The Nick DiPaolo Show - The New Sensation, White Capitulation | Nick DiPaolo Show #360

Episode Date: June 9, 2020

Hillary to testify. 18 killed in Chicago, no BLM protest. Marjorie is packin'. Thank you Dave B. from WI for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued support on Patreon! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDA...Y 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, what's going on? As you know right now, some serious strife in this country. The vision like we've never seen it. Brink of civil war, slow motion riot, whatever you want to call it. But it's all based around race. Can you hear the sirens in the background? That's probably a cop beating somebody up. Anyways, my point is it's about race and black and white, whatever, and racism, which nowhere else can you talk about it honestly other than shows like this. Even Fox News have tried to do their best to be fair. You can't have an honest discussion about race on TV unless you want to lose your show and be boycotted and whatnot. That's why this show exists. And that's why we just had our biggest week ever, thanks to you guys,
Starting point is 00:00:47 donating at, daily contributions, or signing up at as a monthly subscriber. You do that, you get an extra story. You get to ask me a question. You get access to the archive shows. And also, if you have a business
Starting point is 00:01:03 and you want to be a sponsor, you can go to So we can't thank you enough, but we need the help because the show is now free four days a week. So again, if you want to get the honest truth, you can't talk about race on TV, on radio, anywhere. And I don't know how much longer you can on YouTube. We'll find out, all right? So that's it. Remember to click that subscribe button on YouTube and make sure it stays subscribed because they've been fucking with us. All right.
Starting point is 00:01:33 That is it. Now I want you to all enjoy the show. So enjoy. Enjoy. In the N-word segment tonight, I'm just going to wing it. I can't fucking take it anymore. I was just reading from yesterday. I can't even watch the news. Every two seconds, there's some white guy capitulating, whether it's Drew Brees or the football coach at Iowa.
Starting point is 00:02:44 It's just Dabo Sweeney, the coach at Clemson, assistant coach, is in trouble for something he said three years ago when he was telling a black kid not to say the N-word. And he gets in trouble for that, for saying the N-word while he was telling the black kid not to say the N-word. And I'm very disappointed in all these young black guys going after their coaches. You just admit it.
Starting point is 00:03:06 You want nothing to do with white people. None of yous do. You just admit it. The fucking Dems, the Congress took a knee yesterday. And they were wearing African garb. You know, fucking, we know you don't care about black people. But they've been doing it in the name of black people. And now they're getting fucking torn apart. So why don't we just, don't care about black people, but they've been doing it in the name of black people, and now they're getting fucking torn apart.
Starting point is 00:03:27 So why don't we just, can't, this is half, we have 40 words we can't say as white people. You don't want us to talk about it. Don't use our clothing. You're appropriating. Why don't you just admit it? And you won't admit it.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Just admit it. You want segregation. You don't want white people to talk about you, deal with you. Just admit it. You want segregation. You don't want white people to talk about you, deal with you, just it. I'm not talking about all black people, obviously. And it kills me to say this because I live in Savannah and it's 60-40 black to white
Starting point is 00:03:58 and I've never been treated better in my life. And I'm not just saying it's the BPC. It's way different to itself than it is up in New York. And so again, I'm not talking about all black people, but the activists and the politicians and the black caucuses and the fucking
Starting point is 00:04:15 AOCs and what's Ellison's name? Keith Ellison from Minnesota. They don't want anything to do with white people. Neither does the fat black chick that told the mayor the liberal little pussy from Minneapolis to take a walk. You want nothing
Starting point is 00:04:34 to do with us. Just admit it. You don't want to admit it because George Wallace might have had a point. We have black, we have black dorms now, right? We have separate dorms on college campuses. Harvard had separate graduations for black people and shit. That's segregation. Just admit it. All those fucking so-called racists
Starting point is 00:05:01 that you've been railing on for the last 40 years. Now you're starting to sound just like them. Just fucking admit it. But you won't. Anyways. And I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. That's not me. That's what you want. After reading all these headlines and white people
Starting point is 00:05:26 bowing and scraping and washing black feet cops taking a knee are you fucking kidding me let's quit pretending let's quit pretending it's never gonna be fixed and that's the N-word segment. Look what I got here from Illinois police when I performed out there back in the end of February or March. State police showed up at the show. They love me. I'm with the police. Not the fucking Derek Chauvin's of the world, obviously, but the other 99% that risk their lives every night to protect you. Real quickly, this wasn't even on the thing, but I just saw it. There's a fucking massive thing going on in Hollywood, a massive
Starting point is 00:06:10 protest that turned into a fuck the police video. It looks like this. It looks the picture we fucking saw. It looked like there were 40,000 people in the street. Oh, yeah, let's defund the police. I'm going to give you a bunch of stories and you'll go, yeah, that's a good idea. This real quickly, I just got before we came on from Sacramento paper. All excited here. Calm down. Calm the fuck down. Police are investigating a string of arsons targeting Citrus Heights with american flags on display that's the suburbs
Starting point is 00:06:47 of sacramento somebody's burning the american flags that people have on display you freaking believe this anyways uh at least four homes were targeted um in the sun garden neighborhood early this morning so far police say they don't know a motive you don't know a motive really you don't know what the fucking motive is oh retard alert really retard alert you don't you don't think it might be a little fallout from what's going on around the rest of the country nothing to do with that are you just playing dumb please tell me you're a charred pole is all that's left of the american flag that have been flying outside marie nuzzy's home if it had burned longer it would have caught the house on fire nuzzy said
Starting point is 00:07:32 somebody's lives for what the fire was set at 3 a.m saturday morning burnt out before reaching the house where nuzzy and three other family members were sleeping arsonists also set the trees on fire outside another home on nuzzy Street where smaller American flags were on display on the front lawn. At least two other American flags were also set on fire. Citrus Heights police are investigating the arsons and so far don't know the motive. Or whether the fires were set intentionally as part of the George Floyd worldwide movement. Yeah, I'd say that the odds of that, pretty much. Jesus Christ, who's on?
Starting point is 00:08:07 Barney Fife leading the investigation? I really don't want to think like that. I really don't, Nuzzy said. I just think it was kind of a random thing. Well, you're going to be wrong. For now, the fires have scared Marie Nuzzy enough, she won't put the flag back up at her home. Yeah, so they win. It's not worth it for me to put
Starting point is 00:08:23 my family through it. These fucking people. You come out to the suburbs? Yeah, go ahead. Come out to the suburbs with this shit. You want to see a Civil War break out in three seconds? People are fucking evil. Your mother sucks cocks in hell.
Starting point is 00:08:47 My cop buddy I was talking to, okay? He was in the riots in Miami in the 90s fucking evil. Your mother sucks cocks in hell. My cop buddy I was talking to, okay? He was in the riots in Miami in the 90s and shit. He's been through it all. He's been in shootouts. He knows all about this shit. And he said, you notice all the shit's happening in liberal cities where the mayors sort of let the rioters go and don't do any shit? He goes, you don't see him fucking
Starting point is 00:09:00 going to other mayors. Yeah, go to Birmingham, Alabama. See how that shit flies. Or somewhere in Arkansas and again I told you he used to go undercover right to these white supremacist meetings and the white supremacist
Starting point is 00:09:14 predicted all this shit back in the 80s he said him and his buddy would laugh and they were listening to the white supremacist saying how it's going to go down and it's going down exactly and he said you don't want to know what they have for fucking weapons, as far as, you know, because, you know, this is a white supremacist country and shit, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:09:31 We've been hearing about that forever. But you know what? They could take out a small third world country with what they have stored all over. This is for my cop, buddy. And they will jump in when they think the republic is threatened, is what he said. I kind of got to believe him. That's kind of creepy, isn't it? All right, let's lighten up the show, goddammit. Jesus Christ. Didn't a kitten dial 911 somewhere? Isn't there a story you can do like that? Fucking squirrel water
Starting point is 00:09:59 skiing. Got any of that footage, Raz? Aretha Franklin falling off a stage? Stop it, buddy. Hey, this is Kayla Ferrin. She's a fan of the show. She sent me this. My name is Kayla Ferrin. You were so great to do a cameo for my dad, Steve, last week. Thank you for doing it so quickly. He hasn't seen it because his birthday is Saturday, June 13th. I can't wait for him to see it. He's going to shit his pants. You mentioned in your cameo that if I sent you these pictures, you'd put them on your show. I would be over the moon if you'd do it.
Starting point is 00:10:31 It would mean so much to him. We all love you. Listen to you every day. Pictures were taken last summer, dad's 60th birthday in Italy. They went to Portofino and to Venice. I'm going to put one of them because they were sort of similar. But look at this.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Look at my man representing. You think this is just a fucking domestic show? We're all over the planet. Look at him. He looks like one of the Corleones. What's he got in his fucking hand? A breadstick? What the hell is that?
Starting point is 00:11:09 A fucking Band-Aid? What is it? That's a beautiful picture. Oh, he's holding up a beer, too. What's it say on it? Mussolini light? Look at that. Guy could be related to me.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Looks like my Uncle Al. Holy shit. Messina beer. Come here, Messina. How do you say Cooper Libre? Cooper Libre. How do you say banana daiquiri? Banana daiquiri, Fredo.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Thank you so much for representing. Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. That's right. Hillary Clinton will testify in court in email case after losing her appeal last weekend. For the love of Jesus, it's about time. Did I hit this one? You goddamn guineas really make me laugh.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I'm supposed to put that up during the last segment with a guy in Italy. And this. I'm all over the place. Hillary Clinton will testify in court. Yes. In case you missed it, she lost her appeal in court this week. And will have to testify in September. According to CNBC, the judge ordered Clinton to testify at a deposition for a lawsuit related to her use of private email server for involving official business while working as secretary of state under president barack obama what difference at this point does it make gee
Starting point is 00:12:31 we're finally getting around to it huh boy the fucking wheels of justice move at a glacial pace when it comes to democrats look at that very happy woman huh yeah fucking that's her every time she sees a cock judge royce lambert says it is time to hear directly from secretary clinton the trial is for the alleged email scandal in her involvement in benghazi court case was held virtually so she did not have to testify under oath once again clinton clinton also allegedly erased emails about her part in taking down Libya Prime Minister Muammar al-Qaddafi about Libya's decision to switch the currency in African countries. Gaddafi suggested the states of the African continent to switch to a new currency, independent of the American dollar, the gold diner.
Starting point is 00:13:22 The objective of this new currency was to divert oil revenues towards state-controlled funds rather than American banks. In other words, to stop using the dollar for oil transactions. Countries such as Nigeria, Tunisia, Egypt, and Angola were ready to change their currencies. Unfortunately, in March 2011, the NATO-led coalition began a military intervention in Libya, which Hillary Clinton allegedly played a huge part in Gaddafi's assassination. Yeah, the family had a lot of button men. Senator, what a button. Clinton will have to answer questions from lawyers for the conservative advocacy group
Starting point is 00:13:59 Judicial Watch, which we all expect they'll be hounding her about her private server. Many believe Clinton deleted emails might have cost her the presidency in 2016. Yeah, that was it. Suck a dick and die. She will have to testify on September 9th, 2020. Good. Get out of my room, you sick cunt. Hey, what's the matter with you?
Starting point is 00:14:22 What's the matter with you? Let's get back to what's going on a revolution whatever you want to call it civil war uh on the brink we had two stories that make me a sandwich segment uh here we go city council president lisa bender in minneapolis told cnn's brooke baldwin two dumb broads that were wanting to call the police officer that wanting to call the police officer after your home was broken into comes from a place of privilege in quotes. Do you fucking believe this? What's your sense of view of this? Do you understand that the word dismantle or police free also makes some people nervous?
Starting point is 00:15:01 For instance, what if in the middle of the night my home is broken into? Who do I call? Yes, I mean, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors and I know and myself, too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege. Praise up. Wanting to defend your home, calling the cops you pay for their salaries is a place of privilege. Like no poor black people have ever had to call the cops. When did the fucking city council and politicians become 22-year-old girls all over the country?
Starting point is 00:15:37 I think I'm seeing the problem. You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. I'm saying that to her. And so in the very immediate, we have to lean into what I crossed that out because I hated it so much. And we've already done that, she says. We are not starting from scratch. We have invested in community-based safety strategies.
Starting point is 00:15:55 And what are those? Community-based safety. What are you going to have, a 16-year-old black kid out there with a water pistol? What is that? The fucking Black Eagle Scouts? We have knowledge in our community across the city. We've done an analysis of all the reasons people call 911. Yeah, we have to do a study to figure that out and have looked up ways we can shift the response away from armed police officers the way we've been doing it for 150 years in this country into a more appropriate response for mental health calls,
Starting point is 00:16:28 for some domestic violence calls, for health-related issues. Oh, my God. Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? What are you going to do when a crazy homeless guy's got a knife and he's threatening people?
Starting point is 00:16:41 You're going to call a fucking shrink? Call on a couple nurses? Stupid as they come. Minneapolis, what the fuck are you voting for? Do you guys just throw a dart board, you know, blindfold and throw a dart at a board? Is that how you fucking pick people?
Starting point is 00:16:58 Community, if I hear one more time, oh, the cops have to have a better relationship with people in the community. Yeah, they'll go fucking dancing Friday night and fucking drinking. Fucking can't take it. So you're privileged, you know, if you call the cops and somebody's trying to break into your house at midnight. Staying on the cops. former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Carrick said 600 police officers were considered leaving the force amid protests in New York. And that's creepy. Bye-bye. Do we have a clip of this
Starting point is 00:17:33 or not, Ray? Did I say nothing? I couldn't find it. She was on Janine Perro. Perro asked, how many police officers are in the hospital right now that the mainstream media is not talking about? Carrick noted that hundreds of NYPD officers have been injured during the protest and added nearly double that number considering leaving the police force. You finally done it. You did it left. You broke them. You broke them. Nobody's going to want to be a cop. Might happen sooner than we think. You have some in the hospital, he said, but there were over 300, 300 injuries. And the thing that scares me, he says, I'm hearing close to 600 cops
Starting point is 00:18:10 have either put in their papers or they're talking to the department about resigning or retiring. He says, like, this is insane, he says. It is. Danger, Will Robinson. Danger. No, Will Robinson.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Danger. Danger, Will Robinson. Danger. No, Will Robinson. Danger. Look, cops have been struck and hit by cars and run over in New York, beaten in the Bronx. One was nearly killed when a brick was thrown at him. Giuliani has repeatedly called for Mayor de Blasio to resign over his handling of the riots. De Blasio unveiled a few reforms to the NYPD on Sunday at the urging of a task force on racial inclusion.
Starting point is 00:18:50 In other words, he was strong arm of which his wife is the co-chairman. Redirecting money from the police department to youth programs is among the proposed changes. Yeah, that'll fix everything. Oh, fucking idiot! Yeah, let's have midnight basketball leagues. We will be moving funding from the NYPD to youth initiatives and social services. Like we haven't done that a thousand times in this country.
Starting point is 00:19:20 The NYPD's budget was nearly $6 billion in 2019. They're calling for a $1.1 billion to be cut from the budget. As the country's burning, rioting's going on, Cuomo, the governor, said the cops are doing a bad job, which he was out of line for saying. They're doing what they can with their hands tied, and you're going to cut $1.1. That's the solution.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Oh, my God. Here's another story that says cutting the police funding, that's a great idea. 18 people killed in Chicago in a 24-hour span last month. The deadliest day in Chicago in roughly six decades. That's 60 years, folks. You fucking
Starting point is 00:20:09 believe it? But nobody cares because it's not white, you know, white cops doing it. Poor young black people just getting slaughtered by other black criminals. But let's defund the police. Let's start community, let's, you know, let's start community organizing, you know, all that. We'll take care of it, even though I don't think Chicago has said that yet. The grim tally
Starting point is 00:20:37 made May 31st the single most violent day Chicago has endured in 60 years. According to the University university of chicago crime lab can you fucking imagine 60 years what the hell's going on out here we've never seen anything like it at all the crime lab senior research director max uh kapustin told the newspaper i don't even know how to put it into context it's beyond anything we've ever seen before data from the lab does not predate 61,
Starting point is 00:21:06 but the next highest single-day murder total in Chicago was on August 4th, 1991, when 13 Chicagoans died in homicides. When the entire week is taken into context,
Starting point is 00:21:16 listen to these numbers. This shit is literally not going on in Afghanistan right now. When the entire weekend is taken into context, 25 people were killed citywide from late May 29th through May 31st.
Starting point is 00:21:28 That's two days. While another 85 people were hurt by gunfire. Making it the most violent weekend in modern Chicago history. Among those killed May 31st, we got some picture of these people and and it's it's fucking you know where's black lives matter when this shit happens these people fucking these people's lives matter they weren't gangbangers and shit they get caught in the middle of it among those killed on may 34th angelo bronson a 36 year old father of two visiting his hometown from washington dc bronson was standing outside in englewood when he was shot in the chest during
Starting point is 00:22:11 a drive-by died hours later also killed in a separate shooting incidents with two 18 year old students lazara daniels and keishon a bolden who had hopes of becoming a correctional officer cops discovered daniels who attended drW College Prep in Lawndale, shot in the head in West Garfield Park. She was pronounced dead of disease. Earlier that day, Bolden died during an argument in Englewood, where a male suspect shot her in the torso and fled in a dark sedan. Where's Al Sharpton?
Starting point is 00:22:40 Where's Jesse Jackson? Where's the outrage? Where's Pelosi? Where's Jesse Jackson? Where's the outrage? Where's Pelosi? The Chicago priest, Auburn Gresham, he said on Saturday and particularly Sunday, I heard people saying all over, hey, there's no police anywhere. Police ain't doing nothing.
Starting point is 00:23:00 He said, I sat and watched a store looted for over an hour. No police came. I got my car, drove around to some other places getting looted. Didn't see police anywhere. an hour. No police can. I got my car, drove around to some other places, getting looted. Didn't see police anywhere. Yeah, but maybe you should take a note for Minneapolis. They want to defund the police.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Why would the police risk their necks with all the... There's laws now that make them personally responsible if they rough somebody up. You're not going to have any cops in a year if this keeps up. And by the way, the cops that go into those ghettos in Chicago, some of them are white, but you know, Black Lives Matters say they're all bad.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Tomorrow I'm going to do an hour of dick jokes on this show. I can't fucking take this. It's just, you can't make this shit the fucking country's burning hey i want to uh welcome a new sponsor to the show uh this episode is sponsored by immune logic um if you're like me you know how miserable it is to be constipated and you just uh want something that's going to work instead of trying multiple remedies our new new sponsor, Immunologic, has a product made from natural multivitamin minerals and amino acids called allofurax whole leaf capsules. And it does work.
Starting point is 00:24:16 And I took them. I got some. I get dehydrated. I can eat in a whole. I work out for an hour and a half and soak through my clothes. And I'll have like a half a sip of water after, which is like the worst thing you do. And then I'll eat bread and I, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:31 and I can't move anything for about a week. But I took this after I had pizza next morning. Beautiful. I don't want to get too graphic here, but I had a big smile on my face. Aloe for ox whole leaf is the world's most remarkable constant constipation remedy although it's not been approved by the fda it works in just days to effectively clear parasites worms and other pathogens from the bowel it also helps the liver with normal bile flow and
Starting point is 00:24:58 is a weight loss remedy seriously if you've been constipated before you know how great it is once things start working like they should again. Immunologic is a Texas-based company. You can find all the info on alofurox whole leaf on their website at That's And if you go to the website now, which is also displayed on the screen, you'll get free shipping on your order. That's immunologic dot com.
Starting point is 00:25:29 We thank them for sponsoring the Nick DiPaolo podcast. I have a new favorite politician in the country, ladies and gentlemen. I love Southern Broad. You know that. Excuse me. A little bit of covid a little bit of covid 19 now the world health organization is saying people who didn't have symptoms didn't spread the shit they're just trying to keep it going they're just trying to
Starting point is 00:25:59 keep you guys guessing until trump gets kicked out of office. Keep the fucking mayhem going. Remember? I just said member like a four-year-old. Remember? I will post to go to school. Remember when they said the people without symptoms were spreading it? Now they're doing a bad, you know, fucking Fauci smoke weed. It's not his fault, but I'm just saying. Listen to this. This is why I love my... Yes, sir. I was going to say also, like, what about all the people in California right now protesting?
Starting point is 00:26:31 Those 40,000 people out there? Dude, if we can find a picture of that. It looks like, from the angle they took, it looks like 400,000 people in Hollywood. Anybody work anymore? Oh, yeah, they're shut down until like December of 2028, thanks to that fucking goo gobbler, Gavin Newsom. Here's my new favorite politician. A GOP congressional candidate is accusing Facebook of censorship
Starting point is 00:26:59 after the social media giant took down a campaign video that shows her holding an ar-15 rifle and warning antifa to stay the hell out of northwest georgia marjorie green a businesswoman right in georgia's 14th district i wonder if i'm in that district posted the ad on facebook tuesday by thursday facebook told her campaign the video was coming down because it violated their faggy fucking left-wing rules. They didn't put it just like that. It violated company policies against promoting the use of firearms. Meanwhile, you can watch Antifa beating the fuck out of people and, you know, all kinds of things.
Starting point is 00:27:37 The video is still running on Twitter, and Greene has bought airtime to run the ad on broadcast and cable TV in advance of the Tuesday primary. Greene said the decision by facebook uh reeks of double standard she's exactly right she says facebook lets antifa organize terrorist attacks on americans allows video of innocent americans being brutally attacked but pulls my post out america is a country of law and order not anarchy telling antifa thugs to stay out of northwest ge Northwest Georgia is not a violation of Facebook, she said. Let's see the clip. President Trump declared Antifa a domestic terrorist organization. I have a message for Antifa terrorists. Stay the hell out of Northwest
Starting point is 00:28:21 Georgia. You won't burn our churches, loot our businesses, or destroy our homes. I'm Marjorie Green, and I approve this message. But a tip. I love you because you have done so much to make me happy. You have done it without a word. With a machine gun. Without a touch. Nice ass. Without a sign. And a nice crotch.
Starting point is 00:28:49 You have done it by just being yourself. Perhaps. Marjorie Green for whatever she's running for. I don't give a shit. Green's Facebook ad reached more than 2 million people before being deleted.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Big tech censorship of conservatives must end, she said. Facebook stands by its decision because they gobble ghoul at an alarming rate. We removed this ad, which advocates the use of deadly weapons against a clearly defined group of people. Yeah, the ones who are burning down our cities, you fuckstain.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Fucking nipple-bending cheese eater. For violating our policies against inciting violence, Facebook said in a statement to Fox News, Facebook told Green's campaign that she can't have ads promoting the brandishing of firearms, according to an email reviewed by the Fox News. And to that I say FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!
Starting point is 00:29:49 FUCK YOU! Is that her husband in the picture? Jesus Christ. He looks like he's 14. He's a big cowboy. Looks like he weighs about three bills. Got a cowboy hat on. Must crush the little thing. Anyways, got a cowboy hat on.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Must crush the little thing. Anyways, I like her spunk. What's sexier than that? Southern blonde chick with a fucking machine gun in her hand. What's sexier than that? I don't know, abroad from Michigan with a bow and arrow and a bikini. Question? Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Question. These are Patreon people who get to ask me a question if you want to subscribe to the show. Dave B., Wisconsin. Hey, Nick, two questions. One, if Joe Biden is not the Democratic leader on the ticket, who do you think will be?
Starting point is 00:30:37 And second, where in the hell do I get one of those sweet mugs that you drink out of on your show? You go to, I believe. We have a store there. Click the button. Right, Raz?
Starting point is 00:30:51 Either there or at Donald's stuff. They sell my mugs on the Donald's stuff? They have mugs on the too. My mugs? Nick DiPaolo podcast mugs? Raz, don't get in over your head, man. You know what I mean? You're talking.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Go to and if not, check out, but I think It is a sweet one, isn't it? See that? Yeah. I put that sticker on my bumper a couple weeks ago. My windshield smash by my wife.
Starting point is 00:31:22 She didn't like it. I said, listen, bitch, I'll get Marjorie Green after you. She'll fucking fill you full of lead. Yummy, yummy. What do we got going on here, folks? We have a hero. Again, a fan sent me this. I don't know if it was a Patreon or YouTube.
Starting point is 00:31:38 I can't remember where I got it. Oh, sorry. Did you answer the first question? Oh, I didn't. Nice catch, Raz. Shut your button off, cheesy. One, if Joe Biden's not the Democrat leader on the ticket, who do you think will be? Here's what's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Biden's going to be on it, right? Romney's going to jump in. That's why he was marching. I swear to God. Here's my fucking theory. You can laugh me. I don't care. Split ticket happens every once in a while.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Romney will declare being independent. I don't even know if he can do that at this point. He'll jump on the ticket. A month or two out from the election, they'll realize Biden is just, they're going to find him in his car asleep with a big yellow load in his pants. And they're going to go, we can't. His false teeth are going to be in his lap. And Romney will have already been on the ticket. So they'll move him up one.
Starting point is 00:32:35 I don't know. I guess my answer is I have no idea. Madonna, Sean Penn. It ain't going to be Biden. I still say that. Thank you for the question. We have a hero. This country's made up of, We have a hero. This country's made up of, I love this story. Santa Cruz County Sheriff Jim Hart is calling one, Ben Lomend is the name of the town. Man's actions remarkably heroic as he tackled Stephen Carrillo. Disarmed him of an assault rifle, pipe bomb, and a pistol. How do you, what do you think of that? pistol. How do you, what do you think of that? The San Lorenzo Valley community identified the chief hero as Sam, but his full name was not given to protect his privacy. He tackled murder suspect Carrillo, disarmed him of an assault rifle, but it didn't stop there. According to Hart, Sam knocked away a pistol while Carillo was attempting to light the fuse of a pipe bomb. He snuffed that out too while struggling on the
Starting point is 00:33:32 ground. We just have a little clip of him with the guy actually on the ground. This guy already Okay. Later on, they said the guy actually threw the audio. It was fucked up here. But anyways, neither Tom nor Sam wants recognition, the two guys. But Kevin Foster, who set up the Boulder Creek Neighborhood's Facebook page, established a PayPal fund for the pair that's already reached five figures. I got the story off P-O-R-A-C dot org. So you can go there, I think, and you can find the fund for the cop who got killed. He tackled the guy that we reported on.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Great, great fucking report. They don't even mention the cop's name in here. It's got like a German name. Anyways. anyways yes in our libs eating libs and boy a lot of it's going on i'm still trying to find the guys man anyways we reported on it yesterday great report didn't even mention the victim uh that guy killed the cop uh in our libs eating libs, I think we got a couple of them here, do we not? Democrats, take a fucking knee.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Why don't you take two of them in front of me so I can thrust my fucking average cock in your eye socket? Democratic lawmakers knelt in silent tribute to George Floyd and the U.S. Congress on Monday before unveiling a package of sweeping police reforms in response to the killing of African-Americans by law enforcement. Killings of African-Americans by law enforcement. They make up point, and I said it yesterday, literally, I'm more likely to get shot by a white cop than a black guy. Those are actual numbers. Let's keep the myth alive, though. It's a pandemic. So the Dems took a knee. When aren't they taking
Starting point is 00:35:49 a fucking knee? I hate these people so much. Fucking queers! House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer were joined by some two dozen lawmakers in Emancipation Hall, named in honor of the slaves who helped direct the U.S. Capitol in the 18th century.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Look at fucking, look at Nadler. He's so unhealthy he can't even take a knee. They can't even do this right. You know how hard that floor is? It's making me cringe right now. Of course the black dudes, they don't have things under their knees. Look at these cheese eaters. So everybody's siding with Colin Kaepernick, that fucking American-hating piece of garbage? Hey, Goodell, wait till you see your ratings, because he says he's going to nail the players. Wait till you see your ratings this year. Did you not forget what happened? Wait till you see him this year. You'll get beat out by three's company reruns at three in the morning. You dinky. They knelt for eight minutes. You could hear Pelosi cry out,
Starting point is 00:36:56 my fucking knees, my tits, my hips. Those are old people, man. That's a long time. My hips. Those are old people, man. That's a long time. Unbelievable. The Democrats said their bill aimed to create meaningful structural change that safeguards every American's right to safety and equal justice. The legislation seeks to end police brutality, hold police accountable, improve transparency in policing. Yeah, put cameras on everybody. That's the fucking solution. Every cop has to wear a camera. And then you're going to see how full of shit you've been. And these exaggerations about police brutality.
Starting point is 00:37:40 10 million arrests last year. 1,004 shootings. 30 incidents of unarmed victims, 20 white, 10 black. Learn the figures, breathe them, live them, get some perspective. Pelosi, who like other kneeling lawmakers, was draped in a colorful kente cloth scarf that pays homage to black americans african heritage oh did that go over well here's where the libs eat libs parts coming uh spoke afterward of the martyrdom martyrdom of george floyd and the uh grief over black men and women killed at the hand of place just keep doing this movement of a national anguish is being transformed
Starting point is 00:38:26 into a movement of national action um nancy pelosi said you stupid fucking the justice and policing act introduced in both chambers of congress would make it easier to prosecute officers for abuse and rethink how they are recruited and trained. Most cities, most cities have a ton of black cops and brown cops. You know that, don't you? They're going to make it harder for cops to do their job. They're already arrested in your car for pushing an old guy who had the balls to try to fucking get in their face. A woman got pushed in New York. That cop's on leave. Just pushing. But we're going to make it harder for the cops to do their job. Because Nancy Pelosi and all those douchebags that are nailing, they live in gated communities. They don't have to fucking suffer the consequences. When is she going to find the lump in her ass?
Starting point is 00:39:21 They don't have to fucking suffer the consequences. When is she going to find the lump in her ass? Biden's campaign spokesman, Andrew Bates, said in a statement that Biden supports the urgent need for reform. He said it under a couch in his basement. He's looking for his uppers, including funding community policing programs that improve relationships between officers and residents. In help of it, he just spews PC fucking. relationships between officers and residents in help of root he just spews pc fucking the policing legislation introduced by congressional black caucus chair karen bass this is how you know the legislation has bipartisan support uh it was created by two black senators cory booker and camilla harris and uh black caucus chair karen bass it would ban the use of chokeholds and mandate the use of dashboard cameras,
Starting point is 00:40:07 which I'm all for, and body cameras. That part I agree with. It mandates broad training reforms. You know, you've got to have them with cameras on. You know why? So we won't be getting some jerk-off who films when the fight's... Before it starts, he turns on his phone and you see the cop doing his job and it makes it look like, you know, if the cop's winning, even if he's doing it legally, it looks like he's bullying someone.
Starting point is 00:40:33 If you look at a black or brown person wrong and you're a cop, you're going to get in trouble today. That's why 600 NYPD people are thinking about leaving. Just let that sink in for a second. And who's going to get affected by that? Poor black and brown people. They need the cops if you talk to them. Look at that Frank Rizzo video. They were interviewing black people
Starting point is 00:40:55 who liked Frank Rizzo. Yes, he was a bigot, didn't like gay. And this is the other story in the Libs Eating Libs segment tonight. And it's related to what I just showed you. Do the Lib thing again. I told you not to. I just like to watch it. Democrat lawmakers led by Pelosi are facing overwhelming backlash after opting to wear Kente cloth during their nearly nine minute moment of silence in a show against police brutality. Now they're getting shit for doing that. Wake up, white people.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Don't you understand they don't want anything now that, you know, that's appropriation when you wear African garb, even though you're doing something to help them out. They want you to do. They don't want you to talk about them, wear any of their clothes. They do want you to buy their hip-hop shit. But other than that, do you really think any of those people kneeling gives a fuck about black people, really? Pelosi with her video opens it. There's 700,000 kinds of ice cream in her freezer,
Starting point is 00:42:24 in her fucking $2 million townhouse somewhere. You yeast infection on wheels. Democrats could be seen kneeling in unison with most wearing kente cloth. I have a bathing suit made of kente cloth. I worked at a beach. It did not fly well. St. Bart's. I was chased by a few black guys.
Starting point is 00:42:41 A special fabric with deep and meaningful origins rooted in West Africa. Where Raz has a two-bedroom apartment in a seeming attempt to show further solidarity with black people. There is more Kente fabric. This guy's actually funny. These are some of the people online giving him shit. There's more Kente fabric in this
Starting point is 00:42:59 picture than a Ghanaian traditional wedding. Pro-life activist Obanju Ekotalo said. That floor is hard. That's making me cringe. Another person, the DC African fabric shop is probably now sold out in order to meet the demand of this ridiculous tokenism by Democrat politicians.
Starting point is 00:43:21 See, Pelosi and all you fucking white libs, they want nothing to do with you. Matter of fact, if the shit goes down, your throats will be cut first. But you'll never understand that. One person said, the Democrats have no interest in black America. These fools think that because they put on some kente
Starting point is 00:43:37 cloth, they're going to get the black vote. You know who said that? Errol Weber. Republican candidate for California's 37th. Is the Republicans in California? Anyways, I love that Nadler couldn't even get down. Imagine that's showing some, huh? Some loyalty to black people. Look, I'll put a mask on and stand there, but I'm not going to.
Starting point is 00:44:00 I had my knees replaced three minutes ago. Pelosi couldn't even get up. They had to bring in like a fucking forklift. I call this linguistic bullying. You know how we, no matter what people say right now, you get in trouble. And this is, again, libs eating libs, actually. CrossFit CEO apologizes for offensive George Floyd tweet. You can act like a man. What's the matter with you? See, this guy, again, probably thought he's done with the cause.
Starting point is 00:44:37 CrossFit CEO Greg Glassman apologized for an incentive tweet about George Floyd, who died at the hands. Why does Amy Pitchie, do they not teach this in journalism? Don't put your opinion in. Apologize for an insensitive tweet. Why don't you just say apologize for a tweet? I'll decide whether it's insensitive and the reader will decide. Keep your titless face out of it.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Made no sense whatsoever. I'm losing my shit. For an insensitive tweet about George Floyd, who died at the hands of the cops. They always have to put that now in every story they rehearse. We know! No, I thought it was the George Floyd that fucking fell and banged his head on a coffee table.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Anyways, that was too little, too late for sports gear maker Reebok. The guy apologized. He said, I made a mistake by the words I chose, but it was too little, too late for sports gear maker Reebok. You know, you know how big CrossFit is. You know, is this the guy that founded it?
Starting point is 00:45:37 It's the last guy you'd see fucking lifting tires and jumping. Danny Bonaduce, he's fucking cousin. jumping. It's Danny Bonaduce's fucking cousin. Anyways, it was too little too late for sports game maker Reebok, which said over the weekend it's ending a partnership with CrossFit following the tweet, while some gyms said they would end their affiliation with a workup. So I'm going, at this point, I don't know what it is. Oh, you already put it up. I'll explain it to you. The issue started saturday when the institute for health metrics and evaluation a research center tweeted racism and discrimination are critical public health issues which is total shit it's got nothing to
Starting point is 00:46:17 do with fucking health uh oh the other phrase that made me go through the roof white silence is violence so now if you're a white guy and you don't speak up that's violence hey nicks in jail what happened did he punch somebody no he had a stare down with fucking guy named otis didn't say a word okay matt so that's bullshit right racism discrimination on critical public health issues that demand an urgent response, in my opinion, along with hashtag Black Lives Matter. Glassman responded, it's Floyd 19 combining the two. And it is kind of crass that he's bringing up because he goes on to talk about how we shut down the economy.
Starting point is 00:47:00 And I think that's where they had a problem. Another tweet Glassman added, your failed model quarantined us, and now you're going to model a solution to racism, which is a good question, but they don't like the juxtaposition of talking about money and George Floyd's death. I guess that's what rubbed them the wrong way.
Starting point is 00:47:20 I guess. I don't know. Can't tell anymore. These blacks. Who knows what they're going to take the wrong way. It's Floyd 19. So he's combining the two. In other words, COVID was a health scare.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Anyways. And another tweet. Last minute. His tweet sparked a backlash on social media. What doesn't spark a backlash on social media? You fucking people work. And they're like, not right now. No, we can't. Twitter users. Really?
Starting point is 00:47:50 They get upset? Writing they found his remarks divisive and unacceptable. Who gives a fuck what you think on Twitter? Go fuck your sister. All lives matter too, by the way. All of them. Somehow that's derogatory towards black. It belittles black
Starting point is 00:48:06 lives. Now you're going to tell me what my words mean. Divisive and unacceptable. Unacceptable to who? You 600 pound woman with your Janine Garofalo glasses sitting on your fucking couch tweeting as you eat fucking bonbons. With your Janine Garofalo glasses sitting on your fucking couch.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Tweeting as you eat fucking bonbons. It's unacceptable. Michael Moscato, who owns CrossFit Gym and is running for U.S. Congress, wrote on Twitter that Glassman's comments were tone-deaf empathetic. Oh, how to back your guy, fucking Google. And urged Glassman to step down as CEO. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Problem? You're the fucking problem?
Starting point is 00:48:49 You fucking Dr. White onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. Was it really that controversial what he said? You know, a few weeks, six months ago, you could maybe apologize or whatever, and they'd be cool with it. But you see, everybody's running away, capitulating.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Reebok said in a statement emailed Monday to CBS Money Watch that it is ending its relationship with CrossFit. Our partnership with CrossFit headquarters comes to an end later this year. Recently, we've been in discussions regarding a new agreement. However, in light of recent events, we have made the decision to end our partnership with CrossFit, Reebok said in a statement. I, CrossFit headquarters and CrossFit community will not stand for racism, he wrote. I made a mistake by the words I chose yesterday. My heart is deeply saddened by the pain it caused. It was a mistake, not a racist mistake, he says.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Well, it doesn't matter anymore. Don't say a fucking word to me. I'll get up and I'll bury this telephone in your head. Doesn't matter anymore. It's getting broad. You guys, do you know what's going on? Words are more important than actions now. If you're a white person and you saved a black person's life,
Starting point is 00:50:04 but you were wearing Air Jordans, they'd go, what the fuck? That ain't fair. You know, one of our favorite sponsors, ladies and gentlemen, keeps putting out new stuff. And this morning they sent over these two new designs. First one is a part of the Keep America Great collection. Rotate through. I'm reading Tommy's directions. Raz, rotate through.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Built Trump tough T-shirts. And this one is part of the Make America Safe collection. Blue Lives Matter shirts. If you have the balls to wear them. Both of these designs are just $19.99. And if you use the promo code Nick, you get 10% off. They also have a bunch of Nick DiPaolo
Starting point is 00:50:49 show-related items, probably the mugs, like Raz said. Anyways, lots of great stuff on Go there, check out all their gear. Don't forget to use the promo code Nick. We thank them for sponsoring the show. And I want to thank these people
Starting point is 00:51:04 who have contributed financially since yesterday. Brian Marzulli in New Jersey, Ashley Rooney, Canada. Agata Wazurik, who has, I'm going to say it, she sent $1,000 yesterday and $600 last week. I have to say it. She's like a polish artist who lives in queens somewhere in new york so find her online and buy her stuff i can't thank you enough jake blinko tennessee linda devito new jersey nicholas wheeler georgia chris walker ohio i like these names. I can pronounce them. Don Joseph, Canada. Glenn Beck's wife, Florida. Coy Baughman of Bowman, Florida. Cheryl Robinson, Indiana. Tor Strasburg, California. Jim McEntee, New Zealand. Mike Burke, Minnesota. Robert Stevenson, Ohio. Andrea Alvarez, Florida. Ryan Lubarecki, Pennsylvania Daniel Williams, California
Starting point is 00:52:05 What did you notice about those names? All different ethnicities and all kinds of stuff And here's a couple people that signed up Patreon, Robert J. Meyer II Steve M. Kelsey and Craig Goodmanson Thank you guys so much This is how we stay on the air
Starting point is 00:52:24 For how much longer I don't know, but don't worry We'll land somewhere Thank you guys so much. This is how we stay on the air. For how much longer, I don't know. But don't worry. We'll land somewhere. Just follow me. That's all I ask. A couple more stories. Look, I teased Steve Scharippa, right?
Starting point is 00:52:46 But we don't know because what's going on in the news is so much news. And he's not really a political guy. And you know what? He's lucky. God bless him. I want to talk Sopranos with him, and he's on Blue Bloods. So we're going to do the interview. We'll probably run it in the near future. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:53:01 On a slow day, but I don't know when that's coming. But he's a great guy. And the insight on the Sop's coming. But he's a great guy, and the insight on the soprano, and he's a great actor, man, a really nice guy. Here's more linguistic bullying of white people. And boy, I love college football. I mean, I just, it's, I love it. And down here, it's religion. And it really does fucking kick me in the gut when I hear black, young black men, you know, saying, oh, my white coach said this three years ago.
Starting point is 00:53:31 It's just more proof to me. They want nothing to do with white people. These white guys coach young black men. And most of them will tell you they turn them into men, white or black or whatever your color is when you're in college. My coach, you know, even up at UMaine, you go up there, a young kid out of high school, and they sort of, they have a big impact on your life. So, and usually racial shit, you know.
Starting point is 00:53:56 But we live in a different world. Clemson coach Adabo Sweeney, Sweeney, Sweeney, Sweeney, on Monday defended his response to an assistant coach's use of a racial slur during a practice three years ago. He's the coach of Clemson, and he's great. Nearly a week after, assistant coach Danny Pearman apologized for using the slur. Again, this is three years ago. Sweeney made his first public comments about what happened in a taped message
Starting point is 00:54:26 post on the team's website uh dabbo said former tight end dj greenlee and pearman the other coach who's accused were on a separate part of the practice field when an argument happened in 2017 greenlee told the state newspaper me and the coach got into it and i was speaking with one of my teammates he heard me use the N word, basically. That's how I know he goes, what do you mean? What do you mean basically? And basically tried to correct me by saying
Starting point is 00:54:54 the N word back. I was ratting out. You snotty little bastard. I'm having real troubles with these buttons today, Rajen Otis. Fucking rolling the fucking second. Do you? Swinney and Greenlee,
Starting point is 00:55:12 listen, approached him privately to discuss what happened. According to Swinney, Pearman was profusely apologetic. And Dabo said, I would fire a coach immediately if he called the player an n-word no questions asked that did not happen absolutely did not happen it has not happened coach Pamlin was correcting DJ and another player was talking to DJ well DJ was yelling at that player and DJ said something he
Starting point is 00:55:38 probably shouldn't have said he said I blocked the wrong effing N-word. And Coach Pearman thought he was saying it to him and he's mad and he reacted. And in correcting him, he repeated the phrase. He said, and Pearman said, we don't say we block the wrong effing N-word. And he gets in trouble for that. He's saying, we don't say that word, but he repeated the word. He actually said it. Am I reading this right? And that's going to get him in trouble?
Starting point is 00:56:13 And it was three years ago? Just admit how much you hate Whitey. Greenlee. Greenlee. And Pearman said we don't say we block the wrong oven and he repeated it he shouldn't have done that there's no excuse for even saying yeah there is he was correcting the kid saying don't say that and he used the word so it doesn't matter in what context do you guys see how fucking crazy this is you know what i call a drass, this whole story?
Starting point is 00:56:47 Nothing burger. Nothing burger. Nothing burger. Dabo said the matter was handled privately, but it came to light last week after former Clemson receiver Kenyon Tuttle posted about it on social media because he was upset that Dabo never addressed it with the team. Wow.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Hey, boy. In a statement after the incident was made public, because he was upset that Dabo never addressed it with the team. Wow. Boy. In his statement after the incident was made public, Greenlee said the situation was discussed internally, but may not have been addressed properly with his team. Whatever. Fucking whining. Three years later. About nothing.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Can I just say, it's never going to get fixed, folks. Don't hold your breath. Let's end on a light note. This woman may be laughing at this video. She's pretending to be arrested. I don't even realize. Was she being arrested or they turned it to, or was it a staged?
Starting point is 00:57:40 She was being arrested and somebody put music to it. They put music to it. This is what we need Run that sucker Where the fuck I at Naturally Ask anybody who know me What the fuck are you talking about Why are you detaining me
Starting point is 00:57:57 You about to lose your job You about to lose your job Get this dance Look at that washboard stomach braz what's hanging out of her belly and you're telling me what the is that a bulletproof vest those are her titties You about to lose your job. You about to lose your job. Is this shit worth you losing your job? Because you bought it? Because you ain't got no reason.
Starting point is 00:58:31 I don't know who did that, but well done. Oh, God. I'm black, y'all, and I'm black. You want to be a member? I know what you did. You're a damn credit person. All right, just get the hell out of here. You want to be a member? I know what you did. You're a damn pedophile. All right, just get the hell out of here. You about to lose your job.
Starting point is 00:58:51 They put it to music. Jesus Christ. That's the fun part. That doesn't happen in Sweden. Anyways, thank you guys so much. It's getting hot in here. Is the air on? It's still hot in here is the air on it's still hot in here it's fucking georgia it's quarter or 10 in the morning i look out it's 88 jesus effing christ imagine if i had a real job and had to work
Starting point is 00:59:14 anyways thank you guys you guys think it i will say you're very welcome see you back here tomorrow at the same time. Stay safe wherever you are. guitar solo I'm out.

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