The Nick DiPaolo Show - Trump BAGS ISIS Daddy | The Nick DiPaolo Show #249

Episode Date: October 28, 2019

Trump delivers Baghdadi. Rapper kicks Trump supporter off stage. Bed Bath Beyond Black Face Pumpkins. MONDAY - THURSDAY 11AM ET #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh, yeah, yeah, oh yeah, welcome to the show On a filthy Monday, how are you folks? Fucking hate Mondays, that's good for you though The worse mood I am, the funnier I am That's what I've been told Real quick, I can't forget this These are important people Carol Douglas and Jason Stanley
Starting point is 00:01:24 Excuse me, friggin' cigarettes I have signed up at the veto level I can't forget this. These are important people. Carol Douglas and Jason Stanley. Excuse me. Frigging cigarettes. I have signed up at the veto level. I don't want to talk about that. Does that bring my money back, signing up at Nick Powell's show? Does it bring my money back? And donations.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Paul Chezek and Suzanne Donzella have donated contributions, cash. We can always use that. All right? Thank you guys so much. Welcome to the show. On a Monday, we're a little late coming on because Facebook likes to fuck with me, you know. My intel, my people, my tech people tell me that, you know, they have it in for me a little bit. So we
Starting point is 00:02:01 are trying to get that up, streaming live. And I don't think we succeeded. But I'm going to visit Zuckerberg very soon. My Jew McFriend. Anyways, what is going on? Did you see Joe Biden on 60 Minutes? Joe Biden on 60 Minutes looked like a real ass. Tommy, what's the matter? My manager's in here today. He flew down. Things are in such fucking turmoil. He actually flew
Starting point is 00:02:33 down. He's been sleeping on my sofa out in the backyard like a real southerner. Joe Biden was on 60 Minutes. And I said this before, I'll say it again. This guy, the day he announced, all right, the next day he was at a town hall in New Hampshire, I could see in his eyes he was regretting it. Got the energy of a chemo patient. He's fucking old. He was never bright to begin with. And he proved all that again on 60 Minutes.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Ooh, what a hard-hitting interview interview they do in 60 minutes when they have. But at least Norah O'Donnell tried to pretend to ask him some tough questions. So here's a clip of Biden proving again he is not suited to run a fucking lemonade stand. The Democratic Party has had Jack Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama. This is your third run for president. Why Joe Biden? Obama. This is your third run for president. Why Joe Biden? Well, because I think, as I said there, we need somebody who on day one knows exactly what to do, can command the world stage. No one wonders whether I know a great deal about these issues in foreign policy and domestic policy, the things I've done. And that might be one of the criticisms, too, that you're offering
Starting point is 00:03:41 essentially four more years of a Obama like administration. Well, let me tell you something. I love the fact that all of a sudden the Democratic Party doesn't think Obama was that great a president. I find that. The Democrat Party didn't think he was a great president. He was the worst president ever. Case fucking closed. And you're going to find out why in a few months when they find out that he was a great president. He was the worst president ever. Case fucking closed. And you're going to find out why in a few months when they find out that he was behind the deep state thing. Okay. The worst ever. Oh, the Democrats don't think he was that great. You guys as a tandem, you were like, I don't know, fucking Curly Howard. No, Curly Joe and Larry Fine together without Moe and Joe. Terrible.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Just go ahead. It's fascinating. Some have asked, why hasn't President Obama endorsed you? You guys served together for eight years. Because I want to earn this on my own. Did he offer to endorse you? No, we didn't even get there. I asked him not to.
Starting point is 00:04:41 He said, OK. I think it's better. I think he thinks it's better for me. I have no doubt when I'm the nominee, he'll be out in the campaign trail for me. I fucking believe that these ain't playing some of them. I don't know what the fuck. Anyways, that's Joe Biden proving once again he has no you get. It's not you. It's on this. I got a new program going here. I dropped my iPad a few months ago and destroyed everything. And we put in a new sound drop thing. Don't worry. It'll take four years to get used to the Democratic.
Starting point is 00:05:13 What was that, Raz? Please let me fuck up on my own. I don't need the help. Anyways, the big news over the weekend, obviously, is we whacked fucking Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Just his name. I'm glad he's dead. I don't have to say that anymore. I was going to I was reading the article and then they start bringing up his associates and his fucking manager and his agent who booked him at gigs and couldn't pronounce any of the goddamn names. But we whacked him out nice. And we should be happy about that
Starting point is 00:05:46 Of course the Democrats have their panties in a bunch Because Congress Adam Schiff wasn't in on it They didn't Trump didn't let them know The raid was going down and shit And why do you think that is? Because they leak like a fucking sieve
Starting point is 00:06:00 And it was a good move The less Adam Schiff knows and Nancy Pelosi And Nadler and the rest of the cocksuckers, the better off we are. Who's with me? Anybody? But we whacked them out nice, just like John Gandhi. He's gone. And we couldn't do nothing about it. And of course, Russia is saying that they have doubts that Donald Trump's claim that ISIS leader Abu Bakr, Bacardi has, Bacardi? I just said Bacardi. Fucking killed a rum runner.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Russia is saying it's full of shit. And here's why I'm not completely, I'm sort of with Russia right now, because I read in the article that, you know what they're going to do? They're going to do what they do for Muslims out of respect. They're going to bury his ashes at sea. We did that with bin Laden.
Starting point is 00:06:45 I'm not even convinced bin Laden is dead. Show me the fucking body. You know, like, show me the money. Show me the body. I thought I saw bin Laden, I'm not kidding you, working at a food court down here at a mall. Pretty sure. And they're doing it with this guy.
Starting point is 00:07:00 They're not going to show us the proof. Well, he's blown to smithereens. No, he was not. Here's Trump anyways, giving us the big announcement. A couple of clips. Last night, the United States brought the world's number one terrorist leader to justice. Pause. Watch him try to pronounce this guy's name. Go ahead. Watch. Last night, the United States brought the world's number one terrorist leader to justice.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Abu. Abu. McCarrick. McCarrick. Al-Baghdadi. Was dead. He's dead. That's why you have to love Trump. He's fucking dead. He's dead. He's gone. He's gone. And we can do nothing about it. Go ahead, play some more. He died like a dog. He's fucking dead. He's dead. He's gone. He's gone. And we couldn't do nothing about it.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Go ahead. Play some more. He died like a dog. He died like a coward. He was whimpering, screaming and crying. And frankly, I think it's something that should be brought out so that his followers and all of these young kids that want to leave various countries, including the United States, they should see how he died. Like Colin Kaepernick. He didn't die a hero. He died a coward. Crying, whimpering, screaming, and bringing three kids with him to die a certain death.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And he knew the tunnel had no end. I mean, it was a closed end tunnel. Not a good place to be. Alright, that's enough of that fucking... Not a good place to be, a closed end tunnel. If you guys have been to the Holland Tunnel
Starting point is 00:08:38 at Rush Hour in New York, you know what I'm talking about. But it's a big thing, and of course the Democrats won't even have them let, you know, they're whining about that they have to put a Democrats won't even have them let, you know, not even they're whining about that. They have to put a negative spin on it. The Russians, you know, they're doing what they do best. They're causing dissension. Russia has attempted to cast doubts on Trump's claim that ISIS leader Baghdadi died after being hunted through his compound in Syria by U.S. special forces. The U.S. president announced on Twitter today the caliphate leader died whimpering like a bitch. You don't hear much of this.
Starting point is 00:09:15 It's more like... Anyways, he took a suicide. He had the suicide vest on. There's a picture of Artie Lange in the green room at the improv in L.A. I don't know why. But look at this fucking guy. He's got the hands of a girl, by the way. He took his three kids, too. So this is a good guy. I can see why Pelosi would be upset.
Starting point is 00:09:38 She wasn't a Russian major general Igor Kozhenikov claimed there has been no airstrikes from the U.S. or coalition forces in the Syrian city of Idlib. I have a place right next to Idlib. Adlib. It's a fucking beautiful summer home. Where the mission was said to have taken place. The Russian Ministry of Defense also claimed there have been contradictory details about the mission from other countries. In a statement, it said, the increase in the number of direct participants in countries allegedly taking part in this operation, each with completely contradictory details, raises legitimate questions and doubts about its reality and all the more in success.
Starting point is 00:10:18 But that's what the Russians do, right? They sow fucking distrust and whatnot. But I want to see the body before I agree with our country and Trump. Yeah, we have to fixrust and whatnot. But I want to see the body. Before I agree with our country and Trump said, yeah, we have to fix this and monitor it. I look like I have jaundice. I have this pink fucking faggy face. I fucking hate it. Anyways, I want to see, God damn it, this body, okay? And if it's blown to bits, I want to see bits of it, okay?
Starting point is 00:10:42 I'm still not fucking bin Laden. I still don't believe it that you can whack a guy like that. When we killed Saddam, I had evidence. How? I knew a friend who had a friend in the FBI who... Why are you laughing, Rich? I'm dead serious. Go back to fucking coloring. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:10:57 he sent me a picture of fucking, you know who, Saddam laid out on the slab. Nice. I jerked off to it. I'm an American. I'm a patriot. I'm a jingoist. So anyways, this same never happened, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Anyways, he was screaming and crying. Trump kept, I love Trump's drive to this home. He was screaming like a bitch. It was the perfect scream. It was like when I was banging Stormy Daniels in the ass. I grabbed it by the pussy. Perfect screams. Yelpy, yelpy. Boo, boo, boo. Trump's fucking orange. I'm pink. What is going on here? Anyways, we have footage Of the explosion Well, it's not the exact explosion
Starting point is 00:11:50 How he killed them But this is what they used, supposedly They got him sitting down Here's the clip of how they actually killed him What the fuck? What the fuck? My friends ever did that to me, I would run in the kitchen, get a steak knife,
Starting point is 00:12:15 and just start stabbing anybody. They fucking guys get third-degree burns on his balls and ass. Wouldn't that be funny if that's how Baghdadi went? Landed on his kids and killed them. Perfect shot. He detonated C4, the mother ofadi went, landed on his kids and killed them. Perfect shot. He detonated C4, the mother of all bombs, right up his ass, flew through here with the greatest of ease. Can we see that again in slow motion?
Starting point is 00:12:38 That's not too much trouble. What the fuck? He grabs his ass in midair That guy showed more courage in Baghdad he ever will Oh, that fucking cracked me up Anyways Trump, Donald Trump's decision to withdraw U.S. This is from Yahoo News, this next article. And the only reason I'm reading it is because if you get your news from Yahoo News,
Starting point is 00:13:10 you should cut your fucking wrists. They make CNN look fucking objective. Fucking lying cocksuckers. Who owns Yahoo? Come on, tech fuck. I thought it was Time Warner. Did you? Thanks for the guess. I thought it was Time Warner. Did you? Thanks for the guess.
Starting point is 00:13:27 I could have done that. I thought it was the guy Sherwood Schwartz who directed fucking Brady Bunch. Is it Time Warner? The point is, just listen to how fucking, what lying motherless fucks they are. It's Yahoo News, by the way. Can you stay catechized? You are fake news. Sir.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Trump's, President Trump's abrupt order to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria News, by the way. Can you stay catechized? You are fake news. Sir, Trump's, President Trump's abrupt order to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria. Here's the headline. Donald Trump's decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria jeopardized Baghdadi mission. They can't even let him have this. But just listen. This is supposed to be objective.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Trump's abrupt order to withdraw troops from Syria disrupted the planning of the raid on Isoleta, Baghdadi's compound. It has emerged. Yeah, from your lying, cocksucking mouth. Mr. Trump knew the intelligence services were zeroing in on the location of Baghdadi when he ordered American troops to retreat from northern Syria earlier this month. U.S. officials told The New York Times. What the fuck is a U.S. official?
Starting point is 00:14:25 I love these broad terms. Who the fuck said it? U.S. official. U.S. officials. Would you get somebody from the NFL, NHL? This is what we. They're just putting out talk. They said they had warned the president that finding the elusive ISIL chief should be the U.S. top priority and that any major change on the ground could jeopardize.
Starting point is 00:14:47 By the way, jeopardize should be spelled with a fucking Z, shouldn't it? Come on, Rice, you went to Chapel Hill. I went to you. Yeah, me too. I went to Maine. Cheated my way through. Nice 2.3. Why is it spelled?
Starting point is 00:15:04 This is Yahoo News. This isn't the Guardian from England. Why the fucking3. Why is it? But this is Yahoo News. This isn't the Guardian from England. Why the fucking S's and Z's? Just something else to make me angry. Oh, this fucking pink, faggy color is really pissing me off. Excuse me. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:15:20 the raid occurred largely in spite of and not because of Mr. Trump's actions, they said. And they would be ghostwriters that work for Yahoo News. I don't believe a fucking word that comes out of their mouths. with the U.S. that its National Intelligence Service obtained from interviews with captured members of Baghdadi's inner circle, including his courier and his courier's wife. Those are people who make flowers, right? No, that's the guy who drives them around. That's how we found bin Laden.
Starting point is 00:15:56 This is all sounding fake to me. Remember? It was bin Laden's driver, too? Is that the modus operandi? You get on Uber and fucking call an Uber driver, and chances are he's going to be from that part of the country, even over here. I was tipped off by an Uber driver in Dallas about a year ago. This was going to go down.
Starting point is 00:16:16 El Ball Sammy Vinegar. What? What? They led him to the terror chief's location in Idlib, right next to Madlib's. Rebel-held northwest Syria. We don't need fucking who cares. The compound was deep within territory controlled by al-Qaeda-aligned rebels. The official said the mission was called off at least twice at the last minute.
Starting point is 00:16:41 You see how they're just making Trump out to be a fucking... Listen to this. The plan was coming together just as the U.S. 1,000 troops were being pulled out of the country and sat waiting for instructions in neighboring Iraq. Mr. Trump's decision to pull out left the U.S.'s main partner against ISIL, you know, the Kurdish-led SDFs, to fight alone. They keep pointing out everything that Trump done.
Starting point is 00:17:05 But here's my bigger point. Do you know why Syria is in the fucking mess it's in in the first place? Do you know why? How about fucking Barack Obama drawing his fake line in the sand and fucking the thick-ankled dog face weighing in? Seriously, that's when it's all that came apart. But don't talk about that Yahoo News as I spit fucking oatmeal down my face. This whole article is saying why Trump's full of
Starting point is 00:17:35 shit. And even after we killed this guy, I guess, again, I need headshots, clamor shots. Anyways, but by realizing belatedly that the decision had fortified all U.S. leverage, Mr. Trump then ordered several hundred of them to return last week. Brett McGurk, the former president envoy to the anti-ISIL coalition, who resigned in December over Trump's decision to draw a non-trump, said the operation spoke to what we have fortified with a sudden U.S. retreat across its northeast this month. Officials speaking in the New York Times also cast doubt on Mr. Trump's vivid account of the two-hour raid, which he watched live from the Situation Room. He said at one point during his address to the nation on Sunday that the quality felt
Starting point is 00:18:20 as though you were watching a movie. They have to pick apart his description of this, too. Do you fucking believe these motherless fucks? The official suggested Mr. Trump may have used some artistic license with his description as footage he was shown consisted of overhead surveillance shots of the dark compound with heat signatures
Starting point is 00:18:39 differentiating between U.S. fighters and targets with no accompanying auto. Yeah, that's what the fuck. Can you ever see a war movie now? That's what they show you. Guys with heat-seeking glasses. It looked like a movie. Fucking cunt stains.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Too much coffee. How are you? Sanka. Rich, go ahead. Pipe in. I don't give a shit. I, go ahead. Pipe in. I don't give a shit. I did some research. Oh, did you?
Starting point is 00:19:10 Terrorists don't use Uber. They only rent cars through Hertz. Here's why you almost had a good joke. And here's where I'm going to show you what a pro comedian The difference between you The fucking kid with I'd say stage four bone cancer of the funny bone You should have went with Alamo
Starting point is 00:19:37 You don't even know why He's got dead eyes Remember the Alamo? No it was a military It was a disaster. So I'm just saying, if you're going to pick a... But hurts, I get it, because terrorists hurt. When a guy chops your head off, it stings.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Is that the joke, you fucking fleabag? Oh, pinky custodial. Fucking... What am I living on? Heavy cream and baked potatoes? Fucking head is like a pumpkin, a black pumpkin. I'll get to that in a few seconds. I actually have a story today.
Starting point is 00:20:11 People are upset because somebody had black pumpkins. Black pumpkins. Of course they're black. We have climate change, global warming. We're all going to be black-faced in a few weeks. Speaking of black faces, my favorite rapper, YG. Am I saying that right, Raz? Huh? What the fuck kind of name is that? YG. I don't even get it. Do you? Rapper YG, you know him. He's the one who came up with the Fuck Trump song,
Starting point is 00:20:39 which is kind of catchy. I don't like the lyrics, but the music is very like Bernie Toppin, like. I don't like the lyrics, but the music is very like Bernie Taupin like. Rapper YG kicks fan off stage for refusing to yell fuck Trump. Let's show this angry black guy who hates white people and who, if he was living in another country, would be sweeping streets for a living. But now he's a millionaire. But, you know, he just fucking his hatred of whitey is just beautiful. Here he is. YG shitting on make it. You know, this is like every commercial you see.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Young white kid. Anybody seen that? What's the show with Cedric D'Antetano? That black making it's a sitcom. Neighbors or something. It's literally a sitcom. The sole purpose is to make fun of white people. It's the fucking most brutal. And I like Cedric D'Antetano. If I can work with him, met him many times. But that show. So goddamn racist. That's right. Racistric the Entertainer. Fucking worked with him, met him many times. But that show, so goddamn racist. That's right, racist in the other direction.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Can I say that? Okay, here's fucking YG shitting on a white kid. Hold on, man, I don't know if I want to shake your hand. Hey, listen. I spotted you out in the crowd. I asked you if you fuck with Donald Trump. You said you don't know. So since you don't know, I need you to make the crowd. I asked you if you fuck with Donald Trump. You said you don't know. So since you don't know, I need you to make up your mind tonight.
Starting point is 00:21:51 I need you to say your name. I want you to state your name because I know your mama, your daddy, your grandmama, your grandfather is watching. I want you to state your name and get the fuck Donald Trump. No, you won't. Yeah, that's right, bitch. Get his ass out of here. Get him out of his face. He a Donald Trump supporter. Get his ass out of here. Get him out of his face. He a Donald Trump supporter. Get his ass out of here.
Starting point is 00:22:12 There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. Oh, that dirty cocksucker. Oh, and you hit. Wow, that takes a lot of balls. Let's bring a white kid up on stage. Predominantly. Well, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:30 The audience could be obviously mixed. Young white kids still come out and watch this garbage. Hey, you humiliate me. I couldn't say humiliate. I was fucking stuck in my. I want you to fucking get your fucking number one get your hands off me fucking push me oh
Starting point is 00:22:52 again this guy would be driving a forklift maybe I don't even know if he's that smart if he grew up in another country he said he asked him do you fuck with Donald Trump and no wonder why the white kid didn't answer. I didn't know what that meant. Do I fuck with him?
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yes, I pork him every night after a few drinks. The term fuck with is slang commonly used to describe when somebody enjoys something to a certain degree. Oh, is that right? So the next time I'm at a restaurant and a fucking waitress comes over, did you enjoy dessert? I fuck with my dessert. Fucked it. Stuck my dick in that pudding, bitch. Fuck, I can't keep up.
Starting point is 00:23:34 And I like the fucking urban lingo. I use it around my house. Once I leave the property, I kind of fucking talk white. Anyways, so that's just another indication of, you know, white people and where you live. In 2019, you guys, we're getting pushed around fucking. God, wouldn't you love to see the opposite happen? Let's take a white singer.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Let's say Pat Boone calls up a young black kid. Raz doesn't know who Pat Boone is. He's too young and too black. He was the worst white singer in the history of white singers fucking used to wear a v-neck sweater blonde hair looked like he should have been the father on 8 is enough just a real fucking talentless bag of shit but sold a zillion records
Starting point is 00:24:20 as the white community welcomed with open arms but just have him call up a black kid. I want you to say Obama was a cocksucker Marxist and his wife is a fucking man. Say it, bitch. I don't like it, folks. Racism is a two-way street. Oh, delicious.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Finally got that AIDS to heal my lip. Rich, you had a date, I heard. Yes, I did. I met a really nice girl. A girl this time. Good for you. He met a girl. Oh, that dirty cocksucker.
Starting point is 00:25:04 That's funny. Go ahead. Where'd you meet her? She cut my hair. She cut your hair, and she still wants to fuck you? Jesus Christ, you got the hair of a Down syndrome. 60-year-old man. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:25:20 You showed a picture. Was she Asian, or was I... I think you were squinting. No, she was squinting. What the fuck? Obviously I wasn't. Well, good for you. I can't wait to see when you get an STD and you're not here next week. Anyways, ladies and gentlemen, how good was this weekend sports-wise?
Starting point is 00:25:39 Can I ask you people, how good, unless you're like a Haitian choreographer, you don't care about this type of stuff, how good was you're like a Haitian choreographer you don't care about this type of stuff how good was this weekend you got world series baseball I had hockey which I love college football out the goddamn yin-yang uh pro football I shit the bed in the pool I'm coming back to her but why am I mentioning this because uh we're about halfway through the NFL season there is no a better time to bet, okay? You like winning money? Who doesn't? I'll tell you where to put your money down at
Starting point is 00:26:11 If you're trying to bet on the NFL, baseball, MMA, whether Rich gets a STD, whatever. MyBookie's got it. Not to mention, you got the NHL and the NBA have just kicked off, right? You got all that ahead of you. And I get friends who gamble hard, man, and I'm serious. They've been through a bunch of sites and they say this is the one. You know why? My bookie has faster payouts, more lines than any other sports
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Starting point is 00:27:09 People love it because at this site you bet, you win, and you get paid. Okay? That's what you do. Real quick, dates. I don't know why I can't just say go to, but I'll read them anyways. I don't know why I can't just say go to, but I'll read them anyways. In case you're listening to me on the radio at 97 a.m., Friday and Saturday, November 8th and 9th,
Starting point is 00:27:33 the Kansas City Comedy Club, Kansas City, Missouri. Friday, November 15th, the Cortland Repertory Theater in Cortland, New York. The next night, I'm at this little club. I've been there many times. It's real seedy, but the food is terrific. The comedy works in Saratoga Springs. That's November 16th. Friday, November 22nd, my first appearance here in my new home state,
Starting point is 00:27:56 the Historic Ritz Theater, Brunswick, Georgia. The next night, Saturday, November 23rd, the TIFF Theater in Tifton, Georgia. And then on New Year's Eve, I go back to one of my favorite venues, the Tarrytown Music Hall in Tarrytown, New York. And then in 2020, we open up with the Ridgefield Playhouse in Ridgefield, Connecticut on Friday, January 24th. Saturday, February 15th, the Kelsey Theater, Lake Park, Florida. Friday, April 3rd, the Morgan Hill Event Center, Herman, Maine. So go to
Starting point is 00:28:28 for ticket information. And I look forward to seeing you out there. Look, that's still my bread and butter, okay? And, you know, I'm like the Stones. You've got to come see me live. Cut a few studio albums. You know what I tell you? It's Halloween time, and as you know, race always plays a part in this country, so when you put Halloween
Starting point is 00:28:47 and race together, what do you get? Black pumpkins. Black pumpkins up in this motherfucker. Anyways. Hey, where are the white women at? Here's a clip.
Starting point is 00:29:06 People are upset. Some white people put black pumpkins. I like to say pumpkins up in this motherfucker. They put some pumpkins, black pumpkins, on a porch. Okay? Fuck. Black pumpkins. Remember the fight about white Santa Claus and shit?
Starting point is 00:29:23 Ugh. Now, I saw the black pumpkins, and I said, that's called being inclusive. You're including, you know, I always put Chinese ones. I spray them yellow and my wife yells at me and I've done some Mexican ones that fucking, nice light brown, very well tastefully done. And Native American ones I put, I spray paint them bright red and then I just stomp on them. Here's a story about people getting upset about black pumpkins. And this is because we're butchered the issue of race in this country.
Starting point is 00:29:56 By the way, the left has controlled the conversation of race for the last hundred fucking years. And this is where we're at. Well, some trending topics, a controversial Halloween display has made some Nyack New York residents asking black pumpkin or black face. Retailer Bed Bath & Beyond removed black jack-o'-lanterns after hearing black face complaints. Local NAACP director Wilbur Aldridge says it shows an extreme lack of sensitivity. A law firm in the area had pumpkins on display outside their door and with reaction law firm in the area had pumpkins on display outside their door. And with reaction from residents in the area, they decided to take them down less than 48 hours after setting them out on the porch. They are pumpkins, black pumpkins, idiots.
Starting point is 00:30:36 That's all there is. God bless her. She understands it's nothing to be offended about. And she's black. There's about 10 people like that who think of the black population she's one of them Raz is the other one and uh Jesse Lee Peterson and uh Barclay sometimes and uh Clarence Thomas um we're upset about black black fucking pumpkins Jesus H Christ Heloise they should have put they could have been funny about it, though. They could have put Trudeau,
Starting point is 00:31:06 Governor Northam. You know what I mean? But it was a white lady. She came out. She disgusted me so much. She had the Janine Garofalo glasses that I didn't want to hear a word out of her mouth. But I guess they were her pumpkins. You know what surprised me?
Starting point is 00:31:21 This is why we're never going to get the race thing settled here. Because as long as one side is going to keep bringing this shit up and that's the l sharptons of the world in the n double acp who used to be they used to be an organization with integrity now they're just race baiters the minute they let sharp that as soon as i mean if they're going to fucking seriously make an issue out of shit like this, it just shows that they want retribution. They don't want reconciliation. And it's never going to get better. So I'm going home.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I'm going to spray some pumpkins. We're fighting about black pumpkins. Seriously. It's almost over, folks. I don't mean the show. I mean the country. It's almost over. God, if I could like this, it'd be so much funnier. Anyways, I don't know. Here's a related story, because we have a white mom here who explains how easily her son found racist propaganda online.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Joanna Schrader tells Anderson Cooper, the big girl, about the shocking discovery she made when she reviewed her son's social media and what she says parents can do about it. Apparently, this is a real epidemic. There's all kinds of white supremacist propaganda online that can radicalize your kids. Meanwhile, this brought her so dumb, she doesn't realize the mainstream media radicalizes people every day with their fucking anti-American horseshit around the clock. And so does the Internet and whatever. And she's worried because, ooh, her her son started to sound different and talk different
Starting point is 00:33:09 or whatever. But again, you know where I'm getting this? This is this source is CNN. So can you stay? You are fake news, sir. Go ahead. So let's play a little bit of her before I eventually throw up blood and we'll stop it. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Do you have white teenage sons? Listen up. I've been watching my boys' online behavior and noticed that social media and vloggers are actively laying groundwork in white teens to turn them into alt-right white supremacists. Somebody's gotta do it. Welcome to Full Circle, I'm Anderson Cooper. That was the
Starting point is 00:33:39 tweet that started it all for Joanna Schroeder. Pause. Yeah, let me put on my tight fucking medium T-shirt to do a news story. Hopefully you'll be a lifeguard from California who'll see me and I can fly out there and... Who the fuck wears a T-shirt to do the news? I can't make up my mind whether I like him or not.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Sometimes, you know, you see him in interviews when he's not. I like when I see a clip of him dancing, like, in Long... you know, in the Hamptons and shit. I go, hey, he seems cool. But, go ahead. He's gone from one concerned mom to sounding the alarm for parents everywhere. You are fake news. Like we saw in Charlottesville and on the Internet.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Pause. Pause. He's still bringing up Charlottesville as he flexes his tries. Jesus H. Christ. Still bringing up Charlottesville as he flexes his tris. Jesus H. Christ. Still bringing up Charlottesville. Still misquoting the president on Charlottesville. The minute that turd flies out of your mouth. What's the other thing he did during the first debate, the Dems debate?
Starting point is 00:34:37 Remember he goes, he accused somebody in the question. He goes, even though, I think he was talking to Biden. Even though the president falsely accuses you, remember he injected his own opinion. Rich, you remember that. You pay attention to that when I say that. I mean, a news anchor with big pipes and a tight T-shirt. Racists are recruiting. This is propaganda.
Starting point is 00:34:59 CNN. It's just around. No. Is he on CNN? He is. I can't keep my gay anchor straight. Matt, I was on MSNBC. And who's the other fruitcake? Oh, Shep Smith. That's right. He's fishing in Iowa this weekend.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Go ahead. Racists are trying to recruit your sons. She discovered that firsthand, intervened before it was too late. Not my daughters. Thanks so much for being with us. Can you just walk me through what happened when you first realized? Because I understand you I think you were riding in a car with with your kids. Pause. Yeah. And a black guy walked by and my son yet out to inward and threw a rock at his head. What a bunch of shit. Go ahead. Yeah. Yeah. We have some long drives living here in greater Los Angeles area. And just hearing the way that my kids, as they were growing up, were talking about social issues, questions they were asking, they were starting to use some terminology that was very recognizable for me as someone who has been writing on the Internet and working on the Internet for a long time. Propaganda.
Starting point is 00:36:01 on the internet for a long time. Propaganda. I recognize those words as kind of telltale signs that they were being exposed to some alt material. Whether they were doing it on purpose or not, that part I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Pause. Does she mention the words? I didn't watch this because 10 seconds into it, I fainted. I was so fucking upset. Like, this is a real problem. Raz,
Starting point is 00:36:26 did you watch it? You're the producer. And you're black. Are they going to bring up the terms? What were the words that upset her that her sons were saying? He saw a picture of Hitler on Instagram and liked it. Well, maybe they thought it was a nice picture of Hitler.
Starting point is 00:36:47 You know what I mean? Maybe he liked the picture. He didn't like Hitler, but, well, you know. No, I'm kidding. She looks like Hitler's girlfriend, by the way, don't she? But you hear how she planted right at the beginning. She goes, there's somebody who leans right and blah, blah, blah. So we know. Even the people who lean right are having a problem with their. Can you imagine? Let me ask you this, lady. Did your sons listen to hip hop like every other white kid? You're going to bring that up. And that doesn't fit the narrative.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Anderson Cooper and his girls T-shirt. Go ahead. It's like triggering. And I think snowflake it at one point. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And in kind of this idea, snowflake it at one point. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And kind of this idea. Snowflake. Pause the motherfucker. Now I'm talking black. She'd be nervous.
Starting point is 00:37:31 I was her kid. You rather have your son come home, grab at his car. What's up, bitch? Wait a minute. Triggering and snowflake with it. They saw words like triggering and snowflake. That makes you all right. You get all right.
Starting point is 00:37:48 This is why I was really against women getting the vote. I'm kidding. That was Jesse Lee Peterson. Anyways, sensitive. Everyone's become too sensitive these days. And when you hear an adolescent saying something like these days compared to compared to what days you know that's when you know that there's some outside influence happening there are words that are going to come into to kids kids vocabulary that might not have come from us but starting a liar liar whore liar
Starting point is 00:38:16 whore you know everyone's too sensitive and those kinds of talking points coming in all at once that's when i knew it was time for me to start maybe taking a deeper look at what media they were consuming. Pause, pause. I can't believe what I'm hearing. That's what set her off triggering Snowflake or we're becoming too sensitive. The phrase, we're becoming too sensitive. This is what she's upset about.
Starting point is 00:38:38 How empty is this broad's life? Not as empty as her head. She looks like Martina Navratilova right there coming. Alright, you know, a little more before I fucking blow it. You went through your son's social media feed with him and there was one meme that really stood out
Starting point is 00:38:55 that I think he had liked. Yeah, he was scrolling really fast and if you have teenagers, you know that they scroll through their Instagram super, super fast, just buzzing right through it. And he hit one and I was like, wait, is that Hitler? And he was like, yeah, I took the phone myself and I looked at it and it was Hitler sitting kind of in a theater type situation talking to somebody. And it was clear that it was kind of a joke about time travel. Yeah, pause. Jesus Christ,
Starting point is 00:39:27 if you had a time machine and could go back to any time, would you see the dinosaurs kill Hitler? They're giving you a choice, right? So, if you like that, it means you'd kill Hitler. Am I interpreting this wrong?
Starting point is 00:39:44 Raz, your thoughts as a black fella. I don't know what the speech bubble says. Oh, the speech bubble says, listen, these Jews can really handle money. But I'm looking at the thing at the top. Anybody interpreting that way, kill Hitler.
Starting point is 00:40:04 And the kid liked it, meaning, you know, I know Rich is nodding his head. Joanna Schrader, she's German herself. Anyways, a little more before I cut her head off. Oh, yeah. And it was clear to me exactly what was happening once I read it. But I could also see why, if he was scrolling quickly, he would like something like that and think it was about killing Hitler as opposed to helping Hitler. When I pointed out, all right, enough. You know what, Joanna?
Starting point is 00:40:33 Do me a favor. Drink as much as you can and buy the fastest street bike made and try to jump 12 buses on it. a street bike made and try to jump 12 buses on it. You dumb cunt. Anyways. I can't take it. Between the black pumpkins and the fucking alt-right kids using words like snowflake and trigger, I am about to fucking lose it, Raz. Trans woman.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Here's one that's going to get your panties in a bunch. Trans woman who sued beauty clinic for refusing to wax her scrotum. Let me repeat that, her scrotum. Those are the operative words, her scrotum. Her scrotum. Her fucking ball bag. Her testicles. Her testes.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Her fucking ball bag. Her testicles. Her testes. Her fucking nuts. Oh, my God. Sewing a beauty parlor because they wouldn't wax her balls. Fucking. Fucking quiz. Don't blame the gay people. This is a fucking fella. This is a woman who could be playing
Starting point is 00:41:48 pulling guard for the Packers tomorrow. And she's upset at some few fucking Koreans because they wouldn't wax her nuts. I've had that done. Not by a professional either. It was a guy in a van who had his thing set up at Target in the parking lot.
Starting point is 00:42:04 either. It was a guy in a van who had his thing set up at Target in the parking lot. Jessica Yeniff had brought over a dozen similar complaints that show she's a douchebag on top of being a biological aberration. A human rights tribunal has dismissed a trans woman's claim after she sued a beauty clinic for refusing to wax her scrotum. Yaniv went to a beauty salon in British Columbia, Canada, where she requested a bikini wax. But the trans woman was refused by stunned staff when they discovered she had a full set of male genitalia in her purse. What? Who the fuck? purse. What? Who the fuck? You can act like a man. What's the matter with you? But the tribunal found that her complaint was part of a campaign
Starting point is 00:42:55 to both enrich herself at the expense of South Asians and punish them for what Yaniv saw as transphobia. Oh my god, she's a twat on top of just being screwed. The British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal said Yaniv had manufactured the conditions for a human rights complaint when she had demanded a bikini wax despite still having a full set of male genitalia. A number of the salon workers had voiced religious objections to carrying out the work, while others said they weren't appropriately trained.
Starting point is 00:43:29 They didn't know how to, they don't wax guys' packages. They don't know what the fuck they're doing. I don't know nothing about that. Because the salon had never waxed anyone's scrotum, the tribunal said it could not be said to be discriminating against Ms. Yazanib. The verdict from the tribunal read, human rights legislation does not require a service provider to wax a type of genitals. Can you imagine we're having this conversation? That are not
Starting point is 00:43:55 trained for and have not consented to wax. Yenev, the ruling said, targeted small businesses. So she's a communist on top of it. Manufactured the conditions for a human rights complaint and then leveraged that complaint to pursue a financial settlement from parties who are unsophisticated. Boy, this is kind of racist against the South Koreans. It's another kind of pumpkin I'm going to put out. And unlikely to mount a proper defense. This is just disgusting.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Our clients do not offer the service requested. No woman should be compelled to touch male genitals against a will. I disagree with that part. But, you know, irrespective of how the owner of the genitals identifies. I'll tell you how this one identifies us. Get out of my room, you sick cunt. Yanev has been ordered to pay $2,000 to three of the women she complained about. One of them was forced out of business as a result of the case.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Can you imagine? You know what I mean? It's not bad enough you're a bit of a freak. And you know what? We all play the game. We pretend it doesn't bother us. I mean, it doesn't. But when you start, you know, bringing, you know, fucking frivolous lawsuits and
Starting point is 00:45:17 having people working hard, paying the taxes. And by the way, the tax is probably going to go to her next operation. And you're shutting them down. You're cutting your own throat. And that's a big fat throat with a big Abner's apple in it. Okay, Miss Yana, do us a favor. Stay the fuck out of the public eye for the next 10 years. You don't have to get your balls waxed. It's very easy.
Starting point is 00:45:43 You know, a Fucking duct tape, flamethrower, Bic lighter and a can of Lysol. You'll fucking singe those little hairs right off. Rich, are you with me? Get a super chat? I hope it's worth $100 because I'm really broke. Yes, sir. Jack Perry said, love you, Nick. Trump
Starting point is 00:45:59 2020, you Georgia peach. Thank you, Jack. I am a Georgia peach. I'm the peach. You know, you ever bite in and the fucking, you know, the stone in the middle breaks up and it cuts your gums and shit? That's the peach I am. What's with those peaches? When I was a kid, I ate a thousand peaches.
Starting point is 00:46:20 The stone never came apart. I blame Raz. is the stone never came apart. I blame Raz. I'm starting to really get a crush on AOC. I think this gal is terrific. She's really smart. Apparently there's a big demand for her.
Starting point is 00:46:40 We actually have an action figure doll. Let's run this. Tell me what an activist looks like. This is what an activist looks like. doll. Let's run this. Yeah, the pants. Tell me what a Democrat looks like. This is what a Democrat looks like. Tell me what America looks like. This is what America looks like. Pause. Nice choppers. Holy fucking shit. She should be on the deck of the orca biting Quentin half. should be on the deck of the orca biting Quentin half John Elway fuck Mr. Ed and this is what came out a nice this is what a lying bartender looks like this is what a brainwashed fucking college kid look Shemp Howard calls he wants his hair back Look at the fucking teeth on her That's not doing her justice actually
Starting point is 00:47:48 Although they did go with the brows Those are way thinner than her natural brows She looks like Andy Roney With the fucking natural brow This is what a dumb twat looks like This is what a communist looks like This is what a communist looks like. This is what a douchebag looks like.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. Yeah, and a Long Island iced tea. You know what the thing is, though? And people say, because, you know, there's a disruption in the Democrat Party. People, you know, you've got the new people who are radical leftists and all want to give illegals free health care and all that shit, and then you've got Biden hanging on by his nine-year-old hips and knees. But they say she's calling the shots.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Pelosi, you know, and she is. Imagine they're taking her lead. That's why I'm going to say it again. It's either going to be Bloomberg or, you know know Dick Sporting Goods, the guy, I think his name is Ed Stanton or something, who's the CEO. He's thinking of jumping. Free jockstraps for everybody. But
Starting point is 00:48:54 I still say you don't know who the nominee is yet. All the ones you're watching in these debates are not going to be. Oprah's going to convince that jerk off Bob Iger at Disney, and that'll be a disaster because Disney is a cult. They are the biggest purveyor of political correctness, which is eating us alive. If you have kids, just watch a Disney cartoon. It's so fucking gay, it makes me gay. I don't have kids, and I still watch. This is what an asshole looks like.
Starting point is 00:49:21 This is what an asshole looks like. Oh, AOC. Is she too young to run? Is her minimum rich? Huh? She can run? He says it was 35 per president. Yeah, she's not 35.
Starting point is 00:49:45 She looked at us as that doll there you go Tommy you want to punch him now or after the show Rich anytime I ask you a question just say this I don't know nothing about that
Starting point is 00:50:14 speaking of broads, this report, again, ostensibly is about making people wear breast cancer, but it's really about chicks just showing off their tits. They talk about men's egos. Broads do anything when they're young to show off their bodies, and here's a case. Woman wears hidden camera and bra to show how often people look at her chest. There are many ways to raise awareness about breast cancer, but none are as unique. Oh, yeah, this is brilliant. How did you come up with this?
Starting point is 00:50:36 As the one Whitney Zellig has done. The 29-year-old put on a low-cut shirt and wore a hidden camera as she walked through New York City with her big delicious tits hanging out. What? People looked at her. delicious tits hanging out. What? People looked at her. I'm going to faint. You know what this does? This fucking stupid thing. Again, ostensibly, it's about making people, but it shows what pig guys are.
Starting point is 00:50:55 And, you know, it's a two-edged sword and whatever. Her brother, Chris, who helped with the filming, shared a video of the footage they captured in it. Men, women, and even Sesame Street characters can be seen glancing at Whitney's chest. Well, in New York City, Sesame Street characters have been charged with rape. So let's not, I mean, Oscar the Grouch, like, try to finger pop some. While it seems like a fun way to call out skeevy people. They did the video for a totally different reason that becomes clear at the end when it reads,
Starting point is 00:51:31 ladies, don't forget to check your own breasts too. Why do you have to check? There's a million guys who would want to check your breastful lumps. When I was a young comedian, I used to say, when I sold CDs after the show, I said 20% of this goes to breast cancer research. And they'd come back to buy it and then I'd say, well, not really, but
Starting point is 00:51:49 I'm going to take the money and buy a few drinks and try to grab your tits. Play the video. Two gay guys. That was the best one. Pause. You see what they're doing here, too? They're also letting you know that, again, you've got to keep it diverse. The two guys piss you in the fucking stroller.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Who's this? Buddy Ryan? You know what's hilarious? I know we freeze-framed it, but look at the size of her head compared to her body in this shot right there. Tommy, if you can find the midget with that type of head, I'll sit it right on the desk. I'm telling you. Bon appetit. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Oh, clever. Clever. I like when the girls look at her like, hey. By the way, that kid tried to blow up a mailbox an hour after this. Snuck in. Anyways. And there was a story in the post today I didn't even bother Two models last night were at the World Series game
Starting point is 00:53:29 They have a zillion people following them on Instagram And I guess they exposed their tits during the game Again They did it to what? Make people aware of breast cancer Is there anybody not aware of breast cancer? They wanted to make people aware of their tits and get more followers and more friends. That's why you're watching Rome in the final weeks.
Starting point is 00:53:52 No reason to throw them out of the ballpark. They're banned. It would have been funny if it was a guy in his 60s with the big flabby tits and have him walk around New York City with people. You know what I mean? They said this girl that did this video, her brother Chris, shot it.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Their mother had breast cancer, whatever. And they said previously Chris made a similar video to raise awareness for prostate cancer. What did he do? Fucking walk around spreading his ass cheeks in Manhattan? Walking backwards? Take a look at me! Let's see that video. I mean Jesus Christ!
Starting point is 00:54:32 Anderson Cooper or Cooper Anderson I can never remember how it goes. What is it? Anderson Cooper? Two last names. That's a fucking meme. We're all aware of breast cancer. You know when I was made aware of it? Oh I don't know. When the NFL started dressing like a gay fucking parade float, Tom Brady scrambling with a fucking pink scarf on, pink booties,
Starting point is 00:54:58 tackled by a 400-pound black guy wearing a pink overcoat. Survivors and victims of shocking state-sanctioned organ harvesting in China. guy wearing a pink overcoat. Survivors and victims of shocking state-sanctioned organ harvesting in China. This is kind of an involved story, but I wanted to talk about it because, boy, did it make my mouth water. I love kidneys and... It's the stuff, Tom. You make me nervous. Go sit in the waiting room, will you? Jesus Christ, he's pacing. he's got a look on his face like he wants to fucking punch somebody.
Starting point is 00:55:29 It's the stuff of nightmares. It has been buried from public view, hard to prove, and shrouded beneath the cloak of silence for almost 20 years. But anecdotes and evidence are slowly bubbling to the surface that organs of members of marginalized groups detained in Chinese prisons and labor camps are unwillingly harvested. Most affected is the spiritual minority,
Starting point is 00:55:49 the Falun Gong. Get this. They do it when they're alive sometimes. You take a nap, you wake up, and your stomach's missing, and you're like a stuffed animal. I'm all for this.
Starting point is 00:56:00 What? I forgot to hit this for the girl with the big tits. You fucking whore. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready. Oh, that's horrible. After 12 months of independent assessment of all available evidence, the seven-person China
Starting point is 00:56:17 tribunal panel by ETAC, International Human Rights Charity, deliberates findings on harvesting organs in China. Forced organ harvesting has been committed for years, and foul and gone practices have been one and probably the main source of organ supply, the report concluded, pointing to the growing transplant industry almost worth more than a billion dollars.
Starting point is 00:56:43 The report underscored that there were extraordinary short-wave. This is how they know. You know how over here you need a kidney or you need a heart transplant, you can be on the list for two years? Over there, it's like 11 minutes. That's how they know there's so many fucking organs floating around. They fucking try. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Oh, my heart you're taking my lung imagine you fucking extraordinarily short waiting times for organs to be available you just call up you're like yeah my kid needs a fucking liver. He's going to be dead by tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:57:27 They're like, look, come down tonight. Loading dock three. Back up the Zuzu. Anyways, numerous websites advertise hearts, lungs, and kidneys for sale. And these aren't supermarkets. Suggesting an on-demand industry, the tribunal concluded that the Commission of Crimes Against Humanity against Falun Gong and the Uyghurs had been committed.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Witness testimonies. Here's where we get some details. What's so funny? Do I look like an asshole? I know. The Uyghurs. It's the Uyghurs. No, it's the Uyghurs.
Starting point is 00:58:02 I'm telling you. They call themselves the Uyghurs. They're black Chinese people. The Chiggers. No, it's the wiggers. I'm telling you, they call themselves the wiggers. They're black Chinese people. The chiggers. What? Hey, that's fucking ridiculous. You can't talk like that. I just did. Son of a whore! testimony provided to the tribunal in an interview by Fox News paints the picture of an unfathomably callous trade often performed when the victims are still alive. Okay? These Chinese.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Huh? Like when they do, though, when they take your kidneys and they're like, don't worry, we're going to put this next to some broccoli and call it General Tso's fucking golden treasure. Han Yu, who I used to date, was kidnapped on July 20th, 2015, and detained for 37 days in Beijing's Hayden District Detention Center. In May 2004, three months after her father disappeared into a detention center, Han Yu received a call that her father, a Falun Gong practitioner, was dead. But it wasn't until almost a month later that the family was allowed to view the body at the Langzhou District, Zhao Shenghuang Village Morgue, with dozens of authorities surveilling their every move.
Starting point is 00:59:20 This is what she saw. I saw obvious injuries on his face, even after the makeup. The severe bruise below his left eye stood out. This is what she saw. found stitches that went all the way to his stomach. She suspects her father was a victim of organ harvesting. The family was not given an autopsy, Hu stressed, and the body was hurriedly cremated. We were not even allowed to cry when he was buried, Hu continued, reflecting on the throngs of authorities that trailed their every move and prohibited any photographs from being taken. Okay?
Starting point is 01:00:03 The government's following you around even at the funeral and shit. It's coming. Just vote Democrat. I am here! I have things to say! That will be
Starting point is 01:00:14 Zhang Li. Also believes her father, Zhang... Also of the Falun Gong faith, was a victim to the harrowing practice. He was arrested on May 2008, sent to a forced labor camp. Bill Belichick tried to draft him.
Starting point is 01:00:34 He ran a 4-3-40. On the afternoon of January 27, 2009, she and three other family members went to visit him. His mental and physical health was normal. Then at 3.40 p.m. the next day, the labor camp called my brother and said he had died and immediately hung up. Seven of my family members arrived at the mortuary house at 10.30 p.m. with the guidance of police officers. They read out the regulations. We could see the body for only five minutes, no cameras or communication devices, and we could only go to the freezer room to see Zhang's head and not his body.
Starting point is 01:01:07 But when her older sister touched his face, she screamed that his philtrum was still warm. Those are the two lines under your lips, under your nose. That's a philtrum. And his upper teeth were biting his lower lip. He was alive. We pulled out my father's body halfway we touched his chest and it was warm
Starting point is 01:01:26 he was wearing a down jacket my older sister prepared to perform CPR but were each forcibly dragged out of the freezer by four people uniform and plainclothes officers pushed my father's body into the freezer they demanded that we quickly sign for cremation and pay the fees the family has since attempted to seek some sense of justice They demanded that we quickly sign for cremation and pay the fees. The family has since attempted to seek some sense of justice.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Their lawyers ended up behind bars, and their family home was raided in 2010. Lee said she was terminated from her job without explanation and detained. And there's another, it's just, it goes on and on. But it's unbelievable what they're doing, too. You know, and again, just keep in mind, Google wants to do business and is doing business with the Chinese. And, you know, why are you smirking, Dick Cheese? You got to go ahead, let it go. Let me hear the fucking horrible freezer chink joke you got to do.
Starting point is 01:02:24 That's why you always order boneless spare ribs. Anybody want to help me? That's why you order boneless spare ribs. You can't pretend that's even funny. Huh? Why boneless spare ribs, Rich? Because they don't have bones in it. And this is, they're harvesting organs.
Starting point is 01:02:47 You have no logic. You're psychotic. You actually scare me sometimes. When they harvest organs, they don't take your bones out, you cheese dick. Do they? Do they? Then he forgets to press the button. You are a horse's patoot. All's I'm saying is this is wrong.
Starting point is 01:03:08 I'm against it. No. Google is, you know, we're in cahoots. This is LeBron James is probably speaking out. There's nothing wrong with what they're doing. Look, I'm black. I'm going to have diabetes in about five minutes. I'm going to need a new pair of feet.
Starting point is 01:03:25 So what if they're a size two? That's enough, right? We started at 12. I've had enough. It's 112 degrees in here. Ladies and gentlemen, anything else I get? We'll get to this girl serving a drink with her ass tomorrow. That's the hard hitting news. It's actually a clip of the we'll get to this girl serving a drink with her ass tomorrow. That's the hard-hitting news. It's actually a clip. We'll show it tomorrow. Rich, good luck with that girl. I'm sure that'll last.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Y'all fat fuck, look at you. That's what they say when they grab you to fucking harvest your lunch. Y'all fat fuck, look at you. fucking harvest your lunch. Y'all fat fuck, look at you. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. That is it. Don't forget, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:04:17 what do I say at this point? This show drops tonight at 7, right? On YouTube. Facebook, no, because Facebook is fucking with us. Huh? We're going to upload it to Facebook later? Is that how it works?
Starting point is 01:04:31 I have no idea. I hate all this shit. I wish it was 1863. Okay? Sure, I'd die of dandruff back then, but I don't want to be alive anyways. You want me to send a video roasting one of your friends or relatives,
Starting point is 01:04:47 beating up on a neighbor you hate or somebody like Rich at work, just an unfunny fuck who thinks he's hilarious. Or I can say happy birthday to you, Grammy and Grampy. Happy anniversary. That is it. Remember, you guys think it. I will say it. We'll see you guys back.
Starting point is 01:05:02 We'll see you on Patreon tomorrow. Take care of yourselves. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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