The Nick DiPaolo Show - The Vicious, Violent Villains of the Left

Episode Date: September 12, 2018

 PC Police pound Serena cartoon. New Norm for #metoo. A lefty leaks on vets memorial.    ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you. Ha ha! Yeah! How are you folks? Welcome to the show! Nick DiPello podcast streaming live on a Wednesday. That's right, live. We'll do it live! Fuck it! Do it live! I want all of you to enjoy your cake.
Starting point is 00:00:51 So, enjoy. Hey, for all you guys listening on YouTube, Monday the 17th, this coming Monday, I'll be reading and answering your chat posts, so subscribe to the YouTube, Nick DiPaolo YouTube channel, could you please please do that let's get the word out there's a fucking war going on whether it's twitter or
Starting point is 00:01:10 facebook or whoever social media giant tech companies censoring guys like me and uh there's only a few places you guys can go so spread the word let's get it out there. And this is a fucking fight for our lives. We have a bunch of jerk-offs in the mainstream media and on social media. Usually young people, dumb, young, stupid people who are buying into this PC bullshit. I've cited the statistics before on how many young people actually believe in censorship because the little fucking faggy feelings might get hurt. My Twitter account, I'm fucking losing followers every day. Every day they pluck at me.
Starting point is 00:01:57 And then when something big happens, like I get fired or punched in the face, the numbers go back up. And then fucking Twitter. I almost wear it as a badge of courage because it means that they know I'm out there and they consider me a threat. But if you don't support me and guys like Owen Benjamin and Crowder and even Norm Macdonald, who we're going to talk about later, you're going to be living in a fucking humorless planet.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Thanks to the feminists. And they're at the core of political correctness. They are at the fucking core. Political correctness is tantamount to a fat girl's feelings. I've said it a million times. Hypersensitive. I don't fit in. I'm a victim.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Let's take down anybody who's an opposite gender of me and uh you you gotta you know you gotta fight back and and going to my subscribing to my youtube page uh helps anybody hear that how many hold on it's not in there yeah Yeah. It's me. I have a tumor. Just got a call from my doctor. I have my physical. Something wrong with my EKG. It just involves my heart. So nothing important there.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Holy shit. I was betting on cholesterol. I have the triglycerides of a fucking sumo wrestler. And no, it was my fucking, my heart this time. Fellas, I might leave this in my will to you. You keep the show going, although, I don't know, fucking senior politics. Maybe we'll have Jason's mom sit in for me after I pass away. We'll just run the show. We'll do a great job, Nick.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Yeah, I have all the faith in the world. Actually, Ryan came through big. He handed me a story about Norm MacDonald, who I talked to last week on the phone for 25 minutes, who loves me. I love him. He's probably my favorite out there. Him and Colin Quinn, you know, as far as people and their comedy,
Starting point is 00:04:01 you're not going to find... We'll get to him in a few minutes but nice job brian that's called producing you guys see anything that you think fits the show's narrative you you call it you uh hand it to me or call me 833-599-nick 833-599-6425 833-599-6425. So yeah, I could have a heart attack soon. It's going to be embarrassing when I'm doing a Sean T. 30-minute insanity workout. And, you know, they find me up in the fucking bedroom.
Starting point is 00:04:38 That's where I do it now. Because we turn this into a studio. I'm in a bedroom. It's 111 degrees up there. You find me in a pair of tight right right red red leather shorts in the middle of doing downward facing dog. I end up face down in my own puke. Hey, I want a big shout out to Emma Bowles, B-U-L-S, Emma Bowles. Why am I mentioning her on the show? She signed up at the Michael Corleone level.
Starting point is 00:05:05 That's the $30 level. And what can I say, folks? People are doing their job. Hold on a second. There's a fucking humming out here. It's gone. What did you do, fellas fellas you just stopped it i did absolutely nothing no jason just reached over nothing it went away so emma bowls thank you very much real quick uh tour dates this weekend i'm going to be at the arlington draft house uh arlington virginia
Starting point is 00:05:46 weather permitting i don't know about friday show you see this storm jesus h christ bigger than michael moore's hole his mouth and uh it's engulfing you know the the gigs in arlington virginia so i i don't know but I'll see you this weekend at the Draft House, hopefully. Like I said, weather permitting. Friday, September 21, Orpheum Theater. That's next week in Flagstaff, Arizona. Saturday, September 29, the Fat Black Pussycat.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Thursday, October 4th, I'll be on Crowder's show, Loud with Crowder in the afternoon, live in his studio in Texas. And that night I'll be at the Texas Theater in Dallas. November 2nd and 3rd, Governor's Levittown, Long Island. Friday, November 9th and Saturday, November 10th,
Starting point is 00:06:32 Comics at Mohegan Sun, Uncasville, Connecticut. Go to for your ticket information. And I got a lot of show to get to here. So last night, because, you know, I drove up to Massachusetts to do the, you remember a year ago, I shot a movie with the king of Boston comedy, him and Lenny Clark.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Sweeney was, you know, just fucking huge. Still is in Boston. Steve Sweeney. I played the trailer a couple weeks ago. I won't play it again for you. But he has a movie. The Farrelly brothers were involved in producing the movie. So you know it's legit.
Starting point is 00:07:13 And the premiere of the movie was last night at the Somerville Theater, Somerville, Massachusetts. Sweeney killing Sweeney. The premise of the movie is Steve Sweeney does a lot of characters in his movie and uh you know a lot of local Boston characters but you don't have to be from Boston to appreciate it and um and he does a lot of other comedy that's not character related so I want to make that point but the the premise of the movie is he gets a shot at a special a comedy special on a cable channel but they said you can't do all the local characters that you do.
Starting point is 00:07:47 You have to get rid of them. So he, you know, his manager says, you got to get rid of them. Don't do them anymore. So he agrees to that. But the characters that he gets rid of try to kill him for the rest of the movie.
Starting point is 00:08:00 And it was written by Bill Broadus, who's a brilliant comic. When I was kind of coming up in Boston, we all looked up to his writing. You guys will love it. I don't care where you're from. You will absolutely love it. Standing ovation. Six, seven hundred people there last night at the theater.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Standing ovation at the end of the movie. Lisa Amiola, I think I'm pronouncing it right, directed it. Did a killer job. And it was quite a night. Uh, Steve Sweeney is the reason I get into standup. I mentioned this a couple of days ago. I wandered into a club, uh, back in 86. I'd never been into a comedy club and saw this guy and said, I want to fucking do this for a living. And, uh, which, you know, that was kind of, that was kind of fucking arrogant on my part that I thought I could do this after seeing him.
Starting point is 00:08:48 But the guy would shake the rafters every night and, you know, but he never broke big nationally. Did a few fairly movies, but never, and that's what this is about. Him deciding on whether he's happy just being a local celebrity or, you know, he wants to go now. It's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:09:06 It's fucking huge, huge laugh lines throughout the movie. And it's fun. You see yourself on the big screen. I was only on for a couple minutes, but the scene got huge laughs. And every time somebody's face came up, like a local Boston comedian, which it all was, the crowd would applaud the first time you're seen on screen. And I got a nice trickle. It was kind of this, yes, he's from, oh, yeah, I don't like his politic.
Starting point is 00:09:36 But, you know, fucking the People's Republic of Massachusetts. But, no, they gave me a huge round. After the show, we did a Q&A. I'll show you a clip from the Q&A. Here's a few pictures, actually, from last night at the Somerville Theater. That's me, and that's Steve Sweeney right there. He's as funny as he looks. Grew up in Charlestown.
Starting point is 00:10:03 And, you know, if you know Charlestown, there's a few movies based on it. What was the movie, fellas? I don't know if you know. Ben Affleck did The Town, maybe. Jason, really? What the fuck? This was two years ago, not 1978. Really?
Starting point is 00:10:20 What do you do? I don't pay close attention to anything. To anything? Huh? Yeah, it was the town. The town. Stuff like that. It's a lot of hard Irish gangsters in Charlestown and whatever.
Starting point is 00:10:35 That's where Stevie's from. That's me and him in front of the theater. Go ahead. That's on stage after. If you guys do recognize, if you're Sopranos fans, on the left, that's Georgie the bartender. He used to get beat up every time he was on screen by Tony Soprano. These guys wouldn't know it.
Starting point is 00:10:52 They're home watching fucking Game of Bones. And Lenny Clark on the right, who's as big a Boston legend as Steve is, actually. Lenny's been in a million movies and stuff. But that's Frank Santorelli on the left, who played Georgie the bartender on the S, who's as big a Boston legend as Steve is, actually. Lenny's been in a million movies and stuff. But that's Frank Santorelli on the left, who played Georgie, the bartender on The Sopranos. Next, that's me and Lenny, who just one of my idols also. Lenny was, listen to this, folks. He was 388 pounds at one point in his fuck. Look at him now.
Starting point is 00:11:21 The guy's almost 70 years old. He let himself to get up about 10 15 years ago 300 about 10 years ago 388 pounds now the guy i'm like he and he did blow like crazy in the 80s him and sweeney did fucking blow and i said you know i should have been doing it with you he looks fucking we look the same age i I am disgusted. Go ahead, next. There's the whole crew, Sweeney on the far right. In front of Sweeney is Jonathan Katz, Dr. Katz. You guys wouldn't know, you're probably three
Starting point is 00:11:55 when Dr. Katz was on Comedy Central. He's in one of those little scooter things. He has MS, I believe. And he came out, he tried to come out with a cane when they were setting up the stools for the question and answer. And he almost out, he tried to come out with a cane when, when they were setting up the stools after the, uh, for the question and answered that. And he almost fell that I caught him.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I saved the guy. He would have fell off the stage. They were trying to put them on a regular stool that he says, I'm going to back, get my scooter. He's, he's in the movie. He shows up on when Sweeney is consulting his shrink.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Cats will show up, uh, on the computer screen. And he kills throughout the goddamn movie. The girl to the right of Lenny Clark is Lisa, the director. She did a hell of a job. And there's Frank Santorelli. To his left is Tony V, who plays Sweeney's manager. And he gets the biggest laugh lines in the whole movie.
Starting point is 00:12:43 He's a great actor. He's been in The Departed, a bunch of different movies. He's a fucking great actor. And this girl with the blonde hair, can you see her? She's two to my left. She plays like Sweeney's nemesis. She's a female comic. Heather Chase is her name in the movie.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And killer body and shit. And, you know, you guys, you'll absolutely love it. Any more? Do we have any more? Oh, we have a clip. And there's my name in the credits. Me along with Bobby Slayton, who's in the movie, who's as funny as hell. You know, the pitbull of comedy, Bobby Slayton.
Starting point is 00:13:23 It's good. It's so fun to see your name. That's me. I guess my wife was sitting behind a fucking Martian when she took that picture. That's a still of the scene I was in when Steve Sweeney playing a hot dog vendor. I don't know why I looked that fucking angry. I'm talking to Sweeney. But I end up yelling to the kid behind him ordering a hot dog, which get huge laughs.
Starting point is 00:13:46 And then we had a question and answer period. I think that's it for the picks, right? Here's the question and answer period. This is when they came to me. Nick flew in from New York. I drove. I drove. I drove up.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Did you take the merit? Did you take the merit? But when he shot with us. How'd you go, Andy? What did he say? Mass pike. Mass pike, no. Take the merit? Did you take the merit? But when he shot with us... You go 84, 84, Mass Pike, yeah. Do you need a place to cry? No, you got Frank. Now you have a place. When Nick shot the film with us the day he came to shoot, we were just talking to him and he said, I'll do anything for Steve. Anything for Steve.
Starting point is 00:14:23 My question to you is, why? This cost a hundred grand, this film, to make. I saw him snort that probably on a Friday night. The first time I met him, it mixed in the green room. And then Lenny doubled that. That's weird. Look at Lenny now. I wish I was snorting that thing.
Starting point is 00:14:48 His nickname was Darth Vader. But I wandered into Stitch's Comedy Club in 1986, like on a Wednesday night. It was Sweeney meeting night. I'd never even been in a comedy club. They're following Steve and Sweeney into the ladies room at a Chinese restaurant. Steve has a cutout of a fireman with his face through the hole. And they kicked the door open. There was a girl taking a dump in the stall.
Starting point is 00:15:10 I had to be part of this. The rest of my life. I hope somebody's rolling on that one. All right. So, yeah, it was a great, great night. It's funny. It was like Hollywood, only in a Somerville mass level. Stevie's a Charleston boy, and he deserves, I hope this sees the light of day.
Starting point is 00:15:35 They made the movie on 100 grand. If you guys know anything about show business, that's like a nickel. And, you know, we didn't get paid. So, for Christ's sake sweeney but he deserves it he's the reason i'm in this business like i said last night i don't know if i should kiss him or fucking kill him but uh yeah so if if that hopefully comes to a theater near you we don't know but um if you're a comic, you'll absolutely love it because it's a whole push and pull.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Be happy just with what you're doing for a living and you're doing what you love, which not many people can say. Or, you know, do you want that big break and you sacrifice everything? And it goes back and forth, and the characters are trying to fucking kill him. And it's a lot of fun. Let's go to my buddy, another comedy god of mine. Probably my favorite comic.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Him and Colin Quinn. And again, Louis, Bill Burr, David Tell. You're not going to find better comics than this. But Norm Macdonald, who I talked to for like 25 minutes last week on the phone. But he's in a little bit of hot water. Noah McDonald tells why Tonight Show canceled his visit. Addresses his disparaging. Again, I didn't write down where I pulled this.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Oh, NBC. So by Matt Webb Mitavich. Matt, let me just give you a little fucking clue when you're writing. His disparaging, hashtag me. Don't put your fucking opinion in the headline just put addresses his comments his uh don't fucking anyways let me read this the thought of noah mcdonald appearing on nbc's tonight show in the immediate wake of his disparaging comments about the hashtag me too movement i didn't find him
Starting point is 00:17:25 disparaging at all so you injected your opinion into the goddamn headline had some producers in tears and ultimately led to his uh visit being scrapped at the last minute i guess he went on stern this morning to tell why uh tuesday tonight show dropped by mcdonald said that he had arrived early at the late show to pre-tape a true confessions segment with fellow guest Matthew McConaughey when some people from NBC or the Tonight Show I don't know who they were he says stopped by his dressing room and questioned the prudence of doing that particular bit at this time the visitors then made clear to McDonald's that Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon would need to acknowledge his controversial remarks about the hashtag MeToo movement.
Starting point is 00:18:09 And again, that's your opinion, controversial. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, McDonald had said he was happy, this is quote unquote, happy the hashtag MeToo movement has slowed down a little bit. He also suggested that Louis C.K., the subject of multiple sexual misconduct allegations, and Roseanne Barr, ousted by ABC for racist comments, should get together to commiserate, explaining, and quote-unquote, there are very few people that have gone through what they have, losing everything in a day. Of course, people will go, what about the victims? But you know what? The victims didn't have to go through that. But you know what? The victims didn't have to go through that.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Eventually, a concerned-looking Fallon himself stopped by Norm's dressing room to ask, how should we play this? As you guys probably didn't know, this shit went on before. As McDonald told Stern, part of the reason I love Jimmy is because he does nothing about the news. He's just a song and dance man. He's not a political comedian. Interestingly, McDonald was a second guest on the Tonight Show the night Fallon must-up Republican candidate Donald Trump's hair. Fallon and McDonald
Starting point is 00:19:09 agreed they would address his hashtag MeToo remarks at the end of the interview, following some reminiscing about late-night Burt Reynolds because Norm used to play him
Starting point is 00:19:17 on the Tonight Show. After McDonald rebuffed the producer's idea to open the show with an apology, when they say producers, they're talking about chicks how do i know because it says again i mentioned they were crying literally crying uh fallon returned after mcdonald or buff the producer's idea to open the show with an apology
Starting point is 00:19:39 so get that straight no mcdonald and i love him because this is why you have to love him he believes what he says. And he refused to open with a, where do they get their fucking balls or tits in this case? And I'm sure there was some guys involved. To insist that he apologize. And I know fucking Norm, and it doesn't surprise me he rebuffed it. Because he has balls. Fallon returned to say that he was feeling a lot of pressure from people,
Starting point is 00:20:05 noting that some senior producers were crying, that's quote-unquote, crying over the idea of letting McDonald appear on air. I mean, crying. They use the word crying. Not whining, they were crying. I don't think any guys as emasculated as the guys that work at mbcr would be crying over this am i right fellas even though yeah uh don't you think do you read it the same way i do i mean i would hope they wouldn't be crying because if they're working in news they need to be a bit tougher than that they're not working in those it's a fucking entertainment show close enough okay well good point actually uh and so i'm i'm assuming it's women and can i just say something
Starting point is 00:20:51 if you are literally crying about this it it supports every misogynist out there why you shouldn't be working in comedy which i don't believe but i'm just saying if you were crying do you get my drift it backs up every sexist thought a guy's ever had you're gonna cry because you don't get your way fucking feminism has poisoned poor they don't go together comedy feminism i know ck said it we all knew it years ago. They don't go together. Okay? There's nothing more humorless than a modern-day feminist because they're steeped in victim ideology. Crying because they're not going to get the water.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Turning on the water works to get their way. A very chick thing to do. So put up Norm norm's tweet fellas today he backed didn't bet roseanne and lewis have both been very good friends of mine for many years they both made terrible mistakes and i would never defend their actions neither would i uh if my words sounded like i was minimizing the pain that the victims feel to this day, I'm deeply sorry. So, you know, this is a Nanette moment. It really is.
Starting point is 00:22:15 We're becoming fucking humorless. Artie Lang, my old radio buddy, posted something. I think it was before this. Today on Twitter. But, you know, saying basically, I don't even know if it applied to what happened with Norm. He's just saying in general, you younger generation better stop this shit or you're going to be on a, you know, humorless planet. So, in a statement released Tuesday evening, NBC said,
Starting point is 00:22:41 out of sensitivity to our audience and in light of Norm Macdonald's comments in the press, which I don't see they were that controversial, the Tonight Show has decided to cancel his appearance. As for the Hollywood Reporter interview that drew all this fire, Macdonald told Stern, I have great sorrow that people took it that way, adding, I'm totally behind the hashtag MeToo movement, which I believe him. Norm's not an unreasonable guy. I never said that the victims didn't go through anything. What I was saying was the reason to put Lewis and Roseanne together to talk was because only a few people in the whole world have gone through this new thing
Starting point is 00:23:15 where everything is stripped from them. I wasn't saying that was way worse than what the victims went through. What the victims went through is horrible. But see, we're at a point that's not enough for the feminists that's not enough for the fucking progressives on the left it's that it's that toxic masculinity he didn't back them up a thousand percent he was being reasonable in his fucking statements fuck you i'm so fucking tired of this shit. That was a good piece, Ryan.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Nice job finding that. And by the way, I didn't mention this. I mentioned Somerville Theater last night, Somerville Mass, that's where I was. We had a story. Mentioned it a couple. I don't know if we mentioned it. Some guy pissed on some veterans' flags at a cemetery in Somerville.
Starting point is 00:24:18 And somebody on a bus spotted him. So we have a picture of the guy right there. There's the flags he pissed on. These are flags that are on veterans, you know, tombstones. So, and there's the tough guy. There's the pot-bellied jerk-off. Look what his tattoos and his girlfriend hiding her face
Starting point is 00:24:35 because she probably looks like a boot. But isn't he a badass? Isn't he a fucking... I wonder how he voted. I wonder what party he voted for. Anybody want to take a guess? This is why I hate the fucking left and I take sides. There's no excuse.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Look at him. Fucking scumbag. I hope those cigarettes do what they're doing to me. Give you EKG problems. Fucking. You're a wormy cocksucker, you know that? What a ballsy move, huh? What a ball.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Some guy on a bus saw him doing it, got off the bus and confronted the scumbag. George Gatton, he said he was, oh, he stopped behind a bus on Broadway near Clarendon Station when he saw two people near a memorial statue, including a man he claims urinated on four miniature flags that were torn out of the ground. He undid his pants.
Starting point is 00:25:30 This is the witness. Took himself out and started urinating on the flags. Got any shocked by what he's witnessing. Got out of his car. Confronted the man. He says the suspect laughed in his face and walked off with a woman, which is surprising. That was probably a beard. Ryan, am I right?
Starting point is 00:25:50 In outrage, Gattney shared several images of the soaked flags and vandalized statue on social media, and the post went viral. Gattney's 81-year-old dad happens to be a war veteran and is upset by the incident. Naturally, the Somerville Police Department is investigating the removal and defilement
Starting point is 00:26:06 of American... You can't get a clearer picture. You can't find this fat fuck planted in the Veterans Memorial Cemetery and the desecration of the Veterans Monument to those who gave their lives in World War II
Starting point is 00:26:17 in defense of their country. Here's the photo. Anyone who can identify this fat fucking jerk-off is asked to contact police at 617-625-1600. So, you know, try defending that. I'm sure a lot of people on social media came to this guy's fucking defense
Starting point is 00:26:39 because that's the country we live in. Thank you, fucking Obama and a few other people. Pelosi, Dick Durbin, fucking Cory Booker, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Hillary fat, thick-ankled, dog-faced pig Clinton. Oh, come on, Nick. You got a pick pulse. You got to look at, shut it, shut it.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Try defending that. Sean in Boston. How are you, buddy? I'm well. How are you, sir? Pretty good. Take your time, Sean. Oh, yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Well, I guess I was hoping to make the Somerville Theater appearance, but I only heard about it the day before. I was unable to get tickets. But thanks for posting some of those pictures. Dude, it was great. I wish I could have been there. Are you from Boston, Sean, proper? I am from Bostonoston yes and uh you're aware of the legend huh steve sweeney no i just heard about him because i was watching your podcast like three or four days ago oh is
Starting point is 00:27:57 that right you got him on you gotta you gotta check him out sean live if you get a chance and and uh and check out that do you have a running joke with him when you say that he's from South Boston instead of Charlestown? No, I don't actually. I kind of lump in the two. And I said that last night. He goes, I'm not from fucking South Boston. I'm from Charlestown. I sat next to two guys from Charlestown that he grew up with, and they were howling.
Starting point is 00:28:23 And I couldn't find the seat. I had a VIP pass, and everybody, yeah, I was out front shooting some interviews. I come into the theater, and everything's taken. And we found a couple seats, me and my wife, and I happened to sit next to his two best friends from Charlestown. And, yeah, dude, I'm telling you, Sean, go see the movie. It's showing in Beverly at the Cabot Theater, I think, on October 7th or something.
Starting point is 00:28:52 But, you know, I absolutely love it. What's funny, I'm going back to school. I just got accepted. I'm going back to school on Monday in Charlestown. So I'm going to spend 224 hours there this fall. What's the school in Charlestown? School of Hard Knocks? No, it's Cambridge College.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Cambridge College in Charlestown? I know. Yeah, I know. You'd think it was in England. That's hilarious. But they need a better logo. It's like a poor man's Harvard. It's in Charlestown.
Starting point is 00:29:24 That's great. Well, yeah, check him out, Sean. I'll give you two guesses about what class I'm taking. Afro-American studies and women's studies. No. No, I'm taking a course in professional poker dealing. I don't know anything about poker. I'm embarrassed to say.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I know how to play a little five card draw and stuff. But I just, I never I never, just anything that involves even an ounce of luck, I want nothing to fucking do with. I wish I thought that way before I get into comedy. Did you see the new gambling facility that's next to 93 North?
Starting point is 00:30:07 Let's talk about political correctness. It says that's why you called. Oh, yeah. I mean, well, I live in Roxbury, but I live close to Jamaica Plain, which is actually where I'm from. And my sister's ex-boyfriend is a member of our group. If you'll do me the favor, it's an acronym, okay? It's called SURJ, and it's spelled S-U-R-J.
Starting point is 00:30:33 And I'll tell you the last three letters stand for up, racial, and justice, respectively. And what do you think the first one stands for? SURJ. Blank up, and then there's a missing word for it's a preposition so i guess it's not needed blank blank up for racial justice did you say the first letter is a c no it's an s yeah um s uh blank up, shut up. Yeah. S, is it? Is that right? No? No.
Starting point is 00:31:09 What is it? No. This is an example of a, like fill in the blank or a sentence completion problem. This is one of the two types of verbal problems. All right, I don't have time. I got to move along,
Starting point is 00:31:21 but real quick, what is it? No, it's actually show up for racial justice. You'd think it might be stand up for racial justice, but it's not. And I went to a couple of these meetings because I was on my sister's ex-boyfriend's email list and I decided to go to one. And then they set the parameters for discussion on that. And basically this group exists so that white people can help correct the racial disparities that exist in our society. Yeah, we've already done that. It's called welfare and Medicaid.
Starting point is 00:31:55 I'm serious. Well, there are a number of different parameters for discussion. Sean, Sean, Sean, Sean, I got to call I got to, I get callers backing up, man. I hate to let you go. Okay. Okay. But, um, okay. I'll get right to the point.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Go ahead. Okay. Well, so one of the, one of the rules was basically, if you, if you talk a lot, consider talking less. If you talk a little, consider talking more. But basically we couldn't use those sorts of words because not everybody can talk. And so that would be, would be ableist or something. All right.
Starting point is 00:32:28 And I mean, but the amazing thing was this is the group, you know, devoted to this ideology. And they didn't even realize that they had violated their own rules in setting the rules. It was a member of the audience who, when given the opportunity, said instead of using these sort of languages like step up, stand back, I don't know what the original metaphor was. She said we had to take space and make space. And I thought, that's amazing. I mean, it actually was really thoughtful. You know, I guess if you buy into this ideology, it's great. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:33:01 But we just spent about 10 minutes, you know, talking about nothing. Right. All right. All right, Sean. Thank you. Appreciate it. Again, pithy folks. I say keep the, keep the, but, but, but he's right.
Starting point is 00:33:14 It starts with the language. That's how they fucking, the definition of political correctness is manipulating people's behavior through language. And it's worked for the jerk offs on the left. And the only way you can fight back is to stand up and and and uh like no mcdonald's the most reasonable guy you'll meet okay ever funny everybody loves him but who some fucking some broads at the tonight show i guarantee when i say broads that includes uh white emasculated males who call themselves feminists. Oh, it makes me fucking ill.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Let's get to more political correctness. Melbourne, Australia, a cartoonist Serena Williams we talked about the other day has been widely condemned as a racist depiction of the tennis great, has been partially reprinted on the front page of the Melbourne-based newspaper that initially published it. How about a hand for them? Do we have a picture of the cartoon? There you go.
Starting point is 00:34:22 How is that racially, how is that racist in any ways that's dead on that's what she looks like she's much prettier than that that's fucking wrong they got that wrong but he depicted what went on and um does she have thicker lips like a lot of Africa? Yes. Is she built like a defensive end for the Eagles? Yes. Does she have an exploding cigar haircut? Yes. Was she whining like a little bitch that day? Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:56 And then, you know, the blonde girl in the back. That's a no-no. You can't depict a black woman like that. But I love Australia, you know, because they don't put up with a lot lot they've done a few politically correct things lately but uh this isn't one of them the newspaper which has australia's largest circulation has defended its cartoonist mark knight's depiction of williams and is asserting that condemnation which has come from all parts of the world is driven by political correctness uh once again uh that is exactly right is it not it's uh the self-appointed censors of mark knight he's if the self-appointed censors of mark knight
Starting point is 00:35:34 get their way in his serena williams cartoon our new policy uh our new politically correct these fucking glasses uh new politically correct life will be very dull indeed everybody's finally catching on after 40 years you're way too late again get my first cd born this way when i'm screaming about diversity and what a big fucking lie it is but um i was way ahead of the curve uh williams has won the australian open singles titled seven times at melbourne park including 2017 when she was pregnant she's a crowd favorite at the first tennis major of the year which is hell whatever but in comments published by newscore knight said that he created the cartoon after watching williams tantrum during her u.s open final loss to naomi osaka on saturday and
Starting point is 00:36:23 that it was his designed to illustrate her poor behavior on the day, not about race, which is how I took it. And anybody who isn't fucking poisoned by political correctness and sees racism every corner they turn around, it's clear what he was depicting. But no, no, no. Again, Knight reportedly had to disable his Twitter account
Starting point is 00:36:48 after his posts of the cartoon attracted tens of thousands of comments, mostly critical because we know Twitter. The people are fucking sharp as a tack on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Some critics said of Knight's cartoon described it as a clear example of stereotype-facing black women depicting Williams as an irate, hulking, big-mouthed black woman jumping up and down on a broken racket.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! That's how I saw it. You are correct, sir. The Empire was shown telling a blonde, slender woman meant to be Osaka
Starting point is 00:37:24 who was Japanese and haitian can you just let her win yes um she was playing a blonde slender woman who was haitian and japanese and she is a big hulking black woman who because of her physical gifts 68260 uh has won uh record tournaments let's not let's ignore that, though. Guys, this is a little hot. It's cracking every time I get near it. Let's ignore that, right? Let's ignore that, those physical differences.
Starting point is 00:37:55 And it's... You can't handle the fucking truth. You PC pussies cannot handle... She acted like a spoiled fucking child. Everybody says she's the greatest female. Up a little. Up a little. There's a... Up a little. Motherfuckers.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Just... Thank you. Right there. There's, you know... There's a spectrum. And she's 90 times bigger than her... I can't... I'm tired of it.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I can't fucking... So then Vanessa DeLuca weighed in, former editor in chief of Essence magazine. That's a black magazine. I was deeply offended. This is not this is not a joke. She said. And shut up. Shut, shut, shut, shut, shut up.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Shut up. Yes, please. Shut up. Shut, shut, shut, shut, shut up. Shut up. Yes, please. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. The cartoonist completely missed the point of why she was upset DeLuca told the AP. It was about her integrity.
Starting point is 00:38:55 And anybody who doesn't get that is perpetuating the erasure that so many black women feel when they're trying to speak up for themselves. It's like our opinions don't matter. Really? It's like your opinions don't fucking matter? Really? Yeah, we've never heard the opinions of Whoopi Goldberg, 30 years of fucking Oprah, and any other black actress that made a 20-minute speech at the Oscars. You're full of shit.
Starting point is 00:39:23 You're overrepresented. Your voice is overrepresented. Your voice is overrepresented. You make up about 4% of the whole population of the United States. I'm sick of hearing about strong black women. Are you shitting me? You give me a fucking headache. Shut it. Shut it. Jesus fucking Christ. You really think your voice isn't heard? Do you ever stop your fucking bitching? And it's not just black women, fucking the whole family. Do you ever, your never-ending list of fucking grievances, do they ever end? But the idea that black women's voices aren't heard, are you fucking dog-styling me?
Starting point is 00:40:04 I hear them in my head when i go to sleep fuck it hey people out there are looking at me going thank you in a social media post, Peter Blunden, manager director of News Corp Operations in the state of Victoria, said Australia's finest cartoonist Mark Knight has the strongest support of his colleagues for his depiction of Serena Williams' petulance. It's about bad behavior, certainly not race.
Starting point is 00:40:39 The PC Brigade are way off the fucking mark again. You are correct, sir. God fucking damn it. Boy, you guys are getting a lesson, huh? You probably never fucking even realized how your voices are minimized as skinny white males. Or fat by fucking weather.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Let's go to Ty Crease in Roxbury. I have a summer home in Roxbury. He wants to talk about Serena. Ty Crease, what's up? Uh, hey, yo. One second. Yeah, take it easy, Ty Crease. Nice talking to you.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Another fella named Ty Crease not prepared. Let's go to Dale in Jersey. Dale, your thoughts on anything? You're Titless Wanda. How are you? You motherfucker. How you doing, Nick? You titless wonder, how are you? You motherfucker. How you doing, Nick? All right.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Nick, I'm not a tennis fan, and I got that thrown off when I was listening. Nick, what do you think about this? And I called you before on this. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Dale, hold on. Are you on speakerphone or something? Hold on a second. Yeah, please.
Starting point is 00:42:06 How do you not know? How about now? Yeah, same thing, but go ahead. I'm on my Bluetooth, not the speakerphone. Oh, there you go. All right. Nick, I called you before. I called you before.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Remember the whole stupid border thing where the Dems doubled down on Trump? Yeah. And it's like he was ruined. And two weeks later, it went nowhere. Yes. I got scared. I've been Trump banging the pot since day one. And with the Manafort and Cohen thing, I was like, he was ruined. And two weeks later, it went nowhere. I got scared. I've been Trump banging the pot since day one. And with the Manafort and Cohen thing,
Starting point is 00:42:28 I was like, fuck. Dale, Dale, Dale, you got to get on. Dale, Dale, Dale, you got to get on a phone, man. Get off Bluetooth. It's all scrambled and shit. Shit, so I'll call back. All right, call back. Jesus fucking guys
Starting point is 00:42:45 fucking go to a payphone for fuck's sake Jesus fucking Christ do you not know cell phones suck they're causing cancer not only that the delay I think the delay creates fucking irritability in people which causes cancer
Starting point is 00:43:02 Jesus Christ he sounded like he was in a fucking submarine in the fucking Pacific. Serena, get the fuck over it. Feminists, get the fuck over it. Black women, get the fuck over yourselves. Your voices are overrepresented. I'll say it again. Same with gay people
Starting point is 00:43:26 on TV. You make up 5% of the population, 98% of the broadcasting, broadcasting decisions. I lived in Hollywood. I went to fucking auditions. I saw who casts this shit. Every time I walked into an audition, they got this look like they just smelled dog shit
Starting point is 00:43:42 or onions. This is the guy that pushed me in a locker. Get the fuck over yourselves. I'm so glad Trump's the president, alpha male. Let's go on to the left losing its shit. Hold on, is this Dale calling back? I'll wait for him if it is. Maybe he found the rotary phone in his grampy's attic i get stored let me read the headlines here to show you the left is out of
Starting point is 00:44:12 castro valley man accused of switchblade assault on gop congressional candidate dc police investigate threat to commit mass shooting at maga event in Trump International Hotel in D.C. Wyoming GOP office set on fire less than two days after opening. Police say it's intentional. Threats of rape and strangling forced D.C. McAllister into hiding after anti-abortion tweet. Secret Service wants to talk with actress Carol Cook over assassination comment. You think Trump has made you expose you people for the violent, mindless fuckstains that you are?
Starting point is 00:44:49 I think so. Let's go back to our friend Dale. And Dale, you got to be pithy. Get right to the point. Go ahead, sir. All right, Nick. Nick, you remember the Manafort and Cohen thing? As a Trump fan, I thought we were fucked.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I was like, okay, how's he getting out of this? And about two, three weeks later, he's done. So if you notice, since that happened, you're talking about, it just triggered me last night with, what's his name, McDonald getting kicked off of The Tonight Show. You have Kumi that cannot officially go back on Twitter. So seriously. How about me getting kicked off? on Twitter. So, serious. How about me getting kicked off?
Starting point is 00:45:27 How about me getting kicked off serious and me getting punched in the face? Oh, Nick, I called you this before. Nick, you called it perfectly. It was just like, wow, this guy's very successful. So we're going to offer him this and he's going to be like, F you, I don't want this. So let's fire him beforehand,
Starting point is 00:45:43 which I think is what happened to Kumi when he got fired years ago. Right. I think the contract came up and they were like, he was successful. It's like, okay, let's put Jim in and got out. Don't get me wrong, it's my favorite show. Yeah. But so Nick, you have the Manafort, you know, Cohen thing. I even got nervous.
Starting point is 00:45:58 I'm like, how did you get out of this? And you realize it's done, over. Now they, I've never seen the media double down i mean i understand fox was against obama i never saw the rest of the networks again uh you know against him so they so what's her name was on kumia with that girl ann coulter she was like hey we're gonna lose the house she's like probably and i'm like i don't think so i have a feeling that they're so freaked out if they what do you think if they lose the house and he gets what is it the 60 in the senate i have a feeling you're gonna see riots in the street and i think they're they're so paranoid they're fucked you think if if if they're if the republicans lose the house
Starting point is 00:46:35 you're gonna see riots in the street no no no no no if the republicans get 60 in the senate and keep the house then trump's gonna do whatever he. And I think they're on beyond doubling down like they are. Fuck, fuck, and fuck. Yeah, well, that's a pretty good, that's pretty accurate speculation, but I don't, I don't know, Coulter,
Starting point is 00:46:57 when she makes a prediction, she's pretty goddamn accurate. You know, I mean, she predicted Trump, she'd get laughed out of Bill Maher's studio. She knows what's going on, but I would agree with that, accurate. You know, I mean, she predicted Trump. She got laughed out of Bill Maher's studio. She knows what's going on, but I would agree with that, though. They will, I mean, look, Dale, look how they're losing their fucking minds right now.
Starting point is 00:47:13 And, you know, you're absolutely right. I can't imagine if Trump is able to run roughshod and the Republicans control both chambers. They're already getting violent. My next three story, four stories headlines are reading about violence that the left is, you know, they're not even hiding it now. So that's actually a great prediction.
Starting point is 00:47:36 And we'll keep an eye out that. Good, thanks for the call, Dale. Good hearing from you, buddy. Yeah, I didn't really think of that because I'm kind of convinced, I don't know from, and I'm stupid. I don't know why I'm believing the media hearing from you buddy uh yeah i i didn't really think of that because i'm kind of convinced i don't know from i and i'm stupid i don't know why i'm believing the media and that there might be a blue wave coming as far as but uh after these next stories i'm gonna read um i think people
Starting point is 00:47:56 would have enough especially even norm and shit like that and comia and and uh uh kyle let's go. We'll take one more call before I go on to the left losing its tits. Kyle in New York, talking about comedy selling and political correctness. Kyle, what's going on? Hey, Nick, how's it going? I was listening to another YouTube program,
Starting point is 00:48:20 this gentleman that goes by the name Saints Entertainment, and he was discussing Anthony Acumia being blackballed from the comedy cellar. And just, you know, with the callers calling in and people in the chat, they were discussing how this might be a domino's effect with other comedians that might be, you know, right-leaning. Do you think that's going to be a problem? Well, number one, Anthony's not a stand-up comedian.
Starting point is 00:48:47 So he had a run-in with Jon Stewart, who is a stand-up comedian, at the Comedy Cellar. Excuse me. And it brought bad publicity to the Comedy Cellar. I know Noam, the owner, mentioned this. And I like both those guys. I know Jon Stewart well, and I fucking love Anthony, obviously. But he's not a stand-up.
Starting point is 00:49:11 So, look, I lean right in my politics, and they treat me like gold down there. Noam's father loved me, who started the comedy cell, who passed away. And they give me plenty of anytime I need spots or to do a guest set, they treat me like gold. So I don't necessarily believe that. Anthony was a radio personality and, and no, just thought that the blow up at the table,
Starting point is 00:49:35 I guess it got ugly and loud that, that it was negative publicity for the club, but it wouldn't surprise me that after some time passes that Anthony would be allowed back in there. No, the guy who runs it is his. Go ahead. Yeah. Also, some time passes that Anthony would be allowed back in there. Noam, the guy who runs it, is his favorite. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Yeah, also, one of the calls I mentioned on that show was that Jimmy Norton is very left-leaning, and he hasn't gone up to bat for Anthony at all. Like, anytime anybody goes to call the show, Jim and Sam's show, he kind of, like like he'll hang up the phone he doesn't want to discuss it at all and i'm just thinking that is he worried about losing his job it's serious if he aligns himself or he sticks up for anthony i'll uh i'll take that uh i'll answer that off the right now but thank you for the the uh call kyle uh yeah first of all jimmy's not left lane not very left-leaning that's what you said you-leaning, not very left-leaning.
Starting point is 00:50:26 That's what you said, your exact right. He's not very left-leaning. Jimmy's plays both sides. Jimmy's pretty smart, business savvy, but I think he's pretty fair politically. I would say more down the middle. And I think him and, you know, not wanting to discuss what happened with him and Anthony is between them. And it has nothing to do with ideology and him worrying about losing his job. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:48 That's my take on it. Unless serious got into his head and said, listen, we don't know whatever. But I don't think it has anything to do with political ideology. So. Let's. So let me just show. let's uh so let me just show let me just read a couple stories illustrating the fucking left and and and how trump has them in a fucking tizzy and how they're embarrassing themselves for the last two years now almost two years and uh i i don't know how you can even say you know
Starting point is 00:51:18 and again i call them like i see them so don't fucking accuse me of picking one side. You know? A man was arrested on suspicion of felony assault and other charges after allegedly attempting to stab a Republican congressional candidate with a switchblade over the weekend in Castro.
Starting point is 00:51:39 I'm sorry for laughing. In Castro Valley. So, um... It's not going to be long before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy. On Sunday, September 9th, approximately 345 in the afternoon, deputies working at the Castro Valley Fall Festival alerted to a possible knife attack at one of the vendors' booths. Deputies arrived at the booth and made contact with a victim, Republican candidate Rudy Peters, who's running against the incumbent Eric Swalwell Democrat for the 15th congressional day if you
Starting point is 00:52:10 don't know who Swalwell is Tucker Carlson has him on every week as a punching bag he looks like he's from California kind of a dirty blonde fucking he's got this glazed look in his eyes just dumb as a bag of fucking rocks. Tucker brings him on, hits him with like five body shots, three head shots, and then kicks him in the balls every fucking time. And Jason,
Starting point is 00:52:32 that was very intimidating. You throwing that left hook. I got to chill up my fucking vagina. I bring a box and Jason starts sparring in there. What do you go to Tiger Schultz and get your fucking green belt? Deputies
Starting point is 00:52:52 arrived at the booth, made contact with the victim and according to witnesses, 35-year-old Castro Valley resident Farzad Fazeli. What is that? An Arab Ginzaloon? Hey, hey, Ryan, focus, will you? Fucking poor guy.
Starting point is 00:53:08 He needs Ritalin so bad. I'll give him some wine after. Put some, put a roofie in it. I wake up in my driveway with his underwear over his head. Going, what happened? Can I call an Uber? 35-year-old Castro Valley resident Fazzard Fazelli approached Peters at is both in an
Starting point is 00:53:26 aggressive manner and made disparaging profanity laced remarks about the republican party and trump during the incident fazeli allegedly pulled out a switchblade as somebody named fazad would do living in california uh and attempted to stab peters the knife malfunctioned because it was made by chinese no the knife malfunctioned because it was made by Chinese. No, the knife malfunctioned and the candidate became involved in a physical struggle with Fazelli. That's what the sheriff Ray Kelly said. The suspect then fled the scene
Starting point is 00:53:52 but was detained a short time later by deputies and was found in possession of a switchblade that had refried beans on it and what? He had a switchblade in it. Why would you repeat that in the fucking article?
Starting point is 00:54:07 You just told us, you dumb cunt. Fucking two sentences ago, he had a knife on him. Pazelli was arrested for felony assault, criminal threats, brandishing a weapon, and having a terrorist name with an Italian last name. He was waterboarded with some fucking Carlo Rossi wine and then given a bowl of polenta in the... Possession of a switchblade and booked into Santa Rita jail.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Look at all the jails named Santa Rita. Just give it to fucking Mexico, California, you fucking faggots. Peters wasn't injured. Fazelli, who lists his occupation as douchebag and cum guzzler, was booked into... No, as a cashier, was booked into Santa Rita jail in Dublin, Ohio or Ireland? No, Dublin, California. Peter says he would have stabbed me.
Starting point is 00:54:55 I mean, if he wasn't fucking mentally retarded and from another country, he had it out saying, I'm going to kill you. This is what the guy said. I'm going to kill you, MFR. I'm going to kill you. I could see his thumb trying to get the knife out. He said the encounter started with verbal threats, but they were in Spanish and Arab and Farsi, so he couldn't know.
Starting point is 00:55:12 He picks up a cup of coffee. Listen to this. This is true. He picks up a cup of coffee, a coffee cup to rear back and throw at us. And apparently the coffee, the beans were picked by his uncle fazool and i jumped around the table he throws the coffee cup and misses us it hits the ground
Starting point is 00:55:36 and breaks thanks mr peters like that's important so i come out and grab him wrestle him and throw him down to the ground fazeli made his first first court appearance Tuesday for possession of a switchblade and threatening to commit great bodily injury or death. But Fazelli's mother and attorney says he's the victim. Oh, do you? So your mother and your fucking lawyer say you're innocent. Suck a bag of fucking cock meat.
Starting point is 00:56:00 If your mother and your lawyer say you didn't do anything, you did something. How about that? Your mother's a lying fucking whore and so is your lawyer. They ought to get together and have some lying whore kids. Fuck stains. I got a nice picture of him if you want it. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Pull it up, Ryan. What the fuck? It's Craig Anton, my stand-up comedian friend. I don't know if you know Anton. And why is Trump's brother, the unknown Kevin Trump, representing him? Look at this guy. He looks like fucking Reverend Jim. I threw a coffee cup at this motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Guys, I can hear you. Either talk into the fucking mic or don't talk at all. Go ahead. Go ahead. You aren't two funny twinks. Yeah, press the button. It's been two months. Come on, Jace.
Starting point is 00:56:59 It's not working. Fucking A. Now, the in-ear microphone that only goes to you, for some reason turned on and the light's not indicating that. I don't know what the heck's going on. Why can I hear you and not Jace? Because he's not talking right now. Because I was talking to the other one. That one's not working?
Starting point is 00:57:13 Yeah, this one is just randomly turning off. The one that I built in my garage yesterday is not working? Yeah. Look at this guy. Oh, I tore the stub. So that's one. Okay, that's one. Okay, that's one. D.C. police investigate threat to commit mass shooting at MAGA event in Trump Hotel.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Threat was made ahead of the planned Tuesday event by an anonymous Twitter account that supports a Democrat socialist, a far left political group. Oh, my God. That's fucking surprising. Fucking quiz. I am coming. This is what he said. With a gun, I expect to get some numerous bloodstained MAGA hats as trophies, said the anonymous fucking pussy and everything that's wrong with the United States of America in 2018.
Starting point is 00:57:58 The Metropolitan Police Department is investigating the threat. Are you really? Fucking. It was on Twitter under cassandra fairbanks she asked who was going to the maga meetup tonight and the guy the guy replied to her i am coming with a gun and i expect to get numerous bloodstained mega hats and a couple of uh nipple piercings a hotel manager confirmed the staff were aware of the threat and taken uh appropriate security measures by hiding under their desks
Starting point is 00:58:31 with super soakers filled with cat peepee the threat was made by an account that has since been deleted of course cowardly motherless goo gobbling fuck stain and a response to a tweet by conservative writer cassandra fairbanks the pro-trump event was scheduled to begin at 6 30 fairbanks other conservative figures said they still plan to attend. Of course they do. So that's two. He tweeted a picture of a gun with that, too. Yeah, do you have that? I think we know what a gun looks like.
Starting point is 00:58:55 That adds to the story. I'm coming with a gun. Guy puts up a visual of a gun. Thanks for clearing that up. I thought it was more a round shape like an onion ring with spikes coming out of it. What the fuck? Like we wouldn't believe him at his words. I'm coming with a gun.
Starting point is 00:59:12 He really got like two pineapples that are fucking overly ripe. I'm coming with a bag of rotten tomatoes and a fucking ham sandwich. okay that's two stories about the left becoming unhinged and resorting to violence you know why first of all you are still in shock that trump beat the thick-ankled dog-faced whore secondly the economy's booming he crushed isis he's doing what he promised he's making you fucking people look silly silly and i wasn't a fan of trump's i hated him on the apprentice i'm just saying you guys have lost your tits he's making you look like douchebags you're losing to him and he's a big dummy what's that make you fucking retarded. Fucking retarded.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Hey, a word from Paul Lynn. Right this very minute, you are being watched by something on the moon. Well, where was it when I had my... God damn it, I keep hitting the same one. Can most people accept laughter during romantic encounter? that when I had my seven years old. God damn it, I keep hitting the same one. Can most people accept laughter during romantic encounter? I think they prefer applause. Wyoming GOP office set on fire less than two days after opening.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Police say it was intentional. Local police departments cooperating with the Federal bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms that would be in the ongoing investigation adding authorities have not yet identified a suspect or motive look for a fucking lesbian or a person of color or a fat woman who doesn't get along with anybody or a fucking uh who else votes demica or an ex-con the burnt office is shared by albany county republican party and the wyoming college republicans who just moved in on tuesday less than 48 hours before look look at that excuse me wait a minute that's not that that was a fucking okay it looks like somebody maybe uh spilled some black hash knocked over a couple ash trays is that
Starting point is 01:01:33 not for nothing i know that's a fire but that's a sad fire i do more damage when i fucking fart in the living room does that look that funny the love of Christ that's what they what do they light what do they do fucking birthday candles and I do we have any more pictures proving of the
Starting point is 01:01:53 I guess not that's alright minimal damage but that's not the point folks once again I want you to call me in with some stories of the right doing this shit
Starting point is 01:02:04 I'm not saying they don't. Oh, my God. Now, that's more like it. They melted that beautiful $11 chair from Target. That's a beautiful. Hey, do you have a nice chair? What color would you like? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Baby diarrhea yellow. Maybe French mustard yellow. I don't know. Something the same color that when you lance a fucking boil on your foot do you have that look at that chair they did him a favor by burning it look at that piece of fucking shit look at that fellas you guys i bought you better chairs that's something you sit on at the dentist's office if you're in fucking Harlem. The fire damage in the building's interior,
Starting point is 01:02:51 but otherwise limited. Thanks for passerby, you called. Thank God for passerbys, huh? Elsewhere in town, party staffers on Thursday found a defaced sign accusing Republican Liz Cheney, she's a house member, of supporting fascism. Isn't that funny? They fucking find that you burn somebody's political office down and you cooze them of fascism. Your sister's box smells.
Starting point is 01:03:23 That's three stories. What's that? That's them. That's the who were there uh two days before it burned down that picture almost makes me happy they had a fire the chair's right there in the back yeah and the guy's got the same shirt on to match it let me put on my shit yellow shirt dave can you hold the left side of the sign i'll have diane hold the. There's a cut out of Reagan. Oh yeah, there's Reagan. Look at... He's bombing the picture. Well, I smell smoke and... Well, did somebody knock over a candle?
Starting point is 01:03:57 It's those goddamn socialists. They were aiming for him. They missed. Shut up, Ryan. You're not funny. Anyways, back to the show go home and put on a tank top for your fucking girlfriend listen here we go third story hey focus will you fucking focus jesus fuck you really are autistic
Starting point is 01:04:23 Jesus fuck you really are autistic somebody mentioned online that Ryan might be on he really is I'm gonna have to shoot some black tar heroin into the base of his cock to mellow him out threats of rape and strangling for again guys you fucking
Starting point is 01:04:40 threats of rape and strangling force DC McAllister into hiding after an anti-abortion tweet. You're raping me! This is rape! This is rape! This is rape! At the root of the abortion hysteria... Wait a minute. Last week, PJ Media contributed and Fox News guest Denise McAllister sent out a powerful tweet denouncing the abortion movement. Little did she know, days later, she would be in hiding, scared for her life because some left-wing loons.
Starting point is 01:05:16 When she went public about receiving death and rape threats, pro-abortion Twitter users championed the threats against her. That's because they're all fat, ugly broads who nobody would stick a finger in if you had four gloves on. They're angry at the world. They have fucking mustaches, thick fucking necks, and they're hateful.
Starting point is 01:05:36 They don't fit into the mainstream society in this country. Ah! Hold on, I need a fucking whiskey. Hold on, I need a fucking whiskey. That's a Japanese whiskey somebody gave me a year ago. It's fucking delicious. I mean, the Japanese, I'll tell you, between the rice and the fish and the whiskey,
Starting point is 01:05:56 I really like these people. She tweeted about abortion, and they went nuts. At the root of abortion, hysteria is women's unhinged. This is her tweet. Here we go. At the root of abortion, hashtag abortion, hysteria is women's unhinged desire for irresponsible sex. I don't have a problem with that. Sex is their god.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Mine too. Abortion is their sacrament. I don't know what that is. It's abhorrent as women have flung themselves from the heights of being the world's civilizing force to the muck and mire of dehumanizing depravity. Well put. She's very well put. But I don't agree with a lot of it. I thank God for dirty whores out there. And as you know, this is where I split ways with my conservative. I'm not fucking pro-life. I could give a shit. I'm a guy and guys don't, what do you want? You know, we can only have sex if it's going to have some kids.
Starting point is 01:06:56 What the fuck are you doing at a nightclub in that skirt? Hoping to start a family tomorrow? After you leave fucking Studio 59. But the point being is she gets death threats and rape threats and strangling threats. Okay, that's my point. You're raping me. This is rape. This is rape.
Starting point is 01:07:35 This is rape. There are threats outside of Twitter stating they know where I live. McAllister says threats of rape and strangling. I spoke to police. I am on home watch. My children are very frightened. On Sunday, she went public about the threats. I'm facing legit death and rape threats because i have dared to call out women who are hysterical about abortion and to challenge them to be responsible not to elevate sex at a point that they're willing to
Starting point is 01:07:53 kill human life to avoid their responsibilities how sick is that she tweeted and again there's nobody more irrational than a fucking modern day feminine. They're fucking psychotic. That's three. We have a stabbing of a GOP candidate, an attempted stabbing. Burning of a GOP office in Wyoming. Now a pro-life woman being threatened, death threats, rape, strangling. Anybody see a pattern developing here? Which party is out of fucking control oh they don't represent me
Starting point is 01:08:28 I vote Democrat those are the fuck off you vote for them you're voting with them you're voting together you're part of the fucking just don't vote like I'm not gonna I'm sick of both parties I fucking Paul Ryan I like to kick him in his faggy fucking widow peak
Starting point is 01:08:44 and fucking Ben Sasse from Nebraska Fucking Paul Ryan, I like to kick him in his faggy fucking widow peak. And fucking Ben Sass from Nebraska, another fucking fake Republican. Go right down the middle, folks. I don't know what party that is. Let's go to Joe in Long Island. Dems running in 2020. Joe, how are you? How's your onion?
Starting point is 01:09:08 Welcome to the show. It's nice and smelly. How are you doing? Yeah, I wanted to know who you think is going to run on the Democratic side and what happens to the left. You see how crazy they're going now when Trump wins again. Yeah, somebody just said, well, not even the 2020, but the midterms. What if the Republicans take the House and the Senate and Trump has free reign? Yeah. But good question.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Go ahead. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Do you really think it gets these threats become realistic or what do you think? You think we're headed to that point? Which threats? Well, like, you know, them calling out this guy and, you know, we're going to rape you and murder you and all that. Do you think it's actually going to come into effect? It's already.
Starting point is 01:10:06 It's already happening. I mean, the fire is real. The guy trying to stab the GOP candidate at the festival, that's real. The shooting of Steve Scalise on the baseball field, that's real. The fucking threats against this woman, this pro-life woman it's already happening it's already in fucking motion so good question I have no idea if Trump won a second term
Starting point is 01:10:31 you better get your guns ready and that's why I'm confident our side has a bunch of guns they have a bunch of fat broads with purple hair who can't get laid and a chip on their shoulder and a bunch of faggy fucking white liberal kids guys who pretend to be uh you know feminists but they're really potential rapists but it's already happening joe
Starting point is 01:10:53 to answer your question so um you know i worry about the president you know how far are they going to take it i mean i in my lifetime i saw reagan i saw reagan uh didn't see it i mean I in my lifetime I saw Reagan I saw Reagan didn't see it I mean I saw it on TV I saw Reagan get shot I saw somebody take a shot at Gerald Ford and I saw somebody take a shot at fucking Ryan coming out of a bathhouse in Provincetown it was a young that's why I love Ryan he all I see over the computer screens all I see is eyebrows he just goes that's why i love ryan he all i see over the computer screens all i see is eyebrows he just goes that's all he knows saved my life ah when you guys talk you can put yourself on camera i'm trying to make you semi-famous there you go maybe look at this is hilarious jason actually has color in his face ryan looked... What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:11:47 What's the light right on you, Ryan? Yeah, no, all these screens are blue, Nick. Oh, it's the reflection? Word. Yeah, word. Holy shit. You sound like a fucking black guy in 1994. I have some more tweets at her.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Okay, go ahead. Let's read more of the hate from the fucking may God have mercy on your soul I sure would not and who's that from Christy look at Christy who turned went from a young man to an old fucking angry man hey Christy you're a fucking man you're a man oh. You're a man.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Oh, let's see what jerk-off Andre. Too bad your mother didn't have it. Wow! Did you just think of that one, Andre? Nobody's ever said that before. Fucking cum guzzler. Sherry Lynch. Uh, what?
Starting point is 01:12:39 Who ordered the crazy word salad with a side of toxic internalized misogyny? Wow, aren't you a poet, you fucking stink hole? Oh, I hope you find the lump in your fucking neck the size of a grapefruit, you pig. Go ahead. Any more? People don't react well to your extremism. Oh, that's extreme?
Starting point is 01:12:59 That's extreme what she's proposing? That the people don't have irresponsible sex? It's a little extreme oh jesus what do we got a gay cowboy here i love it when these people just straight up admit their goal is controlling women not protecting life we all know it it's just refreshing when they say it yeah i guess that's why roe versus wade has been overturned the 19 times you predicted it was overturned you fucking nice hat why don't you you go blow the Indian and the cop in your band? Oh, you fucking chap man.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Matthew chapped ass. Yeah, again, Ryan, about as funny as cancer at the baby center. One final, and I'll... Carol Cook, actress. She's in her late hundreds, this wrinkled bag of cheese. Secret Service wants to hear from the veteran TV star who thinks she's a veteran TV star? What did she play, a grilled cheese in her last role
Starting point is 01:14:05 she fucking secret service wants to hear from veteran tv star who thinks it would be a good idea for someone to john wilkes booth president trump sources connected with uh the agency tells tmz carol cook's comments to our photographer when she left Craig's restaurant. Craig's restaurant. It's delicious, by the way. They have the best egg salad there. Oh, I get it with carrots in it and onions and red pubes. Comments to our photographer when she left Craig's on Sunday night were enough to trigger an official inquiry. Our photographer asked Cook, hey, is it true you're as dry as a fucking
Starting point is 01:14:47 corn muffin down there? A famous Broadway actress who also appeared on Dynasty when she was in her late 70s. That makes her 141. Cagney and Lacey, 16 candles. They're going to do a remake with her. It's going to be called 178 Candles.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Fucking dry nipple leather puss uh they asked her what she thought about trump she replied where's john wilkes booth when you need him when our guy asked if she meant trump should be assassinated she responded out of uh that dry mouth why not well you are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, a big fat stinking cunt. Just cunt. Said and true but they'll tell you you're a motherfucking cunt. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, a motherfucking cunt. Not cute. Everybody knows from the head to the toes you're a big fat stinking cunt.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Look at her. Look at that. Nice hairdo. Look at that. What the? Holy. What the fuck? She's wearing a red shower cap. Wearing the same bling that every wide receiver wears after they're being interviewed in the
Starting point is 01:16:11 fucking locker room look at this white woman go away go away you were a twat the day you were born you're a twat now and nobody will miss you when you die okay Okay? You don't like Trump, and you're in the theater? Why? Because guys like that never wanted to pork you, and you just hate men, and that's why you went to the liberal arts? Is that Norm on the right? Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 01:16:42 That's him on the right. I like we're doing a Carolol cook story and on the right it says andrew wardle no wood no problem my bionic penis works just fine i'll click it they are they going to be doing the six million dollar man uh remake the bionic cock anyways that's it for today, folks. I gave you a hell of a show. Norm MacDonald, I love you. Keep your chin up.
Starting point is 01:17:12 Do not backpedal. And, I mean, for the love of Christ, you're famous enough you can make a crowd anywhere. Do stand-up. But you're exactly right for not apologizing. But you upset the chicks at nbc they were crying they were crying at your comments and it almost again i'll say it again that almost back sexist behavior by men so tomorrow i'll keep these stories for uh tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow, tomorrow, they found the nice baby rat
Starting point is 01:17:46 in some soup in China. Sounds kind of good. Ever have the General Sawa's fucking rat with a side of broccoli? Mink ya. And then we got an ad agency. They darken the skin of white kids in a student photo.
Starting point is 01:18:02 We got some upsetting footage of a shootout between a gang member and a female cop where else the sanctuary city of la technically maybe not a sanctuary city they gilgar said he won't use sanctuary city but we all know it's fucking it's mexico east or north excuse me that's about it remember kids uh you think it, I'll say it. You're welcome. I'm going to go burn one on the fucking steps. And we'll see you back here tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Take care of yourselves. Come, we be made, let the twilight's last gleam, Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? Thank you.

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