The Nick DiPaolo Show - Trans Shooter's Sick Manifesto | Nick Di Paolo Show #1479

Episode Date: November 7, 2023

In this episode right leaning comedian Nick Di Paolo talks about the Tranifesto leak, Trump getting after the judge and more! Like what you hear?  Get TWICE as much "Nick Di Paolo Show", full episode...s of Steven Crowder’s “Louder with Crowder” show and more on Mug Club! Sign up today to get all their content at and use the promo code NICKDIP to get your first month FREE! For Tour Dates, Merch, stand-up clips and more visit 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 That boy is a P-I-G pig. You got that right, motherfucker. How are you, folks? Welcome to the show on a Tuesday. State of Georgia. The weather's just divine down here, honest to God. I think I would have given up comedy and come down here 30 years ago. Planted corn and yelled at black people. You know, what?
Starting point is 00:01:00 I'm kidding. We get along beautifully down here. You see my, well, Halloween. Couldn't have been. It was great. What the hell did I, Halloween. Couldn't have been, it was great. What the hell did I want to talk about? That wasn't it. I'll tell you that, god damn it. That'd be a sad show if it was.
Starting point is 00:01:11 I don't remember. I just had something to say, very important. Oh, no show tomorrow, right? Yeah, because I'll be on Crowder tomorrow night, streaming the debate live. I'll be making my snide comments and calling Chris Christie a fat fuck and Nikki Haley a fucking empty pantsuit.
Starting point is 00:01:30 All the delicious things that you guys enjoy. And we drink while we do it. And don't get mad if we talk over the debate because they don't say shit anyways. All right? If that bothers you, put on fucking Fox. Or watch the goddamn debate. Or watch the goddamn...
Starting point is 00:01:43 Yeah, exactly. You should be watching for us. What do you think Chris Christie's going to say? How is that fat fuck still on the debate stage? I'd vote for that Burgum guy, fucking who's not going to be there. The business guy from Dakota. Didn't make the cut, apparently. Had a bad fielding percentage.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Yeah, so, but then Thursday we'll have a show for you. As usual, right? Right. I like to go out there. Put me up in a great hotel. They meet me at the airport, the nice limo thing. You get treated like you're in show business. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Hey, did you hear that? It's Tommy. I didn't know you weren't in the studio. Yeah, Tom. Wonder why you don't know that, Tommy. Because he's, you know, in great touch with me. I love to fucking know what he's doing when he's not talking to me. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:02:36 Oh, my God. Anyhow, let's get to it, shall we? Thought I had something else, but I really don't. So let's get to it, shall we? Thought I had something else, but I really don't. So anyways, huge news broken by none other than the Louder with Crowder show on Mug Club. Steven Crowder, I told you about his outfit. He got a bunch of guys that used to work for Project Veritas.
Starting point is 00:03:02 They do undercover work for him now. And they broke a few huge ones. Porn Hub and illegal, you know illegal sex trafficking, that tie-in, and the trans shooter. Remember, shot up the Catholic school, shot up little kids, trans. Yeah, it's got nothing to do with the mental illness. Well, that trans had a manifesto like all psychos do, and people have been fighting to get it released for a year now, or whenever they, I think it happened in the spring, didn't it? Anyhow, Crowder somehow had a source and got pictures of the actual, you know, the scribblings of a psycho.
Starting point is 00:03:41 And what's scary is people are fighting to not have it released. And they keep... Maybe I'm not understanding the story. The parents of the victims don't want it released. Now, why would that be? Why would you not want to know what those psychos...
Starting point is 00:03:56 Well, it's going to scare other kids. Do you want to fucking fix things that are wrong or not? I don't... I'm fucking... We're pro-HHamas, with pro-Trump. It's a fucking, this PC shit has gone into another universe that I didn't think it could. Several pages from the Nashville Christian School Shooters Manifesto.
Starting point is 00:04:19 See, today it's really blurry. It's fucking, ugh. Were exclusively obtained and shared by Lauda with the crowd on Monday. That's why you guys should be subscribing. A 28 year old female shot and killed three children.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Of course, that's the female. And three adults at Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee on March 27th. The shooter who identified as a transgender man, you know, what that means, right? Transgender man. He's a malignant cunt.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Oh, okay. Left behind a manifesto detailing her plans for the attack at the Christian school. The manifesto was found at the shooter's home and included a map of the school. Police previously reported that the shooter had spent months planning the massacre. It's funny, though. If this is a straight white kid, which it usually is a lot of times, boy, they get that manifesto out there, and, ooh, he said hi to a guy who liked Trump once.
Starting point is 00:05:11 All that horse shit. But they're burying this. Because they're wrong about everything. Everything. About Trump, about Hamas, about this. Get the fuck out of the way and let the adults run the country. You guys are fucking
Starting point is 00:05:26 morons. The writings have been withheld from the public despite the Metro Nashville Police Department reporting in April that the documents were being reviewed for public release. They were hoping we'd forget about it. Since then, some parents with children attending the Covenant School and the Associated Covenant Presbyterian Church have pushed to block the manifesto's release. On Monday, Lauda with crowd of Mug Club undercover released three pages from the shooter's writings. There's some right there,
Starting point is 00:05:59 and that's the douchebag right there. One page dated the same day as the shooting described the killer's thoughts and leading up to the death day. And I'm reading, and the people are, do we know this is real? They're second guessing. They don't want it to be. They can't handle it. The same way they tear down posters of Israeli babies that are missing, hostages. They can't handle this.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Because it's truth, exactly. That's right. They literally can't handle how horrible they are and what they believe in. Same deal here. Today's the day, the shooter wrote, the day has finally come. I'm a little nervous, but excited too.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Been excited for the past two weeks, she continued. There were several times I could have been caught, especially back in the summer of 2021. Can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm ready. Getting like ready, getting ready for a Broadway play. I hope my victims aren't. What a fucking. It's not going to be long before you all kill yourselves
Starting point is 00:06:59 because you're all crazy. I hope the fuck so. Uh, uh, God let my wrath take over my anxiety, the shooter said. It might be 10 minutes tops. It might be three to seven. It's going to go quick. I hope I have a high death count. Yeah, you want to keep this secret.
Starting point is 00:07:19 You don't want to know. She concluded, and I can already hear the liberal douchebag. That doesn't mean all trans people, but you can hear the fucking sad arguments they've been using over. And here's the truth of it. Those conservatives, and I've said it on the show before, and now I'm hearing other people say it. You can fucking check the timeline. Guarantee I said it first. Those so-called squares, those Christian Bible thumpers in the 50s that said gay people were coming for your children, they happen to be right. And no in the 50s that said gay people were coming for your children? They happen to be right. And no,
Starting point is 00:07:48 I'm not mixing all gay people with trans. I can hear that fucking voice too. We know the fucking difference, but it's the same lineage, so don't fucking jerk us around. She concluded that the journal entry, ready to die. Good. Fucking die already. Dead man walking.
Starting point is 00:08:04 No, we're not sure. Dead bitch slash man walking. Another page from the shooter's manifesto revealed her schedule for the day of the shooting. Wash dick. Cut off tits. It detailed the time she would wake up and how she would prepare for the attack. The shooter planned to arrive at the Christian school at noon and park in her designated parking spot. Why is she going to designated parking spot? Is that a handicap? She circled 1233 and wrote, open fire towards Southwest entrance. Let massacre begin, she added. Southwest entrance. Let massacre begin, she added. Time to die. The third page dated February 3rd,
Starting point is 00:08:53 2023, included hate-fueled ramblings, as opposed to what I just read. Kill those kids, she wrote. Those crackers. This is what I love. You guys notice, even when it has nothing to do with race, all the lefties, whether it's fucking race, you know, all the lefties, race, and fucking the ones that scream racism and bigotry and bum, she doesn't know who she is, not just gender-wise, ideology-wise. There's a whole generation of kids don't have their own identity. They have no the fucking idea. And I'm talking about wiggers and white kids don't know who the fuck they are. And then you complicate it with this.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Those crackers, again, this is a white girl, no matter what she thinks, going to private fancy schools with those fancy khakis and sports backpacks with their daddy's Mustangs convertibles. Fuck you little shits. Wish to shoot you weak-ass dicks with your mop-yellow hair. See?
Starting point is 00:09:52 She became part of the oppressed, which is black, brown, and took in that ideology and was taught it. And here's what you got. Want to kill all you little crackers. This is a white girl talking. Bunch of little faggots with your white privileges. Fuck you, faggots. Wade doesn't know what the fuck she did.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Exactly. Mad at the world. Because, you know, you're going to tell me a shrink wouldn't have helped that. Oh, she was born that way. She was born crazy? All right. You believe that shit?
Starting point is 00:10:31 Hey, guys, in the second half of the show today, I'll be talking about a gross thing that happens a lot, apparently, at Disney World and Disneyland. And I don't know. I'll give you a hint. It happens a lot on San Francisco sidewalks. Might that give it away. I'll give you another hint.
Starting point is 00:10:50 It's not needles. And we'll show a clip of a harrowing, harrowing, harrowing, not harrowing, like that's how in a tag I would say harrowing, harrowing, harrowing, harrowing, sandwich. like that's how in a tag I would say herring heroin sandwich a heroin experience
Starting point is 00:11:09 for a man in LA walking up his driveway late at night when he's approached by a couple menthol smokers and we'll show you what he did and it was really refreshing to see exclusively on Mug Club so join now to get it at
Starting point is 00:11:26 Hey, boys and girls, head over to to get exclusive hats, T-shirts, hoodies, and more. It's yet another way for you to support the show and look sexy at the same time. You can also get signed copies of my previous specials and all of the Nicka shirts. Just go to and click oner shirts, just go to and click on store. Again, that's Click on store. Thank you guys so much. See you
Starting point is 00:11:52 soon. I mean, we just broke the biggest story of the day. Congratulations to my boy, Steven, and the whole show and those guys on the undercover team and all the people that work behind the scenes there, because that was trending and it was all over the place. And it'll be all over the place today, because somebody has to get the truth out there. And Crowder is very good at that. Here's the second part of the Tranny Festo. Oh, the Tranny Festos. It's good.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Conservative commentator, as you know, a little bit of a repeat here, Crowder released three pages of the purported, a purported manifesto. And he, alleged, again, lawyer speak, which a transgender perpetrator left behind after killing three students and three staff members
Starting point is 00:12:39 at the Christian... Boy, that story went away quick, didn't it? As opposed to if that was a white kid. We're still talking about the fucking, you know, the one with David Hogg and Florida and shit. But no, this is, you know... Crowder told WKRN-TV that a detective at the scene of the school
Starting point is 00:12:55 snapped images of the manifesto and a source within the Metro-National Police Department sent them to Crowder. Because that's the kind of juice this show has. The Metro Nashville Police Department refused to verify whether the pages are authentic. That's what I'm talking about, the fucking resistance to the truth. I have no idea what that is.
Starting point is 00:13:19 And at this point in time, I don't think we know what that's about. A police spokesperson told the Tennessee, you don't know what it's about? I'll tell you what it's about. Just the facts, man. That's all it is. Deal with it. When asked for a clarification, that spokesperson told the newspaper that MNPD has no idea who Crowder is. Well, maybe you want to get an idea
Starting point is 00:13:46 because he's on your side normally. What he's got, what he's talking about. Well, good to see you. You read the papers and you clued in. So I'd like to know who wrote this article. I can't forget the publication I got it from, but, you know, let's fill as much, let's put as much skepticism into
Starting point is 00:14:05 this fucking column as we can, even though it's hardcore facts. We've got to create a doubt. We can't have it out there that we defend shit like this. It's not clear how or why the police cannot verify the authenticity of the pages because law enforcement took possession of the
Starting point is 00:14:22 manifesto in the initial stages of the investigation. And it remains in their evidence collection. But we don't know what it's about. Yeah, because he kicked the wild's nest. Yes. Somebody got stung. And that's the most sane picture of this fucking freak.
Starting point is 00:14:43 If you go online and Google her, she... I can't even keep it straight. She's trying to be a boy but she's a girl, right? Maybe she was just on the rag. Mary O'Connell meanwhile appeared to confirm the images from the purported manifesto promising
Starting point is 00:14:59 an investigation into how they were leaked. Is this the guy that's getting to the bottom of it? Yes, the mayor. That's the mayor, who's got a neck longer than Steve Grogan's. I'm going to find out what the hell happened here. Look at that neck. It's like Rock'em Sock'em Robot.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I have directed Wally Dietz with a 19-inch, we call him Giraffe around here, Metro's law director to initiate an investigation into how these images could have been released, O'Connell said. That investigation may involve local, state, and federal authorities. I am deeply concerned with the safety, security, and well-being of the Covenant families. Oh, it's just more boilerplate PC fucking horseshit. Do you have an original thought in your head?
Starting point is 00:15:43 Is everybody taking fucking orders from on high? And all Nashville's who are grieving. Well, why do you think they're in danger? Because this is really, what are you fucking talking about? What am I missing here? There's an ongoing legal battle over the manifesto.
Starting point is 00:16:00 And why's that? The whole world should know. Chancellor? Yeah, exactly. whole world should know. Chancellor. Yeah, exactly. There's the problem. Chancellor. Five parties, the Tennessee Firearms Association. When I come back, we'll have the new one. I promise, folks. If not, some heads will roll. Probably mine.
Starting point is 00:16:18 The Tennessee Firearms Association, the National Police Association, the Tennessee Star, the Tennessean in state, Senator Taun, God and. Garden hire. That's cute, isn't it? I hired a gardener. Well, you're a gardener. Look at this guy. Nice head of hair. Oh, he looks like the guy in the trunk. Oh, it is. Please, man, don't paint any more religious pictures. Yeah, Henry, what's the matter? You don't say too much. Just listening, that's all. Delicious. Do you notice the Irishman is putting ketchup on his pasta? Huh? Do you notice that, though? I do. Guide and hire have sued. This guy, they've sued for the manifesto's release.
Starting point is 00:17:01 But the parents of the Covenant School students argue the manifesto should not be released. But no reason why. But yeah, exactly. They're being told that by somebody. I don't... Isn't that how you, like, stop history from repeating itself? You investigate and go,
Starting point is 00:17:19 the next time a girl says she has a cock but she doesn't, we're going to kick her out of the school. Huh? How about that? That would be simple. Cocaine. Cocaine-er.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Let's move on to our boy who the left is trying to do everything to keep him off the ballot because he's smoking Biden, even though it's a year from now, whatever. Biden's not going to be the nominee. You heard it here for the last two fucking three. The first time he fell down, which was 10 days after he got elected, I was saying he's not going to be the nominee. You heard it here for the last two fucking three. The first time he fell down, which was 10 days after he got elected, I was saying he's not going to be the nominee. Trump trashes AG and Judge.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Former President Trump exploded less than two hours into testifying at his $250 million civil fraud trial in Manhattan on Monday. That was so cute. Oh my God, it was delicious. fucking bacon and eggs from last wednesday pointing at the judge while accusing him of fraud and calling the state attorney general a hack he was pissed you're out of order the whole trial is out of order they're out of order at a baby donnie and by the way folks do you understand how popular he's becoming with the Trial is out of order. They're out of order. Atta baby, Donnie. And by the way, folks, do you understand how popular he's becoming with the black people?
Starting point is 00:18:31 God bless you black people because you're absolutely fucking right on this one. I wish it came around a lot sooner. They fucking, when this guy's mugshot came out, he's got 22% right now of the black. You understand for a Republican republican that's unheard of because they know he's saying fuck the man trump 77 started his testimony uh this is such a witch it's creepy it's fucking beyond creepy in hushed tones but lost his cool after manhattan supreme court justice arthur engerin i gotta we gotta up, next time I talk about this guy, we have to pull up Gilligan, Bob Denver, and this guy. There's pictures of Bob Denver old.
Starting point is 00:19:11 They fucking, I'll tweet that out today if somebody, anyways, Enger threatened to throw Trump out of the courtroom for making speeches instead of giving direct answers on the stand. I would love to see him give a yes, one word answer. I can't do it. I can't. I tried no, I tried yes. It doesn't work. A lot of people say I talk more than anybody, anybody in the world. I can't even do them. The 2024 GOP presidential front runner began ranting that anger and state attorney general, that fat black bitch, Letitia James, there she is. I can't wait to fucking see her fucking deflowered. I don't even know what that means.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Who is fucking, lock the Arby's, who is bringing the case against him, were trying to hurt him. He called James, who was seated calmly in the front row. She's just sucking it in. Boy, your day's coming, fuckstain. A political hack accusing her of trying to use the case to boost her political profile. She ran on that. That's the absolute truth. You fat, nasty black bitch. Trump then went out to Engeren, pointing at the jurist and proclaiming,
Starting point is 00:20:22 everybody's watching this case. He called me a fraud, and he didn't know anything about me. The fraud is on the court, not on me. He said before adding of James, the fraud is on her. I love it. I don't know if you want to go after a judge that's going to sentence you,
Starting point is 00:20:39 but I don't give a fuck. When you rule, he goes, when you rule, this is Trump talking, Mar-a-Lago is worth 18 million million, and she rules it's worth $25 million. Either people are very stupid or there's a fraud. The fraud is on behalf of the court, Trump said. And then he came out of the courtroom because, you know, he's already had a gag order on him, and they told him,
Starting point is 00:21:00 and that means when you're out of the courtroom, I don't want you fucking whatever talking to the media. So he came out yesterday and did this. Trump, how's it going in there? Angerin said he'd kicked the former commander in chief. Sounds like a non-biased guy, huh? Off the witness stand if he didn't stop giving speeches to Wallace's simple yes or no questions. We got another speech, Engerin said
Starting point is 00:21:30 to Trump's lawyer at one point, I beseech you to control him. If you can, if you can't, I will. Fuck off, you fucking fuck. Nick, that was very eloquent. Ever see the shirt, fuck you, you fucking fuck? I saw some guy wearing that. That's the only one that ever made me laugh in my life. Now look at this dinkweed. What we've got here is failure to communicate. Hey, for those of you guys in Mug Club right now, stick around for the second half of the show.
Starting point is 00:22:00 You all should be, especially after the breaking news that everybody's talking about. Everyone else go to and join to get my the show. You all should be, especially after the breaking news that everybody's talking about. Everyone else go to and join to get my full show. Steven Crowder's show, Alex Jones on Fridays, Brian Callen, the Hodge twins, and a whole lot more. guitar solo Outro Music

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