The Nick DiPaolo Show - Trump Senior Advisor David Bossie | Nick Di Paolo #421

Episode Date: October 1, 2020

David Bossie gives inside insight on the the 2020 Election. Hillary implicated in Russia documents. Crazy Jeff Daniels stars as lying Jim Comey in new picture....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, we've been hearing ad nauseum the last six months, that quote, you know, we're all in this together, horseshit, no we're not. People like you guys and me, we're on one end trying to get to the truth, and on the other end are some really big powerful entities trying to silence us. YouTube, who took away this show's opportunity to make money, is one. Twitter, who is shadowbammy, is another. Hell, the entire Democratic Party thinks the First Amendment shouldn't apply to us. You know what? They're fucking wrong. I'm going to keep doing this show four days a week. I'm
Starting point is 00:00:30 going to keep doing it for free. I need your help, though. If you haven't contributed to the show, please go to or click on the button in the video description to do it. If you have contributed, please consider doing it again. It's very important. This is my call to action, and it's bigger than me or you. It's a call to action to keep fighting for the truth and for free speech. Please contribute at, and thank you so much for watching. Share this show and like this show, and let's keep it going and growing. Oh yeah, oh yeah, how are you folks? You notice I have the mic sideways so you can see my necktie. If I'm going to put the fucking thing on, somebody should see it. I don't know what day it is, folks.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Thursday, I think, but we did a show yesterday afternoon. Then we did one last night to post debate analysis and had to throw it in the can today because I'm going, I'm flying to do comedy this weekend. And I don't know. All I know is I've been here about seven hours. That's like, you know, fucking Asian kids making sneakers for LeBron.
Starting point is 00:02:15 That's way too long. Didn't get into showbiz. I know you people home going, go fuck yourself. You haven't worked a 40-hour work week. Yeah, I actually, I have. I think i really want to spend the weekend in a goddamn i don't even know where i'm spending it i hope i get covet on the flight i hope some fucking fat chinese woman in her late 80s with diabetes spits right
Starting point is 00:02:38 in my mouth i hope she sneezes in a snot bubble lands on the bridge of my nose and I lick it off. That's all I say. You know what I'm saying? I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So, enjoy. You're entitled to shit. Hey, I'm entitled to whatever the fuck I'm entitled to. All right, let's get to it already. My guest today has served as president of Citizens United since 2001,
Starting point is 00:03:05 currently senior advisor to Trump Pence 2020. He and Corey Lewandowski wrote a book, Trump America First, The President Succeeds Against All Odds, and Trump America First delivers a firsthand account of the Trump presidency re-election campaign during his most tumultuous time, and we get unprecedented accents to backstage at the rallies, to the Oval Office itself. It's a great book, and please welcome David Bossie. Dave, thanks for doing this. Appreciate it, man. No, my pleasure. Thanks for having me.
Starting point is 00:03:39 First of all, first question, what part of Massachusetts? East Boston. East Boston. I'm from danvers north shore yeah we we uh we used to go there for vacation uh cory cory likes to say he's from a lol because he thinks that sounds better but uh you know guys from east boston thought lol was a vacation spot oh yeah yeah east boston was a tough place, man. No doubt about it. Very Italian. That's very true.
Starting point is 00:04:09 First question. Let's get right to it. Is it going to be easier or more difficult now that the president has a record to win this election? I mean, normally, we know he fulfilled all of his promises, basically, but with all the evil forces against him is it better for the incumbent to have a record to run on i mean is it going to be easier
Starting point is 00:04:30 or more difficult because they have something with this record it's easier his record of accomplishment is is beyond the pale what he said the other night is exactly right he's done more in 47 months for the American people than Joe Biden has done for 47 years. His record on the economy, his record on rebuilding the military, his record on peace in the Middle East. He just got nominated for his third Nobel Peace Prize. Look, you know, this president doing, we're doing incredible things. And he's at least now being recognized for doing. And that, you know, you would think that would be enough. But in today's world, I mean, how are you going to overcome the mainstream media?
Starting point is 00:05:18 Big tech is the one I worry about. Google, you know, social media,llywood i've never seen anybody treated worse than president trump not just for a president i mean as a person i mean so how do you overcome all that uh david seriously well we we try to continue to you know we love when hollywood uh you know endorses democrats historically, every time they come out for someone, we beat them. So because America is not Hollywood, they love to think that they're the smartest, you know, these actors and actresses think they're they love to, you know, use their influence. But when The Rock comes out, and, you know, I enjoy some of his films. Right. But, you know, a guy who made, you know, the movie Skyscraper is not exactly the guy I'm going to listen to when it comes to an endorsement for president.
Starting point is 00:06:14 OK, not his finest work. So let's just be honest. Hollywood helps us. But look, this president's going to win because of his record, because of his incredible list of promises made, promises kept over the last four years. The American people sent him to Washington to be a fighter, to be the change agent, to destroy this broken status quo that is Washington. And then they want to feign surprise when he actually does it. The mainstream media has been against him. They hate this president more than they love the country.
Starting point is 00:06:49 That's the danger that we are in. And that's what we have to fight against for the next 35 days. Yeah, well, he personifies the devil to them. He's a blonde-haired, blue-eyed billionaire, alpha male Christian. I mean, you couldn't draw it up better as a bad guy in the movie for Hollywood. And I've never seen anything like it. What did you think of his performance in the debate? Are there any changes you'd make if there's going to be a second one? You know, Biden's still alive. Well, Joe Biden didn't want the first debate. Joe Biden doesn't want the second debate. Let's
Starting point is 00:07:22 be honest. He'd rather, you know, hide in his basement than campaign, which is going to be his strategic mistake when they end up losing on Election Day. Because when you play prevent defense, you know, another sports analogy, when you play prevent defense, the only thing it does is prevent you from winning sometimes. That's what we we've seen we've seen that over and over again so i think that um that they're afraid uh but this president's now in joe biden's head he's living rent free in there right now uh and so i think we're going to see joe biden try to come out and it'll be hysterical over the next debate but they'll have to they'll have to come this president's gonna is the heavyweight champion of the world. OK, another one of these sports analogies. But you've got to fight the president and take the belt from him. You can't just be given the belt. You've got to earn it. And the American people deserve somebody who's a fighter for them. Well, if he if President Trump's living in Biden's head,
Starting point is 00:08:27 he's got roommates like AOC Pelosi. Well, there's a lot of room in there too. There's a lot of room. But, but this is all a sham, isn't it? I mean, this is even if he won, which he's not by, but, but if he won, we know damn well, it's going to be AOC and Bernie Sanders. They're going to be pulling the strings. Are they not? That's what the president was saying the other evening at the debate.
Starting point is 00:08:49 You're exactly right. The president said, aren't you part of the Green New Deal? Joe Biden said, no. You know, aren't you part of Bernie Sanders' manifesto, which is a requirement for Bernie Sanders to have endorsed you? And he said, no, I'm the leader of the Democrat Party. I'm the guy in charge. Well, we're going to have to see because your base voters, your base voters are busy looting and rioting right now because the Antifa members that are
Starting point is 00:09:17 the base of the Democrat Party, OK, that's who is voting for Joe Biden. They're not voting for Donald Trump. The people who the cops are having to arrest, and then Kamala Harris's people are raising bail money to get them back out on the street so they can rob from you even more or burn your business down is outrageous. And the American people are smart, and they're going to figure that out.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Since you brought up Antifa, it's a good segue to my next question. If by any chance the Democrats won this election, I should say when President Trump wins this election, are they going to turn the heat up violence wise? Is it going to get worse? I mean, Joe Biden, in one of his speeches a couple of weeks, it was sort of a veiled threat when he said, if Trump wins, you think this is going to go away, man? It was a veiled threat. So what do you predict if Trump wins? What do you predict?
Starting point is 00:10:10 Is it going to get worse? Well, it's going to be a challenge, but it's going to be hard to be worse because the president's going to use whatever means necessary to solve the problem, okay? He is not going to allow and to continue to allow Antifa to burn down these cities. Governors and mayors are so irresponsible, derelict in their duties to their constituents, to their citizens, to allow this to happen.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Their police forces are overwhelmed. They need to call in help, and they don't. Why? Because they're left-wing liberals. But what they do is they allow the city of Minneapolis to be burned down. They call for defunding the police and getting rid of the police department altogether a couple of months ago. And now what do they do? They say, oh, no, no, no, wait a minute. We made a mistake. The city council says, oh, we need a police department. Maybe we need just some more social workers,
Starting point is 00:11:07 because that's what you want. When you're being robbed or a murder is going on, let's send a social worker. But now they're putting into the federal government for federal tax dollars from every federal taxpayer to pay for the looting and rioting that they allowed on their watch. Unacceptable. President Trump's never paying for these cities to have destroyed themselves. Not going to happen on his watch. Could he have sent, I think he has a constitutional right to
Starting point is 00:11:37 overrule these governors. Could he have sent people in and quelled that stuff quickly? Or was it the strategy to let them hang themselves? You really are, look, it's a great part of our country. And, you know, Republican governors use the law and order and use the Constitution to keep and protect their people safe. The Democrats saw it as a political cudgel. They said, we're going to use this to show that there's chaos under Trump, okay, that they think is of value. We think it's a recruitment tool for us, okay?
Starting point is 00:12:13 The American people see that. They don't want any part of it. They don't want the American cities that they live in, their towns, and especially when it's exported into local communities into the suburbs that's where things change that's where you see your average everyday american who doesn't care about politics to be quite honest right is out there standing in front of their store saying not this store not this business you're not going to burn this place down and you're not going to come into our neighborhoods and you're not going to terrorize us. And that's where you see Americans standing up for themselves.
Starting point is 00:12:48 And that's what's going to end up happening, because when the police departments are overwhelmed, people have to stand up for themselves. We're talking to David Bossia, senior advisor to the Trump Pence 2020 team. How do we, you know, I know George Soros is behind a lot of these crooked left-wing radical AGs like Kim Gartner who try to, you know, prosecute that couple that were on the front lawn defending their house. How do we, is there any way of stopping that type of money? Why is Soros, nobody ever, I never see him, nobody calls him on it. What do you do yeah it's a great question you know uh there's been plenty of people looking into the money that goes uh through act blue which is their big online fundraising platform uh and we we we see that
Starting point is 00:13:58 And we see that the Soros Foundation and other organizations that are funded by George Soros are concerned deeply about George Soros influencing our elections. In the next 35 days, do I think we're going to get to the bottom of that? No. But do I think in the next, you know, many months and years? Absolutely. We're going to get to some answers. We have to. Do we? So we don't believe, obviously, the mainstream media in the polls that have Biden up by 10 here and seven here. And again, it's probably mainstream propaganda but you're behind the scenes and I hear Trump's doing way better
Starting point is 00:14:32 president Trump's doing way better than obviously what we're reading in the papers yeah we didn't believe the polls in 2016 they certainly don't believe them now they had the media the mainstream media who hates this president more than they love the country has a broken methodology from our standpoint they they like their methodology because it helps their their efforts to create a narrative to help suppress president trump's vote that's what this is about um so we, our own internal polling has us with a very clear path to 270, where getting to 270 electoral college votes, we're not going to win the popular vote because we're not campaigning, nor do we care what happens in California, you know, on a presidential level, U.S. Senate races are different. But in New York, in California, Illinois, we're going to get swamped in a popular vote. It's okay because we have to get to 270, and our path to 270 is very clear, just like it was in 2016. And I only get a couple more, but I'll let you go. The COVID thing, I mean, come on.
Starting point is 00:15:39 This is so transparent. Oh, don't go to the polls. You might get sick. Use your mail-in ballots. How can't I can't believe America is going to buy this crap on either side. I mean, this is a hoax. Yeah, I don't I don't know that. Yeah, I don't know that they are either. We're seeing the mail-in ballot fraud already up close and personal every day, every single day. We're seeing ballots in the trash can, ballots in dumpsters, ballots in the
Starting point is 00:16:06 in the ravine, in the river. It doesn't matter. We're seeing it all across the country. We're seeing Postal Service employees being arrested for it. It's a travesty because, look, it doesn't mean that years from now there can't be mail-in ballots. It doesn't mean that we can't create a structure, but we don't have one now. We have no check-in ballots. We have no security for it. We have no logistical creative opportunity to get it done in a timely manner.
Starting point is 00:16:39 So this is a big problem because the Democrats want to change the rules in the middle of the game. That's what this is about. Right, which they always do. And finally, here's my big worry. Is President Trump, is he our last, let's say he wins and fills out two terms, who comes after him? Maybe Donald Jr.? He seems to be the last defense against this country going
Starting point is 00:17:05 full-blown socialist. I understand what you're saying, but we have a great farm team. We have a tremendous group of people out there across the country, whether it's governors or senators, up-and-coming members of Congress.
Starting point is 00:17:24 We have a wonderful bench. And you're going to see a lot of people running for president in 2024 who learned from the Trump model, which is never back down, never give in to the left. That's all they do. If you look at Romney and McCain and even George Bush, they defeat themselves because they capitulate, they give in, they apologize. They do all of these things that the left calls on them to do because they say, oh, if we do that, the left will love me. Well, guess what? They don't. And Donald Trump's the first guy to figure out we're going to fight and we're going to fight and we're going to fight to the end. We're going to fight until the fight is through. And that is where Donald Trump is. And that's why he's going to win on election. Well, even if it all ended tomorrow for Trump, the what he has
Starting point is 00:18:13 done to expose how much hatred the left has for this country and what phonies they are in Washington. Like you said, George W. used to just turn the other cheek, never respond. I have a lot of Trump in me. If a 10-year-old girl is staring at me at the mall, I go, what are you looking at? I don't, I just like, you know, I'm worse than him. But I'm just saying I love the fact that, like you said, he doesn't turn his cheek. And I, you know, I pray to God he wins. Anyways, David Bossie, the book is Trump, America First. The President Succeeds Against All Odds.
Starting point is 00:18:49 It was written with him and Corey Lewandowski. It gives you a behind-the-scenes look at starting in March up until now and the revamp campaign. Thanks so much, David. We appreciate you coming on the show. Thanks for having me. I appreciate it. I feel good. A guy from East Boston is in charge.
Starting point is 00:19:03 I really do. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I want to thank all you fans who continue to buy Nick DiPaolo's show, Merchandise. There should be some displayed on the screen. Here's a picture we got from Sarah, who was kind enough to buy a mug and send a photo a little cream in that milk oh come on Nick that was too I can't this is how the she looks familiar um this is how they take pictures not their self they know what they're doing I I can't take a
Starting point is 00:19:42 selfie anyways uh you wouldn't want to see it. Anyways, you can get official Nick DiPaolo show logo gear at my website, And thank you, Sarah. Make sure to send us your photo with the gear, and we will share it on the show like we did. But make sure you have a shirt on like that. That's all I'm saying, either a man or a boy. I'm experimenting. Anyways a man or a boy. I'm experimenting. Anyways, thank you guys.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Mr. DiPaolo, no one can be as nasty as you pretend to be unless they really wanted to be disliked. Yeah, that's the idea, Bob. Go shit in your hat. The fuck he thinks he is. He's the next one on the dead list. Poor bastard. You know? You know what? I wet my ass with your feelings. A little salty today. Let's get
Starting point is 00:20:34 right to it. Speaking of politics, the Commission on Presidential Debates, that's CPD, will give future moderators the option to cut candidates' microphones. Gee, I wonder why they're doing that and who would that affect. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello?
Starting point is 00:20:52 Anybody there? Somebody cut my fucking mic. Chris, you cocksucker, you unplugged it. I'll break your face. That's what they got out of this? That it was Trump? And yes, again, he's going to overpower anybody he has to. But they're going to have the option to cut the mics. Can I make a prediction?
Starting point is 00:21:15 I'm not the only one making it. I don't think there's going to be any more debates. I really don't. I don't. I think there should be, because Biden will commit suicide. He's so strung out by the end of the night, he's just fucking... Still want to know what that wire was. Get to the bottom of that. Anyways, they're going to do that, have the moderator be able to cut their microphones
Starting point is 00:21:35 following complaints about Tuesday's initial debate. CBS Nora O'Donnell reported Wednesday afternoon. Wow, she broke that story. The report comes hours after the bipartisan body announced, bipartisan, my twat, announced it would implement changes. Leave it alone. Let them brawl, I say. That's faggot stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:57 That's right. You want to call it by its name? That's strictly for fags. That's right. Leave the mics alone. Let them go. Turn up the mics. I want it to be like a fucking Nugent concert, 1984.
Starting point is 00:22:09 The CPD has not yet formally announced what specific steps, if any, will take to ensure adherence to the rules at further debates. Biden and Trump are set to square off again
Starting point is 00:22:23 in the octagon on October 15th and 22nd if Biden is still alive. While Pence and Kamala Harris will have their single debate on October 7th, maybe the most fucking useless debate in the history. Does anybody give a fuck what the vice president and the vice president nominee have to say about anything? She's a socialist fucking whitey-hating twat. He's a God-fearing guy with, he looks like a poster of a president. Should be interesting. a poster of a president. Should be interesting. He's going to mop the floor with that fucking cold
Starting point is 00:23:07 hooah. Nick, take it easy. It's a long day. I don't need your shit. Intelligence community. This is a new story, by the way, if you didn't fucking get that. Intelligence community declassified. Jace, is this what I gave you?
Starting point is 00:23:27 Is it a headline? All right. Didn't look familiar. Intelligence community declassifies linking Hillary to the Russia hoax. You hear that? She's a malignant cunt. Oh, is she ever. anyways uh the intelligence committee declassified linking hillary to the russia hoax and uh she's a malignant cunt yes we know that she's that too you're entitled to shit exactly
Starting point is 00:23:57 uh maybe she'll be going to jail okay but i doubt it. Here's the letter, I guess, right? This was from Donald Trump Jr. Last night posted this, or yesterday. It's evidence that it was her idea, I guess. This is the letter. In response to your request for intelligence community information related to the Federal Bureau of Investigations crossfire hurricane investigation, I have declassified the following.
Starting point is 00:24:30 I'm going to read the whole letter to you. In late July 2016, U.S. intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis, alleging that U.S. presidential candidate, so this is coming from the Russians, that U.S. presidential candidate, so this is coming from the Russians, Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians, hacking of the Democratic National Committee. She thought of it. I hope this is all true. The IC does not know the accuracy of these allegations or the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication. According to his handwritten notes, former CIA director Brennan subsequently briefed President Obama, so he knew, and other senior
Starting point is 00:25:21 national security officials on the intelligence, including the alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016, of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services. This malignant witch. And don't get your hopes up, folks. These people don't go to jail. On the 7th of September, 2016, U.S. intelligence officials forwarded an investigative referral
Starting point is 00:25:56 to FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Assistant Director of Contra Intelligence Peter Strzok. Remember him? Regarding U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's approval of a plan concerning U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers. Do you hear that? So Comey was aware of it, even though he says he wasn't, hampering the United States elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private mail server. All the stuff that Fox News said and Sean Hannity and everybody was laughing at Fox News and Sean Hannity.
Starting point is 00:26:28 I hope all this work isn't for naught. As referenced in his 24 September 2020 letter to your committee, Attorney General Barr has advised that the disclosure of this information will not interfere with the ongoing Department of Justice investigations. Additional declassification and public disclosure of related intelligence remains under consideration. However, the IC welcomes the opportunity to provide a classified briefing with further detail at your convenience. I hope that wasn't too in the weeds for you folks. I don't mean to get too heavy here,
Starting point is 00:27:05 but I've been waiting to see this twat and so have you. Get busted for something. Jay walking, spitting. Okay? It was her idea.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Of course it was. You know why? She was in the news every day because of her private server and her 33,000 emails that went missing. So let's create a distraction. She's been in the business forever. She knows how to do it. I pray this is all true, and it was her idea. And again, I'll say it again, it's probably not going to matter, because apparently the Clintons, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:40 they can leave a trail of dead bodies and nobody says boo. She looks very nice there, though, doesn't she? It's a happy woman. See that? She's got jock itch and all kinds of shit right there. Go ahead, bring her closer. That's right. Get back in your pen.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Oh, God. She's so stupid. You're so stupid. You're so fucking stupid. Speaking of stupid, you remember Jeff Daniels? Never was a big Jeff Daniels fan, even in terms of endearment and shit. He's just one of those guys you got lucky. He's fucking bland.
Starting point is 00:28:25 The typical lib, dumb, buys anything that the libs say. But I guess, whatever. I was never that big a fan. Dumb and dumber, whatever the fuck. Well, speaking of dumb and dumber, he was on with Joe Scarborough, you know, hillbilly Joe Scarborough, the one I labeled, the guy that plays the banjo in Deliverance
Starting point is 00:28:42 because he has those hillbilly eyes. And then my boy Levin took it, and I said, go ahead, run with it. Dumb and Dumber morning, Joe and Jeff Daniels. They did a sit-down. Daniels is in a series coming out. Is it a series or a movie where he plays Comey, right? So, boy, something out of Hollywood about this scandal.
Starting point is 00:29:02 I'm sure that will be neutral as far as politics go. What does it say? Excuse me. So here's the interview. The hillbilly Joe is asking what it was like to play Comey and what he found out about Comey. And here you go. It's going to make you vomit blood.
Starting point is 00:29:27 I found that he's a guy that believes in the rule of law. He looks at that as something. He's talking about Comey. The rule of law. He believes in the rule of law. I know what you did. You're a damn liar. You fucking, you have to leave in that first part when I said they're asking him about him playing Comey.
Starting point is 00:29:53 All right? I know I'm making more work for you. Otherwise, that doesn't make any sense. Go ahead. Bigger than he is. The same thing with the institutions such as the FBI. He believes in protecting the integrity. Do you hear what he just said?
Starting point is 00:30:11 He thinks like the institution's bigger than he is in law and order. Can you imagine? It's just the opposite. These people are psychologically damaged. I just said people and damaged. Like Biden. Where are we? What are we doing? You hear what he just said people and damaged like biden hey where are we what are we doing um he you hear what he just said he just described the antithesis of what james comey is fucking psychotic go ahead
Starting point is 00:30:34 the fbi and and those things matter to him like people's religion matters to them and their God matters to him. There's a sacredness to it. And when he got into these situations that Secretary Clinton's use of the emails threw him into, that the mistake where they missed those 30,000 and 300,000 emails in October leading up to election that he had to now be thrust into, He relied on those things that he believed in. All right. I can't take no more. You're fucking crazy. I can't take no more.
Starting point is 00:31:16 You know what he did to prepare for the role he read for Comey's book? That's all obviously what Comey has said to defend himself. He believes the law and order is bigger than he is it couldn't be fucking further from the truth you cheese dick are you watching the news oh my god so don't when you
Starting point is 00:31:36 listen to actors bullshitting and how they prepare for roles and shit don't take them too seriously he obviously is in love with Comey because he's a fucking lib, and he hates Trump, and that's all you need to know about Jeff Daniels.
Starting point is 00:31:51 That, and he's a mediocre talent. Always was. I'll tell you who the most overrated talent ever was. Don Cheadle. You could grab any black guy off the street. Nothing special about Don fucking Cheadle. He's a crushing bore. If one thing black people are, it's interesting people.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Don Cheadle is a fucking bore. He might as well be a white guy from the suburbs. I just wanted to get that off my chest. It has nothing to do with what I'm talking about, but I thought I'd throw it in there. Shut up, you whore. Jesus Christ, we got here at 2 o'clock. What the fuck, Tommy?
Starting point is 00:32:28 I hate working hard, folks. Can I be honest with you? I don't like it. I believe in working smart, and we haven't been working smart. We've been working fucking overtime. Because this equipment, you know, came out 40 years too early, in my opinion. This coffee tastes like shit. Fuck this.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Now you see why I have problems. Let's go on to something I enjoy. Oh, that's right. Football's ruined, too, by the China virus. Well, why do you call that? Because it was made in China. As Donald Trump said, China. But it's fucking up the best time of the year.
Starting point is 00:33:09 This is sports time, is it not? Tampa Bay, congratulations on your cup. You're lucky the fucking COVID hit or the Bruins would have wiped your asses. Anyway, Steelers-Titans. Their game is going to be moved to either Monday or Tuesday. Why is that, Nick? Because positive tests among Tennessee Titan players and personnel were reported on Tuesday that immediately put the Titans' game Sunday against the Steelers into doubt. Oh, goodness gracious, Heloise.
Starting point is 00:33:40 When the Titans' news broke Monday, the team had to suspend in-person activities immediately. That's too bad. I feel bad for those people. Oh, boy, you. The game being played as scheduled on Sunday was in jeopardy, and the league considered contingency plans such as moving the game to Monday or Tuesday. Well, that's quick thinking, is it? Good for you. That's faggot stuff. That's right. You want to call it by its name,
Starting point is 00:34:10 that's strictly for fags. That's John Madden from his chair. The NFL made it official Wednesday morning that the game would be rescheduled to Monday or Tuesday. You know a guy who wrote this fucking article, you could have said that in one paragraph at the top, and that would have been that. You cheesy, titless wonder. I'm going to fucking punch your face in. In a memo to teams obtained by ESPN, Goodell said the Titans news didn't surprise the league. This is not unexpected, Goodell said in the memo. There will be players and staff who will test positive during the season. This is not unexpected, Goodell said in the memo. There will be players and
Starting point is 00:34:45 staff who will test positive during the season, okay? And I know, because I played a doctor on Channel 2. Shut up! Shut! Shut! Shut! Shut! Shut up! Shut up! I don't care how that cord looks.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Jason, why are you putting a girl up in a bikini? What? Buy me some time? I'm not complaining. I'm just saying. Now, don't go back to that. Boy, you're fucking making a lot of work for yourself. God, you're going to be editing until fucking fucking monday morning anyways in a related story
Starting point is 00:35:28 ladies and gentlemen the nfl threatens fines for uh improper covid conduct what's the rough gonna I got number 62, sneezing and coughing on the nose guard. That's a 15-yard penalty and loss of life. Anyways, can you imagine they're threatening for COVID conduct? Are you guys seeing what this is? Do you understand you're being played? They're getting you ready for socialism because this is how your life's going to be. The NFL is a great way for them to get their propaganda out there because, you know, it still gets a lot of eyes. The NFL is threatening teams with possible suspensions for sideline personnel, including coaches who do not properly wear face coverings during the pandemic. Jesus Christ, what a nanny state. What a nanny state
Starting point is 00:36:31 we've turned into. Is it almost over? I'm going to fucking kill somebody right now. Where's my mind your business button It's supposed to be here How the fuck did I miss that Shut up Mind your fucking business And shut up Yeah that worked good huh
Starting point is 00:36:53 You can leave that in They say you have You could get fined If you don't wear face coverings And some of the players said Shut up Mind your fucking business And shut up
Starting point is 00:37:02 You leave that mistake in And it was actually funny oh god i this turned into a job i want to strangle tommy by his big fat italian neck forfeiting draft picks also could be among disciplinary measures can you imagine if you don't wear a fucking mask you're gonna lose a draft pick why do you just take them out and shoot them you get the electric chair if you don't fucking wrap yourself up like a burrito. Who the fuck is... Can you imagine you lose a draft
Starting point is 00:37:30 pick? You could lose a draft pick for failing to comply with Hitler, the league, the players' union. See, what happens is the players' union agree to these protocols. You know? That's what happened. And the players don't like it.
Starting point is 00:37:49 What the hell's going on out here? I don't know, Vince. Can you imagine if you were around? The guy used to stand out there in minus 14 degrees with his camel hair coat on. Fucking like it was 85. Can you imagine him dealing with these fucking refs? Like it was 85. Can you imagine him dealing with these fucking refs?
Starting point is 00:38:12 And anyways, as you know, the game day protocols agreed to with the NFLPA require that coaches and other non-player personnel wear appropriate face coverings at all times on the field and in the coach's booze. Well, that's just terrific. It's a scope. It's a scope. It's just terrific. The NFL has fined several coaches $100,000 for lack of compliance, including Sean Payton of New Orleans, ooh, and John Gruden of Vegas,
Starting point is 00:38:39 who both have said they contracted and recovered from the coronavirus. Teams were fined $250,000 so far. Huh? Give me the money. Give me the fucking money. You hear me? You hear me? I said give me the fucking money.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Boy, 2020 is the weirdest, isn't it? It's just, it's just affecting everybody. And we'll continue with another story only at the college level. You know, college campuses, the kids aren't taking it serious and they shouldn't. Cause I'm going to repeat the number again. If you're from age one to 69, your chances of getting COVID and dying is what is it? 0.014? I'm not making it up. You can look it up. That's why these college kids are going, I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:39:29 I'm going to eat some bug tonight. And they're pig piling into bars and they're having chicken fights. Good for them. Sure, somebody's going to get a sniffle or a cough, but come on. Notre Dame said it had 39 players in isolation or quarantine on Monday.
Starting point is 00:39:47 What, did they go over to Wuhan? What, did they have a kegger at the wet market on Ching Pang Street? 39 players in quarantine on Monday as it deals with COVID-19 outbreak that forced the Fighting Irish, and changed their name to the Puking Irish, to postpone last week's game at Wake Forest. Oh, that's too bad. That was a matchup nobody gave a shit about. I'm all over the fucking thing here.
Starting point is 00:40:15 I don't know what to fucking... Says son of... Fuck it. Son of a whore. Son of a whore. Son of a whore! Why do I have these all out of fucking? Notre Dame coach Brian Kelly says team doctors determined to miss two missteps that led to the outbreak. So he's blaming the doctors.
Starting point is 00:40:39 And you blew it! You blew it! I love him. He's a fucking hothead. Played against him in high school, actually. Throughout our entire time together, we had not had one meal where we sat down together, Kelly. That's very
Starting point is 00:40:54 un-Catholic of you. Everything was grab and go, you know, like with Brods. Did he say that? We get into our game situation where we have pregame meal together, and that costs us big. We had somebody who was asymptomatic, and it spread like wildfire throughout our meeting.
Starting point is 00:41:13 You know what asymptomatic means? You're not sick. That's what it means. It spread like wildfire through the meeting area where we were eating, and then it got guys in a contact tracing kelly the coach also said that uh they thought a player who was vomiting during the september september 19th victory over south florida was suffering from dehydration turns out he was dying from a chinese fucking virus they thought he was dehydrated, but he ultimately tested positive for coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Well, so what? God, am I entertaining. I feel like I've been here since noontime. I want to fucking hit somebody. Is Judge Napolitano around here a bit spanking? In a new release, Notre Dame said 18 football players tested positive last week. Seven of them who had already been quarantined after contact tracing had determined that they had been exposed to people who had already been infected. A total of 25 players were in isolation after testing positive, and another 14 were being quarantined after a contact tracing. The school said Notre Dame said the team was able to resume conditioning activities for the players who are permitted to participate.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Well, thank God for that. Do you really think this virus, who doesn't kill anybody under 70, could affect a 20-year-old kid who plays college football? You're not going to find a better conditioned athlete, okay? Plus the steroids they do will kill that shit in a second. I mean, really, seriously, though, you really think it's a danger? I feel like I am living on another planet. I really, really am. Our father. I really want to thank Clive and our friends at Immunologic for sponsoring
Starting point is 00:43:30 this show. They're a Texas-based company that makes important health products that really work. As most of you know, I've had my share of digestion issues in the past, and this stuff is great. It really, it does work. The product that helped me with digestion is made from natural multivitamins, minerals, and amino acids, so you can't OD on it, called Allofurox whole leaf capsules. They also specialize in pH salts and pH greens. These help immune response, metabolism, joint health, and restful sleep. Viewers of the Nick DiPaolo Show will now get a free roll of pH paper
Starting point is 00:44:09 with your order of pH salts or pH greens. Plus, get this, folks, free shipping. Go to to see everything they offer, and we thank them for sponsoring the Nick DiPaolo Show. Finally tonight, more sports news. But again, this one's a light one. It's a good one. It's a great way to end the week.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Tampa, Florida, as you know, the Lightning won the Stanley Cup. Like I said, my Bruins, you know, had the best record, but then Ching Tau Fing hit. But they won the cup the other night. Oh my God, I'm so fucking tired I can't even. You're gonna eat lightning and you're gonna crap thunder. Oh my God, you might have to edit all these.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Anyways, this is a hockey story sort of out of Tampa, Florida. A neighbor, this must be an English paper because it's spelled B-O-U-R, neighbor. You fucking limey cucksucker. A neighbor called a sheriff's deputies on
Starting point is 00:45:13 some rabid Tampa Bay Lightning fans who were screaming shoot, shoot. That's how violent Florida is. Somebody yells shoot while they're watching a hockey game, and the cops are called. So somebody called.
Starting point is 00:45:30 They were watching game three, a few guys of the finals. This was Wednesday night. In the first period, the trio began screaming for a goal, prompting a 9-11 call, if you can believe that. Goal! Goal! Andre Scherrer! Goal! Sound like some great guys.
Starting point is 00:45:56 The caller told dispatchers someone was yelling loudly in the apartment above just before 8.30 p.m. Wednesday, according to Hillsborough County Sheriff's spokesperson, Natalie Verdina. She's a good one. So they came to the door and thought there were guns in the house, Garrett 26 said, one of the kids. According to a sheriff's office dispatch report released Thursday, the complaint told police
Starting point is 00:46:21 he heard a couple screaming at each other with one yelling, I dare you to shoot. Are we the dumbest nation on earth? Jeopardies went on their way after talking to everyone involved. And, of course, there was nothing to see there. And I forgot to put that in, too. Anyways. Hey, everyone. I'm finally back to touring.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Is it the theater that I was doing in March? No. You can thank liberal government officials and the mainstream media for that, but despite that, I'm looking forward to getting back on stage. I'm flying up to Maine tonight. We'll be there Friday and
Starting point is 00:47:03 Saturday at Jonathan's in a Gunkwit. I've done the room before. It's killer. The next weekend, I'll be at Stand Up Live in Huntsville, Alabama on Saturday and Zany's in Nashville on Sunday. I didn't even know that. I thought it was Friday and Saturday. Oh, Tommy, what a bugger.
Starting point is 00:47:24 And then on November 19th, I'll be at the Improv in Raleigh, North Carolina. Thank you to those of you who already have tickets. And for those of you who had tickets to my shows in Vegas that were canceled in September due to COVID, I'm working on a rescheduled date for those right now and should have it by next week, along with the Minnesota and Florida dates. Stay tuned for those. Again, at, you can get all that information. Don't forget to come see me at the Comedy Club of Kansas City the weekend after the election.
Starting point is 00:47:59 I'm doing four shows. Tickets are going on sale today. So the Comedy Club of Kansas City should be interesting. The weekend right after the election, November 6th and 7th. I hope to see you out there. All right. I want to thank one-time contributors to the Nick DiPaolo
Starting point is 00:48:16 show. Brian Stevens, Georgia. Tim Hershey, Ohio. Dagmara Winoswiska, Illinois. Timothy Vincent, Florida. Jerry Kelchik, Canada. Brian Malineswiska, Illinois Timothy Vincent, Florida Jerry Kelchik, Canada Brian Malakwiz, Massachusetts Barry Rice, Ohio
Starting point is 00:48:32 William Fox, New York Jason Langhammer, Oklahoma Greg Lee, Virginia Christopher Ryan, New York John Anthony, Australia Brenda Jenkett, South Carolina, John Anthony, Australia, Brenda Jenkett, South Carolina, Kelly Hubbard, Michigan, Kerry Lowry, Texas, Forrest Miller, Washington,
Starting point is 00:48:55 Nicole Cox, New York, Randy Parks, Washington, we have to speed this up, Marianne Vasquez, California. And new monthly subscribers at Patreon, Buck Shanklin. Great name. Buck Shanklin. Thank you guys all so much for contributing financially to the show. It's what keeps us up and running. So thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:49:21 I want to thank David Bossie. Go out and get his great book, Trump, America First, A President Succeeding Against All Odds. It's a great read. Him and Corey Lewandowski did it together. That is it for the week, ladies and gentlemen. Remember, you think it, I will say it.
Starting point is 00:49:38 You're very welcome. We'll see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend, everybody.ご視聴ありがとうございました guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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