The Nick DiPaolo Show - Reprehensible Wray Resigns| Nick Di Paolo Show #1666
Episode Date: December 12, 2024In this episode Nick talks about Wray’s Resignation, Trump’s Reaction and Jersey’s Drones! Like what you hear? Watch FULL episodes of The Nick Di Paolo Show on Rumble Premium! Use Promo Code M...UGCLUB and get $10 off annually! For Tour Dates, Merch and more visit -- Bricktown Comedy Club – Tulsa, OK CHRISTMAS MERCH SALE! We’ve added tons of new items and it’s all 20% off until 12/15 (discount applied at checkout) Follow me on Socials!
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Ontario I'm gonna be a good boy. Who said that?
Who the fuck said that?
Who's the slimy little cop and the shit twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own
death warrant.
How are you folks?
Thursday, which is, this is me in a good mood because it's the last day of the week.
Well, Nick, don't act like you're, well, I do.
I stay up late at night crafting these stories, looking at
I went to that, expecting hut wives.
No, they were really amateur hut wives.
It was like a lady taking a burnt roast out of the oven.
Another lady trying to dust with a hockey stick, knocking over lamps.
Very disappointing.
Misleading. Anyways, good
to be with you. Still got the, I'm blowing shit out my nose from fourth grade. Fucking
crayons paste, Kareem Conway's hair. Big things. It's unbelievable. I got like sores. I don't
know what the fuck happened. Woke up with this. Thank God the wife knows what to do. I just picked at it. That's how I got infected in 30 seconds.
I was treating it like it was a callus, but I think it was a
maybe a wart. I still don't know.
I don't know how I got that. Well, the dog will tell you, but lucky he can't talk. Anyways, I uh,
so anyhow, and uh, what else did I do I finished
the shrimp scampi I made two nights ago last night white wine butter lemon juice
actually used angel hair and yeah I finished that and it's it's like Chinese
food for me pasta doesn't but an hour later I'm eating a fucking stove
his French bread pizza took the skin off the roof my mouth is fucking the
temperature of the core of the earth and I'm like spitting blood in the sink
anyways so you're up to date on my health I could tell you some other gross shit, but it's not important.
Real quick, the Mets have Juan Soto.
Actually was texting with Chris Rock because I heard Eddie Murphy on the radio yesterday
and god damn is he funny.
And I know Rock is a good friend so I said is there anybody more talented?
Because Eddie Murphy is fucking doing Michael.
He can sing like a bird.
If you remember, he actually put out a song and it's just as funny as fucking
hell and and rock comes back gets back nobody better it's one of us like you
know they always hang out shit and he goes I can't stop smiling because I'm a
Mets fan and I went yeah there's that there's one Jew who's not afraid to
spend money Steve Cohen the owner breaks all the
stereotypes yeah good bless the Mets of course the Red Sox the Red Sox actually
put in a bid for 700 mil again probably just to you know I mean save face we got
a picture crochet from the White Sox everybody's excited about former Cy Young winner or
whatever Cy Young last year he was in the running for the Cy Young I looked at
his stats pretty goddamn good I think he's a left no and we got a
Raldo what's the name Chapman or all up you know the guy who used to beat his
wife the lefty who throws 104 miles we always get these guys at the end of it
but he can't hurt to bring him.
But this ball's going after a couple more big names. I'll believe it when I see it.
They have tremendous young talent from last year. I really think they'll be in the playoffs.
I really do. You never know. If what's his name can stay on the field. Trevor Storey.
Jesus Christ, this guy breaks a hip going to the fountain to have a drink
my ass anyway that's enough of that garbage
retarded Ray resigning FBI director Christopher Ray who was just a piece of
garbage right from the get-go if you remember you're like I forget why right
after he took over two weeks into it i'm like oh he's a
company man
everybody know it
anyways he announced wednesday he was stepping down but like he had a choice
as uh...
as head of the bureau like he's doing everybody a big favor
uh... just days after republicans expressed a loss of confidence if they
expressed that the day after you got the job because he's full of shit.
I can't even remember all the lies.
Ray, 57, told FBI employees in an afternoon town hall that after weeks of careful thought,
first time he's ever thought carefully about anything, he had decided to resign.
Had nothing to do with Trump coming in and going I hate the fucking guy piece of shit
He had decided to resign January at the end of the current administration caving to pressure from GOP senators and president-elect
Donald Trump, of course
That's what this was about you don't want to get fired he said that I'll give him credit for that
He actually said I don't want to get fired. I'm gonna resign
What absolutely cannot, listen to this without trying to keep a straight face. This is him talking.
What absolutely cannot, must not change is our commitment to doing the right thing.
Our doing the right thing the right way every time.
Does that include the assassination attempts
and nine other things I can't remember?
Ray also said, oh, our adherence to our core values,
our dedication to independence and objectivity,
and our defense of the rule of law,
those fundamental aspects of who we are must
never change
that's what I'm saying is this is fucking HBO special it was a tight 10
minutes of hilarity right there you fucking company man to the bitter end
and if you notice me in
Dallas made this object every picture of him taking the oath he's got a smirk on
his face fucking close to belly like yeah sure I'll tell you everything on
it now anyways he's already lined up a job they said it you know what Pizza Hut
apparently he can cook like a motherfucker. See you later. Mr.
Right you're such a scumbag and a company man
Whether it was January 6 Trump getting shot at it just go on and on
you lied about a whole bunch of shit and
See they have their own little world in DC folks a lot of people still don't understand how the swamp works
They don't want it the applecart upset because everybody that goes there to make a living goes there
Not on your best interest to make a ton of money with backroom deals and shit
That's what it's all about and Trump came and said I'm flipping this apple cart the fuck over and I'm still
Worried about Trump's safety and you should be everybody's forgetting that
He should just travel around like the Pope did in that Pope mobile. Remember the
game trouble you hit that bubble? Remember that? Every time I saw the Pope I
thought somebody's gonna go... So yeah so good to see him go and and again and
even Trump has said this I don't he's just paying
lip service that the rank-and-file and I believe for the most part are good
people and maybe glad to see him go to I would say the majority but there's still
going to be a few in there that you get a interrogate the shit out of them it's
always at the top it the rot starts at the top. Absolutely and
You got a flush out you had to get to have a litmus test
You know, I don't know show show Trump doing his dance and go on one to ten
What do you write and it'll be too easy to lie
But you got to have something there. Anyways, the countdown is on for Christmas shopping, folks. If you haven't checked out all our new hoodies, this is good stuff, God bless the wife, new
hoodies, shirts, hats, and amps.
We're selling amps?
Oh, mugs.
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which is very nice, don't you think?
Really nice stuff, because I see it in my closet.
I do.
Sometimes I go in there looking for, I don't know,
a legal pad or something,
and I'll stay in there for hours,
trying my own shit on.
That's right.
So if you're lucky,
what you buy has been worn by Nick.
That's what I'm saying.
That's why my wife,
while we took the Nick DePauw podcast underwear off the
apparently skid marks became too much. Yeah, no, it was, it's no good. There's more to
that story, but and this stuff's very absorbent for you guys. If you want to wipe one off
your chest.
Let's get on with it.
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With it.
Trump reacts. This came out after I did this story about what's his name resigning. operates pursuant to an operating agreement with iGaming Ontario. telling the Fox News digital it will end the weaponization of the FBI while
touting his nominee Cash Patel who I absolutely love and we had on the show
he must have been pushing a book I think he was and we had this guy on the show
so now we know the what's his exact title head of the well he's fit he's
taking razor up and God damn it we have a connection
so no taxes for me this year while touting his nominee cash patel who we again we talked
to this guy I think he grew up in queens or whatever not in Lebanon or Syria and he fucking
played in a hockey league he still plays in a He's just more American than us and a scary smart dude who has a resume that would make
fucking Hillary blush as far as this shit goes.
Anyways, like Trump said, most qualified to lead the bureau.
Trump said his administration will now restore the rule of law, as New Yorkers say, for all
Yes, sir. Under the leadership
of Christopher Wray the FBI illegally oh here's some of the shit he did to Trump
Trump said illegally raided my home without cause worked diligently on
illegally impeaching and indicting me and has done everything else to interfere
with the success and future of America
and the quote and in a real world a perfect world and shit and this would be
a barometer for me for how serious this administration Trump's administer this
guy should be going to jail or at least be put up our charges let's see how
serious you are because what he just mentioned is all, you know, but
it would take years and years. That's why Trump, I believe Trump, and he goes, you know
what, I'm looking for, I don't have time, but you know what, Cash Patel will make the
time because they came after him personally, by the way. You can read all about that on
a real show. They have used their
vast powers, oh, it's still Trump talking, who would have guessed, to threaten and destroy
many innocent Americans, some of which will never be able to recover from what has been
done to them. And he's talking about the January 6 people. You understand that some of them
are still in there and they just happen to be there? I want you to think about that for
a fuck.
That's the biggest outrage. And then that douchebag on CBS has the nerve to look at
Trump in the interview and go, well, you can see the last election. Why would he do that?
Why would he? And I'll say it again. This last election, when I said last election she met the 20 21 this past election proved proved that Trump won that I don't give a fuck there's
plenty of evidence other than that too and I'm not gonna go over it again
because I'm sick of talking about it look at Ray's face as he's given the
right hand look at him smirking all the people behind him are giggling. He's right out of central casting.
Let's move on.
And again, when you people are a little wary
about your government, this is the type of shit
that makes people worry about your government.
This is a fascinating story right now.
And again, any time I see a bunch of fascinating stories,
and it seems like a bunch of them are breaking right now,
it's like, OK, the government's going, look over here.
Well, they're doing something in the Middle East right now.
Like Israel's taking over the whole shebang.
Anyways, don't get me started.
I have been a staunch defender of Israel
only because of the scum over
there and how they, they're stuck.
I'm talking about your Palestinian neighborhoods and what they did to England and shit and,
but I know the big argument, don't have time to go in it.
I'm starting to, I start to shut up.
I'm not so quick to go. Yeah Israel
anyways, of course
Real conservatives like crowd his fans You know, they're not they're convinced that the fucking Jews not all of them
But some real conservatives like Jews because Christian Judeo-Christian
Beliefs they mesh together and it's how this country was founded on Judea
So they don't have a but but there's a lot of them that are like fucking Nick it's the Jews and I'm like I know all about them I've
been in show business for 35 years some of them like me some of them don't
anyways let's Jersey Shore is lousy with drones I like to use the word lousy
that's how they used to use it when something is infested with something. It's lousy with
fleas or
My bedspreads lousy with coffee stains. I think
Jersey Shore drowning in drones the Department of Defense has deepened the mystery over the drones over New Jersey and
Poured cold water on a claim that they came from Iran. Deputy Pentagon
Press Secretary, we didn't even know about this woman, deputy, well she's a
Pentagon press secretary you don't see them much of them and she's the deputy
not the actual. Usually folks when you see deputy it's second to right now am I
right? Sabrina Singh, sing to me me so let me tell you something Sabrina sing has shoulders on her like the rifleman
She's like fucking Kevin McHale for the Celtics
Pretty cute actually huge huge shoulders probably the cutest in the administration. Of course.
I mean, anybody work with the administration?
Jesus Christ.
They need to be spayed and neutered.
I'm Bob Barker.
Ta-da, ta-da.
Anyways, this is her talking about the drones
over New Jersey to the press.
She had her take on it.
Again, she works for the Pentagon.
Let's listen in to Lurch.
So aware of those drone sightings that have been reported,
at this time we have no evidence
that these activities are coming from a foreign entity
or the work of an adversary.
We're gonna continue to monitor what is happening,
but at no point were our installations threatened
when this activity was occurring.
Who the fuck are you?
Are you writing a book?
She's no on the scene.
Isn't it just, and again, this is a Pentagon press secretary, isn't it, but isn't it
just a relief not to see Karine Jean-Pierre in that lying little fucking muppet with her
stupid batting of the eyes?
This means I'm intelligent and I'm thinking about it I'm she never got better at her job she
never got better proving what DEI higher get of the fuck out matter of fact Trump's
press car press his administration isn't white enough for me how about that
yeah come on I'm just saying if you can push DEI your whole life, I'm pushing
whiteness with no... And I know you're going, Nick, you're not even white. Shut the fuck
up. I'm more Irish than Italian. Yeah, but even if you... I always have Patrice O'Neill
in my head. Nick, why are you defending white people, man? You ain't even fucking white.
You Italian. You Italian. And I go, yeah, that's because you're great, great, great, great,
great, great fucking relatives back in 1450 with savages and raped my grandmother on a
mountain in Sicily. He used to laugh at all sorts of stuff. Anyhow, anywho. So that's
what she had to say. was responding. That's miss sing
She was responding to explosive claims made by Republican New Jersey rep
Jeff van Drew earlier Wednesday
who said this about the drones over New Jersey and
He's adamant about this in the headlines this morning.
He's still sticking to his guns.
This is weird.
This really puts us American taxpayers in a position where like who the fuck do we and
why are we having this fake argument?
What is good?
At least that's what you should be doing now.
But here's what he had to say.
This guy's a New Jersey rep and federal, you know, congressman.
I'm going to tell you the real deal. Iran launched a mothership probably about a month ago that contains
these drones. That mothership is off the I'm gonna tell you the deal it's off the
east coast of the United States of America. They've launched drones is
everything that we can see.
Durka Durka, Muhammad Jihad, Haka Sherpa Sherpa, Abakala. that we can see.
I have my own theory.
I think it's mullahs because they have drones in Iran.
I think it's just mullahs they have in real estate companies from Iran fly over looking
for an oceanfront property because they're going to be chased out of the Middle East
soon the way things are going.
And I think they want to live next to a lot of rich people down there.
I know, I'm not going to disclose the name, I know a Fox person who's on TV every day,
and I asked that person if they had seen drones over the house, and they said no, but, and
they mentioned another name at Fox Head.
So, and I said, tell that person, it's just me fucking
around. I was trying to catch her at the pool. And, following those claims, Singh insisted
there was not any truth to that. She did not, however, offer any alternate theory about
where the drones are coming from. And, like I said today, Jeff Van Drew was on the front
page of the Post. Again again today sticking to his gun saying
It's a mothership and I would say to that really do can we get a picture of the ship?
Maybe it's out. I don't know have they showed a picture on the internet. I don't know. I have a life
I don't live on the fucking internet few people who get fucking nutty
Show us a picture of what you're talking about is it that hard really and why is
the government going he's full of shit this seems all too orchestrated to me
interesting isn't it it would make you a little nervous wouldn't it not just a
few oh I didn't fuck I should have sent you a clip
It's like they're buzzing around ever ever be a camping and you have a bug light
That's what it looks like. Maybe they're just looking maybe it's the guy from bar stool sports looking for pizza
He does those pizza tasting thing. It's fuck. It's not just one or two. There's a bunch of shit buzzing around
And and some of them are
huge. You get all these New Jersey people at night going, what the fuck is going on?
Let me say, and another thing about New Jersey, because I've spent a lot of time there, because
I lived in New York City, obviously back and forth doing gigs and ba-bap-bing. There's a ton of Middle Eastern people that live in Jersey City in Newark and I did a
pilot for Comedy Central.
It was going to hopefully be a regular show about a car dealership and we did it at a
real car dealership in Jersey City and it was owned by a fucking Muslim guy and I'm
just looking around and oh, there's a Palestinian flag
and yay for diversity.
Let me say this again about the Founding Fathers.
It was a nice idea, but they didn't realize.
I don't think they'd realize.
We let in a few people.
I don't think they realized we'd have stupid people run in the country and open the gates to everybody and maybe they did maybe
they were naive anyhow excuse me as I throw up on my mouth
hmm um tour dates just real quick tour date February 20th Bricktown Comedy Club hey Tommy I'll be
calling you tomorrow and go what do you got for me since once again we haven't
talked in a week and and the guy's a great promoter when he wants to be he's
just too busy he's right now he's got a fucking chef's hat and a pastry bag in
his hand decorating some type of cake says fuck
you Nick I don't know anyway so go there and I'll see you after the show do some
shots and I'll grab your wife's earrings what hey if you guys are watching the
free version of my show you can now watch full episodes of my show louder
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like I said Crowder show and you know Alex Jones
pops in he gets some heavy hit as he gets politicians and shit we got a we
got the super of this building coming in he's from Dominican Republic he cuts
hair on the side he'll be here next week anyways hi good night everybody I'm gonna be a man Thanks for watching!