The Nick DiPaolo Show - Replay: Complete Cumia Interview | Nick Di Paolo Show #1270a

Episode Date: September 12, 2022

Replay of the complete interview with Anthony Cumia....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Joining me today, ladies and gentlemen, you know him, you love him, haven't talked to him in a while, haven't seen him in a while. One of the funniest fucks on the internet, on radio. He gets it. Let's put it that way. It's the charming and lovely Anthony Cumia. Oh, Nick. There he is. What's happening? How you doing, my friend?
Starting point is 00:00:44 Oh my God, you're clean shaven and shit. What happened? I don't know what happened. Yeah, Nick. There he is. What's happening? There's Nick DiPaolo. How you doing, my friend? Oh, my God. You're clean-shaven and shit. What happened? I don't know what happened. Yeah, yeah. I just got out of the shower. This is early for me. Yeah, me too, actually.
Starting point is 00:00:56 So this is, that's your apartment in Mineola, you said? Yeah, yeah. I'm buying a house down there in South Carolina. It's being built i've been here on that forever when you're getting down here oh god asap really i can't take it anymore but uh i i have to sign another lease in this shithole because uh of uh you know putin's putin's material uh problems i can't get a fucking interior doors or a refrigerator at my new place
Starting point is 00:01:27 because of Vladimir Putin. You sure it's not Biden? Oh, no, it can't be. I'm being told every day it's not. So, wait a minute. So, obviously, the other house is gone. The McMansion. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:42 That went about a year ago. Yeah, I sold that a year ago. I've been here in the lovely town of Mineola, the train station's right out the window. Oh, yeah, it's fantastic. Isn't it great where radio took it? It's so fucked up. Yeah, last year I was swimming in my nice big pool.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Now I'm stuck in a fucking apartment in Mineola. So can we mention a town in South Carolina? People know, right? Oh, yeah, Greenville. Oh, you did? Greenville. You know, there used to be a comedy club in Greenville. That's the first time I ever played South Carolina, about 30 years ago.
Starting point is 00:02:25 That's excellent. So you can't be that far from me, right? No, not at all. It's pretty close. And it's just so much nicer. I want to get out of here so bad. They're holding me here. I decide, okay, I'll have a house built down there. So they're holding me here i i you know i decide okay i'll have a house uh built down there so
Starting point is 00:02:46 they're building it and again the materials and uh it just takes forever to get shit done these days under under the great joe biden i can't fucking imagine trying to build a house because we just we redid our kitchen we and redoing bathroom, and the pace is glacial. I don't know how my wife wheeled the deal. She fucking, but she did, but she sped it up. I have no idea. Maybe a handjob here and there. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:03:15 But I can't imagine putting a, so, I mean, what's the scheduled date? That's going to take a while, no? Well, it's already, it's been being built for a while now. So, you know, most of it's in. I just got a text, the floors are going in and all that, you know. I get updates and whatnot. But it's not fast enough, man. This New York, Nick, New York is just a goddamn disaster.
Starting point is 00:03:43 And the city itself is even worse than the rest of the state. So the whole state's a disaster and the city is the asshole of the state. I can't fucking believe what I read. I used to report, you know, when somebody get pushed in front of a subway, I'd report it on this show. Because it's still, we shouldn't be that desensitized. But Christ's sake, now I yawn when I read it. Yeah, they always. The lady lost an arm.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Big fucking deal. She was Chinese. She was 80. Who gives a fuck? But now, you know what I mean? It is that place. I have to go there maybe for this premiere. I did a movie with Louis last fall in upstate New York, actually Lake George, the only nice place in the state.
Starting point is 00:04:24 last fall in upstate New York, actually Lake George, the only nice place in the state. And they're doing a premiere at the beginning of July sometime in one in Boston, one in New York. I don't even want to, like, I'm actually nervous about walking around New York. Yeah, that's what you do. You walk around, you're constantly, you know, your head's on a swivel. There's drug dealing going on, blatantly open-air drug dealing all over the city. We got this new mayor that's hilarious. He just loves going to, like, the Met Gala, and he has big things in Gracie Mansion here in New York City. And the guy has done nothing to try to thwart the crime, the rampant crime that's going on in New York.
Starting point is 00:05:06 And that's what he ran on. He was the fucking police commissioner, head of the cops, whatever, commissioner, law and order guy. Law and order guy. Then he's got a fucking coat on at the gavel. Looks like Liberace met the fucking bloods. Stupid ass. Why the fuck?
Starting point is 00:05:21 I can't even. The minute I saw his face and heard him speak for the first time i go they just got another not of the blasio i won't go that far but they just got another soft how after i asked colin quinn this yesterday how after you experience what giuliani did for you i guess all those people are dead now uh but you found it found a mayor like that that turned that city around how do you ever go back to this what does it it's a marxist it's a communist center new york it's fucking it it's so fucked up that we had it like we had but that's the whole country you know we we finally did it we oh, look, the economy's great. Crime is down.
Starting point is 00:06:07 We had it. And they just got to fuck it up. And boy, have they ever. On a city level, state level, and a federal, national level, they've just taken what was working, what was good and and just trashed it tell my tell my listeners down here down here i'm on the internet hack like i'm in a local news station in savannah here's peeny with the weather uh no tell my listeners what just give an idea for people who never lived in new york what your property taxes were when you were living in your other house uh sixty thousand dollars a year i didn't even know that 60 yeah between the uh the property tax and the school tax every year uh i would have to pay sixty thousand dollars to the
Starting point is 00:07:01 the state and uh uh to to have the the pleasure of living on my own property yeah look i own my own land oh sixty thousand please it's the mafia and how many kids did you have in those school systems none zero yeah you're you're paying to educate the kids who are going to mug you in 10 years on the fucking platform yeah and now you know down there kids who are going to mug you in 10 years on a fucking platform. Yeah. And now, you know, down there, my taxes are going to be maybe, maybe $3,000, $4,000. That's right. I went from $26,000 a year in Westchester to $3,500. I figured out with cost of living, like cigarettes, gas gas when i moved down here three years ago
Starting point is 00:07:47 i was up 70 grand by getting out of westchester county new york i was up yes i made 70 grand by leaving just by leaving yeah i mean everything and that you know that doesn't even include the other things uh the price of gas is is insane now it's reached such a bad level that they have to actually dredge up hearings on something that happened a year and a half ago. On network television, primetime, they've got to get up there. Celebrities have got to come out and do promos for this. You're going to watch it. You're going to. They need you to watch this propaganda.
Starting point is 00:08:29 This this fucking weeks long campaign is pretty much what it is because they got nothing but disaster. They've left in their wake for hasn't even been two years yet. If I wanted to destroy the United States or get re-elected again just run as a joke and see how i could fuck it up how bad i couldn't have done as well as they have done i i've never seen anything i don't think they're capable not just of being good politicians of being adults in an adult world the left They're living in some fucking wet dream. It's insane. I just, I sit there with fucking,
Starting point is 00:09:10 and nobody mentions, nobody mentions like Kavanaugh, you know, fucking guy shows up with a gun and trying to kill. Nobody, they don't even bring it up. But it's not, you know, again, there's the whole thing with the insurrection and Trump was instigating the whole thing. There's literally quotes of him saying stuff like now we're all going to go down to the Capitol and peacefully voice our opinions.
Starting point is 00:09:39 And never once saying get in there do damage hurt anybody and then you got chuck schumer talking about uh cavanaugh you've released the whirlwind and you will pay the price and then some guy grabs a gun and duct tape and zip ties and screwdrivers to kill this guy and no one says like ah maybe he said some shit that incited some guy. Not a peep out of these motherfuckers. Not a fucking peep. You talk about inciting. And that's all they do.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Can you imagine if that was a Sotomayor and some guy with a Trump hat showed up? I'm so sick of pointing out these double standards where I'm almost at a point where I go, you know what? I wish somebody would show up and sort of my house for the Trump. Can we push back even a little? I mean, me and me and Colin were arguing yesterday about the insurrection. First of all, it wasn't an insurrection. There was no guns there other than the cop that shot the white lady. Trump's unarmed.
Starting point is 00:10:41 That was the only gun there. So it wasn't a fucking insurrection. You get this guy, Ray Epps You got this guy, Ray Epps. That fucking guy, Ray Epps. Nobody knows where he is. He's standing there with a Trump hat going, we gotta go in now. Even right there, the Trump supporters are calling him out going, no!
Starting point is 00:10:56 Yeah, fed. Nobody can find him. People were indicted on all kinds of, you know, co-conspirators indicted on the same charges but only only half of them got arrested there's so many red flags saying this was i even anthony people think i'm crazy i even i look at the footage it doesn't even look like a real riot not even a small one have you ever seen violent we've seen violence
Starting point is 00:11:25 in the street it moves fast people throw punches bottles i did i see this whoa get back a couple of smoke bombs it looks so staged to me it does not only does it look staged in that way, you're absolutely right. There's this almost Hollywood look to it where it's just a lot of jumbled moving. No one seems to have been able to record it from a relatively close angle. And they're not directly in the fray. Like it's all just moving around. That's what I'm talking about. So it isn't me. I've watched some of it today
Starting point is 00:12:05 you're like an elbow hits the camera and yeah this this nobody like you said could be like maybe in a tree 20 feet away getting it all it's either this up close or they're in a you know a drone looking down you could almost heal you could almost hear spielberg going and action it doesn't the speed of it even when they were breaking the windows and pushing in there's one some footage of a the cop one of the capital cops on the steps remember the people are coming up and he just sort of get back there's no i don't see real violence going on i know real violence moves at 100 miles an hour and and people are getting... And the audio from the police radios sounds like you're watching Forensic Files, a recreation. They just took the train and got some guy.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Yeah, he's like, we're here. They are breaking through the barricades. They are breaking through the barricades. It doesn't sound like any of the actual, again, I've heard actual police recordings of them on a scene of a violent crime or what have you. It sounds like
Starting point is 00:13:14 bad actors acting badly. Yes. No, recreations. That's perfect. I watch your shows all the time. I'm obsessed with them. My mother's on the floor. She's perfect. I watch those shows all the time. I'm obsessed with them. My mother's on the floor. She's dying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:32 I don't see that energy, that forensic energy that you see when there's real violence. It just all looks... I kept my mouth shut because everybody's... Me and Colin are arguing. Colin's always... He's the level-headed guy. He's like, first of all, it was a setup. You deserve it.
Starting point is 00:13:47 It's so stupid. They set it up. And Trump's people took the bait. And I'm like, okay, well, if it was a setup, that makes the government evil, as I thought. And if it wasn't, I go, let's say it wasn't. They were really there. Because have you seen 2,000 mules yet? Yeah. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:08 About an hour and a half of footage proving this was the biggest, fuck, this last election was the biggest fucking heist in the history of this country politically. So you might want to look at that. But I'm like, okay, so we're Americans. There's nothing
Starting point is 00:14:24 more Americans in charge in the Capitol. This is how shit happens. If everybody thought, you know, you've got to cool the heads, don't take the bait, we'd still be under British rule. At some point, you've got to go, fuck, I have no problem with what happened. I've got to be honest. I know people are going, well, politically, it's stupid. Well, when we
Starting point is 00:14:45 threw the British off our back and we're throwing teeth, we didn't know that was going to be political. You know, we... You know what I'm saying? Politically expedient. You've got to do... If you really thought that the fucking election was stolen, which is a ton of evidence. Did you see this? I got my tooth knocked out
Starting point is 00:15:02 at a rally. Look at this. I got my tooth knocked out at a rally. Oh, God. Look at this. I lost that making a movie with Louie, the one I was just telling you about. And I got it fixed last fall. I'm eating a peach the other night. All of a sudden, I go, I feel the tooth go down my throat. Oh, shit. Oh, shit is a perfect line because I go online and everybody goes oh you just have to
Starting point is 00:15:25 find it in the toilet and i go what and these are doctors online going yeah i'm gonna panhandle from a fucking through porn and fucking anyways what i'm saying is that was a false flag or something i really do i i don't nobody had guns and you're calling it an insurrection how embarrassing no one has guns the only person that was killed uh at that thing was that woman uh uh by uh you know yeah a black capital police officer nothing i mean they don't even look into here's the here's the thing you bring up a great point with the the fact that uh uh no one looks at these things we have 2 000 mules we have all this evidence of something wrong now you
Starting point is 00:16:05 would think imagine years ago a young journalist actually going like wow I'm gonna jump on this story and and see if there's something to it they don't even look they don't even want to look because you know the powers that be will destroy their careers and they're a bunch of Liberal douchebags anyway, they're they're agenda-driven. They're protecting the power base These are stories hunters laptop all these things are stories that any real journalist would go holy shit, this is gonna make my career and Nothing, they don't even want oh, it's been debunked. By who? Who the fuck debunked the election, by the way?
Starting point is 00:16:48 Screwing with the election. I've yet to see why, because you said it's debunked, it's debunked. Yeah. Well, when you have the blowhorn and you outnumber all the other blowhorns, you can lie and people will grab onto it. We're talking to the great Anthony Comia, by the way. And Gutfellow is watching.
Starting point is 00:17:04 He made a great point the other day. These reporters don't touch the shit later on. Like, once it became verified that it wasn't Hunter's laptop, you know, the New York Times comes out. But they don't touch it before then because they helped in the covering up. They can't re-report on shit that they had something to do with. The Russian collusion thing, the Trump Russia collusion thing is one of the biggest lies and people
Starting point is 00:17:31 won Pulitzer Prizes for their journalistic fucking excellence on a story that is absolutely proven to be bullshit and they won't even, they'll kind of mention it, but they won't do an in-depth story on it and talk about how they were bamboozled by the clinton campaign or anything
Starting point is 00:17:51 they just go oh yeah by the way i remember that shit that uh uh we were saying every day of the week for months and months and months and years uh it was all bullshit back to your regularly scheduled program yeah yeah Where's the... Again, I guess because the Libs out number, but boy, can you imagine if the Republicans put on... There wouldn't be show trials, but actually trials for the people that started the whole
Starting point is 00:18:16 Russia collusion. Adam Schiff should be fucking hanging in a cell right now. That fucking guy. That dirty, dirty jig. Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell. The fact that I read his social media posts, and I'm like, this guy fucked a Chinese spy. How is he not in hiding somewhere?
Starting point is 00:18:42 How did he not go to China and beg them for some type of political fucking freedom? The guy should be in one of those stocks in a town square until they build the guillotine for him, this son of a bitch. And he's out there preaching about what a piece of shit you know trump is and this one and and it's it no one has any sense of decorum or pride or they just go out and lie right to your fucking face they they because they can and they and let me and that brings up the next question where were the the Republicans in all this? I'm done. I hate them as much as the fucking Dems.
Starting point is 00:19:28 At least the Dems. You know, there should be somebody on TV still screaming about the Russian collusion every day or whatever. Where are the, you know, I see the Jim Jordans and these guys that make great speeches at these hearings. And then they just disappear. I swear to God, Anthony, I'm so cynical. It's just a,'s just a giant script. Everybody has a part in it. Even Trump was, you know, I swear to God.
Starting point is 00:19:55 There's 10 guys that run the planet, probably seven Jewish. And just kidding, folks, relax. Everybody says that. I thought I'd throw that in. But I swear to God, there's 10 guys that run the planet. Six of them are trans, I'm guessing. And there's a script. Because Rockefeller, David Rockefeller, his family is in the middle of this shit.
Starting point is 00:20:17 There's a website, my late great buddy, the cop, Zook, who passed away. He used to go to it every day. It's Rockefeller something. You could check off. They planned 25 years ahead of time how to foment a revolution, and you could check off the shit being done today. Like, literally, just check. So it's all
Starting point is 00:20:34 been done and tried before, so excuse me if I'm being a little cynical, but this shit has been done before, and the Chinese are playing the long game. We can't see past next Thursday. They're sitting back reaping the rewards while all these things, like you just said, the cynicism. How are you not cynical?
Starting point is 00:20:59 How do you go into the elections this Novembermber the midterms and think uh that that it's going to be okay and your vote matters and and everything's going to be on the up and up no what no one should be able to walk into a voting booth and think that their vote's going to be counted and and the true winner's going to come out that shit's gone that shit's done we're we're we're done thinking the system works and it's the greatest system in the world well it's so funny you say that i remember living out in los angeles when i was doing like grace under fire brett butler became a friend of mine she was smart as a whip lefty you know uh to some extent uh yeah uh but i remember we were at dinner
Starting point is 00:21:42 trader joe's whatever the fuck it was called. And my manager, her manager, and we're having dinner. And the election had just happened. I forget which one in the 90s, Clinton or whatever the fuck. And I bring up how I vote. And she goes, isn't that cute? He thinks his vote counts. And I went, what do you fuck? What do you mean it doesn't count?
Starting point is 00:21:58 What are you, a fucking? And boy, was she right. Yeah. That was in the mid-90s. Yeah. That was in the mid-90s. Yeah, I was just a typical conservative Republican guy that thought the system worked. And you're like, oh, drats. You know, they've got this Clinton guy in there now. Or, oh, yeah, good.
Starting point is 00:22:21 We got Bush in there now. Oh, hell, this Obama guy. And then you realize, like, oh, like you said, it's all scripted. You check out. You see these guys are bashing each other. These are life and death issues that they're discussing. And then there's a picture of them with their arms around each other in the Oval Office or in the Senate chamber. And you're like, oh, they're all asshole buddies.
Starting point is 00:22:46 And we're the fucking joke. They must laugh thinking how stupid the American people are while they do this dance in front of us every two or four years. Yeah. And the Dems said, look, we get to laugh out loud.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Your role, Jim Jordan and Ted Cruz, you guys have to pretend. Here's my best analogy ever. I gave it to Gutfeld. I said, look, we get to laugh out loud. Your role, Jim Jordan and Ted Cruz, you guys have to pretend. Here's my best analogy ever. I gave it to Gutfeld. I said, the Republicans are the Washington generals, the team that travels with the Harlem Globetrotters and feigns to be their competition. That's who the Republicans are. That's your role. Dems are like, we get to tell people how stupid they are,
Starting point is 00:23:26 the American people, right to their faces. You guys have to pretend to defend those idiots. And like you said, then they all go have a beer together. That's where I'm at. My wife, she dragged me down to vote in the primaries here. I didn't even know they were, you know. It's like a Tuesday. My wife's going, we got to go.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Go where? It's right down the street. So I didn't want to fucking have a 10-minute fight. I go, where? It's right down the street, so I didn't want to fucking have a 10-minute fight. I go, you really think? I said, they hijacked the fucking presidential election. You think this is no dirty shit? And you're going to drag me to the? So I go in there.
Starting point is 00:23:55 I recognize about three names. You know, Herschel Walker. Yeah, you fucking great football player. Herschel Walker's on there. A couple at camp, I'm like, I don't even like them. Even the guys I'm supposed to like, I don't, you know. And then there was a whole bunch of things you vote on.
Starting point is 00:24:11 I just went Republican, Republican. Which is, you know, part of the problem. Everybody just votes party. What do you want me to do, vote Democrat? They're calling me a piece of shit. I'm a terrorist. I'm a domestic terrorist. Domestic terrorist, you're the problem. You know, the whole uh you know we've seen that also the the greatest uh terrorist threat to america now is uh white uh young white
Starting point is 00:24:33 men and and then you know they keep shitting on uh a group of people and then when they lose their fucking minds and do something atrocious they they wonder what happened? We need a motive here. What happened? Well, for an entire couple of generations, you've been telling these people they suck, they're the evil, they're the cause of every problem we have in this country, and then when they lose
Starting point is 00:24:58 their fucking mind and go on a tear with a gun, you go, well, we just gotta figure this out. What's going on what's what could be the problem when's the last time a white guy really did something horrible racially i mean the kid that shot up the church in south carolina but again fucking cuckoo and they'll say that oh yeah you always say you know that's an eye well it is an isolated incident compared to uh what goes on in the black community,
Starting point is 00:25:26 mass shootings happen every weekend in Chicago. If the definition is four people, the fuck, that's a Wednesday night in Chicago. You had the guy that shot up the grocery store in Buffalo, here in New York. And then our interim governor, because Cuomo is such a piece of shit, they had to throw him out. And this woman steps in the seat like she got elected.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Like she actually was elected. Like we all went, yeah, good. We love your ideas. We elected you. She slides into the seat and she's making all kinds of legislation now. Gun legislation, which is hilarious. Do you know in New York State, we already have had an assault weapon ban since 2013. Nine years.
Starting point is 00:26:14 We've had a large capacity magazine ban. We've had in-depth background checks. These are all things in place in New York for nine years. checks. These are all things in place in New York for nine years. And this guy was able to get an AR-15 and shoot up a friggin' store and kill ten black people and
Starting point is 00:26:31 now they want a federal law that is the same as New York that has proven it doesn't work because we just saw what happened. But the left is so stupid, they'll look at that and this is how they think. Even with all those laws we have in the books, it's not enough. Instead of saying the real problem, oh, they went around the laws.
Starting point is 00:26:51 It doesn't matter what the laws are because outlaws are outlaws. But they go, oh, we need more laws on top of the ones that don't work. No, it doesn't matter. You can have a trillion laws covering everything. That's what makes people outlaws. I can't believe that they don't get that. Or they're the greatest actors in the world. I guess they really don't.
Starting point is 00:27:09 You can't act for 40 years and believe that we need more gun crime. Maybe you can. Are you that dumb, really? Seriously. They think, you know, and the problem with the school security, they want, you know, they think somehow they're going to keep the guns out of these mental patients hands uh and and the truth of the matter is the schools have to really be secured they need uh uh you know 40 billion dollars we sent to ukraine might have been better spent
Starting point is 00:27:37 uh making sure these schools are secured and locked down and maybe cameras buzzers whatever it takes and maybe some armed personnel. But the protecting of the schools is the important part. They want to put the onus on the mental patient. Now, hey, we made a new law. Now, you nuts, you can't do this now. You're not allowed to go into the school. Well, would you rather your kid have his safety in the hands of the nut that's going to get the gun anyway?
Starting point is 00:28:07 There's 400 million of them in this country, 400 million guns. Or real security for these schools like you would with the bank or any other place where your valuables are stored. But they don't want to – because it doesn't matter. It's not about the kid's safety. It's not really about that. It's about disarming the American people so they can't do what Ukraine is doing to fucking Russia. That's right.
Starting point is 00:28:33 That's exactly right. They go, we don't have the money to put an armed officer at every school. You know how many schools there are? Yeah, but you just sent $40 billion to Ukraine. What the fuck are you talking about? And that's the answer, by the way. You hardened the schools. There's plenty of retired guys that could use a job.
Starting point is 00:28:52 And I like the people that go, I don't want my kid's teacher to have a gun. Okay, hold on. So what you're saying is somebody breaks in with a machine gun into your kid's classroom, you'd rather have nobody there armed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:07 That's all you do. You ask direct questions like that, and they go, ngah, ngah, ngah, ngah, ngah. You know. They can't come up with an answer. They do. And that is what they say. I don't want the school to turn into some armed camp.
Starting point is 00:29:22 They always take it to the umpteenth level of hyperbole it's always that you know if one person on campus has a concealed weapon it's you know an army of people are in the school budding the kids in the bridge of the nose with the fucking rifle they they can't they they're like children they they speak in terms like children. They exagger don't. I'm 78. I'd be I always bring it up. Boy, I'm glad I don't have kids today. And I go, if I did, they'd be fucking 45. What am I thinking? I'm 60. I act like
Starting point is 00:30:14 to be in first and second grade. But I'd be a little nervous with these teachers today having guns if I had a kid in the classroom because they might shoot him if he misgenders somebody that's a they you hear that he wants to be called they ping pang that they ping pow yeah they've they uh they surveyed i you know these polls i don't believe them anyway uh 75 percent of teachers said they wouldn't want to carry a gun in school.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Now, that just shows you how liberal the stupid teachers are. And again, your point, wouldn't you rather. I was watching a movie last night. I do this all the time. Whenever I'm watching a movie and there's a couple in a house and they hear something and you know shit's going to hit the fan. I go, bet that guy wished he had a gun in the night table right now. Movie would be over. Goes out, he waits, boom, shoots the bad guy.
Starting point is 00:31:11 But there he is with a golf club or something. You know, one of those scenes. You want a gun. You want a fucking gun. Oh, my. That's hilarious. That is fucking. You know when they're writing the script for the movie, they go, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:25 this could be settled with a gun eight minutes in. We can't have that. We have to make them living in, I don't know, they're living in Northern California in San Leandro. They don't believe in that shit. We'll put a dildo next to the bed. Yeah, smack him in the face a few times, like an old blackjack. And the other thing about the mass shooting,
Starting point is 00:31:46 we're talking to the great Anthony Comey, of course, and the other thing about the mass shootings is, and I believe this, the coverage, obviously, because the media is liberal, they hate guns, the coverage is just around the clock for whatever because they love anything that's anti-gun. And now we have a
Starting point is 00:32:08 generation, a couple generations of kids out there. We're so media-driven in this country. Everybody wants to be a star. Even I'm doing a podcast. What do you mean even? What the fuck does that even mean? Everybody wants to be, you know, these young kids just want to be famous. And if they got to screw loose, you read
Starting point is 00:32:24 some of the shit they write before they go on it. They want to go out as somebody because they're nobody. And I don't want to hear bullying again every time there's a mass shooting. One of them gets picked on. I picked on a lot of people when I was in school. I got picked on by a kid three grades above me. But people have been bullied their whole lives, and there's been guns around. So something else is in the mix there.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Yeah, I think you're absolutely right. It's this craving for fame and materialism and shit like that and and years ago when you just had a circle of friends and people you knew from school it was a pretty small bubble of people that you dealt with on a daily basis and maybe there was one guy that was doing very well another guy you know but you were mostly just middle class pieces of shit going in the woods to smoke some cigarettes and and drink uh some beers on the weekends but uh they've got to the point now where they can see so many people that have gotten so much money from TikTok and Instagram and YouTube and all these platforms that they perform on,
Starting point is 00:33:37 whatever it is, lip syncing a fucking song for five seconds, and they go, well, why don't I have that? How come so many people are doing so well with this well why don't i have that why why how come so many people are doing so well with this and i don't have it there is this envy and jealousy and resentment and and then again like i said you couple that with well you're a piece of shit you're the source of all the sorrow in this country how the fuck do not more kids not lose their fucking minds? I don't know. The internet is pretty damn corrosive, especially at that age.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Their minds, they're so impressionable and they're still forming, you know, and they don't know what they're doing. And that is the one common thread. These fucking, they're odd kids that shoot up the, It is mental illness, but we're a country of 350 million people. What are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:34:29 Have neurological workups for everybody every fucking couple of weeks? You got to put guys in front of the school with guns. That's going to stop a normal person, a crazy motherfucker. It's a deterrent. It's that easy, you faggots put a fucking cannon in front of the gym what's the matter with these they don't uh yeah they don't seem to understand
Starting point is 00:34:52 that they want to they want to trust that the nut job uh won't procure a gun because it's illegal uh great strategy you got there i just got a few more minutes with the great Anthony Coop. Hey, I want your thoughts on the death of Ray Liotta. Boy, that fucking, huh? That kind of hit home. Yeah, you know, you kind of watch these guys in movies.
Starting point is 00:35:17 He was always one of the coolest guys. Goodfellas, by the way, obviously one of the greatest movies ever made, even though that fucking Jadrul fucking De Niro is in it now. I can't stand that son of a bitch. He just said something else stupid yesterday, didn't he? What the fuck was it about? I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Yeah, he was on, I think he was on Colbert. He was on Colbert. And he's just the worst talk show guest ever. He sits there and Colbert's, you know, you got to kiss his ass because he's De Niro. And he's like, oh, just, you know, what do you think? You don't get very political, do you? That's kind of a joke because he's been, you know, I'll punch him in the mouth. And he goes, you don't get very political.
Starting point is 00:36:00 He goes, no, no, I don't. Just pulling teeth. You know, Nick, what it's like when you have a guest and you're pulling fucking teeth, don't say anything. Help me out. Help me out.
Starting point is 00:36:12 I'm trying to do a podcast. And he's always been like that. You remember fucking, I remember Rickles after they shot casino. Rickles was talking about, yeah, you know, being interviewed years later about working with Danielle. He said, dope. Rickles after they shot Casino. Rickles was talking about being interviewed years later about working with De Niro.
Starting point is 00:36:27 He said, dope. Rickles was like, fucking dope. He said about two words. How you doing, bud? Just what you just did. They're stupid. That's what makes them good actors, by the way, is they're devoid of any actual personality, ideology, anything. And a writer puts words in their head, and a director tells them where to stand and how to move and shit. And when they don't have that, that's why they're great actors.
Starting point is 00:36:54 They're devoid of any humanity or anything. You could not possibly carry on a conversation with these people. That is the absolute truth. You know, that's the trade-off you get when you get, oh, wow, I love De Niro in this and Taxi Driver and Mean Streets and Goodfellas. And you're like, oh, that's what you got. Huh. Well, sometimes. But Leota, yeah, I had the pleasure of having Ray Leta as a guest on the ONA show years ago.
Starting point is 00:37:26 I thought so. And just fun to talk to. Always willing to talk about good fellas and certain scenes that you were curious about what was going on behind the scenes on it and everything. And, yeah, just one of those cool guys. And, you know, he's down there in the Dominican Republic filming a movie. I'm sure he got the best of medical care while down there. It's a shame.
Starting point is 00:37:50 His estate is suing a witch doctor. Fucking guy showed up and put leeches on his chest for 20 minutes. Turns out the witch doctor put on the wrong mask for the ritual he was supposed to do. It happens down there.
Starting point is 00:38:07 What a horrible, you go out in the Dominican Republic. So did Arturo Gatti. Was he in the Dominican Republic? He was somewhere. Remember Arturo Gatti, the boxer? Oh, yeah, yeah. Someone else recently died in the Dominican Republic, too. Another guy that was an actor or something.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Or a sports figure. Desi Arnaz. Yeah, it's, I don't know. Why the fuck are you going down there? I didn't even get off the ship when they stopped there on one of the cruises. I was like, oh, Dominican Republic. Yeah, I'll stay here in the casino on the boat.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Thank you. Well, yeah. What the fuck? Why don't you just take a cab uptown to 180th and Washington? You'll be in the Dominican Republic in five minutes. What's the matter Why don't you just take a cab uptown to 180th and Washington? You'll be in the Dominican Republic in five minutes. What's the matter with these people, Henry? All right, Ann, I've kept you long enough. I can't wait till you get down here.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Oh, I know. I know. You know who else is moving down to the Greenville area? Tell me it's Alyssa Milano. I just gave him my realtor's number. It's Mr. Gavin McInnes. He wants to get out of there and move down south. Does the feds know that you, I, me, you, and him will be in the same region?
Starting point is 00:39:16 Is that even allowed? It's good. They'll look at the playbook for fucking Waco or Ruby Ridge on how to deal with the three of us, I guess. Didn't Gavin McGinnis start Vice? Yeah, yeah, he started Vice many years ago. And it was kind of a liberal thing, like the true aspect of liberalism. Against the government, against the powers that be.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I was going to say. Funny, sarcastic, parody, things like that yeah and then it turns into whatever the fuck it is now really i mean it's just the opposite i when i see shit what's funny because i finally got my money vice came down here to interview me about brett butler oh shit um why were they doing that oh they're doing a big thing on famous comedians or whatever. So they come. Brett Butler gave Vice my name, and they came down. And I get all defensive right away.
Starting point is 00:40:12 I'm like, I know these motherfuckers are going to. Yeah. Even my manager, Tommy, is so smart. He goes, listen, just stick to Brett Butler, because what they're going to ask you, they're going to ask you about Geraldo and Louie, and they're going to try to get three episodes out of you, which is so smart. Sure enough, I brought up Louis for a
Starting point is 00:40:29 second. They're like, can we talk? I go, no, you can't. We can't. My manager was exactly
Starting point is 00:40:33 right. They were very nice to me. The only problem was I just got my money yesterday.
Starting point is 00:40:37 I did it over a month ago. This morning it came in. They pay good? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Oh, yeah. It was wasn't, yeah, fuck yeah. No, it was, it was, yeah, fuck yeah. Better than getting on a plane and doing Uncle Funny's and fucking skid marks in North Dakota. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:40:54 so that's that. Well, Ant, I can't thank you enough, buddy, for coming through. Love it, Nick. Love coming on and venting with the great Nick DiPaolo.
Starting point is 00:41:02 We've got to do it more often. I have nobody else to talk to down here. You'd think I'd be surrounded by rednecks, but Savannah's kind of liberal. There's colleges here and all kinds of crap. Yeah, yeah. As soon as I can get a fucking microwave oven and some
Starting point is 00:41:15 interior doors, I'll be down there. All right, brother. Good talking to you, and let's do it again. Absolutely, Nick. Be well. Have a good weekend. You too, brother. Good talking to you. And let's do it again. Absolutely, Nick. Be well. Have a good weekend. You too, buddy.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Take care. The great Anthony Comey, ladies and gentlemen. Great way to wrap up the day. guitar solo Outro Music

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