The Nick DiPaolo Show - "President" Polls Poorly | Nick Di Paolo Show #614

Episode Date: October 21, 2021

Trump announces media launch. Follow up on Philly Rape. Ilhan Omar wants to kill filibuster. Chicago mayor gets heat. Superman colorist quits....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for watching. Whether on social media or in our schools, on television or from the White House, now more than ever our freedoms, especially freedom of speech, are being suppressed. And that's putting it mildly. That's why I do this show. And that's why I put it out for free. For those of you who are able, please consider contributing to the show in any amount so we can keep it free and maintain a forum where right-leaning,
Starting point is 00:00:26 honest, unfiltered comedy exists. Just click on the contribute button on your screen or go to and click on the contribute button at the top. Thank you guys so much. Let's keep this freedom fight going. Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! He's a loser. He's a fucking loser.
Starting point is 00:00:55 They hate him at home. guitar solo All righty, welcome to the big show. How are you, folks? On a Thursday, last day of the week. Don't forget, next weekend I'll be down in Florida. Port Charlotte, the Visani Theater or something like that. Some type of guinea building, you know. It's a nice place out here. They got nice things over there.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Anyways, yeah, that was Joe Biden going home to Scranton. He always brings up how he's from Scranton. Those are his hardscrabble roots. You know, and you think he'll be doing that anymore? They're fucking embarrassed by him. Can I ask you a question? Honestly, are we supposed to ignore 100,000 people at 1,000 stadiums on a weekend chanting fuck Joe Biden, Red Sox game? Let's not bring that up. What the fuck happened there? ALCS, you know, pregame show. This is Boston I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Boston, not exactly a conservative stronghold. People in the street chanting, fuck Joe Biden, two feet behind A-Rod while he's trying to talk. I mean, are we supposed to—more evidence that he didn't win, number one. You know, fucking—and if you think he did, you're such a fucking jerk-off. No offense. I know these are my fans. You agree with me. I'm just hoping some liberal jerk-off
Starting point is 00:02:51 stumbles over my show by accident between jerking off to like little kids on the internet and hits the mouse and there I am. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:03:01 Yeah, the guy's a disaster. And it's not even him. You know, that's what's funny. He's the first it's not even him, you know. That's what's funny. He's the first president if you wanted to, you know. I can't even say it. But let's say he got hurt really bad falling down the stairs. It wouldn't even be him.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Things would keep going as usual. Put AOC in there and Bernie. It's all their policies I swear to God I swear to God but fuck you Joe Biden and let's go Brandon all those I wonder how that race car drive race car drive what do you call him feels now that he is intertwined with Joe Biden. I'm guessing since he's a NASCAR guy, he probably votes Republican. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:55 They found two nooses in his garage, but, you know. Remember that? They dispatched, what, 48 FBI guys? Ugh. I can't even tell you. I'm not even doing this story today, but I don't think. Racism is now officially, did I mention it yesterday, in New York City? It's a health crisis. That can't be good for white people. Watch how they spin that on you. Oh my God. Somebody help us.
Starting point is 00:04:28 In the N-word segment tonight, Rasmussen, a report surveyed 1,000 likely voters and asked, how confident are you that Joe Biden is physically and mentally up to the job of being president of the United States? After waiting almost a full 22 minutes for the people being polled to stop lapping, a full 58 percent said he is not up to the job, which normally you would say that's a huge number. But after considering what we've seen and witnessed from him or from his Muppeteers who control him, that number is as small as the number of books on AOC's bookshelf. How is it not 98%? It's a mystery to me. 98%. It's a mystery to me. I guess when you figure in things like party loyalty,
Starting point is 00:05:13 fear to answer honestly when you're being polled, the fact that Dem voters are about as sharp as a 30-year-old butter knife, it kind of makes sense. I wonder what the other severely retarded 42% are seeing that I'm missing. Of those 42%, get this, a full 27% say they are very confident he's up to it. Is there any way I can get oxygen to these deprived waterhead mongoloids? Can I get their phone numbers? I've never tripped on acid before, but I think these people might be holding some of Tex Watson's old stash. What are they seeing that makes them very confident? Was it the way he caught himself when he fell up the stairs on the plane? Was it how he ignored the Secret Service guy whose job it was to direct Joe to his own front door by pointing with one of those giant foam number one fingers you see in the crowd at a sporting event?
Starting point is 00:06:04 And Joe saying, come on, man, I got this, and then wandering around the back of the White House only to throw a Weber grill through a back window so he could climb in? Was it the way he evacuated Kabul Airport, apparently getting his instructions from the people at Spirit Airlines? Was it how he labeled fellow Americans, basically white people who voted for Trump, domestic terrorists,
Starting point is 00:06:29 which is what a great unifier would do, right? He's brought us together like Yoko did the Beatles, okay? What is it, what's the, is it the way the gas prices shot up, like Hunter would in a Motel 6 with a $20 crack war? Or finally, was it the way he invited everybody in South and Central America who's making $125 a year with eight kids to come suck off the nipple of the middle-class, hardworking, taxpaying Americans? And oh yeah, don't worry about COVID tests, me amigos.
Starting point is 00:07:03 That's just for the dumb gringos who made this country what it is, so you enjoy it. The only part of this poll that might be a little positive is that the people polled were likely voters, which means there's still a chance that on Election Day there might be a Silver Spoons marathon on TV landing that 42% stays home. And that is the N-word. Let's get right to it. Donald
Starting point is 00:07:29 Trump. You know who he is, don't you? The guy that was robbed. I wonder if that'll go down in history, is how he was robbed. For some reason, I think the Dems will be writing be right now. I don't know. Anyways, Donald Trump announces launch of media company, social platform, nine months after being expelled. The former president of the United States expelled. What more do you guys need to know about social media? Can you imagine if we did that to Biden or the dumb cunt, even Hillary? Or name somebody. Oh, Obama. Can you imagine the community organizer? By the way, who's behind most of this shit going on now? I don't give a fuck what anybody says.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Nine months after being expelled from social media for his role in inciting the January 6th Capitol insurrection. By the way, this is from the Washington Post. What are they, drag racing out here today? These fucking 18-wheelers? Goddamn, Georgia. Bring those peaches back here. I can't even get a peach down here. They export all the shit. I'm not going to get on a highway and drive in the middle of nowhere in Georgia. They have a little bucket on the side of the highway. Anyways, back to this as I digress. This is from the Washington Post. So they're saying he got booted because, you know, January 6th, insurrection, when nobody had weapons. Former President Donald Trump said Wednesday he's launching a new media company with its own social media platform.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Trump says his goal in launching the Trump Media and Technology Group and its Truth social app is to create a rival to the big tech companies that have shut him out and denied him the megaphone that was paramount to his national rise. I am your voice. You're goddamn right. We live in a world, this is Trump talking, we live in a world, should I put the mask on? I don't know. We live in a world where the Taliban has a huge, bigly presence on Twitter,
Starting point is 00:09:35 yet your favorite American president, me, that's right, has been silenced. He said in a statement. This is unacceptable, he said. Of course. Yes, sir. It is un-fucking-acceptable. In a release, the new venture announced it had been created through a merger with Digital World Acquisition Corporation,
Starting point is 00:09:55 which I started in my basement in the early 70s, and said it seeks to publicly, to be a publicly listed company. Of course, Trump's involved. Trump has spoken about launching his own social media site ever since he was barred from Twitter and Facebook, two fascist left-wing shithole sewer cocksucking motherfuckers, an early effort to launch a blog on his existing website was abandoned after the page drew dismal views. Oh, did it? In addition to the app, which is expected to soft launch, unlike myself in this
Starting point is 00:10:35 sack, next month, with a nationwide rollout early next year, the company says it's planning a video on demand service that will feature entertainment, programming, news, and podcasts. Sounds like a terrific... It'll be the best thing you've ever seen. I don't think anybody's seen anything like it. So, uh... How many followers? What did he have for followers?
Starting point is 00:11:02 Not as many as that little whore Kourt, what is it, Kourtney Kardashian? What does she have? Stupid amount. Stupid is not the word. I saw it the other day because I was buying some eye shadow for myself. And, no, it's, it wasn't in the billions, was it? Half a billion? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:27 I'm just saying. Anyways, Trump had a fucking huge presence. Can you imagine? So I don't understand. I've said this before about so-called conservative platforms and shit, and where we're going to have real free speech. That's kind of silly because, like I said, and I will say again, they, the far-left lunatics, all the shitheads on Twitter and Facebook,
Starting point is 00:11:51 everywhere else, they're just going to come over and do the same thing because they don't have lives. That is their lives. People on the right have to get up, go to work. They have kids, family, go to church and shit. Those cocksuckers lay on their, you know, blow-up mattresses next to their ugly fat girlfriends, and they're fucking
Starting point is 00:12:09 tweeting at 8 in the morning or noontime because they have no fucking lives. Yes, sir, Dallas. She has almost 150 million. Courtney, is that her name? Yeah, Courtney. Courtney Kardashian has 150 million followers. Yep, has 150 million followers.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Almost there, 147. 147 million. What does that tell you about our society? What does it tell you? It's a very misogynistic, sexist society where women don't get to, unless they're really fuckable. By the way, Kim Kardashian has the ass of a offensive tackle for the University of Alabama. Not sure what you see in there. That fucker's skull.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Nick, you can't say shit like that. Yeah, I can. This is Fox Nation. Let's move on before I have oily discharge. You know the city of brotherly love, which is hilariously named brotherly love because brothers kick the shit out of each other, kill each other at an alarming rate, and call it brotherly love. Always lying.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Always lying. We're going to follow up on that rape story right here. Great friend of mine from the Philly area, the man who allegedly raped a woman. Why are we still using alleged when you have the guy, you have fucking people recording it? At what point, again, this is Lawyerville, I understand, but I'm just saying, don't you think it would help the country or the world a little bit where you could come out and say, this rap fuck. This picture a nice hot blonde anchor woman in Philly going this big face. This is, if he's not related to Devers, I am. The man who allegedly raped a woman,
Starting point is 00:13:54 we have all these alleged videos. What was he wearing? A fucking Uncle Sam outfit? The man who allegedly raped a woman in front of passengers on a Philly area train already has a criminal record. No kidding. Really? In this really racist legal system that really just throws black people in jail for no reason? Really? He has a record. And he overstayed his student visa, the fact that he's a student anywhere. Who accepted that fucking... But was protected from deportation. He overstayed his visa,
Starting point is 00:14:33 but he was protected from deportation by the immigration system. Okay? The immigration system. You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White, onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble, I'm what, the 10,000 story we've
Starting point is 00:14:59 told like this? I hope you understand, this is not an accident. It's intentional. You understand? They're done with law and order in this country. Got to get Whitey out of the way. Let's create chaos. Let's put the fucking thugs and criminals back on the street and lock up the people who voted for Trump or look like they did. That's where we're at. Tucker Carlson tonight has confirmed that, this is the guy's name, by the way, Fiston Nagoy, who was arrested last week for allegedly raping the woman in a brutal attack on the SEPTA SEPTA train in front of other passengers, came to the United States legally in 2012 on a student visa. Why don't we get rid of those? How about a moratorium on anybody from anywhere for the next, I'd say, 30 years until the
Starting point is 00:15:46 motherfuckers here agree to become Americans and assimilate? I know that's a dirty word. Assimilate. Little things. I'm asking for little things like learn the language and shower twice a day. Little things, you know. However, the 35-year-old Congolese, I used to have a duplex there with Dallas. He's from Congolese. Congolese. National's visa was terminated in 2015 because he
Starting point is 00:16:19 failed to remain a student. Meanwhile, court records show that he racked up multiple arrests and two misdemeanor convictions, one for controlled substances Can I ask you a question? And one for sexual abuse. That's a misdemeanor? That's all it is? It's a misdemeanor? Should I finger pop the next hot chick I see at the mall? She's older to me? Made no sense. Ngoi pled guilty in 2017 in Washington, D.C. to the sexual abuse misdemeanor. And listen to this. Boy, they taught him a lesson. He was sentenced to 120 days in prison. And that would be six months and nine months
Starting point is 00:17:02 probation. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. Something wrong with his barber. Get out of here. 120 days. And I'm sure he'll check in with his probation officer, right? Because I mean, you know, he tried to rape a woman on a train. He was put in immigration detention.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Ooh, what do you have to stay up to school a woman on a train. He was put in immigration detention. Ooh, what do you have to stay off the school for? In January of 2018. However, get this, he was never deported because he received a, and this is in quotes, withholding of removal from an immigration judge who should be taken out and shot in front of his kids or her kids. I'm guessing they went to Yale or Harvard. In March 2019, after the Board of Immigration Appeals found that his misdemeanor sex offense was not a serious crime, I mean, he grabbed some titties. Come on, the girl was almost 12. That's the big deal. That would have made him ineligible for such a stay. As a result, Nagoi was released and only had to report to ICE
Starting point is 00:18:07 under an order of supervision. That's O-S-U-P. Order of sup. Sup! The Department of Homeland Security says OSUPS, O-S-U-P's involve conditions. Do we have enough levels
Starting point is 00:18:24 of bureaucracy and shit? Do you see where the common sense gets lost in the fucking, oh my God, you fucking lawyers are some evil motherfuckers. Not all of yous. Some of yous. Being placed on those who have been temporary released from custody, typically involving regular check-ins. Boy, that's tremendous.
Starting point is 00:18:44 It's just so ridiculous. They have to check in on a regular basis. typically involving regular check-ins boy that's tremendous if the check-in in a regular base did you rape anybody today now I got some tit on the D train all right that's okay get back out there this is not an accident folks when I tell you did just Google the governor or the Attorney General of Philly the most radical leftists. I'm going to say this again. These aren't American politicians. If you had people from China or Russia running,
Starting point is 00:19:12 this is what they would be doing to eat us from the inside out. We are fucking committing suicide. There's people that hate this country, and I can't believe how much they've been exposed in the last five years or ten years. I had no idea it ran this deep. And boy, they're unraveling this plan fast, aren't they? Which means they've been sitting on it forever. It's fucking creepy.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Police in Philadelphia said on Monday that the attack on the train lasted six minutes in front of bystanders who did nothing and took out their phones to film. A lot of them want to go to USC films. The only person to call 911 was an off-duty SEPTA employee who called the transit police officers who arrived three minutes later to interrupt the violent assault
Starting point is 00:19:58 and arrest the scumbag Congolese piece of garbage. They're raping me! This is rape! This is me. This is rape. This is rape. This is rape. Point to the wrong. We want everyone to be angry, disgusted, and to join us in being resolute and keeping our system safe.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Transit Police Chief Thomas Nestel III said at a news conference, according to the Philly Inquirer. There he is right there. Who does he look like? Every guy who went to high school? I don't know. What is it? What is it? You know, we're not even asking you to intervene, because sometimes that could be dangerous. But when a guy's pants are down around his ankles or knees, I'm pretty sure you can overpower him. But at least call the cops or hit the emergency button on the train. It really sums up how soulless we've become as a society. Congolese. What that the Congo it is right day-to-day Lisa Congolese
Starting point is 00:21:17 the Congo anything good come out of the Congo thank you Dallas has been around the world by the way Dallas jumps out of the Congo? No. Thank you. Dallas has been around the world. By the way, Dallas jumps out of planes when he was in the military, okay? Just to give you an idea, he's going to be bored stiff with this job. Trying to make it dangerous for him. I put like three phone books on his seat. Check him up there and give him a look. Hey, did you know Netflix has tens of thousands of shows and movies,
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Starting point is 00:23:34 Anybody smell shit? Oh, I do. Oh, it's liberals eating liberals. Ilhan Omar, another person we saved from some third world Kenya, I believe. Doesn't she look like, she's got the witch's finger, the witch's nailed black. Anyways, I hate her guts, and if you don't, you're very un-American. Ilhan Omar, seen here with this silly hat. It looks like she's coming out of, it looks like she's being born out of a black vagina. Ilhan Omar says Democrats who won't nix filibusters are killing our democracy. You wouldn't know a democracy if it bit you in your mutilated genitalia. Somebody took a clamming knife to her when she was in high school back in.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Squad member rep Ilhan Omar, Democrat, Minnesota, nice going, Minnesota, even though I don't believe you voted for it, said any Senate Democrats standing in the way of eliminating the filibuster are killing our democracy, okay? That's what she had to say. I asked Jim Judd what he thought. He said this. She's a malignant cunt. I couldn't believe he said that. I was very surprised. Omar lashed out at her upper chamber counterparts who have stood against progressive calls to nix the filibuster, accusing them of being the death knell of democracy. The filibuster and the Democrat, they're the death knell of democracy, whether they have anything to do with this or not.
Starting point is 00:25:03 The filibuster and the Democratic senators who continue to uphold it are killing our democracy, she tweeted on Wednesday. Then she yelled this. The Minnesota Democrats' latest attack on her fellow party members came after Senate Republicans successfully filibustered the Democrats' election overhaul bill. See, they're trying to kill the filibuster is what they're trying to do, which you'll see. The filibuster is a Senate procedure in which a senator or group of senators debate a bill for so long that the measure does not get voted on. I can't believe anything gets voted on when you have access to this and
Starting point is 00:25:45 how much they disagree with each other. I can't believe, well, I guess nothing does get done. The procedure gives the minority party, I'm not arguing for her point, by the way, I'm just saying, the procedure gives the minority party in the Senate a strong oppositional voice with a Senate filibuster being broken by a cloture vote with 60 votes in favor. Wednesday's filibuster is the third time this year that Senate Republicans have blocked the Democrats voting overhaul. And if we didn't have it, they would have passed this $5 trillion monstrosity, right? So this is when the Republicans, you know, they're feigning resistance. Anyways, they gave the finger to Ilhan Omar
Starting point is 00:26:34 and the other Democrats who want this filibuster gone. Fuck you and fuck you. Who's next? Dick Durbin. Progressives have been staunch in their calls for the abolition of the filibuster, although moderate Democrats, Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona,
Starting point is 00:26:55 have opposed the removal of the Senate procedure. There they are there. He's about to become an independent. I read that yesterday. He's about to say adios. I read that yesterday. He's about to say adios. The Senate voted 49 to 51 on whether to take up the Freedom to Vote Act. Freedom to vote. Boy, don't you love how they named this shit?
Starting point is 00:27:15 You filthy lying. Following far shorter than 60 votes required to overcome a GOP filibuster. Senate Majority Leader, the evil Chuck Schumer, switched his vote to nay. And of course, you're going to go, why would he do that? Of course, there's something behind it. And a procedural move that will allow him to submit the legislation for a re-vote. Get this through your head, you. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. Hey, watch it. I don't like that talk. He's pointing to the nose job he had.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Look, I'm Gentile. Oh, for the love of God, Nick. That's a little bit much. President Biden slammed Republicans for blocking consideration of the voting rights legislation in a scathing statement he made from the bathtub while playing with a rubber ducky, arguing the right to vote is under unrelenting assault by proponents of the big lie in Republican government. Can you imagine this coming out of this motherless fuck
Starting point is 00:28:20 who is the biggest liar? He's a mouthpiece for somebody else. Doing a good job of it, though. And Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and state legislatures across the nation.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Fuck you, mother! Oh, easy. He doesn't mean it. He don't know where he at. Where we at? What are we doing? Joe, time to get out of the tub. Murder, she wrote, is on in a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Get him his strained peaches. And his lobster bib. Shithead. Let's move on to one of my favorite politicians ever to come down the line. She has so much in common with the average, everyday American. Her lifestyle is just like ours. I'm sure she sees life through the same lens as we do.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Chicago Mayor Beetlejuice Lightfoot gets heat for requesting suburban police officers fill in for cops she may fire. You know. I don't believe in white supremacy, but everything she does makes me wonder. Trying to get my neck to make it look skinnier than it is.
Starting point is 00:29:35 The National Fraternal Order of Police issued a blistering statement in response to Chicago's request for suburban police officers to volunteer to help fight surging crime in the city's urban center. Black center, is that what you mean? Is that what you mean? I love how they use urban. It's just, it's all those white people downtown wearing do rags and selling drugs the devolving situation in Chicago and the very real threat to public safety in the city has been entirely manufactured and unnecessarily escalated by Mayor Lori Lightfoot you sure are that was the fraternal cop leader saying that about her, by the way. Look at her in that beautiful size 66 XL jacket.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Ugh, what, did he just steal it from Mike Ditka? Look at the face on this stupid... She's got friggin' Pauly Walnut's hair. No, for nothing. We need some cops down here. Mayor Lori Lightfoot, now she is searching for a way out of this mess that she made
Starting point is 00:30:52 and insists that contingency plans are in place, the statement issued on Wednesday. The truth is her recent call, this is the guy representing the cops, for help through the Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System, that would be LEASE, a system designed
Starting point is 00:31:09 to help agencies respond to emergency situations that may overwhelm responding agencies, has been met with considerable skepticism and rejection by at least two nearby agencies. So they're not having her shit.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Yeah, but I need your help. I made a mess. No, I just need a couple. Shut it. The emergency system is for emergencies and is not intended for instances where a mayor or agency suspends or fires a large number of their own police force.
Starting point is 00:31:46 That actually makes sense, believe it or not. Illinois suburban police are being asked to volunteer, and the cops are like, wait a minute. I walk a beat. I walk a beat. I have to make sure the yogurt shop doesn't get ripped off, and there's a Mercedes dealership I have to drive around. Now you want to throw me downtown on State Street at 3 in the morning?
Starting point is 00:32:07 Get out of the way. I'm not going to the Cabrini-Breen projects. Those were ripped down a long time ago. Anyways, Illinois suburban police are being asked to volunteer and help Chicago in the event that possible city police officer shortages because of the vaccine mandate. Do you understand? And the defunding of police and all that other vaccine mandate do you understand and the defunding of police and all that other shit do you understand don't ever vote democrat ever a fucking again anyways uh officer shortage lead to critical situations according to a report earlier this
Starting point is 00:32:37 week um and you know she's asking for help and and the suburban officers are saying, Kiss my ass. Good for them. A coordinator from the Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System, ALISE, sent an email to a dozen police officials across the state requesting they ask members of their specialized units whether they could respond to dangerous situations in Chicago. You're safer signing up for the Marines and going over to those shitholes right now. And how fast they could get there, Chicago's WGN-TV reported. To be clear, if members of ILE's special teams programs are requested, it would be for emergency situations, not for routine police assistance
Starting point is 00:33:25 and the answering of calls for service within the city limits. You know, the things that you guys dial up every day. Illinois State Police and Cook County Sheriff's Officer would be tasked with the patrol needs, the email read. While the Cook County Sheriff's Department already works with the Chicago Police in helping certain neighborhoods with high crime. You know, the fucking Polish, the Irish, the same old goddamn shenanigans. Those Mennonites.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Those Mennonites, they're dangerous. They hide their weapons under their dresses and bonnets. Anyways, the neighborhoods with high crime. Other suburban departments told WGN-TV they weren't ready to answer the call. I will not, I will not send my personnel to Chicago unless an officer is under direct arrest because I cannot support this slanted agenda, said Kane County Sheriff Ron Hain. Ask not what the suburban cops can do for you. I also will not allow my deputies to be subjected to use of force in the city and be under the prosecutorial jurisdiction of the Cook County State's attorney.
Starting point is 00:34:47 The request comes after the administration of Mary Laurie Lightfoot required that city workers report their COVID-19 vaccination status or be placed on unpaid leave. I wonder where you live, Laurie. Huh? You probably don't have to worry about this, do you, Lori? We saw you at a baseball game, a basketball game without your mask on, and you had the balls to put that up on social media when everybody else around you had their
Starting point is 00:35:15 mask on. You're a dirty, dirty little man. There'll be plays on setting a deadline for this past Friday. Do you believe the balls on these power-grubbing Dems? They're just horrible. Who the fuck do you think you are? Who the fuck do you think you are? Who the fuck? That's me at McDonald's. I didn't get my fries.
Starting point is 00:35:42 I went ballistic. Hey, ladies and gentlemen, next next weekend I'll be back doing stand up you should come out I got a unicycle and I juggle shoot bottle rockets out of my taint y'all have a great time I'll be doing four shows at the
Starting point is 00:36:00 Visani Comedy Theater in Port Charlotte Florida one Thursday one Friday and two on Saturday. Also, I'll be filming these shows, so come out and be a part of it. My boy Dallas, I believe, is going to be coming down there to film the shows, and we'll chop those up and put them out there, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:36:20 It seems to be working for the young kids, so I thought I'd try it before my scoliosis. That's October 28th, 29th, and 30th. If you live in or near Port Charlotte, Venice, Naples, or Fort Myers, make plans to come out. Please wear three or four masks around your waist just to show that you don't believe in that shit. Also, I'm back at the Plaza Hotel and Casino in Vegas, November 12th and 13th. I got to go back where I left my watch a year ago. And just added dates early next year in upstate New York, New Jersey, and on Long Island.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Because if there's any place I want to be in February, it's the Northeast. Get tickets to all my shows at Click on tour. And find out what I'm doing. You know, this really upset me. I'll tell you. I'm so tired. Don't you resent how much we talk about gay and transgender people when they make up,
Starting point is 00:37:19 I don't know, a tiny fraction. And that's not being negative towards them or any of that. Don't give a shit, and nobody really does. See, but you've got to stop whining and bitching and shit and paint yourself as victims, because I'm getting tired of it. As Biden would do. The Republicans passed the bill.
Starting point is 00:37:48 They raised the taxes. And wait for him to go, I just shit my pants. Jill, I just shit my pants. Really bad. I think it was the four-foot ice cream cone. Superman colorist. What, does he have his hair done once a week?
Starting point is 00:38:08 I didn't, that's what I thought they meant. That's how gay it's become. Superman colorist quits over comics embrace of wokeness. I love it. Here's his quote. Tired of this shit. Is that him? All right, buddy.
Starting point is 00:38:23 You can tell. Why are you working in Nerdville anyway? A colorist involved in creating the Superman comic says he is quitting his position in response to the wokeness that has permeated the franchise. I love it. Good for you.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Take this job and shove it. I ain't working here no more. A woman done left and took all the reason. And Superman's banging a man. La, la, la. He's a big bitch and I dig it. I'm finishing out my contract with DC. I'm tired of this shit, he says.
Starting point is 00:39:02 I'm tired of them ruining these characters. They don't have a right to do this. Superman's son of Cal-E, colorist Gabe Eltaib said during a recent podcast, according to Bounding Intercomics, what really pissed me off was saying the truth, justice, and a better world, he said. Eltaib added, fuck that was saying the truth, justice, and a better world, he said. El-Tayyib added, fuck that. It was truth, justice, and the American way, he said. My grandpa almost died in World War II. We don't have a right to destroy shit that people died for to give us, which is a great point. It's a bunch of fucking nonsense, he said. I like the kid. He was the best guy around. Yeah, well, he'd be leaving now. I guess they discussed it
Starting point is 00:39:51 like Superman was a real person on Fox. Let's see what they say. Look, Leo. Shut up, Pee Wee Herman. This is clearly a distortion of the service. Anyone who loved Superman growing up as a kid read read the comic books, or watched those movies. You were in your Barbie dream house. This was about an alien from another planet. Like you. A dying planet. Look at that skull.
Starting point is 00:40:12 That comes and lands in the heartland of America and embodies the American ideals of freedom, justice. He wears red, white, and blue for goodness sake. You're lying. I'm not even a nerd, and I know he does not wear red, white, and blue for goodness sake. Buzz, you're lying. I'm not even a nerd, and I know he does not wear red, white, and blue. It's red, yellow, and blue, you peewee wannabe stooge. Anyways, that's enough of him. He's making me queasy.
Starting point is 00:40:38 He doesn't wear red, white, and blue. What does the hotel have a great joke about that? He goes, when you were a kid, didn't you think your dad was Superman? And then when you grew up, you just realized he was a drunk that liked to walk around in a cape? He's a funny motherfucker. DC Comics, the longtime publisher of Superman comics, recently announced that Superman's new slogan no longer states that the hero is fighting for truth, justice, and the American way,
Starting point is 00:41:09 but now stands for truth, justice, and Marxist cocksuckers, and a better tomorrow. And a better tomorrow. What are you, Al Roker? Yeah, I got a love movie. Better tomorrow. Truth, justice, and the American way. Who said that? I don't know. Superman. Who. Who said that? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Superman. Who the fuck said that? A fake guy. Who's the slimy little commonest shit twinkle toad cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? The change reflects
Starting point is 00:41:34 a broader, more global vision for the world of Superman. Jim Lee, DC's chief creative officer and woke pussy. Oh, he's Asian. I can't pick on this guy. He's a nice fella.
Starting point is 00:41:45 And publisher said Saturday during the company's virtual DC fandom event, all's it is is another business, folks, where they're playing to the woke crowd. Do you get it? That's all it is. Don't get all upset. Put on your own cape.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Jump off your roof. Okay, that's what Jim Lee said according to the Hollywood Reporter. I don't like that magazine. I despise it with every fiber of my being. To better reflect the storylines that we are telling across DC to honor Superman's incredible legacy
Starting point is 00:42:12 over 80 years of building a better world, Superman's motto is evolving. Shut your fucking... It's not all that's evolving with Superman. In addition to the slogan change, DC Comics announced earlier this month that Superman likes ass, male ass, and female ass. The guy just likes ass. He's a real ass lover.
Starting point is 00:42:36 He's bisexual. Oh, isn't that cute, huh? The purple hair and everything. Is that the guy or the girl? That's the guy. Yeah, thank you. Dallas said yes. Perfect answer.
Starting point is 00:42:52 That's Nakamura or something. We reported on this. Can you imagine we're updating a fucking fake story about a fake character? Throwing your son looks like a fad to me. Yeah, well, it's the purple hair. I try to talk him out of it. But for those unfamiliar with the current continuity of DC Comics, there are currently two heroes operating as Superman.
Starting point is 00:43:11 One is Clark Kent, who originally debuted in comics books in 1938, and he really liked pussy back then. The second is his and Lois Lane's son, John Kent, who leaps from tits to hairy backs. Essentially, John spent some time as Superboy and in the Catholic Church before his father recently convinced him to take on the title of Superman as well. In an upcoming issue, John will take after his father when he begins a relationship with an up-and-coming journalist. So this guy is the Lois Lane of today.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Superman's son, instead of having the huts for Lois Lane like Superman did, he's got the huts for another reporter who's a guy. Jay Nakamura. Jay Nakamura. Jay Nakamura. Jay Nakamura. Say it with me again. Please give me a call. I will not. According to an announcement from DC Comics, the two initially became friends when John was making an attempt at having a secret identity as a high school student. However, he got caught blowing a gym teacher behind the dumpster in front of the Dunn Hill School.
Starting point is 00:44:31 However, Superman, son of Cal E, what does that even mean? Number five, the two will share a kiss after Superman becomes mentally and physically burnt out from trying to save everyone. Isn't that typical of America? Even our superheroes become mentally burned out. There's supposed to be a guy who can take bullets and shit.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Ah, I'm stressed. I got taxes coming up. What a sad country. They call us bigots and racists. This is the kid who's leaving the job. And shit, he says, they call us bigots and racists. This is the kid who's leaving the job. And shit, he says, they call us bigots and racists and shit. I would ask them, find me the fucking mainstream, not on the fringes. He said, find me one fucking book, one fucking shirt, one movie that says that leftism is bad and conservatism is good.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Find it for me. They fucking won't, he says. They're not letting people have a voice. They're fucking bigots, Eltape said in the podcast. I love it. How about that fella? He was the best guy around. And before I forget, of course, I want to thank the contributors to the show.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Matthew Johnston of Texas, David Overbar, Jr., Connecticut, Ryan Fucker of Foster, Oregon. I love it. He's from Kit Fortney. I love that name. Michigan. Greg McKee, North Carolina. Richard Lewis, Missouri. Sean O'Connor, New York. Sean O'Connor, New York. Travis Ismay, South Dakota. Sean Powell, Florida. Danny Garrett, Indiana. Paul Asaganella, Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Kerry DePalma, Alaska. Les Gobrand, go Brandon. I get it. Ah, you got me. You got me. Let's go, Brandon. Washington. Joe Molina, Arizona. South Carolina Brian Dow Wisconsin Shawn Littlehale Massachusetts Jeff Cook
Starting point is 00:46:34 Delaware Gerald Carpenter South Carolina let's go Brandon Arizona let's go, Brandon. Let's go, Brandon. Larry Seidman, Pennsylvania. Kevin Heffernan, Illinois. Mark Palmer, New York. Kylan Anderson, Utah. Robert Fredericks of North Carolina. Samuel Perrin of Connecticut. And new monthly subscribers, Lee Priest, our buddy
Starting point is 00:47:07 in Australia, God bless you, Lee. Keep your chin up, man. I got a clip of an Australian guy. You've probably seen it going nuts, a road rage. It's the funniest thing. We'll show it on Monday. Tyler Moore of Ohio. Kevin McArdle of Massachusetts. Steven Alba, Massachusetts. Steven Alba, Massachusetts. William Merringer, New Jersey. James Sanders of Texas. Kevin Heffernan, again, Illinois. Thank you guys all so much, whether it's a daily contribution or monthly.
Starting point is 00:47:36 You keep us going. That is it. That is it for the week. Don't forget,, and If you want me to roast a friend or relative, go to Click on my profile. Tell me about the person. I'll make a little video on the phone, and we'll ruin the day. It's so much fun. That is it, you guys. Thank it. I will say it. You're very welcome. See you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend, everybody. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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