The Nick DiPaolo Show - Peter Navarro | Nick Di Paolo Show #625

Episode Date: November 11, 2021

Interview with Peter Navarro. Infrastructure bill requires drunk tech. IVF mishap....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for watching. Whether on social media or in our schools, on television, or from the White House, now more than ever, our freedoms, especially freedom of speech, are being suppressed, and that's putting it mildly. That's why I do this show, and that's why I put it out for free. For those of you who are able, please consider contributing to the show in any amount so we can keep it free and maintain a forum where right-leaning, honest, unfiltered comedy exists. Just click on the contribute button on your screen or go to and click on the contribute button at the top. Thank you guys so much.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Let's keep this freedom fight going. guitar solo Oh yeah, yeah Welcome to the show on a big Thursday How are you folks? Later on I'll be grabbing a flight to Vegas Hope to see you out there tomorrow night and Saturday night. Great show today. Very excited to have this guest on the show.
Starting point is 00:01:33 He's an economist, best-selling author of a few books, and headed up the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy under President Donald Trump. He's got a great new book out, and it's called In Trump Time, A Journal of America's Plague Year, which has been described as a personal diary loaded with stories from inside a perspective
Starting point is 00:01:55 of how medical advisor Anthony Fauci, his advice on handling the pandemic was so riddled with horseshit, I put that in there, that it did serious damage to Trump, the United States, and the world. Please welcome Peter Navarro. Peter, thank you for coming on the show. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Hey, really great to be with you. And a bonus for you, besides the In Trump Time book, I get you to take you on a tour. You know what this is, by the way? Yeah, I do. That's where the vegas raiders play now no what is that wuhan china okay this is uh the the p4 bio weapons lab where the virus almost certainly came from i call it the house that fci built. This is a little Fauci wing dedicated to all of the millions of dollars Fauci gave to the Chinese communist military
Starting point is 00:02:54 to create, using these gain-of-function experiment technologies, they would turn a harmless bat virus into a human killer. And the In Trump Time book, one of the key missions of the In Trump Time book is to get Fauci fired from government and into a jail cell. And here's my money-back guarantee. If by the time you finish the book and you still don't think Fauci should be in jail,
Starting point is 00:03:27 I give you twice your money back. He's like Mike Lindell, only he went to Harvard. Hey, I learned everything about marketing from Mike. Before I get to your book, I just want to ask you a couple questions about what's going on now. But first of all, let me make a statement. I came up with a new rule. Anybody who wants to be president of the United States from here on in has to have this on their resume. CEO of a successful company or, you know, an entrepreneur, a successful entrepreneur.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I mean, this is a capitalist country. That should be a requirement. I mean, you saw what happened under our Marxist Obama. Don't you think that would be a good thing to put in there as a requirement? You have to know business. Well, I think I proved that in the In Trump Time book. There's a great chapter on how we were able to get a vaccine in a third of the time it normally takes. And on February 9th, I'll take you in the interim time book into my office at the White House. I'm drafting this memo
Starting point is 00:04:32 that says if we act now, we can get a vaccine in literally a third of the time that it normally takes. And Fauci said it would take. Right. So, okay. So because I knew we could get it done in Trump time, which is to say as soon as possible, because we had a businessman sitting in the Oval Office, right? And what we did was pure business genius. We took what is usually a sequential process that would take two to three years, find the vaccine candidate, phase one, two, and three trials for safety and efficacy. Only then do you think about mass producing it. What we did instead of that sequential process, we did it simultaneously. And I have in this in Trump time memo, I say, look, we got at least six of these
Starting point is 00:05:28 candidates. What we're going to do is we're going to prepare to mass produce every single one of those, knowing that one or more of them won't make it right. And it would be the best wasted money we would ever spend, because that would be small change compared to the damage that would be done if we didn't have the ability to mass produce once we had the vaccine. So to your point, yeah, that's the kind of thinking a business person could do. And in the interim to that book, I have numerous examples of how the boss, as I call him, President Trump, would use his art of the deal kind of mentality to move things forward. And as Belichick and football said, you are what your record says you are. says that President Trump built the best economy in modern history until Tony Fauci and the Chinese Communist Party attacked us with a deadly virus. I excuse me. So, you know, I was do you get you must get angry. And I know, President, when you sit there listening to Biden trying to take credit
Starting point is 00:06:41 for any of the vaccine success. I just can't believe the stones on this guy. If you're sitting home watching this, what do you think to yourself? He's literally trying to take credit for what you and Trump pulled off. So when I wake up in the morning, here's the analogy. Do you ever boil a big pot pot of pasta right so you you turn on the water right you have the the the top right on it and as it's beginning to boil it starts to kind of like shake through this kind of like that's me in the morning when i read the news about biden's latest kind of uh look the guy is this dangerous combination of arrogance, hubris, incompetence, and senility.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Okay, you put all of that together. And what he is systematically doing is undoing everything President Trump did. how I was only one of three, only one of three senior White House officials who was with the president all the way from the campaign in 2016, all the way to the end of what I like to troll the Democrats with, President Trump's first term, right? And the thing about all of that is going back to the campaign, we had a strategy. We had a strategy to grow the economy through tax cuts, deregulation, strategic energy dominance, fair trade. We had a strategy for national security, peace through strength, a stronger defense budget, back North Korea and Iran down, crackdown on communist China. And in that alternate universe of the matrix, otherwise known as Joe Biden's White House, he manages to say, well, whatever Trump was doing and succeeded and really made us strong
Starting point is 00:08:41 and prosperous, I'm going to do just the opposite to see what happens. And guess what's happening? Yeah, he had a plan, too, to undo everything you did. Don't you think, and this is, you know, to your point in your book, this whole COVID thing was a pretext for what's going on now. They used it for everything. uh as an excuse number one stealing the election in my what's your opinion on that i think i heard you speak out on that is there any doubt this election was rigged the last election so the interim time book is dedicated to firing
Starting point is 00:09:19 fauci holding communist china accountable but your point, also getting to the bottom of the November 3rd election, which in my judgment and analysis, in fact, was indeed stolen. There's a wonderful story in the In Trump Time book about how on Thanksgiving Day 2020, right, November 2020, I had waited patiently after November 3rd for the Trump campaign itself to challenge the election. Because, look, everybody knew there was like fraud and irregularities, but they didn't. So that day, Thanksgiving Day, I joke, no football, no turkey, no problem. I go in and begin to wade through these thousands and thousands upon affidavits, thousands more pages of documents. And out of that comes what would become a three-volume Navarro report, which would come
Starting point is 00:10:14 to this conclusion. There was no silver bullet the Democrats used to defeat Trump and steal the election. Rather, it was death by a thousand election irregularities. And across the six battleground states, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, every state did it in a different way. And in the In Trump Time book, at the end of the book, I lay that out in all the gory detail. You know, Zuckerberg, if you're using Facebook, just understand you're funding a billionaire robot guy on the spectrum who's dedicated to destroying both humans as we know it. He wants to turn everybody into like computerized automatons, but also destroy our democracy as we know it.
Starting point is 00:11:08 He's the guy who funded all these drop boxes and ballot harvesting so the Democrats could throw illegal ballots in them. But my point is simply that this was a very complex steal that happened. And a lot of people talk about the boss running in 2024 it's like no no no no um 2020 we need to get to the bottom of what happened then and the interim time book is really dedicated to that and again i'll offer the money back guarantee you read in trump time you
Starting point is 00:11:38 get to the end of it if you don't think that election was stolen, double your money back. What happened to Release the Kraken and Sidney Powell and Julie? I was very excited about Sidney Powell. I said, I like this woman. I know the judges. If you read in Trump time, you know, dear Dame Powell, as I call her, did tremendous damage to the credibility of people who actually knew what they were talking about with respect to election integrity. And I personally assign her a rightful place in what I call the dustbin of history in the In Trump Time book. What? I mean, for me, she's like she's like the Howdy Doody equivalent on our side of Pete Buttigieg on their side. I mean, just like you can't take them seriously the moment they open their mouth.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Is that true of Giuliani who sat next to her for a lot of these? Well, look, Rudy. I love Rudy. American heroes, in my judgment, they did the best this they could. Right. But they they got the legs cut out of them by the Trump campaign itself, as I document in Trump time. And they had to tolerate Powell because she was always trying to make headlines and this and the other thing. But what should have happened is what happened in Bush v. Gore. We should have had an army of people, lawyers waiting on Election Day to contest.
Starting point is 00:13:21 One of the cool things about the In Trump Time book is that the audio version, I actually use actual voices from the people who appear in the book. So you listen to it and there's Bannon in it, there's Lewandowski, there's Victor Davis Hanson. My point here is that Corey Lewandowski absolutely steals the audio show. In the chapter, he's on Air Force One with Dave Bossy, and Corey tells the story of how Bossy kind of rips the Trump campaign up and down for not being ready. And that was the problem. And then the Trump campaign itself wouldn't provide Rudy Giuliani and Bernie Kerik with the money they needed to prosecute the election irregularities. So it was it was really unfortunate uh but as we move forward with the november 3rd movement um we are we have critical masks where we've already proved arizona
Starting point is 00:14:14 was stolen uh georgia was stolen we're we're getting close on the other states uh boots on the ground and uh we need to get to the bottom of that. And that's what the In Trump Time book, one of the things it's dedicated to, as well as the betrayal of Donald Trump by the Brutus Mike Pence. Ah, I'm talking to Peter Navarro. He's got a great book out, In Trump Time, A Journal of America's Plague Year.
Starting point is 00:14:41 You, I know you, like a lot of people, have a lot of, a lot of trouble with how Fauci handled it. Tell us about when you first met him. I know that was in the book and something about, he couldn't even really look you in the eye, uh, when you first met him. All right. So, so I wrote the interim time book more as a, as a movie script, like to take you kind of inside what was happening kind of in real time, like you're sitting in a movie theater. So let me do that for you now in chapter two. It's January 28th. President Trump has decided to take the flights down from communist China
Starting point is 00:15:17 because of his alarm over what's happening with the Wuhan virus. And the task force, which was then kind of at the nascent stage, was against the travel ban. So he sends me into the Situation Room to carry the day to basically make the argument on his behalf that this travel ban was the right thing to do. So come on with me now. I go in the iconic situation room and I look around the room. There's at least four people I know I'm going to I'm going to get in a fight with Mulvaney, the acting chief of staff. I got one. I love Mike Pompeo, but the people who work for him, a lot of them are just hacks. I got one of him by left shoulder. I see if you can get this. The Orville Redenbacher doppelganger in the administration.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Who would that be um redfield ah there you go redfield yeah the guy at the cdc yeah yeah i just want to eat popcorn when you see him yeah and then azar right okay so so i know i'm gonna fight them but there's this little guy sitting across me these little round glasses and you're right he wouldn't look me in the eye didn't know if he was grinning or smirking whatever like within a nanosecond i'm in a fight violent argument with him and like flo bear's parrot he's just going travel bans don't work travel bans don't work like in his brooklyn accent i'm looking at the guy like bush and sunday's like who is this guy and finally i say dude actually called saint fauci dude didn't know that he was god at that point didn't know i should like do this to him i say dude it's like jesus you mean to tell me like 20 000 chinese nationals are coming in every day the kennedy and o'hare and lax and and some of them are lit up like a
Starting point is 00:17:02 christmas tree with that wuhan. We shouldn't stop them. Is that what you're saying? And he goes, yeah, travel bans don't work. And I knew then that he thought he was smarter than he was, very dangerous. But I also knew, I took the measure of that man before I realized he was God and the saying all rolled into one, that he was going to hurt this country, that he was going to hurt the president. I go back to the lab here i mean when i was sitting there facing him he knew flat out that that virus likely was from here genetically engineered could be a bioweapon he did not tell us biggest sin of omission fauci jail jail is too good for him yeah Yeah. He, I mean, Rand Paul did a deep dive on him and
Starting point is 00:17:47 he lied to Congress, I think under oath. Um, what is he in it for? Is he really just bad at what he does for a living? Or is it about, is it about money and power and, uh, or a combination of both? Or is he just really remember one thing although he looks younger he is 80 years old yes okay yeah i think you know if you know the the story of dorian gray i know there's a picture of him in his basement that looks like a hieronymus bosch painting i mean because he's done some really evil deeds in fact in the in trump time, I talk about how when he was the AIDS czar back in the 80s, he actually killed 17,000 people because he refused to provide the appropriate medicine to two people. And this, according to Sean Strub in the book Body Count. But, you know, my take of him is he's a narcissist.
Starting point is 00:18:42 He just lives to be on TV. And he's a narcissist he just lives to be on tv um and he's a sociopath uh he lies and every time he gets caught in a lie he tells another lie it's like oh uh the virus did not certainly did not come from the lab it came from nature uh oh yeah well it might have come from the lab but it's really not dangerous oh um well it might be dangerous but it wasn't from the lab, but it's really not dangerous. Oh, well, it might be dangerous, but it wasn't from the gain of function experiments that I funded. Oh, couldn't possibly be there was gain of, it's just, it's just one lie after another. And the interim time book, I mean, lays this guy out. It's not just like what he did in Wuhan. It's things like the hydroxychloroquine, it's delaying the vaccine when we had a chance to
Starting point is 00:19:26 get it to the public. He's just a bad dude. But he's one of many bad dudes in the In Trump Time book. I hope people will give this book a good read. Get it, you know, at the holidays. Give it to your friend, particularly the never Trumpers, because it really bridges the gap between what the fake news was saying about the White House and the president and what actually happened. Well, there you go. One final question. If Mr. Trump ends up in the White House in 2024, please tell me you got to be right next to him doing what you did in the first term. Well, you got to clean up this mess. Supply chain.
Starting point is 00:20:06 There's a principle in the In Trump Time book that says bad personnel is bad policy is bad politics. It's a refinement of the Reagan thing, personnel is policy. And I wrote the In Trump Time book for history. And one of the lessons for future presidents, which President Trump might well be again, is that the most important decisions you make early on are who who's going to work for you and um i think the boss learned the hard way yes mattis tillerson mcmaster kelly, I call out Steve Mnuchin as probably the person who was most responsible for the fact that the boss isn't sitting in the White House right now.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Those are not the kind of personnel choices any president would want to make in the future. If you're a president, you want to have people around who are tough, smart, who will disagree with you, but who are ultimately committed to you and your agenda. And as the In Trump Time book illustrates, that wasn't always the case. Yeah, I attribute that to Trump being new to politics, but you wouldn't know it after watching all the debates and how he mopped the floor with those guys. and how he mopped the floor with those guys. So anyways, the book is In Trump Time, a Journal of America's Plague Year, and it's a great, great read.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Peter, thank you so much. Good to see you, my friend. Take care. I'm going to send you a few more light bulbs there and light up that set like you deserve, like that handsome face deserves. It's the internet. It's not TV. What are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:21:48 But, yeah, thank you so much, and I hope to talk to you soon. All right, my friend. You take care. Take care. Bye-bye. Wasn't he great, man? I'm telling you. He was the first guy that I remember coming out right after COVID
Starting point is 00:22:01 and laying in at the feet of China. And he was on one of those Sunday morning shows, and they were trying to give him the yip-yap, and he was, like, getting heated. And I'm like, hey, it reminds me of myself and my dad. But smart dude. Harvard guy who used his degree for good and not evil. Very rare.
Starting point is 00:22:20 So thanks to Peter Navarro. Let's move on, shall we? I don't know if you guys have heard about this, the infrastructure bill, you know, the big monstrosity. Well, it has something that requires drunk technology. What do I mean by that? Congress has created a new requirement for automakers. Find a high-tech way, again, sticking in those where it doesn't
Starting point is 00:22:46 blow, find a high-tech way to keep drunken people from driving cars. And we actually got a comment from one of Biden's people and who's working on this. And then you get those dumb pedestrians. On the way over here, one old lady walked right in front of my car. I had to swerve right off the sidewalk to keep from hitting her. Yeah, they know what they're talking about. Again, here's more of, this is more nanny think. Well, Nick, you know how many people die because of drunk driving? Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:23:29 I looked it up because I have a joke about it. I think 40 million people on the weekend drive drunk in this country. I think six die because of it. I like my odds. Big fucking deal. You can't make the world childproof, is what I'm saying. Yeah, but if you save just one, if you save just one life, you're ruining the fun of about a million others.
Starting point is 00:23:50 That's how I see it. Fucking mothers against driver. Mothers against drunk driver. As soon as they get, every time abroad gets involved in a crisis, you know, lady lost her daughter on prom night in 1972. Now I can't have a scotch before I get behind them. It's one of the mandates, along with a burst of new spending aimed at improving auto safety amid escalating road fatalities and the $1 trillion infrastructure package, excuse me, that President Joe Biden is expected to sign soon with a big red crayon.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Fucking moron. I call drunken driving, well, it's not fair to say, because people have lost loved ones by some drunken. But, you know, I love that illegals, how many illegals have killed people in drunk driving actions in the last five years? And now under Biden, they don't even have to leave. But let's crack down on people who going out after, you know, on a Saturday night, having a few pops, trying to unwind from the horseshit country they're living in right now. And you're going to make sure they can't drive home.
Starting point is 00:24:58 It's just beyond, I really, it's beyond, he's flying immigrants late at night into cities and nobody's doing anything about it. I really believe the fix is in. I really believe. Under the legislation, monitoring systems to stop intoxicated drivers would roll out in all new vehicles as early as 2026 after the Transportation Department. Oh, little Pete Buttigieg. Is he involved in this? Big girl. Department assesses the best form of technology to install millions of vehicles,
Starting point is 00:25:38 and automakers are given time to comply. Well, the way the government moves, I don't think we have anything to worry about until 2069. Here's what you do, okay, for now, because some of these exist already. You have somebody sober in the car, blow into it. Now, what are they going to take, saliva tests and shit? Probably, right? They already probably have that on us. There's a girl drinking drinking from a phone. That glass is shaped like an iPhone. I almost got a DUI in New York a couple years ago. I had about 10 drinks of me, and my stomach was empty.
Starting point is 00:26:17 I get pulled over. Don't have to be a rocket scientist to know you're going to jail. I almost started fucking crying. I'm like, I'm dead. I'm going to fucking jail. Didn't even get a ticket. Didn't even get a ticket. Didn't even get a ticket. Cop made me blow into that, what do you call it?
Starting point is 00:26:30 Yeah, the head of his dick. That's right. And the ticket went right away. Have you tried? I know ladies, you've tried. It's like magic. For you people at home who have seen me do that joke for a few years, you know, bear with me. That makes me horny just looking at her do that. Anyways, that's wrong. What is she, 11? Makes me sick is what it does. And in all, about
Starting point is 00:26:52 $17 billion, $17 billion with a B, allotted to road safety programs. This is chick mentality. This is, again, it's so, I've learned so much about Marxism. And they always do it under the guise of your safety, like vaccine mandates. It's for your protection. This shit is for your protection. Meanwhile, the technology allows them to track you. Although at this point, I think they already have enough with the iPhones and the, just let us drink and drive.
Starting point is 00:27:25 It's very American. I'm very good at it. Anyways, can you imagine? Billions of dollars, a lot of safety programs. The biggest increase in such funding in decades, according to the Eno Center for Transportation. Transportation Secretary, Secretary Pete. Please give me a call. Buttigieg said Monday, that could mean more protected bike paths, he says,
Starting point is 00:27:58 and greener spaces built into busy, you know, racist roadways. More bike paths. That's his idea of a good thing. And greener space. Where? What? The median strip? What are you fucking talking about?
Starting point is 00:28:16 Oh, my God. Bike paths have done nothing but wreaked havoc everywhere they've been put. In my opinion, I don't know if my friend Dallas here agrees, because you remember he commuted for about a month on his bike. But in New York, some liberal douchebag broad, it's the first thing she did under de Blasio, was put all these bike paths in. She destroyed Times Square.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Traffic got, they did studies way worse. Anyways, it's monumental, said Alex Ott, national president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. If you're going to bet on that one, Dallas, you can bet on Vegas, Mothers vs. Drunk Driving. I got a lot of cash on the drunk driving. Call the package the single most important legislation. Now, why is that? In the group's history, that marks the beginning of the end of drunk driving. I don't
Starting point is 00:29:19 mean to make light of it, okay? Because I got a buddy who played football with me, our kicker up at Maine. I'm going to tell this story, and it makes me look bad, and I still to this day regret, but I have a bit about how, and I really mean it, that we exaggerate the dangers. I'm not saying it's a good thing. I'm not condoning, but I just think we exaggerate. So I did a whole bit about that, and my buddy was there with his family, who I haven't seen in years. This is down in Jacksonville, Florida. And I noticed that they were a little quiet after the show when he was introduced.
Starting point is 00:29:59 And then I said, Jack, what is there? His son, great athlete, high school, whatever, but killed by a drunk drop. I'm up there, you know, joking about how, again, the point was how it's over-exaggerated. But of course, when you're doing comedy, hyperbole comes in and you, but boy, and I love this kid. And he said, don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:30:22 You didn't know, but still, you know, it's the one time, you know what I mean? I never apologize for using anything, but if I, if somebody came up to the stage and said, you know, I would have said, oh my god, take that back, anyways, sorry to take fun out of that bit I just did, but those are the dangers of stand-up. In-vitro fertilization, In-vito fertilization. Mishap. Boy, somebody must have spilled something on the rug. Am I right?
Starting point is 00:30:51 Hey-oh. Hey-oh. You are correct, sir. Boy, I'll tell you, that's some weird stuff. I'll tell you, Ed. It was so hot today in Burbank. How hot was it? I saw a dog chasing a cat, and they were both walking.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Just a quick reminder, as we're getting closer to the holidays, that now is the time to grab a Nick DiPaolo Show T-shirt or hat or mug, or maybe a Nick-a-rich or what-up Nick-a-shirt for fans of the show, or maybe your lib neighbor. I see these when I do my show, the DiPaolo t-shirt. Get all the stuff at and click on the store button. It'll make a great, get it for your Grammy.
Starting point is 00:31:42 She's, it's gonna be her last Christmas anyways. Just get her one of those beauties. A Los Angeles couple, yuck, people still live in that shithole, is suing the California Center for Reproductive Health for in vitro fertilization after they learned the baby they had birthed and raised was not theirs. Not my dad! You also hear something ugly as fucking doodly.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Not my dad! Not my dad! I love this show. What up, Dad? Can you imagine? I mean, I understand you're getting the fucking order wrong at Denny's at 2 in the morning. I love this show. What up, that? Can you imagine? I mean, I understand you're getting the fucking order wrong at Denny's at two in the morning. You're a little high, you're a waiter.
Starting point is 00:32:31 What the fuck? You can't keep track of jizz that's going to produce a human being. Instead of breastfeeding my own child, I breastfed and bonded with a child that was later forced, I was later forced to give away. I should have known something was up because he was 14 years old.
Starting point is 00:32:51 No. Said mother Daphne Cardenal. Wow. Hi, Daphne, Daphne. Breastfeeding is good. That's a little, I have so many mixed emotions of carrying my birth daughter inside my body. Every time I felt a kick or spoke to her, it was someone else's baby. Cardinal and her husband, Alexander, were one of the two couples who did IVF
Starting point is 00:33:23 through the Encino based California Center for reproductive health That's them each mother who two couples involved carried to term and raised what they presumed to be their genetically related Babies for four months until they learned they were in in fact, the wrong infants. You know, you take a little jizz and you mix it in ice and then you put it in and you use this as an oven type way, right? Whoa. So they raised these babies for four months until they learned they were,
Starting point is 00:33:58 in fact, the wrong infants. The couple filed a lawsuit against their fertility doctor, The couple filed a lawsuit against their fertility doctor, Ellerin Moore, his clinic, lab, and the surgical center where the IVF procedure took place in 2019. So that guy's got to get rung up with some cash. I got to believe. Counselor? Counselor? They said, we should have known the guy wasn't that good a doctor
Starting point is 00:34:25 because when we rang his doorbell, he was working out of his house, a pit bull came to the front window in a Met shirt. Falling in love with our new baby while at the same time constantly fighting nagging questions and dark thoughts of doubt, said Alexander. It was truly my hell. Really, that is a horrible story. According to the press release, the Cardinales noticed that the baby girl they raised was a different race.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Well, yeah, there's a tip-off. At what point did you... Wouldn't you notice that the minute it came out? Are they covered in that much barbecue sauce? How do you not know the, if I was the husband, I would have been trying to push it back. Whoa! You can't use this exit. A different race and look drastically different from the couple and their older daughter.
Starting point is 00:35:28 DNA test performed at three months old. Later confirmed their suspicions. Three months into it. Am I missing something? The baby's first words. I'm black, y'all, and I'm black, y'all, and I'm blacker than black, and I'm black, y'all. Our memories of childbirth will always be tainted by the sick reality that our biological child was given to someone else, and the baby I fought to bring into this world was not mine to keep, said Daphne.
Starting point is 00:36:04 And I don't blame you. That is a, ugh. You know, can you imagine carrying that around for nine months? And I can't because I don't have kids. But I had a puppy watch and I couldn't find it. The couple's attorney said that the multi-billion dollar fertility industry needs more regulation, claiming that salons, like hair salons, are subject to more regulation than clinics. However, the fertility expert, Dr. Jeffrey Steinberg, said the industry already has robust
Starting point is 00:36:34 regulatory systems. Would you believe two Cub Scouts and a robot? That's for you people in your late 60s. With a shortage of embryologists, I tried doing that. I get caught. Steinberg believes it was likely human error that caused the fiasco. Are we going to bring in artificial intelligence for this now? We have robots carrying around jizz.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Danger, Will Robinson. butts carrying around jizz. Danger, Will Robinson. He said that every dish in his lab is laser etched with parents' names. Well, I guess it didn't work. Identification, he says. Identification. Identification. Like Tony Soprano, he said. We have a quadruple safety system, he says. Quadruple safety system, he says. Yeah, well, you better make it a kin-tuple. Whatever. You know, when you have a quadruple, I think it gets more complicated. How about just, I don't know, like a little doggy house and a fence.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I don't know. Whether it was human error or common negligence, the Cardinales are still adjusting to raising a new child. The daughter that we raised and bonded with was gone after months of love and affection, said Dafter. There is no way to describe the pain we have been through. The other couple is also expected to file a lawsuit. More could not be reached for comment. Too busy juggling fetuses in the back room.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Aye, aye, aye. That's, what a horrible thing. That's why I didn't have kids. I knew that would happen to me. How's that for a cop-out? They can't get your order right at McDonald's. You think they're going to... Hey, I want to thank you guys.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Before I forget, contributing to the show financially, it's the only way we stay up. One-time contributions, Kyle Anderson of Utah, Amanda Schrader of Pennsylvania, Joe Molina, Arizona, Scotty Cotter of Michigan, Sean Powell of Florida, as usual. Brock O'Leary, Mizzou, Missouri.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Kit Fortney, Michigan. Ian Nelson, Colorado. Jeffrey Dunn, Massachusetts. Christopher McKean, Pennsylvania. Michael Dean, Virginia. Paul Sagnella, Connecticut. Austin Pardee, Nevada. Michael Pearson, Virginia. Paul Sagnella, Connecticut. Austin Pardee, Nevada. Michael Pearson, United Kingdom.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Ed Fox, Connecticut. Larry Ramey, Ohio. David Bethel, California. Matthew Asano, Minnesota. And a very happy birthday to Jimmy the Jew from East Longmeadow, Massachusetts. Happy birthday, you cheap prick. I did a cameo for him. And I guess he made a nice contribution.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Thank you, Jimmy. New monthly supporters, Robert Bruheim of California. Thank you guys so much. Spread the word, could you please? Spread it. Spread it around. Right here on our stage, a great friend of mine from the, that's right, that's Ed Sullivan. I've been doing that every night on stage.
Starting point is 00:39:52 I used to get a huge laugh. I'm down to one person going, some guy in his 90s in the back. That is it for today, Thursday, November 72nd. That is it for the week. I am heading to Vegas tonight. Hope to see somebody out there. Last time I went, all fans of the show, so I hope that happens again. Don't forget Don't forget
Starting point is 00:40:26 And don't forget if you'd like me to roast a friend or relative. Go to, click on my profile. It'll be explained to you. You guys, thank you. I will say you're very welcome. I will see you back here, I believe, on Monday
Starting point is 00:40:41 if all my flights go right. So have a great weekend. We'll talk to you next week. I'm free I'm free guitar solo Outro Music

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