The Nick DiPaolo Show - Trump Followers "Fire Fauci!" | Nick Di Paolo Show #332

Episode Date: April 13, 2020

"Covid-19 is some real shit". Doctor says, "We are treating the wrong disease". Surgeon General says to call "Big Mama". Thank you Liette M. from Montreal for your "Ask Nick!" question and for being a... valued Patreon supporter! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, it's Nick DiPaolo. I'll tell you what I'm sick of. I'm sick of being told what's acceptable comedy and what isn't. I've never followed that. I hate people go, what's the line? There is no line. You know why? Your line might be a foot away. Mine might be three miles. There is no line. I call it like I see it. I'm sick of the mainstream media, which is run by ultra liberal people creating their own version of the news, not representing how I and you think. That's why we created the Nick DiPaolo show in the first place. Okay. I'm tired of this. Everybody's equal. Everybody gets a trophy. Nobody is judged on merit anymore. It's whether what your skin color is or what your gender is. I'm tired of that shit. So are you. That's why
Starting point is 00:00:43 the Nick DiPaolo podcast was created in the first place, where I could have a place to speak unapologetically, unfiltered. Hollywood turned their back on me years ago. Fuck them. Okay. That's what this show's about. You can watch it every Monday through Thursday. And if you're watching it on YouTube right now, click that button on your screen and you can catch it at five o'clock eastern this show is about cutting loose and right now we need your support especially with the coronavirus going on but we need your contributions because we made the show free recently. So you're going to keep this show alive with your contributions, whether it's individual contributions at or
Starting point is 00:01:30 signing up for Patreon monthly. That's how we will keep this show going. And it's an important show. I really believe that we need it today. I want to thank you guys so much for your support. And if you continue to support it, I will continue to call it like I see it. There's two type of people in the world, politically correct and honest people. And I'm in the latter category like yourselves. So please support the show by contributing at
Starting point is 00:02:00 Thank you. Now, enjoy your cake. Chow you. Now, enjoy your cake. Sounds like a blowjob, don't it? That's me getting nasty down on somebody. You disgusting pig! What kind of people are these? guitar solo Oh yeah, yeah Welcome on a Monday It's just another Manic Monday
Starting point is 00:03:22 How about that Chinese light? Anything they won't eat? Jesus Christ. Mother of God. Sounded like a nice sloppy blowjob, didn't it? I don't know I'm ever going to eat in Chinese restaurants ever again. Who the hell knows what those chicken fingers are? Fucking rat tails and what is going on in the kitchen?
Starting point is 00:03:46 I mean, I always got a little, you know, we talked about this, Raz. You get chicken wings from a Chinese restaurant, they're fucking, they look like condor wings. They're like seven pounds each. Get these off
Starting point is 00:04:02 a dead angel? What don't these people eat? I think that turtle was still kicking. But you hear her? I was actually getting aroused listening to that. My God, you Chinese people. And the words of Tommy from Goodfellow. What the fuck kind of people are these, Henry?
Starting point is 00:04:26 They are lying turtle turtle-eating motherfuckers, but they are... Anyways, yeah. So how are you, folks? Again, thank you so much for your support. Contribute at if you can and sign up at You can be a monthly member.
Starting point is 00:04:42 And yes, what did I do all week? I binged. Well, Narcos, you guys, you got to watch Narcos. It is, I'm telling you, man. Last night, this fucking drug lord, you know what he did to a couple of his enemies after he cut one of his hands? They're crawling on the ground. He rolls over them with a steamroller. Look, just a puddle of blood left.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Oh, my God. Good stuff. Have the kids watch. I couldn't be a drug dealer at that, at any level, never mind that level. Everybody's trying to kill you. People working. They don't even enjoy their money. They get so lost in their billions, and they fucking have houses everywhere,
Starting point is 00:05:22 and they just run from house to house. And these DEA agents, they're crazier than the drug dealers. They're in a strange country running through dark hallways, shooting at fucking, oh my God. It's just tremendous. And it's all true. Anyways, let's get back to COVID. Hope you don't have it. Hope you're social distancing. Although people are questioning that now. But some cultures handle it differently. This was posted in the window of a store. I don't know where. But can you read that? Is that a cubby of fucking? It's real shit. That's a giveaway. It's some real shit. Shut the fuck up, buy your shit and leave immediately. Absolutely no titty or sock money. Titty or sock money.
Starting point is 00:06:14 That means don't take money out of your... If you're keeping your money in your sock, you ain't white. We keep it in a bank. No titty. No titty money. Why not? Stand back at least six feet player oh my god who fucking wrote this eddie griffin store capacity limit to five mother oh it does say five motherfuckers i was making that up at what you cough you die what is that a threat
Starting point is 00:06:39 then drink responsibly i'm sorry yeah that's I'm sorry. That's from the people at Jack Daniels. Well, Budweiser drank responsibly. Boy, did that crack me up. How can't you love our country, folks? You're ruining it with all PC shit, but we have all these different cultures handling it. Come on. It's so much fun to live here, in my opinion. But that is some crazy shit. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with the black man's mind! There's something wrong with his mind! Meanwhile it was probably a white grocery store, I don't know. We all, I talk like that at home.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Black people think white people hate him meanwhile like Colin Quint said all we try to do we dance try to dance like you talk like you dress like you should hear me at home you think I grew up in fucking compton yo bitch when that ham gonna be ready i gotta stop cooking and eating i told raz i made two pizzas putting bolognese on pizza why don't you just inject fat cells into my belly and then have a klondike bar five minutes later i actually baked a cherry pie i think think I'm turning gay. Is that a COVID side effect? It's tremendous.
Starting point is 00:07:48 I haven't touched it yet. It's in the fridge. But I worked out like three, four times, too. Anyways, New York City ICU doctor sounds the alarm. He says we are treating the wrong disease. I know a thing or two about a thing or two. This guy, this is a young guy.
Starting point is 00:08:07 First of all, I couldn't believe how young this doctor is. And I think he's right. And I'm sitting there going, this guy looks like he's in his 20s maybe. I'm telling dick jokes at midnight at Yuck Yucks.
Starting point is 00:08:16 This guy's saving lives. But listen to this. This one was, this was pretty interesting. Nine days ago, I presumed I was opening an intensive care unit to treat patients with a virus causing a pneumonia that was ravaging lungs across the world, starting out as something mild, a cough, a sore throat, and progressively increasing in severity until ultimately ending in something called acute respiratory distress syndrome or ARDS.
Starting point is 00:08:43 This is the paradigm that every hospital in the country is working under. This is the disease, ARDS, that every hospital is preparing to treat. And this is the disease, ARDS, for which in the next two to six weeks, 100,000 Americans might be put on a ventilator. And yet, everything I've seen in the last nine days, all the things that just don't make sense, the patients I'm seeing in front of me, the lungs I'm trying to improve, have led me to believe that COVID-19 is not this disease and that we are operating under a medical paradigm that is untrue. In short, I believe we are treating the wrong disease. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Nature, Will Robinson. Nature, no Will Robinson. Yeah, so I was reading about it and uh the people are on ventilators it's not helping them a lot of them are dying and the people who they're giving oxygen to are responding much better because they were treating it like it was pneumonia but your whole blood's being stopped your whole body's being starved of oxygen. So people respond much better to oxygen. So like he says, they're treating it sort of like. What does that tell you? It just goes to show even the experts know very little about this.
Starting point is 00:09:57 It's kind of frigging creepy. Glad this guy's on top of it. He should comb his hair before he does the thing. But that is a smart dude. From everything everything you read it sounds like he's right he said in february south korean physicians reported that critical covet 19 patients responded well to oxygen therapy without a ventilator patients are getting multiple organ damage from hypoxia it's not the pneumonia that's the killer it's the cellular oxygen deprivation and we are hurting these patients with ventilators. The past 48 hours or so have been a huge revelation.
Starting point is 00:10:31 I've seen a huge revelation for COVID-19 causes prolonged progressive hypoxia. Hypoxia, sorry. I sound like Bernie. Hypoxia. I wrote the goddamn disease. By binding to the heme groups and hemoglobin in your red blood cells, people are simply desaturating. That's losing O2 in the blood. And that's what eventually leads to organ failures that kill them, not any form of ARDS or pneumonia. All the damage to the lungs
Starting point is 00:10:58 you see in CAT scans are from the release of oxidative iron from the hemes. This overwhelms the natural defenses against pulmonary oxidative stress and causes that nice, always bilateral ground glass opacity. Are you getting all this? In the lungs. Patients returning for re-hospitalization days or weeks after recovering. Suffering from apparent delayed post-hypoxic, oh my God, look at this, leukencephalopathy, strengthen the notion COVID-19 patients are suffering from hypoxia despite no signs of respiratory tire out or fatigue.
Starting point is 00:11:35 In layman's terms, it's not like pneumonia. Your whole body's being starved of oxygen. And oh my God. Think about it. That's how little they know. I didn't hear Fauci mention any of this, did you? And that's the big story. Fauci.
Starting point is 00:11:54 What did I say? Once again, folks, once again, you got to admit I'm a little ahead of the curve. Was it last week or the week before I said it? The more I see Fauci, the more I'm starting to not like this guy because he's, you know, he's rolling his eyes behind Trump and shit. He works for the CDC, which is owned by Bill Gates, which is big tech. So not saying anything. Some people are getting a little overboard thinking he's a plant. But, you know, come on, let's not go that far.
Starting point is 00:12:19 But it does make you. I sure in hell know that he's a New Yorker who's does not vote Republican. Let's put it that way. Anyways, Donald Trump made what was seen as a rare rebuke of top White House coronavirus expert Dr. Fauci, retweeting a user who called on Trump to fire Fauci after the experts criticism of the nation's response to the virus. On Sunday, Fauci appeared the experts criticism of the nation's response to the virus. On Sunday, Fauci appeared on CNN. First of all, if I was Trump, I'd say, if you're working for me, you're not going on CNN after how they've been fucking me for three years. Seriously, don't go on CNN. I'd make it a rule.
Starting point is 00:13:00 There's Fauci doing a high Hitler for some reason. There's Fauci doing a high Hitler for some reason. Trump's like, that's right. On Sunday, Fauci appeared on CNN State of the Union, and he said this. Dr. Fauci. Raz, you're sleeping, man. Obviously, you could logically say that if you had a process that was ongoing and you started mitigation earlier. You could have saved lives. Obviously, no one is going to deny that.
Starting point is 00:13:30 But what goes into those kinds of decisions is complicated. But you're right. I mean, obviously, if we had right from the very beginning shut everything down, it may have been a little bit different. Who could Jake Tapper? Don't cry, Jake. Fucking bitch face. Fauci could be in trouble. Bad man walking. fucking bitch face Fauci could be in trouble
Starting point is 00:13:44 so you know he's sort of pointing the finger at Trump what he didn't say there was and I'm waiting for him to say I think he has said it before if China was honest right from the beginning and didn't withhold information we would have got an earlier
Starting point is 00:14:01 jump on it okay but the minute Trump heard about it depending on what you want to believe people in the New York Times consider the source we would have got an earlier jump on it. Okay? But the minute Trump heard about it, depending on what you want to believe, people in the New York Times consider the source saying he was briefed on it, you know, months before we heard about it in public, blah, blah, blah. But you can't deny the fact that when he did hear about it, he shut down flights to China
Starting point is 00:14:18 and he was lambasted as a racist and all that other shit by CNN and everybody else. So, but for trump to retweet this person calling for it uh though falchi did not mention trump by name it was the president you fucking it was the president who took the brunt of criticism for the failure to act sooner instituting social distancing guideline i would say shutting down flights from China was instituting distancing guidelines for not properly preparing sufficient medical equipment supplies. It's becoming political, okay?
Starting point is 00:14:52 As I told you, the Democrats, they've been in real time filming every one of these corona briefings and they're chopping it up to use against him come election time. But you know what else? John Durham, who's been for the last two years been trying to figure out what happened with the steel dossier and all that
Starting point is 00:15:10 horseshit and spying on trump's campaign his report's going to come out too this is going to be a war of attrition uh come election time uh later in the day trump responded to fauci to the apparent criticism by retweeting a user who called him uh on him to fire fauci uh anyways the daily beast noted that the retreat was trump's first public rebuke of fauci who at times has corrected and contradicted trump's misstatements about the nature of the virus and the federal government's response and recommendations yeah well he also poo-pooed hydroxychloroquine, which the president was touting as a possible, you know, fix. He poo-pooed that, didn't he?
Starting point is 00:15:53 And Trump seems to be right, because there's a lot of doctors around the world saying that it works in certain situations. Anyways, Trump appeared to insinuate that the criticism of a slow response was uh naturally fake news where the fuck is it anyway you stay cat you are fake news sir noting that he banned china before others had raised alarm he thanked the user for her tweet which included the message calling for falchi to be fired. That's interesting. So once again, this tension, that would be what they call bad optics, I think, if you fired Fauci,
Starting point is 00:16:34 because he has gained a lot of America's trust on this. But he's been wrong a lot. He's been wrong a lot, too. So interesting. We shall see. You don't want to get too popular. If you're working for Trump, it's like being in a band, you know, with a lead singer. You know, that's why fucking Mick, every every every big band, you know, the bass player and the keyboard.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Fuck this guy. He's getting all the ink and all the pussy. Then they put out an album of their own. Next thing you know, you're Ted ted nugent did that i think with one of his uh he did he can't one of his guys that he started with the guy was getting popular um anyways that's interesting so but uh i wouldn't suggest firing fauci that would not uh that would not look good but again uh trump's right about a lot of the shit but you can't fucking you can't go out there and finger the president and and there's a whole thing on the world health organization
Starting point is 00:17:31 there's they're investigating right now how filthy the the chinese give about one-tenth of money that uh the united states says the world health organization and uh meanwhile world health organization right from the get-go is in bed with china defending how they handled the coronavirus meanwhile new cases of the coronavirus are popping up in wuhan this is what's scaring the crap out of me you know am i ever gonna do comedy live again am i gonna be fucking laying on my bed like a cam girl hey Hey, two Jews walking to a bar. I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Rats. What am I going to do? You know, I did all weekend besides cook and eat. I binge watch Knuckles, obviously, but I binge watch UFC fights. Because I just started following this a few years ago. It's been around a long time. And they put these UFC Unleashed. I know you guys at home probably.
Starting point is 00:18:26 They have these hour shows that show like three of the greatest fights. Oh, my aching fucking stem. It is the best entertainment. I saw so much blood this weekend. It was bloodier than Narcos. Fucking guys are maniacs. So I fight Cowboy Cerboy Cerrone had a broken nose and when you break your nose,
Starting point is 00:18:47 you never, they say, you never try to blow your nose. In the middle of the fight, he tried to blow his broken nose and his eyes just went, his eyes closed. This lid was about four inches, the upper lid just,
Starting point is 00:18:59 his eye was sticking up because blood fills it, whatever. And then another guy's cauliflower ear popped. Fucking delicious. Delicious. Bon appetit. I watched this shit. I was laying on the couch like a sloth like four hours at a time.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Unbelievable. Anyways, I suggest, because there's no sports on, they rerun golf. They rerun last year's Masters. Ooh, let me watch a golf tournament. First of all, it's hard enough when you don't know who won. Imagine sitting there watching 72 holes or whatever
Starting point is 00:19:31 the fuck. Jesus Christ, I'd have my kids watching porn before I watch a replay of my head kids. That's where my mother's eyes. Let's get back to Corona Corona. This goddamn cord for some reason.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Hold on. My sister's, it's already getting hot in this fucking place. You're right, Ravs. They have to bring in a fan. Maybe a couple of cute Asian girls that eat turtles. Have them fan me and feed me grapes. Another black fellow, and I say black in quotes, the Surgeon General, come on, he's a nice, well-spoken, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:11 black people don't like him because he's too white, and he's got a lisp. I don't think he's gay. Handsome fellow, smart. Surgeon General, he's no dope. Surgeon General is under fire for offensive instruction for black Americans, not just no matter what it is, even in the middle of a fucking pandemic.
Starting point is 00:20:30 The PC police are out there. Oh, my God. This one infuriated me. There's a you'll see her in a second. This friggin she used to work for The New Yorker, The New York Times, and I think she works for NPR or whatever. A little fat black chick who just hates Whitey. Every question is racially. It's always implying that Trump's racist or somebody's race. She's just a hateful little witch. And she started busting the Surgeon General's balls. Here's what he had to say. The Surgeon General. He's talking about how it's it's it's affecting black communities and brown communities or whatever. More than, you know, because again, there's an economic
Starting point is 00:21:08 disparity there. And there's a lot of health underlying health issues with minorities. Now you guys can fight about why that, suppose that's racist too. Whatever. But he had brought that up and of course she has to stick up her ugly turtle face. But here he is talking to the Surgeon General.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Holy shit, he's whiter than Betty White. Check in on your mother. She wants to hear from you right now. No, she hates me. And speaking of mothers, we need you to do this, if not for yourself, then for your abuela. Oh, pause. Do it for your granddaddy. Abuela? What's that, Spanish for Grammy? daddy abuela what's that spanish for grammy call your abuela man hey abuela i tell you wear a fucking mask he says abuela he plucks his eyebrows that scares me go ahead do it for your big mama oh big mama what you Mama, what are you? That's the one that said black people. I guarantee that. Do it for your big mama.
Starting point is 00:22:09 My mother weighs the same she did in high school. She's like 108 pounds. But I've seen some big mamas at Walmart and fucking Popeye's chicken. Go ahead. No, it wasn't, Raz. Do you like the clip of the lady now? Raz. Is that all I gave you?
Starting point is 00:22:29 Yes. You're not even sure. I'm sure, but that's not last week. That's all I gave you? Maybe. He said abuela, mom. You might be right. Yeah, so here comes the reporter who's always got
Starting point is 00:22:45 her radar up for racist. That's all she does. Every time she asked Trump a question, uh, you know, you, you offend the people that look at her, look at that, look at that frigging, uh, go ahead. You said that African-Americans and Latinos should avoid alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. You also said do it for your arm. Well, I'd do it for Big Mama and Pop Pop. There are some people already on. There are some people online that are already offended by that language. And the idea that you're saying behaviors might be leading to these high death rates.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Could you talk about whether or not people could you, I guess, have a response for people who might be offended by. Here's my response. You fucking dwarf whitey hater. Fucking whatever. God, I'm disgusted by her. Here's my response. Her name's Alcindor, her last name. You're asking, people are dying right now of all ages, all colors.
Starting point is 00:23:45 We're in the middle of a pandemic the likes of the world hasn't seen in over 100 years. And you're asking questions about people's feelings being hurt. Could you be any more ignorant and tone deaf? Could you be any more obsessed with race and trying to convince people that this is the most racist plan? First of all, he's a black guy. and trying to convince people that this is the most racist plan. First of all, he's a black guy. He was trying to be inclusive by including Hispanics.
Starting point is 00:24:13 And I mean, you've got to be, that's where your mind is at. And why is Kevin Bacon sitting in front of her with a puss on his face? Anyways, is there any more to her? Well, I use that language. Yeah, that's what she's worried about in the middle of a pandemic. You hurt some people's feel and why couldn't he? They never answer back. He immediately starts.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Well, I use that language. But he starts backpedaling instead of saying, you've got to be shitting me. You want it? You want to get in Trump's good graces, your boss? Trump last week said to her, you got to be nice. You should try to be more nice. She said, fucking shut up, cracker. Then Twitter comes out.
Starting point is 00:24:58 I'm so glad I'm not on there. I went to an aisle, I'm on there, folks. But I use it for promotion and shit because i the ignorance in the left wing and the virtual that's all it is it's a it's a pool for virtue signaling uh one man on twitter david de loach said let me tell a lot of you something we don't talk the way movie songs and the media betray us oh you shut up shut, shut, shut, shut up! Shut up! The Surgeon General's trying to relate to a life he never lived.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Listen to his voice and the way he speaks. Imagine me saying that if somebody black was talking. Listen to how black he sounds. I don't know who this is. Maybe just some Twitter jerk-off. Unbelievable. The Surgeon General is trying to relate to a life. He ain't black enough. Let me translate for you.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Listen to his voice and the way he speaks. He has never called anyone Big Mama, and neither have I. But a lot of black people have. They made a movie called Big Mama. Didn't they? Martin Lawrence made a couple of them. Big Mama's house. Huh? Big Mama's
Starting point is 00:26:05 House. The fuck, we just make that up? Chris Rock took us to see Big Mama's House. I think, wasn't there a second one? Right in the middle of work, he goes, come on. He goes, follow. He marches us downstairs to the movie. We walk in.
Starting point is 00:26:22 It's just us. He fucking called ahead and said, I'm bringing my people to watch So we sit there I don't know if it's Big Mama's house Or Big Mama's house too There's a scene when she's sitting on the toilet Just shitting and farting and shit It's about 20 minutes into the movie
Starting point is 00:26:35 So that scene comes on And when that scene's over Chris goes let's go He just wanted to see He wanted to show us how bad it was We walked a couple blocks to the movies He just wanted to see it. He wanted to show us how bad it was. We walked a couple blocks to the movies, watched it all, fucking, you know, shitting on the toilet, and then we got up and left.
Starting point is 00:26:53 We walked out of the theater. He just wanted us to see that. It was fucking funny. He's a funny motherfucker. More blowback from the Surgeon General on Twitter. Some bashed him for using stereotypical ethnic names for our relative. An activist, Blaine Hardaway, an activist named Blaine Hardaway. There he goes, fucking gene.
Starting point is 00:27:16 You know, an activist means he doesn't have a real job. He just complains about white people and raises it. I really would like to say I'm surprised, but of course I'm not. Trump sent the only black guy on his team out to chastise black and Latino people for smoking and drinking. As if that's the reason our communities are predisposed to the virus. Just disgusting, he said. These blacks. Who knows where they're going to take the wrong way. Jesus Christ. If he didn't hire, put it back up, please.
Starting point is 00:27:44 If he didn't hire, first of all, he's got a black surgeon's general. You don't give him any credit for that. Oh, that's right. He's not black enough for you. And that's not what we're saying. That's not what they're saying. You're dealing with smoking and drinking. But you're always complaining how there's liquor stores, right,
Starting point is 00:28:00 in black neighborhoods, and that's a white conspiracy, too. And, yeah, i've lived in i lived in new york city enough to please oh my just obsessed of blaine come on wake up by the way blaine uh before this all hit black unemployment record lows and trump getting black support doing much better than most white presidents uh uh anyways adams was met with immediate pushback for his comments later in the brief when we already showed her right the fucking uh fat black uh nasty you fat nasty black bitch uh blaine hardaway. Who's this? James Jackson waited. Jimmy Jackson.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Wonder how he feel. Why everyone on that? Translator? Do you know how stupid you sound when you're trying to call somebody racist and ignorant when you can't even speak fucking third grade English? Why everyone on that? Why not the fact this man said on national TV to not do drugs, smoke, or drink alcohol,
Starting point is 00:29:10 like black and Hispanic folks are the only ones who'd, you are, white people have never had a drink or smoked ever. You know that's true. No, we all do it. You guys just do it a Tuesday at one o'clock in the afternoon, that's all, while you're watching Jerry Springer. I kid.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Why everyone on that? Raz, what does that mean? I don't speak... I'm a fucking idiot! On Wednesday, New York released data that showed black and Latino people were twice as likely to die
Starting point is 00:29:43 from coronavirus than white residents. Similar figures are popping up around the country, including Chicago. Yeah. Did you factor in the gunplay? Where 70 percent of the deaths have been black people who only make up 30 percent of the population. It sort of is like crime. In Louisiana. Again, it's because of underlying health issues. In Louisiana, New Orleans being another hotspot hot spot 70 of the deaths have been black people
Starting point is 00:30:07 black people only make up 32 everywhere we look the coronavirus is devastating our community said derrick johnson president ceo of the naacp naacp which was relevant in 1968 uh so what's going on he said well it's alarming but it's not surprising that people of color have a greater burden of chronic health conditions among those this is here's the facts are high blood pressure which adams said african-americans and native americans see at a much younger age than their white counterparts puerto ricans have the highest rate of asthma and black boy oh it says black boys that's not right black boys are three times as likely to die from asthma Than their white counterparts So that's the truth of it And these people just don't
Starting point is 00:30:49 They can't handle that shit You know what I'm saying The poor Surgeon General Jerome Adams Taking a beating He did say granddaddy and pop pop Never said pop pop We refer to my grampy as the grouchy motherfucker
Starting point is 00:31:09 uh he smoked palm oils unfiltered he started when he was 13 and continued and he died at the very young age of 93 my grampy gets sick for about a week and died just the way you're supposed to i think he was happy to go he had enough by the way my uh my wife has a niece who's a nurse in connecticut one of her co-workers 25 year old girl nurse female nurse died corona it's fucking real, man. And I hope my nieces are doing Nicole and Brooke. I told you about them. They're right on the front lines. God bless them.
Starting point is 00:31:56 It's causing a little bit of social upheaval. This happened right here where I live at a Walmart that I go to now and then. Nick, why do you go to Walmart? Look at this shirt. It's tight. See this?
Starting point is 00:32:09 Total $11.95. Bullshit. This is actually a nice shirt, nice tie. Man, am I aging. Holy buck. Caught on camera. Fights break out at a Georgia Walmart. Guess who intervenes to break up the fight?
Starting point is 00:32:23 Our mayor. Now, this guy, this mayor is new. A few months ago, and he knocked out a white guy. I wasn't that happy about it, I can be honest. Only because this mayor,
Starting point is 00:32:36 like a year ago, there was a press conference right here in Georgia and he wouldn't let white journalists. He didn't. Somebody posted a sign, no white journalists. The people that were sponsoring the press conference. It wasn't the mayor, but he didn't somebody posted a sign no white journalists the people that were sponsoring the press conference it wasn't the mayor but he didn't say much about it
Starting point is 00:32:49 um but i like i've grown to like this guy because he's a no-nonsense brother van johnson sounds like a point gun for duke bang a viral video shows multiple people fighting near the checkout lanes at walmart in georgia and let's play a little bit clip there as this is viewer video of the scene at the walmart on montgomery crossroads friday night a fight breaking out in the aisles also on the scene the mayor of savannah van johnson during a Facebook Live on Friday, he criticized the governor's recent orders. Pause for a second. This goes on.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Hey, this has nothing to do with race because I've seen white people getting each other in headlocks because they were trying to get the last, you know, box of pancake mix, a hamburger helper. I love that the mayor, I love that the mayor was there.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Our mayor shops at fucking Walmart Go ahead And made mention of the scene I was in there tonight Yes I was in there I love this guy Yeah I was in there Johnson has repeatedly expressed frustration
Starting point is 00:33:58 About citizens refusing to social distance Or follow the rules he And other leaders have laid out We knew last Saturday that Walmart was like the club. We knew that. The club. Do they have a club?
Starting point is 00:34:14 Sam Goody's has a club. You belong to the club. The club. Sam Goody, the club. When he says the club, that means people are hanging out there, right? Translator. Walmart was becoming the club. That's always like a southern thing.
Starting point is 00:34:29 I'm black, y'all, and I'm black, y'all. What? That's always like a southern thing, though. Like even where I'm from. Like in small towns where there's nothing to do, you just go to Walmart and hang out. You're kidding me. What? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Honestly. Yeah. Yo, Aisha, you want to go dance tonight where fucking camera section I want no shit huh yeah me and my friend used to hang out at Marshall's we get drunk and would steal fucking irregular underwear. I like Van John. He looks like he could have played a little ball. He ain't playing.
Starting point is 00:35:11 You got to like a mayor who's at Walmart. Is there any more to that? No, that's it. Son of a bitch. But good for Doug. Good for the mayor. You are correct, sir. He says, I was at Walmart. I'm on Garmy Cross.
Starting point is 00:35:24 It was a multiple fight. I assisted where I could in defusing the incident. I thank the wonderful team at Walmart who managed the situation without injury. God, my teeth hurt today. In these difficult times, the only thing we should be fighting, he says, is COVID-19. And the only message that should come viral is the one to stay home. You are correct, sir. All right, man. And the only message that should be come viral is the one to stay home. You got it. You are correct, sir.
Starting point is 00:35:46 All right, ban. May have banned. Bill Maher is coming around. Billy Maher is coming around again. Finally, Bill Maher defends calling coronavirus Chinese virus. OK. Bill Maher defends calling coronavirus Chinese virus. OK, Bill Maher said that. That was Raz ordering Chinese food to fry tonight. We tapped his phone.
Starting point is 00:36:30 The longtime liberal said there were bigger tainted fish to fry, saying if the sun exploded, many of the online lefties would whine about the first person who called it a dwarf star. Here's what Bill Maher had to say. And finally, new rule. You can't yell at someone for breaking a rule you just made up. Scientists, yes, scientists who are generally pretty liberal, have been naming diseases after the places they came from for a very long time. Zika is from the Zika forest. Ebola from the Ebola River. Hantavirus, the Hantan River. There's the West Nile virus and guinea worm and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. And, of course, the Spanish flu.
Starting point is 00:37:05 MERS stands for Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome. It's plastered all over airports and no one blogs about it. So why should China get a pass? Because the NBA's tied with China. Congressman Ted Lieu tweeted, the virus is not constrained by country or race. Be just as stupid to call it the Milan virus.
Starting point is 00:37:25 What? No, that would be way stupider because it didn't come from Milan. And if it did, I guarantee we'd be calling it the Milan virus. Jesus fucking Christ. Can't we even have a pandemic without getting offended? When they named Lyme disease after a town in Connecticut, the locals didn't get all ticked off. Ticked off. Attaboy, Billy.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Seriously, it scares me that there are people out there who would rather die from the virus than call it by the wrong name. This isn't about vilifying a culture. This is about facts. Your side, all due respect, Bill Maher, your side created this type of fucking idiotic thinking and political correctness. You call the president racist a thousand times or whoever the white Republican was in office. You have perpetuated this type of idiocy finally coming around. That's how bad it's got.
Starting point is 00:38:26 If we had a thing, libs eating libs, I don't know, anybody work, this is the last time I'm going to fucking ask. Is anybody making that? I don't know. Tommy said next week.
Starting point is 00:38:35 You've been telling me after two weeks. Definitely told me. For fuck's sake, I'll draw it with a crayon. Seriously, I'll get Jason to do it and bang it out
Starting point is 00:38:43 in a fucking hour. Anyways, he always comes around, you know, bang it out in a fucking hour, anyways, he always comes around, you know, when it's finally, you know, that's your side, Bill, that's liberalism, it should be eradicated like COVID-19, people are dying, but people are offended because of the Chinese virus, but again, he realized that after 9-11 too, you know, when he was getting shit, when he make a Muslim joke,
Starting point is 00:39:08 you know, and again, that's how stupid, it's all emotion, no logic, no reasoning on the left. And he's right on about that. So Bill Maher,
Starting point is 00:39:18 right at the end, is agreeing with President Trump. I like how he goes, Jesus fucking Christ, can we have a pandemic without... I don't even think China virus is racist enough. We're going to come up with something better. Pork fried virus, fucking General Tso's virus. pork fried virus, fucking General Tso's virus. Anyways, guys, as you know, over the weekend, our sponsor,, reached out to us, let us know they created two new items and put them on sale.
Starting point is 00:39:58 And of course, they're very funny. Check this out. We got the Twitter King. Look at that. That's what Moe Howard's hair looked like. He was on Merv Griffin right before he died. Just like that. What else we got up there?
Starting point is 00:40:17 There you go. If you're going to rob a bank or a bodega. As most of you know, I mentioned on the show last week that I watched the tiger King. I supposed to read this when the person, it inspired the design and you know, you know, Trump is the Twitter King and they also created stuff for you people who are
Starting point is 00:40:36 social distancing. Pick that one up and really get under the skin of all those libs when you run into a store. Anyways, a lot of great stuff on the go there and check out all the gear uh when you use the promo code nick you get 10% off everything on the website go to the pick up a shirt or a mug or a hat and support these guys and we thank them for sponsoring the Nick DiPaolo show. Look at that. I gotta get one of those mugs for myself.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Drink that across for my wife every morning. Piss her off. Lordy, lordy, lordy. Where are we? Oh, coronavirus news. Jesus, I hope this fucking clears up soon.
Starting point is 00:41:26 I am sick of talking about it. You know what I did? I stood on a street corner and I had fake throw up in my mouth. And I just kept. China's new coronavirus cases climbed to six week high. That got me a little. That got me a little nervous. I thought they were over it. Weren't they?
Starting point is 00:41:51 China reported the highest number of new coronavirus cases in nearly six weeks on Monday as the country, and double that number because they're lying cocksuckers, as the country, they eat turtles and they lie. And bad. As the country tries to prevent a second wave of COVID infections. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your
Starting point is 00:42:12 ass. Come over here. Talk to me in the face. Authorities counted 108 new coronavirus infections over the past day, including 98 cases among travelers returning from abroad, according to the National. That broad 98 cases among travelers returning from abroad, according to the National Health Commission. This is the highest number of reported infections
Starting point is 00:42:38 since March 6th, when authorities counted 143 new cases. This should get us a little nervous. China is focusing its efforts on preventing a second wave of covet 19 infections especially among chinese citizens returning from abroad beijing on march 28th banned the entry of foreigners into china build the wall build that wall oh they already have one uh however state media has reported that travelers crossing the border from russia uh spreading the coronavirus in the Chinese border city of Sunfenghang in northeastern Hengmeng province. Around 300 cases of coronavirus
Starting point is 00:43:17 have been confirmed in the city by Saturday, including 100 infected people who did not appear to be showing any symptoms. The spike in local transmitted infections comes after the authorities had shot no had reported a string of days with no such new cases in late march a new cluster a new cluster of infection also feared in southern metropolitan of a gang zoo gang zoo in the guand province. That's the nicest province over there. Have you been to Guangdong? Have you had the Guangdong?
Starting point is 00:43:49 So that's getting me a little nervous that this shit's coming back over there. What the hell's going on out here? CNN reported Sunday that the African-American, even in China, the poor black people are getting whacked. So it's not a racist white American plot, Mr. Hardaway. African-American community in Guangzhou, all three of them were being targeted. I didn't know there were black people in China. Amid prevention efforts. Africans in the city have reportedly been evicted from their homes.
Starting point is 00:44:21 See, that's real racism. And turned away from hotels like they were Jackie Robinson in 1955. And turned away from hotels even if they hadn't traveled abroad. That sounds like some old school racism. Tremendous. The Chinese foreign ministry said in a statement late Sunday that it expected local authorities in Guangzhou to reject all racist and discriminatory remarks. Meanwhile, they have how many? A million fucking Muslims in prisons over there. You fucking lying motherfuckers. Who said that? Communists did.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Who the fuck said that? Bernie's favorite party. Who's the slimy little communist shit twinkle toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Ting-shang-flang. Hey, this is a new, uh, the first dwarf little person got coronavirus. got coronavirus. George Stepanopoulos tested positive for coronavirus over the weekend, nearly two weeks after his wife,
Starting point is 00:45:28 Allie Wentworth, confirmed her diagnosis. Boy, that's... Stepanopoulos, by the way, Allie Wentworth, she was on Tough Crowd. She was a funny, good-looking blonde woman. Funny as all hell. Smart as all hell. George is smart. I just don't like him because he worked for the Clintons and then they give him a TV show on ABC
Starting point is 00:45:51 on Sunday morning, which influences a lot of people's thinking. And we're supposed to believe he doesn't have a left wing agenda. Um, but you know, smart dude. But, uh, so yeah, so stepping off was, he's been broadcasting good morning America from home, told his co-host Monday morning that his diagnosis is really no surprise, but that he has been basically asymptomatic, unlike his wife, who previously described the condition as pure misery. Sure, he wasn't. She wasn't described in the marriage. I've never had a fever, never had chills, never had a headache, never had cough, never had shortness of breath. The 59-year-old ABC anchor said Wentworth, his wife, 55, is now doing much, much better. She's going on her fifth day now with no fever, which is a really great sign, he said of the author in the comic. Slowly getting out of bed, a little bit more each day, so really happy about that.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Wentworth, who's been married to Stephanopoulos since 2001, that's right about the time she's on Tough Guy, has been recovering at their New York City home. They are the parents of two very short children. In a related story, this is sad. Good Morning America, that's his show, right? On Sun during the week. I think he's an anchor. Producer Thea Trachtenberg dies. Robin Roberts broke down in tears on air Monday following the death of top Good Morning America producer Thea Trachtenberg at 51 years old. My God. The anchor said that Trachtenberg's colleagues really, really loved her.
Starting point is 00:47:22 And that's what we should remember. Trachtenberg would have been with the show for 20 years and had fought cancer twice. Jesus. Does God ever give anybody a break? Was anchor George Stephanopoulos' main producer. As he presented a celebration of his producer's life, Stephanopoulos, who on Monday revealed he had tested positive,
Starting point is 00:47:42 said she passed away early on Easter Sunday. He called her a force on the show and a mentor to so many on our staff and colleagues and friends with a biting wit, skeptical eye, and very big heart. Trachtenberg worked on interviews from President Clinton, Obama, and to prime ministers, to the Muppets,
Starting point is 00:48:00 to you two. Anyways, that's sad. I mean, this just goes to show you. Anyways, that's sad. I mean, this just goes to show you, man. All we're hearing about, remember when it first came out that it just gets old people.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Well, that ain't the truth. We're finding out how little they know about this shit. But that's creeping me out that it's creeping back into china what are we going to be on lockdown for how that's the big question now how are we gonna i and i don't like this mentality right they're saying well trump's presidency depends on it really after all the shit he's been through the economy was roaring unemployment record all that stuff he's done and uh depending on how he handles this
Starting point is 00:48:51 if he sends us back to work too early or whatever you're not going to vote for him who are you going to put in there joe biden he seems to have a real grasp on reality. Ay, ay, ay. I think Oprah's going to jump in. Go ahead, Raz. I have a Patreon question. Oh, goodness. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:49:17 And a lot of people asked this question. Liet and Montreal, Canada. Bonjour, Nick. How do you meet your lovely wife? Tell us your love story. Love has nothing to do with it. It was roofies and a vodka Collins. I carried her to the car unconscious,
Starting point is 00:49:35 brought her home, tied her up to a radiator. Liet and Montreal, guarantee she's hot. There's no ugly women in Montreal. They shoot the fat ugly ones. The cops pull them over, pretend they had a broken taillight, and they put one in their hand, I swear to God. And they drag all the blooded corpses to Toronto. No, I'm kidding, Toronto.
Starting point is 00:49:57 But how did I meet my wife? Very simple. I went to Times Square, a place that's called Sex World. I went in there, put a token in the thing, and the window came up. She was dancing behind the plexiglass. I bought her a popsicle, and the rest is history. No, I was at Caroline's Comedy Club, if you really want to know, Liet. Caroline's Comedy Club, she came in with a friend of hers. But this is how she saw me on tv
Starting point is 00:50:27 she saw me on uh she saw me on hbo young comedian special said to her sister i'm gonna marry that guy so apparently i never had a fucking chance uh then she saw me on john stewart like a week later saying that i was gonna be at caroline's comedy in New York City and she came in and I want to say the guy's name was written mark Freed or something that ran the place knew my wife somehow and introduced me and I took her to you know what Fuddruckers got her a nice double cheesy fucking curly fried burger and that but that's where I met her, Caroline. But she said to her, I'm going to marry that guy. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:51:10 She loves her guineas. Then I dated her for like nine years. And nine years is a long time. I want to thank contributions, one-time contributions. I can't thank you enough. This is what's keeping us alive, folks. I know things are tight for you, too, so that makes this extra special. Hopefully, we're giving you a little relief.
Starting point is 00:51:32 One-time contributions at Beerus Phillips, Pennsylvania. Kim Wasserman. I wonder if she's related to Debbie Wasserman. Florida, same state. James Laverty, Pennsylvania. Tom Pignataro,sylvania zulo florida tamar eichstatter tamar eichstatter germany graham charlie united kingdom mike hunt beaver falls
Starting point is 00:51:59 illinois larry roberts california mike andrews california karen sabree arizona matt jones Illinois, Larry Roberts, California, Mike Andrews, California, Karen Sabree, Arizona, Matt Jones, Maryland, Joseph Bendzinski, New Hampshire, Carl Meyer, Illinois, John Targonski, Florida, Eric Zieglein, Wisconsin, Derek Lee, New York, John Sandoval california olaf romberger new york david rasmussen arizona kevin fontaine alabama darren mccoy north carolina thank you guys so much for making that contribution at monthly supporters this is and if you sign up for this you get an extra story every day you get to ask me a question you have access to over 300 shows we've done monthly supporters mike watson kenny frankis marie galette kevin rodland mark solomon rdx he signed up at the veto level neil williamson and rich osborne all signed up to thank you guys so. You have no idea what it means to this show.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Actually, you do. Because, uh... I don't know. Is there any reason this is getting caught on my fucking chair? As it's made. What the fuck? I just hate it all.
Starting point is 00:53:23 When did I turn 71? Jesus Christ. Otherwise, if my son should get hit by a boat the lightning, knocked out by a delta, then I will blame somebody in this room. Let's end it with a light note, shall we?
Starting point is 00:53:40 Why aren't I at the airport when shit like this happens? Fully naked woman tries to book flight at New Orleans airport. Jesus H. Christ. Watch out because I'm Cocoa Pops!
Starting point is 00:53:57 Cocoa Pops! Cocoa Pops! Cocoa Pops! A woman was arrested after trying to book a flight at New orleans here but fully naked and then uh refusing to leave god i'd like to try that just to i like people looking at me when i was 21 mariel vergara 27 oh for the love i'm glad i wasn't there oh jesus that wasn't a treat i'm guessing that wasn't like her body
Starting point is 00:54:26 Wasn't a 10 below that fucking face What'd she do fall into a fucking Tackle box as somebody once said Let's you get shot Fucking the face of beep Boy this poor thing needs attention Doesn't she try some makeup Were you sweetie
Starting point is 00:54:40 Anyways this crazy bitch Strolled up to Spirit Airlines. Does this kid even wear up to the counter at Louis Armstrong International Airport? Hey, hey, Louis Armstrong. That's Ben Albee.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Oh, yeah. So racist. What was Louis Armstrong's big hit you know come on well hello dolly right yes that's how old i am loved louis armstrong as a kid kind of 12 year old likes a fucking 80 year old trumpet player a weird one according to the airlines uh she walked up with a giant yeast infection and sat it right on the fucking luggage scale airline officials told she wouldn't be able to travel in her current getup or lack thereof and asked her to leave but she refused leaving a trail of queefs. By the time a deputy arrived,
Starting point is 00:55:45 Vergara had pulled on a dress, but it was too short to cover her fucking giant muff. That's what it says. It didn't cover her genitals. And she had on no underwear. My type of broad. Why are they getting mad at this girl? A, she was a hooah.
Starting point is 00:56:02 B, she was a hooah. She was booked on charges of obscenity, resisting arrest, a sloppy snatch, battery of a police officer, simple battery as opposed to, you know, complicated battery, and remaining in a place after being forbidden. I would have jumped right in there and said, look, she can sit on my lap. I'm in first class. She looks happy, though. Seems like a well-adjusted woman. Bagara of Pueblo, Colorado is being held at the Jefferson Parish Correctional Center in Gretna on $5,000 bond. I want to know, was she under the influence or?
Starting point is 00:56:41 Obviously, she needs attention. That is it for today boys and girls again I would like to thank you so much for contributing one timers and monthly supporters at and again if you're watching YouTube click that button become a subscriber because as the numbers go up, sponsors jump in and we got a new one coming tomorrow. That means things are still good. Thanks to you guys.
Starting point is 00:57:14 So also cameo dot com. If you want me to make a personal video message roasting one of your friends or relatives or saying happy birthday to your uncle, or trashing the guy at work, whatever. It's a lot of fun. I can make or break the day. Go to, click on my profile, tell me a little bit about the person, and I'll go to work. That is it.
Starting point is 00:57:36 I want to thank you guys again, and you think it, I will say it. You're very welcome, and we'll see you back here tomorrow. Stay safe, everybody. it you're very welcome and we'll see you back here tomorrow stay safe everybody Oh, my. guitar solo I'm out.

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