The Nick DiPaolo Show - Sotomayor, Kagan, Breyer Lying | Nick Di Paolo Show #651

Episode Date: January 11, 2022

Abrams Absent. Sotomayor lies. Palin pounces. IRS full of BS. Reporter collapses on air. Honk for Gronk....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In 2022, nearly everything you see and hear is filtered. Social media companies are deleting ideas they disagree with. The mainstream media is reporting only what fits their agenda. And our so-called leaders are using them both to fight personal battles, oftentimes leveraging your livelihood and safety in the process. Just like you, I've had enough, and that's why I created this show. Here you get unfiltered and unapologetic content. I don't care if I hurt your feelings or if I take a position that isn't popular.
Starting point is 00:00:39 I call them like I see them. I'd like to ask you to do two things to keep this show going. First, please share it with two people today. Let's show them what brutal honesty looks and sounds like. And second, please go to and make a contribution so we can keep this show going.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Or even better, subscribe at the Comics Gym or on Patreon today and get an extra encore show each day, discounts on merchandise, and more for being a monthly subscriber. Thank you guys so much for watching, sharing, and contributing to the best show around. You guys make it happen.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Thanks so much. Oh yeah. Welcome to the show everybody. How are you with? Because she believes in me. I never know just what she sees in me. I told her someday if she'd be my girl, I could change the world. With my little dick jokes, I was wrong. How you doing, folks? Good to be here. Tremendous, tremendous, tremendous news story. Kennedy was shot, Reagan died again, and...
Starting point is 00:02:31 Anyways, I'm just bummed I get to get on a fucking plane this week. I'm sorry. I know it's what I do for a living. I don't give a fuck. I hate every minute of it, especially being forced into that theater, that play the whole world is doing if you put a mask on and shit, knowing it's doing nothing. It's one thing to get on a plane knowing, believing that it's doing something,
Starting point is 00:02:55 but to know you're taking, participating in something that's total dog shit. What are they, drag racing these 18 wheelers? This fucking fuck. Excuse me. Excuse my language. Boy, YouTube wouldn't like that one. I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:03:12 I can't talk about the fucking variant or my opinions on YouTube, but I can put on YouTube clips of vaginal pelvic exams. Beaver right out there. I stumbled over it. I was looking for a guitar. YouTube clips of vaginal pelvic exams. Beaver right out there. I stumbled over it. I was looking for a guitar. I was learning somehow. I went from bar chords to a OBGY.
Starting point is 00:03:36 I don't know what happened. It was an accident. But anyways, yeah. Hey, congratulations to our University of Georgia national champions. Beating the Crimson Tide. Who, by the way, without two, like, All-American received. But it doesn't matter. You can't make excuses. That's part of it.
Starting point is 00:03:56 And the Dogs, first title since 1980, folks. Do you understand? That was my freshman year in college up at Maine. 1980. Good for them. Good for them. It's as old as me, the drought. Is that where you were born?
Starting point is 00:04:14 In 80? Oh, you filthy son of a bitch. I was a senior in high school. That fall, went to the University of Maine. 1980. Jesus Christ, I'll be dead soon. It's really true. All right. Let's do the goddamn show. In the N-word segment tonight, more proof that the left will lie about anything to win.
Starting point is 00:04:49 This time it's the three liberal Supreme Court judges. Dems are trying to expand OSHA's policy. I don't have time to explain what that is. To reach everywhere, not just the workplace, but wherever COVID goes, and force workers to get vaccines through their company. I guess it's just a coincidence that Sotomayor, Breyer, and Kagan all told whoppers about Omicron. Sotomayor saying Omicron is as deadly as the Delta variant. 100,000 children are in serious condition and many on ventilators. All three of those as false as Biden's teeth.
Starting point is 00:05:18 I wonder if big tech is going to have the balls to ban the first female Latino justices' misinformation on their platforms like they do any right-leaning opinions, whether they're true or not. She should be removed from the court today, along with the two other lying jerk-off justices. Kagan said masks prevent the spread, and Breyer said that hospitals are overflowing, 750 million people. I'm guessing he misspoke because there's only 330 million in the country. Anyways, leftists aren't capable of unbiased opinions, whether it's the Supreme Court, college faculty, union leaders, or the people who produce law and order. There are cancer on this country. Let's remove them. And that's the N-word, folks. Let's get on with the show, yo.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Well, we're waiting. La, la, la. Kiss my ass. Oh, yeah. Who are you talking to? Hey, remember Stacey Abrams, that fat cow who wouldn't concede when she lost running for, what was she running for, her life? It was Atlanta. Was it mayor of Atlanta or governor of Georgia? Governor of Georgia, the sow. Abrams absent. Stacey, she's not a dummy, I'll tell you this. Stacey, look at that. She looks like a guy who had nine tackles for Georgia last night. Number 99.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Those are some of the biggest, scariest brothers on both Alabama and Georgia I have ever... I'm digressing here. There was a lineman who was 330 or 440 pounds. They said he ran a 4.840. If you guys know football or anything about sports, that's like Godzilla chasing you down. That's... Anyways, he had the same neck and gold chain around it. Stacey Abrams, who's running again, like she's ever run for
Starting point is 00:07:12 anything other than lunch. Okay, Nick, enough of the fat jokes. Hey, kiss it. Stacey Abrams, who's running for Georgia governor, will not appear Tuesday with President Joe Biden for his speech on voting rights. Good. I actually don't blame her on that one. I'm staying right here. Who wants to be seen with this thing? This guy will pollute you. And Abrams' aide told the New York Times that she will not be able to attend
Starting point is 00:07:38 Biden's speech citing a prior commitment. Yeah, it's, what is it, Rudy Tootie Fruit and Fruity Tootie on IHOP. You know what kills me here? They didn't even come up with a good excuse. Prior commitment, that's the default line when everybody lies. Anyways, it's unclear exactly why Abrams does not want to appear publicly with Biden. It's unclear. Do I have to spell it out for you? He's a cancer. He's a cancer.
Starting point is 00:08:10 He might be gone by the midterms. Do you understand? They're already planning behind his back to replace him, even though he praises her because he has to. Anyway, he doesn't want to pay the public you with Biden when he makes a prominent speech on an issue that has defined her career. A fake issue, by the way. A big fucking lie by the left again. I'm going to lose my shit today. The president plans to deliver an angry speech. Oh, is he? Get off my lawn. An angry, that's all he does is he scowls when he talks. An angry speech
Starting point is 00:08:50 condemning the new election integrity laws passed. Oh, it has the word integrity in it. I wonder why he's pissed. Passed in the state by Republicans, condemning them as what else, folks? What else? Republicans, condemning them as, what else, folks? What else? Racist. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. Because it's racist to ask somebody to prove who they are before they vote. You know, it's one thing if you did this, if you won the election legitimately, you cocksucker, but you guys stole the election and now you're accusing. And what are the Republicans doing about it? Yanking it. Abrams did post a supportive message on social media, welcoming Biden to the state. Thank you, Mr. President, for refusing to relent until the work is finished. There's a nitwit.
Starting point is 00:09:42 There is a cliche that every lefty uses. Women's rights has come along, but there's more work to do. Civil rights has come along, but there's more work to... What does that mean? You're not going to be happy until you have me tied to a tree and whipping me? That's actually what it means. Until all white men actually work for nothing. Welcome back to Georgia, where we get good done. Wow, where'd you go to fucking derive your English? Where'd we get? On the football field, you do. Let me remind you
Starting point is 00:10:16 something. Didn't you guys move the All-Star game out of Atlanta to Denver because of these laws that they were trying to pass the Republicans. You know, because the last election was stolen. And if you don't believe that, you can go fuck your sister-in-law. Abrams famously refused to concede the 2018 election to win her. Can you imagine? She lost by like 60,000 votes. And she's such a child,
Starting point is 00:10:46 and she's such a black woman who thinks everything's owed to her. Yeah, she refused to say that she lost when Brian Kemp beat her by 55,000 votes. She said, I will not concede because the erosion of our democracy is not right. She said, blaming Republican voter suppression for her loss. That's her entering the Oval Office two years ago.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Biden remains a huge fan of Abrams, speaking of her glowing terms every time he travels to the state because he's an old white man, and if he doesn't, you know, sorry, we know he's a racist. He doesn't want to make it obvious. Stacey, this is, I'm quoting Shithead here,
Starting point is 00:11:40 or whoever writes this stuff. Stacey, if we had 10 of you, we couldn't, the earth couldn't spin, he said. No, we could rule the whole world. Is that what your goal is, Hitler? You fucking insured, drinking, Metamucil-swallowing dink. Biden said that at a December rally in 2020.
Starting point is 00:12:03 God love you. Somebody has to. You're doing an incredible job. Speaking of jobs, how'd you like to make 50 cents? The hard way, Joe said. No, a September 2021 survey of Georgia voters showed 53% disapproving of Biden's job performance. Maybe that's why he's doing it.
Starting point is 00:12:23 While only 40% approve. Well, you guys voted, I mean, didn't you? Oh, Jesus. That was me. After I had the tour of Italy at the Olive Garden. The never-ending bowl of diarrhea. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. This is a new story, ain't it?
Starting point is 00:12:58 I didn't even read the headline that I wrote. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. You know her, the female Conan O'Brien. Some of Bardo. I'd still like to spank her. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. You know her, the female Conan O'Brien. Something about her, though. I'd still like to spank her. Repeatedly declined Monday. That's too good a picture. Dude, come on.
Starting point is 00:13:11 She's the ugliest broad on the earth. You know what we're here for? Unfair coverage. What the fuck? She's almost fuckable there. Monday, to address Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Goddamn, my nose hairs are tickling my mustache. I'm going to have to shave this thing.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, false claims about the Omicron variant of COVID-19 before calling for Chicago teachers to return to work after they caused classes to be canceled for the fourth day over record high coronavirus cases. Three dog night. Or bread. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:55 I was confused. Three dog night. Sotomayor claimed Friday during oral arguments over President Biden's private sector vaccine mandate that the Omicron variant is so severe that we have over 100,000 children, which I already told you guys about, never before, they're in serious conditions, they're on ventilators and all this fucking...
Starting point is 00:14:14 Are you interested in the real story? I mentioned earlier. Officials, official data indicates there's just 5,000 children in hospitals who have COVID-19. What do you guys think about COVID misinformation coming from the Supreme Court and Sonia Sotomayor's false claim that over 100,000 children are in serious condition? Many unvatedly as Fox News Peter Doocy asked Saki on Monday.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Well, I'm not going to speak to Supreme Court arguments or statements made in those arguments, Saki said. Oh,ayor mentioned the untrue child hospitalization data as justices weighed the legality of Biden's vaccine requirements. The OSHA rule would require companies with 100 or more workers to adopt policies that require their staff to be vaccinated or that let vaccine refusers keep their jobs by submitting to weekly testing. Who said that? Biden.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Who the fuck said that? Sotomayor. Who's the slimy little commoner shit-twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Real clear politics reporter Philip Wegman returned to Sotomayor's claims later in the briefing, noting that Surgeon General Vivek Murthy declared coronavirus misinformation
Starting point is 00:15:35 a public health crisis in July as part of a broader Biden administration push to encourage people to get vaccinated. Here is the question. Not long ago in this room, the Surgeon General told us that COVID misinformation was a public health threat. I'm wondering if the White House is at all concerned, given Supreme Court Justices Sotomayor's remarks about the Omicron variant, that maybe the danger is being overhyped and your message is not getting out?
Starting point is 00:16:07 I think I just addressed this. Didn't I answer this question? Not really. He's asking you about you guys aiding and help the misinformation getting out. She's a little whore and a little piece of trash. They won't admit when they're fucking wrong. You know how much more political capital you could by going, yes, we misspoke or blah, blah, blah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:16:33 Just admit it that you're the mouthpiece for the goddamn Biden administration and all these lies. Didn't I just answer that? No, not clearly. That's why I'm asking it again. Did you indeed? And like I said in the N-word, are you going to have the balls to take her?
Starting point is 00:17:01 Are you going to delete her account or whatever? I mean, she must have a zillion followers for a slat Tina Supreme Court justice. Take her misinformation. Are you going to delete her account or whatever? I mean, she must have a zillion followers. First Latina Supreme Court justice. Take her misinformation. That's misinformation. It's an outright fucking bold-faced lie. And you don't know how it is.
Starting point is 00:17:17 They always bring the children into it. That's the Dems. I've been telling you on this show forever. I don't care if they're talking about voting rights, paving a sidewalk. Oh, the children. The children. They always play that fucking children thing. Anyways. Guys, I'm back on the road this weekend.
Starting point is 00:17:32 This Friday and Saturday, I'll be at CB Live in Phoenix, Arizona. All the way to Tacoma, Philadelphia, Atlanta, LA. Northern California with the girls and pigs. Then on Thursday, January 27th, I'll be doing this show, the podcast, in Raleigh, North Carolina at Good Nights. Get a ticket to be in the audience. The next two nights after that, the 28th and 29th, I'll be at Good Nights in Raleigh performing stand-up comedy. Might as well plan to come spend the whole weekend with me. Bring your pajamas and the Tito's. February 3rd,
Starting point is 00:18:05 Sugarloaf Performing Arts Center in Chester, New York. February 4th, the Algonquin Arts Theater in Menisquan, New Jersey. February 5th, Governor's Comedy Club in Levittown. And then in March, I'll be in Texas. March 25th at Hyena's Comedy Club in Dallas. And March 26th at Hyena's Comedy Club in Fort Worth, Texas. And lastly, I'll be back in the Northeast in April. April 7th to the 9th. Comics, Mohegan Sun. It's a great room, actually, if you want to pay $40 for a Snickers bar. Again, you can get tickets to all these shows at
Starting point is 00:18:42 I mean, I want no more, no I mean, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on. Well, one of my favorite conservative ladies in politics was the crazy Sarah Palin, whose career was destroyed single-handedly by Tina Fey on
Starting point is 00:18:57 SNL. I swear to God. Former Vice President candidate Sarah Palin accused Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, otherwise known as Sandy Cortez, and Vice President Kamala, and she calls herself
Starting point is 00:19:14 Kamala, she changes it, Harris of using sexism as a shield against legitimate criticisms on Fox News primetime Mondays. That's when Sarah said that, and I think she's right on the money. You can act like a man!
Starting point is 00:19:29 What's the matter with you? For host Rachel Campos-Duffy, Fox host Campos-Duffy said Harris hasn't taken responsibility for many of her failures, and both the vice president and Ocasio-Cortez blame others when things go wrong. A recent vice president and Ocasio-Cortez blame others when
Starting point is 00:19:46 things go wrong. A recent example is when Ocasio-Cortez was criticized for vacationing while maskless at times in Florida. She blamed Republicans' sexual frustrations as the root cause of the backlash. How dare she? cause of the backlash. How dare she? That's Marjorie Taylor Greene and Newt Gingrich going at it. Can you imagine how arrogant? You just want to fuck me. That's why you guys are so cuckoo. You snotty little bastard. Palin responded to the progressive lawmaker arguing she's trying to avoid accountability. Let's take a listen. Not the conservatives are the one who pound, pound, pound after that. And obviously it's a tactic so that she doesn't have to be held accountable. It sounds like she hasn't been held accountable for much, maybe in her entire life.
Starting point is 00:20:43 So she does not have that foundation of accountability and, you know, that public service heart that is so necessary in order to serve. Sarah's had some face work. You notice? Not a wrinkle on her face? I think she's a little haughty. Notice not a wrinkle on her face. I think she's a little haughty. And I loved how she was tearing her up but doing it in a tone like maybe she doesn't have the, you know, what it takes to, she's just a dumb whore. Okay. Back to you.
Starting point is 00:21:15 That was very nice and exactly right. Can you imagine saying that? They never say, you know, it's because it's how many times have you heard this from the left? It's because Kamala's a woman. It's because it's, how many times have you heard this from the left? It's because Kamala's a woman. It's because she's the first woman. Anytime somebody fails over there, it's because the country's sexist and right. What world are you picturing in your head, people on the left? I feel like I have a nose here that's a foot and a half long, tickling my balls at this point. I cannot wait to get a blowtorch when I get out of here.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Fucking... Ah, the love of God! I'm nervous about connecting. Because I'm flying the same day I'm performing. And if there's any... You know how that works? Did I just hex myself? I'm more scared of all the acrimony and fights. You never know if there's a pissed off mechanic.
Starting point is 00:22:13 A delta. Throws a monkey wrench into the... Anyways, I'll sit in the back. I'll be fine. What is it, January? Okay. A couple months, you'll be fine. What is it, January? Okay, a couple months, you'll be paying your taxes. Well, here's some more positive news from the Biden administration. If this isn't the final nail in the coffin, headline IRS full of bullshit,
Starting point is 00:22:38 the Treasury Department is warning that tax refunds and other services, guess what, may be delayed this year because of enormous challenges, including the coronavirus pandemic and previous budget cuts made at the IRS. Everything is delayed because of COVID. You know, your returns might be delayed. Give me the money. You understand me? Give me the fucking money, you hear me? You hear me? I got to come here and bust my body. Give me the fucking money. Unbelievable. Are you shitting me?
Starting point is 00:23:10 I wonder about the illegals and shit that you're putting on the dole. You know, all the people you're letting in that are going right on the dole. I'm paying for their fucking food stand, whatnot. You think you might want to, I don't know, allocate, take away from dinner. They haven't been here for 10 minutes. Maybe treat us a little. Treasury officials told
Starting point is 00:23:30 reporters during a phone, during a phone, during a phone all on Monday, sort of like a phone call, that they are predicting a frustrating season for taxpayers and tax preparers because of factors that also include federal stimulus actions, according to the Washington Post. The IRS is also entering filing season with a large backlog of unaddressed returns. I wonder why that is. Officials told reporters, sort of like the fucking election, the agency usually has about 1 million unaddressed returns, but this year's numbers could be several times that, a Treasury official said. They declined to provide a more exact prediction. Of course they did. Green, for lack of a better word, is good.
Starting point is 00:24:23 With the pandemic triggering lockdowns, a number of in-person tax centers that typically process paper forms were forced to close. Because you can't do that shit over the computer, I guess. The Post noted. Additionally, the IRS is grappling with GOP-led budget cuts.
Starting point is 00:24:40 That led to a roughly 25% decrease in staff size, which tells you what? That's exactly, yeah, we want the IRS bigger than, everything was going so well under Trump, I swear to God. Oh, poor you. All those existing challenges were magnified by the U.S.'s economic response to the pandemic, which included trillions of dollars for new programs to support Americans. Americans? How about non-Americans and everybody else on the planet you're inviting over, you stinky rotten... I'll get a check back for, you know. I get royalty checks. This is so fucking funny. I literally, I've told you guys this on the show, I've got royalty checks from doing
Starting point is 00:25:27 like Conan O'Brien or my appearance on the surprise. I'm not shitting you for three cents. I'm not fucking shitting you. Which just shows you the bureaucratic nightmare and when you get involved in unions, how insanely stupid. The stamp is what, 50 cents on the fucker?
Starting point is 00:25:45 Point zero three. How is that even possible? Anyways, using the internet without ExpressVPN is like leaving your keys in your car while you're running to the gas station for a snack. Most of the time, you'll probably be fine. But what if you come back out to see someone driving off with your car? Every time you connect to an unencrypted network at coffee shops, hotels, airports,
Starting point is 00:26:16 any hacker on the same network can gain access to your personal data. It doesn't take much technical knowledge to hack someone. A 12-year-old could do it. And if they're, yeah, 12, they could do it. That's true. Young kids are unbelievable. Encryption creates a secure encrypted tunnel between your device and the internet. Hackers can't steal your sensitive data. That's why I use ExpressVPN. You know why I use it? Because it's really easy. When I'm using ExpressVPN, I know I'm getting the best protection available. It's like having a guard dog with me online. And if you're a listener of mine, you're no dummy. You're not just handing your personal info out to anyone
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Starting point is 00:27:43 We thank them for sponsoring the show. It really is a great product. Imagine, I'd hate to see my history. Are you watching pelvic exam videos again? Why would you be doing that? I don't know. I got something caught in my tailbone. Anyhow, I heart you, Raphael. What in God's name could this be? A Brazilian reporter, Rafael Silva, collapses on live TV air. TV air. Fucking eyes are going, man. On live TV after bragging about getting his third CCP booster shot, then goes on to suffer, it says, five heart attacks on the way to the hospital. Silva is 36 years old, healthy, with no known priorcida. Veja isso, cara. Eu deveria ter te tirado o... Qual é o nome do pai de Rand Paul?
Starting point is 00:28:50 Ron. Ron Paul, quando ele teve a estrofe no ar? É o meu vídeo favorito. É muito engraçado, esse cara quase morreu. Mas veja esse cara com um ataque de coração ao vivo, no ar. Nessa notícia, a polícia militar foi chamada na zona rural de Ribeirão Vermelho. Sabe por quê? I'm right here. Kill me. Okay, I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your ass. Two chopsticks? Come over here.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Talk to me in the face. Like a somebody. Talk to me in the face. Talk to me in the face. Now, here's the take on this. I went through the comment sections and shit, and this is how I know a lot of people have drunk the Kool-Aid, even people who are right-wingers,
Starting point is 00:29:44 as far as this message of getting your shots and your jabs and all that shit. Because even on a right-wing website, the comments which are usually right-wing, there was a lot of, with this, like, healthy people drop dead every day. And you can tell these are people who got the jab and are trying to justify. And they do drop it. People do have heart attacks every day. Ooh, something bad happened to a person on a planet with 6 billion people, somebody wrote, and it happened to be on TV.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Okay, I sort of understand that. But explain to me how five soccer players, healthy young guys, within a month all had heart attacks, all who were made to get the jab, all had heart attacks. A little bit made to get the jab, all had heart attacks. A little bit of a coincidence, I don't know. And this guy supposedly was healthy, had no other health problems, and he survived it. Some doctor in the common sense said he didn't have five heart attacks. That's impossible. I don't know. I used to do blow. I had two.
Starting point is 00:30:48 In the ladies' room at a club called Nude Prudes. That's the new one I saw. Excuse me. Anyways. Frasier's down. So he goes down, and they apparently survived it. But do you understand why I'm hesitant and other people don't want to get it? I mean, when the vaccines first came out and I heard about people getting sick,
Starting point is 00:31:19 I mean, a month into it, that was enough for me to say no. And I did, like I said, I think I have natural immunity because I got the old version, not the pussy Omicron. I got the real wacky in the balls COVID. And so I guess I really believe I have natural immunity. But do you see why people hesitate? There's a lot of people developing heart problems. And it only would take one person, for me to hear one person, okay, maybe five. That's enough for me to go, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:47 You know what I mean? Think of me as a feminist whore in the 60s. My body, my choice. Okay? Okay. Doesn't work from that, I guess. Is that how that works? Anyhow.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Hey, let's move on to some sports news. Again, congratulations, Georgia Dogs. I wonder what it was like at Buffalo Wild Wings up in Pooler. Anyways, honk for Gronk. That's right, Bobby Gronkowski, I call him. Good friend of mine. I wonder if he's still banging that little porn star. They said he's got a new girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Ha! Think he's got a good, huh?! You think he's got a good, huh, multimillionaire, young, healthy, banging porn star, you know. He's going to have, if this guy doesn't get a sitcom, you will, Dale.
Starting point is 00:32:39 They love him because he typifies the big dumb jock thing. Anyways, what about him? Well, he had his chance to unlock multi-incentives during his Sunday regular season finale against the Panthers, worth a half million dollars each. The Buccaneers tight end needed 85 more receiving yards and seven catches to hit a million dollar jackpot, according to a thing called For the Win.
Starting point is 00:33:10 And imagine that. God, it must be. That's Gronk. Gronk, we're going to keep you out because, you know, we want you fresh for the next game in the playoffs. Sounds like Brady. Speaking of Brady, fortunately for Gronkowski, his longtime teammate and friend and lover,
Starting point is 00:33:33 Tom Brady wasn't calling it a day until he got, Gronk got paid. How about Tom Brady? He really is just... He was the best guy around. He was. Let's get him back in New England for one more, can we? He was the best guy around. He was. Let's get him back in for New England for one more, can we? He was the best guy around. With six minutes to go in the fourth quarter,
Starting point is 00:33:52 Brady was seen picking up his helmet on the Tampa Bay sideline. Do we have footage of this before I read it? Tommy says, fuck you, I'm not coming out. A pass. You know he's not going to try and hand it off. But when you could do either, the run back said, okay. I'm not taking it. You're not taking me out.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Let's see who has more power, Brady or Arians. Who's in the game? Whitfield picked it up. Whitfield picked it up. Are they trying to get Gronk his 50 grand or what was it? Trying to earn him some money. Oh, my God. That little shitty catch.
Starting point is 00:34:25 And there was a couple others they said in that if he got, oh, they said if he got nine touchdowns this year, he would have got another mil or a half mil. And he got seven. But how about Brady? What, you don't trust the backup to throw a 10-yard out? That's a good friend right there. And Gronk, you know what he's going to do with that half mil, right? Right up his nose.
Starting point is 00:34:46 No. Anyways, that was his 55th pass catch this year. He didn't play all the time either. So, yeah, he gets a half mil. And it's funny because before we came on the air, I was going through the Internet and I saw a headline. It said, Brady doesn't even get a thank you dinner or something from Gronk. Oh, God, to be those guys.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Anyways, then Brady exited the game right after that, and they brought in Blaine Gabbert, who threw 11 picks in four minutes. No, anyways, I thought that was pretty cool. What a duel. That's right up there with, again, I'm going way back, folks. Don't get shocked. Len Dawson and Otis Taylor. Actually, Taylor wasn't even a tight end, was he? I don't know. But Dave Casper and Kenny Stabler were the Raiders. And I can't even, Mark Christensen, another Raider tight end guy. And I can't even, Mark Christensen, another Raider tight end guy, and I can't remember who was thrown to him.
Starting point is 00:35:48 I'm sorry I brought this up. My fucking memory is gone. That is it, ladies and gentlemen, for today. Don't forget Please tell a couple people, like we asked earlier,
Starting point is 00:36:02 to sign up. And don't forget There's merchandise. Click on the store button. Click on my tour button. And If you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives. Oh, I got one I got to do. Probably sitting right there. If you want me to roast a friend or relative or an enemy, but mostly friends or relatives, it's fun. Go to Tell me about the person. I will make a little video on my phone. It'll be a ball. That is it for today.
Starting point is 00:36:28 You guys think that I would say it? You're very welcome. We'll see you back here at the same time tomorrow. Have a good rest of the day. I'm a man of my own guitar solo Outro Music

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