The Nick DiPaolo Show - Texas White and Black Out

Episode Date: February 16, 2021

Bannon hints at Trump's political future. The View adulates Biden on president's day. House Democrats hire ex-gangster in an advisory role....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah, how are you folks? Welcome to the big show on a Tuesday. Holy shit, the sun's almost out here in Georgia. Crazy, huh? What's going on? We usually don't talk about the weather on this show, but I'm going to get to that in a second, because there's some crazy shit going on. We're trying something new.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Guess who's back, ladies and gentlemen? Producing from a remote area in an undescript brick building somewhere in the Carolinas. It's the great Raz. Raz, pop yourself up there, please. Raz doesn't want to be seen because this show is so far right and he'll catch shit from the black community. Understand? he will be called all kinds of names which i will laugh at so remember we're all domestic terrorists here there we go and there he is look at him doesn't he look like the keyboard player for uh i don't know the oj's or some shit you're listening to Black Sounds 97.7.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I'm going to kick that off a little Marvin Gaye. Anyways, good to have you back, Raz. And Jason's right here at studio doing his thing. Let's get right to the weather. Deadly winter weather strikes Texas. That's right. I said Texas. At least 11 people have died as an unprecedented winter storm continued to pummel much of the United States, while more than 4 million people have been left without power in Texas amid sub-freezing temperatures. I'm talking minus eight with a win in some places and zero in Dallas.
Starting point is 00:02:28 You got to be dog style of me. What the hell's going on out here? You tell me Jesus. In San Antonio, they don't know how to handle, you know, Texas isn't, I grew up in Boston,
Starting point is 00:02:40 went to school in Maine. This is pussy shit. These people go out for the mail and they never come back. In San Antonio, a 78-year-old man froze to death after falling on his front lawn. I don't mean to laugh, but he got stuck on the front lawn in the frigid weather for two hours. You sure it wasn't COVID related? Yeah. For two hours.
Starting point is 00:03:03 You sure it wasn't COVID related? Yeah. Also killed were a woman and a girl in Houston who suffered carbon monoxide poison when they sat in an attached garage while a car was running because there was no heat in their home. It's funny. I was watching Tucker. He predicted that like yesterday or last night saying this shit. And it happens every time a man and a boy from the same family were hospitalized in the incident so don't don't carbon you save that for later in your later years when you're depressed and you hate your wife then
Starting point is 00:03:38 you go into the garage you turn on the buick and have a hose running from the tailpipe into the back window and you'll go to sleep. Many were left without heat as the mercury plunged to single digits in the Lone Star State's electric grid suffered a catastrophic failure Monday due to the snow, ice, and frigid temperatures. The Electric Riability Council of Texas, otherwise known as ERCOT, I worked there for two years. I was tapping off the grid. They caught me. It was also forced to cut power, you know, in response to winter record of 69,150 megawatts on Sunday evening. More than 3,200 MW, that's megawatts, higher than the previous winter peak in January of 2018.
Starting point is 00:04:29 About 10,500 megawatts of customer load, he said load, was shed at the highest point. Enough power to serve approximately 2 million homes. In addition, the storms knocked out nearly half the state's wind power generation capacity on Sunday. Wind generations rank. Listen to this. Here's your Green New Deal. Wind generation ranks as the second largest source of electricity in Texas, accounting for almost a quarter of the state's power supplies, ERCOT estimates. How fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:05:03 It's just so ridiculous. Yeah, forget natural gas and oil that's what you want when it's 11 below a giant fan President Joe Biden not my president not yours lying cocksucker and fake commander-in-chief has declared an emergency unlocking federal assistance to texas where temperatures range from 28 i'm going to repeat this to minus 8 28 to my in texas weather-related emergencies also have been declared in alabama oklahoma it's it's god it's too cold to molest one of your sisters kansas mississippi oregon where more than 300 000 people were without power
Starting point is 00:05:47 according to the power company out there we have a bunch of jerk offs i hope aoc reads that and all the other green new deal assholes. Okay. They rely on wind power in Texas, almost a quarter of their power. And look what happened. Of course they'll say, and I can hear them already going. Yeah. But the temperatures, those nutty temperatures never seen in Texas. Well, because of the, you know, global warming, excuse me, guy froze to death in his driveway and it was global warming? Shut your horse teeth. Throw her a carrot. What?
Starting point is 00:06:33 Anyways, we miss our President Donald Trump. Jerkoff's been in office about, what, two weeks? People are dying in snowstorms. And let's blame him for everything. I don't see the media ripping him. And let's blame him for everything. I don't see the media ripping him a new asshole, treating him as bad as they treated Trump. I'm trying to lead the charge here. Speaking of Donald Trump, the greatest president in the history of this country,
Starting point is 00:07:02 Steve Bannon says Trump isn't going anywhere. He may take his revenge on Joe jerk off Biden. I'm paraphrasing. Steve Bannon told a group of Boston Republicans, all two of them, that president Trump's political career is far from over. Bannon predicted that Trump will come roaring back in 2024 at the age of 89. Floating the idea that Trump may be elected to Congress in 2022 and then launch an impeachment proceeding against Biden. He told that to the Boston Herald.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Oh, please let that happen. Oh, please. Boy, is this great. How fucking great would that, who's not going to vote for him? And there's a big split in the Republican Party. People want to separate themselves from Trump forever. Hey, Republican Party, he saved your piece of shit party. It's now his
Starting point is 00:07:57 party. Nobody believes in that neoconservative garbage GW Bush was pushing, and everybody else. Welcome to the patriot party, is what I say. Can you imagine if he runs for Congress?
Starting point is 00:08:14 We get to see him debate and shit and pick on women and cripple people and shit. He'll do his greatest hits. Let me tell you something. You broads don't know what the fuck you're doing. Sorry we gave you the right to vote. Oh, Pelosi has some type of labia cancer. Going forward, we can transform the Republican Party into more of a MAGA movement.
Starting point is 00:08:35 That sounds gross. Just immerse the Make America Great movement with the Republican. Fuck that. Get rid of the Republican Party. Get the people that were in the Patriot Party and merge them. And we're going to have massive victories in the future, Bannon said in a Lincoln Day breakfast speech. Bannon said Trump could become Speaker of the House in 2022 and impeach Biden. Are you kidding? That's better than porn.
Starting point is 00:09:01 and impeach Biden. Are you kidding? That's better than porn. Imagine Trump with a gavel on his hand. He'll be whacking people. Come to order. Bing, sit down. You didn't vote for me, you fucking rhino cocksucker.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Bing. We totally get rid of, this is Bannon talking now, we totally get rid of Nancy Pelosi. That should have been done 25 years ago when she still had tits. Got to get rid of her. Bye-bye. And then the first act that President Trump, as Speaker, will be to impeach Joe Biden,
Starting point is 00:09:39 Bannon said, leading to a bunch of applause. Ian Hollis from the Boston Republicans. I didn't even know there were any Republicans in Boston. My home state is turned into the San Francisco of the East. It makes me sick. And why is this shirt riding up my back like I have traps like the Hulk? You know why gay guys design these things.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Fucking 32-inch chest. The legs are so skinny, it's like they're walking on their hands. I have to buy a 36 waist to get jeans over my frigging thighs. I digress. What else is going on? That's about it.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Take it easy, folks. You guys have been terrific. Try the veal. I'll be at the Comedy Works in Buffalo. So Joe Biden, apparently people are happy that he's the president. And of course, The view celebrated President's Day. This guy's he's an illegal president. Anyways, they celebrated Biden on President's Day yesterday.
Starting point is 00:10:58 More proof the left is living in an alternate planet. Everything they say in this clip has no semblance to reality. Uh, old buddy, rich wood sent me this clip and he sent it with a trigger warning and he was right. I actually coughed up a little blood in my mouth while watching this. I was so angry.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Do you believe the view still exists? Just whoopies ugliness alone. You'd think they would have been cancelled joy behar that cow who i'm supposed to be friends with sorry joy jesus christ i got a fat face today no neck that's it throwing out the mixer let's take a look at at the uh five of the ugliest women blowing Joe Biden. You know, you lose an election, you win an election, and the other person's your enemy. I mean, this is about, you know, people have choices, and the job is you represent everyone.
Starting point is 00:11:56 You represent people who voted against you as well. Pause. You represent everyone? Really? Your first thing to do is label us domestic terrorists, everybody that voted for Trump? What up? I didn't realize he was such an empty suit.
Starting point is 00:12:13 How fucking dare you? You represent everybody. You know, the domestic terrorists, all those 10 Antifa people that broke into the Capitol, which is really the truth, by the way. Ugh. Go ahead. Well, there we are. He's adorable. He's so genuine and sweet and lovely and fun. Everything you want in a man and in a president.
Starting point is 00:12:57 There's Joy. That's what she looks like when she's coming. Don't ask me how I know that. Look at that face. That's what you want in a president. Somebody who's in the third stage of Alzheimer's and who never was right about any big issues ever in his 47-year career in D.C. Not one. You can look it up.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Also a plagiarizer and a guy who's blowing China. That's what you want in a president, huh, Joy? How dare you. Lucky I don't come over there. I don't know where there is. Anyways. I've just had it. The Republicans, they wrote a letter to Speaker, what's her name?
Starting point is 00:13:53 Pelosi? She's a malignant cunt. Demanding answers as to why she denied a request to activate the National Guard, get this, ahead of January 6th, and why it took her over an hour while the attack was ongoing to approve a request to authorize the National Guard. Good questions. Anybody going to answer them ever? You fucking whore.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready. was matt gates from florida talking to plus she's mentally ill though can we all agree on that i remember me and dennis miller agreeing on that point when i did his radio show like 12 years ago in New York saying she is seriously mentally ill and she's 80 now and she's more obstinate and and and bitter and just so partisan always has been how the fuck has she lasted that long and why don't some of you so-called republican guys get in her face and threaten her I mean they're playing dirty.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Let's pick up our game here. The Republicans sent a letter to Nancy Pelosi questioning some of her actions on or before January 6th. The date that she says was the most horrible day in American history. Um, she's so full of shit. Here's the letter.
Starting point is 00:15:26 I will read it to you as quick as I can, but listen to this. It has been, oh, it's to the Honorable Nancy Pelosi. So we know this is hilarious. It has been widely reported and confirmed by multiple sources that when Chief's son requested the National Guard be activated ahead of January 6th joint session of Congress. The response from the SAA acting on your behalf was the optics of having National Guard on site were not good and the intelligence didn't support the move. The request was not approved. Furthermore, on January 6th, in the middle of the ongoing attack of the Capitol, Chief Sund again notified the SAA of his request for approval
Starting point is 00:16:06 to authorize the National Guard. It took over an hour for his request to be approved because the SSA had to run the request up the chain of command, which undoubtedly was a mistake by you and your designees. On January 7th, you held a press conference in which you stated, you lying pig, in part that you were calling on Chief's son to resign because he, in quotes, hasn't called us since this happened. 2021 detailed two occasions that he briefed you on the situation on the Capitol campus. The first occurring at 5 36 PM and the second at 6 25 PM,
Starting point is 00:16:51 both on January 6th, while there is widespread support to conduct an independent security review. Um, I can't see the last word. It's blocked of the campus yes campus campus what general Russell Honore well there is widespread support to conduct an independent security view of the campus general Russell Honore was appointed solely by you without consultation of the minority.
Starting point is 00:17:25 To the general's credit, he's reached out to several Republicans to brief on his work to date. We are hopeful his review will result in beneficial recommendations that are not influenced by political motivations. However, it is easy to understand why we and our Senate counterparts
Starting point is 00:17:43 remain skeptical that any of his final recommendations will be independent and without influence from you. In addition, we are very concerned by the obstruction and inability to procure and preserve information from your House officers when requested. Listen to how bipartisan asshole. Such information is necessary to properly conduct oversight on the January 6th events. Preservation and production requests were sent to the SAA
Starting point is 00:18:12 and the House Chief Administrative Officer, among other legislative agencies, requesting that such relevant information concerning the attack on the Capitol, including correspondence, video footage, audio recordings, and other records be preserved and produced to the relevant committees.
Starting point is 00:18:30 In multiple cases, your appointees acting on your behalf have denied requests to produce this information. The response we received was, we regret to inform you that given the scope of the information requested and the concerns implicated by the nature of the request, we are unable to comply with the request at this time. Anyways, that's enough of the letter. Do you see how she wants it both ways? They're just asking. She's the one, first of all, she lied. They offered her security before the attack. She turned down. Now she's out there on national TV every day saying it was domestic terrorists
Starting point is 00:19:10 and the campus guy's son didn't do his job. Just a liar. Anything to advance her dogshit left-wing political. And, uh, I'm glad they wrote the letter. Let's see it becomes of anything. I'm so paranoid right now, folks about the Republicans. I don't know who to believe who's a Rhino. I, like I said, I get excited. I used to think Kinzinger was a actual right winger and all these other idiots that voted to convict Trump. At one point,
Starting point is 00:19:49 they actually seemed like they believed in the cause, but, uh, so I don't know what to believe. We all know Pelosi has to go. And the best way to do that is get Trump into Congress. Whack her out. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:20:04 I hate her guts and may she choke on some of that ben and jerry's all right speaking again left-wing lunacy get this all right house democrats hire ex-gangsta killer. Sure they do. The House Democrats campaign arm has hired an ex-gangsta turned high profile criminal justice advocate for a top leadership position. Okay, so give me a five. Uh-oh, retard alert. Retard alert. Retard alert. Retard alert.
Starting point is 00:20:45 The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, headed by Hudson Valley area rep Sean Patrick Maloney, tapped Dejon Tatro as a senior advisor for diversity and inclusion. A former gang member who shot people. He's the one in charge of diversity. What's he going to do? So we got to start shooting more white people instead of each other? I know
Starting point is 00:21:09 he made something of himself, but I don't give a shit. You shot people that should... You cannot be qualified to work in the government. That's a rule I just made. Jason, make sure Congress gets that. Tatro is known for appearing in the 2019 PBS documentary
Starting point is 00:21:28 series, College Behind Bars. Where did you go? The University of Brushy Hill Penitentiary? Anyways, it's about a group of inmates trying to earn their degrees through New York State's barred prison initiative. How about the victims of this jerk-off? Anybody care about them? Through the program, Tetrault got a bachelor's degree while serving a six-year sentence for racketeering conspiracy. So he's a perfect fit for the Democrats.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I'm sure this would have happened if he was a white guy. No offense, Raz. Anyways, at the time of the 2011 conviction, Tatro had already been doing time for shooting two rival gang members. Oh, I see why they hired him. The next time the Republicans practice a softball game or baseball game, he'll be the shooter. Described at the time as a trigger man. I said trigger for the original gangsta killers street gang that terrorized Albany. Probably had a run in with my fucking manager, Tommy. He's from that neck of Albany. Probably had a run-in with my fucking manager, Tommy. He's from that neck of the woods. Tatro confessed to the shootings
Starting point is 00:22:48 and to razor slashing of another victim in 2002, as well as to dealing drugs. So again, he's a perfect fit for the Democrats. They are so twisted. He admitted to making at least $12,000 a month dealing drugs. That's it? He wasn't even good at that. I make that on Cameo. I don't. Don't take that. I make about $11 a week on Cameo.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Take it easy. $12,000 a month? The fuck were you selling? Skunk weed? Oh, that's right. It's Albany. You only need $4,000 to live for the year up there. It's like Nigeria or some shit. He admitted to making at least 12 grand a month dealing drugs and conspired to traffic more than 50 grams of crack cocaine. 50 grams? Sam Kinison would do that in a day. Tatro was freed in 2017 and has since become an advocate for increasing educational opportunities for inmates through a BPI.
Starting point is 00:23:46 While in the program himself, Tatro is part of a, get this one, we have to look this up, a three inmate debate team. From the Eastern New York Correctional Facility in the Catskills, get this part, that famously defeated the Harvard undergraduates debate. Yo, yo, yo, I like to fucking rebuke that shit you just threw up there, nigga. What?
Starting point is 00:24:20 Somebody help me out. Although, you know what? Let me rethink that. Why do we think the people at Harvard are so smart? They're as retarded as anybody. I might give that one to the three rapists who beat them in a debate. Can you imagine hiring this guy? I wouldn't let him work at fucking Marshalls.
Starting point is 00:24:53 They love him. The Dem they love him the dems love him they asked uh chuck schumer about him he said this he was the best guy around new york state republican party chairman nick langworthy said and i love this this guy second chance is a one thing but i I would have to question Congressman Maloney's judgment to put someone with such a violent past at the top of their organization. That's something you'd hear when mafia families are talking to each other. But Maloney and DCC defending hiring Tatro, whom they consider a turnaround success story and a nationally recognized criminal justice reform advocate. Apparently, I'm not watching enough PBR. PBR? That's a beer, isn't it? PBS.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Excuse me. Now, who's ignorant? Yo, shut your mouth, yo. You don't even know how to say it. one day yo shut your mouth yo you don't even know how to say it uh dejean is formerly incarcerated person who has worked hard to change the trajectory of his life and his bullets through education and service to his community a democratic committee spokesman said yeah you know what nobody cares what the you have to say. Who gives a fuck what you think? Not me.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Let me have a sip of my Irish coffee. Four parts Canadian Club, one part Sanka. Remember Sanka? My mother, I'll have a cup of Sanka really what are you gonna have after that can of tab get into the new century lady what do we got here let's go to new york and another democrat who wouldn't know the truth if it bit him on his badge, governor Andrew Cuomo's executive order. This is the headline killed 15,000 seniors. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Guys killed more old people than a slippery sidewalk. Fell down. There's a bone coming through my ass and I can't get up. Oh, Cuomo. Oh, yeah. So he's under heat because one of his aides came out, a woman named, we talked about yesterday, Melissa DeRosa, and said, yes, we hid the data as far as deaths in nursing homes and shit. And this guy was on TV.
Starting point is 00:27:22 I should have pulled the clip, but I'm not working for NBC. I don't get that kind of dough but he's actually blaming everybody else fucking Trump people the people themselves who Oh people came into the nursing home to visit old people they are the ones who spread it there everybody but himself mr. Emmy winner there There he is holding an imagined dick in his hand. I guess we got a video. I don't know what of, but let's roll it. My mother's name is Maria Sachs.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Her name is Maria Sachs. This lady's daughter, obviously, died in a nursing home. She wants to hold Governor Cuomo accountable. She doesn't realize that doesn't happen in new york but okay let her roll and i told her i promised her you know as her
Starting point is 00:28:12 dot i told her you know unfortunately we had to say goodbye to harvey assume which was terribly tragic you know that that is in ingrained in my, I just, I can't wrap my fingers around it. You know, every day is like a dream. You know, it's still hard to comprehend what had happened. And, you know, we, I promised her I would not stop fighting. I mean, I respect this lady and everything, what she's doing for her mom who passed. But her mom's 60 there. Jesus Christ, was she living with keith
Starting point is 00:28:45 richards holy she looks like she's in her late hundreds she's 60 there what in dog years my god what did she do for a living mix meth all right roll it god bless yourself Mix meth? All right, roll it. God bless your soul. Tell the truth, this toll. That was it. Is that it?
Starting point is 00:29:09 Yep. Boy, did I pick a bad spot to intervene. New York Governor Cuomo signed an executive order, if you guys don't remember, forcing nursing homes to accept patients who tested positive for COVID-19. You have blood thinner on your hands, sir. It is now known that the March 2020 decision led to the death of almost 15,000. I'll say that again.
Starting point is 00:29:39 15,000 seniors. You pompous, stock-up, snot-nosed, English, giant, twerp, scumbag, fuck-faced, dickhead, asshole. So that lady's mother was a long-time resident at the Grand Rehabilitation and Nursing at South Point
Starting point is 00:29:59 Island, New York, and she suffered from dementia. And dementia? Nick, Jesus Christ. Putting fucking R's with you. This lady had more brains than you at this point. Mmm. Mmm.
Starting point is 00:30:16 I trusted them to take care of her where we couldn't, and they failed miserably, her daughter Teresa Seri said in an interview with Fox News. And now she did. On March 31st, just six days after the order was signed, Sari received an email from the Grand Rehab Center. Get this.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Informing families about the first confirmed case of coronavirus inside her mother's facility. The message said in bold, this is not a reason to panic. What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul. Mr. Cuomo. listen to it. May God have mercy on your soul. Mr. Cuomo. The following morning, a nurse called Sari with the word that her mother had come down with a fever, was coughing, refused to eat. As Maria's condition rapidly deteriorated, Sari spent the next few days on the phone,
Starting point is 00:31:19 desperate to have her mother removed from the shared room she was in and brought to a hospital. So that should happen like that, right? After three long days, Maria was finally transferred, excuse me, God damn it, to a hospital in respiratory distress where she ultimately passed away with Cuomo's foot on her throat laughing.
Starting point is 00:31:47 After Cuomo's nursing home controversy came under renewed focus last week when his top aide admitted to covering up the true number of COVID-19 related deaths at the nursing home, they were just denying it for Christ's sake, you know. What murder! Sarah said she's a bit relieved this is finally coming to her head. This is what we've been fighting for for the past year, she said. We want the truth to be told and we want to help other families avoid dealing with this traumatizing experience. Since Maria's passing, Sari joined Voices for Seniors, a group focused on raising awareness about the shortcomings of nursing homes and advocating for protective legislation and reform for all people that we
Starting point is 00:32:31 don't give a fuck about in this country. It's really sad. These were vulnerable people that were just thrown to the side, Sari said. She accused people in political power of treating their lost loved ones as political toys that they couldn't care less about. Good for her. She's doing something about it. I'm frigging, I have a little experience because my dad was in a nursing home. My mother's in a,
Starting point is 00:32:58 they call it assisted living or whatever, but it's the most beautiful apartment I've ever seen. She looks like she's a point guard for an NBA. Got a fish tank, got a fish tank for a headboard, surround sound, big thing, big bowl of Coke next to her bed. We had it all. And then one day it all ended. Now I'm just a nobody.
Starting point is 00:33:24 I live in Danvers, Mass. Yesterday at the nursing home I ordered spaghetti with meatballs and I got Chef Boyardee. Good fellas. Burnt into my skull. I'll tell you, it's a dog-eat-dog
Starting point is 00:33:44 out there. Or in this case a crocodile eat man story this is my idea of a light story this is how i loosen things up on the show i think you'll find it funny australian oh oh this is another covid thing i'm sorry you have a couple australian things uh this this is this is my favorite guy on the internet right now. I think he was doing, what was that, cooking demonstration? Yeah. Or whatever. I don't know what he was doing.
Starting point is 00:34:12 You'll see. But there's a bunch of left-wing journalists upset because he's not wearing a mask. And this is why I love Australia. They sort of lead the world right now in killing political correctness. They just lash out. So this Australian, sick of dumb questions from a retarded lefty journalist, his response couldn't be more appropriate. It's at Kiera Savage 00 tweeted, this dude says no thanks to Victoria's lockdown.
Starting point is 00:34:44 The journalist asked him, do you realize there's a lockdown? And watch his response. Did you realize there's a lockdown? Can't wait for some of these things. You're going to be good at it. Shut your fucking mouth! Shut the fuck up, you cunt! Can we see that again, please?
Starting point is 00:35:08 Did you realize there's a lockdown? Mm, can't wait for some of these things. These are going to be good ass. He's got his fucking microphone right over the sausage and peppers. How dare you? What if that mic had COVID on it? God bless the Australians.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Huh? Do you know there's a lockdown? Can you imagine? That's what Trump should have done. Did Acosta slapped his glasses off? Fucking would have won. Well, he did win in a landslide. his glasses off.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Fucking would have won. Well, he did win in a landslide. There should be a button that says I don't want to talk to you. Did we miss that one? We did. Anyways. It's a dangerous situation. I want to thank people who have donated
Starting point is 00:36:02 to the show since yesterday at or the comics Jim calm James burns from California David Hertz California Dave get out of there friends Grissom only German living in Oklahoma James Lafferty Pennsylvania and new monthly supporters. We've got a few of them. Frazier Raymond III, Washington, David Fatale, California,
Starting point is 00:36:33 Chris Glaude, Ohio, Josh Lauer, Colorado, Joseph Alampi, North Carolina, Sarah Wessner, Florida, James Tompkins, New York. Nicholas Monteleone, North Carolina. JLB 613. Muscles Marinara. All became monthly members. And you know what that means, folks.
Starting point is 00:37:02 You get an extra story that nobody else gets every day. You get to ask me a question, if we're still doing that. I think we are. And, you know, then you get the Nick DiPaolo wigs and silly hats that we sell on. More political correctness. This one will fry your nipples. We're just trying to, the left is trying to wipe out the history of this country. It's exactly what ISIS does or groups like that
Starting point is 00:37:34 when they blow up, you know, 2,000-year-old statues in Egypt. It's what terrorists do. They try to wipe out the culture that they're trying to take over. And that's what your Democrat party's doing here. Listen to how brainwashed it used to be the students. Now it's the students are now teachers at these college who have been, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:59 woke and just trying to wipe out anything that has anything to do with the white patriarchy. And what am I talking about? This says, woke at last. Indiana's Valparaiso University cancels Crusader nickname and mascot. Jesus Christ. Cancel the colors. Shit and piss.
Starting point is 00:38:24 According to Valparaiso's interim president, Colette Irwin Nutt, excuse me, Colette Irwin Nutt, balloon nut. I say what I did there, nothing. The negative connotation and violence
Starting point is 00:38:38 associated with the crusader imagery are not reflective of Valpo's mission and values, which promote a welcoming and inclusive community, unless you're a white male who likes pussy. This is the decision that best reflects our values and community, she said. And I said to her, shut your fucking mouth. Shut the fuck up, you cunt. Nick, no need for that talk. Oh, yes, there is. Valparaiso student President Caitlin Steinhiser Sprachen Sie Deutsch in Rosen! elaborated on the decision by saying,
Starting point is 00:39:15 At Valpo, we strive to seek truth. That's how you do it? By wiping out history? You filthy, cheese-eating, wig-wearing... Anyways. out history you filthy cheese eating wig wearing anyways we say we strive to seek the truth serve generously and cultivate hope have you ever heard such socal babble psycho babble sickle babble sagas too much coffee she says we do not believe having the crusader as our mascot portrays these values is that what you believe in any case all the shame of the crusaded name do you guys know what a crusader is they came about was a reaction to like 400 years of Islamists attacking cultures in the Middle East. Shame over the crusader name and expatiating. I wonder if that means patriotic. Renunciation
Starting point is 00:40:19 is completely unwarranted. This is the guy writing the article saying they're wrong, and he's right. As the history of jihad from Muhammad to ISIS shows from primary sources, the Crusades would not, as the good people at Valparaiso University evidently assume, an unprovoked exercise of racist proto-colonialism directed against a peaceful Muslim world. The Crusades were in reality a football team out of Nebraska
Starting point is 00:40:46 In 12 ad no the Crusades were in reality a late small-scale defensive response after 450 years of jihad attacks had conquered and islamicized What had previously been over half of the Christian world? But again, let's blame the victims. They kicked the shit out of the Byzantines. If you remember, this was a great game. Byzantines versus the Manzikerts in 1071.
Starting point is 00:41:24 I had the Byzantines versus the Manzikerts in 1071. I had the Byzantines plus 40. They got smoked. When they took the Emperor Romus, the fourth Diogenes prisoner, opened all of Asia Minor, G Minor, and D Sharp
Starting point is 00:41:39 to them. In 1076, they conquered Syria. In 1077, Jerusalem, the Seljuk Emir at-seas bin Uwakwa, that Rez was a former member of, promised not to harm the inhabitants of Jerusalem. But get this, once they entered that city, they murdered 3,000 people. So somebody said, we better get a plan together. You know? So the crusades were created. But somehow
Starting point is 00:42:09 all that jihadist fucking massacring doesn't bother Valparaiso. They ought to make Muhammad their mascot. It would be less offensive. The church of Constantinople considered the Pope a schismatic and had squabbled with him for centuries.
Starting point is 00:42:29 But the new Byzantine Emperor Alexius, the first communist swallowed his pride and appealed for help. And that is how the first crusade came about. It was response to the Byzantine Emperor's call for help against Muslim invaders who threatened to destroy the Christian empire. And he gave a speech saying this. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists.
Starting point is 00:42:57 And some, I assume, are good people. But at a time when the crusaders, ancient jihadi foes are newly invigorated meaning now and more aggressive than they have been for centuries this cultural self-hatred is a recipe for disaster and i don't like the way it tastes who's with me look at that mascot i just don't like the colors. Brown is just yucky. Brown and yellow. It's a bad combination. So good thing we changed that.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Get rid of that mascot. I can sleep like a baby tonight. Is that not enough for you? Want to hear some more destruction of our history? The greatest country on the planet ever? Woke teachers cancel Shakespeare over misogyny and racism. Once again, the left takes today's contemporary values and tries to apply them to hundreds and hundreds of years ago.
Starting point is 00:44:08 And they're like, oh my God, he was sexist. He was misogynist, before these words even existed. That's how stupid they are. They're really dumb people. Getting rid of Shakespeare for misogyny and racism. What are they going to do next, kick me out of stand-up? An increasing number of woke teachers are refusing to study the bard, accusing his classic works of promoting misogyny, racism, homophobia,
Starting point is 00:44:39 classism, anti-Semitism, and misogyny. So they want to get rid of that. I've had enough. I can't take it. No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. A slew of English literature teachers told the school library journalists, SLJ, how they were ditching the likes of Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo, and Juliet.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I played Juliet, believe it or not, in high school. Boy, did that go wrong. To instead make room for modern, diverse, and inclusive voices. They didn't have those back then. It was a nice world. I don't see you burning fucking Lou Rawls albums. That came out in English. That would have been hilarious.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Shakespeare was a tool used to civilize black and brown people in England's empire. Is that what he was doing? My boy Jason, who's pretty well-read, a little retarded, but he's well-read. He told me Othello was about a black guy cheating on a black woman. Christ's sake. Shakespeare was the Maury Povich of his time.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Yeah, so they used that to keep black and to whatever keep the English empire going. They insisted Shakespeare scholar, Ianna Thompson, I wonder if she's white, Ianna, a professor of English at Arizona State University. Teachers also need to challenge the whiteness of the assumption that Shakespeare's works are universal. And sister, Jeffrey Austin, look at, first of all, that's, you know, the first woman I mentioned. universal and sister Jeffrey Austin. Look at her. First of all,
Starting point is 00:46:26 that's, you know, the first woman I mentioned, do we have Jeffrey Austin? Jace? I mean, Oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:46:36 White fag. Even worse. Jeffrey Austin, who is head of Michigan high school's English literature literature department look at him a cocky you smoke cocksucker fuck you boy i nailed that one former washington state public school teacher claire bronk what does she look like if she's white i'm gonna faint oh my god j. Jason, that's your girlfriend, isn't it? Claire Brunk, who never saw a dick she liked, told SLJ she banished the bard. That's short for Shakespeare.
Starting point is 00:47:16 From her classrooms, listen to this. And this is, quote, to stray from the centering the narrative around white cisgender heterosexual men. So what do you want to do? Make it Julianne and Juliet munching on each other's boxes? I'll watch that. Put Gwyneth Paltrow in it. And Gayle King. Eliminating Shakespeare was a step I could easily take to work toward that and it proved worthwhile for my students She insisted how do you know other teachers said they were sticking with Shakespeare? But listen to this but reframing his works through a more modern lens. I Want to do that with MLK jr. I want to fucking rewrite some of his
Starting point is 00:48:06 I had a dream speech. You know? I had a dream that one day little black boys would be stealing the wallets of little white girls. What? Cut. Why do I
Starting point is 00:48:22 pick on one of the few black people I really like? Sarah Mulhern Gross, an English teacher at High Technology High School in Lincroft, New Jersey, said she was teaching Romeo and Juliet with a side of toxic masculinity. What a feminist twat. My vagina's angry. Oh, it is. It is. It's pissed off.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Yes, it is. It is. It's pissed off. Yes, it is. With a side of masculine toxicity. Hmm. In her SLJ article, to teach or not to teach. Oh, she's funny, too. Librarian Amanda McGregor. Actually, this woman acknowledged the Bard as a genius wordsmith responsible for masterful wordplay, creative use of language, biting wit, puns, and innovative characters,
Starting point is 00:49:14 which was just how I was described in Internet Magazine Weekly. You hear, Raz? That's enough for today. I can't take any more woke ism. I'm going to message for you. Woke people go the fuck back to sleep. It's a bitch, much better country.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Remind me to cut down on the coffee. I can't keep my tongue straight. That is it. Ladies and gentlemen, Our first show that was produced remotely by the great Raz and Jason taking care of this script. Once we get this echo out of the
Starting point is 00:49:54 mic, oh my God, my timing will be exactly the same. Anyways, that is it. You guys, If you want me to roast a friend of yours or an enemy go to cameo calm click on my profile tell me about the person I'll make a video on my phone send it right to him did four of them this morning so very
Starting point is 00:50:15 popular you guys think it I will say it you're very welcome we'll see you back here same time tomorrow. Take care of everybody. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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