The Nick DiPaolo Show - Twitter Dump Three | Nick Di Paolo Show #1320

Episode Date: December 12, 2022

Musk's Third Twitter Dump. McCarthy Gearing Up. Sam Brinton Busted Again. NHL Trans Game Goes Awry....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi boys and girls, please follow me on Patreon and subscribe to the exclusive daily encore show. Only people sign up monthly get this show. Today I'll be afraid of the world Oh yeah, how you is? What it was and what it will be. Good to be with you folks on a filthy Monday. What are we, December what, 12th already? Holy fucking moly. What is going on, man?
Starting point is 00:01:03 You know, my mom told me, she's 111, by the way. She said it gets faster. And I said, it's not possible. Can't be. It can't get any faster. Anyways, what are you going to do? Did you have a good weekend? Oh, I did.
Starting point is 00:01:16 I went square dancing. Anyways, today's top story. No, tried to watch Yellowstone again. Again, big Kevin Carson fan. I like him because, again, old school movie star, looks like he was born in a cowboy hat, he's a Midwestern guy,
Starting point is 00:01:29 played pro baseball, you know, triple A, whatever the fuck, he's a guy's guy, I like him, old school, handsome dude,
Starting point is 00:01:36 the show's great, except for, again, the four minute, feminist speeches, that are so unrealistic, even my wife's going, what the fuck, and she's going what the fuck and she's not a feminist but she's not a you know um she's like most women you know i mean she knows her role in
Starting point is 00:01:52 the fucking kitchen i'm kidding as you walk out with dinner as i walk up oh good point you bitch dallas just got me good nice right hand to the chin as I walk out. It's a good point. I really do. I'm missing everything but the apron. They asked me about my pizza I made. Jesus Christ. That's it, man. I'm on the scale today. I could play fullback for any team right now in the pros. Anyways, I'm trying to watch it. And again, Carson's got this daughter who's just, she gives these three minute to this one guy. Why don't you, a guy she just met, she's trying to close a deal with.
Starting point is 00:02:29 And she's like, yeah, why don't you, after she closes the deal, she's like, why don't you take your cap teeth and your blah, blah, you know, your waxed ass and your cheesy motherfucking hat and get out of my fucking heart. I mean, you understand her face would be smashed in, in any era. Caveman, 1960, 2048. Just a vile twat. Every time she opens her mouth. And again, it wouldn't be a big deal if this is an isolated incident. But I've been complaining
Starting point is 00:03:02 about this, just like I was the first one to complain before all you guys noticed how white men were being betrayed in commercials and dads 20 years ahead of everybody. But it ruins the show. It ruins the goddamn show because women just don't talk like that. People in general don't give three-minute speeches where the guy sits there and takes it. You know what I mean? The writers, I don't know three minute speeches where the guy sits there and takes it and, you know what I mean? The writers, I don't know if there has to be a feminist in the room. Every show except the Sopranos, of course, because they didn't have that shit. You know, Italians are mobsters. But that doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Neither would Kevin Costner's family put up with it. I mean, take your tacky. And she banged some guy and then she goes from as he's leaving. They stack it a little bit. She goes, I remember you had a bigger dick. Shit like that, right? You know, fucking stuff like that where a guy would go,
Starting point is 00:03:57 how about I put you through that fucking wall? You know, if you're a cowboy, this guy's like a badass that she said that to. It ruins the show. My poor wife, I'm sitting there, smoke's coming out. I'm fucking crushing the remote. The batteries are coming out. I'm not shitting you.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Thing popped off. I'm like, ugh. And even she's like, you've got to be kidding me. You fucking, please. You're going to move Hollywood to Nashville, I heard. Could you do it, please, so we can get away from this It's the equivalent and I'll say it again. It's like the equivalent of Jurassic Park you're in the dinosaur age and a guy's eating a McDonald's cheeseburger. It sticks out that bad
Starting point is 00:04:35 It's so stupid and unrealistic It ruined you trying to suspend your disbelief in the first place because it's a TV show But I'm not just talking this show. Everything now. The movies. Oh, we had two. Yeah, we watched them. Oh, Maverick. I watched the second Top Gun movie. Hearing how great it was. I almost threw up blood four minutes into it. It was so. I'll just tell you one scene. He comes back. Now he's older. He goes into this place where all the
Starting point is 00:05:10 young guys, they basically took the first half hour of the first movie and redid the scenes, only put black guys in there and women where white guys weren't. That's basically what they did. Tom Cruise comes in in his dressed whites or whatever. Young guys are playing pool. And a young woman, of course.
Starting point is 00:05:25 She's cleaning up the table, naturally. And he stands behind her. Of course, he gets in the deck with a... She draws back the cue, hits him in the balls. You know, just to let you know that things have changed. The fighter scenes and shit, all that was fucking awesome. No doubt about it. Those fighters, those dog fights. That shit, all that was fucking awesome. No doubt about it. Those fighters, those dog fights, that shit's all great.
Starting point is 00:05:48 The rest of it is just, again, I wanted to jot down a few of those feminist speeches coming out of nowhere. Just, oh, anyways, I can't take it. Don't ever learn the politics. See, like my family would go, what are you talking about? Actually, not my brother. And I've woke my sisters up to it too. But I know they all love Yellowstone and they'll be going,
Starting point is 00:06:12 why can't you just watch it? Because I know. I've been in the auditions. I know who makes this shit. I know who they hate. I know who writes it. Fucking Harvard people, Yale people. That's why.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Dick Wolf should be hung up from a crane in downtown New York. That's the problem when you have showrunners like Shonda Rhimes who has all this fucking clout and say-so. Yeah, and you don't even need a Shonda Rhimes. You just need a white kid out of fucking Harvard who's worse than Shonda Rhimes.
Starting point is 00:06:40 You know? And that's what it's been forever. It's been getting worse and worse. Remember the movie Philadelphia with Tom Hanks? That's when I really jumped out at me. And it was happening before that. But that's the one when it really jumped out at me. They made out the old white guys who ran to be, you know, homophobic. And they're telling jokes about gay guys in the sauna. And I'm not saying that didn't go on. But I'm just saying, give equal time to, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:03 not all gay people are clever and good people or black people and, you know, it's just so fucking, it's obviously propaganda. And if I was more eloquent, not so emotional, I could write a nice fucking show about it. But I can't. I lose my shit every eight minutes. All right, let's get on with this piece of shit. What? You heard me.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Oh, no, I got more to say. My pizza. When do I have a little bit of a weight problem? I'm braising short ribs for three hours to put on pizza. Dude, I was this close. You sent the text of you guys painting, so I said, no, they're busy. More for me. What are you doing till four in the morning?
Starting point is 00:07:43 All you got to do is pull that ladder out when she's up there. I'm braising short ribs to put on pizza. Dude, I ate the shit. It was like eating, it was better than porn. It's fucking braised short ribs on pizza. Anyways, that's why I'm a little chubby. And what else? Shingles.
Starting point is 00:08:02 I got shingles. I've always had them under the surface. They never blister up and shit. I can't remember if I've had the vaccine. Now I'm afraid of all vaccines. But it was odd. How about this? It must be a joke here somewhere.
Starting point is 00:08:17 The reason I have them, these act up a little when I don't get sleep. And why didn't I get sleep last week? We had roofers there at 7 o'clock in my house. So I'm getting shingles because the guys are putting on shingles. Good night, everybody. That's my career. Let's get to it. Billionaire entrepreneur.
Starting point is 00:08:36 What's the name of the goddamn thing? Triple dump. Twitter triple dump. Twitter's third dump. Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk released a third trove of documents. I love troves. Detailing the decision at Twitter
Starting point is 00:08:51 to suspend former President Donald Trump permanently and how federal agency, did you hear me? Federal agency, got my fucking tooth. Federal agencies might have been involved. Get the might out of there. See how you got to carefully tread? Did you hear what I just said, folks? Are you listening in your cars,
Starting point is 00:09:11 wherever you listen to this shit? Federal agencies, the government, was working in cahoots with a big tech company to fucking suppress a former president of the United States. Anyways, so anyway, he's putting that shit out there through Mike Taibbi, a guy named Schellenberg, all Democrat reporters, by the way. That's how bad it is. You have to.
Starting point is 00:09:36 I'm loving it. Fucking mosque. I'd give you a tug right now if you came in the house. I can't see. We're going to do something. We're going to do something. I got to go back to 828. The thread was posted by journalist Matt Taibbi on his Twitter account. More have broken since. I'm not going to load you up with the details because it would take a fucking hour to get
Starting point is 00:09:56 through one story. Emails showed a chaos internally as Twitter executives tried to find the rationale for suspending Trump. The bulk of the internal debate leading to Trump's ban took place in those three January days. However, the intellectual framework was laid in the months preceding the Capitol riots, Taibbi reported. Okay? So they already had it out for them. We knew this.
Starting point is 00:10:22 After January 6th, internal slacks, whatever that is, as opposed to the ones I wear outside. Slack is the communication channel of the companies. See that? That's Dallas Piping in there.
Starting point is 00:10:34 I have no idea what he said. Internal slacks show Twitter executives getting a kick out of intensified relationships with federal agencies. I'm doing Daffy Duck here. I can hear it.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Here's some safety. Head Yol Roth, real name Joe Israel, lamenting a lack of generic enough. He was lamenting a lack of generic enough calendar descriptions to concealing his very interesting meeting partners, he continued. He's getting a kick out of that. And it's all a joke to him. You're a crumb creep. Taibbi reported that there was a tension between the small safety operations department and a smaller, more powerful cadre of senior policy executives. That's within Twitter.
Starting point is 00:11:29 He said there was a clear interaction with federal enforcement, that would be like the FBI, you know, CIA, and intelligence agencies about content moderation during that time. One email showed the FBI expressing concern about two tweets with claims about election fraud that were debunked by Politico. Unbelievable. Your own government sticking it up your ass. Examining the entire election enforcement slack, we didn't see one reference to moderation requests from the Trump campaign, the Trump White House, or Republicans generally.
Starting point is 00:12:03 We looked. They may exist. We were told they do. However, they were absent here, said Taibbi. Oh, I'm sure they exist. Unbelievable. Meanwhile, tweets, listen to this. What more do you need to know? Meanwhile, tweets in support of Joe Biden
Starting point is 00:12:24 that decried possible voter fraud by Republicans were shown to be approved in some emails. Nothing to see here. Please, this first. Nothing to see here. Please. Imagine that. You got your own government working.
Starting point is 00:12:46 This is media now. I mean, you can say, and this goes on to legacy media. You think it's any different than all the other broadcast networks and cable? I think these guys learned from them. It's been going on forever. I don't know what I'm saying. The media's been liberal. Walter Cronkite was a lefty, for Christ's sake.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Did you see that Musk is going to be creating a thing within Twitter that you can actually see how and why anybody's shadow banned? When's that happening? I believe soon, but that's the plan. It's got to be the plan. Yeah. No, I did because there's a list of things. Shadow banned, deleted, but yeah, you're right. And I wanted, it's going to be embarrassing if I'm not on that list. And I go, really? My tweets, I hated that much. But I know that's not the case.
Starting point is 00:13:35 I know that's not the case because I used to, I told you. I mean, I had some that would hit over 2,000 likes. And then like an average joke, you get like five, 600 likes. And then, like, an average joke, you'd get, like, 500, 600 likes. And all of a sudden, it was 11, 14, 21. What the fuck? What, did I lose my sense of humor? Get the fuck out of here. Anyway, that's what I'm interested in.
Starting point is 00:13:54 And, of course, you know, my wife and Tommy are like, yeah, you can't get back on me. You're still going to destroy yourself. I go, buddy, Elon Musk is running it. Yeah, but he ain't running the rest of the fucking... Whatever. I get a few of me. I love to fucking rip out the phone. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:14:09 Getting no play from a fat waitress. I, uh... What? Gilligan. Little buddy. Doop. Let's move on to more political shit before we get on to the fags. McCarthy gearing up for a real beatdown on the goddamn dem fags.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Again, I'm not a huge McCarthy fan either. I'd like somebody more right wing. I'd put Newt Gingrich back in there. Anyways, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has vowed to subpoena, and again, I can't help it. I'm so jaded now. And I know Dallas knows exactly what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Okay, we're going to do this. We're going to subpoena. We're going to have hearings. We don't want that. We want people going to jail. I want you showing up at somebody's house and kicking the front door in with the FBI, somebody that used to work for Twitter or whatever. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:14:54 He's vowed to disappear. Yeah, go to Clapper or Brennan's house, even though they're probably already guarded because they're former intelligence. They fucking have a war on the front lawn. I don't give a fuck. Show me you're doing something other than having hearings so we can go, they're really trying.
Starting point is 00:15:08 House minority leader, that means he leads minorities. He's like a quarterback in the historically black colleges. McCarthy has vowed to subpoena 51 former intelligence officials who call the post Hunter Biden's expose Russian disinformation in the wake of the Twitter file's revelations
Starting point is 00:15:32 about how the social media colossus censored the reporting. So he's got to bug up his ass. I'm as mad as hell. Go get him, Kevin. I'm not going to take this anymore. We'll see. The California Republican, right there I get worried, the word California. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:49 Give me a fucking Republican from South Carolina who was involved in the slave trade. What? Get out of here. Who was expected to become speaker when the GOP takes control of the House of Representatives in January. Said what Twitter did with post bombshell October 2020 reports was egregious. Oh, and that a big fucking word. Yes, sir. You fucking haircuts egregious. Republicans. Oh, we have a video. I'm flying along here. The caffeine's pumping through my veins along with the meth. And I'm dressed like fucking Max Baer. But what difference we're going
Starting point is 00:16:23 to do, those 51 Intel agents that signed a letter that said the Hunter Biden information was all wrong, was Russia collusion. Many of them have a security clearance. We're going to bring them before committee. I'm going to have a hearing, bring them and subpoena them before committee. Why did they sign it? Why did they lie to the American public? A clapper, a Brennan. Why did you use the reputation that America was able to give to you? More information, but use it for a political purpose and lie to the American public is exactly what Adam Schiff has done to us. And this has got to stop. Yeah. And I'd ask you why. Why are you always on the receiving end of these ass whoopings?
Starting point is 00:17:02 Why isn't there a Democrat on TV going, this is what the Republicans did to us? You motherfuckers. Republicans are preparing to launch a number of investigations into the Biden family, along with the Lucchese family, the Carleons. The Carleons? What's that, Nick? It's like the Corleons. It's the Swedish family.
Starting point is 00:17:23 It's the Swedish family. Biden family as a result of the Post reporting about Hunter Biden's overseas business relationships while his father was vice president in the Obama administration. One of those deals involved the Chinese company, the GOP rep James Comer, seen here with his Janet Yellen haircut, the incoming chair of the House Oversight Committee. That's all they do is oversight. They watch shit go down. Yeah, exactly. Said President Biden was involved in after his stint as VP had ended. Twitter-owned Elon Musk has been releasing company documents
Starting point is 00:18:09 since early this month through a number of journalists detailing the internal decision-making behind blocking the Post story, censoring conservative figures, and banning phone of President Donald Trump after the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot. So let's do it.
Starting point is 00:18:24 It's January, next month. Come on, God damn it. Come on, let's go, let's go. Let's go. I better pick up the paces. 12 minutes left. I got the perfect Christmas gift idea for you guys. If you don't love your spouses,
Starting point is 00:18:40 head over to to get exclusive hats, T-shirts, hoodies, and more. They're a great gift for any listener. The whore you're banging are a couple of fat pigs out of the bowling alley. And yes, it's another way for you to support the show. You can also get signed copies of my first movie I did called Janie's Got a Gun. My copy of my previous specials in all of the NICCA shirts. Just go to and click on the store. Again, that's, okay, what am I doing, Michael Lindell? My hats are made of Giza cotton.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Picked from their fucking, next story, sticky finger faggot. Sam Brinton, this cocksucker, the alleged sticky fingered Biden administration nuclear official, was captured on security footage making off with a woman's bag. Again, look, he's got his mouth in that position permanently. He just blew a goddamn Martian. Swallow that thing, you Matt Damon-looking motherfucker. You suck the leprechaun's cock, you Matt Damon-looking motherfucker. Third round of chemo.
Starting point is 00:19:42 All the hair on his pussy's falling out. I want that as a clip for the show and i'm dead serious i want to get some fucking laughs up in this mother making off for the woman's bag worth 3670 dollars from a vegas airport on july 6th this isn't got folks this isn't the one that we already reported on it's another one okay yet he still has a job as far as I know. Okay? We asked him for comment. I suck cock and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. A surveillance snap from Harry Reid International Airport shows a stern-faced Briton wearing the white t-shirt with a colorful symbol of black backpack and in black jeans rolling his suitcase in question through the airport. What a little dink. The distinctive T, which Britton, he knows he's going to get bussed.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I swear to God, it's another cry for help. Sported in a selfie posted to Instagram that same day, led the Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to issue a warrant for Britton's arrest on grand larceny charges, according to detectives declaration. Last month, Britain, the deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition at the Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy was charged in the September theft of a woman's suitcase from a Minneapolis airport. Don't you move, you motherfucker. I'll blow your brains out.
Starting point is 00:21:03 And again, as far as I know, he's still working for Biden. The Las Vegas security footage from that showed the luggage containing $1,700 worth of jewelry, clothing valued at $850, $500 of makeup, police said, being removed from the airport's baggage carousel by a white male adult with a cock in his ass, wearing a white faggy T-shirt with a large rainbow and a cock in his ass, an atomic nucleus symbol with a cock in his ass, wearing a white, faggy t-shirt with a large rainbow and a cock in his ass, an
Starting point is 00:21:26 atomic nuclear symbol with a cock in his ass, the detectives wrote. You know, your son looks like a fag to me. The man demonstrated several signs of abnormal behavior with a cock in his ass while taking the victim's luggage, which accused suspects typically give off when committing luggage theft or taking a cock in their eyes, according to the declaration. Then grabbed the bag off the carousel, walked away with it, went home and grabbed a 12-year-old's bag right between his legs.
Starting point is 00:21:54 The victim, who filed a police report on July 10th, described her missing bag as a gray hardshell Away brand, bigger carry-on, valued at $320. See, the fags know the good shit. Police were initially unable to identify the thief from the footage. He doesn't stick out in a crowd. He's a human dick with a t-shirt. Enclosed the case. Get it? But
Starting point is 00:22:15 on November 29th, when the Las Vegas investigator saw media reports of Minneapolis' accusation against Britain, the officer immediately recognized the energy... Oh, how to put it together. ...employee as a suspect pertaining to this case. Police found that Britton had traveled on the victim's flight from Dulles Airport
Starting point is 00:22:34 in Washington, D.C. to Vegas on July 6 and uncovered the nuclear rainbow selfie. Thank you at American Nuclear. This is what Britton puts up. Selling such a great shirt for me to wear on my flight today as I put a dick in my ass and rob another person. Britain wrote in the Pope, my professional society continues to grow and learn,
Starting point is 00:22:53 and I'm proud of them. Goodness, how we have changed since my service as a chapter president and then on the National Board of Directors. Hashtag nuclear pride. Nuclear pride. Boy, huh? I bet the Japs love that hashtag. A group of House Republicans is clamoring for Britain's
Starting point is 00:23:11 removal. Oh, are they? Thanks. Over the alleged thefts. We demand the resignation of this goo gobbler and we implore you to set aside petty politics and have this guy hung by a crane in Tehran on Monday. Good night, everybody. And appoint only the most qualified and dedicated individuals to influence America's energy sector.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Rep. Andrew Dice Clay said of Georgia and 15 other Republicans wrote to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm. Ugh. Fucking quiz! That's a nice bag you just broke. Holy shit, I got seven minutes. Britton, who faces up to five years in prison for the Minnesota theft and ten years jail time for the Vegas heist, was placed on leave when the first allegation came to light.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Okay, that's not fired, though, according to the Energy Department. Next story, please. Truth hurts, bitches. I think we're going to end on this because this is a long story. We're doing it, bitches. I think we're going to end on this because this is a long story. We're doing it, folks. We're tightening up the show because we look at analytics, and apparently, and this goes to every show, whether it's Crowder, anybody else on the internet,
Starting point is 00:24:15 you guys listen to about 15, 20 minutes of pop at the moment, whatever. So you're going to get more show jammed on you, whatever. The National, maybe I shouldn't have pointed it out. I don't give a rat's ass. The National Hockey League opened, openly promoted the team trans draft tournament, which saw a biologically female player concussed by a biological male.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Let me explain real quick again. When a woman turns into a guy, he's not always, that's a trans man. When a guy does the opposite, it's a trans woman. So you got biological men, really, playing against girls who call themselves men. And people get hurt,
Starting point is 00:24:52 and we all know this. Concussed by a biological male. The format led to a massive advantage for one team, with one attendee citing an enormous difference in player size, according to the post.
Starting point is 00:25:02 The tournament featuring a team black versus team pink game included the Boston, oh, my state is in deep shit, Boston-based teen trans organization, which describes itself as New England's first LGBTQ plus hockey club. You know why it's the first? And you know why it's never been done before? Nobody wants it. Seriously. It's 2022. You're late. Or early. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:25:29 A video posted by Killette shows player number 90 on Team Pink described as a bisexual trans woman. That means a biological man. Shoving number 91 on Team Black describes themselves as a female-to-male biological woman. So it's really a chick. The female player takes what appears to be a light bump on the ice and then slides into the boards like fucking, like I've seen children do and not get hurt. I almost think they might have done this to draw more attention. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Can we show it right here? Watch this vicious hit, folks. And I'm bracing your trigger warning. She hits the boards and she could have really broke her neck. Watch. I mean, did the body actually make contact, or was it just the stick? That's a great question. I'd look at it again, but we don't have time. Did you guys even see that? Honestly, I have pushed women in supermarkets in the late 90s harder than that to get to the peaches.
Starting point is 00:26:50 They had to bring a thing out. You'd think it was Daryl Stingley all over again. Trans women are women. This is the guy who wrote the article, by the way. No righty, this is a guy named Jonathan Kaye. By the way, no righty. He works for whatever, He's a lefty. I read his bio. Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Non-binary. Oh, this is, who's
Starting point is 00:27:13 this coming from? Oh, the NHL saying this. Yeah. Yeah. This is the NHL trying to back up. Non-binary identity is real. And I say to Gary Bettman in the NHL, You can't handle the truth! Just another organization who's going to be destroyed. At ordinary hockey tournaments, teams register and compete as collective units, typically representing their school, neighborhood, city,
Starting point is 00:27:38 or region. Draft tournaments are different. Players register individually and get assigned to tournament teams through some formal, informal, or even random process. I have no idea what selection, this is the guy who wrote the article, method was used at the All-Trans Draft Tournament where the roughly 80 players were allocated, that's probably on the whole globe, to six teams designated as black, white, purple, blue, yellow, and pink. But however it was done,
Starting point is 00:28:05 but however it was done, the results were lopsided. A single team, pink, ended up stacked with physically impulsive biological males, i.e. trans women. I love how the guy did this because it keeps you...
Starting point is 00:28:18 And by no coincidence, that team also went on to become tournament champion. Again, because it had most guys on. This awkward result may help explain why no one seemed anxious to publicize event details once the tournament was over. You see, it's a dirty little secret. Team Pink's victory over Black in the finals, which I was able to watch on video along with all the other games,
Starting point is 00:28:41 was an embarrassing 7-1 rout. According to one rinkside source who attended the tournament, Team Pink players even called a meeting, get this, during the second period of the game in order to discuss whether it would be best to end the game prematurely. You know, like a mercy rule in Little League when you're down 21-0. Some of their deliberations are audible on the video I viewed, the guy said. Two players floated the idea of simply announcing that the tournament was over
Starting point is 00:29:10 and that everyone had won. You get nothing. You lose. Let me tell you something, folks. In a world like we live in, when somebody says everybody wins, nobody wins there was just an enormous difference in size between the two teams height weight shoulder width muscles the differences were plain to even a child is how one rink sider observed described the finals to me and folks i'm not saying have a trans league or whatever you You know what I mean? Have, but have like, the terms are so confusing. Have all the guys who call themselves chicks play against each other, right? There's enough of them.
Starting point is 00:29:54 There probably aren't, right? And then have all the women who transition to whatever play against women. You know what I'm saying? Have gay leagues. All that shit is fine. Nobody's saying it's not. Hockey's a great sport, but I'm just saying, when you do this, you're
Starting point is 00:30:10 cutting your own argument. You're fucking yourself up. On video, a quartet of large team pink players stood out. Number one, number nine, number 42, number 90. Each of these she slash her biological men, at least one of whom played Division I hockey in college on
Starting point is 00:30:26 a men's team before transitioning, appeared head and shoulders taller than most of Team Black, whose 12 players rostered to contain only two she slash hers. And this group didn't even include number 29, a speedy teen pink she slash her and self-described male to female trans women who consistently skated circles around the opposition who ended up netting, listen to this, two hat tricks in the space of four games during the tournament. So he's kind of a dick too. He couldn't get it done against Matt. Teen Pink she slash hers were evidently instructed to stop running up to school with number 29 being relegated to defensive duty. This happens in the NHL when one team's killing another.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Everyone was gratified to see Team Black finally get a goal, a slap shot from a she-slash-her. This guy did a great job of describing this. With jersey number 99 that got under the pink goalie's stick. They had to drill a hole in the stick to make it fair. The video shows the play is clearly offside, so even this wasn't legit. But under the circumstances, I thought the ref's decision to lay off their whistles was justified. That's just being nice.
Starting point is 00:31:38 When the game ended, the two teams ate each other out and blew horns. What? teams ate each other out and blew horns. What? Shook hands and Team Pink held a muted celebration under a boom mic operated by the Vice, a Vice film crew. They're always there. And that's how that tournament ended.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Again, guys, girls, it's the same thing as when we, what's the other thing we discovered with the mail? Oh, well, swimming and what else? All that shit. It doesn't work. Again, and I'll say this to Dallas. You know, I don't think any of these, I could be wrong, but when I was a kid, it was stressed to me,
Starting point is 00:32:19 not only through Mick Jagger saying you can't always get what you want. You can't always be who you want to be. Just because you want something doesn't make it so. I don't think this was explained to a couple generations. You see what I'm saying? Yeah, my father never, my father said, I never heard that, my father. He said, you know, he never said you can do anything you want.
Starting point is 00:32:43 He goes, you're not going to be a male stripper. Your dick's too small. I go, hey, motherfucker. My mother said I was a big girl. No, anyways. But do you see what I'm saying? That's the truth of it. You can change. You can't legislate the DNA out of a guy or a girl.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Keep trying, though. Anyways, that's enough of that. Guys, make plans to come see me on the road starting next month here's where i'll be and when january 13th and 14th comedy off-broadway lexington kentucky february 3rd and 4th the grove comedy club lowell arkansas march 11 and 12th the comedy club of kansas city in missouri kansas city missouri april 21 22 the funny bone in st louis and then st charles missouri get tickets to all these shows at That's the show, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Again, thanks for tuning in. You think it, I'll say it. You're very welcome. See you back here tomorrow. Have a great day. Hi. Good night, everybody. guitar soloサブタイトル キミノミヤ

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