The Nick DiPaolo Show - Suppress This, Stacey | Nick Di Paolo Show #1292

Episode Date: October 19, 2022

GA Early Voting Records. Biden Botches Tele. More Floyd Money. School Admins Let in Gunmen. GA Southern Student Killed by Plane Prop. Naked Bootleg....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make sure to join me on Patreon to get the exclusive Encore episode. Today I'll be talking about an 11-year-old girl and her drag queen adult male friends. It's getting really sick out there. I think you'll love my take on it all, okay? That's it. Enjoy the show. All righty. Oh, yeah. How are you, folks? Welcome to the big show on a Wednesday. The great state of Georgia. Got some local people voting already. Early voting in Georgia.
Starting point is 00:01:16 That's the first story I'll get to in a second. Just let me bullshit and kill some time. What did I do? What do you always do? You made a delicious pizza. I did. I was going to get to that. I was going to string it out before I could. String it out with some cheese? Oh, God, yes. Yes. No, I nailed it yesterday.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Look, I've had this pizza oven for, I don't know, a year or so, whatever the fuck. It's like anything else. It's got all these settings, folks. It says Neapolitan, New York style, blah, blah, blah. And then you hit it. It tells you the roof temperature. This is an electric. It's not obviously wood-burning. It's in my kitchen.
Starting point is 00:01:51 And it tells you that you can set the deck floor for how warm you want it, whatever. And I usually make a ball like this, and I split it and make two thin pieces, or I make one kind of thick Neapolitan style. But I wanted a larger Neapolitan, in between thick and thin. Probably boring the shit out of you Irish people. But listen, I love potato stew as much as you fucks. And whiskey and hitting my wife. What? Come on, man!
Starting point is 00:02:20 Anyway, no, but dude, I fucking rolled it up. Sometimes the dough, it depends on the weather. It kind of stretches back. It doesn't want to stay. It stayed a big, it barely fit on my pizza peel. Do I sound like a greaseball fucker? And perfect. Ian, I put the deck, I usually have it on 650 so you don't burn the crust.
Starting point is 00:02:42 But, you know, I'm watching these commercials. You cook a pizza in two minutes and a wood burning and it says it in my manual here. It's like a bullshit because the cheese always whatever. Anyhow, fucking dude, I said, I'm putting the, I usually put the sauce on it and then put it in and the last minute you put
Starting point is 00:02:57 the cheese on it because the roof's really hot. You know what, the cheese, I don't like brown cheese. I still want it white. I'm racist like that. But I said, I want to see if I can do this in three and a half, four minutes. I'm putting the sauce on. I'm putting the cheese on. Sure enough, motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:03:14 I put the deck at $7.50. So I had a char, which is, it's not needed to pour. If you don't have a char around the crust, I mean, just enough char. And the crust, just a, I mean, just enough char. And the cheese, it got just slightly brown. So I'm going to back it off to 1150. This is what I do in my spare time.
Starting point is 00:03:32 If I'm 60, I'll be dead soon. Who gives a fuck? But when I tell you, oh, I didn't tell you the best part. This is my thousandth pizza I've made. My thousandth pizza I've made. I get the fucking pizza cutter out, and I'm going like, and it's pulling all the cheese and shit. I go, what the fuck? I thought the crust was too thick or not cooked through.
Starting point is 00:03:51 I didn't hear that crunch when you take the box cutter to a Palestinian's throat. And it starts pushing the cheese. I go, what the fuck is wrong? I still have the guard, the protective guard on the
Starting point is 00:04:06 fucking pizza cutter. Gotta look excited. Oh my, I did. That's exactly, I couldn't wait to get into that mother. It was like premature ejaculation. I just did a big skip. Anyways, I put it all back. The wife never knew. It was the best. It was cooked through, had that char
Starting point is 00:04:21 and it was fucking perfect. Anyways, I'll have you kids over someday. Let's get to it. That's all I did. Obviously worked on... I'm helping Gutfeld punch up his book, too, for a small fee. It's fun.
Starting point is 00:04:39 It's a crossroad puzzle to me. I like doing it. Hope he doesn't watch that. He'll be getting paid nothing next time. Let's move on to the first story. Suppression my ass. Well, what does that mean? Georgia voters, that's right down here, turned out for the first day of early voting in record numbers. Let me repeat that for all you bullshit artists, Democrats, biden you fuck head and especially stacy abrams about all the voter suppression in georgia could you guys be wrong on anything else seriously i ask you biden have have you ever been right in your life on anything record numbers with ballots
Starting point is 00:05:20 cast already exceeding one day early voting results in 2018 midterms. On Monday, two days ago, 131,318 ballots were cast in person. That's bad news for the Democrats, right? Because when you have a turnout like that, that's somebody saying, we've got to get these fucks out. It's not people coming out and going we're doing a great job let's keep it in the 2018 midterms so that's 131 000 monday uh four years ago in the 2018 midterms 70 849 ballots it's only another 60 000 more were cast in person on the
Starting point is 00:06:03 first day of early voting. According to a release from Georgia's Secretary of State's offices, that's quite a swing, am I right? Monday's results inched close to the 136,739 ballots cast on the first day of early voting in 2020, the presidential election year. I'm telling you, people have had enough. But again, let's see if they rigged the fucker. I'm just hoping they do, we can get our guns out. Additionally, 11,759 absentee ballots have been submitted so far this year, bringing the total number of ballots to 143,077. That was just through Monday. ballots to 143,077. Through, that was just through Monday.
Starting point is 00:06:48 How about all that suppression, huh? Oh boy. Poor black people didn't get the vote right. Early voting in Georgia, well by the way, black people think it's silly too, that you think we can't get an eye, you know, it's fucking insulting to them. Early voting in Georgia will continue through November 4th. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:07:04 That's for a day, isn't it? So what are you, what's, really now, it's a month? Or three weeks? Come on. It should be that day. Yeah, but the lines, I don't give a shit. Okay, I'll give you 36 hours. But that's it.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Obviously, the more time you have before and after the election. The more time you have for fucking. For fucking, that's it. Obviously, the more time you have before and after the election, for fucking, that's right, for shenanigans, or malarkey is my favorite presidency, the turnout numbers may quiet some concerns regarding voter suppression after Republican-led Georgia passed a restrictive voting law last year. But it's still unknown what the demographics of the voters are. So whoever wrote this is still holding out hope. That's who came out.
Starting point is 00:07:55 But this guy's holding out hope. We don't know the demographics yet. You don't? Sure you don't. Georgia saw a record turnout in the primary elections over the spring. you don't. Georgia saw a record turnout in the primary elections over the spring, but the Brennan Center for Justice reported there was a wide gap between white voter turnout and black voter turnout. Yeah, I'm guessing more white people. Just on demographic. On the ballot in Georgia, this election cycle are some of the most closely watched races by paranoid Democrats who just
Starting point is 00:08:25 lied their balls off and took the fucking all-star game out of Atlanta because such nonsense, including the gubernatorial contest between, we covered this yesterday, Kemp and that fat liar Stacey Abrams. I don't like the bitch. You fat, nasty, black bitch. Oh, that's not nice. Fat nasty black bitch. Oh, that's not nice. She's not nice. And the high-stakes Senate race between Senate Raphael Warnock, whose wife says he's an asshole,
Starting point is 00:08:56 and GOP nominee Hershel Walker, whose gay son says he's an asshole. I can understand the last one more because you've got a super alpha male and a kid who wants to be part of Diana Ross's Supreme. I just don't look at wonok he just looks dumb so boy they've been nailing down here folks every time i go on youtube or whatever every time i want to learn a guitar lesson i have to sit through commercials for one on jesus christ uh biden calling uh we have a clip, if you remember, Biden, right after those restrictive laws were put in Georgia, him coming out and calling it the new Jim Crow. He was stupid back then.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Jim Crow looked like Jim Eagle. Pause. That's a joke on his part. Made Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle. That's how you know he hates America. Even in his metaphor, he went after the fucking eagle. Jim Crow's bad, right? This is Jim Eagle. It's worse than Jim Crow.
Starting point is 00:09:57 He uses the long bird even. Here's one for you. That's the right one. Go ahead, stupid. I mean, this is gigantic, what you're trying to do. And it cannot be sustained. I'm going to do everything in my power, along with my friends in the House and the Senate, to keep that from becoming the law.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Yeah. Jim Eagle. It really suppressed people, huh? Now, why doesn't he come out today and stay safe and whoever else started that nonsense and go, you know, we were wrong. Well, we don't know the demographics yet. There might have been three black people in wheelchair who couldn't make it because of white sidewalks. Just unbelievable. Wrong, so wrong. So I'm telling telling you that's a bad sign that is a bad sign for democrats because all that enthusiasm is not going to be from people who support the democrat party that are already in power they don't come out when they need to vote sometimes in dems i'm telling
Starting point is 00:10:57 it's bad news but again maybe they have a different covid thing they're going to release and like you said they have plenty of time for games. They do, absolutely. They call it the October surprise. I don't know what that'll be. It'll be a picture of Trump peeing on a beagle. But it's all Photoshopped. They say it's his neighbor's dog down on the floor.
Starting point is 00:11:23 President Joe Biden, it's called the Biden botch. He did another one, folks. I wanted to ignore it, but it never gets old. To think this guy's the president of the United States. Every time he fucks up, I'm going to show you. You can't help it. Even the internet doesn't get sick of this shit. Biden botch.
Starting point is 00:11:42 President Joe Biden faced backlash from yet another embarrassing gaffe on Monday while trying to share a website to stop fraud in his student debt handout plans. Oh, God, I don't like him. Uh-oh, retard alert. Yeah. Retard alert. I'll use it again. Biden announced the launch of an online application portal for those earning less than $125,000 per year to receive up to $10,000 in handouts regarding criticisms of the plan.
Starting point is 00:12:18 We're talking about the student loan thing, right? Regarding criticisms of the plan, Biden also promoted the Federal Trade Commission's website for reporting fraud. Now, he's made these mistakes before in reading the teleprompter. This is why even the people who handle him, there's a gap there. You know what I mean? Shouldn't somebody read that and go,
Starting point is 00:12:42 now don't say DOT. I just blew the fucking joke. However, Biden stumbled along promoting the Federal Trade Commission's website, spelling out the word dot while giving the URL. I mean, the URL. I'm sorry. Who's the asshole now?
Starting point is 00:13:01 But this, I can't help it. This is precious. It's like porn. Go ahead. If you get any questionable calls, please tell us by going to reportfraud, reportfraud,
Starting point is 00:13:20 I guess they only spelled out one of the dots. Hope it hit catch on. I don't know. D-O-T. You know how many idiot Democrats are on the go? This doesn't work, is Link. You know you're a fucking mumbling, stuttering little fuck. You know that?
Starting point is 00:13:36 Come on, man. He probably gets pissed after. He goes, I don't know. I'm 111. The fuck? Dots was a movie candy when I was a kid. Classy-eyed Biden gets another absolute ass-kicking from the teleprompter. These are comments online.
Starting point is 00:13:52 CRTV engagement director Jason Hoverton wrote. What are we doing? What's going on right now? Read the thing and shut it. Stand strong, Joe. This is a good one, too. You're the only thing standing between us and Kamala. YouTuber Todd Mason joked.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Biden was also attacked on Monday for arguing that gas in California has always been $7 per gallon following rising gas prices. That's just what they want to hear. You only, dude, you only got one state that's going to vote for you and you're fucking them up. Well, that's always been the case here, Biden replied. You know, it's not what nationwide
Starting point is 00:14:37 gas prices came down, he says, about $1.35. And they're still down over a dollar. But we're going to work on housing, over a dollar but we're gonna work on housing he says we're gonna work on housing is the big is the most important thing we have to do in terms of that wait a minute what hold on Honey, what's the, what's the, we're about, we're on a quarter of a tank. The house is going to, what? You mean the car?
Starting point is 00:15:14 No, the house. Oh, God. You know what he's trying to say there, folks? First of all, he's doing a pivot. But what he's trying to say is he's including natural gas, all that shit. And, you know, if you, if you put $70,000 worth of solar panels on your house, you won't need gas to heat it and blah, blah, blah. That's what I'm helping, I'm hoping that's what he meant. That's the only connection you can make with that sentence.
Starting point is 00:15:38 No, but you know what's going to help that? If we, you know what, we grow more corn. What? Hello? Oh, that would work. That was a dumb analogy. Anyways, what does that mean? Anybody?
Starting point is 00:15:52 Bueller? All right, kids. So that's the leader of the free world. Do you believe that shit? Hey, you know what I love other than when I go to a titty bar and a mail stripper gives me a handjob? I love when you send me pictures of you wearing Nick DiPaolo show merchandise. You can get it on my website at
Starting point is 00:16:22 Calvin Klein wears my shit. So does Bill Blass. Like, they're dead. Here's a few recent ones that I Calvin Klein wears my shit. So does Bill Blass. They're dead. Here's a few recent ones that I've gotten from my fans actually wearing my stuff. Keeping in mind, 70% of the people will be... Oh, I'm sorry. You guys are supposed to not... At least put it in a different type.
Starting point is 00:16:44 I just did what biden did folks tommy puts a note in keep in mind 77 people will be listening and not watching uh this is andy by the way andy with a y okay not the one i'm pretending to bang uh This is Andy who bought a bunch of stuff as you can see. He also said, I love the sound drops, especially Ed McMahon's You Are Correct, Sir. You are correct, sir. You like that one? I'll get you hard. You are correct, sir. Huh? You like it?
Starting point is 00:17:18 You are correct, sir. Now it says, add the sound drop. Like Tommy has to tell me how to make the show funny. I love him so much. Then he's probably, you know why? He's probably doing this on his phone as he's working a friolator in his new restaurant, answering phones. Then there's this guy who scares me. He looks like Christopher Lowell.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Do you remember the guy who used to sell furniture? Is that the right? I got it, Dallas? Christopher Lowell, right? This guy, he's a fan of mine, and I love your brother, but you look like you might have some kids tied to a radiator down in the basement, and you throw them bologna slices every couple days a week.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Anyways, then we got my buddy, the fucking legendary bodybuilder. down in the basement and you throw them bologna slices every couple days a week anyways uh then we got my buddy the fucking legendary bodybuilder lee priest is that a fucking arm or an ass honest to god what i think it's a brontosaurus leg it is it looks like the thing fred flintstone puts on his car and it tips over he's's holding a signed copy of one of my CDs called Funny How, which I thought was a great title. Anyway, look, I almost sucked on the spoon handle. I'm over. It's over for me. Look at Lee and all his badassness. And last, my favorite is this little girl. We showed a picture of her about a year ago. So on the show, she was wearing Nick DePaulo's show shirt. Then her dad saw me after the show. He came out to Royceville, saw me after
Starting point is 00:18:59 the show, and sent this updated picture of her now. And she was at the show with him, and he wanted me to sign her boobs. I thought that was wrong. I said, come on, dude. No, look at that. You know what's funny? I wonder, like, if his neighbors know who I am and hate me,
Starting point is 00:19:23 and she comes over with that hat, and they go, you can't come to Diane's birthday party. Get out of here. Again, get all my merch at and, or click on S-T-O-R-E. Let's move on. More George Floyd money to be made. As you know, it became a cottage industry after George Floyd, you know, died of a drug overdose, by the way. That's what the forensic guy said. So, but you can argue whatever you want. There's an argument back and forth. Anyhow, I'm not getting in the middle of it, all right? Enough problems. The mother of George Floyd's daughter has threatened to file a $250 million, or a quarter billion if you like to make it sound bigger,
Starting point is 00:20:07 lawsuit against Kanye West, I call him Ye, after the rapper's controversial statement about the cause of Floyd's 2020 death. So once again, somebody wants to exploit dead George. That's what it is. Fuck your mother! What do you say that for? Witherspoon Law Group and Dixon Dixon Law Offices, there's only one Dixon and Dixon, in a Tuesday press release characterized the suit as forthcoming, quote unquote, and indicate that Roxy Washington, great name for
Starting point is 00:20:42 a stripper, by the way. Roxy Washington, that's her coming in fourth in an Oprah lookalike contest. She was so upset, came in out of the money. The mother of Floyd's underage daughter, that's her right there, has retained the firm to file a lawsuit against Ye West, also known as Kanye. So she's going after his dough, of course. Counselor! Counselor! Counselor! The firm, the firms state that West and his business partners and associate are liable for harassment, misappropriation, and defamation, and infliction of emotional distress.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Really? All that for just voicing an opinion. really all that for just voicing an opinion TMZ said West has been criticized for claiming on the drink champs that's a podcast that that Floyd died from a fentanyl overdose and pre-existent conditions instead of Derek Chauvin's knee on his neck which there's you know what that's's what one medical examiner said. So I don't know who to believe. But the point is, it's his fucking opinion.
Starting point is 00:21:51 And just because you disagree with it and it hits home close to you because, you know, George Floyd was your baby daddy, that doesn't mean you get the right to say, this is America. Again, as much as Dems don't want it to be, he has every right to say it. I don't even know if he believes it.
Starting point is 00:22:09 This guy's an expert at drawing attention to himself. He is an expert. But remember last week or a couple weeks ago he had the White Lives Matter. So he's really, he's doing this to the black community. Makes me like him. Not because I dislike black people. You need to hear it once. Just to remind you, and most black people. You need to hear it once. Just to remind
Starting point is 00:22:25 you, and most black people know this, but white liberals don't, that you have a right to fucking voice your opinion. And they always go, and we have a right to react to it. Yeah, you do, but not by canceling somebody or kicking them out of a job. Or litigation.
Starting point is 00:22:41 That's a big word. We don't say that shit around here. Litigation. Yes, or litigation. That's a big word. We don't say that shit around here. Litigation. Yes, litigation, exactly. Well, here's what you do, Dallas. You do what the UK did. Anytime somebody brings a slander, a libel suit, if you lose, you got to pay. The loser pays. But you see, that would put too many lawyers out of there.
Starting point is 00:23:06 loser pays. But you see, that would put too many lawyers out of their hands. TMZ said it obtained a copy of a cease and desist letter to West, which reads, what's his daughter's name? Isn't it North by North or something like, I'm not fucking, it's North. His son or daughter's name, I'm not shitting you. Gotta like the guy. Which reads in part that Mr. Floyd's cause of death is well settled through evidence presented in courts of law during the criminal and civil trials that were the result of his untimely and horrific death. Nevertheless, you have maliciously made statements that are inaccurate and unfounded. Bullshit causing damage to Mr. Floyd's estate and his family. And you're just fucking race baiting money grubbing pigs. You can't handle the truth.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Of course they said it was because of the knee on the neck because if they didn't, I mean, look what happened when they did. The law firms added that Mike Hostelow's in the shower. He'll be getting back to you right after. That's a local guy here, folks. He does a commercial. He's is in the shower. He'll be getting back to you right after. That's a local guy here, folks. He does a commercial. He's literally in the shower. The law firm's added that Floyd's daughter
Starting point is 00:24:10 has been re-traumatized by West's statements. See what absolute horseshit that is. I'd make her fucking, I'd make her get on the stand. How are you traumatized, young lady? And that West is creating an unsafe that's when you know it's both and unhealthy
Starting point is 00:24:28 he made a statement. He's not burning tires in her front yard. Unhealthy environment for her. Oh, for you. Yeah, you look like you need the money, lady. You're really starving there. Got a fucking arm on you like Terrell Suggs.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Even a little girl's going, the microphone, adjust the fucking thing. I'm traumatized. The cease and desist letter also demands that West remove the drink champ's interview and all similar statements regarding George Floyd from every podcast, website,
Starting point is 00:25:07 advertisement, social media site, no matter the platform or the medium. And I say, go fuck yourself. It's freedom, baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Are you chopping away at the words? Chopping away at the words, folks, because without words, they have no power. You know what I know. He's got they have no power you know what i know he's got a gold pea you know what i know anyways let's move on to a a story that i entitled come on in felons i mean fellas what does that mean i'll get to it relax two high school assistant principals we'll call them aps supposedly opened school doors to permit four masked teenagers, they were black, with guns to enter the building.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I'll repeat, they opened the doors to let them in because the administrators, the people who opened the door, feared for the safety of the suspects, at least three of whom appear to be black, since police had already arrived on the scene. Do you get that, folks? The teachers thought the kids with guns visible, masks on, were in danger because they saw cops out there. I can't even make this shit up. On September 14th, security officers at Garrett Morgan High School in Cleveland, Ohio, reportedly spotted four-armed teenagers wearing masks approaching the school and immediately contacted 911.
Starting point is 00:26:33 While the suspects continue to approach the school, the security officers repeatedly emphasized that the suspects should not be let inside. Where were they, by the way, the security people? should not be let inside. Where were they, by the way, the security people? Do not let them, do not let anybody through that door, people, one man said, according to the audio from the 9-1-1. Oh, that's who was saying, the guy in the 9-1-1? I don't know, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Danger, Will Robinson, danger. One of them was Will Robinson. No. Keep the school locked down, the dispatcher instructed another person, yelled, don't let them in the building. And yet another person seemed to relay that message to others, echoing, don't let them in the building. Here's video of the kids approaching. This is one of the nitwits, assistant principals. And watch how he handles it.
Starting point is 00:27:21 I wonder how this guy voted. Hey, guys, come on here. All four of you. Come on. Oh, this is after they're already in. Pause. He let them into that vestibule area. He let them in.
Starting point is 00:27:39 And he said because he thought they were in danger because of the car. Do you guys, do you see what you're witnessing? That PC mental illness? He let them into a, and they said, well, the doors behind him that go into the school were locked. Well, they could shoot those out. They could kill him first. I can't believe. You wonder these poor kids, and these are the people who are supposed to be protecting them?
Starting point is 00:28:03 And last, let me ask you another thing. If you were doing my idea, and don't get me telling you there's not enough money for it, and had a guard out front with a gun, an ex-vet, standing there, right, with a gun visible, would they even approach the... I don't think so. But go ahead. Detain him. What I'm getting detained for?
Starting point is 00:28:24 What I'm getting detained for. Turn around. Turn around. Turn around. What I'm getting detained for? What I'm getting detained for? Turn around. Turn around. What I'm getting detained for? Surprise! I don't know what I'm talking about. Cops are chasing me. Hey, hey, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop! A few people listening. Hey! Cops are chasing the kids. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
Starting point is 00:28:46 A few people listening. All right. Just another example of young black kids being afraid of the cops, huh? Right? I'm saying that sarcastically. Do they look afraid of the cops? When you run from the cops, you're not afraid of the cops. You're assuming you're going to get away. This is another example
Starting point is 00:29:06 of them being so frightened. After all the fucking shootings and supposedly unarmed black men being killed by cops, you still run. I don't know what to say anymore. I don't know what to say.
Starting point is 00:29:22 However, despite these repeated warnings, the young men were in fact allowed into the building. Blah, blah, blah. I just showed you the whole thing. The administrator is Christopher Kane. I think that was the guy. Unless Carol... Unless...
Starting point is 00:29:35 Yeah, exactly. Has a nice thick beard. Carol and Elias. Carol and Elias. Both assistant principals allowed them in the frickin' school. It's a stupid, it's a stupid, stupid. Two assistant principals from leadership, from leadership, let the males into the building. One witness wrote a statement, and one of the two APs told, that's assistant principals,
Starting point is 00:30:02 told police in a statement, I confirmed the interior doors were locked and instructed the four suspects to come in to the vestibule because it was unsafe to be outside because I saw, and I'm quoting, police officers. I'm guessing it's the woman that said that. And I'm guessing she's black. Doesn't have to be. Could be a white lib. But I'm just saying, to take it that far, and I could guessing she's black. Doesn't have to be. Could be a white lib. But I'm just saying, to take it that far, and I could be wrong.
Starting point is 00:30:27 What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. I hope you're talking about the guy and not me. I'll come in there and slap you. According to Post Millennial, Kane was spotted on security footage standing by the doors. That's him, right?
Starting point is 00:30:44 Where the alleged gunman supposedly entered. The four were then in a vestibule area accessible to the outside world, but locked from the inside, preventing the suspects from entering the rest of the building. La, la, la, la, la. That's not the fucking point. That's not the point.
Starting point is 00:30:57 You should have locked those doors right there. But I don't understand a part about security. I didn't see any security. I saw an assistant principal. But he thought the cops are putting the kids in. What else can you say about our society? It is flipped upside down. There's no common sense left.
Starting point is 00:31:16 We're fucked. Unless I run next year. I am. Let me announce it now. Anyways, speaking of run, why don't you run to come see me in the shower? Make plans to come see me on the road. Here's where I'll be and when. November 11th, the Palm Beach Kennel Club, West Palm Beach, Florida. The next night, the 12th, Snapper's Comedy Club, Fort Myers, Florida. November 13th, the next night, Sidesplitters Comedy Club, Tampa.
Starting point is 00:31:43 And then in January, the 13th and 14th, Comedy Off-Broadway in Lexington, Kentucky. February 3 and 4, The Grove Comedy Club, Lowell, Arkansas. March... This guy's got me working like I'm a fucking new comic! I don't even remember seeing these offers.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Yes, I do. March 11 and 12, The Comedy Club of Kansas City in Missouri. You can get tickets to all these shows at Just click on the old tour button. Let's move on to a story. I don't want to laugh at it because it's tragic.
Starting point is 00:32:16 But it's very fucking odd. And it's not the first time people have... I understand if a propeller's going so fast you can't see it. I don't think that was the case here, do you? Because it said it hit him twice on the head. I don't know. Well, I say, you know, the headline's big props to him.
Starting point is 00:32:36 That's not... I'm sorry, sir. A Georgia college student died instantly when he walked into the still-spinning propeller of a small airplane he had rented for a dinner date. Now, that's got to stay. Georgia Southern University sophomore, Sani, S-A-N-I, L-E-U, A-L-I-Y-U, 21, was hit in the head twice at Statesboro Bullock County Airport on Sunday night after he got off a plane piloted by two friends who had taken him and a woman to nearby Savannah.
Starting point is 00:33:20 According to officials and reports, they flew to Savannah, right here, to go on a date, flew back, landed at the Statesboro Airport, and the young lady got off the plane, and he got off the airplane and walked toward the front of the plane, and when he did,
Starting point is 00:33:37 he was struck by the propeller, according to Bullock County Coroner Jake Futch, who told the Statesboro, can you imagine a date gone fucking... What the hell? What are you... That girl's probably traumatized. I mean... You can't even ask him how the date...
Starting point is 00:33:58 Savannah is about 55 miles southeast of Statesboro, blah, blah, blah, where Nick DiPaolo has a show that's just outstanding. The GSU has its main campus. Al U, Al U was an Atlanta resident and a management major, a college spokesperson told the Post, we're deeply saddened to hear about the traffic. This is what a traffic incident, the lady calls lady calls it again she's part of the school administration right that's him football player that's the school administrator and again traffic accident do you guys see what i'm saying about language they don't tell you how anybody dies now and not just because of covid we're at a new level of soft in this country soft like you can't
Starting point is 00:34:42 We're at a new level of soft in this country. Soft. Like you can't... A traffic... What are you talking about? But if you're killed by a white cop, you'll know that. Oh, that one, yeah. They're right on the money.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Traffic accident? Yeah, he was hit by a Toyota that had a propeller on the front. I don't... What the fuck are you talking about? A traffic accident. Incident that involved one of our students. Yeah, we know that.
Starting point is 00:35:07 He's gone. And we couldn't do nothing about it. Sounds like she was just like woken up like, hey, we have to send a message real quick. Okay, get my default traffic one. He, she, you know what? I bet she didn't even have the details. You're right. Sunday night, Dr. Eileen Dowell.
Starting point is 00:35:23 And if she did, I don't know what you're doing, lady. Georgia State University's Dean of Students said in a statement provided to The Post. So I don't get it, once again. Cute lady, but what are you doing? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? Take it back, get it out of here.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Anyways, last story? It is? Wow, I'm ripping through them. Naked bootleg. I pictured you at home going, what the fuck is he doing? Every time I send those, I'm trying to make you laugh. An ex-NFL player is taking heat after his organization brought a stripper to an event hosted at a high school in the Detroit area. There's something wrong with the black man's mind!
Starting point is 00:36:12 No, they're right. Trying to do good, this guy. Quentin Hines, I remember he was a patriot for a while, former running back of the New England, not that, he must have been there quick, I barely remember him. That's how Belichick by the way to digress for a second running backs are just uh pieces well all players are that's what I love about him I don't think we have the same two running backs two years in a row when Beller
Starting point is 00:36:38 he just he he looks at him like it doesn't matter they're all in the pros and they're not that important to me. I swear to God, that's how he treats them. Anyways, running back, Quentin Hines, former Patriots, and CEO of the minor league football organization, it's called Rivals Professional Football League, said that the recruiting service for the league hosted an event at Mount Clemens High School
Starting point is 00:37:04 where a woman wearing little clothing, that's little clothing, it should say a little clothing, was seen dancing, according to Fox 2. You know how they lie about dancing. I don't think she was a stripper. She was one of her dancers that was underdressed in its unfortunate hindsight. When I first saw this, I thought that was, I really did. I thought that was like a janitor who got excited. And I put down his mop and ripped off his shirt. No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:37:38 It's a Detroit high school. I think they've done and seen worse. Honestly, I'm losing it. That's not right i did not know i'd rather see that than a fucking uh a drag queen reading to a fucking high school kid i did not know that someone uh would come that underdressed to the dance i'm sorry mr heinz i want to believe you but i think you like broads like that i think you get them all the time about the thousand other fucking pigs you had your dick in over the years the strippers the cocktail waitresses were you best friends with all of them too you fucking hypocrite oh jesus she had more that scared me
Starting point is 00:38:19 anyways he said he didn't know buhh-buh. I don't know. The stripper was dancing to lyrics which contained, twerk that pussy, baby. That was me and Andy's wedding song we danced to. I picked it. Nobody found it funny. Matter of fact, her mother threw a fucking vase at my head. But anyways, all's good.
Starting point is 00:38:47 And dancing in a suggestive manner on the shirtless man's crotch is what they're trying to say i like oh boy is this great that was a quote from the guy you guys can't see it that aren't watching she's she's in like uh she's got a garter belt on black cute black girl obviously nice body garter belt with stockings and a brassiere or whatever and the uh the rapper or whatever the fuck he is he's good he's got a uh make america great hat on he's got a red cap and uh acid wash jeans and you know 400 sneakers that was very good, Nick. What? Acid wash jeans, brassiere. Man, look at you, fashionista. What scares me is that fucking actually, what scares me is that impressed you.
Starting point is 00:39:36 The event was not, I know, it sounded like I was doing a fashion show. A runway in Milan? No, a basketball court in fucking Michigan. Anyways, sponsored by the school. It wasn't sponsored by the school. And there were not students present at the event. So what are we talking about it for? And if it's not, and there are, the bleachers are empty.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Who is this for, Mr. Hines? I'm going to get to the bottom of this. Remember, Mr. Hines, you've been subpoenaed. Hines apologized for the incident and said, we are very sorry, but we're all still, we are still going to be a platform for up and coming artists.
Starting point is 00:40:17 He's sincerely sorry. I apologize. What's the matter with you? I'm sorry. What the fuck is the matter with you? It's okay. What the fuck is the matter with you? I'm sorry. What the fuck is the matter with you? I don't know. It's okay. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:40:35 If anyone has a video from the event held in our gymnasium on Saturday, this was Saturday night? And they wonder why there were no kids there? What is going on? If anybody has... Yeah, I'm going to send a VHS clip. Please forward it to the Macomb County Sheriff's Office as an investigation is currently underway. That's some guy that works for the cops
Starting point is 00:41:00 and wants to yank it to the fucking footage. I'm guessing it's on the internet, no? No video, that's it. What the fuck? Anyways, the district said there's an investigation ongoing. You need to shut the fuck up! Okay, I will.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Now tell me. Alray! Alray! Why don't you try doing something in your life? Work with blind kids, lepers. Anyways. Beats anything. Beats waiting around for me all day to fuck you. Blame you, you're not that good.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Frank was better? Fucking asshole. Anyways, that is it, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Welcome to Fenway Park. By the way, the Phillies took a 1-0 lead over the Padres last night, if you're interested in National League Series, NLCS. And tonight, the Yankees knocked out the Indians, the Cleveland Indians, the Native American drunken Cleveland Indians with red faces and giant feathers.
Starting point is 00:42:09 They got knocked out of play. And they had a hell of a year. Tito Francona, good for you, buddy. So it's going to be Yankees-Astros starting tonight. That'll be a doozy. And by the way, Judge has struck out like 10 times. He's only had like two hits in the series, both home runs. Anyways, that is it.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Don't forget if you'd like me to roast a friend or relative. Go to Anything else? Yep. We have Scott Ely as our closeout. Scott Ely. I wanted you to tell me his name. We've got a surprise for you.
Starting point is 00:42:41 This is one of my fans, Scott Ely. Up in Canada, I believe. Says he's coming to all three of my Florida shows. He's a guitarist. And what he did was, hold on, he plays, he's going to play the theme. He learned the theme to my, to this show, the great Richie Castellano of Blue Oyster Cult fame wrote for me. The only problem here is when we play it, he's playing along to the song, I believe, right? And you can, for some reason on this, you can hear the actual recording instead of him better. But when I looked at it on my computer and on my phone, you can hear him not missing a frigging note. I just want to explain. The kid can really play.
Starting point is 00:43:26 And I hope he still has that haircut when he sits in the front row at Snappers. Because I'm going to have a ball with him. Scotty, thank you so much. Let him play us out. Have a good rest of the day everybody Thank you. I'm a Субтитры сделал DimaTorzok

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