The Nick DiPaolo Show - REPEAT: Special Guest Ted Nugent! | Nick Di Paolo Show #256

Episode Date: September 6, 2021

Happy Labor Day! Meet Mr. Ted Nugent!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, boys and girls. Nick DiPaolo here. Free speech lives right here on The Nick DiPaolo Show. I'm grateful to be able to do this show my way, and I'm only able to do it my way because of your generous contributions. Please go to or click the link on and contribute today to keep this show and our speech free. Thank you so much. Happy Labor Day, everybody.
Starting point is 00:02:07 And we always thank them for that. And this is Veterans Day. So if you see a vet, tell them thank you very much. I see them all the time when I'm traveling. And, yeah, it's very important. As a comic, nobody takes it more serious, the free speech thing. Okay? And that's what they're doing, essentially.
Starting point is 00:02:24 So it separates us from the third world shitholes, as Trump would say. Real quick, I want to thank Nicholas Simone and John McMorty, who have joined at the veto level. It's the highest level here at the show. Thank you guys so much. We appreciate the support. We can use all of it. And, yes, that's money well spent, I'll tell you that much. Real quick, Kansas City
Starting point is 00:02:47 Comedy Club, what a weekend. I had three shows. They were so close to being sold out, all three. And people, I had a couple people come up. They heard me on Glenn Beck. We had a ton of people because of this show come out. Those are all good signs. That means we're
Starting point is 00:03:03 doing something right. And special thanks to Jeff Hoffman and his friend who came. They drove, I don't know how many hours, six hours to see me, which is just so flattering. Anyways, thank you. Great club, by the way, Kansas City Comedy Club. Tomorrow on the show, remind me, I had hormone therapy. I had pellets injected into my ass.
Starting point is 00:03:32 They cut an incision, they put pellets in, and I sprung a leak about an hour after the minor surgery. I'm going to show you pictures. I'm warning you now, they're graphic. They are fucking bloody. And later on today, Ted Nugent, I had Nugent called into the show, had a great conversation with him last week. So that's coming up in a few minutes. You won't want to miss that. The guy can talk.
Starting point is 00:03:54 And I've loved him since I was a kid. He was one of my rock and roll idols. So don't miss that. What's going on in the news? Remember, I interviewed a Donald Trump jr the phone interview last week and i told him i thought bloomberg mayor bloomberg was gonna you know the guy who hates sugar and big sodas and uh i thought he i've been predicting this for what couple weeks now that he's going to jump into the race it's not official yet but he's running the primary in alabama but here's what i said to don Trump Jr.
Starting point is 00:04:26 First of all, I don't even think any of the people running on the Democrat side right now, I don't think they're going to be the nominee. Here's my prediction. It's either going to be Hillary jumping in with their fat ankles or Mayor Bloomberg. Your thoughts? Yeah, I don't know. I mean, you know, they did this thing with Hillary. You know, there were six donors that really want to recruit her. I'm like, six donors? That's going to be interesting. You know, and I don't see that ever happening. But you never know. But in the meantime, I'm very happy with the field that we're competing against, you know, watching the lunacy that is there. You know,
Starting point is 00:05:12 Joe Biden's the leader. Most days he doesn't remember what state he's in, but minor details. I think he'll do great one on one against Trump. This should be fun. There you go. So as he said, you never know. Well, I did know. Again, it's not official yet. He's still kind of a puss. But he's sitting there going, Jesus, Biden's out of his mind. And the rest of them are left-wing fucking kooks. I'm a moderate. I'm a billionaire.
Starting point is 00:05:33 I can afford it. And so the last few days, it looks like he might do that. Just like I said, ABC News told Bernie Sanders the former New York City mayor, Michael Bloomberg, may run for president because he did not like the current field of candidates. And the senator from Vermont responded, that is the arrogance of billionaires. I think he's just Jewish. I mean, jealous. Jewish.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Here's a Freudian slip point. I think he's jealous because he's Jewish. He's not a billionaire. Nick, that's a horrible thing to say. Sanders went on to criticize the reported plans of the not-yet-announced billionaire to skip the first primaries. Here's Bernie. It's too important. You see, when you're worth $50 billion, I guess you don't have to have town meetings.
Starting point is 00:06:15 You don't have to talk to ordinary people. What you do is you take out, I guess, a couple of billion dollars, and you buy the state of California. But I happen to believe the American people are sick and tired of the power and arrogance of a billionaire class which increasingly controls not only the economic life of this country, but the political life of this country. We are a democracy. That means one person, one vote. You want to run for president? That's fine. Don't think you can simply buy an election by spending billions of dollars.
Starting point is 00:06:44 We're a democracy. Somebody tell you that, you fucking socialist-less communist. That's right, we're a democracy. We don't want your fucking handouts and welfare programs either. The senator was joined by AOC campaigning with the candidate in Iowa. I think he might be banging that. I think he might be hitting it. I'll tell you, she's attractive. I know she's one-eighth of my age. I don't give a shit. So,
Starting point is 00:07:12 unsurprisingly, she wasn't keen on the idea of a Bloomberg candidacy. First, she took the former mayor to task for his support of New York City's stop and frisk policies. Here she goes, playing the fucking race card that have been criticized for being ineffective. Yeah, they're so ineffective that crime is at its lowest rates in new york city history and uh she says they're uh ineffective discriminatory and racist and she spoke about how
Starting point is 00:07:37 the measures affected her um her personally uh she's i think billionaires, she said, should be president right now. I don't think that's what the country needs. And I think it's going to take us further in the direction of wealth and political power concentrating at the very top of our country. And I think that our democracy should be for everyday people. She gets into the whole thing about the stop and frisk and how racist it was. And they stopped people who looked like her. Yes, because that's where the crime is happening.
Starting point is 00:08:08 It actually protected people. Crime went down, and the statistics to prove it. I was living in there. Crime went down in those neighborhoods where people live that look like you, okay? And a lot of them didn't have a problem with it. Jesus Christ, they have to play that race card, don't they? them didn't have a problem with it. Jesus Christ, they have to play that race card, don't they? The reporter also asked if Congresswoman were old enough to run, would Sanders ask her to join the ticket? AOC laughed, and Sanders showered her with praise, and then said, if I'm in the White House,
Starting point is 00:08:37 she'll play a very, very, very important role. No question in one way or another. Health care. no question in one way or another. Healthcare. Healthcare and Medicare. Anyways, the Democrats aren't crazy about the idea as far as Bloomberg getting in. A new poll found Bloomberg would have 4% support and will be the most unpopular Democratic candidate if he were to enter the race.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Bloomberg hasn't formally announced he's running, but he filed paperwork in Alabama. Can you imagine this? A Jew from New York running in Alabama. Oh, God. One of Bloomberg's advisors tweeted, Bloomberg is considering a run because he's increasingly concerned the current field of candidates are a bunch of dumb fucking morons. And they're not well positioned to beat Trump. That's what they're really. That's why they're trying to impeach him. We all know that.
Starting point is 00:09:32 But we're waiting for Bloomberg. Speak up. Bezos reportedly called Bloomberg months ago and asked if he would run. The former mayor told his fellow billionaire at the time he would not. But news of the call galvanized progressives in the race, particularly those who have made concerns about wealth inequality. Here's the easy thing. Bezos is a multi-billionaire. He's the richest guy on the planet. He's calling Bloomberg, who's worth about $50 billion. You can put this together, right? Because Bezos and guys like him don't want to see Elizabeth Warren win, who said she's going to tax the shit out of guys like Bezos.
Starting point is 00:10:07 And Bloomberg's already made it clear in public that he doesn't like how Warren attacks billionaires in the top 1%. Anyways, Sanders echoed the sentiment saying Jeff Bezos worth $150 billion, supporting Mike Bloomberg, who's worth only $50 billion. That's a real class of solidarity. And Liz Warren jumped in, but I don't want to talk about her. She's a fucking waste of my time. Former Vice President Joe Biden. What are we doing?
Starting point is 00:10:35 What's going on right now? The candidate whose campaign, perhaps most similar to what Bloomberg would be like, did not respond to the story, but he told reporters in New Hampshire Friday, I love Hawaii. No. That he was unperturbed by a Bloomberg run, adding, in terms of he's running because of me, the last polls I looked at, I'm pretty far ahead. Yeah, but you're also two minutes away from wearing an adult diaper, stupid. And Bloomberg is waiting for you to fall on your face. I think Bloomberg would be a threat. I got to be honest with you. He's got a ton of money and he would, you know, people are afraid because Trump's so off the rails.
Starting point is 00:11:10 And this guy's just, he's a nanny. It would be my worst nightmare if this guy gets in. But anyways, before I get to the Ted Nugent interview, we want to thank Look, guys, we're halfway into the football season. There's no better time to bet. You like winning money? Who doesn't?
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Starting point is 00:13:01 my 71st fall in the great swamps of Michigan. So I'm a happy son of a bitch and I'm all yours. How the fuck are you 71? That is not possible. I'm looking at a picture of you right now and you look like you're 69. Well, if I had a little bit of sleep, I'd be downright handsome. I'll tell you that right now. During the rock and roll season and the hunting season, you know, I've been clean and sober my entire life. No poisons in the sacred
Starting point is 00:13:25 temple. And I've always eaten wild game. And it's got to be the most nutritious, healthiest, most delicious and fun to shop for food in the world. So I've really taken good care of myself. That's how I was disciplined growing up in Detroit. And I thank my mom and dad and the world around us back then in the arsenal of democracy nick i was born in the arsenal of democracy how cool is that let me tell you you michigan is i look i've done comedy a few times in michigan and uh first of all the broads are very cute in michigan i don't know if it's that nordic blood or whatever but uh you really are like the all-American male. I saw you when I was...
Starting point is 00:14:07 If you look up the picture of Shitkicker in the dictionary, you'll see me naked with two middle fingers on fire. I think that pretty is unambiguous as it gets. You know, I'm the funniest black man since Richard Pryor's Afro caught fire. So I think most people really appreciate me more than you can imagine. Hey, I did. Let me tell you something. I i know you have damaged a little bit of damaged hearing which makes sense we have that in common i went to a concert i saw you circa 1977 cape cod coliseum a band called me and tucked it open for you and the curtains open you're standing on a stack or like marshall amps or whatever 20 feet
Starting point is 00:14:46 you jump off i still don't know how you didn't break your fucking knees or ankles i hope you enjoyed that nick because i did that for thousands and thousands of concerts and i never heard the word meniscus till a doctor told me i didn't have it anymore so i hope you enjoyed the sacrifices i made for your entertainment value. But no, I had to have both of my knees replaced back a couple years ago because they were completely gone. And I attribute it to that insanity because my, you know, people love my music. I play American soul music. I play defiant middle finger shit kicker, working hard, playing hard, you know, Motor City roust about hell raising music. And who doesn't like that?
Starting point is 00:15:30 But I love my music more than anybody. So I really, I really become possessed, obsessed and just intoxicated by the drums and the bass and my incredible Gibson guitar tone from Kalamazoo, Michigan. So I kind of lose my mind when I'm up there. I'm lucky I'm still alive, much less having my knees replaced. I'm telling you, I left there. It was like the greatest show I'd ever seen. I go home, that night my ears are ringing. I'm like, well, that's normal.
Starting point is 00:16:00 But now, fast forward two weeks later, they're still fucking ringing. I'm like, okay, what's going on? Three weeks later, now're still fucking ringing. I'm like, okay, what's going on? Three weeks later, now only one's ringing. And to this day, when I talk to somebody on the phone, if they're talking too loud, I have to switch from my left to my right ear because of just what the doctor ordered. Well, not only you, you can imagine me. I was there with the howitzer. You can imagine me. I was there with the howitzer.
Starting point is 00:16:30 I literally, the only reason I can understand one syllable you're conveying to me, Nick, is because I have a miracle ear hearing aid in my right ear right now. But, you know, it's a combination. I always carried a gun, and I did a lot of shooting. I've always maximized my time in the great outdoors, and I like the aim small, miss small marksmanship, not just for hunting, but the discipline, the shock mantra, the samurai, Bruce Lee ballistic ballet that is the shooting sports and marksmanship. So I always carried some pretty big guns, and whenever I'd see a coon or a possum or a skunk or a coyote, I mean, I'd just jump out of the truck, run to the swamp, and I'd start shooting. And I never wore hearing protection.
Starting point is 00:17:08 And so it's a combination of Gibson guitars and a Smith & Wesson hearing dam. But with a Miracle-Air, I can still hear clearly. I mean, I'm talking to you, and you mumble. Yes, I do mumble. Well, I'm talking to my rock and roll hero here. But let me ask you about that ted you're a big hunter uh i own a couple of guns i didn't until i got on twitter and i had to fucking get guns to protect myself uh so i'm shooting a different kind of rascal but what what um how
Starting point is 00:17:40 do you feel about i see these big game hunters these people, they go on safaris and shoot African elephants. What is that about? I can walk up to an elephant and punch it in the face. There's no sport in that, right? Boy, Nick, I'm glad you asked that. Hang on one second. Entertain the people for five seconds. I'm going to shut the bacon off.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Madison. Literally, I just shut the bacon off. But here, it's a great sequel. It's a great transition into your question. Nick, I want you to take a deep breath. I want everybody listening to take a deep breath and listen to me. I've been a hunter my whole life. I've spent many, many years in Africa with the villagers, with the Aboriginal people,
Starting point is 00:18:28 with the African citizens. Please make a note. You have to reduce the elephant population, the rhino population, the giraffe, the zebra, the kudu, the gemsbok, the warthog, the inyala. the zebra, the kudu, the gemsbok, the warthog, the inyala, all those wildlife species are African deer. There is a finite science-based carrying capacity to any habitat on planet Earth. And most emphatically, when you don't allow the regulated hunting of elephant, particularly in all those animals, then there's no money from the license sales and the tips and the business platform. There's no money to pay for game wardens to stop the indiscriminate, unregulated slaughter. Nick, you have to harvest the surplus every year.
Starting point is 00:19:25 It's a value commodity that people are willing to pay to do. And I've got to tell you, when I killed my elephants, when my friends killed their elephants or the lion or the leopard, that meat is sacred to those villagers. They want that meat. And if we didn't pay ridiculous amounts of monies to kill those elephants and those zebras, if we didn't pay that money, they would kill them indiscriminately, and they'd kill each other to get the meat.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Do not be so outrageous and pompous in America to think somebody in Detroit can dictate wildlife policy in Zimbabwe. Nobody in Africa is belligerent enough to think that they can tell us how to manage our deer. The animals have to be maintained as an asset in the asset column so that they're valuable, the people get the revenues, and the asset column, so that they're valuable, that people get the revenues and the precious protein. I mean, when we kill an elephant, you can't find bloody sand within five hours. Those natives use everything from that elephant, and by killing that surplus percentage of elephants, or it doesn't matter, giraffe, giraffe is just a long-necked deer.
Starting point is 00:20:46 It's meat. They use the skins. They use the bone. They use the sinew. They use the hoofs. They use the eyeballs. Neck. It's a renewable resource and I wish people in America would shut the fuck up and let native Africans
Starting point is 00:21:01 manage their wildlife in the asset column instead of some asshole like Pam Anderson trying to save Bambi, and then all of a sudden it's a liability. If you're against hunting in Africa, fuck you! Okay, so you're saying you have to kill those animals to conserve those animals. Absolutely! You have to kill those animals to conserve those animals.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Absolutely. You have to make room in finite habitat for next year's production. They're going to have babies, Nick, but the ground is not going to expand. Surely you can grasp that. Are we talking about the elephants or the Africans as far as babies? I'm talking about everything, quite honestly. That's why people die. So when I see a story, and again, I'm not taking a side either way here.
Starting point is 00:21:49 I used to hunt. If you're smart, you'll take my side, but go ahead. Of course, I'm going to take your side. You know 12 times more about it. So these stories I see when these people just kill these elephants just for their tusks. No, they don't.
Starting point is 00:22:04 No, there's no such thing. So that's propaganda. Nick, the only place where elephants are killed for their tusks are where hunting has been banned and there's no hunting dollars to hire game wardens. I get you.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Now I get you. When we kill an elephant with a license, just like when we kill a deer with a license, that meat, Nick, those native villages, they need that meat. They eat every scrap. I swear to God, they use the tail. They use the ears. They use the toenails, man.
Starting point is 00:22:38 They use it all. They'd serve for tools and medicine and weapons and food and shelter and clothing. Well, it's not working out for them because they're still 100 years behind. Well, yeah, but that's because they haven't got freedom. They haven't got a Constitution or a Bill of Rights, so there's still tyranny over there. That's the problem. Perfect segue into my next question.
Starting point is 00:23:00 I'm going to give you a hypothetical. You're hunting, and you're out there with your bow and arrow. You're in the woods. You see a 10-point buck, but then you look to your left, and you see Beto O'Rourke. Who do you shoot? I wouldn't waste an arrow on goofball Beto. You know what I mean? I'd just get out of my
Starting point is 00:23:17 tree stand and punch the shit out of the son of a bitch for being such a treasonous traitor, an anti-American dirtbag who hates everything about America, and then he wants to somehow lead America so we can turn into Venezuela. Hey, Beto, fuck you. Hey, fucking men. Pete Buttigieg, explain this to me.
Starting point is 00:23:38 This guy, he saw action. He's a veteran in Iraq and whatnot. He saw action. He's a veteran in Iraq and whatnot. How can he have, Ted, the political views that he does after being a veteran and seeing action? Square that up for me. You're way smarter than me. Please fucking explain that to me.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Well, Nick, you're asking a question that mystifies the human mind. You know, guys like Bruce Springsteen and these guys that condemn the very system by which they've had a successful life. How do you do that? How do you see a system that has provided the greatest quality of life in the history of the world and then run a campaign
Starting point is 00:24:24 that would destroy it. The work ethic, the fact that we don't want free stuff because free stuff makes you stupid and weak. And the reason people want to come to America is because we busted our ass, we earned our own way, we live within our means, we save for a rainy day, and we all give to the needy and help out the truly needy when we witness the needy instead of somebody like Beto O'Rourke telling us that his people need a handout when they claim disability before they go water skiing. I mean, we could go into the gory minutia of the disconnect and the treason of the left, and that they don't believe that America needs secure borders.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Let me put it real clearly, Buttigieg. If you don't believe America needs secure borders, you are the enemy of America. Exactly right. You have locks on your doors for a reason i did the whole socialist i did you know i just read 70 of millennials don't have a problem with socialism what this generation needs ted is another ted noji for them well you know if you if you met my band my crew i think you figured me out i'm pretty easy to figure out. I get up early.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I bust my ass. I put my heart and soul into being the best that I can be. I force myself to be in the asset column for my family, my neighborhood, my community, my state, my country, planet Earth, and the environment. Ted Nugent is in the asset column of the world. I have planted more trees with these Motor City Madman greasy soul music fingers than anybody you will ever interview. I plant thousands of trees almost every year since 1970. I have created forests which help clean air, soil, and water. I have spent gazillions of dollars with conservation charities and hunting licenses and supplies and sporting goods that we tax ourselves to go for game departments, to go for the regulation enforcement so that wildlife habitat is valuable and that wildlife habitat is where quality air, soil, and water comes from. The people should just be getting on, they should genuflect and say, thank you, Uncle Ted, for making life worthwhile. So when you have people
Starting point is 00:26:52 that attack the fundamentals that provided them the quality of life, I guess you just have to kind of furrow your brow, momentarily wince, and then charge forth doing good anyway. Sometimes you give the world the best you got, you get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you've got anyway. That's the mantra for the Nugent family, everybody I hang with, my band, my crew, my management, my friends, my brothers, my sisters, my children, my grandchildren, My friends, my brothers, my sisters, my children, my grandchildren, everybody I know make sacrifices and bust their ass to be in the asset column so that they can give instead of take. That's why I'm a radical. What do you say, back to the guns and the hunting, what would you say if a Fed knocks on your door as a beta was having a wet dream even though
Starting point is 00:27:48 he's done but there's still people who believe the horseshit he believes in what would you do if a federali knocked on your door and tried you know asked you to hand your guns over to how would you handle that situation well if it was a federali I'd shoot him in the forehead
Starting point is 00:28:03 because we all know that the federalities are basically the drug cartel. The entire Mexican government is the drug cartel. The Mexican army is the drug cartel. Oh, I didn't mean federality. I mean a federal agent from the United States. Well, one of my federal agents, they'd probably call me ahead of time, and we'd sit down and have a cold Werner's ginger ale and discuss how indecent, how immoral,
Starting point is 00:28:27 how constitutional oath-violating such a decree is. And then that federal agent and I would go to their boss and we'd fix him. I think of you when I watch, like, you know, after a mass shooting that we've had many of the few years, and there's all this hyperbole and all this overreaction, and I think of guys like you. Are you still on the Director's Board of NRA? I am. I've been on the Board of the National Rifle Association,
Starting point is 00:29:02 the greatest family grassroots freedom civil rights organization in the history of the National Rifle Association, the greatest family grassroots freedom civil rights organization in the history of the world, for over 28 years with the highest votes except for Charlton Heston and I think Ali North. But yeah, the people believe in me because I'm an absolutist. I know that keep means it's mine, you can't have it.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Bear means I have a couple on me right now and they're loaded. Fuck you. You must lose your mind when you're listening to all this pablum after these mass shootings that don't occur as much as the media would like you to believe. But the first thing they want to do, what don't they understand? It's not the fucking weapon. It's the person. I mean. Well, Nick, you know, when i was growing up here here it is in a nutshell and i have all the evidence to
Starting point is 00:29:50 support what i'm about to say the other side doesn't have any evidence they just got you know you know comfortably numb influenced dreams here's the evidence when i was growing up we had unlimited access to unlimited firepower keep those words in mind when i was growing up, we had unlimited access to unlimited firepower. Keep those words in mind. When I was growing up, you could go to Montgomery Wards and buy a machine gun. When I was growing up, everybody brought their guns to school during the hunting season, or maybe they're just going plinking. When I was growing up, we had unlimited access
Starting point is 00:30:26 to unlimited firearms, zero mass shootings, zero. But we also had this little thing, very controversial, it's called discipline. We also had a very controversial thing going on called respect for life. We also had this little crazy idea back when I was growing up that you actually cared about your fellow man and you were disciplined by parents and school and society in general as a culture that respected life
Starting point is 00:30:59 and respected law and order. That's when I was growing up. Now, you have the most restricted commodity, this side of plutonium. You have to wait to get a gun. You have to go through an FBI background check to get a gun. You have to, limited magazine capacity,
Starting point is 00:31:19 limited types of firearms, limited rate of fire, limited type bullets. You can't have hollow points in New Jersey. You can't buy ammunition in LA. So it's the most restricted commodity, this side of weapons, plutonium. And now we have mass shootings. Let me tell you the difference. It's not a hardware issue. It's a heart wear issue. Back when I was growing up, we cared. Today, with the dumbing down of America by an academia who is more in line with Mao Zedong than the Constitution,
Starting point is 00:31:53 you have people that don't give a shit. And they have glaring threats in every instance. I've studied every mass shooting. Everybody knew that goofball was going to start shooting people. Everybody knew that asshole one and asshole two were making
Starting point is 00:32:14 pipe bombs in their garage that their mom and dad walked by every night for three years and didn't say anything because they didn't want to hurt little Johnny's feelings. My dad would have ripped my head off and shit down my neck. Nick, are you with me? I'm talking to Donald Trump. And yes, I'm with you
Starting point is 00:32:35 100%. I think it's such an easy solution as far as the school shootings that you put somebody out front with a gun and you add extra exit doors in the classroom for them to get out, but that's just me. Let me ask you, you're saying nobody cares about their neighbor anymore. This is all true.
Starting point is 00:32:56 It's left-wing ideology and we're pushed, not that I'm a religious person, but we're pushed out of the public square. How do we change all that? The fucking libs have their grasp in academia and Hollywood. How do we turn all this around, Ted Nugent? Well, Nick, it's so simple, it's stupid.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Thank God we have a president that is as close to Ted Nugent as you'll ever get in politics. Absolutely. We have a shit-kicker crowbar fan in the White House. This guy is about truth, logic, common sense, goodwill, decency, work ethic, and priorities. America first. We should negotiate all contracts with everyone on the globe that benefits America first. We need to drain the swamp and get rid of the J. Edgar Hoover fan club and Jim Comey and all these turncoats from the CIA and these America haters that have infested our government
Starting point is 00:33:57 forever. And I'm pretty good expressing myself, but I am helpless to adequately describe my respect, reverence, and love for President Donald J. Trump. This guy is fixing America, draining the swamp, and has reinstituted the battle cry, America first. We love America. The rest of the world can kiss my ass. the rest of the world can kiss my ass it's beautiful I can hardly stand it sometimes I get naked and just dance the wango tango with the virgin real splash on my balls because this guy is so good at what he does he really is I I'm glad you said we write into him unbelievable. Very, very smart. But he's, what's the one I'm looking for?
Starting point is 00:34:51 Well, he has a lot in common with you. No drugs, no alcohol. Is he the greatest president? Let me ask you, Ted. Is he the greatest president of your lifetime? Because he isn't mine, in my opinion. I believe he's the greatest president since George Washington. Now, who's that again?
Starting point is 00:35:10 I went to a liberal college. You know, and by the way, if the liberals want to come, they come to my Facebook. I'm on my Facebook multiple times every day. And I've always said this, and I challenge anybody, anywhere, anytime, anyhow, to debate me. and I challenge anybody, anywhere, anytime, anyhow to debate me because if you come up and try to challenge my addiction to truth, logic, common sense, and the evidence to support everything I stand for, I will gleefully and readily eat your family tree and shit sawdust in your face because the Ted Nugent detractors got nothing.
Starting point is 00:35:43 They are consumed by hate and lies, and I like to dance on their empty skulls with my deer boots and then clean the guts off the cleats later on to feed to my hunting dogs. I was wondering if anybody heard my new song called Eat, Shit, and Die. Are you with me, Nick? You shit me, I've been with you since 1976 when I was 14 years old. But the beautiful thing
Starting point is 00:36:10 is, is everything I'm saying right now is great as Donald Trump is, he really wants to talk like I do. He really wants to say these things but he's gotta, he's gotta have some element of decorum. Me, I don't. Yeah, me either as a comic.
Starting point is 00:36:27 And I cherish the First Amendment. And you do, obviously, because you're an artist. And I don't take it for granted one second. It's what I love most about stand-up comedy. And I love that my art form is at the center every time there's a debate about, ooh, was that too mean? Did they go over the line? I love that comics are at the center of this shit. My friend Dave Chappelle,
Starting point is 00:36:48 who's one of the greatest comics ever, he's getting all the credit, Ted, for what I've been doing as a fucking white guy since 1995. Help me out with that one. I've been such a lucky guy.
Starting point is 00:37:04 My God, I got to hunt with Fred Bear. I got to race with Parnelli Jones and Mickey Thompson. I played bass guitar for Chuck Berry and Bo Diddley. Nick, are you fucking kidding me? Did you really? I married Shemaine Nugent. I opened up for the Supremes and the Bo Brummel's at Cobo Hall in 1963. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:37:23 I mean, I've literally been to the mountaintop of every dream a rock and roller and a horsepower guy and an american dreamer could have but let me tell you equal to all those amazing gifts that i was given i got to hang out at the comedy store in la with sam kinnison richard pryor robin robin Robin Williams, and Rodney Dangerfield. And don't underestimate Bruce Willis. He's a funny son of a bitch. I thought you said you don't do drugs. I got the hang of it.
Starting point is 00:37:52 They were all hired. Shit. I was the only guy there who was taking care of business. Believe me. But I'm a funny guy, too. I mean, I'm funnier than all of them because my brain works without the drugs. And they were all phenomenal talents. They were gifted super humans and they were great, great people. They were great, great positive people. But let me tell you, what you're doing as a comedian,
Starting point is 00:38:16 I mean, I'm friends with those guys. They were far left. Most of them, Sam Kinison was with me in most stuff and Bruce Willis was. But the rest of them were, I mean, George Lopez is a dear friend of mine, and this guy is basically a reject from the Mao Zedong School of Venezuela. But he's a good man. He has a work ethic. He has priorities. He's a conscientious person, but he thinks he's a liberal,
Starting point is 00:38:41 but I'm trying to wake him up that he's not really, because liberals don't have the work ethic that he has. Now, Bill Maher has a great work ethic, and he's off the fucking charts. But I consider him a friend. I mean, we don't beat each other up. We have dialogue. And when you're comfortably numb, you kind of lose track with the dialogue when you're hanging out with Ted Nugent.
Starting point is 00:39:02 I'm a little too fast for these people. But I'm respectful when they stumble, and I even help mop up the spittle in the corner of their mouth, both literally and figuratively, by the way. So yes, First Amendment and opinions matter, but when it gets so vile and obscene that you don't believe your country needs to be secure, that you don't know the difference between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants, when you believe that sanctuary cities, giving sanctuary to MS-13, is a reasonable policy, when you are so out of your cotton-picking mind that you know gun-free zones are where the most innocent lives are slaughtered,
Starting point is 00:39:44 and you want more of them? So you don't believe in any, you know, you want abortion legal, and then you claim it's your woman's body, she has rights over her body. Even after the baby's out of the body, they get to kill them? Really? You've got to be fucking kidding me. These people are gone. It's planet of the cuckoo's nest. It's clockwork day glow pink.
Starting point is 00:40:13 It's like Twilight Zone on acid. So I just keep fighting. I keep standing up with truth, logic, and common sense. And thank God my president does the same. And there's a lot of conservatives out there like yourself. I don know if you're conservative or not but you obviously adhere to the constitution the bill of rights the ten commandments the golden rule goodwill decency positive energy and spirit more giving than taking i mean that's the that's the mantra of conservatives i'm a bit of a selfish cocksucker but uh yes i stand for all those and uh i just can't believe like you
Starting point is 00:40:47 said we are at this point where people uh believe in sanctuary cities and giving free health care and tuition to people who i hear illegally it just i see ilan omar uh she's out there now she's on bern' side saying Bernie Sanders will end Western imperialism. This bride with the hijab on her head, 18 years after the worst attack on our country. How did they get elected, Ted? And this is in Minnesota, the heart of the country. How does that happen 18 years after 9-11? I mean, Jesus Christ. Well, here's a perfect example of the left.
Starting point is 00:41:31 They want to eliminate the very foundation of the quality of life that capitalism brings from being compensated based on talent, sacrifice, and work ethic and ideas that you can provide services and goods and supplies to people who want to purchase them. I mean, duh. Duh. But then you have people who want to eliminate the system by which they've enriched themselves. Then you have someone like this Omar, good-looking bitch, but dumber than a rock. If she was successful in implementing her agenda, she couldn't be in the position she's in. And all you have to know about them is that they believe in genital mutilation. Fuck you!
Starting point is 00:42:19 Look, when I was doing cult back, I mutilated a few genitals, but not on purpose. It was dark, and I don't know what I was doing cult back, I mutilated a few genitals, but not on purpose. It was dark, and I don't know what I was doing. Well, Nick, I appreciate you opening up an uninhibited, total First Amendment opportunity here. I consider this the Nick and Ted truth, logic, common sense, we the people, shit kicker campfire. So I dearly appreciate that, and I'm glad that you're out there doing what you do. I do media almost every day, I mean in between gut and my deer and
Starting point is 00:42:51 I don't run into any resistance out there. I mean they do it behind closed doors because they're scared to death of me because they know they can't debate me. They can't debate me. What are you going to tell me that genital mutilation is something we should aspire to? Right.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Jeez, oh, God. So thank you for doing what you do because, yeah, you have a little bit more creative license as a comedian. That's why Bill Maher gets away with the stupidity that he spews. Whenever he wants to make some asinine, anti-American joke, he covers it and claims that it's comedy and he has the right to do so. But he actually believes in that bullshit. Yeah, that's what scares me. And he gets away with it because, let's be honest, his people run the business.
Starting point is 00:43:34 It's planet of the cuckoos and that's... But I gotta tell you, on a positive note, Nick, I had the greatest tour of my life. My band, Jason Heartless on drums, 23-year-old animal from Detroit, and Greg Smith on bass guitar. I had the greatest tour, the greatest crew, the greatest music, the greatest audiences. My guitar tone was absolutely out of body.
Starting point is 00:43:57 And now I'm having the greatest hunting season of my life. There's turkeys and deer, and there's beaver, and there's coons and possums and skunks and squirrels and doves and pheasants and ducks and geese. My dogs are drunk on gut piles. I'm having a real life liberty and pursuit of happiness every day of my life because I prioritize. I give more than I take and I work my ass off even at 71 years of age. Well, there's no doubt about that. You just completed your 59th tour. Well, I did 6,000, I did 6,000,
Starting point is 00:44:31 6,756 live concerts. I was at number 46. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. No, seriously, you're an inspiration. You were when I was a kid. And as I followed you as you got older with your politics, I don't mean to kiss too much ass, but seriously, you're an inspiration. Let me ask you real quick.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Do you have a son named Rocco? I do. Rocco Winchester Nugent, a great, great man. Yeah. Well, do you know, that's my middle name and my grandfather's first name. What do you have, Italian in you that I don't know about? No, actually, we were hunting in africa and uh the owner of the ranch that we were hunting on his name was rocco gioia and because rocco was born just before we returned to his ranch um we loved the name rocco i didn't really think of it as an ethnic angle i just liked the
Starting point is 00:45:23 the the sound of it like His middle name is Winchester. I mean, why not? Rocco Winchester Nugent. Yeah, my oldest boy is Theodore Fleetwood Nugent because I was driving a Cadillac at the time. This has been unbelievable. I can't thank you enough for doing this. Seriously, I followed your career and started when I was 15.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Double Live Gonzo. I played that until the needle broke. Monster. Unbelievable. As good as it gets. They say greatest guitar player in Detroit's history. How about on the planet? Well, you know, I'm my favorite guitar player.
Starting point is 00:46:06 I like to milk blood and guts out of my Gibson Birdland. And this year, you know, I got a studio in my barn here and a bunch of guitars and amplifiers and I'm always dicking around and experimenting because I, even at 71,
Starting point is 00:46:18 I crave making this Bo Diddley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis music more than ever. And with my band, with Greg and Jason, God almighty, we go places that God hasn't authorized yet. In fact, I'm going to have Linda send you a new jam I just did with the great Carmine Aposy on drums, Tony Franklin on bass, and Kelly Keeling on vocals, a song called Days Are Nights. And you've got to play.
Starting point is 00:46:46 You could play it on your show. It is the ultimate firestorm. All-American shit-kicker roustabout, hell-raising Motor City firestorm of music you've ever heard. And I love the music now more than ever. I love the silence of my duck blind and my tree stand. I love America. I love freedom and I will never ever rest until we get this swamp drained
Starting point is 00:47:11 and we get the criminals out of our government and I help Donald Trump every way I can every day. One confession before I let you go. I use the intro to stranglehold every time I'm introduced at a comedy venue to bring me on. Do I owe you any money?
Starting point is 00:47:29 I would. I'd use that son of a bitch. When did you come up with that riff? That pretty much establishes that if you are capable, you will get laid. Exactly. Ted, it's been a pleasure. I can't thank you enough for doing this, man. And I want to come see a band live when I have time.
Starting point is 00:47:48 You got to do it, Nick. The band is so good. It's like samurai music, man. It's just phenomenal. But thank you very much. And yeah, you can use Stranglehold. I would use our Wang Dang Sweet Poon Tang on occasion, too, just to keep things lively. That I'll do. All right, Ted, thank you so much. All right, Nick, live it up, man. God bless America. God bless the first responders. God bless the U.S. military. And God bless the gut pile of orgy. Amen.
Starting point is 00:48:15 And God bless the great Ted Nugent. Great Ted Nugent. Thank you so much for doing that. And that is it for today. We're keeping the show tight. Don't forget to tune in tomorrow when I talk about having hormone replacement and I provide pictures of what happened. Remember, you guys, thank it.
Starting point is 00:48:37 I will say it. You're very welcome. And we will see you on Patreon. Take care.

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