The Nick DiPaolo Show - Pro Choicers Choose Violence | Nick Di Paolo Show #1246

Episode Date: July 26, 2022

Pro-choicer's choose violence. AOC vs. Jessica Ramos. Love Field shooting. Bishop of Bling robbed. Springsteen prices out fans. Newsome enacts more dictatorship....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey listeners, bringing you a fresh track from the artist whose songs always make you want to party. Only now, he's got Alka-Seltzer Hangover Relief for when you party a little too much. Plop, plop, fizz, fizz. Look at this thing I did. Plop, plop, fizz, fizz. What a relief it is. What a relief it is. I can go handle my fizz.
Starting point is 00:00:21 What a relief it is. Plop, plop, fizz, fizz. Hangover Relief. Now that's what I'm talking about. Plop, plop, it's Fizz, players. New Alka-Seltzer hangover relief. Use as directed for relief of headache, mental fatigue, and body ache. Is it safe to say that based off of your comments, you're suggesting that these women at these abortion rallies are ugly and overweight? Yes. What do you say to people who think that those comments are offensive?
Starting point is 00:00:41 are ugly and overweight? Yes. What do you say to people who think that those comments are offensive? Be offended. I found my soulmate and it's a goddamn guy. so Here's Nick! Yeah! Welcome!
Starting point is 00:01:36 Welcome to the Filthy Show on 830, uh, what is it, Tuesday? Tuesday, hump day for us. That's how we look at it. Anyways, uh, what is go- Oh, sad news! I just read that, read that Tony Dow has seen his last Bieber. I don't know how else to put it. Tony Dow, Wally from
Starting point is 00:01:53 Leave it to Bieber, died today or whatever. Did I mention Sorvino? What's going on, man, with the Italian gangsters? I'll tell you what. It's called COVID shots, probably. Ray Liotta, that's sketchy. Plus, James Caan.
Starting point is 00:02:11 I'm not saying these are COVIDs. I'm just saying. Italian gangsters. James Caan, Ray Liotta, Tony Sirico, now Paul Savino. Al Pacino must be shitting his pants right now. He should be. I'm reading all this stuff. I'm not even going to talk about it today, but maybe tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:02:30 I'm reading so much stuff about healthy people dropping dead and, I don't know. Anyways, I just hope it's the right people. I hope Pelosi's got more boosters in her than a... I don't know. Somebody come up with something funny. A table at a daycare center for children. What? Anyhow.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Fucking cut that out. Where are you? What did I want to say? Yeah. So, hey, Wally. How come you're not moving and stuff? Kind of stiff stuff kind of stiff and kind of yucky inside
Starting point is 00:03:06 gee beam I just had a heart attack go tell dad he had a weird personality there he was a handsome kid though you know again Hollywood that's what the guys cast the old fruit cups
Starting point is 00:03:22 yeah so Wally and Sabino. And this show, by the way, is entirely funded by you, the viewers. I want to thank you for that and encourage you to go to and click on the red text at the top of the page to make a contribution. We need the show. We really do. I hate to sound like Jerry Lewis with his kids, but you'll never walk alone, lady. I, uh, you'll get your name read right here on the show if you contribute, but more importantly,
Starting point is 00:03:59 you'll be supporting free speech and a forum for people like you and I to tell it like it is. That's And thank you as always, as they say in New York. What else did I want to... Let's get right to it. Pro-choicers choose violence. Since the leak of the reversal of the Roe decision,
Starting point is 00:04:28 pro-abortion thugs have attacked 77 pro-life centers. I'll say that again. 77 pro-life centers. The Catholic News Agency reported that's about one attack a day. Some have been firebombed. Furthermore, you can all go fuck yourselves. 39 pregnancy centers and 28 churches and 10 other targets, which include a maternity home. Who the hell attacks a place that houses pregnant women? What happened to a woman's choice you so-called tolerant mustachio broads you yeah so uh so again fire
Starting point is 00:05:10 bombs burning but remember remember who the real threat to this country is according to the united states intelligence community domestic terrorism from white supremacists is the most lethal terrorist threat in the homeland. Three strikes and you're out, douche. He's slurring when he's saying it, and this was a year ago. He's slurring his words. Really? So white supremacists. Meanwhile, and I'll point it out every day till I'm dead, billions of dollars of damage and rioting after George Floyd. You kidding me? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:05:52 all those white supremacists raping and murdering people in liberal cities. How dare you? How dare you? You fuck. The slogan is, if abortions aren't safe, neither are you. And I say, this is fun. That's all I got to say. Well, Nick, that wasn't very, I don't care. I've made all the arguments over the last five years. Now I'm back to just throwing it in your face. On June 8th, thugs in Buffalo put their threat into action.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Fox reported an arson investigation is underway after an anti-abortion pregnancy center outside of Buffalo was allegedly firebombed. I bet you it was those damn white supremacists, those far-right extremists, right? It happened Tuesday morning at Compass Care. Compass Care? What the fuck is that? At least one Democrat one democrat openly get this this is a politician right openly supports the uh vandalism uh ktth in seattle reported as churches and pregnancy centers come under assault democrat state senator emily r, Democrat, Washington State, or another sexy one, is celebrating the vandalism of a pro-life billboard in Gorst. That's out in Washington.
Starting point is 00:07:16 And, you know. No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. Did I go over a video? Did I skip? No. Did I go over a video? Did I skip?
Starting point is 00:07:23 No. In a pre-produced Instagram video, Randall Gidley reports that a pro-life message was decorated by a pro-abortion extremist. She smiles as she tells her constituents that she had to pull over when I saw the decorated slash corrected billboard. Did you? Did you pull over?
Starting point is 00:07:44 See, this is, seriously, she's from a generation that never got cracked in the mouth by her father, her mother. Seriously, that's all it would take. Nick, are you saying that's good? Yeah, I'm not saying beat your kid senseless, but let them know that it hurts. She has no clue. Not that that was a physical abuse, but you know what I'm getting at. We're seeing these young broad politicians, you know? Good, good. Burn down that. Democrats have refused to stop the illegal protests at the homes of justices, even after a Democrat tried to assassinate a justice. That's how scummy they are. I'm going to stab you through the heart with a fucking pencil. Do you understand me?
Starting point is 00:08:26 Life News reported House Democrats blocked resolution to condemn violence against churches and pregnancy centers. Did you hear that? Democrats blocked the resolution to stop violence
Starting point is 00:08:36 against pregnancy. But it's white old men that are the problem. She's a malignant cunt. The refusal to protect pro-life believers comes from people who believe in killing babies in the womb. But again, I say,
Starting point is 00:08:52 we know who the real threat is. Congress, according to the intelligence community, terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today. And then Jill said, perhaps you'd like me to come in there and wash your dick for you. The oddity is reversing Roe has not ended abortion in the U.S.
Starting point is 00:09:14 That's how stupid they are. They are at a level of stupid that, don't think of them as Democrats. Again, think of it as a cultural revolution. They're fucking Marxists. The oddity is reversing. Roe has not ended abortion. Most states will continue to allow it.
Starting point is 00:09:31 And abortion pills will continue to be sold. They have a million options. More than half the abortion. My opener. I got to repeat the joke. Josh Kincaid has a good joke. He slept with a girl the next day. He didn't have a condom or whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:46 So they went to a drugstore to find Plan B, those Plan B pills. And they were all out. So he handed her a box of like Tylenol. And she goes, this isn't going to work. He goes, if you eat the whole box. Josh, I love you, man. More than half the abortions in America now come from a pill, which isn't as fun as hearing this.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I mean, a pill's no fun. The Democrats get off on this shit. They actually masturbate to it. But again, you keep getting told by your president, lying to your face, what the real threat is in this country. How can you still vote that way honestly i don't get it and i hate people who go well both sides the they start through that equivocacy oh both sides again no no no you know and i'll say this again i've said it 100 times on the show you know who says that both sides are guilty to people usually decide that's guilty at the time. Oh, they all do
Starting point is 00:10:46 it. Blah, blah. The right's just, no, they're not. No, they're not. It's that clear. Anyways. In our Libs Eating Libs segment tonight, this is a delicious one. The delicious drama pits rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez against state Seneca Jessica Ramos.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Okay? This looks like a good... I don't know. Ramos. She looks like she could fuck you up. The sniping began when a medical student took to Twitter to condemn members of AOC's staff who skipped a meeting with prominent medical academics
Starting point is 00:11:36 with a dismissive, we're not doing health care right now. Just pompous. AOC dutifully apologized saying that the missed meeting did not represent her or her uh values please maybe if you spent this is what ramos said i think maybe if you spent more time in your office and with your team you'd know know what goes on. Just saying it would be nice if you breathed our air, Ramos chabbed. Don't you love a good cat fight? I love a good cat fight. Oh, shit, I got dizzy doing that. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:12:31 I'm not kidding you. Whoa. I just got dizzy. That was weird. I used to do that all the time. All the fun's taken out and you get all... Their claws were out. A Spanish cat fight. I hear that shit going on. I heard it, you know, I used to hear it in Westchester, even in the woods, I'd hear it. But here, you know, I live around, by the way, I hadn't lived near houses for years, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:57 so to have neighbors on both sides, I mean, I hear this, we have an alley behind the house. I hear this shit going on. You could round out my TV this Ola. You want to go out and jump in? It looks like fun. A whole pack of them out there kicking the shit out of each other. Nobody gets along. They were fighting about property taxes. One of the cats. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:13:17 this wasn't a gentle jibe that Ramos threw at the unibrow pig face meant to correct AOC's course. It was a political body slam, the lady says. And an impressive display of the very Twitter schnark Ocasio-Cortez is known for. But as shocking as the insults were, they didn't exactly come out of the very Twitter snark Ocasio-Cortez is known for. But as shocking as the insults were, they didn't exactly come out of the blue. Back in April, AOC was shunned by organizers
Starting point is 00:13:51 who unionized an Amazon distribution center on Staten Island. They claimed the champion of labor. I hate unions, too, for the most part. Again, I think, I shouldn't say, yeah. I mean, in today's form, whatever. But the point is, she goes around acting like she's the, you know, she's the one who's the social. They claim the champion of labor and socialism had left them high and dry, meaning her, during the fight. This
Starting point is 00:14:19 just a couple of years after the progressive queen, AOC, of Queens, was a key to killing a deal with that same Amazon that would have brought thousands of jobs to her district in New York City, Queens. Remember that? They were pissed at her. Even some lefties came out from New York. Amazon wanted to go there to New York. But you know what? Looking back on it,
Starting point is 00:14:47 now with the whole COVID shit and how they shut down everything. Oh, I'm sorry. That's a Bezos-owned company. They don't have to play by those rules, I think. Anyways, according to Ramos, who wasn't quite done
Starting point is 00:14:58 castigating a victim, AOC won't even sit down with local leaders and politicians. This has to leave her constituents and all New Yorkers asking of Ocasio-Cortez, what exactly would you say you do around here? I like Ramos.
Starting point is 00:15:14 That is an ugly dress, sweetheart. Holy shit. We didn't get that at the flea market. Fucking the Bronx. Ugh. It's a beautiful pattern. What are we, belly? Skip it.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Fucking, God damn it. Cut that. Don't stop. I'm just saying. Edit. Nice dress. Are we burying
Starting point is 00:15:33 an old Italian lady? Anyways, don't expect to see AOC in New York anytime soon, but keep an eye on Ramos. The gauntlet
Starting point is 00:15:41 has been very publicly thrown down and there's a ton of sangria pouring out of it good night everybody, I'm Ted Masuski and this is a spat we could be watching for a very long time I hope so what's the idea?
Starting point is 00:15:58 get upstairs cat bite alright, I did that one, I'm fine Cat bite. All right. I did that one. I'm fine. I thought I was going down for a second. Hey, guys. The following stand-up shows are on sale now.
Starting point is 00:16:17 So grab your tickets and make plans to join me. I don't even remember how to do stand-up, but it's what I'm funniest when I walk out. I don't even remember how to do stand-up, but it's what I'm funniest when I walk out. As a comedian, Kelly Rogers, I think, said, my act is what I do when I'm not being funny. And you guys, you'll get me, because you think I can remember what I wrote?
Starting point is 00:16:35 Whatever. Oh, it's going to come off the top of the head. Some of it will be brutally funny. Others of it, you're going to go, what? Friday, September 9th, Soul Joe's Comedy Club, Royalsford, Pennsylvania. Saturday, September 10th, Algonquin Arts Theater in Menisquan, New Jersey. Sunday, September 11th, Sugarloaf Performing Arts Center, Chester, New York. Friday, November 11th, Palm Beach Kennel Club, West Palm Beach, Florida. Sunday, November 13th, Sidesplitters Comedy Club, Tampa. You can
Starting point is 00:17:02 get tickets to all these shows at Thank you so much. I hope I see you out there. Well, we haven't talked about shootings in a fucking second, have we? You know, if it wasn't stressful enough
Starting point is 00:17:19 to go to an airport since 9-11, it's the whole... Not that it was ever fun to fly, but you do realize there was a point where we didn't have to be patted down and all that? You guys realize, right? At least if you're my age.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Anyways, no Love Field. Police were investigating a woman's motive for firing a handgun in the air at the Dallas Love Field Airport on Monday. What her motive was? I'm guessing probably delayed flights, multi-attendance, $14 Snickers bar. There's three for you. Which halted flights and sent people scattering towards safety.
Starting point is 00:18:01 So she just walks into the airport. Uh-oh, Portia's here. The woman, 37-year-old, and again, it'll never be Jane Williams, Portia Odufa, seen here after a horse just shit on her head. You fat, nasty, black bitch! You got a metal muffin on your head.
Starting point is 00:18:24 How stupid do you look? Mr. Black Bitch. You got a metal muffin on your head. How stupid do you look? The woman, again, 37, Portia Odufua, entered the airport's ticket counter area around 11 a.m., walked into a bathroom, and came out wearing different clothing. Who the fuck are you? Are you writing a book? Who the fuck are you? Said Dallas Police Chief Edgardo Garcia.
Starting point is 00:18:47 She then opened fire like a mamalook. Oh, God. An officer shot the woman in her lower extremities to stop her. Well, he did the right thing, I guess. Nobody else was injured. Garcia said the woman was arrested and taken to a hospital. Her hair just says, I am
Starting point is 00:19:15 crazy. Her name has not been released. You know why. What do you mean her name's not been released? What are you talking about? I just said it twice. It's been released here on the network.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I just got a scoop. Let's call her crazy as batch. And it's not clear why she fired the shots at the ceiling. Maybe, I don't know, she's black. What? That is not fair. I agree. Anyhow, let's take a look.
Starting point is 00:19:45 These are people waiting for... This is what the airports come to. Look at these poor people. All right. All right. I don't think I gave you all that, did I? I did. Anyways, yeah, so the airport, the stress is getting everybody now it's not just the flight the people behind the counter the passengers even the pilots are feeling it
Starting point is 00:20:32 after the shooting the airport was evacuated and some people were told to shelter in place. Yeah, let me stay here with the fucking gun guy. Well, Dallas Police investigated city spokesperson Lauren Rounds. I went out with a sister. Told USA Today the city of Dallas operates the airport. Southwest Airlines flights coming into Dallas-Lovefield were under a ground stop and departing flights were on hold Monday afternoon. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:12 If I'm on a flight and the pilot goes on, there's a shooting in the terminal, I'd say step on it. Sticking around so the lady can come out here. Southwest told USA Today in a statement that we don't know what we're doing. Nothing to see here. Please disperse. Nothing to see here. Please.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Normal airport security checkpoint operations resumed shortly before 2 p.m. Central. The TSA tweeted, In 2016, a man was shot and injured outside of Dallas Love Field as he advanced towards an officer with large landscaping rocks after battering his girlfriend's car with rocks in a traffic home. And that person, you know who that was, right? That was Hollywood Henderson, great linebacker. No, I don't. It was an angry Tony Dorsett. It was an angry Tony Dorsett.
Starting point is 00:22:14 So, I mean, you got to admit, if you hear a bang, you know, you know, it's creepy right now. We know, we know before the upcoming election, there's going to be more mass shootings. Don't you almost know that in your heart? And it shouldn't be like that. And again, they're very rare. But, you know, the chances of you being there are, you know, ridiculously low. But it's such a horrible event. And when they come a couple weeks apart. The coverage is non-stop and it's just I don't know. That's why I never leave my house without my bow and arrow. You should see the people move
Starting point is 00:22:56 at the shopping center to help me when I come in there with a crossbow. Where's the men's shorts? Take it easy. What's the headline, Dallas take it easy what's the headline dallas i just skipped over the bishop of bling robbed the bishop of bling this was uh this one made me laugh because it could have been a church or it could have been backstage at a jay-z concert a new y York bishop's sermon was being live-streamed when he said three to four men walked in with guns. Don't you move, you motherfucker. I'll blow your brains out. Bishop Lamar Whitehead, very good, former wide receiver at Florida State.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Look at that. I don't know. I don't know. Bishop Lamar Whitehead of Leaders of Tomorrow International Churches. Well, tomorrow came today, didn't it? In Brooklyn. Anything good ever happen in Brooklyn? Jesus H. Said he was five to ten minutes into preaching Sunday morning when he saw the door in the back of the room kick open.
Starting point is 00:24:07 And he said, the bishop said, four motherfuckers would have poked you come at me no as i got down one went to my wife took all her jewelry and had the gun in front of my eight month old baby's uh face so that's gotta be frightening god look at these goblins. Whitehead described, believes the thieves were after his jewelry. Yeah, well, don't dress like fucking you know, P. Diddy in his heyday. Let's check out the
Starting point is 00:24:35 Bishop of Blank in concert. Yo, alright, alright, alright. I've seen three to four men come in. That's alright, alright, alright. It's pretty much stating that I don't want, I'm not going to do anything, right? Because I know y'all coming from me. Y'all coming straight to me. Look, I'm happy the guy's being a bishop, whatever that entails.
Starting point is 00:24:58 But take it easy on the bling, bling, bling. Brooklyn is this. It's so densely populated. And there's so much, I don't know. Anyways, I'm not going to that mass again. I'll tell you right now. We've got another video. Check out.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Here's the actual gangsters I think we can see on stage. Took off my bishop's ring, my wedding band. And took off my bishop's chain. And then I had chains underneath my robe. Underneath. And he started tapping my neck to see if anything else. So that means they knew. They watched and they knew that I have other jewelry.
Starting point is 00:25:34 He had other juries. He had jury duty. That's how he says jewelry. Anyways, he's a bishop. He's doing a good thing. You're not even safe in a goddamn church. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Whitehead said, Whitehead, that's his last name. That's kind of ironic. I have black heads and his name is Whitehead. Whitehead said what you can't see on camera is the around 100 congregants who were in the room. Men, women, and children dropped to the floor in silence. My church is traumatized, Whitehead said. The women and children are still crying. I guess.
Starting point is 00:26:19 We'll take their word for it. This is a week later. Police say the men took off in a white Mercedes. I'm sure that wasn't stolen. Whitehead said officers have a license plate number and witnesses saw the men change clothes outside. Fuck. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. No, it ain't. He's doing their job. You haven't seen that at your church? Just got to hope he just came out of confession. These men, they need to
Starting point is 00:26:51 turn themselves in. The bishop said, I forgive you, and I'm praying for you, and I hope that God delivered you from the mindset of who you are at that time. I am like God and God like me. I am as large as God. He is as small as I. He cannot above me nor I. Beneath him be the ages 17th century. Elegious 17th century.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I want to see the bishop the next mass when he's wearing overalls with no shirt under it. A pair of Chuck Taylor sneakers. Brainless. That's funny. They must have cased that. I bet you one of them probably goes to the church. He's sitting there daydreaming. They're a mess.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Look at the fucking go around this. That's not nice. Hey, guys, if you've got someone who is celebrating an upcoming birthday or event or just someone you want to send a great gift to, send them a cameo from moi. I'd love to send a personal message to roast your loved one or coworker. Dallas puts a link on the screen here. Go there, and you can see some of the cameos I've done and order one for yourself. Or just go to cameo and search my name name and they'll tell you how it's done.
Starting point is 00:28:28 And I get a few every week and they're actually fun to do. Just make sure you give me enough info. I did one a couple days ago. Yeah, my father married this dumb bitch, Roaster. What? Hi. What do we love most here on this show? We love pointing out the hypocrisy of elitist liberals,
Starting point is 00:28:56 especially ones that pretend to be working class, blue collar. My boy Bruce Springsteen. He lost me after the Diallo incident in New York where a cop shoved a plunger up a guy's ass. And he just came out, wrote a song about how bad the cops are. Okay, what's the story? 10th Avenue price out. Very, very clever, Nick. I know. I really should have my own show. Oh, I do? Nobody told me. Bruce Springsteen does not care about you,
Starting point is 00:29:32 writes, an outlet straight out of Springsteen's home state, and he doesn't care about you. You are correct, sir. The complaint is over the ticket pricing for Springsteen's upcoming 2023 tour. I'm going to be honest with you, folks. I think comedy, I've done it, what, 33?
Starting point is 00:29:52 I've had enough. These guys amaze me. Then again, I'm not making, I don't know, $41 million a night just in T-shirt sales. Tickets went on sale Wednesday in floor seats for Springsteen's upcoming tour have been going for as high as 4,300 bucks. Standing room only seats have been priced at $1,125. Now here's my take on this. I don't have a problem with that.
Starting point is 00:30:17 It's called the free market. People pay what they think it's worth. That's how it works. What I do have a problem is, when he badmouths everybody else and pretends he's a blue-collar guy, and remember the whole vaccine thing when he was doing his play on Broadway? Didn't want to play to people who weren't vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:30:35 That type of shit. And he, you know, born in the USA. Sounds like you're born in the USSR lately. So don't, you know what I mean? Okay, don't pretend. All his songs are about being working, which I'm sure he was when he grew up. But there's plenty of ways to get around this. These insane costs are the fault of Ticketmaster's market price system, which is called capitalism, by the way. I don't have a problem, which prices tickets not on a flat fee, but based on demand. Yeah, the higher the demand, the higher the ticket costs go.
Starting point is 00:31:09 But again, Bruce, don't be out there. Colin Quinn had the best bit ever about Bruce Springsteen. I remember doing it at the cellar like 10 years ago, saying that, yeah, here's Springsteen, but pretends he's for the working guy, pretends he's the working guy. saying that, yeah, here's Springsteen, but pretends he's for the working guy, pretends he's the working guy. Well, if you really were,
Starting point is 00:31:29 why are you starting a 45-minute version of Rosalita at 12.30 at night? Next day, some machinist is going to lose his thumb because he's half asleep. It was so, so perfect. Anyways, that's a lot of onions. You fuck people out of money and get away with it. This isn't the first time working class. Harold Springsteen has fronted a show with tickets costing more than many working class people bring home in a week.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Back in 2017, Springsteen on Broadway tickets climbed as high as 850 bucks. I would think they would be more than that. Bucks. I would think they would be more than that, actually. It is exceedingly clear that Bruce Springsteen does not give a rat's ass how much a given fan spends to see him play if he did care the rock icon who recently sold the rights to his publishing catalog for a cool half a billion dollars on top of all the money he already had and whose concert tours typically rake in 200 million at the box god bless him i got no problem with that i i just don't like his politics i'll say thunder road might be one of those beautiful songs ever written and i love his lyrics and you know i mean he's a genuine talented rock and he's got a little guinea in him i heard uh
Starting point is 00:32:43 so yeah 200 million at the box office that's what he usually gets for touring Talented rock. And he's got a little guinea in him, I heard. So yeah, $200 million at the box office. That's what he usually gets for touring. He could refuse to work with Ticketmaster, finance the shows himself, buy permits to use unoccupied fields across America, you know, like Woodstock, and set up a ticket price that he could control alone.
Starting point is 00:33:06 That's how you do it. And he could pocket considerably less from the fans who have supported him for about 50 years now, Bruce. You fucking hypocrite. Anyways, Bruce is getting a little long in the tooth, and here's some of his work lately. here's some of his work lately oh fuck oh he was high on relief factor
Starting point is 00:33:35 these left wing artists have the power to bring about change to muscle ticket master into not royally screwing their fans, but they refuse to do it. They're always like that, you know? Like, what's his name?
Starting point is 00:33:50 Boy De Niro? Yappity, yappity, yappity. He hates Trump, hates blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah. We should be giving more money to the black community. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Meanwhile, he's in a tax fight about a house upstate New York a few years ago.
Starting point is 00:34:02 It was going on forever. They're all full of shit. They're all full of shit. They're all full of shit. They start off that way. Buffalo, Springfield, all those fucking hippies. It's about the art and the music and get our message out. And then, you know, they're fighting over their catalog money. And the working class hero has become an insufferable out of touch.
Starting point is 00:34:24 I think this is Nolte, by the way, in Breitbart. I might be wrong. The working class hero has become an insufferable out of touch elitist holding concerts that only his fellow elitists can afford. He doesn't want Joe Sixpack, who probably voted for Trump at his concert. Instead, he wants Joe Scarborough and John Meacham. Ugh. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. I get that sneaking cunt. and John Meacham. See, I have to pay him a dime for that. He wrote that. That was one of his big hits.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Bruce, you know, Bruce is a victim of growing up in New Jersey, the Northeast politics. I swear to God, it taints everybody, even the people I like. Finally tonight on Shigetits and Kathy, under the authority, oh, well, well, well, is the headline. Oh, God. Under the authority of California's infamous Governor Gavin Newsom, Democrat, also shapeshifter, and Secretary for Environmental Protection, Jared Blumenfeld, California's water boards will not only require owners of private, that's
Starting point is 00:35:34 the key word, wells, to report every drop of water they extract from their own property, but they will also charge the property owners for the privilege of doing so, according to a recent California Globe report. You believe that shit? Who the fuck said that? I think the ShapeShift did. Who's this grimy little communist shit-twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Hi, my name's Gavin.
Starting point is 00:36:01 How about the schmuck on the left, Bloom? What's he, Dick? Dipping his head in the well to see? What a greasy. And unnamed source, do you guys see? Do you understand? That's all he's about. And people like him. And basically all the left now. I don't want to hear about the Democrat moderates. There's one, Joe Manchin, maybe. The rest of them are psychotic socialists. They want to intervene in every facet of your fucking life, from what kind of toilet you use, what kind of shower heads.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Now they're fucking going after your water and your well on your property. An unnamed source told The Globe that Natalie Stork, oh, goodness gracious, Eloise, a state water control official, wow, that's necessary. What do you do? I. A state water control official. Wow, that's necessary. What do you do? I'm a state water control official. Why don't you try taking a bath, Stinky? What?
Starting point is 00:36:53 You heard me. Quietly delivered a shocking letter to private well owners wishing them well. Good night, everybody. Which reads, landowners whose property is within an unmanaged area, whatever that means, and contains an operating groundwater extraction well must report the volume of groundwater extracted from the well. And if they don't, what are you going to do, Titlis? The groundwater extraction volume must be reported as a monthly total.
Starting point is 00:37:26 In addition to pumping volumes, reports must include the location of the well and the... Look at how lazy they are. They can't even bother coming out and finding the well on their own. And the place and purpose
Starting point is 00:37:40 of use of the groundwater. To that I say... Shut up. Mind your fucking business and shut up. How much more? Do you guys know? It's supposed to be private property. The letter goes on to inform the property owners. They're tyrants. That's who's running this country. The letter goes on to inform the property owners of a list of filing fees. The letter goes on to inform the property owners of a list of filing fees.
Starting point is 00:38:08 I love those filing fees. Anytime you work, right? Anytime you do anything with the government, there's a, what's this $108 for? That's a filing fee. You ever ask them what they got? I don't know. That they will be required to pay to the government for the water they are required to report to the government. They're doing all the work and they're making you pay.
Starting point is 00:38:29 You got to be shit. Fuck you mother. Oh, Jake. What a great racket. The government provides no service, no support, no product, doesn't even do the billing. Doesn't even do the billing. All they do is sit back and cash your frigging check. Unbelievable. Fuck you and fuck you. Who's next? How about, you know, it was funny. We didn't give it much play when he, when Biden went on the road somewhere. I think he was at the
Starting point is 00:39:01 improv in Denver playing. That Gavin Newsom came to the White House, remember? When Biden was away? Shots of him on the news. That was weird. That's how delusional he is. But maybe it's not delusion. He thinks he's going to be the next president,
Starting point is 00:39:21 I think. And maybe it's not delusional because if they're going to steal an election, you might as well be the one that benefits the theft like Biden was. Unfucking real, man. Unreal. He is a lizard in a slime bag. He represents Northern California and everything. Remember No Mask at the French Laundry
Starting point is 00:39:46 where it's $280 for a cheeseburger? Yeah, he's for the working man. Kiss my grits. Anyways, that's it. That is it for today, ladies and gentlemen. Boston Firefighters. There you go. North End.
Starting point is 00:40:02 That's where the Italians. I forget who gave this to me. I apologize if you're watching. It was after a show. People are very good to me. I get so much stuff at home. I got a little kid's head. I don't know why he mailed that to me. That was one of my fans who had quite a temper. Anyways. Okay, that's it. Don't forget to sign up, please. Monthly at, at the Go to for all your DiPaolo needs.
Starting point is 00:40:30 And and, which is like Cameo, only it's a bunch of patriotic people. And I do the same thing. I'll make fun of whoever you want. We'll say happy 4th of July to your sister who's in Russia. That is it. You guys thing. I'll make fun of whoever you want. We'll say happy 4th of July to your sister who's in Russia.
Starting point is 00:40:46 That is it. You guys think and I'll say it. You are very welcome. We'll see you back here for the third day of the week tomorrow. Have a great day. guitar solo Outro Music

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