The Nick DiPaolo Show - Powell to SCOTUS: Get Kraken | Nick Di Paolo Show #463

Episode Date: December 17, 2020

Powell's case hits SCOTUS docket. Hawley and Rand fight fraud in hearings. Biden staffer trashes GoP....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah, it's that time again. Welcome to the big show on a Thursday. Boy, oh boy, oh boy. Naturally, this is on red, meaning it's running out. It's one of those days. How you doing, folks? Great to be in the state of Georgia, where apparently the
Starting point is 00:00:54 whole, um, I don't know, the whole republic, the future of this republic, this great democracy, is in the balance right here in the peach state. That's why I moved down here. I thought they made some hell-breaking heads
Starting point is 00:01:12 after these cocksuckers tried to steal this one. And they are trying to do it again. Oh, my God, ladies and gentlemen. Excuse me. Final day of the week. Mr. DePaulo, no one could be as nasty as you pretend to be unless they really wanted to be disliked. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 00:01:34 You know what? I wet my ass with your feelings. My girlfriend, Sidney Powell, that's right, she's a little old, and I'm sure she's looking like a pretty good rack. Now, listen, Nick, There's no need of that. Okay. Look at the fag behind with a mask. Go stick that. Sidney Powell, Kraken.
Starting point is 00:01:52 You know what the Kraken is, folks? It's like a mythological giant octopus squid thing that has arms and tentacles, and that's what she refers to, I guess, is the way she's going at this. It has arms and tentacles, and that's what she refers to, I guess, is the way she's going at this. And anyways, Kraken is on the docket finally at the Supreme Court level. Sidney Powell's Kraken, good name for a group, has finally made it to the docket of the Supreme Court. The suit is perhaps the strongest collective argument yet against vote of fraud. the strongest collective argument yet against voter fraud. It contains the forensic audit done in Michigan that proves systemic, not racism, voter fraud, excuse me, occurred through Dominion voting systems, their tabulation. It also has proof at least 200,000 fraudulent votes. That's 200,000 fraudulent votes were cast in the election.
Starting point is 00:02:49 So, I mean, what? Yeah, baseless claims, you know. If that's a fact, tell me, am I lying? Further, it contains official Georgia elections records that prove the Dominion voting systems programs inability to repeatedly duplicate credible election results. In other words, if you run it through 10 times, you get 10 different results. In other words, official Georgia election canvassers could not rely on Dominion voting System software to count the vote
Starting point is 00:03:26 because it didn't repeat the same vote total twice. The lawsuit states, paragraph 15, the interim report shows multiple grave problems with the accuracy and the vulnerability to hacking and evidence destruction of the Dominion voting system machines used in Antrim County, Michigan. The report is relevant to each of the related cases because each of those states in question uses Dominion equipment. You know, the swing states, the important ones. The interim report vindicates the lengthy opinion in order of Judge Amy Totenberg in curling versus Raffsenberger. That's the Georgia secretary of state, right? That was in October, October 1st, which found extreme and unacceptable security risks in the Dominion system. We knew back in October. Compelling evidence and expert
Starting point is 00:04:26 analysis shows convincingly that the results of the Dominion system cannot be trusted and should not have been certified. Oh yeah. Paragraph 16 of this suit says the findings in the interim report are consistent with the expert testimony provided by mr ramsland remember we brought this guy up he's a he counts the votes he's a computer regarding uh dominion's vote manipulation and the petitioner's november 25th complaint filed in the u.s district court Court for the Northern District of Georgia. And with his testimony, this guy's an expert on this soft. And with his testimony in the related cases, Mr. Ramsland concluded in the Georgia case that for the state of Georgia, at least get this, 96,000 mail-in ballots were fraudulently cast.
Starting point is 00:05:23 And get this. 6,000 mail-in ballots were fraudulently cast. And get this, 136,098 ballots were illegally counted as a result of improper manipulation of the Dominion software, each of which is several times larger than the former Vice President Biden's margin of victory in Georgia, 10,457 votes. So wah, 10,457 votes. So what, what, what? Again, I'm getting all excited here because it made it to the docket of the Supreme Court. Keep in mind, folks, you know the one, the Texas suit that they filed
Starting point is 00:06:00 and that the Supreme Court wouldn't even look at? That didn't lose on merit. That didn't mean that fraud didn't happen. It just, there were technicalities on how they filed, as they call it, procedural. So they weren't saying, no, nothing happened. But do they have the balls to take this on? Like Trump says, you got to have some courage. Because if they do put him back, right, it's guaranteed civil war.
Starting point is 00:06:26 have some courage because if they do put him back right it's guaranteed civil war and it should be if he doesn't win this thing after all this in my opinion get your muskets get your cans of spam build that fucking room downstairs uh similar anomalies exist in the related cases among other things the complaints uh in the trial courts and the petitions to this court in each of the related cases all seek prospective injunctive relief requiring a similar forensic audit of dominion voting machines in those other goddamn states the coat's in session it better better be. Paragraph 17. The Coffee County, Georgia Board. I don't even know there's a Coffee County.
Starting point is 00:07:09 I live down here. The Coffee County, Georgia Board of Registration and Elections refused to certify the machine recount election returns on their Dominion systems, given its inability to repeatedly duplicate credible election results. The results of the machine recount report were internally inconsistent and could not be reconciled and were inconsistent with both the election night count and the hand count they did.
Starting point is 00:07:42 The Coffey County BRE analysis confirms the findings of the interim report cited above that ballots going to adjudication can be changed on a wholesale basis by the operator, we already talked about this, with no oversight controls or accountability, an extremely
Starting point is 00:08:00 serious vulnerability. But, you know, these are baseless charges. Remember, they're just making this shit up. The Kraken has been released and it's time to audit the boat and cancel out widespread fraud that tipped the election to jerk off Joe Biden. What are we doing? What's going on right now? Don't worry, Joe, we're trying to steal it for you, but there's some pushback. And Joe says, what are we doing? What's going on right now don't worry joe we're trying to steal it for you but there's some pushback and joe says what are we doing what's going on right now we're bringing you
Starting point is 00:08:28 to the bathroom upstairs what are we doing what's going on right now suck it how old is the show right now how many a minute 11 so 107 we started edit hey everybody did you watch any of the hearings yesterday apparently we had some hearings on the actual uh election and possible fraud and the also the not to mention hunter biden and shit and And I pulled a clip of Rand Paul because he summed it up beautifully. I should have pulled, I think his name is Ron Johnson, Wisconsin from,
Starting point is 00:09:12 I mean, Senator from Wisconsin, real blue eyed older guy who got in a screaming match with another Mama Luke. It was a fucking, I think a lawyer for Biden and he smoked him.
Starting point is 00:09:21 And why didn't I pull that? Too lazy. I saw the fuck, I was so impressed with Rand Paul. And then, anyways, you get the idea. Rand Paul, basically what he said, the election was stolen in many ways. So they did this hearing yesterday. And they had Kenneth Starr.
Starting point is 00:09:38 A few youngsters don't know Kenneth Starr. He was the special prosecutor when they tried to impeach Clinton with the Monica Lewinsky shit. Okay? He's a special prosecutor when they tried to impeach Clinton with the Monica Lewinsky shit. Okay, he's a judge. And so he was answering questions. This is an exchange between aforementioned Rand Paul and Ken Starr. Check it out. It's been alleged that 60 courts have refused to hear these cases. Therefore, there was no fraud in the
Starting point is 00:10:06 election. I guess another way of looking at this is that the court cases have been refused for procedural and technical reasons. When you see the 60 court cases rejected, do you think that's a conclusion by our court system that there is no fraud, Or do you think that the court cases were primarily rejected for procedural reasons? Right. Senator Paul, it is my understanding that the vast majority of these cases were rejected for rightly stated procedural reasons, as opposed to a merits-based or substantive-based evaluations. Pause. And of course, we saw that. Did you hear what he said?
Starting point is 00:10:50 As opposed to merit-based. In other words, they were procedural technicalities. Boy, you didn't see that coming at all. Even at fucking faux news, as we call it. Go ahead, let him talk. Very recently, and I think most dramatically, by the Supreme Court's unanimous rejection of the bill of complaint filed by the Texas Attorney General, my home state here. And the entirety of the decision was based upon the legal concept of standing. You just don't texas have standing to
Starting point is 00:11:27 object to what happened in wisconsin or pennsylvania or whatever and that is a reasonable once again not saying what they were or what they were complaining about was untrue just saying that that's not how it works you can go ahead ahead. There are those who would quarrel with it in that we are a United States of America. And if something bad happens in one state that ends up having an effect on another state, we have such respect for our states as sovereign entities within our union, that the argument is, I think, quite reasonable. And I think others think it's quite reasonable that at least the matter should have been heard under the original. Yeah, again, Supreme Court being chicken shit, okay?
Starting point is 00:12:21 Should have been heard. But that takes courage. I'm so, I'm going to be honest with you, all excited about the crack in the, you know, it's on the Doctrine and Supremes. I still don't feel good about how it's going to end. Does he talk anymore, Mr. Stark? Or does, is that the end of that one? All right. Anyway, so he's a smart guy and he knows his shit.
Starting point is 00:12:44 And he agreed that the texas thing should have been heard i know a thing or two about a thing or two uh we have another clip of rand paul um and he's talking about uh i think more fraud and stuff uh he sums it up like this i think we should have hearings going into the next year, hearing from state legislatures and what they're going to do to make sure election law is upheld, not changed by people who are not legislators. And we do have an interest in that. I don't want it to be federalized. Many on the other side of the aisle would just soon federalize it and mail everybody a ballot and we'll have this universal corruption throughout the land. But what I think we need to do is keep it at the state level. But we can't just say it didn't happen. We can't just say, oh, 4,000 people voted in Nevada that were non-citizens,
Starting point is 00:13:33 and we're just going to ignore it. We're going to sweep it under the rug and say, oh, the courts have decided the facts. The courts have not decided the facts. The courts never looked at the facts. The courts don't like elections. And so they stayed out of it by finding an excuse, standing or otherwise, to stay out of it. But the fraud happened. The election in many ways was stolen. So you hear what he says. Okay. There's so much in every state. But the point of that whole thing was the Supreme Court doesn't like to get involved in election. Tough shit.
Starting point is 00:14:18 I mean, is there a law saying they can't? I don't care if you're nervous about it. They don't like to get involved. I don't give a fuck. Like you said, we're going to sweep all this under the rug, but, you know, pretend it didn't happen. Well, the Republicans will never win another election, which is exactly what the scumbag Democrats, what Zuckerberg, all the big tech jerk offs, the mainstream, it's what they want. They want this country to look like California, a one-party state. And they will be in control forever and run this place into the ground.
Starting point is 00:14:51 They've been trying to do it since I was 25. They won't be happy until it's a third-world shithole. And they're already on their way because our elections this year were that of a third-world shithole country. You are correct. Now here comes a guy who I really like. He's a youngster. He's kind of cocky. Senator Hawley out of Missouri.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I like this guy. He's on a lot, and he's got a real chip on his shoulder about how big tech fucked us over, and he doesn't like the fact that Biden and the Demss are going okay let's heal time to move on you guys the election's over you're just being babies he fucking let him have i say this guy him and uh him and uh tom cotton should be the next republican ticket if we ever win another election. But Josh Hawley, during Senate hearing on election fraud, he let him have it. I like this guy. He's kind of cocky. Go ahead. Thank you, Mr. Arnn. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your indulgence.
Starting point is 00:15:54 A little loud, son. Thank you very much, Senator Portman. Now, on behalf of the chairman, I'm going to recognize myself. So thanks to the witnesses for being here. I just want to say how important it is that we're having today's hearing. Let me just give you an example why. Yesterday I was talking, I'm from the state of Missouri. Yesterday I was talking with some of the constituents back at home, a group of about 30 people. single one of them, every one of them, told me that they felt they had been disenfranchised, that their votes didn't matter, that the election had been rigged. These are normal, reasonable people. These are not crazy people. These are reasonable people and who, by the way, have been involved in politics. They've won, they've lost, they've seen it all. These are normal folks living normal lives who firmly believe that they
Starting point is 00:16:47 have been disenfranchised. And to listen to the mainstream press and quite a few voices in this building tell them after four years of nonstop Russia hoax, it was a hoax. It was based on the whole Russia nonsense was based on, we now know, lies from a Russian spy. The Steele dossier was based on a Russian spy. After four years of that, being told that the last election was fake and that Donald Trump wasn't really elected and that Russia intervened. After four years of that, now these same people are told, you just sit down and shut up. If you have any concerns about election integrity, you're a nutcase. You should shut up.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Well, I tell you what, 74 million Americans are not going to shut up and telling them that their views don't matter and that their concerns don't matter and they should just be quiet is not a recipe for success in this country. It's not a recipe for the unity that I hear now the other side is suddenly so interested in after years, years of trying to delegitimize President Donald Trump. So suffice it to say, I'm not too keen on lectures about how Missourians and others who voted for president. I am your voice. You know, I fucking hate the way you make me fucking ride you get the fuck out of here don't you like that guy huh can anybody argue with one word what he just said the media and everybody else telling you to shut up and that you're a conspiracy theorist
Starting point is 00:18:20 and you're just being babies trump how fucking How fucking dare you? Oh, my God. The arrogance. And it's all billionaires and millionaires and anyways. Somebody tweeted out a woman named LJ, I believe, at, what's it say? At BU Only Better. She tweeted out she was at the polling place in georgia and uh a photo a guy was there with a camera and she tweeted this photo was taken moments ago this was yesterday by a poll watcher at the congress center in georgia for the signature audit okay this is for the for what happened in the original. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Look, this is where they put the Republican poll watcher. He's supposed to be able to see the ballots and what's going on from this distance. If I was at a Mets game, I'd be pissed at these tickets. Jesus Christ. This is his vantage point, she said. He cannot see anything. And they're being kept corralled behind these barriers. You fucking believe it? You can't see that with a binocular.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Exactly. Hello? We're here. So what are they doing? They're fucking cheating now and they run off she says how is this any different than before it's a sick question you're a sick fuck and i'm not that sick that i'm gonna answer it as soon as the guy here uh took his phone out they came up to him and demanded he put his phone away and asked if he took any pictures he said no leave
Starting point is 00:20:04 the fucking guy alone shut up mind your fucking business and shut up it is my business i'm a paul watcher you got me he might as well be in the good year blimp trying to see this shit mother of christ you democrats are just filthy you're a criminal enterprise you need to be busted up liberals need to be shot take out all the intellectuals the elitist, fucking burn down CNN. Here's my solution. Kill Rachel Maddow in front of her fucking man, friend, girl, woman, slash thick-ankled dog face. Just horrible people.
Starting point is 00:20:40 I'm very upset about it. Can you tell? Hey, guys, I want to welcome as sponsors for the Nick DiPaolo Show. They're adding new shirt and mug designs every day, and they're going to tailor some just to the Nick DiPaolo Show viewers. That's how much we love you. Here's a couple they sent over today. They're always making shit up.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Newsome is the virus that will be the governor of california cuomo's all right all these left-wing governors are the fuck i like that one uh put these out this week for um for all 50 of the governors from maine to fucking Hawaii. Wait a minute. How about the Republican governors? You can show your disgust for every one of these people.
Starting point is 00:21:32 They also were inspired by our show and put out these two quotes from our buddy Frank Rizzo. Again, you can find all of this stuff at And this is important.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Please make sure to use the promo code Nick at the checkout to get 10% off your order. That applies to everything on the website, not just the stuff I showed you today. So again, check out Use the promo code Nick at the checkout. They keep adding new stuff every day, and we will keep sharing it with you. We'll also put a link up on my website. Okay. Thank you guys at, uh, merch. Itchy. Hey, now this next story, Lynn Wood, right? We were down on this guy. I can't make up, remember? They looked into his past.
Starting point is 00:22:26 He hadn't voted Republican in years, pretending he was a Trump guy. He tried to urge people down here, Republicans not to vote in the runoff election, right? That decides the Senate. So we didn't know what he was up to. I'm still confused at what he's up to, but he seems to be all gung-ho right now.
Starting point is 00:22:46 That looks like Daryl Hammond when he was younger. Remember we were talking about this guy? I can't figure him out. I really can't. Len Wood, he put up a tweet, and I think he's got his pulse on the fuck and what's going on in this country. He says, here you go. Better to be safe than sorry.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Make sure you have plenty of water, food, flashlights and batteries, candles, radio, Second Amendment supplies. That would be guns and ammunition. And a plan to meet with leaders of your communities. Remember, we only have one president at a time. Our leader is at real Donald Trump, not Biden. So I don't know what to make of this guy.
Starting point is 00:23:31 You know? We're about to chop his head off. Where does he stand? Your thoughts, Jason? I mean, I did think it was a little suspicious. He was telling people not to vote. I can't hear you in my headset. Oh, that's weird.
Starting point is 00:23:48 There you go. Now I can. Yeah. Well, yeah, I thought it was a little suspicious that he was discouraging people from voting in what might be the most important Senate election ever. Yeah, that's how I took it. I mean, his his argument was until these jerk offs admit that Trump got it stolen from him, you guys shouldn't. And he's sort of that sort of prove it out by the picture we just showed of the pollsters being a mile away.
Starting point is 00:24:12 It looks like they're trying to do the same shit again. I don't know. But the fact that he's out there, you know, saying Trump is I don't know. These guys are slippery, slippery motherfuckers. Democrats just cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat. Here's another example. Dr. Shiva. Who's that?
Starting point is 00:24:31 This is Dr. Shiva seen here. Not my primary care physician. I don't know why he's with Fran Drescher. He's not famous and stuff, but he's brilliant. This guy went to MIT, okay? Biomedical, chemical engineer degree. Oxford guy went to mit okay biomedical chemical engineer degree uh oxford went to oxford he's an entrepreneur he invents you know he's like frighteningly smart and a republican to boot anyways uh that's him but but you don't have opening no but why not he's asking fran to open her legs apparently but um he filed the suit
Starting point is 00:25:08 because he ran for senate in massachusetts and uh he won a victory first victory in u.s for election fraud that's hashtag lawsuit federal Federal judge denies Massachusetts secretary of state Galvin's motion to dismiss my lawsuit. This is from Dr. Shiva that exposes computer algorithms. This guy knows all about this shit. Uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:25:35 were used to steal votes in my U S Senate election. And that, uh, denies one person, one vote cases on at real Donald Trump. So another example, right? Another example of and they said this, that this Dominion shit has been used for years. You know how we've been hearing that the country has been trending blue for the last 20 years? Could be a big fucking lie. Do you understand? and you know why i feel great about saying that because you can go
Starting point is 00:26:11 back every show i've ever done whether it was on the radio in new york here i would always say if they didn't cheat they would never win an election and if they didn't control the mainstream media they would never win an election is what i would always say. And I swear to God, this bears it out. Good for you, doctor. Shiva Ayyadurai is his name. Republican Party. Ran for Senate to represent Massachusetts. He lost as a write-in in the general election on November 3rd. But you know what? He sniffed out the dog shit. These people think we're dumb. Hey, this episode of the Nick DiPaolo Show is brought to you by our friends at ExpressVPN. Earlier this year, more than 100 Twitter users got their accounts hacked into. Passwords,
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Starting point is 00:28:36 That's slash nickdip. Visit slash NickDip to learn more. It's a great product, and I actually use it. I'd like to thank one-time donations since yesterday. Our friend Paul Sagnella, Connecticut. Sean McConnell, Pennsylvania. Dean Goldsmith, Washington, D.C., Eric Dane, California, Fugair Joseph, Fugair Joseph, Connecticut, Mitchell Lauderdale, Tennessee, Michael Altman,
Starting point is 00:29:19 Indiana, Debbie Ellsworth, Connecticut, David Hershberger, Illinois, and a couple of new monthly subscribers at Patreon, Caleb Simmons and Don Roberson. Thank you guys so much. And again, don't forget now, we're at too. So spread the word. We're trying to build the new site. We're adding to it so we can take, you know, we can have 5,000 people watching when we drop the show at 5 o'clock.
Starting point is 00:29:48 We have to create, you know, more bandwidth. That's going on as we speak. In the meantime, if you know anybody who's looking and, hey, where did Nick's show go, tell them and, which is always a safe place. Speaking of safe places, Maria Badaramo on Fox News, it used to be a safe place, says an Intel source, this is pretty big actually, told her this about the presidential election.
Starting point is 00:30:17 This is very interesting. I know a thing or two about a thing or two. Check out this. Spoke with one source high up in the intel uh community and he said this alan he said trump did win there was election fraud but to prove it requires the fbi and the doj to drill down on all the election fraud issues related to voter and ballot issues they're not doing it because the wrong people run the place and they didn't want trump to win now they've run
Starting point is 00:30:45 out the clock uh and uh durst did i have durst which respond i did not uh anyways the trump campaign is mounted a litany of legal challenges to the election but despite public bluster they have yet to actually present evidence of widespread election fraud in court. I think we just proved that wrong the last three stories. So fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. After citing her perhaps overly confident intel source, who wrote this,,
Starting point is 00:31:19 Bartiromo brought on Alan Dershowitz, who we like here. He's very fair, who was less optimistic. The lawyer said the end of the line for Trump's legal challenges came on Friday when three justices that were appointed by President Trump all ruled against him. And again, that doesn't matter who appointed them. If they're for globalization, they hid that fact, obviously, when they were nominated, right? So it doesn't fucking matter. I don't want to hear about that. They all graduated Yale Law School, and they're all fucking progressives,
Starting point is 00:31:51 even when they're called Republicans, in my opinion. But that was Dershowitz's opinion. I wonder if he still feels that way after breaking news about this reaching the Supreme Court docket. Sidney Powell's cracking. You know what I mean? Just because it's certified, if you have a ton of evidence, don't tell me it's not going to be heard, you prick.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. Easy. We like Alan. This isn't the first time Bonnaromo has cited sources in support of the theory this election was stolen. You know why? Because there's a ton of evidence. One such claim came from Bartiromo was included in a legal threat to Fox News from voting systems company Smartmatic. Remember them? Fucking crooked as the day is long.
Starting point is 00:32:49 long. Counselor! Counselor! Yeah, how'd that lawsuit go? Where's that, by the way? Ay, ay, ay. They really want us to shut up and roll over? You people, you should be furious. Hey, did you see the new Biden White House staffer? You want to talk about the definition of a C? I got such a visceral reaction to this woman, the way she looks, what she said. I've been saying this for years on stage. It gets a laugh. And this is no strike against Janine Garofalo because she's a friend of mine i like her but anytime i see girls that wear the rimmed glasses like janine had made popular i hate their guts i know their politics their face just i want to crush it and this woman is the you know
Starting point is 00:33:38 people want to uh punch trump because he's got that punchable face i want to punch this woman i really do punch Trump because he's got that punchable face. I want to punch this woman. I really do. This is O'Malley Dillon. Incoming Biden White House Deputy Chief of Staff. O'Malley That's her. What is that? O'Malley My vagina's angry.
Starting point is 00:34:02 O'Malley, my vagina angry. Dillon says she thinks big partisan, she thinks bipartisan deals are possible, even though, listen, I quote, the Republicans are a bunch of fuckers and Mitch McConnell is terrible. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt. We can do hard things, she wrote.
Starting point is 00:34:24 That's the last thing you do. I'm going to dildo. And she says, you just did. The phrase, we can do a hard thing, will sound familiar to the one million women who have kept the book untamed on the New York Times bestseller list for the past 39 weeks.
Starting point is 00:34:40 So you know it's garbage. Glennon Doyle, the activist and public speaker who made a name for herself on her uh parenting blog and has since founded together rising a non-profit that's raised over 25 million for people in need wrote it to chronicle her divorce from her husband and her eventual marriage to soccer star Abby Wambach. Look at that. Fuck. Why don't you just get a David Bowie doll? Yep.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. I think that's me. You can come.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Just come. It ain't true, but I need to tell you, you motherfucking cunt. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, Can I just say this? I don't care. Who's got more beefs with American society than a fucking lesbian not the real pretty ones who don't give a shit is there anybody seriously they're angry at themselves because they don't fit into the mainstream personally we don't give a shit we got over this gay thing years i'm just saying she's got a chip on her shoulder.
Starting point is 00:36:06 And anybody, first of all, is there anybody more liberal than a gay woman? Oh, Nick, don't paint with a broad brush. No, there's six or seven that are Republicans out of the fucking million. No wonder the mantra resonated with O'Malley Dillon, who's college softball coach is a tip. But look at her. I want to punch her right in the throat. Look at her.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Her face says, I'm offended by everything. Doesn't it? Oh. And this is who Biden picks. Anyways, their college softball coach as a tip off introduced her to it. The book. She's the first woman to manage a successful Democrat presidential campaign. Well, that's still up for grabs. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. What an insult to other women. She had to cheat.
Starting point is 00:37:01 What an insult to other women. She had to cheat. The first woman to run a campaign that ousted an incumbent president. Again, still up for grabs. And of course, the first person to spearhead a winning ticket in the middle of an unprecedented pandemic. Which one got the door? The other? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Matter of fact, I'll flip that on its head. The reason they won, which they haven't, they use the pandemic to their advantage as a pretext to keep people away from the polls and turn this thing into a mail-in ballot only.
Starting point is 00:37:43 So that's no fucking feather in her butch baseball cap. Look at her standing there, guarding her steps like a pit bull. Yucky, yucky. Oh my God. Hey, here's a fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Since everybody can say everything now, except guys like me, white, older, white, can I just say, I want all straight men, no broads, all straight men running the whole government. I want it to be fucking whiter and more male than when the founding fathers had fucking running the show. That's, I want it to look like my community. Yeah, Nick, but you live in Georgia and there's a, I know. Okay, my neighborhood. Nick, that's horrible. Anyhow, they're all criminals, aren't they? They're all criminals.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Speaking of criminals, I had to do this story because I saw a picture of this guy, and I went, oh, my God, that looks fucking, not him, but his buddy looks just like me. I know you guys, if you follow the history of Cosa Nostra in this country, you've heard of Anthony Gas Pipe Casso. I want that nickname. Matter of fact, in high school, you don't know this about me. My nickname was Nicky the Gas Pipe, not because I looked like Casso. I want that nickname. Matter of fact, in high school, you don't know this about me. My nickname was Nicky the Gas Pipe, not because I looked like Casso, but because of my love of
Starting point is 00:39:11 refried beans. Listen, what? Look at this guy was such a badass that the mafia were afraid of. He was a homicidal maniac. They said he enjoyed the killing. Former Luchese mobs to Anthony Gaspipe Casso. By the way, there's a debate about how he got the nickname. There's two theories. He says it's because his dad,
Starting point is 00:39:39 who was also obviously in the business, used to chase anti-union guys, scab workers with a gas pipe and hit them. And other theory is that his dad used to hook up gas pipes illegally for people. I don't know. I go with the one that he says. He says he hated that nickname.
Starting point is 00:39:59 He only let a few people call him that. What are you, shit me? I fucking love that. It just sounds scary. call him that what do you ship me i fucking love that it just sounds scary maybe if i if i was a legitimate guy that hooked up gas to houses i'd call myself nicky the guy anyways he's a blood thirsty underboss who was behind dozens of gangland killings that's an understatement and even employed two nyb pd detectives as a mafia hitman. Do you guys remember Goodfellas? Of course you do.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Remember sort of the beginning of the movie when the guy's walking through the bar and introducing? Then Henry's like, there was Nicky Two Eyes. And then there was so-and-so. Yeah, I'll take care of that thing for you. They're in that scene. The two cops, Louis Eppolito, and I forget the other other guy's name but they're sitting in the movie and they would fucking hide by this guy uh anyways why am i talking about him today he died behind bars yesterday after contracting guess what the coronavirus can you imagine
Starting point is 00:41:01 he's gone and we couldn't do nothing about it. I read another thing that's not in this article. He whacked somebody out, right? And then somebody heard about it. He's sitting in a car. Two guys pull up to his car. Listen to this. They shoot him six times with a 12-gauge shotgun.
Starting point is 00:41:27 And you're like, well's that no he's staggering to some uh staggered into a gas station of some small business told him to call the cops what he survived he was hiding in a oh in a meat locker shot with a shotgun six times And you want to fuck with this guy? 78-year-old mafioso who sought and was denied a compassionate release last month, died Tuesday, according to the Bureau of Prisons website two days ago, and law enforcement source. On November 25th, Castle's lawyers wrote to a judge explaining that their client had contracted COVID-19 while serving a life sentence in the
Starting point is 00:42:06 U.S. Penitentiary in Tucson. The lawyers also said that the wheelchair-bound Casso, and here comes the key part, like most people who died of COVID, he had a slew of health issues before he caught the virus. Listen to these, including prostate cancer, coronary artery disease, kidney disease, hypertension, bladder disease, lung issues from years of smoking. But Brooklyn federal judge Frederick Block rejected the bid for early release, finding that in light of the nature and the extent of the defendant's criminal history, that he remains a danger to the uh to the community so uh you goddamn guineas really make me laugh
Starting point is 00:42:52 casso who pleaded listen to this to 14 mob murders infamously stuck struck a deal with crooked NYPD detective partners, Louis Eppolito that I mentioned and Stephen Karkapa to pass information about mob rats to the crime family in exchange for a monthly $4,000 salary. The cops also moonlighted as hit men for the Lucchese family and was sentenced to life in prison in 2009 for being involved in a total of eight mob rubouts. These are cops.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Even among fellow mobsters, Casso, listen to this, was known as a homicidal maniac, in quotes, according to the testimony of Stooley Burton Kaplan, who served as an intermediary between Casso and the mob cops. But even the mobsters were afraid of this guy. He was so fucking nuts. Also, I don't like nobody touching me. Any of you homos touch me and I'll kill you.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Listen, did this guy ever have a chance? You know how we always say that about black kids who gangbangers grew up in projects and and uh whatever this guy was born in south brooklyn in 1942 appeared uh he appeared bred for a life of crime his godfather this is where the term comes was reportedly salvatore calenbrano a capo and the Genovese crime family. In the mid-70s and 80s, Casso rose through the ranks of the Lucchese family, serving as a captain and consigliere, and eventually as an underboss. You don't move up like that by being a nice guy. Considered one of the most violent bosses of the city's five crime families,
Starting point is 00:44:41 Casso is believed to have slain, get this, at least 36 people. You know what's funny? You hear this a lot and they're never really called mass murderers. You know what I mean? We always think of, he was charged by the feds in 1990 and went on the lam using information from the crooked cops to help him evade arrest until 1993 when he was nabbed warehouse at a mistress home in Mount Olive, New Jersey. They kicked the door down. Don't you move you motherfucker. I'll blow your brains out. That's him talking to his mistress. What? Facing trial, Casso tried to turn informant and as a 1994 post front page story revealed the name of the two retired cops as contract killers for the mob.
Starting point is 00:45:27 So he ratted him out. As part of the plea deal, Casso copped to 72 counts on a slew of mob related charges, including racketeering, extortion and murder. And he turned on the cops. Hey, fucking rat anyways. Whole family's all rats. Who would have brought up to be a rat? Hey, you're a fucking rat anyways. Whole family's all rats.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Who would have brought up to be a rat? His debriefing sessions were said to have been extremely colorful, with a former mob boss providing detailed accounts of mayhem and murder. Wouldn't you love to sit in on these? Each tale typically has the feds asking Casso, so what happened then? To which Casso, matter-of-factly replies, we killed him, of course.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Jesus Christ. Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again. However, Casso was thrown out of the witness protection program in 1998 after prosecutors accused him of a litany of infractions, such as bribing prison guards, assaulting rival mob inmates, and providing false information. Can you imagine being that bad fucking badass? They were scared of you in the mafia. They scared you in prison. He was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Starting point is 00:46:38 My goodness. And coronavirus takes him down. Not a shotgun. Coronavirus. You goddamn guineas really make me laugh. That is it, ladies and gentlemen, for the show today. I want to thank all of yous again. Please don't forget
Starting point is 00:46:56 Put that out on your social media. Let everybody else know where I am now. And, if you want me to make a personal video on my phone roasting one of your friends or relatives, go to Click on my profile. Tell me a little about the person. And we'll ruin his day. We can make his day. We can be nice.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Whatever you guys want. It's a great Christmas gift if they're fans of mine. That is it. Anything else? No. You guys think it. I'll say it. You're think it. I'll say it. You're very welcome.
Starting point is 00:47:26 We'll see you back here on, I think, I don't know yet if we're taking next week off because it's the holidays, but I think we'll see you back here on Monday. Have a good weekend. guitar solo guitar solo I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm

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