The Nick DiPaolo Show - Rittenhouse Prosecution Takes "Beating" | Nick Di Paolo Show #627

Episode Date: November 17, 2021

Preposterous Prosecutor. Highways become a culture war battlefield. Exeter student suspended for saying there are two genders. Texan CRT thug. Maryland Mayor Pornstar. Woke Sesame Street....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for watching. Whether on social media or in our schools, on television or from the White House, now more than ever our freedoms, especially freedom of speech, are being suppressed. And that's putting it mildly. That's why I do this show. And that's why I put it out for free. For those of you who are able, please consider contributing to the show in any amount so we can keep it free and maintain a forum where right-leaning,
Starting point is 00:00:26 honest, unfiltered comedy exists. Just click on the contribute button on your screen or go to and click on the contribute button at the top. Thank you guys so much. Let's keep this freedom fight going. 🎵 Oh yeah, oh yeah, welcome to the show. Excuse me, I've got to get a cough button. Or, stop smoking. Fuck that.
Starting point is 00:01:28 It's late in life. Enjoy. How you doing, folks? Wednesday, second to final day of the week. You know, four day a week. It's like Europe. It's beautiful. That's why their GDP is fucking $11 a year.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I got nothing. You got anything at home? You got anything at home, man? I was trying to think of some fucking small talk off the top, but this is why I got married. I hate small talk. Yeah, I wasn't good when I was single. I used to walk up to a girl.
Starting point is 00:02:04 This is one of my pickup lines. I'd go, summertime at some bar. Hey, chubby, want to see my tan lines? And the other one, you look like a million bucks. Yeah, six zeros. You look like a million bucks. Yeah, six zeros. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Dallas? I got nothing. You got nothing either, huh? I bet you got stories up the ass, though, that you can't even tell us about. Oh, by the way, from the military? Oh, man. I got another series. I told you guys.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I told you guys to watch Fowder, right, on Netflix last year. This Israeli undercover guy who actually did it for a living. Now he's an actor in one of the greatest series ever. He hunts down terrorists like Palestinians. It's just one of the best series ever. He's got another one out called Hit and Run where his young bride
Starting point is 00:03:14 gets killed in a hit and run and now he's chasing whoever did it. Fucking picture Dave Attell only healthy looking. That's just what this guy looks like. Anyways, hit and run if you got Netflix. It felt so good. I watch so much news and sports.
Starting point is 00:03:33 It actually feels good when I'm not watching either one of those. It's so weird. Yes, so watch that. Let's get right to the show because apparently I got nothing. Life is so empty. Story number one, preposterous prosecutor. James Krause, one of the, oh, look at the big girl. Ain't he adorable? Look, he reminds me of a man who I used to have. Peter Principato, who was a great guy, by the way. James Krause, one of the
Starting point is 00:04:07 prosecutors in the murder trial of... By the way, I just said Peter Principato. He's one of the producers of the show I just mentioned. I couldn't believe it. Guy couldn't get me fucking on Sesame Street. Now he's producing...
Starting point is 00:04:24 Maybe it was my problem. The prosecutors in the murder trial of Cal right now has told the jury in Kenosha, and by the way, we're living under threat of, once again, violence, mob violence, because this is the way the government wants it. Do you understand that, folks? This isn't an accident.
Starting point is 00:04:40 The jury in Kenosha, Wisconsin court Monday, that the defendant, this is what this guy said the defendant should have let himself be attacked last august because and i quote everybody takes a beating sometimes and you know he did as a kid you know he'd look at him and you deserved every spanking now he takes a beating from his life partner, Kevin. Balls right across the bridge of his nose every night. He loves it. What do you know about taking a beating or giving one?
Starting point is 00:05:13 Big girl. Do you believe this? Where did they find these fucking lawyers? Seriously. What are they? They couldn't get into Jacoby Myers or what the fucking Morgan and Morgan would never deal with this guy. Morgan and Morgan, that's the big, they're national. They have every billboard down here.
Starting point is 00:05:33 And I said, that's an attorney I like because it says Morgan and Morgan and the slogan is there's only one. Guy's lying right to your face on the billboard. Anyways, that big girl said that. Krause was delivering the rebuttal argument after fellow prosecutor Thomas Binger, maybe the worst lawyer in the history. You can tell by his stupid haircut he's got bad judgment. This guy embarrassed him. Your career is over, by the way, Mr. Binger. You know what I mean? You'll be pushing a hot dog cart. Fucking, you know. Thomas Binger gave the first closing argument, and defense attorney Mike Richards
Starting point is 00:06:13 responded on behalf of Rittenhouse. The prosecution tried throughout the day to argue that Rittenhouse did not have, quote-unquote, the privilege of self-defense. I don't even like the language. Even though he only shot people who had pursued and attacked him because he had provoked the attack by bringing his rifle to the Black Lives Matter riot near midnight on August 25th, 2020, which is just fucking precious. The kid was there to defend businesses.
Starting point is 00:06:51 This is the times we're living in. A kid who is a lifeguard, he takes police corps, you know, an actual civic-minded kid who cares about his community at the age of 17. He's considered, you know, a loose cannon, a vigilante, only in this faggy world of Joe Biden and whatnot. So here's Krispy Kreme, you know, giving his view on what you should do when somebody's trying to kill you. Let's listen to Captain Cholesterol. Go ahead, roll that tape, you fat fuck, yeah?
Starting point is 00:07:27 You've heard the defendant have, again, Mr. Richards misstated the standard. It is not could have caused great bodily harm or death. It is not likely to have caused great bodily harm or death. It is imminent threat of death or great bodily harm. Where is that when you get a couple scrapes? Pause, pause. The logic is beyond... He's speaking post-incident. Do you guys get what I mean? Rittenhouse had some scrapes on him,
Starting point is 00:08:09 but he didn't know whether the guy was going to kill him or not before that. He's trying to make his point, going, you only got scraped up. You know what I'm saying? He's Monday morning quarterback in an event. This guy's never been in a fight. I guarantee it.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Maybe a fight with his boyfriend. Broke the cappuccino machine. Whatever the fuck or the fuck swing in their kitchen. He has no idea what happens when you get in a physical conflict. Especially at a riot.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Oh, that... Go ahead. Everybody takes a beating sometimes, right? Sometimes you get in a scuffle and maybe you do get hurt a little bit. That doesn't mean you get to start plugging people with your full metal jacket AR-15 rounds. I'm not a gun expert. Full metal jacket for an AR-15.
Starting point is 00:09:04 The only full jacket is the one you're wearing there, Frankfurter. Full metal jacket. You don't get to start plugging. Boy, did you oversimplify the situation at all? That doesn't even bring in that they were pursuing him. He falls down. A kid smacks him over the head with a skateboard. Another kid has a gun pointed at him.
Starting point is 00:09:25 You don't get to play. Yeah, you do, actually. They made such a great case for the defendants. It was fucking precious. The defense didn't make as good a case as they did for the defense. Okay, let Hamburger help us go. Is that it? Thank Christ.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Hey, can you kill that air conditioning? I put it on like a dope. Just put the temperature up or whatever. And you can leave the camera on. So, folks, how you doing? That's right. They allow you to smoke inside in an office building in Georgia.
Starting point is 00:10:02 That's why I live here! Not really, but I'm just saying. Anyhow, accordingly, Krause argued Rittenhouse had a duty to retreat, not just before firing his weapon, but before resisting in any physical... In other words, submit. Submit. We're running things. And he added that Rittenhouse should have allowed himself to be beaten by members of a mob that both he and Binger had described as heroes. Look at this picture here. This is priceless. This is Binger, the head prosecutor, pointing an AR.
Starting point is 00:10:42 That's mine, man. I got a red dot on mine I still couldn't hit a fucking bus he's pointing it at the jury and he's got his finger on the trigger who trained him Alec Baldwin but in hindsight say, I don't think he was smart enough to think of this himself, but I bet somebody told him to do this because what it does is now you're in the jury, you know what it's like to be on the business end of a AR-15. Apparently, none of the jurors know about guns either because if they did, one of them would have jumped out of the box and tackled them but that's almost an effective move and it was by accident i guarantee it but they called these guys that he shot written how shot heroes quote unquote heroes joseph rosenbaum convicted child rapist the other guy had a domestic violence for strangling a woman these are heroes on the left
Starting point is 00:11:49 Heroes folks concerned citizens acting to stop what they saw as an active shooter Yeah, he was that yeah, you're right. He was at a mall hiding behind the one potato two with his rifle picking off people These people have lost their ever-fucking minds. What you just said. What I say. Is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul. Krause also argued that Rittenhouse was too cowardly to fight his way out of the crowd by using his bare fists. Yeah, that's what you do at a riot when people throw molotovs burning down buildings. Have you ever? This guy's never been in an argument, I swear to God. Earlier, defense attorney Richards adamantly declared that his client did not have a legal
Starting point is 00:12:45 duty to be beaten by a mob exactly the jury will now deliberate on the five counts facing rittenhouse two of murder unfucked he shouldn't have even been indicted on anything two of reckless endangerment and one of attempted murder a A sixth charge on unlawful possession, as we talked about yesterday, possession by a weapon by a minor was dropped earlier because the length of the barrel met the requirements for him to be able to carry the gun, which I don't even understand that either. Okay, if the barrel's an extra two inches, it's not a danger. I don't know. It's a long gun. OK. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:13:30 And by the way, breaking today on this story, the defendants are calling for a mistrial because jerk-offs, prosecutors didn't hand over exculpatory. That means arguments that would hurt their case. They had a video of a drone that the drone took of the incident that night. They gave the fucking defense, the grainy one where you hardly can see anything. And they had a clear one. So I'm no Judge Judy, although I play one on TV. Eyes up here.
Starting point is 00:14:08 I don't believe you. Might as well be my wife when we're fighting. I don't believe you. I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not. That's what happened. Now take your elbows
Starting point is 00:14:15 off the table. Robert Klein has a good bit about Judge Judy. Anyways, I have never seen a more inept legal representation since Marsha Clark and Chris Chris what? Garden, Barden. I get the mind of an 80 year old I'm gonna put this out anyhow let's move on shall we you know about that infrastructure bill that, you know, has nothing to do with infrastructure? There's a few dollars that do have to do with infrastructure,
Starting point is 00:14:54 and even those, their ideas on how to spend it is just priceless. They're not even good, can I just say the Chuck Schumers of the world and people on the left, the Pelosi's, they're not even good what they do for a living. Yet they're the ones, our leaders, they're the elites. They would suck at selling hot dogs. They would suck at cutting grass. They would suck at working a fucking lathe at a machine shop. They just suck. They're overeducated and just fucking useless. Highways,
Starting point is 00:15:27 this is the headline, become a culture war battlefield. Naturally, we talked about those racist highways. With its six lanes plowing through New York City's northernmost borough, the Cross Bronx Expressway, which I've been in traffic on many times. It is. See, that's a racist. They're saying this is a racist highway. I think it's because when you look at it, it looks like two fat lips, which is kind of racist to black people. Look at that mess. Was the guy tripping when they designed that fucker? Look at that thing. You know how many times I've been on that in snowstorms, whatever, coming home from the comedy cellar because the other way was blocked.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Oh, I just, I'm so happy to be here. All I got left on my bucket list is to fuck Paula Deen. No. She makes healthy food, doesn't she? Take this jar of mayonnaise and put some pudding on it, and then cover it with cheese. Why am I talking like Goma Powell? Sure as I am. Anyways, the Cross Bronx Expressway is unsightly. That's all true. Congestive river of payment whose creation upended city neighborhoods so that commuters, code for white, could flee with greater ease to the suburbs.
Starting point is 00:16:45 And why were they doing that? Oh, because of the violence and drugs, maybe, and, you know, 60,000 one-parent family homes living in a building next to you. At a recent press conference held in the Bronx, Senate Majority Leader Chuck, I'm a dirty, dirty camera-loving Schumer, and Democrat Rep. a dirty, dirty camera-loving Schumer and Democrat rep Richie Torres, a rising star in the House who represents the... If you're a rising star in the Democrat Party today, you're going to be irrelevant in about two years, touted a plan, listen to this, to cover the noisy, dirty highway with a grass and tree-filled dome that would reduce the pollution in surrounding
Starting point is 00:17:29 neighborhoods. Wouldn't those trees suffocate from the pollution? Funding would come at least in part from the new $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. That's our money, by the way. Can you imagine they're going to build a green... It's sort of like the Iron Dome, only with pine trees. I know. It's just so ridiculous. The highway, Torres said, is both literally and metaphorically a structure of racism. Oh my God. Oh my God. He's an up-and- and comer. He looks like a guy that helped me at Best Buy, the manager. It says, while that view may be uncontroversial to progressives,
Starting point is 00:18:21 people of color, and academics, it may be new to many white Americans. That presents both an opportunity and a challenge to Democrats who want to govern with an eye on social justice issues they believe have been long to come. In other words, they're going to work race into everything, folks. When you start calling roads racist and shit, you're, what is it? Math is racist. Religion is racist. Sex is racist. What isn't fucking racist?
Starting point is 00:18:44 Eating Mexican food. you're appropriating. Honestly, fucking use the word banana. Somehow that's right. No matter what context. It, I thought 15 years ago, we had hit the threshold where you couldn't call anything else racist. Wasn't even close.
Starting point is 00:19:01 A culture war could be in the making. In other words, with pre-pandemic morning commute at the center of the country. In other words, first of all, since the pandemic, not that many people, a lot of them working from home. They didn't figure that into the, does it matter? How do you build a... it matter. How do you build a... I live on a beautiful street in Savannah that has a natural canopy of live oaks. It's frigging beautiful, but this... Yeah, there you go. You know what's great now? When you're in the Bronx and somebody's trying to rape or murder you, you can hide behind a tree or in a bush. That's the best part of this. Look at me in the right-hand corner breakdancing at the
Starting point is 00:19:45 park while a dog, a police dog, goes after a drug dealer. Yeah, there should be some chalk outlines. Unbelievable. The infrastructure bill just signed by President Biden contains $1 billion for reconnecting communities, a program intended to remove or retrofit infrastructure barriers like highway overpasses and depressed highways. Send him to a shrink. What's the matter? Life's tough in the fast lane. Other federal funds could be marshaled for that purpose as well. A Department of Transportation spokesperson told Yahoo News, so it must be true. Since each mile of significant highway redesign will cost, listen to this, hundreds of millions of dollars. Each mile of that.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Give me the money! You ain't got that kind of money, of that. Give me the money! You ain't got that kind of money, brother man. Give me the money! Oh, so they're going to build a dome made of trees and shit. Un-fucking-believable. They always talk about, you ever notice they talk in abstracts, the Dems? It's always shit that is going to take 30 years to, that way you're not obligated to get shit done now.
Starting point is 00:21:11 They've been doing that forever too, you know? Oh, this will help us, clean energy in 2086. And, I mean, for the love of Christ, they're blaming us for everything. I'm part of the new LGBTQ community. I got a great idea for a t-shirt, by the way. Where do you guys see this? Where do you see this?
Starting point is 00:21:40 I want you to stand there in your faggoty uniform and show me the respect I deserve. You can't handle the truth. I'm being arrested. That's what this. Here's the headline that Nick wrote so cleverly. He said, he said, a New Hampshire teenager is suing his school district after he was allegedly suspended from athletics for saying there are only two genders. Get him out of here. Can you imagine? Can you fucking imagine? It's time to start burning and looting ourselves. I'm not kidding. Imagine suspended for that. I could handle that case. I'm right here, son.
Starting point is 00:22:30 The Exeter High School freshman said in the suit that he was hit with a one-game football, oh, they love to go after the jocks, don't they? A one-game football suspension in September stemming from a text conversation, a text conversation he had with another student off school grounds. I already covered a story like this. I asked Alan Dershowitz about it. Remember there was a girl at a supermarket with a friend. They get suspended for a day. So she said, fuck you, fuck the school, whatever the fuck. And they were trying to punish her, but she was off grounds. And anyway, the lawsuit was filed November 4th through an attorney with the Christian organization Cornerstone Action, which I started in 1981, with the claim that he stated a Catholic-based
Starting point is 00:23:17 belief that there are only male and female genders. The Portsmouth Herald reported one hell of a paper. I am like God and God like me. I am as large as God. He is as small as I. He cannot above me nor I. Beneath him be. Salacious 17th century.
Starting point is 00:23:45 That's the cigarette cup. Yes, sir. The kid's lawsuit also claims Exodus policy on non-binary gender identity and pronouns infringes on his First Amendment right. You're goddamn right it does. I'll call you whatever the fuck you want. Let's come up with something. We got to get clever on our side. Let's just start calling them all goo goblers.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Can I ask you a question? Are gay people really going, well, I know a few of them are reporting, but if you said, Well, I know a few of them are reporting, but if you said, yeah, he, you know, he's being too loud and clad. He's going to get mad, really? What are they going to do? You know what I'm saying? The policy says students have the right to be. This is the policy of the school, folks. Students have, meaning LGBT, whatever, have the right to be addressed by
Starting point is 00:24:45 a name and pronoun of their choosing related to, no, they don't. No, they fucking don't. Related to their gender identities. It also says those who don't recognize others' gender identities or pronouns are violating the policy. You're full of shit. They, the, piss, foo. I'll say it again. Only people you call they are obese gay people. They are blocking the aisle. They eat too much Count Chocula. They are fat fucks, are they not? The student doesn't deny he violated the policy. This is why I like this kid. The lawsuit says, according to the Herald, he in fact denied and will continue to deny that any person, excuse me, can belong to a gender other than that of male or female. The lawsuit said, I like this kid a lot. Run for Congress.
Starting point is 00:25:50 The student, it goes on, will never refer to any individual person using plural pronouns such as they, using contrived pronouns such as they or ze or zima or Zoot Suit or Zachary, with any similar terminology that reflects values which the student does not share. It's a great point. Why are your values more important than his? Matter of fact, his have been in practice for thousands of years. You came along yesterday. You can't handle the truth.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Good for you, kid. I like your balls Don't take no shit off good for you spider don't take no shit off nobody you're gonna let him get away with it Dance for the fucking drink Dance for the fucking drink How can I say I'm a good shot Then you hear the guy go He's kind of close What did you say Anthony Nothing nothing
Starting point is 00:26:53 Nice game Nice game What are you a fucking sick maniac I was kidding you Now you're going to fucking bury it I don't give a fuck Where's the shovels? They go right back to the car again. The suspension came after the student,
Starting point is 00:27:13 listen to this, it gets even more interesting, had been engaged in a conversation on the bus over gender with friends over the perceived difficulty in using plural pronouns for an individual in Spanish, because, you know, las and los, which uses masculine and feminine plurals, according to this, it's a legitimate, funny concept. A female student, we'll call her twat, overheard the discussion and allegedly told the student there were more than two genders,
Starting point is 00:27:44 and he should have just said, Shut up. Mind your fucking business and shut up. She said, No, there isn't. There's only two genders. I guarantee she had purple hair and three nose rings. The student allegedly replied. That conversation continued in a contentious text exchange, which was shown to him by school administrators.
Starting point is 00:28:05 This is what they do. Instead of teaching, reading, writing, this is what they call it. It's all a plan, folks. It's all a distraction. As we become Marxist or whatever the fuck they have, it's all a distraction. Black versus white, gay,
Starting point is 00:28:19 it's all sleight of hand. I'm telling you, so you can, you won't recognize how inept your leaders are. School administrators imprinted for him when he was suspended. School superintendent David Ryan told the Associated Press the school was reviewing the complaint and will be able to share a statement once we have completed that review. I love how they can't comment. Another sign they have no balls. You know, this isn't a murder case where you can't comment while they're still, you know what I mean? He doesn't have the balls to take a stand.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Thus, we're in the mess we are in. Hey, kid at Exeter, I'm with you. Look at that. Look at these turlets. You got a men one, you got a woman one, you got a liberal one in the middle. That's actually pretty good. There you go. I had a joke about that on one of my albums. You might have heard me do it when you were... I said, it's confusing all this transgender. I was in a nightclub, you got the woman's room over here, the men's room over here. And people are confused because there was a pile of shit in the middle with a fake mustache and a tampon stuck in it. That's the funny part of the joke.
Starting point is 00:29:31 My mom wrote that on Easter. We haven't talked about angry black people like there's any other kind. There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. Senator Byrd, I do not appreciate the language. Oh, he's a Democrat and a racist. Texas CRT thug, a lefty Texas revolutionary warned parents at a school board meeting that he would bring 1,000 locked and loaded allies next time. What do you mean, your family? All those are Mexican. To confront anyone questioning critical race theory. The shocking video shows it. I say to the motherfucker,
Starting point is 00:30:12 fuck your mother! Oh, take it easy. Malik, anytime you hear Malik, just don't even bother. Malik Austin, who previously wore military garb to a meeting saying he was willing to fight for the divisive teaching method, meaning CRT, raged directly at other parents who had raised concerns over CRT with the Fort Worth Independent School District Board Tuesday footage shows. Here is the video of the recent footage, right is him a nice guy by the way i just want you to picture a white person doing this at a black school and go ahead who got an issue with this critical race theory equity this is something i filed for for my children how dare you come out from here and talk about the things that my daddy and my grandparents went
Starting point is 00:31:01 through the lynching the oppression jim crow and my kids are through the lynching, the oppression, Jim Crow, and my kids are still being afflicted by this. How dare you come out from here and challenge me on critical race theory. Look at the word racism. This is something deliberately done to people of African descent to shackle us down. This hate, fear, money ain't gonna work no more. It's over with. We are not our ancestors. I've got over 1,000 soldiers ready to go. We're not the board.
Starting point is 00:31:31 1,000 to go. He's so ignorant, he's yelling at the wrong people, by the way. I mean, they're coming out to, again, resist what the school board's trying to promote, but yell at the school board. Can you imagine? I feel bad for the guy, but it just shows you what Democrats have done to black people.
Starting point is 00:31:58 You know what I mean? Most black people are conservative, honest to God, until they started voting Democrat fucking 80 years ago. And it has destroyed them. Their policies have destroyed two family homes by sending a check. Don't you understand, black people? They want you to rely on them.
Starting point is 00:32:18 And look what it's turned into. This guy believes everything he hears on CNN or MSNBC. Un-fucking-believable. And then he tries to get intimidating. And by the way, sir, a thousand shoulders. Let me remind you something. The white population is 68% or 65% of this country. You're about 13.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I got hunting friends who could get a thousand friends together with guns tomorrow. Anyways, is that all that genius has to say? All right. I don't care. I don't care? Pause. Here's Karen. If you'd like to have a scone and some tea, we can discuss this quietly.
Starting point is 00:33:10 So naive. This guy would shoot you as soon as he looked at you because you're white. Go ahead. Time. Time. Officer. Officer. Pause. He said he's going to bring his soldiers with him next time. Officer?
Starting point is 00:33:26 Pause. He said he's going to bring his soldiers with him next time. Locked and loaded, by the way. Picture a white person saying that to an all-black bunch of parents or whatever. Even if your kid gets beat up by, you know. Here he is. He just came from a camping trip in nigeria um there's something wrong with the black man's mind there's something wrong with his mind
Starting point is 00:33:51 this was a few months prior um and this is uh what he had to say but you have a due diligence what did i do what you know to do and do your job all right once again i'm gonna tell you again i am a revolutionary you might kill a revolutionary but you won't kill the revolution What did I do? Do what you know to do and do your job. Once again, I'm going to tell you again. I am a revolutionary. You might kill a revolutionary, but you won't kill a revolution. We're here to stay. We're going to fight for these babies, man. If it costs you your seat, that's on you, bro.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Well, whose fault is that? I got one thing to say to you, fella. Oh, my white power button's not working. So I'm going to beat you. Don't worry about it. Anyways, when some people in the audience started to protest Austin's childish poo-poo, his microphone was cut off. But he continued ranting, insisting he was exercising his First Amendment right, which he is. My problem is, why do you don't have the same freedom? You'll be canceled or
Starting point is 00:34:53 lose your job. There he is, the hate in his eyes. Why would he stay in a country that he thinks treats him so horribly is beyond me. There's a million beautiful places all over the place you could live. And you know what? They're going to hate you there, too, if you have that very negative energy. You should take a Tony Robbins course. After a law enforcement officer came to the podium, Austin walked off again, warning, yeah, I'm bringing all my soldiers. Yes, I will. Locked and loaded, he said before finally being led away. Oh, boy. Nice, huh? Hey, Joe, another example of you unifying.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Can you imagine? They have the FBI. That story came out this week. Remember Merrick Garland testified that they weren't monitoring parents, school parents and shit, and they weren't going to bring the weight of the federal justice system down. That's exactly what they do. They found a memo. What's going to happen to him? Nothing. Nothing. Let's talk about a state only shittier than Joe's, Delaware, Maryland.
Starting point is 00:35:59 I'm kidding, folks. I had a great time in Maryland. I drove through there and used the rest area. Very clean. Maryland Mayor Pawnstar. Were you making these up? It's got nothing to do with porn. Well, kind of.
Starting point is 00:36:15 I guess you're right. He's a director. The mayor of Cambridge, Maryland, was arrested and charged, get this, with 50 counts of distributing revenge porn, according to a new release from the Maryland Office of the State Prosecutor. A mayor putting out revenge porn. Court records state Andrew Bradshaw, who took office this past January, was arrested on Monday and had his first court appearance on the charges. Again, these are leaders now. Look at this guy. Look at that
Starting point is 00:36:51 full head of skin. The complaint provided by the state prosecutor's office alleges that a victim contacted law enforcement in May and said she saw nude photographs of herself on Reddit, which he said, I don't believe you. Show me the picture. No. Which she said were posted without her consent. And then I hit the screaming button and it doesn't work no more. She said, according to the complaint, that she sent the photos to Bradshaw when they were in an intimate relationship. It's still stupid. Why, do you think it was going to last?
Starting point is 00:37:29 And that they were no longer in the relationship. Using someone's private images without their consent is a, I'm trying to forget how it's revenge, though. She must have blown him off, right? Without their consent is a serious breach of trust and invasion of privacy and the power and breadth of the internet makes such a violation even more egregious, state prosecutor Chowton Howard III said in a news release announcing the charges. That's the prosecutor there, I guess, huh. Our office, he said, is committed to protecting victims
Starting point is 00:38:08 from those who abuse their positions of power and trust. Bradshaw's attorney has not responded to CNN's request for comment. Is that the prosecutor? Who's this guy? Oh, that's the mayor? I can see why he gets a lot of ass. Look at that. It's the mayor? I can see why he gets a lot of ass. Look at that. He's just a fucking, it's the height of fashion.
Starting point is 00:38:30 It's like a mannequin at Sears. If convicted, Bradshaw faces up to two years in jail and up to $5,000 in fine for each charge. I hope everything works out for both of you. I don't like to see that type of acrimony. I hope everything works out for both of you. I don't like to see that type of acrimony. He's a mayor and he's doing revenge porn. Don't you know that's just for presidents and senators?
Starting point is 00:39:02 Senator, I think that's it. Oh, we got one more? All right, let's do it. Let's's it. Oh, we got one more? All right, let's do it. Let's do it. Hey. Kermit the Frog here. Woke Sesame Street. Oh, God. Ay, ay, ay.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Matt Schlapp, who's a conservative guy, chairman of the American Conservative Union, called this week for the federal government to stop funding broadcast to PBS, which they should. I'll tell you why, by the way. I watched a Rolling Stones concert when I was living in Queens on PBS. It was fucking great. I ordered a tote bag and I paid money. Never got it.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Never got it. Never got it. So what I did was I kidnapped Julia Child. She used to be on PBS all the time. And I held her at fucking Cannoli Point. All right. Funding broadcast to public, but pointing to the latest content decision regarding Sesame Street.
Starting point is 00:40:08 PBS gets money from the government and donations. One or the other, okay? The children's program announced it was adding the first Asian American character because you know why? Lefties are obsessed with race. They have the racist. They are, Jim Henson must be rolling around
Starting point is 00:40:26 In his fake casket right now Adding the first Asian American character To its cast of Muppets Thank God because people have been pushing The girl's name is Ji Young She ain't too young That's not it Look they don't even have the balls
Starting point is 00:40:41 To give her slanted eyes They don't even have The balls because they know if somebody on the right did it, it will be called racist. That is not an Asian puppet. I've dated many Asian puppets. That, I have an Asian blow-up doll, the eyes are not even half that round. Look at that. So look, they don't even have the nerve to give her Asian eyes. And yes, Asian eyes are different than ours. And they don't even have the, they are so, that is so classic of them. They are so afraid of race, yet they want to control the conversation.
Starting point is 00:41:22 But they're so afraid of it, of offending it. They can't even make her look Asian. I Mean it's hilarious. I Mean when she talks is she gonna sound like this? Wow, she's apparently in transition that was a deep voice Anyways, it's hilarious. What race, this is what Schlapp asked, what race is Ernie and Bert? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:41:58 You are insane, PBS, and we should stop funding you. That's what Matt Schlapp says. Yes. I don't know what the race is of Ernie and Bert. I know they're gay. That should be pushed. You are insane, PBS, and we stopped funding you. Schlapp tweeted, implying it was unnecessary for Muppets to be racially identified.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Other Sesame Street characters like Elmo, Big Bird, and Cookie. I thought Big Bird was Asian because of his color, of his feathers. And I thought Cookie Monster was whatever. Are all non-human creatures without races, but some, like Wesley Walker and his dad, Elijah. Wesley Walker, the football player for the Jets? They're black Muppets who the show debuted earlier this year because they wanted
Starting point is 00:42:48 to inject violence into the show. What? And cut. I'm kidding. Notice they don't have the mother there? Even when it's puppets, it's a one family. Oh my God. I'm black y'all and I'm black y'all.
Starting point is 00:43:03 And I'm a puppet, I'm a, and I'm black, y'all. Kermit the Frog here. A couple of our black guys hanging on a bench. Jin Chung, a Korean-American Muppet, will make her first appearance on Thanksgiving special called See Us Coming Together. Oh, my God. A Sesame Street special.
Starting point is 00:43:24 See Us Coming Together. That was a special. See us coming together. That was a poor movie I watched in Vegas. I'm like, hey Paul. I think that line was for Bert and Ernie though. See us coming together. That's right. A Sesame Street special that will promote diversity
Starting point is 00:43:43 and celebrate Asian Americans. Oh, my gosh. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. Okay, I come with two chopsticks.
Starting point is 00:43:51 I shove up your ass. Two chopsticks? Come over here. Talk to me in the face. Like a Zamboni. Hey, kids. Today's letter is C for Chink. Schlapp's criticism comes.
Starting point is 00:44:04 I wonder if they're going to have a little Wuhan Institute set. Are you going to play it real? Schlapp's criticism comes as PBS show is under fire from conservatives over a vaccine town hall. Listen to this, a vaccine town hall the Muppets participated in last week. That's not indoctrination, is it? Indoctrination. The Children's Show has promoted vaccines for decades. This is the guy in the article trying to fight back as he's writing the article. Earlier this month, Senator Ted Cruz called a pro-vaccination tweet from Big Bird's account government propaganda for your five-year-old. And he's exactly fucking right.
Starting point is 00:44:44 But they don't want you selling bubblegum cigarettes and shit, you know, grape-flavored vape. The kids will, you know, let's fill their head with poison. Many conservatives have called for PBS to be defunded for years, accusing the network of advocating for liberal values in its programming. PBS relies heavily on donations, but receives millions of dollars each year from the government, which I think would be my money and your money. And we've asked about 10 years ago to stop helping them out because they are a fucking, like anything else, a propaganda. Just remember this, folks, that television was invented for the government. Just keep that in
Starting point is 00:45:20 mind and you'll get less excited. Of course, I don't practice what I preach. I lose my mind every night. But we give them money. They get donations and they want money from us. You're entitled to shit. Exactly, Tony. That is it for today, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, everything in between. Don't forget Don't forget Press the store button. Buy something nice. The holidays are coming up. Get your mother a nice fucking Nick DiPaolo, you know, hockey stick. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:45:53, which this is a good time. This is where I do my most business. You got friends. You're a fan of my show. Your friends, relatives who like me. Go to I'll roast them for a minute, minute and a half. But tell me about the person a little bit. Lately, I've been getting
Starting point is 00:46:10 ones. He's got red hair and he works at Sunoco Station. Okay. Thank you. Spin that into magic. You guys think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here for the final day of the week tomorrow. Have a good day, yeah. guitar solo Outro Music

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