The Nick DiPaolo Show - The Loss of a Lakers Legend | Nick Di Paolo Show #290

Episode Date: January 28, 2020

Kobe Bryant dies at 41. Sub par global media coverage. John Bolton and his mustache attack Trump. Rough sex or easy murder? MONDAY - THURSDAY 9PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Now I'm just gonna tell you motherfucking niggas straight out the dump. Don't fuck with my motherfucking president. Do you understand me? Nigga, we riding with Donald Trump over here, nigga. Draco, we ain't playing with you motherfucking niggas. You understand me? Keep my motherfucking president name out your mouth. Fuck, nigga.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Any motherfucking nigga, white, black, Chinese, Mexican, if you want to build that wall, let them build it. You motherfucking niggas out there thinking it's a game. I'm going to go to war behind Donald Trump. That's right. Do you understand me? We're going to go to motherfucking war, Trump. You got some motherfucking soldiers, boy, right here on your side, boy here we coming draco talking about we're going around what that little nigga down there in barrua's name nigga keep my motherfucking president on your motherfucking mouth nigga talking about you got a hundred on the drum 🎵 Oh yeah, welcome to another week, ladies and gentlemen, on a Monday from the state of Georgia. How you is?
Starting point is 00:01:44 Real quickly, a shout outout to Mike Glover. Who's Mike Glover? Well, he signed up at the – is your mic on, Rez? Does it sound like it? Yeah. I don't know. No. No?
Starting point is 00:01:56 I guess that's a tumor. Mike Glover, thank you so much for signing up at the veto level. Tremendous. That's the highest level you can sign up on patreon ladies and gentlemen and we appreciate support people still sign and I have a little 11 new subs this week and I think it might have something to do the great weekend the comedy man Yonkers Thursday night Friday night 500 sold-out show in Ridgefield. And then the next night in Beverly, Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Tremendous. 375 people. Just both shows. Just killer. A lot of fun. And great weekend. Great weekend. And, you know, that's still my bread and butter.
Starting point is 00:02:42 So come on out. God damn it. Anyways, obviously the big story. Really a tragic weekend. Colby Bryant in the helicopter crash and just him and eight others crashed at a hillside outside of L.A., Calabasas. They were flying foggy conditions it was dangerous enough uh that the local police agencies grounded their choppers so i'm wondering what went down you know the pilot you know we'll never know obviously you know colby was doing like a basketball
Starting point is 00:03:19 tournament with his freaking daughter i mean it doesn't get any frigging sadder, but horrible, you know, and I wonder if Colby didn't say, you know, we got to go. We got to, or the pilots and I can do this. Again, we're never going to know. You couldn't get me in a helicopter gunpoint. Seriously. I have, I'm not comfortable in a plane with four engines or whatever, but you know, just one thing goes wrong i i am see how many stories have we done since i started this show about tourists one in the hudson river this this looks like it was weather related but um you know every time you how many last 10 years uh sightseers the grand canyon or in hawaii or it's just uh they scared the shit out of me. I could not get in one.
Starting point is 00:04:06 But anyways, I'm just wondering if the pilot knew what he was doing. And Colby flew all the time on this thing. These things go down. These things go down. It's too big. It's too big. It can't go up. Yeah. Danger, Will Robinson. Danger. No's too big. It can't go up.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Yeah. Danger, Will Robinson. Danger. No, Will Robinson. Danger. 9.45 yesterday. This is one of these ones you're going to remember where you were when you heard about it. With an impact that scattered debris over an area the size of a football field. They have a little bit of video of after. Witnesses. That doesn't look like the size of a football field. They have a little bit of video of after witnesses. That doesn't look like the size of a football field. Oh, there, that's some of it too, I guess, right?
Starting point is 00:04:51 I don't know. People heard it. People heard it sputtering and just frigging 41 years old. And I'm going to be perfectly honest here, right? I was not, Kobe is an icon, no doubt, one of the greatest ever. You can argue the greatest or whatever. But I didn't like him when he was younger. He was kind of a ball hog.
Starting point is 00:05:13 And even some of the – his agent was talking about how he grew as a man and stuff. But he was kind of a – he banged heads with Shaq. And he was a bit of a me you know, me, me guy. But then you saw him mellow out as he got older and had kids. You know, the guy lived in Italy for a lot of his life. Guys, I never, I wanted to hear him speak fluent. I bet you we can find it on the, guy spoke fluent Italian and beautiful family and just, you know, couldn't be Bill Lambert or somebody like that. That's a joke, Bill.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Just kidding around. There's been a lot of, but what a sad figure. 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, causing a crash unknown, but conditions at the time were such that the L.A. Police Department, County Sheriff's Department, grounded their helicopters. Ay, ay, ay. sheriff's department grounded their helicopters. Oy, oy, oy. The L.A.
Starting point is 00:06:07 County medical examiner, Jonathan Lucas, said the terrain complicated efforts to recover the mains. He estimated it would take at least a couple of days to complete the task before identifications can be made. Bryant's helicopter left Santa Ana, Orange County shortly after 9 a.m. Circled
Starting point is 00:06:24 for a time just east of Interstate 5 near Glendale. I know where all this is. Air traffic controllers noted poor visibility around Burbank just to the north and Van Nuys to the northwest. After holding the helicopter up for other aircraft, they cleared the Sikorsky S-76 to proceed north along Interstate 5 through Burbank. They're lucky it didn't go down there. I mean, you know, Burbank's popular. Before turning west to follow U.S. Route 101, the Ventura Highway. Shortly after 9.40, helicopter turned again towards the southeast, climbed to more than 2,000 feet, and then descended and crashed into the hillside about 1,400 feet.
Starting point is 00:07:01 When it struck the ground, helicopter was flying about 184 miles an hour. But I don't understand that sentence, when it struck the ground. You know, it says it was flying. Well, it fell. You know what I mean? Descending at a rate of 4,000 feet per minute. I went down to Calabasas and, I was watching, oh, I was watching golf. Sorry, folks.
Starting point is 00:07:37 There was nothing else on. You know? And I thought, the guy goes, horrible, you know, breaking new, whatever. I was freaking sure. But the reporting turned, people messed up on this reporting a lot. MSNBC anchor, but this, I'm going to defend MSNBC for the first time in my life. MSNBC anchor denies using N-word during Kobe Bryant report. She said, I unfortunately stuttered.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Of course she did. Show the, here's the clip of what she said. That was perfectly cast on the Los Angeles Lakers. Los Angeles Lakers. If I could ask you to. She tried to say Knickers and Lakers. And I know when I heard it, listen to it. Do you really think now it blows up on the Internet?
Starting point is 00:08:29 This is why I wish the fucking Internet would go away. Except for me, I have to plug my shows. But yeah, no, she threw the word nigger in there. We're reporting on the death of Kobe Bryant. Come on. People jumping on social media. Look, I'm not racist. She, you know what I mean? Virtual signaling. That jumping on social media. Look, I'm not racist. She, you know what I mean? Virtual signaling. That's all it is.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Do you really think she meant to say that? Oh, I mean, she's a Freudian slip. She's probably a race. Just stop. Will you friggin stop with that? I'm frigging. Alison Morris said she would never use. Of course she would. She works for MSNBC. This isn't a Fox broad. I kid the kids out there. Felicia Somnes posted a link to an article about the 2003 rape case hours after Bryant was killed in a helicopter. This gets interesting too. After posting a link to 2016 Daily Beast story detailing the rape accusations against the Lakers star, Sonmez then posted a screenshot of a work email box to illustrate the threat she
Starting point is 00:09:33 received as a result, according to one screenshot in an independent reporter. National political reporter Felicia Sonmez was placed on administrative leave by the Washington Post. Reviews whether tweets about the death of Kobe Bryant violated the Post's newsroom social media policy. Yeah, it does violate it, because she was telling the whole story. She was telling a story that didn't quite fit the narrative of the Washington Post.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Give me a frigging break. So we're not supposed to bring up any of the dirt on them. I was going to sit, I was sitting home watching this story. I'd like to, I can't make past judgment either way. If you guys don't know what we're talking about, some girl said she was allegedly a 19-year-old hotel worker. And eventually it was settled out of court. So, but we can't bring that up so when oj dies i don't want to hear anything about what you know the fucking
Starting point is 00:10:31 his wife and the waiter that's it's reporting folks it's real life sorry you know that's that that was his biggest story as any remember and he went out the next week and got his girlfriend a wife at the time a fucking $200,000 rock. What's that? Enter the mic, fella. I think the ring was like $4 million or $40 million or something like that. Not $40 million. Come on, nobody is a $40 million.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Even Liberace is like, that's a little too big for me. Probably $4 million. You know, when I fuck up, my wife, you know know she gets a whitman sampler here's a couple of fucking roses i bought from a homeless guy route 128 uh yeah that made me think anyways can you imagine though suspending her for fucking uh what in my opinion doing her job freaking washington Frickin' Washington Post. Shut up! Shut, shut, shut, shut, shut up! Shut up!
Starting point is 00:11:30 Sauna's suspension was praised on Sunday night for being, for being, some believe, the direct result of her posting the link to the story about the rape. And the rape was in 2003. Bryant was charged with sexual assault, false imprisonment at the time, but the case never made it to trial, and it was later settled later settled in a civil lawsuit sauna has tweeted a link to the article with no caption following it up to say she was receiving threats and believed any public figure is worth remembering in their totality exactly that's called reporting you know come on bill clinton dies you're not gonna that's not gonna be mentioned you know alleged rapes and uh according to the screenshot of the now deleted tweets those screenshots came from an independent journalist matthew keys who wrote that sonmez deleted her crass tweets
Starting point is 00:12:18 about the legend but uh screen grabs are forever crass tweets or fucking just reporting facts? Grow up. Keyes followed up a statement about what he labeled her crass tweets to say she had been suspended, adding in the early hours of Monday morning that a Washington Post employee told him the suspension was not due to posting the rape case article. Yeah, sure it wasn't in fact he said it was because of the screenshot sam has posted of her work email box which showed
Starting point is 00:12:52 the names uh of credit see they can't even be honest about their cowardice that's why because they a screenshot of her mailbox that's why that might have been part of it but don't tell me you gotta know who the friggin source problem you're the fucking problem you fucking dr white on king sounds like she's doing her job bubble i'm telling you h you keep looking at me i'm gonna put you in the fucking ground i promise you not this time now the reporting man now this one is a little more and again i believe this is an accident too because it comes out of England. And I still believe there's, what, 14 black people in England, maybe? So it's been overrun by Muslims. And no, there's a ton, actually. But there's a ton.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Starting to sound like, there's a ton of them. Starting to sound, you people. The fuck was his name? Ross Perot. But listen to this one one here's another bungling bbc show clips of lebron show clips of lebron james instead of kobe bryant on 10 o'clock news report uh of his death his i think we have a little video there his list of achievements can you imagine an all-star an nba champion and an o Olympic gold medalist, he was unashamedly competitive. And he was deeply frustrated when his playing career was cut short by injury. You know, they all look alike to me. I couldn't tell.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Are you frigging kidding me? The fucking name's on his shirt. But this is another case of shoddy journalism, which goes on all over the world. Did anybody go, hey, guy's name is Kobe Bryant. Why is he wearing a fucking LeBron James shirt in that clip? Fucking nitwits. They should have showed like Bill Cosby shooting hoops and said it was just a whole list of,
Starting point is 00:14:38 we should have done that, but that takes production time and shit. Me and Raz are busy. Raz has 11 kids. And I'm addicted to production time and shit. Me and Raz are busy. Raz has 11 kids. And I'm addicted to That's what they showed. LeBron James. This one's more
Starting point is 00:14:55 egregious to me than the slip of the tongue. Detailing Kobe's record-breaking achievements, the report showed highlights of fellow Lakers ace LeBron James, who broke down when he heard the news. Not surprisingly, the glaring error hasn't gone down well with fans. One tweeted, these are English people, by the way. You can't find a more PC country than the UK. Can't believe BBC News just played clips of LeBron James during the Kobe break.
Starting point is 00:15:23 You can't? Why? They're a great news organization. One fan wrote, BBC have managed to show two clips of LeBron James during Kobe's obituary. Absolutely appalling, I say. The queen piped in, motherfucker. Fucking bitch ass. Others pointed out there was one big clue why the player on the clip wasn't Kobe. The Custard TV wrote, how on earth does that happen? His shirt, exactly, says James. That should be your first clue. They don't even get mad.
Starting point is 00:15:58 They don't curse, even in their comments over there. They had to do a comparison to American comments. But that's clearly racism, folks. As you know, white people can't tell the difference. But I remember when Louis C.C. and I was living with him, I was talking about a black comic. And I said, he looks just like Magic Johnson. And Louis goes, that's right. I go, how is it racist? I just proved that they don't all look alike. Do you know what I mean? I was dead on with this. A lot of, you know, oh, that's, I think Louis learned the lesson since then. How is this fucking racist?
Starting point is 00:16:31 I'm pointing out a guy who specifically looks like me. This is what I do when I stretch this segment, folks. Bring up anecdotes. But that's appalling, you know. I bet you there's people online going, when Larry Bird fucking died, they'll get that right. Oh, yeah, he was the only white guy in the league. English people.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Raz, do you get mistaken for other black people that look like you? You do? Yeah, because you look like all the other black people. I can't. There was like five black comics in New York. I fucking met them all in one night. I mean, I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:17:10 I could meet a Cherokee Indian, a Mexican on a donkey. And if they came in the next night, I still wouldn't. Fucking. When I meet new people, it goes in one ear and out. It's really embarrassing. Fucking. But then when it's like five black. And they're hanging out at the comedy i'm like i have they're like hey
Starting point is 00:17:27 don't neck i'm like what's up give it the general what's up fist bump run by him pete buddha jidge pd buddha jidge you know pete don't you folks uh again i'll say about pete buddha jidge very eloquent but but but but of all, black people don't like him because of what South Bend, Indiana, apparently there was some cop problems and they're not buying it. He is just too white. He looks like an IBM executive. Pete Buttigieg remembers basketball player Kobe Bryant for playing on the field. I remember the night that I remember the night he scored four baskets and that he made a couple assists. We had a producer, me, me and Artie Lang and the Nick and I. This is I knew we were in trouble like the third night. I asked the fuck Red Sox. He goes, they were down by two and then they made they made two runs in the bottom of the night.
Starting point is 00:18:25 It's coming out of a guy. OK, Bella, they made two runs in the bottom of the ninth. It's coming out of a guy. Gay fella. They made two runs. Did they make a cake too? What's the ingredients for two runs? A couple eggs in it. They made two runs. It's not like my mother.
Starting point is 00:18:35 They just made a touchdown. What, in a lab? Shut it. Here's Pete Buttigieg saying this. Millions of people, not just in Los Angeles, but around the world right now, mourning because they were inspired by what he did on the field, what he meant off the field. He's a fag. Yeah, we'll cut him some slack.
Starting point is 00:19:01 I don't want my politicians being like completely immersed in sports. He's probably got other shit on his mind. But on the field and off the field. Maybe we're splitting hairs here. I don't know. You know? I've heard guys refer to a rink as a court. You know what I mean? Maybe we're picking Pete.
Starting point is 00:19:15 You know what I mean? But wake up, Pete. It's a fucking basketball court. For Christ's sake. He was tremendous on the diamond. He had a triple-double on the diamond when I was there. And that is not going to help you with black voters, Pete. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Wake up, white people. Hey, my dates real quick, ladies and gentlemen. You go to if you want ticket information. I'll read them real quick because a lot of times people listen to this podcast and don't see what we put up on the screen february 1st that's when this weekend is it not yeah my birthday's friday i'll be dead in about 10 minutes the historic ritz theater in brunswick georgia uh february 15th kelsey theater lake park florida february 20 through 22 comics at Mohegan Sun, Montville, Connecticut. February 28th,
Starting point is 00:20:08 the Decatur Civic Center, Decatur, Illinois. The next night on the 29th, Zany's Comedy Club in Rosemont, Illinois. March 13th and 14th, Magoobies, Joke House, Timonium, Maryland. April 3rd, the Morgan Hill Events Center in Herman, Maine. April 4th, Jonathan's in Agunquit, Maine.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Haven't I already fucking mastered the Northeast market? Let's move, you know, I'm surrounded by people who love my politics down here. Well, I've got a taste of it this weekend, actually. June 12th, the Ritz Theater, Scranton, Pennsylvania. Yeah, the Ritz Theater in Scranton. Just added, and write this down, September 24th through 26th,
Starting point is 00:20:46 The Comedy Works at the Plaza Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. That's Tommy's room. It is stunning and I cannot wait to. October 10th, Stand Up Live in Huntsville, Alabama. October 11th is Zany's in Nashville, Tennessee. So go to Check that out. Breaking news right before we came on.
Starting point is 00:21:11 U.S. jet crashes in Taliban territory in Afghanistan. Two pilots dead. Oh, man. We don't know that. but Taliban's claiming responsibility. Taliban announces the downing of an American plane in Ghazni province. A small U.S. Air Force jet crashed Monday in Taliban held territory in Afghanistan's Ghanzi province, south of the capital. It was not immediately clear how many people were aboard the plane, but an Afghan official said two pilots were found dead amid the wreckage.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Provincial government spokesman Arif Nouri told CBS News, Ahmad Mokhtar, the plane appeared to have been flying between the southern city of Kandahar. That's where we were based when we went out to Afghanistan for a week. And the capital, which is Kabul, 200 miles north. We flew that. I didn't feel safe. Even we were in a fucking Chinook helicopter surrounded by machine guns and shit. Gansey province is between those two locations.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Nori said the bodies of the two pilots were found at the crash site. Let me tell you something. It was the Taliban and they were still alive you know they'd still try to kill him if you know if this was true uh and the plane was completely destroyed he did not mention any other casualties brian williams said he was on the plane and uh lying motherfucker a u.s military official confirmed confirmed to CBS News senior national security correspondent that an Air Force E-11 had crashed in Afghanistan. The official
Starting point is 00:22:52 said the cause of the crash still be investigated and he would not discuss the fate of the crew. He doesn't know more than that. Apparently not. I don't know. Look, military planes go down all the time while they're testing and shit, right? In San Diego.
Starting point is 00:23:11 You know what I mean? So who knows? But that's not a good area. Even if they had to make an emergency landing, apparently. I've been to Afghanistan. I have a nice summer home in Karachi. No, that's Pakistan. Oh, I have one there, too.
Starting point is 00:23:28 But too bad, man. That's somebody's husband, father, whatever the fuck. But I want to get to the bottom. Let's say it is the Taliban. What's Trump going to do? Huh? He sort of has a red line policy. You heard any of our guy you know i'm kind of interested
Starting point is 00:23:46 to find out uh what he's gonna do and of course when he does it he'll be blamed for provoking it and pop up by a bunch of thick thick-necked women on msnbc hillary clinton they got a documentary out about her yeah we need more information on that fucking cow. Imagine there's a documentary coming out. Juanita Broderick is the, remember the one of the first women that Bill Clinton was allegedly raped? She's already gone. Listening to that woman is torture, she said. So, really? Let me tell you something, folks. I'm going to say it again. I've said it on this show. The Democratic nominees you're watching debate for the last six months, I believe not one of those is going to be the nominee. It's either going to be Michael Bloomberg or the thick-ankled dogface who's going to jump in. She's going to stick her giant big toe in the water. And mamma mia,
Starting point is 00:24:39 papadilla, we're all in trouble. Can you imagine if she won against Trump. Huh, Raz? Can you imagine? For the love of Christ. Speaking of the big guy, who's that? That's the president of the United States. You heard a spokesman in the cold opening. Donald Trump denies telling John Bolton. Don't forget there's an impeachment process going on. Adam Schiff, you're a big.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Every time I put on the TV this week and that prick was on tv spewing falsehoods donald trump denies telling john bolton ukraine aid was tied uh to a biden probe i i don't know if that's true or not um because he's got a book coming out what's his name uh bolton donald trump is denied telling john bolton that he would only give ukraine security aid if he was helped with a probe into into Joe Biden. The U.S. president claims Bolton was lying. He's lying and he's doing it to promote his book, which is set to be released in March. John Bolton is what they call a hawkish guy. He's always for war. He always was was he was a national security by trump canned him
Starting point is 00:25:46 right so there's bad blood there and uh he's been in washington forever he knows how to play the game that's why he's got a book coming out um but i don't know who the frig he referred to what giuliani and trump were doing in the ukraine he goes i don't want to get involved in that drug deal. Ooh. Last time I checked, Giuliani or Trump weren't into heroin or coke. In the 80s, I think Trump at Club 57 might have snorted some off some big-titted pigs. But let me read the tiny tweet. Do we have the tweet? I never told John Bolton that the aid to Ukraine was tied to investigations into Democrats, including the Bidens. In fact, he never complained about this at the time of his very public termination.
Starting point is 00:26:30 If John Bolton said this, it was only to sell a book. With that being said, the. And then he passed out. A Big Mac clogged the artery. They brought him back to life. Let me finish that tweet. It was a the perfect tweet this guy's full of shit uh bolton the former nsa invite left the white house a day before trump released the ukraine aid on september 11th interesting time and i'd look into it but i'm too tired in a drastic run uh turn of events uh for Trump's impeachment trial, Bolton told lawmakers he's willing to testify
Starting point is 00:27:05 despite the president's order barring aides from cooperating in the probe. Of course, the left is saying that means he's trying to hide something. All I know is Trump's got the best goddamn lawyers. Jay Sekulow, who's as smart as Dershowitz, and Dershowitz to me is
Starting point is 00:27:21 at the top of lawyers. For Christ's sake, he helped get OJ off. Not a lawyer. He's a goddamn magician. Watch me pull this retaining fee out of my ass. Trump even said people could look at transcripts of his call. It was the perfect phone call. And statements by Ukraine President Zelensky that there was no pressure for such investigations to get the aid. The New York Times, remember that paper, cited an unpublished Bolton manuscript saying that Trump told him he wanted to freeze security aid to Ukraine until its officials helped with the investigations into Democrats, including former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden. I'll repeat that. Bolton cited an unpublished manuscript. We'll publish it. Maybe that's coming up. If Adam Schiff was smart and the dummies on the left, they'd be sitting on shit like that if it existed. And then you spring it the last day of the Trump, right? Isn't that how you're supposed to do it?
Starting point is 00:28:24 I don't know. The report could affect the key element of Trump's defense, that there was no quid pro quo. When he asked Ukrainian President Zelensky to investigate Biden, his son, in the phone call. And, of course, he keeps going, look at the transcript. We put it out there and shit. And Zelensky himself said there was no pressure.
Starting point is 00:28:43 So I don't know know folks i i got a 2.4 in business administration up at maine but when i hear dershowitz and seculo and uh john turley uh the you know three best lawyers in the country defending trump and you know dershowitz is no right winger it's friggin uh anyways in only the third presidential impeachment trial in u.s history democrats argued last week trump should be removed for encouraging ukraine to interfere there's such fucking assholes isn't this politic that's how politics work by the way everything's a backroom do you scratch my back i'll scratch your back uh trump's team has previously said he was well within his constitutional authority to press
Starting point is 00:29:25 zielinski to investigate the biden's as part of what he says was an anti-corruption drive i'll let you guys decide the impeachment uh trial rules provide a two-step process on whether to subpoena witness and documents with an initial vote on whether they considered doing so. And if approved, subsequent votes to actually call witnesses or demand documents. If the Senate called witnesses and demand documents, the trial could lengthen. Why is that important? Well, there's a few people that are running for president on the Democratic side that won't be able to be out there on the campaign trail. So they're accusing the Republicans maybe of, you know, no matter what they do,
Starting point is 00:30:06 they're damned. If they do that, they're trying to keep some of the dams off the. If that were to happen, if that were to happen, the trial could be. Oh, here you go. If the Senate call witnesses, the trial could be lengthened. If not, the Senate could vote toward the end of the week on whether to remove Trump. We all know he's not going to get removed. We all know that the Senate is controlled by Republicans. There's not a chance in hell that he's going to get removed. But if that were to happen, the trial could be over before the first U.S. voting contest takes place in Iowa February 3rd. I don't even know how. Do you know how it works?
Starting point is 00:30:42 They're already voting in Iowa on the 3rd. Trump has to schedule, listen to this, to deliver the annual State of the Union address to a joint session on February 4th. Tune in for that one. That's going to be like a Richard Pryor special. I don't think anybody's ever given a State of the Union speech while they're being impeached. This guy's the best. He should just wear a black cowboy hat. Fucking talk like Sam Elliott. Here's another tweet from Trump. Transcripts of my calls with Zelensky are all the proof that is needed.
Starting point is 00:31:20 In addition to the fact that President Zelensky and the foreign minister of Ukraine said there was no pressure, no problems. Additionally, I met with Zelensky at the United Nations, is what Trump said. So if that's a fact, tell me, am I lying? I don't know, Mr. President. They all say you are. They say you're a habitual liar. I love how they keep track and they count actual count trump lies they didn't do that at any end of the president they hate this guy so much because he's making them look like the that they are they were already talking about raz if this impeachment thing if he doesn't get pulled they're already talking about going after him on other you people out there how could you vote for that? Trump's doing all this shit for the last three years. Was that you or me?
Starting point is 00:32:10 It was me. What's this? A cameo. New request from a guy. Cameo. That guy wants me to send him a personal video to one of his friends, roasting him or something. You should do the same. See this tie?
Starting point is 00:32:21 400% polyester. Oh, here's a broad. same. See this tie? 400% polyester. Oh. Here's a broad, I mean a woman. Joy Villa. It used to be Villa, but I noticed we're going back to Jose is now Jose. I have a theory on that too.
Starting point is 00:32:39 The Hispanic and black athletes always fuck with white broadcasters. No, I shouldn't say that. Brad Marchand, hockey player, he keeps changing the pronunciation of his name. I swear to God, it's the way to poke the fucking media. Anyways, I'll call her Joy Avila. Shucks and pro, she was at the Grammys, right? She shows up, she's a singer. Shows up in an impeached and reelected gown at the Grammys.
Starting point is 00:33:08 We get a picture of her. Fucking love this bride. Slow down, Raz. What are you going to take a dump? Relax. Go back. I want to comment that you thought that was a guy res you never know man what are you talking about you never know the one boxer that's a that's a girl guy she looks just like a well yeah but that looks like a fucking woman with a nice figure no i agree i agree i don't know where you're getting that she doesn't have a giant cock like michelle obama well she might be hiding it. Maybe it's tough. Let go of your button. I'm echoing.
Starting point is 00:33:49 I love it. She looks like a woman of color, too. Is she? I'm going by the hair. Oh, Nick, what are you saying? All black people have curly? Yeah, yeah. Just did.
Starting point is 00:34:02 She got nice fake titties. Well, they could be real. How do I know know but this is somebody at the grammys why did i just get loud again fucking thing anyways uh the singers this is the singer's third uh pro trump fashion statement you're not touching my sound are you all right it's me this is the singer's third pro uh trump fashion statement at the music awards she notified the white house she would wear something to be supportive known for making political style statements on the red carpet this is at the grammys right look at that impeached peach is right on her ass the word peach notice that's no accident i'm gonna going to start to...
Starting point is 00:34:45 I'm going to put out a line of fucking... For the few conservative people in Hollywood. You know? I'm trying to think, what broads are conservative? Come on, right? I can't think of any. There are, whatever. But, you know, mine would say, you know, Adam Schiff, suck my ass.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Stuff like that. Joy Villa turned up the 67 Grammy Awards in L.A. wearing a gown in support of the president. This is here you go. Make America great. Wait a minute. You're right. Wait a minute now. She's got the she does have the physique of a fucking light middleweight. Huh. Look, it says rum. She's a drunk, too. The gown has the phrase Trump 2020 in crystal.
Starting point is 00:35:38 We don't need a description. What am I doing? Fucking Bravo here? She says, I feel like Miss America in it. It's all couture. Villa told the Hollywood Reporter before the award show. He's going to be the first president. Listen to this.
Starting point is 00:35:50 She's going to build that wall. Oh my God! Build that wall! Now, if a lesbian was wearing that dress, build that wall beyond the front across the crotch. Who's with me?
Starting point is 00:36:06 Anybody? In my crisp white shirt? She says he's going to be the first president in history to be impeached and reelected. She described the impeachment as a total sham. I love this. She's doing this shit out in Hollywood. You know what this means? Get a good look at her.
Starting point is 00:36:23 She's going to get hit by a cab tomorrow. Explaining that the process was confusing most Americans. She sounds like she knows what she's talking about. I know a thing or two about a thing or two. Villa told the Hollywood Reporter that the look is partnership with Viral Pack, an organization funding conservative
Starting point is 00:36:40 artists to support the re-election campaign of President Trump and conservative candidates you know what i say miss villa good for you leave that one up if you guys don't know what that is that's a pro-life that's a the red thing in the middle is the fetus that's what that is apparently what is that the uterus of Janis Joplin? Look at all the fucking LSD colors. That could be a fetus or a... She fucking wore that? That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Choose life on her bag. There's the little baby. You can see. It looks more to me like a jumbo shrimp. A fucking red lobster on a Thursday. It's in a psychedelic asshole. That looks like Adam Schiff after a week with his life partner, Tom. That's his asshole.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Nick, why do you say that? Because. It's Monday. I'm trying to wake you people up out there. Pe-pa-pa-tee-pa-pa-tee-pa-da-pa-da-pa. Pro-life, good segue into a sex story. Because, you know, sex leads to life sometimes. And death.
Starting point is 00:37:51 If you don't know what you're doing. How about this one, Raz? This is, I think, my favorite. Campaigners say men are increasingly using the rough sex defense to try to get away with murdering women. They want the law changed to prevent such a defense and have the support of two MPs. But what difference would it make? The death of British backpacker Grace Milan provoked an outpouring of anger and disgust, not only because of the circumstances in which she lost her life, but because of how her killer tried to explain away her death. He told police that Miss Mullane had asked to be strangled during sex. You know, like, and I've said this before on the show,
Starting point is 00:38:35 I've never choked a girl in the bedroom in my life. I've done it in all the other rooms in the house, the kitchen, call that al dente. I've done it in all the other rooms in the house. The kitchen. Call that al dente? Done it in the living room. You know?
Starting point is 00:39:03 Personal details about the 22-year-old woman's sex life and apparent interest in BDSM were then discussed in court. Okay, that's what happens. And duly reported on by the world's media. Commentators believe she was being slut shamed and blamed for her own death. You know what? If that's what you believe, people in journalism, that's none of your fucking business. You can say it to your friends at lunch, but keep it out of your articles. I bet you him and his family feel differently. Miss Mullane from Essex was murdered in New Zealand.
Starting point is 00:39:28 They put murdered about an article that back home in England, former Solicitor General Harriet Harmon, guarantee she's sexy, wants the law changed to stop men from being able, listen to this, to choose the defense of rough sex gone wrong, even if the death is a genuine accident, she says. Think about that, Raz. Fucking witch. No, no, no, no, no, no was convicted of murder, but still the cases led to increased concerns about men using the so-called 50 shades of gray defense. How about 50 shades of blue? That's what they should go. It's a choking joke. It's a fucking good one. It's going to my act. I, I, I, you know, when I was in college and I would be very drunk, I'd hook up with a few
Starting point is 00:40:29 heavyset girls. Let's say they could play offensive guard in the NFL. And I wish they choked me after I was done. Do the girls,
Starting point is 00:40:42 the guys don't ask to be choked, do we? Huh? Not most of us. Not most of us, Russ. Commissioned by the BBC Radio 5 Live, it asked, listen to this, they did a survey. It asked 2002 English women aged between 18 and 39 if they had experienced various acts during sex.
Starting point is 00:41:03 they had experienced various acts during sex. The majority, 59% of the women, had experienced slapping, which is a terrible idea. What's the idea? Get upstairs. Get upstairs. Get upstairs and do the laundry. Why, you? 34% had experienced gagging.
Starting point is 00:41:31 I guarantee you none of the girls are in bed with me ever experienced gagging. Unfortunately, lest they tried my clams casino after. 20% experience spitting. I didn't even know. What do you do? I mean, do women ask for that? Like, do I want to be spit on? God, I was chewing tobacco in college. I could have had a fucking field.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Right on your titties. Take that one. Spit on me. I don't know why I'm spitting so bad. Every porn you watch now, the girl hawks up a loagie to get a little lube on the guy's... It's like being blown by Earl Weaver of the Orioles.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Almost half the women, 44%, said these acts were always wanted. Good for them. Jesus, I missed out on a lot of fun. However, 29% said they were unwanted some of the time. 14% said they were unwanted most of the time. And 10% said they were unwanted every time. What 10%?
Starting point is 00:42:36 I want to talk to that 10% of women. So the guy just started choking you out of the blue? Maybe you weren't giving it your all. He just bought you $200 lobster dinner and champagne and you're kind of fucking half-assing it. Get in here. Of those who have experienced any of these, how often do you feel pressured into it? Every time, only 8%. Most of the times, 12%. Sometimes, 22%. Never 56%.
Starting point is 00:43:11 So that's sort of defending men a little bit. 2% prefer not to say. Every time, 8%. You're just hooking up with the wrong people. You can blame some of this on Tinder, too. But you know what? I do feel bad for it, because guys do. Porn is mainstream now.
Starting point is 00:43:29 It's got a good and bad side to it. For you young guys, the women watch a lot of porn now, so they know, they think they know what you like, which they're probably, you can't do anything to a guy to offend him in bed. Hit him with a cup of your own pee, they're going to go, hey, that's pretty cool. But it's not the other way around.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Guys want to treat women, young kids, young guys see this shit and they think that's what women like. You know, they think a woman likes an eight inch cock this thick. I mean, come on. We all know that's bullshit, right? But they do. They do porn shit. And women are like, what the fuck? The Center for Women's Justice said the figure showed a growing pressure on young women to consent to violent, dangerous and demeaning.
Starting point is 00:44:14 I don't trust any statistics from feminist groups. Remember the biggest lie they told that more women get beat up? They're victims of domestic violence on Super Bowl Sunday. And they put out this fake number that they even apologized for on their uh that was a few years ago but one uh 28 year old woman who spoke the bbc anonymously said the feeling of domination that came with being choked was a pretty a pretty common sexual fantasy now we know you know you always hear women fantasizing about rape and shit right isn't that kind of a common choking i don't know it's pretty close that's all involved uh i don't know i'd i'd be afraid i'd have you know if i was singling out there and running around like an animal had access to these dirty little girls. If you're going to choke them, you put one of those hospital neck braces on them, just so you don't go too...
Starting point is 00:45:10 The ones that do choke their girlfriends to death, you know, it's supposed to be S&M. What was the say for it? More? That was from The Godfather. One or two, I don't know. That was Luca Brasi. That was one, right? Scotch, pre-war.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Bone. How much do I get paid? $500. $500. Hmm. It looked like an NFL running back going to arbitration with robert kremp uh whether you know each other well or not when a person asks a sexual partner to be rough or to
Starting point is 00:46:13 choke them they are asking them to take on responsibility of their safety a person who asks for rough sex does not intend to die so when they do it is down to at the very least the negligence of the other person. If you are trying not to kill. First, how do we know it's not suicide by guy? Suicide by, you know, like suicide by cop. I wonder how many depressed girls go choke me and they don't. Or maybe it feels really good to them.
Starting point is 00:46:41 But no, I'm not. I'm sort of with her. Come on, fellas. There's little signs like you know the blood vessels are breaking in her eyes and shit and she's turning blue uh if you try not to kill someone uh you won't kill them it is only through failing she's make she's oversimplifying it my uh to try not to actually trying to kill them okay you don't like men we get dr hamilton who examined the body of charlotte Teeling after she was strangled by Richard Bailey during sex,
Starting point is 00:47:07 said it was difficult to tell through forensic examination whether or not there was intention to kill. Of course not. But then on that guy, they found that he used her credit cards and shit afterwards and said that one of them was really easy. I mean, I think. Have you guys watched the Aaron Hernandez thing on Netflix? Watch that one, Raz. That was as well done a documentary. I watched another one last week was on the ID network, which was pretty good. But this one was so well edited and so well done. Fascinating. I suggest you watch that. That and Fifty Shades of Blue.
Starting point is 00:47:46 It's a documentary about my testicles for the last eight years. What? You heard me, bitch. Finally tonight. Where are we, Raz? Time-wise. 54? That's enough, yeah? Raz is like, yeah, man. I got fucking
Starting point is 00:48:03 kids and a wife. I'm coming in late for you. God damn it. And we got the encore. Yeah, but that doesn't matter to these people. Raz. I know, but you can't bring that up on the air.
Starting point is 00:48:15 We have another story for you. Patreon members, you get an extra story. Boy, you can tell I had a few scotches this weekend and three packs of cigarettes for breakfast. All right, that's it. Ladies and gentlemen, it's a Monday.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Again, you people watching this for free, you can sign up at and get three more days of the Nick DiPaolo show. What you need, man? So please do that. Don't forget That's it, right? Am I forgetting anything, Raz? No. Thank you, Mike Glover, for signing up at the Vito Lever.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Remember, folks, you guys think it. I will say it. You're very welcome. See some of you back here. Patreon tomorrow. Take care of yourselves. Take care of yourselves. guitar solo We'll be right back. I'm out. Thank you.

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