The Nick DiPaolo Show - Trump's 'Lie'sol Controversy | Nick Di Paolo Show #340

Episode Date: April 27, 2020

Teacher caught wishing a slow death on teens. Zoom-bombing of church service. New Patriot's kicker harassed over tattoo. Thank you Mike C. from Coal Township, PA for your "Ask Nick!" question and for ...your continued support on Patreon! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, it's Nick DiPaolo. You know what I'm sick of? I'm sick of being told what is acceptable in comedy, what is not acceptable. I've never followed the rules because there are no rules in comedy. It's an art form, okay? I don't wanna be told what I can say, what I can't say.
Starting point is 00:00:16 I've been saying this politically incorrect shit my whole career, starting as an open mic in 1988. I'm not a Johnny-come-lately. There's guys out there who are taking credit for pushing back now against the PC culture. I was the original deplorable. You can look it up, okay? That's why we created the Nick DiPaolo Show.
Starting point is 00:00:35 We have a place where I can speak unfiltered. The truth. There's two types of people, politically correct and people who are honest. And you guys are like me. We speak, we call it like we see it, okay? And that's why the show was created. We recently went free Monday through Thursday at, which means we need your support.
Starting point is 00:00:57 This show can only survive with contributions from you guys. And you can also sign up at That's a monthly subscription. Either way, we need your support more now than ever. So it's very important to us. I will continue
Starting point is 00:01:15 to call it like I see it. Speak unapologetically, unfiltered, because the world needs it right now. You want Bernie fucking Sanders or Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden calling the shots? No.
Starting point is 00:01:31 In a perfect world, I'd be running the goddamn country. But we got somebody close enough, Trump. So again, thank you so much for your contributions. Go to If you're watching on YouTube, just click that button right now
Starting point is 00:01:42 and we will continue to bring you the truth unfiltered and fuck anybody who doesn't like it. Talk to you soon. All righty. Here we are, another filthy Monday. How are you, folks? Great to be with you. How was your weekend? Did you put on your mask and your fucking hazmat suit and your fucking Scooby-Doo hat?
Starting point is 00:02:40 I mean, Jesus H. Can I just say this is being way overplayed? Can I just say that? I'm not saying it's a hoax or all that, but I'm just saying. Feels like a dry run for a bigger test later on. And if you're under 65, do you know what your chances are of dying of this? How about like 0.01%? Ridiculous. Oh, oh God. We open salons down here in Georgia and barbershop bodies everywhere. One barbershop, 40 bodies.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Some guys have pigtails, fucking fades. What a crock of shit. Do you understand the flu wiped out more people a few years ago? Honestly, honestly. Well, this is more fucking lethal. No, it isn't. No, it isn't, actually. Now that all the data is in.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Really. Really. People are still losing this shit. It's almost a test, right? It's like the media and the government going, see how far we can push these sheep. And that's why the fucking Dems are drooling. You're not going to see their cities open forever. They hope, they want to stretch this shit till November,
Starting point is 00:03:46 as long as it can go. Fuck up Trump's economy. Just look at the cities that are, you know, overreaching with their fucking nanny state. They are loving it. Drunk with power, as I say. Good to be with you. Thank you guys for contributing to the show.
Starting point is 00:04:04 We appreciate it. Keep keeps us going here and uh you know you know mr dipalo i'm uh i'm really proud of you well you should be i am your voice as my wife said to me at breakfast me fuck you and your bone spurs. Bitch. Speaking of bitches, my favorite twat house speaker, Nancy Pelosi, lying sack of shit, pushed back Sunday against the suggestion that agreeing to pass more funding for the Paycheck Protection Program, that's known as PPP, without funding for state and local governments is a concession. She was on with a shithead, Jake Tapper from CNN. How that network is still alive, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:52 And Tapper said, Cuomo says he would have insisted on state funding in the last bill. And now Senator McConnell is saying he wants to push the pause button. Was this a tactical mistake by you and Senator Schumer? Now watch how, watch the little fucking, just Pelosi, like a little child. How dare you question me like that? She's just, here's the clip. So Cuomo says he would have insisted on state funding in the last bill. And now Senator McConnell saying he wants to push the pause button. Was this a tactical mistake by you and Senator Schumer? Just calm down.
Starting point is 00:05:29 We will have state and local. Just calm down? In a very significant way. Make me a sandwich. It's no use going on to what might have been the administration never even wanted to do. Look, and he calms down like the puss that he is. You should have said, ma'am, I'm not excited. I just asked you, just calm down.
Starting point is 00:05:48 What a fucking elitist twat. God, I hate her. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. With that speaking cunt, cunt, cunt. And you and me, you and me. You are a cunt. Those are the sound clips that won't allow me to work on Fox Nation. What a calm down.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Suck it. Jake Tapp, a little lap dog. Should have told her to go shit in her scarf. Ugh. What, do you see, though? Do you see? Pelosi says, I understand that Andrew Cuomo said what he said, and I respect his perspective as governor, but the fact is this.
Starting point is 00:06:39 They wanted 250 for PPP. We support the PP. We were part of our developing it, small business and entrepreneurial, part of the optimism of America. So we're're for that but we wanted to include more people and more money for the program and now you wanted to delay shit okay how fucking dare you uh so it was always an interim bill it was always an interim bill uh we always said that cares too would be the bill where we would uh go for state and local and win in a big way oh yeah fuck it make me sick but it's all lies she's all lies san francisco honest to god i keep praying she steps on a needle just covered with hep c and dog shit in front of her
Starting point is 00:07:21 condo in san francisco and start shitting blood the next day. Is that too much? Oh, it's hot in here, Raz. Put on the air conditioner. We're going to put on the air conditioner. And if you can hear it in the background, tough shit. The fuck are we doing here? Meet the press? It's fucking 111 here. You know, it's Georgia. We're almost at the end of April. It's fucking like walking on the fucking surface of the sun can anybody hear that sounds pretty nice to me anyways uh you know the big thing over the weekend was uh no poison control calls this is the headline story no poison control calls aren't suddenly spiking up to Trump's disinfected comment. Last Thursday,
Starting point is 00:08:07 Trump made a stupid statement. You know me, guys. I'm a Trump fan, all right? But what have I said about these press conferences? He's not a good talker, okay? Doesn't mean he's stupid. He can't run the country,
Starting point is 00:08:19 but he's a yapper and he talks himself into court, says stupid stuff, and he implied they were talking about disinfectant and how it kills the virus. And he said really stupid, something stupid about it. And then tried to back out of it by saying he was sarcastic. I am sarcastic. I was born sarcastic.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I'm a professional stand-up. It's what I traffic in. And you know I'm a Trump fan. But he wasn't being sarcastic. He said a stupid thing, in my opinion. It's what I traffic in. And you know I'm a Trump fan. But he wasn't being sarcastic. He said a stupid thing. In my opinion. Here's the clip. You decide. Right, and then I see the disinfectant where it knocks
Starting point is 00:08:54 it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that? By injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets on the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs.
Starting point is 00:09:09 So it'd be interesting to check that. So that you're going to have to use medical doctors. But it sounds interesting to me. Medical doctors as opposed to what? Witch doctors? So he's not doing these anymore. And thank fucking God. All he did was provide fodder for the other side
Starting point is 00:09:23 with a press conference every day. They're making commercials now as we speak. But but he wasn't suggesting his. What's the bigger point? It's isn't a sad state of affairs when we have to worry about people being so stupid as what are they going to go home and mainline Lysol and fucking Clorox what a country of shitheads honest to god but he wasn't being sarcastic he was being dumb okay uh yeah an injection
Starting point is 00:09:53 critics of Donald Trump went to town rightfully so I agree well supporters scrambled to settle on a defense people who were defending him said he really didn't say that he was being sarcastic by Saturday morning social media was abuzz with articles about people calling poison control centers each crafted to illustrate how americans and apparently taking trump's ramblings to heart and consumed household disinfectants like lysol and bleach but uh
Starting point is 00:10:20 yeah the media just grabbed this thing and ran with it. And especially the New York Daily News, which is the biggest liberal rag. It makes the Post look, you know, like the New York Times. Well, that's an insult to the Post, actually. But, you know, I wouldn't let my dog shit on the Daily News. It's the most left-wing thing in New York. my dog shit on the the daily news it's the most left-wing thing in new york uh one article making the rounds from the new york daily news is headlined this is the headline a spike in new yorkers ingesting household cleaners following trump's controversial coronavirus comments but the article makes no mention of anyone deliberately consuming household cleaners
Starting point is 00:11:01 it simply states that 30 people called the city's poison hotline over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners. You fucking morons. Fearing that you ingested something doesn't jibe with having intentionally consumed this. So they took a headline, they manipulated it. This is what the Daily News does. The authors of the Daily News piece, Anna Sanders and Chris Sommerfeld, tried to circumvent the inconvenient fact by noting that over the same time period in 2019, the Poison Control Center only handled 13 similar cases. And while this time nine calls were about Lysol exposure and 10 about bleach, last year's calls contained no cases reported about Lysol exposure and only two were specifically in regards to bleach. What fucking phonies? And you're a piece of shit. increase in 2020 about disinfectants and and and and you know bleach and calls like that because
Starting point is 00:12:09 we're in the middle of a pandemic and people are wiping down everything so of course there's going to be an uptick but they don't put that in their article the paper doesn't present any other data about calls to poison control for comparison it's uh we are in the midst of a pandemic right now we're not in april of 2019 exactly so they're just manipulating the numbers in the whole story but the daily news piece is far from the only poison control story being framed misleading a story out of kentucky that's being shared as evidence people have been consuming household clean. Well, they've been doing that in Kentucky for years. You drink enough bleach, you'll fuck your sister that day. Kidding.
Starting point is 00:12:52 I love Louisville. I'm just relaxed, folks. It's a fucking Southern tribe. People have been consuming household clean. The following Trump's Thursday statement is actually about calls to Kentucky Poison Control Centers in March. statement is actually about calls to Kentucky Poison Control Centers in March. Ashley Webb, another lying whore, director of the Kentucky Poison Control Center, told the outlet that just in March, we saw about a 30% increase in hand sanitizer exposures and about a 50% increase in household cleaners. A similar spike in calls to Poison Control Centers has been seen in many
Starting point is 00:13:21 states. But these boosts are all started in March when we were in the middle of the coronavirus as people began using more household disinfectants. Michigan reported a 9% increase in calls. In Maryland, over the past six weeks, calls for toxic exposure to hand sanitizer have nearly doubled since the same time in 2018. Again, what's the difference between now and 2018? We're in the middle of a pandemic, and disinfectants do fuck it. Oh no, people are going to start guzzling bleach. Enjoy your Clorox martini, you fool.
Starting point is 00:13:58 According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, 28,158 people called U.S. Poison Control Centers about possible exposure to household cleaners in March of 2020, compared to 25,000 in March of 2019. That's only a 3,000% increase in the middle of a pandemic. So it's not exactly, you know, as controversial as they're making it. The number of calls about possible exposure to disinfectants went from 12,800 in March 2019 to 17,000 in March 2020, which only makes sense. So they're trying to say, really, do you guys really rely on what the president, any president, whether it's Trump,
Starting point is 00:14:39 Obama, do you really, do you hang on their every word, you fools? Obama. Do you really? Do you hang on their every word? You fools. Even Susan, is that her name, Susan Burks? Deborah Burks, the scientist, the chick who, she's probably 68, but she talks like a valley girl who's 14. And then you can reach the bleach and I think the numbers show that fried voice. I think she's goggling Clorox. But she was on Jake Tapper.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Now, she's an apolitical woman. She's a scientist. And if you've been watching these briefings, she's apolitical. She doesn't, you know, she didn't want to get thrown in this shitstorm. Even she is sick of CNN, MSNBC, the mainstream media putting a spin on all this shit she was on state of the union with our friend jake tapper again on sunday uh and he questioned her about what trump said and blah blah blah and uh she just pushed back a little bit you know yeah you know how fucking biased you have to be to get a woman who's like apolitical,
Starting point is 00:15:46 a scientist to go, hey, let it go. But here's the clip. Poison control centers got calls from people and they had to issue statements saying, do not internally use disinfectants. As a doctor, doesn't that bother you that you have to even spend any time discussing this? You snotty little bastard.
Starting point is 00:16:06 I think it bothers me that this is still in the news cycle. It bothers me that this is still in the news cycle. Kylie Jenner has some new lipstick. You snotty little bastard. She even, she's even like, for Christ's sake, CNN, let it fucking go. Let it go. Good for her. Of course, I'm sure she's getting shit on all over social media.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Social media is such a waste of fucking, what a black hole it is. And this is how it works some shit had who's not even a journalist has no journalist credentials could have a blog and put something like this in it and fucking cnn msnbc will grab it and put it in their fucking nightly broadcast and people at home sit there oh yeah he's a fucking idiot let me just say something about trump he sucks at speaking yes he has a fucking idiot. Let me just say something about Trump. He sucks at speaking. Yes, he has a shitty personality, but you know what? He gets shit done. Who's he remind you of?
Starting point is 00:17:12 Let me see. Hates the press, shitty personality, but is unbelievably successful. Bill Belichick. Yeah, it's about being a leader, folks. I'm sorry. And, you know, I don't like his personality either. But you can't. Look what he's got done amongst all the hoaxes and shit that he's been fighting again.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Belichick was just, I love how he is. Bill, your pregnant wife, we just learned she died about 10 minutes ago in a car accident. It's on to Buffalo. Bill, we find your son just hanged himself in the basement of your house. Well, it's on to Cincinnati. They got a defense and, you know, we'll find out their weaknesses. As far as my son goes, I'll check it out later.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Do you get my point? You don't have to be a fucking genius. You know, you don't have to be the president of the Harvard law review. Like Obama was turned out to be the worst president ever. Yeah. I said it. I'll say it again.
Starting point is 00:18:22 The worst ever. And you're going to find that out in a few months when john durham wraps up his report uh about what went on while trump was running for president yes obama was in on it and there is a deep state and they did spy on him it's all going to be laid out there that's going to be the battle come uh the fall how trump handled the virus verse what went on uh there should be people going to jail, but don't hold your breath. As we know, there's 19 tiers of justice in this country. It seems the Dems are above all of it.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Filthy little cocksuckers. One, two. No more coronavirus briefings. Trump tweets he's through. I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore. What have I been saying for about three weeks on this show? You should really
Starting point is 00:19:12 watch the show. I spew a lot of shit and a lot of it's true. About 99% of the time I'm right I'm ahead of the curve. What did I say after about the third one? Stop doing these. Because you go up there and you're bullshit. You're talking and you talk yourself into a circle and then you fucking say stuff, stupid stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:32 But he's had enough. Trump said on Saturday, canceled his near nightly coronavirus press briefing. I understand why he was doing it. He's hogging up all the airtime while Joe Biden's eating green jello and shitting his pants in Delaware in the basement. Instead, issuing an evening tweet calling the appearance not worth the time and effort. Well, you are correct. What time you woke up? Having the White House news conference when the lamestream media asks nothing but hostile questions and then refuses to report the truth or facts accurately.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Can you stay categorical? You are fake news. Sir, I don't know why you just came to that conclusion, Mr. President. Now, I mean, and you think it's an accident that twitter has been his favorite tool since he became president because he's not a good speaker you know he can give a good state of the union or whatever well he's you know stating statistics and shit but uh trump has caught two days of flack after musing aloud at thursday's briefing about curing covid patients by injecting them with household disinfection never fucking said that later claiming he was being sarcastic, which he wasn't. Friday's briefing had lasted fewer than 30 minutes and he took no questions. He took none.
Starting point is 00:20:57 I'm waiting for him to just go, go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself. Lying cocksuckers. Imagine if he did that, he would fucking win everybody over. The media in this country is so corrupt, it makes the fucking Cali cartel look legit. They are fucking dog shit. We've all known this for years. And if you're having a political argument with your friends and they go, that's not true, and they try to lump in Fox News and MSNBC, they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. And you know how you fight that argument? You go, well, do you watch Fox News? No, I wouldn't watch it.
Starting point is 00:21:33 It's bullshit. Well, then how do you know what they're putting out there? I see liberals on Fox. I see moderates. I see it all. Put on CNN. It's a panel of four people who hate Trump. Two of them black, just talking out their asses.
Starting point is 00:21:48 One Chinese, then a Mexican on a donkey, and then there's an Indian with a full headdress. I'm telling you, man. What did I do this weekend? Made a strawberry pie. I think I'm getting gay. The COVID decided. I was in a kitchen for three hours making a strawberry pie. I should have sent you a picture, Az. Let me send it to you right now. People are going to go, what is this fucking guy doing? I also worked out four times.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Hit the heavy bag. I might have broken my right wrist. I didn't wrap my hands. Fucking first mistake. But it's a bag that gives, you know. It's got a base that I filled with water on it. I was going to put the clip up of me of hitting the heavy bag, and I put my phone in there. I recorded it, and then I saw like one of my love handles through my sweatshirt. I said, fuck that. People are going to kick out of this. I'll send you the picture of my...
Starting point is 00:22:49 This makes for good radio, huh? People listening. What the fuck? You won't believe how beautiful it is. You really think I suck a dick? Not that there's anything right with that. I'm just saying. It adds to the flavor.
Starting point is 00:23:08 U.S. defense officials eyeing potential threat of coronavirus as bioweapon. Raz, what did I say two weeks ago? Two weeks ago when it first came out. I said, what's going to stop our adversaries, whether it's Iran, Russia, China, from whipping this shit up in a lab every couple weeks and just sending it over in a FedEx package or whatever. U.S. intelligence officials are probing the possibility that America's enemies might use the coronavirus as a bioweapon. You think the Department of Defense is monitoring for the potential of the virus to be weaponized,
Starting point is 00:23:43 possibly putting it on Pelosi's upper lip as she never shuts her hole and just sprays that phlegm everywhere. Possibly against prominent high-level targets, three people close to the matter said, yeah, so we can't trust these fuckers. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Okay, I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your ass. That's right. They're going to put the shit on chopsticks. Come over here. Talk to me in the face. Let's get some booty. Let's get some booty.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Let's get some booty. What the fuck does that mean? A Pentagon spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Mike Andrews, declined to comment, that's how you know it's true, on whether the Department of Defense officials were analyzing COVID-19 weaponization, but said its chemical and biological defense program continues to support federal coronavirus countermeasures, such as testing vaccines and screening machines. Really? Is that what you're doing? You better be fucking looking into this.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Because the Department of Defense, somebody's going to ring your doorbell, and you're going to open it thinking it's a fucking, you know, pair of shoes from Amazon. And you're going to get a nice blast of fucking China fart. It's going to kill everybody in the building. It's unclear whether defense officials have received reports indicating a heightened threat and coordinated planning efforts to typically involve a wide range of possibilities. of possibilities former senior pentagon officials told the elder andy weber good friend the razzes who served as an assistant secretary of defense for nuclear chemical and biological defense programs under barack obama so this guy knows what he's talking about said the virus could be easily spread by a bad actor, somebody like Daryl Hannah. What?
Starting point is 00:25:28 David Duchovny. Spread by a bad actor using a tool as rudimentary as a spray bottle. Holy shit. Think about that, Raz. 40 people get COVID right there. The Antichrist. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood in its natural state the current virus could be used as a bioweapon but less sophisticated by by less sophisticated groups or for a nation state with a more advanced biological weapons program hello russia uh the
Starting point is 00:25:58 virus could be given enhanced characteristics all you gotta do is blow your nose in russia if you get the covid right you stick the fucking stick the fucking hanky on the tip of a missile. The nightmare scenario, however, still seems to be a low risk concern. One Department of Defense officially told Politico, really? He says there's no evidence yet to back up a theory that the bug originated in a lab in China. Yeah, it did. I just said China, by the way. Still stuck in Massachusetts. Could I get a vodka and tonic, please? He says there's no evidence yet to back up a theory the bug originated in a lab in China. What do you mean? Yeah, I think there is, isn't it? Or that it was intentionally created to be
Starting point is 00:26:44 used as a weapon. Yeah, so I guess, you know, the Chinese would never do that. They have a history of being honest people. Nick, that's just a blanket statement and kind of a shut up. Every time you go to a Chinese buffet, you think you're eating chicken wings. Those come right off a goddamn beagle. Those are beagle ears. I'm telling you, you bread anything.
Starting point is 00:27:05 People can't tell. I forgot to say this. A couple months ago, I was coming out of the supermarket. Right after the coronavirus hit and everybody started putting on their mat. And there was a black lady coming up. I mean, coming in. I was going up. And this black girl goes to me, they have toilet paper in there?
Starting point is 00:27:22 And I go, no. And she goes, do they have chicken? And I go, yeah. And I go, but if they're going to use that to wipe your ass, you better bread it. She just looked at me like the asshole that I am. I thought it was a good joke. People have, can't, nobody, sarcasm doesn't work anymore, as Trump said.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Where are we? Here's why I moved out of the Northeast right here. Because it's loaded with people like this. A New Jersey high school math teacher has been caught on video yelling at a group of teens playing football in the park. And you know why? Because she's a useful idiot. This is somebody who's teaching your kids. why because she's a useful idiot she's this is somebody who's teaching your kids but she's a you know she's just an elitist asshole and just a couple of kids playing football in the park and she thinks you know that's going to spread the quran and and and and there's a ton of them in
Starting point is 00:28:16 new jersey new york connecticut massachusetts just know-it-alls who just believe everything the government tells them and uh you know how she votes. She's a teacher in New Jersey. This is her. So anyways, the kids are playing. They're playing football. She comes out, starts screaming at them like the fucking old guy telling you get off the lawn when you were a kid.
Starting point is 00:28:36 And somebody filmed it with their phone. Am I screaming loud enough that you can hear me over your music? Shut up, you twat. Park close. You'll get arrested if the cops stop. Wait, can hear me over your music? Shut up you twat! Park closed! You will get arrested if the cops come! Wait, can we go over there? Is that crazy enough for you? Park closed!
Starting point is 00:28:54 The whole area! Get it through your thick head! You are the reason we are in this situation! You are the problem! Not the solution! Go ahead, keep recording! Who are you going to show it to? We are in this situation. You are the problem, not the solution. Go ahead, keep recording. Who are you going to show it to?
Starting point is 00:29:08 The world. You're the idiot doing the wrong thing. I'm just trying to save your ass and save your life. But die, okay? I hope both of you get the coronavirus. I hope you both die a long, painful death. There you go. All right, kill it.
Starting point is 00:29:24 There you go. There you go. There's, kill it. There you go. There you go. There's what they call a Northeast Democrat. How do you know? I do. Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. No, no, no, no, no. Yeah, just a fucking.
Starting point is 00:29:43 The teacher at Steiner High School in Hamilton Township was identified by several sources as Nicole Griggs, who taught in the district for the past 15 years. One of the kids allegedly targeted by the teacher, a freshman at the school, told the news outlet that he and his pals were playing Thursday on East Franklin Street when she screamed at them from behind the fence like the pig she is. The encounter was captured by the student on us and put it on Snapchat and then on TikTok where I live. Oh, I love that TikTok. But the the caption on TikTok said, yo, must be a black student. Yo, Mrs. Griggs is losing her damn mind. How the fuck is she a teacher? Griggs is losing her damn mind. How the fuck is she a teacher? You know what? That kid's goddamn right.
Starting point is 00:30:29 She then asked the teens if they need her to scream loud enough so they can hear over the music. What a fucking... Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? Will you shut up? Several students recognized the woman as Griggs and sent images that look just like the woman in the shocking footage.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Well, I don't want to break up the meeting or nothing, but she's something of a cunt, ain't she, Doc? How do you mean she likes a rigged game? A second source confirmed the woman is Griggs, who did not return phone messages. Of course not. The teacher lives on Redfern Street, a tenth of a mile away from where the park was. Everybody knows. This was in the Trentonian paper. The teacher has apparently gone after people who weren't following social distancing guidelines before.
Starting point is 00:31:18 She's done it before. She's the mall. She was the kid in school, the mall, the fucking hall monitor. She needs to be slapped around, slapped silly. Somebody put a boot up in her ass. We are surrounded by idiots. Rode our bikes near, this is one of her tweets, rode our bikes near Cuser Park this afternoon. And what do we see? But a younger couple with their daughter maybe two three years old undoing the caution tape around the jungle gym so she could slide this was on
Starting point is 00:31:52 april 6th from her facebook page this is on the facebook page of nicki lee which griggs appears to operate under an alias that's how you know she's a douche and dishonest and a dem won't even put a real name up there nicky lee n-i-k-k-i nicky lee how about yeast infection go by that miz infection she operates under an alias wow a lot of balls that's the other thing with twitter that's the easy easy solution there. You can't, you should have to put your real face name and everything up there. That's all. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:32:32 she knows better than everybody else. Problem. You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. Y onking jam rag onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you H you keep looking at me. I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you. Not this time. I totally called them out on it. Wished illness on them.
Starting point is 00:32:48 So this is her ploy. She wishes. I do that too sometimes when hecklers and drunk people get out of hand. I always go, I hope your sister finds a lump on her tit. I've said that many times in anger at the comedy cellar. Apparently they get a lot of hate mail. And I go, come on, we're all going to get cancer. It's like goddamn the crabs.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Oh, biggie. I totally called them. Why aren't you here? Wished illness on them and commented it was scary to even think they were parents. What a fucking sanctimonious asshole. Their response? We're going to put it back. We're going to put the tape back.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Oh, she's horrible. When she said that, I was shocked. What is this? Oh, this is a student saying that she was shocked. I didn't know someone would say something like that, especially a teacher. She should be smarter with the words. Mayor Jeff Martin said he was unaware of the clip or that it depicted a local teacher, but he condemns her comments.
Starting point is 00:33:54 No one should be wishing death or harm on people unless it's in a comedy club at a Nick DiPaolo show. End of story. Boy, I miss stand-up, folks. I fucking miss it. It's cathartic. You cut loose for an hour? Unbelievable. You know, I miss the laughter.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Sad clown. Hey, ladies and gentlemen, you know, places like Florida are going to, I think, reopen their beaches now. Our friends at have created an entire category of beach towels. And they've got some great ones. Check these out. Again, hiding that beautiful ass with Trump's ugly face. But, hey, I like that.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Make America great again. That's old. It's already great. Well, it was till the Corona, the Chinese unleashed his shit. There's Trump making the face I make when I'm dropping a deuce. Nick, that's horrible. I love global warming. Yeah, make him look like an idiot. These guys make great stuff
Starting point is 00:35:10 and they're great supporters of the show, so hopefully you'll give them a try. Remember, when you use the promo code Nick, you get 10% off not just these towels but everything on the website. Go to, pick up a beach towel or a hat or a mug, and we thank them for sponsoring the show.
Starting point is 00:35:27 And we really do. Every bit helps. As you know, the show is free Monday through Thursday. I saw this headline and I went, meh, because it said church bombing. And this to me is an insult to, you know, to black people who had their churches bombed in Alabama in the 50s and shit. I thought, can we change the word?
Starting point is 00:35:51 This turns out to be a Zoom bombing. You know what I mean? Kind of. I know I sound PC there, but that's the first thing I thought of. Zoom bombing of Salem, Massachusetts church service being investigated as a hate crime. That's where my mother grew up, by the way.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Salem, Mass. You know, that's where the witches, they burn witches and shit. And of course, every time I get in an argument with her, I said, you are a fucking witch. You're from Salem, Massachusetts. She'd hit me with a goddamn wooden spoon. That worked till about fifth grade that I used to put my forearm, did snap. She's stirring her spaghetti sauce with her foot. Anyways, Zoom bombing of Salem Church is being investigated as a hate crime.
Starting point is 00:36:37 I am like God and God like me. I am as large as God. He is as small as I. The Salem Police Department and the FBI investigating a possible hate crime after a virtual church service was hijacked. Reverend Joe Amico. He's good. Joe Amico. He used to return punts for Nebraska in the 50s. Joe Amico of the Tabernacle Congregational Church. Is that Jewish?
Starting point is 00:37:04 Tabernacle. It is, right? Because at the end, the Anti-Defamation League gets involved, so maybe not. Some black churches have that name, too. They do? Are they black Jews?
Starting point is 00:37:14 Sammy Davis Jr. used to run there. Hey, man, Jesus is good, man. Who can take the sunshine and dip it in some goo? Joe Amico of the Tabernacle Congressional Church said last Sunday's service on Zoom was taken over by multiple people with bad intentions. Here's the video. People were part of the virtual service when all of a sudden, an interruption. Getting bombed.
Starting point is 00:37:44 As many as five Zoom bombers hijacked the meeting like videos of the ku klux klan running crosses as older racist music plays in the background With as many as five people Zoom bombing the service, Amico said it was difficult to fight to keep them from taking it over. Amico said he was prepared for the possibility of this happening. He originally wanted to keep the Zoom services open to the public, but the incident has forced him to limit invites to members of the congregation. The Anti-Defamation League has also been made aware
Starting point is 00:38:34 of the incident. For crying out loud, the people are just trying to, I mean, you got nothing better to do. Who are they blaming? Trump? Because it was burning crosses and shit? I'm sure that'll come out.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Hey, Raz, we need to lighten up. We got a clip of Hillary Clinton riding her bike in Westchester. Somebody filmed her going down the sidewalk. Make me a sandwich. Do fucking women over 20 know how to fall without breaking everything? Put your hands out. Fucking lard ass. Bill's nowhere to help her.
Starting point is 00:39:16 I saw the fat bitch. She took a left, fell on the lawn. I was getting my balls tongued by an IHOP waitress on the third floor. I seen it. Pa-pa-pa-pa. Pa-pa-pa-pa. Pa-pa-pa-pa. Ho-hee-ho-ho. Hee-ho-ho.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Let's go back to the left. You know, the farthest left mayor in the country is Bill de Blasio. You know, the guy's originally from Boston or something. Desgraciado. originally from boston or something desgraciado de blasio appoints his uh wife head of the coronavirus racial inequality task force because you know pandemics um they tend to go after black and brown people the germs are racist they don't like black and brown people it's like my dog they snap out like a little dog that yaps a lot this black guy pulled up to our house yesterday.
Starting point is 00:40:06 He was, you know, he's looking at paint houses and shit. My dog goes nuts. This racist dog. So I have to practice now. I got to put black face on and chase him around the house. DeBlasio appoints wife head of a Corona racial inequality task. Was that really necessary? Kill the white people. McCray, she's a beautiful woman. Lazo appoints white head of a corona a racial inequality task. Is that really necessary?
Starting point is 00:40:29 McCray, she's a beautiful woman. Do we have a picture of her? There she goes. Nobody hates whitey more than her. That's not true. She married a white guy. McCray will work with Deputy Mayor Phil Thompson in leading a task force on racial inclusion and equity. Make sure the Big Apple rebounds as better and more a more just society than one we left behind. Jesus, don't make me sick. That's what's on your mind. Jesus Christ, you guys ever put the race card down for five minutes?
Starting point is 00:41:02 The mayor insisted the first lady deserved her place at the head of the new initiative because of the ideas she's generated everything she's come up with has not worked since she married him defying critics and praising her work with her 250 million dollar a year mental health plan in terms of fighting inequality thrive that's the thing she came up with, has gone to that point and in many ways even farther, he insisted, praising his wife's work and putting a light to serious issues, making her an obvious choice for the new role. Let me translate that. By making everything racial and playing that card to the halt. I think that's exactly the kind of mindset needed for the task force. He insisted of his 65 year old wife. Critics have charged that McCrae's, excuse me, thrive New York city program is both ineffective
Starting point is 00:41:55 and ripe for abuse as a political cudgel. And we've already gone over that. It didn't work. And we went over the numbers months ago. The racial inequality task force meanwhile was one of a series of working groups being set up to help prepare the big apple to reopen after lockdown the mayor announced saying they will start meeting in a matter of days nobody gives a shit mayor nobody's looking at this racially everybody's looking at the same
Starting point is 00:42:19 the crisis and we know yeah it hits black and brown people poor neighborhoods more health issues and this that's who gets attacked in this disease it's like they look at a microscope and they see the coronavirus it's got a little fucking white sheet on with fucking the crisis has highlighted the many things that are broken in our city in our country his honor insisted at Sunday's press conference. Oh, God, help me. Who said that? De Blasio.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Who the fuck said that? Bill De Blasio. Who's the slimy little cop in a shit twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? He says we don't just need a recovery, we need a transformation. Once again, the pompousness.
Starting point is 00:43:06 We've got to make the city better. New York City wasn't great until I got here. Oh, my God. Everything needs to be transformed because he doesn't like the way it is. The city's black and Latin communities are particularly hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic. Statistics released by City Hall show. He also insisted that the city would not rush to reopen saying he was worried for other states moving too quickly you know why because it's making them look bad he's a fag
Starting point is 00:43:31 as well as uh running a risk is endangering their own people uh they also risked it backfiring and have prolonged lockdowns once a contagion reasserts itself he said we won't let that happen here in New York. Refusing to be drawn on an exact timescale of the lockdown getting lifted. No details. Just stay scared. Shut your mouth. Stay scared of the government.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Time for a question, Raz? Hi. Huh? In a second? I'll catch you up. What? Yeah. huh in a second all right catch up what yeah let me uh let me uh thank some contributors here because you guys have been tremendous through this and i know uh things can get tough here financially for people uh as you know you can contribute at you can make financial contributions or you can sign up at, become a monthly supporter.
Starting point is 00:44:28 And when you do that, you get a few things that other people don't get. You get an extra story a day. What else do you get, Raz? You get access to over 300 shows. You get to ask me a question. So I want to thank one-time contributors over the weekend. Alexander Meyer, Texas. Andrea Bigass Burress, Australia.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Tyler Brenton, Connecticut. Scott Malkow, Florida. Karen Fratkin, California. Michael Amato, Virginia. Hey, would you blow me? Michigan. Erica Plasek, New York. Steve Taylor, Washington. Matthew Manganiello. me michigan erica plassic new york steve taylor washington matthew uh manganiello manganiello massachusetts excuse me hannah mccullough kentucky roger nichols virginia
Starting point is 00:45:17 stacy rimeschneider armed forces pacific thank Stacey. Thank you for your service. Grant Cater, Australia. John Rowland, Virginia. Chandra McClain, Tennessee. This is amazing. Rob Leboy, Canada. James Grice, Illinois. Craven Moorhead. Craven Moorhead.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Hey, who isn't? Pennsylvania. Jason Dykeman, New York. Robert Eumanns, Georgia. Peter Dybel, Rhode Island. Don Corrado, which is the character Colin Quinn wants me to do. Don Corrado, Pennsylvania. Thank you, guys. I love my fucking fans. Thank you guys so much. Seriously, you're making this possible. this possible. New monthly supporters. This is the if you want to be a monthly member. This is I mean, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 people over the weekend.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Ross Bonacci, Clifford Fritz, Joan Fantasia, Lucas Mazook, Joseph Alampi, Kevin Ford, and James Grice again. Guys, we can't thank you enough.
Starting point is 00:46:26 That's at if you want to become a monthly. And if you have a business, don't forget to go to if you want to sponsor the show. We can always use sponsors. What do you got, Raz? We get questions? Mike C. Jesus Christ, it's a book.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Mike C., Cole Township PA hey guys I work for myself so I can watch and listen to a lot of old tough crowd and ONA before and after your show I always get a kick out of the exchanges that you and Patrice O'Neill had since the left has gone absolutely bat shit crazy since Patrice's passing do you think he would be a supporter of Trump and his agenda if he were alive today do you think he would have been uh vilified by the hashtag me too movement uh those are two good questions as far as him being a fan of Trump he would like Trump for being outspoken and yeah I would say not if I wouldn't go as far as a fan because, you know, he used to get he used to get influenced by left wing horseshit on TV, too. I don't know if he'd be a big fan, but he would. He would appreciate Trump's honor.
Starting point is 00:47:34 You know how Patrice would do it? He'd go, yeah, man, he honest. He showed it. He he don't like black people. Don't try to fucking hide it. That's what it's saying. He don't like black people. Don't try to fucking hide it.
Starting point is 00:47:44 That's what it's saying. Would he be a vilified by hashtag Me Too movement? Well, he didn't get vilified. He's the most misogynist. It's the most brilliant material. When he talks about women, it's the funniest in relationships. It's fucking brilliant. But he never got called out on it.
Starting point is 00:48:05 You know, there's that double standard because you're a heavyset black guy uh but yeah as far as hashtag meme to movement it's so fucking crazy they would they would have went after him but you know with no success because uh funny trump's all that shit but he would have got a little bit pushback but i always used to bust his balls but i said if i ever said that shit that you say about your wife's pussy and shit yeah man just live with it this is a double standard he wouldn't
Starting point is 00:48:35 argue that point man I heard him on the radio this weekend fucking god hey man Giraldo you talk about two quality comics. You never get the hacks. The hacks never die. Let's go to sports.
Starting point is 00:48:56 And here's Bill with sports. Hi, everybody. We should get a gay sports guy. Wouldn't it? Yeah. People wanted us to do that on the Nick and Artie show. Get a, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:09 really out there gay guy. Jesus Christ, did you watch the draft? My God, I saw so many tight asses and these kids can run. New England Patriots can't stay out of controversy.
Starting point is 00:49:23 That's why I love them. They got rid of Gostkowski. This guy's a fucking all-pro kicker for the last 10 years. They replaced him with a new kid, Justin Rawwasser. He's the new kicker. And he's got a tattoo that's, oh, God, it's controversial. He says that the tattoo on his arm is not representative of a loosely organized right-wing militia group that has adopted the symbol, of course. Wake up, white people.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Roe Wasser played at Rhode Island and Marshall was taken 159th overall in the fifth round. He said in a conference call with, he must be a good kid, 150, oh, I think I know who this fucking kid is. He said in a conference call with reporters, he got the tattoo as a teenager because he has a lot of family members in the military. He added he thought it was a military support symbol at the time, which it is. It evolved into something I do not want to represent. See, that's where you, you just explained why you got it okay it's like anything like this means white supremacy you know you know whereas you explain that game to me where you punch a kid in the arm some shit uh he says on its website on its website the-wing three percenters group says it isn't an anti-government militia, but we will defend ourselves when necessary.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Ooh, how fucking, how controversial, huh? Not sucking up to big government. Oh, did I not put fucking Braveheart on here? I didn't. I did. Come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom. That was hardly worth it.
Starting point is 00:51:16 I'm getting this tattoo, by the way. I'm going to get this tattoo right on my left chest. Three percenters. There's a theory out there that only three percent of the you know, the colonists fought against the British out of 100 percent. Only three of them had the balls to say, fuck you to England and get them off our backs.
Starting point is 00:51:36 But it's so controversial because the left and all the douchebags have turned it into that's alt-right, that's racist, that's a blah blah. And you idiots home on social media just swallow it whole. Wouldn't it be funny he comes in the game, kicks a game winning field goal and he takes his helmet off and he's got a swastika
Starting point is 00:51:54 on his foot. That would be anti-Semitic. Leave the tattoo, will you? Good luck in Boston, the most left-leaning fucking city in the world. Doesn't matter, though. You kick a winning field goal, they'll forget all about that.
Starting point is 00:52:09 You could have a cross burning on your back. They're like, fuck it. That's not what that means. Yeah, 3% is derived from the name, from the belief that just 3% of the colonists rose up to fight the British. They have vowed to resist any government that infringes on the U.S. Constitution. Wow, that's so fucking radical, isn't it? According to an interview on last year, Rohrwasser described his tattoos, which includes phrases like liberty or death.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Ooh, here's a controversial one. It's on a goddamn license plate. Don't tread on me. I say that to my wife fucking five times a day. As well as American flag and one from the Dave Matthews band. That's the most offensive one. Fucking scrub that one, Dave Matthews. That's some fucking really dog shit music.
Starting point is 00:53:03 In my 58-year-old opinion. He says they're all random. Anyways, that's who we got. We get rid of Gostkowski for a guy picked in the 159th overall. They know what they're doing, though. Let's do one more before we close it out here. And again, thank you guys for your support. I'm dead fucking serious.
Starting point is 00:53:33 The New Dallas Cowboys wide receiver, C.D. Lamb. Fucking love this kid. He's going to be a superstar. What's that feel like, huh? You're sitting home waiting to be a superstar. What's that feel like, huh? You're sitting home waiting to be drafted and the Cowboys call you. It's got to be fucking killer, right? I mean, I hate the Cowboys personally.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Did you see Jimmy Jones during the draft? Oh. They had, you know, it was all done online, right? And all the coaches are home. So a lot of coaches are in their office with their kids and stuff at home. But everybody had big, beautiful houses. And they cut the Jerry Jones. He's on his yacht. He's sitting on this white couch. Look, the couch
Starting point is 00:54:13 looked like it was a million dollars. By himself. On his yacht. Then they cut the Belichick. It looks like he's in a fucking Section 8 kitchen. Just this plain shitty table. But in defense of Belichick, that was his house in Martha's Vineyard or Nantucket or whatever.
Starting point is 00:54:31 It's probably his second home, his summer home. It is like a chicken table. Made me laugh so hard. You go from a yacht to Belichick, you're sitting in a lawn chair. Love him. Love him. But C.D. Lamb, who I i love by the way quite quite the receiver he's a oklahoma fucking guy can play we'll see if he can play but anyways he's sitting at home the new dallas cowboy wide receiver shown on cameras snatching these words snatching his
Starting point is 00:55:00 phone back from his girlfriend uh and her name Crimson Rose. Please welcome to the center stage Crimson, Crimson Rose. Come on, fellas. Dig in your pockets. Dig deep. Anyway, here's the clip. I'm expecting him to go, give me that bitch or some really outrageous shit. This is the world we live in with feminism. This is considered controversial. Go ahead. He can do that. He's a kid who's very explosive. He'll take that big hit. Oh, my God. Look at his teeth. Holy shit. All right. Pause. Jesus Christ. You see his, what were the teeth? But that, in today's world, that's disrespect.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Did he rip it out of her hand? And she even went on to explain. That was just, there was nothing there. I can't believe I'm making a. Nothing burger. Nothing burger. Nothing burger. After the video went viral, Lamb had to respond to the idiots on social media,
Starting point is 00:56:02 tell everyone relax, which clearly meant it was no big deal. And I have to agree with him. And soon after that, Rose, his girlfriend responded saying Lamb's agent was on the phone and she was going to answer it for him. Back up, bitch. You don't want, let me tell you something. Whether you're married or your girlfriend, your agent
Starting point is 00:56:22 is calling you about money. You don't want your wife or girlfriend grabbing the phone. So there you have it. Nothing weird going on in the Lamb household on Thursday. The former Oklahoma wide receiver selected 17th overall by the Cowboys and taken after Henry Ruggs III and Jerry Judy. Those are all great. One of them's a running back.
Starting point is 00:56:41 One of them's a receiver. But that was a big nothing. Nothing to see here. Please disperse. Nothing to see here. Please disperse. Unbelievable. That's the world we live in. I thought he was literally going to get her in a headlock.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Give me that fucking book. That is it for today, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you so much. Again, if you want to make a financial contribution, you go to Sign up to be a monthly member. I did about five of them over the weekend. If you want me to send a personal video message to somebody roasting them, one of your friends, just busting balls.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Or saying happy birthday to your sister. Whatever. I can be nice. It's no fun. But anyways, that is it. You think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here at the same time tomorrow. Take care, everybody. guitar solo I'm out.

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