The Nick DiPaolo Show - Sandmann to Sue Media Maggots | The Nick DiPaolo Show #250

Episode Date: October 29, 2019

Nick talks about Biden denied communion. Sandmann case reversed. NFL stadiums empty. Gay cop wins 20 Million. MONDAY - THURSDAY 11AM ET #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah, oh yeah, coming to you live. Welcome to the big show, everybody. How are you? It's, we're giving away free today, 250th show, I was told. God, it seems like, I don't know, 11,250, but it's really flying by, is what I'm saying. I love what I do. Goodness gracious. Coming to you live.
Starting point is 00:00:51 We'll do it live. Okay. We'll do it live. Fuck it. All right. Let's get excited about it. We'll do it live. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore. Oh. I am your voice. I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore. Huh. I am your voice. Anyways, what's going on in the world? First of all, NFL, I'll get that in a few seconds. The stadium's empty. How do you break the fucking NFL?
Starting point is 00:01:18 I'll tell you how exactly. I don't know. How about it's like they call it the Socialist Football League because the talent is spread so spread out that everybody has to be equal. And Pete Rozelle did that. But you guys are in your early 20s. You have no fucking idea what I'm talking about. But he implemented that. When you come in last, you get the first pick and shit.
Starting point is 00:01:40 It was very genius, actually. So now you have a bunch of interchangeable teams, and half the games don't mean anything. But I'll get to that in a few minutes. By the way, my sister Donna won the football pool out of 100 people. I'm sure she's studying the pie charts of the 3-4 defense and the fine arts of the RPOs that the quarterbacks run. What is going on in the world today? Oh, Joey Biden back in the news.
Starting point is 00:02:08 This was this cracked me up. It's not the first time it's happened to him. Joe Biden was denied communion. Can you imagine he's still. Is that communion or is that me at the Olive Garden? Nice fucking house rose and a nice crusty piece of garlic bread. Nice fucking house rosé and a nice crusty piece of garlic bread. He was denied communion at a South Carolina church because of his stance on abortion.
Starting point is 00:02:35 And the priest said, what? Nothing for you. Yeah. Biden, who earlier this year reversed course on his long- held stance in favor of the Hyde Amendment. You remember Henry Hyde? He's the one who passed the thing that said the federal tax dollars can't go to support abortions and except for a few exceptions. And Biden always lived by that until he met AOC and all the fucking lefties who are like, come on, the Catholics, that's evil shit. the fucking lefties who are like, come on, the Catholics, that's evil shit. That's voodoo. You know that. He was attending worship service at St. Anthony's Catholic Church in Florence, South Carolina, when he attempted to receive the sacrament. The former vice president, however, his teeth came out and they landed in the wine. He was rebuffed by the church's
Starting point is 00:03:22 pastor, a good friend of mine, Father Robert E. Morey, up in here, because of his support of abortion. Sadly, this past Saturday, the priest said, I had to refuse Holy Communion to this fucking white devil. No, I added emphasis. To former Vice President Joe Biden, Morey said, Holy Communion signifies we are one with God, each other and the church. Our action should reflect that. And what better way to show you one with God than be the leading Democrat running for the presidency of the United States, because we know they're all about God and all that stuff. Personally, I don't know where I'd land. I'm very confused. Was raised Catholic and stopped going to church after my dad caught me.
Starting point is 00:04:05 This is true. I was supposed to go to CCD class on Tuesday nights, you know, catechism class. I put on my jacket, took my books, went out the door, took a right out the back door like I was going, crawled under a crawl space in our house, and I had my brother open the curtains in the bathroom downstairs so I could see the TV, and I watched the Bruins and the Canadians. And then I had my watch, and when the first period was over, I came back in with my jacket and my books.
Starting point is 00:04:31 And like an idiot, this is why I couldn't be a criminal. About ten minutes into the second period, we're sitting there with my dad. I go to my brother, did you see that fight with John Wensink? My old man's like, you weren't here for that. Then I couldn't take communion. And the other thing, and this is true, when I used to take communion, and I'm not making this up, this is what was in my act, but it was true, I used to get heartburn from the Eucharist.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Yeah, I used to get fucking heartburn. By the time I was 12, I thought Pepto-Bismol was the Antichrist. I used to guzzle that shit when I got home from church. It's a true story, everybody. The pastor's act comes as Biden, who identifies as a Catholic. I like how he identifies now. He identifies as a cisgender Catholic and has claimed to be personally opposed to abortion. He's shifted his position on the practice to line up with the mainstream of the Democrat Party, which we all know is to the left of, you know, fucking Russia, under whose banner he hopes to be elected president.
Starting point is 00:05:29 In other words, he sold out his... And it's not just him. This is Republicans, Democrats, any politician. They have no moral compass. They pretend to, so they can rule over you. But we all know they're two-faced. So he threw Jesus under the bus, and he went up to take, you know, he went up to take communion, But we all know they're two-faced. And so he threw Jesus under the bus.
Starting point is 00:05:49 And he went up to take, you know, he went up to take communion. And the guy started to hand it to him. Your mother sucks cocks in hell. In June, the former vice president set off a firestorm on the left by reaffirming his commitment to the Hyde Amendment, a federal banning tax dollars from being used for abortions, except in case of fat girls getting laid. What? Anyways, Biden had voted for the rule continuously over the span of his 40-year political career and like most politicians now uh when he's got a chance to become the most powerful person in the world he threw that garbage under the bus his public acknowledgement of such support drew the ire of pro-choice groups and activists those are women with handlebar mustaches and uh some like norell pro-chochoice America president Elise Hoag,
Starting point is 00:07:05 even claimed Biden's support for the Hyde Amendment translated into discrimination against poor women and women of color, plain and simple. You're always going to bring that women of color into it, don't you? And the poor people. Let me tell you something. Women of all incomes kill babies. So you don't have to pile on. In the wake of such criticism, the 76-year year old Biden attempted to appease his detractors by saying he would only continue supporting the rule unless women were in a position to lose access to abortion. to allow concerns from pro-choice activists. Biden eventually acquiesced, expressing that the times had changed.
Starting point is 00:07:51 The times have changed, but some things aren't supposed to change, like church, religion, institutions. Those things aren't supposed to sway with the times, at least in my opinion. However, like I said, I was raised Catholic, and I was like, now hold on a second. The Patriots are on Monday night. You want me to go to church? Get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Rich, what are you doing over there? You look like you're working in a submarine. You got the headset on and hyping away? Yeah, I'm just working like a seaman today. You're working like what? A seaman? Jesus H. Christ, why do I go to him? It's like, he'll be like Tom Brady throwing to a receiver that has no arms.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Just a fucking knucklehead. Anyways. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is done at Gillette Stadium. We don't do these things because they're easy. We do them because they're hard. Let me take a sip of my Nectopala coffee that I brewed in my basement today. Oh, that's fucking good shit. I look better today.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Made the mistake of making stuffed peppers for my manager who's 6'5", 360 pounds. I made too much of the stuffing. I put it in tupperware. I've been eating that at midnight, sitting on my bed with a spoon. You wonder why I have the fucking hips of Sandy Duncan. What? Anyways, let's stay a little bit on the religious thing. Do you remember Nick Sandman?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Remember the Covington Catholic High School? They ran into the phony Indian, remember? And they said that they were mocking the guy as he was doing a stupid rain dance. And it turns out this guy's an activist and a phony. I'm talking about the Indian. But Nick Sandman was the face of this whole thing, remember? And he wanted to sue the Washington Post and a bunch of other media outlets for being, you know, they characterized him unfairly and just lied about what went on.
Starting point is 00:09:45 There were black Israelites there cursing out these white kids. The whole country just saw this kid's smug face. I admit he's got a face like Adam Schiff. I want to stomp on it with golf shoes. But, you know, he's got a MAGA hat on and he's a white high school kid. So automatically he's a Christian pro-life school. So he's the fucking devil. But listen to this.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Yesterday, good news for him, the judge reversed ruling, allows Covington Catholic's Nick Sandman to sue the Washington Post for defamation. Finally got a judge that knows what he's doing. Hear ye, hear ye, the court's in session, the court's in session now. Here come the judge,mann of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky, a Jimmy Carter appointee. This guy's in his late thousands. He's still on the bench. He partially reversed his previous ruling in which he dismissed Sandman's $275 million lawsuit.
Starting point is 00:10:46 The reversal will permit the Covington students lawsuit to proceed. Following the March for Life in Washington, D.C. in January, many of the media outlets allege a video depicted Sandman wearing a Make America Great Again cap and fellow students from Covington Catholic High high school as intimidating uh the native american activist nathan phillips we dug down on him and and this all this guy's does he's a rabble rouser it's about his indian well he is a little he's a little more indian than elizabeth warren he they found three colonels of corn in his shit and uh anyways you guys remember all that but they painted out uh nick sam and his friends to be a bunch of you know nasty fucking catholics but uh they're full of shit you know that but it was all lies
Starting point is 00:11:29 as breitbart news reported sandman became the focus of the anti-trump media as an extended video and additional in-person reports of the confrontation showed it was phillips the native american who had intimidated sandman while the teen and his fellow classmates were simply performing school cheers as a group of black Hebrew Israelites shouted racist. I used to walk by these black Israelites in New York City. They literally were standing on a soapbox like in Times Square, and they'd just fucking curse you out.
Starting point is 00:12:02 You white motherfucking under the name of religion. First you were scared of them, then after living there about a year and a half, you'd start saying shit back to them. Ah, you're full of shit, you motherfucker. A real theological discussion would ensue. Your tears are so yummy and sweet. Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness. Yummy, yummy, you guys.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Bertelsmann dismissed the lawsuit based on the Post's failure to name Sandman specifically and said the rhetorical hyperbole of the news outlet was protected by the First Amendment. Then he reversed it. They don't really say why. You know, that would be good reporting. We don't have that in this country. But do you remember the outrage when fucking Kathy Griffin, all the people online, the celebrities, look at this white punk with his smug face and shit. No apologies.
Starting point is 00:12:53 No apologies. NBC. Good morning, America. Lick my devil ass. None of those channels. Breitbart News also reported Sam's attorneys filed lawsuits as well against. Listen to this. This is where my dick gets harder than a shark's tooth. CNN, NBCUniversal, Democrat 2020 presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren, the New York Times Maggie Haberman, comedian, comedian, that should be in quotes, Kathy.
Starting point is 00:13:19 I have a face like a boot, Griffin, and other media and left-wing activists. Remember, they all went shithouse while anytime it's a white kid, a conservative, a Christian. He is the fucking devil. Well, guess what? I wonder what Sam is going to do. He's got to get some of this money. I'm guessing they're a long way from that. But it's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:13:41 I love a politics and religion and dirty lawyers get involved. it's hilarious. I love when politics and religion and dirty lawyers get involved. You got a Native American, you got a Catholic high school kid. This is beautiful. This is the melting pot that's fucking melting like I said. It's not melting. It's a bowl of fucking Skittles.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Fettuccine Alfredo. Fucking dog shit. Anyway, have you ever had that? It's delicious. The never-ending bowl of diarrhea. But I hope Nick Sandman, I hope his, these kids' reputation kind of fucking scarred. All because the evil media, this is why, I'm sorry, I hate to blow Trump, but this is why he'll always be my favorite. He pointed out the scum they are, and people think he's overdoing it.
Starting point is 00:14:30 He's not doing it enough. How about that? I won't be happy until he has Rachel Maddow in a fucking naked chokehold. Chokehold? Have another cup of coffee, guinea. Scares me. But the anti-Trump madness, whether it's Covington kids get attacked or whatever, it's around the clock, man. You know, how about this?
Starting point is 00:14:56 More evidence of that 14 year old girl. That's right. Punches man dress as Trump at the Collier Fairgrounds. 14 year old girl punching a grown man in a Trump mask. And your daddy's little girl. Can you imagine that song was a hit at one point in this fucking horribly depressed country? A man dressed as Trump was punched in the jaw by a 14-year-old girl Saturday evening while waiting in line with his wife and stepdaughter at the Collier County Fair in Exposition. Can you imagine a 14-year-old girl walking up to an adult? They don't say her race.
Starting point is 00:15:37 I'm going to go out on a limb and say I have no idea. Oh, wait. Was she a great big fat person? I don't know. She had the balls to punch a grown man. The victim, that would be the grown man who was dressed as the president, was waiting in line with his wife and stepdaughter for their turn at a haunted house exhibit. The haunted house consisted of headshots of Kathy Griffin. That was it. At around 8.40 p.m., according to the Collier County Sheriff's Office press release, that's when the suspect walked over to the family.
Starting point is 00:16:10 A woman who works for Collier County Public Schools later told deputies the incident was being recorded. So this is first degree. You know, first degree murder, it's premeditated. And she saw it on Instagram per the arrest report. With a device recording her, the 14-year-old girl punched the victim in the left jaw. Then the suspect laughed as she walked over to four other juveniles waiting in line. Rich, see if you can find what these people look like. Nick, why is that important? It just is. It adds to the hatred of my show. After confronting the suspect, questioning why
Starting point is 00:16:43 she punched him instead of choking the life out of her, saying he was with his family to have a good time that evening, the victim contacted a person who works at the fairgrounds. The victim later told deputies that he wanted to press charge. Good for you. Counselor! Counselor! That's the times we're living in.
Starting point is 00:17:03 You know what I mean? That is the times we're living in. A 14- I mean? That is the times we're living in. A 14-year-old girl can just see somebody in a Trump mask and just walk over and... Somebody give me an example of a Trump supporter doing that to somebody in a Cory Booker mask. They don't make him. He's a fucking loser.
Starting point is 00:17:23 How about that, though? Huh? The left is the violent. They're always been. They've already. And you know why that you demonize the right and you call Trump a Nazi and a terrorist white. What's that do? That means if he's really those things or the deplorables, us people, the bottom of those things.
Starting point is 00:17:42 What do you do to people like that? You can physically assault them, punch them in the face because they're on the run. Rich, what are you scrolling that date you had the other day? She she was 14. So I don't think they're going to release any information. Your date was 14? No. Oh, I was going to say good for you. What are you hanging out a Chuck E. Cheese in a trench coat? Go ahead. They don't release information. They don't release information She's a minor Yeah they always do that Isn't that hilarious And that age group they do the evil shit
Starting point is 00:18:11 They're the ones that'll bum rush or footlock her But we're not going to do anything about it Because well if they're 14 and they're adults They should be home But I would just Look I was assaulted by a woman She was a college age. She might have been 20, 21.
Starting point is 00:18:26 She was bipolar, and she was wearing Birkenstocks. That's all I remember. She caught me flush as I was talking to her old man. Let me tell you, little girl, I haven't forgot about it. I have a picture. You got whose picture? Which one? Yours.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Oh, yeah. That's not even, that was about 20 seconds after it happened. And that's my lawyer over my shoulder, my – sitting on my shoulder. But, yeah, so anyways, this guy was an adult. He's not going to choke out of foot. But in the perfect world, you should be able to stomp the girl or guy or whoever. Am I right? So that girl, that's fucking assault.
Starting point is 00:19:11 And what is she going to do for a punishment? Community service? I don't know. I'm just saying those are the times they're living in. And then you'll hear people talk about this on TV and they go, well, both sides. No, they don't. No, they don't. One side is much more. Yes, if somebody on the right does something like that, first of all, you're going to hear about it around the clock on all major. But for every one person on the far right that does
Starting point is 00:19:36 something like that, there's about 100 on the left that do it. See Antifa. George Showers probably give this girl the key to the city or whatever. I have a Trump mask. I should have worn that for the bit. But come on, it's too early for that shit. What is that? I mean, I mean, political divide. We've never been more politically divided in our lives. And I think that might have something to do with my next story about we're at halfway point of the NFL season. And this has been going on now for the last couple. Well, I'd say since Colin Kaepernick wore those socks with cops depicted as pigs and his giant fucking 1960s Afro and Nike getting behind them and just do it. Meaning just slice Whitey's throat.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Week eight, empty seats abound for most nfl teams i sit home and i watch football and i go what am i imagining that i go i see empty seats everywhere and uh i mean we have pictures but uh you walk into a stadium the first person in is like hello hello hello hello hello hello anybody there Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Anybody there? Week 8 for the NFL. It's the 100th season, but some teams just can't seem to get fans on board of the big centennial year as many stadiums have way too many seats. And if you don't believe me, take a look at some of these people put up these little vids that they go when they go to the game. Check out the stand.
Starting point is 00:21:12 That's not like an hour before game time either, folks. I got notes for you. Then again, it's the 0-48 Bengals, but go ahead. There's some more, right? Look at this. This is Jacksonville. Go ahead. There's some more, right?
Starting point is 00:21:22 Look at this. This is Jacksonville. How do you? Show another one. One more. Look at this. This guy's on a zip line, and it accidentally shows off how empty the stadium is. What? That's a mascot, by the way.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Or they're hanging a lion. I don't know what it is. Look at the stands. It's like Division III teams get more crowds. I mean, Goodell, how do you break the NFL? Well, and again, like my friend Raz said before, you know, you start to talk politics and religion, get mixed in. And Colin Kaepernick, I've got to believe. Didn't that sort of trigger some of this?
Starting point is 00:22:10 It did, didn't it? That's not the sole thing, and I've talked about this many times. I really want to call Goodell and go, look, I played at the University of Maine. I know that means nothing, but I've been following your product. I'm older than Goodell, I think, or the same age. I've been following since I was five. Okay. That means I've been following for 31 years. And I know what's wrong with it. Other than, you know, you back Kaepernick and I think you're still paying for that type of horseshit. But there's many things wrong with your game. Okay. Many things wrong that need to be
Starting point is 00:22:45 fucking fixed. You guys who have been fans of the show for a long time have heard me say this, starting with way too many penalties, way too many flags. OK, there's just too many. I love football. It has more it has more rules than any North American sport. Let some of the shit go. Hands to the face. Choking somebody out. Stuff like that. Secondly, let me ask you a question on a kick play. What are the odds that there's going to be a flag, a push in the back?
Starting point is 00:23:21 Howard Cosell brought this up in the 80s. Over 65% of kick plays have a flag on them so Howard Cosell being the smart guy that means the rule is fundamentally flawed which I agree here's my change for that rule you get one push in the back on a punt or a kick fair enough, just one people at home go, it's against the fucking rule
Starting point is 00:23:44 yeah, you've been brainwashed, okay? Instant replay. I was the biggest proponent for it. I'm like, why should you lose a game on something that didn't happen? I said, you know, you've got to do it. But I didn't know they were going to execute it the way they do. They take 11 minutes to discuss something that you and I watch on a second replay. We go, oh, what was it about?
Starting point is 00:24:04 Fucking 10 minutes. Then you pile on media break, obviously, media timeouts. You ever go to a game live? The players stand around for four minutes at a time. Can't help the product. You know what? Go pay-per-view. Make everybody pay at the beginning of the season.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Whatever. There's a million things, though. The referees have to discuss everything now. Somebody jumps off sides. We all know what it is. Three guys have to get together. Call the governor of Virginia. Clear it. It's fucking ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:24:35 These are just a few things, man. Let the defensive backs play some defense. I know we all want touchdowns. What else? Odell beckham and people like that can we you know i don't know can we uh tone it down i look i'm as i get older i'm before all that nonsense where they run in the end zone and do dances and shit i kind of like it now i used to fucking hate it but they really did take the fun but you know odell beckham and these uh these people you know, just fucking these receivers.
Starting point is 00:25:07 It's always crazy diva receivers. I don't know what's with the receivers. But when they act out like on the sideline and throw their helmet and chewing out their coat, you know, have some, have a jail for them. Two to four. Good behavior. But, you know, the biggest thing is It's the mediocrity of the league folks Half those games aren't interchangeable That's why gambling is so big
Starting point is 00:25:29 Why do you think gambling is so big Do you really give a fuck when Jacksonville is playing at Atlanta Or Indianapolis Does anybody give a fuck about that Other than a few Jacksonville fans, Indianapolis fans That's why you got your grandmother Throwing 300 bucks on a Colts game To make it fucking interesting
Starting point is 00:25:44 And the teams are interchangeable You got your grandmother throwing 300 bucks on a Colts game to make it fucking interesting. And the teams are interchangeable because you have dispersed the talent throughout the league evenly. And it's really kind of, on a Sunday when there's like 15 games going on, about 12 of them are interchangeable. You're like, there's only like three that you give a shit about. These are things that can be addressed, Roger. If you want to talk to me, 1-800-576-WALDO. I don't know. Logs. And the other thing is college football gaining in popularity.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Alabama has 112,000 come out to this spring scrimmage game. So maybe you want to take a note from my – I can't even – and I'm a huge NFL fan for years. After watching football on Saturday, I can't – I have trouble sitting through the NFL. But you've got to stop with the penalties and the reviewing. There's no flow to the game. And I know you guys are all about money and shit, but you've got to fix it. Why do you got to fix it?
Starting point is 00:26:41 Because people still like to gamble on it. It's very American. If you've got to bet sports, by the way, you know where you go? We're almost halfway through the football season. There's no better time to bet, okay? You like winning money? Who doesn't?
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Starting point is 00:28:10 Friday and Saturday, November 8th and 9th, the Kansas City Comedy Club, Kansas City, Missouri. Friday, November 15th, the Cortland Repertory Theater in Cortland, New York. The next night, Saturday, November 16th, the Comedy Works in Saratoga Springs, New York. Portland, New York. The next night, Saturday, November 16th, the Comedy Works in Saratoga Springs, New York. Then the following weekend, Friday, November 22nd, the Historic Ritz Theater in Brunswick, Georgia.
Starting point is 00:28:32 The next night, Saturday, November 23rd, the Tiff Theater, Tifton, Georgia. New Year's Eve, back at the beautiful Tarrytown Music Hall, Tarrytown, New York. And then in 2020, Friday, January 24th, I'll be at the Ridgefield Playhouse in Ridgefield, Connecticut. Saturday, February 15th, the Kelsey Theater, Lake Park, Florida. Friday, April 3rd, the Morgan Hill Event Center in Herman, Maine.
Starting point is 00:28:52 So go to for all your ticket information. And I got a bunch of new stuff I'm working on. I'm sure it'll flush out at least three tables five minutes into the show. I love those people then oh my God, I can't, we have to get out of here. Those are words that we disagree with. And I always, as they're leaving, I go and I see all comics doing this now. Once again, I came up with did you do your research? Did you look at the website and see what the fucking headline was? Did you just wander in thinking everybody's going to sound like fucking somebody grab a name?
Starting point is 00:29:30 Kevin O'Rourke. Dan Cook. No, Dan Cook's a legitimate headline. Wrong again, Rich. Hate to bust your chops. You know, he got a bum rap. I never gave my opinion because I didn't. He came a few years after me, and I just know he was gaining steam and whatever.
Starting point is 00:29:49 And people just get jealous, I think, of the numbers he was doing. And I hear him on satellite radio. You know, not all of it's fucking. Nobody has all killer shit. But he's prolific. He's got a ton of shit to talk about. And it's pretty funny. And he's from Massachusetts. As is got a ton of shit to talk about. And it's pretty funny. And he's from Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:30:05 As is Conan O'Brien, Jay Leno, Stephen Wright, Louis C.K., Joe Rogan, Doug Stanhope, myself, and I'm forgetting a few more. Big names. What I'm saying, few more. Big names. What I'm saying, it's a funny town. How about this poor fella? This guy's terrific. I love him. Jury awards, put this under the category of political correctness, run a fucking muck. Jury awards nearly $20 million to police sergeant told to tone down your gayness
Starting point is 00:30:48 yeah By the window, that's where I'll be. Come tiptoe, through the tulips with me. That is the most un-gay looking gay guy I've ever seen. And he's like really out there, according to his, but look at the lady behind him going, this guy just farted in my face. Look at her. She's pissed because he walks more swishy. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:31 He's going to get $20 million, okay? Are you fucking kidding? St. Louis County Police Department Sergeant Keith Wildhaber. Perfect fucking name. Wildhaber.
Starting point is 00:31:42 He's a fake. Oh, easy now. Had more than 15 years of experience on the force when he applied for a promotion in 2014. And by all accounts, he was a strong candidate. But shortly after Wildhaber applied, he said he was informed that there was one thing standing in his way of becoming a lieutenant. His sexual orientation. Nobody said that to him. They said tone down your gayness.
Starting point is 00:32:05 The command staff has a problem with your sexuality. A member of the St. Louis County Board of Police Commissioners allegedly told Wildhaber in February 2014, the guy said, if you ever want to see a white shirt, that means a promotion. You should tone down your gayness. Oh, God. A jury. I say we get rid of juries because the average American is severely retarded. A jury recently sided with Wild Haber, who filed a discrimination lawsuit against St. Louis County in 2017. Listen to this. Awarding him nearly $20 million on Friday.
Starting point is 00:32:40 A judgment intent to send a message to the. Is that right? Is that what you're supposed to do? Is that your job as a judge to send a message to the... Is that right? Is that what you're supposed to do? Is that your job as a judge, to send a message? Huh? $20 million? And the guy that said that to him was trying to help him get a promotion, I'm guessing. $20 million.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Now, if I told Rich to fucking tone down his gain, I mean, he's going to tone it down. Go ahead. Maybe $50 million. Maybe 50 million. Maybe 50 million? What does that mean? It's just a more round number. I could do a story about a baby taking a dump on the Pope's head
Starting point is 00:33:20 and you'd suck the fun right out of it. I just don't want to get hit with that guy's nightstick. Look it, he keeps coming for more. He's like that MMA fighter who's already, both eyes are closed. He's up there. Just, can you imagine? So he's going to get 20 mil, 20 fucking mil.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Because somebody said, hey, tone down your gayness. Meanwhile, there's fucking veterans sleeping on the street who lost legs and limbs on drugs. 20 million because and again, don't tell me this is not a fucking gay agenda. We've talked about this on show many times. I just don't know who it is.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Every commercial now, it's always two guys pushing a stroller. They sneak it in and shit. And again, it's not about the act. Nobody cares. We're past that. Nobody cares about the bedroom shit. It's about, they make up about 6% of the total population. I even raised it a percent. And we're just being inundated. $20 million because somebody told you to tone down your gays. Well, that's not all there is to it. Do you know how many white straight guys get overlooked for promotions?
Starting point is 00:34:26 I know cops, by the way. And they've watched black women blow past them with half the experience, half the fucking brains. I know many cops. But this guy's going to get $20 million. And he's going to spend it where? That's right, the Liberace Museum, if there is such a thing. The time for leadership. Listen to this, county officials have heard the police department.
Starting point is 00:34:51 The time for leadership changes has come, and change must start at the top. Said who? Sam Page, county executive, in a statement Sunday. Page said the process would begin with overhauling the police board, which oversees the police chief, adding that an announcement on the new appointment is forthcoming. While we are extremely embarrassed of the alleged actions of some of our, yeah, alleged of some of our departments, saying, you know what, for $20 million,
Starting point is 00:35:14 I'd let you call me a greasy, slimy, fucking heterosexual, cisgender jerk-off eight times an hour. And I'd sit there and go, yeah, you got that right, fella. You don't think that's a little excessive? I don't care how you feel about gay, straight, whatever. That's not a little excessive. Let me set the life. You don't think that's excessive, Rich?
Starting point is 00:35:37 Hurry up. I'm pretty sure as a cop, he pretty much, it's going to be against his worldview as a gay guy to really enforce the laws the way he should. So, I mean, get him off the streets. That's the point. He's a very effeminate, although you wouldn't know from that picture, that guy. But that's the point.
Starting point is 00:35:56 And somebody can't say, hey, tone it down. Oh, my God, Nick, this is horrible. This is homophobic. Everybody should get everything they deserve. Anyways, we look forward to healing. Look, the healing process. We have to have a healing process because somebody told a guy to turn down his fucking gayness.
Starting point is 00:36:18 The healing process. You all, fuck, I'm going to say you're witnessing Rome in the final weeks. We're down to the final seconds. Oh, my aching stem. Somebody. The healing process that can begin. Yeah, stitches in his ass. What?
Starting point is 00:36:35 Who said that? Who said that? Problem? You're the fucking problem. I'm not the problem. You fucking doctor. I'm not. You fucking jam rag.
Starting point is 00:36:43 I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground, I promise you. Not this time. The jury's decision marked the end of a week-long trial during which the police department was accused of having an anti-LGBTQ culture and a history of retaliation that ultimately led to Wildhaber being passed up for promotions 23 times. And I can tell you right now, there's a thousand white cops out there who have been passed up for a million times. John Belmar, police chief and other members of the department denied the allegations of discrimination and testimony. But jurors decided in favor of Wildhaber. And then they skipped out of the courtroom holding hands.
Starting point is 00:37:29 We wanted to send a message, the jury foreman told reporters, as he adjusted his pumps. If you discriminate, you are going to pay a big price. You can't defend the indefensible. You see how brainwashed and what knee-jerk reactions? So we're going to even it up because we were bullied as. Now you will learn about loss. Loss of freedom. Loss of humanity.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Now you and I will truly be the same, Chancellor. Will Habers scores from a written test and another unspecified assessment ranked him third out of the 26 candidates vying for the position, placing him in a group of offices considered to be first in line for promotions. Then, while visiting a restaurant in February 2014 on a routine check, Wildhaber ran into John Sarsino, who was a member of the county police board. That's when Wildhaber alleged that Sarsino made the remark about his gayness. I think I said, I can't believe we're having this conversation in 2014. It was devastating to hear.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Wildhaber testified Wednesday, according to the Post. We had never spoken of my sexuality before, and I thought he was just trying to be helpful to me and looking out for my best interests in the promotional process. Yeah, that's what I think he was doing. Saraceno has denied that the conversation between him and Wildhaber ever took place, telling the Post-Dispatch in 2017, I would never say anything like that. Saraceno has denied that the conversation between him and Wildhaber ever took place, telling the Post-Dispatch in 2017, I would never say anything like that.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Still, the lawsuit alleged that Wildhaber, who continued to apply for open lieutenant positions, remained a sergeant while his colleagues were promoted. It happens every day to everybody, you know, and they don't run and sue. And if you're a very flamboyant gay guy, I don't want you on my force. How about that? Domestic violence shit's going on in my house. My wife's beating me silly. I want a fucking big, burly fucking Irishman with a veiny nose coming in,
Starting point is 00:39:16 fucking grabbing her by the throat and throwing her out of the window. Who's with me? If you guys know anything about cops, they don't like having female partners either because we've played many clips on the show where they're overpowered by a guy who just got out of prison and fucking puts them in danger.
Starting point is 00:39:32 But again, let's keep all that under our breath because, you know, people's feelings get hurt. Fuck this one. Anyways, I'm getting tired of talking about Nancy. But of course, Kenneth Police Chief, Deputy Police Chief Kenneth Gregory, said the department's poor treatment of LGBT employees goes beyond, oh yeah, I'm sure they're bullying them, calling them faggots. The witness said she once heard Gregory tell a commander that the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination.
Starting point is 00:40:06 The witness told jurors that when her colleagues learned she identified as gay, she too experienced harassment, humiliation, embarrassment almost daily. It's called living. You live it in the real world, man. Bullying. What do I hate most on this show? Adults using the word bullying. They look at the world as a playground still Where they got picked on
Starting point is 00:40:28 And It is clear to me that this is a rampant culture of homophobia And also racism Clancy Then get out of the business That's who works the streets If a guy or a woman If a guy or a woman every night puts their neck on the line for me
Starting point is 00:40:42 Goes out and you know They should be able to say whatever the fuck they want. I just made that new rule. It's perfect. It was a perfect rule. A perfect phone call. The council hears about this almost every week at our council meetings, but also within the community that there's a lot of issues within our police department. Ba, ba, ba.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Yeah, yeah, yeah. We hear it every goddamn day. I can't take it no more. Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? Will you shut up? Shut up!
Starting point is 00:41:13 Shut up! Raz, you gotta tone down your gayness. You wanna stay up in here. So the guy's gonna be set for life? Yeah, that's because somebody said tone down your gayness, you want to stay up in here. So the guy's going to be set for life? Yeah, that's because somebody said tone down your gayness. I'm sorry, but you know. And I know there's people watching this right now. Liberals. This is how this country's broken down. People who got picked on couldn't get over it. Versus people who got, some people who bullied. We all got picked on, by the way.
Starting point is 00:41:44 And we all picked on people. I'm not proud of some of the shit I did. But I also remember a kid named John Dresser. He was a senior. I was a freshman. Cracking me over the head with a pay phone in a mall. For no reason other than I was small. Do you know his number?
Starting point is 00:41:59 Yes, I'll give it to you. Maybe you can meet him tonight at fucking Fuddruckers, you big girl. Oh, God, I shut that air off way too early today. That was my fault. It's 112 in here. It's all a hud up in here. More political
Starting point is 00:42:18 criticism. I didn't get promoted 23 times. Yeah, well, I mean, you can't show up to a domestic violence thing in a fucking tutu. Oh, Nick, come on. You're going over. But it's the same people. You lefties. I hope you all fucking die in a fucking house fire, honestly, and generations after you. New York Times columnist. Here's one. By the way, you know, the Times has the most racist fuck. They hide the most racist people and
Starting point is 00:42:43 they do not like the Jews. We've covered that, too. New York Times columnist blames whiteness for two Indian boys. I still think that should come with a little picture, because I don't know if they're talking about people who are doing tech support in Calcutta, or maybe it's Liz Warren's nephews. I don't know. New York Times columnist blames whiteness for two Indian boys racially abusing black girls in New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:43:11 And it just keeps coming, doesn't it? White power, one, two, three, four! Excuse me. the two 17 year old Indian boys allegedly use racial slurs against a group of African American girls and urinated on one during the game at Lawrence High School last Friday night I wonder if it was intentional maybe she was sitting in front of him he's drunk who's to blame for the attack? White people, of course.
Starting point is 00:43:46 That's according to the New York Times columnist Nell Irvin Painter, who says the Indian boys were enacting American whiteness through anti-black assault in a very traditional way. And I have one thing to say to this fucking columnist. She's a malignant cunt.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Case closed. Can you imagine? Let's get this straight. Two Indian kids pee on a black girl and it's Whitey's fault. That's tremendous. How much do you hate white people? What's your name again? Fucking Nell.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Wasn't Nell a retarded character, Jody Falk? Not the money. When the racism in my book is dead. In doing so, the assailants are demonstrating how race is a social construct that people make through their actions. They show race in the making and show how race is something we perform, not just something we are in our blood or the color of our skin. No, you're obsessed with race. You are obsessed with race and you don't like white people. That's who the New York Times hires, and it's absolute fucking nonsense. Social construct.
Starting point is 00:44:53 In the New Jersey incident, the heritage or skin color of the boys suspected of the assault doesn't matter, she writes. skin color of the boys suspected of the assault doesn't matter, she writes. What matters is they were participating in this pattern and thus enacting whiteness in a very traditional, a very traditional way, she says. And she's really making me mad at this point. Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. So let me ask you, when a black kid steals a bike, is that are they acting in the traditional? Oh, I see. The country's racist right from the beginning. Let me remind you something, Miss Painter. Do you know who abolished slavery?
Starting point is 00:45:31 The West didn't start it. Because this is her train of thought and why she hates fucking white. Ian has a chip on his shoulder. Can of Pringles. It's about 12 feet high. They abolished it, though. I would argue this is the least racist country.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Go to other countries. Go to the continent of Africa and pick any nation over there where they fucking beat each other axe handles. Go to Mexico where they're killing each other. Because different levels of darkness and whatever. I'm not saying it doesn't exist in this country, but they hold this country to a standard that nobody could fucking meet. That is my point. And if you're going to say no matter if there's an act of racism anywhere, it's because of old white guy, it's never going to get better. You're not looking for reconciliation. It's never going to get better. You're not looking for reconciliation.
Starting point is 00:46:25 It's about retribution. And I'm sorry, but two Indian kids urinating. Maybe they were Native American. Drunk, pee-pee, beer. Oh my God. That's traditional Indian behavior. Racist. Got a super chat?
Starting point is 00:46:42 I hope it's from her. Think she's watching? fucking cheese dick mark mccall said come to south florida what the fuck hey mark mccall don't fucking tell me what to do and throw a curse in i'm coming how much did he pay for that comment with a button what are you fucking what are you fucking michael j fox you got a twitch over there okay what do you go ahead well i'm on the button or off the button you know you just hit it eight times should i get a fucking helper monkey to do your job you fucking onion head if you can get a woman that'd be nice what are you gonna do with her introduce her to a guy who likes women uh don
Starting point is 00:47:24 reuter uh said and i'm sure you'll like this one he said you need to get opie and anthony's car Introduced to a guy who likes women Don Reuter said And I'm sure you'll like this one He said you need to get Opie and Anthony's car crash For when your producers say something retarded Yeah that's what I want to do I need help from other shows Give him his money back And Sam Robbins donated
Starting point is 00:47:38 Thank you Sam that's the kind of fucking super chat I want I'm kidding I appreciate all your retarded comments Thank you fucking super chat I want. I'm kidding. I appreciate all your retarded comments. Thank you. Not you. I'm talking. Oh, guess what?
Starting point is 00:47:59 More racism against black people for the love of Christ. I'm going to move to Africa myself and just. So. Oh, dear. Artificial models. A.I. There'll be intelligence. Artificial intelligence models used to flag hate speech online. Get this racist against black people.
Starting point is 00:48:20 We can't win in this country. We can't. These blacks. Who knows what they're going to take the wrong way. We have to fix these because these are super loud in my head. I hope they're not going out that loud, right? But then every time after I play a sound drop, I got to turn this back. We have to.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Somebody fucking help me here. Call Radio Shack. Tweets written in African American English I didn't know there was such a thing It's known as AAE Slang More likely to be considered offensive You know why? Because it fucking is
Starting point is 00:48:55 Because it is I happen to curse like a pirate Cat Williams doesn't say motherfucker enough for me. That's how much I like cursing. But I'm not saying it's not offensive, but of course, if it comes out of a black person's mouth, he. A paper from a computer scientist from the University of Washington, Carnegie Mellon University, they got beat by Nebraska last week, 78 to 1. Maggie Mellon University, they got beat by Nebraska last week, 78 to 1.
Starting point is 00:49:31 And the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence found that machines were more likely to flag tweets from black people than white people. Even the goddamn artificial intelligence is racist. Oh, we have a diagram. Before you put that up, Raz, let me get to the story. It all boils down to the subtle difference in language. African-American English, AAE. I thought that was a conference in the South, a football conference. Often spoken in urban communities is peppered with racial slang and profanities. Yes. Yes, it is. And it's very enjoyable to listen to.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Ever hear this show? Imagine the artificial intelligence that commits suicide to robots. This guy's mouth is filthy. But even if they contain what appear to be offensive words, the message itself often isn't abusive. Here's the example. For example, what's up, nigga? What's up, bro? I don't even know how to read this thing
Starting point is 00:50:25 look at this there's a gray box the black guy shit goes in there then there's a blonde bitch she's swiping left to try to meet the black guy I saw him yesterday and the black girl said I saw his ass yesterday now that can be taken
Starting point is 00:50:42 in a million different ways she actually saw the guy's ass, or black people use ass like, in other words, it's a nah. I saw his ass yesterday. I saw Bill yesterday. I saw his ass. Okay? But how does this affect anything in life other than it's another story saying, I mean, I talk like I'm from the hood when I'm home.
Starting point is 00:51:03 I had a bit of my album about it. My father was fucking doing it. I can't even remember the bit. I'd do it. I'm in my late hundreds. I can't. Anyways, the point is, I saw him yesterday. First of all, the term I saw him yesterday scored at 6% toxic.
Starting point is 00:51:20 What's toxic about I saw him yesterday? Unless you're talking about serial rapists, you do nothing about it. But it suddenly skyrockets when Aisha says, I saw his ass yesterday. The word ass may be crude, but when used in that context, it's not aggressive at all. That's almost racist towards black people. In other words, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:49 that's how they speak. We've got to make a curve for them. The researchers fed a total of 124,000 tweets collected from Bunny Galore on one night.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Bunny. From two data sets that were classified as toxic according to Perspective API. That's a magazine that I subscribe to religiously. Originally developed by Google and Jigsaw. Oh, they do good work. An incubator company currently operating under Alphabet. The machine learning software is used by Twitter to flag any abusive comments. The tool mistakenly classified 46% of non-offensive tweets
Starting point is 00:52:31 crafted in the style of African American English as inflammatory compared to just 9% of tweets written in standard American English. Oh my God. We're fucking losing it. Hey, where are the white women at That came in at a 2% Cause both black men and white men say Where the white men at
Starting point is 00:52:51 Uh Platforms are under increasing pressure To delete harmful content But currently these deletions are backfiring Against minorities Martin Sapp who is Warren Sapp's brother I'm sure Excuse me First author of the paper Backfiring against minorities. Martin Sapp, who is Warren Sapp's brother, I'm sure. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:53:10 First author of the paper and a Ph.D. student at University of Washington. When humans are employed by the Amazon. Enough of this shit. Here's my fucking point. I forgot what it was. But the point is, this is the big problem. Black people's talk is being Interpreted by Artificial intelligence
Starting point is 00:53:28 That's the big problem of the internet It's not that white conservatives are having their fucking YouTube Shut off in their video Even Tulsi Gabbard a democrat You can't find her YouTube channel That's not the big problem That affect elections It's whether Aisha or Tyrone says
Starting point is 00:53:44 His ass or her ass. Go ahead, Rich. Say your dumb white comment. No, I was just going to say Raz texted me the other day and I didn't think it was street enough. So, I mean, I think the article there's a certain portion of people that do talk like that. And there's a certain you didn't think it was street enough. Who the fuck are you shaft? No, I just wanted a little street from Raz.
Starting point is 00:54:02 And he just he was he was more polite than me. Who are you to demand a little street from Raz? I just thought it was... What, did you grow up in the fucking birthplace of hip-hop? Fucking Malibu? Obviously not. Look at me. That's my point.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Oh, my God. This guy's cancerous. Raz, what did you think of that? Rich wants it a little more street from you. Yeah, that was pretty bad, Rich. Raz, what did you think of that? Rich wants it a little more straight from you. Yeah, that was pretty bad, Riz.
Starting point is 00:54:27 I saw Raz's face. Since I've met him, I've never seen, I could see the, this eye was twitching. He's going to open your head like a ripe cantaloupe after the show. I like a little more straight from my black friend. You know what I mean? I don't get enough of it. I dated a girl of color back in the 60s. Anyways, I'm going to save these for tomorrow. Let's close with a...
Starting point is 00:54:47 Let's bring us the world together, something we can all agree on racially. A sexy bartender serving drinks with her ass. I think we have that in there. I'm catching. Raz is still stunned. I'll get filmed in. No, you're a tip.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Hand it to each other. Take it. And we're doing a furphy? All right. All right. And we're doing a third feet. So far so good? Those guys have been sitting there for four days. Too much head, too much head. Too much head, she says.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Was that unnecessary? Too much? Too much, yeah. Yeah, too much head. Too much head, she says. Was that unnecessary? Too much? Too much, yeah. Yeah, too much head. Good. That's good. That's good. Very good.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Oh, you fuckers. I'll fix it. I'll fix it. By the way, she's going to Stanford on a full scholarship. Would you not be an alcoholic, Rich, if you lived three feet from that bar? Oh, yeah, you like guys. Raz, would you not be an alcoholic if you lived like three feet from that bar? Tremendously. You'd be calling everybody, is Denise working again?
Starting point is 00:55:57 They don't show the guy dumping the beer out and licking the outside of the glass for ten minutes. Anyways, that brings us together. A nice peach-shaped ass in any form or color. Am I right, Rich? And I'm not talking about an Eagle Scout. That's right. Dead silence. Leave it at that.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Anyways, that is it for today. I want to meet this New York Times woman who wrote this, who hates Whitey, and nobody will tell her. But what else? If you guys want me to send a personal Video message to You roasting one Of your friends or you know me somebody
Starting point is 00:56:35 Hate at work I'll roast him to death Or I can say happy birthday or if you're Trying to woo a girl in Australia I can help you out with that and make sure You end up in jail click on the Nick DePaulo profile and woo a girl in Australia. I can help you out with that and make sure you end up in jail. Click on the Nick DiPaolo profile.
Starting point is 00:56:51 And it's a lot of fun. I like doing them. You can be funny and mean at the same time. for the ticket information. That is it for today. Did I? I did. I read the AG.
Starting point is 00:57:00 All right. We will. Remember, you guys think it. I will say. I'm over caffeine right now. I'm fucking, I can't stop. Because I know I'm going to work out. You guys think it, I'll say it. You're very welcome.
Starting point is 00:57:12 We'll see you guys, not all of yous, but tomorrow. Take care of yourselves, everybody. guitar solo.

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