The Nick DiPaolo Show - Pelosi, Worse than the Disease | Nick Di Paolo Show #324

Episode Date: March 30, 2020

Anthony Cumia joins Nick on the show! About face on shelter in place. The FDA gives emergency approval to Hydroxychloroquine. NYC cops being seriously affected by virus. Thank you Sara L from Colorado... Springs for your "Ask Nick!" question and for being a supporter of the show on Patreon! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi boys and girls. I have had it. I'm as mad as hell. I can't take the PC culture anymore, the cancer culture. And you know what? I don't have to worry about that anymore because I created a show called the Nick DiPaolo Show, Monday through Thursday. Don't have to worry about that shit on the internet. I know you're sick of it too. Nobody tells it the way it is anymore, okay? There's two types of people, politically correct people and people who want to hear the truth. And we fall in the latter category. The show is Monday through Thursday. We recently made it free. So we need your support. If you go to, click on the Nick DiPaolo show, you can make a contribution. It's our lifeblood right
Starting point is 00:00:37 now. It's very important. And you can sign up at, become a monthly supporter. If you do that, you get an extra story a day you get to ask me a question and you get access to over 300 shows so if you're watching me on youtube right now just click on that button below and you can help keep this show alive it's imperative in these times where the mainstream media just lies to you day in and day out the chuck schumers and nancy pelosi's the whole Democrat Party keep lying to you about the fucking job that Trump's doing. Okay?
Starting point is 00:01:10 So tune in here. And if you have a small company or any kind of company, you want to sponsor the show, go to and we can talk about that too. You guys are the lifeblood of this show. My fans are the most important thing in the world to me. You guys and that $8,000 rubber doll I got from Japan.
Starting point is 00:01:29 But listen, I'm dead serious. We can't thank you enough for supporting this show. And what I want you to do right now is enjoy your cake. guitar solo Oh yeah, perfect Raz, that was some pro work right there. How are you folks? Monday from Georgia, how you doing? Are you stir crazy?
Starting point is 00:02:24 You beating the kids fucking scentless? Scentless? Oh my God. Trump's the new black spokesman for the cold open. Got me talking like a, keep my motherfucking president in there out your mouth. I could add the N word. It's much funnier. I don't even fucking, I don't want to get in trouble. I mean, fuck, I don't want, you know, I don't want trouble with Google. Anyways, hope you're doing well, folks. Thank you so much again. Tough times. So I know, you know, I don't know how your job situation is, but, you know.
Starting point is 00:02:59 That's the big story over the weekend. By the way, Anthony Comia will be joining the show in about 25 minutes. Sat down with him last week. Did an interview. One of the funniest, most informed guys who says it like it is. It's been kicked off for Twitter, I think, for the record, 400th time. And just he stays up to five in the morning battling people on Twitter. He's a fucking animal.
Starting point is 00:03:22 And we love him. So he'll be coming up in about a half hour, a little less than that. Where the hell are we? Oh, real quick, a little levity to break the tension. Some guy in England dressed up like a bush so he could sneak out of his
Starting point is 00:03:39 house during the lockdown. Nicholas Murray and Madeline My Dave, he's a young couple from stephanage in the uk say uh they caught a neighbor i think it's him right at the end i don't know attempting to uh break out dressed up like a bush they captured the stunt on camera it's been seen over 700 000 times on tiktok another fucking that's what we need, another platform to show idiocy. But, you know, I laugh at some of this shit, but I know it's set up. He knows people are going to film it.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Show me real shit. I like when a black and a white woman square off at Walmart and kick the shit out of each other. That should go a zillion, which it does, but I'm just saying. But a little levity to break the tension. He also shared a couple of clips of the prank grabbing another 122,000 views. But here he is sneaking out of his house. Are you bizarre again? Yeah, that would fool a lot of people. What is England?
Starting point is 00:04:54 It's the dumbest country in the fucking planet. Oh my God. The studio, I had the fucking air conditioner off on the weekend because I'm not going to cool it when I'm not here. Me and Raz came in. It was, I saw Raz.
Starting point is 00:05:06 He was sweating like fucking Patti LaBelle doing a concert in August in Detroit. I always use Patti LaBelle because I did a gig with her in the summertime
Starting point is 00:05:16 in Massachusetts once and she was sweating like Robert Parrish of the Fowl Line, the old Boston Garden in 1970. But it's, what's it, about 80 in here, Rez? We're going to fucking die.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Anyways, the video follows a person in disguise as they scurry, whatever the fuck, you just saw it, English fags. The big news over the weekend, ladies and gentlemen, Trump adds 30 days to distancing guidelines as the virus spreads. And you know what that means? We're looking at the end of April. And you know what the, you know what April brings, at least on this show. The April showers. I suck coffee and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. They bring the flowers that bloom in May. So it's raining. I have no regrets. Because it is a raining rain, yeah
Starting point is 00:06:26 It's raining faggots Don't leave me sleeping Above the hills You still will see clouds Up till those Shall keep on looking For a blooper And I'll listen for it's song
Starting point is 00:06:52 Whenever quarantine comes along Gobble, gobble, alright I suck cock No you don't I love it It's a joke Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy Fucking love Wayne Newton.
Starting point is 00:07:05 The best. First transgender guy to break fucking bed. Though April showers, why you call me always. So anyways, President Trump on Sunday extended the voluntary national shutdown for a month, bowing to public health experts who told him the coronavirus pandemic could claim over 100,000 lives in the United States, perhaps significantly more if it's not done to, if it's not enough, if not enough is done to fight it. I'm on my fifth cup of coffee. Calm the cup of coffee. It was a stock shipped and told by the president who only, they keep
Starting point is 00:07:39 pointing this out, who only days ago mused about the country reopening in a few weeks from the Rose Garden. He said Easter revival hopes had only been aspirational and that's what they were he said he would have liked to seen it and then the doctors the experts who you're telling him to listen to told him no and he's listening pelosi you vile twat i'll get to you in a few minutes trump's impulse to restore normalcy met a sober reality check Sunday from Dr. Anthony Fauci, who I believe is, I love him. He's a brilliant guy and he's a leader, but you can tell he's a New Yorker with his politics. He's a fucking lefty. The government's top infectious disease expert who said U.S. could experience more than 100,000 deaths and millions of infections from the pain.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Here's Mr. Fauci talking. Somebody get him a phone book to stand on. Go ahead. Health experts warned against it. One on his coronavirus task force praising the delay. The decision to use a microphone, not prolong, but to extend this mitigation process. I feel like George Stephanopoulos. I think was a wise and prudent
Starting point is 00:08:46 decision. With the peak of deaths expected in two weeks, Dr. Anthony Fauci with a troubling outlook saying the toll in the U.S. could reach 100 to 200 thousand. And I think it's entirely conceivable that if we do not mitigate to the extent that we're
Starting point is 00:09:02 trying to do, that you could reach that number. What we're trying to do that you could reach that number. What we're trying to do is not let that happen. So instead of concentrating on the upper and the lower, we're saying that we're trying to push it all the way down. New York passing a grim milestone Sunday night. More than 1,000 killed by the virus. More than two-thirds of the lives lost in New York City alone. This is going to be all hands on deck. This is everybody helping everyone else.
Starting point is 00:09:28 New details, meanwhile, on the timeline of a major economic relief package for American workers and businesses. Individual financial assistance will give adults making up to $75,000, $1,200. Couples will get up to $2,400, depending on income. That's me. Then there is $500 per child. That's for us. In three weeks, we'll have direct deposit into people's accounts. This guy's a brain, man.
Starting point is 00:09:50 He's behind all this. For people where we don't have their direct deposit information, there'll be a web-based application. They can upload it. Yes. And for people who don't do that, there'll be checks in the mail. The money? A welcome relief after the Department of Labor posted a staggering jobs number. More than three million people filed for unimportant benefits last give me a headache guys handling wine bottles the doctor's gloves up oi oi vey uh trump uh largely avoided talk of potential death
Starting point is 00:10:20 and infection rates cited projection models that said potentially 2.2 million people or more could have died had the country not put social distancing measures in place and he said the country would be doing well if it can hold the number of deaths to a hundred thousand he said it's a horrible number but added we all together have done a very good job which they have uh the extension would leave the federal uh recommendations place beyond Easter, April 12th, by which time Trump had hoped the country. Yes, they keep bringing it up. Yes, he didn't.
Starting point is 00:10:52 It wasn't fucking written in stone. He said he would like to. I watched all these press conferences over the weekend. Every fucking reporter is abroad. It was like 28 years old with a fucking hate on for Trump. And then there's a big black surly guy from Bloomberg who, do you regret everything that you've said? But shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:11:10 And then they hand the mic to a black woman from fucking, she used to work for the New York times. She starts to attack him. And then he cuts her off, goes on to somebody else. He goes, he goes, I'll get back to your second question,
Starting point is 00:11:21 you know, before we end here. So he does a couple more. Then this guy stands up who was, I don't know what he was. He looked fucking, I don't know, person of color. I don't know. It doesn't matter. But he grabs the mic. He goes, I'm going to give this to my female colleague. Like, like Trump was going to skip her. You fucking, you are the most childish motherfuckers on the planet. Guys busting balls and all you're doing is out there carrying Pelosi's water for her.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Don't you regret doing this and that? Can you imagine if Obama or fucking, even Hillary was right in the country? They know zero about the private sector. You think 14 corporations would have called Hillary? Fucking cheese eaters.
Starting point is 00:12:04 The extension, anyways,.s had more than 139 000 covid 19 cases reported by sunday evening with more than 2400 deaths during the course of the rose garden briefing reported deaths grew by several dozen and the number of cases by uh several thousand so yeah it's gonna get a lot worse like they said if that's a fact tell me am i lying one in three americans remains under state or local government orders to stay at home to slow the spread of the virus with schools and businesses closed and i wish fucking hillary would go to not hillary uh pelosi would go to Chinatown in San Francisco and sit down and eat some rabid fucking bat soup. Tell her it's chicken noodle. Dr. Deborah Birx, head of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, said parts of the country with few cases so far must prepare for what's about to come.
Starting point is 00:12:59 No state, no metro area will be spared, she said. And that's a bright woman, by the way. I know a thing or two about a thing or two. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She's a malignant cunt. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She's a malignant cunt.
Starting point is 00:13:15 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She's a malignant cunt. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She's a malignant cunt. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She's a malignant cunt. Put her face up there, that fucking, do we have one? There you go.
Starting point is 00:13:24 She actually looks pretty good there. I'd give it a shot. Look at Jake Tapper with his dumb CNN fucking Nancy. The fucking virus Pelosi suggests that Trump shouldn't be so quick. Excuse me to reverse the social distancing guidelines saying more testing needs to be. She's got nothing. this bitch is trying to cover her own ass after delaying that bill after putting all that pork in the bill which delayed it a couple more days now she's trying to cover her ass how you people in fucking Northern California keep voting her in is beyond my stem
Starting point is 00:13:59 she promised a congressional investigation once the pandemic is over to determine whether Trump heeded, she's already setting up to come after Trump once this is over. What a disgusting whore. Yeah, whether Trump heeded advice from scientific experts and to answer the question that resonates to U.S. political.
Starting point is 00:14:25 What did he know and when did he know it? Why do you do that with Obama, the fucking deep state? And why weren't you? You know why we weren't prepared? You were too busy trying to impeach Trump. Congress didn't see this coming either, you vile fucking. Will you shut up? Will you?
Starting point is 00:14:43 Will you please shut up? Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? Will you shut up? It put Pelosi at a lockstep with former Vice President Joe Biden, the likely moron presidential nominee, who said, even Biden said he wouldn't go as far as to lay blame for the deaths on the president. I think that's a little too harsh, he said. Did you hear that, Nancy? You
Starting point is 00:15:03 fucking... She's a malignant cunt. Did I drive that point home? Oh my God, Rez, it's got to be 87 in here. My aching stem, it's melting. FDA gives emergency authorization of hydroxychloroquine, folks. Big fucking... The Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency authorization Sunday for hydroxychloroquine, a drug already used to treat malaria
Starting point is 00:15:33 and other ailments, which has shown anecdotal efficacy against coronavirus. The use of the drug, often paired with azithromycin, has not yet been proven in clinical trials
Starting point is 00:15:44 to be effective. We don't have time for clinical. People are fucking dropping dead as Trump's given speech. We don't have time for trials, OK, against the disease. However, given reported success in a growing number of small, non-randomized studies, as well as testimonials from doctors and patients about the use of the off-label drug regimen, doctors are said to be prescribing the treatment to patients who are severely ill anecdotally many doctors are taking it prophylactically you know what that means the doctors are taking it as a proactive you know i mean like you put on a condom get it seriously prophylactically so you
Starting point is 00:16:22 before you get into that coochie, you're doing preventative shit. That's what that means for you hardworking truck drivers that don't have time for this horse. The Department of Health and Human Services issued a statement on Sunday. Let's see what they had to say. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency use authorization to BARDA to allow hydroxychloroquine sulfate and chloroquine phosphate. Isn't that what was in the fish food?
Starting point is 00:16:48 The fish tank cleaner? Yeah. Yeah. So maybe those people were right. They just got a bad dose. Chloroquine phosphate products donated to the Strategic National Stockpile, that's the SNS, to be distributed and prescribed by doctors to hospitalized teen and adult patients.
Starting point is 00:17:07 That says it all, doesn't it? Fuck the old people. As appropriate when a clinical trial is not available for you. HHS also noted that it had accepted 30 million doses of hydroxychloroquine sulfate donated by Sanders and the Novartis Generics and biosimilars division and one million doses of chloroquine phosphate donated by Bayer Pharmaceuticals for possible use in treating patients hospitalized. That's pretty good. They're stepping up and donating this shit. That's what Americans do, except for Pelosi.
Starting point is 00:17:39 She'd rather play politics. Somebody, yeah. ticks somebody yeah amid concerns that the sudden interest in hydroxychloroquine could cause shortages hhs noted use of the donated medications is expected to help ease supply pressures for the drug and the fda is also working with manufacturers of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to increase production to ensure these drugs also remain available for patients dependent on them for treatment of malaria lupus yeah don't worry about them we're americans we're dying of something else president trump had suggested that hydroxychloroquine could be effective and has encouraged further study his interest in the drug has prompted pushback from the media see they can't
Starting point is 00:18:17 just end it there nbc news peter alexander accused the president last week of giving Americans false hope. And political Dan Diamond reported Sunday that the FDA decision came despite scant evidence. Un-fucking-believable. I suck cock. Yeah, you do. Both of you suck. And I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. He can't win. If he said we can't put it out there, we have to do more testing,
Starting point is 00:18:45 you'd be going, what's he doing? People are dying. You're just fucking children. Get out of D.C. Get out of the fucking media business because you're the most corrupt people to walk the planet. Congress, this shitty Congress
Starting point is 00:19:00 has higher favorability ratings than you. Trump's getting great rating poll numbers as far as how he's handling this from everybody across the board. There's only one group that doesn't think he's doing the right thing. And who is it? Oh, the mainstream media.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Oh, and the Democrat Party, which is one and the same thing. When are you fucking people going to wake up? If this... That almost made me shit my pants. Speaking of shit my pants, no, not yet. Goddammit, I thought it was. Hey guys,
Starting point is 00:19:33 this is the part of the show where I have to thank you one-time contributors. Very important. You are the lifeblood of the show since it's free Monday through Thursday. I want to thank Sean O'Connor, New York, Ben Hogan, New York, Raymond Ramirez, New York, Scott Leonard, Florida, John Slink, Illinois, Derek Manto, Massachusetts, Eric Lipscomb, Texas, Geronimo Rocha, Kansas, Greg Haywood, Florida. That's the football player, I swear to God. Curtis Wilson, Maryland, Montgomery Clark, Texas,
Starting point is 00:20:01 Caitlin Goodman, California, Richard Quilty, California. Stuart Nemo, Australia. Thomas Barkwell, Missouri. Amy Kisling, Colorado. Robert Carr, New Jersey. Bonnie Amadio, New York. Marlene Weiss, Texas. Robert Riley, Ohio. Mike Bursling, Canada. Kim Wasserman, Florida. Keith Anderson, Massachusetts. Douglas Smith, New York. Craig Goodmanson, Washington. Michelle Black, like Lawrence Taylor. Oh, back like Lawrence Taylor. Obama, Pennsylvania. Todd DeWalt, Indiana. Tonto Rabinsky, New York. And monthly. Oh, and Steve Patera, Connecticut. Thank you guys so much. Here are monthly supporters, which is Michael Miller, Sam Cody, John Graham, Mitchell Walters, Randolph K. Aiken, Jeff Patterson, Shea Thacker, Skeeter McWoof, Ron Stager, Libby Peters, and Carl Ford. Thank all of you so much for supporting this show. It's the only way we can do it now.
Starting point is 00:21:07 And it means the world to us. It says big announcement. I've already announced this. We're working with a great sponsor, okay? Starting, this is old copy, Tommy. Starting today. No, starting last week. We started to work with
Starting point is 00:21:24 They got a ton of really cool shirts, hats, mugs. Are we going to show them, Russ? Koozies for people who lean right and have a sense of humor. It's good stuff. It's funny stuff. And I'm glad to be part of it. There you go. Wash your filthy asses.
Starting point is 00:21:40 There's a whole collection of Nick DePaul stuff on the site, including mugs, towels, and stuff. They also have hilarious Trump stuff. Uh, go ahead. Show the, uh, guy shredded. He eats McDonald's. He shredded. He's like a black guy living on junk food. Shredded. This kid's going to be huge. Oh, it's a baby shirt. I get it. And there's Trump as an astronaut. That'll get him going. We also have Elizabeth Warren, a liawatha. That's a big seller right now. They also have stuff for kids. My favorite one for the little baby right here. I love to put this on.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Nuke him. If you want to drill that hatred of Asianian people into your kid put this on them that should be for guys huh you go you're in a club getting drunk you're gonna take a dump you just a couple snaps you're in and out uh anyways uh you can find all this stuff at the donald and this is important please make sure to use the promo code nick at the checkout to get 10 off your order order. That applies to everything on the website, not just the Nick DiPaolo gear. Again, check out Use the promo code Nick at the checkout.
Starting point is 00:22:53 And they're going to keep adding stuff every day, and we share it with you. And they're a great company, and we thank them for sponsoring us. Back to Corona Corona. 98 people in New York City died from coronavirus in less than seven hours this weekend. Son of a whore! From 9.30 to 4.15 p.m., the city tallied 98 more deaths and 1,166 more corona cases, meaning 33,474 people in the city have now been infected. Queens, in that time frame, remained the hardest hit borough with 10,737 cases, which is proof
Starting point is 00:23:30 they're going after Trump. That's where he grew up. It's a joke. Relax. Mayor de Blasio, comrade de Blasio, early Sunday warned the city will be in the throes of the virus for quite some time to come. Who said that? De Blasio said it. Who the fuck
Starting point is 00:23:45 said that? Mayor de Blasio. Who's the slimy little commoner shit twinkle toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? de Blasio. Hope he's still going to the gym. He lays on a nice sweaty bench. He says we will go through a really tough, tough journey. April will be worse than March and I fear that May could be even worse than April. You better bring me, bullshout. May come your way. You got the virus. It turns you gay. So if you're...
Starting point is 00:24:11 What? Hello? We're going to be in for weeks of this. Governor Cuomo, who every woman over 50 wants to bang, apparently, even though he's one of the ugliest Italians I've ever seen. Oh, he's a hunk. Hello, Fonzie. Cuomo on Sunday extended mandatory business closures until at least April 15th to cope
Starting point is 00:24:31 with a pandemic. Several hours later, President Trump extended the federal social distancing to the 30th. But New Yorkers handle it differently. We showed you, like in Italy, nobody's been whacked harder than Italyaly okay um like i said italy we called uh no country for old men do we have the clip of them singing in the streets res this is look how beautiful Nice, beautiful. Okay, we get it. Now, a guy in New York tried this. He wanted to get a little Italian spirit.
Starting point is 00:25:17 You know, they're out. Shut the fuck up! That's why New York, that's why I fit in there like a fucking, when I move down, they go, these are my people. Guy's trying to bring, hey, oh, shut it.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Trevor Noah, who's a good guy. I don't like the Daily Show, and he's a lefty and all that shit, but you know, I met him at the Comedy Cell. He's's a good guy. I don't like The Daily Show. He's a lefty and all that shit. But, you know, I met him at the Comedy Cell. He's actually a good dude. He tried it. I can show you the world. Shining, shimmering.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Shut the fuck up! That was Donald Trump Jr. That was probably a setup, whatever we know that uh anyways uh i'm don't laugh at me hillary you fucking I know, a couple minutes. Raz, no, two minutes. 131. That's all right. Whatever. So we give a long show on Monday.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Who said we can't do that, right? But it really is getting sad out there. Let me get this. A third NYPD member dies of coronavirus after hundreds of officers test positive in the fucking streets. It's getting... Nature, Will Robinson.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Nature. Detective Cedric Dixon. And I love cops. That's why I'm reading this. All right? These guys put their neck on the line. They used to come into the comedy cellar. They're good guys.
Starting point is 00:26:56 A 23-year-old veteran worked in the 32nd Precinct in Harlem. The detective was in his 40s had an underlying health condition multiple law enforcement officials said two other members of the department have died from coronavirus which is infected listen to this 696 nypd employees dennis dixon a custodian who worked at the police headquarters died thursday friday nypd said uh uh jack jack uh jacomina bar brown NYPD said Jack Jack Jack Amina Bar Brown, a civilian, worked in the 49th Precinct roll call office, was a second member of the force to die from Corona. The growing numbers of the first responders and health care workers falling sick with Corona virus is doubly worrisome because there are fewer people who can help the public. This is going down just like people talked about back in the you know back in the day if a pandemic hit you worry about social upheaval and this is what happened i mean half detroit right
Starting point is 00:27:52 there was what what almost 400 cops out in detroit sick um on saturday 4342 nypd employees were out sick. I.E. 4,300. According to the daily coronavirus report from the NYPD, that's 12% of the workforce, department workforce. At least 608 uniformed NYPD members and 88 civilian members have tested positive for corona. NYPD officers have been out in their patrol cars and on foot since sunday night informing people about the state's social distancing policies offices have been looking for groups of people congregating telling them to disperse which they should be i don't know why you're out there anyway you got to keep these guys in mind.
Starting point is 00:28:46 That's what I'm talking about, you know? They're out there. Same with the paramedics and the nurses. The nurses and doctors, they go into work knowing they're going to be surrounded by this shit. I wouldn't even... I went to urgent care three weeks ago because I know there's nobody in there. It's in a parking lot behind the fucking fucking burger king or something i walked in like they own the place
Starting point is 00:29:11 and uh so let's pray for those people seriously we make fun but they're out there fucking fighting it tooth and nail uh i also want to thank another sponsor, ladies and gentlemen, Tushy. This episode brought to you by As you know, there's a toilet paper shortage. And it's true, man. I used coffee filters today. I was looking at some 4-H sandpaper in my shed. It's getting desperate.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I was going into a market, and this black woman was coming out, and she said, did they have toilet paper in there? And I said, no. She goes, do they have chicken in there? And I said, yeah, but if you're going to wipe your ass with it, you better bread it. She thought that was hilarious. That's why I love it down here. So there is a shortage. But you know who doesn't need toilet paper? People who aren't wiping their ass but washing it, which makes perfect sense.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Break up with your toilet paper. Treat your butt right with tushy. Wiping your butt with dry toilet paper does not remove all the shit. This is pretty gross. I love it. If you got poop on any part of your body, would you just wipe it off with dry paper?
Starting point is 00:30:20 Water cleans better than dry paper, my friends. Thankfully, there's a, listen to this, now a sleek bidet attachment that clips onto your existing toilet and sprays your butt completely clean with fresh water it's called tushy and it's the best thing you can do for your butt tushy and i've never said that word in my life until this copy tushy sprays directly to your ass and removes the poop completely so you aren't sitting on bacteria that leads to nasty things like hemorrhoids, yeast infections, UTIs, itchy assholes, skid marks, pigeons following you. Bidets are common in the rest of the world.
Starting point is 00:30:55 A bidet saves you money on toilet paper. Right? And you know the best part? It doesn't clog your toilets. Tushy sprays your ass with fresh water. It's not toilet water. Tushy connects to the water supply behind your toilet to spray your dirty parts with clean, fresh water. That's the same water you use to brush your teeth.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Wet wipes are worse than toilet paper. They make paper mache, clog your toilets, bad for the environment, and they cause anal fissures. You don't want your anus fissuring. Everybody knows that. And here's the best part. It's only $79. To take advantage of this great offer, go to forward slash NickDip, and you'll get 10% off your order. Again, that's forward slash NickDip, and you get 10% off.
Starting point is 00:31:43 We thank them for supporting the program. So real quick question. A short patron question. All right. Sarah L. Colorado Springs, Colorado. Nick, do you own any guns? If so, which is your favorite? I have a super soaker filled with cat pee-pee.
Starting point is 00:32:06 And I have a nail gun. I do have two guns. I'm not going to tell you which one is my favorite. But let's just put it this way. When I cock it, people run. Just the sound. And that was one of the selling points. That's a shotgun you'll find in most cop cars.
Starting point is 00:32:28 And I have another thing. And many knives. A guy from the FBI gave me this knife. I'm not even smart enough to work it. Took me two weeks to figure out how to open it. I had to text him. But Jesus, I tell you, it cuts through roast chicken like you wouldn't believe. Yeah, I have a couple guns.
Starting point is 00:32:49 I'm going to get some more, too. Makes me feel macho. Makes my dick feel big. That's what people who hate guns always say. Yeah, better than your clit. Shut it. I know where. All right.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Well, let's, last week I got to chat with my buddy, Anthony Comia, who I absolutely adore. The guy, when I used to open Anthony, he made me laugh so hard one time I had to leave the studio. I couldn't get my composure. And I just love him. I just love his fucking lifestyle and his uh point of view towards life so we sat down and chatted uh with anthony here it is good to have you on man uh nobody makes me laugh hard away i've been to your house okay i wouldn't mind being fucking quarantined in the mcmansion yeah yeah we're sequestered uh quarantined whatever you want to call it but uh
Starting point is 00:33:44 i have my crew staying with me also so we could do shows on a daily basis. But it's been pretty good because for the most part, I've hated humanity my whole life. So every day is pretty much just like every other day for me. I do the show. I sit on my couch. I watch TV. I play some video games. I eat. I go to sleep and repeat. So this is there's been no difference in my lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:34:11 That's what I said to my wife last night. I go, I got to be honest with you. I don't see what the big changes are. I didn't realize I was such a fucking antisocial. Same thing, though. I mean, God bless you. You know know so your crew is sleeping at the house yeah yeah i have you know i i have rooms that are usually taken up by uh my cats you know there's there's swarms of homeless people on the streets in new york city my cats have luxury bedrooms when nobody's staying here so uh yeah drew who's our engineer and he's staying in the maid's quarters. And Dave, who's my co-host, he's upstairs in the north wing bedroom of the house. And it works out well.
Starting point is 00:34:56 We barely see each other. It's a nice place. There's a lot of who is coming in and out of here, you know. It really is very Tony Soprano house kind of i know looking i know the only thing that's different tony soprano didn't have a life-size t-rex out by his fucking pool is that thing still there he had he had the fucking ducks hey sweetie look at the fucking kids kids look the ducks they're swimming they're swimming whatever dad. But I love your take on this whole thing. You and I, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:27 we're cynical gindaloons and we had the same take that it was like the day after Trump was cleared of impeachment. This shit shows up. I can't prove it right now, but like you said, this is the level that the Dems work at.
Starting point is 00:35:43 You know, we can't prove it, but you know, like you said, this is the level that the Dems work at. You know, we can't prove it. But, you know, like you said, it attacked the economy. The one thing that he has mastered, nobody can even argue. And that goes right in the dumper and shit. And the media is saying that he's handling it horribly. Although the polls don't say that, does it, Ant? His approval ratings are at their highest. And 60% said they like what he's doing. It's always it's like a kid's cartoon with the Dems and Trump. They try and try. And
Starting point is 00:36:13 every week when you watch the cartoon, you know, Scooby Doo foils the robbery. And it's always the same. They screw everything up. They try to get him and he just gets more popular. I'm with you on the there's no coincidences like this. They've been saying for a long time, there's no way they could run against this economy and the unemployment rate. That's the two biggest things Trump has done. Right. They've destroyed the economy and unemployment numbers came out. They were something like three million new applications for unemployment, the largest ever happening in the world. So that we're supposed to just go, oh, yeah, they needed it. And it happens. It doesn't happen like that. Not usually. I hate to be a I don't want to put on my tinfoil hat, as they always fucking say.
Starting point is 00:37:06 But Jesus, just have a little street smarts. I don't know. And here's my other question. What's going to keep because this brought us to our knees. What's going to keep China or any of our adversaries from doing this in the future? Coming up with some maybe some synthetic shit that they will have control over. It won't kill people in their country shit that they will have control over it won't kill people in their country but they could drop it over i mean this is the only thing that's really affected the united states and taking us to our knees i'm worried about future shit wow what a what a great take on that because uh if this is any kind of a test run to see how we react to it
Starting point is 00:37:43 yeah they must be who if somebody did put this out to see if it would be a good weapon to bring us to our knees like you said they must be like wow this is so much better than we thought they're fighting the economy's in the shitter yeah they don't know what's doing they're scared shitless they're staying home they're not working like this is this is as close as you could get to a nuclear attack without the mushroom clouds. Yes. They're like, what were we doing with collusion and impeachment? The fuck a dirty germ. Well, yeah, a fucking little germ gets us.
Starting point is 00:38:17 And I don't know, I really do think China made this thing either purposefully or because they don't care about their people. It's like, oh, I know. That's what I said to Colin Quinn. He goes, well, people died in their own. I got to fucking communist regime. They fucking they'll kill you if you spit on the sidewalk. They give a fuck. They got a million Muslims in prison camps. I don't think they give a fuck. They don't care. If it was a deal like
Starting point is 00:38:50 they wanted to see what would happen in the United States or all over the world and a few of their guys die in the process, they don't give a shit. It reminds me of
Starting point is 00:38:58 Longshanks in Braveheart when he goes, you know, get the archers. And the guy goes, but you'll hit our men. And he goes you know get the archers and the guy goes but you'll hit our men and he goes we'll hit theirs too exactly exactly that's exactly right they don't give a shit of course not um and people say well our government doesn't either
Starting point is 00:39:21 we did tests on the kiski you the Tuskegee Airmen and shit. It's a fucking government. It's a little evil. That's why we don't want too much of it. But now this thing today, Ant, the big news is, and I said this yesterday or the day before. You don't have to be a genius to pick up on it. But I said Cuomo is building momentum. He's on TV every day.
Starting point is 00:39:42 And I said Biden is making an asshole of himself. Nobody saw him for about a month. And they said, you got to get out there. Trump's on TV. They put him out there. He's dumber and more senile than ever. So now people are going, well, Cuomo's the guy. So he doesn't have any delegates and shit. So I don't know how it would work with a convention coming up, but they, they want it. There's a, there's a movement online to draft him as, and it makes sense. I don't, I don't like his politics, but I have to admit, Ant, but I've been watching him, and this is my Italian bias. I kind of like he's that old school gendalone.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Hey, what do you call you? He's busting his brother's balls. What do you call your mother once in a while, you fucking ass? You know? And then he goes, we need 30,000 ventilators. They sent us 4,000. Okay, you pick the other 26,000. People are going to die.
Starting point is 00:40:27 I'm actually at home giggling a little bit. He's a good speaker. He's acting like an Italian dad. So I can see how this, do you think Biden's going to be the guy or is Cuomo going to step in or is a thick-ankled dog face fucking going to jump? I'll tell you. I've been thinking the same thing,
Starting point is 00:40:44 and he's been our governor up here you know you lived up here while he was the governor that's why i left his tax programs he's very heavy-handed on the taxes and the gun issue he doesn't like uh people having uh the right to bear arms yeah and he taxes the shit out of everybody yeah aside from that like you said watching him during this crisis yeah but things like this are what makes leaders. They have to step up. He's on TV all the time. He's presented himself as someone who's involved.
Starting point is 00:41:14 He knows the deal. He doesn't sound like an idiot when he's talking like a lot of these guys. Watching him with de Blasio, just bitch slap Mayor de Blasio up here in New York. Yeah. It's hilarious. It reminded me of those cartoon dogs with little ones going, what do we do next? What do we do next? And the bulldog just goes, ah, shit.
Starting point is 00:41:33 And smacks him in the face. Anything de Blasio comes up with, Cuomo just says, shut up. Yeah. You're an idiot. Cuomo. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:41:43 he does. He's, he's definitely stepped up. Biden. This is just when you think he's reached maximum Alzheimer's. He gets even worse. Like you said, he's doing these kind of town hall by video things from his house. Yeah. Everything out of his mouth is retarded. If I may use the retarded word. Fucking retarded. It's the only thing that really describes it. He's fucking retarded. He was never that bright to begin with. Now he's got a layer of senility on top of it.
Starting point is 00:42:15 And he's making a real. I don't. It's almost like if I if I told the guy I wanted him to tank as a candidate he's doing he's working from a list you couldn't he now today the big thing that what we covered today did the story about him finger popping at one of his staffers back in the 90s some young girl tara reed comes out and said this guy digitally penetrated me against the wall which i don't hold against him because every politician has done that shit yeah remember they have a not that it's right i'm just i'm just saying you're only gonna hear it on breitbart or on call me a show on my show you're not gonna you really think rachel maddow's gonna cover that or fucking uh wolf blitzer uh he this guy fucking violated a girl and and and here's what i said today on my show. I said, well, add that, put that together with this thing about Cuomo maybe drafting him to be the nominee. So the mainstream media who hates Trump, they were smart. They put this shit out about Biden to be an excuse to get him out of there.
Starting point is 00:43:26 and Me Too, when Kavanaugh was trying to get confirmed as a Supreme Court judge, they pretty much loaded it up where, hey, doesn't matter who it is or what they, you got to believe all the women that come forward and say this. So they're not touching it in the news yet because they have the coronavirus to deal with. But I think as time goes on, they're going to have to address it. the coronavirus to deal with yeah but i think as time goes on they're gonna have to address it and it is a great excuse to get him the out of there without having to fess up to the fact that he's senile because then even if they say oh he has alzheimer's we all go yeah we said that and saw it a year ago right and you still paraded this idiot around like he was uh the the greatest thing that could happen as president. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:44:06 I think they're going to do something like that, have a brokered convention. If neither candidate gets enough delegates, so maybe they start pushing Bernie. So they start sharing delegates. So neither have enough during the convention. And then they could say, well, here's Mario or here's fucking big woman, rape apologist, big woman, the thick ankle dog face. Well, I get nervous when you don't hear from her. That means she's home plotting with fucking bill and some Obama people and shit, you know, it's a, but, but also this could work out to Trump's favor. I mean, if this shit clears up, hopefully really soon, right.
Starting point is 00:44:45 It comes out smelling like, I mean, November is not that far away. And if he, if he's getting good numbers as far as in the polls about this, I mean, then what, what,
Starting point is 00:44:55 then what do they resort to? Here's the X factor again, that nobody, uh, we still have to worry about big tech and the way they censor you and me and everybody. And they do it and me and everybody. And they do it to politicians and shit.
Starting point is 00:45:10 All that information that people rely on, on who they're going to vote. They get it from the Internet. Between that and the mainstream media. That's why the Dems are never out of it. They have all that. But the Googles of the world that control almost all the information, that still makes me nervous. Yeah, it is. Nobody knows it better than you, by the way.
Starting point is 00:45:27 It's a tricky thing to try to thwart the social media and all that horseshit because people believe, you see it every day. I see what people believe on there and they just adamantly believe utter bullshit. You know it's bullshit, but because they're being told
Starting point is 00:45:43 third-hand on social media and Facebook, they think it's true. Yeah. Pelosi today. Fucking Pelosi. Another one. She she's up there saying how they pretty much saved this bill that they weren't going to pass. Yeah. Throwing all kinds of horseshit. Yes. And then she gets up there and goes, well, we saved it and put in the things for the people and not big corporations. Like, we read the thing. You had more horseshit social programs getting money from this than helping actual people that need
Starting point is 00:46:16 it. And then they just parade out and lie to your fucking face. It's disgusting. Yeah, Chuck Schumer, they're covering their ass. Like you said, when it came out, everybody read it. I read it i read it on this show that liberal wish list of oh you better have enough black and women in your companies in but shut the fuck up everybody's moved past that these people call themselves progressives but they talk like it's 1958 they put all those provisions in there and and they're the ones who are holding it up well people are literally fucking dying
Starting point is 00:46:43 and then chuck schumer comes out today and he's trying to take credit for shit that the Republicans put in there just to cover his, they're not even good at what they do for a living. They suck. Fucking. How are they still around?
Starting point is 00:46:56 How is Chuck Schumer with his stupid, if I have to look at this one more time, with his New York accent. You know, my niece is quite a comedian. She's very funny. Whatever fucking Amy is to him. Fucking Nancy Pelosi is the most disgusting. She's been like that forever.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Just a power hungry. Look at San Francisco and look at her state and shit. I mean, California is, you know, it's been in the toilet. They can't handle it. Somebody said in a headline, is California going to be like Italy? You know what I call it? You know what I call Italy? No country for old men.
Starting point is 00:47:35 That's what I call it. Anybody over 60 with the sniffles, they put a bullet in the back of your head. But don't you think Trump can, this might this might even help him i mean like i said november's not that far away if we survive this i mean i don't know yeah i'm hoping uh this puts uh gets us back to a little more reality because uh all the bullshit that was being presented to us as important issues right now, they're nothing. You don't see them anymore. Everybody say, Oh yeah, the whole transgender, uh, sports issue or, or you need a, your surgery is, is,
Starting point is 00:48:18 is life-saving a transgender surgery. And you're mad because you can't get in the hospitals and do it. It's like, oh no, we're done with that. That was all fun and everything. Put your toys away. And that is now issue 6,346,000 on the list of important things. No one cares about that or you're racist or you're sexist or homophobic. That all went away about two weeks ago. And I really hope that if someone tries to bring it back after the stunt, people just go, how about you go fuck yourself?
Starting point is 00:48:55 That is such a great point because I'm complaining on the show every day. We talk LGBT, trans, and I ask the question, I go, they make up about 0.002% of the world population. I'm talking about these bastards every goddamn day on my show. They're in every commercial. Jesus Christ. Every kid I see now, whether it's the Food Network, I'm like, is that a boy?
Starting point is 00:49:18 What the fuck? This androgynous horse shit. And it went away. You're right. It showed how, how it's really a distraction every day. That's what they give us to get distracted. But you're right.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I haven't heard a peep. I don't think I've mentioned a dildo or fake tits or a midget fucking three episodes. That's actually a great point. No, you are. It shows you're right. That it really isn't that important to people yet.
Starting point is 00:49:42 They keep it in our face. A lot of this, a lot of the nonsense that we've been having to chew on for three years. And it has been a lot, a lot of it since Trump took office because they try to make him seem like he's every kind of phobic and is out there. Right. But but we don't see about, you know, what was the last time you heard about little kids are being ripped from their parents' arms and locked up at the border? And gays can't do this. And it all went away. As a guy that does a show on a daily basis, I'm a little upset. I did like talking about all that LGBTQgbtq plus horse shit every day but uh if it gets us back to some
Starting point is 00:50:26 common sense in this country i guess uh we got to take the good with the bad it's funny you say kids being ripped away from their but now it's just the opposite they're stuck in the house with their parents i read a statistic where child abuse is going up since his quarantine don't blame trump for that too you know fucking uh how about the couple that ate fish uh aquarium tank cleaner and uh because they saw the word you know fucking uh chloroquine in it but it was chloroquine phosphate right and they ate it the husband dies the wife's in critical condition cnn has the balls to do a story on that and not mention in the story that it was a fish tank cleaner they don't even mention it they just say it was the drug that
Starting point is 00:51:11 trump was touting as a game changer how the fuck are they still on the air anthony how are they still on the air who watches that and and sees the the obvious purposeful deception that they're trying to put to the American people and don't consider them enemies of the people. They are enemies of the people. They're serving us misinformation, trying to get at Trump. Yeah, this woman, first of all, I think I read a lot on that story. I think this bitch killed her husband. I think she killed her fucking husband. She said. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Yeah, they were very nervous about Corona, she said. Yeah. So she's going through the cabinet to find some kind of food and sees these things and says, oh, I saw chloroquine on the package. First of all, I saw the package picture. You can't see it on the front. She must have looked at it. There's a picture of a fucking
Starting point is 00:52:14 fish on the goddamn front of it. My husband's going to sleep with the fishes. Not for human consumption. I think she gave her husband a shitload. She took a little to get sick enough. And this is like a forensic files. I was just going to say,
Starting point is 00:52:29 that's all I watch now. I'm a couple of years late. I get hooked on that shit. That's why I'm laughing so hard at your theory. Because if that's the case, they'll figure that out in three seconds. She took out a million dollar insurance policy for a Walmart greeter.
Starting point is 00:52:48 No, it it, Bill. Taste it. The fucking goldfish. It's like, oh, it was it was chloroquine phosphate, which is different than hydrochloroquine, which is that they're using. Right. And it's like anybody knows sodium chloride is table salt. You eat sodium, you die. You eat chlorine, you die. When they're put together, it makes salt. You can't just take the words that you read and think it's the same thing. I got to be honest with you, Anthony,
Starting point is 00:53:17 I didn't know that, that when you separate them, they were lethal. You put them together, it's salt. I did not know that. Yeah, salt is sodium, which is- It's too poisoned. If you throw a chunk of sodium into water, it literally explodes. It explodes with the water. And chloride is chlorine. My wife's taking a bath tonight. You put it in your pool.
Starting point is 00:53:38 And when they're chemically bonded, you can't just take sodium and chlorine and throw it in your mouth. When they're chemically bonded, it's literally it's table salt. But, you know, people don't understand. You can't just cut the word phosphate off the end. Chloroquine. I went to go see Colin Quinn thinking it was going to cure me. Oh, my God. He's got a new name.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Chloroquine. They knew something was up with this couple, though, when they when they found that little, you know, that little guy in the bottom of the tank that everybody has that stands in the corner with a fucking scuba equipment on. They found that in his stomach. They found that in the guy's stomach and a little fucking house that fish swimming out of. Yeah, it's a they they did an autopsy. They found fucking gravel in his stomach. They did an autopsy. They found fucking gravel in his stomach. And a fucking fish tank heater up his ass. A pound of goldfish shit.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Fucking, what was I going to say? Oh, and we're talking to the great Anthony Cormier, obviously. Friggin, you know what? Can you imagine? I was thinking if Obama was in office when this happened. I mean, somebody who literally never ran a business couldn't fucking bounce his checkbook.
Starting point is 00:54:53 And all the idiots he surrounded himself with, remember they knew nothing about business. That's why Trump yesterday straightened out that bitch that was talking. Some chick was just yapping over him. Is this political? It's helping you. And he goes, you know, he called her, you write fake news, you write fake. He goes, if you didn't have these people behind
Starting point is 00:55:10 me and me, you wouldn't have a country right now. That gave me a fucking erection when he said that. That's the truth. Can you imagine Obama trying to handle this? Well, you could see how he would have handled it by watching how he handled the pandemic of 2009. H1N1. H 2009 h1n1 nothing he did nothing
Starting point is 00:55:29 he made an announcement you're right six months later six months a lot of people had died already and that's how he handled it and not a word you didn't hear it too late you you're killing people where is this where is that so this is just throw everything at Trump and he's handling it. When they say, why isn't he listening to the experts? Every day he's up there with fucking experts behind him. I know. Going up to the podium. I know.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Talking about this. What the fuck more do you want from this guy? They're very subtle with this shit. Like he goes, I think this might be a game changer. Then every headline is Trump says it's a game changer yeah i mean they just twist things it takes one fucking word they're the sleaziest motherfuckers and trump is still despite all that misinformation about him still getting good numbers as far as handling this i don't know the guy's the most transparent this guy will talk to a homeless guy on the way into the fuck this guy he fucking loves the camera he's out there he's not the greatest speaker i
Starting point is 00:56:31 cringe while i'm watching him because he repeats this he's always in salesman mode you know great everybody's terrific everybody talks great people terrific people everybody's terrific talking to hitler's daughter terrific woman good people the uh but uh so yeah but I mean for Christ's sake just look at the results I said this to somebody yesterday he's a leader you don't have to be the smart Vince Lombardi wasn't a rocket scientist he was a fucking leader uh Joe Paterno okay a few kids get fucked in a shot he was a leader that's what Trump is. He gets up there. He's got the experts. Like you
Starting point is 00:57:08 said, he's in salesman mode. They're getting on him like he should be in the Lincoln bedroom tinkering with ventilators. He's the guy that needs to make him. He's saying, yeah, we need fucking ventilator. We're getting him out there.
Starting point is 00:57:24 He talks to the people in in retail and and stores that uh we need to do this so the people can get food and everything they need what else do they want this fucking guy to do they accept completely take the blame and and run around like he doesn't know what's going on so the country goes in the shitter that would be oh that's their dream come true if he broke. But he's not. He's a strong motherfucker. Anybody else under this kind of pressure would have a nervous fucking breakdown by now.
Starting point is 00:57:54 That guy, like you said, loves the camera, doesn't care. He's still up there. He runs towards the fire. He loves to be this. It's what people say is a fault of his is actually a strength. He wants to he fucking he loves the camera wants to be the guy known saving the world and all this shit is actually good i mean uh you know me he just he runs towards the fucking fire i i just get so disgusted uh
Starting point is 00:58:19 when they're saying that a fucking meathead rob ryan is on there on Twitter going, he's he's he's killing New Yorkers. Oh, your sister's tits, you fucking. Oh, please. put out their videos and their songs. And they honestly think like, you know, what's in their head. They go, well, we are so important that we need to tell everyone it's okay through, through our craft, through our songs.
Starting point is 00:58:56 And, you know, once people see us, us amazing people getting through this, it'll be easier for the low life pieces of shit that pay money for our our bullshit songs and movies yeah that's exactly how they fucking think and they're losing their minds because they need they need the adulation oh yeah eat off of it and they're locked up in their home without their hair yeah makeup artists and they're losing their fucking minds but donna's
Starting point is 00:59:22 in a tub of fucking jizz at her house. This one, Drew Barrymore's having a fucking breakdown in her bathroom. They're all fucking mental patients. When did Madonna turn into a 22-year-old Asian girl? You see all the leaves in the tub that came out of her ass as soon as she sat in the water. I don't know what the fuck.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Okay, I've taken up enough of your time. Ant, seriously, brother, you're one of my favorite people on the planet you tell it like it is and uh thank you for doing this man and uh i want to hook up on your show soon i like to do it live once i know once the china flu gets out of new york yeah good luck i i new york is like i am legend uh out there it's uh it's it's a circuit one quick thing i saw one of the greatest, simplest, funniest
Starting point is 01:00:07 jokes because you know the celebrity's been doing that Imagine song. Yes. Somebody wrote, whoever wrote that song Imagine should be shot. How did I miss that? Who wrote that? I don't know. It's brilliant. I think it was Greta Thunberg. Ironically enough.
Starting point is 01:00:27 All right, Ant. Nick, thanks, man. I'll talk to you soon. Same here, buddy. Take care. I want to thank, of course, the great Anthony Comia today. All you people at home, all you viewers, it's a tough time. I know you're captive
Starting point is 01:00:42 and we rely on you to keep this show going now that it's free Monday through Thursday. And we can't thank you enough for supporting. You've been great so far. If you want to make contributions, go to If you want to, you can also sign up at if you want to be a monthly donator. And if you do that, you get an extra story a day. You get to ask me questions.
Starting point is 01:01:05 And you get access to over 300 day. You get to ask me questions and, you get access to over 300 more past shows that we've done. And, uh, can't thank you enough. And if you're a small business, if you want to be a sponsor on the show, go to Nick So we thank you very much for that.
Starting point is 01:01:19 Stay safe, folks, practice social distancing. I gotta be honest. It hasn't been a change for me. I fucking, I've been lazy and I hate people my whole life. I'm like, I'm not feeling anything. practice social distancing i gotta be honest it hasn't been a change for me i fucking i've been lazy and i hate people my whole life i'm like i'm not feeling anything
Starting point is 01:01:28 anyways you think and i'll say it you're very welcome uh we'll talk to you tomorrow bye guitar solo Thank you.

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