The Nick DiPaolo Show - REPEAT: Special Guest Donald Trump Jr! | Nick Di Paolo Show #255

Episode Date: September 9, 2021

Nick Meets with Donald Trump Jr for the First Time!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi boys and girls, Nick DiPaolo here. Free speech lives right here on the Nick DiPaolo Show. I'm grateful to be able to do this show my way, and I'm only able to do it my way because of your generous contributions. Please go to or click the link on and contribute today to keep this show and our speech free. Thank you so much. Thanks everyone for being with me during this downtime.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Today's the last of the replay episodes. It was really a really fun one. On today's episode, I was joined by Donald Trump Jr. for the first time. Always love talking to this guy. Enjoy and see you with new shows on Monday. I think you got it good. You gotta get it. Hi, it's me again, folks. How are you? Facebook people, I apologize. A YouTube feed dropped.
Starting point is 00:01:59 We have no idea why. So you guys, Facebook people saw the first few minutes, but we're starting it over on YouTube. So we apologize. Hey, it's the Internet. You know, if this was fucking TV and it's the reason people still watch TV by the trillions, that wouldn't happen. But we're coming to you live on both right now, hopefully. We'll do it live.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Okay. We'll do it live. Fuck it. Do it live. I'll write it and we'll do it live. Fuck it. Do it live. I'll write it and we'll do it live. Fucking thing sucks. That's me.
Starting point is 00:02:34 That was me. That wasn't Bill O'Reilly. Anyways, big show today. Donald Trump Jr. is going to be calling into the show in about 10 to 15 minutes. He's got a new book called Triggered Out. We will talk about that and a few other things. Something I brought up before we lost the feed on YouTube. We're talking about Donald Trump Jr. tweeting yesterday and exposing the whistleblower. And again, Facebook, again, bear with me because you heard some of this trump's
Starting point is 00:03:06 son published on wednesday the name of the alleged anonymous whistleblower whose complaint fired the impeachment inquiry against trump uh breaking strict conventions for protecting officials who reveal wrongdoing in government yeah protect fucking rats is what it protects amid calls by the president himself to expose the whistleblower donald trump jr tweeted the name of a cia analyst which has circulated online for weeks and linked to a breitbart news article implying the person was pro-democrat and anti-trump and that's an understatement the guy worked with brennan the crooked head of the c of the uh the cia the fbi uh he went to Yale. He's an Obama appointee, has connections with Biden. So the guy's a partisan left-wing hack. And the argument is, the Republicans say he's not a whistleblower
Starting point is 00:03:52 because he heard the shit secondhand. And so he's not a whistleblower. He's a leaker. That's the big argument. And of course, both sides see it differently. There is no whistleblower. There is someone with an agenda against Donald Trump, the president tweeted on Monday. Let's show Donald Jr.'s tweet. Alleged whistleblower Erica Cheramella worked closely with the anti-Trump dossier hoaxer. Anyway, so that's what Donald Trump Jr. put up. And people on the left are going crazy. You know, standing beside Trump at a political
Starting point is 00:04:26 rally in Kentucky Monday, Republican Senator Rand Paul threatened to expose the person. Here's Rand Paul at the Trump rally two nights ago. Whistleblower needs to come before Congress as a material witness because he worked for Joe Biden at the same time Hunter Biden was getting money from corrupt oligarchs. I say tonight to the media, do your job and print his name. You are correct, sir. Andrew Baha, the whistleblower's lawyer, who would not confirm or deny the reported name, but said Trump jr and others were endangering the person as well as a system built to protect the whistleblowers that's what the fucking lawyer by the way i looked up the whistleblower protection thing and uh it gives some protection it's not
Starting point is 00:05:16 like around the clock they're in danger it's not like they you know they protect the president it's a little less stringent than that identifying any name for the whistle blow will simply place that individual individual in their family at risk oh boy you that'd be true if the whistleblower was a republican uh democrats have accused trump of abuse of power and illegally leveraging u.s military aid for political favors from a foreign country a quid pro quo that Trump denies. A subsequently released call record shows Trump asked Zelensky for a favor. I need a favor from you. Look, it makes no difference how a man makes his living, as long as it doesn't conflict with mine. But this cocksucker Biden, you got to look into it. He specified that Ukraine should open investigations into Trump's Democratic rival, Joe Biden.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Again, don't forget, the backdrop of all this is the transcript of the call has already been released. Okay? And there really is no quid pro quo there, but keep pretending there is. So he wanted to look into his rival, Joe Biden, and says, as well, into allegations widely discredited. This is from Yahoo News, by the way. Widely discredited. You're not supposed to put that in there. That's your fucking opinion, Yahoo News.
Starting point is 00:06:32 That's why I chose it, to show you what lying cocksuckers they are. You know what's scary? Yahoo News pops up on my phone, and I don't know how to get it off. But there's no agenda there, is there? get it off. But there's no agenda there, is there? Widely discredited that Ukraine helped the Democrats in the 2016 election. So this is quid pro quo. In other words, Trump said to Zelensky, look, we're not giving you military aid unless you investigate my political route. That's the charge. But here's Joe Biden, whatever, bragging about how he's strong to get a prosecutor fired in the Ukraine. Watch this.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against a state prosecutor, and they didn't. So they said they had they were walking out to press conference and I said, I'm not going to, we're not going to give you the billion dollars. Look how cocky he is. They said, you have no authority. You're not the president. The president said, I said, call him. Call my dad. I said, I'm telling you, you're not getting the billion dollars.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Look how cocky he is. I said, you're not getting the billion. I'm going to be leaving here. And I think it was, what, six hours. I look at him, I said, I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. Got fired. Oh, son of a bitch. Got fired.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Oh, wow. Boy, here's the difference. We have a phone call with Trump. Some guy secondhand heard, says it was, you know, he was strong on the president of Ukraine. But that was just a phone call. They released the transcript. Nobody sees anything illegal there, if you're trying to be objective. And then we got Joe Biden on fucking video. Might as well have been OJ chopping his wife's head off. We got him on video bragging
Starting point is 00:08:17 how he fucking, but that wasn't quid pro quo. Are you guys dog styling me? You have to be kidding me. Are you guys dog styling me? You have to be kidding me. So here we are again. But Donald Trump Jr. injected himself in a couple days ago by saying it was Eric Caramella. Anyways, what's that, Raz? Who's on the phone right now? Oh, speak of the fella.
Starting point is 00:08:43 It's Donald Trump Jr. on the phone right now. Here you go. And it's Donald Trump Jr. on the phone right now. Here you go. Joining me right now, the vice president of the Trump Organization and author of a great new book called Triggered, How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us. It's Donald Trump Jr. Donald, welcome to the show and thanks for doing this. Good to be with you. How you doing, Nick? I'm doing great. I read the book yesterday. It's excellent.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Before I get to the book, well, let's start with a title, Triggered. What does the left do that triggers you the most? Because they throw a lot of garbage at you. Well, it's not so much me being triggered. It's more about anything that a conservative does triggering them. It's more about anything that Donald Trump does, whether it's a win, triggers them. Even killing al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, that triggered them, so much so that the Washington Post wrote an article calling him an austere religious scholar, rather than a rapist murdering thug who's doused people in gasoline and lit them on fire in cages. So, you know, I think the left is pretty triggered by common sense, by math, by facts. And, you know, that's a scary place to fire in cages. So, you know, I think the left is pretty triggered by common sense, by math, by facts. And, you know, that's a scary place to be in politically.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Yeah, and your dad brings all that. You know, in the last 25, 30 years in Washington, both sides actually agreed on one thing, that Washington was broken, that it wasn't working. And then your father comes along, an outsider, and flips over the apple cart, and it turns out only one side really believed that it needed to be fixed. The Dems just hate your dad for a million, and some of the, like you said, establishment Republicans. How did we get to this point?
Starting point is 00:10:19 And why wouldn't he be? He is a real threat to their jobs, isn't he? Oh, he is. Listen, he's a threat to the little cabals that they've built on both sides. I think that's universal in D.C. He's a threat to the swamp. He's taking it on. He'll negotiate those contracts. He saw what he did with Air Force One. He goes, hey, take a billion off. Why didn't you do it for less before? Well, no one ever thought to ask. No one bothered to ask.
Starting point is 00:10:43 I mean, he's running the country like a business. You see the results. You see the successes. You see all-time low unemployment numbers. How's your 401k doing? All-time high startup businesses. You know, running the country like a business because that's what you've been doing for decades? Hey, guys, it actually works.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Rather than these politicians who have brilliant ideas like giving $150 billion in cash to Iran. You know, that's the prior administration's, you know, brilliance. So you're taking something and just totally shocking the system, and they can't handle it. It's terrible. But you know who's benefiting is Americans, and that's huge. It is huge. And let me point, I've been saying this right after your dad got elected. I went, oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And my friend's like, what do you mean, oh boy? I said, do you understand the pushback he's going to get? And not too many people say this, although you addressed it in your book. And they said, well, why do you feel they're going to attack him? I said, he's a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Christian, alpha male billionaire. Your dad personifies to the far left the devil, does he not? Oh, 100 percent. You know, it's not just him. You saw that throughout, right? I mean, they'll try to take out a Republican. That's nothing new. I mean, he's never,
Starting point is 00:11:54 no other Republican has ever had this kind of incoming, this kind of onslaught against them. But hey, they try to do it to a 15-year-old kid. Look at Nick Sandman, the Covington Catholic kid, you know, who had the gall to be, you know, white, Christian, wearing a MAGA hat and from the South, like, that's like the Holy Grail. We got to destroy this kid. We'll ruin his life at 15 for doing nothing because the story was so good, just like they tried to do to Kavanaugh, how they more than happily, you know, destroy his life or ruin him.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Only thing I knew about him before that was I saw pictures of him, you know, serving soup in a soup kitchen every weekend. But we'll destroy him. We'll destroy his family, his career, everything like that with these false accusations. They were so important that Senator Feinstein sat on them for three months before doing anything about it. So important. He was obviously a gang rapist, right? So they were so important that the second he got confirmed, all that got dropped.
Starting point is 00:12:40 And now all those women are, well, it was a lie. We just tried to stop it. And there's no credibility. There's no accountability. Nothing happens to these people. They can do whatever they want to Trump, to Trump supporters, to conservatives. If you did the same thing to a liberal, you'd never hear about it. It would dominate the news cycle for years.
Starting point is 00:12:57 And that's the bias that we're living in. And I got the experience that is the number two target of the Mueller investigation. So that's what the book covers in much greater detail than i can do on my social media feeds and i think you know people will get a good insight into my family into my father into the thinking into the process and the campaign uh and all of the hatred that stemmed from it once we were uh once my father was in office and you know we were under attack how how the fuck is cnn still on the air i mean we've, you and I, we've been known for years how crooked they are. But Project Veritas went undercover. How are they still on the air the next day?
Starting point is 00:13:32 And is your dad going to go after them with a suit? I heard that. I don't know what he's doing with this stuff, but I think the reality is they've overplayed their hands so many times. with this stuff, but I mean, I think the reality is they've overplayed their hands so many times, man. I spend an entire chapter, if not more, in the book, you know, really talking about the media bias, the way that they are able to just filter and say whatever they want without accountability, without this, because, you know, the left will back them, Hollywood will back them, pop culture will back them. I think just real Americans have to be able to see through that nonsense and be able to push back. And if they do that and they start actually looking at the facts,
Starting point is 00:14:04 not just what you reported in the news, meaning like, you know, is that true or did you just see it on CNN? Because they're two very, very different things. I think once you look at that, the American voter will look at that and reelect Trump resoundingly. I get nervous. I want to believe that, too. OK, in a perfect world, I think that will be the case. But I'm very nervous nervous what you're watching take place right now with the left has been a plan in place for 50 60 years uh they in they infested the uh academia hollywood they got their fingers into the roots of uh all these great institutions and they this plan has been going on forever and i think what you're watching right now
Starting point is 00:14:43 is their plan come to fruition. And along come the millennials. Every poll I look at, they don't have a problem. 40 or 50 percent don't have a problem with socialism or punishing people for saying mean things. So their plan is coming to fruition right now. And there's enough dumb people, and not just millennials, but that are buying this stuff and and what makes me really nervous don is does this make you nervous google google controls every bit of information that people get online and everywhere as far and that's how they vote so that's what makes me are you nervous about uh google uh having an effect on the 2020 election a negative effect 100 i mean i spend a lot of time on social
Starting point is 00:15:25 media and, you know, the social media masters in the book, you know, obviously those biased, you know, search engines and all this. I mean, they're able to influence incredible amounts of votes. You notice that you've never heard a left wing, you know, person talk about being censored, being demonetized, deplatformed, being locked out of their account for talking their views as crazy as some of them may be. That only happens to people on the right. I've been calling it out for three years. So, like I said, I had literally enough material just of my own stuff and examples to show exactly what they're trying to do. And if they can do that to me, if they can do that to the president of the United States, what can't they do to the little guy?
Starting point is 00:15:57 What can't they do to someone who's just out there trying to get their word out? And how do they know that they're seeing what they want to see? I mean, I get people complaining to me, hey, man, I'm following all of these left-wing accounts that I was never following before. Magically, they're now showing up in my feed. Not sponsored accounts, but I'm actually following them, and I never chose to follow them.
Starting point is 00:16:17 I mean, you can see that this is a dry run for 2020 to try to influence the election, to try to manipulate people's thinking. And they can do it very effectively. They've got more power than anyone. And it's truly scary. It is. And just recently, you were complaining about being shadow banned, which has been going on a long time for you.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Twitter, though, it's kind of a weird thing. Your dad, can you picture your dad's presidency without Twitter? I mean, after you get elected, people are saying he's tweeting too much a few months after and he's got to get off that. That drove me nuts. I'm like, what better tool to talk to the American people directly than Twitter? Can you imagine your dad without Twitter? Where would he be? Well, listen, I think you can't have a filtered media today that has decided to be the marketing wing of the democrat party and expect objectivity so he's played monkey in the
Starting point is 00:17:11 middle with the press he brings the message right to the people and that's precisely they why they want to prevent him from having it look at the last debate the democrats literally spent more time talking about trying to make sure trump didn't have twitter uh than they did talking about china for example they didn't even talk about China. But for them, that's a bigger threat because it's not about what's good for America. It's about what's good for them getting elected. And that's the difference. They don't care about that.
Starting point is 00:17:33 They care about power. They don't care about doing anything good for Americans or they would have voted on the USMCA already. They've made that very clear, but they can't give Trump a win. It's got to be about impeachment. The impeachment inquiry started on November 9th, 2016, the second he won and took on the establishment. And that kind of nonsense is going to continue for the next five years while he's president. They are relentless, are they not? So I saw Rand Paul saying that he was going to out this guy. Everybody knows. Well,
Starting point is 00:17:58 I think we know who the whistleblower is. The people are so evil. The latest outrage, I guess I tweeted a Breitbart article this morning that has been naming this guy. It's been out there for like a week. I thought I did it a week ago. And they're going, oh my god! Don Jr., he's doing it. I'm like, I retweeted a Breitbart article. I write op-eds for them every week.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I retweet them probably five times a day because they're the only ones actually putting out real news. And now somehow, he must have coordinated with the White House to retweet Breitbart. These people are out five times a day, because they're the only ones actually putting out real news. And, like, now somehow he must have coordinated. I coordinated with the White House to re-prepare. Like, these people are out of their minds. But, again, you know, when they get something, there's always got to be an excuse. There's always got to be an allegation.
Starting point is 00:18:34 There's always got to be something. Like, why not just have a transparent process in this whole thing? But, you know, they can't do that because transparency is the enemy for them. They don't want that. They want Adam Schiff to be able to conduct this witch hunt in the basement of Congress without no one being able to see it, and the media has no problem with that. It's exactly why I wrote the book, and I hope people enjoy it. And the whistleblower is Eric Cherimella, am I correct? Well, that's what the article says. It says, allegedly, I don't actually know who the whistleblower is. Like I said, I retweeted an article that said
Starting point is 00:19:02 it's allegedly that, but Jake Tapper, Yashar Ali, all those guys, they're blowing up Twitter. Oh, my God, the president's son did it. I don't know. I retweet Breitbart 25 times a week. You know, this is nothing all that new. It seems sort of relevant, and so I hid it. But, you know, again, that's the outrage. Now, we're worried about his protection.
Starting point is 00:19:22 They weren't so worried about my protection. When my family's getting envelopes of, you know, exploding white powder. You know, that lasted about two seconds. The outrage was about two seconds. Most of them didn't even cover it. They didn't seem to give a crap about my family when this stuff goes on. But now they'll try to create this, you know, this fake outrage about this nonsense. It's truly sickening.
Starting point is 00:19:42 And the double standard is disgusting. Let's talk about your family for a minute, your dad and you, your energy levels. When your dad was running for president, I've watched the debates. And he used to call Jeb Bush low energy Jeb. I thought he was talking to me. I make Jeb Bush look like a crystal meth head. Where do you guys get your nonstop energy? All great people who accomplish big things have this energy. I don't have that kind of drive. You talk about in the book you're up for 22 hours at a time drinking monster energy drinks. And then you go on national TV with two hours sleep.
Starting point is 00:20:15 And where does your dad get it? Your dad's 112 years old. Where does he get the energy? He's just always had it, man. That's the way he's always been. He doesn't sleep much, up at 5, always going, always working. That's just always had it man that's the way he's always been he you know doesn't sleep much up at five always going always working you know that's just what it is you know it's it's in the genes i guess um and so you know it's all we ever know i mean maybe i inherited some of that as well
Starting point is 00:20:35 he he let me ask you about your grandpa your dad embraces controversy he runs towards the fire which i think is the best asset for a president ever. I've never seen a guy. Yeah, 100 percent. Is there anybody? Oh, by the way, I want to preface this whole interview is I'm a big Trump fan. I'm a comedian doing a streaming live show. So I'm not going to be unbiased here.
Starting point is 00:20:57 OK, I think your dad's the best thing to happen. This country since the Lombardos brought pizza to the United States. So for you people going on, this is softball. I just happen to believe in what he's doing so much. But, yeah, his energy and his embracing controversy, was he always like that? Did he get that from his dad? Yeah, he likes the fight. He's a fighter. He's a counterpuncher. You know, we talk about that.
Starting point is 00:21:25 I go through examples in our family's history of that, you know, in the book and really try to cover that in great detail. Again,
Starting point is 00:21:31 there's only so much you can do in a couple minute interview. There's only so much you can do in tweet form, but to really have 300 pages to get into at length, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:37 talk about that, to talk about him and, you know, that evolution and, you know, even me, talk about that evolution. It took me a lot longer
Starting point is 00:21:43 to realize I was probably a lot more like him than I would have ever thought. And it took us being backed into a corner, attacked ruthlessly by these animals for the last few years to really drive that point home. It makes me want to get out there. It makes me want to fight that much harder for, you know, for the future of America that I want my kids to grow up in and that I want my kids to be able to recognize when they're older. And if you let that other side with the crazy stuff that they're pushing these days take over, that ain't going to happen. So we got to fight.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I love there was a part in the book where you mentioned when you realized for the first time that, hey, we could win this thing. You said you I think it was you giving a speech in Colorado and you get a call from the guy who runs the venue. Tell the people about that. Well, yeah, I got, you know, this venue and it was, you know, well, Hillary Clinton was here yesterday and she had 250 people. I'm like, huh, how are we doing?
Starting point is 00:22:31 I go, we've had to upsell the venue. You're at 3,500 people. I go, Jesus, do they know it's Donald Trump Jr.? Because I don't want to get sued for, like, faulty advertising. They're like, no, no, no, here's the sign. It's Jr. I was like, you know, if that many people are coming to see me and the day before, you know, the actual candidate on the other side
Starting point is 00:22:47 is drawing 250 people, I'm like saying, you know, there's something here. This message is resonating. It's working, and you continue to see that to this day in the rallies. And, you know, the mainstream media will, oh, did you see those disgusting people at the rally? They waited there in their flip-flops. That must be their formal wear. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:23:03 You know, the level of hatred that that liberal elite in the mainstream media you have for the hard-working men and women who just want to live their american dream is pretty sick uh you know and again it the book has been an interesting thing for me to be able to just take that out in long form to rail against this stuff and to push back yeah well my friends always say well he's on press even my mother who's a you know a trump but i don't look he's too unpresidential. And I said, do you realize the office he sits in is owned by us, the people? This is what we love about him. I said, who do you think the American people, the average Joe out there relates to more,
Starting point is 00:23:36 the working stiff, a Barack Obama or a Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? I go, they give that office too much weight. That is our office. We're the taxpayers. That's our place. And that's how he treats it. He never forgets that. And that plain spokenness is what I love. But what's your response when they go, oh, he's not presidential?
Starting point is 00:23:57 What does that even mean? He's getting shit done, Don. Well, you know, listen, this isn't, you know't the Obama administration where anything he could do. Oh, it's a wonderful, wonderful plan, Mr. Obama. You know, the mainstream media, they got eight years off. They didn't have to do anything. They just had to do a great job no matter what. You know, when you're under attack, when you have the mainstream media convicting you,
Starting point is 00:24:17 you have half of Congress saying you committed treason, trying to throw your kids in jail, doing all this stuff. You know, you've got to fight back. You can't just roll over and die. The conservatives have been really good at rolling over and dying for 50 years. Now you got a guy that's willing to counterpunch. And, you know, they're not going to give you a break. They're not going to go easy on you if you're nice to them. But when they're vicious to you, you got to hit back on. I wish there were more of us on our side that would do that. They're starting to appear. But it hasn't been the way Republicans have historically done it. And so
Starting point is 00:24:42 in these times and under these circumstances, you need someone who's willing to fight back, and he is a fighter. Well, that's what George W. Bush didn't do. I used to swear at the TV, because he was getting bad-mouthed every day. They would turn the other cheek, and I would go, what are you doing? You have to push back. I have
Starting point is 00:25:00 a lot of your dad in me. My parents always said growing up that my problem was I never let anything go. I'd be at the mall. Even now, I could be at the mall, and an eight-year-old girl could be staring at me. My parents always said growing up that my problem was I never let anything go. I'd be at the mall. Even now, I could be at the mall and an eight-year-old girl could be staring at me. I'd go, what the fuck are you looking at? I'm sort of like your dad. I guess it's a teachable moment.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Yeah, well, listen. I don't know if I've gone that far yet, but man, they're making me. They're making me. I think they drove me to write a book, so maybe it's getting to me after all. Please tell me that your dad, in this up 2020 race coming up, please tell me part of it's going to be not just him mentioning everything he's done so far. Please tell me there's going to, you probably can't give away secrets, but there's going to be a slow drip of what happened with the Russia hoax and Hillary. First of all, I don't even think any of the people running on the Democrat side right now, I don't think they're going to be the nominee. Here's my prediction.
Starting point is 00:25:49 It's either going to be Hillary jumping in with their fat ankles or Mayor Bloomberg. Your thoughts? Yeah, I don't know. I mean, you know, they did this thing with Hillary. You know, there were six donors that really want to recruit. I Like, six donors. That's going to be interesting. And I don't think Bloomberg wants it. I don't think he wants to go up against Trump one-on-one. I'm not saying he's not a smart guy. He's very accomplished. He doesn't want to go one-on-one against Trump and have the inevitable Jeb Bush low-energy moment.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I think he's got too much of an ego for that. So I don't see that ever happening. But you never know. But in the meantime, I'm very happy with the field that we're competing against, watching the lunacy that is there. Joe Biden's the leader. Most days he doesn't remember what state he's in, but minor details. I think he'll do great one-on-one against Trump.
Starting point is 00:26:34 This should be fun. Who do you want to see be the nominee from the Democrat? Who would you like to see? Honestly, right now it makes no difference to me. I don't know that I see. There's no one that I would rather run against. It's like, you know, they all have their weaknesses that we will definitely be able to point out to the American people. And the media will try to cover up, as I have for the last few months.
Starting point is 00:26:53 And I think Joe Biden's got the most amount of those weaknesses already exposed. But again, he's had the most exposure, you know, around. So the others will make theirs very apparent very soon as well. I know Buttigieg is moving up. Can you explain to me, Don, how does a guy, he's a war vet. He saw action. He was actually, how can he be a veteran of war, see action, and have the political views he does? Please explain that to me. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Honestly, I don't know anything about him. I know he's an absentee mayor. Most of his constituents have no idea where he is or what he's done. So, you know, I don't really know enough about him. I guess that'll take time, too. But you're confident he'll crush any of those people, even with Google or Google interfering? Just look at the results. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:35 No, he's I just want to real quickly get back to Twitter. I lost it. You know, you talk about bias and how they come after you and your father and what they do to guys like me. I lost a six figure radio job for a tweet. And you mentioned it in the book. You mentioned the woman from, was it Fresno State or the professor who, after Barbara Bush died, said, I'm glad she's dead. And she raised a bunch of war criminals. What was her name?
Starting point is 00:28:02 Gerard? Yeah, well, again, if you're on the left, you can say whatever you want. There's no consequence. It's brushed off as a minor detail. If you're on the right, you get thrown off Twitter, you get deplatformed, you get canceled, you lose your job. You've seen it all. We've seen it all. It's, you know, again, I go into great length in it, you know, in the book. And, you know, I really hope that your readers can your listeners can go check it out and maybe get a good insight into 2020, get a good insight in terms of, you know, what we've gone through, you 2020, get a good insight into what we've gone through, having a front row seat in terms of American history and get a better insight into my
Starting point is 00:28:30 father, our family and what we plan on keeping doing. But I really appreciate the time and look forward to talking to you guys again soon, because I know we will be back on the air over the next sprint that will be the next year coming into the election. Donald, I can't thank you enough. And again, I'm a huge fan of what your dad does and what you do in defending him. And we can't thank you enough for joining the show. And good luck with the book. And hopefully we'll talk soon.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Thank you very much, man. I hope all your readers go out and buy Triggered. It'll be some fun. It's a great book. Thank you, Donald. Be well. It's a great read, even if you don't like him, because, you know, people don't give him credit. Oh, he's born into money and he's a spoiled brat.
Starting point is 00:29:10 He acknowledges some of that, but he also acknowledges how his old man was kind of tough on him. And, you know, he had to do the dirty jobs. And then when he got out of college, he was hitting the booze real hard and had to wake up to that. And, you know, it's an interesting read. But I know damn well the people who can't stand Trump are not going to buy the fucking book.
Starting point is 00:29:33 But I'm saying it was an interesting read. And he acknowledges how he grew up and stuff. And I suggest get it. Triggered. How the left thrives on hate to silence us, Rich.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I say that because I... Richard, what's the matter? You all right? Go ahead. What's on your mind, honey? You having your period? I just think this is a nice moment for you. You got to interview the president's son.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Well, thank you, Captain Obvious. No, that was very... Once again, adding to the conversation. And again, thank you guys for being patient with me. The Facebook feed went up, and about 10 minutes in, we lost YouTube. And again, I'm the paranoid guinea, and I'm wondering why that happened already. You know, you get the president's son on your show, and Google doesn't like that. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:30:25 I'm admitting to paranoia. It's in my guinea genes. Okay. That's all I'm saying. Anyways, this episode of the Nick DiPaolo Show brought to you by Look, we're way into football season now, and there's no better time to bet. You like winning money? Who doesn't?
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Starting point is 00:31:24 That's pretty good. Who's better than you? Visit my bookie online today. That's M-Y-B-O-O-K-I-E dot A-G. And don't forget to use the promo code Nick D when creating your account to claim the bonus. And the reason people love this site and millions of them do is you do three things. You bet, you win, and you get paid quick. And so we thank them for sponsoring this episode of the show. Dates real quick. This weekend, Friday and Saturday, November 8th and 9th, I'll be at the Kansas City Comedy Club, Kansas City, Missouri. And then next weekend, Friday, November 15th,
Starting point is 00:32:01 the Cortland Repertory Theater, Cortland, New York. Saturday, November 16th, the Comedy Works, Saratoga Springs, New York. Friday, November 22nd, the Historic Ritz Theater, Brunswick, Georgia. The next night, Saturday, November 23rd, the Tiff Theater in Tifton, Georgia. And then New Year's Eve, back at one of my favorite haunts, the Tarrytown Music Hall, Tarrytown, New York. And then in 2020, my first date right is friday january 24th at the ridgefield playhouse ridgefield connecticut saturday february 15th the kelsey theater in lake park florida friday april 3rd the morgan hill event center in herman maine so go to
Starting point is 00:32:38 for all your ticket information we have a super chat richard. Yes, sir, we do. Jaja said Trump Jr. 2024. Yeah, you know, I wanted to bring that up. I didn't get to it. But then I thought to myself, well, let's get Trump Sr. through 2020, seeing they're trying to impeach him and, you know, fucking the Google and all the tech giants are against him and all the mainstream media. I don't take any of this for granted. People walk around, he's going to crush you. He's going to bullshit. There's enough dumb people in this country that buy.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Obviously, they've been doing it for 40 years. The TV has done a number on their psyche. The people who have their own minds and haven't bought into it use the vault like I do. Wake the fuck up. Quit watching Chuck Todd and Rachel Maddow and fucking Don Lemon. And Jesus Christ, how much more can we prove
Starting point is 00:33:31 that they're liars? Project Veritas goes undercover talking to employees at CNN saying how biased it is. But we'll watch it again. Hey, you can watch it in the airports. We got Joshua Roberts who said, Keep America Great 2020.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Ivanka 2028. Nick DiPaolo is the only relevant man in comedy today. Yeah. I'll take that. Well, that's not true. Chappelle and there's a Colin Quinn. But I'll take that, you know, as one of them. I like when you hit your button. Did you hear the fucking cops going by?
Starting point is 00:34:04 The timing in life. Don't hit it again, Rich. I'm just saying. Timing in life is just unbelievable. They're probably coming here because I had Trump Jr. on the show pretending to be cops. They're Antifa douchebags. I have no idea. Any other superchats? We had a few donations. A few donations. You want to mention their names or no? Kevin Harris. Well, that's a few, I guess. Huh?
Starting point is 00:34:30 Oh, he donated twice? Yeah. During the same show? Yeah. He's got some kind of money. Anyways, let's get on to the rest of the show. Kansas City votes to remove Martin Luther King's name from historic street. Did I read that right? Just the headline, you know.
Starting point is 00:34:55 You really think the other side is going to go, that's all right. We have enough streets to name after MLK Jr. I always said, they said New York City cab driver was the most dangerous job in the world. And I said, bullshit. Running a bodega or a convenience store on MLK Junior Boulevard in any city. Yeah, put me in a store at 3 in the morning surrounded by cool cigarettes, fucking malt liquor, and a register full of cash. What could happen?
Starting point is 00:35:19 Hey, that's some racist shit. Chris Rock liked it. Anyways, Kansas City voters on tuesday overwhelmingly approved removing dr martin luther king's name from one of the city's most historic boulevards less than a year after the city council decided to rename uh the paseo for the civil am i pronouncing that right paseo wasn't that a car uh for the civil rights icon listen Listen, unofficial results vote showed the proposal to remove King's name received 70% of the vote,
Starting point is 00:35:51 with just 30% voting to retain King's name. I read this and I'm like, because we live in this politically correct cesspool for the last 40 years. I'm like, is this a misprint? There's no way anybody would have the balls to take his name off the street, although I got to admit, it's kind of refreshing, and that's nothing against,
Starting point is 00:36:09 he was a great man and stuff, but he had his flaws that have come out recently, if you want to believe certain FBI reports, and God forbid you push back against any of that. The debate over the name of the 10-mile boulevard on the city's mostly black east side began shortly after the council's decision in January to rename the Paseo for King. Civil rights leaders who pushed for the change celebrated when the street signs went up, believing they had finally won a decades-long battle to honor King, which appeared to end Kansas City's reputation. I'm going to have to talk about this on stage, aren't I? God damn it.
Starting point is 00:36:48 As one of the largest U.S. cities in the country without a street name for him. God forbid. But a group of residents intent on keeping the Paseo name began collecting petitions to put the name change on the ballot and achieve that goal by April. The campaign has been divisive with supporters of King's name accusing opponents of being what, folks? Fat, anorexic, or racist?
Starting point is 00:37:09 Ay-yi-yi. But I want you to notice in the picture. See, do you see? And Raz, pull this up. I didn't see this during the... I was assuming it was all white people, but see, do you see some of the black people on there? They're in a church protesting,
Starting point is 00:37:24 therefore taking his name off the street and leaving it the way it was because their families grew up in this thing, and they have tradition too. So you've got a nice – that's when diversity matters, not in a fucking tampon commercial or Budweiser. This is when diversity matters. And I'm not saying taking his name off, but there's more to it. There's some tradition in this town. That's all.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Anyway, so the King supporters call the people racist, even though there's black people. While supporters of the Paseo name say city leaders pushed the name change through without following proper procedures and ignored the Paseo's historic value. following proper procedures, and ignored the Paseo's historic value. Emotions reached a peak on Sunday when members of the Save the Paseo group staged a silent protest at a get-out-the-vote rally at a black church for people wanting to keep the king name. They walked into the church and stood along two aisles. How dare they? But you can see there was a mix there, so it was allowed.
Starting point is 00:38:21 You can imagine it was just white people trying that shit. Hey, I'm going to get fucked up right in the parking lot. The protesters stood silently and did not react to several speakers that accused them of being disrespectful in a church, but they also refused, look how they even word that,
Starting point is 00:38:37 that they didn't react to several speakers that accused them of being disrespectful in a church, but they also refused requests from preachers to sit down. So, you know. These blacks. Who knows where they're going to take the wrong way.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Many, the Save the Perseid group collected 2,857 signatures in April, far more than the 1,700 needed to have the name change put to a public vote. Many supporters of the MLK name suggested the opponents are racist, saying Save the Paseo is a mostly white group. Mostly white. A mostly white group. That makes you racist because you're mostly. Imagine we said, fucking the NBA.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Mostly. Fucking. That's racist. Mostly blacks. Fucking NFL. That is a racist league. It's fucking all blacks. Fucking blacks. Here's a one-time diversity, mostly white.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Oh my God, these people are out of their mind. Mostly white group and that many of its members don't live on the street, which runs, of course they don't, it's MLK Jr., which runs north to south through a largely black area of the city. They said remove, how about, here's a solution. Start naming some fucking, start putting MLK Jr.'s name on some white streets. Huh? Let's balance this shit out. Throw in Mao Zedong, too.
Starting point is 00:40:01 You know, grab other, whatever. I'm not making a comparison. Relax. Don't. Throw in Mao Zedong, too. You know, grab all the... Whatever. I'm not making a comparison. Relax. Don't... They said removing the name would send a negative image of Kansas City to the rest of the world. Because the whole world is focused on Kansas City. Let's hope so. I'll be at the Kansas City Comedy Club this weekend.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Get the numbers up on that motherfucker. Send a negative message to Kansas City and the rest of the world. And could hurt business and tourism. I hope not. I'm there. You know what I say to those people? Man, fuck you and your bone spurs. Just a little more about this, just so you see why it's not all based on racism.
Starting point is 00:40:38 I mean, the pictures speak for themselves. Supporters of the Paseo name rejected the allegations of racism, saying they have respect for King and want the city to find a way to honor him. They opposed the name change because they say the city council did not follow city charter procedures. When making the change, didn't notify most of the residents on the street about the proposal. They also said the Paseo is an historic name for the city's first boulevard, which was completed in 1899. The north end of the boulevard is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Starting point is 00:41:12 So they have some sentimental feelings towards this street. You know, it's not just pure white racism like every other story we do here. You got to look into it. I know a thing or two about a thing or two. You got to look into it. I know a thing or two about a thing or two. A city council voter in January to rename the boulevard for King responding to a years-long effort from the city's black leaders and pressure from the local chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference,
Starting point is 00:41:33 a civil rights organization King helped start. U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, I know this guy's work. I have all his old stuff. A minister and former Kansas City mayor who has pushed the city to rename a street for King for years was at Sunday's rally. He said the protesters were welcome, but he asked them to consider the damage that would be done if Kansas City removed King's name. I am standing here simply begging you to sit down. This is not appropriate in a church of Jesus Christ, he said,
Starting point is 00:42:00 to which the mostly white crowd said, shut the fuck up. Sure they did. He says, I think only if you are a black child, and I underscore only if you are a black child growing up in the inner city, lacking the kind of resources, lacking the kind of images and role models, monitoring, vocation and career, can you actually understand what the name on that sign can mean to a child in this community? I'll tell you what it means to a child. His brother's going to get shot there in about five years, and there's good weed on that street. Again, tongue-in-cheek, fucking relax,
Starting point is 00:42:35 but I'm just saying. That's what it means to most people. I have one in my town. I'm not racist. I walk up and down it at 3 a.m. Just proving it. With tight shorts on like from 1978. But they just go on and on, the politically correct. If the sign would take in the... What people will wonder in their minds and hearts is why and how something so good, uplifting and edifying, how can something like that be taken away? Oh, for Christ's sake.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? Will you shut up? Shut up? Anyways, I thought that was refreshing to see black and white people were making progress, three black people at a time. They actually, you know, have family that grew up there and that Paseo, if I'm saying it right, whatever, had some sentimental value. It's just this knee jerk reflex reaction to political correctness that if you're not on this side, you're a racist. It's fucking, it makes me sick. Let's stay on some more racist talk. Go ahead, Rich.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Go ahead, Rich. Well, I was just going to say, if Trump can't have his star on the Walk of Fame, then Martin Luther King really shouldn't have a Martin Luther King Boulevard. Oh, you're racist. Get out of my office. He did have a star, and they tore it up. Yeah, okay. Well, what do you want to do? Start tearing down MLK Jr. statues? Go ahead. Give it a shot. I have a pick in my car.
Starting point is 00:44:08 He was a great man, and the world should learn from him. But, you know, there was some shit that came out about how many, you know, women he was banging at a time. And he watched, allegedly watched. This is from the FBI files. Probably Edgar Hoover. So, yeah, believe what you want. I personally am a fan. He gives me every Monday off once a year. Oh, for the love of Christ, that was so unoriginal. He really should have known better is the headline of this. More race talk. California teacher dresses up in blackface to recite lyrics by Rapacom. Oh my God. A lot of blackface stories, huh, Rich? Been about 10 of them this year.
Starting point is 00:44:47 I'm starting to believe climate change is real. What the fuck? Can he say that? He just did. A white California teacher is on administrative leave after a video showed him in blackface rapping along to an artificial intelligence commercial featuring Microsoft spokesman and rapper Common. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:45:06 There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. You know who that is? Senate the Bird. He's since passed. Democrat, by the way. Hillary. Absolutely loved to use him as a mentor when she got to Washington.
Starting point is 00:45:24 I'm serious. You're fucking laughing. He was the head of the Klan. Not just in the Klan. He was like the head of it. The Grand Poobah. The captain. The colonel.
Starting point is 00:45:32 The what? The Klan master. That's something you buy for your kitchen to make eggs. The Klan master. Milliputis High School student Carrington Kenny tweeted Halloween video of the teacher identified by San Jose Insider as David Carter.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Dumb cracker. It has since been shared close to 2,000 times. That's not that much. The video showed Carter in a white turtleneck, a black jacket. White turtleneck and a black jacket. White turtleneck and a black jacket.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Already an asshole. And bald head with black paint on his. Can you imagine after all? Can I give you my angle on this? This guy knew this would get him attention. You know what I mean? After the eighth black story that goes viral, blackface story, there's a lot of copycat. That's how racist this country is.
Starting point is 00:46:24 We want to be black colin colin quinn said that on tough crowd he goes yeah we're so racist we hate you so much we try to act like you dance like you walk like you it's a great point but we've come a long way since then we've digressed here's the video of this stupid white professor with his black face on making a real of himself opportunities limitities limitless. Possibilities senseless. What will you do? Millions of people not enough to eat. What will we do?
Starting point is 00:46:52 With AI, Microsoft technology, the future is up to you. You can do it. With AI, the future will blow your mind. That's how black people talk. AI. AI up The future will blow your mind. It'll blow your mind. That's how black people talk. AI.
Starting point is 00:47:07 AI up in this motherfucker. Artificial intelligence? Crack ain't got no intelligence up in here. What a dumb fucking... Oh, my... Boy, did you see he had that natural body rhythm? It was like he had a body cast on you. AI, motherfuckers.
Starting point is 00:47:22 AI in here. Oh, my God. Well, anyways,ers. Ah, yeah. Oh my God. Well, anyways, Kenny, vice president of the school's black student union, told Mercury News Sunday, another student sent her the video,
Starting point is 00:47:32 and since seeing the footage, she said it's clear, the teacher, should, be, fired. Well, the world needs pitch takers too.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Uh, in this community, we honestly don't have room for people, especially people who want to dress up in blackface, to come in here and still try to educate people on topics like this, she said. That doesn't make sense that he gets to stay and continue working there when he thought this type of behavior was appropriate. He's just trying to be hip.
Starting point is 00:48:00 He's just trying to fit in. She added in the American News interview that he really didn't have to do blackface in order to represent somebody. It's very hard not to do a black guy without blackface. That was sarcasm. Anybody? Look at me. My Chris Rock? That's right. I was doing Chris Rock for you. Raz is black, by the way, my producer. Proving once again. But I was telling Raz, yeah, Chris Rock. Proving once again, I'm not a millionaires. But I was Teller Raz. Yeah, Chris Rock. I worked for Chris Rock.
Starting point is 00:48:27 He took the whole show, everybody that worked on the show, to see Bill Cosby live, and I didn't want to go. I didn't like Bill Cosby. Turns out I was a prophet on that one. Something bugs me about him. I think he fucks white girls. No. But I didn't want to go. I stayed in the office of Rock. You fucking racist!
Starting point is 00:48:45 You fucking racist him he came back from the show because you fucking missed it and i said yes sir anyways here's a couple sketches you won't use Mmm, lung custard. Anyways, the school in Milpitas Unified District is 12 miles north of San Jose in the city of Milpitas. Milpitas. Milpitas. Milpitas. Right next to her vag.
Starting point is 00:49:21 I grew up in her vag. You brought it in my penis. Has mostly Asian population. Mostly Asian population. And a black population of three midgets. What? Of less than 4%. School board president Chris Norwood, a black man. That's what it says on the article.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Issued a... You don't see that much. A Jew. Antonio Banabar, a greasy Guinea. Issued a statement Sunday in the district Facebook saying the teacher was put on administrative leave. District administration has placed the staff member on administrative leave. And I have asked the superintendent to ensure an immediate investigation. He called the teacher's actions inappropriate, unprofessional, and insensitive. If you want to talk like a fucking millennial,
Starting point is 00:50:06 we'll send you to Slippin' Falls School. Could you hear that all right, Raz? I can barely hear it, my thing. But don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, relax. Doesn't matter what I hear, as long as the rest of the world's offended. Anyway, it's back to the show. Let me just end this article. It's essentially that every MUSD student and parent guardian
Starting point is 00:50:27 can expect to have a safe environment. Shut the fuck up. Fucking safe environment. Teacher dresses up like blackface. Now it's unsafe. Jesus H. Christ Almighty. Finally tonight, I'm kind of grouchy and cranky.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Do you know why? I'm having my period this week, apparently, according to the ninth story I've read about men having their fucking periods. Do you see the feminist movement? They just project. They want it all. No difference. Huh?
Starting point is 00:50:56 Let's take away all those. There's no difference between men and women. We want, oh, now they're convincing you, Rich. They're telling you you bleed once a month. That's what they tell you. Well, you do it because you're so annoying. People punch you in the face. I just don't wear white pants those days.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Yeah, you wear a white skirt, you big girl. That's the headline, folks. I'm not making this up. Some men have periods, too. British mom and son's educational message goes viral. England needs to be blown up, honest to God. Blown right the fuck up. Somebody get on it today, please.
Starting point is 00:51:28 When the menstrual hygiene brand Always, which is the one I use, removed the Venus symbol, that's the woman's circle with the arrow, from its sanitary pad packaging. We used to use those when I played street hockey. We'd tape like 11 of those on. Many appreciated the move for gender inclusivity.
Starting point is 00:51:47 The redesign was motivated by the fact that the menstruation isn't just experienced by cisgender women. Trans men and non-binary people get their periods too, is what they say here. You know what I say to that? Stop getting cocky. One mother wants to make sure her son grows up knowing this fact. And while she's at it, educate the internet with a cute photo of her kid multitasking for the win, it says. Here's a picture.
Starting point is 00:52:18 This kid's got a bright future, huh? Look, he's terrorized. His mother's dangling a bloody rag over his head. Hold this up. Some men have periods, too. If I can get it, so can you. Oh, it's a poem, too. Let's bring some haiku into the fucking menstruation.
Starting point is 00:52:37 She should be arrested for child abuse, okay? She fucking self-absorbed, just a fucking mentally ill, maggot infested, confused woman who should be burned at the stake. I realize that was a little over the top, a little rough, but you got to forgive me. I'm on the rag today. It's a lesson her son has known for a long time. Eli's been told about periods since he saw blood on my pants a couple of years ago. I want to look into that sentence right there. Saw blood on my pants.
Starting point is 00:53:14 I'm guessing she wasn't beheading goats on the farm. I didn't use the language of women have periods because it's not entirely inclusive. Do you believe the mental fucking... Raz, I mean, as a black man, you're going to be offended by this white shit. And this is white shit. It's not entirely inclusive, she explained on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Let's... I don't even know how this broad is. This is a queer activist. That's what she calls herself, a queer activist. Why is that funny? That's what it says in the article. We got the clip the clip appreciate that an effort was made um it seems a little bit like maybe it was an effort that was made without the consultation of many trans or non-binary folk in the room the first person that was
Starting point is 00:53:57 was not the tight end for the 49ers uh selleck whatever or eagles or kelsey i don't fucking are the chiefs excuse me okay let's listen to what this fruit cup has to say people are not going away and this is a step in the right direction look at this always removes female symbols look at this look at this propaganda right out of gerbils always confirm all right i don't want to read where's's the fucking, where's the broad who's 6'8 with a 19-inch neck? Look at this fucking. I think the way that this was framed by the media makes it seem that trans people went on some sort of crusade, making it seem like trans people are being unfair or demanding.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Yeah, they are. This continues to enforce the idea that the trans community is attacking the majority of society. It is. Pause. You make up 0.001% of the population and we talk about you six days a week. Okay, you're being overrepresented. Shut your mouth. Wear your silly little fucking hat outside. I mean, you know, you talk about slippery slope. Remember, oh, we just don't judge us on our lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:55:05 It's gone from that to, hey, I want tampon dispensers in men's rooms. I want you to call me fucking it. Yeah, slippery slope, covered in period blood. Go ahead. This aren't a big deal, and it really won't affect anyone else. I think the area of periods is also one of those where there are so many conversations that need to be had. You don't get to just throw on something, say that you're being gender neutral about it, and then sidestep the other conversations.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Pause. You don't get to tell me what to fucking say, even though you're 6'8", 270. Now, how does this pretty tennis player work into this? It would be great to see adverts, sales pitches, things like that, that front and center, for instance, trans men who also go through periods. Pause. Pause. Here's what I'm going to correct you. Why? Advertisements try to
Starting point is 00:55:52 get the biggest audience to sell their product. They're not trying to fucking... It's why you don't... Oh my God. I can't fucking take it anymore. They're convinced that we all have this ability, that we're all... There is no gender. No difference. Go ahead. Always removing the symbol from their packaging
Starting point is 00:56:10 is an acknowledgement that not all women bleed every month. And it's also an indication of change. Just OJ's girlfriend. Something like this, I'm always a little bit concerned about because it feels like it's pitting trans and non-binary people against women. Yeah, and that's what it's done. That doesn't feel right or fair.
Starting point is 00:56:29 I can't take it. Jesus H. My tits hurt right now. I'm having cramps. I just, I... They should replace that woman sign on the package with a swastika. Because if my wife acts like Hitler seven days a month, which she does, and most women put a swastika, that'll do it.
Starting point is 00:56:56 I'll finish that bit on stage in Kansas City. Come on out. Okay, I think that's about all I wanted to say about that. The bottom line, here we go. Trans men may have female sex organs and still experience periods, and some non-binary people have periods too. Therefore, removing a female logo off the front of a sanitary product helps include us all. Isn't that the wholesome and nice gesture?
Starting point is 00:57:21 Somebody wrote that I could punch in the throat. And not for your sexuality, just for you preaching. But I feel bad for you. I really care about your feelings. Hey, take it easy. Anyways. Let's to conclude, men don't
Starting point is 00:57:42 have periods. They bleed when they get in bar fights. And like real men, you get somebody slides into you with a high cleat. Rich, you don't agree with that? Go ahead. I think it's people trying to get an extra day off. Because then I could call my boss and say, you know, I'm having a crabby day. I have breast tenderness.
Starting point is 00:58:04 I don't want to come into work today. Yeah. I said that a couple years ago on the show. I'm glad you heard it. But that's true. We did. We covered this one in my basement. But yeah, you call in. You could say, look, man, I'm bleeding a stuck pig. I got up this morning, pulled the sheets back. I thought I was going to find a horse's head there.
Starting point is 00:58:19 I am really cranky. It's a heavy day for me. Anyway. Hey, I want to thank Donald Trump Jr. again for calling into the show. Get his book, Triggered, if you're open-minded enough. And again, this weekend, Kansas City Comedy Club in Missouri. for ticket information. Go to Cameo.
Starting point is 00:58:40 I will send you a personal video message to one of your friends that you don't like or somebody that you do like as a birthday present. I'll roast them. Click on the Nick DiPaolo profile. Remember, you guys, you guys think it. I will say it. You're very welcome.
Starting point is 00:58:55 I will see you when I get back on Monday. Have a good weekend, everybody. I'll see you next time.

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