The Nick DiPaolo Show - Sidney Powell Kraken Down | Nick Di Paolo Show #451

Episode Date: November 25, 2020

What really is Powell's kraken? GOP considers boycotting Geogia. Biden's early cabinet picks revealed....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Good afternoon, everybody! How you doing? I'm in a good mood because it's Wednesday before Thanksgiving. You know what I'm saying to you? That's right. You want to see one useless human being, follow me for the next three days. Or four days, or whatever. Oh my God, it's like fucking I'm a quadriplegic with pumpkin pie coming out of my ass.
Starting point is 00:01:04 I got to cook the meal, by the way. I am the chef in the motherfucking house. Like the Santa Soprano. So you've never had the Italian version of Thanksgiving. First, it's not the order. It's got a hole. And then the eggplant parmesan. And then the bird.
Starting point is 00:01:19 And then the fucking bird tea. Not for nothing. This thing's dried to my mother's cunt. And then the fucking bird tea. No, for nothing. This thing's dried to my mother's cunt. Hey, this first story, I got a lot of shit to get to. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:01:34 I act like this is a real show. But I got to read this, okay? I'm warning you up front. This is a lot of reading. It's six pages. But it's so goddamn interesting. It's the Marshall Report. Sidney Powell's, this is the headline,
Starting point is 00:01:45 Kraken is the Department of Defense cyber warfare program. We are at interesting. It's the Marshall Report. Sidney Powell's, this is the headline, Kraken is the Department of Defense cyber warfare program. We are at war. I'm starting to love this fucking woman. If she comes through, she's going to be the greatest patriot since Mel Gibson. Let me read this and listen carefully, okay? It's fucking long, but I think you'll find it compelling enough. so if you're in your cars pull over no whatever i don't know where you listen to this thing while you're humping your girlfriend listen to this though okay uh the marshall report i'm not even sure who fucking wrote it but listen holy radar that's the kra. Who knew it is a Department of Defense cyber warfare program? It tracks systems and acquires evidence of nefarious activities and crimes committed by the deep state. Most of us thought of Clash of the Titans and cheered her on for her gutsy remark.
Starting point is 00:02:48 She never blinked and held a stern, serious face when she said it. She wasn't joking, and now we know why. The Kraken is a Department of Defense-run cyber warfare program that tracks and hacks various other systems to acquire evidence of nefarious actions by the deep state. actions by the deep state. President Trump and the loyal patriots in the military and space command now have all the evidence of voter fraud and election-related treason. This will be used against the enemies of America. What we are witnessing with 2020 elections is not an election. We are witnessing the attempt of the overthrow of the United States government. The CIA, FBI, and Department of Justice are full of treasonous swamp rats that are intent on stealing the presidential seat and taking over America for the global order. They are wicked globalist puppets who are boldly pushing their coup to destroy America and implement a global reset and usher in United Nations
Starting point is 00:03:46 Agenda 2030, which is the revised version of Sustainable Development Agenda 21, whatever the fuck that is. They are in lockstep, throwing all their punches at unsuspecting Americans while nations around the world are doing the very same lockdowns on their citizens. Will they succeed? The answer is no. lockdowns on their citizens. Will they succeed? The answer is no. This is a warning from acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller, who's actually a real patriot. He says, should any malign actors underestimate our resolve or attempt to undermine our efforts, we will not hesitate to restore
Starting point is 00:04:20 deterrence and defeat any and all threats. Certain sectors of special forces operations now report directly to acting defense secretary Chris Miller. They are aligned with Trump. They used to have to go through the DOD or something. They are aligned with Trump, the Constitution, and the defending of America against enemies, both foreign and domestic. So don't panic and fear not. President Trump is in control and the battle lines are drawn. The Kraken has been released and it has everything.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Special forces assets are now being deployed. You get that? Special forces are now being deployed to take down America's domestic enemies and traitors. It goes on. Sidney Powell declared that an algorithm
Starting point is 00:05:06 was plugged in to steal votes from President Trump during the election, which is exactly what the truth-bearing media has been warning about for over a decade. Elections have been rigged for at least the last 20 years and probably longer. Fake news and the entire media cartel continues to lie to America,
Starting point is 00:05:23 withhold all overwhelming evidence of election fraud. This is nothing short of assisting in a government overthrow. Treason is the only way to describe it. However, I'm sure there are some that work that believe that they are told to read and others who are clueless and just go to work, do their job and collect a paycheck like Don Lemon. The same as the grunts committing voter fraud on the front lines by following illegal procedures as though they are authentic and legal. Many just don't know and others simply don't care. As long as fake news continues to lie to the American public, it is nothing short in a
Starting point is 00:05:57 time of war such as we are into as an act of betrayal and considered enemies of the people. Now, I'm not shouting for war. It has already been declared. And those who resist have been told re-education awaits them, along with other horrid ideas the left has been leaking out daily. It's all really, really bad and not to be laughed at. When they say re-education, they're talking about people like us who think like us.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Jeffrey Prather, I'm going to play a clip from him in a minute, explains the Kraken and describes the Great Reset versus the Great Awakening. He has released a bombshell video where he sums up the real war taking place behind the scenes. This guy was a former, you know, like Navy SEAL or what do you call it? One of those dudes. Brilliant. Brilliant guy. The Great Reset versus The Great Awakened. As he explains, the CIA, FBI, and Department of Justice are all treasonous swamp creatures
Starting point is 00:06:57 who are dedicated to bringing down America, stealing the election, and imprisoning all the real patriots such as General Flynn and Roger Stone. Meanwhile, certain sectors of special forces operations, which is what he was, and now Chris Miller as acting defense secretary, are all aligned with Trump. Excuse me. They're all aligned with Trump, the Constitution, and defending America against its enemies, foreign and domestic. America against its enemies, foreign and domestic.
Starting point is 00:07:28 And there's you can find this article. You can click on there's a bunch of links in the story. I didn't want to take the whole show to do it. To think that the deep state has infiltrated so deep it has operatives at every stronghold and to consider, let alone to know it is a fact the deep state was so bold to pull a massive government takedown on the scale they are attempting is more than disturbing. Wake up, people, and call these globalists out now and help save the United States of America and the world at large. That was written by Diane Marshall. This is the Marshall. That was all her. I have a clip of this guy, Prather, who, like I said, was part of intelligence.
Starting point is 00:08:11 What was he, Jason? SOCOM, I believe he says. Yeah. He's old. Excuse me. But he knows everything about it because he's experienced it all firsthand. And I have a audio clip of him. Excuse me, but he knows everything about it because he's experienced it all firsthand. And I have a audio clip of him.
Starting point is 00:08:30 It's about two minutes, right? Two and a half minutes. Just him summing up what's gone on in the last four years or so, or even maybe a little more. But listen to what he has. He puts it all into perspective and paints the perfect picture. And it's hard to argue with somebody who knows how this works on the inside. But Jeffrey, I guess he's, he has a show too, but listen to this audio. The fix is in the votes rigged.
Starting point is 00:09:04 The pundits paid off. The polls skewed. Censors reign. QAnon deemed dangerous by the FSB, FBI. Kara Wiesel's infidel vanished. Blantifa's murders, rapes, arsons, and lootings are blamed on right whites. as murders, rapes, arsons, and lootings are blamed on right whites. Hunter's hard drives are, wait for it, Russian disinformation. Ashley's dad shower abuse diaries details silenced. That 2016 was hacked is left gospel. But 2020 with stolen, burned ballots, voting internet hookups to Germany and Spain, poll watchers banned, hammer and scorecard is fine.
Starting point is 00:10:00 And Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS, NSA, CIA, Congress spying, phony FISA's, Obamagate, Schiff's lies, Brennan's lies, Comey's lies. It's as if they never happened. A dumbed down, locked down, drugged up, fattened up, propagandized and intimidated middle America is told hundreds of thousands of Biden votes appeared in the middle of the night when five battleground states quit counting in the dead of night, then restarted and all at the same time. CNN, or is it Fox? I can't tell the difference anymore, tells us who won, never mind the count, nor the electoral college. Don't go to church. Don't gather for Thanksgiving. Don't fly the flag and line up for the vaccination showers. Except this is America, and we are Americans.
Starting point is 00:10:46 First Nations here fought the greatest army in the world for freedom and achieved sovereignty. And slave tribal Africans fought for freedom and won it. And the king's subjects? Well, we crossed a frozen river on Christmas to capture drunk Hessians in their beds. That was before we were America. And all of this is far from over. I'm a retired SOCOM soldier, DIA intelligence collector, an ex-DEA special agent, targeted by the deep state and turned whistleblower. Now your intelligence officer repurposed as chaplain, teacher, leader, and truth teller.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I love it. I love it. You are correct, sir. Try arguing with any of that. Isn't it amazing when you lay it all out like that, how it's so clear what the fuck's going on? Five battleground states stop counting in the middle. Are you shitting me? That should be enough right there.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Never mind poll watchers told to get the fuck out. Jason, how long is the show right now? I had no idea when we started. We started 12 minutes ago. We started at 1.09. All right. Isn't that it for you? I hate when I do that to you. Uh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:13 So, um, how great was that guy? I'm going to start listening to his show. I mean, he's been targeted by the deep state himself when he used to be, uh, you know, working the bowels of the swamp and a military guy. So I just wanted to get that out there to you. Jeffrey Prather. Hey, guys, a couple of quick things. Now that most of you are watching the show on the Comics Gym, and thank you so much for doing that, please click that red subscribe button to the right of the screen. Unlike those fuckstains at YouTube, this one actually works, okay? Second, the live stream show I did
Starting point is 00:12:46 from Vegas on Saturday is available until November 30th. Just go to and you can get it. Though it'll be gone for good. So check that out on November 30th. I think it's gone for good. So check it out now. And lastly, I have some new Nick DiPaolo gear to announce today. Check this out. This is the limited edition and Nick DiPaolo show beanie. There are only, what, a hundred of these that were made. And once they're gone, they're gone. So grab these while you can today. Hey, I want one of those. That's pretty good looking. I like my logo. The 12-year-old Asian girl did a nice job. Why do I have this paper in front of me? This shit's all on the teleprompter. Hey, Nick, wake up and smell the fucking soup,
Starting point is 00:13:37 you mama Luke. Should I thank the people? I think I had that in there, too. Jace, I did. Yeah. Why not? I forgot. Jace, you're going to start forgetting shit if you want to keep your job. All right? Simple.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Okay. I'm kidding. One-time contributions. Thank you so much to Linda Kirkpatrick, Oregon. Oregon? What? Corey Butler, Alabama. Bonnie Litastansky, Pennsylvania. Sorry, Bonnie.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Nick Mills, Colorado. Jim Black, New York. Victor Naring, California. Danny Wilson, Georgia. Steve Patterson, California. James Teach, North Carolina. Martin Smick, Germany. Andy Clark, California. James Teach, North Carolina. Martin Smick, Germany. Andy Clark, Georgia.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Jared Ruffers, with three Fs, Nebraska. Gary Power, Australia. And we had one new monthly supporter, Jeff Donald, signed up at Thank you guys again so much for supporting the show. Let's get right to the next story. You know who Linwood is? The attorney? He's working on Trump's behalf, filing suits about the election.
Starting point is 00:14:58 God bless his little soul. You need these attorneys, don't you? Counselor? Yeah, bitch. Counselor? That's bitch. Counselor? That's him right there, Jeff Lynn. Lynn Wood, the attorney currently filing lawsuits on behalf of Trump over the results of the 2020 presidential election,
Starting point is 00:15:18 called on Georgians to withhold their votes. Listen to this. To withhold their votes to Kelly, Senator to kelly senator kelly laffler and senator david purdue you know in the runoff uh in the upcoming judges senate runoff if they don't help if if if these two senators don't help overturn the election results in the state you know the shenanigans that went on on november 3rd is what he's talking about he's saying if they don't get off their asses and help fix this, then withhold your vote. I don't know that I like that idea
Starting point is 00:15:49 because if you fucking lose, if we lose the Senate and it's going to come down to this, do you understand jerk offs will control the House, the Senate and the White House. And then you will see socialism come to this country quicker than you will ever fucking believe. You'll see shit change. You'll see 11 million eager immigrants. There's way more than that,
Starting point is 00:16:11 by the way. Illegal immigrants get their, you know, citizenship, all kinds of shit he's got planned. It's creepy. On Saturday, Wood tweeted, let's speak truth about Senator Loeffler and David Perdue. Why are they doing little or nothing to support efforts by Georgia citizens to address unlawful election and need for at Brian Kemp, Georgia, to order special session of a legislature? That's the question he asked. It's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Yeah. If not fixed, I will not vote in Georgia runoff, he warned. Will you? Jesus Christ. Look, I understand the sentiment. I want them to do something. But come on.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Now I'm wondering about you. We can't risk to fucking get out there and vote, is what I say. In another post, 10 minutes later, Wood declared politicians love votes and money, not necessarily in that order. We want to get Loeffler and David Perdue out of their basements to demand that action must be taken to fix the steal of the 11-3 Georgia election. Threaten to withhold your votes and money.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Demand that they represent you. Democrats encouraged Woods' call for Republicans to withhold votes in the race. They'll ultimately decide whether the Senate is controlled by the Republican body or the Democrat, like I just told you. So the Democrats are all for this idea. So I say it's a bad idea, you know. Shut up, mind your fucking business and shut up. Who asked them anyways? But it's risky, isn't it? It's kind of risky. We can't lose the fucking guys, girls, everything in between.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Whoever's watching. Big tits, little tits. Fucking move to the state of Georgia and it's all coming down to Georgia whether we're going to become fucking socialists or not. And like I said, the only thing blue in the state of Georgia, and it's all coming down to Georgia, whether we're going to become fucking socialists or not. And like I said, the only thing blue in the state is this shirt and my balls. About the same shade. I'll tell you. I'll tell you, my wife, you know.
Starting point is 00:18:14 We had a gay, going to school, we had a gay cousin. In science class, everybody was dissecting frogs. He was opening flies. I get no respect, Johnny. This morning I did push-ups in the nude. I didn't see the mousetrap. I opened the door. The doorknob came off.
Starting point is 00:18:36 I picked up my briefcase. The candle came off. I'm afraid to take a piss. Ladies and gentlemen, this episode of the Nick DiPaolo Show brought to you by our friends at Sheath. We have brought you by Sheath underwear. Explain Sheath in your own words. Don't put that shit in there, Jason. A little common sense.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Come on now. Fucking pick it up. The idea for, I got to read whatever comes up. You understand? The Sheath, the idea for Sheath came from U.S. Army soldier robert patton came up with the idea during his second tour in iraq guys if this worked in the fucking sunblasted deserts of iraq you know it's going to work for you even swamp ass georgia in august uh the stuff is awesome it's a veteran-owned company support them they're veteran-owned because they support me don't you love this military shit?
Starting point is 00:19:26 I always was a tidy, whitey guy. Okay, why is there a fucking mosquito in here? Security? No, this shit is silky smooth. You feel like you're going commando style, ironic. And there's a pouch that you put your peenie in, and your ball bag goes in a different pouch. Nice.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Makes it easy for the whores. You go, look at cabinet number one. Anyway, Sheath has a great Black Friday offer that is exclusive for my listeners. Go to and use promo code NickDip to get 40% off your first order. 40% only good through the end of the month. Every order comes with sheathed underwears, 100%.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Money back guarantee. That's Promo code NickDip for 40% off. No one else is going to give you a deep discount like that. Nobody. Get sheathed underwear and let them support your balls. That goes for ladies too. Apparently they have balls. Good underwear for transgender let them support your balls. That goes for ladies, too. Apparently, they have balls.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Good underwear for transgender, too. You never know. Things change quick in this world. Hey, you know Parler? Parler, it's the new, it's supposed to be the new Twitter for conservatives or whatever. And I'm on it because, you know, they shut me off a long time ago, Twitter. I called Jack Dorsey a goo-gobbling faggot or some shit. Apparently, that one didn't even get me kicked off.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Then I said some other shit that was very harmless, about a couple of colored kids and a few Chinese. Speaking of colors. Oh, Nick, that is so horrible. I bet you Tommy edits all this shit out, doesn't he? You know, Jason. Anyway, Social Network Parler. You know who's a part owner?
Starting point is 00:21:10 Dan Bongino, by the way. He's on Fox News. The guy was a Secret Service guy. He was a New York cop. I fucking love him. He's very outspoken. By the way, he's in the hospital right now, I think, or under the weather. So I said, I've never met him.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I'm just a fan. So I mentioned it during my thing in Vegas. Social network parlor has, listen to this, allegedly hidden posts on its website that are tagged as hash write in Trump for Georgia. Hashtag write in Trump for Georgia. The hashtag is encouraging disgruntled supporters of Donald Trump to write the president in rather than any candidate for the upcoming Senate runoff elections. And they're saying this didn't show up on a parlor. The hashtag originated in a super PAC with GOP ties. The Committee for American Sovereignty, connected to political consultant, our buddy Roger Stone, launched a website.
Starting point is 00:22:02 He's always getting in fucking. Our buddy Roger Stone launched a website. He's always getting in fucking. Launched a website calling for people to hack the runoff and write in Trump. The website states. Again, it sounds like a risky thing to me. With enough write-ins, and he knows, Stone knows, he worked for Nixon, so. With enough write-ins, he says, in the Georgia Senate race, we can tilt the balance in Georgia in Trump's favor. If we can do this, we have a real chance at getting these rhino Republican name only
Starting point is 00:22:31 senators to act on the illegitimate and corrupted election presided over by Democrat Party that is invested in the communist takeover of our great nation. And that's no exaggeration. in the communist takeover of our great nation. And that's no exaggeration. We will not stop fighting for you, the American patriot, against the evils of socialism and inferior religions. This is a Christian nation.
Starting point is 00:22:56 It will be as long as we fight together for our sovereignty. And it's getting really complicated out there. Who are you voting for? If you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true. That's a Hispanic who's running, apparently. If you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true. I felt very hot, so I shaved my head. And then I got in the bathtub. I was still so hot. A user on Twitter shared a screenshot of Parler's search screen.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Okay, this is the person saying that they were not putting it up. The screen grab shows no results for hashtag write in Trump for Georgia. However, a Newsweek search, whatever the fuck that on Parler, shows that there are 21 Parleys for the aforementioned hashtag, six for hashtag write in Trump for Senate and 52 for hashtag write in Trump Georgia. And it's cut off, Jace.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I don't know what the Georgia runoff probably. The Parler administrators appeared to be censoring the hashtag right in Trump for Georgia hashtag. Disgraceful, the person said. What happened to the First Amendment? While there are only a few parlies in each category, the one with the most posts is the hashtag right in Trump, which has 158 parlays uh so the people are upset about that saying that that should be posted up there just the facts
Starting point is 00:24:34 um some parlor users also shared similar screenshots alleging that the social network was censoring the posts um And people get very excited. We need to, somebody put up, hashtag boycott Georgia runoffs, hashtag boycott Georgia runoff GA, hashtag boycott Georgia, hashtag boycott Georgia runoffs, and write in hashtag Trump 2020
Starting point is 00:25:02 if you want to send a message to the rhinos if you're a real believer. Otherwise, the establishment gears will just keep on churning, churning and churning. This is our chance, one person posted. But there's always two sides to the story, okay? And this is a brand, it smelled fishy to me when I first read this. I'm like, there's no way they would take a risk. They're getting so much action right now, Parler. People have fucking had it. This is what I don't understand about this. You can explain it to me. Okay, you open something that's supposed to be the right-wing answer to Twitter.
Starting point is 00:25:37 It's open to everybody. So why don't all the morons on Twitter eventually come over and try to ruin the party? Isn't that how it's going to work? But you're supposed to be able to say anything on this. I will test that tonight when I'm drunk. A post on the app from Amy Pykoff. Well, who's Amy? She's Parler's policy team.
Starting point is 00:26:01 One of the leaders of the policy team at Parler, said that the error may be due to a glitch and the reports that the app was not allowing the post was false, she says. This is false as evidenced by the fact this post showed up when I searched for the tag. There may be a glitch or a delay of some kind because the initial screen summarizing the results showed iPost. And then when you click on that, you see a whole bunch of... Did you write this right, Jay? You see a whole bunch. Please, people. Oh, there's no period there.
Starting point is 00:26:44 You see a whole bunch, period. Please, people, don't jump to conclusions. I know you're accustomed to biased content curation, but we don't do that here. Ask before jumping to conclusions, she said. Amy Pykoff is who said that. Who the fuck are you? Are you writing a book?
Starting point is 00:27:01 Who the fuck are you? Hey, she runs the place. So there's two sides to every story. She says it might be a glitch, which could be true. The thing's brand new, is it not? Let's give them the benefit of the doubt. But I want to test it. I don't have to.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I'll tell you how to test it. Go ahead. Try to drop the N-bomb on there. That's usually the litmus test for free speech. I'm serious. Again, I'm on it, but I'm not on it because Tommy doesn't trust me. I'm like a little fucking kid. This is very interesting.
Starting point is 00:27:34 The Media Research Center. You know who started that? A guy named Brett Bozell. He was a professor somewhere, Virginia or whatever. I actually interviewed him when I filled in for Dennis Miller. The Media Research Center, they keep an eye on the bias of the media. Anyways, a new poll found mainstream media biases greatly affected the purported outcome of this year's elections. Well, no shit. You know, when I talk about Illuminati and shit
Starting point is 00:28:01 and the Rothschilds, do you know that strain, the Rothschilds, they own the AP? And what's the other big one? The AP and Reuters, I think. You know, two national syndication outlets. According to the Media Research Center on Tuesday, 82% of Biden voters, listen to this, 82% were unaware of at least one scandal surrounding the former vice president.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Let that sink in. Remember we were warning? How long have we been warning on this show about Google and mainstream media affecting the election? We've been saying it for years because Google, what? They control all the information that people base their decisions on a lot of the times. They control all the information that people base their decisions on a lot of the times. Anyways, yeah, so 82, what did I say, 82%? Not aware of one scandal involving Biden.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Well, not much bias there. 45% of Biden voters were also unaware of Hunter Biden's corruption schemes in the Ukraine. Are you dog-styling me? Biden's son schemes in the Ukraine. Are you dog style? Biden. Okay. Not aware of that. Well, how that happened? Well, I remember. Remember Twitter?
Starting point is 00:29:17 Remember Twitter? Not Pope. When it came out, the New York Post. Was it Facebook? Both. Facebook, Twitter. Wouldn't put that out there. Do you remember? They wouldn't share it and shit.
Starting point is 00:29:27 See what happens? You don't think that has effects on the election? Additionally, 35% of voters did not know Joe Biden was accused of sexual misconduct. We even have audio of him doing it. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. Remember that? A total of 17% of Biden voters said they would have voted for President Trump if they had known of these things. 17% would have voted. And that would have been more than enough to swing the election.
Starting point is 00:30:02 But isn't it on these people to fucking wake up and know the fucking... Why is everyone so fucking stupid? Why aren't more people interrogating, like me? The poll also looked at five positive Trump stories, 33% GDP in the third quarter, the 11.2 million jobs added from June 5th to October 2nd, historic Mideast peace deals with Israel, energy independence, and hashtag Operation Warp Speed, which is the greatest accomplishment of his thing. The legacy media effectively buried all those stories.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Why? Because they're left-wing, cocksucking, fascist, motherless fucks whose children should die in a vat of fucking acid. Now I throw it over to Shannon Brink. 17% of Biden voters would not have voted for Biden had they known these stories according to the Media Research Center. It ranges from 13% to 21% in swing states. Had they known and voted accordingly, Trump would have won with 300 and electoral, 311 electoral votes. Tyler O'Neill, good friend of mine. The MRC said mainstream media may have shifted elections in six key states
Starting point is 00:31:23 by underreporting Biden's issues. And you know what I say to those people? Like fucking Don Lemon and Rachel Maddow. Your mother sucks fucking big fucking elephant dicks. You got that? I'll ask this question
Starting point is 00:31:39 again. If Don Lemon got AIDS, would it be lemonades? I literally inhaled. Inhaled. Oh, my God. What, did Don Lemon hear that? That was creepy. Hey, Don, I'll say it again.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Listen in. Your mother sucks fucking elephant dicks. That was creepy. Hey, Don, I'll say it again. Listening. Your mother sucks fucking elephant dicks. You got that? Oh, my God. I can't even talk. There's coffee on me. Wow, I'll never make fun of gay people again. It's almost like he shot a load down my throat.
Starting point is 00:32:34 In the meantime, CNN continues to deny the possibility of voter fraud in the 2020 elections. However, footage from their own reporting reveals they previously considered voting fraud a national security issue. Remember, they were talking about the machines. We have all kinds of footage of them saying this a few years ago, worrying about Dominion and shit. Now they're telling us to move on. You know what? Eat a bag of shit. This is CNN, the most trusted name in news.
Starting point is 00:33:02 That's CNN. Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name thy folks uh brought to you by this episode of friends that can i we are brought to you by can i pro gear makers of the finest backpacks in the world no one even comes close uh i have some of the stuff i've told you it is uh the stuff that should be lightweight is it's made of the best material've told you. The stuff that should be lightweight is. It's made of the best material. How do I know that? Because the military, the United States military, which is the greatest military in the world, uses this stuff. And that was confirmed to me by my neighbor who was in the military.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Everything comes at a lifetime warranty and free shipping for any order over $40 and the lower $48. Canai has been used all over the world. Active Military can confirm firsthand that Kanai backpacks served effectively in actual active war zones. So go to, shop their Black Friday sale live now. I can't believe we're still allowed to call it that. Hasn't shopped and got work. On top of the already low prices they have, you can use promo code NickDip for 15% off. That even includes body armor.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Can I's Black Friday sale is on now. Go to C-A-N-N-A-E and use NickDip to get 15% off, plus free shipping on any order over $40 in the lower 48. That's and use NickDip to get 15% off. So have no fear and shop It's the best stuff out there. And you know what? Like I said, we don't know when the Civil War is going to kick off. It would be good to have some of that shit under the Christmas tree.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I'm like, yeah. Joe Biden, who's pretending he's president right now with the rest of the network's help. Democrat Biden says he will send an amnesty deal for over 11 million. By the way, there's a lot more than that. Illegal aliens, probably about 20 to the United States. You know who said that? Harvard said it's way more than that. That's Harvard.
Starting point is 00:35:13 To the United States Senate in his first 100 days in office. I'll repeat that. A bunch of dirty illegals will be citizens just like you if this jack off gets in. just like you if this jack off gets in during an interview with nbc's news lester halt another fucking jerk off biden reiterated his plan to give amnesty to the roughly 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the u.s biden said of his dirty agenda oh i can't fucking stomach this motherless prick friggin where are we no no no no no no no no no no no no no no not this fucking time no fucking way no fucking way no fucking way no fucking way you may already a number of senate Republicans, listen to these jerk offs. Already a number of Senate Republicans have suggested they are interested in working with Biden on some sort of immigration deal.
Starting point is 00:36:28 like Pussy Graham, John Cornyn, who's 119, and Chuck Grassley, who's 141, have all hinted at striking a Democrat GOP deal on immigration that would almost certainly include amnesty. Oh, I fucking, oh, oh, you fucking people. You have no idea how to defend a nation. See, these are the Republicans, you see, because it's all about cheap labor with the Republicans. Actually, both sides now. You know what I'm saying? But these are the people that we hate.
Starting point is 00:37:01 They pretend to go along with Trump. You got to think about the lobbyists and the money. That's where, got to get that cheap labor in here. Got to do it. Do you understand? They're going to change the face of this country overnight. Do you guys get that?
Starting point is 00:37:17 Not just with this, with opening the frigging borders. That's not an exaggeration. Do your homework. Currently about 24.5 million Americans, Americans, actual Americans, are either jobless or underemployed, but all of them want full-time jobs.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Those unemployed are forced to compete in the labor market, we've known this for years, by an endless stream of foreign workers who secure visas and green cards that rack up more than 2.5 million admissions every year. What does that do? And you let a bunch of people come in. They work for dirt cheap, driving down wages.
Starting point is 00:38:03 We don't need it. You know who hurts the most? Poor black and brown people. But you go, Biden. We'll see how that works out. Like we don't have enough shit going on in this country. I wish he'd tie that thing around his neck and choke himself out. These legal immigration missions are in addition to the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who successfully cross U.S. borders and overstay their visas every goddamn year. And to this, I say that, my friends, build that wall, build that wall, build that wall, build that wall. I wonder if Biden's going to be in a bulldozer knocking it down when he's. See, it doesn't matter if the wall's there, if he's going to make legislation, you see, then they come right to the front door.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Hi, how are you? Exit polling after the election reveals, get this, folks. This is how you know you're not being listened to and your representatives in Washington aren't doing their jobs. They're supposed to speak for you, okay? Exit polling after the election reveals that voters across party and racial lines, that means Republican, Democrat, Black, overwhelmingly want less overall immigration to the United States. More than three in four voters, for instance, said it's important to reduce immigration with continued high unemployment, and more than 62% said, even after unemployment has leveled off,
Starting point is 00:39:27 immigration should remain lower than its current levels. Nobody's fucking owed anything, right? You're entitled to shit. Exactly, my friend. But who cares what we have to say? It's globalism versus our way of life, folks. Like Comey had, and I sort of had this thought myself too,
Starting point is 00:39:53 like Comey said, he's starting to believe Trump's just like a road bump on this global wave. And I was hoping he's more of a giant pothole that when your car goes in, it takes the bottom out and totals it. But we got to wake up, man. But doesn't that discourage you? Racially and politically, we agree on something, and they just totally ignore you. You guys mean nothing.
Starting point is 00:40:18 They want you to shut your fucking holes. And I was going to say go to work, but eventually they don't want that either. That's why they're keeping the shutdown. It is so fucking holes. And I was going to say go to work, but eventually they don't want that either. That's why they're keeping the shutdown. It is so fucking obvious. It's making me sad for the holidays. So Biden started to fill his make-believe cabinet. He filled it with bottles of Ensure and fucking Maalox.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Biden's pick for Secretary of State, none other than Antony Blinken. That's Antony Blinken, worked under Obama, Secretary of State, Deputy Secretary of State. That's what we think of him. Listen to these people he's putting in there. Avril Haines, who was a wide receiver for the Browns, I think, in 83. There she is. I thought it was a black woman.
Starting point is 00:41:13 That's why I said that. Avril Haines, who will be Biden's director of national intelligence. Just the word Biden and intelligence at the same time makes my dick very soft. Was the deputy director of the CIA and then deputy national security advisor under Obama. Oh God, he's loading up with the Obama shit. Where's the vomit button? She's the director of CIA and then deputy national security under Obama. In other words, this is all the wrong people. Nearly every person Biden has named to a very senior role was in a top post in the Obama administration. That doesn't necessarily mean
Starting point is 00:41:51 that Biden will wind up carrying out what amounts to Obama's third term, although that might end up being true. Rather, Biden is naming the most traditionally, this is according to whoever wrote this, most traditionally qualified people for these jobs, as previous presidents have done, meaning Trump didn't, is what they're trying to fucking imply there. But look, they still have to take a shot at Trump. President George W. Bush's first defense secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, and Secretary of State Colin Powell had held top jobs in previous GOP administrations.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Obama's first chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, had been a top aide to President Bill Clinton. And Obama's first attorney general, Eric Holder, had been deputy attorney general in the Clinton administration. They still don't get it. They still don't get it. Why Trump didn't do that. Because he was an outsider. Do you understand?
Starting point is 00:42:45 He came in to fucking fuck up your way of life and empty the swamp. Trump didn't do that because he was an outsider. Do you understand? He came in to fucking fuck up your way of life and empty the swamp. That's why he didn't do things like career politicians did. They're pretending like that's a negative. They still don't know how to cover him. He's almost out of office. They still don't understand he's not a conventional president. After four years, he's so ensconced in their own fucking bubble. Look at this squinty-eyed cocksucker.
Starting point is 00:43:08 I'd like to fucking punch his fucking lights out. The Atlantic's Graham Wood. The Atlantic, by the way, if you guys don't know, is the most left-wing publication you can read. The Atlantic's Graham Wood captured the ethos of Biden's selections nicely, referring to Blinken and Jake Sullivan, who has been designated to be national security advisor as boring picks. He says, if you shook them awake and appointed them in the middle of the night at any time in the last decade, they could have reported to their new jobs and started work competently by dawn. to their new jobs and started work competently by Don.
Starting point is 00:43:46 In other words, he's saying that just career, you know, they're not radical enough for anybody at the Atlantic. Some more on Biden's new picks. The New York Times called Blinken, that's Anthony Blinken, a defender of global alliances. Oh, that's good news. They're undoing everything that Trump's gonna,
Starting point is 00:44:10 and said he is expected to try and coalesce skeptical international partners into new competition with china if nominated and confirmed uh to the role yeah well joe biden's the one to do that biden's also expected to nominate another close aide, Jake Sullivan, seen here with the scariest head ever. Oh, my God. If he doesn't have a collection of baby shoes under his house and the skulls to go with him. Anyways, National Security Advisor, according to U.S. media, while Linda Thomas-Greenfield, a 35-year veteran of the Foreign Service,
Starting point is 00:44:53 yes, that's her there. Wrong picture. Yeah, same hairdo. She's expected to be named Washington's ambassador to the United Nations. I've never heard of her, have you? Who the fuck are you? I write the book. Who the fuck are you?
Starting point is 00:45:08 Nick DiPaolo. Who the fuck are you? And then it only remains to be seen if the former top Hillary Clinton advisor, oh, she worked for Clinton, it only remains to be seen if the former top Hillary Clinton advisor, oh, she worked for Clinton, who championed the ill-fated unraveling of Lib, no, who are you talking about here, Tony Blinken?
Starting point is 00:45:33 Sullivan. Here's his credentials. He was involved with Hillary Clinton and Libya. That's all you need to know about this guy. The advisor who championed the ill-fated unraveling of Libya almost a decade ago will take heed of those lessons learned. Oh, sure he will. Sullivan 43 comes with a storied pedigree of foreign policy experience. Yes, of negative foreign policy, of disasters. Having served as senior policy advisor to the thick-ankled dogface in 2016 presidential election. How'd that work out?
Starting point is 00:46:08 This guy's a 10-time loser. Deputy chief of staff of the Department of State under Obama administration. And then listen to this. Vice President Biden's national security advisor, along with multiple degrees. Who's been more wrong, by the way? And he wasn't with Biden back in the... But you know, Biden, go look at his foreign policy decisions. Even people on the left, he's been wrong about every major one of them. Now this guy's working with him, a three-time loser under Hillary. But he has multiple degrees and fellowships. And a professor posts at, he, he proposed at Ivy league schools that make him good.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Under Obama's guy, Sullivan was part of the exclusive team working to restore, uh, ties to Cuba and not out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. What does that mean? Not out. It's a disaster. Anyways. What does that mean, nut out? It's a disaster. I'm on the ground! I'm on the ground! Anyways. But he was in on the Libya thing.
Starting point is 00:47:13 He actually helped organize that with Hillary. And that was a fucking, a huge blunder that cost people their lives, if I'm not mistaken. They asked Hillary about it. What did she say? What difference at this point does it make? Nothing. You're a fucking loser. But Sullivan's greatest influence in the scope of framing world events came early when he joined Clinton as her deputy chief of staff and director of policy, planning, playing a pivotal role in procuring policy when it came to Burma, Syria, and most crucially, Libya.
Starting point is 00:47:48 And how did that work out? Yeah, you're putting in some top-notch guys there, Joe. U.S. should encourage China's rise. Who said that? Biden's national security pick, Jake Sullivan. Are you fucking kidding me? It's so stupid. It's so stupid. So fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Oh my God. Can't you feel it already? He's not even in office yet. He's not even the president yet. And I can feel the wind being sucked out of it. Anything that was gained under Trump. Indeed, Sullivan worked as Clinton's close confidant in the Libya plan, which was developed months in advance of the October 2011 takedown of long-running
Starting point is 00:48:34 Muammar Gaddafi, just as the Arab Spring accelerated. Another disaster. This was followed almost 11 months later by the slaying of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others. And this is who this jerk off's putting in. What the fuck? Of course, it's not Biden's decision. I'm sure AOC or somebody else made it.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Biden's plan to name Janet Yellen as treasurer secretary, a nomination that would put a woman in charge of the treasury for the first time. And it's 230 when you hear. Do you know why you don't do that? Do you know why a woman in charge of the treasury for the first time, and it's 230 when you hear it. Do you know why you don't do that? Do you know why a woman hasn't been in charge of the treasury ever? Do you know a woman who doesn't love to spend? She'll blow half of it on shoes. Oh, it's Newt Gingrich.
Starting point is 00:49:21 It's the female. This is Newt Gingrich transitioning. That's Newrich transitioning. That's no transitioning. She's going to be in charge of the goddamn treasury. What do you say to that, Nick? Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Actually, they say people like her on both sides of the aisle. But Janet Yellen. The expected appointment came as Mr. Biden moved to fill other top cabinet roles, selecting Alejandro Mayorkas as the first Latino to lead the Department of Homeland Security. Oh, that's a good idea. Putting a Latino in charge of Homeland Security. He'd be calling all his relatives in Mexico. Look, there's a fucking tunnel about 30 miles from San Diego.
Starting point is 00:50:10 You go to a fucking, what do you call it? An IHOP in the back of a parking lot. Oh, my God. I'm telling you, this guy, Biden will be in office 10 minutes. Everywhere you go, you're going to hear this type of language. That'll be your neighbors. And Avril Haines. Avril Haines is the first woman to be the director of national intelligence.
Starting point is 00:50:43 I think we already mentioned her. And she's quite a girl, has a beautiful head of hair there. A, she was a hooah. Hey, we don't know that. B, she was a hooah. Knock it off. Mr. Biden is also expected to create a new post
Starting point is 00:50:56 of international climate envoy. Oh my God, an international climate envoy. And guess who he's tapping for that? Holy shit. none other than john giant head carrie uh there he is in all his glory uh oh my fucking word hello i'm john i'm mr red a jerk is a jerk of course course, a jerk of a fucking. That's actually a good picture.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Doesn't his head look like, you know, when you go to a when you go to a Washington Nationals games and they have like George Washington, Abe Lincoln running around with the giant heads. Is that not one of those? His head belongs on a coin. He looks like he was a great patriot when he's just the opposite. His wife's the ketchup magnet of the world, Heinz. Anyways, he was a former Secretary of State who was a chief negotiator for the United States on the Paris Climate Change Accord, which Trump pulled us out of, and rightly so. Now he's going to put us back in it. Will you go home and enjoy your millions, please?
Starting point is 00:52:11 I'm almost done, folks. It's, you know, tomorrow's Thanksgiving. We're not going to be back until Monday. I thought I'd give you a nice chunk. Did you see this? Todd McShay, on a lighter note, there's a lot of politics, I understand. Todd McShay, ESPN football analyst, is expected to return to the sidelines Saturday after appearing sluggish during coverage of last week's Wisconsin-Northwestern game,
Starting point is 00:52:35 the network said Tuesday. McShay, who stumbled on his words in the middle of a pregame report sparking concern among viewers on social media, was removed from the ABC broadcast in the second half due to feeling ill. So I put this on, expecting this guy to be slurring, and he sounds slightly buzzed to me.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Anytime they say it was because of an illness and they don't get specific, probably he was buzzed or something. You know what I mean? Who knows? He probably hooked up with a co-ed on campus this and they don't get specific probably he was buzzed or something you know i mean who knows he probably hooked up with a co-ed who was on campus and was drinking the fucking nine in the morning i don't know but he didn't i was expecting a lot worse than this um but here's him they say i he was a little off jason said it too jason's a um espn guy like me what am i saying i've watched
Starting point is 00:53:22 espn twice in a year. But when college football comes on, I watch a lot of it, obviously. But here, I don't think he seems that. He seems a little drunk to me. I don't know. Yeah, if you look at offensively what they've always done, Paul Chris understands the
Starting point is 00:53:39 pre-snap motions and everything that you want to do. But when you have a quarterback like Mertz, it's different. The ability to throw the ball down the field and be decisive. That's what I love about his game. That's what I love about his game. The ability to get the ball out quickly, accurately. And I would argue that he's the most talented.
Starting point is 00:54:03 All right. Did that sound that bad? You know you're a fucking mumbling, stuttering little fuck. You know that? He didn't sound like this guy. The most, the most talented. All right. Did that sound that bad? You know you're a fucking mumbling, stuttering little fuck. You know that? He didn't sound like this guy. Excuse me. Have you ever been in Schenectady?
Starting point is 00:54:20 No, I never was in Schenectady. Neither was I. It must have been a couple other guys. I still have a feeling I've seen your face someplace else. No, it's always been right here. On top of my neck. Maybe you've seen me on television. Oh no, I've never been on television. See, as it never been on television. See, is it our home?
Starting point is 00:54:45 All right. If I join you, I just dropped in for a little drink to settle my nerves before I go to work. Work? What sort of work do you do? I'm an airline pilot. I'm an airline pilot. Foster Brooks. Google him, folks, if you're young and don't know who he is funniest motherfucker um that's what i was expecting from todd mcshay but it was nothing like that right
Starting point is 00:55:13 uh last spring the 43 year old meaning mcshay was hospitalized after contracting the coronavirus forcing him to miss the 2020 nfl draft mcshay is set to work Saturday's matchup between number three Clemson and Pitt. Now, I'm not making fun of this, but this made me laugh so hard, and I hope I don't lose my shit again. We show this. Remember Ron Paul had a little mini stroke on air. I was watching this last night on my iPad and laughing so hard that my
Starting point is 00:55:48 wife's like, what are you a sick fuck guys having a stroke? I couldn't stop. I I'm not going to lose it today. I've already mentally prepared myself. But if you asked an actor to imitate an old guy having a stroke on TV, I mean, and I'm not, look,
Starting point is 00:56:08 and I like Rand Paul and I like Ron Paul. I think they're both really smart guys. You know what I mean? And they're pretty much libertarian, whatever. Ron Paul's a little out there. But when they said McShay was fucked up on the sideline, I thought I was going to see, I was hoping to see a clip like this.
Starting point is 00:56:23 It has to be liquidated. We have to get rid of that. That's a burden. We're going to see, I was hoping to see a clip like this. It has to be liquidated. We have to get rid of that. That's a burden. We can barely work this. We can't buy it. We can't buy it. That, that, that, that. Hello?
Starting point is 00:56:38 Hello? Is Dr. Paul? It has to be liquidated. We have to get rid of that that's a burden we can barely work i can't help i'm not making fun of him because i know that? I can't help it. I can't help it. I'm not making fun of him. Because I know that's going to happen to me. I know that's going to happen to me. I just know it.
Starting point is 00:57:15 I've never had high blood pressure. Now I get high blood pressure. And I smoke. So you know what's going to happen. You guys are going to be watching me. I'm going to go. And Biden's a fucking cock. I hate his.
Starting point is 00:57:30 All right, I got to get out of here. We're getting too fucking nuts. Let's watch it one more time. We'll go off on a high note. I love him, by the way. Dr. Paul, I love you. I'm glad you survived it, but... It has to be liquidated.
Starting point is 00:57:50 We have to get rid of that. That's a burden. We're getting very worried. I can't believe it. Hello? Hello? Is Dr. Paul? He sounded like me in college when I was drunk and I couldn't get it up.
Starting point is 00:58:11 I was trying to explain to a girl. That is it for the week, you guys. Thank you so much for a great week. Don't forget to go to and watch the streaming thing. It's going to be up until November 30th so you can still buy it. And for all the gear. We got winter hats
Starting point is 00:58:30 and stuff now. And what else? if you'd like me to roast. This makes a good holiday gift. If you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives or something,
Starting point is 00:58:41 go to, click on my profile, tell me a little bit about the person. I'll rip them a new asshole or I'll tweak their nipples or I'll poke their eyes out or I'll step on their toes. That is it for the week. We're going to see you on Monday, but you guys, remember, you think and I'll say you're very welcome. Have a great Thanksgiving. We'll see you on Monday. Bye-bye. guitar solo I'm out.

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