The Nick DiPaolo Show - Pelosi Pisses off her own People | Nick Di Paolo Show #412

Episode Date: September 16, 2020

Harris-Biden administration? Pelosi can't come to terms with the GOP. Trump talks COVID at town hall...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, we've been hearing ad nauseum the last six months, that quote, you know, we're all in this together. Horseshit. No, we're not. People like you guys and me, we're on one end trying to get to the truth, and on the other end are some really big, powerful entities trying to silence us. YouTube, who took away this show's opportunity to make money, is one. Twitter, who is shadowbammy, is another.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Hell, the entire Democratic Party thinks the First Amendment shouldn't apply to us. You know what? They're fucking wrong. I'm going to keep doing this show four days a week. I'm going to keep doing it for free. I need your help, though. If you haven't contributed to the show, please go to or click on the button in the video description to do it. If you have contributed, please consider doing it again. It's very important. This is my call to action, and it's bigger than me or you. It's a call to action to keep fighting for the truth and for free speech. Please contribute at, and thank you so much for watching. Share this show and like this show, and let's keep it going and growing. Thank you. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:08 How are you folks? Welcome to the show. I'm extremely agitated today because fucking technical problems through the goddamn roof. This headset I got on, I'm hearing in one ear for no fucking reason uh i give up i give the fuck up i wish i started radio right after fucking marconi did something this is fucking ridiculous steve jobs and all you fucks this shit isn't ready for prime time and it's not me it changes every day it's not user friendly people 12 times smarter than me in this shit
Starting point is 00:02:50 can't figure it out so kiss my fucking ass wish I was banging a fucking pilgrim right now I fucking hate it I hate this country right now not the country itself the fucking cancer within the country which we call the democrat party biggest fucking sham in the history of uh mankind remember yesterday oh by the way i want to mention we have a great guest uh at the end of the show
Starting point is 00:03:20 today bobby henline you might have seen him on fox. He's a true hero and patriot. He was in the army and fought in the Gulf War and he actually retired in 92. And then after 2001, he enlisted again for three tours in Iraq. He got blown up at an IED and he's disfigured, but he's such a strong, great guy. He went on to become a stand-up comic. He speaks all over the world as a motivational speaker. So I get to sit down with him and have a great chat. That's coming up at the end of the show. Let's get right to it. Yesterday, I showed, why give these jerk-offs a plug? Why give Gatorade zero plug?
Starting point is 00:04:05 Yesterday, we showed a clip of Kamala Harris making a Freudian slip. I don't think it is. I think it might be. Well, here's what she said. You remember from yesterday. A Harris administration together with Joe Biden. A Harris administration with Joe Biden. Something happened yesterday makes me think this is intentional because stupid.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Joe Biden said this yesterday. Harris Biden administration is going to relaunch that effort and keep pushing further to make it easier for military spouses and veterans to find meaningful careers. All right. All right. All right. Do you hear what he said? A Harris Biden administration. A Harris Biden administration. What are we doing? What's going on right now? You know why they're doing this? I'm telling you, because he's not going to be the goddamn. why they're doing this i'm telling you because he's not going to be the goddamn he's going to be the nominee if you you know for a week or whatever if they win right and then jerk off uh
Starting point is 00:05:12 kamala's going to jump in and they're going to go well we told you it was a harris biden administration i swear to god that's the level they work at you think that's a coincidence you think after kamala said it yesterday, there wasn't a discussion with, do you really, right? Do you realize what you said, Kamala?
Starting point is 00:05:35 I'm sure there was a discussion. Don't make that mistake again. And then Biden goes out the next day as retarded as he is. Again, this is the level they work at. I don't know. I don't know. They're so fucking nefarious. I can't even figure it out. And I'm half Italian. How weird is that? Somebody explain that to me. My aching stem. The Harris Biden. That's what it is. You know what? That's not
Starting point is 00:06:00 even accurate. It's not going to be a Harris Biden administration. They're going to eventually she's going to come out and he's going to come out and go, the AOC, I mean Biden, I mean the Biden-Harris poll, we took a Harris poll. The Biden administration agrees with AOC. It's the far left running the show, for the love of Jesus. Do you guys not find that weird? What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:06:24 Did he slip up or was it intentional? I don't know. I don't fucking know. I don't care. We are in deep doo doo. Anyways, you guys can weigh in on that. Too bad we didn't have a call in line. you guys can weigh in on that.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Too bad we didn't have a call in line. Speaking of far-left wackos, I got a big kick out of this. You know who Jim Cramer is, the money guy? He is Louis C.K.'s doppelganger, whatever the fuck they call it. He is Louis C.K. I swear to God, Louis,
Starting point is 00:07:03 nobody's seen these two jerk-offs in the same room. Louis, I was kidding when I said jerk-off. Good friend of mine. Well, you pull your prick out and you jerk off. But listen, anyways, he's on CNBC. A lot of people get their financial news from this guy. I know a few people who think he's a crackpot, but seems to know his shit. He called Nancy Pelosi crazy to her dirty face as opposed to the rest of us.
Starting point is 00:07:30 I don't get to say it because I don't live in San Francisco or D.C. But what? Watch Pelosi's face in her wrinkled mouth from blowing guys for over 100 years. Between you and I think Secretary Mnuchin. I mean, what deal can we have? Crazy Nancy. I'm sorry. That was the president. I have such reverence for the office. I would never use that term, but it is. But you just did. But you just did. But you just did. I have no sense of humor because, you know, fundamental leftists. That's what we have. We have no sense of irony. But but you just did. She's 80. You're just did. She's 80.
Starting point is 00:08:06 You're fucking crazy. She's fucking 80. Watch out because I'm... Cuckoo pop, cuckoo pop. Cuckoo pop, cuckoo pop. Cuckoo pop, cuckoo pop. Crazy Nancy. That was,, yeah, yeah, yeah. Crazy Nancy. That was, I guess, him quoting Trump.
Starting point is 00:08:30 And she is crazy. I'll prove it with the next few stories. People on her side, her allies and the Democrat rank and file Democrat are getting sick of her shit and complaining. They're complaining in public. Just evil. Just the evil who-a. Anyways, yeah, rank-and-file Democrats fucking this dot and hate Pelosi.
Starting point is 00:08:58 She's a malignant cunt. They have increasingly become frustrated with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's brinksmanship-style negotiations, whatever the fuck that means, with congressional Republicans and President Donald Trump. She's being a dick about the money. Politico reported that Pelosi has continued to pursue her hardline approach in negotiations with Republicans, demanding a coronavirus bill at around $2.2 trillion. He's a little whore and a little piece of trash.
Starting point is 00:09:32 The report arises as many coronavirus programs created by the CARE Act have languished over Pelosi's reluctance to compromise with Trump and congressional Republicans. However, her reluctance to find a middle ground with moderate Democrats has infuriated many of her most vulnerable members. Those are people that are going to get voted out. Thanks. It is twice. Senate Democrats rejected a targeted coronavirus aid bill sponsored by Senate Republicans last week. Excuse me. During a call with moderate New Democrat coalition and Democrat leadership on Tuesday, Kathleen Rice, Democrat of New York, asked Pelosi why the House would not stay in session until they passed a deal. And she said this to that woman. It's a sick question. You're a sick fuck and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it.
Starting point is 00:10:23 So that was. Do we have a clip oh no we did have pictures of these broads who are these fucking broads huh nobody knows then there's another uh rep abigail uh spanberger delicious with the lettuce and cheese virginia who represents district trump won in 2016 by more than 60 said during a call my conviction is actually to do my goddamn job and come up with a solution for the American people. We have to bring something to the floor. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Democrat, the second highest ranking Democrat,
Starting point is 00:10:59 has pushed Pelosi to change her strategy, but said he would not undermine Pelosi. Oh, how to have some balls. Do you understand what's going on, folks? This is so transparent. Pelosi's holding up this money. It's supposed to go to people who are out of work. You know why? It's so fucking obvious. She wants to keep the economy in the dumper.
Starting point is 00:11:36 People will be very happy to get money from the Trump administration, right? I can see through this. I took political science for one semester. Did very good, by the way. I can see through this. I took political science for one semester. Did very good, by the way. I can see through this. All the rank and file. I don't even know if they're being sincere when they say they're upset with her. They have to be in on the play.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Good cop, bad cop. Am I right? That's what they're doing. They're holding back money so the economy stays in the toilet. People are angry when they go to the voting booths and go, fuck it, we need somebody new. What else could it be? That's what the level of this yeast infection on wheels works at. I look heavy.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Guy's been eating salad for a week. They said we can't wait around forever for the proposal we think is the perfect proposal. And that obviously won't be helpful to anybody. Time is of the essence here. Rep Jason Crow, a freshman swing district Democrat, said that. So somebody's got some sense over there, at least that's them. You are correct, sir. Have you heard of any of these people?
Starting point is 00:12:38 Rep Kendra Horn from Oklahoma. Kendra Horn. I know her cousin frenchie uh a freshman swing district democrat said what truly falls short is doing nothing it is flatly unacceptable that congressional leadership is not at the table when businesses are closing americans are out of work and families need the help the political games have to stop. These are fucking Democrat. That's him, by the way. Her. Look at the rack on her back in the day. That's how old I am. I'd still hit it. I'll give you a stimulus package. They're complaining in public that's very unusual you know how democrats walk hand in hand with each other on most things that's why i believe it's a ruse but pelosi's been there
Starting point is 00:13:37 so long and she is a good politician because she has no moral you know compass, compass. She has no logic. There's no linear thinking. She argues just like a chick. They're not handed by logic or reasoning. They just jump from, and it works. This dumb cunt's 80 years old, and people are out of work. You know, 60% of those businesses that have closed aren't coming back. It's permanent.
Starting point is 00:14:00 And this whore is taking her time getting money out. What other reason could it be other than the one that me the genius just gave you i think about this shit when i'm on the toilet at night do you understand i know you think i'm kidding but it's where a lot of people do their best uh best thinking nancy pelosi you're crazy see her lips she goes jesus christ she looks different in every, now she looks like, who the fuck she look? She looks like Barbara Bark with AIDS. Look at that neck, like a snapping turtle. Jesus Christ. Botox the neck. I had a whole bit on it that people love. Killed up in Montreal. Look at her.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Her face is 111. Her hair is of that of a 35-year-old. Her neck is that of a mummy they dug up, fucking 12 AD, whatever that means. Let me have a cup of coffee and calm down. Oh, for the love of God. I want to thank my buddy Mike Gosha
Starting point is 00:15:02 again, who is a football player from Staten Island I play with up at Maine. Very, very fast Hispanic kid who's whiter than I am. But he donated to the show. And I like to hear from my brothers. He was a hell of a football player, too. Good guy. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:15:20 Nick, you're digressing. I don't give a fuck. I wanted to go home two hours ago. It's been such a shitty day i'm playing these sound drops for you people at home right they're usually nice and clear my headphones i can hardly hear them it's in my right ear it i can't even hear them the ghost of pelosi came in here last night took a piss on the soundboard i want to thank uh one of our new sponsors on the show, ExpressVPN.
Starting point is 00:15:47 VPN lets you, I've used this, by the way, lets you access the Internet as if you're from a different country. And most of you are. That means when you're on Netflix, you know, you can unlock thousands of new shows and movies you can't get here in the United States. ExpressVPN is ridiculously fast. It works on every device, phone, laptop, tablet, TV. Your wife's vibrator can pick up showtime. And it's not just Netflix. ExpressVPN lets you choose from almost 100 different countries and works with many streaming services,
Starting point is 00:16:21 including Amazon, Prime, BBC, iPlayer, and YouTube. As you know, I'm not the most tech-savvy person. Why am I reading this, Jason, and not reading it on the... Wow, bad day. As you know, I'm not the most tech-savvy person, but even I can do it. You just open the ExpressVPN app, change your location, and hit connect. I watched a Bronx Tale the other night, logged into Germany
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Starting point is 00:17:14 Just go to slash NickDip. And Jason will put that link on the screen for you people. Go there and sign up. Get three extra months free. That's ExpressVPN. We thank them for sponsoring the show today. It really is a good product because I have a shady history when you look into my history on the computer. I go from the Food Network to fucking Asian hookers with three legs.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Dot org. Anyway, so we're talking about Pelosi, right? I'll get to the big story in a second. know most people like to open with that no me i like to bury it like the new york times does but they went after our chinese girlfriend there the little scientist ratted them bitches out but let's stay on pelosi the gop unveils a plan to oust pelosi um house republicans yesterday unveiled a set of legislative promises and an effort to rally support for ousting Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is not for that. The commitment to America contains 17 agenda items and resembles the eight point contract
Starting point is 00:18:19 with America that in 1994 helped Republicans retake the House for the first time in 40 years. Newt Gingrich came up with that, and he worked with Bill Clinton. Republicans helped build the greatest economy in a generation, and the American way of life was thriving. We will do it again. That is our commitment to you. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said in a press release,
Starting point is 00:18:39 McCarthy is likely to be House Speaker if Republicans can reclaim a majority of seats. Democrats currently hold a 34-seat advantage. Wow, that's a lot of seats. Republicans commit in the document to bringing high-speed internet to every household in the United States who gives cares, launching a five-year plan to fix our roads, bridges, and airports while cutting the permit process in half. Republicans also commit to opposing efforts to defund the police while increasing funding by $1.75 billion for better police training, community policing, and equipment, including a half million more body cameras. Are you kidding me? Where have these ideas been for the last year, I say? I guess you save them from right before the election, make a bunch of promises. And thing is, Trump follows through on
Starting point is 00:19:36 his. The document comes amid gridlock on Capitol Hill on a new coronavirus stimulus legislation and on police reforms following the May killing of George fucking Floyd. I don't want to hear it again. It's got nothing to do with that. In one item, Republicans commit to extending the $2,000 child tax credit and making permanent Opportunity Zone credits that generate
Starting point is 00:19:57 $10 billion each year in poor communities. The poor communities. They need all the help they can get. The poor ones I mean they need stuff just like white people do as Joe Biden would say the poor kids are the smartest white kids he actually said that he still might get elected is that not an Archie Bunker statement saying it to Meathead? What are you talking about? Poor kid, he's the smartest white guy. The document commits to tripling COVID-19 testing and funding efforts to modernize medical supplies for future pandemics. Well, that's good news. Other agenda points are less detailed, such as pledged to uphold the First and Second Amendment rights and to allow students to change schools. On Tuesday, the yeast infection Pelosi said the House will remain in session until new stimulus legislation is passed.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Although that's unlikely to happen with Senate Democrats blocking a skinny GOP plan. What the fuck does that mean? A skinny plan? GOP plan. What the fuck does that mean? A skinny plan. Skinny's unhealthy. We're going to pass a obese plan. You know, fat people are as healthy as skinny people. Look at her with her. She's trying to whistle. She's doing fucking wall puppets. fucking wall puppets a skinny geo oh look oh look it's billy martin yelling at a umpire uh senate republicans uh planet senate republicans declining to spend two trillion as pitched by democrats oh my god problem you're the fucking problem you fucking doctor why onking jam rag arcane spunk bubble i'm telling you h you keep looking at me i'm gonna put you're the fucking problem you fucking dr white onking jam rag arkin spunk bubble i'm telling you h you keep looking at me i'm gonna put you in the fucking ground i promise you
Starting point is 00:21:49 not this time she is the problem that ain't no chat it's all a plan folks please tell me you're savvy enough i know you are the people that watch this show can you imagine jason people are starving out there, losing their businesses. They need this money. She's got in shit in there that has nothing to do with the pandemic. There's actually something in there. I'm not making this up for men having abortions. Men having abortions.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Because, you know, you can take a guy a guy right and put fucking women organs in that and still call it a man I guess can you imagine men having abortions ladies you think the bathroom sinks a mess after we shave oh my god honey there's two toes and an elbow clogging the drain
Starting point is 00:22:40 that was a good one even the clown got a laugh in the drain. That was a good one. Even the clown got a laugh. Men having a, it's in the stimulus. I like to stimulate her clit with a weed whacker. How about that, you fucking wrinkled whore.
Starting point is 00:23:02 You, I haven't even got to the story that's going to make me really crazy. Here's the big story, I think. Remember our little Chinese girl we did a story on yesterday? I can't remember why we were talking about her. Something about, look at the little, come on, that's a Chinese nerd, but she's cute enough that, you know, even Rich Wood would have a shot.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Want to see me with no teeth when I'm 80? Boy, the way them horses wrestle around, I think there's a storm a-brewing. Look like Jay Leno. Do we get a Nazi because Twitter has suspended the account of the Chinese virologist and whistleblower
Starting point is 00:23:56 Dr. Li Mengyang after she published a paper with duck sauce all over it. What? Hello? Hello? She published a paper claiming that COVID-19 was created in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Okay? And you know she's right
Starting point is 00:24:16 about that. Huh? That's faggot stuff. You want to call it by its name? That's strictly for fags. It is. They made it in a lab and they did it on purpose and the Democrats are walking in step with the chinese communist government you make me sick you fucking people the paper which she co-opted with three other chinese scientists claimed that covid19 was created in a laboratory by using bat coronavirus as a template before the paper was published dr yan had fled for the U.S. in April.
Starting point is 00:24:46 She was based at a prestigious Hong Kong university and claims to have discovered evidence of human transmission of the coronavirus during the early stages of the outbreak and before Chinese authorities admitted human transmission. See that? She got them to admit it. All right? She says, and I quote, I could not stay silent. I could, I could see China was covering up the truth and I had to do something since I was a professional who could explain it, Dr. Yan said. And you got to love this part. On January 19th, I sent her a dozen roses that never arrived. No. Her claims were shared by Lou Day, a good, another good, he was on Barney Miller.
Starting point is 00:25:34 An anti-communist party YouTuber, and one day later, Chinese authorities admitted to human transmission, Dr. Yan said. After she put it online anonymously, they actually agreed to it, okay? Published information online that claimed it was created in a lab a few days later. And the dirty slanties agreed. But in April, Lou Day, Lou Day, sounds like an Italian guy, a bookie.
Starting point is 00:26:05 I owe Lou D like fucking 10 Lodge. Lou Day warned Dr. Yan that she was in danger and she fled the country on April 28th. You better get out of here. Danger, Will Robinson. Danger. No, Will Robinson. Danger. After taking part in many interviews and media appearances on Sunday, Dr. Yan joined Twitter and she started tweeting on Monday.
Starting point is 00:26:28 But these days, Western social media platforms aren't too dissimilar to the CCP control China in total. She appears to have sent four tweets before her account, get this, was fucking suspended. That Jack Dorsey, that goo gobbler. Can you imagine? Can you imagine? She is at the heart of it. She's a scientist. She knows they're lying, but Jack Dorsey and all you jerk offs on Twitter, just once again, in total denial, one tweet linked her research credentials, which show her affiliation with the university of Hong Kong, where she played cornerback.
Starting point is 00:27:06 She had 11 tackles in one game last year. And 13 of her publications that have been cited over 500 times. One tweet linked to the paper and one tweet stated that the Zenodo repository, which is hosting the paper, had been hacked shortly after the paper was published. Somebody hacked into that. I wonder who that was. I'm going to go with a guy named Ding-Flang-Ching-Fua. During her short time on the site, Dr. Yan had gained more than 60,000 followers.
Starting point is 00:27:36 It took me three years to get that. Is that what I had to do? Talk about a germ? And each of her tweets had garnered thousands of likes and retweets. Okay, do you believe that? but less than two days after joining less than a day after sending her first tweet twitter dropped the hammer on her okay they dropped the hammer on her jack dorsey and company she's actually stating the truth they talk about banning stuff that they consider misinformation about the virus. She actually knows the truth.
Starting point is 00:28:09 And they block it. What more do you need to know about social media and the mainstream media going along with it? They're literally blowing the Chinese communist government, walking step in step with them. You keep voting Democrat, though, you shitheads. Let me take a sip of my duck pee. What? What kind of show is this, Hendry? What kind of people are these?
Starting point is 00:28:40 Who is this, Hendry? What kind of people are these? It's unclear why Twitter suspended Dr. Yin, but presumably the company deemed one of her tweets most likely the link to the research paper to be in violation of its strict coronavirus misinformation rule. Yeah. How ironic. That's their community standards.
Starting point is 00:29:01 The truth is not allowed here. Unless we deem it the truth. So that's why they pulled it down. Misinformation, rules that prohibit denial of expert guidance. Yeah, she's not an expert. She only fucking, she only worked over there. She's only an expert. Her work's been cited 500 times, but let's not listen to her.
Starting point is 00:29:27 You know who knows more? People like Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey. Now, if this virus started in a man's asshole, I'd listen to Jack Dorsey. Oh, Nick, is there any need of that? Yeah, it's a comedy show. Suck my nipple holes. Rules that prohibit denial of expert guidance, in quotes, about the coronavirus and unverified coronavirus claims that could lead to social unrest. Yeah, that's what's, that's what. Have you, hello, hello, Twitter? That could lead to social unrest? Or how about Antifa and anarchists on your site going, hey, let's meet up at the Foot Locker and burn it down in Minneapolis. You think you might look out for that? You make me sick.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Taking down the honest to God truth. You can't handle the truth. Chase, this thing is so far, it's getting lower. I don't, we have cancer. The sound system has cancer. Sound system, what does that even mean? What time do we start the show, Jay? 30 minutes ago.
Starting point is 00:30:46 30 minutes ago. Got a great guest coming up. Sit tight, folks. Anyways, we have a video of Tucker Carlson, the best, the only real journalist anymore who actually holds people in power to account, and he doesn't just say that. And he holds both sides. He doesn't like Republicans.
Starting point is 00:31:04 And you know he's a good journalist because he's the most hated journalist, according to social media and all the, you know, Don Lemon when he's not sucking cock. But let's take a look. Tucker had Ms. LeBang on, and we might need a translator for this, but she's so adorable i don't mean it sexually i'm just saying you know she's smarter than any guy she's ever dated and i'm not big on asian chicks but you know there's something very adorable about this
Starting point is 00:31:35 probably weighs about 11 grams and that's after like you know four bowls of sticky rice she's just but here she is on tucker Tucker Carl. Tucker asked her a question and this is how she answered. Thank you. I know that you've published some of your research. You're planning on publishing more soon.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Give us, for a non-scientific audience, a summary of why you believe this virus came from a lab in Wuhan. I need to please... Okay. Briefly,
Starting point is 00:32:02 from my first report, I can present solid scientific evidence to our... Pause. I'm just waiting for it. Me so horny, Tucker. Me love you a long time, Joe. Translator, go ahead. 19 SARS-CoV-2 virus actually is not from nature. It is a man-made virus created in the lab based on the China military discover and owned the very unique bat coronavirus, which cannot affect people, but after the modification, becomes a very harmful virus at now.
Starting point is 00:32:46 That's it. You hear that? I didn't. Anybody? Translator? I have a part of, you know what? She probably learned English a week ago. That's how smart she is.
Starting point is 00:32:58 She goes on to, and I understood every word of it. They use the coronavirus, the bat the bat shit right which wouldn't go from person to person then they brought it into the lab made a few adjustments to the genomes and then let it fly is what she's saying either that or she says i rub your feet long time joe oh my god she's out there with the truth she's got some giant ovaries god i hope you can hear that better than me we're gonna fix that um unbelievable so now her life's in danger she had to get the hell out of there she's over here she's staying at rich woods um she's got a loft she's up there but the chinese government you understand they have already wiped out a couple of people like her who worked in labs and had the balls to go public they've been uh disappeared as they say in the
Starting point is 00:33:59 mafia community you don't fuck with the chinese communistists. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. Okay. I'm right here. I'm on top of you. I shove up your ass. Come over here. Talk to me in the face. Don't look at somebody. Don't look at somebody. Don't you admire this woman?
Starting point is 00:34:21 The stones on her? Smart as a whip and risking her life anyways let's get to the segment gotta rip through this because i want to get that guest in at the end of this this this this may be more angry than the fat black broad lecturing white the white flight attendant about white privilege this may be even angrier it involves fucking george stephanopoulos who might be the devil um and they trump answered questions at a town hall in philly last night okay and and it was such a setup if you guys can't see this yourselves
Starting point is 00:35:00 i know you can my fans i'm i'm talking about the other jerk-offs. You can't tell me ABC didn't handpick. First of all, let's get four minorities in there. I'm sure, you know, I can't even, as Warner Wolf said, let's roll the tape. No, don't roll it yet. President Donald Trump denied downplaying the threat from coronavirus, telling a town hall on Tuesday that he upplayed it despite his assertion and recorded if you the issue that he wanted to always play it down, which made me laugh. The town hall aired. It says this is an old article. Jason, you should have taken that out of there. Anyways, I really I put it.
Starting point is 00:35:44 I mean, I gave it to you. But anyways, here's some footage and I want you to listen to these gotcha questions and why Trump would agree to sit down on ABC and do this. This is where I go, is he part of it? I don't get it. I don't know who's handling him. I think it's William Morris. But why, Bob Iger at Disney, why would you sit down with this lying greek midget who worked for the clintons and you watch him jump in and and and defend the these people that are asking these gotcha questions it's gonna make you mad go ahead i thought you were doing a good job with a pandemic response until about may 1st then you took your foot off
Starting point is 00:36:26 the gas pedal why did you throw vulnerable people like me under the bus well we really didn't paul we've worked very hard look at that male part in badness why don't you be why don't you be asking your fucking barber why he threw you under the bus what do do you got, cancer? Or you just don't have a mirror at the house? Did you hear that? This thing's rolling. That question was so sincere and from the heart, he had to read it like a three-year-old off a card. Do you understand these were written by people who work for AB? David Muir probably wrote the question for him.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Why do you throw people like me under the bus? You took your foot off the gas. What are you talking about? What the fuck does that even mean? Why don't you save us? You're the government. Go ahead, Trump. Let him have it.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Part on the pandemic. We've worked very hard. It came off from China. They should have never let it happen. And if you look at what we've done with ventilators and now, frankly, with vaccines, we're very close to having a vaccine with a leader of ABC. Can you stay? You are fake news, sir. He didn't even answer the question. He thought that was so stupid. And why did you take your foot off the gas and throw me under the bus?
Starting point is 00:37:47 I will sit down now because somebody in the airpiece is telling me to sit down. We have some angry black people that want to get a hold of the president. Oh, my fucking next. Next. Watch what I want to know what it is that you're going to do to assure that people like me who work hard, we do everything we're supposed to do. Pause. Good to see Ella Fitzgerald back. Go ahead. Can stay insured. It's not my fault that I was born with this disease.
Starting point is 00:38:15 We are not going to hurt anything having to do with pre-existing conditions. We're not going to hurt pre-existing conditions. And in fact, just the the opposite we're going to be doing a health care plan very strongly and protect people with pre-existing conditions i will say this they will not do that because they have socialized i have to stop socialize pause pause here he comes here comes the greek midget he's going to jump in. Remember, his job is to be like neutral, right? I have to stop because the question we gave this black woman, she really butchered it. Let me dig in. Oh, my fucking God.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Hey, Stephanopoulos, nobody wants to hear from you. Shut up. Mind your fucking business and shut up. Go ahead. I just have to stop you there because it's just on a couple of points. Number one, Joe Biden has ran against Medicare for all in the primaries. But much more importantly, Obamacare guaranteed people with preexisting conditions could buy insurance. Guaranteed they could buy it at the same price.
Starting point is 00:39:15 He also guaranteed they could keep their doctors. Why does Trump look Trump sleeping? Out like a light. He's never been so bored. All right. out like a light he's never been so bored all right he also guaranteed you could keep your doctor and keep your plan if you liked it so fuck you george and fuck you black lady for being a pawn you probably work at abc she'll be she'll be on the view now with her own go ahead is everyone else guaranteed a package of essential benefits guaranteed that insurance
Starting point is 00:39:47 companies couldn't put a lifetime limit on those benefits you fought to repeal obamacare you are arguing well i essentially did you are you're arguing in the supreme court right now to strike it down that would do away with pre-existing conditions so that we can do new health care shut up mind your fucking business and shut up that's what trump should have said to him no we want to do completely new health care where people with pre-existing conditions will be covered oh my ache and cheeseburger. Go ahead. Next. All set up.
Starting point is 00:40:26 All got your questions. Listen to the tone. Let me ask you a question. Did Obama ever get any fucking tough questions? Huh? Somebody would stand up and go, what's it like to be? Your mother was white, your dad was black, and you still became president. How'd you do it?
Starting point is 00:40:43 Heard you got a big wang. Go ahead. Why don't you support a mandate for national mask wearing? And why don't you wear a mask more often? Pause. Because I'd look like you. Why do you support a fucking tailor?
Starting point is 00:40:55 Wait to get that dress. Looks like Jimi Hendrix took a shit on your chest. Go ahead. Well, I do wear them when I have to and when I'm in hospitals and other locations. But I will say this. They said at the democrat convention they're going to do a national mandate they never did it because they've checked out and they didn't do it and we still argue uh dinkweeds jumping in again shut up
Starting point is 00:41:18 mind your fucking business and shut up do you know right on the cdc website it tells you it's not necessary to wear them does anybody know that do you believe these questions these are all questions you hear on the view these are democrat talking points now one of these persons is real they put him on and again i don't understand why he agreed to it so they they could just, you know, why don't you wear a mask? How come you're not helping black people? But all the shit you've been hearing for two years. Go ahead. The statement is they'll make it great again.
Starting point is 00:41:54 So historically, the African-American experience, especially in these ghettos that have been redlined, historically, these ghettos that have systemically been set up and treated the way that they have been the conditions they've been set up and redlined and treated the way they have been this guy's just go we can't live without the government's help he's blaming trump for ghettos that have been around since the fucking full fucking patrick moynihan wrote a thing about it in the 60s go ahead of the drugs the guns and everything else that actually created the symptoms for what we see uh that you profess to be just the democratic cities themselves uh these things have historically been happening for african-americans in these ghettos
Starting point is 00:42:36 and we have not been pause guns and drugs have been uh happening to black people in the ghettos happening they have no i've been saying this, I don't care if people think I'm racist, the black community needs to reform. Quit pointing fingers and waiting for the government and the blue-eyed devil to save you. They've
Starting point is 00:42:58 poured trillions of dollars into welfare and programs. You can't get out of your own way. That's the truth of it. Not being racist, just the truth. Illegitimacy rate, about 70% or more. Until that's fixed, Trump, Clinton, Obama, George W., fucking Roosevelt, none of them will be able to help you. Look into the mirror. don't wait for the blonde hair blue eyed devils
Starting point is 00:43:27 white government the establishment is bent over backwards to help Trump now this is where he disappoints he should go look you guys are making you guys and the head go what do you mean you guys black people you're making bad choices tell young black women not to open their legs for every fucking rapper wannabe that wants to drop a load in them. And then take off. I don't know why he couldn't say that.
Starting point is 00:43:51 That probably wouldn't go over well in the polls. Quinniac has him at 3% with the black. Actually, black people are loving Trump, by the way. He's going to get way more black. Let this guy finish with his hoodie. And a change, quite frankly, under your administration, under the Obama's administration, under Bush, under the Clinton, the very same things happen in the very same systems and cycles continue.
Starting point is 00:44:16 So what does that tell you? Under Republican presidents, Democrat presidents, all this is still happening. So maybe it's not the presidents. Maybe it's the community, as you love to say. Go ahead. To continue to ensue. And we need to see, because you say again, we need to see when was that great? Because that pushes us back to a time in which we cannot identify with such greatness. And I mean, you've said everything else about choking and everything else, but you have yet to address and acknowledge that there's been a race problem in America. So if you go, well, I hope there's not a race problem.
Starting point is 00:44:51 I can tell you there's none with me because I have great respect for. He's not a good speaker. I like Trump. There's none with me. Nobody bothers me. No colors. I have people surround me with guns. I lived in Trump Towers on the 184th floor. Nobody bothered me. No colors. I have people surrounding me with guns. I lived in Trump Towers on the 184th floor.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Nobody bothered me. I ain't got a race bomb. But go ahead. All races for everybody. This country is great because of it. But when you go back six months and you take a look at what was happening, you can't even compare that with past administrations
Starting point is 00:45:22 when you look at income levels. And a lot of things, because of the job situation where they had the lowest income, the best the best unemployment numbers they've ever had, the black community by far. And that was solving a lot of problems. And you know what else was it was bringing people together. I was starting to get just before this was, you know, we were having a long run of success. I was starting to get calls from Democrats that, hey, it's starting to work. Let's get together. People that you would never have thought this would have happened with. There was going to be unity.
Starting point is 00:45:55 But unfortunately, that was hurt because we got set back. But now, George, go ahead. I think next year is going to be one of our best years economically. But income equality is still up. But income equality is higher. So, I mean, jobs can be produced. But at the same time, in a lot of these big major cities where African-Americans are underserved, under-resourced. Underserved, under-resourced? Really?
Starting point is 00:46:18 What are you talking about? How much more money do we have to throw down the rat hole? Do you hear what he's saying? You know what he's looking for? And what the Democrats are looking for and what socialism is based on? They want equality of outcome, not of opportunity, of outcome. That's what they're asking. When are we going to start making white people money?
Starting point is 00:46:40 That's what he's asking. That's just a request for socialism. We all should be making the same. But see, in a capitalist country, some people soar higher than others. You don't think I'd like to have frigging Amy Schumer money? By that I mean Jew money. It's a joke, everybody. There's only one kind of money.
Starting point is 00:47:04 But that's what he's saying. It's a joke, everybody. There's only one kind of money. It's, you know. But that's what he's saying. That's what their idea of equality is. Go ahead. $1, $8 a job does not mean that they can necessarily afford to live where they have to live or where they've been living after the last 20 years. Well, the income inequality, which I agree with you is a problem. I always agreed with that. But if you look under President obama and biden the
Starting point is 00:47:25 income inequality was phenomenal it was it was record-setting it was it was it's getting worse now well we're talking about a play coming and before the plague we were doing very well now we will soon be doing well again because we're going to have a fantastic third quarter you're seeing the numbers come in i think you're going to have a g a GDP that's mid-20s and maybe much higher. Somebody said 35. I don't know. These are all records we're talking about. And you're going to have a very good economically.
Starting point is 00:47:53 You're going to have a very good year next year. But I agree with a lot of the things you say. But you have to look back because we really had it going well. Had we not been hit by this horrible disease that came into our land and all over the world, by the way, came all over the world. We would be in a position where I think income inequality would be different. It was really getting there. We were really driving it. We have to move on. But even before the pandemic, the average black family was earning half of what the average white family was earning even if you hold education you're right i can only compare to the past uh the the african-american
Starting point is 00:48:33 the black community was doing better than it had ever done by far enough enough we get the point how about fucking george jumping in again shut up mind your fucking business and shut up you know what trump should have said to the black dude oh boy you and then this you're entitled to shit here's the guy i'm voting for all right hey everybody uh we have a new sponsor today's uh nick napolo park has brought you by sheath underwear these are easily the best underwear i have ever had they have a two pouch compartment and lift and separate your junk. That sounds painful. Really soft, comfortable material and the nice look. And I got a pair, and I look good in them.
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Starting point is 00:50:00 Yesterday after the show, I had the honor of talking to U.S. military vet and stand-up comedian Bobby Henline. We reported on Bobby last week after he made headlines when the left tried to use his image in a torrent of anti-Trump propaganda. Just disgusting. Anyway, he called into the show yesterday. It was a real pleasure to talk to this guy. Here it is. Here it is. featured in movies and documentaries. He's a true patriot and hero. We'll get into his military background in a second. It's Bobby Henline joining us.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Thanks for joining us, Bobby. No, appreciate it. Thanks for having me, Nick. I saw you on Fox News, and I said, man, what a story. Let's get into, well, the reason I saw you and the reason I think they had you on was the, you know, the scumbags on the left using your, you know, they put you in a meeting. It was the Atlantic that wrote the article saying that President Trump disparaged fallen soldiers. And I found that very hard to believe. And they were using you as a pawn, sort of.
Starting point is 00:51:23 And you spoke. Yeah, something that supposedly said two years ago. I mean, so two years later, now they want to bring it up, and then they want to use my face, and I had no idea what was going on. Friends on social media sent me messages and text messages saying, hey, did you see this photo? You know what's going on here? I knew what every adult would do you know i do a tinter tantrum stop my feet said take it
Starting point is 00:51:50 down uh but it happened again the next day and then that's why i stopped my feet again they took it down the third day okay this is enough like because the first day had me and a couple other veterans on it um and then the third day was just my photo saying, you know, Trump called him a loser. I'm like, what? This is crazy. So that's when I said, all right, this is enough. I can't stop playing defense and go offense and just get the word out there. How can they, I mean, after what you went through, I was going to get into, if you don't know Bobby's military history, he signed up at 17 years old in 1980.
Starting point is 00:52:26 He was in the Gulf War, then retired, and then came back after 2011 to serve his three more tours in Iraq. And his Humvee hit an I.D. Four other soldiers were killed along with Bobby that day. And, I mean, just that alone, they think they'd show you some respect. How friggin' low. I just, the one thing Trump has done since he became president is expose these people, but just how anti-American they are. To treat somebody like you or anybody like that is just appalling to me.
Starting point is 00:53:02 They just grabbed something out of the air. They just went through social media like wounded veterans, just grabbed the picture, not knowing anything about me or the other guys they used in the pictures. They don't know anything about our background, what, what our history is, what happened to us. How are we doing mentally? Are we having issues right now? You know, any one of us could have been having a bad time. I could have been having a bad time having suicidal thoughts. And the next thing I know, I see the president's calling me a loser. I mean, that could have been the straw bad time having suicidal thoughts, and the next thing I know, I see the president's calling me a loser. I mean, that could have been the straw that broke the camel's back.
Starting point is 00:53:28 It would be really dangerous just throwing people's photos out like that. That's a great point. I mean, what was your—I'm guessing since you're—you know, I'm pretty sure you're Trump. What was your initial reaction to that? This is total bullshit, right? Yeah, this is total bullshit. It's high school rumors. No one had any proof in it, know undisclosed sources no i mean if you something like that it's not a life
Starting point is 00:53:52 or death thing they're not afraid of their life it's hearing they heard something like that just say this this is me i heard it but you know bolton debunked it he was there and he don't like trump and he even said right he didn't hear him say it. You know, General Kelly's assistant said, no, it didn't happen. But then they still want to make these memes and then use a wounded veteran's face is just so wrong. Yeah, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I mean, I, you know, they never surprised me on the left,
Starting point is 00:54:16 but... You know, I always hear about this fake news stuff, fake news that we hear about all the time. And then I'm like, oh my God, I wake up one morning, there it is, there's proof. That's my face. It's crazy. You about all the time. And then I'm like, oh, my God, I wake up one morning, there it is. There's proof. That's my face. It's crazy. You were part of it.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Yeah. I mean, how much more? Part of my face. And yet, Bobby, people are still going to vote for these. I can't fucking, I can't fathom. We have really, all this turbulent times in the last year or so, well, since Trump came into office, he has really exposed how much that they hate this country. I mean, that's...
Starting point is 00:54:47 And I don't know why they don't believe it when you can see it. I mean, I just saw an article today about Pamela Harris visiting that guy who got stun-gunned. He had sexual assault charges. And then he goes reach for the knife, so they shot him. She's visiting him in the hospital, hoping he gets better. I didn't even know that. I'm glad I didn't know,
Starting point is 00:55:04 but I lost my shit. Right? I just read that today did you see bobby did you see her i guess her little tweet yesterday where she had kind of a freudian slip where she said a harris biden administration did you see that no i didn't see that yes she said a harris biden administration which says everything uh about where they're headed. I'm a little nervous. I mean, look, you've seen combat up close. I mean, you're probably more relaxed than us being home. But, I mean, I think we're in trouble.
Starting point is 00:55:38 If Biden wins, we're definitely in deep shit as far as this country. If Trump wins, there's all kinds of rumors out there. They're already planning an insurrection. And I'm talking like a military insurrection. How do we handle that? Look what they're doing right now with all this violence in the cities and stuff. It's ridiculous. Yeah, well, how do we handle that?
Starting point is 00:55:59 I mean, we need all the Bobby Hen lines we can get. Right, yeah. It's going to take up arms. There's going to be private citizens that are just tired of this shit, and they're going to grab their own ARs and get out there and protect their own cities. Yeah, I bought one a couple weeks ago. Me and Colin Quinn, a good comedian buddy of mine, we've been saying for about the last two years, this shit's coming.
Starting point is 00:56:22 But I didn't think it would get here this fast. I think whenever the election is, a month away or a couple months away, we're that close to seeing some serious domestic violence going on. And I think I saw a military guy, Bobby, online. He was out in California. He was speaking to some city officials. I don't know if you saw this guy. He was Hispanic, I think.
Starting point is 00:56:44 And he laid it down for them. They all had their masks on, and he said, I would wear my mask if I was doing what you were doing with the American public. And he said, we're being good citizens right now. And this guy was a veteran too. He said, but you know what? He says, we're being nice right now, but we're organizing. If you guys don't cut this shit out,
Starting point is 00:57:00 that's what I mean. We're going to need your leadership. You've done enough. You've done enough you've done enough god damn it but what do you think all that I mean you know it's scary but that's seems like where it's going that's what we're going to have to do I mean you're going to need the National Guard
Starting point is 00:57:17 you're going to need citizens they're going to stand up and it's going to be a battle it's definitely a battle but that other side has no idea they're not organized they're they're kids and stupid idiots throwing rocks and fires and that you know we got professional trained professionals that have been there and done that that's what i say i see them you know i get nervous then i watch them and i go you shitting me i mean yeah like like the president said we you know portland or wherever he said we could have had that under control in a half hour it took them you know they're still riding because he said, we could have had that under control in a half hour.
Starting point is 00:57:46 It took them, you know, they're still rioting. Because the law enforcement's hands are tied, so they can only do so much. But you get private citizens pissed off enough, then we're going to retaliate even better when they get. Yeah, that's exactly right. Now you have, you're speaking motivationally. You're a stand-up comic, and I watched a clip of you that we're going to put in in post, and you're very funny. And what was that like going on the first time on stage? Well, that was all to prove to my occupational therapist that I can't do stand-up comedy.
Starting point is 00:58:18 She's like, I'm funny at the hospital. I'm funny with the other wounded veterans. We get it. We're using humor to heal and get through all this yeah and the pain but she's like you should really try it like no no no no so i was going out to l.a to do a surgery out there and talk to a doctor and yeah it's like my sister out there in l.a just you know call her she'll know a place you can try it with mike so i call her sister just like maybe i made a pinky promise that i would try this if i get her to shut up and stop bugging me like i'm
Starting point is 00:58:43 gonna prove to you this is not going to work. And then sure enough, her sister says, hey, two hours ahead of time, you go out to the comedy store, you sign up with 40 other people, and you cross your fingers and hope you get picked. So of course, I'm hoping I don't get picked. But I get picked
Starting point is 00:59:00 and I get my three minutes and nobody laughed. But it was healing for me just to get it out. And one of the other comics actually gave me a compliment on one of my jokes where I asked for reflux. I thought, okay, well, that's neat. It's kind of a throwout idea that wasn't really part of the joke. And I said, that gave me an idea.
Starting point is 00:59:17 So I went back to San Antonio and I started to go to open mics three nights a week just writing stuff and trying to make, doing the self-deprecation stuff that I do and getting the the word out there's good therapy of course it is and you and i have a lot in common because that's sort of how i get into it i was living with a kid right after college a close friend of mine in boston he thought i was the funniest person in the world and he kept calling me a pussy for not going to open mics and we almost came to blows one day and and uh just like that and And I said, fuck it. I have to prove this guy wrong. And I went on and what's funny is people talk
Starting point is 00:59:52 about, Oh, that must be the scariest thing in the world. But after what you had been through, I mean, does anything scare you? Seriously? I mean, if I bombed on stage, I've been through worse bombs. I'll be all right. That's a good way of putting it. And now let me ask you. No matter where I go, I go to Walmart, whatever. I get stared at.
Starting point is 01:00:09 So it wasn't that big of a deal to go up there. Now, if this happened before, I'm not a big speaker. I don't like to be in front of people like that. Yeah. I probably would have never done this. But since I was getting stared at no matter where I was, that made it a little easier to go up there and just talk about it and get that open out of the room, talk about it.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Well, let me tell you, Bobby, I, it's been a pleasure, man, to have you on the show. When I saw you, when I saw you on Fox and we can't thank you enough, whether you guys want to hear it or not. And what, what, what, what's coming up next? I know you have a, you have an organization, a charity organization called Forging Forward. Yes. With the, so yeah, we just got Forging Forward. Yes. We just got Forging Forward started right before the pandemic hit, so it kind of put us back in the law, but as we're climbing back out of this stuff, we want to get
Starting point is 01:00:52 the foundation going again. I'm teaching other veterans, first responders, and Gold Star families an outlet, like bringing them together from camaraderie, and then teaching them an outlet, whether it's painting, writing. I like to's painting, writing. I like to write poetry,
Starting point is 01:01:06 culture, comedy. No kidding. I write songs. So we want to teach them these outlets that they can use when they're having a hard time. Is there, is there a website you want to give out or anything that the people can
Starting point is 01:01:16 donate? is the website. You can check it out and see what we're doing. Okay. I'll help them with suicide prevention. You know, all that stuff helps. And I'm,
Starting point is 01:01:24 I haven't done comedy since like the end of march i've been focusing on this but i'm going out like i'm actually nervous but i i would love to uh some night maybe we can work together or you know i'll have a beer because uh it'd be a blast you make me proud to be an american man seriously yeah well we will have fun and believe me I won't be shy about making fun of you. I can be a real dick like that. All right, Bobby, we appreciate it, man. And good luck the rest of the way, man.
Starting point is 01:01:54 We appreciate your service. Thank you. Thank you. You got it. Hey, this episode of the Nick DePaul Show is sponsored by Immunologic. If you're like me, you know how miserable it is to be constipated. You just want something that's going to work instead of trying multiple remedies. Our new sponsor, Immunologic, has a product made from natural multivitamins, minerals, and amino acids called aloe ferox whole leaf capsules, and it works. And I do take it. It's
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Starting point is 01:02:54 whole leaf on their website at And if you go to the website now, which is also displayed on the screen, you'll get free shipping on your order. That's right, free. That's And we thank them for sponsoring the Nick DiPaolo show today. I also want to thank contributors to the show. As you know, we rely on your contributions at,
Starting point is 01:03:15 or you can sign up at, become a monthly subscriber. I want to thank these people who contributed since yesterday. Nathan Norfolk of Arizona. Darlene Brown of Nevada, Stephen Sutherland of California, David Jones of Arizona, John Vassar of Virginia, Nick Colucci, who's always in there, New York, Alex Bellarmine, Connecticut, Mark Pearson, Illinois, Jesse Hall, South Dakota, Luz Conte, Ohio, Ricky Deaton, Florida, Robert Passan, Canada, Steve Bean, Ohio, Greg Peruca, Arizona, Troy Murdoch, California, Chris Cantos, Pennsylvania, James Stuckey,
Starting point is 01:03:57 New Jersey, Mick Littleton, Texas, Sean Dower, the United Kingdom, Brandon Higgs, Texas, Philip Ziber or Zeber, Georgia, Kingston, California, Fausta, Georgia, U.S. Virgin Islands, David Ross in the United Kingdom, Sugabagool, Florida, Liberace loves you, Pennsylvania. And here are the new monthly supporters at Patreon. God bless them. James Crane, Michael Gerharts, and that is it. Thanks again to all of you who contributed to the show. We appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:04:31 And again, thank you so much to Bobby Henline for being our guest today. That is it, folks. Remember, you guys think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We will see you back here at the same time tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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