The Nick DiPaolo Show - THE FACES OF RACISM! | Nick Di Paolo Show #512

Episode Date: March 25, 2021

U.S. senators Hirono and Duckworth vow never to vote for Biden's white nominees. Biden asks cackling Kamala to clean his border mess. Bill Clinton to speak at women empowerment event....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, I want to thank you for watching the show and I want to encourage you to keep contributing to keep this show and free speech free for everyone whether they want to hear it or not. Click on this video or the link on the screen to make a contribution of any amount. I'll read your name on the show, but more importantly, you'll truly be supporting a great cause without Big Brother taking their cut or limiting the message. Thank you guys so much. Hello everybody, everybody. Welcome. Thursday, final day of the week.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Thank you for being with us, whether it be morning, afternoon, evening. Can't do it without you. Well, I could, but it would suck. Hey, Hackerini, Hackeroni. Uncle Junior, yes? Guy comes home with a bouquet of flowers for his wife. I guess I'll have to spread my legs now, she says. Why, he asks.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Don't you have a vase? Oh, boy, is this great! That one never gets old, I'm sorry. I'm telling you. Anyways, what's going on, folks? Isn't it? You got to admit it's interesting to wake up and just go to the headlines and go, what kind of horseshit are they fucking trying today? We're right in the midst of it.
Starting point is 00:01:58 And I said to Colin Quinn on the phone, I go, I get it now. When you read your history, go oh i see how revolution started i see why people uh not that i'd ever assassinated but i'm just saying i see how a nut would fucking not even a nut i but i see how people go oh this government needs to be overthrown or whatever don't you i mean we're heading down that highway. I hate to be a melodramatic, but it sure feels it to me. Well, Nick, give us an example. Well, how about make me a sandwich? Make me a fucking sandwich. There we go. Make me a sandwich segment. It'd be a good example. Whitey hating senators, a United States first. I don't know why, and you probably haven't heard about it.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I don't know why this isn't on every, oh, I do. What am I saying? I don't, again, I don't watch the other ones lately. I can't even, I used to have to flip through all of them. I can't even stomach some of this shit.
Starting point is 00:02:58 You know, Hirono, she's a lesbian. She doesn't say she is. Look, she's a man on the left. And so is Duck Low. I give her respect because I think she was in the military, actual war hero. But I'd say both of them are gay women, which makes them very unhappy. If you're a gay woman and you don't look like a Playboy centerfold, you're unhappy.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Nick, that's terrible. I don't give a fuck. I'm telling you how it is. These are two angry women. Angry with who? The right? No, really with their maker, I believe. But they probably don't believe in that because they're lefties. But anyways, whoever made them did a rush job on both of them. But they're out and out fucking racists. These are two U.S. senators who stood up yesterday and said they're going to sit out any nomination of Biden's,
Starting point is 00:03:42 you know, when they bring up nominees and vote on them. If it's anything, if it's a white male, they're going to sit it out. Do you understand? Do you fucking understand? I think we have video of these idiots saying something. Go ahead. Oh, it's Matt Walsh. He works at a think tank, I believe. And, you know, he does this stuff for a living.
Starting point is 00:04:05 He's got the best beard I've ever seen. But he is outraged. And when you watch Fox News, they hardly ever use the word black in any context. But this guy, and he actually said scumbag. That's push in it, too, on Fox. But he's exactly right. Here's Matt Walsh. Yeah, I'm just trying to imagine. I mean, if we can imagine a white Republican getting up there and saying, I'm not going to vote for any nominee who isn't white and, oh, yeah, straight.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I'm looking for a white, straight male. And I won't do it. Anyone besides that now? If a Republican were to. If you did that, Lindsey Graham go, hey, hey, hey, what are you saying up there? Go ahead. Say that we can't imagine it because it would just never, ever be uttered by an American politician. Well, I denounce him immediately. Right. The nuclear meltdown would just be unlike anything we've ever seen. And the thing is, the Democrats would not stop until that person was removed from Congress because that's open racism. And as you point out, they're breaking the law. So here's my question. Why aren't the Republicans, as far to my knowledge, none of them have at this point, said she needs to be gone.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Both of these people are racist scumbags and they need to be gone. And we're not going to settle. We're not going to give up on this issue until they're removed from their positions because they are racist and they're breaking the law. Amen. Amen. And I agree with Tucker. You'd stand up and denounce it normally. If things were normal, you'd denounce it. I always say fight fire with fire. Somebody stand up and do it. Have some balls just to see the outrage, because that will be worldwide outrage. Then you could go look at this hypocrisy because you'll draw world attention if you said that. The other way around, like you said, insist it be a straight white male or whatever. And that would, you know, so somebody do it.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Matt Gaetz, stand up and say it. Whoever. DeSantis, whoever. These are just two unhappy Asian men. DeSantis, whoever. These are just two unhappy Asian men. That's all I got to say. What time did we start, Chase? I didn't even look at the clock. Okay. Anyways, you'll have to edit that. The left through critical race theory, this is Matt Walsh talking. He says it's pretty brilliant in an evil and wicked way. He says it's brilliant. They have built into the system an excuse to be racist because it's part of critical race theory. And our kids are indoctrinated into this stuff from the age of five on up. Hey, little boy, do you want some candy? That's less evil, a guy doing that. They are told it doesn't count if it's against a white person.
Starting point is 00:06:48 That's what they're teaching little white kids. You can be as racist as you want. You know, you're not going to be called a racist if you say it about white people. It's allowed. And people begin to believe this, he says, which is why it's so important, not just for conservatives, but sane, rational, normal people. Well, you just ruled out the Democrat Party. Seriously.
Starting point is 00:07:08 You're fucking, you think they're going to stay? They're waiting for somebody to stand up on the left and go, hey, hey, it ain't going to happen. Sane, rational, normal people who are opposed to racism. It's important for us to call this out and to also to name it, to call it what it is. This is specifically anti-white racism, which is now the only acceptable form of racism in the West. call it what it is. This is specifically anti-white racism, which is now the only acceptable form of racism in the West.
Starting point is 00:07:28 That's what it is. And it's a scourge. It's evil. It's wrong. And we need to call it out for what it is. I despise it with every fiber of my being. But nobody's going to call it out, Mr. Walsh, all due respect, because the left has used that as a cudgel that's why they're
Starting point is 00:07:46 steamrolling the republicans and the other reason is the republicans are probably in on it i don't believe in two parties anymore i apologize to the people who said they're all on the same team but now it's becoming really obvious that should be on every news story this morning you really think good morning america is going to put that up there? Do that story on the Today Show, whatever fucking faggy show your mother watches while she's making eggs and going, Oh, look it. They're bringing back Regis's body. It's propping it up next to Kelly Ripper.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Anyways, I said Kelly Ripper. Yeah, she killed a lot of people in the 40s in boston oh it is can you imagine out and out racism lit they're making it legal and like uh a few other people said they have become and i've done it on this show and i play george wallace they've become george wall Those fucking, they're the Klan now. And we're what black people's balls are with, which is hilarious because we still make up 68%. And again, we own a shitload of guns. So it's not going to go that way. Anytime. Casual Thursday, if you're wondering. Biden not. Oh, next story. I'm sorry. This is Joe Biden. Here's a good thing about I'm sorry. This is Joe Biden.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Here's a good thing about him. He is an equal opportunity liar. He not only lies to the American people, he lies to aliens. Biden not only lies to us, he lies to illegals, his wife, the German shepherd, I added. Actually a good picture of him. Video footage reportedly taken in Piedras Negras. I think that's Whitestone. Isn't it?
Starting point is 00:09:26 It is. Mexico, Manos de Piedras. Remember the boxer? What's his name? Duran, hands of stone. Piedras Negras, Mexico, shows a group of illegal immigrants from Centro y Mexica
Starting point is 00:09:40 collectively raising their hands when asked a question, who among them was trying to sneak into the country because Joe Biden said it would be easy. So here's the guy asking the question in Spanish. How many guys here like white pussy and are looking forward to going to San Diego and grabbing some of that pussy? Yeah, see? That's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. So are they mad that it's not been easy to sneak into the country? Is that the message there?
Starting point is 00:10:24 Now you know what it's like to be lied to by the President of the United States. That's terrible. It's not supposed to be easy. The footage was posted to Twitter by a Todd Bentsman of the Center for Immigration Studies. Bentsman also posted photos of multiple migrants using iPhones and other high-end smartphones, despite claims from the corporate media that immigrants are woefully impoverished. If you buy that, you're crazy. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Anybody there? Yes. Hola. As I often say in media interviews, this is Bensman talking, I think,
Starting point is 00:11:08 I've never met a desperately impoverished migrant who didn't have a cell phone with that monthly data plan. This is how migrants on the move here in Mexico learn the latest who Biden is letting in. They have to stay up for the news. Where and when, Bensman wrote. Biden is letting in. They have to stay up for the news. Where and when, Benchman wrote. You'd think it's the migrants that would be going,
Starting point is 00:11:29 where are we? What are we doing? But it's actually the president. Imagine how disappointed they are when they tune in. As National File reported earlier this month, Biden administration
Starting point is 00:11:40 border official Roberta Jacobson has admitted that the regimes, that would be Biden's administration policies, have resulted in the current migrant surge. She admitted it. If that's a fact, tell me, am I lying? And she noted that the administration plans to send a staggering $4 billion, with a B, to Central American communities, which are most likely to send $4 billion.
Starting point is 00:12:08 We'll just print that up tonight. Most likely to send migrants in a desperate bid to stop the migrant crisis. So we're going to pay them off. They think, you know, here's $4 billion. We're bribing them not to come. That's brilliant. It's just so ridiculous. It really is. La, la, la, la, la.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Mama. I forget the rest. Anyways, back to the show. Because she believes in me. I never know just what she sees in me. I never know just what she sees in me. Anyway, so that's the border mess. And this might be the biggest story of the day, but I still say it's the Hawaiian dykes saying that they hate white guys and they're going to practically legislate. But Biden is so far out of it. Everybody's surprised about this. I don't know why. We're all predicting Kamala's going to be the president eventually.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Well, they took a big step towards that yesterday because I would say border security and immigration is number one. I think it's number one when you poll Americans. And guess what? Who's in charge now? Biden handed it to Kamala. The cackling whore. Kamala to the rescue.
Starting point is 00:13:23 President Joe Biden announced on March 24th that VP Kamala Harris will be tapped to lead the administration's efforts in stemming the influx of legal immigrants at the U.S. Mexican. Who better to do that than a woman who turned San Francisco into a shithole? And she's the attorney general and hates white people at her heart. So I'm sure things will get better. That's right. She's in charge of security at our border. Can I make that up? That's right.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Her. Joe took her and gave her a pep talk. You're going to eat lightning and you're going to crap thunder. Biden told reporters that Harris was the most qualified person, yikes, to handle the task. Yeah, there's nobody that's been in the military. It comes as the administration faces growing pressure over how it's handling a surge at the border that started after Biden was sworn into office. This increase has been consequential by the vice president. The vice president has agreed to lead our, this is Biden talking, our diplomatic effort
Starting point is 00:14:35 and not to work with those nations, I'm sorry, and to work with those nations to accept the returnees and enhance migration enforcement at the board does anybody believe she's going to enhance migration in force are you kidding me she'll be out there with a fucking pickaxe taking down trump's wall herself she she when she watches clips of the news of those uh you know illegal emirates pouring in. She's diddling herself. She gets two, three nuts off. It's a rumor. It's not her full responsibility job, which made no sense. That's what Joe said. But she is leading the effort because I think the best thing to do is to put someone who speaks for me. There it is. It's right out in the open. Who speaks for me? What are we doing? What's going on right now?
Starting point is 00:15:26 And who doesn't have to check with me? She knows what she's doing. And I hope we can move this along. Biden toll reporters. This is scary. Border Patrol apprehended. Get this, folks. Here's a nice number. One hundred thousand four hundred forty one illegal border crosses along the southern border last month in February, according to the CBP. The number reflects, get this, a 28% increase over January. So, you know, just expeditiously. Do you understand? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:16:03 We're finished. Son of a whore an ongoing immigration policy tracker by the heritage foundation found that biden has rolled back almost all of former president trump's immigration policies well that makes sense we had it's had it under control the same way we almost had race under control in this country until shithead Obama got elected and turned up the hatred. And what's with the tinfoil? Are they reminding us we can't put illegals in microwaves? What is going on here? Later, Harris thanked Biden for appointing her and then started crying and ran in her room and described what's happening at the border. Listen how, here we go. Here's the
Starting point is 00:16:42 wordplay. This is how she described what's happening at the border in quotes, challenging situation. While we are clear that people should not come to the border now. Really? That's clear. We also understand that we will enforce the law and that we also, because we can chew gum and walk at the same time, a shot at Trump, but must address the root causes that cause people to make the trek. Shut up! Shut, shut, shut, shut, shut up! Shut up! We know the root cause. They live in shitholes.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Shitholes, shitholes, shitholes. They're coming from shitholes. That's the root cause. That doesn't mean it's our responsibility to babysit the rest of the fucking world. But again, that's your plan to collapse our economy by overflowing it and all the fucking, you know what, all these social programs and safety nets
Starting point is 00:17:42 will collapse under the weight and then we can start over with pure socialism. She says, I look forward to engaging in diplomacy with the government, with the private sector, with civil society, and the leaders of each in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, strengthening democracy and the rule of law and ensure shared prosperity in the region, said the phony pantsuit. Meanwhile, Mexico's president cast the blame this week on Biden's policies, saying he created certain expectations that are ultimately spurring illegal immigrants into making the goddamn trip.
Starting point is 00:18:17 You are correct, sir. Hey, if Mexico was promising free health care and shit, and I was in my 20s, I might take a look at Mexico. Sure, you could get your head cut off when you're vacationing. But, you know, the doctors will sew it back on for almost nothing. Paid by the government. Expectations were created that with President Biden's government there would be a better, with Biden's government,
Starting point is 00:18:42 there'd be a better treatment of migrants. This has caused Central American migrants and also from our country to want to cross the border thinking that it's easy to do so. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on March 23rd, and he is angry. Ni quédate quieta. No come mierda, sal de este puto.
Starting point is 00:19:01 ¿Qué estás haciendo? Eso es la energía. ¡Ven a ver! That's going to sound like every apartment in New York. Biden's changes to immigration policies have triggered a surge in illegal crossings, especially by unaccompanied minors. More than 11,000 of whom were being kept in overcrowded facilities as of March 23rd. I don't I don't I'm sick of hearing about the overcrowded facilities. It's not on us.
Starting point is 00:19:26 You just knock on our door. It's like having 40 of your friends show up at three in the morning. What? No beds? No food? Senator Lindsey Graham, and they call him gay because of his first name in that mouth. But listen, I still like this guy. I think.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Some issues he pisses me off. Lindsey Graham proposed an immigration measure on March 24th that aims to close loopholes in the asylum system and change policies that may be contributing to the escalating crisis on the southern border. What did he, what was his ideas? Graham's bill would require asylum seekers from the Northern Triangle countries, you know what that is, New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut, no, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, to apply for refugee status at asylum centers. Wasn't that Trump's plan outside the United States? The proposal would also afford equal treatment to unaccompanied minors from the Northern Triangle. Lindsay says the unaccompanied
Starting point is 00:20:20 male minors can stay at his house. Look, man, I just tell it like it is. Northern Triangles, those from Canada and Mexico. Under the current law, unaccompanied miners from Mexico and Canada are returned to their home countries or shipped to Chipotle kitchens. Well, the Southwest. Mama, I don't, whoa, whoa. I don't want to die. Did you focus the thing today? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:49 All right. Here's more proof that the immigration policy has caused a surge. Bus loads, and I've added COVID, coming to a town or school near you. Check out this on a highway in Texas, I believe, right? Check out these buses. This is our government putting illegals on these buses. And these buses seem to be in a hurry. I don't know who the fuck's chasing them.
Starting point is 00:21:14 They might think that the government truck behind them that's escorting them is actually the cops trying to pull them out. I don't know. These are packed with illegals. And who knows how much COVID. Mama mia. That's a government car escorting them.
Starting point is 00:21:41 All right. So get your wallets out taxpayers it's unbelievable you guys they're making you wear triple mask and bugging all this shit and these people have just been put on buses you couldn't spread this shit even though it's fake fast enough that's an outrage you're not going to recognize this country in eight more minutes. And that's the whole plan behind our fake president, not fake vice president who stole the fucking election. I'll say it again.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Go ahead. Facebook, take me down again. Zuckerberg, go fuck your sister right in the ass. I'll be on tour soon. I'm setting up some new dates. If they don't get fucked up with COVID, uh, setting up some new dates if they don't get fucked up with COVID. Setting up some new dates now and back on the road starting next month.
Starting point is 00:22:30 So I got to buy a new suit. Florida is up first. Florida. April 30th, I'll be at the Town Hall Events Center. That sounds way too big for me. In Port St. Lucie. Then May 1st, same weekend, at the Boca Black Box in Boca Raton. Rat's mouth. Thursday, May 13th, I'll be at Hilarities in Cleveland. My buddy Nick Costa,
Starting point is 00:22:53 who runs it. This guy's 75 years old and he's built like a fucking 22-year-old. He gives me hope. Great businessman. He didn't like me when we first met, but that's because he's a strong-headed guinea and so am I. I haven't been there in a few years. I look forward to that one. Saturday, May 15th, I'll be in southeastern Pennsylvania at Sol Joles in Royceford. Join June 4th and 5th. I'll be at the Comedy Cabana Myrtle Beach first time. That's in South Carolina. These shows are now on sale. Also in June, I'm going to be coming to my favorite. I've only done it a couple times.
Starting point is 00:23:30 I used to do Addison, Texas, a suburb of Dallas. But I actually did tech. Remember I told you a year and a half, two years ago, I did a theater where Oswald was shot. It was the best crowd I've ever played in front of. In June, I'm going to be going to Dallas. I can't wait to get back to Texas. I'll announce the venue dates and a ticket link early next week. Get your tickets to all these shows through my website,,
Starting point is 00:23:53 and click on the touring button. I will hope to see you guys out there. And speaking of great fans, I want to thank contributions from Michael McMahon, Florida, Patrick Mullins, Massachusetts, our buddy Lee Priest, famous bodybuilder, world-renowned from Australia. He sent one of the most generous donations that we've seen in a while. Lee, you're the best, pal. Greg Perocat, Arizona, George Adams, Ohio, Pedro Navaja, New Mexico. I'm getting good with those.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Michael Pryor, Canada, Neil Briones, Washington, Sean Powell, Florida, Robert Cooley, Florida, Kevin O'Brien, New York, Paul Sagnell is in there every day, Connecticut, Craig Becker, Pennsylvania, my buddy Casey Armstrong, Port Jefferson, Rob Goldberg, Illinois, David Salari, Massachusetts, Kenneth Bays, Virginia. My, we're picking up, aren't we? Ellis the Rim Man, Florida. Thomas Lamey, Minnesota. And new monthly subscribers, we had Jason Howarth from Virginia, Tyler Papke, New York, Daryl Nichols from Connecticut, and Blake.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Thank all of you so much for making this show possible. It's, you know, I want to remind you, our buddy Greg Gutfeld is going nightly, April 5th, on Fox News Channel at 11 p.m. Meaning it's going to be, and I told him, we were texting yesterday texting yesterday I think I don't see how this is going to miss for him I think this is going to be huge why because they've never had a late night talk show host who thinks like we do which means all that PC shit although it's still a news network keep that in mind it's not going to be edgy, edgy like Howard Stern. But I mean, the point is, adults who think like we do late at night have never really had a show with a host like this. And you know what I mean? So April 5th, I'm excited for him. Here's something, I'm going to give you a trigger warning. Our buddy Rich Wood just sent this to me to set me off the rails. I always complain and I've been complaining.
Starting point is 00:26:05 I was the first one to ever complain, I believe, about how so supposedly straight white guys are portrayed in commercials or in sitcoms, you know, the stupid husband. But but the latest it's not even the latest thing they've been doing this for the last, I'd say, five, 10 years, casting a gay guy. And I don't know that this guy's gay gay but you make the decision as a straight guy in a commercial or a sitcom a friend of mine a comedian who was gay was on abc like 10 15 years ago on a sitcom he was a straight father on the show they love doing that now they're rubbing our faces in it okay this is a it's called uh and it's four minutes long.
Starting point is 00:26:45 I'm not showing you the whole thing because you'll throw up blood. It's vaccination day, it's called. For the first time in forever. It's a parody on, I guess, Frozen. The thing that kids love. What, a Disney thing? I don't have kids. I watched a movie. It was uh betty's frozen ball boobies i i can't boy did i
Starting point is 00:27:10 fuck that one up i don't know i'll i'll still go back to my favorite porn title ever searching for bobby's fissure if i met the guy who came up with that one, I'd kiss him on the mouth. Anyways, check this video. Keep in mind, when I was watching it, at the beginning you see a little kid and a father. And then as it goes on, I'm like, is he fucking this kid? Because he's singing Broadway tunes. Luckily, the wife shows up. But keep in mind, this guy's supposed to be a straight husband. They're trolling us.
Starting point is 00:27:43 I really think they're trolling us. Again, the nuclear family is the enemy of the far left, right? supposed to be a straight husband? They're trolling us. I really think they're trolling us. Again, the nuclear family is the enemy of the far left, right? And in their eyes, I guess all straight fathers could go either way. But check this out. It's vaccination day. It's vaccination day. It's vaccination day. Appointments are open. I don group four. I don't have to stay here anymore. I'm sick of eating takeout on these plates. The time indoors has got me stressed. But I just checked on CVS.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Finally, they're giving me some dates. Pause. Please give me a cup. Ah, the homosexuals. Yeah, my dad did this. Go ahead me a cup. Ah, the homosexuals. Yeah, my dad did this. Go ahead, roll it. Look at him kicking his leg. Don't want to break his neck.
Starting point is 00:28:41 That's a strange dad. Pause. forever. I'll hang out with someone else. But for the first time it was. There was a time in this country it would be the woman singing and the husband giving the dirty look. That was long ago, Nick. Now it's the way it should be. Shut your fucking pie hole.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Okay? She's pretty hot and this guy likes gobbling goo at an alarming rate. He's got a craft of jizz in the refrigerator next to the fucking 2% milk, this fucking penguin. Okay, let him spew some more. In forever, I won't watch sports by myself. Straight dead. Because you don't like sports, you know. I could go to a bar with buddies.
Starting point is 00:29:25 You're the best. I don't have to live in fear love you for the first time in forever i won't be right here kill it stop getting cunty. Oh, my God. That's so evil on so many levels. First of all, it's propaganda for vaccinations. Secondly, it's betraying, who knows? I'm guessing he's gay. You can't hit tunes like that, even if you're faking it.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Betraying, you know, a heterosexual dad of a nuclear family. He's a big girl. And it's evil on 19 different levels and but it's no more outrageous than two u.s senators uh saying they're not gonna nominate any straight white men you know look at that when we yeah when i saw a man i go this guy's fucking that kid there's no doubt about it nick what do you say you know what the fuck I'm saying. Sure, I'm off base, but... That's what he was doing to the kid. In our Are You Dog Styling Me segment tonight,
Starting point is 00:30:35 Bill Clinton trends as the people point out he may not be the best choice to interview Kamala Harris about empowering women and girls. They're rubbing our face in it. Look, even he, when they asked him, he goes, are you kidding me? You're committing suicide doing this. Following the announcement of the Clinton Foundation Global Initiative's annual meeting lineup, which featured the former president slated to interview VP Kamala Harris about the impact of COVID-19 on women. I thought that was a fake line in there.
Starting point is 00:31:15 We know the impact. They can't go shopping as much and it fucks up their makeup with a mask. And empowering women and girls in the U.S. and around the world. Can you imagine breaking down a pandemic to gender? You people are sick fucks. Social media pundits quickly pounced on the announcement due to the topic contrasting with allegations of rape and sexual assault against Clinton from many women over multiple decades. You're raping me. This is rape.
Starting point is 00:31:47 This is rape. This is rape. It is not, Monica. That's pizza and you're blowing me. In January 2020, a photo of Clinton surfaced of the former president on Jeffrey Epstein's plane with a young girl named Ashante Davies, who was allegedly to have been Epstein's sex slave, I guess. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. Bill, get in here.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Since the revelation, more photos of Clinton with Epstein's victims have been made public. Can you imagine? They pick him to talk about, they're trolling us, aren't they? They can't be that ignorant, they're trolling us, aren't they? They can't be that ignorant. They're trolling us. Somebody, please. Clinton was also close associates with sex trafficking billionaire and convicted pedophile
Starting point is 00:32:35 Epstein and flew on Epstein's private jet often. I know they said he took like 27 flights or some shit like that. Enough is enough. 27 flights or uh some shit like that enough is enough i have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane that was one of the girls uh anyway so he's on a plane often which reportedly offered passengers young girls for sex delta tried that once it didn't uh it really didn't uh i don't know i did not have sexual relations with that woman the event hosted by harris's alma mater howard university uh it's an all-black school i had 100 yards against them in a scrimmage up at me anyways for a little foot up uh is part of a
Starting point is 00:33:21 four-day event for the 13th Annual CGI University Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Oh, these are the guests. Hillary Clinton. How'd they get her? What a coup. Stacey Abrams. Haven't heard from that pig in a while. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Here she is seen at the Titans rookie camp. And others also scheduled to speak. Bill must have a fucking hard on. Can you imagine? Are we living in a parallel? You know what I mean? I can't. Kamala, think about that for a second.
Starting point is 00:34:01 You're proving just how dumb you are. But you know what? Somebody said, and it's true, you know what this is about? Keeping the Clinton Foundation, because it went away for a while. Now it's back into, you know, it's a piggy bank for Hillary and Bill. So, you know, this is how we, under the guise of the Clinton Foundation. La, la, la. These poor male politicians, huh?
Starting point is 00:34:25 That hashtag me too thing. Took them out of the, whatever. Anyway, speaking of hashtag me too, and whose life has been affected by young women, Andrew Cuomo continues to have the best month ever. That's what I said. As the coronavirus pandemic swept through New York early last year, Governor Cuomo's administration, get this, arranged for his family members and other well-connected figures to
Starting point is 00:34:53 have special access to state-administered coronavirus tests, dispatching a top state doctor and other state health officials to their homes, according to three people with direct knowledge of the effort. As part of the program, a state lab immediately processed the results of those who were tested. The people said even as average New Yorkers were struggling to get tested in the early days of the pandemic because of a scarcity of resources. Initially, the lab was capable of running only several hundred tests a day for a state with 19 million residents. The use of state resources to benefit people close to the governor raises serious ethical questions. Experts said that. Experts said that. Retarded kids said that retarded kids said that new york law prohibits state officials from using
Starting point is 00:35:45 their positions to secure privileges for themselves or others but it's the cuomo hey s-s-h-O-L-E Everybody S-S-H-O-L-E La la la la Administration officials declined to comment on Cuomo family members receiving testing priorities citing laws protecting health privacy. Officials said that home tests were provided to members of the public in communities that were hard hit. I think here's one of his spokesmen. We should avoid insincere efforts to rewrite the past.
Starting point is 00:36:30 In the early days of this pandemic, when there was a heavy emphasis on contact tracing, we were absolutely going above and beyond to get people tested, including in some instances, going to people's homes, door to door and places like New Rochelle to take samples from those believed to have been exposed to COVID in order to identify cases and prevent additional ones. Yes, we were doing that as we were hiding bodies and stacking up like cordwood behind nursing homes. Rich Azzopardi, a Cuomo spokesman,
Starting point is 00:37:00 said that in a statement. So it has to be true. It's Cuomo, a guy spoken for speaking for among those we assisted he says were the members of the general public including legislatures reporters state workers and their families who feared they had contracted the virus and had the capabilities to further spread it, he added. Among those who benefited from the priority testing program was Cuomo's brother, Chris. You know, Chris, the weightlifter. I'm smart, not like everybody says.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Like, don't, I'm smart and I want the sticks. Remember, he was diagnosed with COVID-19 in late March of last year uh the CNN anchor was swabbed by a top New York prostitute uh department of health doctor who visited his Hamptons home to collect samples from him and his family the people with knowledge of the matter said imagine that he is so cooked somebody up I have a theory about somebody wants Cuomo, Andrew, the governor out. And it's not just New York. It's somebody above. I don't know what he did. I have a theory. I can't prove it. He must have went against, you know, one of the tenets of liberalism. I don't know which one. That's all I can say. So he pissed somebody off on.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Hi, I'm saying Chris Cuomo and CNN spokesman Matt Adonick declined to comment. Of course they weren't going to say anything. The same doctor, Eleanor Adams, now a top advisor to the state health commissioner, also was enlisted to test multiple other Cuomo family members, according to two people familiar with the program. The coronavirus test specimens were then rushed, at times driven by state police troopers, to the Wadsworth Center, a state public health lab in Albany, where they were processed immediately, the people said. At times, employees in the state health laboratory were kept past their shifts until late into
Starting point is 00:39:02 the night to process results of those close to Cuomo. The specimens were shrouded in secrecy marked by only initials or numbers. Results were then provided to the family members and given to Ed McMahon, who went around house to house with a giant check for the winner. The family members, the people with the knowledge of the matter. They're the only ones who knew about it. So they said, keep this on the hush-hush or you're fired. Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again. But they did.
Starting point is 00:39:34 I was with them. I got some tests. I got this COVID business with my son. We have to send him to Sicily because your shit's running like wildfire. No matter what I do, no matter who i fight the operation troubled some administration officials they really spoke up didn't they who believed that it was improper use of resources uh that helped those with influence on average new yorkers and what i said was that it really surprised you this goes on at every level of government right right? You know, I mean, talk about white privilege if there is such a thing. But I mean, let's be honest, powerful people do shit like this, right? Then it gets leaked. But my point is, he was doing it as he was killing old people in nursing homes. I mean, when you combine that, that's the backdrop for this. So he's got to be gone.
Starting point is 00:40:25 What are you going to do to get kicked out of the governor's mansion? Got to pull a Jeffrey Dahmer? You're going to have some 14-year-old Asian kid running up the street naked? And the cops hand him right back to you? Oh, my God. We are brought to you today by MyBookie. Our friends at MyBookie, great website. March is here, and that could only
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Starting point is 00:42:16 asian dyke uh hate white straight men and i'm gonna nominate any of them and again they should be kicked out of the not only out of of Congress, out of the fucking country. Send them back to the poor eating pineapple shithole once they came. At least, Hirono. She's just a hateful whore. I don't like her. But they're the people that are spreading the myth
Starting point is 00:42:39 and so is Kamala Harris and the whole Biden administration and the media, their cohorts. You know, that it's MAGA people beating up Asian, a lot of anti-Asian sentiment in the country, you know, because of COVID and they're trying to imply it's white racism. How many have I showed this weekend, folks? Well, I got a couple more today. I call it black on yellow crime. Dramatic video captured a 33-year-old Asian woman being dragged by a car during a robbery in where oh san francisco that's unusual in which she was punched in the face by purse snatchers that sounds
Starting point is 00:43:16 like white people don't it that's what i guessed there's something wrong with the black man's mind there's something wrong with his mind and yes i. There's something wrong with his mind. And yes, I've said it a thousand times, and we're not talking about all. We still have to say that. I think we're at the point we know. It's a small percentage of black people, but they're committing way too much crime. Any decade, look at it. The woman identified only as Clarice. I've never heard that name outside of Silence
Starting point is 00:43:46 of the Lambs. Oh, wait. Was she a great big fat person? No, she was Jodie Foster. So her name is Clarice. She was walking home from church with a friend, naturally, Sunday, when the three attackers, including one in an
Starting point is 00:44:04 orange ski mask, approached them from behind. One of them grabbed Clarice's handbag, but she refused to let it go. It was punched repeatedly before holding on to the side of the getaway car. This is one tough broad, which dragged her down the frigging street, like watching an episode of fucking Hawaii five.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Oh, check this shit out. She's stuck. Oh my god! Bye-bye! Come on, goddammit! What the f***? What happened now?
Starting point is 00:44:38 She invented a new sport for the Olympics. What happened now? I like the people watching. They didn't get excited. She's hanging on to the car for, what happened now i like the people watching they didn't get excited she's hanging onto the car for what five seconds and then when she falls they go oh my god i thought she was a stunt woman was going all the way to fucking la oh my god help us yeah again another case of um black on yellow crime. We previously said that it was No. 91. Who has it?
Starting point is 00:45:10 Clarice said she doesn't know whether the attack was hate-motivated on a day that saw record turnouts at anti-Asian hate rallies in the aftermath of Georgia spa killings. Let's link that together with this, you know, in case there's any doubt. Boy, that sure looks like a black hand and a black arm. But her friend, who also suffered minor injuries, claimed without corroboration that the crime could be a hate crime. This is an open and active investigation, of course, this is what the cops say. No arrests have been made so far. We are not releasing any suspect information because they're black guys. End of story. Police spokesman Adam Lobsinger told the Post in an email.
Starting point is 00:45:51 You know, they were asking about the suspects and including their race and they wouldn't answer it. So you don't have to. We have things called cameras now, you fucking cowards. And this shit's going to continue until you start calling some of these fucking animals on their behavior. shit's going to continue until you start calling some of these fucking animals on their behavior. I feel the need I can talk like this because I had two U.S. senators supposedly that represent us, all of us, give the thumbs up on prejudice, racism against white men. So I feel I can talk openly too.
Starting point is 00:46:30 I know you guys don't have a problem with it because you're my fans and you think like I do. I just hope this leaks out to fucking Jeff Zuckerberg or to some fucking, you know, Sheila Jackson Lee, any fucking whitey hater. Anyways, they said, know that you're loved. Know people are there to help you. I know it's hard now, but we need to get back and have people in work and in school
Starting point is 00:46:51 so they are predictably occupied and don't feel like they need to do things like this. Clarice said in a message to her assailants. Did you really mean that, Clarice? Because it's going to happen to more of your friends if you take that kind of turn the other eye. Authority said it was unclear if Clarice, that black eye makes you look like a rube. Can you feel the nipples tingling? feel the nipples tingling. You're not one generation of white pine white trash.
Starting point is 00:47:44 If Clarice was targeted because of her race but Fremantle expressed concern for the city's aging community. I think she's a cop or whatever. It's just constantly happening in the city all over the place, he said. Yeah, it is. It's a shithole. Now, what you do is connect the dots, stupid, right? It's happening everywhere.
Starting point is 00:47:59 For the last how many years? Two, three? You turned it into a shithole. Now you have to have the balls to ask yourself, I wonder if it's our politics. Who have we been putting in charge of this city? Yeah, Pelosi's the face of the city. But you guys keep doing that.
Starting point is 00:48:18 You keep saying to the assailants, it's really not your fault. It's just that you have a lot of idle time because of COVID. We're going to let this slip. Okay. What's the next headline? Oh, more black on yellow crime. A stranger repeatedly hurled anti-Asian slurs at a woman on a Queens train this week before knocking her cell phone out of her hand.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Cops say. How many of these have we done today? Well, this week, I should say. How many of these have we done today? Well, this week, I should say. The 35-year-old victim was on a 7 train at the Flushing Main Street station around 1130 a.m. Tuesday when a man sitting across from her started yelling the hateful statements at her, police say. What color was he? Is that a hoodie? There's something wrong with the black man's mind.
Starting point is 00:49:06 There's something wrong with his mind. The victim then received a phone call and started speaking in her native language while recording her encounter with the suspect, authority says. So she's on the phone talking to mom. We talked about No. 91. She sounds like a man.
Starting point is 00:49:23 He then approached and slapped the woman's Samsung S9 cell phone out of her hand, damaging the screen before picking it up and smashing it to the ground, causing even more damage. Fearful for her safety, the victim picked up her phone, ran to another train car because this is life in New York City under de Blasio. It always has been. And in San Francisco and in Seattle and any other liberal run shithole. She was unarmed, by the way. The suspect had no MAGA hat. He was not white. He was a kid of color as 84% of these crimes shows. That's a statistic that you can look up. The suspect got off at the next stop and fled like the fucking pussy. You're a wormy cocksucker, you know that?
Starting point is 00:50:10 The NYPD's Hate Crime Task Force is investigating. The suspect shown in surveillance video, you really think they're going to investigate this? This happens every three minutes in New York. The suspect shown in surveillance video looking at his own phone is about 6'4", 180 pounds, with a slim build and brown eyes. But we can't mention the race. We know he's got brown eyes. We could tell you what his pubes look like, but we're not going to tell you.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Oh, my God. If you want to talk like a fucking millennial, we'll send you to Slippin' Falls School. He was last seen wearing a multicolored camouflage overall, yellow Nike sneakers. Oh, that guy. And a green hooded sweatshirt. The incident comes amid a recent surge of crime targeting Asian victims in the Big Apple and elsewhere. Really? Who's doing those crimes? MSNBC, NBC, have you looked at the statistics? Hey, Don Lemon, why don't you take a break from sucking your boyfriend's balls to go to the FBI website and look up some statistics that'll ruin your stupid narrative. Anyways. No, no, no, no. In our FLA segment tonight, this is sort of a follow up on yesterday's
Starting point is 00:51:19 horrible story. A Florida and it it's so, so classic Florida. I mean, a Florida spring breaker accused of drugging and raping a 24-year-old woman who was later found dead in a Miami Beach hotel room is not some monster, in quotes, his friends and family claim. That's an insult to fucking monsters. Because even monsters have a little bit of reasoning, and they usually attack people, things that deserve to be attacked, you know, like Godzilla. I mean, Japanese were picking on him for years. He was bullied. Can you imagine, though, can you imagine, folks, and again, it's not a blanket statement, but I hear this from a lot of black poor, you know, something horrible happens. One of their relatives and they go, well, still make them evil.
Starting point is 00:52:30 21 remained in jail Wednesday along with pal Dorian Taylor, 24, for allegedly drugging Christine Englehart with a green pill before raping her and stealing her credit cards. It's devastating. And let me cut this woman some slack. This is her aunt, excuse me, his aunt, or you say aunt in some parts of the country, that raised this kid. So, you know, it's really, again, it's the father and mother. If you want to point fingers. You know what I mean? You can't blame the aunt.
Starting point is 00:52:52 She's doing what she can do. She said, it's devastating. My thought was praying for her family because I wouldn't wish that on anybody. His aunt, Tanda Collier, told the newspaper. But still, she insisted that Evoire, probably saying his name wrong like it matters was a good kid okay i guess she used the past tense right was because what you just said yeah is one of the most insanely idiotic things i have ever heard everyone in this room is now dumber
Starting point is 00:53:22 for having listened to it may god God have mercy on your soul. She said he wouldn't hurt a fly, she told the paper. No, but he'd rape a drugged white girl. Adrian Long, who had taken Evra and his, after his mother died when she was in high school. Oh, the mother died in high school. I want to know how that happened said she and his family believe that taylor was a bad influence on him so let's blame the other guy right he's an honest person he's gullible he's not some monster he wasn't a predator the aunt uh continues uh to say but uh i don't know all righty then but see um he's old enough to know right and wrong. You know, at what point do you, you can't blame the psycho he's with.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Totally. Both men allegedly had sex with it. No, they raped her. Don't say had sex with her. Who also was visiting for spring break. We have footage. We didn't show it here, but they have footage of them. The guy's literally
Starting point is 00:54:25 holding her neck she's so uh inebriated from the pill that they gave her so and they keep saying had sex with her he definitely was in the company of this older guy who could possibly influence him the aunt added um yeah well well whose fault is that? Police said surveillance footage captured Evoy and Taylor with Englehart at the Albion Hotel in South Beach. Both men allegedly had sex. Again, why do they keep saying that? You're raping me. Well, we don't know yet. This is rape.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Well, the opening story said rape, so. And they admitted it. Anyways. See, when you give somebody a pill, a girl, and, you know, debilitates them, and then you have sex, yeah, it's raping. So they both raped Engelhardt, who also was visiting for spring break.
Starting point is 00:55:17 She was later found dead and semi-nude in the hotel room on Thursday, police said. No cause of death has been released, though authorities said they're looking into whether the pill the duo supplied her, believed by authorities to be the powerful narcotic Percocet, resulted in an overdose. You can't mix that with booze or whatever. Both men face charges for burglary with battery, sexual battery, petty theft,
Starting point is 00:55:41 and fraudulent use of a credit card. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. That is it, ladies and gentlemen. For the week, again, it picked up as far as donations. We appreciate that. You think it's a stimulus check? Are they out there yet?
Starting point is 00:56:05 Whatever it is, we need your support. You know that. You think it's a stimulus check? Are they out there yet? Whatever it is, we need your support. You know that. There's no room for any of us on TV or anywhere except for Godfell, but he's not going to, you know, he knows what he's doing. So, I don't know. Just thank you very much. And spread the word about this show, please. And go to and click on my tour dates.
Starting point is 00:56:23 I'd like to have a drink with you guys after i have the best fans in the fucking world there's no doubt about it the most loyal it's like an army uh don't forget if you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives i'll make a video on my phone you go to click on my profile tell me a little bit about the person and uh you know take them apart at the joints. Or we'll be nice to Grammy because she's 107 today. However you want it. That is the permanent home of this show
Starting point is 00:56:55 where I'm going to be able to say anything I want. I don't think they can chase us off there. Tommy built the server in his basement with a monkey wrench and some duct tape. So I think we're every, is that it? Uh, thank you guys so much again. Uh, you guys think, and I'll say you're very welcome. We'll see you back here on Monday, which will be in a blink. Take care, everybody. Have a good one. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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