The Nick DiPaolo Show - Study: Moderna-Myocarditis Link | Nick Di Paolo Show #696

Episode Date: April 21, 2022

An Ohio man...Myocarditis study. Trump Vs. Morgan. Pitcher is a screwball. He said She said. Utah univeristy to include porn....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Final day of the week. How are you, folks? Good to be with you. I'm Kevin Glanson. My producer is Stu McGillicuddy. What's up, folks? What did I... Oh, just before we came on, I was flipping through the headlines. And you know CNN Plus, you know that big streaming project that they
Starting point is 00:01:01 started less than a month... They launched it less than a month ago yeah well they shut it down they shut the mother fucker down does that surprise anybody I know what you did. You're a damn pedophile. All right, just get the hell out of here. I got a goddamn pen and paper. Chris Wallace, suck a dick and die. How do you feel leaving Fox News, you big batch? Who would have guessed a spinoff of a network that was dying the death of a thousand cuts for the last ten years wouldn't work. Why would you pay for some shit that you can get for free that already is garbage?
Starting point is 00:01:53 Chris Cuomo must be laughing his balls off. Fucking just made my day. I almost missed that. I fucking love it. Don't you understand folks people at home if they want to be lied to they'll go to their spouses
Starting point is 00:02:09 or their lawyers that just made my day I fucking I can't I would I have I literally I used to dream about
Starting point is 00:02:20 banging Pam Anderson now it's breaking into CNN and like fucking doing a mass shooting. I'd never do that. I'm against guns. You know, the ones that hurt. Anyhow, that was just fucking terrific. What else? Jerry Remy had a lump in my throat. He was the Red Sox color guy, not colored guy. You know, the guy next to the play-by-play guy. He played for the Red Sox, was a New England to the core.
Starting point is 00:02:51 He's been fighting cancer, like, on the air for the last 15 years. You know, he'd take a few games off, come back, take a month off, come back. Just tough as nails. He was their second baseman, and he was the funniest motherfucker, just a natural, typical Massachusetts. Just a naturally funny guy. He lost a tooth on the air, just fucking fell out. He was just fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Fell off a stool playing air guitar on air, a fucking office chair. But just a New Englander, he used to say, Noma! Bogat! And anyways, he died last year. And they finally did a tribute to him last night.
Starting point is 00:03:31 And it was pretty fucking, pretty touching. People just, he was like a fixture, you know. I mean, New England fixture. So they named the broadcast booth after him. Which I thought was well deserved. Anyways, I'm starting to sound like Nesson. Start every fucking sports program with a fucking sad story. Little Mary Lou Smith, four years old, has heart cancer. Okay, now on to the Red Sox and A's.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I've been complaining forever. All right, let's get to the motherfucker I was flipping through Jesus have some food late at night oh my god I can't help it the more I exercise I'm a fucking demon at night Jesus
Starting point is 00:04:18 quarter of one I'm eating chicken cacciatore that ain't good it's a true story. I cook too good. We were flipping through stories right before we came on, and I just saw this video that made me laugh. An Ohio guy from Ohio, a dad, I don't know what the headline was. The driver identified as a 36-year-old.
Starting point is 00:04:45 He was waving through traffic. The cops tried-year-old. He fucking, he was weaving through traffic. The cops tried to pull him over. He tried to run. We'll show you the video in a second. It's pretty funny. 36-year-old Joseph Sollinger sped by the scene of a traffic accident in front of the Columbus Zoo as police officers were directing traffic around an accident at 2 p.m. on Friday. The body cam video shows an officer yelling at Sollinger to
Starting point is 00:05:06 stop and I don't know how you were brought up and shit. I just, I could, I just don't get it. You'll see here after listening to him, he had to be on drugs. I still don't get it. It's a sunny day. It's Friday, I think. Good Friday.
Starting point is 00:05:24 He's going to pick his wife and kids up, and he's fucked up. He's high on something. You know, you want to do that for Jesus. You want to be high, celebrate. Anyways, it's about a minute, this clip, a minute and a half, but let's watch the whole thing play out because I'm such a – it's a white kid, by the way. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:05:42 What are you doing? Pull over. Stop. What else were you – I'm not here to hurt anybody. white kid by the way go ahead what are you doing pull over stop what are you doing okay and you think that trying to kill somebody is the way to do that give me your driver's license give me your driver's license i'm asking for your driver's license He's asking for your driver's license! He's- HEY! So calm and collected. HEY! HEY! What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:06:15 Making an ass out of you, that's what he's doing. He's not being compliant. Probably gonna have a taser use. AHHHH! Get on the ground! Get on your stomach now! Get on your stomach! Do not move! Get on the ground!
Starting point is 00:06:35 Do not move! It's just about my wife and kids, who are me, and it's just about her. And I love you guys, and I know you don't mean to hurt me. You didn't mean to hurt me. So I just need... What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Starting point is 00:06:55 He's in cuffs on his face. I know. Coming up, he's going to go, I won't hurt you. He's saying this with... Go ahead. I just need for you guys to's saying this. Go ahead. I just need for you guys to help me up. You're under arrest.
Starting point is 00:07:09 You're going to jail. I need you to help me up. Why did you not listen to us? Because it wasn't about me. It was about my wife and kids. Only in America. Because it wasn't about me. He's pinning the blame on his wife and kids taking like he's separate from this
Starting point is 00:07:26 do you understand how psychotic that is i don't care if he's fucking high or not this that is psychotic this is shit you hear on evil lives here all right that's one now it's about you okay what's your idea man i don't have anything that you're already searching listen just stand me up. I will not hurt you. Well, you're not moving right now. We've got a medic coming. You're going to jail. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Yes, you are. No, it's Nirvana, and I'm not going to hurt you. I swear, I just stuttered right there on accident. What's going on with your wife and kids? I'm trying to get to them. I just need to communicate. Okay, well, that's not happening. Well, it is, though, because you're going to help me, and I love you, and it's not about you now. There, that's not happening. Well, it is though because you're gonna help me and I love you and it's not about you
Starting point is 00:08:05 Now there's a time for that Fucking crazy as a Fucking crazy as a shithouse rat. It's not about... Oh, my God. That guy's dangerous. I'm hoping he's on drugs. There he is in a nice hemp jumpsuit he made. Looks like a G.I. Joe.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Psychotic. I hope... I have to follow up on this. He had to be on drugs. Because if he isn't, get the kids away from this fucking guy. Nirvana. It's always the peace-loving Nirvana. I'm not going to hurt you.
Starting point is 00:09:00 I like the way he's making demands of the cops. Stand me up. What the fuck? I never even heard of this town in Ohio. The Patiscala? Patiscala. Yeah, Patiscala. What the fuck is that?
Starting point is 00:09:16 The Patiscala resident has been hit with a slew of charges, including failure to comply, inducing panic, misconduct at an emergency, driving, well, under the influence, so he was, I'd just like to know what he was doing, mushroom, reckless operation, resisting arrest, and obstructing official whatever. Can you imagine? The wife and kids were at the zoo. He's getting fucked up in the middle of the day. What a country of schmucks. Oh, my God. He was arraigned Monday and given a $25,000 bond. Now, wait a minute. Why should he? They should just let him go. Like they do the black people. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:10:05 If that was a black person, $50 bond, or not at all, just go run over some white people. Here he is. Look, he thinks he's Jesus. Oh, my God, did he go down. Have you ever been tased in the military? Yes, it's awful. Is it?
Starting point is 00:10:23 Yeah, it sucks. It must. Anyways, 25,000, about one visitor to the zoo tweeted about the scary incident. A beautiful Good Friday date with my daughters to the Columbus Zoo quickly turned into the scariest moment of my life when suddenly waves of people took off running due to reports of an active shooter. See what happens now? When more than five people start running for an exit in America,
Starting point is 00:10:51 that's the first thing everybody thinks. And you can understand why. It's crazy. Anyhow, I just thought I had to show you how the guy's responses to the question was fucking cracking me up. No, I know you don't mean to the questions have been fucking cracking me up. No, I know you don't mean to hurt me. This is not about me. You're going to jail. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:11:12 No, I'm not. Okay, Governor. Reminds me of Jimmy Tingle used to have a great joke. I get pulled over by the cops, you know. I handed them my license and the cops said,
Starting point is 00:11:29 this isn't you. I said, no, you got the wrong guy. Let's move on to some heartfelt business, we say you know i'm sad yeah oh vaccine study shows heart problems myocarditis a girl i dated in high school is the name given to inflammation of the heart muscles or myocardium the condition which typically results from a viral infection can serve to reduce the heart's ability to pump blood and result in the development of a rapid or irregular heart rhythm. It often occurs in association with pericarditis and inflammation of the fibrous sac under your cock. Cock!
Starting point is 00:12:16 No, fibrous sac around the heart. I don't think I have one of those. My wife pulled it out in high school. That can trigger sharp chest pains, really loud farts, and shortness of breath, and palpitations. I've never had pains like this before. Oh, this is the worst one I ever had, son. Oh, it's the worst one. This is a big one. I'm dying.
Starting point is 00:12:40 You hear that, Elizabeth? I'm coming to join you. You hear that, Elizabeth? I'm coming to join you. Various reports from Canada, Israel, and the United States have indicated that there may be an increased risk of myocarditis. And I'm going to send this to Gutbell, and he's going to go, this is bullshit, blah, blah, blah. That's the only thing we can fucking fight about. He still believes in the shots, increased risk of myocarditis following the administration of mRNA vaccinations
Starting point is 00:13:07 against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Furthermore, the preliminary data from the studies in Canada and France have suggested that myocarditis incidence rates may be higher following the Moderna vaccine than the Pfizer jab. Shocking. What. Shocking. What?
Starting point is 00:13:29 Shocking. Yeah, exactly. Experts have said that further studies are needed to validate these findings, and getting the vaccine still far outweighs the risk of being unvaccinated. Such horseshit. You're telling me this as they're telling us to take our masks off. Who's... Uh-oh. The heart stopped.
Starting point is 00:13:51 That's what they should have instead of flatlining. Well, June, I think we lost him. That's what they should... What do we have for him? Yeah. That's what they should have when they beep, beep, beep,
Starting point is 00:14:08 and then when it flatlines, you go... Nurse? Oh, my God. I'm requesting that. Remember that when I'm in hospice. However, the U.K. Health Security Agency, here's where it gets interesting, has advised that cases of myocarditis and pericarditis are very rare following vaccination and usually present as mild or stable cases with patients typically recovering fully without medical treatment.
Starting point is 00:14:45 But that's not the whole story, my friends. Trust me. Are you interested in the real story? Yes. To investigate further, epidemiologist Professor Richard Lundge of the Swedish Medical Products Agency and his colleagues studied health data on a total of some 23.1 million people from Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. You know, all black people. That's a large sample size, by the way, from late December of 2020 to early October of 2021. The team looked for incidents of myocarditis,
Starting point is 00:15:24 for incidents of myocarditis, pericarditis, and for each case, considered the subject's sex, age, and vaccination specifics. They focused in on particular on cases where the inflammatory heart conditions developed within 28 days of either an initial or second vaccine shot. By the end of the study period, the researchers reported, get this, out of 23 million people, 81% of the subjects had been vaccinated in other words the ones with the enlarged hearts and the myocarditis 81% of them so again I want to send this to gut ballot he's gonna go back you know that you can't believe that source Hummin' a humma humma humma humma humma That's the response I want.
Starting point is 00:16:04 You know what I mean? We have a video here? Oh my god, sorry, go ahead. Will they say that the beach's small harps This is myrochiitis. grew three sizes that day. There you go.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Danger, Will Robinson. Danger, no Will Robinson. Ah, that was a good one. That's myocarditis. Animated. A pericarditis. You know pericarditis? A Greek kid played football at USC.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Anyways, ladies and gentlemen, thanks to all you guys. And I'm serious. Sometimes I forget. All you monthly subscribers, especially, who continue to leave voicemails. I want to play this one that I got yesterday because I really want to respond to this guy, Roger, from Arkansas. You know Arkansas is one terrific state. It's great. It really is. Everybody fucks each other's cousins.
Starting point is 00:17:08 All right, no, that's a big rumor. It gave us Bill Clinton, didn't it? Imagine Little Rock meets a fucking pig from Chicago, and they fell in love. Anyway, did you ever see fucking Hillary when she was at Yale? Oh, my God, I wouldn't stick a fucking pool cue in her ass. What? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Let's listen to our message from Roger from Arkansas. Hey, Nick. This is Roger Bowen. You're the GOAT from Topeka, Kansas, living in Arkansas. It's been four years at Fort Stewart. I love it there in Georgia. I voted for Gore and Trump. So I think I got fucked both times.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Sorry. I don't know if I'll vote again. Lastly, Nick, give some advice on a wife, a Biden voter, and a transitioning daughter. How do I not put a bullet in my head? Thank you.
Starting point is 00:18:06 His wife voted for Biden and his daughter is transitioning. How do you not put a bullet in your head? I don't know. I don't know. I got a ton of them. I can tell you something. No.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Listen, you love them for what they are, okay? Look, with the whole tranny fucking, again, I wouldn't want to go through it. I believe it's a real thing. That's not my problem with it. It's when you start pointing to straight people and saying you're the fucked up ones, or you start starting groups and we're being bullied and picked on and all this other horseshit. We want to play
Starting point is 00:18:48 women's sports so we can break ground. All that other horseshit. See, that's the problem. As far as transitioning shit, like they say, I can't imagine waking up tomorrow looking like this but feeling like a woman inside. I have done that.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Don't get me wrong. Wearing Andy's clothing is not actually... Yeah, exactly. I woke up wearing my wife's nightie. I don't know how that happened. All I know is I saw Terrell Suggs running bare ass out of my house, and I was bleeding from the ass. Good night.
Starting point is 00:19:36 But Roger, yeah, I just, I'm sure you love the white. You know, whatever. You're still with her. She voted for Biden. Don't kill her. Just get back at her like the Mexicans do. And as far as your kid, you love the kid. I don't know what your relationship is with him or her, but whatever. But just say, don't get all fucking cocky about it, or I'll knock the tits off you. Say that. See how that's... Anyways, thank you, Roger, for the voicemail.
Starting point is 00:20:02 And again, thank you, Fort Stewart. This is how... You know how when you and your wife and my wife talk about Savannah and the surrounding areas and I sit there like I'm from fucking Dallas, have no idea what you're talking about. Even when he mentioned Fort Stewart, I didn't catch on that it's here. Anyway, yeah, again, thank, rest of you monthly subscribers. You can get, you know, do this. If you sign up on Patreon, the comics gym, you leave me a message tonight and we'll play one on tomorrow's show. Where's the phone number?
Starting point is 00:20:37 Yeah, he should really give me the phone number so I can put it up. Jesus, Tommy is really distracted. He so it's not even on the website or anywhere. How do they know? Anyways, we'll give that to you like a real show someday. If you're a monthly subscriber and can't find the number, what's the big secret? Can't find the number.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Maybe they have access to it on the Patreon account or the actual membership. I guess you're right. Yeah, I guess not everybody can. Anyways, find the number. Message me through Patreon or the Comics Gym, and Sherry, otherwise known as Bunny Galore, will get it to you. If you want to become a monthly subscriber, go to or Okay, kids? Trump versus Piers Morgan.
Starting point is 00:21:32 As you know, Piers Morgan is over here now. He's a UK fixture for years. He's got a brand new show coming out. The first show is going to be based on an interview with Donald Trump. Yes, they do, in full disclosure, they do have a history. Piers Morgan was the first winner of the first season of The Apprentice, I believe. And they both have a lot in common. They know how to yap. And anyways, so apparently a big kerfuffle happened with this interview and Trump stormed
Starting point is 00:22:02 out. And if you don't see what my take is, I think you're blind. Anyways, this is Pierce talking. This is kind of a long thing, but I was standing inside the gilded confines of President Donald Trump's exclusive Mar-a-Lago private members resort in Palm Beach, Florida, and one of my production team was brandishing a document with a concerned look on his face. What's that, I asked, bemused. And he says, this is a collection of quotes you've apparently said about President Trump in the past two years. Someone sent it to him in the last hour,
Starting point is 00:22:32 and the quotes are not good. In fact, they're really bad. Then Piers says, I was due to start an interview with Trump in precisely eight minutes, and it was intended to be a blockbuster exclusive to rocket launch my new global TV show, Piers Morgan Uncensored. I think it's the plug in April 25th on Monday. But as I hurriedly scanned the three-page white paper document, my heart sank.
Starting point is 00:23:00 It's not sinking fast enough there were several dozen comments from me taken from columns i'd written in interviews what am i doing uh in interviews i'd given in which i was savagely critical of trump's conduct in the last year of his presidency from his woeful handling of the coronavirus pandemic, excuse me, what? To his refusal to accept defeat in the 2020 election, again, you're off on that one, and the appalling January 6th riot at the Capitol that followed. Whoever sent it to him, meaning the documents, knew exactly what they were doing. He's going to cancel the interview, I asked, trying not to him, meaning the documents, knew exactly what they were doing. He's going to cancel the interview, I asked, trying not to panic, asked my producer. I don't know, came the reply, but he is very, very upset. You're a wormy cocksucker, you know that?
Starting point is 00:23:58 You're a wormy cocksucker, Piers. After I fix the apprentice for you, I mean, come on. pass after I fix the apprentice for you. I mean, come on. See, if I can, he says to his producer, see if I can go talk to him about it, I suggested. 20 minutes later, I was sitting in Trump's office. Normally, he'd greet me with a cherry smile and the words, how's my champ? Because I was his first celebrity apprentice champ on the series that made him a TV superstar. But this time, there was no such welcoming niceties. He was staring at me across his desk with undisguised fury, clutching the document titled, Pierce Morgan Comments About President Trump. So this is what Trump says to him. He says, what the fuck is this? He snarled. Then he began slowly reading out some of the quotes. So these are the quotes Pierce wrote about Trump when he was the president.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Trump's a supreme narcissist. You pompous, stuck-up, snot-nosed, English, giant, twit, scumbag, fuck-faced, dickhead, asshole. Then there's a pause. He reads the next one. His pathetic antics in the past few weeks since losing the election in November have been utterly contemptible. What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. Trump's, uh, here's another one.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Trump's now too dangerous. He's morphed into a monster that I no longer recognize as someone I considered to be a friend and I thought I knew. Pause. Another one. He's now acting like a mafia mob boss. You can act like a man. What's the matter with you? You can act like a man, you faggot. Too many times. And all because Donald's stupendous ego, this is another one, couldn't accept losing and sent him nuts. Each time he
Starting point is 00:25:57 paused, he peered over the document at me, this is Pierce talking about Trump, with mounting rage in his eyes. It looked for sure like Trump was about to can the interview, which would have been a massive waste of time and money for me and our team and leave me an even more massive hole for the first show. I don't intend our interview to be confrontational, I said. A lot of time has passed since I said those things, and a lot has happened in the meantime. And then Trump says, why should I do it at all? He scoffed. You're not real. You're fake. No, I'm just brutally honest. And Trump replies, dishonest. This is precious. this is precious don't say a fucking word to me i'll get up and i'll bury this telephone in your head
Starting point is 00:26:52 you didn't make me your celebrity apprentice because i'm a shrinking violet who sits on the fence or doesn't say what he really thinks 10 minutes later president trump arrived in the interview room and acted like nothing had happened as we posed for smiling photos together. For the first hour or so, it was a perfectly normal interview and we even shared a few laughs.
Starting point is 00:27:13 But things took a dramatic downward turn when I finally brought up his refusal to accept the defeat of the 2020 election and the appalling scenes on January 6th. So the interview went crazy after that. Apparently. I told him I believe scenes on January 6th. So the interview went crazy after that, apparently.
Starting point is 00:27:33 I told him I believe he lost the supposedly rigged, stolen election. I repeatedly point that on his failure to produce any evidence. What the fuck are you talking about? Of the widespread voter fraud he insists occurred to rob him of his presidency, and I blamed his refusal to admit defeat for the deadly riots at the Capitol. Trump replied, then you're a fool, he sneered, and you haven't studied. He was back to the furious Trump he'd been in his office and branded me a fool six more times in between calling Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell stupid, his former Vice President Mike Pence foolish and weak. Here's some footage of this. Okay, peers, I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:28:13 A former president in denial. I'll be completely straight with you. I think I'm a very honest man. Much more honest than you, actually. Really? Yeah. He was afraid of that, Mitch. He lost.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Only a fool would think that. You think I'm a fool? I do now, yeah. With respect. Excuse me. Okay. He lost. Only a fool would think that. You think I'm a fool? I do now, yeah. With respect. Excuse me. Okay, with respect. The legislature. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:28:29 The most explosive interview of the year. I don't think you're real. This is just very dishonest. Let's finish up the interview. Morgan versus Trump. Turn the camera off. Very dishonest. You smug cocksucker.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Fuck you. Let me tell you something folks first of all i can't believe those two egos could fit in the same room um but if you don't see what this is that was just a great fucking one hour promotion for pierce's show his new show you don't think Trump was in on that? I'm sorry, man. You can't win The Apprentice, a show about fucking what? About marketing and making a successful business, whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 00:29:18 They just showed you how to do it right there. I'm telling you they were drinking scotch and laughing their balls off. That's my take. I could be wrong But I doubt it very much Because I've been in the business long enough to know I finally caught on It's like what a movie comes out
Starting point is 00:29:35 Let's say Tom Cruise has a big movie coming out in a couple months all sudden He gets pulled over and driving nude on Hollywood Boulevard You know, I mean like a week before the it's that type of shit, folks. I'm hoping. Either way, I don't give a fuck. Trump's going to be president again or run the House, the Senate, whatever the fuck. But I like that, when two egos collide.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Piers Morgan was a... I'd watch him. He was a... When he had his shows, he seemed like a real lefty when he was on CNN, whatever. But he came, like anybody else, it's gone so mad that he's actually making sense now. Could have been wrong. Maybe he leaned that way all the time.
Starting point is 00:30:14 I don't know. Here's a guy with a big ego. This one fucking caught my eye. A pitcher, the headline, pitcher is a screwball. An angry pitcher quickly turned a college baseball game ugly. Of course, we've reported on, right in the last two weeks, a fight between two guys playing tennis. The black guy punching the white guy in a track race. The world is just fucking... Anyways, it quickly turned a college baseball game ugly after giving up a go-ahead home run.
Starting point is 00:30:46 And I don't know what the fuck, what this guy's beef was. Hot dogs, get your hot dogs here. That was Lindsey Graham in his robe looking into a middle school. North Central Texas College's Josh Phillips connected on a two-run homer of Weatherford's Owen Woodward. That's the pitcher. And the sixth inning of game one between the Lone Star State schools on Wednesday. Something didn't sit well with Woodard, the pitcher, and chaos freaking ensued. As Phillips was rounding the bases, Woodward throws his glove to the ground,
Starting point is 00:31:28 charges Phillips as he reaches third base. The pitcher then delivers a full spear like a football tap, like something out of WWE driving Phillips hard to the ground. His helmet flies from his head and an incident captured on a viral video. Take a look. Take a look at the guy rounding third. Not this guy, the guy behind him. Watch the pitcher on the mound.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Go ahead. North Central has taken the lead here in game one. Oh, my. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Yeah, great job. It's like my sister was watching.
Starting point is 00:32:14 You're sitting home. What if you're listening to the guy not watch? I don't know. Oh, no. What did he spill a Coke on his lap? Oh, no. This is what you should have said, Stupid, if you know anything about this. And the pitcher just laid
Starting point is 00:32:28 out so-and-so round in third base. Literal play-by-play. Come on, man. Yeah. I mean, what the... Oh, no. Oh, Christ, no. Miss Florida won? Anyways, you see the tackle? The helmet up that was a that i guarantee he played for that
Starting point is 00:32:50 was a beautiful that's like a nice blind side that's a corner going into an unsuspecting receiver that's what it was that's exactly phillips was allowed to uh complete his run to home plate well geez i would think so pointing to the sky with both hands as he touched the base, while Woodward likely won't be seeing a baseball field, but Weatherford for quite a while, I guess. I don't know. There's no crying in baseball. I'm guessing suspension.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Bye-bye, dickhead. The two NJCAA teams are scheduled to meet for two more games on Saturday. Oh, God. I hope they let the pitcher back in and he comes in relief. Wasn't that great? Can't we all just get along? Here's the answer to that. It's fucking simple. Mm- that. I like that sort of nonsense.
Starting point is 00:33:53 I've always said that. Like, what was it, the Pistons or whoever went up into the stands? That was fucking fun. And I remember going, I fucking love it. And I remember seeing Cedric the Entertainer on, I don't know, the Tonight Show right after that. He I remember going, I fucking love it. And I remember seeing Cedric the Entertainer on, I don't know, the Tonight Show right after that. He goes, yeah, I like that type of stuff. I go, I knew I wasn't. As long as nobody gets too hurt. Guys, I am back on
Starting point is 00:34:15 the road again, as you know. I was kicked out of the house for the fourth time in 2022. Something about farting during breakfast. But let me tell you something. I knew it was her or the dog, and I got myself a lawyer. Hey, guys, I'm back on the road again two weeks from now. I'll be at Governor's Comedy Club on Long Island. That's in Levittown, New York, on Friday, May 6th. And then the next night, the Paramount Theater in Peekskill, New York, May 7th. Then I'm back
Starting point is 00:34:42 down here in the South, back down here in the south. Two weeks later at the Comet at Cabana, Myrtle Beach, May 20th and 24th. That is a great club. I like the gig. One of the ones that I hadn't hit, but I did about a year and a half ago. They put you up right on the water, and I bring my binoculars. I was arrested once. This club was awesome. My last time in, I am really looking forward to this once again. Then in September, I'm back in Pennsylvania and New Jersey
Starting point is 00:35:12 because my manager does routing like he's tripping on acid. I'll be in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and then the following weekend, I'll be in Tehran doing a gay benefit and over to Warsaw and then finally in Kiev other dates will be announced next week uh two so bad English me other dates will be announced
Starting point is 00:35:36 next week too so keep checking back all tickets to my shows are available by going to, clicking on tour. That's, click on the tour button. And I'll tell you something, Larry Bird got slapped across the face. He said, she said, I wonder what that's about. We haven't talked about trans in three minutes. Let's touch on that before we go for the weekend. A trailblazing transgender golfer now supports legal changes that would have stopped her from competing, claiming that the male-bodied competitors can dominate female sports in a slap in the face to women. Can we see that again? A slap in the face to women. She slapped that cop's glasses off with a backhander, and he cracked her right in the face.
Starting point is 00:36:37 And you know what? That's the way it should be. Who do you think you are hitting a cop? Where the fuck am I? Slap in the face. I don't know. Oh, Danish golfer, Mian. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Is that a play on man? Mayan, Mian. Last name, Bagger. That made me laugh because do you remember the movie Bagger Vance with the magical black guy? We did a, that pissed Chris Rock off so much and the producer Ali, you know, two black dudes, because even they hated the political correctness.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Look, now they're making black guys magical, you know. And ironically, it's Will Smith. Yeah, oh, is it real smith that's right we did a sketch on it making fun of it uh danish golfer me and bagger now 55 made history now this is a guy who turned into a woman in 2004 when she became the first transgender athlete in a professional golf tournament at the women's aust Open. But she told Australian TV's Insight that she now supports a bill seeking to ban transgender athletes from female events down under. Conceding it'll leave her branded a hypocrite, but so what?
Starting point is 00:38:00 You fucking hypocrite. Here she is, a couple of clips explaining why she feels this way. Has gone through male puberty and has competed in elite pro-level sport or Olympic-level sport as a male. I think if they transition, that should preclude them from competitive women's sport. Throwing your son looks like a fag to me. I see a little Caitlyn in him slash her, don't you? That looks like Marlboro Man with a wig on. But she's got nice shoulders if you want to fuck Bill Ambeer.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Here's a second clip. It's different. Sport relies on physical ability. That's not just about discriminating against people, not letting them participate. When it comes to sports, there's a definite outcome. It's not, you know, I mean, it's like very well put. For you people who don't understand, she is now against, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:19 the laws and shit that allowed her to be successful as a transgender athlete. Because even she sees it. How much more? Last week we reported on a doctor who was transgender herself or himself. I can't remember. But they wrote a book saying it's going way too far. Not a book.
Starting point is 00:39:39 It was an article saying it's going way too far. I mean, but no. Again, it's all about having a class that can be bullied, picked on. We have to, you know, we got to keep that victim list going. The more we do that, the more control jerk-offs like Kamala Harris and the Dems have. Anyway, she said it was a slap in the face to women, you know. Bagger ripped the International Olympic Committee for amending its trans inclusion policy, which now means gender reassignment surgery
Starting point is 00:40:11 is no longer required for a trans female athlete to compete. So, you know. Please give me a call. I will not. The decision to allow trans athletes to be eligible after a year without hormones, down from the previous two, almost denies the impact of testosterone on physical performance. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Bagger insisted on the show. So, I mean, can we, again, it's about the more protected classes we have, the better. I can't take it. Miss Bagger. Oh, we have her. We got a clip of her. She used to be fat having lunch with her buddies.
Starting point is 00:40:56 I thought you were trying to lose weight. Lay off me. I'm starving. Oh, God, that one killed me. Anyhow, any he. Finally tonight on Shucka McCoy, watching tits and ass in class. There's a course at a Utah college. Let's class watch pornographic.
Starting point is 00:41:20 I get all stumbled all over it because I'm not familiar with that word. Let's class watch porn. What the fuck? What is God? Pornographic films together. I'm stuttering like Billy Babbitt at the end of Cuckoo's Nest. Mac. Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah, offers a class on pornography in which students watch raunchy films as a group.
Starting point is 00:41:50 And, you know, I don't. Students at the Private Liberal Arts College can take Film 3000 porn, that's the name of it, to earn two credits towards their film study degree. Is that what you're going to be shooting? God, Attell had a great line about that. During the 2023 school year, according to the film department's website, hardcore pornography is as American as apple pie and more popular than Sunday night football.
Starting point is 00:42:37 It is. Oh, the class is not listening. Thank you. The course description reads, look, this isn't that big a deal in 2022. I mean, you know, even 10 years ago, it might have been a big deal. Yes. Is it showing the degradation of our fucking society? Yeah, I guess.
Starting point is 00:42:59 I don't know. I would have liked to have sat next to a hot chick and anal 101, watched it, see if she's getting dirty. Our approach to this billion-dollar industry as both a cultural phenomenon that reflects and reinforces sexual inequality. Look it, only today's academia could take the fun out of porn. Can you imagine watching a woman, 12 guys jerking off in her face, and they're worried about the race part of it and the inequality part of it? But I'm sure she's covered in jizz.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Hey, that was sexist. Two guys fucking her up the ass. Hey! Call me Missy. Holds the potential to challenge sexual gender norms and as an art form that requires serious contemplation. Yeah, right. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Here's the professor talking about music. Phil Collins' solo career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying in a narrower way. Especially songs like In the Air Tonight and Against All Odds. It's like Quint driving a boat. Quint, don't push it too hard. Oh, God. The professor says,
Starting point is 00:44:36 we will watch pornographic films together and discuss the sexualization of race. No, you're not. You're going to talk about the 11-inch cock that the girl just swallowed. Race, class, and gender, and as experimental radical art form. The description adds, and one black student said,
Starting point is 00:44:52 Hey, where are the white women at? Oh, that's coming up. That's an anal 3001. Indeed, Westminster College Film Program emphasizes its, this is in quotes, discourse community approach.
Starting point is 00:45:10 They even have to flower that up. How about a bunch of fucking horny kids sit in front of a... Discourse community approach through which students share their existing knowledge with their peers. An identical course, I would have called it intercourse. Get it? Who are these jerks off, Stella? Orgasmo. Who's Orgasmo?
Starting point is 00:45:33 That's a movie by the creators of South Park. Oh, it's... Two Mormons and they become, they get involved in porn and become Orgasmo. Oh, there we go. I was looking for that very fucking... See the orange hat he's gonna... become orgasm oh there we go I was looking for that very fucking see the orange hat he's gonna an identical course description is listed under an offering from the gender studies department I thought they were separate
Starting point is 00:45:53 sex in general which aims to help students explore the social construction of gender masculinity intersectionality and the women's rights movement. Again, they're going to take the fun out of watching a girl get covered, showered with a bucket of cottage cheese. I mean, honest to God, folks. That's it. Before we go and break for the weekend, I want to say thanks again to all of you who contributed this week to the show. You've heard me say it many times, but this show doesn't exist without your contributions. To make a contribution, please go to Click on the red contribute button at the top.
Starting point is 00:46:37 A special thanks this week to one-time contributors, Sean Powell, our buddy in Florida that lives still intact, One-time contributors, Sean Powell, our buddy in Florida that lives still intact. Charles Kremer, Texas. Timothy Parrow of New York. Tim Hershied, Ohio. Austin Pardee, Nevada. Harold Gooding.
Starting point is 00:47:00 That's my buddy that I played football with. Bumper Gooding in Massachusetts. Thank you, Bumper. I think that was your real name, Harold. Darren Divizio, Illinois. Paul Sagnella, who we met finally from Connecticut. Kit Fortney. Guys, I'm seeing the same names.
Starting point is 00:47:17 I'm getting pissed. That was me. Kit Fortney, Michigan. Mark Hamblin, California. Monthly supporters. Mark Blessing, Chris CB, Heather Joyce Fenton, Tracy Spencer, David Smith from Georgia, Kelly, you know, Virginia, Bobby Taylor from Canada, Jacob Wollman from Wisconsin, Joseph Blisenko, Canada, Mike Gover, Florida, Jacobus Olivier, is that right? Olivier, that's right. French, Louisiana. And my buddy here, this is an Asian kid that I made fun of at the show up in Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Is that Tree or Try? It's T-R-I, his first name. Trey Wynn. Trey Wynn. Trey Wynn. Trey Wynn, I lose. Massachusetts. This kid gave me a donation.
Starting point is 00:48:24 No, I did a cameo for him, and he tipped me $100 on the cameo. You know, these Asian kids, they got money, they had computers. Rachel Taylor of Canada, James Roberts of California, and Michael DiCiccio of New Jersey. Thank you guys for being there monthly, Boris,
Starting point is 00:48:43 and everybody who's contributed. Don't forget to sign up for the show on a monthly basis at and at And don't forget to go to if you want to pick up merchandise, and if you want me to roast a friend or relative, somebody
Starting point is 00:48:59 at work. Go to I'll make a little video on my phone. You tell me about the person, and we'll zing-zangle them. Or I can just say happy birthday to some jerk-off that you broke up with. You guys think that I'll say it? You're very welcome. We'll see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend, everybody. guitar solo Outro Music

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