The Nick DiPaolo Show - Trump: 'Don't Trust, but Verify' | Nick Di Paolo Show #440

Episode Date: November 6, 2020

Trump decries election tampering. Artie Lange joins the show. Nick makes a huge announcement....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I want to get something off my chest that's very important to me right now, okay? Very important to me. So many of you people have sent me emails, messages on social media asking me to come to perform in your town, which I'd love to do. I've been getting these from everywhere. I'm talking everywhere. New York, Florida, Oregon, Vermont, whatever, Montana. People all over.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Not only that, Alaska. And people in countries like Canada and Australia and the UK. And I can't tell you how much that means to me. You know, I'm an international star, apparently. Stand up has always been my bread and butter. You know that. So not being able to tour during this pandemic, knowing it's a fucking has been brutal. Ask my wife. She's getting out of the shelter this week. It's been brutal. I had so much new material going into March, which makes
Starting point is 00:00:53 it even that much tougher. I wish I could come to all of your towns and countries, but I can't. My jet's not working, especially now that they're shutting everything down due to COVID. Anyways, on Saturday, November 21st, write it down. Saturday, November 21st. I've got a show at the Plaza Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. The audience size will be limited to about 250 people, live people there. But I'm also going to be bringing in a full crew to do a three camera shoot of this show and we will live stream it so you people who don't get to see me are going to get to see me doing what i do best
Starting point is 00:01:32 we'll be micing the audience and doing uh we're going to do it all in one live take so it's going to be really fun i can't wait to do this i want it might be the new way we have comics live now i don't know i want all of you, no matter where you are, to be able to watch and have a live stand-up comedy experience. Watching stand-up live, it's like rock and roll. It's the only way to do it, really. It's best live, especially me, because I have no fucking idea when I go out to do what I'm going to do that night. I kind of. I have an outline, but you don't know. I could punch a waiter on the back of the head if he interrupts me. This will be streaming on the Watch Live Now network.
Starting point is 00:02:11 And tickets just went on sale. That's You can watch on your home TV or any other device through Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, or Android TV. And I just found out today that even if you can't watch it live, if you still get the stream, it's available to you for another week. So, you know, if you're wherever,
Starting point is 00:02:36 you're not going to get up to watch me at four in the morning. You're going to have it for a week, which is excellent. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to this. I've played this room before. It's excellent. People, let's say in Ireland who have never been to Vegas can see what an actual showroom looks like. I'm looking forward to this. I really hope you all be there for the live stream. Again, you can get tickets at and I'll add this to my website also at please make plans to join me live from vegas on saturday november 21st i cannot friggin wait guitar solo Yeah, here we is again. How are you, folks?
Starting point is 00:03:56 In the midst of the election, I call it a scandal at this point. And yeah, somebody is trying to fucking steal it. But what's new? People who disagree with it. No, you're right. The party that tried to, you know, pull the Russian hoax for two and a half years and then try to impeach him and everything.
Starting point is 00:04:14 No, they wouldn't be capable. What are you fucking kidding me? We all knew this was coming. Pick the wrong guy, lefties, to fuck with. Trump and Giuliani. Hey, fucking Giuliani beat five mob families. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:28 So whether he's still capable, I don't know. I know he likes to have a little vino before he goes on. But also coming up real soon on the show, Artie Lang, my old buddy, Artie, who hasn't been seen or heard from in a while.
Starting point is 00:04:43 So we're going to see what he's up to. One of my favorite people on the planet, even though we've had our differences. I like people who are a little fucked up. And he's a lot fucked up. But he's still as funny as anybody you'll ever meet. And the best storyteller I've ever met in my life. So, yeah, that's what's on the show today. I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So, enjoy.
Starting point is 00:05:10 I have Nick the pig as a friend. More than a friend, I'm your husband. How dare you say that? Anyways, let's get right to it. Trump recount. You didn't think you were going to fucking do this and have him walk away, did you? You silly bitches. Trump can ask for a recount as he has said he will do in Wisconsin. Then take it a step further. Take this into territory we have never been before. This is from Breitbart.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Anyways, and that's where I think we might be headed. Should Trump, that's not beheaded, beheaded. Not like fucking Arakbo! Beheaded should Trump end up contesting the election, which of course he's going to do. Trump's not just going to contest the election and demand every vote be counted. No, my guess is that he's going to contest the election and demand every vote be counted. No, my guess is that he's
Starting point is 00:06:06 going to contest the election and demand every vote be verified. Big fucking difference. Verifying every vote is a very different thing from counting every vote. We know what we don't find out. We would know who voted, whether it was in person or through the mail. We want to know who voted. We don't know who this person voted for. But every voter reveals their name and address when they vote. So we have to connect the faces to the votes. So that's where I believe Trump might go with this. And he's not fucking going to lay down for anybody. You know him. You want to go to war? Come on. You want to go to war? We'll take you to war, okay?
Starting point is 00:06:47 Tony Cuno. Donald Cuno. Trump said, right, he said yesterday, last night I was leading and often solidly at many key states and almost all instances of Democrat run and controlled, we were doing terrific. One by one, they started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Very strange. And pollsters got it completely and historically wrong. I mean, we don't have to say anything like it. That sounds like me having a cold. I don't know what the fuck that was. The key phrase there is surprise ballot dump. The Trump campaign is also saying Trump will win after every legal vote is counted. So it's going to get messy with all the fucking lawyers and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Counselor. It's going to get fucking hot and heavy. We have been hearing this a lot today from a team Trump and Rush Limbaugh, some variation of the president will win once all the legal votes are counted. I believe this language is deliberate and laying the groundwork. So what does that mean? Well, we got Giuliani on. It could mean Trump sues to demand a look at the ballots to ensure, for instance, no one voted twice, which everybody, you know, that happens, once by mail and once again in person. That was part of the COVID plan anyways. So people mail this shit in.
Starting point is 00:08:21 And yes, it's more susceptible to fraud. Fuck you. That no votes were cast by people who are deceased. They've already found a couple of those who are who moved to another state. It could mean Trump demands the states allow investigators to verify every single vote, especially the mailed ballots. Make sure they are legitimate. OK, so that's their plan. I don't know why you would announce that to the public.
Starting point is 00:08:47 I wouldn't tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again. But I guess it doesn't matter if they're going to get right to it. It's no secret that for decades, Republicans have worried about what goes on in these big Democrat machine cities. There have been books written about how the GOP must win by the margin of fraud. In other words, fraud is built into it every time because that's what lefties do. They're fucking, they have no moral compass. They're soulless. It's all about power.
Starting point is 00:09:13 They want to turn this country into a third world shithole and they'll do anything, anything to do that. They used to play coy a little bit, but now they're shameless fucks like AOC, Bernie Sanders, outright socialist cocksuckers, and they don't even try to hide it now. This is why the GOP wants voter ID every year. This is why the GOP wants voter rolls updated when people move out of state or die. Democrats fight to the death against these reforms. I wonder why that is. It only makes Republicans more suspicious because they think we're all just fucking, you know, country bumpkins and whatnot. Biden's going to die in a year anyways.
Starting point is 00:09:59 He's going to fuck, and it's not going to be in a fucking dirt bike race. He's going to, to fuck and it's not going to be in a fucking dirt bike race he's gonna like that commercial he's gonna be bringing his laundry downstairs and his wife's gonna look downstairs he's gonna be unconscious with a bunch of laundry on him bleeding from his empty skull fingers crossed bottom line i think trump could uh very well uh go scorched earth of course course he is. What's he got to lose? To find out once and for all if these suspicions about voter fraud are accurate. Trump will not just demand recounts. He's probably going to demand that each of these ballots, each of these votes matches to the person that specific vote is supposed to match up with. Oh, man, this is going to be great. You're entitled to shit.
Starting point is 00:10:46 That's right, Joe. And don't forget it. All right. I've been waiting to make this announcement for a goddamn year. And in a moment, I'm going to have Artie Lang on with me to discuss it as well. YouTube has been shitting all over comics like me who lean to the right and tell the unfiltered truth. They just can't fucking handle it. As you know, we've been working to create a platform with no fear of censorship,
Starting point is 00:11:10 and it's just about ready. And I want to thank Tommy Nicky, my manager. He's the only guy that could pull this off, okay? My new platform is called The Comics Gym. The Comics Gym, and folks, I friggin' love it. First and foremost, I have absolute control of what goes up on the site. And more importantly,
Starting point is 00:11:29 that it stays on the site. I will never, ever be banned or limited or censored again. Second, my daily show will continue to be free. It's too important a show to put behind a paywall. And you guys have been supporting it all this time, so you deserve it to
Starting point is 00:11:45 stay free third i'm not alone i'll be on the site but so will arty lang jimmy florentine and some other great comics we've also got some rare footage of otto and george that you have to see and we'll be providing a platform for new comics to reach the masses. And lastly, we've built in live streaming stand-up shows on the site so you can see me in Las Vegas on November 21st through the site, Florentine in Maine, and more. I'm really excited about the live stream stand-up thing. That might be the new way comics perform now.
Starting point is 00:12:21 I don't know. Anyway, this site is supported by listener contributions and sponsors, and just like we have now there's a section that you can subscribe to get the first 300 episodes of my show uh 300 episodes of arty's uh old shows uh so there's a free section and a paid section all of which comes to the artist uh We're not supporting big tech anymore. Never, ever again. Not the way they fucked us. Here's the plan. I'll be launching the site starting on Monday, but you can join for free.
Starting point is 00:12:53 That's right, for free, starting immediately. I'll be running my show on and on YouTube through the end of the year. Now you're saying, why are you going to stay on YouTube, Nick? Why? To fucking use them. That's why. Just like Howard Stern used terrestrial radio before he went to satellite. I'm going to use YouTube to inform everyone where I'm going. And then by the end of the year, or when they kick me off, whichever comes first, I'm going to make the jump off YouTube entirely. So the comics gym will be the exclusive home for my show. I'm sure there'll be a few hiccups along the way, folks.
Starting point is 00:13:26 It's a new website. It's a lot of technology, but be patient and stay with us. And it's going to be great. Again, it's And I couldn't be happier. I talked about it a couple of days ago with my old pal, Artie Lang. And here's that interview. Enjoy.
Starting point is 00:13:43 On the line with me right now okay and uh one of my favorite people in the whole world we've been through a lot together uh I can't imagine being one of his girlfriends holy shit uh it's the great and I will stress this not late Artie Lang Artie how are you buddy what's going on going on, Nick? Good to see you. Good to see you. You got a chance to be one of my girlfriends several times. You turned me down. But it's good to hear from you in Georgia.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Doing your show, doing your thing. Oh, man, I should have moved here in high school. You know me, Artie. I'm one pickup truck away from buying overalls, I should say. Hey, let me ask you, Artie, real quick, because this is the question everybody wants to know. Where have you been? Where have you been?
Starting point is 00:14:32 What have you been doing the last six months? Because every time I go on the road, I get this question, since you and I ended the Nick and Artie show, they always go, where's Artie? And I always have, like, three stock answers. I go, he's either in jail or in rehab. And I said, if i'm in a shitty mood i go hey i'm not his wet nurse fucking here's his phone number call him but uh what do you think that's the usual answer i bet they get what are you doing uh well the fact for asking i well i took it down a couple of
Starting point is 00:15:01 notches i was i came back and uh i've stayed and sober. That's like a full-time job. You know, I, um, I, I, I go to meetings on zoom in the summertime. I had some AA meetings, uh, outdoors that I attended and, uh, I work a program and I just thought that I had a, you know, sort of retreat a little bit from the work I was doing to make that happen and stay out of jail, stay out of rehab. But I've been clean now almost two years. So, you know. Wow.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Yeah, it's a different life. It's a different life. You know, doing drugs is a full-time job, and it takes up a lot of time, and you've got to do something else in your time. You've got to do something else uh in your time to uh you got to you got to get you know get a different life you meet people that are are in the same struggle a little bit you try to hang out with them more you know and um and that's the thing if you got to make
Starting point is 00:15:57 sacrifices like take back work a little bit that's what you got to do. So that's what I did. That's what I've been doing the past six months. People have been very nice online from what I've seen. And, you know, they're concerned. I'm sorry people give you such shit for it. No, no, no. They do it out of love, man. Are you bored already? Like, do you feel, I mean, because, you know, when you're a party hardy like that all your life, are you crawling the walls or, you know?
Starting point is 00:16:28 Not really. No, it's, it's part of that was a part of that happened in the beginning, but, uh, you know, it's not, it's not so much, it's just like thinking clearer, you know, you start to think clearer and you start to think, wow, you know i i i did this i did that and it's trying to you know get over a lot of the stuff that you did when you were when you were messed up you know and trying to figure out a way to to live without you're thinking all this stuff you thought was exciting and it wasn't exciting it was just it, it was exciting, but it was also dangerous. And stuff just shit to the wind for a long time.
Starting point is 00:17:11 You start to realize you can't do that anymore. Do you look back and go, But not all the walls in the beginning, that's the case. Absolutely. And I did a lot of that in rehab, you know, and got that over with. And then you come out and, you know, you got to, that's why meeting other people, they, you know and i got that over with and then you come out and um you know you gotta that's why meeting other people they you know you you get involved in their world and you know it's like being making friends again it's it's a whole process you know but you embrace it and you
Starting point is 00:17:38 figure your life is worth it you know yeah after watching the news i'm not sure you're right but uh Yeah. After watching the news, I'm not sure you're right. But the fuck is going on here? How are you doing down there in Georgia? I've never been happier, man. You know, this show took off, thank God. I hooked up with Tommy, who knows what he's doing marketing-wise. And I live in this beautiful neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:18:02 When you look at Savannah, you think of those Spanish moss trees, the Spanish moss hanging down. I live on. Right, I've been to Savannah, yeah. Oh, yeah, you know. You know. So, yeah, and the studio, I found a studio nine minutes from my house as opposed to when you used to.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Wow. I used to sit on the sawmill parkway at 5 o'clock to try to get to our radio gig that you and I had at the beginning. Yeah. Remember? And I used to be out of my you and I had at the beginning. Remember? And I used to be out of my fucking mind. I'd literally go to a bar, which didn't help the Nick and Artie show, but I'd literally have to have three drinks to take the edge off
Starting point is 00:18:34 because I'd be out of my mind. I'd come into the comedy cell and Colin goes, why are you so crazy that there's traffic in New York? And I go, it doesn't matter that I know it's coming. It doesn't make it any less fucking annoying. And I just, I used to have my best sense. Right, that is a different life than living in Nevada, Georgia. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:18:53 I mean, I was like, forget about it. But it's not too slow. You know, I mean, Artie, it's not too slow. I mean, first thing I did when I got down here, Artie, I bought a handgun. And literally the second day I gotie, I bought a handgun and literally the second day I got here, I bought a handgun. I put it on my lap and I drove through the
Starting point is 00:19:09 Chick-fil-A drive-thru. I just wanted to get a reaction from the person in the window. Didn't even phase them. They're like, hey, that's a 642 lightweight, ain't it? Smith & Wesson. How did you know that? The person could see the gun? Yeah, it was on my lap.
Starting point is 00:19:25 I did it on purpose just to let them know there was a crazy Yankee. And they're like, that's a 642. I go, how do you know that? And they're like, well, I shot my stepdad. He's trying to fuck my sister last Christmas. And I go, well, that's a nice story, Pam, but can I get some more ketchup, please? So you don't feel any danger having a gun in the house?
Starting point is 00:19:48 Well, it depends on what time of the month it is with the wife. That's the only time I get a little nervous. No, I feel just the opposite. I have a handgun and I bought a couple months ago, I got an AR-15. I mean, I'm in the South. We have to do this.
Starting point is 00:20:04 What do you do? Where do you do what do you do where do you go shoot you go to a range yes like in savannah can you just go right in your backyard and shoot three if you want no i'm in a residential area but uh there's a here's what i love about savannah arty everything is uh literally two and a half miles from my house i swear to god so i get the guy i'm like i want i know there's a range in Savannah somewhere. I Google it. It's at 1.9 miles from your house. An indoor range. And I went there, and it's so funny.
Starting point is 00:20:34 The first day I went there, there was a guy in there already with a military-grade machine gun. They warned us before we went in that it's extremely loud, even with your headphones on. Every time this guy shot this thing my heart would like defibrillate i've never felt anything if you if you remember when we were in when we were in afghanistan up in that helicopter yeah were you up in the helicopter
Starting point is 00:20:58 when the guy was letting me shoot the i couldn't shoot a mountain the thing had such a kick yeah we both shot it this redneck marine was going to shoot that shoot that mountain. The thing had such a kick in it. Yeah, we both shot it. This redneck Marine was going, shoot that mountain. I'm like, I can't shoot the mountain. It was just kicking back so hard, and it was so insanely loud. I had the headsets on, but, you know. Yeah. You're talking about that at, like, a shooting range in Georgia. Yeah, inside, you know, with bad acoustics.
Starting point is 00:21:20 I think it's great. Oh, my God, it was fine. So, you know, just to give Antifa an idea what they might face if they want to come into the suburbs down here. But, I mean, you can't find ammunition down here or, fuck, it is unbelievable. I'm making my own ammunition. I'm in my basement, you know, using my wife's biscuits from fucking Thanksgiving. So you learned how to make bullets?
Starting point is 00:21:43 Yeah. Well, maybe that's it. Maybe I should eventually come down there and get a gun and just start shooting things. Well, Chick-fil-A. I wonder if it would work the same with a Burger King if the kid would take care of the Burger King. I think he might.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Yeah, Burger King, the guy will stick a gun in your face himself. But what's great about it already is my buddy zook you know zook he's a he was a cop for 33 years in miami yeah so he came down here and his life dream was to buy like a a rundown house on a big farm and so he bought a house uh about an hour and a half from here on 30 acres of land and i said to him i said you're like fucking uh english bob in the unforgiven i'm gonna come down there you're like fucking English Bob in The Unforgiven. I'm going to come down there. You're going to be on the roof
Starting point is 00:22:27 and it's all crooked and shit. So, but, but here's the thing. You're talking about the Queen again, Zook? On Independence Day? He's got a lot. Here's the beauty of that,
Starting point is 00:22:39 Artie. 30 acres. I'm going to go down there every weekend with my guns. You know, you can, if I can 30 acres, we can shoot all over the place.
Starting point is 00:22:44 30 acres. Holy shit. But so where you live in just a, you live in. You know, if I can 30 acres, we can shoot all over the place. 30 acres? Holy shit. So you live in just a regular house? I live in a, yeah. I just have a nice little backyard. And, yeah, I live on, like, the most beautiful street in Savannah. That's from people in Savannah say that. So, yeah, no, it's very nice.
Starting point is 00:23:01 But, again, the best part is the airport is 18 minutes away. My work is nine minutes away. Anytime they need something, and it's a college town, so it's not like a bunch of old people. There's young people, and it's got everything. And, you know, I know you can't drink anymore, but they have the most beautiful bars and restaurants. I was looking online at some old shows of you and I, you know, of the Nick and Artie show.
Starting point is 00:23:27 I found the clip. And I think the hardest we both laugh was you were talking about you're like, yeah, me and my uncle were. And you said we're installing. I don't know if it was duck work or cable. And you go at a beautiful guy's house instead of a guy's beautiful house. beautiful guy's house instead of a a guy's beautiful house do you remember that one and i go what way i said what are you putting uh what are you putting a foyer in at fucking uh i don't know fabian's house whatever i look at those pictures i still have them on my on my ipad and on my phone of you and i uh in like Times Square when we first got the DirecTV deal. Literally, our faces are on a giant electronic billboard in Times Square. And then cut cut to, you know, a month later, we have a celebrity chef on our show, on the
Starting point is 00:24:16 DirecTV show. And Artie's Artie's actually throwing like fucking macaroni at him during this segment. I mean, I've never I've never laughed and been more appalled in my life. Yeah, I'd say how poorly is the word? I mean, you were involved now in this thing, this platform with Tommy, our manager, the comic Jim. Yeah, that's where the new, that's where Artie's show is going to be, Halfway House.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Jim Florentine's on there. Otto and the late, great Otto and George. We have a dead guy on the platform. We have a dead guy on the platform. You know what? I've been watching Otto's clips, though, on YouTube for like a month, Artie. Oh, my God. Crying.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Crying out loud. I had my buddy Zook the cop watch it. He had never seen Otto and George before. The guy, I can't talk to him now without my buddy zook the cop watch it he had never seen auto and george before the guy i can't talk to him now without my buddy going uh a cock we were watching clips of him uh hosting the porn awards and this had to be christ it says i think it said 1998 on it right and he's doing his filthy shit and killing and um they cut to the audience they kept putting you know audience shots in there like they do with comedy. And, you know, it was always like a hot porn star or some shit.
Starting point is 00:25:30 But one of the ones, he's doing like, ah, he goes, Michael Jackson, he did it. He did it to those kids. He goes, those kids are so young. After they blew him, he had to burp some of them. And they put the camera on fucking, you know who's there robert goulet i mean uh he was so goddamn funny and they brought out these you know five or six actresses porno actresses and one of them had the biggest fakest fakest tits i've ever seen and uh fucking of course the puppet went nuts on her you know hey he goes look alive first
Starting point is 00:26:05 he yells he's just he goes do you excuse me miss he goes do you take he goes do you take cream with your coffee a cock well i'm happy for you man because this thing is exciting with tommy that is because it is really like in the new world of entertainment uh to have that kind of freedom but you know uh I'm happy for you that you're so happy man you know you you worked hard your whole life one of the best comics out there man thank you man you've always said that about me and uh very flattered coming from one of the funniest people on the planet not to blow each other but no I mean seriously arty nobody tells a story like arty arty please tell the people about uncle sal and the show he was watching when you came home
Starting point is 00:26:51 one night uh yeah this is my uncle sonny my uncle sonny's eating of eating a wet some wet mozarella like an apple um his favorite show at the end of the last five years of his life, he watched nothing but television. And his favorite show was Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And I said to him, I said, what is this show about? He looked at me with a full mouth and he went, to Jew broad fights Dracula.
Starting point is 00:27:24 To this day, it's the funniest. I've told that to more people. A Jew broad that fights Dracula is plural. I mean, Norman Lear couldn't have come up with something that funny if he wanted to, you know, so-called be a bigot. That's bumper sticker ready, that line. Right off the top of his head. And the fact that he made Dracula's plural is unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:27:52 And then... That's something the people of the gun range in Savannah would love. Oh, my God, would they ever. I did a show. My best show with the last two years was in Dallas. It's a theater that Oswald, they two years was in Dallas. It's a theater that Oswald, they shot Oswald
Starting point is 00:28:06 in Dallas. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I... You're watching a movie. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And they showed me the seat and everything,
Starting point is 00:28:15 but I did a show there, Artie, and the stuff that, the comedy that would, the jokes that would make people cringe in New York and everywhere,
Starting point is 00:28:23 even in the, it would make people cringe in the south of the Midwest. I'm talking hardcore shit that you and I would laugh at. They would give me an applause break on in Dallas. And I'm like, I got to shoot something here. You know, and I don't mean a patsy set up by the government. But I want to shoot something in that theater, man, because people have had enough, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:46 and they would eat up what you do too. People have had enough, you know. Yeah, no, Dallas, I played Dallas before. There's great crowds down there, man. It's a big country, dude, you know, and it's, there's got to be some, there's got to be a place for people who are, you know, definitely on your level of ability of a comic to thrive.
Starting point is 00:29:08 And that's great. So you sound good. You do, too. That's what I've been doing, man. That's what I've been keeping busy. Well, very good, man. And I'm glad you're in good spirits. And stay clean, Artie.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Please, for everybody, because you're still a legend. And I do. I read a couple articles, and you mentioned me, and we went through a lot of shit together. But you know what? Yeah. Life is too short. So hang in there, brother, and we'll speak again. And we'll see you on,
Starting point is 00:29:41 the new platform where me and Artie will really cut loose. Not together. We have our own shows. So, but looking forward to it. I can't wait to do that. It's going to be fun. All right. And love you, buddy.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Stay well. All right. Bye-bye. Hey, big thanks to Artie Lang for joining me today. It was great to see him again. And I hope you guys enjoyed that. You know, everybody, I can't thank you guys enough. So many of you have been buying a Nick DiPaolo show merch.
Starting point is 00:30:10 And these Nika shirts have been selling out like crazy. We now have all the designs in both white and gray. There's the gray one. I think it's more macho. You can buy all of these as well as a nick topalo show logo gear on my website again thank you guys you are the best you're eating this stuff up and it was your idea with a nick of stuff so uh you're very very creative out there and we appreciate it also i want to thank uh speaking of thank yous i want
Starting point is 00:30:45 to thank a one-time contributions uh since yesterday or the day before too but uh you guys really picked it up good to have you back i think you know uh this was exciting seven pages of them so bear with me casey armstrong new york ivanicanik, New Jersey. Dan Yurkioli. God, holy moly. James Reno, Nevada. James, sorry, Dan Yurkioli, New York. James Reno, Nevada. Matthew Feichner, Connecticut. Ryan Motos, Indiana. John Corbett, California. Gabriel Eaglin louisiana david lafayette louisiana joe veltry virginia edward rockenbinski rock chabinsky the third pennsylvania andrew marshall virginia christopher uh dennison iowa colleen brayack west virginia kevin joyce new york david james massachusetts stephanie cannon minnesota jeff cook illinois ed Midgley, Rhode Island. Paulette
Starting point is 00:31:45 Colvert, California. Charles Wood, Nevada. Angelo Argello, New York. Dwight Homan, California. Jason Meisler, California. Doug Peterson, Wisconsin. Nicolette Malachefek, and I'm not making that up, Arizona. Kathy Smith, Connecticut. Donovan colborough wisconsin tim herscheid ohio kaylin stranberg california donna white massachusetts it's my sister i swear to god george wright new york thank you sister uh stefano steven frederico new york walter j Steven Frederico, New York. Walter J. Simers, Florida. Christopher Ryan, New York. Anna Autori, New Jersey. Geez. Paul Sagnella, Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Troy Murdoch, California. James Southworth, Connecticut. Mary Torgoli, California. Holy moly. Thank you guys so much. And we had one person sign up at Patreon. D Nuts signed up at Patreon. Remember, for you new people watching, if you sign up at,
Starting point is 00:32:50 you get an extra story every day that nobody gets. And you actually can ask me a question that we'll put on the show if you want. And you get access to all the archive shows. So thank you guys. That was seven pages of donations. And couldn't have come at a better time you know i'm saying it's very nice he is very nice uh what are we doing now jace all righty you're gonna edit this right when i ask you this shit
Starting point is 00:33:20 uh uh next up you know let's stay on the election. You know who my favorite guy is on the planet? And I think he had a lot to do with Trump winning in 2016. Steve Bannon. And I remember when he left the administration, he said, and I agreed, he said, I can do more damage from outside than being within the administration because you have more freedom. And this guy is, I still think he's the brains behind all of it. You should read his biography, One Smart Motherfucker. And I love that he dresses like I did in college when I belonged to Sigma Nu. But he's a real patriot. How do you know that?
Starting point is 00:34:05 Because people on the left hate his guts. Anyways, he has a podcast, a huge podcast called The War Room. And he was giving his opinions on what's going on in the election. So here's Steve Bannon. It's not going to accept that you could be leading in Michigan and lose. And it's not, let me tell you what it's really not going to accept that you could be leading in the electorate michigan and lose and it's not let me tell you it's really not going to accept voters it's not going to accept that at a point in time you can be 800 000 votes up in the commonwealth of pennsylvania and because we got all these rules and you don't have to mark anything you come in all over right that they're
Starting point is 00:34:42 going to steal that and that's what this is that they're going to steal that. And that's what this is stealing. They're going to steal this election. Has anybody ever been up 800,000 votes? And then when they count in the mail-in, you come on, do you think we're fucking retarded? Honestly, just you slimy bastards. I look, not saying trump's gonna win in the end but uh just the fact that we're catching you and we have other proof uh doing this sleazy shit you know i mean nobody's gonna fucking want to no one's ever gonna vote again i mean my god jason just went yeah that's why I don't vote. I stay home. I smoke weed.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Fucking. And then we had I think this was part of the still of the podcast, the war room. You know, my favorite journalist is James O'Keefe, Project Veritas. He's the one that goes undercover. Right. He's the one who snuck into Planned Parenthood to interview people. They have no idea who he is. And he sends other people in.
Starting point is 00:35:45 And he's done it with the Democrats, always trying unhanded shit. And so this time he went undercover, or one of his guys did. It might have been him, at a postal service in Michigan, I believe it was. And he's talking to a guy. Of course, the guy he's talking to, his voice has been, you know, makes him sound like Fred Gwynn. Very deep voice. But we put subtitles up so you can read.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Once again, underhanded horseshit going on in the post office. Hey, who would have guessed? Check this out. This guy's the fucking best. Tell us where you work i work in the traverse city post office more specifically barry white your boss told you and your colleagues something that shocked you this morning what was it we were issued a directive this morning to collect any ballots we find in mailboxes collection boxes just outgoing mail in general
Starting point is 00:36:41 separate them at the end of the day so that they could hand stamp them with the previous day's date. Today is November 4th for clarification. Did you hear that, Paz? Did you hear that? So they can stamp the late ones, November 3rd. Okay, and I think he lost Michigan. Or is that still, are they fighting over that one? You fucking people.
Starting point is 00:37:06 You have no idea how to defend a nation. Go ahead. Boss. What is his title? Jonathan would be a direct supervisor, yes. As of right now, he is the opening supervisor for the Barlow Branch post office. So I, and this is anecdotal, carried on in another office that they watched the postmaster doing it.
Starting point is 00:37:29 In another office, the postmaster was doing it. In other words, the boss. Okay, like it was just another typical day. Go ahead. Typical day, it would be clerks doing it up at the distribution center. Oh! So 8 p.m. Election Day, November 3rd, the Court of Appeals ruled ballots have to be received by that time.
Starting point is 00:37:50 And what were you told? They're suffering today, so they can mark them with yesterday's date and send them through the express system to wherever they need to go. I hope all this... Sometimes he does these reports and you don't see them. I hope all this shit, every clip we show gets on Fox and any other network that has the vote. We know it's not going to get on the mainstream networks. They suppress this shit.
Starting point is 00:38:18 And once again, why do you think fucking Democrats are against voter ID every fucking year? I think we got to, we're going to, they're going to have to rebuild the whole voting system. I had an answer. I told you. You fucking take a picture of yourself with the thing. And I don't know what you do with it. That's where I end it. Where are you going to send it?
Starting point is 00:38:41 You know, if you, well, we'll put it in a database. Yes, sure you will in fucking bill gates's kitchen and uh but seriously they're gonna have to restructure the whole thing this is goddamn ridiculous uh anything for power honest to god uh but uh project that was a, yeah, postal worker, a whistleblower. Thank God people have the balls to come forward, you know. A lot of fucking, a lot of balls to, but that's what you need. Why is it always the left? Somebody tell me, can you, I'm not saying both sides, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:22 in an election don't do some shit. I'm sure the right does too, but not to this extent. I could be wrong, but just show me the footage. I'm sure they, on the left, they have a equivalent of Project Veritas and James O'Keefe, don't they? Yeah, it's called Bill Maher's Writers. They make shit up and just fucking throw it up. It makes me very nervous that's biden uh we have more video uh of you know, some nefarious shit going on, revealing ballot tampering.
Starting point is 00:40:12 What's the first one we got here, Jace? Yeah, I wish it was on there. Oh, Trump. You got to do what you got to do. Fuck Trump. Pause. No, fuck you, you faggot. Got to do what you gotta do Fuck Trump Pause Now fuck you, you faggot Gotta do what you gotta do You fucking morally corrupt
Starting point is 00:40:31 Craving suck pill Gotta do what you gotta do I got 80 votes We don't even know how this jerk off is Go ahead I've got around 80 That ought to do it got 80 who are you oh i know who it is it's hunter biden using his crack pipe to light it good for you oh in the finger you are one badass go home and diddle your clit you fucking
Starting point is 00:41:09 left-wing goo gobbler the finger to the fire this guy's a real hellion is he not do we have some more clips today jace what's next pause can i fucking introduce him this one's from a few weeks ago right but this is in philly i believe uh and uh is it philly i confuse my black cities that are corrupt philly's notorious for not letting like republicans uh they're supposed to have poll watchers they don't let them in i mean this shit's been going on forever in Philly. Do you remember Mitt Romney? Do you remember he didn't get a single vote in 59 districts in Philly when he ran against Obama? Do you really think that's possible? Do you really think that could ever happen?
Starting point is 00:41:56 59 districts? They're lying motherless fucks. Now, here's a nice person of color with his purple fucking gloves. I don't know. They posted this saying he's changing the vote. I don't know how you know that from watching this, but he does look a little suspicious when he looks over at the camera like he's at Walmart trying to steal a fucking iPhone. What? That's racist.
Starting point is 00:42:22 I don't give a fuck. Go ahead. Changing somebody's vote. You don't give a fuck. Go ahead. Changing somebody's vote. You don't know that, stupid. I wonder what he's changing it to. And do you know what's going to happen to him? How do you know he's changing it? He's doing it right on a live feed.
Starting point is 00:42:33 He probably doesn't even know because he's a dumbass. And apparently, if you post this on Twitter, they block your account. They lock you out of your account for suspicious activity. That's the most disturbing part.
Starting point is 00:42:46 So yeah, nothing's going to happen to this guy. Well, how do you know what he's doing? How do you know what he's... The most disturbing part is that when you try to share that, Twitter won't let you share it. That's the creepiest part of that story. And boy, have they done their part. Censoring the president on election day. Hey And boy, have they done their part, censoring the
Starting point is 00:43:05 president on election day. Hey, Jack, gobble, gobble, go, gobble that goo, wipe that jizz out of your beard. I'm telling you, it's always Philly. Chicago's notorious for having 8,000 dead people vote. I've been hearing that since I was 18. So that's the strategy. He's got Giuliani and Eric Trump on it. And they're going to try to verify and match every vote with a person. I mean, I don't know how long that could take and I don't give a rat's ass. You know what I mean? It'll make it interesting. But do you, here's the bad thing, folks. Do you really think this is going to end good? Let's say Trump does end up with a more electoral vote. Do you really think they're going to sit and take it? They've already created this atmosphere, atmosphere that it's Trump who said he's not going to leave the White House and shit.
Starting point is 00:43:59 You know, I mean, and by the way, there was writing last night all over the country. And by the way, there was rioting last night all over the country. Biden's up and his supporters, and those are his supporters, still causing fucking chicanery, as he said. Malarkey, you know, words from the early fucking 1900s. They're raising hell last night. What are they going to do when it comes out that Trump might've won this thing? Or let's say Biden wins. I was talking to my boy Quinn. He had a good point. Even if Biden wins, you really think now they're going to, they're going to go, I mean, talking real radicals,
Starting point is 00:44:38 they don't even like the fucking Democrats. They think they're moderates, you know? So I don't see a good ending, folks. I'm just saying go to the shooting range and stay there for about an hour. I'm making poison darts now. I'm going to buy a bow and arrow. I'm dipping them in my wife's cooking. And I. Anyways, this episode of the Nick Dio show um brought to you by our newest sponsor i think i'm gonna need this the nick di palo show is brought to you by lucy nicotine gum this company was founded by caltech scientists who were former smokers they wanted to create a better and cleaner nicotine alternative to help people quit smoking and vaping, like myself.
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Starting point is 00:47:19 Trump supporter rages. Let's stay on the biggest story of the day. This was kind of a breath of fresh air i think again was it detroit jace somewhere in michigan some guys had it um i wash i wish he was more eloquent he comes across as like a fucking you know an avid radio fan fm 97 the hawk you know whatever uh but anyways there was a uh somebody was speaking from the government or whatnot uh and uh he wanted the world to know how he felt about what happened at the election check out this mama luke we are not prepared to give that number now
Starting point is 00:47:58 the media is covering up the biden crime family steal this election the media is covering up. The Biden crime family is stealing this election. The media is covering up. The Biden crime family is stealing this election. The media is covering up. We want our freedom for the world. Give us our freedom, Joe Biden. Joe Biden is covering up this election. He's stealing it. Let me give you, what was the last question? What was the last question? Yes, you should wear your mask. I mean, what if somebody breathes on you? I mean, you know, I mean, almost 10,000 people have died out of the 220,000 we said died of COVID alone. Anyways, can I give you my theory on that?
Starting point is 00:48:40 That guy looked like, that looked staged to me and it looked like a left winger. Why? on that that guy looked like a that looked staged to me and it looked like a left winger why because he's wearing a barbecue and beer tank top which would make him look like a republican or whatever the fuck so i'm not sure i'm not sure he looks like a i don't know a vet horrible muscle tone uh i don't know do i mean if i was dressing up somebody to look like a right wing nut and you know conspiracy theory whatever that's what i'd do but maybe he's a legit ted nugent fan i don't know uh correction that was nevada actually ah this is in nevada so uh he's definitely a left winger what that explains a tank top that's true it's uh what is it november fucking fifth and it's 117 at uh seven in the morning out there so that blows that
Starting point is 00:49:32 theory um by the way that's another state uh up for grabs right uh arizona they're trying to pork us out there too so we'll find out again why do you think folks i i know you see it why do you think they put this whole covet that into place huh don't go to the ballot box because you could get caught i'm telling you you know that that's this guy he seems to be right on it nevada ned he gave it a good effort, though. So, yeah. So, this isn't going to end. And like I said, there was unrest last night.
Starting point is 00:50:14 I can't wait to see the real unrest. If this gets too bad, our friends, well, I'm not going to say our friends. We want calm, but there's some crazy ass people on the right that they haven't showed their faces yet. And when they do, oh my God, it's going to make these little fucking riots in Portland and Seattle and New York. It's going to make them look like a fucking brunch. Because as I told you, my buddy went undercover in the 80s and he saw the weapons that the far right radicals have. I'll tell you, they're not
Starting point is 00:50:49 throwing molotovs and fucking eggs. They have rotten eggs. They have the vicious shit. But there was shit going on last night in New York City. Jason, how old is the show right now?
Starting point is 00:51:06 How many minutes? 28 minutes. We're at 28? Yep. Okay. Did you see this? This is in New York City. I think it was going on last night.
Starting point is 00:51:18 This girl, I looked her up. She's of Indian descent. Pretty hot looking, actually. Do we have a picture of her, Jace? No, the picture from the article? No? From the New York Post article? Okay, well that doesn't do her justice.
Starting point is 00:51:43 This woman that spit in a cop's face and is a fucking radical doesn't do her justice. She's really a, I don't know, she's an idiot. Anyway, she got arrested for spitting in a cop's face. The woman charged with the spitting in an NYPD sergeant's face at a Manhattan protest whined Thursday to the Post that she did so because cops were attacking people you lying twat zone reach by phone davina sing 20 oh my god even the nice sing families the fucking indians the west indians you know the sings are now they're into this huh i thought they were always a fine people, the Singhs.
Starting point is 00:52:27 She said the cops were, they were pushing and shoving. She had just been released from court following her arrest during a tumultuous night of anti-cop demonstrations by left-wing radicals chanting, burn the precinct to the ground. Asked why she spat in the sergeant's face, she claimed, I'm not a swallower. What? After that, they hit us with their bikes. I used to do that in fifth grade if I liked a girl, a roll over her feet. They hit us with our bikes and started attacking people. You're a lying fucking Indian. But video of the confrontation
Starting point is 00:53:10 taken by the post shows a uniformed sergeant standing in front of Singh while she screams fuck you fascist, rars back, and hawks a nice fucking lung clam in his face. I wrote a little song for her. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt.
Starting point is 00:53:25 There you go. Cunt, cunt, cunt. You're a cunt, cunt, cunt. You're a cunt, cunt, cunt. You're a cunt, cunt, cunt. Said and true, I need to tell you, you're a motherfucking cunt.
Starting point is 00:53:31 You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. You're a motherfucking cunt. Cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. Everybody knows from the FDOs you're a cunt, cunt, cunt. She looks like every girl I've bought a lottery ticket from in New York in the last 25 years.
Starting point is 00:53:48 She's kind of pretty. I like to open her face with my fucking Timberlands. What a dirty, dirty little Indian. The NYPD retweeted the video of the vile act, late Wednesday night warning, actions like this will not be tolerated agitators who commit these acts will be arrested a young woman was arrested after she spat in an officer's face they put this out to tell the people after screaming fuck you uh fascist so and that happened in the village we're not going to tolerate it they said so um i wish again uh it's so funny how tough these people get on the left, huh? When they know the cops can't really, you know, just.
Starting point is 00:54:29 And here's my beef with the cops and how we're handling this. And there's not enough. There's not enough clips of cops. And I know cops will be personally responsible. Don't give me that shit. Not if you all start cracking heads. I want it like the 1950s and 60s. Where fucking Sergeant McCluskey with his big, veiny, drunk Irish nose
Starting point is 00:54:48 is just, you look at him wrong, he'd crack you. It was Billy Club and then ask questions like, Frank Rizzo from Philadelphia, that's a mayor. They're so tough, spitting in, they call the black cops
Starting point is 00:55:01 Uncle Toms and shit. Just horrible, vile people. You know why they're so angry and vile? They don't fit in and they know the black cops Uncle Toms and shit. Just horrible, vile people. You know why they're so angry and vile? They don't fit in and they know they're wrong. All you have to say to this bitch, where would you rather be living? What other country? What other country would you rather be on trial?
Starting point is 00:55:18 That's all you're going to ask them. And they still will make it up. And they'll say, I don't know, Panama. Whatever. They all hide their faces. That's another thing. As far as social media goes, Twitter and all that shit, there's a simple solution. No more anonymous.
Starting point is 00:55:33 You got to put your face and your fucking address up there. You got to dox yourself to sign up. How's that? I got it all figured out here. Anyways. Yeah. That's it, I think. Huh? I know. I want to wrap it up with Tucker Carlson is the best guy on TV. And I've said that I liked him when he was on CNN 25 years ago, this little bow tie.
Starting point is 00:55:58 I mean, he always seemed well read and he's really eloquent. well-read, and he's really eloquent. And his ratings prove it. Since all this shit started, you know, Mullergate and actually the COVID thing is where he hit his stride. He had the highest rated show one night in the history of cable news. Can you imagine that?
Starting point is 00:56:20 And he's that good because he holds people accountable. And he hates, he's not a big fan of the Republicans because they're on the take two. He calls them out. I think he's the fairest guy on TV and and definitely the most eloquent. So I'm going to end this clip with him sort of putting what's going on into context as far as the election goes. He started out by saying, you know, it's really bad, like it's really bad for the country. Obviously, we couldn't get any more divided. But but then he sees the bright side to it. Here's what he puts. He puts it in context. Here's what he said.
Starting point is 00:56:55 And believe it or not, there is some good news, regardless of everything else that has happened. And here it is. America remains. It's still here. That's the first and most important thing. And it's not a foregone conclusion. We almost lost it. Democrats told us they wanted to beat Donald Trump. They spent more money than anyone ever has in any election in history to do that. But there was a lot more going on. Democrats didn't harness the full power of big tech and the billionaire class simply to make Joe Biden president. No. What they really wanted was total control over everything. No more democracy, no more dissent, permanent obedience from the rest of us. And they came shockingly close to getting that. If Democrats had won the
Starting point is 00:57:38 White House and the Senate last night, the country as we know it would have ended. Not because Democrats have bad ideas, though they do, but because Democrats plan to impose an entirely new system on our country. Not an agenda, a system. With nothing to check their power, the left fully intended to eliminate the traditional American balances within our government, along with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that constrain their power. We're not overstating this. Joe Biden's party planned to turn our highest court into a partisan political weapon. They admitted that. They wrote magazine articles about how they planned to do it. Then they planned to pack the Congress of the United States, a legislative branch, by adding new states to our union,
Starting point is 00:58:21 purely for the Senate seats. We're not speculating there either. They admitted that too. Then they planned to pack the electorate itself, the ultimate corruption in a democracy. 20 million foreign nationals added to our voter rolls overnight. That was their agenda. How would any of that improve the United States of America? It wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Well, they never claimed that it would. It'd be bad. Making this country better was never the point. improve the united states of america they would never claim that it would it'd be bad making this country better was never the point the point was to create a permanent democratic majority a one-party state a california control over the population there you go think about that and that's exactly right i mean biden wouldn't say it remember he wouldn't every time they asked him about packing the court and and by the way, the Republicans hung on to the Senate and they picked up some seats in the House. So there's rumblings in the Democrat Party. They want to get rid of Pelosi.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Good luck with that. She's this she's going to die with that fucking gavel up her ass. Yeah. So but think about he's so right it's not just about uh biden and and obviously hey you know what's killing me too hardly mentioned in all this we've already forgot about biden doing business with the chinese communist government and leveraging his his name and his son to make millions of dollars. Not even really. That's on a burner already. Don't forget. Here's the link.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Don't forget to go to on November 21st. I'm doing a live streaming show from the Plaza Casino in Vegas. The Plaza Hotel and Casino in Vegas, that means it's going to go out to fans who haven't seen me live yet, whether they're in Ireland, whether they're in Vermont, whether they're in Montana. So don't forget, from Las Vegas, November 21st. What's the link again, Jay?
Starting point is 01:00:28 And tickets are already on sale, I believe. You are correct, sir. So don't forget that. And this weekend, I'll be at the Comedy Club of Kansas City. That is it, I believe. That is it. I want to thank you guys for all the contributions. Don't forget I'll make a personal message on my cell phone roasting one of your friends. You go to, click on my profile, tell me about the person, and I will send them a vicious little message. So it's a lot of fun. You guys think it.
Starting point is 01:01:00 I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend, everybody. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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