The Nick DiPaolo Show - REPEAT: Special Guest The Hodge Twins! | Nick Di Paolo Show #241

Episode Date: August 31, 2021

Nick meets the Hodge Twins for the first time....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi boys and girls, Nick DiPaolo here. Free speech lives right here on the Nick DiPaolo Show. I'm grateful to be able to do this show my way, and I'm only able to do it my way because of your generous contributions. Please go to or click the link on and contribute today to keep this show
Starting point is 00:00:21 and our speech free. Thank you so much. In this episode, I'm joined by the Hodge twins. I never met these guys before this interview, but they were great. They were a lot of fun. So enjoy this episode. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, everybody.
Starting point is 00:01:09 How are you? Welcome to the show. That thing's crackling, folks. What happened there? Anyways, happy Savage Indian Day there, folks. And there's something you haven't seen, huh? In history class, they don't show that part of it. Yes, the white people came over and gave them blankets that had more germs on them than the ones at the Motel 6 I stayed at this weekend.
Starting point is 00:01:29 But that's not the point. Some of these people were savages. Cannibals and whatnot. That's one of my favorite scenes. Burning a white bitch at the stake. I thought I saw Liz Warren's great-great-granddad in there. The other thing I hate is an Italian. They use Italians and Sicilians I thought I saw Liz Warren's great-great-granddad in there.
Starting point is 00:01:51 The other thing I hate is an Italian, they use Italians and Sicilians as actors, as Indians. If you look up some of the credits, like F Troop, those guys were all Sicilian, which is ironic when Columbus is known as an Italian. It's a real clusterfuck. Let's be honest. We got race wrong in this country a long time ago, ethnicity and whatnot. But that guy that lit the fire looked just like my dad at a cookout with no shirt on
Starting point is 00:02:12 trying to get the barbecue going. We have a white bitch today. Happy, what is it, Indigenous People Day. Happy, can we still say Columbus Day? What else? Happy whatever the fuck. There's three Indians left in the country. Three and one-eighth if you count Liz Warren,
Starting point is 00:02:36 who is known as Shitting Eagle now on the campaign trail. Hey, big shout-out to Christopher McKean, three-figure donation. Keep the donations coming. They are very important. They're going to get more important. So we appreciate that. You can always do that. Good weekend I had.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Long weekend. Mother of Christ. Flew from Westchester. All the way, I mean, excuse me, flew from Savannah, had to connect, went to Westchester, New York, drove 45 minutes to Danbury, turned around, went back to the Levity Live Comedy Club where I was assaulted
Starting point is 00:03:13 by a walking yeast infection about a year and a half ago. That was packed. It was great. Partial standing ovation, as usual. Back to the hotel, Danbury. Then visit my father-in-law who's in a nursing home then back the next night i had to go to seymour connecticut if i could so don't tell me i don't work for you people it's tremendous i made almost 11 this weekend you should be proud
Starting point is 00:03:33 of me and uh and then american airlines pulled their shit last night as i'm connecting fucking from philly to savannah you know fucking i said i'm saying fuck a lot i'm very cranky today uh anyways get home at one in the morning it was a nice 18 hour day i didn't get into show I'm saying fuck a lot. I'm very cranky today. Anyways, got home at 1 in the morning. It was a nice 18-hour day. I didn't get into show business to work hard, God damn it, Tommy. There are no fishermen and farmers that didn't put up the fucking work
Starting point is 00:03:54 that I did yesterday. Guys, can you laugh it up a little bit? Fucking Rich, don't turn your head. The mic's there. That's why we have you, you pigeonhole chooch. Coming at you live. We'll do it live. Okay. We'll do it live.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Okay. We'll do it live! Fuck it! Yeah, we will. I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore! Real quick, did you guys see that? I have to show this real quick before I get to the news. Yeah, Trump's going to be impeached.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Yeah, ba-da-ba-da-ba-da-ba-ba. Mark Levin, there's nobody smarter when it comes to the Constitution okay and he was going over it last night fucking with a you know a comb and I go with him he says Trump will be shot tomorrow no he says there's no
Starting point is 00:04:37 do you guys see this football play in high school this California high school player intercepts a pass and he starts to run the wrong way a la Jim Marshall. And just watch this. This is my favorite sports play in the last five years.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Picked off by a guy named Rodriguez, I believe. And he's running the wrong way. He thinks it's the cops. And here comes his own teammate to bring him down. He's furious. Then he gets up and still doesn't know. How about a hand for that kid hustling that made the tackle who knew enough to do that?
Starting point is 00:05:19 That would have been a safety for the other team. You know, that was tremendous. And that kid is retarded. No, he's like Jim Marshall. That's how old I am. Jim Marshall did that in 1962 for the Vikings. I started watching football in 68, and they still show it. And so that was an unbelievable play by that kid.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Third quarter, Antonio Bush, one of the defenders for Fairfield High School, picked it off from quarterback Jason Trout of, oh, I'm sorry defenders for Fairfield High School, picked it off from quarterback Jason Trotter. Oh, I'm sorry. It's Rodriguez High School. Rodriguez High School. You get your diploma and it's all, you know, that, what do you call that spray paint and graffiti all over? Oh, that's racist, Nick.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Anyways, the kid went 60 yards and the fucking kid caught him from behind. But I like what the kid said. He said, that was little bro Bush's first interception. Noted he's only played two and a half games due to injury. Going into the game was his first game back off another injury. So I really don't blame him. That had nothing to do with us losing. Little bro is fine, and he'll bounce back.
Starting point is 00:06:23 That kid's a leader. Kid's name's Thrower, ironically. And yeah, so I had to show you that. What's going on? Oh, let's get right to it. Trump was in Minneapolis, I think, last week or this past weekend or whatever the fuck. And the usual garbage shows up, the usual so-called anti-fascists, and they're going after Trump supporters. And this woman is interviewing one of the Trump supporters, and this is what happens. In 2016, something that the president was really proud of in his campaign was that it was self-funded and that he had a lot of small... Oh, nice. i'm so sorry are you okay i'm fine are you serious i'm fine is that spit no it's not how it really
Starting point is 00:07:18 that's not how people really feel that is disrespectful but on the other hand that shit is disrespectful really so this kid equates wearing a MAGA hat with somebody spitting in your face there is the product look what we've done to these young kids look at this shithead I don't need sex the whatever that says you don't need sex you don't have have a choice. Nobody's going to fuck you, moron. Too stupid to get laid. But he's equating spitting somebody in the face. The MAGA hat is just as, it's the same thing to him. Okay?
Starting point is 00:07:53 Words are the same thing to him as actions. I mean, just brainwashed. I have like three stories today that's going to show what we've done to people this age. Kid is fucking retarded I hate him as much as the kid who spit and why couldn't they get the kid who spit on camera? I noticed the guy holding a camera didn't do that. Why is that? Nice going journalists. Anyways, go ahead play the rest of this poor white
Starting point is 00:08:22 I respect your opinion. I didn't do that. That wasn't me. I was just trying to take a picture. That's all right. You have a better attitude about that than I would. Well, I'm telling you, you know. Does that surprise you? That did surprise me a little bit.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Then you're a dope. That surprise you? When are we going to stop fighting back? Where are the young folk to chase him down? That guy gets spit in the face. Old white guy, by the way. And boy, didn't he get all emotional. And couldn't you tell who the fascist was there?
Starting point is 00:08:53 I respect your opinion. He's too religious. Turn the other cheek. Fuck that. Break the other cheek. Spit in your face? Somebody show me some footage. That's how rare it is.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Show me some footage of a so-called Trump supporter beating the shit out of somebody or spitting in somebody's face on the other side. Can you show it to me? I'm pretty sure, you know, we all know how the mainstream media, you know, leans far left. I'm sure if it exists, we'd have seen it a thousand times.
Starting point is 00:09:26 That's how rare it is. But to spit in a guy's face and have a kid go, well, that's just as disrespectful. It's over, folks. Let's get out the fucking muskets. Rich, what are you doing? Super chats or texting your girlfriend about her feet? I was texting my girlfriend about her feet.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Yeah, there you go. Wiseass. Look, he's sitting on a stool. If we could get a shot of that. This $400 tie sitting on a table for a chair. We got more. So that was outside the rally, the Trump rally. And here's some more of the pitchfork left-wing scumbags
Starting point is 00:10:00 actually chasing old people. Can we go back to that? Is that hard to go back to the beginning? Yeah, black kid. That's a fucking young black kid going after an old white guy, smacking him in the back of the head. And, of course, that didn't make Meet the Press.
Starting point is 00:10:16 That didn't make NBC Nightly News. That didn't make the New York Times, ABC, CBS, or did it? I want you to reverse the races there and have a nice young white fella punching an all-black guy in the back of the head and chasing him. You think you would have seen it? It would have been on a loop on CNN.
Starting point is 00:10:33 How do you guys vote fucking Democrat? I don't care if I lose fans or not. That's what you're fucking for, if you pull the lever for any of those dickweeds. Unbelievable. It just infuriates me. If I could, I'd grab this microphone and I'd beat your brains out with it
Starting point is 00:10:47 because that's what you deserve. That's what you deserve. And then if that wasn't enough, spitting in a guy's face, roughing up on an old white fella, they're actually burning MAGA hats and shit. And again, you know what? I'm telling you,
Starting point is 00:11:02 George Soros' dirty fingerprints are all over this. Why somebody hasn't taken him out with a nice acid milkshake with a touch of heavy cream in it just to disguise it. Watch. They're actually burning shit. This is Salem, Massachusetts in 1650. Stop the Texas criminal! Stop the Texas criminal! Stop the Texas criminal!
Starting point is 00:11:26 Stop your guys! Get off your bikes! Go go shit! Go go shit! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes!
Starting point is 00:11:38 Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes!
Starting point is 00:11:38 Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes!
Starting point is 00:11:38 Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes!
Starting point is 00:11:39 Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your bikes! Get off your Animal abuse! Animal abuse! Animal abuse! Animal abuse! Animal abuse! That guy on the horse, the cop, see that should be a taser. That should be a machine gun with rubber bullets, fire hoses, nothing lethal. But where are the German shepherds and the fire hoses? I've been requesting that forever, nobody's listening to me.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Look at all these kids just filming it and shit and chanting. Minneapolis, I don't know what the fuck had happened to you. You used to be a good city, and then you elected somebody like Al Franken, and you got the head of Al-Qaeda, Omar Twatson, who's a liar and a cheat. And the left is just corrupt. Look at this poor cop. He's like, I didn't sign up for this. He's trying to put it out with a Star Wars laser beam.
Starting point is 00:12:27 What's he got, a can of Lysol? The horse is just standing there going, I didn't sign up for this. I was in Kentucky getting blown five minutes ago in a nice Louisville pasture. Horses blow each other, Rich. Why am I getting crackling, guys? Testing, one, two, testing. I don't know. Right there.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Leave it right there, Raz. I don't know. We've got to fix that. But every time we play with it, we make it worse. I think it's the equipment. These goddamn radio shacks, They sell you the worst garbage. I went in there. What are you doing now, Rich?
Starting point is 00:13:11 Google said horses' necks weren't long enough to blow each other. Makes no sense. I get the best head from a giraffe at the Bronx Zoo like five years ago. What are you talking about, deep throat man? Yeah, this fucking thing. Anyways, let's stay on brainwashed youngsters. This whole show is basically, I didn't mean it, but the stories that jump out at me, just dedicated to how, what kind of liberal garbage
Starting point is 00:13:40 and what kind of propaganda machines college campuses have turned into. You mean, that's my old alma mater. I don't know if they're talking about the main campus as in Orono. UMaine publicly shames college Republicans for Columbus Day comments and campus-wide email. After a Maine mayor expressed disapproval of the state's official changing of Columbus Day to indigenous people.
Starting point is 00:14:06 The University of Maine College Republicans spoke out in support of the mayor. Thank God somebody's, how about a hand for the goddamn mayor? The university, so the College Republican group defended the mayor because he was upset about changing the name from Columbus to that. The university responds to the College Republicans to the post in an email blast where it accused the group, meaning the College Republicans, implying all indigenous people of the Americas are brutal savages and proclaimed that the post was not reflective of the university's values. I'm so sick of hearing about universities' values. Your values of that of fucking Russia circa 1930.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Okay? You Stalinists, you fascists, you communists. You don't reflect this country's values. Quit talking about fucking values. You have none. Do you guys understand the story? The guys, the mayor says
Starting point is 00:15:22 he's upset about changing it for Columbus. People say, and the students agree with him, and somehow they're in the wrong. These are the people that are running the colleges that you're sending your kids to. Fucking start homeschooling them when they're three, okay? Then send them to my school, Nick DePaulo University. .ptx. Anyways, the group responded. The young Republicans, I don't know what that meant. The group responded by calling the email a blatant misrepresentation of its views and demanding a formal apology from the university.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Good for you, three Republicans up in Maine. I think we have the letter that they sent, right? We are horrified that letter there. This is the UMaine College Republicans. We are horrified by Dean Robert Dana's destructive behavior. His email today has created
Starting point is 00:16:17 another white fucking spineless guy running a college. His email today has created a hostile political environment, even more extreme. He clearly has no regard for the personal safety and well-being of the members of the UMaine College Republicans. If any of our members are attacked, bullied, that's where they lose me when they use bully, fucking grow up, or intimidated as a result of his actions, we will hold this jerk off
Starting point is 00:16:40 personally responsible. I added that for a bit. Just this afternoon, October 7th, we met with members of his administration and were assured that there would be no action taken against us for exercising our rights to free speech. Imagine you have to get clear. We demand a formal apology for his blatant misrepresentation of our views and our standing by our Facebook posts supporting Nick Isgro and Columbus Day. Good for Nick Isgro.
Starting point is 00:17:07 I'd like to know what town he's mayor of. Probably 11 people in it. And there's Liz Warren's high school yearbook. That looks like me at a pool party. Fucking making fun of me being Italian, pouring hot marinara sauce in my belly. What is going on on the left over there? These Indians were savages, folks, I tell you. I'm sure it's somewhere in between.
Starting point is 00:17:39 They weren't the angels that they're being depicted of by the left today, right? And they weren't the fucking, you know, some of them were savage. Come on, this was the woods. You know? Go ahead, Rich, say something, that dumb look on your face. That's why you can't win at their casinos. Yeah, I've made that joke eight times on the show, but let's pretend it's yours. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:18:02 What would be your Indian nickname? Fucking running shithead? Wood Dick. Wood Dick. How about Screaming Asshole? Wood Dick. He loves that. For the love of Christ. Earlier this year, Maine Democrat Governor Janet Mills.
Starting point is 00:18:24 I want all female Democrats eradicated. I mean like mayors and not the voters. She signed a bill that officially changed Columbus Day to Indigenous People Day. So she's what
Starting point is 00:18:39 we call a fucking asshole. I'm a fucking idiot. Monday, which is today, will be the first official observation of the newly named holiday in the state of Maine. what we call a fucking asshole. I'm a fucking idiot. Monday, which is today, will be the first official observation of the newly named holiday in the state of Maine. So she's home diddling herself like she got something done.
Starting point is 00:18:53 After Waterville, Maine Republican, Maine Nick Isgro, publicly announced his disapproval of the dumb bitches, the woman's, the October 1st. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:19:04 he posted that he disagreed with it and that's when all the shit started. And too bad. I love Manny. I went to school up there, and I used to sleep with an Indian girl. What was her name? Dripping something. But here's some more of that politically correct language it makes me mentally ill the positions reflected and reposted on that page are neither supported by nor reflective of the University of Maine's values and principles of inclusivity and equity
Starting point is 00:19:39 it's a mantra guys we've been saying these same words for the last, inclusivity, diversity, and they, and they're swallowing it. The poor kids are swallowing it whole. Ferry Mundy and Dana who accused the college Republicans of using 15th century Spanish war propaganda to dehumanize indigenous people, implying all indigenous people of the Americas are brutal savages. They didn't say that.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Didn't say that at all. So what's worse? They're using, the Republicans are using 15th century Spanish war propaganda, or you're using Hitler or Stalin propaganda. Which one's worse? Huh? How many million people died under Stalin? How many under the college Republicans up at me?
Starting point is 00:20:32 That's an unfair... These are grown-ups running your colleges. Are you parents paying attention? Don't send them to college. Send them to goddamn DeVry. Teach them fucking air conditioning. Something the fucking Indians are grateful for at their casinos. This is how I think.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Hates Jews. Hates Jews. Oh. We fully understand that this sort of material is upsetting to many members of our community and do not align with, once again, our values or the stated values of the university. Oh, my God. They just keep piling it on. Listen to this.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Highly held values. Civility. Inclusion. Compassion. Understanding and respect. Yeah, just like the clip I just showed. College-age kids spitting at people, fucking chasing them down. Those are college-age kids.
Starting point is 00:21:22 And I got a story coming up with a black girl that's putting all kinds of shit, calling college Republicans at another school racist, and she's playing a song called Fuck Trump while she's doing it, and nothing's going to happen to her. So stick your values up your ass. Most of the professors, most of the women have handlebar mustaches. Why do you have to say that? The email closed an appeal to free speech.
Starting point is 00:21:50 An announcement that the university will be co-hosting group discussions with student government on the roots of Indigenous People Day. And free speech is a community ideal and an expression of confidence that people will celebrate the historic, cultural, and contemporary significance of Indigenous people across Maine
Starting point is 00:22:05 on Monday. As they take white people's money at the craps table and pass out while they're counting their hard-earned cash because they had three bottles of whiskey in them. Oh, I'm just joshing. Those are ugly stereotypes, aren't they, kids? So that is that. Hey uh ladies and gentlemen uh this episode of nick dipalo show brought by brought to you by uh my look we're what are we six seven weeks into the football season and there's no no better time to bet you like winning money who doesn't i'll tell you where to put your money down at If you're trying to bet on the NFL, baseball, MMA, whatever, mybookie's got it.
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Starting point is 00:24:01 As far as live dates go, and gentlemen uh friday and saturday november 8th and 9th i'll be at the kansas city comedy club kansas city missouri then friday november 15th the quote and repertory theater courtland new york only if i can get a helicopter and chopper there because i'm not fucking changing planes ever again saturday november 16th the comedy works in saratoga springs new york. You should try the Buffalo Wings there. They're to die for. Friday, November 22nd, I'll be making my first appearance in my new home state at the historic Ritz Theater, Brunswick, Georgia.
Starting point is 00:24:37 That's Friday, November 22nd. Then the next night, Saturday, November 23rd, the Tift Theater, Tifton, Georgia. And then New Year's Eve, back at the Tarrytown Music Hall in Tarrytown, New York. And then in 2020, Friday, January 24th, Ridgefield Playhouse, Ridgefield, Connecticut. Saturday, February 15th, the Kelsey Theater, Lake Park, Florida. Friday, April 3rd, Morgan Hill Event Center in Herman, Maine. Go to for your ticket information. Real quick, Rich. We got three. We got a really nice one from Lucky Son 13. He said, I'm a disabled vet,
Starting point is 00:25:13 but you, my friend, are my hero. No, sir. You are our hero. Thank you for your service. I'd love to hear the... Lay off the button. I'm getting echo. Thank you very much. No, don't thank me. I met a few guys, cops, who love the show and stuff. But you, seriously, thank you. Pastor George wrote, Tolerance is the virtue of man without convictions. Progressives are not tolerant of truth unless it is their so-called truth.
Starting point is 00:25:43 This is true, Pastor George. Let go of the button, cheese dick. Thank you very much. He's very right about that. When tolerance becomes more of a virtue than the actual truth, that's when we're deep shit. I read that in a book. I didn't say it. Yeah, it was my quote
Starting point is 00:26:02 under my yearbook picture in high school. That and I love titties. Right next to each other. Go ahead. Yeah, it was my quote under my yearbook picture in high school. That and I love titties. Right next to each other. Go ahead. All right, the final one. We have the cannonator who said, Nick, come back to Minnesota while you're at it. Let's get rid of Elon Omar. All right.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Well, that's your problem. Your dumb state voted that dumb bitch in. And I say we drop her right in northern Syria because ISIS is running free right now and see what happens to her. I'll tell you what happens to her. She becomes head of it. And then we hit her with a nice fucking mother of
Starting point is 00:26:36 all bombs. Lands right in her silly hat. That's a horrible thing to say. Hey, ladies and gentlemen, last week I had the pleasure of sitting down with these guys. You guys know who they are if you follow Owen Benjamin and a few other guys, Dave Rubin. The Hodge twins. A couple of handsome Marines.
Starting point is 00:26:58 A couple of African-American. Can I say that? Should I say black? Raz, what's the term today? Black. Black. Thank you very much. I always go with colored, but people go, what are you saying?
Starting point is 00:27:09 They say it's racist. And I said, you just called yourself a person of color. So me calling you color, how does that fucking work? Anyways, I get into semantics. Racist ones. That's why we have a good show. But the Hodgwins, okay? They have 1.3 million on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:27:25 I mean, they're a real presence out there. They have almost the same politics as me. They were Marines, so you know they're great guys, and they don't put up with any shit, and I would love to see some puke try to spit in their face or, you know, knock a MAGA hat off their head, but they're a real presence out there. Any time you find black dudes who, in my opinion,
Starting point is 00:27:43 have their heads on, you know, politically, it's quite a load to bear, man. Ask Clarence Thomas, Jesse Lee Peterson, our friend. It takes a lot of courage to go. And they take a bunch of shit from white liberals and black people. So they're getting it from all sides. And I sat down with them last week, and here is the interview ladies and gentlemen and i'm glad to have these guys on uh i'm looking at their numbers on the internet i thought i was doing well i'm not going to catch these bastards for another 10 20 years i mean look at the 1.3 million on facebook 710 000 on instagram 1.3 million on just one of the YouTube channels. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:28:29 And they're Marines, so you know they're good guys. And just they're black guys. They're comics. And as far as politics goes, they have their heads on straight as far as I'm concerned. And please welcome Keith and Kevin Hodge, the Hodge twins, to the show. How are you, fellas? Hey, thanks for having us, Nick. Let's make America great again.
Starting point is 00:28:53 That's what we're trying to do. But, you know, Google, they have a lot of muscle. Well, you guys know. Let's get right into this. You guys have been demonetized, right? I mean, they're doing all kinds of shit to you. Are you fighting back? Did you find a good Jewish lawyer? Fight back, man.
Starting point is 00:29:08 We're pretty much slaves now. You can't fight back. They take down your post and delete your tweets. Yeah. You just got to keep moving. You can't get discouraged though. Yeah, you have to keep reinventing yourself, I guess. I'm just finding out now that with my YouTube, they're trying to do the same thing to me that they're doing the crowder
Starting point is 00:29:28 if you put my name in uh my page comes up but my videos aren't there and shit and and uh you know so they're already doing it to me so which is a good sign to me that means i'm apparently a threat finally after 30 after 30 years in the business but That's how they put you in there with Steven. Yeah. They haven't found out about us yet. I think they have. They probably just missed them to him first. You know what's funny, Nick? We used to get invited to this event with YouTube called YouTube Blackwood.
Starting point is 00:30:01 It would celebrate all the black creators with YouTube. When we came out conservative, we're no longer black now. They took a black card from us. Honest to God. It's funny, yet it's not. I mean, to be a black guy and be, you know, lean a little right or whatever, first of all, you're a Marine,
Starting point is 00:30:18 so I know you. My dad's a Marine, so I have the scars on the back of my head to prove it. But, yeah, I mean, this is absolutely ridiculous. Now, what kind of, I know you get a lot of crap from both black and white people, but aren't the white libs the real
Starting point is 00:30:31 vicious ones? Are they the ones calling you Uncle Tom? Man, no, it's the black ones. The black ones, yeah, they call us Coon, Uncle Tom. I mean, we actually came out as conserved to help black people. Had the exact opposite effect. I was hoping for yeah You don't say like I shows have changed a lot of demographic because when we first started off was in a fitness
Starting point is 00:30:53 And then we slowly went into the politics now. It's like it happened overnight. I'll demographic got age group or Everything changed. We went to Nashville. We hadn't been to Nashville since we came out We've been doing our conservative ears for like a year. We went out and saw We hadn't been to Nashville since we came out. We'd been doing our conservative videos for like a year. We went out and saw a crowd. It's like, who the hell are these people?
Starting point is 00:31:10 Really? I was like, I was thinking, I was thinking, I think they might have came to the wrong show. But they're there for us. You know?
Starting point is 00:31:18 It was a great crowd. Yeah. Was it a mixed crowd? Racially, how did it break down in Nashville? Man, that crowd looked like they was ready for a Van Halen concert.
Starting point is 00:31:28 They called me black when I went to a Van Halen concert. I can imagine. So, yeah, there was a lot of work. I think about guys like Clarence Thomas and the Condoleezza, the crap that you guys are going to put up with. And how do we change that? Let me ask you this. guys going to put up with? How do we change that?
Starting point is 00:31:45 Let me ask you this. How do we get to the because 95% of black people still vote Democrat. How do we smarten them up? It's going to be very difficult because from a young age, man, it's in your music. You hear from your parents. It's in our culture. It's basically in our culture to vote for
Starting point is 00:32:02 a party that enslaved us, that used Jim Crow laws against us. We're actually taught, like the black community has been brainwashed totally. They actually think Democrats care about diversity. You know what? The only thing I can really think of, you can't really teach your old dog new tricks. You got to shoot it. You got to put it down.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Put that dog down, man. I'm glad you said that. Hey, I'm going to get Uncle Tom and the Year War for that one. I mean, I think we got to start with the kids, man. Start them when they're young, man, before they're brainwashed, before they're indoctrinated, pretty much. Yeah, like majority of black community is Democrat. Then the other majority, they don't care. They feel that it doesn't matter who's in president.
Starting point is 00:32:44 I was like, nah, man. you act like a small child right now you got grown people deciding your life and how your kids gonna live their life how were you were you now you said you guys recently you said like a year ago you started sort of to be more conservative what brought were you were you liberal not liberal but i'm sure were you less conservative a year a couple years ago well how did you what changed it was it trump what changed it no please say yes for years obama changed his name he actually made us become conservative oh my god president a black liberal president showed me the light i was like you know what all these people lies if you can't trust a black liberal who can you trust so i started listening to both sides man actually the first time we voted uh republican was for mitt romney and he's a damn rhino i know i know he disappointed me too i actually had a little faith
Starting point is 00:33:36 in you know when he was debating obama i go he's smoking this guy and and and then he comes out after trump says he's running so that's bad bad-mouthing Trump. This guy's another fucking used car salesman. But that's unbelievable. Do you say that in your act? That has to be. You have to say that on stage, that Obama's one attorney concerned. Yeah, that definitely comes up in our show. They'll all assume it's Trump you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Then you hit them with that. Yeah. What about what's going on now i mean with the well since he came down the escalator they have tried everything to stop trump um and now they're doing this thing with the the whole ukraine president and it's it's a don't you think is it another hoax or not or do we have something to be worried about here it's definitely a hoax i mean as soon as he got elected they what that one that one, Tlaib or Kaleba, whatever her name is. She said, we're going to impeach the motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:34:30 I mean, as soon as he got, became president, they've been talking about impeaching him. So this come up with this phone call. Okay, that's it. We got it. Let's impeach him. You ain't got nothing. It's nothing. And this whole Ukraine thing, man, They just misrepresented everything that phone call
Starting point is 00:34:47 Represent like the reason why he called was not to interfere in an election that call was to expose When I feel is corruption right and if the president can't do that I mean, why do we got a why do we even got a president if he can't make a call to investigate? You know corrupt titions. Well exactly had Obama, I bring this up, you had Obama in 2012 on an open mic say to the President Medvedev of Russia, hey, I'll be more flexible after the election. How the fuck is that not,
Starting point is 00:35:14 how is that not impeachable? But this is, you know, you have to put this in context. After the two years of the Russian hoax, which has proved to be bullshit, people are still gonna believe this i mean this is ridiculous and like you said it's about exposing biden and his fucking drug addict son scamming china and and uh sitting on a energy board and getting 600 grand a year so trump goes
Starting point is 00:35:38 you know we should look into this that's impeachable these did they have lost their friggin minds yeah completely lost their minds. It's like I'm convinced that the constituents of the Democrat Party, they're brain dead. And they're sheep. Yeah. All their policies, all their arguments, they take like abortion, for example. They call it reproductive rights. Nobody's saying you can't have kids.
Starting point is 00:36:03 We're just saying you can't murder your kids. I mean, everything they take, they misrepresent it so they can tear down your argument. I mean, the right has all the right policies. They do. They have to. I mean, you know, even when Obama were ever president, he said he was going to fundamentally change the country.
Starting point is 00:36:20 You don't fundamentally change something that you like. That's what you do to something you fucking hate, like my wife did to me. I got married. She's been trying to change me. This is bullshit. Yeah, that's like going from big chicks to skinny chicks. That's like going from capitalism to socialism.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Yeah. That's like going full-blown transgender out of the blue. That was homophobic one. Yeah. Homophobic. You know, there's nothing you can't. So what I wanted to ask you about, do you think Trump in this next election, because he's done well by black people, as far as unemployment and all that stuff, is he going to get a bigger chunk?
Starting point is 00:37:01 Or do you think all this branding of him by the left as racist and a bigot, do you think that's stuck? I would think he'd do better with blacks in the next election. He'll do better in the next election, but the damage is done. I mean, either you open-minded or you're not. If most black voters are closed-minded, they vote liberal. But I think he should do even better this election around because, I mean, how often can you keep looking at the TV and it keeps saying one thing and then it turns out it's nothing. Then it says another and it turns out it's nothing until you actually start, wait a minute, these people are lying to me. So I think he should do better. He should do a lot better with blacks.
Starting point is 00:37:46 You would think so. Yeah, you would think so. I know. It's just, I say this, I've been saying this for a long time, if the mainstream media wasn't so liberal, if it wasn't liberal law, they would never win an election. They would never friggin' win an election. It's the only thing
Starting point is 00:38:01 that keeps it competitive, is CNN lying on a fuckin' loop. They're a propaganda arm for for the uh democrat party how do we change this you know you and you and guys like me and crowder we're trying to do our part but we need more than just fox news and and mark levin and hannah we need we have to you know i mean we have to stop brainwashing kids on college camp it's going to take a long time to turn this boat around is what I'm saying. You know? Yeah. Charlie Kirk, when he started Turning Point USA, actually we're going to Washington, D.C.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Yeah, the summit. I'll see you there. I'm the guest speaker. Do you hear? Oh, okay. Great. Yeah. I'll see you there.
Starting point is 00:38:37 The black leadership. I think it was one person that could have changed a lot, but he's dead now. Who? Marion Barry? Epstein. Ep lot, but he's dead now. Who, Marion Barry? Epstein. Epstein, yes. Wait a minute. If somebody wouldn't have strangled that man in his cell, he could expose a lot of these Democrats.
Starting point is 00:38:53 You know what? That's actually a great joke. Can I use that? He's got more dirt than anybody on these guys is what you're saying. He could have brought down the Democratic Party one man. I still don't believe a man can hang himself off a two-foot bed. That's impossible. Well, that's how the midget did it from Fantasy Island, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:39:15 He committed suicide. He'd be the only guy that could do it. Man, if I was the detective that discovered a midget hung himself off the end of his bed, I would piss on myself as soon as I walked into the crime scene. I know this is messed up, but this is too funny. He hung himself from a two-foot bed. That is actually a great point. Jeffrey Epstein, can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:39:37 He could hold both parties hostage. Yeah. Oh, my God. But that's the other thing. The stories he could have told about Bill Clinton on the Lolita Express. Oh, my goodness. I mean, just filthy. He was only on it 23 times. I'm sure it was all business. All I need is Bill now for one time. The damage I could have caused on one visit.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Oh, my goodness. You're playing right. But you're not a pedophile, you idiot. I know that. I'm just saying. Well, you just have coffee with the girls. You wouldn't touch them. I'm sure that's what Bill Clinton did.
Starting point is 00:40:15 But what are you going to do about this? It's like Google and he's demonetizing you. Seriously, shouldn't you call Crowder? He's got legal representation. Yeah, a lot of people have been reaching out to say we should all like join up together yeah and um go with them pregger you sawing them huh yeah uh pregger you yeah that's um youtube channel where they teach conservative ideals yeah they monetize thatize that channel. Well, sort of, yeah. Yeah, and they use Media Matters
Starting point is 00:40:48 and they use the Southern Poverty Law Center, which they're actual hate groups. They're the ones that went after Prager University. For what? The guy's a Judeo-Christian. And I used to watch Prager on TV. He had a show when I was living in Los Angeles. Very smart. And yeah, they're calling that hate TV. He had a show when I was living in Los Angeles. Very smart.
Starting point is 00:41:05 And yeah, they're calling that hate speech. We have to fight back. But I'm more nervous about Google because they control all the information. People get their information from the Internet and it affects how they vote. They're more of a threat to this next election than China or fucking Russia buying $200 worth of Facebook ads. So I say here's the difference between when they start shutting me down on YouTube, I will drive out to Silicon Valley and shoot, you know, who's dog. What's the Indian guy?
Starting point is 00:41:42 Yeah, we're going to go out there with you. Yeah, you're Marines. We'd be there for backup. Yeah, we're going to go out there with you. Yeah, you're Marines. We'd be there for backup. I love it, you guys. I can't picture anybody slapping a Trump hat off your heads, a MAGA hat. I mean, you'd fuck them up. Look at you. You're in great shape.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Especially with my CCW permit. Yeah. They asking for it. What's that? Fill me in. Concealed weapons. weapons oh that's right yeah actually we're licensed in like 43 states i'm going to walmart i'm like man please somebody come in and do something please i need some target practice i got in trouble i got in trouble i
Starting point is 00:42:21 tweeted during that uh that shooting the el paso that I didn't, in my fairness, it had just started. We didn't know how many people had been wounded or hurt. All I saw, I was making a sandwich in the kitchen, and it said, active shooter Walmart. So right away, I ran to Twitter like a good comedian would do it. I said, that guy is the first person to have a step foot in Walmart whose lifestyle could be said active. And that's, you know, everybody going fucking nuts. Even my followers are going, that was a little much, Nick. And they're saying
Starting point is 00:42:49 that, you know, the joke was good, the timing was bad. I go, that's the only time it's funny. If I tell that joke a year from now, the people aren't more dead then than they are now. You know what I mean? That's when it's funny. The people on Twitter, either expression is going to be really really
Starting point is 00:43:05 good or really really yeah no that's exactly right is that i i play russian roulette i'm going to give you guys because you're gun people uh people that's not a racist isn't it i'm sorry you're a gun people he's black good people you people you people and your guns um i do something called Twitter Russian roulette. Because, you know, Twitter, you can commit showbiz suicide if you're a right-leaning comic on Twitter. If you want to end your career, you can do it. So this is what I do. I write out five tweets, four of them are nice, clean, unoffensive jokes.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Then I put one really racist one in there. And I put them all in my draft folder that I blindfold myself. And I just go like this and hit the tweet button. It's kind of fun. My wife's going, don't do it. That's a good idea, man. Now, you guys were talking to the group. You don't have to hold yourself accountable.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Yeah, no, exactly. Exactly. We're talking to the hodge. I didn't do it. The gun did it. Yeah, the gun did it. Blame the gun and not the people. You guys, I'm talking to the Hodge twins, by the way, who are, and you're touring, right? So how's the stand-up going?
Starting point is 00:44:15 What's it like out there? Are you getting heckled, or is it your fans? Like, we was in Washington, D.C., Awakenist, awakenston like our jokes she flipped us off on stage who did who did yeah she did like uh transgender jokes oh let's hear some come on i'm thinking about transitioning myself it's getting so tough out here for republican males i was online i was online pricing tits last night for myself. Do you guys, you have like another persona of like, I heard like some of your internet shows, you know, you use the N-word and shit. It's a little more edgy, right? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Yeah, all that stuff is pretty edgy. My comedy is edgy. Like, we have like a bunch of, you know, conservatives are typically older people. And this old white lady came up to me and said, oh, you all some dirty motherfuckers. people and i this old white lady came and she says oh y'all some dirty motherfuckers love the show but it's dirty yeah she can sell uh political stuff on like instagram and facebook and it's pretty much clean she came to our show she's like you dirty motherfuckers she had a trump hat on? Yeah. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:27 I mean, everybody's such a frigging hypocrite. I do a joke. I did it in Vegas. And I think I did it a long time ago. It's one of my older jokes. But I talk about white people. I said, white people always use the N-word. And if they tell you they don't, they're either lying or they never bet 10 grand on an NBA basketball game.
Starting point is 00:45:48 You ever hear me this weekend when it does Cowboys law? Yeah, exactly. When LeBron James misses a three-pointer at the buzzer, what do you think white people are going to look at the TV? Oh, that damn person of color. Oh, that African-American. I know he was out drinking last night. Yeah. Yeah, so you get some pushback, huh?
Starting point is 00:46:07 Yeah. A little bit. I mean, the majority of people that show up, they have a really good time. We get positive comments. Everybody's laughing, but we do got some dirty jokes in there. Yeah, it's just like some of the staff at the comedy clubs, like the waitresses and the waiters,
Starting point is 00:46:22 I don't know why, but all of them are fucking liberal so they don't like it and yeah a lot of arguments break out in clubs man after the show like between staff yeah it's like it never really fazed me people start arguing like you're not black and you're not gay so you wouldn't understand i was like that's what we heard back in boston like staff was bickering and arguing about our set. I was like, get the hell out of here with that BS, man. Nah, they're arguing about who they're going to fuck, the waitresses, Kevin or Keith. That's what the argument is about. It's full of shit.
Starting point is 00:46:54 But that's my hometown of Boston. I'm so embarrassed by their politics. I mean, don't get me wrong. I wasn't for their politics in the 70s when they were throwing rocks at black kids on buses either. But it's got to be a happy medium. Now they're trying to outdo San Francisco and shit. I mean, it's embarrassing. But people always say that.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Go ahead. Sorry. California is totally too different. Man, Massachusetts is totally different countries now, man. Yeah. That's one of the few states I can't walk in with my gun. It's embarrassing what Boston has turned into politically. How about like San Francisco?
Starting point is 00:47:32 You said you guys have some transgender material. How about these cities or these states where taxpayer money goes towards, you know, state employees who are transitioning from a man to a woman? Taxpayer money is going for that. What do you guys think of that? That's insane. Yeah, it don't make sense. Like with abortion, a lot of taxpayer dollars are going there. That's a personal expense. That's your problem. Why are you going to charge taxpayers that? That's like me charging the government money to buy condoms and razors to shave my face.
Starting point is 00:48:04 That's your expense. Yeah. Why do we have to pay for that? Yeah, it should be happening to people that had a heart attack or something. Not somebody that wanted to be a man or a woman. Yeah, it's like a personal expense that has nothing to do with the government or anything. That's your decision. That should come out of your pocket.
Starting point is 00:48:18 That's cosmetic surgery, isn't it? Yeah. It's cosmetic. God damn right. Here's what I say about that. I said, if my taxpayer money Is going to go for paying From a guy to turn into a woman
Starting point is 00:48:29 I get to have a say On what that woman looks like I get to say how big your tits are How your ass is shaped I want pouty lips And if I get some skin in the game I'm going to say where that skin goes And what it looks like
Starting point is 00:48:43 Okay And I don't, you know, I have a close friend whose daughter transitioned from a girl to a guy. Oh, really? It didn't bother me until this kid started winning the fucking football pool every weekend. He replaced his Caitlin poster with a pie chart of the afc's top 10 defenses now this kid's one of the pool every goddamn day so uh but yeah if i ever say if my money's in that i'm gonna tell you what you look like at the end of it god damn it i should get some kind of say so yeah
Starting point is 00:49:19 when did you guys were your dad were your dad was your dad in the military or what's how did you my uh my older brother he uh retired army so that's pretty much why we went to the military as well we was gonna go in the army but we ran into these marine recruiters he's like look if you go in the marine corps you get more so i was like you know what? Let's go ahead and go to the ring course He had his blue unit, those dress blues on, I was like, I think he's right They look good, don't they? They look great, man, I get all
Starting point is 00:49:54 condoms of pussy with that uniform If you go into the Navy, you get a lot of ass, but most of it's male No offense, Mr. McCain I don't know how to do it, man I was on a hospital boat, the USS Mercy Yeah We were playing some war games
Starting point is 00:50:08 And I was on that boat and nothing but men There was like four women on the entire boat in their offices And dudes just fighting over them Yeah Men in bell bottoms And berets That's super gay That's super gay.
Starting point is 00:50:26 That's what make them gay. They're like, man, these look kind of cute on me. These bell bottoms. Yeah, you dress like the guy in the... I'm going to suck you off. They dress you up like the guy in the Cracker Jacks box. Yeah. Yeah. I used to watch the Fleet Week in New York City when the sailors came in,
Starting point is 00:50:43 and the gay population would double in New York City when it was Fleet Week. Straight guys would be putting on leather assless chaps to meet these guys. It was frigging crazy. But just the fact, that tells me a lot about you guys, that you joined the Marine Corps. How about your dad? I don't know anything about you. He didn't do military. I think my dad didn't even finish school i think yeah i think he had an eighth grade education yeah yeah he he was working ever since he was 15. yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:51:15 is he like his family some is some like he's got he comes from a big family majority of them um probably went to school like until that was 10th grade like my mom she didn't finish high school she uh that's just what black people did back in those days yes black country folk yeah but um he he was a military had uncles to serve vietnam and stuff like that but uh the majority reason why i joined the military is because of my older brother. He went to the Army. Dead women. Yeah, you guys are good-looking guys. I don't say that in a homophobic way, or maybe I do. I'm so confused at how that works.
Starting point is 00:51:56 No, it's cool. As long as you say that, you don't make eye contact. I didn't. I was looking. No, I know. My producer's going to yell because I was looking over here, not at the camera when I said that. You guys are pretty good looking. I'll tell you. So what do they
Starting point is 00:52:09 think of your act, like your family when you do the racier shit? Does it bother anybody? No. Are they happy for you guys? Yeah, everything's been happy. Family members,
Starting point is 00:52:25 our conservative views, none of that really affected them I think majority of our family like conservative to begin with yeah majority of our fans Um, ever since we started YouTube we we a majority of our thank you know America's, you know majority white So the whole time we've been on YouTube and doing videos majority of our fans have been white So when we went conservative, I mean we probably alienated 50% of our fan base fan base But uh, we didn't it didn't really like the first time when we start doing videos We saw a very negative effect on our IG But then a lot of conservative pages started sharing our videos and we actually gained more than we lost. Yeah
Starting point is 00:53:04 Hey, that's a lot though. Yeah majority of our fans we lost was muslims oh no and the crazy white man white hippo man latinos we lost latinos too but latinos are not like the like blacks they're like more open to political yeah well they're very Well, they're very conservative, a lot of them. I mean, they're very religious, hardworking people. And if the Republicans played their cards right a few years ago, we could probably have them in our back pocket by now. But no, you're absolutely right about that. But if you watch TV, you'd think that we all hated each other at each other's throats. But I don't experience that.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Do you? I'm living in Savannah, Georgia. I mean, look at Obama. He got elected. He beat two white men. He even beat Hillary Clinton. That's three white men. But go ahead.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Yeah. So if this country is racist and full of Nazis, how does that happen? Black people only make up, what, 10% of the population? 10%. So that's impossible. A black man cannot be elected if the majority of this country is racist. Yeah. That's impossible.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Impossible. Now, Obama, in my opinion, had a great chance. He was biracial, for Christ's sake. He had a great chance to bring us together racially. And in my opinion, he just dissed the opposite. And I know some black cops in New York even said that, that we had this conversation, that he could have made it a lot better and it's worse than ever. And now Trump's getting blamed for it. But him and him and Holder, they, you know, with Ferguson and Baltimore and all that shit, they stoked the flames, don't you think?
Starting point is 00:54:38 Yeah, they did. Oh, yeah. Yeah. When he said that could have been my son, I'm like. Oh, you talking about Trayvon? Yeah. When he said that could have been my son, I'm like... Oh, you talking about Trayvon? Yeah, when he said that and... Yeah, they just... And people still to this day, they even put down cops that shoot in Dallas.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Yeah. Nobody stepped up and said anything about that when those cops got shot down. Yeah. You know? And that's all because of Black Lives Matter. That whole Black Lives Matter thing started off a lie. Absolute myth. Never even happened. As soon as he said that, hands up, don't shoot. matter that whole black lives matter thing started off alive absolute absolute myth never did never even happen as soon as he said that hands up yeah when that story came out there was an interview
Starting point is 00:55:11 with a black he said yeah let's just walk down the street the cop jumps out of the car pulls the gun out we like hands up don't shoot and he just started shooting us yeah i was like oh come on yeah innocent man don't say hands up don't't shoot. Now, innocent man will say, what's the problem, officer? Now, if I just robbed somebody, hands up, don't shoot. That's what I would say. You're exactly right. And he had just come from roughing up some Indian guy. Remember at a convenience store?
Starting point is 00:55:37 Yeah, strong arm robbery, yeah. He was a goddamn thug. And then the cop, Darren Davis, whatever, you're never going to hear from him again. His life is ruined. Really? Yeah, if it even exists anymore. But, yeah, you're never going to hear from him again. His life is ruined. Really? Yeah, if it even exists anymore. But, yeah, I blame a lot of that Obama. And everybody's blaming Trump.
Starting point is 00:55:51 Like, the minute Trump came down the escalator, all this racial tension started. I'm just sick of the lies and shit. Hey, guys, I don't want to take up too much more. Well, that's about it, actually. But I've got to go look at a new studio. Oh, really? You have a new studio but oh really you got a new studio yeah we got uh yeah we're changing things up but it's all for the good and let me tell you you guys are an inspiration seriously because uh i know you hear a lot of shit from both sides uh politically racially because you're politics but i mean you seem like you have your heads screwed on straight to me.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Go see these guys. Tommy, they want to play the room. We're going to take care of that. That's my manager. Hey, Tommy, fix it, Tommy. Come on, man. The Apollo slayed me a long time ago. He said somebody made an
Starting point is 00:56:40 offer at slave wages. Sonny just said that my manager ran out of the room. I don't know what happened. But you're going to go see. Look at these guys. They're in shape. They're funny.
Starting point is 00:56:50 They're good looking. They have the world by the balls. So, guys, keep your chin up. Seriously, you're an inspiration to guys like me. And I'd love to have you on the show again. Okay. Anytime, man. Anytime, Nick.
Starting point is 00:57:03 The Hodge twins, everybody. That is it. You guys think it. I Nick. The Hodge twins, everybody. That is it. You guys think it. I will say it. You're very welcome. Have a great rest of your Columbus Day. And we'll talk to you people on tomorrow. Take care of yourselves, everybody. Outro Music

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