The Nick DiPaolo Show - The "Unmasking" of Shoppers | Nick DiPaolo Show #352

Episode Date: May 26, 2020

Biden knows blacks. Disney new gay short film. Parrot testifies in court. Thank you Michael and Angela from San Tan Valley, AZ for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued support on Patreon! ...FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo here. Have you had enough of the bullshit? And by bullshit, I mean Nancy Pelosi's of the world, or the Governor Whitmer's, or the Adam Schiff's, or the Hillary fucking Clinton's. Have you had enough? Yeah, most people have. I think we're learning that through the coronavirus,
Starting point is 00:00:17 who the real power hungry people are, who are trying to shut down people like me and our voices. Me, Steven Crowder, whoever, Michelle Malkin. Well, guess what? We're still up and running. So please contribute to the show. Go to to make a daily contribution. You can sign up at and you become a monthly supporter.
Starting point is 00:00:38 And if you do that, you get an extra story a day. Nobody gets. You get to ask me a question. You have access to all previous shows. We can't do this without you. This is a funny show. And it's growing leaps and bounds because of you guys. So we don't have stand-up comedy anymore.
Starting point is 00:00:55 So come here for your laughs. And we can't thank you enough for your support. Now, don't forget to click that button on youtube to subscribe to the show now what i want you to do is enjoy the show so enjoy Oh, yeah. How are you? That time again, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the show on a Monday. How are you, folks? Are you corona-free?
Starting point is 00:01:55 Are you being bullied into wearing masks like a little puss? Let's be honest. You're going to be 110 and have fucking rotten lungs to die from this shit. I'm sick of it. Let me out of the house. God damn it. I'm so angry about it now with all these people calling people out, not wearing. I'm going to go to the supermarket and have res filmy licking fruit and ice cream and all kinds of shit. I'll sneeze right on your broccoli. You'll think it's a white sauce. OK, I'm tired of it. Fucking let me tell you, if you haven't come, anyways, we'll get to it.
Starting point is 00:02:27 A couple notes real quick. Steve Scharippa, who I absolutely love. You guys, Sopranos fans, Bobby Bacala. I know him pretty well, actually. And he was supposed to be on today. I had to move it because I have a dentist appointment and they had nowhere else to fit me. I got to find out if I'm going to have a root canal or not.
Starting point is 00:02:44 I might do it at home. Rub a popsicle on there and dig in there with a you know cocktail spoon save some money you know i'm saying so steve sherepa my apologies but he'll be on next tuesday so write that down him and uh michael imperioli have a sopranos podcast which is very popular so i will talk to him about that. Oh, also, YouTube subscribers to my channel, I'm getting a lot of notes from people going, you know, I go to pull up your show, I can't find it, then I find out I'm unsubscribed to it.
Starting point is 00:03:17 We've got more than one of those. This is what we're up against. It's called the fucking left-wing censorship, okay? I love you, YouTube, you're the best thing, but come on, let's play fair here. I haven't dropped any N-bombs or done anything. No incestuous sex, no guys porking animals.
Starting point is 00:03:34 So, but keep an eye on that because it's happening. This is what we're up against, I'm told. Anything else? Oh, I put out a video about Memorial Day over the weekend. I filmed it in a bedroom upstairs in my house.
Starting point is 00:03:46 I don't know if it was the lighting or whatnot. A lot of people wrote in saying, what's wrong? Do you have cancer of the neck? I have a lump. It must have been the lighting because I just looked at it. It looks like there's a lump of my neck. And you're right, it is. I got about a week to live.
Starting point is 00:04:00 But we're going to get Carrot Top to fill in for the rest of the year. You'll be fine. No, I think it's, people said, is it a thyroid problem? And you know what? You might be right because I got on the scale. I'm 218, heaviest I've ever been. Again, I was an athlete. I lift weight, so it's not, you know, it's not fat,
Starting point is 00:04:17 but do you understand that has me at morbidly? If you go by the BMI, I'm morbidly obese. I'm supposed to look like one of those kids eating rice in the desert with flies all over them, according to the BMI chart. You fucking shit me. I'm like a rock. I'm 5'9", 218. I want to lose about 15. You want to see? I'll get shredded, but I need your encouragement at home. That means getting food poisoning and diarrhea or COVID. I'm going to do it. It's on my bucket list. I want to be shredded before I die.
Starting point is 00:04:50 So I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend. It went by fast, as usual. God help us. What would we do without Joe Biden? Just when you think he couldn't say anything stupid. See, I'm out of practice. I might discard this. Mr. DiPaolo, no one could be as nasty as you pretend to be
Starting point is 00:05:07 unless they really wanted to be disliked. Yeah, fuck you. I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So, enjoy. Biden. I don't mean to open with a clip of him every time, but what can we do? This guy's been a frigging gaffe machine forever. Just when you
Starting point is 00:05:26 think he couldn't say anything any stupider, he has topped himself. I got a few things here. Before we went Memorial Day weekend, he went on a black radio show, the Charlemagne guy. Apparently you have to kiss his, you know, his black feet before you can get any street cred. You know, hot nine to seven. Anyways, he's, you know, he's a well-spoken, he's obsessed with race, that's all. And everything's black community, black community, which whatever. But Biden goes on there
Starting point is 00:05:52 because he wants some street cred. And I can't believe, I'm defending Charlemagne and his listeners and black people because this even pissed me off. And you know, I don't defend Hut 97 that often or whatever the fucking station is. Because frankly, your music irritates the shit out of me. Especially when it's coming out of 400 inch
Starting point is 00:06:09 woofers at a red light. It's probably a talk show. I don't even know. But listen to Biden, an 80 year old white man almost, telling who should be black and who should not. Listen to this. I tell it, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black.
Starting point is 00:06:27 I'm black, y'all, and I'm black, y'all, and I'm black. Hey, where are the white women at? That's Joe. What are we doing? What's going on right now? Oh, my God. I bet you there were a bunch of black people in their cars when they were listening to that one off the fucking road. You got to be kidding me.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Oh, you know, Joe, because he's got street cred. He was a lifeguard at an all black pool. Remember, he took on corn pop. Badass. And he let little black kids rub the blonde hairs on his legs and shit. This guy couldn't run a lemonade stand. And you fucking people, he's beating Trump in most polls. So that just tells me, you people that vote Democrat, you're all about power.
Starting point is 00:07:11 You're all about hating Trump. You know damn well he's insane. Yet his approval rating is higher in most states. Are you fucking dog styling me? This guy is nuts. Oh, my God. Telling black people, you're not black if you don't vote for me. And he always says, man, when he's talking to me, come on, man. What is this, 1968? Give it up high, brother. Fucking chooch. I swear to God he's faking it like mob bosses do.
Starting point is 00:07:41 They fake mental illness when they don't want to go to prison. I swear to God, I'm not cynical. I swear to God he's faking it. Or he's really senile. Either way, he ain't going to be the president. You know damn well it's going to be either Oprah or some black chick from the, you know, Black is the New Orange or some shit. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Anyways, that wasn't even his best gap of the weekend. He said that before we went for break. This is over the weekend, too. This tops them all. What do we have, an hour of Biden gaps? This one, top, wait, is this the, yeah, about him? He's going to beat somebody, all right, in this election. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:08:19 I'm prepared to say that I have a record of over 40 years and that I'm going to beat Joe Biden. You fucking, he's going to beat Joe Biden. You're a damn son of a bitch. He's going to beat Joe Biden. Do you understand how real that is? He is beating Joe Biden. He is beating himself.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Every time he opens his yap and you people go say, take a poll and go, yes, I approve of him. If he doesn't have an adult diaper on under that suit jacket, I will pay. He's going to beat Joe Biden. And he's right. He's beating himself. Oh, my aching stem. Are you fucking kidding me? It's almost like he's faking it.
Starting point is 00:09:11 He might be just a great actor. Because why would you take a guy out who's beating Trump in the approval ratings, right? Why would you pull that person out of there? So they're going to run that horse until right up to, they have the Democratic National Convention. And then whoever's on the ticket, they're going to go, he's not suited. And Amy Klobuchar or fucking Oprah or whoever jumps in. John Amos from Good Times, whoever's going to be on that ticket. He's going to beat Joe Biden. I couldn't write that. You think that's that's not it, folks. He had more stuff to say. Oh, God, listen to him. Listen to him use the word intercourse in the wrong context.
Starting point is 00:09:55 This pandemic, the pandemic is that the president has no intercourse whatsoever with the rest of the world on dealing with these things. There's no intercourse. What are you talking about? No intercourse with other countries, he said. What do you mean? China's fucking us. We're fucking China.
Starting point is 00:10:24 There's a lot of intercourse going on. What the fuck? He has no intercourse. He uses the wrong words. I don't know how old you people are out there. I hope you're as old as me, Sammy, as I know you are. There was a guy named Norm Crosby in the 70s, actually another Massachusetts guy. He was an English teacher. He had such a command of the English language, he made a comedy routine out of it. He'd go on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carr, all the talk shows, and slip words in where they didn't belong. Half the time, the audience wouldn't even pick up on it. He did it so smoothly. But that's who Biden is. Here's a clip of Norm Crosby. Kids need an insulation. They need somebody that they can that they can raise to a pinochle they need that they need to see a guy like glenn campbell who is who is suave and and uh
Starting point is 00:11:11 and masculine and virile and stagnant they need that and stagnant look at those sideburns chin strap strap head. He was so goddamn, that's Biden. Trump's not having intercourse. What do you mean? You said he was a sexual abuser. You're finger popping girls 30 years ago. Oh my God. That was just over the weekend, folks.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Yet his approval ratings are higher in most states than Trump's. What the, are we being played here? Between this and COVID, that fucking scam. I don't know what to believe anymore. I'm going to price some property in Ireland. I can't take it no more. COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID. You know, last, on the show,
Starting point is 00:12:01 we talked a lot about unmasking. It was about General Flynn. Now it's about shoppers. You know what? Tucker Carlson would kill for that segue. So would Hannity. So would Rush. Anyways, this is turning into a civil war.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Chaos is not, you know, we're in the middle of a pandemic. I keep hearing these commercials. We're all in it together. We've never been more divided. Even during a pandemic that's killing Americans, 100,000 almost. We're not together. I'm not with you. Quit telling me we're in this together. I wouldn't hang out with you people who wear your mask when you go by my house in your car, you fucking fools. do you not watch you know you're the party of science you know now we're at this place where you if you have a mask on you know it's virtual signaling look at me i'm doing the right thing by the government well i'm with the people who are following the news and we have plenty of information on covid how you know staying inside was actually the wrong move. And you can't, you know, again, if you're 100 years old, that's who's susceptible. Okay, 75, whatever.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Quarantine them. Quarantine anybody who tested positive. But I'm seeing people with their masks. It's the supermarket. Now people are having fights. And because Twitter exists, evil Twitter, that's where all the left-wing jerk-offs with their pitchforks love to play, you know, the puritanical, the new age pilgrims. They come at you and love to shame you because they're doing, can you imagine this country was founded on throwing big government off our back? And now you got half the country siding with government, getting into,
Starting point is 00:13:40 you can't, you're not going to kill anybody if you walk by them without a mask at the supermarket. Okay? There's no evidence of that. I do understand, before I show this clip, if supermarkets have rules that they want you to wear a mask, I understand that. Which one are we showing first, Raz? I got two of them. The employee yelling at the woman? God, where was this? Let me put on my cheaters kids need insulation
Starting point is 00:14:11 norm crosby i remember he came out on the tonight show once he goes what a great audience i was backstage listening to the ovulations i'll tell you and the audience goes right over their head this video here features a woman refusing to wear a mask inside a California-based smart and final store, citing a medical condition. I don't believe that either, but I'm just saying. A frustrated employee demands to see a doctor's note. Fucking suck my dick. Doctor's note. At which point the woman criticizes him for keeping his own mask under his now here's
Starting point is 00:14:45 the video even though yours is pulled under your nose there's a note that says i don't have to bring a note and yours isn't even on i don't have to bring a note i don't have to bring a note you're not even allowed to ask for it you just do your own thing thank you is that what you did you just do whatever you want to do it's America, right? I have a medical condition. I cannot wear a mask. Get out. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Mind your fucking business and shut up. Get out. Are you going to force me now? No. Are you going to put your hands on me? I'm telling you to get out. You're a loser. Get out.
Starting point is 00:15:22 I would have fucking kicked him right in the balls. And been in a lawsuit, obviously. Do it. I'm going to call the police. I'll be here kicked him right in the balls. And been in a lawsuit, obviously. Do it. Gotta call the police. I'll be here. The heck, you Nazi. What's your name, sir? I don't have to tell you anything. I don't have to tell you anything either.
Starting point is 00:15:35 You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. Call the police, please. I'll be here. Call the cops. Five-0. On this Karen. Okay, so, again, if the supermarket says you have to have one on
Starting point is 00:15:49 right she's in the wrong that's not my point here even though it's silly because you're not going to kill anybody walking by anybody without a mask and a suit but you keep believing everything you hear on tv but that guy has no right to be a dick and to berate the customer this is an employee actually defending the woman and and telling this guy that he's wrong. the way you talk. The way you talk, that's all you're at. I'll take that into consideration,
Starting point is 00:16:29 he said. Now watch what he does. Thank you, ma'am. That's an employee defending her. And now watch what goes on when she leaves the store. This guy's just a jerk-off. Stop here now. I'm not going to spend my money here.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Get out. Okay, I'm the idiot. Don't you want to wait for the police? I am. I'll wait right here. Good. What a fucking jerk-off. That's perfect.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Crystal, we got someone that refuses to order a mask. I have a medical condition. Look, she doesn't like him either. He's yelling at me in the store. I have it all on recording, sir. I have it all on recording, sir. I have it all on recording. I have you on recording, too. Everything's hand-wrapped here.
Starting point is 00:17:12 You look real cool right now. Good. You look real sane. You look real thoughtful. You look real logical. You look real educated. You look like a professor. Everything's on camera. Yeah, I know. real logical. You look, yeah, you look real educated. You look like a professor. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Everything's on camera. Yeah, I know. All right, enough. This guy's making me fucking sick. What a jerk off. I don't know, you think it has anything to do that he's about 65 years old
Starting point is 00:17:36 with a giant pot belly and he's working at a supermarket with a shitty T-shirt? You think that might have something to do with it? He's a little bitter. But no, he's enlightened, you know? know so again both people wrong petulant little children we are a nation of adult
Starting point is 00:17:52 children that's what it's turned into so i don't want to hear another commercial saying we're all in this together no we're not couldn't be further from the truth uh i'm watching it's making me nuts i'm ready to run into a supermarket stop peeing on the produce and licking ice cream cones and the fuck is going on here this is going on and again they put it up on Twitter you know all the uh left wing uh the new pilgrims I call them coming at you with pitchforks judging you because you're not down with the government we know enough about the disease or whatever you want to call the pandemic you're not down with the government. We know enough about the disease or whatever you want to call it, the pandemic. You're not going to kill anybody walking.
Starting point is 00:18:28 I see people driving by my house in their cars with face masks on. I give them the finger. There's a guy that rides by my house on a bike and he's got a mask, and he fucking gives me the stink eye every morning. My wife was sitting out there with me once, and I go, what the fuck are you looking at?
Starting point is 00:18:42 My wife's like, what are you doing? I go, this is the third time this week. He drives by and goes, I can't even say what the fuck are you doing? She gets all excited. No, what are you looking at is what I said. A very New York thing. Anyway, if you don't believe it, here's some more footage of a Staten Island shows a woman being driven out of a grocery store by, again, I guarantee you every person has a Twitter account, by an angry mob because she's not wearing a mask. This is Staten Island.
Starting point is 00:19:12 This shit goes on in New York, even with no pandemic. If they don't like your pants, they're going to tell you to get the fuck out. But here's a woman surrounded by shoppers being driven out of this supermarket, Staten Island. Oh and I. Oh, shit. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Look at that. Look at it. Get out. Yeah. Dirty ass woman.
Starting point is 00:19:41 I actually get dirty ass piss. Fuck you. Dirty ass. Huh? What do you think? Yeah, we're all in this together. We're all in it together. Fucking Chinese sewing division.
Starting point is 00:19:57 You know, again, I don't know what the rules are at the supermarket, but do you see the mob mentality? And the left loves this. I guarantee everybody that was yelling leans left in their politics. They love that power. That lady should have squatted and dropped a log in the fresh produce section. Show people
Starting point is 00:20:15 what's up. Just a mob mentality. Just fucking... It's not going to be long before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy. I hope he's right about that. Oh, fucking idiot. Anyways, the viral video is part of a wave of social shaming on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites aimed at people not wearing face masks.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Again, where? Twitter, Facebook, where all the turds hide. By the way, Twitter has me stuck at the same number for a year now. That's fair, huh? New Yorkers have been required to wear masks inside grocery stores and while using public transport since April 17th. But we have learned so much more about this pandemic since April 17th. But you guys aren't progressing, you so-called progressives. Reaction to the video was mixed, with some decrying the actions of the mob, but others vehemently supporting their behavior.
Starting point is 00:21:11 We call those severely retarded people. Listen, this is one kid puts up. Cool. Finally. Cuz. C-U-Z. You know, I know that's fucking. Cuz at this point, a maskless person in an indoor place is like a shooter pointing his gun at me said this fucking uh somebody else saw it the other way they said not wearing a mask during a pandemic is like not wearing a seat belt in a car which is correct you are correct sir that's about how
Starting point is 00:21:40 dangerous it is i like to know the odds We do all these models. What are the odds of killing somebody because you don't have a mask on? Give me that statistic. How many people have died because somebody walked by without a mask? I was in Forsyth Park
Starting point is 00:21:52 here in beautiful Savannah this weekend. Nobody's social distancing. People parking on the benches, hugging, kissing. Those people were in it together. It was fucking great there was a guy doing Tai Chi
Starting point is 00:22:06 I think he was on acid he was dancing then he'd do like karate kicks and shit what a beautiful place to hang out huh there's a restaurant that just opened there it's the only restaurant Forsyth Park is like one of the most popular parks in Savannah it's brand new they opened
Starting point is 00:22:22 8 days before COVID hit it's beautiful but they were open you know distancing Savannah. It's brand new. They opened eight days before COVID hit. It's beautiful, but they were open, you know, distancing. I had a beer sitting out on the patio. That place is going to be a gold mine. It's like Tavern on the Green in Central Park. If, you know, unless this is the new
Starting point is 00:22:38 normal. But unbelievable. We don't play that shit here in Georgia. So a few old people die. Get out of the way. Your time is up. Speaking of old people in nursing homes, did you see this disturbing video? Again, this happened before we went on break. And God, I just this one made me sick. It was even hard to watch. The father of a man captured a man is a young black kid, captured on video beating up a Detroit nursing home resident has claimed that his son has a history of mental illness
Starting point is 00:23:12 and that he shouldn't have been in the facility in the first place. That's what his dad said. Shouldn't have been in the facility following a coronavirus diagnosis. So the kid has coronavirus and they put him in this nursing home. And, you know, so the father says, and they put him in this nursing home and um it you know so the father says well he's mentally ill and this is what he did to a watch it's an old white guy there's something wrong with the black man's mind there's something wrong with his mind are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:23:50 Pause. End it. I can't watch it. That's some old white guy laying there. And I love the Father Goldie. He's got mental illness. Okay. And that's how it manifests itself.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Millions of people have mental illness, but they don't make a hate crime out of it. He was bright enough to see it again even the mentally ill are so conditioned to hate all white men um anyways by the way the guy's still not as of a couple days ago still wasn't arrested isn't that again more evidence of such a racist illegal system. The shocking video surfaced on Thursday showing the unnamed 20-year-old resident beating up another patient at the Westwood Nursing Center. The video went viral, even attracting attention from President Trump
Starting point is 00:24:33 who reacted on Twitter with disbelief. Now the younger man's father has said that his son was never meant to be in the facility in the first place. Neither the son nor the father have been identified. Why not? If that patient was black and it was a young white kid, I bet you would know
Starting point is 00:24:47 everything about him. His blood type, his fucking eye color has been identified in anywhere. It has been, they haven't identified the father or son
Starting point is 00:24:54 in any reporting. Partially because no charges have yet been filed. What? Son of a whore! He claimed that his son was put in the facility after a 911 call but he was meant to be moved after a covet 19 diagnosis the father said it should have never happened
Starting point is 00:25:11 because he should have never been put in that environment i just don't want to think people to think he's a vicious individual he got mental issues yeah so what's your point? He's got mental issues. You know, when dogs are crazy, we put them down. And let me ask you, Dad, why are you in this kid's life? How'd they make that mistake? Are you following what's going on with your mental? Now, I saw this clip.
Starting point is 00:25:39 It was all over TV and all over the social internet, but I was watching Tucker Carlson, and I think he might have misread the article or whatever, but I was watching Tucker Carlson and I think he might've misread the article or whatever. Cause I did when I first read it, I thought he was a staffer beating up a patient, but he's not, the kids get COVID. They put them in there. Um, but I was watching, yeah, Tucker Carlson showed a bunch of clips.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Remember there was a clip about a year ago. There were three, uh, there were a couple of black women and they were staging fights. They were working at a nursing home with people with dementia. They were staging fights and shit. And he showed another clip of a black nurse. This guy wanted oxygen. He couldn't breathe and she was laughing and shit. He showed a bunch of, anyways, but I think he read the story wrong because this kid wasn't
Starting point is 00:26:21 a snapper. Unless I'm getting it wrong. he was a patient who shouldn't have been there but that does is no excuse and dad if you got a mentally ill son why aren't you keeping tabs on him unbelievable he's got mental issues yeah Yeah, well, again, so what? The father further revealed that his son has a pending case, and listen to this, in Washtenaw County, where he's accused of assaulting a staff member at another home. He claims his son has long suffered from behavioral issues, was not properly monitored at Westwood.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Had I known he was there, I would have never have consented to it. Why didn't you know he was there? Let me guess, you're not in his life? I mean, you are now. Not my dad! You also hear something ugly and fucking not my dad! Police
Starting point is 00:27:17 and care home faculty had originally been unaware of the incident. Why's that? After the video went viral, users on social media reached out to the police to report it. Police in Detroit, Ann Arbor, and other parts of Michigan received calls regarding the video. The police actually thanked
Starting point is 00:27:33 the public in a Twitter message. Excuse me. That's somebody's dad or grandfather or whatever. Okay? And why isn't this kid in jail? Oh, mental issues. Don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Switch the races. Double standard. Goes on all the time. I used to have a whole bit about it. Put my parents in nursing homes and I'm like, really? And the people looking over them just get fired from Sam Goody's. Fucking beating my dad with a bedpan over there. Really? Fucking. And the people looking over him just get fired from Sam Goodies. Fucking. Beating my dad with a bedpan over there.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Because the kids couldn't hack it at Wendy's. Do they vet anybody? Anyways, like I said, this kid wasn't a staffer. So very rare. But it's funny how the mental illness manifests itself in a hate crime. That's fucking odd. I don't know. I don't know. I don't want it.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Hey, Raz, we haven't talked about the LGBT community. You know, it's been knocked off the front pages since the pandemic. But you know what? They're back. Pixar's new short film, it's called Out, features first gay main character. Thank God for that. Please give me a call.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Oh, easy over there. It follows the story of a man named Greg who struggles, based on Greg Gutfeld, I think, who struggles with coming out to his parents before moving in with his boyfriend, Manuel. Oh, boy, you. in with his boyfriend manuel oh boy you in the clip greg is in his bedroom practicing how he'll come out to his to his parents i suck cock and i love it yummy yummy no that's not how you come out out is the first release from pixar to feature a gay main character it's also the first animated gay main character for Disney. I know all you people are going, well, this is great, gay rights.
Starting point is 00:29:29 And it's, I mean, it's the world we live in today. But so what? Some people don't want their kids. And this is animated. Okay? They don't want this. They look at it as propaganda. They have a right to.
Starting point is 00:29:40 But, you know, Disney, Disney leads the world in exporting politically correct horse shit just watch some of your kids cartoons mike baker my old web guy used to show me some of the shit his kids watching i used to go through the roof oh my god there's a little gay chinese girl and there's a puerto rican with one leg and a deaf and dumb dominican next to an Indian with a full headdress and, you know, they're just hanging out for the fucking... Disney's fucking evil. It's a cult. Anyways. Pixar hasn't released a film with an openly gay character until its release of this year's Onward,
Starting point is 00:30:21 which features a purple Cyclops character of, you know, things kids can relate to. Voiced by Lena Waithe, who references a girlfriend. Well, I think we have a line from that movie. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. Phil Collins' solo career. Give the kids a little music history, too, with their propaganda. Disney has been criticized in the past for its lack of LGBTQ characters in its programs.
Starting point is 00:30:53 The network broke ground back in 2017 with its series Andy Mac, a team-based show that was the first to depict a character coming to terms with the fact that they are gay. So this isn't really a pioneer move. Hey, Raz, didn't I have to, wasn't I supposed to read something earlier? Thanks. We have a new sponsor on the show. I have authors who send me books all the time and usually my wife reads them i'm too busy watching the king of queens for the fifth time i'm actually like dog in them fucking show uh my wife reads them first see if there's something she thinks i'll like and then
Starting point is 00:31:35 gives them to me so last week she handed me this book here supersized blues and she was right it's actually pretty good i read the first couple chapters. Ignore the Photoshop done by a severely retarded kid. They put Derek Jeter's head on somebody's body. But it's actually pretty good. I got to recommend it. The plot has a ton of twists and turns. It's full of violence, sex, and revenge like my life. All things you know that I like, right? I mean, I'm watching Gamora. Oh, my life. All things you know that I like, right?
Starting point is 00:32:05 I mean, I'm watching Gamora. Oh, my God. This gun-running stock manipulation inside of trading and some pretty intense revenge. It's like the Obama administration. Anyway, I'm recommending it. It's called Supersize Blues,
Starting point is 00:32:20 and you can find it at Amazon, and there it is. Pretty good, actually. Written by Roger St. John. Boy, I'm all over the place today. What else have I forgotten today? So far, that's it. I got a dentist appointment.
Starting point is 00:32:41 It's going to be like a cancer. What are you doing? I have a question for you. You got a question, Raz It's going to be like a cancer. What are you doing? I have a question for you. You've got a question, Raz? Okay. Let's have it. Michael and Angela, San Tan Valley, Arizona. Is that really this?
Starting point is 00:32:57 Tan Valley? Should be called skin cancer. Melanoma Valley. Every valley is a tan valley in Arizona. They asked me, Nick, we love your show. My wife and I were wondering about your tattoo on your right shoulder. It's not my shoulder. It's actually my bicep.
Starting point is 00:33:15 What is it? What it is is Jennifer Aniston bending down to pick up a pen. I tried. No. I couldn't take my shirt off, so we have a picture of it there. There it is. Let's see, you know, a creepy clown, an evil clown, me in 10 years. That's about right.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Now, you're probably thinking Nick was probably drunk and young when he got that. No, I did that about three weeks ago. I'm so fucking bored. No, I don't know how long I had that, but a pretty long time. I thought it was appropriate for a comedian. Raz has one of, you know who? Shirley Hempel.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Wait a minute, who's Shirley Hempel? She's a black woman. Raz doesn't even know. Was it Shirley Hempel? Oh, Esther Rolle, I think. You got the mother from. Good time. There you go. Wait till I reveal the other one I got on my left nut next week.
Starting point is 00:34:17 You know, we talk about big tech fucking me over. I mentioned it on the show at the beginning that, you know, YouTube, all of a sudden, some of my guy, people will find out they're unsubscribed to the show and stuff. I think Jack Dorsey of Twitter is, you know, my manager won't let me use Twitter. Kicked me off.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Cause he didn't, he, he thinks it's a great marketing tool. And I say, I don't know. I've been shadow banned. They've had me stuck at the same number because you know what that means it's good and bad means now they know who i am same with youtube
Starting point is 00:34:49 i'm on their radar but i don't like using a product like uh you know like twitter knowing i'm getting fucked in the ass and uh by who jack dorsey by the way um twitter verification purge targets mediate journalists who report on Obama spying. You believe this shit? Twitter appears to have removed its blue verified checkmark from a number of users on the platform over the past few days. A purge that included Rudy Takala, a journalist for Mediate, who reported on former President Obama's abuse of government surveillance powers. So that was taken down on Twitter. You can't handle the truth.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Fucking believable. Takala reported that Twitter removed his verified status an hour after he tweeted out his column about the Obama spying allegations. his column about the Obama spying allegations. He said, and I quote, I tweeted this column about the Obama administration spying on journalists at 547 Thursday, said Takala. Around an hour later, my verification badge magically disappeared. You guys are all right with that, you people who lean left? The Mediate column was a report on recent statements made by investigative journalist Cheryl Atkinson, formerly of CBS, alleges that her computer was spied upon by the Obama Justice Department in 2013 and 2014. She used to come on O'Reilly. It's all true. She's not making it up. She was on O'Reilly for like three shows in a row back in the day explaining all this shit. And we know they did that when Obama was the president, because James Holder, I mean, James Eric Holder, recently said one of his regrets as attorney general was spying on James Rosen's computer, who used to work for Fox News.
Starting point is 00:36:38 She has been fighting, Atkinson has been fighting a long-running legal battle with the Justice Department over the allegations and recently moved to reopen the recently dismissed case after a whistleblower provided new information implicating Rod Rosenstein. It seems that other users on Twitter have also been de-verified in recent days. Podcast host Josh LeCac reported that he lost his verified badge shortly after posting an interview with Republican congressional candidate Laura Loomer, who they hate, who kicked off permanently, who was running in the GOP primary for Florida-FL-21. Loomer has filed lawsuits against Twitter as well as other major tech companies over politically biased censorship. Good for you. You want to go to war?
Starting point is 00:37:28 Good for you. You want to go to war? We'll take you to war, okay? Tony, coño. I interviewed Laura Loomer yesterday, and today my Twitter verification badge is gone, said LeCac. Conservative app developer Doriano Carter, previously a writer for Mashable and GigaOM, reported that his verified badge had also disappeared. Are you guys all right with this?
Starting point is 00:37:55 You people, seriously, even if you hate Republicans and you're all right with this, you are, right? Because you don't give a fuck. It's about winning. And that's what you always accuse the right of doing. Trump has got an uphill battle between this COVID shit. And I've been saying this forever, this next election. Big tech is the biggest threat. They're interfering with the election.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Throw on top of that governor like Newsom of California, who's trying to keep this COVID shit and people in shelter. So they have to mail in their votes, which is the easiest way to steal an election. Everybody knows it. You can Google it. It's unclear how many others have been de-verified or why. Twitter has yet to release any public statement on the matter. I don't know nothing about that.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Yeah, of course you don't, Mr. Dorsey. Unbelievable. This country, man. Civil War time. Let's get it on, will you, before I can... My hips are killing me every morning. I'm going to be too old to get out there.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Throw some weak jabs. I jumped around. I worked out like three times. I get on the fucking scale. I put on two pounds. You guys might be right. I'm telling you, this thyroid could have been that of the strawberry rhubarb
Starting point is 00:39:09 pie I made. I did. Fucking COVID's turned me into is that a side effect? Turned gay? Into a gay chef? As you people know, are big sponsors of the show. We really appreciate them for that.
Starting point is 00:39:25 They also know I love to cook and they asked me to share this item. Check this out. That's right. Trump mania aprons. How cool is that? Get it for yourself or even better. Get one for someone, you know, who hates Trump, maybe even have a barbecue and invite your lib friends over and wear this while making their food and maybe drop a little raw chicken juice in their burgers. Anyways, lots of great stuff on the go there and check out all the gear when you see the promo code nick you get 10 off not just the aprons but everything on the website go to the and pick up a shirt or a mug or a hat and support these guys
Starting point is 00:40:03 and we thank them for being a loyal sponsor of the Nick DiPaolo podcast. So we really do. Speaking of aprons and food and shit, did you see this poor autistic kid? First, I was going to make fun of him. I thought he was just a chubby little fuck. But then he's autistic. And he went nuts. He started crying.
Starting point is 00:40:20 He hadn't had McDonald's because he's locked in because of COVID. Finally had McDonald's. Probably has Asperger's, ironically. Get it? out of crying he hadn't had McDonald's because he's locked in because of COVID. Finally had McDonald's. Probably has Asperger's, ironically. Get it? Burgers, McDonald's. That's actually a form of autism. That's a zing zang. I just thought of that.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Come on, folks. Who's with me? I'll tell you. It's rough out there, you know what I mean? My wife can't cook. At my house, we pray after we eat. That's some of the flies pitched in to fix the hole in the screen door. I got a very ugly, very ugly, very ugly daughter. She married a very ugly guy. Today, they get two very ugly kids.
Starting point is 00:41:04 In fact, they're all so ugly in the family album, they only keep the negatives. You know, we had a cousin. We thought he was a little swishy when we were kids, you know. We weren't sure. We thought he might have been gay. We weren't kidding, you know. During high school, when everybody was dissecting frogs, he was opening flies? I'm not sure. I thought he meant I meant gay. We were a kid, you know? During high school
Starting point is 00:41:25 when everybody was dissecting frogs, he was opening flies. I'll tell you. I love him. Here's the headline on this one. Boy 9 weeps with joy
Starting point is 00:41:39 at first McDonald's meal after months in lockdown. Check out this little kid god it broke my freaking heart he's korean or something yes look how happy he is he's so happy to have his nuggets back oh my god he's breaking my heart nuggets back. Oh my god, he's breaking my heart. Bon appetit. Oh my god, he's breaking my fucking heart. Look at the size of the plate of fries he's breaking my heart look at the size of the plate of fries he's got thank you oh my god
Starting point is 00:42:26 that boy is a p-i-g pig that's me when i go to burger king and i bite into a double waffle with cheese i cry like a oh jesus all right it's making me too sad that's All right, he's making me too sad. That's like Raz at a cookout yesterday. He had his mother's potato salad. He fucking lost his shit. At first, I thought it was just a fat kid. I poked a little fun at him, but he's autistic, for Christ's sake.
Starting point is 00:43:02 If you ever have McDonald's fries, they'll make you cry sometimes. Usually because you see somebody spitting them before they give them to you. I've seen your show, son. Was that kid Korean? I think he was. Probably hasn't had a decent meal forever. Anyways, if I'm McDonald's, I grab that kid. Make him the new spokesman.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Put him in a commercial. Have him bawling his eyes out when he bites into the latest McRib sandwich. And it's bat wings or some shit. Yes, Raz? They could dress him up like the Hamburglar. Who, that kid? You can't have a burglar crying. Yeah, dress him up like the Hamburglar. Dlar dress up like Ronald fucking McDonald
Starting point is 00:43:48 you don't see Ronald anymore do you is he still around what'd he do retire he get caught grabbing Wendy's tits I think that was it for him speaking of moms that was a good mom I guess
Starting point is 00:44:03 I don't know she's been starving the kid I don't know but speaking of moms here's the a good mom, I guess. Unless, I don't know, she's been starving the kid. I don't know. But speaking of moms, here's the worst one maybe on the planet. Not since Susan Smith drove her kids into a lake in a station wagon. Newly released video appears to show Florida woman accused of killing her son with autism, pushing the boy into a canal in what authorities say was the first attempt, but thwarted. She's trying to kill him in this first video, and I don't show you the guy coming out and
Starting point is 00:44:32 saving him, but this is sick. The kid's autistic and the mother just can't handle it anymore. I don't know, but watch this. Here she is in a white shirt. Shoves the kid into the, and runs. You filthy. The shocking surveillance footage obtained and aired by Univision on Sunday seems to show Patricia Ripley. That's ironic, believe it or not.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Nine-year-old Alejandro along the bank of a Miami canal looking around, then shoving him into the water before running away. About 20 seconds later, Ripley returns with a bystander who jumps into the canal to rescue the boy. Authorities say this was Ripley's first attempt at drowning her son on Thursday evening. About an hour later, she allegedly led him into a different canal where he died. You fucking whore. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready. Police said Ripley, 45, initially claimed that two men sideswiped her car while she was driving with Alejandro and that they demanded drugs and abducted her son who had autism and was nonverbal. I mean,
Starting point is 00:45:55 but witnesses in video footage contradicted her claims and she later allegedly confessed to leading the boy into a canal where he drowned telling cops cops he's going to be in a better place, is what she said. Fucking bitch. Investigators believe Ripley, a married mom of two, became overwhelmed with caring for Alejandro, who had been receiving therapy at the family's home in recent months. Look, I can feel for the mom. I mean, I can't imagine having to take care. But, I mean, you've got to be kidding me. That's.
Starting point is 00:46:29 You know, and is anybody looking after her like that if she has a husband? I don't know. You know, I mean, seeing that she's losing her shit with the kid. I mean. Fucking evil. She's being held in a Miami Dade jail on charges of first degree murder and attempted murder. Prior to the video's release, relatives had stood behind Ripley. she's being held in a Miami day jail on charges of first degree murder and attempted murder. Prior to the video's release, relatives had stood behind Ripley, excuse me,
Starting point is 00:46:51 who could face the death penalty. Uh, the husband said, we love Alejandro. We don't agree about whatever they said about my wife. That's Aldo Ripley told reporters after court hearing on Saturday. He says it's not real, but it is real,
Starting point is 00:47:04 sir. You can't handle the truth. Unbelievable. Hey, one-time contributions. I got to thank you guys. This is what keeps us alive here with giving the show away for free. And you can make one-time contributions at or you can sign up at, become a monthly member. And when you do that, you get an extra story every day. You can ask me a question and you have access to all the previous shows. Thank you for these are the people that since the last time we were on air donated. James Shuey, Nebraska.
Starting point is 00:47:36 David Ross in the United Kingdom. Ralph Gummy, Flaccid Stem Ledger, Florida. Lance Hajja, California. Anthony Patrizio, New Jersey charles olbock pennsylvania stupid stew stu first name pid cunt pennsylvania denny claude missouri joseph devoski wisconsin kevin flanagan florida Adam Lesniewski, Massachusetts. John Keefe, New Hampshire. Mike Hunzich. Mike Hunzich. Mike Hunzich, Australia. Jesus. Nick Dip has balls on Raz's forehead, Ohio. The fuck? Joe Gallone, New York. Barefoot Pokey, Pennsylvania. Judith Hayes, Tennessee.
Starting point is 00:48:25 New York, Barefoot Pokey, Pennsylvania, Judith Hayes, Tennessee, Benjamin Robertson, Georgia, Stephen Sifrilak, Texas, Adam Bonas, Michigan, Gabriel Parra, Texas, Parker Calkintush, Parker Calkintush, New Jersey, Barbara Well are the monthly supporters that signed up at Sergio Serrano signed up at the veto level. David Abater signed up at the veto level. Kenan, Scott Smith, Rayo C. Kong, Gary W. Gibson, Kirk Gregory. Thank all of you so much. Can't tell you what it means to us to keep this show on the air. And you see what we're up against with the tech bias. More important than ever. I got to do one more and I got to get out of here.
Starting point is 00:49:23 I got a dentist appointment. It's at least a 15-minute ride. Let to do one more and I got to get out of here. I got a dentist appointment. It's at least a 15 minute ride. Let's do one more here. Here's a weird one for you. We'll lighten it up a little. Parrot. That's a burr to parrot who heard victims' last words to give evidence in rape and murder trial. Elizabeth Toledo, 46, was killed in the city of San Fernando, Argentina in December 2018. Now police believe a parrot was repeating its owner's last words as she was allegedly beaten and raped by two scumbag housemates. This is rape! This is rape! This is rape!
Starting point is 00:50:03 The comments of a parrot may be used in an up-and-coming rape and murder trial. What's the world coming to? Elizabeth Toledo was raped and then killed in the city of San Fernando, Baba. At the end of the month, a police officer was guarding the crime scene when they heard a parrot say, I know, por favor, solitame. Soltame. No, which means no, please let me go. That's her, the poor victim.
Starting point is 00:50:37 The police believe the parrot was repeating its owner's last words as she was allegedly beaten and raped by two housemates. Jesus Christ. If that's a fact, tell me, am I lying? Tell me, am I lying? Local media said the parrot was also mentioned by a neighbor who heard it saying, why did you beat me as one of the arrested suspects fled the house? Head Prosecutor Bibiana Santella has reportedly included the parrot's testimony in the case file. Jesus Christ. An autopsy showed the victim had been beaten, raped, and strangled to death.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Her body was found naked and lying on its back on a mattress on the floor. This is her thanks for letting the people stay at her house. Ms. Toledo rented a room to three men in the same house. Housemates Miguel Saterino Rolong and Jorge Raul Alvarez have been arrested in connection with a homicide. Third housemate was also arrested, but he reportedly has an alibi for the time of the alleged murder. So they're going to have the parrot actually in the courtroom. Not a good idea. How do I know that?
Starting point is 00:51:34 Well, the last time there was a parrot in a courtroom, this happened. You believe I made that connection anyways what a sad what a sick world to live in i can't take it anymore this dude just saved us i gotta get going folks i gotta find out if this tooth is gonna be fucking you know root canaled or whatever uh i want to do i get everything i did i thanked everybody i want to thank you guys uh again for contributing to the show or don't forget i did three or four this weekend i will send a make a you send me somebody that you want me to verbally abuse or be nice to say happy birthday to your wife or your grampy if you're not getting smacked around in a nursing home um you know i'll roast them make it on my phone send it to you you tell me the person what a little bit about the person that's it you guys think and i will say
Starting point is 00:52:38 you are so welcome and we'll see you back here tomorrow at the same time. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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