The Nick DiPaolo Show - The Woke Are Asleep | Nick Di Paolo Show #486

Episode Date: February 8, 2021

Democrat hypocrites are blinded by their wokeness. Tom Brady wins his seventh ring. Wokeness pervades the rest of the Super Bowl....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah, you know what that means. Monday, welcome to the big show Monday, coming out from Georgia. How about that Super Bowl? How about that Tom Brady? He is the second coming of Jesus Christ. Did you enjoy the game, being told you're a racist every five minutes? Huh? I'll get to that in a few seconds, but I don't know. If you were from Mars and landed here and watched five minutes of the game yesterday or TV on any
Starting point is 00:01:07 day, you would think it's 80-20 black to white in this country. So overrepresented. Same with transgender and all that other horseshit. Just tiring. They're just distracting you, keeping your mind on that while the government does
Starting point is 00:01:23 whatever nefarious horseshit they do. So fucking tiring. But the NFL is just. But Tom Brady. I'm sorry, man. You got to be shitting me. Get this. They didn't even have training camp this year.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Wait till next year when they're together the whole season. But he has some weapons, don't he? Antonio Brown, whatever. Anyway, speaking of black people, Maxine Waters. Maxine Waters, you know, the unqualified woman in her late hundreds. It looks like a basset hound with a wig. Rep Maxine Waters, Democrat, California. What else?
Starting point is 00:02:12 Rep Maxine Waters, Democrat, California, what else, said Sunday on MSNBC's Bell, she denied she glorified or encouraged violence against Republicans. You know that clip we showed. I'm not going to show it again. You know the clip, which she's. If you see him at gasoline stations, you got to show up, make sure wherever you show up, and if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, you tell them that they're not welcome anymore, anywhere, hey, fucking blow me, you old wrinkled maid, you. Anchor Ali Velshi then asked her this.
Starting point is 00:02:50 This is on MSNBC, mind you. Not exactly a right-wing network. But, you know, it's getting so embarrassing, even they have to pretend. You know, but here's what he asked her. That you were referring to from June 23rd, 2018, where you're asking people to confront Republicans at department stores, gas stations, at restaurants and tell them they're not welcome. That's the stuff that Donald Trump's attorneys say proves that you and others are doing the same thing Donald Trump was doing on January 6th and in the days before that. What's the difference? Pause. Here's her answer. What folks says about this family, I does. I has told you and told you that you can always
Starting point is 00:03:32 tell a lady, but the way that she eat in front of folks like a bird. And I ain't aiming for you to go to Mr. John Wilkinson and eat like a field hand and dabble like a hog. Shut up, Maxine. Anyways, this is what she said. Shut up, Maxine. Anyways, this is what she said. They're going to try it, but nothing any Democrat that I know of have ever said or acted in the way the president of the United States has acted. Pause. Can you imagine being that fucking ignorant?
Starting point is 00:03:57 No Democrat ever? You were cheering on Antifa and our city's burning, you dumb cunt. I don't care if she's old and out of the loop. Can you fucking imagine? And that's how she sees it. Looting, rioting, people shot, 40-something people dead. She's saying the Capitol thing was worse. Go ahead. People must realize this president was out to destroy our democracy if he could not be president he sent those people those domestic terrorists to the cap excuse me ma'am domestic terrorists she's talking about all trump supporters not just the ones that were there that day and that's what you guys are looked
Starting point is 00:04:40 at now you're more dangerous now i love being. I'm going to go shopping for a vest and all kinds of shit. Call me Abu Nikki Nadal. Domestic terrorist. How dare you? Wow, she's 81 and her hair is pitch black. Go ahead. That it? Yeah. Imagine she doesn't see it as being the same. You're right. It's not the same. What you whores and the Democrat party do is way more violent and worse as 100 people break it into the Capitol. And by the way, a white woman was shot dead and you don't give a fuck because you're a racist like the rest of you self-hating white Democrats are. God friggin' damn it. Let's stay on black racism. There's a term you've never heard before. Ever. Even though you witnessed it watching the Super Bowl
Starting point is 00:05:36 on every commercial and... sickening. Sickening. Yes, I still watch the Super Bowl. Yes, I still watch... They're not taking that away from me. I know I'm being a hypocrite, but I'm sorry. As long as Tom Brady's in the league, I'm watch it. They're not taking that away from me. I know I'm being a hypocrite, but I'm sorry. As long as Tom Brady's in the league, I'm staying put.
Starting point is 00:05:48 They're not going to take that away from me. Tennessee State University, that's a pretty much black school, I believe, is paying, get this, listen closely. Are you listening? Paying Al Sharpton $48,000 to be a guest lecturer for one semester. That's like three months or whatever the fuck. There he is in all his glory. One semester, 48 grand. Sharpton, biggest races in the history of the planet,
Starting point is 00:06:13 will teach a course focusing on political science and what else? Social justice. Can you believe it? In comparison, the average salary in the United States You're a damn terrible son of a bitch. Can you believe it? In comparison, the average salary in the United States is $66,665 per year. Just $18,066 more than what Sharpton will make from his gig at TSU in a period of five months. So he's really for the people.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Son of a whore! He's the definition of a race. He's made his living talking about race and stirring up shit. That's when he was in his glory in New York before he got AIDS. As previously reported by Campus Reform, Sharpton accepted the position
Starting point is 00:07:01 and will be a featured lecturer in the area of political science grounded in social justice. Glenda Glover, the president, got to be Danny Glover relation. The president of Tennessee State University said in December when Sharpton's position was announced that the university is excited to have this civil rights icon slash whitey hater slash black racist engage with students. We are excited because we're Marxist cocksuckers to have one on our campus. We are excited to have the Reverend Al, a civil rights icon, serve as a distinguished guest with a piece of history at a time when his insight is more relevant than ever. Yeah, here's some of his insight. This is him in the 80s doing his
Starting point is 00:07:44 best work in New York. This was like a meeting in a basement that somebody recorded. They're going to talk to you because you've got the only little problem. Because you know if a black man stood up next to you, they would see you for the whore that you really are. He's talking about David Denkins, I believe. Like black mayor for New York. Was actually a very nice guy. He was a liberal. He was actually, you know, he had a little bit of coomph.
Starting point is 00:08:21 That's Sharpton doing his best work. So you guys at Tennessee State, look forward to it. Because this guy, you know, he's just so objective right down the middle 2021 and this guy's still on TV every fucking day and now he's teaching the contract states that Sharpton will be a fullback from October to provide lecturers on a variety of topics surrounding political science as well as other campus activities. Yeah, tell us that again in the fucking article. The course I will teach, he says, the course I will teach
Starting point is 00:08:52 will examine political science and social justice from the lens of recent cases, many of which have directly worked on as I have worked on as civil rights leader and will look at the shifting politics in a new administration relating to directly impacting black communities, Sharpton said. I did not say that, Mr. O'Rourke.
Starting point is 00:09:16 What I said was. Campus reform sought to confirm directly with Tennessee State University if the funding for the position comes from taxpayers, but did not receive a response. See, they won't even tell you. Of course it does. You really ask the question, they don't get back to them.
Starting point is 00:09:35 It's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. Of course not, because you're hiding it. Of course the taxpayers are paying for it. Our Father who art in heaven. Let's stay on the black hate train. Do you know who Cori Bush is? Representative Cori Bush. Yeah, she looks like. Boy, you know, you people who think we haven't progressed as far as race goes in the country. Let's think about John Adams, George Washington, Jefferson.
Starting point is 00:10:09 And look, look what we got today. Brilliant mind like this, a black activist. And I'll say it again. I don't believe these people get elected. They get appointed, especially after the fucking November 3rd election. I don't believe any of it. If you're going to cheat at that level, you're not going to cheat at the local levels? Please, my mother's tits.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Rep. Cori Bush is under fire for defending inmates who participated in an extremely violent riot. But as you know, black people don't see, black politicians don't see this. They don't see that as a riot. This is what you call peaceful protest. Extremely violent riot at a downtown St. Louis prison over the weekend.
Starting point is 00:10:50 A riot, this is, who's Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said this? A riot is the language of the unheard. Oh, and guess who tweeted that? Bush, quoting civil rights leader. And she says, I want to talk to my constituents in the window, talking about those inmates. Their lives and their rights must be protected. That's what she's worried about, rapists and murderers' rights. My team and I are working to ensure that the urgent needs of the people who are incarcerated are not ignored.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Wow. Let's listen to this chubby. You fat, nasty black bitch. Roll tape. These aren't protesters. They aren't demonstrators. That's not what that was today. That was violence happening on our Capitol.
Starting point is 00:11:50 She's talking about that Capitol riot January 6th. That's her view of that. She actually said it was a coup. Can you imagine? You fucking hypocrite. Go ahead. Let it play again some more good so it was just the it was just that but afraid not at all i mean i've talked about the right thing you know this is you know and that was actual protest this here pause she's bragging that she you know led the march in in ferguson she said that was protest yeah built on a fucking
Starting point is 00:12:26 lie hands up don't shoot never happened even black eyewitnesses said that never happened and out of it came the black lives matter movement i believe out of ferguson didn't it she goes that was protesting you know burning looting and shit can you imagine being that ignorant that's who we're putting in office. Go ahead. This was an insurrection. When white people do, it's an insurrection. It's sedition. They should be shot. Bush said she blames President Trump for the riots and chaos that happened. You know, just a few months ago, he was saying, well, stand down and stand by, you know, to the Proud Boys. So he he gave people who believe in him and his message that believe that whatever he says
Starting point is 00:13:08 is right. He emboldened them to want to stand up and fight this way. Yeah, how's it feel? You better hope, young lady, that we don't get as pissed as you guys do day after day. What do you mean we, Nick? Well, you know, Republicans. I'm not one of them anymore either. So that's what she says. You know, she's just another fucking blind idiot. It's so stupid. It's so stupid.
Starting point is 00:13:36 It's so fucking stupid. That's all we have of her, right? Thank Christ. Need some Pepto. thank christ i need some in our libs eating libs segmented tonight biden supporters threatened to burn down dc yeah left wing antifa and black lives and yes, they're Biden supporters, extremists marched through Washington, D.C. on Saturday as part of a D.C. Oh, I missed this. I went last year.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Part of a D.C. queer and trans black history month march and rally. Are we divided into a zillion pieces? Huh? huh because trans blacks make up about what point oh oh oh oh oh oh one percent of the fucking population honestly you shouldn't even know about them that's how little i think there's eight of them they hang out at st louis and a fucking starbucks in the bathroom the event began at 2 p.m but wound up lasting all afternoon and night. Eventually, because it gets dark out, you know, these people, it's violence time. Eventually devolving into the extremists walking down residential neighborhoods while chanting,
Starting point is 00:14:55 if we don't get it, burn it down. I didn't know they were in residential neighborhoods. If we don't get it, burn it. If you don't get what? We had a day for you eight people. What the fuck are you talking about? But of course, Black Lives Matter. It wasn't just the trans people. Oh my God. What do we got clipped here? Let's take a look at the first clip of peaceful protesting. Burn it down. Fuck you, mother! Is what I say.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Go ahead. Here's some people. Go ahead. Here's some people that... Move back! Move back! Move back! We're going to go to jail. Move back. Move back. Move back.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Move back. Move back. Move back. Move back. Hey, when did cops use bikes to push people? Put your bike down and start wheeling that club. Yeah, but he'll get charged.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I don't give a shit. He's got a gun. What is this, fucking London? We've seen this many times now. They have a bike protecting them. How about putting it on the bike rack? Will it be stolen later on by Black Lives Matter? But why don't you fucking whack somebody?
Starting point is 00:16:24 Spray something at them. This looks fake to me. It almost looks fake. And then they interviewed some of the people that were at the Black Trans LGBTQRS Gobble Gobble Goo March. And listen to how brainwashed some of these people are. I'm going to read an article that
Starting point is 00:16:45 kurt schliester wrote uh who i know this guy he's been on the show before um about wokeism he calls it he wrote i'm gonna read the whole thing to you today but it's just about this how these people are so brainwashed thinking that we are the enemy you know white people republican when it's really the government fucking me uh But listen to her. We're out here today because America hates black people. They hate black women more and they hate queer black women the most. So we have to show up for them. And we have to say that we will get our freedom and you have to get with it.
Starting point is 00:17:27 My vagina's angry. Your dick's angry. It is. It's pissed off. What evidence do you have that America hates first black people, then black women and then black queer women? Can you give us three examples of each? No, you can't. So shut your pie hole just because nobody wanted to stick a dick in your whole life, I guarantee she takes that mask off. She's missing teeth and fucking she has cold sores. Do you hear the brainwashing? America hates black and white. That's all she's been fed in school her whole life.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Just fucking brainwashed to the core. Woke to the core. Hey, woke hey woke people do us a favor go back to fucking sleep and here's another guy who's another black guy who's a victim gay whatever the arrest from that night were due to kirky violation and there was a storming of the capitol and i was arrested in the middle of the street on election night for allegedly interfering in an arrest. And I've never tried to interfere in an arrest. But I guess it kind of shows exactly what we've been out here fighting and saying is that, you know, cops and the Klan go hand in hand. I mean, cops and the Klan go hand in hand. Yeah, you just standing around doing nothing.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Wah, wah, wah. Please give me a cup. Oh, victim, victimization, huh? Just a chronic condition. The cops just like the clan. Yeah. Mm hmm. Enough is enough, folks. Aren't you tired of it aren't you it'll get better joe biden he's uh doing a kick-ass job they say he wanders around like the white house and they're not afraid they don't say that he gets lost but you know he. You know they find him down in the boiler room going, I thought I left a lunch bag down here and I...
Starting point is 00:19:29 So, yeah, that was that Black Transgender Day or whatever. I'm fucking real. Unbelievable. America hates black people. Yeah. Yeah, Right. Name another country black people
Starting point is 00:19:49 would rather be living in, in white people for that matter. White libs. They are so threatened by Trump and that's the, everything now that's wrong, Biden always in the administration, you know, that's how Trump left it but when trump said that it was actually you could verify it like empty shelves when the covid hit you could verify that shit they're already done so much damage in a week and a half or whatever the fuck it is unbelievable yes he won he was Trump was a threat to our democracy a threat with the greatest uh greatest economy ever black brown yellow people women highest employment rates ever fucking crushed ISIS in two minutes
Starting point is 00:20:41 actually met with North Korea, opened some dialogue, but you know, he was a threat. He was a real threat to democracy. Why don't you just admit it? You want us all on the government tit? And that's what this, the mask thing is making me mental.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Now they're making new TV shows where people have masks on and cartoons and shit. I'm telling you, they're telling you, what they're saying is it's going to be here for a while. Unless, you know, once the vaccinations get out, they'll go, look what Joe Biden did.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Anyways, Trump was golfing this weekend and he was coming off the course and a fan of his made a comment and Trump said this. Let's take a look at that clip. Mr. President, thank you for your service, sir. Thank you very much. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:21:30 We haven't finished yet. Good, good. We haven't finished yet. He's actually accurate. Buzz, what are you doing? Slow down, will you? Where are you going? We haven't finished yet i love to know what i keep hearing all these rumors he's going to start his own uh trumper
Starting point is 00:21:53 it's going to be a new uh platform social media platform you know he's going to do something tv station or whatever but i believe it'll social media is the future. So, but he says, we're not done yet. That makes the people in the vitamins with shit in their pants, but he's a seditionist. You know, he's good. He's being tried this week, by the way, the impeachment.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Well, I'll get to that tomorrow because it's so silly and should end in about three seconds. Anyways. So Trump said that coming off the golf course, which I found, uh, uplifting,
Starting point is 00:22:23 no, and he's going to mix it up again. And then his son confirming that, really. The reality is this movement isn't over. You know, all of the, you know, the blood, sweat and tears that you guys have all put into this thing is very much still alive and well. You see that. is very much still alive and well. You see that.
Starting point is 00:22:47 I mean, this is really a movement of the people, a movement against the establishment. Yeah, baby. We ain't done yet, Biden, Pelosi, Jen Psaki. Trump's just getting started. And you know what? He's going to be more dangerous because he's not going to have any parameters around him. Things you can't do when you're sitting president. I don't like that pose right there.
Starting point is 00:23:19 He looks gay trying to box. It's not. Yeah, so don't get too down. You white frigging terrorists, domestic terrorists. Can you imagine saying that? Can you imagine if white politicians were one-eighth as honest as the ones on the left get to be,
Starting point is 00:23:43 the ones on the right? It would be a better country. That's why a lot of people believe the Republican Party is fake. It's just there to look like they're putting up resistance. And I believe that. In the last couple of years, I've fallen for so many politicians on the right. I'm like, hey, he seems like he's, you know? And then you find out he's a two-faced cocksucker like Mitt Romney.
Starting point is 00:24:05 It's been about three of those this year. But you got to push back on race and shit. Call them bigots. I really believe this. You have to get down in the mud. Be proactive. Like, go after Maxine Waters, even when she's not in the news, just out of the blue. Go and say it like this.
Starting point is 00:24:25 They all walk right up to the line when it comes to race. And they, even Tucker can't, you know, when they talk about white, uh, domestic terrorists, he goes, well,
Starting point is 00:24:34 the Muslims are protected. But you are, but say it, but you white people are, say it, say it. That's why the news is useless to go right up to the, have you heard the phrase once
Starting point is 00:24:46 since the election stolen election on fox i don't even know if they say it on america one or whatever news max so don't rely too much on them but what a better world it would be huh if if the if the right republicans had any balls and push, you know, destroy their argument in three seconds because it's all based on fucking double standards. Anyways, enough of the wokeness. That's going to be around a long time. Speaking of woke, the NFL and their woke horseshit ads yesterday,
Starting point is 00:25:22 basically just another way of saying this country is made up of white racists. Boy, did you get a nice dose of that during the Super Bowl? I wasn't the only one that, people online were like, Jesus Christ, enough already. Black people, and again, this isn't about black people.
Starting point is 00:25:38 I live, like I said, I live in Savannah, Georgia, 64. It's not about being racist at all. It's just about, don't tell me you're underrepresented anywhere. Because if you were from another planet and watched five minutes of TV yesterday and somebody asked you, what do you think the racial breakdown is? You'd say 85% black, 15 white. Does the NFL even give a fuck about it?
Starting point is 00:26:03 It's really insulting. You're reminded every five minutes you're a sexist, a homo. And if I hear this phrase, it takes all of us, that's implying that only the woke is working on it. Not you white people. It takes all. Yeah, it does take all of us. Black community, get your shit together.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Stop having babies out of wedlock. Fucking, you know what I mean? Take care of your kids. It does take it. Nobody will say that. Well, here's the big woke ad from the NFL. That's when I knew it was going to be a long day. Here you go.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Football. Oh, yeah. Let's pause on that. I don't know if it's me. Does that kid have eye makeup on? Jason, what do you think? Maybe not? Sure, looks like it.
Starting point is 00:26:49 He looks like he's got eyeshadow on. Maybe not. He might just have beautiful eyes. But he's balding. Oh, God. He's got Garrett Morris's hairline. He's only fucking 11. Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Football is a microcosm. Football is a microcosm. Of America. Pause. Yeah, if you watched the commercials yesterday, you would think it was a microcosm. 85% black. It's not a microcosm.
Starting point is 00:27:18 All the Native American and Asian football players in the NFL. So they start out on a lie. Look, they found one black cowboy. They made him wear that. and Asian football players in the NFL. So they start out on a lie. Look, they found one black cowboy. They made him wear that. Go ahead. All races, religions, living, playing, competing, side by side. I pray we dedicate ourselves to be the best team we can be.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Let's choose to be for one another. The Danium Tomlinson. To fulfill the promise. Pause. It's another thing. Can I ask a question? And I'm happy for her. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:05 I really, I think the rule is they put the most experience, don't they? Every year refs in the Super Bowl crew. Or am I just a misogynist? How'd she get in there? She's been around about three seasons. I'm just, nobody will ask that though. You're a bigot and racist. Well, thank God for the fucking internet and I'm here.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Again, happy for her or whatever the fuck. I saw her mark the ball, which made me nervous because sorry ladies you have no fucking spatial we've seen you try to parallel park it's a fucking life's work and uh nick that's horrible i'm just saying she marked the ball once and i swear to god she was off they even said uh on fourth and one remember they didn't get in the Buccaneers. They said she's the one who marked it and they made a fucking Tracy Wolfson with that nagging Yenta voice. She marked it.
Starting point is 00:28:53 We're doing a good job. Go ahead. Nation. To be part of the solution. Be part of the change be part of the change to try harder show up dive in and stay at it oh can we touch for a second be honest for a second will you shut up Oh, God. Problem? You're the fucking problem.
Starting point is 00:29:32 You fucking Dr. Y onking jam rag onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you. Not this time. Boy, can they take the fun out of anything. Here's the one day where we do come together but they gotta remind us fucking nfl oh my god help us you're excited it's a good
Starting point is 00:29:56 game and then you're in a good mood and you're eating the chili that i made that was tremendous yesterday jason came over with his girlfriend, Tony, and, um, I told you about my fucking chili, seven pound brisket in it. We all have the heart of Dick Cheney when we left. any day anyway. So yeah, I,
Starting point is 00:30:18 enough. I could, I couldn't take the, the, I would leave the room every time a commercial came on I would come back to be right in the middle of reminding how racist this country is I'm not the only one sick of it there's a guy Kurt Schleister he's a he was a military guy he's a great writer he's funny um I had him on my podcast a few years ago a different version of the show and we've talked on the phone because he likes my comedy and shit.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Really great writer. So I'm going to read you what he wrote today. I hope I'm saying his name right. I'm saying Schlichter, but it's S-L-I-C-H-T-E-R, right? Schlichter or whatever. Apologies, Kurt, but boy, did he nail it about wokeism. So I'm going to read this to you, all right? And just listen to how he nails all of it. It's like all-encompassing. It starts with,
Starting point is 00:31:11 Karl Marx, who is really popular among stupid and evil people, once called religion something to the effect of the opiate of the masses. And while that is ridiculous, real religion, far from lulling people into a stupor, activates them, which is why our garbage establishment hates it and wants to replace it with gooey Methodism. In other words, wokeism. The fact is that wokeness is itself a drug. Wokeum, he calls it. Wokeum is the opiate of the jackasses, and our garbage establishment is the pusher. So well said. He says, why push the wokeness drug on the young, vulnerable, dumb, and disenfranchised? Because
Starting point is 00:31:54 if you are obsessed with your next woke fix, with jousting with the phantom white supremacists who allegedly lurk around every corner with purging the bad thought havers, that's us, who are the cause of all your disappointments and failures. You aren't seeing who is really running the okie dokie on you. Wokeism distorts reality. You don't see the scam. Instead, you see the fixate on false enemies. Enemies who you would see have much more in common with you do,
Starting point is 00:32:26 if not for the woke-fueled haze, which is so fucking well said, don't you think? So you see, you know, they see us as the enemy, and it's just, here we go. He goes on. The establishment wants us normals, that would be us, not libs, at war with the woke. Why? Because if we are fighting each other over that insufferable social justice worry nonsense,
Starting point is 00:32:55 we are not uniting against the real enemy. The real enemy that runs a rigged system, stolen election, where if you start getting ahead, the rules change with a phone call. And he says, Reddit slash Robin Hood, anyone? The real enemy that creates a system where you're told you must go to college, where you get fed meaningless nonsense in huge impersonal lecture halls and then get handed a huge bill
Starting point is 00:33:20 you have to pay off for the rest of your life so a bunch of bums with doctorates can enjoy their uh sinecures in uh academia he says you know i fucking hate the way you make me fucking ride you now get the fuck out of here the real enemy that creates a system where you are constantly deprived of the power to govern yourself where you are constantly deprived of the power to govern yourself, where you are constantly lied to, where the establishment dines at the French Laundry while you lose your job waiting tables. That's the real of it. Yet under the influence of Wokium,
Starting point is 00:33:54 you hallucinate that your enemy, the cause of all your misery, is that truck driver who likes Donald Trump. You're hating the wrong people. The guy's a good guy. He was the best guy around. He did it. Him and his bad thoughts
Starting point is 00:34:11 and his Jesus and his guns. He's why your life is bubbling, a bubbling cesspool. Him, that truck driver in Chattanooga with a MAGA hat, thinking wrong things. He's to blame for all your problems. Not the people who run all the institutions, who make all the decisions, and who hooked you on a social justice warrior junk.
Starting point is 00:34:32 That's what wokeism makes you think. Those are other bad and evil and racist and sexist and transphobic people, and you better not talk to them. You certainly better not interact with them. You might understand that you share the same real enemy. He says, but if the woke addict came down off his, he says his, her, Z, woke high and actually talked to that truck driver, him, her, might see that he, she, shares a lot more in common with a guy identifying in the John Deere ball cap than he, she does with those rich bastards pushing the wokeum, which is
Starting point is 00:35:13 so he's, he's nailing it. He says, woke addicts have no use for the banks. Neither does the truck driver. Woke addicts have no use for wall street. Neither does he. driver. Woke addicts have no use for Wall Street. Neither does he. Woke addicts have no use for endless wars that give a ruling cast a thrill. Neither does the truck driver. He's getting shafted by the rigged system and so is the woke junkie. But if you're snorting woke like Hoover Biden on a bender in the Medellin, then you have to hate John Deere guy because he's racist.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Only you can't actually see any racism. He's not running around in blackface or burning crosses. And he seems to have some black friends. But when you take a hit of wokeness, you just know that racism is there somewhere. Even if you can't see it or touch it or hear it. Just like weed. Get all paranoid and shit.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Like all drugs, wokeness is designed to alter reality. It's about the feels. And the feels are good. You take a, you take, do a fat line of woke and you finally feel that you have some meaning and purpose in your life. You're on the side of right, damn it. And it feels so good. Finally, a crusade, a struggle, something that gives you a purpose. Wokeyism gives you that meaning you never got anywhere else because your parents themselves broken and battered by the same system that makes sure your woke bong is always brimming,
Starting point is 00:36:45 split up. Your mom didn't take you to church, and your community was not a community at all. You grew up empty, yet yearning for meaning as all people do. And into that void, the vein, the establishment injected the Wokium. The first hit was free, but the next one costs a lot. Now you're an addict. You'll always be after that incredible first time high, which is why Wokism gets crazier and crazier as the addicts chase the social justice warrior dragon. It started with uncontroversial idea of not being a bigot against black people. Now, fadism is a thing, is a thing. Tomorrow, maybe it's time to stamp out smart privilege.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Woke addicts see the white supremacists everywhere, under the bed, climbing the walls, watching them from the dark. They really do. There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. See, that would be Senator Byrd, racist himself. Woke addicts know that men can transform into women and back from the power of wanting, and the junkies revel in the ecstasy of victory over mere reality by accepting that many men menstruate. We talked about that on the show.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Woke addicts know that the bad people are all around them, but are weirdly never found in Bel Air or the Hamptons or scat San Francisco, ignoring the piles of yesterday's soup kitchen sandwiches and prickly hypodermic needles scattered across the sidewalk. Makes you a good person if you ignore that. But you're positive they're all over middle America, all the bad people, though you've never actually been there. That's where you find the bad people who just happen to be the enemies of the people
Starting point is 00:38:37 pushing the woke-ium. What a weird coincidence, huh? Face it. If you are woke, you're a junkie hooked on the transitory meaning you get by being on the side of fake righteousness. Look around you. Your friends are ugly, pierced, and always angry. So are you. Meth wrecks your teeth, but woke wrecks your body and soul. wokeness makes you feel something for you, betrayed by a ruling caste that exploits you and hooks you on its lies. That's enough. Man, he fucking nailed it. Could I be happier? Yeah. Yeah. Who couldn't? But it doesn't have to be, he says. You can kick the habit. You can get sober. You can get the non-human primate organism, fight the scourge of speciesism off your back. Wokeness is a drug that distorts your reality in order to blind you to your own interest
Starting point is 00:39:34 and to prevent you from allying with people who have likewise been wronged by a rigged system. Wokeness divides the establishment's opposition. So the woke addicts are fighting a fake enemy instead of the real one. So skip a hit, get clean, sober up and take a look at those people. You've been drugged up into believing are your enemy. Talk to that Trump guy. You were told you should hate.
Starting point is 00:40:00 See how he thinks. The same things about corporations, government lies, and how stupid you are. You'll see they aren't enemies. And most dangerously of all for our garbage establishment, you'll see who really is your real enemy. You'll see that for the first time. who really is your real enemy. You'll see that for the first time. If that's a fact,
Starting point is 00:40:30 tell me, am I lying? I know that was long, but every word of it was so right on the money. Comparing, you know, wokeism to a drug. And it does, it distorts reality.
Starting point is 00:40:43 While the government system's fucking you in the ass, you're blaming the truck driver. I mean, it was beautiful. Anyways, I had to read that. That was summed up perfectly by Kurt Schlichter. So look him up.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Great writer. All right, let's get to it. Can we lighten up a little bit? I don't know. Can we? Tom up a little bit? I don't know. Can we? Tom Brady, mission complete. Buccaneers defeat Chiefs 31-9 to win Super Bowl 55. And, boy, this guy, he is just, look at Tommy.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Look at him, handsome son of a bitch. I love you for helping me to construct my life. All right, let's, Jim Nance, by the way, who is not a Brady fan, me and my brother have been saying this for years, he loves Peyton Manning. Four things came out of his mouth that was obvious again yesterday.
Starting point is 00:41:41 I just know Jim Nance is just a company man. I can't stand him. Anyways, this is him interviewing Brady after the game. There's more to come, right, Tom? There's more to come as far as football. Yeah, we're coming back. We're coming back. You already know that.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Coming back. Tom Brady's coming back. Way to go. Congratulations. The Tampa Bay Bucs, Super Bowl 55 champions. I still can't. Hey, sorry, folks. I'm 55 champions. I still can't. Hey, sorry, folks. I'm from Boston.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I still can't believe it. Remember when they got him at the beginning? Remember he'd get caught walking in a park without a mask in Tampa and it was all, remember he did a couple things wrong. And COVID, players were missing. They didn't even have, like I said, a normal training camp like the rest of the league didn't. But I'm just saying, what happens when they finally, I would say next year, but we don't know that. They'll probably have the same stupid COVID rules to keep this hoax going.
Starting point is 00:42:34 But that was the plan to get him into, I mean, everybody said so we can win a Super Bowl. Did anybody think it was going to happen in year one? I mean, what the, this guy's from another fucking planet. Apparently, somebody believed that could happen. You know think it was going to happen in year one? I mean, what the, this guy's from another fucking planet. Apparently somebody believed that could happen. You know who it was? Skip Bayless, who, again, I don't watch ESPN anymore, but I did see a clip of him online predicting, this is back in May.
Starting point is 00:43:00 This is what he said. 13-3, Tampa Bay, and I'm going completely out on the limb. I say Bucs win the NFC and play a home Super Bowl. First team ever to play in a home Super Bowl in Tampa. In May. He said that in May. And so obviously he kind of, this is him. He put up yesterday after the game.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Woo-hoo! He looks weird. It's like a crazy homeless guy he's in ecstasy gotta give him credit well you just got it skip That was a pretty good call, man. Here's some Super Bowl stats for you, if I can rub it in for you people. It was like, what, Gronk had two? It was like the Patriots won another one. Brady,
Starting point is 00:44:16 21-29 for 201 yards and oh, by the way, did they want, just in the dialogue, oh, they wanted Mahomes, right? He's the biracial, the new guy. oh, they wanted Mahomes, right, to be the, he's the biracial, the new guy. Oh, they wanted the black guy or half black man to win so bad. Folks, you're my fans. I know you're thinking the same.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Just, oh, you know, they already have him in the Hall of Fame, by the way. Mahomes, he's played, what, three years? Already got him in the fucking Hall of Fame. Well, you could take him to school yesterday, son. 21-29, 200 yards, three touchdowns, zero intercept. Leonard Fournette, who was a beast, could have given him the MVP. 16 carries for 89 and one touchdown. Four catches for 46 yards.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Gronk, six catches, 67 yards. He only catches it when it's important. Two touchdowns. Pat Mahomes, the next coming of Jesus, 26-49 for 270. He didn't have time to think. My God. Two interceptions. Travis Kelsey had a good game.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Ten catches, 133. He's something else. They shut down Tyreek Hill. Seven catches for 73, and that was in garbage time most of it you know i bet you brady got over there when he got over there he talked to the defensive court todd bowles by the way who was a coordinator with the patriots i believe for a year um i well so todd bowles knows right belichick's thing is to shut down the uh players who are going to hurt you on the other side that's the first thing he does in every game plan on defense.
Starting point is 00:45:46 It looks like they did that. It almost, I said to my buddy, I said, I won't be surprised if you hear in a week or two, something comes out where the Buccaneers were somehow recording the practices of, that's how good their defense looked. Nobody was open all day. And one more final comment on the GOAT. Somebody mentioned this in the paper.
Starting point is 00:46:02 One more final comment on the GOAT. Somebody mentioned this in the paper. He went through Drew Brees, Aaron Rodgers, and Pat Mahomes. Arguably three Hall of Famers if Mahomes, you know, does what he's supposed to. Drew Brees, I'll say that again, Aaron Rodgers and Mahomes to get a seventh ring. Schooled the motherfuckers. Finally tonight, again, a perfect example of how wokeism, liberalism, fucking propaganda, whatever you want to call it, Marxism, takes the fun out of everything.
Starting point is 00:46:41 You know how we can't joke about anything anymore uh cure auto ad mocks workplace sexual harassment says pussies and leftists that are on twitter um this just fucking ripped my nips um what here's the commercial and all the all the uh virtue signal is on twitter and most of them are guys that's how you know we're fucked but watch a commercial it's kind kind of... Miss Davis, Tommy just brought me into his office and whipped out his opinion. Tommy? I didn't just whip it out. She was into it. Plus, I have a pretty big opinion. Oh, please. It's not that big.
Starting point is 00:47:13 She only gave me a second. Tommy, not everyone in this office wants your opinion. Okay. Well, how about you? Last week at happy hour when you begged me for my opinion. I had a pitcher of margaritas. I would have taken Doug's opinion. You would? No.
Starting point is 00:47:28 We can't protect your opinion, but we can protect your car. All right, all right. You are auto insurance. All right. Of course, she has to get the last word in, right? It would have been funny just when he said you would. Should have ended it there, but she's got to say no. Those are the little things I notice in ads. here's some of the tweets uh people so upset cure auto insurance wins the worst
Starting point is 00:47:50 super bowl advertisement of the evening says jeremy my balls are in a mayonnaise jar goldman fucking big girl oh boy you here's another tweet uh oh black woman who would have guessed she had a problem with it so that cure auto insurance commercial just making a whole casual joke about workplace harassment is pretty awful oh so you're woke too sucking the fun right out of life go ahead oh jen sullivan karen why'd you do that karen mocking sexual harassment in the workplace is not a good look just my opinion nobody wants to hear your opinion whore not impressed cure auto insurance yeah that's what feminism has brought into the world fucking no humor nick Nick Childs. Wow. Okay. Cure auto insurance with a fail ad of the decade.
Starting point is 00:48:47 What is happening? Nick, don't be a bitch. Unbelievable. Little humor, little dick humor, big dick, whatever. So you know what that means? According to these assholes, these woke drop, some girl's going to get her ass pinched at the copier. Somebody's going to bite a woman's tit. Can you stop with that shit? Your wokeness is just, it took the fun off the Super Bowl yesterday if you sat and watched all the stupid commercials. I would like to thank the people since Thursday that made donations to the show and signed up.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Remember Sean Powell, Florida. Timothy Vincent, Florida. Kenneth Bays, Virginia. Eric Blacker, Pennsylvania. Robert Stevenson, Ohio. Michael Abranoff, New York. Darren Fisher, Florida.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Thomas Lent, New York, Chris Stapps, Melco, United Kingdom, Neil Capps, Illinois, Stephen Pack, Delaware, Mark Brown, Massachusetts, Jack McGrath, New York, Douglas Porchudu, Texas, Kelly Carlson, Washington, William Jones, Wisconsin, and monthly supporters, Chris Stapps, Melco, United Kingdom, James Harbuck, Georgia, J.D. Rizzo, Pennsylvania, David Uchert, Colorado, John, Kevin Parker, Alabama, Luis Rodriguez, California, Louis Taylor, United Kingdom, Johnny Peebles, Indiana. Bunny Galore. Christopher Lab, Pennsylvania. Brian Russell, Minnesota.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Kenneth Frankis, Indiana. Benjamin Wilson, Australia. Michael League, Illinois. Kevin O'Neill, Massachusetts. Frank Lovasco, Michigan. Howard Howard, Colorado. Matthew Spencer, Canada. Blake Bomer, Colorado. Matthew Spencer, Canada. Blake Bomer, Ohio.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Thank you guys all so much for coming, making donations and becoming monthly subscribers. You guys keep the show alive. Thank you so much. All right, folks, that is it. Don't forget If you want me to roast one of your friends, go to, click on my profile,
Starting point is 00:51:07 tell me a little bit about them. I will make a video on my phone roasting your buddy or your friend, your girlfriend, your boyfriend, your father, your uncle. I'll say, I can be nice and say happy birthday to somebody or whatever. Anyways, that is it.
Starting point is 00:51:21 And again, don't forget A ton of people moved over there this weekend, and we thank you for that. You think and I'll say you're very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo I'm out.

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