The Nick DiPaolo Show - Ridiculous Reparations In Illinois | Nick Di Paolo Show #1426

Episode Date: July 12, 2023

In this episode right leaning comedian Nick Di Paolo talks about Chicago reparations, Biden's overpaid staff and more! Like what you hear?  Get TWICE as much "Nick Di Paolo Show", full episodes of St...even Crowder’s “Louder with Crowder” show and more on Mug Club! Sign up today to get all their content at and use the promo code NICKDIP to get your first month FREE! For Tour Dates, Merch, stand-up clips and more visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 I'll go home and get your fucking shine box. I'll be right back. Hey, kids. How you is? Excuse me. Great to be here. Wednesday. A lot to get to today.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Busy news day. I hope to see you guys at the draft house in Arlington, Virginia. This Friday and Saturday night. One show Friday, two Saturday, In-N-Out, the way I like it. It's a great place. Been there quite a few times. Anyways, hey Dallas,
Starting point is 00:01:14 you went to see Sound of Freedom last night. Give us a quick synopsis. Well, it's as advertised. This guy covers him leaving the Homeland Security to take it upon himself to go free a bunch of enslaved, trafficked children. And it's pretty intense, actually. Well done, well made, but really, really intense.
Starting point is 00:01:36 And even at the end of the credits, Cavizzo comes on and does this special message as a call to action to get more people to try and get involved and actually highlight it and even said the movie could be powerful than he specifically said more powerful than a president congress or any around the world uh if people actually took action was there any march after no but they did actually have a qr code you could buy somebody a ticket and pay it forward if somebody, for example, if somebody couldn't afford it. So it's actually a pretty innovative thing. And this is real, folks.
Starting point is 00:02:08 This is child sex trafficking. Did you leave sad or happy or in the middle? It's sad and a little bit, well, not a little bit, a lot of it pissed off just because you start to realize all the backlash it's getting and you see it and you realize how even more creepy it is. And they're on their heels, the left, and now that it's being brought out, they're shaking in their boots, essentially.
Starting point is 00:02:35 So, cueing on, you know, who people have been discrediting, because they've been screaming about this, haven't they? All you need is Epstein's fucking island. I mean, have we forgotten about that? Yeah, I know. So I definitely want to see it, but I told Dale I can't go to a theater anymore.
Starting point is 00:02:52 You would have been pissed. Two seats down from us was just hacking up a lung for about... There you go. It's all it takes with me. I don't know if it's because of what I've done for a living for 30 years. I'm so sensitive. As John Gotti said in a movie, they got
Starting point is 00:03:07 microphones that can pick up a caterpillar fart in Egypt. It just drives me nuts. So I'll wait until it comes out or whatever the fuck. Anyways, alright. Good to and it's making money, guys. It's a heavy subject but it just shows you there's a thirst out there for stuff other than the Hollywood propaganda left-wing PC scolding you because you're a fucking right-wing or a traditionalist.
Starting point is 00:03:36 So fuck them, and hopefully there's an opening. Let's get right to it. First story, payback be a bitch. Uh, let's get right to it. First story, payback be a bitch. A Chicago suburb, I can't even believe it's going this far, this subject, uh, has become the first city in the nation to begin disbursing reparation payments to black residents over discrimination and limited access to housing. The Wall Street Journal reported, uh, and to that, I say you're entitled to shit. Oh, approximately 140 residents in Evanston, Illinois. You know, the state that brought you Hillary and Barack and all the stupid, you know, the state with a ton of gun laws that don't work
Starting point is 00:04:18 and third world people shoot each other up every night. Anyways, Everston, Illinois will receive $25,000 from the city by the end of the year, according to the outlet. In 2019, the city of roughly 75,000 residents approved a $10 million reparations package. I love how it says the city approved it. And then they mentioned the 75,000 people, but they had nothing to do with it. Fucking these shitheads probably did. It's probably something you didn't vote for. It wasn't on the and if it was, then you get what you deserve. Approved the $10 million reparations package to be
Starting point is 00:04:51 distributed over 10 years. So far, the city has already dispersed reparations. You notice how quickly it works and how nicely when it fits their narrative? They cut the red tape. Let's get right to it. Reparations payments to 16 qualified residents. Wow. Individuals must have been at
Starting point is 00:05:14 least 18 years old and resided in the city between 1919 and 1969 to qualify for the payments. The city is providing reparations in cash or vouchers, which is supposed to come from marijuana and real estate transfer taxes. Of course. So it's basically black people's taxes. Nick, white people, I know, but I'm just saying, they love the hooch. City officials anticipate that the entire program will be funded, in part, due to Evanston's graduated real estate transfer tax. Is that when you die? Evanston's assistant to the city manager, oh, Tashika. That's how people in Boston say Tashika.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Tashik Kerr stated that $1,188,000 has already been collected to cover reparations disbursements. Justin Hansford, the head of the Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center at Howard University, said he sees the city's reparations plan as a test run for the whole country. No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. Let me tell you stupid fuck something. This thing's going to go. It's like Vegas.
Starting point is 00:06:37 What happens at Evanston stays in Evanston. It's not going to happen on a national. The fact that you guys have fallen for this shit is insane. Again, unless you had no say in it, which you probably didn't. Despite being the first city in the country to distribute funds, some, oh, who would have guessed, some are still unsatisfied with the payments. Residents and civil rights activists, Bennett Johnson.
Starting point is 00:07:04 There you go. Me and Dallas did a 23 on me and him. We analyzed his nose. Dallas says his hair is a little kinky, so we think he's biracial. Not to be racist, just saying. Anyways, that's Bennett. He's accusing the city's 1969 cutoff year
Starting point is 00:07:24 of being totally arbitrary, despite the city's 1969 cutoff year of being totally arbitrary despite the city passing a fair housing law that came at at that time furthermore you can all go fuck yourselves said nick okay never happy never um it's insane to me how do you decide who gets what people who just moved again you had to be a resident and I don't care who's going to get what and that's just
Starting point is 00:07:55 you know what this is this is a wedge again a wedge you couldn't make a better thing to turn black versus white even black versus black, white versus black. Even black versus black, because, you know, the black people that aren't going to get it because they weren't residents are going to get upset at the ones that do.
Starting point is 00:08:11 That's exactly right. Exactly right. It's fucking insane. Well, how about the Irish? They weren't exactly treated good when they got here. I mean, honestly, it is fucking insane. We have lowered, we have destroyed this country. You can make this argument, gutted it, based on this black-white thing.
Starting point is 00:08:30 It's fucking insane to me. And we'll go no further. Maybe California. But once they do that, and wait till this kicks in. Want to see some racial tension? Mamma mia. Anyways, let's move on, shall we? He's a rich devil. The White House payroll has hit
Starting point is 00:08:47 historic highs under President Joe Biden, and the most highly remunerated staff member is the Monkey Parks coordinator, boy, I wish I had that position, Dimitri Dalaskis, who the National Post first revealed as a Satan and occult-obsessed gay man. He works for Biden, who recently donned bondage gear for a speech at a biochemical conference. I'll repeat that. Somebody in the Biden administration, a gay Satanist, put on fucking black nipple clamps to give a speech at a biomedical conference. Put him in a room with Britton, the guy, the luggage man. Oh, my God. Your mother sucks cocks in hell.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Disclaskus, who is 50, and I'm fucking up his name on purpose. He's 50. He joined Biden's White House staff less than a year ago. In that brief time, he has earned himself a salary of $260,000 plus, the highest in the White House, apart from the president himself. According to Open the Books, the second most highly paid is A&H Das, whoever the fuck that is. Oh, Anand, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:10:03 That's his first name. A lot of Americans in there. Anand H. Das, he gets $216,000, Senior Deputy Associate Counsel, with the total staff bill for the year coming in a hefty 52.7 mil. By comparison, the Trump White House averaged a staff cost of 46.95 mil over four years. He even beats Biden there. Velazquez and his partner, Michael Isaac, a big one, McNeil, launched a goth gym together in New York. I did three sets of squats there when I realized somebody was under me with their tongue out. And a pentagram of candles.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Yeah, based in a former gay nightclub that in turn had taken over an old church in Manhattan. They turned it into a cycle. They took an old church. The duo often posts satanic imagery as well as Christ-desecrating content. Try that with Muslims and shit. DeLasquez recently appeared for the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Starting point is 00:11:15 that would be the FBI, as part of their Out and Proud event. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. There he is. Hey, in the second half of the show, ladies and gentlemen, I'll be talking about the whereabouts of Evangi Prigozhin. You remember him? He's the one who headed up the Wagner group that tried to overthrow Putin. And they're arguing where he is. I have a fucking hint. And also another Democrat jumping to the Republican side, a black female, by the way. So it's coming. It's coming.
Starting point is 00:11:52 It's exclusively, by the way, on Mug Club. So join now to get it at Okay? Do that right now. Hey, boys and girls, head over to to get exclusive hats, T-shirts, hoodies, and more. It's yet another way for you to support the show and look sexy at the same time. You can also get signed copies of my previous specials and all of the Nicker shirts. Just go to and click on store.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Again, that's Click on store. Again, that's Click on store. Thank you guys so much. See you soon. As far as the Satanist, gay, whatever, I just said to Dallas before the show, this is what makes America great and what makes it suck. Because what pisses you off is they don't appreciate the freedom. That's what pisses.
Starting point is 00:12:44 I don't think they do. But where else can you do that? Which makes, again, makes it great. You might be into something that's kind of weird. And supposedly, but here's the other thing. Again, like I said, if that was a Republican group doing it with Muslims, it'll be shut down. So there's always that double standard. It's what about it? Yeah, you motherfucker. It's called a double standard. But again, only in this country do you have that type of freedom. I'm waiting for somebody to go up to Biden. Remember we saw de Blasio walking down the sidewalk in New York. We played that clip of the kid swearing at him. Remember that? It's my favorite clip on the internet ever. Hey, de Blasio, with that shitty New York accent. No, de Blasio goes, how you doing? He goes, I'm not too fucking
Starting point is 00:13:31 good. You're fucking this and that, you socialist. And one of de Blasio's guys goes, okay, that's enough. Fuck that. That was a New York moment that I absolutely love. We need more of him. So, yeah, again, there's a lot of freedom. But that's under the Biden administration that guy works. You know what I mean? And think about the scrutiny that Trump and his family got in talking about who he hired. And it's just insane.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Let's move on before I take a dump. Everybody knows you never go full retard. Oh, and our West Coast stupid segment tonight. And there really is. It's just insane. Let's move on before I take a dump. Everybody knows you never go full retard. Oh, in our West Coast Stupid segment tonight, and there really is. I really believe that. I moved out to L.A., and I remember being there about six months and saying to Andy after she came out, I told her not to, but she still came. Thank God. Rescued me from that shit hole.
Starting point is 00:14:22 I said, are people a little fucking slow, or is it me here? She said, I was just thinking that. Nice people. But they'll just follow. They're in the government. They'll just follow the latest trend and shit. Anyways, you could say they had nice weather, but now it's fire season. Anyways, West Coast stupid.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Why am I saying that? Charles Manson devotee, and I wanted to play the goddamn clip of Steve Railsback doing Manson in that movie for a two-minute monologue, but I forgot because, I don't know, I was watching Home Run Derby. No. Charles Manson devotee, Leslie Van Houten. I remember all this well because all this was in the Home Run Derby. No. Charles Manson devotee Leslie Van Houten. I remember all this well because all this was in the paper. As a kid, I was reading about it.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Anyways, Leslie Van Houten was sprung from a California prison Tuesday morning after spending the last 53 years behind bars. You go fuck yourself, convict! Van Houten, who was hit with a life sentence for her role in two infamous murders, was released to parole supervision, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation said. Van Houten's freedom... You're entitled to shit. ...comes days after Governor Gavin Newsom announced he would not fight a state appeals court ruling that Van Houten should be paroled,
Starting point is 00:15:47 even though he was disappointed in the court's decision. So why not not disappointed enough to step up and do something? You're the governor. Huh? Fucking empty suit. Look at him there. Oh, look at that Cub Scouts ass. Van Houten was convicted. Listen to this, folks. Van Houten was convicted, listen to this folks, if you guys were too young to remember this, of helping Manson and other followers in the killings of Lino LaBianca and he was a famous Los Angeles gross and his wife Rosemary in 1969. The couple was killed in their home with their blood
Starting point is 00:16:20 smeared on the walls afterward. Van Houten, now in her 70s, later admitted to holding Rosemary LaBianca down with a pillowcase as others stabbed her. She then stabbed the one herself more than a dozen times. So yeah, let her, she should be paroled. And I'm reading the comments on it. Oh, she's done enough time. That's not the point, motherfuckers. That's not the point. And that's a good argument. I'm against a death penalty because I think staying in prison your whole life is worse than taking a dirt nap. They're doing you a favor. But in these situations, you're like, yeah, we should have a death penalty because life doesn't mean life anymore. Right? Imagine she fucking, how do you do that? Sit on that parole. Let's
Starting point is 00:17:07 interview those assholes. Probably grew up in Sacramento and San Juanita. I just made that up. She was previously recommended for parole five times since 2016, but Newsom and ex-governor Jerry Bowne shot them down when they had mines. But a state appeals ruling paved the way for her to walk out of prison in May when they ruled she should be released. Why could I grab this microphone? Hey, that's him. I beat your brains out with it because that's what she deserves. That's what she deserves.
Starting point is 00:17:42 That's Charlie himself. Even he's pissed about this ruling. And he would be because I think she ratted on him. He banged them all 10 times. She's just grateful that people are recognizing that she's not the same person that she was when she committed the murders. Yeah, and neither are the LaBiancas. They weren't the same people a day after the murders. They were filled with maggots and rotting away. You stupid fuck, Nancy Tertralt. The Labianca family expressed disappointment, I would think so, in the impending release.
Starting point is 00:18:18 My family and I are heartbroken because we're once again reminded of all the years that we have not had my father and my stepmother with us. LaBianca's daughter, Corey LaBianca, told the AP on Friday. Manson said this. What about death, Charlie? What about it? I told you I'm already dead. Fucking love that movie. Watch that one, folks. Helta Skelta. Pull it up. I'm sure it's on YouTube or whatever.
Starting point is 00:18:51 But this, yeah, this was like in 1969. I was like seven. We were on vacation and I remember actually fucking looking at the headlines. Actually early 70s.
Starting point is 00:19:04 I was older than that. Started reading in ninth grade, so take minus the 10. But on what grounds would you go, yeah? Do you understand? You took lives. That should be automatically. Automatically. No parole, life in prison, or the death penalty, whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:24 And if it's a death penalty, let's get creative about it. You know what I'm saying? Let's recreate what she did to the people. Right? It's right in the Bible. It says, kill the fuck. I think that was a letter from Paul to the Corinthians. Kill the fuck as I killed you.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Be happy in thine self. All that crap. But how do you sit on that board and go, yeah, you know what? She's done enough. I get that. And there's people in the comments, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:53 well, she's not a threat. That's not the point. It's not that we all know that. She's a different person. Yeah, but she's still a person. You get it? They aren't people anymore. They didn't get to see their grandkids.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Fuckers. Let's go find her tonight, Dallas. Let's catch a red eye. Oh, it's Wednesday. We've got more work to do. We'll bounce from fucking Virginia. I know where she lives, I think. Doheny, 148.
Starting point is 00:20:23 I shouldn't say that. Somebody will get slaughtered there tonight. It's on my hands. Anyway, that just blows my friggin mind. And it makes so much sense that Gavin goes, yeah, I'm upset about this. Well, then do something. I'm not gonna do something. I got a dinner tonight. Dirty laundry. Dirty laundry? Oh, French laundry. That would be my restaurant. The dirty French laundry. The dirty French laundry. Like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:20:54 The cloth napkins have shit stains on them and skid marks on them. It's a terrific job. Wouldn't that be German? That would be German. I'm sorry. The German dirty laundry. The Sprakenie Deutsch fucking menu. What's on it?
Starting point is 00:21:10 Can you read us the specials? Today we have Jew blood with a touch of cognac. Delicious. Delicious. Clink. You are an idiot. I am not. Hey, I forgot to tell you guys.
Starting point is 00:21:25 There's a show called The Offer. Dallas, have you been watching this yet? It's a show, a series, based on the making of The Godfather. It's actors playing, you know, Mario Puzo. And it's the first few minutes I'm like, well, the acting's a little over the top. But, but, but it's stories interesting enough because it's based on, you know, on how the mafia didn't want this made. And that's a story in and of itself that's batshit crazy. Yeah. So that's why they made the series.
Starting point is 00:21:57 So the content's good enough. You know, some of the acting's okay. I don't judge that. I like the story because I know it's, you know what I mean? And yeah, so I've watched the first episode. It's about, again, the making of the God because there was a lot of shit that went down you don't know about.
Starting point is 00:22:14 That didn't happen easy. Sinatra was, you know, pissed. And Puzo runs into Sinatra at a restaurant and introduces himself. This is after he had written the book saying, you know, my mother loves you, we love you, and fucking Sinatra's like, get the fuck out. Somebody whispers to Sinatra,
Starting point is 00:22:30 I know who the fuck you are, you piece of shit. He stands up. He goes, I'm a big fan of your work, Sinatra. He goes, yeah, I don't get to choose my fans. You'll love it, Dallas. It's got that nostalgia. So yeah, it's called The Offer. I suggest you watch it.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Have I ever steered you wrong? I told you about Gilligan's Island, the remake, all black Gilligan's. Anyways, with LaShawn the skipper. Hey, for those of you who are on Mug Club, stick around for the second half of the show. Everyone else, go to to get my full show and Steven Crowder's full show
Starting point is 00:23:12 and a lot more. And check my tour dates. I think we put a couple up for the fall. guitar solo Outro Music

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