The Nick DiPaolo Show - Stumblin' Sleepy Joe | Nick Di Paolo Show #510

Episode Date: March 22, 2021

Biden stumbles boarding Air Force One. The media misleads Americans on anti-Asian attacks. MI. judge jails restaurant owner for COVID violations....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Hi, hi, Snap, hi. What's up, kids? Snap, hi. I identify as a black fig good to be with you i can still hear the music there it goes it's done now ah off to a rip-roaring start that's how mondays are i come in here i forget how to do everything it's really scary when you get to be 77 i'll tell you you'll be fucking dead soon do you you have a good weekend, folks? Glad you are with us. What did I do?
Starting point is 00:01:08 I got a new look. I got a new vape. My manager, this is my manager, says to me, I don't like the vape look. I'd rather have you get cancer. What the fuck? I said, Jesus. Because he's about the money, and that's fine with me. I'm doing both.
Starting point is 00:01:23 I smoke cigarettes at home. I'm trying to kill my... Wait till I work cigars into the rotation. I said to him, how about if I smoke cigars? He goes, you know, I could get you a sponsor tomorrow. I go, Rush Lambert smokes a cigar and he died of lung care. He goes, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:01:39 That's what I'm dealing with, a Sicilian Jew. What a weekend. Anybody UFC fans? That big fight. Derek, what's his name? Not Derek. What is it?
Starting point is 00:01:52 Kevin Holland. Turns out to be just a bloud mouth. Who's got, you know, some punching power. But he knew he was defeated the minute he got in the ring. He's known for his yapping, and that's all he did. If I was his manager, I would have said, look, shut the fuck up, or I'm not going to be in the corner the next round. Anyways, he got smoked by a better fighter.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Let's get right to it, because I know you guys don't like that talk. 25th Amendment, the 25th Amendment, anybody? 25th Amendment, I'm talking about Joe Biden. We all saw him fall. Even when he falls, he does it wrong. He falls upwards. Hello?
Starting point is 00:02:24 25th amendment hello anybody bueller remember they were saying that about trump 25th he's not fit well let's take a look at fucking super joe osborne in action wait a minute Wait a minute. Can we do that again? Let's take another look in super slow motion at the leader of the free world, ladies and gentlemen. the best part is when he has to come up and salute this is my favorite part oh my god now he's a now he's a commander in chief. Oh my God. Do you remember all the talk when Trump held the, remember Trump was at an event, he went down a ramp and he went real slow. He was holding the, and they were making fun of, it was like raining that day and they had the
Starting point is 00:03:42 balls to make fun of him. And what is their excuse for Joe? The wind. They looked us in the eye with a straight face, the media, and said it was the wind. Nice to know we have the leader of the free world who could be blown over by a fucking gust. There you go. Oh, my aching stem. This is how cynical I am. I'm not shitting you.
Starting point is 00:04:05 I'm going, is he acting? I swear to God, when Kamala, and they're going to put her in soon, when they put her in, you're going to see him on the fucking parallel bars doing fucking gymnastics, doing two-on-one arm push-ups. He's going to speak clearly. It's all a goddamn act. Maybe I've lost my mind, but holy Christ, that's at the level they work at. I don't believe a fucking word of it. lost my mind, but holy Christ, that's how, that's at the level they work at. I don't believe a fucking word of it. I think we have some more of, excuse me, of some of his greatest hits.
Starting point is 00:04:30 We'll play a few minutes of them. Only I'm doing, you know, first I felt bad and then I went, no, fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him and anybody that voted for him. He's the fucking leader of the free because he stole an elect. He's not so senile that he doesn't not aware of that. And he's blaming Trump for the fucking the virus shit. I fucking I wish he fell off the thing 40 feet landed on his head. Here's some greatest hits of dinkweed. President Harris and I took a virtual tour of a vaccination center in Arizona. Slurring the vast vast majority of economists, left, right, and center, from Wall Street to the private economic polling initiatives. What?
Starting point is 00:05:19 The economists, as I said, left, right, and center. Yeah. Thank you, thank you. And I'm happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do, Nance, whatever you want me to do. See ya. Get him off the camera. He's going to take questions. Hurry up.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Get him out of there. Even the sign lady's like, what the fuck? I think he's getting on a plane. He told me last, he came in to see me last event. And representatives, Charlie Jackson Lee, Al Green, Sylvia Garcia, Lizzie Pinelli. Excuse me. Pinell. And what am I doing here?
Starting point is 00:05:58 That's what we're all asking, you fuckstain. Look at the Mexican with a mascot. Judge Hidalgo, thank you all for welcoming us. Well, for welcoming us. Joe and I wanted to visit Texas today for a couple of reasons. A couple of reasons. One was the English food. I'm going to ask questions now.
Starting point is 00:06:14 The press is going to leave and I'm going to... No, get him off. Yes, he was going to answer questions. Get him out of there. He can't work on a teleprompter. Anyhow, I can still hear that, Jason. There you go.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Anyhow, that's our president. That is our president. That is him. That is Joe Biden, leader of the free world. Yeah, it wasn't stolen. You know what? I'm not even reporting on all the shit that's coming out. You know, they're doing a recount in Arizona and shit like 2 million
Starting point is 00:06:49 ballots. You understand? Just as I predicted, it would spill out. You know, I'd rather it all spill out at once. But anyways, what a farce. What a farce. And thanks to Biden and his great policies. I'm sure you've been following what's going on at the border, right? Well, I say border in quotes. Tragic video appears to show young migrants drowning in the Rio Grande, a deadly turn in the escalating border crisis. Yes, it is a crisis, although Jen Psaki calls it a challenge. Yeah, a lot of people die in the water in a challenge, you stupid. A challenge is what Joe Rogan did on Fear Factor when he made you lay in a case of beetles and snakes.
Starting point is 00:07:35 The footage captured by fisherman Jesus Vargas shows three people in the water near the border town of Raredo, Texas, with only their heads bobbing above the sea. It was bobblehead day at the Rio Grande. Nobody understands. Half these kids are going to be short stops. Anyways, what the fuck? Anyways, there's people. Look, kids on their back, pregnant.
Starting point is 00:07:57 What the hell's going on out here? I have no idea. He used this guy who filmed this. By the way, he sounds just like George Lopez, who I absolutely love, by the way. He used his fishing reel to save one boy, this fisherman, this Hispanic guy, about 13 years old, but he claims a woman and two teenage boys drowned. Border Patrol said only two people died. They said it was only two. Dos. Hey, fuck off. The incident took place after agents foiled
Starting point is 00:08:26 a human smuggling attempt. The agency's Laredo sector posted on Facebook. The post said the agents saw several people attempt to swim across the river into Mexico and that some were... Into Mexico? Why were they swimming into Mexico? That's only...
Starting point is 00:08:43 Why do we even care? That's great. And that's someone taken into custody while others say, oh, they went back to Mexico. I see. Safely made it to the Mexican riverbank. Two individuals succumbed to the dangerous currents of the Rio Grande River and perished, the statement said. There's actually footage here. And the guy, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I don't want anybody drowning. We don't, okay? It's really sad. And do you know parents are sending their kids? I'm talking young kids. They're putting them with these smugglers and drug cartels and they're getting molested. And can you imagine? And on the news they're going, and these loving parents are saying, loving parents?
Starting point is 00:09:26 Jesus, here's some footage of these poor people fucking drowning. That's George Lopez. That's George Lopez doing a bit. Call boat man i pause they're drowning i agree although maybe we can't have a boat everywhere on the rio grande but jesus christ don't stand there i don't know what the policy but that ain't i'm and you guys yeah i'm a real fucking bleeding heart but that ain't, and you guys, yeah, I'm a real fucking bleeding heart, but you don't have something you couldn't shoot up with a t-shirt can and shoot a rope out there or some fucking thing? Go ahead. The girl didn't come out no more.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Sounds like me on my first date. Pops are like, we got to go get donuts. Adios. Hey, wey, ventale un ril, wey. Yeah, si. Yo les ayudaría con un ril. Yeah, sí. All right, we got the idea. Thank you, President Biden. Your policies are working beautifully. I don't remember anybody drowning when Trump was there.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Look, and even he saw the clip and goes, ay, ay, ay, com me Dios, something like that. The drownings occurred on Tuesday, and after the video he posted to Facebook went viral, Vargas told a local TV station that he had been getting calls from Guatemala and other Central American countries asking about the women, supposedly, that are missing, I guess. Vargas said the number of people he sees trying to cross the border has increased dramatically. He said he tells migrants, don't cross the river. A surge in immigrants that started at the end of last year has steadily increased since Jose Biden took the office, man. Can you imagine? Nice policies, but it's not a crisis. Kids are drowning.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Excuse me. It's something from my eight two days ago. What did I make? Oh, God, I made meatballs and meatball subs. That's why I have the fucking figure of, what was that ugly broad on a show on HBO that we always show? Lena Dunham. That's what I look like in my underwear right now. Anyways, thank you, Joe Biden. People dying right on tape. You are a jerk off. So are you, Kyle Malahan. Anybody that voted for him, your response for those people, how's it feel? Remember I said we're going to treat Biden the way they treated Trump, only worse?
Starting point is 00:12:06 Well, welcome to my world. This is not the only place, though, in the country, the borders of Texas and California, where we're having troubles. We actually have some domestic shit going on. What are you talking about, Nick? Immigrants? No, Miami Beach. Miami Beach spring breakers, specifically black
Starting point is 00:12:26 spring breakers. Again, you won't hear that on the news, but the footage just refutes anybody who refutes what I'm saying. I got to say this with my black and brother sister, they really know how to party. They get a little nuts. And I don't know why fighting and fucking, and I don't know why fighting and fucking. Well, that's, I mean, I do understand, but melees and brawls and breaking cars, you go a little too far. Know what I'm saying, yo?
Starting point is 00:12:55 And then you go and the cops show up. They don't do this when white kids is on spring break. They ain't breaking shit and rioting and stampeding and scaring 90-year-old Jews trying to have a scone on fucking at the Cleveland there. Miami has extended its highly unusual emergency measure. I know a little about this because my buddy Zook, the former cop who's a cop in Miami for 33 years, had to get a taste a little bit of this. Highly unusual emergency measures, including 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew. Yes, I'm sure all the 30,000 black kids will be in at 8 o'clock
Starting point is 00:13:27 watching fucking Golden Girl reruns. Anyways, 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfews. They actually had to close causeways, which are like major throughways, through April 12th to quell the crowds
Starting point is 00:13:42 of unruly spring breakers. You know how they lump them all in? They're lumping white people who flock to the party city in defiance of COVID-19 safety rules, according to reports. The Miami Beach City Commission voted to extend the curfew to Thanksgiving. No. Look, it hasn't changed. I went to fucking, I went there on spring break, actually Fort Lauderdale, but we went over
Starting point is 00:14:05 to Miami and got chlamydia. I was 11, but I had a great time. A lot of pigs, they get drunk. It looks the same. The commission voted to extend the curfew during a last minute emergency meeting Sunday, a day after interim city manager Raul Aguila declared a state of emergency. More than 1,000 parties have been arrested. This is worse than the George Floyd shit. Since February, with more than half from out of state, and what states would those be, Aguila said, he added that many are coming to engage in lawlessness
Starting point is 00:14:42 and anything goes party attitude. The only thing that separates this from the fucking rioting this summer, uh, bikinis and, you know, and they have to eat it Wednesday, so they're not going to burn it down. But,
Starting point is 00:14:55 uh, take a look at some of the clips. You think I'm being racist? Look at all those Irishmen. Look at all those people from Utah. All those white fucking hateful Trump fans. Look at the threatening cop. You see they body slammed that guy?
Starting point is 00:15:32 And that's cement. That's not a fucking UFC mat. Aguila noted that the crowds weren't eating at restaurants or patronizing businesses generating badly needed tourism dollars, but were merely congregating by the thousands in the street. The 8 p.m. curfew in South Beach's entertainment district at the 10 p.m. closure of the eastbound lanes of the MacArthur, Julia, Tuttle, and Venetian causeways will remain in effect Thursday through Sunday for the rest,
Starting point is 00:16:00 I sound like a local Miami guy doing the news, for the rest of the spring break, according to the newspapers. South Beach has been beset with brawls, stampedes, and police confrontations. Who does that? Involving the use of pepper balls. At least five police officers have been hurt on the job. After days of partying, Miami Beach officials enacted the highly unusual curfew Saturday from 8 p.m. until 6 a.m. You know why it's unusual? Because you should have been using it for the last 10 years, you dummies. Forcing restaurants to stop outdoor seating and encouraging local businesses to virtually shut down just what they need on top of COVID. My God. My brothers and sisters, what's the matter with you? Officers wearing bulletproof
Starting point is 00:16:47 vests, unleashed peppers. Can I just say something? I'm trying to be a little bit positive. At least my brothers and sisters are showing you that fucking, they really don't believe in COVID. And I want to see how many people die of COVID after the spring breaks over. how many people die of COVID after the, after spring breaks over, huh, come on, and to be fair to some of these kids, they say there's, there's adults joining into this shit, because Florida's open, you know, it is kind of funny, you see a guy in his late 40s with a fucking ATO frat shirt, anyways, the cops unleashed pepper spray balls Saturday night into the defiant but mostly nonviolent crowd, refusing to submit to the curfew that had only been enacted four hours earlier. Meanwhile, authorities in Miami Beach also were facing allegations of racism as they
Starting point is 00:17:39 used force to clear out many people of color from the overrun entertainment district. Here comes a quote from a guy that's in a responsible position, which scares me. I was very disappointed. Stephen Hunter Johnson, chairman of Miami-Dade's Black Affairs Advisory Committee. So I'm going to go out on a limb and say he's black. He was very disappointed Sunday. He said this. I think when they're young black people on on south beach the response is oh my god we have to do something he added oh god so it's only he's saying it's only when when black yeah well i'm going to show you some footage and maybe you'll fucking understand why you can't handle the truth london hall chairman of miami uh beaches black affairs advisory committee
Starting point is 00:18:22 said he was on ocean Drive helping Goodwill ambassadors guide the crowd off the street but did not see what led police to use pepper balls. You didn't see? You didn't see why they were using pepper balls? Really? I don't know. Let's take a look.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Señores, este es peo en todos lados. Este es peo en todos lados. I don't understand why they're just doing this to black. Oh, look. Look. A white kid in dreads? No. Pause. You don't understand why they're using pepper balls against these black kids, really?
Starting point is 00:19:04 Is it because we're black? Yeah, exactly. Go ahead. Holy shit. Obviously a parking dispute. You can't park on a hand. It's a fault. Pause.
Starting point is 00:19:22 The guy doing play-by-plays in Spanish. Welcome to America. You know what? I'm 59. I wish I was 89. Good luck to the rest of you fucking people in this shithole once the liberal cocksuckers get done with your country. It's already a third.
Starting point is 00:19:35 This could be from fucking Brazil. But I don't understand why they're using pepper balls phrase. Why? Because it's black kids? I don't know. Let it roll. Alright, we got another one? Gee, more evidence that the
Starting point is 00:19:55 cops are being racist. By the way, it's a lot of black cops doing their jobs, is what it is. Here you go. Oh, yeah. Oh, look! More white kids. No, no i'm wrong i'm sorry there's a fair fight huh you can't handle the truth look at the white people in the cafe trying to enjoy a scone shit in their pants.
Starting point is 00:20:28 All right. All right. I don't understand. I don't understand why the authorities get nervous when it's a bunch of black kids. I don't get it. Only if there was some evidence, like if we had videotaped them misbehaving, well, maybe we could. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:20:48 What a country in denial huh when it comes to race i said this to my wife this country if it was a a person it would be at the shrink land on a couch talking about their obsession with race and how to fire hoses dogs and i'm not just talking i don't care what the color people are breaking shit on spring break and break a window you get the fire hoses out and the fucking and the dogs hate to go back to 1950 but you're giving us no fucking choice i was told by my buddy this would never happen in Miami Beach because of the taxes and, you know, people pay huge money. And black people, can I just say, black kids, college, do you really need a tan? I mean, come on.
Starting point is 00:21:33 You could go to fucking Iceland. I mean, watch this. That's horrible. That's horrible. Anyways, people are brainwashed, again, that it's all Whitey's fault. If you don't believe me, check out this half-gay, half-gay? How about 1,000% gay? Black rapper, a young kid who, listen to his lyrics.
Starting point is 00:21:55 He's rapping about violence against Asian people, and he's making the analogy. It's just like being black. They do the same thing to us and shit. But at the end, he's blaming trump voters and keep america great yeah it's i feel so bad for what they've done to generations and generations but this kid is couldn't be more wrong check out the uh the next fucking nobody i don't see enough people speaking on this issue so all my babies are bad and i like fighting with you i hate to see that y'all are getting treated like us beaten like us murdered for no reason like us just because someone's asian doesn't mean that they got covid your racism and your evil showing and you know it asians are
Starting point is 00:22:33 humans and they don't deserve the violence and they don't deserve for the rest of us to sit here in silence the same ones who say keep america great are the same ones committing all this violence and hate the state of this nation is sadder and sadder. ALM means Asian Lives Matter. Yeah, that's a good one. Nice two car garage in the middle of your face. What are you, a Cicely Tysons kid? That fucking stupid. So keep America, white people are committing violence against Asian.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Is that what you said? Fucking Bruce. I suck cock and I love it yummy yummy yummy anybody out there believe that it's white people attacking asians because that's what biden's gonna tell you in msnbc in this jack off who who swallows it but are you interested in the real story yeah i am so let's take a look at some footage uh anyways i call this guy the ignorant gay terrible black rapper who's clueless to the real facts of anti-Asian violence. And it's just sad what these fucking kids believe in. Let's see if he's right, though. Let's take a few clips. And by the way, I'm just showing a few,
Starting point is 00:23:35 and you're going to go, well, you're cherry picking them. Well, no, actually, no. You can read, you can go to the FBI website and see how many Asians have been assaulted by people of color. And we have to stop the lying. That's why this show fucking exists. But here you go. Here's a few greatest hits from the last couple of months. Why are you provoking this? Because, nigga, what?
Starting point is 00:23:54 What's with your Chinese ass up? Take your bitch ass back to China, nigga. Go back to China, nigga. That's what you just said. Take your bitch ass back to China. I'll say something. I'll say something. Because nigga, it's no fucking Breonna Taylor, nigga. Or Mari, whatever the fuck his name is. said what what what started this was him mouthing off with the cops and the chinese guy came out said why are you hassling them that's why why he brought up Breonna Taylor and all the other shit. But he says, go back to China about three times and go
Starting point is 00:24:28 ahead. I don't want to see it. That shit's a little. I will fuck your wife better than you. You got the smallest dicks on the planet. We got the biggest dicks. You got the smallest dicks on the planet. I don't want to see it. You want to feel it? No, I don't want to see it. That shit's too little. I will fuck your wife better than you. Your wife fuck me one time, she will never go back to you.
Starting point is 00:24:54 You should be a comedian. Take your hair off. Take your hat off. You got bald spots. You ain't got no hair. You don't got no hair. You should be a comedian. I don't give a fuck. Nigga, try to be smooth.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Nigga, it's my skin. Yeah, nigga. Yeah, I will beat the shit out of you too. Pause. We'll sickle sell when you need it. What a fucking L.A. punk. And you know what? This is what the country's become.
Starting point is 00:25:13 I know right where that is. I've been in that park a lot of thousand times. That's right on Sunset Boulevard. The Laugh Factory's right across the street. You hear him, though? Who's racist against Asians? Anyways, I'm not even going to play the rest of it. The guy's giving me a fucking headache.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Oh, you still don't believe me? Let's take a look at another one. The violent attack on a 67-year-old man at a Chinatown laundromat in San Francisco. And police have now arrested the suspects that you see in this video from late last month. Detectives have identified them as three 19-year-olds from Antioch. The victim was treated for non-life-threatening injuries. The three suspects face robbery and elderly abuse charges. Who's an animal?
Starting point is 00:25:52 Your mother's an animal, you son of a bitch! Oh! Oh! You don't believe me? All right, let's take a knock. This next guy I showed a couple months ago, he actually died from this hit. You know, a black guy across the street sees an 85-year-old Indian guy in his driveway, and he does this.
Starting point is 00:26:10 The surveillance video captures the moment of impact. Kills him. You can see Ratanapakdi in the driveway. A suspect barrels him down and takes off, leaving the victim lifeless on the ground. Hmm. Well, that rapper seems to be misleading us with his bullshit. Anyways, turn my mic up a little bit, Jace, please. Just a tad.
Starting point is 00:26:35 La, la, la. La, la. La, la, la. Okay. Unbelievable. So there you go. There you go. There you go.
Starting point is 00:26:49 See what happens Where do you think he's getting this from Where does he get that it's Trump people doing Biden and Kamala Harris have actually They won't come out and say it but they've implied it A couple times Kamala Harris was having a meeting with people from Ireland And she said I want to talk about a tragedy that happened He's talking about the shooting in Atlanta You you know, the fucking massage parlors.
Starting point is 00:27:07 She implied that this is what's going on in our country and we need to stamp out racism. And when they say racism, they're obviously talking about white people because black people can't be racist, according to Kamala Harris. Every story's got a taint to this. Here's another thing that more race, and this one's the one that should get you dander up. Cigna's critical race theory, CRT as we call it, that's, if you guys know what it is, it's literally a program that teaches that black people are superior to any other race, and white people should be ashamed.
Starting point is 00:27:41 They're instituting in big companies like Cigna, you know, the HR offices and shit. And they make the employees take this quote. Literally humiliating white people filled with nothing but black hate. That's all it is. And they're trying to put this. It's already in college campuses in 19 different forms. Listen to how crazy it is, though. They don't want.
Starting point is 00:28:00 It says, don't say. I'm just giving a couple of examples. Don't say brown bag lunch. Don't say brown bag lunch. Don't say brown bag lunch. Why? When I do that, do you think it should kill O'Neill's testicles? What are you fucking talking about?
Starting point is 00:28:17 And be mindful of religious privilege. Employees at one of the nation's largest health insurance providers are routinely subjected, and that will be white people, to far-left critical race theory lessons and asked not to consider white men in hiring decisions. There it is. They came right out and say it. Discrimination is legal, according to leaked documents and chat logs obtained by the Washington Examiner. And I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. I hate to say it, but he was ahead of the curve. Are you saying if, no, I'm not for segregation,
Starting point is 00:28:58 but Harvard is, Yale is, separate fucking dorms, separate graduations, and they're being requested to do that by black groups on campus. So, hey, black, young black people, you're siding with George Walsh, Bull Connor, all the people that you fucking hated, all the people that turned fire hoses on your relatives back in the day and dumped soup over their head at the counters. And yeah, so congratulations.
Starting point is 00:29:20 White liberals have convinced you. Those who work at Cigna, I'm I'm gonna I think we should boycott the company but I have to check my insurance first I mean you know how I am I'm fucking I I work out my heart rate goes I could be in the hospital tomorrow those who work at Cigna told the Washington Examiner that they are expected to undergo sensitivity training they consider racist and discriminatory let and by the way I've seen black people on TV agreeing that this is garbage. You have to watch Fox and, you know, people, shows that have real networks that have two sides on.
Starting point is 00:29:56 And, but they said this is absolute garbage too, to be fair to black people. Anyways, concepts such as white privilege, gender privilege, and something called religious privilege, which is described as a set of advantages that benefits believers of a certain religion, just say it, Christians, but not people who practice other religions or no religions at all. Employees say that they are pressured to comply with inclusive language uh who's who's making you do that the government is it the government that's in forcing you to do this inclusive language outlines that suggest replacing terms like brown bag lunch with lunch and learn lunch and learn or grab and go that's a purse snatching by the way what the fuck no no no no no
Starting point is 00:30:48 no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i agree get rid of it other suggestions include avoiding the phrase no can do. I'm not making this shit up. And replacing it with unavailable. I don't even get that one. So your white boss says, I want all these reports done by tomorrow at 8 a.m. And you go, unavailable. Employees are told to avoid gender descriptions of romantic partners or family members and not, hold on a sec, so you can't say you got a husband or wife at home.
Starting point is 00:31:30 You know why? Because that would continue the nuclear family, which is the, obviously we all know if you follow this show, who's the enemy of Marxists? The nuclear family, because they don't conform to all the other horse shit. Get this one. You're not supposed to use hip hip hooray at birthday parties. So others feel, uh,
Starting point is 00:31:55 included. If you do hip hip hooray, Nick, what do you get to say to that one? You listening? Yeah. Your mother sucks. Fucking big fucking elephant dicks.
Starting point is 00:32:08 You got that? So you should say that instead of hip hip hooray. I actually Googled hip hip hooray. It started with the Nazis. It's an anti-Semitic thing when they fucking, remember they at night, they'd break the windows and I don't even remember. It was so disgusting. I blocked it out.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Microaggressions list, listen to this. Microaggressions listed include questions such as, do you even know what Facebook is? That's a microaggression. And are you a nurse? Do you understand these people are mentally ill that are trying to apply this shit? And why would Cigna agree to it
Starting point is 00:32:42 unless fucking Biden's administration picked up the phone and said, listen, employees are also asked to go through a societal norms checklist and tick off boxes if they are white, Christian, or heterosexual. Welcome to fucking Hitlerville. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:33:00 This is funny. Can you imagine implementing a program at a company where you go, if you're black, you're a liberal, or you're a Marxist, and you're not a Christian, check these boxes. We want to talk to you. Our inclusive culture at Cigna means that we're working. This is from the company.
Starting point is 00:33:22 We're working hard to ensure everyone feels respected, welcome, and like they belong, wrote Susan Stith. Yeah, you sound like you're really making white people feel like they belong and they're welcome. Do we have a, we don't have a picture of Susan. I'm going to go out on a limb and say she's black. The Signer Foundation's Vice President for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, inclusion, and corporate responsibility.
Starting point is 00:33:46 And an internal memo. She's a malignant cunt. This extends to the words we use, including, guys, you get this. I don't have to explain this to you, right? They're controlling the language because your ideas, right? You form the, if they control the language, they control what you're thinking. And you're watching it. It's being implemented.
Starting point is 00:34:07 And Biden, and this is the shit that Kamala Harris plays with herself, which she hears about. Including understanding when certain terms might be perceived as negative or hurtful. And how about, let me give, why don't I give you a list that white people don't want? Pull up your fucking pants. Turn down your fucking music. Quit having kids out of fucking wedlock. Get your shit together. I've enjoyed my time on the internet for the last five years. Good night, everybody. And being intentional about choosing positive alternatives.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Listen to this. Chat logs between an employee and a hiring manager viewed by the Washington Examiner detail an incident where a minority candidate with strong credentials performed exceptionally well in an interview. When that employee suggested to the hiring manager that the company waive the candidate through to the next step in the process, the hiring manager dismissed the candidate under the assumption he was white. How racist is that? The guy was black. After learning that the candidate belonged to a minority group, oh, I'm sorry, maybe not black, maybe Hispanic. The manager said she was excited to hire him despite learning virtually nothing else about his background.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Could you think anything more corrosive for this society? Literally hiring people. I guess it's, look, just come out and say it, people on the left and white liberal progressive jerk. Just say it. It's payback. Just say it. Call it payback. Don't call it, Just say it. It's payback. Just say it. Call it payback. Don't call it, you know, race, critical race. Just call it payback for something that white people live had nothing to do with. Following the death of George Floyd, who was a nasty person last May, the company began holding mandatory town halls, which one employee described as a white giant guilt event. I had employees of mine bombing me with messages telling me this is disgusting and wrong, the individual said. I'd like to know how many of them were black. One company memo reviewed by the Washington Examiner refers to George Floyd death as a senseless murder.
Starting point is 00:36:20 And by the way, died of a drug overdose. And announces a company-wide dress code revision to allow Black Lives Matter attire in the workplace. That's fine. Let white people wear their sheets. If you're going to call them Klansmen or racists, put on the fucking sheets. Have you ever seen,
Starting point is 00:36:41 do you doubt that anybody's trying to divide us up into a million pieces? Oh. Have you ever seen, do you doubt that anybody's trying to divide us up into a million pieces? What do we got a video here? What is it? Oh, this is the critical race theory video that I thought you'd find interesting. Go ahead. This week, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis took the extraordinary step of preemptively banning the implementation of a radical new school curricula called Critical Race Theory. Let me be clear, there is no room in our classrooms for things like Critical Race Theory. Teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Critical Race Theory is a concept incubated in universities implemented in some of corporate America, and it's now trickling down to K through 12 schools. It holds that unconscious bias, racism and oppression are implicit in white Americans and must be remedied through equity and equality programs. Cornell University law professor William Jacobson has documented critical race theories' ubiquitous spread. And we've created, which is a database with an interactive map where people can find out what the colleges and universities to which they may be sending their children or their children may be going, have going on. We have 220 universities in the database now, and we're
Starting point is 00:38:05 expecting to expand it to 500. Maybe you like it. Maybe you want your children to be sent to a school where they get indoctrinated. People in Seattle. Or maybe you're going to send them to a school where you don't know what's going on. And this is a way to find out. For his efforts, Professor Jacobson has been hounded and harassed. 15 student groups have boycotted his law classes. He's been threatened by BLM protesters. All right. Fifteen student groups have boycotted his law classes. He's been threatened by BLM protesters. Others have sought to revoke his tenure. But he's not.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Wow. Huh. Another example of those make America great again, bully and intimidating people. You fucking evil left wing dog shit. You're destroying the country. God bless this guy. Go ahead. Budging. He has written, quote, we are living in extraordinarily dangerous
Starting point is 00:38:46 times reminiscent of the Chinese communist cultural revolution in which professors guilty of wrong think were publicly denounced and fired at the behest of students who insisted on absolute ideological orthodoxy. It's a way of instilling terror in other students, faculty, staff and society so that others shut up and don't voice dissenting views. That's what's happening now in Loudoun County, Virginia, by some estimates the wealthiest county in America, where schools have adopted critical race theory. Some parents have spoken out against it and its binary view of racism.
Starting point is 00:39:20 You are either racist or anti-racist, and given that the system teachers are being told is racist, they're racist. And not only that, teachers are being told in what they're reading, not only are you racist, but you're actually complicit in the physical and spiritual murder of black students daily, unless you adopt our opinion. For expressing that thought, many other Loudon parents opposed to critical race theory curriculum have been targeted, Many other Loudoun parents opposed to critical race theory curriculum have been targeted, as documented by The Daily Wire reporter Luke Rosiak. A private Facebook group called Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County named parents opposed to critical race theory.
Starting point is 00:40:06 The group asks for volunteers to, quote, gather information and list of folks who are in charge of the anti-CRT movement, Infiltrate. Create fake online profiles and join these groups. Hackers. Yeah, there you go. This is Mark's textbook. Mark's techniques. Fucking Joseph Stubbs. Right out of the fucking textbook. It's all been done before, folks.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Go ahead. Shut down their websites or redirect them to pro-CRT, anti-racist informational webpages and expose these people publicly. Create online petitions, create counter mailings. Some posts use violent rhetoric. A moderator writes, the racists have a GoFundMe. Burn it down. And another writes, I don't argue with people who Harriet Tubman would have shot. Oh, she's violent. Harriet Tubman was a killer, was she?
Starting point is 00:40:43 That didn't surprise me. I say this. And I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. I say that only if that's what blacks want, and it seems like they do. And again, not just black, I should say white college professors. Didn't Hitler kill all the intellectuals? Or am I confusing my... Or was that Stalin? One of the countries that the lefties aspired to become. They kill all the intellectuals for...
Starting point is 00:41:17 Well, that would be every professor on almost every college campus in this country. Jason, get your gun. We're heading to San Jose State. Unbelievable. What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul. Luckily, it's just me and Jason. Listen to it. May God have mercy on your soul. Luckily, it's just me and Jason. Let's get on to some more lies that the Biden administration, they don't only lie about race and gender, but they lie about. Hey, did you guys watch? Did you watch anybody watching Wild Wild Country?
Starting point is 00:42:03 It's been out for a long time. I was late on it. But I told you it's about that Indian group, the Bajwan Rahashi, whatever, who they built the city in Oregon, bought 80,000 acres and ended up in a war. It's a town of 40 people, Antelope. Honest to God, Antelope, Oregon is a town of 40 people. And I just want to bring this up again because in it they have a big election listen to what the uh the guru his right hand woman shayla who i actually love and hate at the same time i've never seen this woman is a fucking feminist icon she started off sweet she turned into a kind of a hitler type but i don't know something about her i like that's sick anyways
Starting point is 00:42:44 this is what they did they're having a big election right you know what they did they created salmonella in labs on their ranch and had people going to fast food restaurants and like you know salad bars and shit and spread it why'd they do that to keep people away from the polls townspeople and like 700 800 people got salmonella, the week of the fucking, does that sound familiar to anybody? This might be the best show I've ever done, by the way.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Does that sound familiar to them? And Sheila comes out and says, these people, these old right, not right wing, they were Christian, God-fearing people who lived in the town, they need to be reeducated. Sound familiar to anybody? So it's a microcosm of what's going on right now.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Please watch it. It's as good as anything I've ever seen on TV. Wow Wow Country. It's, what was it, eight? How many episodes? Six, eight episodes? I don't know. But you won't be able to fucking put it down if it was a book. I don't know how you put down your flat screen. Well, this leads me to COVID, the big lie. Remember how I've been saying it's like, you know, it's like a flu. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but it's like a weak flu. COVID-19, a sad excuse for a pandemic. Jason, put up the graphics. I saw this today, this weekend, I should say. The world's deadliest pandemics, black death. Uh-oh, that's racist. What is that, handguns in Detroit? 200 million people. Plague of what?
Starting point is 00:44:11 Plague of Justinian? What the hell was that? I missed that one. 40 million people are killed. Smallpox killed 12.1% of the population. But this is when the planet didn't have eight billion people uh anyways that's uh 56 million 55 million uh then we got the what antonine plague that was a bitch i caught a little of that i had to upset stomach my hair was falling out and oh wait a minute no that was the
Starting point is 00:44:41 drug i was taking for herpes um that was 2.6% of 5 million people. Spanish flu, 2.5%. 45 million people. The third plague, 1.0, 12 million people. HIV AIDS was 0.7%. 30 million people died from that. COVID comes in last at 0.03% or 2.7 million people out of the 7.9 billion on the planet. Those numbers on the far right are how many people were on the planet at the time.
Starting point is 00:45:18 0.03. I think that's three one hundreds of a percent if I'm reading it right. Think about that. Just think about that. They should put up the regular flu. It's probably tied with COVID. Absolute horseshit. Unless you're obese and in your late 90s. There it is in black and white for you i gave them just the facts so again
Starting point is 00:45:54 people would laugh that died of the justinian oh the justinian whatever the fuck it was it's not a bad girl named Justine. Real pig out of Brooklyn. Let's stay on COVID, shall we? Because this is what it's done. It pits us against each other with a mask and the non-mask. It's beautiful. I don't know who laid it out. It is.
Starting point is 00:46:16 I got to give them credit. They have us divided into a zillion pieces. And people like the city of Austin, the ignorant, asshole, liberal fuckstains that live there. Why Joe Rogan moved there is beyond me. Joe, they're going to hate you because you're supposedly a sexist, even though we know you're not. But I'm just saying this is where we are in the world. Maskless man. This was in Texas.
Starting point is 00:46:38 Stabs restaurant manager after he's refused service. The suspect, James Schultz. Right away when you hear James Schultz, 53, who is believed to be homeless, strolled maskless into League City Burger joint around 8 p.m. Wednesday, the city's police department said. He was told he needed to wear a mask
Starting point is 00:46:57 in order to be served or use the drive-thru. When you're homeless, what are you going to go through on your skateboard? Maybe. Schultz belligerently refused and said they did not want to serve him because he was homeless and began yelling that he would be contacting his attorney, as all homeless people do. Jacobian Myers, can we help you, Tyrone? Contact his attorney as he was filming with his cell phone, police chief Gary Ratliff said during a Thursday afternoon briefing.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Surveillance video obtained by local outlet KTRK shows the manager holding a paper with the store's policy as he's escorted the man out the door. And take a look at what the guy does. He pretends he's leaving. This jerk off, supposedly homeless. He's dressed better than I am, but okay, he's homeless. Comes back in with a knife, and that's all I could find on the internet, which is supposed to be able to find anything. Maybe
Starting point is 00:47:55 I just don't know how to use it. That's not going to hold up in court. If I'm the guy's lawyer, the homeless guy, he didn't stab him. Anyways, look at that psycho. Pretends to leave and he comes back in with a fucking knife. He stabs the guy. The manager was stabbed three times in the arm and upper torso. Are you interested in the real story? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:22 You're fucking crazy. Co-workers ran into his aide and the suspect ran off. Investigators searched the surrounding area, able to find the suspect's green backpack, bike, and cell phone. And he's homeless. Doing pretty good, isn't he? Which helped them identify him. He remains on the loose. At the time of the incident, he wore a camouflage hat,
Starting point is 00:48:44 a black, it larry the cable guy and red flannel long sleeve shirt and blue blue jeans what the fuck you shit kicking stinky horseman who's smelling motherfucker you get her done the restaurant employee has since been treated and released from the hospital can you you imagine all over a mask? Congratulations again, Fauci, Biden, and the rest of you. You're doing a bang-up job. It's creepy, isn't it, folks, where we're headed? And it's happening so fast.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Here's some more left-wing tyranny coming from another retarded liberal judge. A Michigan restaurant owner will remain in jail for up to three months after she allegedly refused to follow the state's coronavirus restrictions as restaurants nationally continue to shutter during the pandemic. Marlena Pazlos-Hagney, 55, she's from Poland originally, the owner of Marlene's Bistro and Pizzeria, was arrested early Friday. When I think of pizza, I think of Polish people right off the must be. Have you tried the pineapple in Kielbasa? It's on a box Friday morning because she continued to willfully violate the coronavirus policies.
Starting point is 00:50:01 The district attorney claimed a warrant was issued for her arrest on March 11th. Can you imagine? She's trying to make a living, just trying to stay open. Then again, it's Michigan with that dumb cunt Whitmer. She was taken into custody for an outstanding Ingraham County civil warrant for contempt of court. Yeah, she looks like a real danger, doesn't she? It's just so ridiculous. The restaurant will be in jail until the state is confident that her establishment is closed. And after she pays a $7,500 fine, according to the Detroit News. They're just trying to break their backs. How do you kill America? Kill small businesses.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Ingraham County Judge Rosemary Aquinia. Look it. There you go. She's the Hispanic, you know who, Lily Monster. Imagine this douchebag. Said Marlena Pavlos Hackney, owner of Marlena's Bistro and Pizzeria in Holland, Michigan, would remain in jail until she paid a $7,500 fine and closed down her restaurant. Can you imagine? This is what passes as a fucking judge today. You're out of order. You're out of order. The whole trial is out of order. You're out of order. out of order. Supporters of the restaurant owner boarded up the pizzeria about three hours
Starting point is 00:51:28 later trying to get Pavlos Hackney out of jail. See that? It's people versus the scumbag elites. Akina said Pavlos Hackney was being held in contempt for violating state food laws, public health orders, and the order of the court. You're a fucking, you probably went to DeVry and you blew somebody.
Starting point is 00:51:48 You have selfishly not followed the rules. This is the judge talking. You did not follow them for your own financial gain. And apparently, for her own financial gain, she's trying to keep her head above water and make a living, whore. And apparently for the publicity that comes with this. Oh yeah, there's going to be a line around the block for fucking Polish pizza. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:52:12 The judge said that. Shut your fucking mouth. Shut the fuck up, you cunt. Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said Pavlos Hackney had been violating COVID-19 orders and running her restaurant without a food license since January of 2021. Marlena was arrested just days after, get this, here's a coincidence, after she appeared on the Tucker Carlson show. This is part of her appearance on Tucker. We, the people, small business owners, like I told you, we have to fight. And I will fight for freedom for American
Starting point is 00:52:48 people and I encourage everyone business owners other people stand up and fight for your freedom before it's gonna be taken away and you know why she knows that she was from poland when it was run by communists which is funny i have a big fan every time i go to albany him and his wife show up he used to call into my show when i took calls when i was on the radio at sirius xm and he's polish from right he was polish right and he lived in poland the communists if i he hates the libs in this country, him and his wife. And they're great. They show up all the time. You remember his name, Jason? Mark. How about Jason? Sharp as a tack today. Give that man a little bit of a raise. About seven cents. All right. Finally, tonight, ladies and gentlemen. In our libs eating libs segment, Christine Dabbitt wrote tweets in 2009 using the N-word in comments to a friend and other posts, which that's naughty. I despise it with every fiber of my being.
Starting point is 00:54:01 The Teen Vogue senior social media manager criticized look at her look hey croucho marx wants his eyebrows back okay you pig the teen vogue senior social media manager criticized the hiring of alexi mccammond as editor-in-chief who is she mccammond apologized for past racist tweets that included comments on the appearance Of Asian features and Derogatory stereotypes about Asians but I'm sure she's not in jail Because she's the right color the magazine And McCammon parted ways
Starting point is 00:54:34 She was about to become the editor Of Teen Vogue is that what it was And they found some tweets in her past She parted ways after the Atlanta shooting That killed eight people Tuesday, including six Asian Americans, and they canned her before she even got the job.
Starting point is 00:54:51 You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. Can't fire me. I haven't hired me yet. A senior teen Vogue staffer who expressed concern about the racist tweets posted by the magazine's now-departed editor
Starting point is 00:55:02 used the N-word in her own tweets. Libs eating libs. Live by the sword, die by the sword's now departed editor, used the N-word in her own tweets. Libs eating libs. Live by the sword, die by the sword, bitch. Christine David, a senior social media manager at Teen Vogue, obviously she took it personally, she didn't get promoted, wrote two tweets in 2009 to a friend identifying him as a nigga
Starting point is 00:55:21 and another in 2010 using the word nigga fox news reported the friend to whom the comments were addressed appears to be white david sat in multiple david said in multiple tweets that she is of irish and filipino descent and she's using that word how fucking she wrote that song she should be sentenced to death after news of her tweets became public david's twitter account was switched from public to private alexi mccammon 27 lost the top job at teen vogue even before she was able to assume the new role after staff members complained about racist comments, she posted about Asian Americans when she was a teenager. Do you believe what's going on, folks?
Starting point is 00:56:14 Do you believe it? They're coming after each other now. She looks like a person of color to me. I'm not sure, right? McCammon was a rising reporter at Axios. So you know what? Like I said, live by the sword, die by the sword. When she was hired to oversee Teen Vogue,
Starting point is 00:56:32 but she and the magazine parted ways after the Atlanta shooting that killed eight people Tuesday included six Asian Americans. What the fuck? I'd kill you. I'd kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Kill me. Can you imagine? Because that story involved Korean people, they somehow connected to comments she made about Asians when she was a teenager. This is how we're living now? McCammon announced she would not join the publication as originally planned, saying her past tweets have overshadowed the work I've done to highlight the people and issues that I care about. I don't know. What are you agreeing with them? McCammon's tweets included comments on the appearance of Asian features, derogatory stereotypes about Asians and slurs for gay people.
Starting point is 00:57:15 How dare you? I thought only white Trump people did that. Outdone by Asian hashtag what's new. McCammon tweeted in 2011. Here's another one. Now Googling how not to wake up with swollen Asian eyes. She wrote in another. You know, it's funny. And it's me and Anthony Comia and people like us labeled his race. And we've never said shit like that. Way worse, but not that.
Starting point is 00:57:42 She wrote in another tweet. She also referred to stupid Asian teacher's assistant in a different tweet boy she had it off the old mccammon's comments about asian people came about two years after david's tweet using the n-word imagine she had the balls to still go after mammond. David posted a letter on Instagram March 8th from Teen Vogue staff expressing concern to management of Condi Nass, the corporate owner of the magazine, about the hiring of McCammond. She probably thought she should get the slot, right?
Starting point is 00:58:15 In light of her past racist and homophobic tweets. So proud of my at Teen Vogue colleagues, the work continues, David wrote in a photo caption. Ugh, I don't like this broad. She's no good, you know? You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. A big fat speaking cunt. Said and true, but need to tell you, you're a motherfucking cunt.
Starting point is 00:58:39 You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. A motherfucking cunt. Everybody knows from the episodes, you're a cunts, cunts, motherfucking cunts. Everybody knows from the head to the toes, you're a big, black, stinking cunt. I want that played at my funeral. After McCammon said she would not join the magazine, David posted a tweet expressing relief. Exhales, the deepest sigh ever sighed,
Starting point is 00:59:03 David wrote on Twitter, an hour after McCamammon's uh announced that she would not take the job can you imagine yet she was guilty of the same shit you fucking hypocrite david also liked the tweet on march 18th arguing she mccammon wasn't fired just because of her tweets it's so much more than that the tweet quoted another thread noting mccammon had never been an editor and was way too close to the White House and the Democratic National Committee. McCammond is in a relationship. Oh, once again, it's the Democrats who are the racist. McCammond's in a relationship with former
Starting point is 00:59:36 White House press aide seen here, T.J. Ducklow, who left President Joe Biden's administration last month after he threatened a political reporter. Remember some woman wrote some stuff about him. He said, I'll destroy you. And he's a fucking journalist who was planning to publish a story about their relationship. So they canned him. McCammon apologized for her racist tweets in 2019
Starting point is 00:59:58 and deleted them. Screenshots of the tweets were recirculated on social media after her hiring at teen vogue was announced so uh live by the sword die by the bye bye adios senorita that is it ladies and gentlemen that was a fast hour tight show good show i'm gonna put that one up and see if abc news bites on it Monday in the books already. Don't forget That's where this show, it's permanent at home. So if you like it and you haven't moved your shit over there yet,
Starting point is 01:00:39 which you probably have, I don't know, and the numbers are trending up. We took a hit, I'm being honest here, when YouTube won't let me put anything out of my mouth up there, so we just use it to promo the show. And they even flagged one of those. So they hate me with a passion. So we need your support more than ever is what I'm saying. Don't forget If you want me to make a personal video roasting one of your friends or relatives or enemies or lovers, ex-lovers, I can make a break today, but we like to roast and be fun. And I'll make a video on my phone,
Starting point is 01:01:07 send it to them. You go to, click on my profile, tell me a little about the person. Anything else, Jace? TorDates at My North Carolina got canceled because of COVID.
Starting point is 01:01:27 It fucked up the numbers when we made the deal. thought it was going to be open so whatever we'll refill it that is it you guys think and I will say it you're very welcome we'll see you back here at the same time tomorrow have a good day everybody guitar solo guitar solo I'm I'm I'm I'm

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