The Nick DiPaolo Show - Police Shooting = Free Sneakers | Nick Di Paolo Show #523

Episode Date: April 13, 2021

Stores suffer as another night of riots hit Minnesota. Corporations give in to mob rule. Fake vaccination cards emerge online....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah Hello folks, welcome to the big show Tuesday On a Tuesday A lot of shit has happened since we last talked We all know about the Minneapolis incident Which seems like it's going to happen, I don't know, a couple times here for the rest of our lives Leather rinse repeat, leather rinse repeat As they say First of all, before I get going, I want to thank Don Gilroy, a fan and a member, sending me a book about Frank Rizzo.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Don's dad was a cop who worked under Rizzo. And I look forward to meeting you in Royceford at Soul Joel's. Thank you so much. And he sent the contribution with the book. Thank you so much, Don. Appreciate it. Can't wait to read that bookerer probably sounds like my dad wrote it about himself let's get right to it and since this country like i said if it was a person and would have to go to a shrink and the shrink would say why are you obsessed with race what in god God? Well, it's, we know why the media is, right?
Starting point is 00:01:46 Because it makes money. To what end? To destroying the fucking country. That Tali Broad, if I see her, I would fucking stab her in the neck with a needle. That filthy whore. How do people like that get, well, I'll get to her in a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Anyways. So yeah, Minneapolis, just what we need with the Chauvin case going on. I mean, what is God? White female cop kind of fucked up bad. The black man who was killed during a traffic stop in Minnesota was fatally shot by a cop who mistook her gun for a taser, police said Monday, as they released the body cam footage of the incident showing the officer screaming taser, taser. brooklyn center police chief tim gannon said dante wright died as a result of an accidental discharge by the officer who has been placed on administrative leave police body cam footage shows officer kim potter a 26 year veteran of the brooklyn center police yelling taser taser as others struggled with right in his car the video shows right stepping out of his car. Again, nobody mentioned, I watched every goddamn piece of footage yesterday.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Fox, I didn't, I shouldn't say every, I didn't go to fucking one American news, whatever. Nobody that I saw out of the 20 channels I watched mentioned obeying the cops commands. And that's what this is. And all this, the last thousand of these could have been avoided nobody mentioned it that i saw i i did i watched at least 10 i i haven't read it anywhere anyways uh he got out of his car then leaped back behind the wheel
Starting point is 00:03:38 and uh and and tried to fucking drive off does that surprise anybody so um we'll take a look at the footage and what's odd about it i was watching some experts that who are cops and stuff they you know the taser is carried on your non-dominant hand side in other words if you're righty it's on your left hand side and vice versa that's what makes it weird to me that she grabbed it you know i mean and uh you know they're gonna redesign a taser it's gonna be shaped like a fucking mushroom now or whatever the fucker it's gonna whatever i mean watch it you know whatever yes this is a tragedy but again i going to stress again. I and I know people are going to go, well, that doesn't he doesn't. I know nobody deserves to die.
Starting point is 00:04:31 But where was his life headed? I'm not saying we show video of him selfies on him waving a gun, you know, on Instagram, smoking a joint, drinking Hennessy, acting the fool. So if it wasn't this cop that did it, there's a good chance it could have ended another way. Maybe a cop getting killed down the line with this kid. I mean, he was bad news. Does that mean he deserves to die? No.
Starting point is 00:05:00 But why is nobody fucking mentioning do what the cop says? That goes for George Floyd, Eric, everybody. Now, here's his body cam footage. And I'll point out what else I find weird about this clip. Go ahead. Resisting right now. I just shot him. She says, but why not just not resist arrest? There's something wrong with the black man's mind! There's something wrong with his mind!
Starting point is 00:06:11 And then the other cop yells at the female cop. Why did you do that, Terry? What the fuck? From watching that, I believe that she really did, in all the confusion, excitement, make an honest mistake that was, you know, tragic. Um, how many times do you have to make the point though? Don't fucking resist arrest because something like this could happen and has happened.
Starting point is 00:06:40 I don't understand. I don't fucking understand. Um, and the other thing, did you guys hear a gunshot there? You can hear them speaking, right? You can hear her say taser, taser. You can hear all that. Why wouldn't that pick up the gunshot? If she has a silencer on that, then I'm really going to investigate her. But why didn't we hear the gunshot I don't need shit like that to add to my fucking conspiracy uh false flag shit all right I want to hear the gunshot and how did he drive away I guess you know he ended up crashing right but but horrible mistake no doubt about it
Starting point is 00:07:20 but really a reason to start burning down and looting fucking stores again really can't wait for the facts once again and one specific race is responsible for that nonsense something you'll never yes but i saw a white yes there is always they these networks scour through their footage to make sure they find that footage in the footlocker or wherever the one white guy in there, you know? So, um, God fucking damn it. Listen to the cops. Anyways, get this. I mentioned the dominant hand, right? Yeah. That, that, that, that, that's kind of weird, you know? Um, of weird, you know.
Starting point is 00:08:16 But, you know, I really believe honest mistake. We find out, of course, they identify the white cop, the woman. Right. About a day after. Isn't that now anybody else find that odd that we know who she is? They mention her name and shit. Good. Put her family in danger. But we don't know who the black Capitol police officer. We know nothing about him yet since January 6th, who shot the what's her name? Babbitt, whatever the young girl, the young white girl in the Capitol. How does that work?
Starting point is 00:08:44 Somebody explain that to me. How do we know everything about her? And nothing about the black Capitol cop. You guys smell fix at all? Here's what we know about her. 26 year veteran of the Brooklyn Center, Minnesota Police Department was identified late Monday as the officer who fatally shot the 20-year-old black man during traffic stop. The Minnesota Department of Public Safety Bureau of Criminal Apprehension identified
Starting point is 00:09:16 officer Kim Potter, 48, who has been placed on administrative leave as the officer who shot Daunte Wright on Sunday. Police Chief Tim Gannon on Monday said he believed Potter mistook her firearm for her taser when she shot Wright on Sunday and released body cam footage of the incident during which Potter shouted taser before firing. Meanwhile, city manager, here's where our country is falling apart. Meanwhile, city manager Kurt Bogaini was fired. What did he do? Bogaini said Monday the officers should be given due process after Mayor Michael Elliott said she should be fired. The city manager has control of the police department. But Elliott said the city council voted Monday to give the mayor's office command authority.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Now, to be fair to the mayor, he said, what did he say exactly, Jay? He said first, he said, I think she should be fired. But then he said something about due process, too, didn't he? I believe. No. What I reported yesterday, he didn't just say to be fired. He said something about there'll be an investigator or whatever. He wasn't. But to fire a guy who said this.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Basically what the mayor said yesterday. Can you imagine we're in a place right now in this country where you suggest due process for a cop and it gets you fired, even if you're black. That's such a, oh, a despicable concept, due process for somebody. How the fuck have we got here, folks? Yeah, so the Brooklyn Center city manager got fired after call for due process for police officer. Kurt Bogaini was fired Monday evening, hours after he publicly disagreed with the mayor, Mike Elliott's assertion that the police officer who fatally shot a black man in the Minneapolis suburb should be immediately fired in response to the incident.
Starting point is 00:11:20 So this guy has the cops back. OK, effective immediately. Get this. Our city manager has been relieved of his duties and the deputy city manager will be assuming his duties moving forward, Mayor Elliott wrote on Twitter. I will continue to work my hardest to ensure good leadership at all levels of our city government. You just failed that test of good leadership.
Starting point is 00:11:39 The guy made a statement that was as fair as can be to somebody in his right mind. He gets canned before they've even done an investigation and facts are in for saying the cop deserves due are you shitting me don't make me go on a screed about leadership dante right 20 fatally shot during a traffic job body cam put showed three officers gathered near the stop car we already showed you that he had an outstanding warrant you know they they saw his plate is expiration uh his excuse me his um registration had expired and um also they found out he had outstanding warrant. So that's what led to all this.
Starting point is 00:12:29 During a virtual workshop after the meeting, council member Chris Lawrence Anderson said she voted to fire Boghaini out of fear of potential reprisals from protesters if she did not, according to the news so she's in public admitting i did it because you know mob rules right now talk about failure of leadership i caved in because i'm afraid that's what she said he was doing a great job job. I respect him dearly, Lawrence Anderson said. I didn't want repercussions at a personal level. Whoa, how to be a team player.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Both Elliott and Begainey addressed the potential disciplinary action toward the officer during a press conference early in the day. At the time, Elliott called for the officer to be fired. He said, let me be very clear. My position is that we cannot afford to make mistakes that lead to the loss of life of other people in our profession. I do fully support releasing the officer duty. Before leaving the podium, Elliott noted that Boghaini, a city manager, had the authority to determine whether the officer would be fired. Boghaini noted that he would not take immediate action to remove the officer, which is right. All employees working for the city of Brooklyn Center are entitled to due process
Starting point is 00:13:50 with respect to a discipline, Boghaini said. This employee will receive due process, and that's what gets them canned. So you got one, you got the mayor basically refuting the concept of due process. And then you got a woman going, the mob, I'm afraid of my personal safety. So let's get rid of them. How about the woman cop? You worried about her safety? Since the media felt to get it out there? God, help us. When Brooklyn Police Chief Gannon was asked whether the female cop should be terminated,
Starting point is 00:14:41 I would only say that she has right to due process. I wonder if he's going to get canned, the chief. He says, I think we can look at the video and ascertain whether or not she will return, he told reporters. Gannon said he was unaware whether a weapon was found in Wright's car and said officers initially pulled him over for an expired registration. So that's what started it all. And again, I didn't even hear him say, and if he obeyed commands, nothing would have happened. I can't stress that enough. OK. And I know there's a zillion people like me at home, black and white, yelling at the TV, saying the same thing. I would hope. After all this, the police chief Gannon, get this, was heckled for calling Brooklyn Center a riot. After riots of looting and vandalism broke out in the Minnesota city of Brooklyn Center
Starting point is 00:15:30 on Sunday night, police were told not to call the riot that ensued a riot. Do you believe that? That's faggot stuff. You want to call it by its name? It's strictly for fags. Once again, word games. Now, who gave that command?
Starting point is 00:15:47 This is the way the research has to be done. Here he is in front of the press. Listen to the press try to boss him around when he uses the word fucking riot. I don't know who the fuck these people think they are. Go ahead. What led to you to issue a dispersal order, and then on the back end of that 10 minute dispersal order, then to issue
Starting point is 00:16:08 out CO2 canisters and gas for the crowd? Just so everybody's clear, I was front and center at the protest, at the riot. We did not... There was no riot.
Starting point is 00:16:23 So... You hear all the I'm guessing black press... That was a riot. Don't do that. There was no riot. There was. So. Pause. You hear all the, I'm guessing, black press. Why are you saying, don't, somebody actually said, don't say that. Because they've been given instructions not to use the word fucking riot. You see how corrupt? They want to fucking blame. Don't say riot.
Starting point is 00:16:42 It makes black people look bad. What the, a country can't survive, nobody, no country, no organization can survive without the truth. And that's where we're headed. It's fucking creepy where this country is headed. Don't say riot. He was there. He's going to tell you what happened to one of the officers. And these cocksuckers in the media, where'd you get riot?
Starting point is 00:17:09 I'm sure you'd be, where'd you get insurrection when 80 white people charged the Capitol unarmed? That's a fucking question. Nick, calm down. I can't. I had two sankers and a line of blow. Let the chief of police, white guy who should be in charge, go ahead. We were being, the officers that were putting themselves in harm's way were being pelted with frozen cans of pop. They were being pelted with concrete blocks.
Starting point is 00:17:36 And yes, we had our helmets on and we had other protection gear, but an officer was injured, hit in the head with a brick. That was an employee deputy. He was transported to the hospital. So we had to make decisions. We had to disperse the crowd because we can't allow our officers to be harmed. And I've already answered the question, I believe, about your lighting. I know that's a big deal with you, and I understand that. But I thought I'd explain that myself. So I told you it's my decision, and that's why I made that decision.
Starting point is 00:18:03 You fucking people. You have no idea how to defend a nation. I'm talking about the media, not him. Can you imagine? You're using the word riot to explain, well, a riot. In August of 2020, CNN termed the riots in Kenosha mostly peaceful protests, despite widespread looting and arson. Good old CNN fucking.
Starting point is 00:18:31 This is CNN, the most trusted name in news. You could shoot somebody in the street and CNN would cover it. And then you, depending on the color of the suspect, you go, what murder? Don Lemon, that was a murder of a white person. So we continue with more of the coverage. This was a beautiful moment. This black, older black gentleman on the street confronts a CNN journalist. confronts a CNN journalist.
Starting point is 00:19:08 It's so funny to see a liar or somebody who works for a company that lies for a little bit get confronted with a little bit of truth. This guy was not happy to see CNN there. And again, this comes under the category of watching TV with Nick. I will explain why you shouldn't get too excited about the black guy either. Because, in my opinion, his anger was a little bit misdirected. I mean, the anger
Starting point is 00:19:31 at CNN was fucking right on. And the media exacerbating things. Anyways, here's the video. It's very... to sort of stand in the street a little bit. You look there. Now you can see. Now you can see. Now you can see. Y'all be twisting up the stories. You want to talk to me? Do you want to talk to me?
Starting point is 00:19:48 Okay, cool. Don't take my mic. We're cool. Okay. What's your name? What's my name? My name is my name. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:54 So tell me what you think about what's going on here. What I think about this is all the press and all the extra shit y'all do makes this worse. You think so? Are you interested in the real story? Yes, go ahead. Yes, when people want to protest, they shouldn't do it in front of a fucking police. Yeah, courthouse.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Shit like that. You get what the fuck I'm saying? I want you to be careful. Of what? Of anything that can hit you. Look at all the stuff. Look at him. Do I look like I'm scared? No, you don't. do i look like i'm scared no you don't do it look like i'm scared you don't you don't exactly
Starting point is 00:20:29 y'all need to get up out of here with all that twisting up the media and shit okay real shit you don't know me but we don't know you're gonna get to know each other that's what we're gonna do yes we are we are we are how you gonna know me i'm gonna talk i'm gonna share a number with you all right let's do it no let's do it right here all right here's my phone let's go ahead and talk about something that's real yeah y'all just gonna edit out the shit we're live we're not gonna edit out some other shit we're live you're not fucking live i'm live i don't care if you live or not okay get away from here with all that media shit that y'all doing right now look we're with cnn then take that camera all the way the fuck up there it is going up there take it all the way up there y'all doing right now look we're with cnn then take that camera all the way the fuck up there it is we are going up there take it all the way the fuck up there
Starting point is 00:21:08 y'all doing all the extra shit for the backhand shit to make people look all crazy all right then you watch us because we're going all right so everybody's got all right this is cnn the most trusted name in news. So I love, you know, nothing better than a brother on the street fucking confronting CNN. But here's the problem with him. He was angry. Near the end, he mentioned that he's afraid that, you know, the news is going to show black people looting and burning. And it makes them look crazier than they are. When, in fact, they small percent when this shit goes down they do get crazy that's what he was upset about
Starting point is 00:21:50 he wasn't like hey you're gonna twist this as a racial thing and you know so his anger was a little uh misdirected in my opinion but but But we're live. You ain't fucking live. And I love, yeah, get up in the middle of the action. You see him? Bombs are going, explosion. He didn't even flinch. He's like, this is a Tuesday night for me. I live on Malcolm X and fucking Die Whitey Avenue.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Anyways, so that was refreshing to CNN getting spanked around. That was refreshing to CNN getting spanked around. And another variable to this story is who fuels this money-wise? And we have these woke corporations that are spineless. They're afraid of 20 people on Twitter that might say, hey, hey, boycott this and that. And they give in. And when I say give in, I mean reach in their pockets and fuel black lives. We never trace the money.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I'll give you an example. Back in June of 2020, CEO Richard Johnson of Foot Locker penned a letter committing the company to $200 million over the next five years to fight racial injustice. This news was perhaps lost on those who were looting Foot Locker stores on fucking Sunday, which I absolutely love. So these are the words from the Foot Locker CEO. We stand resolute in our commitment to fight racial inequality and injustice, whatever the fuck that is now. Who knows how you define that? This commitment extends beyond words. It's part of our culture and the way we operate as an inclusive and diverse organization.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Translation, black people love sneakers. I'm in the sneaker business. We recognize that black culture plays a pivotal role in shaping sneaker culture. Oh, he sort of got to it. The foundation of our business at Foot Locker. We believe we have an obligation to add our voice and actions to drive meaningful and lasting change
Starting point is 00:24:03 across our company and within the communities that we serve. Oh, God, that's such. Who gives a fuck what you think? If you really gave a shit about how, you know, black people and white people and communities and you would go, you would add. Not all cops are bad or something or. Please obey. obey cops commands, whatever color you are. Add something like that.
Starting point is 00:24:30 If you really gave a fuck, you're just throwing gas on the narrative that white cops are hunting down young black men, like the corporate dickhead that you are. He says, today we are announcing that Foot Locker Inc is committing 200 million over the next five years towards the enhancing in the lives of our team members and our customers in the black community through economic development and education. Blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? We stand with those who are working towards eliminating the deep racial inequities that exist. What do you want? You want a guaranteed outcome that everybody makes the same money? That's what you're talking about. We are committed to leveraging our platform to mobilize, unite, empower, and inspire our team members and customers across the globe, even though they burn and loot my fucking stores, he added. No, he didn't. Walmart CEO Doug McMillion, McMillion? Is that really his name? McMillan. McMillion. Also, another dummy, white spineless, made a similar statement when he
Starting point is 00:25:41 committed $100 million towards the same cause. Well, good. That should provide a lot of gas and fireworks and guns. He says because we want to address systematic racism in society head-on and accelerate change. Walmart and the Walmart Foundation are committing $100 million to create a new center on racial equity, whatever the fuck that is. on racial equity, whatever the fuck that is. Through this $100 million commitment, the center will support philanthropic initiatives that align with four key areas, the nation's financial, healthcare, education,
Starting point is 00:26:18 and criminal justice systems. What are you going to do? Although Harvard doctors in Boston already have a plan to put, to prioritize patients in hospitals by color, skin color. And guess who comes in last now? What the fuck does all that mean, folks? You know where all this is headed.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Oh my God, you're financing these, the fucking people that are, no, we're not, you're financing these, the fucking people that are, no, we're not. We're building a building and, and we're going to, oh, it's just all, all yappity politically Craig gobbly goo. Um, I still can't get over that woman going because, um, you know, protesters might hurt me. That's why I'm throwing a colleague of mine under the bus.
Starting point is 00:27:12 I'll say it again. I know you're sick of hearing it. It all could have been avoided. All of it. Starting back with Rodney King. Anything that's happened before or since Rodney King. All could have been avoided by listening to the cops. Let that sink in.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I know I'm preaching to the choir because you're fans of mine. But if you get in an argument, just bring that up. It'll shut them right the fuck up. By them, I mean Joy Behar and the rest of those fucking whores. Well, let's get to some more. Let's get to some news that puts black people in a positive light. Asia man sucker punched in broad daylight in New York City by black fella. I'm trying to avoid these stories,
Starting point is 00:27:59 but since you're pinning this on white supremacy and white guys, I'm going to report every goddamn one of them just to show you. CNN, fucking FBI should break it up, go in there and arrest people. Oh, that's right. They're crooked too. You get my point? There's nobody left. New York is a hellhole. It's starting to make New York in the seventies look like Disney World. Nice going, de Blasio, Cuomo, and they're raising taxes in New York. I think de Blasio and Cuomo's goal is to only have two people left in the city, him and them, completely empty. Anyways, here's real news, huh? New news. Asian man sucker punched in broad daylight in New York City. The 44-year-old victim was walking at Lexington Avenue and East 72nd Street.
Starting point is 00:28:45 That used to be very nice. That's Midtown, fucking east side. Around 3.20 p.m. Monday, this is in the afternoon, when another man, I'll say it, another black man who had been yelling at other passerbys barked, don't look at me and punched him in the back of the head, the cop said. Don't look at me and punched him in the back of the head, the cop said. We have footage of him following this guy and fucking, oh, he can't take it. Can CNN going to show this? I can't.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Go ahead. Roll tape. It happened in the middle of the afternoon at 72nd and Lex on the Upper East Side. The surveillance video shows the man closely following his victim, an Asian man a fraction his size, who tried to evade his pursuer by walking in the street. But the suspect followed, and a few seconds later, body slammed him into a plate glass storefront before chasing him down the block. A good Samaritan tried to get between them, and later, several strangers protected the victim as the attacker raged on. The shocking broad daylight attack comes at a time when anti-Asian violence has skyrocketed citywide.
Starting point is 00:29:58 As of today, 54 verified cases so far this year compared to just 12 in all of last year. cases so far this year compared to just 12 all of last yeah um now why don't you say as a news anchor and try to be responsible and go 99.9 of the suspects were people of color that's why god gave us different colors so we could identify shit what if you had a fishbowl with a bunch of fish in it? Red ones, yellow ones, blue ones, and the fucking blue ones kept eating all the fucking red ones. Oh, you take them out of the bowl. I don't know if that has to do fishing with anything, but I'm just saying, can you imagine if they actually put it in context on the new, you see how corrosive this is uh go ahead last year though when it comes to hate it isn't clear today's suspect was all that discriminating pause he went after pause pause
Starting point is 00:30:52 pause lie fucking lie you'll see why later on see how they see how they have to soften it make sure hey don't blame black people he wasn't all that discriminating he hated everybody um well later on in this uh they're gonna interview a black woman and she says he was yelling chinese what a go ahead this woman too he was saying people in chinese in spanish asian people and then he said you want me to kill you i just don't want to say these kind of things. Did he actually get close to you? Yeah, he was pushing and kicking us away. And that really scared, that's so, so scared. That's crazy. They bleeped.
Starting point is 00:31:35 She said, fucking Asian. Because though the incident comes amid a recent surge in crimes against Asian victims across the city, the suspect did not use any slurs or make anti-Asian comments, the NYPD said. The incident is not being treated as a hate crime at this time. Another woman told ABC that the suspect went after her as well, yelling about Chinese. Okay, that's what she said, by the way. They had to bleed because of the, you know, F word. She was repeating him verbatim.
Starting point is 00:32:07 She said this is a woman who is Chinese. OK, so it is a hate crime. Spanish and white. Is that how it has to work? If you say if you say Spanish or white, you have to punch and fuck. And I guess so. And asking if she wanted him to kill her. And again, there's no such thing as a hate crime, folks.
Starting point is 00:32:28 You get it? No such thing as hate speech. There's only speech. He was still at large Tuesday morning. Now, how was that possible? For Christ's sake, we just showed you fucking 10 minutes of him like a sitcom. Really? You couldn't find him? You know why? The cops are like, fuck this.
Starting point is 00:32:50 de Blasio's not begging us. Violence everywhere, right? In the streets. Minneapolis. Asian people getting punched everywhere, apparently. It's just a vicious world, isn't it? A vicious country right now. I have more proof of that.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Last week on this guy was covering, it was into the Detroit area. Had his camera. I think he was an independent journalist, maybe. Of course, Antifa scum had to assault the fucking guy, right? A video journalist was terrorized and physically assaulted by Antifa supporters because he was documenting an anti-eviction march in Detroit. Brandon Gutenschweiger is an independent reporter who has developed a massive following on Twitter for his thorough coverage of protests and riots across the country. Good for him. From Seattle to Washington, D.C. to Portland, Gutenschweiger, who goes by at BGO on the screen on Twitter, has had his on-the-ground
Starting point is 00:33:59 footage featured on cable news programs. On Saturday afternoon, Gutenschweiger, I'm funny, they didn't show this on CNN, I don't think, Gutenschweiger was in Detroit covering an anti-eviction march, which is people who should be evicted, but, you know, good luck with that
Starting point is 00:34:17 because squatters, it's impossible, which included Black Lives Matter supporters and reported Antifa, Antifa? Antifa, uh, Antifa? Antifa members. Antifa members. All the scum was out there. Fucking queers!
Starting point is 00:34:38 So he puts on Twitter as he's, uh, just got assaulted attempting to cover an anti-eviction march in Detroit this afternoon, Gutenschweiger wrote on Twitter and included a video of the attack. A member of the protest security ran up, grabbed my camera and forced me against a building.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Gutenschweiger pointed out that the man who assaulted him was wearing an Antifa pin on his flannel shirt. What have I ever done? See how angry and ignorant? Dude, you were in the Capitol! No, sir! What? Are you going to do this every time? Yes! You're not allowed to fucking be here! And so you're going to assault me if I come? Your solution is to assault me.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Your solution is to grab my camera. That's your solution? Pause. Is that all you can come up with? How about I have a fucking right to be here? Freedom of the press. Nobody told me I couldn't be here. At least fucking.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Is that what you're going to do? Assault me? Yeah, that's what they do. Notice they outnumber. They always outnumber one person. They're such fucking faggots and fucking cowards. Please. Somebody break out the non-lethal bullets. Go ahead. Grab my camera to try to assault me.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Because I'm peaceful. Because I'm peaceful. I have literally done absolutely nothing, and you're going to assault me on the street. And so rather than actually, you know, focus on the message of your... No, rather than... You are the threat. Leave. Now. Pause.
Starting point is 00:36:29 You are the threat. What does that say when a camera covering what you're doing is a threat? Who's really the fucking threat? You, filthy white fag. Go ahead. Do you see this? Do you see this? Control yourself. Control yourself. go ahead do you see this do you see this control yourself control yourself you're in a public space for god's sake you cannot just you cannot just assault people
Starting point is 00:36:55 oh and there's the fucking token black girl with the ripped jeans all fucking angry and shit come on do you want to go to war? Come on. Do you want to go to war? We'll take you to war, okay? Tony, coño. Ay, ay, ay. What the fuck? Let's get to some COVID news. Since it's all fake and everybody's healthy as a horse that I know, do you know the Red Sox, I forgot to mention this, and the Twins were canceled because of possible riots in Minneapolis yesterday?
Starting point is 00:37:25 I was all excited to record Minneapolis yesterday. I got, I was all excited to record the game. You know, I'll do it at night, watch it around midnight, whatever the fuck I go home yesterday afternoon. It says a Red Sox game postponed. I mean,
Starting point is 00:37:35 between COVID, have you ever fucking lived in a country like the COVID and rioting? And I thought this was good news though. I read about this a couple of days ago. Fake COVID vaccination cards are spreading like a virus online, which made me smile because the whole thing's a fucking fraud. Yes. Yeah, it exists. Again, it's a different strain of the flu and it's killing the same people the regular flu has for the last thousand years fraudsters have been hawking
Starting point is 00:38:05 knockoffs of a three by four inch cards on retail sites including ebay etsy and shopify as well as on other social media sites facebook and uh tiktok so they're selling these things by the millions i fucking love where do I get one? I'm going to have to fly soon. The Post, meanwhile, has found dozens of online do-it-yourself guides for printing fake vaccination cards at home. The counterfeiting has ballooned in recent weeks following news that an official vaccination card
Starting point is 00:38:41 could soon become a central requirement to travel on airplanes to yuck yucks and to fucking silly joes and attend events uh god that can't happen no no no no no no no no boy we're getting like germany aren't we, in the 40s? And sellers and buyers are breaking federal laws by falsifying vaccine documents and fraudulently reproducing the center, the center centers. Come on, man. Center, it's probably in the article. Jesus, fuck.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Reproducing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention logo, which is featured on every card's upper right hand. Oh, so they're breaking federal law? Is that right? No kidding, huh? Hmm. So was Obama when he was spying on Trump, and so was Adam Schiff accusing him to be a Russian.
Starting point is 00:39:43 You know, all that shit. But, oh, yeah, the rules only apply to you guys, to us. In a warning, it says in warning. What the fuck? In a warning that counterfeiters risk prosecution, the Federal Bureau of Investigation advises, if you do not receive the vaccine, do not buy fake vaccine cards, do not make your own vaccine cards and do not fill in blank vaccination record cards with false information.
Starting point is 00:40:13 And to them, I say, shut up, mind your fucking business and shut up. According to Saud Khalifa, the founder of FakeSpot, which offers data analysis to help detect counterfeit items online, scammers have also been selling fraudulent vaccine stamps. He said people post, do you want the Moderna or do you want the Pfizer stamp? He told the publication. They get that specific, huh? That's fucking, that's pretty funny. The car dictates where you can go and what you can do, he said. Meanwhile, 46 attorneys general have demanded that Twitter, eBay, and Shopify take immediate action to monitor their platforms and promptly
Starting point is 00:41:06 take down posts selling fake cards, really. Stop getting cocky. You see what a priority it is, folks, to keep this going? Do you guys see it? I know you have to. I get more angry every time I watch TV, a sporting event that's half empty and shit. UMass wins a national championship first time in the history of the school. Nobody there.
Starting point is 00:41:29 It just makes me fucking crazy. And it's all horseshit. In a statement to the Post Global Marketplace, Etsy said they were removing posts that advertise the items. As of December, eBay had removed, get this, or blocked approximately 50 million listings that had violated their policies related to COVID-19, ranging from price gouging toilet paper and disinfectant wipes to items that made false medical claims. Fucking God bless the internet. That is it for today, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Again, thank you for your support. Go to or and please keep the contributions coming to keep the show up. Don't forget If you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives, go to Click on my profile and tell me a little bit about the person. I will make a video on my phone, like a minute, minute and a half, saying very, very nasty or very, very nice stuff.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Tour dates, go to Click on the tour button. That is it. You guys think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We will see you, hopefully, if that world doesn't blow up. We'll see you back here tomorrow. Have a good day. guitar solo I'm out.

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