The Nick DiPaolo Show - REPEAT: Special Guest Colin Quinn! | Nick Di Paolo Show #172

Episode Date: August 24, 2021

Alyssa Milano. Pedophelia. Colin Quinn....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi boys and girls, Nick DiPaolo here. Free speech lives right here on the Nick DiPaolo Show. I'm grateful to be able to do this show my way, and I'm only able to do it my way because of your generous contributions. Please go to or click the link on and contribute today to keep this show and our speech free. Thank you so much. Hey guys, we're going to be replaying some of my favorite episodes for a bit
Starting point is 00:00:29 as I'm out of the studio working on something pretty big. I'll share more details when I'm back. Not too many. You know how that works. Today's episode is a throwback to May of 2019, where we discuss Alyssa Milano, pedophilia, and I interview my very, very good friend, Colin Quinn. So enjoy. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:21 How are you, folks? Happy Memorial Day on a Monday. That's right, we're working. That's what we do here at the Nick DiPaolo Show. We work and we work and we work. How are you? Good to be with you. Interesting weekend. All my stuff showed up from New York. I've been down here a monthclock on Sunday morning. Two Russians and three black guys. They were phenomenal. I've never seen guys work like this in my life. Holy, I feel like a dick. I'm walking around doing nothing. But it's like, then I was reminded I paid like eight grand for this, you know, guys looking at me like I'm going to pick up a box. I'm like, fuck you. I paid eight grand. You pick it up. And just a fucking, I got boxes piled to the ceiling,
Starting point is 00:02:09 and they broke a marble table right in half. They put it back. You can't even see the crack, but the wife has to be bitchy about it, you know. So I started talking Russian with the Russian. He's supposed to be working. We're talking about Ovechkin for like 10 minutes, how good Ovechkin is. And he loves Trump, by the Russian. He's supposed to be working. We're talking about Ovechkin for like 10 minutes, how good Ovechkin is. And he loves Trump, by the way. A Russian kid. Six years ago,
Starting point is 00:02:31 he didn't speak a lick of English, moves here. He lives in Texas now. He lived in New York City. Now he's in Dallas. And he couldn't have been, he was a jovial, funny, just a fucking great guy. And I had weights. I had dumbbells. I look in the truck, the black guy's doing my dumbbell in between moving pianos and shit and fucking armoires. And then cable. I've been down here for a month. My cable goes in and out every eight minutes, Comcast. Get your shit together. Jesus H Christ. I'll watch like, I record a couple Red Sox here. I'll watch, it'll stay up for about 10 minutes and then it drops. And then when it resumes an hour later, it goes back to what I was watching. I've been watching the same play.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Fucking Devers charging a ground ball. I saw that eight times. A month now, they can't figure it out. You have to be dog-styling me. It's fucking... I'm living on the nicest street in the fucking town. You can't... The guy actually said... The guy that installed it, we've gone past him. Three guys over him. We had a brainiac
Starting point is 00:03:38 right from Calcutta sitting there with pulsing veins and... He's like, I don't know, maybe a squirrel bit the... Really? a fucking squirrel jesus christ to this we still don't and it's hard when you just moved in there's nothing to fucking do i can't read i'm too depressed to read and write i'm laying on a shitty mattress i got a kid guy doing my floors singing in spanish what a lot. I feel like I've been down here for a year now. Fucking, but all my shit's in the house finally.
Starting point is 00:04:10 And mother of God, it's going to be a year. Thank God I have a wife that knows what she's doing. But what an aggravating, come on, fucking Comcast. Get your shit together, honestly. Happy Memorial Day. And that means a lot to all those men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for this country, and especially for comedians. Guys like me, they fought, they allowed me to, you know, shoot my mouth off.
Starting point is 00:04:38 That's what this country's about. It used to be until big tech showed up. But we can't thank you guys enough who paid the ultimate price. And don't confuse it with Veterans Day, which I used to do like an idiot. But, you know, you make the ultimate sacrifice. And nobody appreciates more than stand-up comics who, you know, I shouldn't say that. Now it's so PC and half of them are for censorship. The fucking idiots who just don't get it. We're coming at you live by the way, right Billy boy. You lose your shit
Starting point is 00:05:11 We'll do it live We'll do it live fuck it Do it live I could go write it and we'll do it live Sounds like every meeting I have a Jason thing sucks! That's me yelling at his computer. Fucking thing sucks! Yeah, so, uh, yeah, thank you people, um, and their families have made the ultimate sacrifice. Matter of fact, there's a great story. This World War II veteran, he's 97 years old, and he still works at a New Jersey grocery store, okay? World War II vet. Imagine.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Bart Benny Fasetto served as a gunner on fighter planes, but now he helps customers at the checkout counter at the Stop and Shop in Edison, New Jersey. Can you imagine he was in his 20s or 18, parrish, shooting from a plane, getting shot at. What were you guys doing when you're 18, 20 years old? Nothing. Me either. What was I doing? I was working at a mental institution in Danvers, Mass. I'm telling you, as a groundskeeper, I had no shirt on. I was in the best shape of my life at a mental institution. I had about five crazy broads that wanted to blow me, but they had teeth like great whites. Drove around in a tractor for six hours, reported to work at 10 o'clock. We started wrapping up around 3.30, and it was state work. I was getting paid, I don't
Starting point is 00:06:38 know, fucking $30 an hour. This was in 1983. That's what I was doing and then chasing pussy at night. This guy was on a fucking plane having Germans shoot at him. That is the greatest generation ever and it started to get weaker right after that. Now we're beyond fucking the worst generation.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Whatever, Alyssa Milano. She's probably a little younger than me. Fucking dunderhead. I'll get to you in a few minutes, sweet tits. Nick, thatssa Milano. She's probably a little younger than me. Fucking dunderhead. I'll get to you in a few minutes, sweet tits. Nick, that's sexist. Anyways, yeah, this guy, Benny Fasetto. 97, still working. Here's a couple clips of him.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Why don't you take breaks? Oh, I don't want to take a break. I never take a break. I never do. Why? I just, it's useless. I got to go sit want to take a break. I never take a break. I never do. Why? I just, it's useless. I gotta go sit down, take a break, then come back and work. That's me right here. Oh, wow, that's you?
Starting point is 00:07:33 Look at Benny. Oh, boy. You look like a famous movie star. Can you tell me anything about World War II? Dangerous. Very dangerous. Did you think you'd make it home? No. The day I didn't fly out, they shot my plane down.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Pause. The day he didn't fly out, the one day he didn't take his plane out, they shot it down. Can you imagine still getting out? I didn't want to come here
Starting point is 00:07:58 this morning. I'm fucking 57. Wanted to lay in my mattress on the floor and suck in fucking polyurethane it's like I'm huffing my house imagine this guy and people love them So was my dad. Yeah. Let me tell you something. I was a rough carrier. Oh, yeah? Always got into trouble, didn't you? When I was younger.
Starting point is 00:08:31 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. I think I am. Korea, Vietnam. Glad you're making it home okay. You made it home, too. Yeah, we both made it. I'm happy I come back.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Yeah. But there's a I'm happy I come back. Yeah. But there's a lot of boys who never came back. And that's what Memorial Day is for. That's what it's for. For the boys that never come back. People. The men. The men that never came back.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Now it's for drinking and burning yourself on the grill and getting fucked up. Memorial Day. And how do we pay tribute to these guys? 50% off a mattress at fucking Target. Yeah, that's how we pay tribute to these guys. They really were the great. They only stopped the world from tyranny, ladies and gentlemen, which now it's coming from inside our country.
Starting point is 00:09:26 That's all they did. And they came home and they started families, the ones that survived, they didn't die, started families and businesses and never talked about it. Today some guy pulls a hamstring for the Yankees. He's on the news for 22 fucking minutes. I'm Tated Day. I don't know what the Yankees are going to do. But God bless that generation.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Honest to God, man. Do we have any more of a friend? How long are you going to keep working? Until I drop dead. I never get that guy at the grocery store. I always get the fucking 18-year-old, the chip on his shoulder. He recognizes my special and he hated it, so he puts the eggs on the bottom and puts three cans of heavy cling peaches on top. Un-fucking-believable. Benny, God bless you, man, till I drop dead. I don't have
Starting point is 00:10:17 that in me. I'm 57. Another 20 years would be nice. I do not want to be in a diaper. How about him? He's still got all his marbles. That's what's unbelievable. I think we would all been better off, us guys, if we... That's why I sort of think they should bring the draft back. A little discipline, a little tough love. If there's any nation that needs it, it's this nation of pussies. I mean, that's what organized sports are good for, but they want to kill that too. What's that? Organized sports, that's what those are for, but they want to kill those, too. Yeah, they do. Competition is what made this country great. But you know what I do like?
Starting point is 00:10:53 That woman's softball. I was watching the playoffs. Every other broad is built like frigging, you know, Larry Zonka, but every once in a while there's one of those fucking. I'm flipping through. There's three games,. I stop on this pitcher. She had a Georgia peach for an ass.
Starting point is 00:11:10 And you can tell the straight ones. They wear the ribbons in their hair just to let you know. But these girls, man, I mean, forearms like friggin' Ali. And just... It pisses me off. They throw better than me. And what does that tell you, Nick?
Starting point is 00:11:25 Well, I was a bitch. That's what I'm telling you. Anyways. What else is in the new? Oh, Alyssa Milano. Sweet tits Milano. John Voight put out a video praising Trump. And we still calling her an actress?
Starting point is 00:11:41 Really? Do fucking infomercials about soap and zit medicine? I guess it does take some acting when you're lying about a product. She commented on John Voight's praise of Trump. Of course she did. She has nothing better to do. And what she called, he called Trump the greatest president since Abe Lincoln. Now, normally, you know what?
Starting point is 00:12:02 I would disagree with that, too. But because of the two years of horseshit he's gone through with a silent coup, and it's all going to come out, folks. Excuse me. What he's accomplished with all this fucking Russia hoax, and he's still got stuff done. I'm going to put him up there. He passed Reagan for me. And the fact that he exposed the media for what it is makes him my favorite of all time. George W. Bush, they used
Starting point is 00:12:31 to trash him every three seconds and he turned the other cheek. He did that for eight years. What did it get us? Obama. Trump comes on the scene, flips over the apple carton. I don't like him. He's abrasive. Get over it. He crushed ISIS in a fucking week. The economy's never been better. He's meeting with Kim Jong-un and scumbags like that we never talked to. He's telling China you better quit fucking with us. He's done everything he said he's going to do, except for the wall, which is his number one promise.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Get on it, fella. But that's only because the Dems don't want any part of it. You shut that off, you shut off their spigot to future votes. That's simple. Anyways, Milano, who has publicly opposed the president, quote, tweeted a Twitter moments post about Voight's comments with the caption, now I understand why Republicans like to discredit actors and our political views. Now I understand why Republicans like to discredit actors and our political views. Stay in your lane, John.
Starting point is 00:13:27 This is what she's saying. Has-been. She calls him a has-been. What kind of glass house do you have? Has-been. F-lister. Trying to stay relevant. Again, okay, what kind of zit cream are you selling at midnight on Channel 78?
Starting point is 00:13:43 You fucking brainless one, do you? Nobody cares what an out-of-touch actor thinks. Holy shit! Talk about the fucking kettle calling the whatever black. Can I say that without getting kicked off Twitter? I said kettle and black. Look out! That's racist against cookware.
Starting point is 00:14:09 I just, this bra just never shuts up. You need to shut the fuck up. Still very pretty, though. Look at the fucking, numerous responses indicated that many took her tweet as a jab at Voight's relevance. Remember this one? She said this. Our reproductive rights are being erased until women have legal control over our bodies. We just cannot risk pregnancy. Join me by not having sex
Starting point is 00:14:31 and using a pussy as a weapon like it was meant to be. I'm adding for emphasis. I'm calling for a sex strike. Remember that? And you know what I say to that young lady? Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. Voight shared a pair of videos Friday night
Starting point is 00:14:48 which he praised Trump, slammed his critics, and called the Republicans the greatest president since Lincoln. Here's John Voight. Sounds like he smokes eight packs a day. People of the Republican Party, I know you will agree with me
Starting point is 00:15:03 when I say our president has our utmost respect and our love. This job is not easy, for he's battling the left and their absurd words of destruction. I've said this once and I'll say this again, that our nation has been built on the solid ground from our forefathers and there is a moral code of duty yeah but they're white they're white guys has been passed on from president lincoln they own slaves i'm here today to acknowledge the truth and i'm here today to tell you my fellow americans that our country Country is stronger safer. Do you have a stroke with more jobs? I mean he's because our president has made his every move correct
Starting point is 00:15:55 Don't be fooled by the political left because we are the people of this nation that is witnessing triumph Of this nation that is witnessing triumph. So let us stand with our president. Let us stand up for this truth. That President Trump is the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln. God bless America. And may God continue to guide this nation. And again, I wouldn't necessarily agree with that unless this Russian hoax, he's got all this done with, it's like a football play with two guys on his legs and he's trying to run and he's dragging them along and along. I don't care what you think about Trump, he's a loud mouth, we don't like his personality, mentally as tough as anybody.
Starting point is 00:16:40 His father must have beat him silly every time he fucked up. anybody. His father must have beat him silly every time he fucked up. But he's a leader. And like I said in my special Breath of Fresh Air, which is up to, I don't know, 410,000 views, somewhere in that, after two weeks or two and a half weeks. But like I said, this country is a corporation. The left and the right have been saying that for a year, and he's a CEO. I think his timing is good, okay? So I just hope it doesn't end the way Lincoln's ended. You know what I'm saying? With Trump at a multiplex in Times Square watching, I don't know, Avengers 3. What's the fucking? Somebody comes in, you know, fucking Captain Antifa and puts one on the back of his head. I'm not giving any ideas. But anyway, so Alyssa Milano, that didn't sit well with her because she's from the worst generation ever.
Starting point is 00:17:39 And, you know, let's move on to, what do we got here? Oh, we were talking about Melissa Milano's tits. Now, let me ask you, if she had no tits and she was ugly, would anybody be listening to her? No, because she wouldn't have got a job in Hollywood. That's how their business works. They even told me that when I first got in. If you want to be a movie star, you've got to have a face and people have to want to fuck you. Who told me that?
Starting point is 00:18:08 Harvey Weinstein. And then he threw me down on his couch and violated me. He hurt my ass. But we were talking about her tits and stuff and being sexist. Yeah, it's sexist or whatever, but the world needs that right now after the hashtag me too.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Which again, I forgot to say this. I do a bit about Louis and hashtag me too in my bit, but I always preface the Louis thing was I'd punch him in the face if he did that to my sister or friends of mine or whatever the fuck. That being said, they went too far. You even had feminists coming out going, this is getting ridiculous. We can't even get a job now. Guys don't want to fucking hire us. But, you know, tits make the world go round and, you know, women's private parts.
Starting point is 00:18:48 That's why the world evolved. If the first two cavemen were gay, we'd still be fucking living in caves. You know what I'm saying? It's like some guy going, I want a blowjob in the life of my wife because I want a dishwasher and the guy went downstairs and he built a dishwasher because he wanted a blowjob.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Brought it upstairs. And he said, what do you think of that? And she said, it's beautiful. And then he goes, bend over it. That's how the world evolved. Men trying to meet the expectations of women. So we started chatting about breasts and tits. And hers are real, by the way.
Starting point is 00:19:23 And if you've got to, can I just say something? If you've got to get fake tits, please. I was out with a girl a couple years after I got out of college when people were just starting to get fake tits. She takes her bra off and one of her nipples was off center by like three inches.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Where'd you get your tits? Marshalls? Fucking Walmart? So, you know, get good ones, okay? And let's take a look at... We started talking about tits, and I love tits. I'm still like a 12-year-old boy. There's three things I love in the world. Pizza, air conditioning, and tits.
Starting point is 00:20:00 In that order. In that order. The girl's nipple was over here. She had a lazy nipple. I don't like that. I'm kissing two tits. I want them looking me straight in the eyes. Don't be staring at my brother in the corner.
Starting point is 00:20:13 I bought the drinks. Anyways, we started chatting about politicians. Jason, last week, we were talking about AOC and put up a picture, and we noticed that she had a decent rack. So like guys, we started yapping about that. And we started arguing who's, you know, we went on a search to find out some of the nicest breasts on Capitol Hill
Starting point is 00:20:33 and, you know, throughout the political world. And what did we come up with, fellas? Kamala Harris. Those aren't bad. She's one of those breasts. She's a beautiful woman. As soon as she opens her mouth, she might as well be the elephant man.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Whether anti-white old men are the problem. Fucking blah, blah, blah. White people can't adjust to a changing world. Horseshit. Free healthcare for everybody. Not a bad rack. Go ahead. Now, you sure that's not doctored?
Starting point is 00:21:02 That's AOC. That's AOC. I've seen a million pictures of her. Are you sure somebody didn't... Huh? I should have went to BU. That was my other school. Boston University. And if I saw that running around, I went to Maine and I still got in trouble. I was chasing broads from Lewiston, who were about 6'3", 260. You get horny up in the woods. That's a good rack. I'm going to stop.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Maybe she's right about climate change. You know what? You better take that brow off. It's getting hot. What is she doing there, by the way? She's actually floating on a magic carpet uh next who's this uh what's her name something cinema cinema kristin cinema from again dude press the button kristin cinema there you go is that button too hard for you is that button too hard for you? Is that button too hard there, Richie? He controls it.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Kristen Sinema from where? Look at that rag. She's from Arizona. Arizona. There's no ugly girls in Arizona. They actually shoot the ugly ones. They do. They pull a broad over, and the cop goes, you know, I stopped you.
Starting point is 00:22:20 And the girl goes, I was speeding. And they go, no, you have green teeth and no tits. Step out of the car, please. Bang! Bang! Look at the car, please. Bang! Bang! Look at the face on her. She looks like a genius. Did somebody just sucker punch her?
Starting point is 00:22:31 My tits are too heavy. Look, I never heard of her. She hasn't been on TV. She should take off the Eric Dickinson glasses, number one. And she's got, see, you know what's around her neck? Those are Viagra pills. She's into dick. Next.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Pam Biondi. Pam Bondi. Former governor, I think, of Florida. She came on, and those are real, too, by the way. She came on right after the Parkland shooting. She's been interviewed on Fox. And even I, a sexist pig, was going, too, by the way. She came on right after the Parkland shooting. She's been interviewed on Fox. And even I, a sexist pig, was going, it's a little inappropriate. She had like a low-cut, almost like a belly shirt.
Starting point is 00:23:14 I'm trying to cry for the, you know, kids that were killed. And I'm staring at her. I'm all confused. But, you know, I remember going, holy shit. Is that appropriate after a fucking school shooting? So Biondi's got a rack on it. Look at the guy to her left going, mm-mm-mm. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Next. And the nicest rack in Washington, D.C. That's right. Former Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank. This is why he got so many young boy pages. Look at that rack. That reminds me of Richard Speck. Remember the guy that went to prison?
Starting point is 00:23:52 He was a fucking serial killer. First thing he did when he got in prison on taxpayer dime got fake tits. And he put a video up of him in prison with his fake tits smoking weed saying he was having a great time. But look at Barney.
Starting point is 00:24:07 He broke his, see his left hand? He broke that in a bed post, spanking it to a filthy Boy Scout porn video. Look at Barney. Anyways, that's a tribute, a Memorial Day tribute. Nice job, fellas. That was those guys. I said, you know, you fucking, you put up a bit. And this is what they came up with.
Starting point is 00:24:32 I came in, I go, get rid of those, and I replaced all these pictures. Speaking of sex, you know what's very popular right now? Sex dolls are very popular. I've got to be honest with you. If I had the cash, it's like a car. You want a good one, you know. You can get a... You know. There's pedophiles out there
Starting point is 00:24:52 who have no money, so they buy like a regular doll, like you would for your kid, and they throw a wig on it and a fucking skirt, but it's still a baby and it looks weird. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signs bill outlawing child sex dolls. You gotta grow up. You're not a kid anymore. Unfortunately. On Thursday, DeSantis signed into law legislation that bans the sale
Starting point is 00:25:15 of possession of childlike sex dolls after it unanimously passed the Florida legislature. SB 160, sponsored by State Senator Lauren Book, Democrat, Plantation, Florida, prohibits a person from knowingly, as opposed to not knowing you had one in your bag as you're going through TSA LaGuardia.
Starting point is 00:25:38 And they're like, what's with the Chinese 14-year-old kid in your bag? Prohibits a person from knowingly having in his or her possession custody or control of an obscene childlike sex doll. Sick people out there. Hey, little boy. Do you want some candy? No, I don't, Mr. Frank.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Can you untie these things and let me out of the house? These are anatomically correct. Lifelike silicone dolls that are eerily similar to real human children. What a sick fucking world. Made for the sole purpose of sexual gratification, Book said in a statement from her office following the bill's approval. Just
Starting point is 00:26:18 as viewing child pornography lowers the inhibitions of child predators, so do these childlike sex dolls that have no place in the state of Florida. Plenty of room in Vermont for them, in California. A legislative analysis found that many childlike sex dolls are imported from China, Japan, and Hong Kong.
Starting point is 00:26:38 They're always up there. Do you remember this story? China was selling toys over here, dolls, Barbie dolls, actually. But they had the date rape drug. Something HBG or whatever in the paint on the dolls. They actually threw me out of a bar in New York. I was stirring my Mai Tai with a fucking Barbie's feet.
Starting point is 00:27:03 The hell out of here. While supporters of Bill say owning the doll should be treated like possession of child pornography, others claim the dolls could prevent pedophiles from acting on their impulses with real children. How do you feel about that, fellas?
Starting point is 00:27:17 That's a crock of shit. Now explain why it's a crock of shit, my religious friend D. No, I'm serious. Take your time, dude. Beautiful. You might crack at the question in there, Henry. It's because God made man
Starting point is 00:27:40 to lay with women, not children. Says who? The Bible? Oh, now you're religious? Fucking heathen from Westchester? to lay with women, not children. Says who? The Bible? Oh, now you're religious? Fucking heathen from Westchester? No, I know, but I agree with you. I mean, they use it for practice.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Nothing's going to beat the real thing. That's why most people don't buy sex dolls. So they're going to practice on it. So, I don't know. I disagree with that wholeheartedly. And it's going to remind them that they're a pedophile every morning when they wake up and see a fucking doll in a miniskirt that's six years old. Oh, yeah, that's right. I'm a sick fuck.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Time to get down to the schoolyard for recess. Violation of the law is a third-degree felony. Subsequent violations are being deemed second-degree felonies. The law goes into effect October 1st, so you sick pedophile fucks, you better get out there. The Memorial Day sale. Where do they sell toys now? It's not Toys R Us. That's closed. Seriously. Amazon. Amazon. Of course. You need a discreet package,
Starting point is 00:28:47 a discreet box when it comes to your house. And where do you keep one of these when your family comes over? That's my question. What do you mean? They're sitting at the table just like any other kid on Thanksgiving. Hey, who's this six-year-old blind girl?
Starting point is 00:28:57 Never mind. Pass the stuffing, Uncle Ted. Where do you keep it? Discreet packaging. It's like buying Viagra. I think it's a good law. I might be old-fashioned. Yeah, you're an old white curmudgeon. Anyways. Yeah, I'm not into fucking kids, whether plastic or real. Call me a weirdo. Anyways, one more quick story before I get to, and I should have teased this at the top of the show. Colin Quinn, I did an interview with him last week.
Starting point is 00:29:33 He's got a special tonight airing on CNN called Red State, Blue State. I watched him develop it. This guy is as good as you'll get in comedy. And anybody who doesn't like Colin, I've been saying this for years, because he goes over a lot of people's heads. He never gives in to the dummies. But anybody who says, I don't like him, that's a litmus test for me. I'm like, I hope you don't like me because he doesn't get any better. His thing's airing tonight on CNN at 9 p.m., Red State versus Blue State.
Starting point is 00:29:57 We'll get to that in a minute. Had a nice chat with Colin, my closest buddy in the business. But before I get to that, here's more political correctness run amok. WJZ anchorwoman Mary Bubbler, who came on to fire Thursday for a question she asked about the race, gender, and leadership of Baltimore's past three mayors, is no longer with this station. This is why I laugh when people go,
Starting point is 00:30:19 oh, you're just an old white guy entitled to a... And they don't understand what dangerous comedy is. Because when you come from this point of view you know you can lose your job if you're a white person you know if you say anything we're going to show the clip in a second of what she said it was like a legitimate question but no she had to uh she had to fall on her sword mary bubble is no longer with a wjz employee. The station apologizes to its viewers for her remarks. The statement said Swain declined to comment
Starting point is 00:30:49 further. This guy worked for Audra Swain, the manager of this TV station. Here is what Ms. Bubba here is the controversial thing she said. Oh boy, I know you've been talking about this on your radio show today. The question I have for you, we have had three female African-American mayors in a row.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Don't go there. They were all passionate public servants. They suck. Two resigned, though. Is it a signal that a different kind of leadership is needed to move Baltimore City forward? No, because I think. She doesn't even think about the answer, the black woman. She's a college professor.
Starting point is 00:31:23 No, just a knee-jerk reaction. You know, obviously people watching that who are politically correct. Are you implying we have to have a white guy? No, I'm implying that the last three were black women, and they failed miserably. And is it time for some new leadership? And everybody at home is going, who's peace? She means a white guy. You know, do we have her answer? That's it?
Starting point is 00:31:46 That's all I asked for? How dare I? I can read it. Anyways, in a statement sent to the Sun today in the wake of WJZ's action, Whitehead wrote, this is the woman she was talking to, the current conversations around leadership in Baltimore are challenging, emotional, and at times include layers of racism and sexism. There is an assumption that since three black women have served as mayor and the city has not entirely changed for the better, that's putting it mildly. It's been going backwards, in reverse. It's not so much about black women. It's about fucking liberal liberal leadership all the major cities that are run by seattle la they're all in the shitter they are all in the shitter they're in the red homeless people are everywhere we're not supposed to connect the dots but her knee-jerk reaction
Starting point is 00:32:37 right no i i don't think so she says uh and then perhaps black women are not fit to lead this city no she says get this get this, get this. No one can ask racially biased questions in the public sphere, including in the media, without being held accountable. She's saying that this woman didn't even have a right to ask that. Do you guys get that? This is where we are when it comes to race relations. If you're white, you can't even ask that.
Starting point is 00:33:04 And the truth of the matter is those three women have failed miserably. It's more about their politics, to me, than their race or their gender. But they failed. And the college woman,
Starting point is 00:33:15 the college professor, oh, results don't matter. Nikki Mayo, who worked in TV news and is immediate past president of the Baltimore Association of Black Journalists, once again, in this colorblind society, we have a black journalist organization, posted video on the interview on Twitter last week, and then all the people came out with it.
Starting point is 00:33:38 What's the matter, Jace? All the people came out with their pitchforks, and the social media blowback to Bubba's question was immediate, because everybody on social media is holier than thou. There's not a racist on Twitter. There's not a racist on Facebook. They're all better people than you, and don't forget it. Bubba apologized on Twitter on Thursday and Friday, which was a big mistake, in my opinion. Bubba emailed the following statement to The Sun Tuesday, confirming her departure.
Starting point is 00:34:06 In my 22 years of working in TV news in Baltimore, 15 of those years with WJZ, I've always treated people with utmost respect and dignity. I loved my job because I loved the people of Baltimore. Last week, I realized I made a mistake after I was told I made a mistake by all those fucking social justice worries. I added that in the language i used on air i immediately apologized for any hurt i unintentionally caused i receipt when you apologize what you're doing is what you're doing is condoning them coming after you
Starting point is 00:34:37 i but this would never happen to a black person especially in this day and age when i hear black politicians at the national level high profile Democrats talking about all white men are the problem. Kamala Harris, people running for president, Beto O'Rourke apologizing because he's a privileged white male. All this talk of all white men, this woman implies that we need, she didn't even come out and say, she didn't go, you think it's because the three black broads were just dumb and didn't know what they were doing? It's not what she fucking said. But we can talk about, we can paint with a broad brush when you talk about older white men. And that's all they do in Washington today, but that's fine. She says, I received immediate
Starting point is 00:35:20 support from WJZ because they knew it was not in my heart to intentionally cause this kind of harm. I wanted to do an on-air apology, but it was not allowed. So how do you, why do you say they supported you? What kind of support is that? They wouldn't let you do an on-air apology. You're a white woman. Stay in your lane, bitch. You can't talk about us. Anyways, I hope that the people of Baltimore know that I would never do anything to hurt anyone. Unfortunately, I now stand in the path of the tornado. WJZ was forced to let me go. I'm sad and shocked by this decision. And then here comes, here's the woman, Mayo, that she was talking.
Starting point is 00:35:58 I follow the intersectionality of being a black and a woman. Yeah, that makes up about 3% of the population. In something like this, I expect a woman to be more sensitive to generalizing a demographic, even though I can say anything I want about old, crusty white men being the problem. Fucking hypocrite.
Starting point is 00:36:14 I don't know any white women who would become comfortable with an anchor or anyone else asking a question like the one we heard saying, well, we've had three women back-to-back. Do you think it's time for a different kind of leadership? We haven't heard that on a national level. Isn't it time for a black woman president? These old white guys have fucked everything up. We haven't heard that Trump's a racist and a bigot since he got in office. Who are you fucking kidding? I think every white woman I know would
Starting point is 00:36:39 have been like, what? What do you mean by that? Do you? Well, you'd be wrong. You're the fucking problem. You fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White, onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble, I'm telling you, H. You keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground, I promise you. Mayo says she messed up, I get it. But you know that line, the mouth speaks the truth of the heart?
Starting point is 00:36:59 She told you how she feels. Oh, and God forbid. No, you interpreted it that way. I'm just saying, folks. I'm just saying. If she can get canned for saying that, the next black politician
Starting point is 00:37:13 I hear, woman, like Stacey Abrams, who blames every part of the world on white men, should step the fuck down. Fair enough? What is this, a one-way street?
Starting point is 00:37:23 Come on. My panties are in a bunch. Hold on. We got a super chat. Go ahead, Rick. You got three of them today. Crash Hard said... Real quick, real quick.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Yep. Crash Hard said, you are on fire today. Great show. James Shea said... Thank you very much. Crash Hard. James Shea said... Crash Hard.
Starting point is 00:37:40 I crash hard when I drink in Boston. I crash hard. Go ahead. James Shea said, Nadler is still fat. Love you from Lawrence, Massachusetts. I didn't show the goddamn Nadler video. Did I? Okay, what else?
Starting point is 00:37:54 And then we got Plant Nation said, when will Owen Benjamin turn on Teddy Spaghetti, which is Vox Dei, and that's a podcast war thing that you have nothing to do with. Why would you read it to me? And I like Owen Benjamin, by the way. People go, you know, why isn't he on the show? I'm going to have him on the show. But I don't get caught in all this fucking schoolgirl gossip that you guys who hate Owen and people who like him and all that shit.
Starting point is 00:38:19 And how does Nick... I don't pay attention to any of that. He is an interesting slash kind of crazy dude. And I'll have him on any time. So I just want to space out the interview so we have something new to talk about. But thank you guys for the super chats. I appreciate it, especially on Memorial Day. You should be out doing a cannonball and splashing your fat aunt.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Do we have Nadler? Take a look at Jerry Fatman Nadler, who lost 3,000 pounds a few years ago. And we have a clip of him. He passed out at a press conference. What's that, Jay? Go ahead. I'm counting down to you being fired. Jerry, take a drink.
Starting point is 00:39:01 You look a little dehydrated. He looks like my dog when I wake my dog up too quick. Look at him. He doesn't even know where he is. How you feeling, man? Get him a milkshake. Hit him in the face with a milkshake. I put that up on Twitter. It's got like almost a thousand likes. Get him a milkshake. No, that was, no, I'm sorry. That was another tweet I had later on about Martin Luther King Jr. that we might get to later on this week. He wasn't the savory dude that everybody says, but we knew that.
Starting point is 00:39:30 And, of course, you get deemed a racist or a bigot or whatever. But anyways, Nadler went unconscious there for a minute. We had another picture I should have given you. He's sitting there. His pants, I'm not exaggerating, his pants are at nipple level. Oh, my God he i'm i'm serious i'm gonna predict he's not gonna last much longer he turned so white and the guy used to be do we have the old picture of him he was a little heavy and he lost all this fucking weight and his brains with it but uh i don't worry about it not necessary uh anyways ladies and gentlemen i spoke with
Starting point is 00:40:07 colin quinn who again tonight nine o'clock cnn his one-man show red state blue state if you if you miss it tonight it'll be on netflix this guy is just brilliant i saw the play and i watched him develop it and uh i sat down with him last week we had an interview he's a close friend of mine he's getting hitched in a couple weekends so but here's the uh great colin quinn anyways joining me in the business you know him his one-man shows uh just killer whether it's a new york story unconstitutional long story short his uh latest creation is Red State, Blue State, and that's going to Netflix. Is it not, Quinn? You seem to have a lot of juice now.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Even though you're an older white male, Netflix, that's how good he is. They still use his stuff. Yeah. Yeah? Yeah. So, first of all, before we get into that, let's get into your personal life. Mr. Colin Quinn is going to be married coming up very soon. I have to go back to New York, to Brooklyn for the wedding, marrying a nice Polish woman who I worked with.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Polish woman, I make her sound like a cleaning lady. I worked with Jen at HBO, the Chris Rock show. Smart, funny, beautiful woman. And are you getting cold feet yet? Come on, let's be honest. You're probably shitting your pants. Well, I've always had cold feet about these kinds of things. You know how it is.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Let's face it. That's true. I've been married 16 years and my feet are freezing right now. So what's the difference here? What made you pull the trigger? First of all, your arms look pretty good. You've been lifting down there. You couldn't be more wrong.
Starting point is 00:41:43 I don't have a gym. I take my shirt. You know who I look like when I take my shirt off right now? Remember Harvey Keitel and the bad lieutenant when he had his shirt off? He's kind of cut up here, but he's got a gut. Yeah, smooth and... No, look, I fucking look...
Starting point is 00:42:01 I was looking at myself today in the mirror, and I always hear your voice, because you said that. You're like, we're at that age where people look and go, I bet that guy was in good shape a few years ago. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's exactly...
Starting point is 00:42:12 That's all you can hope for, sir. Yeah. So, okay, the wedding. Come on. Who am I going to run into that I'm going to hate? You're talking about the goddamn wedding? Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:23 What is this, the fucking E! Channel? Come on. This is what he does. He attacks people who interview him if it doesn't go his way. You dummy. Go ahead. By the way, your haircut's looking more and more like Phil Collins every day. Then that's not really a cut, is it?
Starting point is 00:42:41 No. At this point, you're right. You can't control it. Who's going to be at the wedding. Come on. Jerry. Jerry. Jerry.
Starting point is 00:42:51 That's Jerry Red Wilson. Jerry. Oh, wait a minute. I forgot he passed away. That's all right. But Jerry Seinfeld. I thought you were saying it. Jerry Seinfeld.
Starting point is 00:43:01 No, I forgot, actually. Jerry Seinfeld. Everybody from Jerry Seinfeld to Tim Gage. Oh. And everybody in between. Oh, my. When you throw Tim Gage at the low end, that's a huge spectrum. Because this guy does comedy by night and drives a forklift by day. Dylan Murphy.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Dylan Murphy is one of Colin's cousins. Every time I go up to Saratoga, he likes to gamble. I actually saw him throw an empty water bottle at a jockey's head after the jockey lost. And he comes into the green room when I'm at Saratoga playing Tommy's room, hands me a little piece of tinfoil. I'm thinking it's like cocaine.
Starting point is 00:43:35 That's what they used to do. I open it up, it's empty. And he just laughs at me with his big glasses. And then he walked out of the fucking room. He didn't say anything. Love him. Dylan, Jerry Seip. I know my buddy Seth Meyers is going to be there.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Hope he doesn't watch his show. I'll probably get hit with a piece of cake or something. So you're very talkative today, Colin. Thanks. Well, yeah, I'm not trying to wreck the wedding. You understand? Why? The wedding.
Starting point is 00:44:03 I can't be talking like this. I got a wedding to go to. What are you doing? I didn't say anything bad. I'm the one who has the beach. I'm saying, what do you want me to say to that? I want you to say, Nick, stay away from Seth Meyers. Have a little, grow some balls, will you?
Starting point is 00:44:19 I heard he takes karate. Really? All right, let's get into, let's get into, what else? He's still going to the Comedy Cellar, Fat Black. What are. What else? He's still going to the Comedy Cellar, Fat Black. What are you doing? Yeah, I'm going to the Comedy Cellar mostly. You've already started a new hour. Well, I mean, you know how it is. You always have
Starting point is 00:44:33 old stuff that you don't use and then you bring it back and it's all better than anything you've done and somehow that gets left behind. You know what I mean? You do comedy and then you're like, ah, I'll do the old stuff. And then not only does the old stuff do better for the crowd,
Starting point is 00:44:49 but the comedians come up and go, that's a great bit. And you're like, oh, thanks. The one I wrote 11 years ago. Right, they don't realize it. There's new stuff I'm so proud of that nobody mentions because it's mediocre. But it isn't.
Starting point is 00:45:00 That's the thing about Colin. I watched him work out these plays, these one-man shows. He'd go on before me, the fat black pussycat. He's up there. You talk about a craftsman. He's got his index card. And even in its raw form, I remember
Starting point is 00:45:13 watching you, this latest one, Red State, Blue State. You're working on it. I'm watching you for at least seven months, and then you go to me, I think I want to know where this is going to go. And I'm like, what are you talking about? I thought it would be... That's how much effort you put into it. I mean, after seven months, you're just figuring out where you want to go with it. Yeah. Well, it's because especially with the country, the way the country goes now, like when I did unconstitutional, people would come up to
Starting point is 00:45:38 me afterwards and go, Oh, and even the end of the show, I was like, yeah, we can make this work as a country. And now I really know that you need to break up a country. You look at anything in this country. This is not no one's getting together on abortion, guns, religion. You go down the list. No one's getting together. So it either ends up in a civil war where everybody whoever wins that wins the hearts and minds of people or you break up so your next special will be called balkanization is what you're saying yes that's basically what i think or is tony soprano balkanization uh yeah no it was okay
Starting point is 00:46:18 no you're absolutely right i i use this uh this metaphor this analogy colin liked it about how there's no middle ground anymore. And I said, it's like Bobby Orr's knee after his 11th surgery. There's no more cartilage. It's bone on bone. There's actually smoke coming out of his socks when he's... Right. You're absolutely right.
Starting point is 00:46:37 What do you see? Seriously, I bring up Civil War and people giggle. But what would a Civil War look like? I mean... First of all, I like to know these people are giggling when you bring what would a civil war look like i mean first of all i like to know these people are giggle when you bring up a civil war they're like oh um they're like that's their idea of light-hearted ribbing um a civil war what would it look like it would look like uh you know the only people that would be in trouble it would be red state blue states you know barricading down they both They both have advantages. The only problem
Starting point is 00:47:08 is Austin, Texas would be in trouble. Charleston, South Carolina would be in trouble, and Staten Island would be in trouble, because those are places that are outside their element. Are you saying there would be actual skirmishes within, like you say, Austin, Texas, because it's very liberal, but it's in texas so that everyone tries to mass exit us out of there three days beforehand and they would be surrounded by yeah by chuck norris and his wife yeah by uh yeah and uh by half the army remember when we went to when we went overseas all the time yeah yes he sold you where you from texas i know 90 of our troops are from Texas. I know.
Starting point is 00:47:45 That's why I love that state. Yeah. They don't play. And Staten Island, now how does that break? Staten Island. It's always been like that. It's always been a red barrow in a blue city, you know what I mean? Because all the Italians from Brooklyn moved to Staten Island, you know what I mean? Now early days. Because all the Italians from Brooklyn moved to Staten Island.
Starting point is 00:48:05 You know what I mean? Now, why did they leave Brooklyn? Can you explain that to my fans? But they even left in the 80s and 90s. And, I mean, Bensonhurst, Brooklyn is mostly Chinese now. Most of Bensonhurst and Bath Beach, which is the last big Italian neighborhood in Brooklyn. I mean, it went for miles. I was a kid, I was there all the time.
Starting point is 00:48:29 And now they all moved to Staten Island. I told you, they used to call it Verrazano Bridge, the Guinea gangplank. Because the Italians all went over. I can't believe Bensonhurst, which was the home of the boys, the bad Italians, is Chinese. You're an expert on this stuff. How do Somalis end up in Minneapolis? Yeah. Huh? How does that happen?
Starting point is 00:48:57 The Somali thing, I'm not sure. I mean, I guess it happened after, you know, I mean, I guess they brought over like certain states would have these religious organizations that would say we'll bring over this amount of Sudanese like and then the Somalis. I feel like the Somali, I mean, the real interesting one is like Ethiopia and Sudan. And then Somalis are sort of close to that. You know what I mean? They're all from that same area of Africa. Right. I'm not sure how they ended up in Minneapolis. And I'm ashamed that i don't know that because i should know that
Starting point is 00:49:28 well my guess and i guess i'm way off was the climate was very similar to where they came from i mean they go from 112 degrees uh to minus 16 in october in minneapolis but it only takes one to plant like you said to start a a mosque or put an altar up. And the next thing you know, and the U.S. government, you see what's going on right now. People pouring. They're literally putting people on buses and sending them willy-nilly. I mean, if they have relatives, they might have a relative in Buffalo. But it's been like that for years.
Starting point is 00:50:24 I mean, the immigration system in this country has always been, it's just people seeing it now, but it's always been insane. Like, it's just kind of a random, it's kind of a random, unregulatable system. And it's just, it's been like this forever. You know, I've been interested in immigration for years. And it's just some, but like Somalis, no. That's asylum. Asylum is if your government is going to kill you. I forget why these Somalis came over, but same with the Sudan, all the Sudanese, and Ethiopians like the Lost Boys of the Sudan. So certain religious groups bring them over. And in Minnesota, I think it was the Bud Grant Foundation. I heard they came over here because of the soccer riots in the Sudan. No, you're exactly right. It's so weird.
Starting point is 00:51:00 One of your favorite movies and one of my favorite, Napoleon Dynamite. I reminded it because I know how you don't, they forced in the ethnic thing at the end and you got the Mexicans and their low riders and stuff and that was set like in Idaho or Iowa right Idaho yeah but then I said wait a minute that makes sense they probably didn't know when they were making them but it makes sense now because you even told me all the meat packing
Starting point is 00:51:19 plants right filled with hard working that's the whole thing that you know nobody wants to enforce immigration the left you know, nobody wants to enforce immigration, the left and the right. Nobody wants to. Maybe the average citizen does, but all the guys who run the meat plants, all the... Right.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Right. Democrats want to do it for votes, and the Republicans want to do it for money. Commerce. They cheat for labor. That's right. All the meatpacking plants in Iowa, all those places, they do radio advertisements in Mexico for 20 years. So for 20 years in Mexico they're like, come up and get a job up north. I mean, that's just the way it's been. But nobody really wants to try everything because then everybody has to
Starting point is 00:51:56 look at themselves and go, oh, this is all part of something you know what I mean? That nobody wants to see. So everybody blaming everything else. It's all true. Every, all the things that people point their fingers at. Right. Are always true.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Corporations and, and, and the left. Yeah. The left want the future black and brown vote. And that's all true. It's, but what's going on now,
Starting point is 00:52:19 even in the last few weeks is crazy. I mean, how can you not call that a crisis? I mean, it's up 400% from a year ago, people showing up and until they change that magnet, that asylum magnet, they know the system. These people are met at the border by immigration lawyers that tell them what to say, right? Sure.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I have a kid, so as long as they step foot on, you get a kid in the round. So the Dems are in charge right now as far as congress and stuff but you're saying the republicans also don't mind what's going on yeah they don't want nobody i mean it's been an open secret for 25 years i know but here's the difference now though artificial intelligence uh automation all the jobs being automated everybody's gonna be pushed out so and they're still coming i mean mean, how's that good? We're fucked, aren't we? Let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:53:07 This country is fucked in a few years. Yeah, well, it's all, everything's connected with globalization. Not this country, the whole world. I mean, look at it. Everything's just insane. Everything's kind of morphing into something else. And like you said, it's all robotic. So I don't know what's going to happen to human beings.
Starting point is 00:53:24 We're going to have to, like, you know, rob the robots on payday or something. Because it's going robotic so I don't know what's gonna happen to human beings we're gonna have to like you know rob the robots on payday or something I'll be criminals when did robots get paid well well you know the Democrats say those people floating over the Rio Grande and into tubes we can teach them code when they get here you know I'm sure I'm sure you know Apple is gonna be blind with it's gonna look like a George Lopez content I'm sure Apple is going to be blind. It's going to look like a George Lopez concert, I'm sure. But that's the other point. The other point is how many people are coming over from other countries getting a legal thing, but because they have these skills that you're telling me Americans couldn't learn those skills.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Okay, we're not the brightest people. We're never going to be Asia or India. But I'm saying those are a lot of jobs, too, but it's legal, but it's still all the Silicon Valley stuff and special whatever they call it, H-1B, visa. But look, this is just the way it is. And you're not going to stop people from coming to Central America because they're living in a nightmare. I mean, they're living
Starting point is 00:54:20 in gangland. You know what I mean? They're living under drug lord, narcot, narcot democracy. I mean, it's bad down there. It's like anarchy. So, of course, they want to come. Well, yeah, there's some legitimate ones, definitely. But are you saying, Trump,
Starting point is 00:54:39 is this a wet dream, this merit-based system? Is that racist? Like the left says... What's a merit-based system? Well, you know, people coming in, he says, we're going to do what Canada does
Starting point is 00:54:49 in Australia where you give them a test. It's based on education and what you can do for this country. And he's catching all kinds of blowback that that's racist
Starting point is 00:54:56 and, you know. But it's... Well, but also, most of the jobs, like I said, all those factories in the United States and all the canning places, they don't want that either. So I'm saying nobody will really have a real – this country doesn't have discussions.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Like we should be having these giant discussions about this kind of stuff. But there's never a discussion. All it is is conflicts and whatever it is. There's never like a convention where people sit down and go, okay, here's what's actually happening. Because, you know, I don't know why, but it just doesn't happen. So these will never get resolved because everything's kind of done where it's like, oh, forget about that part now. Forget about that part. But they have to change. Like I said, because of automated jobs, you're saying
Starting point is 00:55:44 canning and stuff, that's already changing. So why do they still want these people pouring in? Oh, because slaughterhouses. I mean, stuff like that. You can't get it. That's going to be all automated. That's going to be automated. You still need a guy that can handle a butcher knife and just slice somebody's head off without flinching.
Starting point is 00:56:03 You know what I mean? Who better from El Salvadorador take a chicken yeah so i'm just saying you've got the money they want to pay too there's all kinds of you know there's there's all kind you know it's money all this stuff there's money involved in everything i don't want to i don't want to go to my butcher and he's got a teardrop tattoo and you know uh but i'm saying most of the you know most of the people coming up not to be liberal about it most of the people coming up are escaping from people with teardrop tattoos that's why they're trying to flee because it's it's mostly that's where trump is wrong when he goes they have murderers they're rapists like no they're trying
Starting point is 00:56:39 to run from murders and rapists so i'm not saying that we can afford to let people in. I'm just saying that that's what's coming up. It's not all the gangs. I mean, they're coming to you. Well, half of El Salvador MS-13 is living in Long Island, so they weren't running for anybody but themselves. I'm just saying, you know, in the grand scheme of things. Right. But there are rapists and murderers. But this is the kind of off-the-subject thing that just clouds things. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:57:05 And both sides do it, obviously, but it's just cloudy. I want to get to their facts. You know what I mean? Yeah, I get nervous. I like watching the news and I'm like, oh, Trump is part of this because nothing's getting done, you know, and they're pouring in and he's out at rallies talking about other shit. So I'm like, it is really a, it's a big, and Colt is pissed. Well, it's kind of i know well it's kind of a uh it's kind of an interesting thing like when when i feel like anything when anything gets examined so this right now it's immigration yeah when anything gets examined yes really
Starting point is 00:57:37 examined in the country any issue you're like oh nobody knows what they're doing and nobody's doing any. People are just like, whoa, wait a minute. I don't want to stick my neck out. So that goes for everything. And right now it's immigration. But when you really look at things, nobody has any solutions. And that's why I say everyone should break up.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Well, it's the ruling class. Tucker Carlson's book, Ship of Fools, explains it beautifully. It really is a ship of fools leading us. Some of the dumbest people on the frigging planet. But, you know, and nobody's staring the ship. It's kind of scary. There's not much leadership there. It's scary.
Starting point is 00:58:17 That's why you need to break up. Because if you break up this country, then people start to see the flaws in their part of the system or the good parts about their system so you know i mean let everybody do it the whole point of the united states is freedom right everybody's supposed to do live the way they want to live you can't do that people are ideologically opposed so from day one in this country so what are we doing what are we going to do we're just going to keep going like this until there's a war that's what i say that's how it's going to go will i be around for it i just bought a beautiful gun yes we're going to be brothers it's we're going to be brother against brother you're going to be in new york blue and i'm going to be down here in georgia
Starting point is 00:58:57 well maybe there'll be some in between states you know let's shift gears real quick before I let you go. Big tech, I mean, I got this special breath of fresh air and Facebook won't let me advertise this special on Facebook. So,
Starting point is 00:59:12 this is, I have a bigger beef with this because this is right out in the open. People are worried about, people are worried about Russia interfering in the next election.
Starting point is 00:59:19 How about Google and fucking Facebook shutting down guys like me and to you to some extent. I mean, how do we... Are they ever going to get broken up or are they too rich and powerful? What do we do about these...
Starting point is 00:59:30 Yeah, I don't know. Who's the guy we were talking about the other day? Who's going to be the new like tech guy? There's no... No right-wing tech guy. I want a right-wing,
Starting point is 00:59:40 you know who, Zuckerberg. But where is that guy? Right. He's... I'll tell you that guy? Right. He's... I'll tell you where he is. He's in the Oval Office right now. Tweeting. But, I mean, this is serious. It's crazy that they're censoring you.
Starting point is 00:59:55 That's ridiculous. You know what I mean? It is and it isn't. Shadow censoring? Not just shadow. There's been actual politicians called Republican politicians in races whose advertisers don't get shown in some markets. And they don't even know. Like they put an ad out on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:00:10 So I don't want to hear about the fucking Russians. I want to hear about the left-wing Silicon Valley scumbags who are going to interfere in the next election. Look what they tried to do to Trump in this last election. Are you shitting me? I don't know how even with the economy being great he's got the mainstream media against him.
Starting point is 01:00:26 He's got the tech against him, social media against him. It's unbelievable. But he doesn't help matters. Oh, I know. You don't like the way he tweets and he's fucking loud and obnoxious. We've got to get over that. I don't know. There's ways to make your point.
Starting point is 01:00:42 You know what I mean? Yes. Yes, there's ways to make, and you know what? This is where you make me mad. We finally get a guy, everybody agreed, left and right, that this country's been broken politically for 40 years. Right. We finally get a guy comes in and flips over the fucking apple cart, and he steps on people's toes. And I know he says shit on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:01:01 I know right where you're going about having a black or a Mexican female as the vice president. We could have wrapped up the Mexican vote. That you're dead right on with. But you don't like the fact that he's exposed the fucking media for the scum that they are? No, I mean, I like little parts of it, but I don't like the fact that he's an indefensible human being. You know what I'm saying? He's flawed. That's the point.
Starting point is 01:01:29 He's a human being. No, I know, but what kind of... You can't do everything you want to do without being a dick. You know what I mean? Colin's been giving me that same advice about my career. I'm not shitting you.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Just another language. But he's, you know Just another language. But he's of the level. Alright. I just, as far as I go, he exposed the media and if it all ended tomorrow, he's done more.
Starting point is 01:01:58 George W. Bush used to turn the cheek and that's what got us Obama. I find him refreshing. Yes, he's... When you're a white guy, an outspoken white guy, defending a white guy, you're an asshole. That's all. No, I understand, but he's...
Starting point is 01:02:12 I get it that you're saying it, but, you know. Well, anyways, hey, Quinny, you're the best, man. And my fans obviously love you. And so Red State, Blue State is going to be on Memorial Day on CNN, best, man, and my fans obviously love you. So Red State, Blue State is going to be on Memorial Day on CNN, right? Yeah. On CNN, and I said this when I heard that.
Starting point is 01:02:34 You know who looks good doing that? CNN, because it makes it look like that. Because he, Colin, and I'm not just saying this because I've known him for, he's the most, as politically down the middle as anybody I've ever met. You can hear he looks at both sides. And this makes CNN look reasonable. It kind of pisses me off.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Because they're out of their tits. But that's going to be huge, man. And it's going to go to Netflix, right? Yeah. It's going to be Memorial Day, 9 o'clock. So it'll be huge. 9 p.m.? Yeah. Everybody will be, oh.
Starting point is 01:03:01 I was going to be a vodka lounger. I was going to be having a barbecue. Stomach's hot to hear. Your face is going to get hit by so many full Heinekens when it's on a flat screen. Just a bunch of drunken assholes. But that's unbelievable that a network, news network, is just, tell Don Lemon I'm going to punch him in his big stupid face. If you see him. Don Lemon. I've seen him already. I've big, stupid face if you see him. Don Lemon.
Starting point is 01:03:25 I've seen him already. I've been there twice. Yeah, tell him Nick DiPaolo says, go fuck yourself. And he'll go, who's Nick DiPaolo? Then show a picture of me when I'm 20, and he'll call me. Anyways, Quinny, I don't know anything else to plug. No, it's great. I will see you.
Starting point is 01:03:40 I'm coming up in a week or two. I'm doing a podcast at the Cellar, Fat Black, and then a gig, and then your wedding. So I can't wait. Can't wait. Beautiful. I'll see you then, buddy. Thank you so much. Great Colin Quinn.
Starting point is 01:03:54 We'll see you later. That's tonight, folks. Don't forget. That's tonight, the great Colin Quinn, Red State, Blue State. It's going to air on CNN at 9pm. And you've got to watch A Master. That's what we all refer to him in action. Everything is thought out and it's funny.
Starting point is 01:04:12 He doesn't get preachy. He's always entertaining. And everybody in comedy loves this guy for a reason. Don't forget Breath of Fresh Air. You can catch it on... Go to Watch it on YouTube. It's still climbing. And the positive, the negative comments are like 21 to 1 ratio. So don't forget that.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Don't forget if you want me to send a personal video to you guys, roasting one of your friends, beating up your old girlfriend or boyfriend, or a relative you don't like, or a bossy neighbor. Don't forget for my tour dates. You can get all the information. I'm still touring. This week coming, I'm going to Agunquit, Maine at Jonathan's and the Whites of Westport on Saturday night at Westport Mass.
Starting point is 01:04:58 So thank you for supporting the show. Have a great weekend, everybody. Great Memorial Day weekend. Don't forget about what it's really about. And remember, you guys think it, I'll say it. You're very welcome. I will see you guys on tomorrow. Have a good weekend. Take care. guitar solo Outro Music

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