The Nick DiPaolo Show - The Truth About White Cops and Unarmed Black Men | Nick DiPaolo Show #357

Episode Date: June 3, 2020

Black patriot's calling out the hateful. The real numbers on blacks killed by cops. Yucaipa says "Not here" to Antifa. Thank you Brian P. from Alma, GA for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your conti...nued support on Patreon! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo here. How are you? I'm here to say one thing. Give me the money, understand me? Give me the fucking money, you hear me? You hear me? I gotta come here and bust my body. Give me the fucking money. That's my way of asking. You know the show is free Monday through Thursday now, okay? And your daily contributions make it possible to do this show. Sounds like a commercial for PBS. Look at you sitting there not contributing, you selfish cocksuckers.
Starting point is 00:00:29 No, you guys are great, but we rely on you guys to make daily contributions at or sign up at, become a monthly member. You get an extra story a day. You get to ask me a question,
Starting point is 00:00:42 access to the archive shows, or if you have a company and you want to sponsor this show, go to We can do that too. Especially now, folks, with what's going on in the world and the rioting and just the COVID. This is one of the darkest
Starting point is 00:00:58 years. And because it's so racial right now, you're not going to be able to hear any of what I say anywhere else. And I know that's what you're black, white, whatever color you are, that's what you're yearning for. Just to hear some truth, it might not always make you happy, but, and we still find time to laugh as bleak as this world gets. anyways don't forget to hit that subscribe button when you're watching my youtube channel alright and we thank you so much
Starting point is 00:01:33 for supporting the Nick DiPaolo podcast guitar solo All righty. What's going on, folks? I've had my coffee. I bought a pot. I've turned into those people I used to laugh at. Ugh, smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee? What do you want, black teeth, you jerk-off? Ugh, nothing better.
Starting point is 00:02:29 This is what I enjoy. I sit on my front steps here in Georgia, smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee, watching people jog by. Ha, ha, ha. A lot of healthy people down here. There's a guy that goes by on a bike. It's a bike from 1971.
Starting point is 00:02:44 He's about 70. He's got a hunch in his back. He's wearing fucking suspenders like Larry King. Dirty jeans, beard. He's got to be a 70-year-old white guy. And he's got a captain's hat on like Captain Tennille. Fucking huge lump in his back. And he's bent over like this.
Starting point is 00:03:04 God bless him. He can get up and go to work day after day. How you doing, folks? Welcome to the show. Can I just say I can't thank you guys enough. We, you know, last few months it takes us like a couple weeks to add 1,000 YouTube subscribers. We're adding them by the day now since the riots broke out. So we have to figure out a way to keep the riots going for a couple
Starting point is 00:03:28 years so I can retire. I'm going to go home tonight and throw a fucking brick through a window down there. I'm kidding. But seriously, you know what it tells me? Because this is about race and the cops and you're not going to get what you get here anywhere else.
Starting point is 00:03:44 You're getting the fucking unvarnished truth and i don't speak i i know plenty of cops okay i so they used to come into the comedy cellar and sit at the table with us black or white i know the truth my cop buddy who's a cop he retired cop was in miami as a cop for 32 years used to infiltrate white supremacist meetings and shit and the white supremacists predicted all this shit 30 years ago so yeah they're racist and hateful they're also fucking what they call prescient they know what's coming so i'm just saying i i you know it's uh anyways what the media is trying to do and how they're trying to paint cops with a broad brush across the country is just fucking utterly ridiculous and we have bernie
Starting point is 00:04:41 carrick clip boy i'm fat i ate pizza last night. Bernie Kerik, who used to be the police head of the NYPD under Giuliani, he was on a TV show last night laying out the figures and facts that you can check. OK, it's such a lie what they're trying to do to all cops all over the country. Yes, we can all agree the guy that fucking killed George Floyd should fucking die. And we all agree with that. That's how you know this is not about that. But the de Blasio's of the world, the fucking Whitmer's, the Chuck Schumer's Biden, Biden out there now trying to. It's disgusting. It's disgusting what they out there now trying to, it's disgusting. It's disgusting what they're trying to do to cops. And I was so glad to see Carrick finally cite some statistics.
Starting point is 00:05:33 You know what the cops need? Like, I know they have the Benevolent Association and all that. They really need a PR firm. You know when somebody fucks up like a politician or a celebrity and they hire a PR person to resurrect their image? That's what the cops need. They need somebody out there on a national basis on TV day after day giving you statistics so you'll know the big lie. They've been lying about white cops for years, all cops now, for years.
Starting point is 00:06:11 And the lie has become the truth. There's so many dumb people in this country convinced that this place is just racist to the core. It's such horseshit. And it's really come to fruition with the George Floyd thing. It's good and bad. Obviously, we're in social upheaval, but it also exposes the lies if we can get enough cops on. Anyways, let's get right to it, shall we, folks?
Starting point is 00:06:39 But I wanted to thank you before I started the rant. Again, I think we have more contributions in the last two days than we have ever. And people signing up at Patreon, which is what keeps this show alive. Otherwise, I'm going to be cutting lawns and getting a newspaper out. Clubs are starting to come back, comedy clubs. But you know what they're doing? They can only let in 25% of the capacity. You know what that does i'd be making money that i was making 30 years ago doing stand-up so one part of me's like i gotta get back on stage another part i'm saying oh come on man
Starting point is 00:07:15 i notice nobody's socially distancing huh i notice all those lib governors and mayors aren't worried about that while the riots are going on. Fucking CNN. That place needs to be burned to the fucking ground. Just my opinion, not telling anybody to do it. Antifa scratched a few windows down there, but why would you do that? Why would you kill your propaganda arm? Last night, New York City, more than 400 looters arrested.
Starting point is 00:07:50 400 looters arrested 400 looters arrest new york city new york riots this week will be immediately listen to the rioters they say riots these guys can't write will be immediately freed from jail thanks to governor andrew cuomo you know who he is he's the guy that killed a bunch of old people by letting people with COVID-19 into nursing homes. This guy's got more blood on his hand than de Blasio, for Christ's sake. Andrew Cuomo's bail reform policy that eliminated bail for many nonviolent and violent crimes. What a piece of shit. Oh, that dirty cocksucker. As the riots rage on in New York City,
Starting point is 00:08:21 Oh, that dirty cocksucker. As the riots rage on in New York City and Mayor Bill de Blasio has refused to deploy the U.S. National Guard, hundreds of looters arrested for burglarizing shops and stores are set to be immediately freed back onto the streets. You can act like a man! What's the matter with you? Did you hear what I just said?
Starting point is 00:08:45 They're being freed back onto the streets because of this bail reform thing. How's that going? Originally, they did it because of COVID, right? They were worried about the... Who gives a fuck if somebody who's in jail gets COVID? It only kills fucking people in their 80s for Christ's sake. Put them back on the, good timing, huh? Now we got this fucking national riot going on.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Fucking liberal, liberalism has to be eradicated at the roots. Fuck reaching across the aisle. It has to be eliminated. But as long as New York and L.A. and fucking, you know, Portland, Oregon and Seattle, cities like that exist, it's never going to go away. The New York Times, listen, this is New York Times, you know, no right wing rag, noted that more than 400 people in New York City have been arrested for looting commercial businesses. Almost all of them will likely be released from jail immediately after their arraignments in court. That's great. We're watching society unravel.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Cuomo's bail reform law, implemented at the beginning of the year, eliminated bail for a number of nonviolent and violent crimes. Listen to the crimes that you don't have to post bailable, including suspects accused of second-degree manslaughter. How is that not violent? Aggravated vehicular assault. Third-degree assault. Listen to this one. Promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child. Liberalism is a mental illness.
Starting point is 00:10:18 People have been saying it for fucking years. Criminally negligent homicide. Aggravated vehicular homicide and about a hundred other crimes what the hell's going on out here those arrested for looting are likely to be charged with third degree burglary of a commercial building a class d felony that no longer requires the suspect to pay any bail to be released from police custody. We're watching our country unravel. In March, New York City Police Department officials said that in the first 58 days of the year, close to 500 suspects who would have been kept locked up in jail if not for the new bail reform
Starting point is 00:11:00 laws had been re-arrested for committing an additional 846 crimes but let's keep that plan in place is there any doubt in your mind these fucking lip mayors aren't on the side of antifa and chaos and whatever the fuck for whatever reasons for they hate the system or to keep it going so we can get trump out of office nearly 300 of these crimes i can't believe what I'm reading, nearly 300 of those 846 crimes included murder, rape, robbery, felony assault, burglary, grand larceny, and grand
Starting point is 00:11:34 larceny auto. We are fucking finished. Turn off the lights. The party's over. They say that all good things must end. It's over, Johnny. It's not over.
Starting point is 00:11:51 It's over. It's not over. For you it is. You asked me, I didn't ask you. Walking by Starbucks, people spitting at me. Calling me vile crap. Starbucks people spitting at me. Calling me vile crap.
Starting point is 00:12:10 I used to have a job running a restaurant. Now I get on the job parking cars. It's over, Johnny. It's not over. That was me doing Stallone and Rambo. A few people saying, is Nick doing an Italian guy with a stroke? What's with the... Oh, that dirty cocksucker.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Cigarettes. Petition to Peach. A lot, I meant to say there's a top, there's a lot of positive shit actually from last night. From some young brothers who fucking get it and uh we want we got a clip later van tifa running for their lives they wandered into a suburb up in california you kiper apparently they don't play that shit up there critics of mayor bill de blasio are circulating an old fanciful petition calling for his impeachment amid outrage over riots
Starting point is 00:13:05 and lootings in the city during protests over the death of George Floyd. You see what happens? See what happens when it starts hitting home? The people who fucking elected him want to impeach you. See what happens when it's your house? Look at him. Look at that Mama Luke, that chooch, that fucking cum guzzler. Look at him.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Look at that Mama Luke, that chooch, that fucking cum guzzler. The online petition impeached de Blasio garnered more than 60,000 signatures in growing Tuesday night, organizes a seeking 75,000 backers. So that's kind of good. Get him out of office. Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu, you ladies of Spain. For we've received orders for the sail back to Boston. And so nevermore shall we see you again.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Farewell, Bill de Blasio, you communist cocksucker. Farewell, you cum-guzzling fag. But we'll receive the petition. All about extradition. Go fuck your sister tonight the uh petition started last year a thousand signed did i read that already i don't even know where the fuck i am critics uh but but somebody said the critics are just fenting their frustration de blasio will not be impeached he is term limited and will complete his term at the end of 2021.
Starting point is 00:14:48 So why are they going through all this? Just to let people know, I guess. Mayor Bill de Blasio, this is the quote from the people signing the petition, is destroying New York City. We cannot have him continue as mayor for the next two years. The people of New York want change. And now is the time to act before it becomes any worse this is not about conservative left etc this is about radical politics that are harming the city and being neglectful of new yorkers the petition said well you voted him in that's all i gotta say but uh it would be good to see him go well the world needs ditch diggers too yeah
Starting point is 00:15:22 hey danny how about a frasco? What tie shoot today? 64. Really? I don't believe it. DeBlasio spokesman Freddie Goldstein responded, The mayor is focused on keeping New Yorkers safe and reopening the city, not this nonsense that doesn't represent the values of this. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Just think about the words, the politically correct dog shit spilling out of her mouth while the fucking chaos swirls around. He's focused on keeping them safe. Is he really? Yeah, they look mighty safe. They don't represent the values of the city. What are the values of the city? de Blasio's values, well, actually, they do match the values of New York City because it's as liberal as, but you guys voted him in. I'm not saying all the people that signed the petition. but you guys voted him in. I'm not saying all the people that signed the petition.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Didn't you learn anything from Giuliani, the best fucking mayor in the history of the country? And then Bloomberg after him did a pretty good job, even for a half a girl. Anyways, let's stay on the New York situation and the cops. Here is the most important clip I am going to show today. So focus. I've been bringing up these statistics. If you don't believe me, you can take them from a guy who was actually the head of the NYPD under Giuliani when crime plummeted thanks to their tactics and shit. But he's sitting home like the rest of us watching cops being just slandered across the country. And he's had enough.
Starting point is 00:17:10 He was on Fox last night and he laid out the statistics. He cites the source so you can look it up and shit because this is the truth of it. And what I've been talking about, the lies become the truth to it and what i've been talking about the lies become you know uh the truth to the people in the far left but here's bernard karrick telling you the real situation as far as i'm going to give you a set of numbers that the mainstream media just refuses
Starting point is 00:17:35 to listen to or look at and these are numbers that come out of the fbi uniform crime report and i know washington post last year there were 10 out of the and this is coming out of the washington post the most liberal paper that hates trump it's you know bezos paper it's his toy it's an anti-trump tool and these statistics are in there so you know they're not lying about it go ahead million arrests in the united states he's 10 million arrests he said i asked you to pause at the wrong's 10 million arrests, he said. I asked you to pause at the wrong time. Ten million arrests last year, United States. Ten million out of 10 million arrests. Police officers were involved in fatal shootings. One thousand and four times. One thousand and four times.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Forty one of those were unarmed people. The police shot unarmed people. If you listen to the rhetoric, every one of those people were black. You know what? That's a lie. That's completely false. It's not true. Nineteen white people unarmed were shot and killed by police last year. Nine, nine were black. Nineteen whites, nine were black 19 whites nine were black you know what everybody's talking about the blacks that were unarmed and killed by police that number is systemic it's outrageous it's insane there were 89 cops killed in this country in the line of duty last year. 89. Nobody's talking about them. Nobody's talking about the 82 people that were shot in Chicago last weekend in 48 hours. 19 dead. 82 people shot, 19 dead in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Baghdad didn't have that many. Okay. Okay. Of course, nobody's talking about that because it's not white cops shooting black men. You know. Okay. Of course nobody's talking about that because it's not white cops shooting black men. You know. Okay. He laid it out right there. Okay. It doesn't fit their narrative that all cops are fascist and part of the fascist system. And that was cited in the Washington Post, the most left wing paper, most anti-Trump paper. So you know the facts are true. You can look them up yourself. Okay? But this whole
Starting point is 00:19:48 notion, this narrative, it's been open season on young black men, is that it's just baloney. The numbers don't show that whatsoever. 19 white guys shot unarmed white guys to nine black guys. I mean,
Starting point is 00:20:04 come on. And please, young black, and yeah, there's some bad cops. Obviously, every industry has some, as they say, bad apples. That's the other thing the left's saying. Oh, there's more than a few bad apples. No, there's not. Those numbers prove it out.
Starting point is 00:20:16 What's that, one one-hundredth of a percent? Hardly a fucking epidemic or open season. But black guys, if you do, young black guys, if you do get pulled over and shit or whatever, just do what the cops say and get a lawyer after. But because you can't argue George Floyd, and again, didn't deserve to be killed like he was. But if you comply with the orders of the officers,
Starting point is 00:20:41 he'd still be alive. Eric Garner, guy selling loose cigarettes in Staten Island. Just do what they say and then get a lawyer and sue the shit out of them. There's a million lawyers out there who would love to. Because they're all, you know, there's money in it for them. But what happens when nobody wants to be a cop
Starting point is 00:20:57 anymore? That's where we're headed. Why would you want to be a fucking cop? Even during these riots, they're afraid to fucking shoot somebody or beat somebody. You know? Imagine working under de Blasio and Cuomo, who put out new bail reform, where violent, they're saying nonviolent, violent people are getting out too. People you already arrested and you're risking your lives.
Starting point is 00:21:23 And if you rough them up some jerk off is going to catch it with a cell phone and your life is ruined is that the is that the the ultimate goal so eventually nobody wants to be a cop and then the mob you know comes to your house that's where we're fucking headed oh yeah yeah so next time you hear that oh it's open season on black kids black young black men don't fucking believe it it's not an epidemic anyways uh make me a sandwich make me a fucking sandwich in the make me a sandwich in the make me uh a sandwich segment today socialist seattle council member how do these fucking people get elected tammy morales defending the weekend violence telling her comrades on the council i don't want to hear is for our constituents to be told to be civil
Starting point is 00:22:22 not to be reaction just just Just watch this fucking woman. This is a council person. I don't know if they're elected or appointed. I don't give a fuck. She's involved in local government in Seattle. Listen to this moron. People are willing to help do those repairs, and I'm extremely thankful that nobody was injured there.
Starting point is 00:22:42 But what I don't want to hear is for our constituents to be told to be civil, not to be reactionary, to be told that looting doesn't solve anything. And, you know, it does make me wonder and ask the question, why looting bothers people so much more than knowing that across the country, Black men and women are dying every day and far too often at the hands of those who are sworn to protect us. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt!
Starting point is 00:23:12 You fucking whore. You fucking whore. Fuck you. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready. Loading is good. It's a solution. I watched this between her and that North Carolina police chief, that woman who said, I'm not going to let cops get her protecting property. I saw it and I've seen 10 other clips this week going, oh, I see why white guys ran the
Starting point is 00:23:40 country when it was going good. Oh, that's sexist and racist. Yeah, I know. But you just heard it. She's implying that people are bothered by looting. You know, that's racist, too. You're not bothered by what the police are doing. Well, we just cited statistics. They're not doing
Starting point is 00:23:58 anything but trying to protect your ass, and I'm sure you probably live in a gated community, you dumb whore. Can you imagine? She's promoting looting. Fucking Seattle. These cities deserve what they fucking get. Oh, it's the old white man's fault.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Blah, blah, blah. Okay. Lower the standards. Let idiots like that in. And the police chief. Ah, my aching stem. You know, not all looters are poor and shit. Nick, what do you mean by that?
Starting point is 00:24:35 Oh, I don't know. This one made me belly laugh, actually. What a country. Fuck. In New York last night, looters pulled up in a $350,000 Rolls Royce. Okay, what's the rapper's name? No white guy driving a Rolls Royce is fucking looting.
Starting point is 00:24:59 I want to, this has to be a musician, a fucking, it would be hilarious if LeBron James got out with his fucking posse. Looting in a... Go ahead. That's the Rolls Royce on the right. Look at the rims. More than my house. But they need sweat socks and fucking t-shirts.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Actually, it's probably a high-end store. Look at all the cops, huh? Look at the military beating these people. You guys are watching it. The fix is in. Whoa, fender bender. A Rolls Royce. Give me a fucking...
Starting point is 00:25:44 I'm black black y'all and I'm black nothing to see here please Pittsburgh nothing to see here please fucking Rolls Royce
Starting point is 00:25:56 I want to know what you know what house they went back to it's gonna be some of Jay-Z's friends. I used to defend LeBron James because I never got that anti-white vibe out of him or whatever the fuck. But the last year, between him sucking China's dick, remember?
Starting point is 00:26:20 He's so anti-American and so fucking... I was wrong. My friend said it. Here is my hero of the day. That could be a new segment, Raz. Hero of the day. I want this kid. If I had enough money, but I got to pay Raz an exorbitant fee so I can't have another person working on the show.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Raz is laughing right in my face. If I could hire anybody right now, it would be this kid. This made me feel so good. Like I said, I love living in Savannah. You know, I lived up north, you know, in New York the last 20-something years. Never saw much interaction. Again, I'm not saying that about um millennials the millennial white and black kids hang out you know but but down here where you're seeing adults hanging out black and
Starting point is 00:27:11 white working together and stuff and they you know whatever it's just a different vibe i don't know where this guy's located this black kid uh that put up this clip um but he lays it out i told tommy i want to do a regular segment with this guy, like once a week or twice a week. Maybe we can have him Skype in. This is his first clip he put up. He's like, I don't even know if I'm doing this right, but he defends Donald Trump,
Starting point is 00:27:36 and we got to play that other guy, Raz, that we used to see for the cold opening. What did he say that would make us laugh? Remember? You got a fucking arm over here trump i tell you boy remember at the beginning well here's another dude he i just love what he said he's a young black kid who lays it down better than i can as far as why everybody hates trump uh it was on instagram the joseph rose is that him yeah the joseph i don't know is that who put it up i don't know but watch watch this uh young black fella lay it out baby better than fucking anybody first youtube video first social media by the way that's how I dress when I go to cookouts.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I just want to say something. Just got into a beef with my best friend over some political issues. I just wish people would wake up and realize that Trump is not fighting against you. Trump is not fighting against black people. He's not fighting against Spanish people. He's not fighting against transgender. He's not fighting against Mexicans or none of that shit. Trump is fighting against black people. He's not fighting against Spanish people. He's not fighting against transgender. He's not fighting against Mexicans or none of that shit. Trump is fighting against globalists.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Globalists that don't have nothing to do with none of us. Globalists. They are people who believe in one world order, one world agenda. They're bankers. They're money. They're movie makers. They're the ones who hate Trump for a reason because he's not their plan. He's not part of their agenda.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Trump done went over there, got North Korea to put down their guns. He done squashed the beef with motherfucking Russia. He done told China to stop playing with us. Pause. I would love to have him be the new spokesman. Come out of press conference with his wife beater on him. He done squashed the beef with North Korea. Done fucked up ISISis how great would that
Starting point is 00:29:28 fucking be but he's right on go ahead our money went to the european union told them that y'all owe us money time to pay up or y'all not gonna get no security he didn't cut the goddamn uh uh corporate tax from 35 to 21 making this would you ever ever believe a guy in a do-rag and a wife beat would know about the corporate tax? I guess I'm racist. Fucking guy knows more about this shit than I do. Go ahead. More fucking competitive
Starting point is 00:29:55 in the global market. Black people unemployment rate is at its all-time low. Women's unemployment rate all-time low. Spanish people unemployment rate all-time low. people's unemployment rate all time low. You got jobs coming back to Pennsylvania, people pouring steel again in America, shit that they said that we wasn't going to never have again.
Starting point is 00:30:12 And they still try to make this a black and white issue. Now is not the time for angry black people to stand up. Now is not the time for fucking angry Mexicans to stand up. Now is not the time for fucking transgenders to stand up now it's the time for fucking patriots to stand up amen brother man who love america when i find out it's most motherfuckers don't like america they say fuck america when it's all said and done at the end of the argument it's time for patriots to stand up i understand america got a rough history but a lot of people died for this country that was black who died for this country too and you just
Starting point is 00:30:44 don't know why go Go the fuck somewhere else. Go somewhere else if you don't like America. Okay? Because this shit ain't about you. I'm black. I don't even know white people. This shit ain't even about me. This is about America.
Starting point is 00:30:55 We've been losing on every fucking thing. On everybody's money across the world. But nobody know all that shit. China is stealing all our intellectual properties and sending to the rest of the world for pennies on the fucking dollar. We losing. This man trying to stand up for the country. We can fix the rest of this shit later. First
Starting point is 00:31:14 we gotta save the motherfucking ship. The ship has been sinking. Has been sinking. He's trying to put a bandaid on it. Fix the mud. Save the country. Then we can fix this racism shit and all this other shit that y'all keep crying about. It's time for patriots to stand up i'm a fucking patriot i love america i love the freedom that it gives me here yeah we got racism issues but that's not the biggest issue people don't understand trump supporters is about one thing america first that means we don't want
Starting point is 00:31:40 to hear about your racist shit we won't hear about your fucking mexicans won't hear about your fucking transgenders and none of this shit. We want to talk about America first. And right now we are winning. We are respected in the world right now. Okay? We're making money. People know not to play with us. Trump's number one job is commander in chief of our military. People say, oh, Trump going to start a war. Where the fuck is the war? He squashed the beef. You hear me? Squashed the beef. North Korea, no, don't fuck with us no more, little rocket boy, because we will smash your ass. Take real balls to do that. She ain't playing with these people. And then they try to say he colluded with Russia.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Colluded with Russia for what? For peace? We was about to go with World War III, fucking with Hillary and them. Don't y'all remember? Russia moved their fucking with Hillary and them. Don't y'all remember? Russia moved their fucking air defense to Syria. America moved their shit to Syria. The line was drawn in the same.
Starting point is 00:32:32 We was supposed to be gone. Hillary was supposed to be the president. We was supposed to set the shit off. That's right, man. It wasn't their plan for Trump to win. He may be an asshole, a bigot. It don't make a motherfucker different. It was not their plan for him to win. He may be an asshole, a biggie, it don't make a motherfucking difference. It was not their plan for him
Starting point is 00:32:47 to win. They had a plan. And there is a plan. And now they mad as shit. So you gotta hate your mother. Wake up. Patriots, stand up. This ain't a black or white thing. Stand up. God bless you. God bless America. God
Starting point is 00:33:04 bless Donald Trump. Power to the people. I don't give a fuck about none of that racist shit right now. We trying God bless America. God bless Donald Trump. Power to the people. I don't give a fuck about none of that racial shit right now. We're trying to save America. America first. Make America great again. You are correct, sir. Man, fuck you and your bone spurs.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Love it. Did he lay it out? i might make them my ringtone your ringtone good idea did he lay it out he's like a come on a street kid who follows the news that fucking that's uplifting i don't think anything in there was false i'm sure lefties are looking at it and say what but he's right. There's a plan. They had a plan. Please read about the Bilderberg Group. There's a book called The Truth About the Bilderberg Group.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Please read it, folks. Because the Rockefellers, it goes way back. You know, Mika Brzezinski, Hillbilly Joe Scarborough's wife, her father was part of the council of foreign relations. I think he actually created it. These people, when they talk about 10 people controlling the world or the Illuminati, that's sort of what they're talking about. They plan shit out 20 years ahead of time.
Starting point is 00:34:15 It's so creepy, man. And he was right. They had a plan for Hillary to win and fucking Trump drew a, or even Trump could be even part of the plan. This is how much they plan out. But I love you. He's quoting corporate tax and what went on in Syria and shit. And it ain't about black and white.
Starting point is 00:34:35 We all just want to fucking go to work and live in peace. And that's the vibe I get from living down here. I'm interested about this weekend though. Are they going to set some shit off this weekend? Raz, I'm calling you. They are. Better get your fucking camera ready. I want to go down there and find a pallet of bricks
Starting point is 00:34:53 that somebody dropped off and start breaking them. I'll have my gun on me. You hold my gun. Want to see the numbers go through the roof on this show? You know what will happen? I'll be laying the eating pizza on Saturday. I can't be bothered with a revolution. I can't.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Fucking Amanda Nunes is fighting this weekend. And she is. I'm scared of her. Physically. Nobody else. I mean, no other women. Amanda Nunes. She's the greatest martial arts chick.
Starting point is 00:35:24 She's a tough little, I don't know. I don't even know what she looks like. Obviously, she's more manly than me, but I think she likes guys. I'm not sure. But she will fuck you up. I don't care who you are. Somebody pissed her off as a kid. But the, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Raz, help me. Is he the Joseph Rose? because it looks like a white guy maybe who posted it so anyways anyways we'll find it but uh i'd put him on the ticket. Hey, Trump, put him on the ticket. Anyways, this episode of the Nick DiPaolo podcast sponsored by Immunologic. At the end of the day, folks, does anything really feel better than, you know, dropping a deuce?
Starting point is 00:36:32 Dropping the kids off at the pool uh there's a thousand sayings uh as most of you know because i've talked about it on the show before i've had my share of digestion issues so has my manager tommy he's actually had parts of intestines taken out then like two weeks later he's eating fucking prime rib he's an animal this guy. It's always miserable. Our new sponsor, Immunologic, has a product made from natural multivitamins, minerals, and amino acids called aloe ferox whole leaf capsules. There they are right there. I actually took some because over the weekend, I don't know, what did I eat? I can't handle bread anymore. I'm like a guy in his 200 eat? I can't handle bread anymore. I'm like a guy in his 200s. I can't eat fucking bread.
Starting point is 00:37:09 The chili gives me the shit. What is that, onions? That's some spicy shit. I block myself up. I think I made a sandwich, which I never eat. I try to stay away from bread. And sure enough, it was like I was having triplets the next morning, pushing on the toilet. I took some of these. triplets the next morning, pushing on the toilet. I took some of these and the next morning at,
Starting point is 00:37:32 let's just say, you know, I evacuated, but I'm supposed to. Elephrox whole leaf, the world's most remarkable constipation remedy. Although it's not been approved by the FDA, it works in just days to effectively clear parasites, worms, and other pathogens from the bowel. It also helps the liver with normal bile flow and is a weight loss remedy. Seriously, if you have been constipated before, you know how great it is once things start working like they should again. Immunologic is a Texas-based company, and you can find all the info on aloe, ferox, whole leaf on their website at That's
Starting point is 00:38:07 And we thank them for sponsoring my show. Thank you so much. It puts you in a better mood. I have a Patreon question. You got a Patreon question? Is it about parasites in my bowel? It's about drugs. Brian P., Alma, Georgia.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Yo, cunt. I don't like your tone already, Brian. You don't know me well enough to call me a cunt. Your sister's a cunt. Just finished Narcos. Damn, what a show. Between us, we should now know what mistakes to avoid in the
Starting point is 00:38:37 drug trade. Speak for yourself. We can set up a Georgia empire. Guinea fuck and redneck cocaine. Now I like him. He's a redneck. What do you think? Love the main show and encore.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Take care, pussy. Suck my dick, Brian. Fucking 58. I'll clean your clock. Fucking redneck. Guinea fuck. It sounds like my friends. Look how he tried to spell Guinea.
Starting point is 00:39:05 You really are a redneck. You fucking retarded. Guinea. That's a country in Africa, you dope. Listen, Brian, when you're done fingering your sister, maybe we'll talk about selling drugs together. But what kind of redneck sells coke? It's fucking meth.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Meth swears it's at Hillbilly. Guinea fucking redneck cocaine loads. GFR. CL. I don't, no, I don't, I won't do that. You know, I tried to sell baby aspirin out of the back of my truck in high school. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Thank you for being a fan, Brian P., pussy. Yo, cunt. Sounds like my dad at the dinner table. Yo, cunt, pass the prosciutto before I open your face. Here's a sad story. It's been pretty positive but uh looters fatally shoot retired st louis police captain on facebook they put it live on facebook see what we're dealing with this country has a cancer man retired police captain fatally shot by looters in st louis on tuesday in a chilling incident apparently aired on facebook uh live son of a whore! David Dorn, a 77-year-old former cop, spent half his life
Starting point is 00:40:30 on the Missouri force. Just a fucking good guy. Dead granddad, father. Was shot dead on the sidewalk in front of a pawn shop early Tuesday amid violent protests. Several people, including a state politician, said they watched Dorn's murder unfold in a clip on the
Starting point is 00:40:45 social media platform, Facebook. I just seen a man die on live man, SMH, state rep, Rasheen Aldridge. Hold on. A state rep talks like that? I just seen a man. See where we're at? We've lowered the standards to you have ignoramuses. We really... Anyways, the story's about him, a great guy. Another person suggested
Starting point is 00:41:17 that as dawn lay dying, no one helped him, instead choosing to record his death. What I just witnessed on several lives has made me sick into my stomach. The man just was shot and killed outside of Lee's Pawn and Jewelry, wrote Markelo Futrell,
Starting point is 00:41:32 whose profile says he's a former city cop. It's one thing to be a victim of robbery slash assault, but to lie in your own blood, pleading, I'm just, there's a lot of spelling mistakes, so pleading for help and no help comes other than people standing around on Facebook Live recording his death all over social media. I'm upset and I can't sleep, he said.
Starting point is 00:41:54 And he's right. We have some of the sickest fucking people in the country, especially who are so engaged in social media. It's not going to be long before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy. The video has since been taken down, and Facebook told the Post Dispatch that it was trying to gather information about the incident. Dawn's wife told the paper that her husband was a friend of the pawn shop's owner. This is the kind of guy he was, and would check on the property,
Starting point is 00:42:20 including when its burglar alarm went off. There were widespread violent protests in St. Louis. No arrests have been made in the killing. Well, it was on Facebook. So you have an IP. I don't even know how it works, but that should be a big lead. Can you imagine instead of helping them, people are filming it. You don't think we're rotting from the inside out as a society? society fuck anyways think about that right that guy was a retired cop for years puts his neck on the line then some cop kneels on a black guy's neck and kills him like a creep and this guy ends up dead to him and and other people have right cops get shot in st louis four of them and here's a young kid another he's really young but but you know he's even he even notices
Starting point is 00:43:14 what's going on uh this was uh on twitter right i think i have uh well listen to this kid he gets it too a 77 year old talking about the cop retired cop was killed and the media is not talking about this
Starting point is 00:43:42 this obviously happened during the riot. And by looters over a TV. A black man, actually. A black man. A black retired cop. Was killed. 77 years old.
Starting point is 00:44:03 That's somebody's dad. That's somebody's grandpa. That's somebody's grandpa. That's somebody's husband. See, y'all gonna protest when a police officer, when a white police officer killed a black man. But when a Black retired 77 year old Gets killed by looters
Starting point is 00:44:30 Y'all quiet What's up with that? Is y'all that evil? Yeah Over a TV? Is y'all that evil? Yeah. Over a TV? Is y'all that desperate? Soulless. Y'all not celebrating
Starting point is 00:44:52 George Floyd death. Y'all taking advantage. Y'all destroying y'all own communities. You know who taxes is going to be up? Y'all. Y'all going to have to pay for that.
Starting point is 00:45:03 If the businesses don't got insurance, got enough insurance to cover that, it's coming out Y'all Y'all gonna have to pay for that If the businesses Don't got insurance Got enough insurance To cover that He's coming out Of y'all pockets It's bigger than that kid But he's right on Y'all not celebrating
Starting point is 00:45:14 This man death A 77 year old Got killed Over a TV Like, share, and subscribe I'm out over a TV. Like, share, and subscribe. I'm out. Whereas translation, what do you say at the end? Like, share, and subscribe. I'm out. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:45:36 He said all that? I thought it was one word. I thought it was some African code I wasn't picking up. Like, share, and subscribe. He gets it, young kid. Okay? I thought it was some African coat I wasn't picking up. Like she has my wife. He gets it. Young kid. Okay? But de Blasio doesn't get it.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Or that Tammy Morales in Seattle. That kid's got more sense than you do. Fucking looting. You heard her. The council. What was she? A councilwoman in Seattle? Why are people getting mad? Because people are looting. The kid the council what was she a councilwoman seattle why are people getting mad
Starting point is 00:46:05 because people are looting the kid has more sense than her she's a fucking and a fucking elected official whatever this was my my second favorite clip of the day um antifa you know they were threatening to go to the suburbs yeah Yeah, well, they tried it somewhere in California. What was it called? Yucyper. Yucyper. Yeah, they went up there. They ventured up there.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Remember we played Malcolm Flex, that black kid from Alabama, said, don't bring your shit here. And you know what? This town feels the same way, apparently. Watch what happens when the, I don't know where the rest of this Antifa kid's friends are. They probably bailed on them. But the Yucaipa folk wasn't having it. Here's a good clip for you. It's going bad.
Starting point is 00:47:01 The Antifa guys are being chased like crazy. Those in Yucaipa ain't the place to be. Those are Antifa guys running antifa guys are they're getting the kicked out of them oh no this isn't fair guys this isn't fair yeah it is come on those are local guys are just just you can't come to you kaipa with this you can't come to Yucaipa with this shit. You can't come to Yucaipa. I'm gonna kill you, you lying cocksucker! Get the fuck outta here! Here's your shoe, hey!
Starting point is 00:47:38 Hey, here's your shoe, dog! Enough, guys, we don't need to follow him. I know, we don't need to follow him. Oh, big white boy out there! enough guys we don't need we don't need to follow we don't i know we don't need to follow oh big white boy out there i should have looked up the racial breakdown you cut yeah put your tail between your legs shit it shit's hitting the fan here but like i said this you kipa the anti-fog guys got that see that i see black and white together people People are catching on. Those are patriots that the other black guy was talking about. They fucking chased the guy doing a play-by-play.
Starting point is 00:48:11 This isn't fair. Well, he's there to fucking loot your town. Of course it's fair. And you know what? They didn't stop him to death. So that's a positive. That's how you know we're in deep shit when I'm showing shit like that and go, so that's good. So that's a positive.
Starting point is 00:48:24 That's how you know we're in deep shit when I'm showing shit like that and going, so that's good. But people are catching on. And I don't care the reason for it. I think the word's out, like with the black communities, that, hey, these are white kids. You know, these Antifa fucks. And they're trying to wreck our shit. I don't care. That's a good point. You know, I don't care why they want to stop these people.
Starting point is 00:48:45 But I like the other. What's a good point. You know, I don't care why they want to stop these people. But I like the other, what's his name? The young black guy with the do-rag and the white kid that we showed his, he goes, we'll take care of the racist shit later. And he's right. It's all a distraction. That's all being done by the media, the left-wing media pitting us against each other. Well, they, you know, some
Starting point is 00:49:01 people say it's the government, so, you know, we're distracted. We're fighting about transgender bathrooms while they're fucking. I don't know what they're doing that's so evil that we owe the whole world a trillion dollars every two minutes. You know, it's not any more evil than China. Fucking slow. La la la. What am I doing?
Starting point is 00:49:25 It's the internet. I should have said it. Fucking chicken and broccoli. Make a mother. Here's another video. Excuse me. This was great. Because the guy that posted it said, he goes, this just sums up a liberal in this clip. He goes, just watch the clip.
Starting point is 00:49:49 That's a white kid, some black dudes throwing rocks. We're on your side! We're on your side! Holy shit! We're on your side! We're on your side holy shit we're on your side we're on your side you just got a little lesson you just watched a kid go from a liberal
Starting point is 00:50:18 to a conservative I guarantee he'll vote Republican giving the thumbs up to the fucking people walking down the street ready to cause shit throwing rocks at his house we're on your side now we ain't you got glass
Starting point is 00:50:34 on my rug fucking idiot fucking idiot we're on you that kid had a good arm by the way somebody should draft that kid that's like throwing from center field to third base That kid had a good arm, by the way. Somebody should draft that kid. That's like throwing from center field to third base. Fucking kid let a pee go.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Kid's up there. White kid thinks he's safe. He's on the 19th floor. Apparently Ken Griffey Jr. has a kid that fucking got a gun. We're on you, son. You got glass in my eyes. Fuck you. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:51:05 You still on this side, shithead? There's the other clip we skipped about the guy at the World Trade Center stopping people. Oh, there was another guy stopping looters. Watch it. Zeke?
Starting point is 00:51:22 You fucker. You fucker. I bet you that's a white kid. Black ally! It is. You're not an ally! You're not an ally. See that?
Starting point is 00:51:32 Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Starting point is 00:51:38 Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Starting point is 00:51:40 Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Starting point is 00:51:42 Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Starting point is 00:51:44 Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! anyways see that but like i'm saying you don't have to give black black guys the reason to hate white young guys okay they already have a little chip on their shoulder. But now you're giving them a legitimate reason. You know what I mean? Trying to fuck up there. If that kid was Antifa at all, if he wasn't he was just a white looter. But whoever's trying to sow division in this country, I don't care. I don't know. Pick whoever.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Whether you believe it's the government, the media, whatever, Russia, whoever, China, they have to be sitting there going, look at this. This is working out beautifully. We have black kids fucking allied with white kids. We got white kids. Sowing division. We couldn't be more divided.
Starting point is 00:52:33 But I'll tell you what's not divided. The website. It's very easy to read. It's all in one spot. Nice segue. As you know, the are sponsors of the show and are constantly coming up with new items. This morning, they sent over a bunch of pictures of the mugs they're selling,
Starting point is 00:52:52 and they're great. Check these out. You can throw these at people during the riot, break them over their heads. What would be better than opening an Antifa guy's face with a trumpet? Look at Petty Woman. It's Stormy Daniels. And there's Trump and mike pence who have been juicing for about eight months just fucking shredded there's trump uh he looks
Starting point is 00:53:11 like he needs some immunologic he's uh constipated there uh get get one of these uh they're great actually and send it to a trump fan or better yet a trump hater go to the check out all their gear and when you use the promo code nick that's me you get 10 on 10 off everything on the website not just the mugs that's the thank you for sponsoring our show. We've got a great, a lot of clips, okay? This is Paul Joseph Watson. He's always posting shit on Twitter and stuff, and they try to take him out to the left.
Starting point is 00:53:55 But he shows a clip. Watch this clip of this guy. He says in the clip, the dude's joking that's doing the interview, but this is how brainwashed young people are about how guilty they are, about, again, white guilt, although this girl's not the interview. But but this is how how brainwashed young people are about how guilty they are about, again, white guilt. Although this girl's not even white, whatever she is, she's got a nice rack on her. That's why Raz picked the clip. But watch this, please. Excuse me. Are you a white female? I'm laughing. So not really. OK, but I work for Black Lives Matter. I would like it if you take a knee for what happened.
Starting point is 00:54:20 So not really. Okay, but I work for Black Lives Matter. I would like it if you take a knee for what happened. Just a knee. For what happened. Could you hold it for a few and just please apologize for what happened to Floyd Mayweather? Floyd Mayweather. On behalf of all you lucky women and also my female friends, I apologize for what happened. And could you please just, as of know what you know as of reparations could
Starting point is 00:54:45 you just you know just please like put your hands together put your hands together and just look up at the sky and just please just say i'm sorry just please truly say you're sorry i'm sorry oh retard alert you know for retard alert oh for reparation i'm so sorry that i made you help her up Get her number, what are you doing? Only thing I would have done different Is get down on both your knees You can't say shit like that, you'll never have a show on Fox News
Starting point is 00:55:16 Fucking beautiful See how quick though? She thought he was serious Floyd Mayweather Wouldn't it be funny if she fucking went if she was a fight fan why what'd he do see how quick but you know what that reminds me of did you see the cops taking a knee with the fucking so-called protesters taking in me cops do you not fuck do you realize you're
Starting point is 00:55:44 endorsing Colin Kaepernick's point of view when you do that? That's what they were making you do. The rioters are telling the cops. And don't tell me, oh, they're just doing that to keep the peace. They should go, fuck you. That's all
Starting point is 00:56:00 that was about. Take a knee. Take two knees. Fucking blow me. I want to thank, we've had two or three days of the strongest when the show starts, we only have like 3,000 people waiting for it to come on.
Starting point is 00:56:20 The clip numbers are going through the roof and as I said, we're adding YouTube subscribers like crazy. Get on board the depilot train over here. One-time contributions. You make these at And it's the only way to keep the show alive. And you guys are coming through with flying colors. I want to thank the people since yesterday that have donated at
Starting point is 00:56:42 Jason Bistock, Pennsylvania. Zach Lindstrom, California. Sean Dutock, Pennsylvania. Zach Lindstrom, California. Sean Dutro, Alabama. Joseph Finley, Ohio. Aiken Stem, Michigan. Timothy Smith, Wisconsin. Ryan Pollock, California. Anita New Dick.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Anita New Dick. Hope that's a girl. Marilyn. James Cox. Geez, we got Dick, we got Cox. California. Mark Evans, Ohio. Guy Luca, New York. Louis Arzeza,
Starting point is 00:57:16 Ohio. Timothy Smith, Wisconsin. Michael Grandy, North Carolina. Corey Slack, Iowa. Chesley Eaton. Am I missing something there, Raz? Is that a funny one or an actual name? Georgia.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Eric Berry Jr., Texas. Lyle Nagy, California. Marcy Stevens, Louisiana. Ryan Lubrecki, Pennsylvania. Robert Stevenson, Ohio. Robert Galvez, California. That's like 22, 23 contributions. Can't thank you enough.
Starting point is 00:57:50 I get to pay Raz and he's got like kids, child support all over the country. These are all lies, fuck. New monthly supporters, Patreon. Urban Stirps, Lisa Benvenuto Morales, great name, Dirt Slut. Dirt Slut. Jack Cooper,
Starting point is 00:58:14 Scott Therat, Dane Bliss, Jeffrey Flowerdew. Oh, God, please tell me that's a fake name, Jeff. You must get the shit kicked out of you since first grade. Hey, Flower Dew. That's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 new Patreon members.
Starting point is 00:58:33 I can't thank you enough, guys. And if you own a business, you want to sponsor the show, go to for that, too. And when you sign up for Patreon, you get an extra story every day, and you get to ask me a question, and you get access to the archives of all the previous shows uh that is it don't forget i'll send a personal video roasting one of your friends or whatever uh you guys think and i will say it you are very welcome i want you to stay safe whether it's covid or fucking antifa or whatever okay we're living in weird times but uh i thank you for tuning in. We'll see you back here tomorrow. guitar solo Outro Music

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