And YouTube is Google. And Google and Facebook and all the other tech giants, especially Facebook, working hand-in-hand with the China government, the Chinese government. So, yes, the Democrat Party and all the PC fucking police
Starting point is 00:08:57 that want to shut down people like you and I are walking hand-in-hand with people like the Chinese government. By the way, I did comedy in Hong Kong back in the late 90s. And it was awesome because the audience was all expats and British and American. But, hey, Jay, I appreciate the call, man. I got to move along. Love you, Nick. I appreciate it, man.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Good luck out there. Thanks, sir. Great call. We have to Google him after and check out his youtube and stuff but yes don't be surprised when you hear camel gets his talking points where do you think colbert gets his from his head writers yeah and his head writers gets them from the new york times and they're all hand in hand. It should scare you. They're for what the Chinese government is for.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Basically, it is fucking sickening. I couldn't be prouder to be a 56 year old white guy considered a deplorable and an asshole and a bigot and a racist because we all anybody who knows me knows I'm none of those things. Maybe an asshole. But why are you laughing, Jay? I'll come in there and I will body slam both you fucking stick figures. I look over, Jason's cackling when I said the asshole thing. You're not too fucking pleasant yourself, Jason, today.
Starting point is 00:10:17 I noticed you're on the rag. What happened? Get thrown in another friend zone? Yes, by a boy named Kevin. What? Hurry up. Yeah, no, he was very mean to me you gotta get to the mic quick of both of you if you're gonna throw a joke and timing is everything that little bit of a delay can really suck the wind out of room but uh jason was laughing when i said asshole any white guy my age who's doing stand-up or what it isn't being called an asshole
Starting point is 00:10:42 you're not fucking representing your point of view. Because an asshole in 2018 in this country is a guy who believes in the Constitution, liberty, not handing everything out to minorities and having migrants pouring over the borders. If you're fucking against all that, you're labeled an asshole by half the country, when they're the assholes
Starting point is 00:11:00 and the fuckfaces and the spineless pieces of garbage. Ah! Wow, I feel good. I took a power nap, had some coffee. You know what I did today? I brought in firewood, okay? I brought in firewood for an hour and a half.
Starting point is 00:11:16 My elbows are screaming right now. My right knee has fluid in it. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. That's what they want to hear on the left. 833-599-6425. Hey, remember last week? I hope you guys have this clip from last week. We did a story about a guy shouting out
Starting point is 00:11:35 Heil Hitler at a play in Baltimore, Fiddler on the Roof. And I said, oh, we don't have the clip of me saying what i said that's what i meant to tell you that was getting a little too professional i know but i made the prediction that it wasn't a fucking pro trump guy i said it was probably you know an anti-trump guy or you know because we all every time we oh somebody hung a noose on a black guy's door and turns out it was other black people that did it. We've seen a thousand of those. The lady on the subway,
Starting point is 00:12:08 a Muslim, she had the hijab on and said some guys tried to take it off her. It turns out that was a hoax. The cops actually busted her. But I made a prediction this guy was probably not a fucking pro-Trump guy. Well, they followed it up on John Nolte on Bre on bright bar media cover-up guy who yelled
Starting point is 00:12:28 heil hitler during fiddler on the roost performance uh hates trump here's the clip from uh the guy no no oh is that when the guy yells out that is the clip we used last time that you said to use. I want the clip of the... Did the guy yell out or no? No, that clip doesn't. We have a clip of people reacting to that. Was that my show? Did I see this on TV?
Starting point is 00:12:55 Okay, play the fucking Fiddler on the Roof guy. This song will stick in your head like April showers. Like German showers. Artie Lange, everybody. Anyways. Here's the headlines from last week. Washington Post, left-wing piece of garbage.
Starting point is 00:13:27 A man shouted, how Hitler and how Trump during Fiddler on the Roof and people fled. CNN said, man yells, how Hitler, how Trump during a performance on Fiddler on the Roof. New York Post, man has pro-Nazi, pro-Trump outbursts at Fiddler on the Roof. New York Times, Baltimore Fiddler disrupted by how Hitler, how Trump. Baltimore Sun, drunk man shouts by Heil Hitler, Heil Trump. Baltimore Sun. Drunk man shouts Heil Hitler, Heil Trump. Does Nazi salute during Baltimore performance of Fiddler on the Roof.
Starting point is 00:13:51 NBC News. A man yelled Heil Hitler, Heil Trump at Fiddler on the Roof show in Baltimore. Sparking fear in the audience. ABC News. Man shouted Hail Hitler, Hail Trump during intermission at Fiddler on the Roof performance. USA Today. These are all left-wing garbage, pieces of garbage. Man shouts Hail Hitler, Hail Trump at Fiddler on the Roof performance in Baltimore.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Mediate, Trump supporter interrupts Fiddler on the Roof performance shouting Hail Hitler, Hail Trump. CBS Witnesses, man shouts Hail Hitler, Hail Trump during performance of Fiddler on the Roof. Nolte says that's just a taste, but as you can see, two outlets, the New York Post and the far left, Mediate, chose to assume the man was a Trump supporter. When police say the opposite, the very fucking opposite was true. You can't handle the truth. Some of the outlets above do not even bother to report the truth
Starting point is 00:14:44 about the man being a Trump hater. It could be that the information was not available to them at the time, I doubt it. But a good faith search found no update stories with this. The man who yelled Hitler, how Trump during a theater performance of Fiddler on the Roof this week reportedly said he made the statements because the production reminded him of his hatred of President Trump. Anthony M. Darlonis II. oh my God, there's two of them, 58, told Baltimore police he yelled the slogans because the final scene before intermission reminded him of how much he despised the president.
Starting point is 00:15:17 The excerpt above is from The Hill, the only outlet I could find with a factual headline. Man said he yelled, Heil Hitler, Heil Trump during Fiddler in the Room because of hatred for Trump the far left CNN and New York Times actually do report the truth about the man's anti-Trump activism but bury it like they always do bury that truth beneath four and eight paragraphs
Starting point is 00:15:38 respectively fucking slimy I knew the minute I read it maybe we'll play it to me you know you watch the show I said I doubt it's a fucking guy who is pro-Trump and there you go but you just saw what the first caller was talking about
Starting point is 00:15:56 Kimmel getting his talking points from the DNC they're all in fucking lock and step folks like I said it's watching the Rockettes and they don't dare step out of line. But all those, two of them did an update on the story admitting that it was a Trump hater. What does that fucking tell?
Starting point is 00:16:14 How much more do we have to prove? And let me tell you something about Trump and Acosta and they make Acosta out to be some fucking martyr. The petulant little dick face. You know what? 93%, and this is from a neutral site, 93% of Trump's coverage in the mainstream media
Starting point is 00:16:37 since he's taken office, negative. So they're not shutting down any First Amendment. They didn't tell the rest of the CNN people to get the fuck out. Trump is the most transparent. The guy loves the camera. Every time he's walking to Air Force One, he doesn't have to stop. He stops every time,
Starting point is 00:16:54 and he's not shutting down all of CNN, so you're full of shit. It was about behavior. A cost is a petulant little fucking grandstanding pussy, and they ought to take it away permanently, but they didn't. So they're not, it's not a fucking freedom of speech issue. It's a decorum issue. And, uh, they're all fucking, like I said, they hand in hand and it's, it's ridiculous. And that's proof of it. All those media outlets I just read to you
Starting point is 00:17:22 and, and the headline, you know, guy yells, Heil Hitler during Fiddler on the Roof performance. That was the original headline. And people just read that in passing, people who don't follow the shit day to day, and go, yeah, he's a fucking bunch of Nazis in there. 833-599-6425. 833-599-6425 833-599-6425 and again later on the show
Starting point is 00:17:50 Brent Weinbach will be calling in in about 13 minutes a very funny comic who I gather from his act lives in the LA area I'm guessing well he said yeah he said he taught in Oakland actually
Starting point is 00:18:02 and he's really funny and I'm having him on the show because we appreciate somebody who has, you know, he's living in it. When I lived in L.A., I was doing comedy. Every time I walked into a comedy club, it was a black or Hispanic comic going, yeah, a white cop was chasing me through the fucking park, every goddamn time. It was palpable, the anti-white flying horseshit.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Anyways, speaking of race, let's stay on it. This one really, this one fried my apples into a golden brown. Chipotle, you know them for their fucking delicious food and diarrhea after. Exploding diarrhea.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Chipotle rethinking firing manager who refused you guys see if you can get an update on this they probably updated today who were thinking about firing a manager who refused to serve black customers over dine-in dash fears that's the headline
Starting point is 00:18:59 that's the headline I'm going to go on to read the story and there's a lot of it but remember that's the headline. I'm going to go on to read the story, and there's a lot of it. But remember, that's the headline. The restaurant chain Chipotle announced Saturday that it had terminated one of its managers for suggesting in a viral video that five black customers were planning to order food without paying. But on Sunday, the company acknowledged to Fox News that it was considering rehiring the manager
Starting point is 00:19:25 because her suspicions may have been well-founded. They always are, actually. They always are well-founded. And a series of video clips see more than 3 million times on Twitter, which creeps me out. Anytime there's something involved, possible racism against a black person, Twitter, 3 million views, which is, it's more proof. It's more proof that the younger people, the generations,
Starting point is 00:19:54 have been tortured with this black, white, supposedly racist, and they are just fascinated and can't wait to point out racism against people, whether it exists or not. Clip seen more than 3 million times on Twitter. A Chipotle customer in St. Paul, Minnesota, identified as 21-year-old Masood Ali. Guilty! Guilty! Sorry.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Nick, don't paint with a broad. Guilty! Guilty! Minneapolis. Sorry, Nick, don't paint with a broad. Guilty. Minneapolis. Masood Ali equal guilty.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Okay, I'm going a little far. And several friends are told by a manager, you got to pay because you never had money when you come in here. And employee ads. And employee ads. We're not going to make food unless you guys actually have money. Wow, what a concept. As Ali and his friends complain about stereotypes, they're not going to make food unless you guys actually have money. Wow, what a concept. As Ali and his friends complain about stereotypes,
Starting point is 00:20:51 they're just playing the country the same way the black guys at Starbucks did, complain about stereotypes. The video, which was recorded and uploaded by Ali, shows employees at the store claiming that the group had previously ordered food on two occasions without paying. At that point, they shouldn't even be let in the store. Can you imagine if that happened? The store manager also called the police. Here's the video that the kid, the black
Starting point is 00:21:12 kid, Ali, put up on Twitter with his friends, playing the kind of... What we gotta do? We never have money. We never have money. We got no money Bro, can we just get our food?
Starting point is 00:21:28 Can we just get our food? Bro apparently we ain't got no money We ain't got no money My nigga, bro you know me I pay here every freaking day Let's not even worry about that Can we get our food? I didn't even see her before I came here That's some crazy stuff Crazy stuff? Why? They know your feats?
Starting point is 00:21:50 What? She's doing this making crazy accusations. Crazy accusations. Can I say something? Y'all basically stereotyping us. Yeah, alright, that's enough. Basically stereotyping you. Yeah, you right, that's enough. Basically stereotyping you. Yeah, you're such an enigma to figure out.
Starting point is 00:22:08 You've already beat this fucking place twice for free food. Do you see the mindset of the supposed victims in this? Huh? How do all you idiots that rush to it on Twitter, ready to jump down Chipotle's throat, how do you feel now? I'll get into more of the... But do you see how these guys are media savvy?
Starting point is 00:22:30 They know in the United States of America in 2018, if that girl was black behind the counter, they probably wouldn't even have made the video. But she's just doing her job. She did it with a smile on her face. She didn't say, get the fuck out of here. You know what they do? They're going to have to stop posting pictures of these kids. Just like at the post office.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Put those up at McDonald's and Burger King and all the other places that they fucking go nuts at. Seriously. Unbelievable. White America, do you have any fucking spine left? Whoever runs Chipotle. I doubt it's real Hispanics. I got the update on that. What's the update, brother?
Starting point is 00:23:10 Chipotle chief communications officer, Lori Schell, told Fox News the company has offered to rehire its terminated manager. Schell sent the following statement. We have spent the last few days reviewing the evidence available to us regarding the incident in St. Paul. Based on our reviews, we have offered our manager her job back. While our normal protocol was not followed serving these customers,
Starting point is 00:23:28 we publicly apologize to our manager for being put in that position. Yeah, there you go. I'll read the rest of the story just because we can still learn a lesson from it. They had no choice but to give her her job back. They should make her fucking CEO is what they should do. Nice going. You guys are turning into quite a team over there. My goodness.
Starting point is 00:23:50 It sounded really racist the way she said it was racist. Ali told Minnesota's Star Tribune newspaper on Friday. She asked for proof of income as if I'm getting a loan. You ain't never going to get a loan, yo. On Twitter, Ali asked Chipotle, can a group of young, well-established African-American get a bite to eat after a long workout session? Uh, no. Ali also posted the restaurant's phone number
Starting point is 00:24:17 and addressed the social media. Within hours and under a deluge of criticism, here come all the judgmental jerk-offs in this country. Chipotle issued a statement implying that the manager had acted out of bias and announcing her termination. How did you get that, Ms. Shallow? How did you get that,
Starting point is 00:24:34 that she acted out of bias, knowing what you know? But on Sunday, as tweets emerging showing that Ali had apparently made a habit of stealing from restaurants, Chipotle walked back to its decision. Our actions were based on the facts known to us immediately after the incident. It really took him a couple days to figure this out, including video footage, social media posts,
Starting point is 00:24:55 and conversations with the customer manager and our employees. What the fuck was this, the Kennedy assassination? All you had to do, all you had to do was look at the kid's age, Mr. Ali and his friends, and go to their social media, and you could have figured it out in 10 seconds. Chicken shit, white woman. Chipotle chief communications officer Laurie Shallow told Fox News on Sunday, we now have additional information which needs to be investigated further. We want to do the right thing. So after further investigation, we will retrain and rehire if the facts warrant it. Don't retrain.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Don't fucking retrain. She did what she was supposed to do. Refucking train. Despite reports on Twitter late Sunday that the manager had received a job back, Chipotle, but we know that she got it back today. In subsequent interviews, though, Chipotle representatives admitted that the manager
Starting point is 00:25:44 might have been right in claiming that individuals in the group had ordered food just days before without paying. We are not able to confirm that with 100% certainty. You hear the balllessness, shallow acknowledge in a statement to the Twin Cities Pioneer Press. We asked Massoud if he was in our restaurant on Tuesday, and he said no, and he wouldn't lie like that. our restaurant on Tuesday, and he said no, and he wouldn't lie like that. And almost immediately, it emerged that Ali had apparently spoken favorably of dining and dashing, the practice of ordering food and not paying, several times on Twitter. Here's some of his quotes. Hi, man, I think Chipotle catching up to us, fam. Should we change locations? And yo, what should we do about the other thang? Read in a deleted post from 2016.
Starting point is 00:26:26 In 2015, he wrote that we finna go to Applebee's and eat as much as we can and tip the nice lady 20 cents and walk the fuck out. Piece of garbage is what he is. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. No, just this guy. Later that year, he opined that Dine and Dash
Starting point is 00:26:48 is forever interesting. That's in quotes. And discussed stealing Tabasco bottles from Chipotle. Another post read, guys, we're borrowing food. That's it. And if the ladies try to stop you at the door, don't hesitate to truck the shit out of that bitch. Ali has since deleted all these posts.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Yay for diversity. Can we get more people in with the name of Masood Ali? Can we get more Minneapolis? Can we get more little Mogadishu, they call it. Okay, just fucking garbage. But they know how to play the media. They're teenagers and they can see
Starting point is 00:27:22 America has a weak stomach for shit like this. And so do the white people in corporate America. I mean, it took them three or four days to find out the truth. As those tweets surfaced over the weekend, Chipotle's media reps including Shallow initially said they had seen
Starting point is 00:27:38 the tweets and would stand. Even after seeing the tweets, she said this, they would stand by their decision to fire the manager, seemingly contradicting Shallow's statement of Fox News on Sunday. According to author Matt Palumbo, Shallow had previously claimed that the store's manager was justifiably terminated because she broke protocol by requiring payment before making the customer's food,
Starting point is 00:27:59 regardless of her suspicions about the customer's intention to pay. You employees, after hearing that, you should give the fucking food away to everybody. Just to bust, just to get her a can. Your boss. Palumbo called Shalow's suggestion that Chipotle had not been aware
Starting point is 00:28:20 of all these tweets an absolute fucking lie. And he was right on the goddamn money. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. Anyways, bottom line, they came to their senses after, you know, it was like
Starting point is 00:28:36 the Kennedy assassination. They had to put together a committee, the Warren Commission, to figure out. They didn't want to know the truth. They didn didn't want to know the truth. They didn't fucking want to know the truth. Anyhow, hey, stay on the race topic.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Last week, a couple times, we played it two or three times. The Gangster Hotline. Let's play it for the people who missed the show last week one of our favorite pieces sup nigga what man you want to talk some shit call me start some shit bitch love that guy sup fool you gonna talk shit about me homie where you from hundreds of niggas is waiting for your motherfucking call and they all talking shit about you right now.
Starting point is 00:29:31 You wanna sell that shit? Call these motherfuckers ASAP. Yeah I said some shit. What? Man fuck you and your bone spurs. The hardest niggas is standing by, ready to pick up that phone. Buff niggas. Dark niggas. Asian niggas. White niggas. Suck my dick, bitch.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Fuck you. 1-2-1-3-3-7-3-4-2-5-3. All right. Just go, nigga. Fuck you. 4253 alright that's good the creator of that Brent Weibach a stand up comedian
Starting point is 00:30:10 writer responsible for internet sensations like the Gangsta Party Hotline Mind Jack A Man Gives Birth he's appeared on Conan Lopez Tonight various Comedy Central shows his stand up special Appealing to the Mainstream is on Amazon Prime we welcome to the showstream is on Amazon Prime. We welcome
Starting point is 00:30:25 to the show the very funny Brent Weinbeck. Brent, how's it going, buddy? All right, how are you? Dude, I wrote for Chris Rock for a couple years. Actually got nominated for a couple Emmys. When I saw that, that's the type of stuff we did.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Spot on, man. I didn't know anything about you i didn't know you were jewish and philippine oh yeah yeah yeah yeah where did you first of all where'd you grow up right uh i grew up here in los angeles uh well i mean not where you are but i mean yeah i grew up where i am right here um in los angeles yeah grew up in hollywood and uh how old are you? About 40. 40? I was going to go like that. I was guessing 28, 29.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Oh, really? Yeah. Maybe it's the Filipino. I got the Filipino. Filipino don't crack either? Good Filipino don't crack, yeah. Good Filipino don't crackino or something. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Filipino and Jewish. Yeah. Yeah yeah my dad's jewish yeah so growing up it just seems like a guy your age or even young you're exposed to this i don't know i lived in la for five years and oh yeah yeah what years uh from 95 to 2000 95 to 99 about four and a half years yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. And it was just palpable. Every time I watched a comic, a black or a Hispanic comic, it was this anti-white. It was still funny.
Starting point is 00:31:52 I mean, you know, I'm not saying a lot of it's true, but a lot of it was horseshit. I used to have to bite my tongue, and I'd go up at the Laugh Factory and look in the audience, and I would see, you know, Asians. I would see black. I would see anything. I'd see black, I would see anything. I'd see four white people and this was back then.
Starting point is 00:32:08 So you developed how long have you been doing stand-up? It's 18 years, 17, 18 years. And I wanted to play you stand-up on Lopez but it might get flagged. I monetize the show on
Starting point is 00:32:24 Mondays on YouTube. Oh really? I don't know, I think because it's like It might get flagged. This is the... I monetize this show on Mondays on YouTube. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, I don't know. I think because it's like... I don't know. Since that show's not on anymore, do you think they'd still flag that?
Starting point is 00:32:32 You know what? I didn't even think that. You know what? Fuck it. Can we play? We're going to play. I mean, it kind of like me saying that kind of delegitimizes that clip, I guess, that show's not on anymore.
Starting point is 00:32:44 But, you know, It's not really such a major credit. I did Arsenio Hall three times in six months and I still mention it now and then. Did you do the old Arsenio Hall? Yeah. He loved me. He fucking loved me. I was so comfortable by the third
Starting point is 00:33:01 set, I half prepared and right in the middle of it, I drew a blank and shit. He's like yelling shit from the couch oh no kidding oh wow well he he loved me so much every time he saw me at the comedy store he would come up to me and talk my ear off and and and he was hot at the time so it was a you know kind of a big deal and that that went away but that doesn't yeah i mean i just want to give the people a sample of uh i absolutely love your stand-up go ahead hold on a second what i have to take uh brett off the video to get the video we're going to take you off the video to put your video up all right oh sure all right
Starting point is 00:33:35 hold on brett how come hardcore gangsters are so healthy I mean how can we never see a hardcore gangster have allergies so who are you from oh man bless your punk ass man. Bless your punk ass. How come hardcore gangsters never eat ice cream? Buff that flick trying to get up on my schnip. Punk ass bitch doing too much.
Starting point is 00:34:22 That's tight. That's tight. That's tight. Gotta pull Brunt back up. I mean, he murdered. I watched the whole set. That's tight, that's tight, that's tight. Gotta pull Brunt back up. I mean, he murdered. I watched the whole set and he murdered. Now, you had to clean up the language here, or was that actual street jargon when you said schnip? No, no, I mean, it's both.
Starting point is 00:34:40 I mean, like, it's both. I mean, I did have to clean up the language, one. But I actually ended up just, from that point on, using the schnip and stuff like that because I liked it. I thought that sounded funnier anyway, actually. It did. So, like, it was kind of, I don't know, sometimes working with sensors and stuff kind of works out to an advantage. Never to my advantage. But when I did Kimmel, this is true, when I did Kimmel, they'd maybe come there
Starting point is 00:35:07 a couple hours before the show, stand on the stage, and talk through my set with a woman from ABC sitting there with a clipboard. And I couldn't even get through my set because I've been telling these jokes in a certain rhythm. I couldn't even talk through them. You know how it is.
Starting point is 00:35:23 She thought I was trying to avoid shit. I go, I don't remember how this bit ends because i'm talking it out right right right no totally yeah it's um no i mean it's hard it's hard to get tv sets i mean it just uh yeah i don't know i've i've anytime i've gotten sets on late night or it's just been a fluke you know but somehow it happens you know well every now and then i don't think it's a fluke is that i think you're really funny and uh yeah it's a different ball game for you guys i mean i i started i've been doing this 30 years so yeah yeah conan was right in town uh when i started so i did four conans a couple lettermans and um you gotta have the chops but um now you you you grew up you grew up out there, so that's only four minutes of your standard, but is a lot of it based on race and like the gangster hotline, do you seem to have that?
Starting point is 00:36:14 You know, I never think of it like it's race, really. It's more just life. Yeah, cultural. It's cultural, you know, and it's like, you know, people, and, you know, I don't really like to think of it as – it's usually just like individual characters. So rather than really just groups of people, it's really just about – I did work as a substitute teacher for a few years in my early 20s. And these are specific instances, not not like so yeah it's not really it's just more about characters really yeah it's not not i don't really kind of think i do stuff about race though you know something yeah well you know but when i do what i say they
Starting point is 00:36:57 do right away and all the white guy it's all about no this is cultural it's a macro it's not no no no no it's not it's how they judge judge guys like me differently maybe because the tough crowd or whatever so well yeah yeah that's actually a thing too is like i always kind of just try to be specific about anything that is that related to culture or like doing a character intonation or accent or something like that yeah i always kind of try to be specific about it like uh this is one thing that happened and or whatever or this is just one character you know this isn't every there's no or something like that your material on and you you are a substitute teacher in oakland yeah yeah and you're jewish filipino
Starting point is 00:37:42 substitute teacher that's a sitcom right there. I don't know how they're not banging that out. Oh, yeah. What would do? I mean, you could write a two-hour special based on, I can imagine, the stuff you heard and saw. Yeah, you know, I used to have a lot of material. Like earlier on when I started comedy, that was a lot of my stand-up comedy.
Starting point is 00:38:05 I used to do a lot of clubs in Oakland and um the stuff that would go over the best was the stuff about was substitute teaching because I was probably probably teaching a lot of their kids you know the audiences I was doing a lot back then you know right but um yeah I've kind of lost touch with it though over the years but um but yeah like i i used to have just tons of material about substitute teaching just you know every week that we knew a new bit you know well that's the good stuff though i mean like i said it'd be a jewish filipino substitute in oakland that's like a setup for uh well how'd you come up with a gangster hotline because that's how we found you well you know i was just uh i remember i was in the car with my friend and we were just
Starting point is 00:38:43 i was just joking around i was kind of just doing a riff on uh like a gangster wanted to talk crap and um i kind of just started going on this riff and at one point i just it led into him just saying uh you know you want to talk crap call me you know operators are standing by it kind of just became this thing where it was like there was this gangster wanted to talk crap and it was like he wanted you to call him and it was like this call center where you could talk crap to him and i it just kind of came out of a riff basically um and uh yeah so then i just i kind of sat on the idea for a couple years actually where did you where did you shoot it and how did you get the actors involved uh la casting you know i just put a posting up and um no kidding you know i had a little audition session and uh different guys came in and no no then no famous like the first guy looks familiar to me is he a comic
Starting point is 00:39:36 or just no just uh you know uh you know actor you know that came in um a couple comedians did come in that i didn't know um but um but yeah the the no one yeah oh actually byron bowers isn't you know the comedian byron i've heard of him yeah i don't know he's a los angeles-based comedian he's from atlanta originally uh he's a friend of mine he's in the video and he's he's a comic uh there's a guy named greg edwards who's a old friend of mine from san francisco i started comedy in san francisco and um he uh he's in the video as well he plays the deaf gangster um so uh byron bowers plays the dark gangster at greg edwards is the is the deaf one and then um i think that's about it i don't think there's any other comics actually the white gangster is probably i think he's a comic also but i didn't know he looked familiar too he looked familiar to me too i think it's
Starting point is 00:40:29 mel gibson's kid um the uh uh but yeah anyway we just had a little casting session and then um uh yeah you know i brought this little script and um yeah i just ended up the reason i kind of sat on it for a while is i thought it would have been a little bit of a a task to to get all these people together and i don't know just like a lot of you know there's a lot of roles and stuff right but but yeah it's kind of an old video it came out in 2013 yeah i'm behind i'm definitely behind the time yeah yeah i know but there's actually some follow-up videos to it um if you some of the, yeah, we'll look for those too. We played the voicemails that people left. Oh, yeah, there's that too.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Let me ask you, how did the actors, we're talking to Brent Weinbach, but how did the actors respond, like the black actors, when they read this shit, were they laughing? They had to be. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They were, yeah, I mean, they all liked it. I'm trying to think of, I don the only the only person who got offended by it was this white guy who was uh naturally i was i was looking for somebody to play the white gangster and um he i sent him the script i i prefaced
Starting point is 00:41:39 sending the script out saying there's a lot of foul language in it and you know if you're not comfortable with it um you know i totally understand it no problem if you want to pass on on coming in for this or whatever and the only person who had any kind of issue at all was this one white guy who's like a white rapper guy or something there you go or something like that or he's like some kind of dancer or something like that we would call him a liberal uh on this show uh anyways brent uh it was great talking to you man anything you want anything you want to plug guy because i i like to shine light on good work so i would love for people to check out my uh stand-up special on amazon uh it's called appealing to the mainstream
Starting point is 00:42:15 yeah and uh yeah i mean you know it's it's kind of like older material of mine so it's um uh it's kind of like a lot of my i feel like one of my best bits from the first 10 years of my stand-up okay um so it's all on that but it came that special came out uh recently but uh yeah so please check it out comedy central giving you any love they should be they would love a guy like you uh you know no i mean they're they've always been supportive but i've never gotten anything major going on with them. Fucking assholes. Anyways, hey, Brent, seriously, appreciate you taking the time. Oh, thanks for having me.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Yeah, no, you deserve some of the exposure. I'm sorry I didn't find you earlier. Oh, yeah, no, I mean, sometimes New York and Los Angeles is a part. But that shit made me laugh as hard as anything. Like I said, it reminded me of the Chris Rock show. Oh, check out the... You might like, there's one called Dadline, which was a follow-up, which is like,
Starting point is 00:43:12 you can call different dads. It's the same thing. It's the same concept, but it's just different dads. If you want advice or you want discipline or something, you can call it different dads. All right, Brian. All right. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Oh, there's another, there's a sequel to gangster party line as well, too. So they're both on YouTube. Twinks right there. Oh, we'll dig it up. We'll definitely. Yeah. Thanks for taking the time. And you're at Brent at why at Brent Weinbach on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:43:41 And what's your website? Oh, just Brent There you go. Hey, thanks a lot. We'll talk to you Just There you go. Hey, thanks a lot. We'll talk to you soon. All right. Bye. Brent Weinbach, everybody.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Funny dude. It's hard to do racial shit and do it well. As Chris Rock used to say, keep it out of the hands of the amateurs. We're not going to pull that stuff up today guys but uh we're definitely gonna because he does good work you know can you imagine a white guy showing up and be offended at the and he was a you know obviously a uh white rapper a wigger as they say as they say. I didn't make the word up.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Just using 833-599-6425. What else is going on in the PC world? You know what's falling apart? The United Kingdom, otherwise known as England. Britain. That's the home of the motherland of white people. And it's decaying just like you think it would. Because white political correctness usually comes from white liberal they're past liberal over there they're past
Starting point is 00:44:50 socialists i don't know what you call them they're a fucking bill hicks said it on one of his cds 25 years ago he just come back from london he's like what a socialist nightmare and he's no right winger but these stories that come out of the uk and the reason i read them because that that shit we it eventually comes across the pond as they say and uh some of the stuff about the read to you here it's already happening united states but listen to this i i can't make this shit up uh university lecturers have been told not to use, get this, words and capital letters when setting assignments because it might frighten students into failure. Fucking baby.
Starting point is 00:45:37 I'll repeat that. College lecturers told not to use words and capital letters because it's going to frighten the fucking students. College-age students. Your mom goes to college. Staff at Leeds Trinity School of Journalism have also been told to write in a helpful, warm tone, avoiding officious language and negative instructions.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Some blasted the move as more academic mollycoddling of the snowflake generation and enhancing student understanding engagement and achievement memo-less do's and don'ts with do and don't among words frowned upon. I can't make that up. Talk about meta.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Did you hear what I just said? An enhancing student understanding engagement engagement, and achievement. Memo lists do's and don'ts with do and don't among the fucking words frowned upon. This is real. People might go, oh, that's crazy. This is the fact that this exists anywhere on the planet. Never mind the fucking United States or the UK. This is the fact that this exists anywhere on the planet. Never mind the fucking United States or the UK. This is real.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Can you fucking imagine? ISIS is chopping people's heads off, and we're over here going, don't use the word don't. Think about that. World War III. There's no doubt. World War III. There's no doubt. The memo says,
Starting point is 00:47:08 despite our best attempts to explain assessment tasks, any lack of clarity can generate anxiety and even discourage students from attempting the assessment at all. Generally avoid using capital letters for emphasis and the overuse of do and especially don't. How about this? How about this? How about fuck you and fuck those kids?
Starting point is 00:47:32 They weren't meant to survive on this planet. And if you're raising your kids like that or teaching them like that, you're killing them yourselves. What the fuck? And this isn't any crazier than the shit that goes on in campuses over here. The fucking left, the loony left, has lost their mind. Not just in the United States, nothing to do with Trump.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Just, it's come full circle. It's mental, it's a mental fucking illness, political correctness. It's a cancer, it's insidious, it's a mental fucking illness. Imagine raising a kid in 2018 on this planet and making sure you don't use the word don't around him. It might hurt his fucking feelings. My father didn't use the word don't either. He used to smack me in the face.
Starting point is 00:48:17 If I was fucking spinning a quarter on a table like a child, he wouldn't say don't do that. He'd go bang with a backhander. And look how I turned out. Just groovy. a child, he wouldn't say, don't do that. He'd go, bang, with a backhander. And look how I turned out. Just groovy. I can't make this shit up. Students at Manchester, oh, by the way,
Starting point is 00:48:37 this is the same school we reported on a few weeks ago, at Manchester have voted to ban clapping over fears. Noise could trigger anxiety and suggest, they suggested using jazz hands to show appreciation instead of clapping. Imagine I'm doing a stand-up show, you watch one of my
Starting point is 00:48:51 live specials, and instead of fucking people clapping, everybody's doing this to me. Every time I said something funny. Might as well be going, eh, eh,
Starting point is 00:49:00 eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh. Nick, why do you gotta go there? Because I'm in a basement of my fucking house! Right, kids? Right here, a great friend of mine. He's playing Harrison Vegas for the weekend. Got a beautiful voice.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Got the woman on the face of a 70-year-old lady. A big round of applause for the Wayne Newton, everybody. That bloomin' May So love is rainin' I'm bloomin' rich Because I got a face of a lesbian It hasn't changed to a man's yet If you see a snatch Up on the hill
Starting point is 00:50:06 You might wanna grab a dildo Or a handful of dabadoos So keep on looking For a bluebell Alright, kill it. Why is it all grainy and shit? What happened? Old video.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Bullshit. Bull- VHS tape. What? Why is it all grainy and shit? What happened? Old video. Bullshit. A VHS tape. What? That was converted from a VHS tape to YouTube. And who did that? I pulled it off the TV, you motherless fucks. And the last time you played it wasn't that grainy.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Is that the one you played last time? Bullshit, Jason. Bullshit. Jason. Bullshit. Jason's had enough of me. Jason came in in a bad mood today. He's usually a happy kid. Something happened. Yeah, no, there's something bothering him. I'm fine. I just didn't get much sleep last night. There you go. I knew it was something. It's okay. I'll make it up. Thus, you're in a bad mood.
Starting point is 00:50:58 People who don't sleep well, you're a little grumpy. You're riding the cotton pony as we used to say in high school. However, Ryan floated in here with his toeless shoes. Looks like a gay version of Mike and the Mad Dog. Say hello to Bernie and Ern, everybody.
Starting point is 00:51:16 All right, take it down, Ryan. Fucking Jesus. Anyways, don't use capital letters or you'll scare these motherfuckers. My teachers used to scream. And if you weren't paying attention, they would fucking yell at you. I had a teacher throw an eraser at my head. And I deserved it.
Starting point is 00:51:38 I wouldn't stop joking around with the guy next to me. And I got an eraser that hit me in the shoulder. White powder and shit. Imagine today that guy would be shot. Matter of fact, I would have been it. Hit me on the shoulder. White powder and shit. Imagine today that guy would be shot. Matter of fact, I would have been shot for my behavior in the class. We all took off during a physics class.
Starting point is 00:51:55 My high school had a big hockey brawl with Gloucester High School. And a couple of the kids on the hockey team were in my physics class. And the teacher left the class in the middle of the class. He said, I'll be right back. Half the class, me and about eight other guys, took off down the hall to the whatever room it is where they had the VCR.
Starting point is 00:52:14 And we watched the hockey brawl and didn't come back. We thought we had that kind of relationship with him. And boy, did he fucking kill us the next day. I learned two things from physics class. I can still remember the meniscus. That's the natural dip in the water. Jason, am I right?
Starting point is 00:52:34 Jason's a German. He's very smart. The meniscus and the hottest part of the flame is the top third. That one was easy for me to remember because my dad used to put cigarettes out of my elbow. What?
Starting point is 00:52:49 Made no sense. And now this. A beautiful girl in Russia doing a cannonball. The April Show. The April Show. Can we do that again, please?
Starting point is 00:53:13 Wow, I timed that pretty good. Do that again. Do that again. One more time. She thought that was water. I don't know. There's little hints that it's not. Like a perfect reflection.
Starting point is 00:53:40 But that was sexy, wasn't it? Gotta love them Russian broads. Putin was probably behind her with a gun filming it. Do it again. Let's go to Nick in Richmond. Says Ocasio-Cortez wants to make Election Day a holiday and take away Columbus Day. Matter of fact, they do that.
Starting point is 00:54:02 All right, enough, fellas. They both have their pants down there. They do that in India, by the way. They make it a holiday. And you know why they do it in India, in third world shithole country? Because there's so much violence and stuff. That's what I read in the paper today.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Nick, what's going on? So Miss Cortez wants to spread this third world garbage here, and like you said, not even celebrate Columbus Day? How dare she? Well well i thought that was perfect because of your columbus day episode on the soprano it all just kind of ties right in yes it does you know so that's her big idea and the article she got the idea from bernie sanders when she worked for bernie sanders or whatever and that's fine i guess you know they think we lost by a narrow margin so let's just do anything we can to secure a vote
Starting point is 00:54:52 so i guess she thinks that black people don't vote because they can't get off work you know unbelievable i don't know i'm a business owner i'm a business owner i don't like schedule my black employees for a double that day you know and tell them i don't know it's just crazy it is crazy i was on the i was on the road i mailed in a ballot you know yeah if you want to vote you'll vote i i you know i mean yeah it's just unreal yeah i mean they i i keep hearing voter suppression and and it's the unreal. Yeah, I mean, I keep hearing voter suppression and it's the same thing. What, black people and brown people
Starting point is 00:55:30 don't have licenses and shit? How do they fucking, are you kidding me? They even have fake ones. I mean, what a fucking bunch of horse shit. That's how we're suppressing people of color from, absolute fucking lie. You need a license to buy beer beer get on a plane
Starting point is 00:55:46 fucking hotel room but uh i mean come on maybe they couldn't make it to the polls this year since they're all employed under trump now you know that's a great idea they got their lowest and they've got their lowest employment rate unemployment rate ever so they're just like i guess we got to figure out a way to combat that get them all the day i don't know what their line of thinking is yeah but she's such a fucking idiot i mean the day after she got elected she said i can't wait to be inaugurated i heard that start affecting change they i heard that fucking inaugurate congressman I mean, Jesus Christ,
Starting point is 00:56:25 I can't wait. You know, did she think, did she think she was going to be standing in front of the goddamn reflection pool, giving a speech because she won the fucking congressional district for the bra. I mean,
Starting point is 00:56:36 what a fucking idiot. Yeah. And no, she does believe that because we live in a time where, I mean, you know, if you're a Latina and, and,
Starting point is 00:56:43 and you're twenties and you're articulate and clean and you're 20s and you're articulate and clean, you're a fucking genius in the Democrat. She showed a true colors. Thanks for the call. By the way, Nick, I got to move on. She showed a true colors on the Kimmel interview. Oh, my God. She said like about 19 times.
Starting point is 00:56:59 We played it. And again, she's from a town that abuts my town. This fucking Westchester needs to be fucking destroyed. Let me get out of here first. Give me a couple years to unload the house and the tweaks. You might want to come with me.
Starting point is 00:57:15 But Zuckerberg, and again, Zuckerberg, I'm not putting him in the Orc Cortez, but I'm just saying, that's how liberal New York is. I hope I run into her somewhere. I'd be nice to her. If I run into Hillary, I'll give her a fucking forearm shiver right to her fatty neck.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Watch her tits vibrate. But Cortez, I go, honey, what are you doing? I mean, you're cute, and you should be waitressing. What are you doing? Make me a sandwich! Make me a sandwich. Make me a sandwich. I've got to have that on the board. Anyways, we got off topic a little bit.
Starting point is 00:57:56 What's with the super chats today? Anything? Anything relative? I got one from Chris Kaufman Jr. For Christ's sake. He is the only guy in there? There's 500 of them. Are there really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I love Chris Kaufman Jr., but hold on. What's it about? And I'll say yes and no. Is it even relevant? Political correctness? Yeah, go ahead. America is rebelling against political correctness. Even Facebook has been unfriended by $120 billion.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Unfriended by $120 billion. Unfriended by $120 billion? Somebody help me out with that. I know people are dropping off. Is that what he means? A lot of people are quitting Facebook. I still don't believe it, though. They'll quit, but they'll be back on it in two weeks, I'd say. It's like coke.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Like cigarettes, I'm not even trying to quit, because I know I'll break in. I'll cave in the minute somebody walks by me. I'll fucking grab it out of their hand. Though April showers, don't play it. Let me just sing it, because it'll be in my head. You see, it's already caught. I'm going to have to find another brain-eating...
Starting point is 00:59:01 Thank you, Chris Kaufman. He's always in there. Here we go. More politically correct Akaka from the United Kingdom. And again, this has already happened in the United States. Instead of banning expensive jackets, it was sneakers a few years ago. But a school in the United Kingdom has forbade students from wearing expensive jackets because doing so may, in quotes, poverty shame other students. And I say, get a better jacket, you poor little kid. Get better parents. Wrap yourself in duct tape and cotton.
Starting point is 00:59:36 I'm wearing my fucking $800 jacket. Nick, that's a letter sent by official school of his informed parents that pupils will not be permitted to bring in Canadian goose and Montclair coats after the Christmas break. Such garb can cost up to $900. And some of the kids' parents are just fucking lazy or they only have one parent and they fucked without planning it and they live on government cheese and they can't have such things. I added all that for emphasis. Except for the part about the garb can cost 900 bucks. According to the head teacher, Rebecca Phillips, parents had asked for the prohibition. I don't know who to believe here, but we are very concerned, this is the parents, about the fact that our children put a lot of pressure on parents to buy them expensive coats.
Starting point is 01:00:26 She said, oh, this is Rebecca Phillips talking. Pupils were attending classes in coats that cost up to 700 euros. She said, adding a lot of parents at our school cannot afford that. I just want you to think about the fucking mentality there. about the fucking mentality there. Those pupils who did not have expensive outerwear were upset, she continued. They feel stigmatized. They feel left out.
Starting point is 01:00:55 They feel inadequate, she said. I don't believe that for a second. What kid that age is going to use the word stigmatized? Excuse me, teacher? Yes, I have a vest on. It's 11 degrees out and Jimmy has a nice fur coat on. I feel stigmatized. What a crock of shit.
Starting point is 01:01:14 This is socialism. Under socialism, we should all live in the same mediocrity. All wear fucking $12 jeans and $4 shirts from Target. That way nobody's feelings will get... This is socialism in action. Okay?
Starting point is 01:01:31 It happened over here a couple years ago. I read a story on my old podcast. Parents were getting upset because some students were wearing, you know, Air Jordans. And not all the kids could afford them. Tough fucking shit. You live in a capitalistic society. Free market. That's how it works. You don't like it them. Tough fucking shit. You live in a capitalistic society, free market. That's how it works.
Starting point is 01:01:47 You don't like it, move to fucking England. Or is this some socialist Marxist shithole? Oh, that is England, I'm sorry. What a fucking horrible country. Now, why are we putting that up? Jace? Jace? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:03 up jace jace no i want to i want you to explain your thinking there come on get on it it's a i don't know something about coats and it all being uniform in england and i i thought i had connected some pretty smart dots and i'm realizing very very quickly leave the funny to me yeah or or ask me about it beforehand but you make good points not all the kids could afford those giant fur hats. Those red coats. But that's what, that's what, so, all right, dude. I already yelled at you once. The fuck you doing?
Starting point is 01:02:37 You're really getting on my nerves today, J. It's Uzi Ryan. You really didn't sleep at all. I had to change it up every once in a while. Anyhow. you really didn't sleep at all gotta change it up every once in a while um anyhow that's what socialism is we all dress the same
Starting point is 01:02:56 no individuality all wear the same type of clothes that cost the same the government will decide if we can afford better stuff. Fuck that. That's what made this country great, that we don't do stuff like that. Are you
Starting point is 01:03:12 fucking kidding me? By the way, the poor people in this country, they're all about 60 pounds overweight. And you know what? They wear Nike. I see fucking homeless people in New York asking me for money wearing Nike sneakers. Not old ones, new ones.
Starting point is 01:03:28 And a leather jacket. So let's not kid ourselves. And those kids, I don't believe they're complaining. This is either the school, their parents might be. But your parents work harder. You can get your kid a nicer coat. That's the lesson. Well, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:03:44 That's kind of cruel. No, it's not actually. It's the way the world should be. It's a race. Who's going to win it? Oh, my God, Nick. You're a human piece of girl. Yeah. Some have also asked whether Perinex coats, which are also in a similar
Starting point is 01:03:59 price range, with some also having real fur, will also be prohibited. Well, if they're not prohibited because they offend poor people, the animal rights activists will throw blood on you. Fucking leftist cum guzzlers. I am writing to confirm that these brands will also be prohibited after Christmas.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Thank you for your ongoing support. The school's decision received a mixed reaction on social media. The fact that it received a mixed reaction on social media once again shows us we're doomed as a species. We will definitely fail. But some other people thought the ban was unnecessarily restrictive. Thank God some people have their wits about it.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Another social media user, Chris Garland, asked, why shouldn't you be allowed to keep warm in something nice your parents have bought you? He says, I highly doubt every kid with a nice coat bullies someone. They say bulls in England. So if there's a case of a group, say, targeting someone, that's a separate issue
Starting point is 01:04:52 and should be resolved by the school. Almost half of Woodchurch's student population is considered poor. A November 16 survey indicates over two-thirds of Britain support the school edict. There you go.
Starting point is 01:05:07 What more do you need to know about Britain? Why is everyone so fucking stupid? Why aren't more people interrogating? Rock me. I don't know. It's a white disease. It's white guilt. And it's unbelievable. Whether it's white libs over here feel guilty about slavery.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Or it's fucking England because they controlled half the fucking planet at one time it's all based in that couple it with you know progressive thinking anyways though April showers may come your way it'll give you a rash on your ass today.
Starting point is 01:05:48 Hey, I was looking on the internet last week and I saw a picture. Put up the picture, the first picture. I see this. Four signs you're about to die of a heart attack. And I see that and I go, well, that must be Hillary laying by the pool. Only that I was like, I was definitely wrong. Her fucking calves are much bigger than that.
Starting point is 01:06:12 But I see that. Now put up a picture of my leg. This is where it caught my attention. That's right, peg-legged Nick. Look at that. And that was fucking a year ago. So, and I'm smoking, I'm fine, if I'm not hearing this substitute someday,
Starting point is 01:06:27 you'll know what got me, it's called the DEMA, look at that peg leg, and, uh, damn it, who's the caller that calls in, you remember, Chase, there's a guy that called in my series show, he's a patron member,
Starting point is 01:06:40 uh, and he called in and he sold pharmaceuticals and he told me about the edema thing. There's many causes, but that kind of freaked me out. But edema, it's an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the
Starting point is 01:06:57 interstitium located beneath the skin and in the cavities of the body. What am I, a Thanksgiving turkey? Stick an onion in my ass? Which can cause severe pain. Clinically, edema manifests as swelling. The amount of interstitial fluid is determined by the balance of fluid.
Starting point is 01:07:13 You know, I went into Midas Muffin, they put me up on the rack, they said my fluids were all topped off. Homostasis and the increased secretion of fluid into the interstitium. Cutaneous edema is referred to as a pitting when after pressure is applied to a small area, the indentation persists after the release of the pressure,
Starting point is 01:07:33 which I have. I had. I don't have it right now. Wife said because I was drinking too much. I just think that my Timberlands were too tight. But if you pushed on my shin with your finger, you'd leave a dent. It's creepy. It's some creepy shit.
Starting point is 01:07:50 But I took advantage of it. I put salt in those little indentations. And, you know, you never know when you're in a restaurant. Peripheral pitting edema, as shown in the illustration, is the more common type, resulting from water retention. It can be caused by systemic diseases, pregnancy in some women, either directly or as a result of heart failure. Oh, gee, that's the one that got me. It said heart failure.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Well, this is a big one. I'm done. Or local conditions such as varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, insect bites, dermatitis, eczema somebody is that is this I made those up anyways that kind of freaked me out because lately I haven't been exercising my right knee is my right knee is holding fluids I have I have slight I told you I went to the doctor I have slight arthritis in both knees
Starting point is 01:08:47 which is common for a guy my age who was an athlete but both my elbows I have tendinitis in both my elbows bring in firewood today I thought I was going to cry it's tremendous so I'm in good shape I'll do two one arm pushups to prove it
Starting point is 01:09:03 anyways edema that's what it is it happened to me So I'm in good shape. I'll do two one-arm pushups to prove it. Anyways, edema. That's what it is. It happened to me after I went to Italy, lived on bolognese for five days and two gallons of wine. And who would have guessed that swelled up on the plane. If you see people walk around on a plane,
Starting point is 01:09:21 sometimes they're trying to avoid that. But that's when I first experienced it about five years ago, got off a plane. And, and, and, uh, anyways, they checked my leg out. They did trying to avoid that, but that's when I first experienced it about five years ago. Got off a plane and anyways, they checked my leg out. They did a, you know, the scan thing and whatever. Between that and my heart though, I might be pushing it. I might be pulling a Colin Quinn. I don't know though. Let's hope not.
Starting point is 01:09:38 But that's edema. Anyways, Tony in Portland, Oregon wants to touch on Facebook and people dropping off. Tony, welcome to the show. How are you, pal? Good, Nick. How you doing, buddy? I'm hanging in there. Hey, a big fan. Love your work. Thank you, sir. Yeah. The Facebook thing I've got, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:10:03 a dozen or so friends that like you said, like you said, they don't leave Facebook. They deactivate the account for, like you said, a couple weeks, a month, whatever, and then they're back. And it turns out they're all liberal or independent, a.k.a. liberal. And it's all because of Trump. I mean, it's comical, man. It's to the point of they can't even, they're still saying 45 or the guy in the White House. They can't even say the guy, you know how bad you have to be hated for someone not to be able to call you by your name. Yes, I'm married.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Or your title or whatever. Oh, my. Yeah, no. You and Louie, you got friends that disagree on things but i i can't i can't even talk to these people it's comical man i'll leave you with that you can comment but you know i love your work and uh thanks thanks to good call great call the call is a good they're trained this show's really good i'm sorry they should win some type of internet award, which they have. But he's right. That's how fucking intolerant
Starting point is 01:11:08 they are. And when I read that too about people dropping, I go, it's got to be something's got to be bothering people to the point where they can't stomach it. And that was the first thing that came to my mind. Can you fucking imagine? That's how Chuck, I said it, and I'll say it again. Like I said,
Starting point is 01:11:24 the Democrat Party is like a kid losing a Monopoly game, so he flips the board over. They can't believe Trump's doing this well, the economy's this good, employment's that low, ISIS is crushed. They have no fucking answers other than racism, bigot, blah, blah, blah. And they can't even
Starting point is 01:11:39 say his fucking name. And you shouldn't be complaining that your liberal friends are dropping off on Facebook. Because why would you want to fucking talk to them if they're that intolerant anyways? Like those two broads up at Mohegan Sun that gave me the finger five minutes into my show. Because I had lit up a cigarette. I bet that was
Starting point is 01:11:56 part of it. And then I said, I'll get to Hillary in a few seconds. That's all it took. And they are the party of tolerance. Lying fuckstains, each and every one of you. And they are the party of tolerance. Lying fuckstains, each and every one of you. Fuckstains?
Starting point is 01:12:09 Where did I come up with that? I have no idea. Anyways. I'm about to wrap it up, kids. Here's a funny thing. From now on, when we bring shit up, I'm just going to go, and now this. they used to do that on monty python and now this this is a santa app that's scaring kids
Starting point is 01:12:35 seems innocent right hello there can you hear me give it five nights i'm here for you i will look for for you. And I will find you. And I will kill you. What an evil world! Oh my god. Imagine. Oh my god. And we will find you and we'll kill and the kid get upset and ran to his mother and boy did that strike me funny that's where my sense of humor is at now again a lot of people
Starting point is 01:13:15 go what the how is that funny scaring it's hilarious didn't jimmy kimmel do a whole thing where kids open up gifts and they would get upset or something, I look over at Ryan, it's like he's not even from this planet, like he's never heard of Jimmy Kimmel, and he did something where they, I forget, they opened up gifts that were, they didn't want, I don't know, on purpose to make the kids cry, the kids would start screaming, and it was fucking hilarious, Nick, he's saying that's what you find funny make a little yes yes i see a kid in the store and his mother goes you can't have that and they stop bawling i belly laugh for about five minutes and i go shut that fucking kid up or i'll buy the candy bar for anyways that is it tomorrow i'll get to the kevin spacey story he hasn't been seen for like a year
Starting point is 01:14:05 or so pretty interesting because his brother's quoted in the story I'll get to that maybe we'll have him in studio because guess where we found him he's been staying in my tool shed and using the tools for various things though April showers may come
Starting point is 01:14:21 your way go to check out my tour dates. And again, I'm excited. Last three shows, no empty seats. Means a little bonus money for Nicholas. I need it. What with the holidays coming up. I got Yom Kippur and I got
Starting point is 01:14:37 Chimney. Jason, which one? You're German, so you must know what the Jews are doing all the time what's the this is Jason giving a speech at his high school class they loved me there what's the holidays
Starting point is 01:15:01 Hanukkah Hanukkah that's right celebrating that I am circumcised what's the holidays? Hanukkah. Yeah, Hanukkah. Hanukkah, that's right. Be celebrating that. I am circumcised. I did it myself out in the cold with a dull butter knife in seventh grade. All right, kids, that is it. That's all I can think of.
Starting point is 01:15:14 We love you, man. Like I said, people after the shows are coming up and mentioning the show. And I say a catchphrase on stage, and at least three people out of 300 know what I'm talking about. So I'm getting excited. I think about a timease on stage, and at least three people out of 300 know what I'm talking about. So I'm getting excited.
Starting point is 01:15:25 I think about a time I'm 71, 72. I will be making a clarinet, I'd say 11.5. That is it. Remember, you think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. And here's a little something for you to take away. © BF-WATCH TV 2021 Субтитры создавал DimaTorzok Thanks for watching!

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