The Nick DiPaolo Show - REPEAT: Special Guest Dinesh D'Souza! | Nick Di Paolo Show #362

Episode Date: September 8, 2021

Statues Come Toppling Down. Liberal Meltdown. Dinesh D'Souza....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi boys and girls, Nick DiPaolo here. Free speech lives right here on the Nick DiPaolo Show. I'm grateful to be able to do this show my way, and I'm only able to do it my way because of your generous contributions. Please go to or click the link on and contribute today to keep this show and our speech free.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Thank you so much. This episode aired when statues were coming down and liberals really were having a meltdown. I was joined by our friend Dinesh D'Souza. So enjoy. All righty. Welcome to the show, folks. On a Thursday, I can't think of a better way to open the show. I'm a big fan of this guy.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I've been watching him on TV for years. He's a New York Times number one bestselling author, creator of the second highest grossing political documentary of all time. He worked in the Reagan administration. His latest book is U.S. of Socialism, which is another big hit. And you got to read it. Please welcome to the show, Dinesh D'Souza. Dinesh, thanks for doing this. I appreciate it. It's my pleasure. Good to be on the show.
Starting point is 00:01:52 I've been watching you for a long time, and you make a lot of sense to me and a lot of people. First of all, for you to get to number one on the New York Times bestseller, that's a feat in itself. I mean, you know, with your conservative beliefs, right? Yeah, that New York Times bestseller list is a rigged operation. So if you're number one, they'll put you down as number seven. And this is a game that they play. And I think everyone knows it now. So it's an open secret that their bestseller list is kind of bogus. Yeah, they couldn't even keep you off it. That's how good the book was. Let me make a couple points as far as the unrest that's going on in this country today. I just want to give you my pseudo-intellectual opinion on two components, I think, that have caused most of it.
Starting point is 00:02:33 And I realize the George Floyd thing was the tip-off. I think we all realize it's become more than that. It's not just about police brutality. police brutality. But as far as that goes, for the last 30 years, the way the mainstream media has cherry-picked racial stories and created this narrative that only white cops and white people are racist, that's been going on forever with no pushback. I think that's the biggest culprit. And the other thing is we never talk about black culture maybe making some changes because that's off limits on TV. Do you think those two things have a lot to do with what's going on? even if you leave aside the rioters and the looters and focus just on the peaceful protesters, what they are about is selling a narrative.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And the narrative is that the cops are inherently racist. And how do they become that way? Well, they are part of a racist culture. And our economic system is racist. And the country is racist. And it's been that way since the beginning. So this is the narrative. The left is very good at putting out these narratives and unfortunately for the conservative side we don't do as well in
Starting point is 00:03:53 stating our narrative we will cite facts we will say things like oh wait there are more white guys who are likely to be killed by a cop and so on but a fact doesn't overthrow a narrative. A narrative is an interpretation of facts that makes sense of the facts and ultimately tells a kind of story. So it's really important for us to, A, tell those stories and B, have megaphones big enough to get them out. I'm sorry. That's what I wanted to say. What good is having a narrative if you don't have the megaphones? And it seems like, like you know mainstream media forever has been liberal now they have social media how do we i mean we have fox news
Starting point is 00:04:29 and and when it comes to race they have to tiptoe around it how do we uh we get guys like you mark levin sean hannity but uh how do we get more megaphones i guess how did the libs get a hold of the media and not the conservatives back in the day it's partly i think because uh our side tends to go into uh entrepreneurship to start businesses um we we go our guys go into the military so that by and large we have culturally abandoned these fields think of how few conservatives go into academia for example how few go into media. So the bias is one thing it's there, right. But it's also there that we don't invest financially. And enough of our people don't go into these fields. So we ultimately, I think long term need to create
Starting point is 00:05:17 our own institutions, where we have our own networks, our own educational institutions, we don't have to fight with CNN. We just don't watch them. We don't even really know about them. We don't have to look at the New York Times bestseller list. We don't care what they say. We have to reduce the power of the media in our minds. Right. My second point about black, I keep hearing reforming and the police. Don't there have to be some changes? Who was the senator was it was it moynihan or somebody addressed this back in the 60s about the black illegitimacy rate and it hasn't changed i mean and they're producing you know there's kids growing up with no dad no authority and that's why when they come
Starting point is 00:05:59 in contact with the cops they have there's a part can't we address that or is that considered racist i don't hear anybody talking about it and i think it's a big part of what's going on. Yes. Well, I mean, the, what's happened is that the Democrats have encouraged dependency and with dependency, I think comes a lot of other social pathologies. I mean, just think, for example, of a family that has no income, I mean, no earned income. Its income is coming ultimately through a series of federal grants and things. And where women realize that if I stay with my husband, I'm not going to get that $400 check. But if I'm on my own, I can, I can have my own apartment. So we create a whole set of, you may say, dysfunctional incentives. And all of this
Starting point is 00:06:47 has taken a terrible toll. Now, once again, I think it's incumbent on Trump and the Republicans to lay out a kind of liberation plan. You can almost call it a, how do we get off the plantation plan? And seriously sell it. Sell it in black communities. Now, Trump has been actually quite forthright in trying to start this process. There's a long way to go. If we can break the back of the Democratic plantation, we will break the back of the Democratic Party. That's true. They're all about power and keeping people reliant on them and those programs. Explain what you mean when you say leftists are using this Floyd injustice to propagate mutated socialist ideas. I know what you mean. Marx and those guys were about, well,
Starting point is 00:07:33 they pretended to be about the working class, but you say this is different, this new ideology in this country, right? Yeah, you've got socialists in America today who care more about abortion than about the minimum wage. They care more about the transgender bathroom than they care about universal basic income. They would much rather pull down the Robert E. Lee monument than they would, let's say, fight for higher union wages. for higher union wages so what this tells you is that you have a kind of cultural marxism uh that has now bled into traditional kind of economic socialism and that race and gender so called identity politics is now at the heart of it um that's what the floyd narrative gave the left it gave the left the opportunity to use it as a kind of diving board, a launching pad for this big, larger narrative and to put out a big lie. Well, here's the big lie. You know, the Democratic Party has
Starting point is 00:08:32 been the party of the slave plantation. In fact, most people don't realize, but there weren't massive plantations in America at the time of the founding. You made this. There was slavery. You made this. But not the plantation system. Right. Death of a nation is about that, right? Yes, it totally is. So the Democrats were not just a party of slavery, but segregation and Jim Crow and the Ku Klux Klan and racial terrorism and lynching.
Starting point is 00:08:59 So think about it. Here's a party. I mean, these are the racial arsonists, if you will, of American history. And now these same characters are dressed up as the firefighters. They're supposedly pretending to be the solution to the problem that they created. This is the media's big lie. Hiding the responsibility of the Democratic Party is the whole mission, the lifelong mission of American progressive
Starting point is 00:09:21 historiography and also of the mainstream media coverage of this issue. What do you say to a guy like Bill Maher who goes, that's not the Democratic Party today. You know, we've reformed ourselves. What do you say to people that make that argument? That the Democratic Party has, in fact, made a shift, but the shift is not in whether or not it exploits blacks, but in how it exploits them. So the old exploitation was based upon stealing blacks' labor. And the new exploitation is based upon creating enough dependency that you ultimately exploit blacks for their vote. You don't do anything for them.
Starting point is 00:09:58 You don't lift them out of lifelong misery. In fact, you create intergenerational poverty and dependency so those guys can never walk off the plantation. Lyndon Johnson understood exactly what he was doing. He was creating a new form of the plantation when the old one became obsolete. We're talking to a bestselling author, Dinesh D'Souza. I noticed most of this unrest and rioting is going on in liberal run cities, and they're sort of sitting on the sideline flaccidly not doing anything what is that what is that i mean are these as antifa are they dare going to go to suburbs like they say they are and uh i just think they have the they
Starting point is 00:10:38 have this uh they're gaining confidence but these liberal mayors are just sitting around because they actually kind of agree with their ideology to an extent no yeah i i address this in the the new book united states of socialism which is why would a mayor like de blasio in new york right um why would he be not only indifferent to but he seems in a sense tacitly to be encouraging well of course first of all his own daughter was arrested during the protests and if you you look at her mugshot, it's straight out of the Manson family compound. But leaving that aside, the situation here is that the mayor, like de Blasio, looks at these young looters, and he sees a younger version of himself. He was like that when he was a teenager. And if he was a teenager now, he would probably be joining those guys. So you can almost look at modern socialism as an effort to do in an organized way what the looters
Starting point is 00:11:31 are doing in a disorganized way. So the looters smash a window, they run into a store, they run out with a bunch of sneakers or a bunch of handbags. Well, what de Blasio would like to do is impose 80% confiscatory tax rates. So in a systematic way, he loots all this wealth, then he redistributes it in exchange for votes. That's the democratic racket. And being and you have to be blind today not to see that these are people they could care less about George Floyd, their big liturgical kind of group kneeling ceremony with the kente cloth. I mean, this is like high comedy because it's all, it's like the Pharisees. You put on a massive display of public piety while actually you're trying to figure out how you gain more money and power. Yeah. I mean, I saw Biden speaking at the
Starting point is 00:12:16 funeral and it was, he had this overdramatic voice and just saying the same talking points we've heard, which brings me to the election. Don't, I mean, people are watching what's going on in the cities and in the country right now. Even with the mainstream media favoring the Democrats and having the blow horn, don't you think the people in the middle are going to say, I think Trump is a law and order guy. I'm going to vote for him.
Starting point is 00:12:43 How's that? Is this helping Trump? I mean, these radicals in Seattle taking over neighborhoods, I got to believe it's helping a little bit, even though his approval ratings aren't that good right now. Well, I think that people are going to see,
Starting point is 00:12:57 even Democrats, if you live in New York City or you live in Seattle, I mean, do you really want to live in a place where the stores have to be boarded up and you can't walk on the street without looking over your shoulder? And if you call 911, they might well send you a social worker instead of a cop. I mean, this is madness. And I think the suburban
Starting point is 00:13:17 housewives and looking at it in Atlanta and in Tennessee and in North Carolina, I think they're going to realize that Trump is what stands between the American people and total chaos. How about the suburban housewives in Philadelphia who always vote Democrat? Are they going to smell the coffee and wake up? I think so. I think that I think we're going to see a real shift. I also think that Trump, by the way, is going to get a big chunk of the black vote. The left already senses this. Yes, they're nervous. They're freaked out about it. Some of their craziness can be explained by their absolute fear that Trump will make a deep indentation in the African-American vote. Absolutely. Let me ask you this. Where are the Republicans? I mean, they're not pushing back. I always see the same guys, Jim Jordan, pushing back a little bit. But where are the Republicans?
Starting point is 00:14:05 All this mess. They're just sitting on the sideline quietly. And as somebody who votes Republican, that's very disappointing to me. Where are they in all this? Republicans are very bad at cultural politics, and they're even worse at racial politics. Right. One reason we got Trump is that we've been nominating one Boy Scout after another, and then these guys get beaten to a pulp, not only by the economic attack, but the racial attack. You're a racist, and suddenly Mitt Romney goes into the fetal position. He runs under his
Starting point is 00:14:36 desk, and you're never to be seen again. So this kind of just absolute invertebrate behavior is now unacceptable. I think the Republican base has no tolerance for it, but the leadership hasn't fully gotten the message. Yeah, I don't know. They're lost right now. I also think that they're afraid the Republicans, when social media comes after you, you know, like you said, the libs have the mainstream media, they have social media.
Starting point is 00:15:03 And they, you know, when they say boycott a show or a business, you know, it happens sometimes. The Republicans don't have that kind of power, do they? They actually do, but they don't use it in a tactically effective way. A tactically effective way is not to do something generic, like don't go to a Disney movie. A tactically effective way is to figure out how do you actually target and destroy the business plan of the company that you're going after. So, for example, if you target a company and you go on its website and review all of its products negatively, every single thing, not just political stuff, everything, basically, that's a critical part of their business. Every customer around the world that goes on that website sees those products that are reviewed negatively, and they go, wow, maybe I don't want
Starting point is 00:15:53 to buy from this company anymore. Now, that is called a targeted attack. It's extremely effective. Our psychology isn't like that. The left thinks like that. They think, how do we destroy this guy's business plan? We don't. If I go on Twitter tomorrow, there are 10 paid leftists who will jump on my site and start bashing me. But if Nancy Pelosi goes on Twitter, we have nothing like the equivalent doing the same thing. We don't make fun of her, call her ugly, insult her grandchildren, try to degrade her. We don't think like that, but maybe we should. Well, you haven't seen my show apparently, but I spent half my time doing that. Final question, because I'll let you go. Why are people warming up? How are people warming up to the idea of socialism? I didn't think it would
Starting point is 00:16:34 even get this far this quick. Should I be nervous? Well, I think we should be. It's a real threat. Socialism has never been in the mainstream of American politics before. There's never been a genuine prospect that even under the Great Depression that America would become socialist. But I think the reason it's gaining a legitimacy now, well, first of all, the mainstream of the Democratic Party is at least silently okay with it. They may not have gone for the explicit socialism of Bernie, but they are embracing the creeping, or you may say creepy, socialism of Biden. And so I think we have to take the threat seriously.
Starting point is 00:17:15 We also know that the left deploys the deep state. They now have a paramilitary with Black Lives Matter and Antifa. So we're up against it. We should not have any illusions. I think we can beat it, but only if we're educated, we're smart, and we fight really tough. There you go. I've spoken with somebody who's followed this stuff years and written about it. Dinesh, I can't thank you enough for coming on. I've been watching for a long time, huge fan, and I appreciate you taking the time. Thank you very much. You got it. Dinesh, his last book, U.S. of Socialism, and go out and see, watch it on TV, Death of a Nation.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Folks, you'll learn so much about how evil the left really is. So, Dinesh, I appreciate it, man. Okay, let's get right to it. Boy, Christopher Columbus statues toppled in Richmond and beheaded in Boston. That's Christopher Columbus. I'm Italian. I love the guy. You goddamn guineas really make me laugh.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Why? Why? Oh, fucking Boston. I am so ashamed of my hometown politically. It's sickening what it's turned into. Can you imagine where it all started? The Boston Tea Party. Now they're fucking practically Marxist. They're trying to out-left San Francisco. Just disgusting. You know why? A lot of college kids, a lot of overeducated, brainwashed kids running around Boston. Statues of Christopher Columbus were targeted by protesters in Massachusetts and Virginia on Tuesday night in an act of solidarity
Starting point is 00:18:50 with indigenous people. All six of them. The eight foot tall memorial to the explorer in Richmond, Virginia was pulled down with ropes and dragged roughly 200 yards to nearby landing at foundation lake it was also reportedly uh briefly lit on fire by fuck stains and the parents who raised these fuck stains uh the base of the statue was covered in graffiti and protesters held signs reading this land is is Pohatantan land. Excuse me if I don't know how to pronounce it. I don't speak Native American. And Columbus represents genocide.
Starting point is 00:19:33 And to that I say, Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck! Pohatantan. Ha ha ha ha. Oh, God help me. We're going to start tearing down other statues.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Huh? Is the right going to start waking up and smelling the coffee? You know, Malcolm X used violence. You know, MLK Jr., you know, he had affairs with over 40 women. And he sat by and watched a pastor friend of his rape a woman. This is all sealed FBI documents. Hashtag me too. What's the statute of limitations on that? Are we going to pull down those statues?
Starting point is 00:20:17 Did some famous black person, will we have a statue erected? Have we looked into their past and found it a little, or is this just a one-way street? Ridiculous. A makeshift headstone poster was also placed in front of the sunken statue in the water that read, Racism, you will not be missed. You know what this, this just illustrates
Starting point is 00:20:38 how brainwashed these poor kids are and what academia has done to them for the last i don't know how many decades it's in their dna it's just drilled you know what you're doing when you're pulling down and beheading a columbus statue you're doing the same thing the nazis did when they invaded countries it was the first thing they did it's the same tactics isis uses so just think about that, you fucking idiots on the left. Just think about it for a second. The figure was reportedly the first statue of Columbus erected in the South, according to the newspaper. It was dedicated in December of 1927. Nobody had a problem with it, you know, for what, 80 what 80 something years but here comes generation
Starting point is 00:21:25 jerk off brainwashed Vanessa Bolin a member of the Richmond indigenous society spoke to the crowd earlier in the night she said this continent is built on the blood and bones of our ancestors but it is built off the backs and the sweat and tears and the blood and the bones of Africans. Really? Where do my fucking grandparents fit in? Or the Irish? Where do they fit in? My grandmother cleaning college dorm rooms for five cents and my grandfather laying railroad track.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Where do they fit in? What the fuck is this? Africans built this country uh she said we're not here to hijack your movement we're here to stand in solidarity is what she said to her i say make me a sandwich make me a fucking sandwich okay bowling heavy on the mayo lots of bacon you fucking brainwash what another statue of columbus was beheaded in boston overnight in the park named after him several states have chosen to rename the federal holiday honoring columbus into a celebration called indigenous people's day yeah and a lot of
Starting point is 00:22:37 people have said fuck that we're gonna leave it the way it is but uh you know go ahead what do you think you tear down these things and the history goes away and this everything bad that happened previously goes away because you're tearing down symbolic things that's literally the mentality of a fifth grader but uh good luck with that time for a fucking civil war revolution where's all the white supremacists I've been hearing about? Don't see them raising hell yet. You guys have no idea what you're in for. If you tear it down, how do you not repeat it? Yes, that's what these murals and colleges that they're painting over,
Starting point is 00:23:17 they're there for a reason. They're not there to go, hey, look what we did to the Indians and the black people. You know, they're there to remind younger generations that are coming up now that we had a horseshit past. But look how far we've come. And actually, that's what it is. You can look at the statue and you'll have to acknowledge the progress we've made as far as race and all that. But you don't want to do that. How are you going to teach a little snotty liberal fuckstain kids that this country is racist if you wipe all symbols of it out? Absolutely ass. And again, all I'm going to say
Starting point is 00:23:51 is it's what Hitler and the Nazis did. So congratulations. You got good company. Let's continue with the asinine. NASCAR banned the Confederate flag from its races, and guess what? Slavery went away. All inequality racially, it all went away because they took down that flag. They banned it from races and properties on Wednesday, formally distancing itself from what for many is a symbol of slavery and racism uh that had been a familiar sight at star car events for more than 70 years good move i think your brain is going soft yeah and a lot of white people died too you know and uh again
Starting point is 00:24:36 but let's let's take that down everywhere you'll have no you can't point to that now and yeah how's that going to go over with the NASCAR crowd? Cause it's more simple for them about the South and stuff. And they had relatives, whether the, whether the cause was right or wrong. And by the way, a lot of white people died to free slay.
Starting point is 00:24:56 We don't hear about that. We don't talk about that. But NASCAR, you know, I want to see how this sits. It's sort of the equivalent of Kaepernick taking a knee in the NFL. I got to believe a lot of kids, Chewbacca chewing guys are going to go,
Starting point is 00:25:11 fuck you. I'll build my own car. Never really got NASCAR. No offense. I just never got, you can fucking watch cars go in a circle for two hours. Jesus H. Christ. Are you kidding me? we all know people go
Starting point is 00:25:26 there to see him crash if that's not true they can drive i'm on your side rednecks uh bubba wallace nascar's lone black driver called this week for the banishment of the confederate flag and said there was no place for them in the sport well Well, before you came along, what, now you're the fucking spokesman of the world? I think there's a lot of white people that go to NASCAR that would disagree, Bubba, and they're not racist. Jesus Christ. There's shit that hurts my feelings, too.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Like every time I see the sign MLK Jr. Boulevard, I shit my pants because I know what's going on. Malcolm X High School. Yeah, he had a clean history. Fucking whitey, start digging into their past. The presence of the Confederate flag at NASCAR events runs contrary, this is NASCAR, to our commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all fans. Yes, all four black fans that go to NASCAR. Get the fuck out of here. It's like when I watch a hockey game at Madison Square Garden and they're playing hip hop.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Jesus H. Christ. Our competitors in our industry. NASCAR said bringing people together around the love for racing and the community that it creates is what makes our fans and sports special. The display of the Confederate flag will prohibit from all NASCAR events and properties. That's just terrific. The move was announced before Wednesday night's race at Martinsville Speedway, where Wallace, an Alabama native, was driving a Chevrolet that he had stolen from a neighborhood. Just kidding, folks. Relax. With a hashtag Black Lives Matter paint scheme.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Wallace got a shout out on Twitter from several fucking moron athletes like LeBron James, Whitey hater LeBron James, who was stuck in 1955, even though he's a trillionaire and he bounces a ball for a living. Ugh. I used to think, I thought I liked him. There's something wrong with the black man's mind! There's something wrong with his mind! The flag issue has been a thorny one for NASCAR. Former chairman Jerkoff Brian France in 2015 tried to ban the flying of the Confederate flags at race tracks, angering many fans. I don't know what they think has changed. Confederate flags still fly high atop infields, RVs, and are waved by fans in the grandstands at most tracks.
Starting point is 00:27:53 NASCAR has been more open in recent times to the eradication of the Confederate flag. Several drivers, including two-time Daytona 500 champion Denny Hamlin, said they supported Wallace in his quest to rid the sport of the flag. What else could you say? Let's dig up Dale Earnhardt and see what he has to say about it. He would have had a nice chard in his mouth. Fuck that. Fucking paint my car in a Confederate flag.
Starting point is 00:28:19 The predominantly white field of drivers must be racist because there's only predominantly white drivers. Over the weekend for a video promoting social change, they made a video. The white drivers. It's over, folks. It's over. White capitulation is the new sensation. A black NASCAR official, Kirk Price, took a knee to blow any sponsors that would leave. official Kirk Price took a knee to blow any sponsors that would leave.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Took a knee before Sunday's race near Atlanta in what may have been a first for the series. Wallace wore a black t-shirt with the words, I can't breathe at the race. Why don't you roll down the window and get some air? Oh, I mean, that flag, I understand it might hurt some people's feelings, but this fucking world doesn't run on feelings. OK, no matter what your race is. How's that fucking sit with you? But we can let the new Black Panthers on TV, you know, fucking threatening to shoot white people the last election. But that's fine. I'm just asking for a little fairness, media. That's all. Why is it 110 on this motherfucker? Huh?
Starting point is 00:29:35 We were bragging about this air conditioner. Ladies and gentlemen, the Donald stuff dot com keeps putting out new stuff. And this morning they sent over these two new designs. The first one speaks for itself. Fund the police. Look at that. Oh, it's in blue, gray, and black. I say everybody buy one.
Starting point is 00:29:55 I said it should be mandatory for first graders and second graders. White kids. And this one, part of the Make America Safe Again collection. And what else do we got? Both of these designs are just $19.99. And if you use the promo code Nick, you get 10% off. They also have a bunch of Nick DiPaolo Show related items. There I am in all my glory.
Starting point is 00:30:22 That's a picture of me in high school saying, how did I get a D when I was sitting next to this kid who was way smarter than me? Anyway, lots of great stuff at Go there and check out all the gear. Don't forget to use the promo code Nick. And we thank them for sponsoring the show. Speaking of Donald, Donald Trump rejects call to rename military base named after confederate leaders somebody has some fucking ball you are correct sir declaring our
Starting point is 00:30:57 history as the greatest nation in the world will not be tampered with, he said. It has been suggested that we should rename as many as 10 of our legendary military bases, such as Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Fort Hood in Texas, Fort Benning in Georgia. President Trump wrote on Twitter, these monumental and very powerful bases have become part of a great American heritage and a history of winning victory and freedom. The United States of America trained and deployed our heroes on these hallowed grounds and won two world wars reminding you little shitty kids in other words people guys women that trained on those bases that's some of them were shipped out that was the last part of america they saw do you understand? But let's rename them and shit.
Starting point is 00:31:46 In the name of what? I didn't realize there were so many fucking people that hated the country. I know there was a large portion. But you guys see it? It's coming to fruition. How many people have been brainwashed? The media's been pushing this shit for 40 years. So is the academia.
Starting point is 00:32:03 And I think the fire finally caught. Therefore, my administration will not even consider the renaming of these magnificent and fabled military installations. Our history, let's see the fucking antifacy. Maybe they'll go down to these bases and try to rip something down,
Starting point is 00:32:23 or burn something. You know what they really want to do? They want to rip down the Statue of Liberty, but they can't because if they put their hands on her without her consent, it's sexual harassment, so that's not going to happen. It's a great joke. Anybody steals it, I'll shoot you.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Good for Trump. He's had enough of this fucking dog shit. I am your voice. Secretary Ryan McCarthy. Trump's remarks come after spokesman for the Army, Secretary Ryan McCarthy, said, what did he say in Monday interview with Politico, that he's open to a bipartisan discussion on whether to rename 10 bases and facilities that are named after Confederate figures. Are you really open to that?
Starting point is 00:33:07 Well, your boss, who is the president, chief and commander, commander in chief, says otherwise. So you'll have to wait till he's out. Imagine? Now I get military guys saying that. Son of a whore! Our Army spokesman, Colonel Sunset Belinsky, hell of a name, said,
Starting point is 00:33:29 Defense Secretary Mark Esper also supports possible discussions on the matter. Oh, my God. On Tuesday, retired U.S. Army General and former CIA Director David Petraeus, this one shocked me, urged for the removal of the names of Confederate figures from U.S. Army bases around the world. Shut up! Shut, shut, shut, shut, shut up! Shut up!
Starting point is 00:33:56 They're not real book smart, the military guys, even the high-ranking ones. Imagine we got the military, let's kick that around. I can't even wrap my brain around this. It's part of the history. Got the military agreeing with tactics that fucking Hitler used. Yeah, let's erase the bad things that we... I talk about how brainwashed these kids are that are cutting columbus's head off and pulling down statues and uh boy here's evidence of one uh it almost makes you sad but i can't help but laugh um ever see a young chick and we've showed a few of these on this show somebody who's
Starting point is 00:34:40 been this girl might be 20 how she how 20. They literally have suffered brain damage. It's like being born without enough oxygen, what they've done to these kids at colleges and higher education. Watch, I'm going to play a little sound under this, Reza, don't worry. But watch this chick and look what they've done to this poor girl. I know I'm not exactly the voice that people need to be hearing right now. I don't see any tears, by the way. In fact, I need more confirmation that this is real.
Starting point is 00:35:10 I've gotten some, but I need more confirmation that this is real. Trump supporters got an email. This email is for patriots only. You've been identified as one of President Trump's fear systems loyal defenders. And according to your donor file, you'd make an excellent addition to the Trump army. It goes on to tell them that they would get a limited edition camo. Keep America free. She's not even crying.
Starting point is 00:35:37 You are the president. You're a horrible fucking actress. Pull a pew body, you know, with some pliers. That's what Burt Reynolds used to do. You're not even crying because those feelings aren't yours. They were drilled into your empty skull. I hate to get so angry about a young girl. She has the eyebrows of fucking Brezhnev, though. Holy shit. She's not even crying. Go ahead. First line of defense when it comes to fighting off the liberal mob. I don't know if you know...
Starting point is 00:36:13 Hitler made Jews wear yellow stars. This feels like the reverse of that. I cry like a bitch. Oh, boy, you. Hitler man chose me, yellow stars. Now they control Hollywood in the news. No tears. I don't see one tear.
Starting point is 00:36:38 I'll make you cry. Take my belt off and tan that little bottom of yours. What do you think of that? He's starting another Holocaust. Look what they've done to these kids. Look what they've done. She must be fun on a date, huh? Fellas must be fucking killing to go out with her.
Starting point is 00:36:59 What do you want to do tonight, Sharon? Let's go to the Holocaust Memorial for the 12th time. Let's firebomb the White White House that motherfucker's killing Jews they made him wear yellow stars green hearts purple clovers. Lucky charms. It's magically delicious. These poor kids. Oh my God. Look what you've done to them.
Starting point is 00:37:38 You fucking socialist Marxist cocksuckers. And anybody who believes them. Time for a sponsor. I need some cash. This episode is sponsored by Immunologic. You know what? I took it. I took it.
Starting point is 00:37:59 I've been dieting, so I've been eating nothing but protein, you know, like chicken and stuff. That stuff doesn't move when that's all you're eating. You might as well spackle your ass all shut. And I hadn't gone yesterday. I don't want to give you too much information about me, but I didn't go at all yesterday. Last night, I took a couple of these. Woke up this morning, holy Christ. Holy, it was like the N train flying. If you're like me, you know how miserable it is to be constipated. You just want something that's going to work instead of trying multiple remedies. Our new sponsor, Immunologic, has a product made from natural multivitamin minerals and amino acids called L-O-F-R-O-X whole leaf capsules.
Starting point is 00:38:39 And it does work. L-O-F-R-O-X whole leaf is the world's most remarkable constipation remedy although it's not been approved by the fda it works in just days to effectively i'd say hours clear parasites worms and other pathogens uh from the bowel it also helps the liver with normal bile flow and is a weight loss remedy which i could use right i've dropped four starving myself living on chicken fat and fucking salami. Yeah, I'm thin, but my heart's going to clog up in about five minutes. Seriously, if you've been constipated before, you know how great it is
Starting point is 00:39:17 when things start working like they're supposed to and start rolling again. Just look at Bernie Sanders' face. He's been constipated for about six years. Immunologic is a Texas-based company, and you can find all the info on aloe, ferox, whole leaf on their website at And if
Starting point is 00:39:34 you go to that website now, which is also displayed on the screen, I guess, you'll get free shipping on your order. That's, and we thank them for sponsoring the show. It's good stuff. It worked last night.
Starting point is 00:39:48 I'll tell you that much. I popped four of them. I was like Jimi Hendrix in a tub somewhere. Actually, that was, you know, a guy from the Doors, Jim Morrison. Remember? He died in a tub in London. Big lib. No loss. Jim, speaking of Jims, Jim Morrison. Remember? He died in a tub in London. Big lib. No loss.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Jim. Speaking of Jims. Jim Jordan. This guy's always on the right side. This guy's always busting the left's balls. It seems like he's one of the guys that actually trying to get something done on the right. And that's my other big disappointment. The Republicans are nowhere to be found.
Starting point is 00:40:23 All the shit. The rioting. And there's no pushback. Mitch McConnellcconnell none of them just cowards afraid to go to near race maybe they just accepted that this is going to be so where the fuck are you i hope they're all cleared out and replaced by real right-wingers ones that people are afraid of that's what what I want. Who would that be? I don't know. Find them. There's got to be some in Alabama. Who was the judge down there?
Starting point is 00:40:50 Judge Moore, like the date young girls? Throw him in there. He's got a cowboy hat on every campaign video. Riding a car, fucking donkey. But Jim Jordan, he seems to be swinging from the fences all the time. Looks like he's trying. Rep Jim Jordan, I don't be swinging from the fences all the time. Looks like he's trying. Rep Jim Jordan, I don't know if that's rep or Republican, promised justice for George Floyd at a Judiciary Committee hearing
Starting point is 00:41:11 on police brutality Wednesday morning and then explained why he opposed calls to defund the police. They had George Floyd's brother come to the hearing and stuff, and they each got to you know say their piece he got to say his piece and this is Jim Jordan guess what else they understand they know it is pure insanity to defund the police and the fact that my democrat colleagues won't speak out against this crazy policy is just that. Neither will your Republican colleagues.
Starting point is 00:41:50 You're the only one saying anything. Jesus Christ, this is the only guy that has any fire in his belly. You're going to eat lightning and you're going to crap thunder. Go ahead. That's frightening. Think about what we've heard in the last few weeks. We've heard the mayors of our two largest cities. Mayor Garcetti said he wants to defund the police.
Starting point is 00:42:11 The mayor of New York says he wants to defund the police. The city council in Minneapolis, a veto-proof majority, says they want to defund the police and abolish the department. This Congress started off with the Democrats, folks on the left, saying we should abolish ICE, then move to we should abolish the entire Department of Homeland Security. And now they're talking about abolishing the police. What does that tell you? This is wrong and the American people know it's wrong. Yeah. How about your colleagues, Republicans? Do they know it's wrong? Why are you the only one I see pushing back?
Starting point is 00:42:43 Where are the rest of them Lindsey Graham where the hell are you scuse me scuse me anybody got an immunologic on them living on fucking chicken legs and Slim Jim's got the diet of Jimmyimmy walker in 1976 uh but seriously yeah they wait i and i forgot about them wanting to abolish ice already you know in homeland security and now the police and you fuckers still vote democrat and you're like those are the far left friend no no no no that's party, Ilhan Omar. She's all for that shit. AOC. That's who you're voting for. I really think that's going to help Trump because they keep taking polls and it's like 80%, 78% of the people to 20 are in favor of getting rid of the police,
Starting point is 00:43:42 defunding the police. It's unbelievable, but the Dems just don't give a shit, you know. But, you know, Joe Biden, he doesn't believe in that because he has to say that because, you know. Meanwhile, he's sucking Black Lives Matter's fucking ass. Hey, I want to thank people who make the show possible. You guys who contribute daily at Since yesterday, here are the people that have donated money. Edwin Huntsman, California. Alexander Morris, Belgium.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Seymour Dix, Washington. Nick's show matters. Very good, Florida. Try not to spend it on e-cigs and hair grease, Ohio. Always the Midwest picking on the Italians. You wish you were Italian. Fucking Italian. Italian.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Italian. That's a bird's foot. Edward Huntsman again, California. What? Alexander Morris, Belgium. John Campo, Massachusetts. Kevin Hunts, Arizona. Thomas Briggs, Georgia. Sarah Wess Morris, Belgium. John Campo, Massachusetts. Kevin Hunt's, Arizona. Thomas Briggs, Georgia. Sarah Wessner, Florida. James Grassini, Florida. Rose Miller, Michigan. James
Starting point is 00:44:53 K. Camano, Jr., Nevada. Sweaty Firefighter Balls, Texas. Ernie Foreman, Illinois. Darren Paul DeGrosa, New York City. that was a big contribution i mean a big one thank you so much mr degrosa uh jack me off california jack me off dewey oxberger pennsylvania tim raleigh iowa earl huffman florida david uh cottingham indiana chris boom mike's hansen David Cottengham, Indiana. Chris Boom Mikes Hanson, Wisconsin. That's one of my joke references. Peter DiPaolo, spelled just like mine. D-I capital P-A-O-L-O. I don't think I'm related.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Thank you, Peter, so much. Maybe we are. I don't know. Florida. And we have two Patreon people signed up yesterday. Justin Cole and Zach Lindstrom. Thank you guys very, very much. don't know florida and we have two patreon uh people signed up yesterday justin cole and zach lindstrom thank you guys very very much uh obviously we need this now uh and we need this show now more than ever because i've never seen more bullshit because this whole thing that we're
Starting point is 00:45:59 going through the rioting is about race none none. None of the networks, including Fox, who they usually try their hardest, but even they have to tiptoe around race. That's why it's never going to get solved. It won't be solved by pundits and politicians. So that's why you guys come here. Here's a guy you probably won't see on TV, but we got some audio from.
Starting point is 00:46:31 He has an interesting take. Discussing nationwide protests over the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. A white, I love how they put a white. They never put a black sheriff. A white Tulsa police department major said Monday systemic racism in systemic racism in policing just doesn't exist. I agree with that a thousand percent. You are correct, sir. It exists, but it's not systemic. We have the numbers to prove it. We showed Michael Mara, president of the PBA of New York Police Association yesterday. President of the PBA of the New York Police Association yesterday, 375 million interactions last year. OK, so it's hardly a pandemic and all of them, his interpretation of crime data, police should actually be shooting black Americans more frequently. That is not how to put it.
Starting point is 00:47:37 I know what he's saying as far as numbers go. They're actually underrepresented as far as getting shot. I know what he's trying to say, but that is not how you put it actually be shooting black americans he's saying because they you know they cause a disproportionate amount of crime the cops interact with them more go ahead he's basing it on a certain group is committing more crimes more violent crimes then that number is going to be higher well who in the world in their right mind would think that our shootings should be right along the U.S. Census line? All of their research says
Starting point is 00:48:10 we're shooting African Americans about 24% less than we probably ought to be based on the crimes being committed. You've got to find other words, sir. You've got to bring up the numbers and shit. But what he's saying is not incorrect.
Starting point is 00:48:28 I like what he said when he said, who in the world in their right mind would think that our shootings should be right along the U.S. census lines? In other words, well, there's 14% of black people in the country, so only 14%, you know? 68% are white people, so at least 68 aren't people who are shot by the cops should be white and and you know who thinks like that uh obama and and
Starting point is 00:48:52 eric holder when they used to go to minneapolis schools and go more black people that more black kids are being suspended they just look at the numbers they wouldn't ask why or whatever it's called disparate impact look it up but uh you know there's better ways of putting it uh all of the research says we're shooting african-americans about 24 percent less than we probably ought to be again it's just horribly put the officer was arrested what let me see yates expressed displeasure with a largely peaceful protest that have been taking place in big cities and small towns all over the country since Floyd's killing on May 25th. The officer was arrested the next day.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Oh, he's talking about the officer who killed Floyd. They were prosecuted. They were fired. What are you doing? What do you mean, justice? Justice at this point has been done, Yates said. Well, then it turned into systemic racism and systemic police brutality. That is what they're trying to say, that all these changes
Starting point is 00:49:51 need to come from. This is why we're protesting. This is why we're rioting, because of systemic abuse of power and racism. And he says it just doesn't exist. And it doesn't. If you go by the numbers, it does not. And how many stories have we read on this show where a black kid's out on parole after three gun violations or a rape charge and commits another crime or illegals? I don't want to hear how racist the legal system is. I think we have time for a quick Patreon question. Okay. And then we'll have to wrap it up. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Patreon question. Okay. And then we'll have to wrap it up. Here we go. Patreon question. Quindarius Gooch. Tacoma, Washington. What's that? A black Italian guy? With all the talk of borders, I hear many laborers, that would be liberals, claim a border is just a line on a map drawn by old fat fucks. No offense. Fuck you, Quindarius.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I'm fucking 58 years old. I guarantee I'm in better shape than you. Look how he spells offense. He can't even spell that right. You dumb fucking gooch. I would love to hear what your deeper take on what a border really is slash denotes. Cheers, dude.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I think here is where I say suck my nipples, cock her ass, but I'm not into that from dudes. You know what? I'm not even talking to him. Go fuck yourself. There's a lot of fucking
Starting point is 00:51:12 passive aggressive anger there. I'll tell you. Want me to explain borders to you, shithead? You know, at the supermarket and you put your shit down on the conveyor belt
Starting point is 00:51:21 and you put that thing down so your shit doesn't mix up with their shit. That's what a border's for. If you don't know the purpose of a border after seeing what we went through as far as illegal immigration last couple years, you shouldn't be watching the show. But I do thank you for writing in, Gooch.
Starting point is 00:51:38 No offense. Here's where I say, suck my nipples, cock her ass. I'm thinking you're a liberal fag is what you are. All right, that's the show, ladies and gentlemen. And again, even thank him. He's a Patreon member, so maybe I'm wrong there. He's actually paying.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Thank you again for watching this week. And don't forget to go to And when you're watching on YouTube, click that button and subscribe and make sure you stay subscribed. That's all I got. You guys think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here on Monday. guitar solo Outro Music

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