The Nick DiPaolo Show - Punks Pushing Police Patience.

Episode Date: August 23, 2018

Men Riding The Cotton Pony. Trump In Trouble? E Verify Does Everything But....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you. Oh yeah, how are you folks? Welcome to the Nick DiPaolo Show on a Wednesday, 833-599-NICK, 833-599-NICK. 833-599-6424. If you want to join in the fun. How are you, folks? Dates real quick. You can get these at, where you can get everything, actually. But tomorrow night, one of my favorite comedy haunts, Governor's Levittown, Long Island.
Starting point is 00:01:02 8.30 start. Great gig Been doing that since the early 90s when it used to be a fucking hellhole It would be packed but there was no crowd control and it was always packed It's turned into a great gig
Starting point is 00:01:19 Tuesday, August 28th That's next Tuesday The Comedy Cellar indougall and right around the corner the next night august 29th on a wednesday village underground saturday september 1st the fat black pussycat saturday september 8th the fat black pussycat friday september 14th and saturday september 15th arlington draft house arlington, Arlington, Virginia. Friday, September 21st, the Orpheum Theater, Flagstaff, Arizona. Saturday, September 29th, the Fat Black Pussycat in New York. Friday, November 9th, Comics, Mohegan Sun.
Starting point is 00:01:57 That's Unkersville, Connecticut, and the next night, November 10th, I'll be there too. I think it's two shows each night, maybe one on Friday. Not sure. it's a casino it's a good gig I shot Raw Nerve at that place and I tried to drink with the owners like I said yesterday can't do it guys are
Starting point is 00:02:17 professionals and man can they slam them excuse me so that's the dates. I'm a tad cranky. Having my menstrual cycle. Apparently that's something. Something new now.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Yeah, men can have their periods. I say men or man in quotes. You guys know what I'm talking about. Put it up there. There you go. Periods are not just for women. What's a hashtag bleeding while trans? I get pulled over bleeding while trans by the cops.
Starting point is 00:02:59 First of all, that's Conan O'Brien in eighth grade. I always wondered about his sexuality. But let's be honest. That's a girl and that's a vagina. But I have a picture of me in college. I don't have it. I didn't put it up today. But I caught the tip of my dick in my zipper at a fraternity party.
Starting point is 00:03:19 And the results were the same. Can we get it straight? Yes, I know there's no differences between men and women, just socially constructed ones. It's a crock of shit. Crock of shit. I have the, I have,
Starting point is 00:03:33 I was born as far as emotions go, like a woman having a period. Cranky as a motherfucker, right out of the womb. My tits hurt once in a while. That's usually after I do a few push-ups because I'm 56. And I eat chocolate and pickles normally anyway.
Starting point is 00:03:51 But they're trying to say men have their period because it's hormonal. And men go through these hormonal cycles where they get cranky. Yes, but not to the point. It's not as regular as even if it was. It's not a period. Okay? Look it up, please. It's the...
Starting point is 00:04:12 What the fuck? And that's... You know who's pushing that shit again? That's the left who believes in science. They believe if, you know, if you don't believe in climate change, you're fucking ignorant, retarded, and troglodyte. They're the party of science. change. You're fucking ignorant, retarded, and troglodyte. They're the party of science.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Yeah, when it comes to some girl pointing to a vagina going, that's a dick, we're supposed to believe them. Last time I checked, biology was the science too. So come on, cut the cucka. You got girls were cursed with that. We were not. We have our own problems. Skid marks and hygiene
Starting point is 00:04:44 in general and fucking hair. So, you know, we have our own problems skid marks and and hygiene in general and fucking hair uh so you know we have our own problems is all i'm saying but yes do i do i have the personality of a lesbian who's having a period around the clock yes i'll agree to that i'm a miserable but that's because i'm from a long line of miserable fucks i looked it up on I'm 28% British, 29% Irish, or whatever the fuck, and almost 70% Mizarab. Have you seen Les Mis? That was based on me while I was having my period in fifth grade. Oh, what a spectacular show.
Starting point is 00:05:19 833-599-6425. 833-599-6425. 833-599-6425. No, you can't. Men don't have periods. They can get moody and whatnot, but that's, again, usually something triggers that. If it's not their hormones, it's, you know, watching a playoff game and their girlfriend walks in front of the TV when somebody's trying to hit a three-pointer to end it. That'll set them on fire for the next few days. Am I right, kids? Oh, that's sexist, isn't it? No to end it. That'll set him on fire for the next few days. Am I right, kids?
Starting point is 00:05:45 Oh, that's sexist, isn't it? No! Shut it! Although, I'll tell you, my old man, again, I got his, I got my grandfather's personality. He was,
Starting point is 00:05:59 he was riding the cotton pony around the clock. But he had a reason to. He was born in Italy in 1885, and his dad was kind of a miserable prick. I remember hearing these stories. His dad would buy him shoes as a kid. His dad would hit him over the head with the shoes
Starting point is 00:06:16 just because they cost so much. That's a true story. But he'd be bleeding from his scalp, not his crotch. Anyways, enough on that. I mean, Jesus, enough with the blood talk already. What's in the goddamn news? Google will now filter out negative news and tell you something good instead of negative fucking news. I forgot to play the period song. It's been so long, but now it's finally here. As I kiss your neck, baby, what do I hear?
Starting point is 00:06:48 I'm on my period. What? Damn. A tampon has been... Oh, shut it. Anyways, that's how soft a society we've become. Google is going to now give us positive no's, which is just the fucking very notion.
Starting point is 00:07:05 No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. I agree. Google's launched a brand new feature for its artificially intelligent Google Assistant. First of all, if you have a Google Assistant, you know, those things that you talk to. Hey, how many sticks of butter in a fucking pound cake? If you have that, you're asking people to intrude on your privacy. How many sticks of butter pound cake you can hear?
Starting point is 00:07:27 You can hear fucking, you know, Julian Assange or somebody, or Guccifer farting in the background as they give the recipe. I don't trust the motherfuckers. But they've launched a brand new feature for its artificial intelligence. Google, that's designed to cheer people up by filtering negative news. Could we get any softer as a goddamn society? Simply ask your phone, right away, you crazy,
Starting point is 00:07:53 or Google Home Speaker, to tell me something good, and you'll be... A lot of people doing this when they're having their period, both men and women. I'm so cranky. Tell me something good to share.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Tell me I'm not bleeding from my crotch and I'm a man. Tell me something good. You'll be given a nice summary of positive stories about people solving real problems. These days we're consuming more news than ever, and sometimes it can feel like there are problems out there. Well, there are, explained Ryan Burke, a creative producer at Google's Creative Lab. Somebody get Ryan some real work, please. But the fact is there is a plethora of good news happening and we're not talking about it.
Starting point is 00:08:41 There's a plethora of good news happening and we're not talking about unlikely animal friendships or random acts of kind. What is that? What kind of? Unlikely animal? I think we actually have a clip, don't we, of animal relations? That's unlikely right there. There you go. Or random acts of kindness.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Can I just say this? When a plane lands safely, that's not fucking news. Do you understand that? That's not news. When a plane comes up about a thousand yards short of the runway, and 180 people die in a fiery crash, that's news. See, because millions of planes land safely every day. News comes from new.
Starting point is 00:09:36 You realize that? And there's nothing new about planes landing safely, using my argument. 833-599-6425. 833-599-6425. 833-599-6425 is the phone number. Who decides if it's negative news? Google. Once again, Google deciding
Starting point is 00:09:53 what's real news, what's fake news. Now it's what's negative, what's positive. You want me to believe that the night after Trump won the election, Google would give that to me
Starting point is 00:10:02 as good news? Do you really think they put that in the positive uh it's subjective um you know i'm guessing if this was in place after trump won the election they would replace that story with a something about a kitten dialing 9-1ing 911 and saving its owner when the house was on fire. Remember those stories? That was actually a story when I was living in LA. It was a kitten or a dog dialed 911.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Which is just an alright fucking lie. Outright. Unless you have video, it's like the OJ murders. Unless you have a fucking video, I'm not believing you. What's up, Priscilla? Oh, then sit still. You you? You're distracting me. She has no top on.
Starting point is 00:10:48 We found her. She works in the Yonkers area. At night, she works for Best Buy and got a big brown ass. The stories come from a wide range of media outlets curated and summarized by the nonpartisan nonprofit Solutions Journalism Network organization. This must be an English column because they're spelling organization and everything else. You know, the Z's are placed with an S and that bugs me.
Starting point is 00:11:25 than an S and that bugs me. Solution journalism empowers and energizes, and again energizes, G-I-S-E-S, audiences helping to combat negative news fatigue. It's important. It's an important part of a balanced news diet. First of all, there's no, now we have to have a balanced news diet. I like all my fucking news like broccoli or bitter spinach. I don't need fucking dessert for the news. It should taste like shit. It should taste like Taco Bell when you're sober. Fucking balanced. How fucking silly. Who comes up with this shit? But again, it's just another excuse. Don't miss the bigger story. Like I said, you'd never hear about Trump winning the election the next day if that was Google deciding what's positive and what's negative
Starting point is 00:12:07 they'd show you a kid being crucified at 11 years old in Tehran or something that's about all I had to say about that but the point being like I said a plane lands safely that's something positive but that happens millions of times a day,
Starting point is 00:12:25 so you're not going to see that. It's like black-on-white crime. It happens so much. It's not news. Like this clip here. Did you see this one? Which I retweeted on Twitter. This incident when I was a student. Watch this.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Apparently he had some dust on his hair. But I threw that up. I retweeted it. Somebody put with the tweet that it was a liberal going nuts and this kid allegedly said that America has always been great. The only time it was when
Starting point is 00:13:04 Obama was president. That's what whoever, whatever. So I put it up there, not even believing that part of it. But the fucking Twitter, so many people have swallowed the poison. You fucking idiot. You don't even know what context that was. Oh, really? My point being, I thought enough people have caught on to this by now, followers of mine my point was first of all it
Starting point is 00:13:25 doesn't matter what the context you can't justify their behavior and if you reverse the races in that video clip do you think it would have made news do you think if that was a white woman smacking a little black kid over the head like that with a metal part of the broom by the way you think there would have been any context they would have run with it or mainstream media would have run with it on a loop for the next two. That was my point. And I thought enough of my followers would get that. But I didn't think it needed to be said.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Just switch. I'm trying to get. It's a teachable moment here, as Obama said. It's funny. He came up with that. We didn't learn a fucking thing in his eight years. Other than a Marxist couldn't fucking run a country to save his life. But if you reverse the races, that's headline news on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, around the clock.
Starting point is 00:14:13 That was my only goddamn point. You don't know who put that up there to your retreat, but they're without context. There is no context that can justify their behavior. That's all I'm saying. And the media has been cherry-picking race stories for the last 30 years, and that's why we're at each other's throat racially. That's what NBC does, ABC, CBS, New York Times, L.A. Times, Washington Post. They cherry-pick to create a narrative of what a horrible place this is.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Let me have a sip of my Kahlua slash coffee slash Gatorade. Oh, that's good eats. Let's go to, it says top fan, Emerson, upstate New York. Thor? I love that name, Thor. My name is Emerson Thor. I am a top fan. I just want everybody to know that, as has been displayed on your Facebook page multiple times.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I appreciate it, Thor. Emerson Thor. Emerson. Greetings, Captain Nick. It's good to see you at the Oyster House again on White Boy Wednesday. What's going on? I missed you at the last meeting. What's it going to take for the...
Starting point is 00:15:25 Go ahead. Do we have a delay? Yes, we do. Go ahead, though. All right. What's it going to take for the right to admit that the Civil War has already started? That's exactly right. I said this a couple shows ago if the right was one one hundredth as an intolerant and treated politics like the left does as a religion this thing would have kicked off five years ago but
Starting point is 00:15:52 you're absolutely right uh i i don't know what it's going to take i mean we've had cops being shot you know going back to the obama uh era and uh it's a great question i don't know and i don't want to say you know something happening to trump because i don't want to put anything out there oh how about scalise getting shot on a baseball field but by a fucking left wing loon and um things like that you think might it might have touched it was obviously it was obviously an accident uh These things are hard to aim, even easier to fire. I know. How come Dick Cheney, with his shot, why doesn't he want to near a Democrat softball game? Pretend he's hunting ducks and take out the pitcher.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Not that I'm encouraging that. I'm just saying it's a great question. Because the left state is on the left and the right. It's on both sides. What is? I guess I'm not too upset about the decision uh the the deep state uh people are acting as though even though trump is on the right that he's a true republican and he's really not the deep state is on both sides as we're finding out and uh
Starting point is 00:16:58 you know they rub it in your face when somebody on the right is arrested, but I am almost just as happy about that unless it's on purpose because they're a conservative. Let me ask you, you said the Republicans are part of the deep state. Which one specifically do you think? And I sort of agree with you. Which ones, Emerson, do you think specifically? I would have to say, as much as it pains me to say this, possibly McCain, Cheney, obviously. They act as though we embraced every Republican president, and most of them are shit, just as the same is on the left side. but we do get the unfair shake because our guy is in there right now, and now we've got to play defense for the next however many years
Starting point is 00:17:49 because it's us over the barrel. Now, specifically like Cheney, what did he do that you think he's part of the deep state? Well, you know, as soon as you say, oh, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia took down the towers, we better go to war with Iraq. It just seemed from then on that it was a big fuck around. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:17 There was a lot of people. That's my personal opinion. I just. Yeah, no, I can see. It's a. Sorry, I know we do have the delay. Everybody has it. Cell phones are a fucking cancer when it comes to call ins. And but you make all good points there.
Starting point is 00:18:41 As far as the the Iraq war, though, no, nobody brings up. Thank you for the call, by the way. Emerson thought my top fan. I'll talk to you soon um nobody talks about this video footage of of hillary clinton and a bunch of leftists when we went to war in iraq saying that saddam had weapons of mass destruction and again i don't carry the way what you believe but but it wasn't just people on the right but yeah there are there are some very deep uh but most of the deep state is where Obama appointees and the original question, what's it going to take to kick off the fucking civil? I thought maybe those five cops getting shot that nobody talks about anymore in Dallas a couple of years ago after the whole Black Lives Matter thing and hands up, don't shit my pants.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I thought that might have might have done it. But here's my theory on that. The right people, they work hard. They make money responsible. They are too comfortable. They're laying on their couches like me watching their flat screen TVs. And the left has a bunch of young people who apparently can fucking join any rally at 10 in the morning on a Tuesday because they have nothing fucking better to do.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Whatever. I wish it would kick off, though. That's all I'm saying. I wish it would kick off, though. That's all I'm saying. I wish it would, you know. Boy, that's what I do miss. When Obama was in office, remember there was riots every other week. I used to call my friends. Look, I said, Tuesday, 8 o'clock, Ferguson.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Bring the beer and the shrimp. I'll be in my recliner. It was like clockwork. But, yeah, it's actually a good question. Let's go to uh nathan he wants to talk about the positive the positive news uh being a good thing and it doesn't surprise me nathan's sort of a positive guy a lot more positive than me nathan how's it going fella well uh hello good to speak to you this evening uh nick how how are you? Pretty good, thank you. Yes, I'd like to say hello to you and the gorgeous Priscilla, as she referenced.
Starting point is 00:20:40 And I'd like to say hello to your eclectic band of internists, cardiologists, and the recently paroled that are listening in. Oh, I'm sensing your sarcasm, but go right ahead, Nathan. Well, they are an eclectic bunch. Well, Nick, well, first of all, I cannot understand why you, Nick, even knowing your personality, would see a problem with Google putting on positive news as opposed to negative news, which can clearly shape people's moods and demeanor throughout the day. What's wrong with that, Nick? Well, I think I just explained it perfectly, that it really is not news when a fireman takes a kitten out of a tree
Starting point is 00:21:26 um it doesn't really affect me but when then somebody gets run over by a truck on the west side highway um that is news and i don't trust the people at google i think their definition of what is positive news is a complete polar opposite what i would think would be positive would you agree that trump winning the election, the people that run Google, you think they would look at that as positive news? Well, I mean, I would say no, but politics aside, Nick, wouldn't you much rather see maybe a video of someone helping an elderly woman across the street as opposed to maybe a video of one of your listeners
Starting point is 00:22:11 walloping someone at the Patriots game? Well, look, it's funny you say that, because any time there's a video of somebody getting walloped, it's somebody on your side of the aisle punching somebody in a Trump hat. Hey, is that your dog back there uh nathan well uh yes i tried to quiet them down but i have uh maltese and a poodle acting uh a little rambunctious right now and it seems to be uh and not an opportune time but they they don't. Excuse me one second. Quiet down, please.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Okay. Easy, don't you? You shouldn't yell at them like that. Well, they get a little nervous, and one of them has bowel issues. So does one of my interns. Listen, but that is the point, isn't it, though? The people who run Google have demonstrated that what they would consider
Starting point is 00:23:10 a positive news story, and you know that's not going to get ratings, Nathan. People are going to go, oh, look, an old lady crossing the street with the help of a Cub Scout.
Starting point is 00:23:18 They're going to be bored out of their tits. If it bleeds, it leads. That, that, that, that is the problem right there.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Because, excuse me, please quiet down. I'm talking to Nick. That is the problem right there. You see, the problem with society loves a car crash. They love a big fight or something. Yeah. And it sells. That's unfortunate.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Can I speak? Real quick, I got a bunch of callers. Go ahead. Okay, the woman from Connecticut that called in yesterday? Yes, Caitlin. Yeah, okay. Well, that woman, Caitlin, she is not representative of Connecticut. You know, she has the social nuances of a lowland gorilla flinging feces.
Starting point is 00:24:06 No racism. No, no. Well, that's not racist. But I just want to say that I'm glad she represents Connecticut, but I also do as well. And I hope you have a good rest of the evening. I love your show, you gesticulating, grandiose gangster. All right, Nathan, take it easy, pal. Fold those sweaters way on the top shelf.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Those V-necks are getting wrinkled. And don't have a call from a pet store again. I'll fucking go over there. I'll eat that dog for lunch, Larry. You hear me, Larry? Larry, oh! I'll take one more call, and then I want to get back to the stories because I want to go on to the illegal immigrant whose attorney saying he's not illegal yet the the fucking attorney has
Starting point is 00:24:52 no documents to prove that he's not illegal the one that killed the beautiful Molly Tibbetts and and I want to get the take on that there was a guy on named Miranda which is hilarious Hispanic guy on it used to be a communications director for DNC. He was on with Tucker last night. His last name is Miranda. Even in the goddamn name, there's some type of law mentioned. Let's go to Michael in Louisiana before I move on to the stories. Hi, Michael. How are you?
Starting point is 00:25:20 How's it going, Mr. DePaulo? How are you doing? I'm all right. Thank you, sir. I just wanted to ask you, you know, y'all, in all these big cities and all these other places, there's so much racism and hate and all that going on, and they act like it's all over the country. But we don't have that here. We all get along.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Everybody knows everybody everybody does everything but the big cities determine what happens in this whole country just because they're shit and we're not yeah well the big cities uh um i see a point i mean most of the crime but uh you know you look at new orleans everybody goes nick don't you want to go to new orleans i go no i i fucking i know what it's like to be shot and New Orleans everybody goes Nick don't you want to go to New Orleans? I go no I know what it's like to be shot and I've tasted shrimp I don't fucking need to go to New Orleans but you make good points
Starting point is 00:26:11 the cities yes I mean because you have zillions of people living on top of each other and but there is you know you're right on a day to day basis and you know you mentioned the South. I've been doing stand up and traveling this country for years. And one of the things I did like about the South, Michael, I'd go to lunch if I'm playing a club in Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:26:33 I'd go to breakfast that morning and I would see I would see black and white people having breakfast together and lunch and stuff. And you don't see that up here in the Northeast that much. I really really you know it's uh you're making a good point as far as that but uh yes i mean look at chicago and the the fucking hatred nobody ever explains i'm guessing it's gang activity people killing each other but um yeah for the for the most part on a day-to-day basis, we get along pretty good. Yeah, and we love it down here. We all get together.
Starting point is 00:27:11 You know what a couchandelet is? It sounds like a dessert I had at Emeril Lagasse's restaurant. It's like a festival. We all get together. We slaughter and roast about four or five hogs and have friends, family, friends of their family, everybody just shows up. It's a big community-wide thing. And what do you call that, Michael?
Starting point is 00:27:37 And we have fun. It's called a couchon de lait. A couchon as in pig, Roust. Yeah, it's French. But the problem is, It's called a couchon de lait. A couchon as in pig, Roust. Yeah. It is French. But the problem is, you know, a lot of... A cage is French. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:52 But the problem is, for every couchon de lait you have, there's a barbecue down there that breaks out when somebody shows up with a gun and his cousin Tyrone shouldn't be at the party, and all hell breaks loose. Well, that's why we... Well, I won't say that. I take that the wrong way. That would kind of go against everything I just said.
Starting point is 00:28:17 No, I hear you. But again, I just wanted to say I appreciate everything you do, and I love listening to you all. And Mike, you know what? Thank you so much for being a fan of the show, and we liked it. I get calls from England and Ireland. Thank you for the call, Michael, and call back, by the way. We get calls from England and Ireland,
Starting point is 00:28:36 and I'm doing it from Colin Quinn's cousin's house this show, so it's a real thrill. and Quinn's cousin's house this show. So it's a real thrill. 833-599-NICK. But I get his bigger point, though. I mean, most of the crime, right? Now, again, people, you can,
Starting point is 00:28:57 what do you want to blame it on? Socioeconomics or whatever? There's a million theories to go on. I think it's more cultural. But the government doesn't help. The government started fucking up when they were sending paychecks to single moms instead of having a dad in the house,
Starting point is 00:29:12 and it's only got uglier from there, whether it be Baltimore, and again, a lot of the lib cities, Baltimore and Los Angeles, and I can name a bunch of them, but let's move on, shall we? Then we had this horrible story, obviously.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Molly Tibbetts is that young girl who, oh, somebody, there was a black woman on MSNBC referred to her as that girl in Iowa, which, you know, that was pretty, she actually backpedaled in a tweet. She caught so much shit. But the illegal immigrant who killed this girl in Iowa. And talk about separating somebody from their family, huh? But anyways, Tucker Carlson had a guy on, Louis Miranda, I forget his name,
Starting point is 00:29:59 but he used to be former communications director of the DNC. And even before the conversation and debate started, I'm sitting there going, watch them try to deflect this. Because I saw, do you remember when Kate Starling got killed? Geraldo Rivera went on the Bill O'Reilly, the O'Reilly factor, and was trying to make the point that it has nothing to do with the immigration laws. And I wanted to see if this dickhead would take the same,
Starting point is 00:30:23 take the same, here's the clip of. Then we're flat out bigots and we should be quiet. Why don't Americans have a right to police their own borders and say, if you're not here legally, you have to leave now? Why don't we have that right? Well, Tucker, I'm really glad that you're giving us the opportunity to have this discussion, because I think Democrats, Republicans, independents, immigrants and those those born here, all alike, we can agree that these heinous crimes have no place regardless of who does them. Just this week, we found out that a white man in Denver killed his wife and two beautiful young daughters.
Starting point is 00:30:55 There you go. Yeah, awful story. Also tragic, just as this young woman in Iowa whose death is a huge tragedy, and I can't imagine what her family is going through. So we can agree on that. Well, but here's the difference. No, no, I understand. But there's a white man in Denver who doesn't speak for all white men either.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Hey, Luis, I didn't say anything about this man's race. The story is not about race. Don't make it about race. Stop that. I was saying this is about nationality and citizenship. This man had no right to be here. That's the difference. Lots of Americans commit heinous crimes.
Starting point is 00:31:23 It's terrible. We put them in prison where they should be. Exactly. But people shouldn't be here in the first place. He didn't have a right to be here in the first place. That doesn't matter. His presence violated federal law. You and your party tell us that we're racist for wanting to enforce our own laws. It has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with whether we think laws are real. Exactly. So they're saying, and Geraldo is trying to say, there's no connection between somebody who shouldn't be here killing somebody and that somebody, okay?
Starting point is 00:31:57 He brings up the white guy from Denver. This is about law and order and immigration law this guy deflects it to race there's no connection between an illegal being here and killing a woman and no connection between him not being here and that woman not being killed are you fucking dog styling me and this is what they fucking do and again every story i read today referred to him as a undocumented you know an undocumented worker or whatever they undocumented immigrant when he's an illegal is the word
Starting point is 00:32:32 they can't even bring themselves to fuck that was so insulting turning it right into Ray it's exactly Geraldo Rivera I should have pulled that clip they almost choked each other out O'Reilly lost his shit that night and I couldn't fucking blame him. There's no connection?
Starting point is 00:32:47 That girl would be alive if the fucking immigration laws were being enforced. So what are you talking about? I mean, go right to it. Well, there was a white man in Denver. Yes. Yeah, that's something else. But just ridiculous. but just ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Republican Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds blasted the broken immigration system as the reason why Rivera had been living near Brooklyn, Iowa for the last four to seven years. They caught him, by the way. They had video of him in his black, not a Camaro, a Malibu or whatever, his car. And then he got out and started to jog with her and alongside her. And by the way, people on both sides of the aisle are guilty of this one
Starting point is 00:33:32 because both sides hire these people. E-Verify doesn't work. These companies look the other way. I've read an article out there how it doesn't fucking work. You know, 2013, I think it was Arizona, only 55% of the companies used E-Verify or whatever. Why? Because they want cheap labor. So both sides are to blame on this. But one side comes up with that bullshit. Well, it doesn't really matter that he was illegal.
Starting point is 00:34:02 But both sides are fucking guilty. It's about commerce and and getting cheap labor and shit and uh i was reading about e-verify how expensive it is and that it doesn't work and these people ignore it and and all the paperwork you have to go through to sign up and they're telling you that it's easy and whatnot but uh that makes me nuts well well it really doesn't matter if he was here illegally. I think O'Reilly and Geraldo were talking about a drunk driver who had killed somebody that was here illegally. And apparently there's no connection.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Even though if the laws work and he wouldn't have been there and that person would still be alive. We should just ignore that part of the story. That's why you're being, you know, intellectually dishonest, let's say. So, and you're also being a lying whore. You're a liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, and you know it. As Iowans, we are heartbroken, we are angry, she said.
Starting point is 00:34:53 We are angry that a broken immigration system allowed a predator like this to live in our community. It also has to do with the time of the culture. Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst echoed those sentiments in a joint statement saying too many iowans have been lost at the hands of criminals who broke our immigration laws we cannot allow these tragedies to continue for the last four
Starting point is 00:35:14 years he'd worked at yarrabee farms and supposedly this guy who owns yarrabee farm said they use the e-verify uh which is owned by a prominent iowa republican family this one's talking about in a statement the farm said he'd been an employee in good standing and had been vetted as legal to work in the u.s through a government system um they're claiming they used to e-verify but um you know the system doesn't always work either. So even when you use it. So, again, nice, nice idea in theory. But, you know, let's make it fucking work. But it's you can make the laws as tough as you want.
Starting point is 00:35:55 If people are going to look the other way, then you have to go after those people who employ these people. Hang them by their toes. Come up with something fucking harsh. Make them live in Mexico, the third world shithole where this guy came from. Oops, I'm just quoting the president. Don't get all over me now. Anyway, so both sides have problems.
Starting point is 00:36:19 He was charged with first degree murder and the death of Tibbetts. Being held on a $1 million cash-only bond. And what scares me, somebody in Mexico probably has that in their pocket. Probably a street cop. What are you saying, it's corrupt? Yeah, I've heard that. But what's the point of having E-Verify?
Starting point is 00:36:42 Unless it works. And this was a follow-up on that um yeah he was vetted here you go this is the owner of uh of the yarby farms yarby farms uh owned by uh craig lang in the statement craig's brother dane lang said he was shocked to hear river Rivera had been charged with a crime. This individual has worked at our farms for four years
Starting point is 00:37:08 and was vetted through the government's e-verify system. Yarby Farms follows all laws related to verifying employees are legal to work in the U.S.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Craig Lang is the former president of the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation. So I'm going to be skeptical here too. So you people who claim that I don't pick on both sides, I don't know if I'm going to believe this guy or not.
Starting point is 00:37:31 He was a 2018 Republican candidate for state secretary of agriculture, according to the register. So I don't know who you want to believe, folks. But the laws have to have some teeth, OK? but the laws have to have some teeth okay but this notion that it has nothing to do whether he was here illegally or not that's just a fucking insult to everybody's intelligence and i'm glad uh tucker called that guy out on it i knew right where the guy was fucking headed too uh how about this folks uh former colts indianapolis colts voice bob lamy admitted tuesday to using an inappropriate word after report accused him of using a racial slur shortly before uh he retired what the hell's going on out here according to uh the local
Starting point is 00:38:24 station jenny runovich a radio employee accused lamy of using a racial slur while he was telling a story. Lamy was telling a story about his time at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in a conversation he had with somebody there. This is him telling the story in quotes. He had asked me if the mics were off. This is an employee talking about when he was interviewing Bob Lamy. He asked me if the mics were off, and I said, turned everything off you're fine the employee recalled bob lamy's describing this person saying he was asked in an interview do you think anyone's holding back their speed at ims during qualifying you know when they qualify for races do you think anyone's
Starting point is 00:39:00 holding back and that person had replied there aren't any blank in this race that was lamey and uh that's where the racial so he was lamey was retelling a story that he was talking to this guy who said that he's retelling a story he didn't say it um bob lamey acknowledged his use of an inappropriate word in light of accusations that his use of a racial slur cost him his job. Tuesday night to his lawyer, Lamy acknowledged that his use of an inappropriate word is what led them to the abrupt and surprising end to his 40-year run in the radio booth. Team COO Pete Ward released this statement to Indy Star on Wednesday. Team COO Pete Ward released this statement to Indy Star on Wednesday. First and foremost, the Colts deplore and do not tolerate the use of any racial slur in any context.
Starting point is 00:39:54 That's a bunch of shit. You're going to tell me the black players on the Colts don't use the N-word all the time? Any context you just said. None of the players use that fucking word in practice or in the locker room. Oh, but it's all right because they're black. I don't buy into that theory. And I'm not trying to defend this guy, but he was retelling a story of a guy who said the Rachel slur.
Starting point is 00:40:16 And then this guy's going to... None of your players have used that word. So in any context. I don't buy into that. There's a word that some part of the population could use and another can't. I'm sorry. And I'm not defending using that word.
Starting point is 00:40:30 I'm just saying you use it at your own risk. We just did a story of a white woman on a bus in D.C. a couple days ago who, like an idiot, said that fucking word and, you know, got what was coming to her. But don't come out and say we don't allow that type of talk in any context. That's a fucking bald-faced lie.
Starting point is 00:40:47 And it's called free speech. Either believe in it or you don't. And this guy, you really think he should have his 40-year career wiped out because he's retelling a story that somebody used a racial slur in? That's a little touchy, isn't it? But he's an old, crusty white guy.
Starting point is 00:41:03 He gotta go, yo. So, I don't know. I find it fucking hypocritical yeah i really don't well it's our long our long-standing company policy not to make public comments on personnel matters bob publicly acknowledged that last week he repeated an inappropriate word when telling a story he immediately apologized to the people who heard him use the word and then promptly retired bob has a long and storied history in our community, but that doesn't matter because he might have used this fucking word and we're going to kick him out
Starting point is 00:41:29 anyway. But he made a serious mistake. We're deeply disappointed the incident took place and offer our sincerest regrets to all who were impacted by Bob's lapse in judgment. The original statement released by the Colts said Lamey promptly resigned, but the team later said the correct word was retired.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Does it really matter now? Bob was not fired by the Colts, as some in the community have speculated. Bob has, I'm sure people have a problem with that too. Bob has been in the sports broadcasting arena for almost 44 years and is 80 years old. He's almost 80 and this is his first slip up. I guess he said fuck on the air once which would put for me I put him in the Broadcasting Hall of Fame there was a guy named Don Earl for the Boston Bruins back in the 70s and I believe he got fired at least I was told
Starting point is 00:42:19 he used to drink in the booth it was obvious if you listen to old Bruins but he got during a game he goes he hit the fucking post and he was even you gotta let that go too but i'm just saying so you know you're gonna wipe out the guy's whole leg i i would like to get the young black players on the cults i i swear to god to a man they'd go ah fuck it man we know you all we know you're white you're racist or whatever. And they'd laugh it off. I really think that.
Starting point is 00:42:48 I could be wrong. There might be a few people that, you know, the jerk-offs who kneel down during the anthem with a power fist raised, they might not go for it. But they assume anyways that guys his age are racist and are white. anyways he apologized and he'll be shot at uh noon tomorrow downtown indianapolis so we can all sleep much better 40 years down the toilet because he was repeating a story i like to who's the snitch that fucking snitched on him and again it wasn't his story come on i don't care't care how your politics are. That's a little hypersensitive, is it?
Starting point is 00:43:29 Let's go to Chris in Canada. He wants to talk about illegals coming in and committing crimes. Chris, how are you? Welcome to the United States. Hey, good evening, Nick. hey good evening nick with reference to you were talking about the um the uh illegals and of course the left always co-opting our language and changing it from illegal so that has no legality anymore it becomes undocumented they do the exact same thing up here in canada here with our putty headed uh prime minister who basically was a drama teacher before we elected him, thanks to Obama and his election team.
Starting point is 00:44:09 And here's the best of it, though, Nick. Now they've changed the word. It's no longer, when the people come across the border, they're not undocumented now. They're called irregular immigrants. So when they break across our border from the United States and come in here and then suck the tit, it's just called irregular immigration. Yeah. First of all, they're not all coming just from the United States.
Starting point is 00:44:31 But, yes, you make a good – a regular immigrant. What does that mean? One leg is an inch shorter than the other? It's like buying fucking pants at Walmart. Don't they have an irregular section at – yeah, an irregular. Oh, this guy doesn't shit often. Even though he's Mexican and lives on beans and rice, he only shits twice. He's an irregular.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Yeah. You know what? You make a great point, Chris. It starts with the language. Political correctness, by the way, is the art form of changing people's behavior through language. You can look it up. And that's what the left has been doing going back to stalin it starts with the language and they crack down on and they have speech codes and all that shit it all comes that
Starting point is 00:45:11 comes 99 that comes from the fucking left so uh i hadn't heard that i had never heard that a regular a regular immigrant oh yeah they use it all the time now. They just call it irregular immigration. And I wasn't suggesting that they're all coming from the United States. It's just, it's easier to cross from the United States into Canada. So that's where the people who are coming across by land do it. And I'm wondering now with this term, so there's no legality in it anymore. It's just called irregular. So I'm going to go in the bank tomorrow and I'm going to walk behind the counter, take all the money out and just call it an irregular withdrawal and see if I get arrested for that. That's exactly right. It's an irregular withdrawal.
Starting point is 00:45:53 And yeah, it's all starts with the language and Trudeau, man. He's not going to get reelected again, is he, Chris? It sounds like everybody hates him. Chris, it sounds like everybody hates him. I live in fear that he will get re-elected, but I think he may only simply because Canada is as nutty as it's ever been. We just don't have anyone on the conservative side who has any charisma or any, like, you know, they just have nothing to offer. And I just fear that he'll just get re-elected by default. Well, I'll tell you, you guys should try to elect a guy named Frank Mahavlich.
Starting point is 00:46:30 He played for the Canadians in the 50s. Seemed like a real badass back then. Well, I was thinking more on the grounds of maybe Gump Worsley or something. Perfect. Gump Worsley, one of the last goaltenders to never wear a mask. He looked like Curly from the Three Stooges. That guy would not fucking play. You're absolutely
Starting point is 00:46:52 right. Hey, Chris, great call, buddy. Thanks for popping in from Canada. We appreciate that, man. 833-599-6425. He's right, though. And I had never heard that phrase in a regular. That'll leak into our vocabulary down here or whatever undocumented yes there's no paperwork on him because he doesn't have any then again that goes back to the turn of the century my grandparents were whops without papers
Starting point is 00:47:17 i find that highly offensive a whop without did they even have paper back then when my grandfather came over I find that highly offensive. A whop. Did they even have paper back then when my grandfather came over? Once again, my bladder's failing me miserably. Let's move on, shall we? Former Clinton pollster says, that's Mark Penn the guy's name is, by the way.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Hillary, otherwise known on this show as the thick-ankled dog face. Who? Hillary, the thick-ankled dog face. Mark Penn, he's a former pollster for both Bill and Hillary Clinton, has penned an op-ed in The Hill today in which he argues that Michael Cohen's guilty plea, you know Michael Cohen, right? Michael Cohen. Fucking Trump's lawyer who rolled over like the bitch that he is. He says, which he argues that Michael Cohen's guilty plea shows the double standard
Starting point is 00:48:27 that prosecutors have applied unfairly to Donald Trump. Again, I remind you, this is a Clinton, former Clinton pollster. Penn argues that while what Trump, uh, is alleged to have done paying Stormy Daniels for a nondisclosure agreement she had sought for five years prior to the election was legal. Hillary Clinton failed to report campaign expenditures that led to the Steele dossier. If anyone broke campaign finance law, Penn argues, it was the thick-ankled dogface, not Trump. But prosecutors want Trump out of office. He says that's the big difference. And then he writes, the usual procedures here would be for the fec to
Starting point is 00:49:06 investigate complaints and sort through these murky laws to determine if these kinds of payments are personal in nature or more properly classified as a campaign expenditure and on the daniels payment that was made and reimbursed by trump it is again a question of whether that was made for personal reasons which i'm sure it was because this shit started before he had any presidential aspirations and he was fucking married. He's trying to squash it. Just because it would be helpful to the campaign
Starting point is 00:49:32 does not convert it to a campaign expenditure. And then he gives a good analogy. And by the way, I'm not saying Trump's right or wrong here because like I said, there's some serious legal minds that weighed in on both sides. And I'll get to that in a second. He says, think of a candidate with bad teeth let me think of one um i got one who had bad teeth who's a candidate there i don't know uh but he says think of a candidate he gives this analogy with bad teeth who had dental work done to look better for the campaign his campaign still
Starting point is 00:50:11 could not pay for it because it's a personal expenditure contrast what is going on here with the treatment of the millions of dollars paid to a democratic law firm which in turn paid out money to political research firm fusion GPS and Christopher Steele without listing them on any campaign expenditure form, despite crystal clear laws and regulations that the ultimate beneficiaries of the funds must be listed. This rule was even tightened recently. There is no question that hiring spies to do opposition research in Russia is a campaign expenditure, and yet no prosecutorial raids have been sprung on the law firm Fusion GPS or Steele.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Reason? It does not get Trump, in quotes, get. But, you know, again, it's hard to win. I'm not a legal expert, okay, but Dershowitz says the same thing. They're making a bigger deal than it is. But then you get this Jonathan Turley who always seems to make sense saying it's a bigger deal than if people aren't paying attention if they don't think it's a big deal.
Starting point is 00:51:12 But again, it comes to motive. Is it personal or is it to help the campaign? So John Edwards, they brought up John Edwards. Remember his remember he had an affair? His wife was dying of cancer. He's a good fucking guy. And his supporters sent him money to get him out of hot water. And they couldn't prove that it was to help the campaign or whatever.
Starting point is 00:51:31 So he walked. So it's interesting. I'm not saying either way. I don't know. But since all this shit went down way before Trump, you know. But then you fast forward when he is running for president and you have that conversation, that conversation with Cohen that he recorded talking about paying this person off. Cohen is saying, Trump told me, let's pay these broads off.
Starting point is 00:51:57 And I'm paraphrasing to shut him up because I'm running for president, basically. So we're splitting pubes with a fine-tooth comb here. And all you need to know is this is going to be enough for the Dems if they take control of the House for the fucking leathery-nippled insane bitch from San Francisco who will be Speaker again. It's more than enough for them to try to impeach him. And then I point back to Bill Clinton, alleged rapist, and he got impeached but continued on. But you know damn well they're going to use that as one of their bullets.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Don't you think? Let's go to Leo in Alaska. Politics and why you are leaning when a lot of people think it's like wrestling. Hey, Leo. Yeah. What's going on? How's it going? What's happening?
Starting point is 00:52:52 Good. You know, you gave me a pretty good segue there because you're talking about Bill and Hillary. And, you know, just a really good example of what I'm talking about is Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. I don't know if you know his history in terms of his role in the Vince Foster case. Yeah, refresh my memory. Brett Kavanaugh worked under Ken Starr during Starr's Office of the Independent Counsel investigation into Foster and other things, including Watergate and Lewinsky. And Brett Kavanaugh was assigned as the lead prosecutor to investigate the Foster case. But he actually replaced another guy named Miguel Rodriguez, who resigned,
Starting point is 00:53:41 saying that there was an ongoing cover-up going on because the FBI and other people wouldn't give him evidence in the case. And, you know, he's gone on record, and you can find audio interviews of him on the radio talking about how, you know, he thinks that there was a cover-up in the foster death. Even Donald Trump has alluded to the foster cases being fishy, yet the guy who is in charge of doing the Foster investigation is now the Supreme Court nominee. But he wasn't part of the, he wasn't,
Starting point is 00:54:09 Miguel Rodriguez was appointed by George W., that's the guy you're talking about, right? No, no, no, no, no. You're thinking, oh, Miguel Rodriguez is totally different than Alberto Gonzalez. Ah, that's what, you're right, that's what I was thinking. Yeah, yeah, no, Miguel Rodriguez is little known. He's actually still an ADA in Sacramento. He is still a practicing attorney, but he's not well known.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Leo, so what's the connection? Yeah, what are you saying? How are you connecting Kavanaugh to this current thing? Yeah, what are you saying? How are you connecting Kavanaugh to this current thing? Well, you know, there's these people that move through politics being on one side of an issue and then another side of an issue. And sort of the guys that, you know, support the status quo like Kavanaugh, you know, who basically covered up a crime for Clinton, you know, keep moving up, whereas people who object to government corruption like Rodriguez get, you know, cast to the hinterlands. Yeah, but... So, you know, politics is really a lot like professional wrestling where, you know, the right and left are really two sides of the same coin and people who are getting angry
Starting point is 00:55:19 about it are like Marx. You know, you guys are like Marx. Okay, but hold on, hold on. Let me stop you. They don't have hardcore evidence that Kavanaugh covered up the foster case where where's that evidence there's a there's a lot of really interesting stuff yeah online who and online you read go ahead no this is not online stuff there's a guy named patrick nolton who is a witness in the foster case who is examined at the grand jury by Brett Kavanaugh.
Starting point is 00:55:49 And Brett Kavanaugh, at that examination, tried to insinuate that Patrick Knowlton was a homosexual, among other things, and gay panic tactics. Did a lot of underhanded stuff to further the cover-up. And if you look into it, Knowlton has a website. It's called FBI Cover Dash Up. I actually got really into researching the Foster stuff because I find all this stuff very interesting. And he wrote a book about it and talks about how Brett Kavanaugh was involved
Starting point is 00:56:16 in making him out to seem like a crazy guy. And what, can I ask you the guy that wrote it? Patrick Knowlton's important. What's his part? Look, we're getting into the guy that wrote... Patrick Knowlton's important. What's his, what's his... He's important because... Look, we're getting into the weeds here, but I've given you more time. What's his politics?
Starting point is 00:56:31 Patrick Knowlton, the guy that wrote the book. I'd like to know his voting record. Knowlton was actually a liberal. He voted for Clinton in 92. And then six months into Clinton's first term, Vincent Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park. Very suspicious death. A lot of forensic evidence points to the fact that he was moved there.
Starting point is 00:56:51 I know, I know. And Nolton was in the parking lot of Fort Marcy Park during 4.30 p.m. that day and didn't see Foster's car in the park. But FBI agents tried to make Nolton say that he did see Foster's car. All right, all right, all right. I get the... Yeah, yeah, yeah. It gets into the weeds.
Starting point is 00:57:06 But I'm just saying, once you look into the details of this stuff, once you look under the hood, you realize. Well, I do sometimes. There's no real difference between the two. No, I don't buy that. Thank you for the call, Leo. That was actually a great call. I'm not buying that.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Politics is dirty on both sides, okay? But it doesn't mean they're part of the same fucking team. Unless you want to believe 12 guys are running the planet, like the Bilderberg Group, which is the book I read. But until you can, you know, give me hard evidence. Yes, politics is a dirty business. But Kavanaugh covered up. I've watched the whole. I've watched all the news
Starting point is 00:57:45 i didn't even see that on maybe on msnbc they might have brought it up but you want me to believe a guy who coaches his girls high school basketball team was a fucking altar boy and um uh and it didn't come out on you know on the mainstream news i i don't believe both parties are exactly alike either okay you're gonna tell me ted cruz the same part of the machinery that nancy pelosi is and that they're the same party and after what they did to trump trying to keep him from become president that but they're all there was a few yes i know some gop is would never trumpers too and uh but but i don't believe that they're all one team not quite yet uh i want to get on to this real quick uh that call went
Starting point is 00:58:41 long and it was a good call thanks by the. Verbally harassing cops is a threat to public safety. Somebody wrote an op-ed in the New York Post. And I know a little bit about this because I was harassed as a cop. I think we have footage. Hey, break it up! Break it up! Break it up! Hey, we will you fucking threaten.
Starting point is 00:59:15 But the guy in the op-ed, his message is saying that they have to crack down on this. And I'm a pro-cop guy. You know that. I fucking love the cops. They're that thin blue line between us and the scumbags out there. But I don't know on this one. And you see a lot of it,
Starting point is 00:59:33 them taking verbal abuse and shit. I don't know how they do it. And this guy says it could lead to worse things. Vulgar tirades against officers are on the rise and cops are ignoring them based on orders sources say from on high. There's a few videos showing cops doing their best
Starting point is 00:59:50 not to respond to a rash of obscene barbs meant to provoke them. And I wonder how those people voted. This is where I don't believe the parties are the same and shit. Well, there are some people on the right who hate cops. Yes. And for everyone on the right, there's fucking 250 on the left who hate cops yes and for everyone on the right
Starting point is 01:00:05 there's fucking 250 on the left that vote democrat who fucking hate cops the same ones that want to abolish ice they don't fucking believe in law and order uh let's show uh here's a clip it's about a minute long this this kid's you know the cops harass they harass punks you know who's told me that other cops and um let's just listen to this kid and i can tell by his voice how he voted because of yeah sir walking up on me illegally hold on hold on let me set this up you did not suspect me of committing we uh yeah they were looking for a guy with a gun or whatever so they they checked his kid out and they thought because he fit the description he didn't have a gun.
Starting point is 01:00:49 But he can't be an adult about it and go, you know what? The cops are just doing their job. He couldn't, because he's not capable of that type of logic and reasoning. He's been so fucking fed so much shit over the years because he's a Hispanic guy that the cops are out to bust his. But he's so ignorant, listen to him, that he starts to go too far go ahead up on me illegally okay illegally no sir you did not suspect me of committing a crime you came up to me with some excuse that i matched the description of somebody with a firearm y'all searched me didn't find no firearm***ing firearm on me, and y'all detained me. Y'all detained me. You guys took my freedom away from me for 15 f***ing minutes for no reason. Pause it there. Pause it there.
Starting point is 01:01:31 There is a f***ing reason, but you're so stupid and ignorant that you can't reason. Right? That's the... For no reason. No, they had a description of a guy that had a f***ing firearm. You fit it. That's why they checked you out. description of a guy that had a fucking firearm you fit it that's why they checked you out you don't even have the fucking iq to go hey the cops are just doing their job and of course that's how
Starting point is 01:01:52 millions of people think because the media in this country has been cherry picking stories that make cops look like shit for the last 30 years they've been doing it so you wonder why but he doesn't even for no reason you took my freedom away for 15 minutes yeah you seem so fucking busy too you're living life at a breakneck pace hanging out on the fuck ahead for no reason what's the reason you refuse to accept that what's the because that's bullshit that's bullshit y'all see me walking and y'all started eyeballing me y'all not low man i know what y'all do y'all started eyeballing me. I'm not low money. I know what I do Yeah, corny, and you know job what what prison y'all from 72nd. All right, you know Joshua kilos No, I do not you don't know who Josh officer key lies. You don't know that is y'all know that is no He knows I am asking who I am
Starting point is 01:02:36 illiterate fucking jerk Watch watch how come a child. I live right next door to Joshua Keyless. They work for 72nd Precinct. That's what I do to y'all niggas. Y'all violated my fucking rights, you cornballs. Y'all niggas should be getting arrested right now. You lucky y'all niggas got power. That's all y'all got. No, suck my dick. How about that?
Starting point is 01:02:59 Suck my dick. I can curse all I want. I can speak however the fuck I want. You want to write me a summons? Write me a fucking summons. I can talk however the fuck I want. You want to write me a summons? Write me a fucking summons. I can talk however the fuck I want. Suck a dick. Suck a dick. Suck a dick. There you go.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Stop it right there. I can't even. It actually goes on forever. And the cops, they take it. That's professionalism. And I love that we live in a country where you can try doing that in any other country,
Starting point is 01:03:27 any other third world shithole and see what the cops do. Try doing that in Mexico. So I don't want to fucking hear it. They were doing their job and he's saying there's no reason. You took my freedom for 15 minutes. Play the second.
Starting point is 01:03:46 You know, this is a quick one, but he's still yapping at the cops. My d***. Tell your daughter to come see me to come suck this d***. There you go. What's with the beeps, by the way, on the f***ing internet? When I pull clips like this, you know, again, I couldn't find it on YouTube, but that's like in the post or whatever. Well, what's with the bleeping?
Starting point is 01:04:04 The internet's like f***ing ABC at 8 o'clock. You'd think something like the Post wouldn't have beeps. What's that mean, asshole? I don't know. Tabloids? Stuff like that. Oh, it's tabloid? As opposed to the what?
Starting point is 01:04:17 New York Times? Oh, no. It's just the nature of what the Post... Like, the Daily News probably wouldn't bleep it either. Because of just how those kinds of publications operate i don't know are you comparing the daily times in the post i have to disagree with that but yes i i i get your drift if a paper would do it um but you know the new york times gives away military secrets and uh they hire people who play dry so you know but they don't labeled. Your mother would be proud of me right now.
Starting point is 01:04:47 My point is, the cops show tremendous restraint, which is not what you hear. From what you hear about the cops, they would have beat him silly and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I'm sort of, hey, this is the country we live in, but this guy's point is that, you know, because this stuff goes viral and shit and encourages more.
Starting point is 01:05:06 But which is some truth to that, too. He says disrespecting the men and women who protect the public is unhealthy on a broader scale. Mayor Bill de Blasio denounce the incitement Monday. That's not enough. Not one. So he de Blasio is saying, you know, that this shouldn't happen with the cops and shit. But like this guy says, he says, that's not enough, Mayor, when you've signed a spate of laws that aim to handcuff cops and second-guess their actions. And even says he told his son to beware of dealing with the cops.
Starting point is 01:05:39 And that's how this attitude takes hold. Remember when he told his cop, his son, beware of dealing because his son's black and has an afro. So be careful of the cops. And then he comes out and wonders where this comes from. In a post column, Police Commissioner James O'Neill calls the idea of an NYPD hands-off policy nonsense. Because remember, the guy that wrote the article says it's coming from on high. He says nonsense rather he trusts in quotes his offices to make split-second decisions and take enforcement action when appropriate yet the videos clearly show police hesitating in the face of abuse
Starting point is 01:06:14 but if they and i guess you got a point i mean but if they responded to this and any of you finally i don't have the clip at the end a cop comes up to and and says to the guy if you keep it up there's something called disorderly conduct. You know, but if the cops responded, especially in New York City and big cities, every time they were verbally abused, even at those rallies, you see people from Antifa spitting in their face and shit. If they responded. Then all hell would break loose. Maybe that's what we need. Like they said in The Godfather, every 10 years,
Starting point is 01:06:47 these wars happen. We have to get out the bad blood. Maybe let's get a Lancet like a boil. But I'm just saying, contrast what you hear about the cops' reputation and how they hassle minorities, but you never see much of this, what they go through when they're being spit at and stuff.
Starting point is 01:07:06 And I think they showed just the right amount of restraint. Because like I said, if they started arresting people, every time they were verbally abused, fucking ISIS would be setting up shop. Who knows if they're not. While they're filling out paperwork for this shit. And de Blasio coming out. That's insightful and stuff.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Yeah, well, you set the tone, stupid. Anyways. That's about it. That is enough, I think. Excuse me, Priscilla, you think we do more? Oh, yeah? Do you? All right. Do you guys All right.
Starting point is 01:07:49 You guys, this J.J. Reddick, basketball player. I remember him from college. He's a 76er. Well, he hosts a podcast with Orlando Magic rookie Mo Bamba this week. They say if you turned in for the first nine minutes of the show, you would have thought it was a crime show. I'm just going to read you this article. Very interesting. That's because Reddick decided to share a story of a recent car ride in Brooklyn, where else,
Starting point is 01:08:16 where he did a photo shoot for Mr. Porter, a men's fashion company. What began as a standard recollection of life as a celebrity in the Big Apple quickly descended into a dark mystery that may or may not have included a child abduction. And all of it, Reddick says, is true. This is nonfiction, he says before beginning. I did not make this up. As Reddick tells it, the story begins with a clothing company providing Reddick and his wife, Chelsea, and her twin sister, Kylie, a ride back from an apartment where the photo shoot took place. All three put their bags into a bucket seat Escalade, despite the car smelling kind of weird.
Starting point is 01:08:47 And before long, Chelsea, pale as a ghost, whispers to Reddick that there's a person in the back. At that point, Reddick says he noticed a blanket, a big blanket and then a cage or box in the trunk of the car with clearly something underneath the blanket. After asking the driver to pull over, all three exited the vehicle. Reddick says he then saw the blanket move and ultimately had the driver check for himself because it's new york city you don't know reddick says i don't know what this is is it a python is it a robber i don't know the driver then lifted the blanket except he did it towards the window so we couldn't see because we were on the sidewalk according to reddick and as the driver walks back to the front seat assuring his passengers there's nothing in the trunk a head pops up only in fucking brooklyn he says this is not funny reddick explains after bomba his guest laughs there's a back of a back of a female head blonde hair there's a ponytail and based on the
Starting point is 01:09:42 size of the boxer cage that this person is in it's either like a very small human or a child the driver then left them on the sidewalk per reddick who then confirmed with his sister-in-law what he saw from there the trio called both the car agency and the police i was very explicit that he was harboring some sort of female under a blanket in a cage or a box in his trunk reddick said admitting that he still gets goosebumps because of how disturbing the situation was, even though it occurred less than 24 hours before he recorded his podcast on Thursday. Since then, Reddick says his wife has called the FBI tip line
Starting point is 01:10:14 and opened a claim because it was a human being in the backseat of his car and definitely not a dog. In the meantime, he's theorized that the driver was transporting a sister cousin wife or girlfriend who in quotes needed a ride across town and just didn't want to pay for an uber or taxi or could have been something far worse well that doesn't explain the smell was it her feet and i don't get that if it's a relative he's transporting she doesn't want to pay why would you hide her this This is my cousin. Cousin?
Starting point is 01:10:47 I just said cousin with a past tense. That's why I wanted to stop the show five minutes ago. I've lost my fucking mind. But why would you have to lie about that? I mean, what are you talking about? I don't even get that theory. I would have immediately jumped on the horn to the cops. How creepy is that? Between this and the Uber stories, I'm afraid to,
Starting point is 01:11:05 I'm glad I drive in the city. Every time I pick up the paper, some woman's being molested by an Uber driver or, this might be a body in the, you know. But the head popped up, which means it was still alive.
Starting point is 01:11:18 I'm guessing the smell was probably from the cologne of the guy driving. You ever get in a cab in New York in the summertime? It's like you have a piece of shit on your upper lip. True story. I first moved to New York. The cab driver stunk so bad I looked at his license
Starting point is 01:11:34 and he was holding his nose in the picture. That's a true story, ladies and gentlemen. But how creepy is that? I want to know how this turns out. I guess you'll have to tune in tomorrow to find out. But Jesus, as soon as you see that, do you not jump on the horn? Very creepy.
Starting point is 01:11:54 Anyways. That's about it. Let me take one more call. Joe Long Island. Catch the story in New Mexico training kits to shoot up schools. Yes, that was last week in the... Go ahead, Joe. I know they broke up the training facility.
Starting point is 01:12:14 I know it's an old story. Go ahead. But it's an older story. But it kind of goes to your point of the cherry picking. Did you see the guy's names and faces? Of course not. Exactly. Because if it was me, if it was me who fucking did it,
Starting point is 01:12:29 it would be all over the fucking news and you'd know everything about me. Oh, hell yeah. 33-year-old white male. I mean, what the fuck? The guy's last name had like three fucking hyphens in it. And they don't mention a thing. The old man, the guy running its old man was like working with one of the one of
Starting point is 01:12:47 the nine one nine eleven pilots. I had a connection to him. Yeah. So anyways. All right, Joe, I got to go. Thank you, buddy. Thanks for the call.
Starting point is 01:12:58 That is it. I want to find out what happened if the FBI looked into this. This is the thing. These stories in the big cities, they come and they go. But a weird smell and a ponytail and a blanket over a person in a cage.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Maybe it came with the Escalade. It's a new type of thing. It's a seat for your kids when they're misbehaving. I don't know. Anyways, that's it, folks. Tomorrow night, Governors, Levittown, Long Island, 830. We'd love to see you guys there. Again, this show streams live on Facebook today and YouTube. We'll do it live!
Starting point is 01:13:39 Fuck it! Watch it at and you probably are as I'm mentioning it. That's it. Remember, you guys think it. I will say it with my $6 tie. You're welcome. We'll catch you tomorrow. © BF-WATCH TV 2021 We'll see you next time. Bye.

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