The Nick DiPaolo Show - Socialist Sanders Succeeds | Nick Di Paolo Show #300

Episode Date: February 13, 2020

The Nick Di Paolo Show hits episode 300! Biden skips NH. Trump calls Bloomberg a racist. MONDAY - THURSDAY 9PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What we're doing is shunning these people. Shunning, shaming these people. These people are not fit for polite society. Let me be very clear, you're stupid as hell. You're one of those people I say should not be around household appliances. You will take off some fingers. This is not your father's Democratic Party. So I don't want your money as much as we want your power. We have to level them.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Because if there are survivors, if there are people who weather this storm, they will do it again. Oh, yeah. How are you folks? Welcome to the 300th episode of the Nick DiPaolo podcast. It's actually way more than that because I started doing this in my basement with just a computer. No cameras at all. Just me, you know, going down to my basement where i had a 14 year old girl chained to a radiator from the philippines and uh after i fed her i'd do the show um so i did a couple i did that for almost what three years so but this is the 300th episode of this edition this form of the show with the cameras and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:02:28 And we thank I got to thank everybody, really. I mean, even Ryan, Ryan and Jason Berkel back. You know, they showed up at my house with no experience when I built a sound booth thing for him and whatever. And I got this thing off the ground. Rob Sprantz, Riotcast. He's the one who talked me into podcasting in the first place. So I got to thank Rob and everybody who's been involved. Rich Wood, Buddy Galore, my wife, Tommy, Nikki, obviously, who know Been huge in this latest form of this show
Starting point is 00:03:07 And I don't know who I'm forgetting But whoever I'm forgetting Thank you Look, I'm talking like this is the Oscars And we have to stop cutting down the trees And the goddamn cows We're putting their fucking milk in our coffee I've been a real scoundrel.
Starting point is 00:03:26 And the blacks, they're still being hung, and the Jews are getting shot, and all the aides, all the aides. Let's not forget all the aides. The Lemonades, the Right Aides, the Senators' aides,
Starting point is 00:03:43 all the aides. Thank you, everybody, and especially you people my fans the patreon people and uh people who tune in who aren't page drummers ollie is my fan my people come out to see me at uh at gigs and whatnot we're still in the conversation been doing this over 30 years so and we're still in the conversation so Been doing this over 30 years. And we're still in the conversation. So, you know, big, big. Who am I forgetting? I feel like I'm forgetting anybody. Any of those Jews that helped me when I first started out?
Starting point is 00:04:15 Probably your wife. I said my wife. You did? Yes, I did, Raz. Why didn't you hear that? What are you, in fucking some type of denial? I did say my wife. This thing sounds a little echoey.
Starting point is 00:04:28 I mean, I guess it's how tight I have it to my don't touch anything. Raz. It's not you. It's on this end. If I don't, sometimes if I pull these too tight, they sound, you know, different. Hold on. I don't know what came up with this system. I like to fucking hang them.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Oh, much better. Fuck. Well, anyways better. The fuck. Well, anyways, so it's our 300th. It's really our 1,000th episode, but who gives a shit, really? Right? It's all about the love in the room. So I want all of you to... I want all of you to enjoy your cake.
Starting point is 00:04:57 So, enjoy. We'll give the MGM Graham to the Lakeville Brothers. We'll give the New York, New York to Dino and Eddie Pirelli out of Rhode Island. I'm just a Jew living on a pension. I grew up with a boy in the Lower East Side. And that man started a stopover for GIs in the desert. That man's name, Mo Green. And there's started a stopover for GIs in the desert. That man's name, Mo Green.
Starting point is 00:05:32 And there's not a plaque or a statue. What the fuck? Look what I'm using. I couldn't murder somebody. Imagine you're going to see me on the ID network stabbing somebody for a parking space using this. We knew it was Nick DiPaolo. He used some type of spork
Starting point is 00:05:54 and we found chocolate cake on. This looks really good. Sorry if I'm boring you people, but I'm not a big cake guy, but fucking Raz. Chocolate and nuts on the outside. Oh, look at this. Oh, it's still cold.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Oh, my God. It's fucking delicious. There's only like two cakes I'll eat. Oh, shit. Raz, now you can wait.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Mommy, I do poo-poo. It's turning into a German porn film. Raz, you've got to have napkins. You know I'm a greasy guinea. Oh, God. Anyways, so yes, Bernie Sanders last night.
Starting point is 00:06:56 It's so funny. New Hampshire, what is their motto? Live free or die. It's just so funny seeing the socialist one. Thank you. You know, live free or be taxed to death. Thank you. You know, live free, you'll be taxed to death. Thank you. Very much. Oh my
Starting point is 00:07:09 God, it's really fucking good. Watch it down with Sam Adams. This is Ra's idea of apparently a low protein diet. It's really good. If you want it,
Starting point is 00:07:28 whatever. American cake and beer. You know what Hillary has every night at midnight? Watches her fucking calves blow up like fucking vacuum bags. So Bernie runs New Hampshire
Starting point is 00:07:47 He edges out Pete Buttigieg By a great pubic hair 25.8% Pete was 24.4% They both get nine delegates Amy Klobuchar I don't see what the fucking excitement is there You guys are really desperate
Starting point is 00:08:03 She came in third. That's right. She did better than Biden and Liz Warren. That's her fucking area. Liz is from Massachusetts. It borders friggin' New Hampshire. So the
Starting point is 00:08:19 people who know her best said, get out of here. Go back to the reservation. And she said, meh, fuck you and your bones, bird. Oh, now you're black. Fucking. I ought to do the show all the time at Cake. I'm really funny. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:08:37 I'm having another piece. Anyway. Oh, it's on my shirt. I just got this out of the dry cleaners. Fucking damn it. Literally. Took the plastic stays out of the collar four minutes ago.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Now it looks like an old man dumped on me. So Bernie, let's show Bernie's victory speech. That this victory here is the beginning of the end for Donald Trump. Keep dreaming. You're going to die before the fucking general. 110 year old.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Come on, Bernie, you're full of shit. You're being very negative, Mr. DiPaolo. Yes, I am. I'm going to eat half this cake. That's Bernie talking. Who said that? Bernie. Who the fuck said that?
Starting point is 00:09:33 Who's the slimy little cop in a shit twinkle toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Now, this is some more, right? Now this... And what I can tell you... That's how happy he gets with absolute certainty. And I know I speak for every one of the Democratic candidates is that no matter who wins,
Starting point is 00:09:54 and we certainly hope it's going to be us, we are going to unite together. We are going to unite together and defeat the most dangerous president in the modern history of this country. That's what you're going to do. I'm using props, a cake. The most dangerous president in the history of this country. The fuck? You know who the most dangerous president in the history of this country. The fuck? You know who the most dangerous was? Honestly? Barack Obama, the last one.
Starting point is 00:10:31 You can make that argument. How can you make it? Very easily. He had his Attorney General Eric Holder go after fucking reporters at Fox News. Fast and Furious, they ship guns into Mexico to track them. And a fucking ICE guy ended up getting killed. Not to mention he spied on the Trump campaign.
Starting point is 00:10:55 There's a whole deep state thing that that that's the biggest scandal in the history of the United States. But Trump is the guy with the fucking the guy with the best economy in the history of the planet and crushing ISIS. Yeah, he's a he's a real danger. Good luck, Bernie. Good luck being a socialist running. He's not going to make it anyways. But if he does, good luck being a socialist and promoting socialism against an incumbent president who has the strongest economy in the history of this country. That'll work out beautiful. A lot could change, I admit. Between now and November, Bernie could drop dead tomorrow. Guy's in his late hundreds.
Starting point is 00:11:36 He's got a fucking matzo ball stuck in his a-order. But there's more. So Buttigieg did nicely, missed by, as we say, a cunt here, something he knows nothing about. Nick, why do you have to go there? Because I don't like him. He's just, you know who Buttigieg is?
Starting point is 00:11:55 He's Barack Obama, only with a fucking white, with a fucking smile. But so he came in second, missed by a real, you know, tiny amount. And this is what he had to say about Bernie. Get this through your head, you. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you.
Starting point is 00:12:12 That was on a hot mark. And my favorite part of the night, though, Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden posted disappointing fourth and fifth place finishes, respectively. Okay. They both got beat by Amy Klobuchar, who did well for herself. Six delegates. And neither one of these people got any delegates. They're done.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Joe Biden, he doesn't know it. He's done. He's finished. He's finished. He he took off out of New Hampshire. What a classless piece of shit. He didn't even stick around and say thanks. Everybody. He headed to South Carolina, you know, to hang out with all his black bros and sisters. Oh, my God, this fucking guy. But Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, they get beat by Amy Klobuchar. Actually, we have Biden. We actually have a clip of him leaving New Hampshire.
Starting point is 00:13:14 He tried to sneak out. that's real if i was there i wouldn't help that guy i'd be laughing so goddamn hard i would have run away there's nothing funny people for i don't care if they're 90 or it's a little baby falling down and hitting a coffee table that shit makes me cry uh then liz warren we had a clip of her celebrating her fucking nice action where'd she get that look at he's doing the Conor McGregor walk. Oh my God. Anyways, so it's on to Nevada, South Carolina, whatever. Amy, enjoy your good night because you're not going anywhere. she did well for herself she had a good debate and uh maybe that's why she did all right uh as far as but barney sanders huh socialist nice huh wins state live free or die and it's it's a beautiful thing huh it's beautiful i hope he's the nominee i i really do at least he's
Starting point is 00:14:39 authentic i find him so god i'm entertaining Even when he's giving a victory speech, he's fucking miserable. I'd like to thank everybody. This is the end of Donald Trump. Are you shitting me? It's just the beginning of Trump. Did you see Trump's numbers in New Hampshire? I don't even know how many thousands came out to the rally, but they said it was a record that couldn't get in.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And the people that may get into the rally, of the crowd was democrats it said and another was it another 15 to 18 18 percent were people who have never voted before that has to scare the shit out of the democrats i mean nobody has done had a turnout like that since ronald reagan in read. So, uh, huh? Oh, Mr. Apprentice, old fucking bloated. Look, he is bottom and Bailey, but he's also fucking, he's also pretty good at what he does. He is definitely a barker, Barnum and Bailey, but he also, um, is a smart dude. Whether you think, I don't care what you say. So one thing I've learned about Trump since everybody's, oh, his dad gave him millions of dollars to start the big well he turned it into a multi-billion dollar business and you can see why this motherfucker doesn't sleep until he's
Starting point is 00:15:53 stepping on your throat and then he rubs your nose in it like a wide receiver for the giants or something little he's got a little odell beckham in him don't think black people don't notice that they fucking love it nick why'd you bring that up i don't know i just looked at raz and i said let's talk about black people um speaking of oh this is why i brought it up actually let's stay on race raz if you want to grab a piece at any time do you all right that is some good cake god damn it he still won't come on camera because if he's going to blow his fucking, you know, his black friends see him on this show, it's over. That's an expensive cake, by the way.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Make sure Tommy reimburses you. Oh, you're not going to eat it? Oh, good. I did. Fucking. I'm making fun of Biden. Didn't I have two pair of glasses here? Look, I'm acting just like Joe.
Starting point is 00:16:51 What the fuck? Were they on the cake? Anyways, treep. Treep. I'm all excited. Trump deletes a tweet calling Michael Bloomberg a total racist. Why would you fucking delete that? Why don't know?
Starting point is 00:17:07 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Leave that up there. Remember, we covered the audio came out yesterday of Bloomberg years ago saying that, you know, they put all the cops in all the minority precincts and that's where all the crime is. And anyways, it was a speech from 2015 where the mayor unapologetically defended his controversial stop and frisk policy, which targeted young men of color as opposed to white people who have no color at all. Wow. Bloomberg is a total racist Trump tweet. Well, I wonder who told him to take it down. Fuck that. Let that live on forever. Within minutes, a tweet was taken down. 95% of murders. This is Bloomberg talking 95% of murders, murders
Starting point is 00:17:55 and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take a description, Xerox it and pass it out to all the cops. You are correct, sir. He is correct. But here's the problem. He came when he announced to be president. He backpedaled immediately on stop and frisk. He backpedaled when it was effective and it did save black and brown kids lives in bad neighborhoods. Okay. black and brown kids' lives in bad neighborhoods.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Okay? That's the controversy here, that Bloomberg is speaking the truth, in my opinion. You guys can argue all you want, but we know most major cities, the shit's not going down on Maple Street. It's MLK Junior Boulevard. Am I right? Fucking Shabazz High School. What Shabazz?
Starting point is 00:18:44 I don't know. Jimmy Shabazzazz there's a bunch of shabazz malcolm x fucking gymnasium that's all he's saying it's pretty true uh but the point is he's being a fucking hypocrite and uh trump called him out on it trump's been called the race is what 71 000 times res how far are we into the show? I don't even remember when we started. About 20 minutes. Only about 20 minutes? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Anyways, let me do a blurb. Okay. I'm not sure why he took down the tree. I guess he didn't want to. Trump didn't want to step on any toes. He must have felt good for him to call somebody else a racist. When he heard that, he must have been. Can you imagine if that was Trump saying that?
Starting point is 00:19:30 Can you anybody, Lindsey Graham, pick a Republican? Yeah, just photocopy a description and, you know, hand out to all the cops, all the cops. He and the big thing he says was he said, throw him against the wall and frisk him, which that's not even how it works. I saw Dan Bongino, who I think was a cop. I know he's in the FBI, but that's not even how the policy worked. You know, they went up and questioned people and whatever. And it did save lives. There were black people praising it in poor neighborhoods.
Starting point is 00:19:59 So so Bloomberg, who I've been saying is going to be going to be a factor. I think he shot himself in the foot there. No pun intended that that was Jew on Jew crime. What? Jew on Jew crime. What? Ow. It's just good to hear a guy running on the other side being called a racist.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Is he running as a Democrat? Fucking no. running on the other side being called a racist is he running as a democrat i don't fucking know anyhow speaking of uh democrat republican one of our favorite people on the show uh and who loves this show by the way i had him call into my one of my radio he interviewed me on info wars when he filled in for alex j. Roger Stone, you know who I'm talking about. Here's that boy. Oh, here he is plugging. As far as Stephen Colbert is concerned, that's right, Stephen. That's the way it is. So, you know, as I said in the movie, Get Me Roger Stone, which unfortunately Robert Mueller watched and thought it was entitled Get Roger Stone. I revel in the hatred of these leftist retards. They're not talented.
Starting point is 00:21:08 They're not funny. Trevor Noah, not funny. Nick DiPaolo, now that's funny. You know, Mr. DiPaolo, I'm really proud of you. Thank you. Love it. Anyways, you know, they were going to give him like fucking hard time. Perhaps doing absolutely nothing hardly.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Department of Justice changes mine and Roger Stone's sentencing, which I think is tremendous. The DOJ is changing its sentencing's recommendation for Roger Stone. The DOJ is changing its sentencing's recommendation for Roger Stone. The department finds seven to nine years extreme. Excessive and grossly disproportionate, the source said, adding the DOJ will clarify its position on sentencing later today. If you remember the whole thing, right? Randy Credico, who I've also had on the show, comedian friend of mine, real far left guy, you know, Roger threatened him in a tweet about his dog and shit. Remember? And, and these guys have been asshole buddies for years.
Starting point is 00:22:11 I mean, Randy Crudico actually did voices for summer Roger Stone when he was running for office or whatever, did voices, uh, for Roger. They knew each other. They did fundraisers together and, and somehow the relationship went a little sour when the whole, you know, what do you call it? WikiLeaks thing came out and Roger Stone said, Randy might've been the intermediate, but he never said that. And Randy get pissed when he said that. So they got into a little, and you know, but I mean, seven tonight nine, think about that. Seven to nine. The department was shocked to see the sentencing recommendations in the filing in the Stone case last night. The sentencing recommendation was not what had been briefed to the department.
Starting point is 00:22:57 The department is now expected to scale that back. The department finds seven to nine years extreme excessive gross, which it is. President Trump tweeted about the sentencing recommendation early Tuesday morning, leading to speculation that a pardon may be in Stone's future. This is a horrible and very unfair situation. The real crimes were committed on the other side. As nothing happens to them, cannot allow this miscarriage of justice. You know, I'm against miscarriages. I've had a few miscarriages in my life. There was stormy, nevermind.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Anyway, so listen to this. Because they wanted, the DOJ said they're going to change the sentencing. Four career Department of Justice prosecutors abruptly withdrew from their posts. They quit. They fucking quit. And I say it again. Can you imagine that? Counselor. No, they're all gone. Counselor. Oh, they're all gone. Yeah, they quit their posts on Tuesday in an apparent dramatic protest just hours after senior leaders at the DOJ said they would take the extraordinary step of effectively overruling the prosecutor's judgment by seeking a lesser sentence for President Trump's former advisor.
Starting point is 00:24:18 But you give him time like he raped somebody. There's people who fucking this is unfucking. It really is unbelievable. Think about what Mueller did. Think about fucking what Hillary did. They're walking around with their fucking flabby tits. This is an outrage. McCabe, Peter Strzok, his girlfriend. Think about it. Do they not go to jail on the left? Never. In a new amended filing Tuesday, the DOJ told Jackson
Starting point is 00:24:51 that the government respectfully submits that a sentence of incarceration far less than 87 to 108 months imprisonment would be reasonable under the circumstances, but that the government ultimately defers to the court as to the specific sentence to be imposed. Well, who's the judge going to be? I don't like that. That could still go bad, couldn't it? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Here ye, the court's in session. The court's in session. Judge Joe Brown. Here come the judge. Here come the judge. But we should get Randy on Monday. uh and by the way folks um guests are coming up we're stacking them up some people don't like to skype someone was asking uh and i'm giving this away but some people were asking about guests and shit we're stacking them up so we can run a bunch of them on mondays but there's uh there's a few people don't like to skype in and stuff but we're lining up don't worry it's coming uh this isn't're lining up. Don't worry. It's coming. This isn't a guest-driven show, though. If that's what you're looking for, fucking.
Starting point is 00:25:49 And again, I'll defer to Rush Limbaugh. I've never had a guest in 30-something years. Not that I'm Rush Limbaugh, but I'm just saying. Did pretty good. I don't want to interview people that everybody else is interviewing just to interview them. You know what I mean? Really, Nick? Trump wants to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:26:03 I'm busy. He was on TV all day yesterday. Anyways, the government said I'm almost off this in the amended filing that while it was, excuse me, technically possible to argue that Stone deserved the severe federal sentencing enhancement for threatening physical harm to a witness. Such a move would violate the spirit of... He was busting his buddy Randy Credico's balls. I know both these guys. It would place Stone in a category of the guidelines that typically applies in cases involving violent offenses, such as armed robbery, not obstruction cases, the government argued, noting that Stone's advanced age, health, personal circumstance, lack of criminal history also counseled against the harsh penalty. And here's the funny part. Specifically, prosecutors said that although Stone had allegedly threatened witness Randy Credico's therapy dog, Bianca.
Starting point is 00:27:01 I'll get you, my pretty. And your little dog, too. Oh, my pretty. And your little dog, too. Oh, my God. Saying that he was going to take the dog away from you. It was important to recognize that Credico, a New York radio host, who I love, by the way, has acknowledged that he never in any way felt that Stone himself posed a direct physical threat to me or my dog. That's coming out of credit code. And this is part of the charges? If the court were not to apply the eight-level enhancement for threatening a witness with physical injury,
Starting point is 00:27:36 it would result in the defendant receiving an advisory guidelines range of 37 to 46 months, which as explained below is more in line with typical sentencing imposed on obstruction cases. Even that sounds a little fucking harsh to me. Guy's old. Don't worry, you'll be pardoned. I'll get Trump on the line for you, Roger.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Don't worry about it. Don't have you on the show. He's got a Nixon tattoo on his back from when he was 18 that's how you know i fucking love this guy excuse me how annoying is that i don't have a cough button sorry um i actually have cake frosting on my fucking glasses what a fucking spaz i have an antonio brown uh tattoo i'm getting my back i like outlaws did you see cnn uh they're so anti-trump it really is a propaganda arm for the democrats they just it's fucking anti-trump around the um they ran a piece uh larry david
Starting point is 00:28:43 made a little sketch wearing a MAGA hat. And the whole gist of the sketch is that, you know, if you wise off to somebody or whatever, it can get you out of trouble like all the morons. You know, well, anyways, but my point, CNN, what's her name? Jeannie Moose. You know the one I'm talking? She's been there since it started. Her and Wolf Blitzer were there since day one. She's the one who does the little remote pieces with a voice like this. Oh, no. Janie Moss. Oh, my
Starting point is 00:29:12 God. Well, anyways, watch this. This is, Larry David did a fucking sketch about the mega. Protective device. Larry David knew. In a scene tweeted out by President Trump, Larry cuts off a biker. What the fuck are you doing? What the f*** are you doing?
Starting point is 00:29:28 Amid a torrent of profanity, Larry reaches for a MAGA hat. You little s***. I'm sorry, I didn't see you. Just be more careful next time, okay? Will do. Turning the biker into a pussycat. A pussycat? The fact that President Trump tweeted this prompted fans to say, so refreshing to have a leader with a grand sense of humor
Starting point is 00:29:49 while critics lashed out is a joke on you, idiot. It's not in favor of you. Pause. They just, look at her. Aye, aye, aye. Fucking zombie woman. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:30:02 I don't know what's worse, your voice or your face. Stay behind the camera do you see why they're running this whole piece just they're saying that trump missed the joke in other words the whole sketch is about you know you get in a heated argument with an asshole right and he's about to punch a fucking you you know, it's probably a Trump supporter is basically the joke. And, uh, and they, so Trump said, good to see the tough guys on my side, meaning the biker and the people are going, you're missing the jokes on you, you idiot.
Starting point is 00:30:35 That's why CNN's running it by the way. But, but why do you think, what makes you think he missed the joke? He didn't miss it. He knows exactly what you're doing and he's saying he'd rather have the biker on his side and so would i stupid fucks in other words every asshole you know that you're getting a beef with is gonna you know just put on the hat and show you're an asshole tool that's the and i love larry david i'm just saying but i don't know if people assume that trump missed the j he didn't miss it he just just put his own spin on it and said, I'm with the fucking bike. And trust me, even that, I bet you his calculator. You know how many people Harley got people on Harley's fucking on both of Trump. But is there any more to that?
Starting point is 00:31:18 Five minutes after that scene came one president Trump didn't tweet one. That wasn't a feather in his cap. The hat has come in handy. It's a great people repellent. Larry uses it. Hey, Phil. Good to see you. To cut short a lunch he didn't want to have in the first place.
Starting point is 00:31:39 This is L.A. Yeah. I'd like to see somebody slap my MAGA hat off and fucking la do you understand they think they're like cnn's so stupid they think that's like you know proving their point that trump's detestable deplorable whatever it's doing just the opposite i don't want to be popular walking to an la restaurant i think i proved that when i lived out there five years ago. I mean, for five years, 27 years ago. Do you really want to walk in and have a, oh, he drives a Prius. Anyhow, I think Trump got the joke and put a spin on it.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Whatever. I love Larry David, though, for his Bernie impression. Boy, I bet you he's hoping. Not that he needs the money or the work, but Jesus Christ, SNL, you got you got sick of Alec Baldwin. If if Barney stays in this thing. Oh, my God. Larry David's he'll be on SNL every week. Speaking of California and their intolerant fuck stains that live out there, not all of them. How about this, though, Raz? California bill will ban stays at Trump hotels for state employees. That's how much they fucking detest this guy.
Starting point is 00:32:53 State lawmakers in California considering a bill that would prohibit state agencies from spending taxpayer money at any of the hotels owned by President Trump or his family. The proposal, which was introduced by Democrat State Assemblyman Evan Lowe, would bar employees of any state agency from spending money at a Trump hotel while traveling for work. Public officials at any level should not profit off the constituents that they were elected to serve and represent, Lowe said in a statement. No branch of government is above the Constitution. Boy,
Starting point is 00:33:25 you guys fucking dumb out there and your state's falling apart to prove it. But, uh, he's above the, he's going to bring, you know, uh, and this,
Starting point is 00:33:32 uh, legislation will ensure the California taxpayers are not further exploited by Donald Trump's violation of the, uh, monuments clause. That's, you know, when a president can't use his name to benefit financially, privately,
Starting point is 00:33:46 or whatever. Of course, this never came up before, but Trump is the first, you know, hotel magnet who's ever sat in the Oval Office. So this is their little way. Aren't they fucking children? Aren't they children? Well, the next, well, the text of the bill does not specifically mention trump by name uh it says current occupant of 1600 pennsylvania avenue is the only president u.s history who happens to be a hotel magnate if passed the ban would apply to state agencies the legislature judicial council and the university of california and california state university systems oh my god these guys you're embarrassing yourself you're making this guy look smarter every time you fucking pull shit like this i'm tired of it no they're ignorant
Starting point is 00:34:30 that's ignorant uh trump's hotels however are not popular with state workers in california especially especially since the average going rate for a room at one of his resorts far exceeds the $90 per night state employee. Why don't you just stay in one of the tents on the sidewalk? One of the many 10,000 tents you can just fucking shack up with one of your constituents, maybe shoot up with a dirty needle and have them wipe the human feces off your feet. Yeah, $90 per night state employees are authorized to spend on a hotel room and uh you know ted cruz calls this nothing burger nothing burger nothing burger since 2016 only one state worker has booked a stay at a trump hotel through the state's
Starting point is 00:35:19 contracted travel agency really not it doesn't seem like a big problem or it's online booking tool according to the department of general services uh anyways yeah that's fucking here's your emoluments clause you guys are fucking he's it's like they're running up and he's going bang next bang next bong oh my god it's like watching um those kids on those uh what's the commercials you know st jude's hospital kids are like looks like it's like lining up those kids against chuck norris in his heyday and he's just fucking dumping them out of the shit painting so don't stay at any trumpomp on anything. It's emoluments clock. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I can't even put my, I can't put my elbows on my desk. You want to do a question real quick? Yeah, let's do a question. Nick, don't you have any napkin? Doreen P., Glendale, Arizona. Don't worry about it, Roz. Come on, get it out. What's that?
Starting point is 00:36:28 I'm an old fan who has followed you all over with your podcast. I'm an old fan who has followed you all over with your podcast. I'm an old fan. Thank you, Dory. One of the times you made me laugh the most was your impression of the older guy who would help you get your cleats every year. Oh, that was Woody up at the University of Maine. I don't know why, but it made me laugh so hard. I love all your growing up stories. I kind of miss Larry and the guy who would argue with you who worked at the mall. I kind of miss Larry. Who's Larry? And the guy who would argue with you who worked at the mall. I forget what you're talking about. And I know she's not making it up.
Starting point is 00:37:06 That's how bad my memory is. I'm telling you. I had four concussions that I know of. I'm starting to get nervous. You should see me, Raz, trying to leave here after you leave. I fucking got out of my car, come back up on my phone, go back down. Oh, I forgot my glasses, come back down. Where's my keys?
Starting point is 00:37:25 Fucking cigarettes. Every day. It's starting to creep me out. I forget who Larry is. Oh, Larry, the guy that will call into the radio show. Oh, yeah. And another guy that would call in from the mall. That's right.
Starting point is 00:37:37 A guy in Connecticut. We think he was doing a character. It was very fun. But Woody was, yeah, Woody was a guy from Mania Glasses. He's probably dead now, 10 years. He was an older guy. I can't. I can't.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I can't do anything. Fuck these earphones. I could do some acting for Doris. He'd go, how you doing? He'd put his cleats on. How's yours feel? They look pretty good. How do they feel?
Starting point is 00:38:02 They good? One eye's all crossed and shit. They look good. How do they feel? They good? One eye's all crossed and shit. They look good. How do they feel? Good. That's good. Wow. I look heavy.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Maybe because I had a fucking Sam Adams and two pieces of cake. Wow. Sick of working out. I can't wait to blow up. This show blows up. I'm blowing up with it. I'm going to put on a palm for everybody that signs up for the next five years.
Starting point is 00:38:30 You're going to see me on my fucking 1,200-pound life. What's next? Oh, I know what's next. Speaking of fucking... I'm sorry. It's a lot of politics today, folks, but it is the day after the New Hampshire primaries, which we'll forget about in fucking five days. But, you know, who can't keep her face out of the news?
Starting point is 00:38:48 Because, you know, everybody's New Hampshire and she's not getting any sunlight. Ocasio-Cortez, she got nice tits, OK? I tell you, she got nice tits. You want to go to war? Ocasio-Cortez blames Mitch McConnell and the NRA for assassination attempt of two New York police officers. You saw that. We didn't even get to it. We had so much political shit going on.
Starting point is 00:39:11 But last week, there was a shooting in the Bronx. Guy walks up to two cops in a car or their van or whatever, shoots into the fucking thing. Misses a guy's carotid artery by like a half inch, hits his jaw. Then the next morning, they can't find him, walks into a precinct in the Bronx and shoots a sergeant in the fucking arm before he runs out of bullets. And dummy here, dumb dumb, AOC with a nice rack and the empty skull. Well, I don't want to break up the meeting or nothing, but she's something of a cunt, ain't she, Doc?
Starting point is 00:39:51 You don't have to go that far. What do you mean that? She likes a rigged game, you know what I mean? Yes, I do. She's blaming Mitch McConnell for not standing up to the enemy. Can you fucking imagine? Twice in 12 hours, a single gunman terrorized the New York City Police Department, firing upon and wounding uniformed officers stationed in the Bronx in separate attacks. One officer was shot in the neck and chin Saturday night when the suspected gunman fired several rounds into a marked police van and then fled. gunman fired several rounds into a marked police van and then fled next morning 7 a.m walks into the bronx precinct headquarters open fires again striking a lieutenant in the arm and surrendering
Starting point is 00:40:31 after his nine millimeter handgun runs out of bullets columnist david webb took to twitter and called out aoc he says i checked both at aoc and at rep aoc and so far no comment about the NYPD offices shot in her district. Does that surprise anybody? She's a little whore and a little piece of trash. You don't have to call her that. We don't know her sexual. Yeah, we do. She was wrong with her boyfriend lecturing us yesterday, remember?
Starting point is 00:40:59 I think white people should talk to other white people to find out why they're so racist. Gobble, gobble, gobble. Shut the fuck up. Finally, she posted something. She said, this is not my district, but our thoughts are with all officers and people.
Starting point is 00:41:14 It must've been, you had to be reminded to put this up. People impacted by the shooting and the epidemic of gun violence in this country. Perhaps you would get less mixed up if McConnell stood up to the NRA and passed common sense gun safety measures to reduce shootings, is what she said. Oh, fucking idiot. You don't think it has anything to do with Mayor de Blasio? You're not that dumb, Alexandria, okay? You don't think it has anything to do with his anti-corporate the day,
Starting point is 00:41:43 well, before he became mayor, when he ran and ran a commercial with his black son telling people that I had to tell my black son he has to act a certain way around New York cops. You don't think that might have fucking done anything? Huh? Not to mention the shootings and they turned his back on him at a couple of funerals. Cops having water thrown on them and milk and shit while they make an arrest where do you think all that that all came from mitch mcconnell's and a republican the fucking guy that did the shooting and all other people that shoot cops got nothing to do with a gun you're fucking dope they're sick bastards that's what it's got to do with
Starting point is 00:42:21 oh for i'm so sick of having this conversation. Really, let's get rid of the guns. Oh, they'll bring up England. England only has 17 homicides a year. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. And they have three cultures living next to each other.
Starting point is 00:42:40 I fucking love this. This argument. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Now they have a knife epidemic in Londonondon so let's get rid of those let's get no more fucking knives in the house raz okay can't even cut that cake with a plastic come on aoc really honestly really it's mitch mccoy and the nra is the pro how many how many members of the nra there's what what? Tens of millions? How many have committed murder? Last time I heard was literally zero.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Could be wrong on that. It's not de Blasio, anti-cop, every time he fucking turns around. And I know I'm forgetting a few other examples. Oh, it's enough for me to have a Sam's Adam left my chocolate cake. I know there's a lot of politics today. There wasn't anything funny in the fucking news last night.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Speaking of cop hatred, you know who the Strokes are? I don't. Oh, there you go. I don't know who they are, but the lead singer dresses like Liz Warren. Oh, that's a Hillary pantsuit, isn't it? Fucking, look at anyways uh rock band the strokes taunted a police officer with their anti-cop anthem new york city cops as the law enforcer and event security confronted fans rushing the stage during the
Starting point is 00:44:06 performance at a Bernie Sanders rally in New Hampshire. They're already causing mayhem. They haven't left New Hampshire. Lead singer Julian Casablanca has invited crowds at the University of New Hampshire's Whitmore Center Arena to join the band on stage during the last song Monday night. Here's a video of that. And a cop's trying to protect him. You fucking hypocrite. New York City cops, New York City cops, way too strong. You fucking hypocrite. New York City cops, that's a big hit. They put it away after 2000. Is that my phone?
Starting point is 00:45:01 They put it away after the attack on the Twin Towers because, you know, they're ballers. They didn't have balls to make fun of the cops then, but they waited years later to break it out. It's a big hit. New York City cops are kind of dumb. Meanwhile, there's a cop there protecting him. Anti-cop. This is what you're going to get with AOC, Bernie fucking.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Bernie says his country is racist from the top. You don't think he includes the cops in that and shit? It's fucking price. you're gonna get with aoc bernie fucking bernie says his country is racist from the top that you don't think he includes the cops in that and shit just it's fucking price meanwhile there's a cop protecting him on stage a little hypocritical can't you say uh anyways at one point an officer seemingly tried to get casablanca's attention as the singer uh belted out the chorus which goes really good lyrics to new york city cops they ain't too smart oh my god you're fucking like springsteen with those lyrics university rep erica mantz confirmed to the post in a statement she works for the university contract security asked police to help control crowds access to the stage. So she's admitting that.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Meanwhile, she's got a band on, they're shitting all over. You fucking hypocrite. Yeah, you lousy. More than 7,500 people flocked to the event, which included speeches from firebrand New York Congresswoman AOC and actress and failed New York gubernatorial candidate, Cynthia, I never met a twat I didn't like to munch, Nixon.
Starting point is 00:46:30 But it was all lies. Oh, what a show we got. The Manhattan-based band pulled the song from the debut. Yeah, I already talked about that. When it took some balls to play it, they pulled it. I mean, that's all you need to know about the left. How the fuck can you be anti-cop?
Starting point is 00:46:48 Seriously. Seriously, because that dickhead who's singing for the Strokes, if somebody broke into his house tonight, if he has a wife or boyfriend, who's he calling? Who's he calling? AOC? Who, you, Lieutenant Weinberg? Little Nicholson for you.
Starting point is 00:47:08 All right, let's lighten it up with some more fucking guys who can't keep it in their pants, can't keep their male DNA to a slow simmer. Wisconsin swim coach allegedly set up a hidden camera in a locker room. It was the employee's locker room, but, you know. That boy is a P.I.G. pig. Charged with setting up a hidden camera inside employee locker room.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Jacob Masbrook seen here. Look at this fucking piece of work. Holy moly. Jesus. That boy is a P. work. Holy moly. Jesus. That boy is a P I G pig. Aye. Aye. Aye.
Starting point is 00:47:53 That's a beautiful beard mustache. Oh my God. He put blush on for the picture. It's got the hair of an 80 year old guy. It's got those devil blue eyes i can't believe this guy would have to resort to putting a camera in a girl's locker room to see some pussy i just don't understand it this guy is a pussy magnet look at the charisma coming off i'll cut your head off if you don't fuck me eyes oh my god anyways, arrested Friday after a 17-year-old swim instructor at Swimtastic Swim, Swimtastic Swim School in Waukesha told police she found a cell phone hidden in a tissue box.
Starting point is 00:48:35 That never works. I tried that a couple of weeks. I mean, what? On a shelf in an employee locker room, according to criminal complaint. The phone had been positioned towards the showers and changing area of the locker room recording according to criminal complaint the phone had been positioned towards um the showers and changing area of the locker room mass brook of west alice overheard the girl report the incident to staffers and tried to insist that he smashed the device and shoved it down a locker room drain like hillary did when they came after her emails yeah he fled the swimming
Starting point is 00:49:05 facility before later being found doing a breaststroke upstream and arrested near his home. Authorities ultimately found videos of Massbrook's phone depicting four different girls and women between the ages of 15 and 25. In all, he has been charged with five
Starting point is 00:49:21 felony counts of capturing an intimate representation. That's what we call that now. How about if he's looking at their bugs? Captured an intimate. With a fifth charge involving a 17-year-old who reported what she found. So, you know what? He seems like a nice guy.
Starting point is 00:49:41 He should be on a dating app. Dead man walking. Let me do that again. Dead man walking. See that? I can act. I look fucking heavy. Hi. Yes, I'm very vain about my looks.
Starting point is 00:50:17 It's been said. Anyways, $1,500 bond. That's it? That doesn't seem like very much for spying. Makes me want to give it a shot. Investigators have said the alleged recording took place only in areas limited to staffers, not the actual clients, the people who sign up to swim there. So thank God for that.
Starting point is 00:50:44 They give Roger Stone eight to fucking ten years for, you know, threatening his buddy's dog, but this guy, you know, he'll do a minute. I don't know. That's about it. Raz. I think we're at about an hour, huh? Um, I'm not going to get the Jesse Smollett. You know why? Because this story bores the shit out of me. He's a lying cocksucker who hates white people and, uh, he should go to jail for a long, long time. An all white jail. I don't know if there's no such thing, but maybe in Utah where he can be raped by Aryan brother members until he fucking cries.
Starting point is 00:51:15 There goes his career. I'll save this one for tomorrow. Guess what happened at a Florida McDonald's? I'll leave you on that clip note. It has nothing to do with a Happy Meal. Let me give you that tip. Anyways, that's it. Don't forget
Starting point is 00:51:34 I will make a personal message, video message on my phone. You tell me what to say. I'll roast one of your buddies, girlfriend you don't like, ex-boyfriend, parents, whatever. You tell me what to say, I'll make the video and I'll send it to them. And it's terrific. People are loving it. Raz had me send one to his two ex-wives in
Starting point is 00:51:55 the Minneapolis area. What else? Encore episodes. Encore episodes. We have for you Patreon members, as you know, exclusive to you guys that subscribe to the show. We do an extra bonus story, which I forgot about. Maybe I'll do this one. And we also, we have the question segment.
Starting point is 00:52:17 I want to keep you people engaged because you're the bread and butter. You're the bread and butter. I swear on my grandchildren's eyes, I won't be the one here to break the peace between me and Joe Rogan. That being said, if something happens to Raz, if he may get hit by a car crossing the street, if he may fall down these stairs in the studio for both the lightning strikes, then I will blame somebody in this room, specifically Rich Wood.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Did I thank Rich Wood also? He was very important in this and a good fucking dude, by the way. He's doing quite well, by the way. He was caught stealing an Infinity off a dealership parking lot. Yeah. Still smoking weed in your car, Chase. I'm screaming God is real. Before the crib, you got to clear the God's gate.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Elevators like Frank's on Scarface. I'd love to sing the next lyrics, but I'll be banned. That is it, folks. I will be this Saturday at the Kelsey Theater, Lake Park, Florida, this Saturday night. Please come out and see me. Bring some friends. Let's pack the joint. What do you say? Remember, you think and I'll say you're very welcome. We'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye bye. guitar solo We'll see you next time. I'm out.

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