The Nick DiPaolo Show - Trump Trashes Biden at CPAC | Nick Di Paolo Show #498

Episode Date: March 1, 2021

Trump gives his first speech since the election. CPAC stage shape stirs controversy. Cuomo's woes stack as second accuser comes forward....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Yeah, baby. How are you, folks? Monday, March 1st. Edging towards spring, although down here it's midsummer. It's been in the 80s all weekend. Actually worked out twice. Can't move. Can't get up to this chair.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Legs are numb. Back's killing me. Kidneys are aching. Ears are throbbing. Jesus Christ. I'm telling you. You know you're old when you're going down the stairs and it hurts more than walking up the stairs. I got nothing left on my knees, no cartilage.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I actually wake my wife when I'm coming upstairs. You can hear the clicking. But that's her problem. Anyways, how you doing, folks? You have a good weekend? Did you wear your mask like fucking sheep people? God, I can't take it anymore being part of this hoax. Anyways, what was the big news this weekend?
Starting point is 00:01:26 CPAC convention. Everybody excited. It was like the Stones coming to your town in 1978. Everybody couldn't wait to see Trump slash Jagger. And he did not disappoint. There was all the suspects. Roger Stone, stone who we love by the way you remember old roger he and he's a fan of mine we got proof of it act look at him look at the old duffel look not a bad looking lady there he's got a bible under it and i don't know what he's carrying
Starting point is 00:01:58 uh remember he loves the show he told us he did bear is concerned that's right steven that's the way it is so uh you know as i said in the movie uh get me roger stone which unfortunately robert muller watched and thought it was entitled get roger stone uh i revel in the hatred of these leftist uh retards Oh, my God. They're not funny. Trevor Noah, not funny. Nick DiPaolo, now that's funny. Bing, bing, bang. I'm going to save that. I'll lose my wedding ring before I lose that clip.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Anyways, Roger was at CPAC. Why am I bringing that up? I don't know. It just popped up. This guy knows how to have a good time. Still celebrating him not, you know, being thrown in jail and getting pardoned by trump this is how he celebrates with one of his favorite rappers apparently yeah yeah boy
Starting point is 00:02:51 oh my god Roger Stone, hip-hop extraordinaire, mixing it up. I saw that I was shocked. I'm like, what the hell? I'm going to find out what the hell happened here. Look at that truck. It's probably Stones. You got to love any guy who has a Nixon tattoo and he's 18 years old. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Anyway, so, yeah, that was, we knew it was going to be a zing zanger. Let me be the first to say, folks, and, you know, I lean right, but, you know, people on the right aren't the funniest people in the world. I have to, you know, lean, I got to, you know, the libs. I'm not talking about everyday people who have no sense of humor, but the libs who stand up comics or lean left. They you know, they can write a joke anyways. But before I get to Trump, the big controversy this weekend is the stage design.
Starting point is 00:03:54 This came out over the weekend, apparently. Apparently, the stage looks just like a symbol used by the Nazis in World War Two. The SS platoon people. And you want to take a look at this? Hey, I, Jesus, if this is a coincidence, it's a hell of a coincidence. And you know me, I'm a right winger, but spin that symbol around on the right and you see the stage. Look at it. If the pointy part of the black symbol is pointing towards, it's the exact same thing. Who in God's name did that? If the pointy part of the black symbol is pointing towards, it's the exact same thing. Who in God's name did that? I'm for you. Do I get to arrive?
Starting point is 00:04:30 Do I get to fly? I get to trust I can. Anyways, the Hyatt people had to comment. They said the CPAC 2021 event is hosted and managed by the American Conservative Union, ACU, that manages all aspects of events, logistics, including the stage design and aesthetics. We discussed directly with the ACU leadership, who told us that any resemblance to the symbol of hate is, and then they said, which means unintentional. which means unintentional. We will continue to stay in dialogue with the event organizers
Starting point is 00:05:07 regarding our deep concerns, said the Hyatt people. CPAC's chairman, Matt Schlapp, seen here, is shutting down the idea that the stage design is in any way a nod to Nazi history. He said, stage design conspiracies are outrageous and slanderous
Starting point is 00:05:26 we have a long-standing commitment to the jewish community which they do uh cancer culture extremists must address anti-semitism within their own ranks which is exactly uh right does anybody's that anti he hadn't even talked to b. Didn't even call Israel for like three weeks since he got in. So shut your hole. You see pack proudly stands with our Jewish allies, including those speaking from this stage is what he said. So, I mean,
Starting point is 00:06:00 you know, you got Jewish people speaking. So I, I got to believe they got to, I want to know who fucking picked that design out. He'll be in front of a firing squad. So Schlapp disagrees. I despise it with every fiber of my being.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Ah, there you are, really. The main CPAC stage where Republicans and other conservatives are gathering this weekend in Florida looks eerily similar to an old Nazi symbol. Something that's causing utter outrage somebody pointed out the design noting the stage appears to be shaped like an emblem the nazis proudly flashed in the world war ii and no it's not the swastika that everyone knows but it's an offshoot of it one that's less known but still as hateful the symbol is called odal Rune and it dates back to ancient Germanic languages, which I got a D- in
Starting point is 00:06:50 high school. Its rough English translation is heritage, inheritance, inheritance, sorry, or inherited state. Not that offensive. It's nationalism. The specific symbol ended up being emblazoned on uniforms of Nazi SS soldiers
Starting point is 00:07:09 belonging to the 7th Volunteer Mountain Division, which was stationed in occupied Yugoslavia. The infantry formed in 1941, but it's unclear how the rune came to be adopted. All I know is my wife gave me a wedding cake with that design on it. I don't know what she was trying to say, but let me tell you something. I can't wait to get to the bottom of that one. Trump's like, what the fuck? Who did this? Kimberly Guilfoyle's like, I just, I had an earring shaped like it. I thought it would. Kimberly Guilfoyle's like, I just, I had an earring shaped like it.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I thought it would. Anyways, so the man himself that we've all been waiting for came back, Mr. Donald Trump, present president, in my opinion. And we have a couple clips of him addressing the crowd. First, he does a typical, I was wondering what his opening remark was going to be. Because you know he needs the love more than anybody. But here you go. Typical. Hello, CPAC. Do you miss me yet? Do you miss me? It's a sick question. You're a sick fuck. And I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. Do you miss me yet? Then he went on to say that he was not going to start a new there was all kinds of rumors he was
Starting point is 00:08:28 going to start a new part which made no sense if you know politics why would you start another party's going to divide the republican you got to unify the people that are with anyway so he shot that down real quick going to unite and be stronger than ever before i am not starting a new party. That was fake news. Fake news. Those dirty cocksuckers at CNN. And then he went on to talk a little bit about immigration because I think that's the biggest change since Biden became president. Him just, you know, letting these people pour over already. Even before he was elected, they were hearing what he was saying while he was running. they're lining up like the boston marathon at the el paso border
Starting point is 00:09:09 third world shitholes and um here's what he had to say about biden screwing up office just six weeks ago we had created the most secure border in u.s history We had built almost 500 miles of great border wall that helped us with these numbers because once it's up, you know, they used to say a wall doesn't work. Well, you know what I've always said, walls and wheels, those are two things that will never change. The wall has been amazing. It's been incredible and little sections of it to complete. They don't want to complete it. They don't want to complete little sections in certain little areas they don't want to complete, but it's had an impact that nobody would have even believed. It's amazing considering that the Democrats' number
Starting point is 00:09:59 one priority was to make sure that the wall would never ever get built would never ever happen would never get financed we got it financed we ended catch and release ended asylum fraud all these things illegal crossings to historic lows when illegal aliens trespass across our borders they were promptly caught detained and sent back home and these were some rough customers i want to tell you some rough customers were entering our country it took the new administration only a few weeks to turn this unprecedented accomplishment into a self-inflicted humanitarian and national security disaster. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:46 I despise it with every fiber of my being. People being let in, they don't even check them for COVID. They're throwing them in the same tents that Trump used and got demonized for. What is going on? They are so itching for a civil war. Somebody get me my goddamn musket. Anyways, and then finally, I think the line that got the biggest applause break of the night was this one here. But who knows? Who knows? I may even decide
Starting point is 00:11:15 to beat them for a third time, okay? Yeah, baby. I am your voice you could hear liberals heads exploding i could feel the uh my house was shaking imagine them watching that of course i read a few articles this morning he didn't change one bit he starts out with outrageous lies that he didn't lose the election, which he frigging didn't. They're still denying vans, video footage of vans pulling up at six in the morning, dumping off hundreds of thousands of votes. And that's not a sign of fraud. Or Pennsylvania changing all their laws two days before the election and not going through the legislature to do it, which we all know is unconstitutional. All this hard evidence. You people make me sick. Not to mention, boy, do you guys get up every
Starting point is 00:12:12 morning and read it and you're like, Jesus, you can't have a Mr. Potato Head now? They just took Mr. away from it. Like my buddy said, you know, there's a Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head. What's her status? And of course, you guys are going to think I'm nuts, but the enemy of the far left is the nuclear family. I swear to God, this is the levels thing again. Even Mr. Potato Head. They're just itching. You know, not to mention the Capitol still being guarded like Gaddafi's house. That's just to let you know it's coming, folks. But anyways, people were very excited that he didn't rule out.
Starting point is 00:12:49 What are you kidding me? You think he's going to go away from the limelight? Trump is like a, he's like an athlete or a movie star who's, you know, once they retire and they can't stay retired,
Starting point is 00:12:59 he, do you understand? He'll die. He doesn't golf. Every once in a while, he'll golf. I mean, he golfs on his courses. But I'm just saying, his lifeblood is adulation from the public. So I'll bet you my mother's eyes, by the way, she's blind since 1988, that he'll be running again. You know?
Starting point is 00:13:24 But I want to get to the bottom of that stage design that is hilarious so we go from trump who's the president to this jerk off who is not the president that's right i just said it folks um just think now trump you heard him he speaks off the cuff right all that stuff's coming off the cuff his mind is sharp as anybody now let's cut to the guy who supposedly beat him in the presidential listen to biden once again sharp as a tack lizzie pinelli excuse me finnell and uh what am i doing here yeah i'm gonna lose track here yeah yeah um uh uh good question what are you doing there when he said what do you what am? When he said, what are you,
Starting point is 00:14:05 what am I doing here? He meant, what am I doing running the country? Jesus, this guy couldn't even play bingo if he was at a nursing home. Oh, you go from Trump. Just think about the vitality of Trump. They were questioning Trump. Remember a week into Trump's administration. Is he fit to run? He's not mentally fit. How do you people go to sleep at night? You left wing motherless tit wonders. I hate you. What am I doing? Lizzie Pinnell. I think your brain is going soft. Oh, no fucking doubt about it. No doubt about it. So that's's your president let's get to some uh this was actually good news finally somebody pushing back a little bit
Starting point is 00:14:51 oklahoma's house this state house passed a bill this weekend to limit biden's executive power you know those executive orders that he's been ripping out every three second days using to undo trump's work. Oklahoma House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday that would allow the state to put the brakes on the power of President Joe Biden's executive orders there,
Starting point is 00:15:14 which is great. They do not like him. You're a real crumbum. HB 1236 would allow the Oklahoma state legislator to review each executive order and determine if the order should be given to the Oklahoma attorney legislator to review each executive order and determine if the order should be given to the Oklahoma attorney general who would determine if it is allowed under the
Starting point is 00:15:30 U.S. get this constitution something the fucking Democrats have never heard of if the attorney general deemed that executive order unconstitutional the bill seems to indicate the attorney general could sue for a court order invalidating the executive order. Get that lawyer out there now, man. Counselor. Counselor. If the attorney general decides not to take action on an order, the legislature, are you listening, Pennsylvania, could conduct a majority vote declaring it unconstitutional.
Starting point is 00:16:04 If the legislature invokes its option to declare an executive, I don't, you know what? could conduct a majority vote declaring it unconstitutional. If the legislature invokes its option to declare an executive, I don't, you know why this is a surprise to me? I don't remember the Democrats bringing this up when Trump was doing all the executive orders. Oh, I know why they didn't, because they knew they were going to steal the election anyways. I'm sorry, what a dick. If the legislature invokes an option to declare an executive order unconstitutional,
Starting point is 00:16:24 the statute is unclear whether Oklahoma government would file suit or the state would ignore the orders inside the state, county, political subdivision, or any other publicly funded organization shall not implement any action that restricts a person's rights or that the office of the attorney general or the legislature by majority vote determines to be unconstitutional. Federal law, as you guys know, and I'm no law expert, but I know this, it always trumps state law. But any federal action that is unconstitutional is not a law at all. For example, even some things that Congress can do by passing a federal law are unconstitutional if a president tries to do it without Congress passing a law. In other words, when Biden does it by executive order right it wasn't passed by the legislature so it can be deemed unconstitutional the bill outlines different categories of order orders lawmakers would review from pandemics and other health emergencies land use issues oil and
Starting point is 00:17:38 natural gas regulations which he's destroying already, education issues and agriculture regulations. Oklahoma House Speaker Charlie McCaul, State Rep Mark McBride, both Republicans, introduced the bill which passed in the House 79 to 18, which makes me ask the question, well, if they were smart enough, those guys from Oklahoma to pick up on this, where's Mitch McConnell and the other, oh, that's right there, phony fucks. Mitch McConnell's sitting at home. It was a disgrace, generally effective.
Starting point is 00:18:15 The legislature's biggest beef with Biden is his push towards renewable energy and away from fossil fuels, which are valuable resources and a key industry, obviously, in Oklahoma. So this is going to be a long six months that he's president. Who's with me? Anybody? Good for you, Oklahoma. Good for you. Had enough of this left-wing bullshit in Oklahoma. You know what other state? I should have put this under libs eating libs, Jace. I forgot.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Cuomo, Andrew Cuomo, he is no longer useful to the Democratic Party on a national level. So, you know, this is what happens. They use you, and then when you get in hot water like he does, they're like, fuck it, let's go after him. Let's get him out of there. We don't need his baggage. A brutal billboard against Cuomo goes up in New York. Take a look at this.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Hope he sees that's off. It's right near a highway near Albany. So I hope he sees it every day he goes to work. That's him having a good time, by the way. It was paid for by Brian Olson. So good for you, Brian. Nice job. Don't get mad. Get a billboard. The headline reads an Albany gun store owner. I love it. Is venting his fury over Governor Andrew Cuomo's nursing home scandal with a giant highway sign calling for his impeachment. The purpose is to demand that he be held accountable for the mass deaths. He's like the Hitler of nursing homes. The mass deaths at nursing homes in New York.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Brian Olson told the Post, our original message, he wanted to put this up originally. He lied. They died. But the billboard company rejected it because they're ball-less, spineless, jerk-offs. The stark message, the word impeachment in blood-red capital letters next to a photo of the embattled governor has been flashing on an electronic billboard along Interstate 787, which my manager Tommy travels every day, just north of the state capitol since Tuesday. And he's upset about it.
Starting point is 00:20:29 He doesn't like that, Cuomo. He didn't like the billboard. Well, whose fault is that? It's right. Slippery fingers. What happened this weekend was a second accuser, not Boylan. Remember the redhead was pretty hot.
Starting point is 00:20:43 A second accuser has come forward with allegations of sexual harassment against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. That boy is a P-I-G pig. The second accuser, a former aide named Charlotte Bennett, says that the, not bad, not bad, Governor.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Would you like a little Spanish fly, Governor? I like it. I got to be honest. But then again, I'm 59. A former aide named Charlotte Bennett says the governor asked questions about her sex life, whether she was monogamous in her relationship and if she had sex with older men. According to the New York Times, I'll repeat that. The right wing New York Times reporter. You know how far off the fucking reservation you have to be to be getting attacked by the New York Times as a Democrat? Come on. Bennett left the governor's office with her pants down crying. No, left the governor's office last November, months after the alleged harassment occurred. Bennett, 25, yum yum, said she was alone with Cuomo
Starting point is 00:21:46 in his office on June 5th when he asked if she had ever been with an older man, but stated he never made, now this is the governor saying, never made any physical advances toward her. She believes that the question suggested was unprofessional by the governor. So, but he denies it.
Starting point is 00:22:07 And we got to give him, hey, look, we got to give him due process. A lot of people, a lot of women scream, you know, since hashtag me too, everybody is coming after guys who are successful and shit. And come on, the world has changed so much since guys my age and Cuomo's aged. You know, not that I was ever a pig like that. In one instance on May 15th, Bennett recalled how after a speech she was scheduled to give to her students about her experiences as a victim of sexual assault, Cuomo made an inappropriate comment to her that she says were the turning point in our relationship, quote unquote,
Starting point is 00:22:45 meaning their professional relationship is what she was talking about. So you're a crumb creep. Oh, boy, is he ever. The way he was repeating. And this is her. This is her quoting him. He would say, you were raped and abused and attacked and assaulted and betrayed. And he kept saying that over and over again, while looking me directly in the eyes
Starting point is 00:23:05 was something out of a horror movie. She wrote in a text reported by the times. It was like he was testing me. Now, I don't know about that. I'm trying to put that into context. That's not exactly when it picks somebody up, reminding them of their worst moments. I, I'm trying to figure that one out. Look, I can be a sexist pig like anybody else, but that one's even over my head. Anything before it, this is her by in quotes, anything before it, I now see differently, she said. I know, he says, sorry, she says, I now understand what he was doing was called grooming. Bennett told the Times that she felt that the governor wanted to sleep with her and was concerned about her job if she made an issue out of his apparent sexual advances. That's classic, if it's true, classic sexual harassment. On Saturday evening, Governor Cuomo
Starting point is 00:23:56 released a statement. Don't tell me he agreed with her. That's right. I'm a pig and she wouldn't give it up, so I kicked her ass. Next. Saturday evening, Governor Cuomo released a statement announcing a full and thorough outside review. Who's going to do the review? Your brother on CNN? He wants an outside review of the allegations, but denied making any advances towards uh mrs bennett does is anybody gonna believe him after the fucking after the covid scandal you're lying right and you're a piece of shit so yeah we're supposed to believe you lie you didn't you you lied to the federal government you admitted you hid dad about covid you wouldn't lie to him come on i ask all new
Starting point is 00:24:41 yorkers he said to get out of my state i'm'm the king. No, I ask all New Yorkers to await the findings in the review so they know the facts before any judgments. I will have no further comment until the review has concluded, he said. Faced with accusations of sexual assault by Boylan, Cuomo's office said on Wednesday that her claims were quite simply false. Boy, he. you're lying. And you're a piece of shit. He sure is. He's lying. Cuomo's office says during the review of special counsel investigation, Bennett, this is the second girl, was debriefed on the facts, which did not include a claim of physical contact or inappropriate sexual contact. The governor says he is requesting an outside review and released the following statement. Miss Bennett was hardworking and a valued member of our team during COVID.
Starting point is 00:25:37 She has every right to speak out. What else could you say at this point, though, right? Sure. What else could you say at this point, though, right? Sure. When she came to me and opened up about being a sexual assault survivor and how it shaped her and her ongoing efforts to create an organization that empowered her voice to help other survivors,omo said, I tried to be supportive and helpful. Ms. Bennett's initial impression was right. I was trying to be a mentor to her. I was trying to be a mentor to her. Does anybody believe that?
Starting point is 00:26:20 Not my dad. You also hear something ugly as fucking doodoo. Not my dad. That was her reply. I never made advances towards Ms. Bennett, nor did I ever intend to act in any way that was inappropriate. The last thing I would ever have wanted was to make her feel any of the things that are being reported. I did say this to her. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. I think that might have pissed her off. I called her Christine. The situation cannot and should not be resolved in the press, Cuomo said. I believe the best way to get to the truth is through a full and thorough outside review. And I'm directing all state employees to comply with
Starting point is 00:27:05 that effort. I ask all New Yorkers to await the findings of the review so that they know the facts before making any judgments. I already read that, didn't I? I will have no further comment until the I'll have no further comment until the review has concluded. He went on to say, so. Problem? You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White, onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you. But what are the odds something, what are the odds that Cuomo, I mean, you could do jail time for that if you're anybody else. Haven't we learned since Hillary Clinton, Russia, that these people don't get touched?
Starting point is 00:27:45 He'll just go, if he even gets impeached. You know, I mean, it's so corrupt in New York state. Albany is the most corrupt statehouse in the union. And Cuomo is there like the goddamn, you know, the Corleone's. So he'll probably be back at work even after the investigation. The libs get away with everything. They're just so hateful. What do you mean hateful?
Starting point is 00:28:08 Well, how about, I'll give you another example. How about Bezos? Jeff Bezos, the richest man literally on the planet. What did his company do this weekend? Amazon removes Clarence Thomas documentary during BHM. What's BHM? Black History Month. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:28:31 That's funny. Leave that in. What's BHM? Black History Month. Sorry, I don't follow it anymore. I've been told by all my black friends because I'm Italian, I have black blood in me, and they don't include me in all their games. So anyways, yeah. so let me repeat that.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Amazon, Jeff Bezos, removed a documentary of Clarence Thomas, maybe one of the most inspiring black figures this country's seen ever. And they plucked it off. They took it off. How's that for fascism? Huh? Can you imagine? I wish the Republicans or whoever, the right, will you start getting as dirty as them?
Starting point is 00:29:19 You know what I mean? Like destroy anything, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. They put a statue up, take it down. Burn all paintings. She wrote a bunch of books. Burn those too. Write in, they should do it on hole 17 at the Mar-a-Lago, Trump's golf course.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Stack up all Ruth Bader Ginsburg's books and just have a big bonfire. How is that not racist? Can I ask my fans out there? How is that not racist that Bezos lets that go on? Actually book burning of a great man, regardless of his color. The guy was from dirt poor,
Starting point is 00:29:56 becomes a Supreme Court judge. I hate the fucking left. You're everything you accuse the right of being. You're fascist fucks. You're racist. You're bigoted. You're ignorant. Amazon stripped the documentary on conservative, that's the key, Justice Clarence Thomas, the only black justice currently serving on the Supreme Court, from its streaming services during Black History Month. This video, it says, is currently unavailable to watch in your location. What, the United States of America?
Starting point is 00:30:27 The website reads when the title is clicked. That's the message that comes up. I mean, what? You have to be kidding. What the hell's going on out here? I'll tell you. Fascism. While this article is being written in Denver,
Starting point is 00:30:46 the outage appears nationwide. Also reported by Breitbart News, Amazon appeared to drop the PBS title, Created Equal, Clarence Thomas and His Own Words, while still promoting a wide array of feature films under the category of Black History Month, such as, here's some of the titles they keep up, of Black History Month, such as, here's some of the titles they keep up, All In, The Fight for Democracy with Stacey, I Hate Whitey Abrams, and two movies on Anita Hill, that was Thomas' accuser of sexual misconduct, who attempted to derail his confirmation, all come free to stream with a prime membership. What evil pricks they are.
Starting point is 00:31:24 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The Thomas documentary released in January last year remains available at No. Remains available to purchase on DVD. Does anybody have DVD players? A simple search for created equal Clarence Thomas and his own words comes up short for the title, however.
Starting point is 00:31:55 To find it, can you imagine that? To find it, users must include DVD in the search box and the documentary will come up as the 10th result. You filthy, racist, left-wing pieces of garbage. You are everything you accused Trump and his followers of being, and don't forget it. You're itching for a civil war, and you're using race to do it, and don't worry. When the shit starts, you will forget about January 6th so quick. They call that an insurrection. 199 people showed up.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Only seven of them are armed and only four of them had guns. And there were five deaths and three of those are medical emergencies, all four of them. So, and you think you're nervous about that? Keep pushing it. You want to see an insurrection a search for rbg on the other hand that's ruth beta ginsburg will bring three documentaries on justice ruth beta ginsburg's documentary to the top after promoting a sponsored post of her biography, Notorious RBG, the life and times of a filthy, liberal, ugly bitch.
Starting point is 00:33:08 What? Who? The life and time of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. And then they have Ruth Bader Ginsburg unplugged. She plays guitar, sings her best speeches. Amazon did not immediately respond to the Federalist request for comment. They didn't get right back to you to admit that they're racist pieces of shit?
Starting point is 00:33:28 The company built by Jeff Bezos, Jeffy Bezos. Get this through your head, you. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. The owner of the Washington Post has only escalated its censorship of political dissidence
Starting point is 00:33:43 to the progressive world order. Just this month, the massive online retailer, wielding unprecedented power over the digital public square, deplatformed conservative scholar Ryan Anderson and his book, When Harry Became Sally, a must-read, responding to the transgender movement. So they took that off. That's the latest thing. Ah, unbelievable. Throwing your son looks like a fag to me.
Starting point is 00:34:10 That was the forward by me. They're burning books digitally. They're book burners. All the shit that the fucking old-time racists used to do in Alabama, remember burning books? Huh? You're doing it.
Starting point is 00:34:23 You're worse than the Klan will ever be. Why? Because you own all the media, social, mainstream media. There's no way this is going to end good, folks. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Even Trump, if he got reelected four years from now, is that going to calm things down? Oh my God. Is that going to calm things down? Oh, my God. Stack up on your ammunition. I'm making my own in my kitchen.
Starting point is 00:34:52 I use baking powder, some of my wife's buns as the casings. Anyways, I want to thank contributors at this point who contributed to the show financially. It's what keeps this show running. And since Thursday, one-time contributions to the show. And you can make them at and again the show is free and you have a choice of becoming a monthly subscriber or you can watch it for free and donate like these people Kelly Hubbard of Michigan Justin D Balzac. Larry Ramey. I know a comedian named Larry, Ohio. Tim Kelleher, who's been with me since I started this podcast, day one, New York.
Starting point is 00:35:34 He's a fag, Washington. Oh, it says a fag. He's a H-E-S-A fag. He's a fag, Washington. Ray Blackwood. Sounds like a defensive back for the Eagles. California. Michael Watson, North Carolina.
Starting point is 00:35:48 New monthly supporters. Martin S. Wheeler, Michael Ryan of Iowa, Harley Shannon of Oklahoma, Sean Powell of Florida, Tyler Moore of Ohio. We thank you guys for becoming monthly subscribers. Please spread
Starting point is 00:36:04 the word. Spread these shows. Share them on social media. Gab people are loving it. And are we on BitChute? Yes, Jay. I can't keep track of it. BitChute, Rumble. You know, we're going to be everywhere soon.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Like COVID, you know. Anyways, back to how this world is being turned upside down and the Dems using race to do it. Oh, here's a headline for you. White teacher on leave. Oh, no. What did she do? Show up for work? After comment on racist T-shirt.
Starting point is 00:36:35 A white female teacher in Oklahoma is on paid leave pending an investigation after she allegedly told a black student his black, it said on his t-shirt, black king. She said, that's a racist t-shirt. I want to marry this woman. I'm already married, but I don't care what she looks like. Look at that beautiful t-shirt. Why has he got welding goggles on? According to the Atlanta Black Star, oh, this must be objective reporting.
Starting point is 00:37:04 The teacher at Heartland Middle School asked the 13-year-old Latrell Taft in the midst of a lesson about the saying. She asked him about the saying on his T-shirt right in the middle of a lesson. Latrell Taft claims the teacher told the class that if someone had worn a T-shirt with white queen on it, that would be branded racist. Can anybody argue with that today? Bingo. She's right on the money. She also said that. So literally, the left is allergic to the truth. And if you go anywhere near it, they're going to get you suspended and cancel it. She also said there should be a white history month. Wow. She was laying it on heavy.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Anytime you say something like that, the libs of black people go, every month is White History Month. We should have a white entertainment network. Every station is white entertainment. Not really. I watch commercials. I've seen two white people all weekend on commercials. The class largely agreed with the teacher that his shirt was racist,
Starting point is 00:38:04 Taft added, and it wasn't a predominantly white school either. In response to the White History Month remark, Taff had replied, and this is what the kid says, Black people don't have enough recognition and we barely learn about black people in February at my school. You fucking liar. Oh, boy, you. We don't talk enough about black. You have to be dog style me, young fella. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:38:29 That's all we talk about. So to this kid tearing down statues of white people and shitting on the founding fathers and colleges, just keeping just discriminating openly as far as admissions, as far as once his white kids go on college, they have to take black history. But according to this poor kid, it's not enough. And he's not even in high school yet. The Edmond Public School District is about 11% black. So that whole classroom was not, you know, and they agreed with the teacher.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Well, maybe the teacher's black. No, she can't be. It's white. Taft's mother melissa shirley said that uh i love how the kid's last name is always different than the mother taft's mother melissa shirley said that when she complained to edmund officials she initially wasn't uh taken that seriously and i think she heard something coming through the door like this these blacks who knows what they're going to take the wrong way the district later released a
Starting point is 00:39:31 statement announcing the incident was under review and sharing that the district is continuing to assess the need for unconscious bias by who black people have unconscious bias it's not even unconscious it's right it's very conscious they don't like Black people have unconscious bias. It's not even unconscious. It's very conscious. They don't like white people either. Unconscious bias training for staff members. Do you hear all these? Do you keep hearing this? Re-education, racial training, unconscious bias training. That's all shit like Russia. They used to call it re-education. They're actually using re-education now of Trump supporters. They're actually using the lingo that Russia did back in the day. Susan Parks Schlepp, director of communications for the district, also shared that the teacher involved has been placed on paid administrative leave pending potential disciplinary action.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Oh, my God. Son of a whore. Let it go, you witch. This afternoon, district leadership is meeting with a teacher. A decision on disciplinary action could be taken following this afternoon's meeting if warranted by the facts and authorized by state law and board policy. Great. You got the state deciding whether what a teacher said is racist or not. This is just fucking grand.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Schlepp went on to say, we think we've got to put her in front of a firing squad next Tuesday at seven o'clock. Taft said the teacher's comments won't deter him from wearing the shirt. Who gives a fuck what you think, kid? I am proud of my blackness. There you go. And she will never take it away from me. Yeah, because that's what she was trying to do. How can you get that hateful Latrell in 12 years or whatever the fuck you are? I am a king because I think I'm
Starting point is 00:41:18 king. You need to shut the fuck up. Now, you're a jerk off because I think you're a jerk off and so does the rest of the world. Racist. Racist! Unbelievable, huh? You want to see some more racism against white people? Oh, Nick, don't give me that shit. This is out and out discrimination. Stuff that was, we finally got over.
Starting point is 00:41:44 You know, and I'm going to say it again you know who started this division up again because my cop buddy you know my buddy who's a cop things got a lot better right before obama came and he was biracial he could have really done a lot to heal that what did he do He flamed it with his street organization horseshit. And Ferguson and Baltimore. Do you remember all that? Under his watch. And he never said anything calming about it. He'd always
Starting point is 00:42:14 send his pit bull. Wasn't the Attorney General Eric Holder. Remember? Did send them right in. Hands up, don't shoot. And that was all a fart fart do you remember all the shit and you're trying to blame trump for the well here's some more uh crazy left shit that goes on on college campuses college uh gets it it's the headline cornell university college offers
Starting point is 00:42:36 rock climbing course for everyone except whites the physical education class bipoc b- B-I-P-O-C, rock climbing, was originally slated to be restricted to people who identify as black, indigenous, Latinx, Asian, or other people of color. Oh my God. To that I say. And I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. I don't say that. They say it. Wait till I read the rest of this, why they think it's racism, and it's everything that's wrong. After campus reform reached out to the university for comment about the discrimination, the course description was edited to state that the class is designed to enable black, indigenous, Latina,
Starting point is 00:43:32 Asian, or other people of color, underrepresented, this is how they changed it, underrepresented in the sport of rock climbing to learn the sport and to feel included and supported. rock climbing to learn the sport and to feel included and supported. Did it ever dawn on you ignorant motherfuckers that all those groups that you just mentioned aren't really into rock climbing? Are there a ton of black families doing this on the weekend? Or are they throwing rocks? I asked you that question. That was a joke.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Relax. But I'm serious. Do you think there's a a ton of black people i they would agree with me on this one so don't look at something that'd be that's like me looking at the nba and going you discriminate against whites we don't feel comfortable included playing basketball do you understand what I'm saying? They look at the numbers of the outcome and go,
Starting point is 00:44:28 oh, that must be because of racism. They don't go, maybe, you know, black people aren't into this that much. And they're not. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Or Latinos or Asian kids, they're studying. They're not climbing a rock. Nick, that's a painting with a broad brush. Yeah, it feels great. Graduates of this course will have the knowledge and skills to push themselves to new challenges
Starting point is 00:44:53 while climbing safely and responsibly. We will also talk about BIPOC individuals and groups and rock climbing, the original descriptions. Look how they're complicating everything in life. It's just a rock climbing class, but they have to bring race into it. This class is for people who identify as black. So here's my question to you.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Apparently this is the law now, or maybe it just goes for gender and not race yet. I can show up as a white guy and say, I identify as black today. I want to climb the rock. I mean, that's where it's headed if it's not. So classes for people I identify as black today. I want to climb the rock. I mean, that's where it's headed if it's not. So classes for people who identify as black, indigenous, Latinx, Asian, or other people of color. So quite literally everyone except white students.
Starting point is 00:45:36 When reached by campus reform, John Carberry, seen here, the spineless, look at this egghead, Cornell senior director of Media Relations and News claimed that all Cornell students, this is in quotes, are welcome to enroll in the course. All Cornell students are welcome, he said, to enroll in the course. While the original description of the course represented an intentional focus on outreach and inclusion, there was never an intent to exclude non-minority students, is what he said. Really? Really? It didn't say white people anywhere, unless he's saying, if you identify as an Indian, we'll let you climb even if you're white. Maybe that. Unless he's saying, if you identify as an Indian,
Starting point is 00:46:26 we'll let you climb even if you're white. Maybe that's what he's saying. He's just a lying, spineless jerk off. Everything that's wrong with the world today. I'm going to tell you, you lying cocksucker. New York state law says that students in New York schools are protected by federal, state, and local laws that prevent discrimination on the basis, could it be any clearer, race, that would be the white, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, disability, and other categories.
Starting point is 00:46:58 We're actually regressing. Campus reform also noted that New York human rights law makes it illegal for non-sectarian educational institutions to deny their services to students on the base of race, color, religion. Again, this just applies to white people in wheelchairs. And national origin, sexual orientation, military status, sex, age, or marital status. Somebody explain to me how you can think that's not right. Hey, we're starting a new badminton team at Dartmouth. No college allowed. See how that flies. I am sick of it, folks.
Starting point is 00:47:37 I'm serious. Get your muskets. No, no, no, no! And finally tonight, let's do a lighthearted statement. You know my idea of what lighthearted is. I warn you people. 12-year-old girl was arrested after allegedly bringing stun guns to school. And how can't you love Florida?
Starting point is 00:48:05 And selling them to her classmates. I'll repeat, 12-year-old girl. Selling them to her classmates. Don't you move, you motherfucker. I'll blow your brains out. No, you won't. You'll fry me. The Coleman Middle School student
Starting point is 00:48:21 was charged with possession of a weapon on school property after staffers busted her with the devices on Friday, according to the Tampa Bay Times. A school resource officer pulled the girl out of class, and she confessed she bought five stun guns online. They were only like $9 apiece, with the intention of selling them to other kids at the school. She's just an entrepreneur. Give me the money, you understand me? Give me the fucking money, you hear me?
Starting point is 00:48:49 You hear me? That's her. Somebody was late. The minor said she sold three of the stun guns Thursday. And they said, why did you do that? And they started accusing her of being an ass. She said, I'm not crazy. I just don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Good for you, honey. When police spoke to the girl Friday, she had a pair of Viper Tech stun guns, which are sold on Amazon, start at $9.99. It's unknown how much she charged the students for the devices. Well, if she's a business person, I'd say 30% of the cost to her.
Starting point is 00:49:20 So $12. She was taken to the Hillsborough Juvenile Detention Center, where Jason had done some time when I met this kid. Cops say no threats were made against any of the people at the school. So you know what? Why put it in the paper? Come on. She's just trying to add a little zing to recess.
Starting point is 00:49:43 You'll win every kickball game at recess. If you have a stun gun and you're the catcher, that's all I got for today, folks. I look heavy. Maybe it was the fucking, uh, maybe it was the,
Starting point is 00:50:00 uh, I made Putin Eska chicken Putin Eska this weekend. Well, maybe it was the Brown Betty, uh, apple dessert, chicken puttanesca this weekend. Or maybe it was the brown Betty Appleders that I made after that, which included 12 cups of sugar. I'm going to look like John Panette. God bless his soul. That is it, folks.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Don't forget out there. If you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives, you go to, click on the profile of me, tell me a little bit about the person. I will make a personal video roasting that person on my phone and send it to them saying that you wanted it sent to them. A lot of people do it. It's a lot of fun. Don't forget
Starting point is 00:50:36 That's where this show will permanently be based. So move your stuff. We're trying to get you guys. What did you say, Jason? About half the people have gone over from Patreon or whatever. So please do that. I think that is it.
Starting point is 00:50:54 You guys, thank it. I will say it. You're very welcome. Look forward to seeing you back here same time tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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