The Nick DiPaolo Show - Wall Street Walloped By Wuhan | Nick Di Paolo Show #312

Episode Date: March 9, 2020

Biden beating Bernie. Aussies fight over tissue. Companies giving away product in San Fran.   MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST   Thank Your Ryan L. from Blackstone for submitting an "Ask Nick!" questi...on and being a Patreon supporter!   #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh, yeah. A little sweaty. I got some type of virus. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. I went to urgent care, folks. I went to, I felt so shitty since I got home from Chicago. You know, shaking a thousand hands and eating pizza.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Going, fuck it. What do you want to your pizza? I'd like green peppers, onions, and Purell, bitch. And yeah, I went to urgent care, and they said I tested negative, not for the coronavirus, just for the regular flu, so they said I'm fine. Meanwhile, at my
Starting point is 00:00:58 head's, I wake up in the middle of the night, it's all soaked in shit, and fucking, I don't know, man man i had like two helpings of bat soup and apple bees and everything you know it was marked down from 11.99 to 4.99 picture of an asian guy fucking coughing up blood on the menu anyways how are you welcome i'm nick dipalo it's a nick dipalo show coming to you from ge a Monday. Mr. DiPaolo, no one could be as nasty as you pretend to be. Shut up, Dad.
Starting point is 00:01:28 You're being very negative, Mr. DiPaolo. Yeah, that's how I make a living, bitch. Anyways, good to be with you people. This is how much I love you. Me fuck you and your bone spurs. You know what I'm talking about? I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore. No!
Starting point is 00:01:42 as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore. Let me get right to the stories and then I'll mention the fucking, did anybody pay for the UFC fight? The main card was a dud, but these two broads, did you see this? I didn't want to do this right now, Raz, but yeah, right. Put it up there.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Fuck it. Look at that. Look at this girl's forehead. That is not what she looked like. Look at that. Look at this girl's forehead. That is not what she looked like. Now, we were supposed to have a picture of her looking normal, but that doesn't matter. You know, we don't know. She could just be a waterhead baby. These two girls, she fought that Zhang Li, the Chinese girl, and this girl is a legend, too. They beat
Starting point is 00:02:18 the fuck out of each other. It was like Mickey Ward Arturo Gatti, only a female version. They stood in the middle of the ring for five rounds, kicked the shit out of each other. I'm home, almost masturbating. I love a good cat fight. But then halfway through it, she turns into fucking the kid from Mask.
Starting point is 00:02:34 So I couldn't get a nut off. They beat the snot out of each other. I have never what, and I've been saying this, as far as sports goes, the women are just as entertaining as the men. This is the one sport. It's not like the WNBA.
Starting point is 00:02:48 You watch a bunch of broads play a foot under the rim, you know, score 11 points and they shoot from their tits like it's 1960. These girls put on a show. And then the main card, which was the big one, those guys danced around, didn't touch each other. The place was booing. They couldn't follow these two broads. This girl here fought like the girl was going to give her the coronavirus. Anyways, let's get on to it. Well, I might as well mention now, real quick, again, the show's
Starting point is 00:03:17 free now, four days a week, which means what? We need you to go to and to make contributions. And you guys did it's the only way this show is going to stay on we still have patreon if you want to subscribe monthly you can do that too and if you do that you get an extra story you get to ask me questions and we'll come up with something else maybe uh but you know oh you get 300 shows that are archived already access to that and uh the fucking headphones are doing it again. I am going to beat the fuck out of Radio Shack. Anyways, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:53 So, anyways, go to and please make contributions. Also, if you own a company and you want to sponsor the show, we got a sponsor coming up, a new one. Where do you go for that? You go to send me a message at and we'll work together. This is a free speech show. If you're sensitive and a big girl,
Starting point is 00:04:15 I don't want your business. All right? All right. I guess I'll read the things real quick. Doing this all out of order. Here's the contributions, one-time contributions over the weekend, Thursday through Sunday, I think.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Edward Midgley, Rhode Island. Douglas Kopp, Indiana. Rachel Johnson, the UK. Jeff Thoret, Idaho. Ryan Legge, Germany. Bob Wilson, Georgia. Arnard Langerak, Netherlands. Kent Bamberger, California. Mr. G. Campbell,
Starting point is 00:04:47 the United Kingdom. Ray Sandich, Utah. Joseph Finley, Ohio. Timothy Parrow, New York. John Vassa, Virginia. Matt Feichner, Connecticut. Stephen Markey, Philadelphia. Thomas G. Denmark. Richard G. or G. Michigan. Your mother's ass, Ohio. That's what it says. Jason Haworth, Virginia. Sean Anderson, Michigan. Kevin Plucker, North Carolina. Rocco Gentilella.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Gentilella. I'm butchering that. Italy. That's right. Did we spray that one down? Everybody's puking over there. Then monthly supporters, Jeff Th thurett again or theory and a guy named mike no last name guys i can't tell you how important this is thank you uh for
Starting point is 00:05:33 doing that let's get right to it what do we start with for us uh corona's dominating but joe biden is even uh the gift that keeps on giving i't believe, I can't fucking believe this guy, the fix is in. He's not just a little senile. He's out of his fucking gourd. He wasn't too bright when he was young. But, you know, my dad has Alzheimer's and my dad makes this guy look like, my dad's like Shakespeare. Oh, these fucking headphones anyways how do you like my new spanish look
Starting point is 00:06:11 with a fucking lesbian shirt i'm all confused anyways uh our boy's back in the news you know what are we doing what's going on right now he put out a he put out a tweet or something watch this trump was primary from a campaign that's about negative attacks and the one about what we're for because we cannot get re-elect we cannot win this re-election excuse me we can only re-elect donald trump what the we can only re-elect Donald Trump. Trump retweets it. I agree with this joke. Guys, is this not hilarious? The fix is in. The fix is in.
Starting point is 00:06:54 I mean, again, if this was an ISIL, I could run a half-hour show on this guy. This is fucking hilarious to me. This is hilarious. Bernie Sanders is going, I'm losing to this retard. He's going to be questioning his own values. If that's not enough for you, here's some more Joe Biden over the weekend. So folks, you want to nominate a Democrat, a lifelong Democrat, a proud Democrat, an Obama Democrat. Join us. Did you hear what he just said? An Obama Democrat, an Obama.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Guys, he can't say his last name. I want you to reverse this if this is a Republican running for president. Oh, my aching stem. I have never in my life... Raz, where are those fucking headphones? I can't take this. Hey, you gotta look good. It's a fucking podcast. Give a shit. I'm not doing the NBC nightly news.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Motherless fucks. Anyhow, Biden... Yeah. Yeah. Oh, Biden, mama. Oh, Biden, mama. That's what he just said. Folks, this is hilarious. Here's my take on it, okay? He clearly
Starting point is 00:08:12 is not fit to run for president, yet he's getting all the delicate. He's smoking Bernie right now, right? And the Dems know that. So they're going to run him, I guess. He's going to throw somebody on the ticket if he's the nominee, right? And halfway through the debate, he's going to go,, I guess. He's going to throw somebody on the ticket if he's the nominee, right? And halfway through the debate, he's going to go, Joe's out of his mind.
Starting point is 00:08:29 And Hillary's going to step in. Or whoever. They're going to put an English major. Somebody on his ticket is an English professor. I'm telling you, they can't think he's going to win. They can't fucking think he's going to beat Trump or anybody. He can't fucking talk. He can't fucking think he's going to beat Trump or anybody. He can't fucking talk. He can't talk.
Starting point is 00:08:51 So whoever that person is on the ticket with him is going to end up being the, I don't even know how it works. When you're running, I guess you can be replaced too, right? It can't be him. It's Dems. Are you that desperate? And you black people, I love you, but what are you doing? Why do you keep, because he had Obama's back? Is that why you love him so much what's he done he lied about getting arrested with mandela got arrested in a convenience store in fucking indiana pissing behind a dumpster is what
Starting point is 00:09:16 it did dumb motherfucker oh what are we doing what's going on right now? Bernie has to be going, what the fuck? That shows you. Is it all rigged? Do our votes even count? This is where I'm at. I don't even believe it anymore. I don't fucking believe it, that this guy could still be in. Where's the head of the DNC going, whoa, like stop the fight?
Starting point is 00:09:41 You know what I mean? The boy guy can't put a, it's almost like, It's almost a little cruel to do this to this guy. But I keep going back to that clip where Obama goes, Joe, you don't have to do this. Only Obama knew that this guy is fucking out of his tits. But listen to this. Even after all these gaffes we've been showing you for how long now, here's the headline.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Joe Biden is sitting on a double digit. I'll repeat a double digit lead over Bernie Sanders in the race for the nomination, according to a new national survey released on Monday. He's beating. Look at Bernie. By the way, Bernie had some face work or something. He was on the Sunday show. He's never looked better. That's not, that might be an older picture. He looks, I swear to God, he looks 15 years younger. Imagine an old socialist having Botox. But if Biden is the nominee, this is all I got to say. Dead man walking.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Because that's what he is. The CNN survey taken after the former vice president romped through Super Tuesday states last week shows Biden has supported 52% of the Democrats or Democrat-leading independents compared to 36% for Bernie. You people hate Trump that much, honestly. Sanders, meanwhile, has, listen to this,
Starting point is 00:11:04 his unfavorability rating jumped eight percentage points from 44 in December to 52 now. I bet you he'll blame MSNBC for that because he's been whining all the negative coverage he gets and shit. Biden is hoping to continue to ride his momentum from Super Tuesday. Sanders is looking to rebound during Tuesday's elections, including the battleground state of Michigan. After being the front runner for almost all of February, a Detroit press poll published Monday shows Biden leading Sanders 51 to 27 in Michigan. That's 125 delegates. That's a dangerous situation. He's kicking the shit out of Bernie, even being retarded. The fix is in. Sanders is also in trouble in other states that are voting on Tuesday. Missouri, Mississippi, Washington,
Starting point is 00:11:57 that's the state of Washington, North Dakota, and Idaho. The Vermont independent trails Biden by 18.6 percentage points in Missouri, according to RealClearPolitics. In Washington state, Sanders is behind Biden by just two points. In Mississippi, once again, the brothers and sisters have Biden's fucking crazy white man, 26 point lead over Sanders in Mississippi. The CNN polls conducted from March 4th to March 7th, which was last week, surveyed 540 registered voters who are either Democrat or Democrat-leading independents. Do you friggin' believe this?
Starting point is 00:12:39 Do you believe it? I can just see Bernie's people going, look, you're down by 26. And he's like, don't say a fucking word to me. I'll get up and I'll bury this telephone in your head. I don't believe I'm losing to this guy. I mean, he's stupid to begin with. How desperate are the Democrats?
Starting point is 00:13:01 This is the best out of 330 million people in this country. That you can put up against Trump? Oh, my God. Yes, the coronavirus is wreaking havoc right now. But like Trump said, April 14th, we'll whack it out nice. We're going to send everybody some Advil PM, a couple of leaves.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Don't believe the hype, folks. I don't believe, and I believe it is hype. I really, if you read all the people that died in their late thousands, Chinese people, who cares? There's a trillion of them. Nick, that's horrible. I'm just saying. I'm in the stock market, yo.
Starting point is 00:13:33 I don't even know what's going on with my money. My brother, who's a money genius, keeps sending me and my sisters these five-paragraph things about the stock market, what it's doing and shit. And I understand about three sentences. Then I flip over to fucking How's it affecting the porn industry? Well, it is.
Starting point is 00:13:55 We showed some clips of it. Remember? Coronavirus porn lesson. But anyways, for you people who have a ton of money, enjoy it. So right now, I don't talk about money on this show normally because I don't know how it works. Most comedians and artists don't understand it. That's why people like Billy Joel, when they hit 70, realized their manager took them for $6 trillion. And you can throw me in that category.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Anyways, U.S. stocks plummet on coronavirus fears. It's horrible. A couple of investors looking at the S&P 500. Global oil markets on top of it a plunging after the implosion of an alliance between opec and russia caused the worst one day crash in crude prices in nearly 30 years on top of that the growing coronavirus pandemic also making investors anxious there are now listen to this 100 000 cases and over 3 000 deaths attributed to the new virus. Oh, for Christ's sake.
Starting point is 00:15:07 There's 6 billion people on the planet. And again, 98% of them in Italy. What are you doing? Fucking Italy, what are you doing? After China, Italy is wet. The whole country's closed down. Fucking grease balls. You really done all you're doing over there.
Starting point is 00:15:24 All that beautiful food. They spent hours making hand, you know, pasta and picking truffles in the woods. And then you're throwing it up in the toilet two minutes later because you don't know what are you doing? You're all gangsters. Y'all have masks on anyways. Well, how the fuck? Nick, that's horrible. Anyways, listen to this. European markets are down while asian markets closed to lower um transportation stocks plunge uh into the toilet the dow jones transportation average whatever the fuck that is i know it's important because it includes all the airlines and the airlines you know they they're involved in shipping goods and people,
Starting point is 00:16:05 and obviously it makes sense. But listen, Dow Jones Transportation plunged 6.6 Monday morning before the market was halted for a circuit breaker. Did you know how this works? I fucking know less about capitalism than Bernie Sanders does. The stock market has a circuit breaker that triggers if it loses so much, like after 5% or 6%, it shuts down so people can't keep trading.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Well, why not just do that every time we have a bad day? Go, oh. Nick, that's not how it works. Well, I don't know. Who am I? Fucking Jamie Dimon? I don't know. The index was still down more than 5%
Starting point is 00:16:41 when stocks resumed trading. Holy Christ. Say goodbye to your money, my friends. Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu, ladies of Spain. For we've received orders for the sail back to Boston. And so nevermore shall we see you again. Listen to this.
Starting point is 00:17:12 The transports are now officially in a bear market more than 20% below its recent peak. Oh, goodness. The index, which counts major airlines, like I just said, United, Delta, Southwest, and American, among its 20 members, has plunged 26% from a 52-week high in January. This is bad news for the global economy as these companies are responsible for getting goods and people around the world. Thanks for telling us what an airline does. Great article, fuckstains. Investors are clearly worried the bear market for transportation stocks could be a harbinger of long protracted pullback for stocks, perhaps even global recession on the horizon.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Listen to these numbers, though. I'm a moron with this shit, but even these open my... S&P was down 7.2% upon the reopen. The Dow fell 7.9% or 2,030 points. Do you get that, folks? 7% of the total. But again, you got to remember, since Trump took office, even with all these losses, you know, it'll correct itself. This is all part of the mainstream media saying you and your sisters are going to be dead by tomorrow if you don't fucking wear a mask.
Starting point is 00:18:26 I'm telling you, I don't trust these fucks. I don't. The mainstream media or the Democrats, they'll do anything. Just put on CNN today at any time or MSNBC. Rachel Maddow will have a mask on. Her sidekick will be thrown up in a bucket just to cause panic and fear. Trump's like, we're still doing our rallies. The whole world's saying don't bucket just to cause panic and fear trump's like we're still doing our rallies the whole world's saying don't go out to public places and shit trump's like i got 20 grand coming to the i give a shit uh the dow fell 7.9 nasdaq dropped 7.2 percent, there goes your money. Listen to me.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Holy shit. I'm saying it's a fucking, I'm saying it's all fake and I'm throwing up. Should not be smoking cigarettes when this shit's going on. They say anybody with weak lungs gets it. But I was cleared by the urgent care center. I know it's a good place. It was behind a, you know what's a good place it was behind you know
Starting point is 00:19:25 what a fucking uh buffalo wild wings in in pula georgia i go in the room fucking just stagnant air and shit anyways they said you're fine and i said really to prove them wrong i took a big wet dump on the way up. The New York Stock Exchange has a series of circuit breakers. That's how this works? It's the equivalent of my house. Fucking my wife turns on too many vibrators, the lights go out. Is that, this is how it, a circuit breaker was tripped Monday morning. Right after trading began.
Starting point is 00:20:03 S&P 500 fell more than 7%, halting trading for 15 minutes. The next circuit breakout would be if the market falls by 13%. Who comes up with these fucking numbers? That would pause trading for another 15 minutes. If the market plunged 20%, everyone would go home.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Why don't we do that? It sounds like it's a coronavirus. You're supposed to stay home anyway. Anyway, circuit break is paused and ultimately halt trading to avoid a repeat of Black Monday. You remember that? 1987? I do. Why do I remember that?
Starting point is 00:20:36 It's the first black girl I ever had sex with. And it ironically was on Black Monday. I'll never forget it. Matter of the, you know what, the Waffle House. Anyways, so people are shitting their pants. And again, I say it's being a little hyped. Who's it hurt? It hurts Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:20:59 What did he have going for him? And if they can protract this, they'll keep doing it. You're going to see Chuck Schumer pelosi with fucking gas masks and shit and just really all that shit that's my take on it more coronavirus stories for you uh shocking footage shows a cabin crew tackling an airline passenger who deliberately coughed on the staff. Well, it was frigging Thai Airways. Why would you be flying any airlines that's loaded with people of Asian descent? Nick, why could... The clip was shared online, excuse me, by YouTube user Fagu M.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Oh, he's good, Fagu. Fagu. Mr. Fagu. Fagu. Who claimed the plane had landed at the city's Pudong International Airport, but was left waiting seven hours for a gate as a result of the tighter coronavirus screenings. Seven hours? I'm sorry. Let's think about this. Shanghai plane, everybody in there's Asian. Can you think of a better way to get coronavirus?
Starting point is 00:22:20 They're saying they wouldn't let them off, right, because they got to do tight screening. You couldn't. That's my worst nightmare. And this lady lost her shit. We'll show it in a second. Tensions on board boiled over when a female passenger started deliberately coughing on the staff to get them to open the doors. And you know what? I'm with her. I'm fucking with her.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Seven hours? We have laws in this country. You can't be more than I don't know how many hours. And you can sue or whatever. They handle it differently over there. Check it out. I kill you. I kill you right now.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. Okay, I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your ass. Please come over here. Talk to me in the face. Look at some booty.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Please come over here. Talk to me in the face. Look at some booty. This is me after asking for my fourth fucking Bloody Mary. Stay down. Stay down. Stay down, please. Stay down, please.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Stay down, please. Sounds like me during sex with my wife. Stay down, please. Please stay down. Look at this. This was on Jet Brew. What? Enough of the Chinese-Asian shit.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Oh, shut it. Stick it up your fucking Wuhan soup. This lady coughed on, and I don't blame her. Seven fucking hours? You're asking us to get it. But see, they had to get screening in place and whatnot,
Starting point is 00:23:44 but there's no excuse any airline in the world. That's friggin', that's kidnapping. What a nightmare. Can you imagine being on a plane with a bunch of people that look like yourselves? You all have the same disease? Was that an Asian Mr. Magoo impression you did a minute ago?
Starting point is 00:24:00 Yes. That was really good. Was it? Come on, folks folks that was fucking road hog oh yeah that was fucking brilliant that's the clip for we're putting it up tommy are you listening oh i think he has a death in the family so uh senior male flight attendant was having none of it. Warned her that a scuffle would ensue. He was going to put her in cuffs, but eventually chose not to.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I wonder why. Remember the Asian? Was it an Asian guy they dragged off a couple of years ago on one of the American flights? Was it an Asian doctor or something? Remember that one? The Chinese don't. Could have been Japanese. Doesn't matter to me.
Starting point is 00:24:45 They don't go easy when you kick them off a plane. Flight Lieutenant Prathana Pansansati, Vice President of Thai's Aviation Safety Department. Thai Airways was informed at Shanghai Airport there were measures to screen. Can you think of a worse place to be? Shanghai Airport, all this shit's going on.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Again, most of it's hype, but not over there. You're going to get your fucking Pacific Rim infected, if you know what I'm saying. That's how immature I am. I be talking to my guy who handles my money, and he's talking about the Pacific Rim, and I'll be like, he goes, what are you doing? I go, I don't know, I'm making you uncomfortable. Yeah, I buy lots of them. I like them.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Anyways, here's the deal. The Airways was informed that Shanghai Airport, there were measures to screen passengers with a history of traveling from risky countries, such as Italy, South Korea, Japan, and Iran. We could not open the doors of the plane until instructed to, and health officials came to proceed with checks. Therefore, Thai Airways had to wait for seven hours. But don't you see it defeating its own purpose by making people sit there and breathe on each other in a Petri dish?
Starting point is 00:25:57 Let them run free, I say. The Chinese passenger was upset about being held for a long time and coughed at one of our staff, which is, that's genius in itself. I don't care what you say. Those Chinese are some shifty people. I mean that in a good way. If I want to get, for now, if I'm on a plane for more than an hour and a half delay, that's what I'm going to do.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I'm going to hawk up a big Louie. What can I tell you? So the coronavirus is wreaking havoc all over the world. Apparently, um, more examples of that. Uh, this was from Australia.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Uh, this one cracked me the fuck up. Um, people were, uh, beating the living shit out of each other for what? That's right. Toilet paper.
Starting point is 00:26:41 I'll check this out. Get off me! Get off me! that's right toilet paper uh... check this out dot we have got to have a i'm blaming the black lady. Pause. This is Australia, but this could be Walmart in fucking Massachusetts, fucking Denver. Let's be honest. I go to Walmart now down here, Georgia.
Starting point is 00:27:20 I don't even buy anything. I find a little seat and I watch. It is the best show on earth, folks. Unbelievable. But what happened is these two women, these Asian women, I think they're Asian, they took all the last toilet paper. I don't understand. I'm not reading a lot about shitting with the Wuhan bar. But the black woman grabbed one of these from him.
Starting point is 00:27:41 That's what they said after. This goes on and on. But people fighting. Do you see how the panic is real? Do you see what the media is doing? Global panic. And I mean, come on. How many?
Starting point is 00:27:54 First of all, there's only 11 people in Australia out of the 66 trillion square miles. But it just goes to show you the power the media has. I'm not buying all the hype. And I feel horrible I'm fucking I've had a low-grade fever all weekend not buying the hype man. I Did ask a table of Asian people to leave my show in Chicago No, I never would stop Stop it. That's the other thing. I forgot to mention with this upcoming the x- X factor is Google and big tech, all the shit we're talking about the economy,
Starting point is 00:28:28 Biden, whether he's fit to run, whatever, all that. It's really a side note to what Google has planned as far as controlling the information and influence in the 2020 election. Don't put it past the left. They'll do anything to get my boy out of there.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Oh, my God, more corona news. This one cracked me up. Several postings with students, this is on Facebook, from Bolsa Grande High School openly degrading and abusing the Asian community of the school have recently made Bolsa Grande High School famous on the Internet for all the school have recently made a Bolsa Grande high school famous on the internet for all the wrong reasons. In the first video,
Starting point is 00:29:08 the students are seen shouting, making fun of the students who are Asian descent during a showcase of their culture by saying, well, is this a good time to showcase your culture though? With a cocoon. Couldn't they postpone that a little bit? But these are Mexican girls in high school and i'm going to give you my take on this too this makes fucking world news or national news they they yes it was racist and shit but do you
Starting point is 00:29:35 understand we live in a country with 90 000 different ethnicities do you understand this is an experiment and all you people who sing and praise diversity and shit never gonna work because people's natural instincts to bust balls it's what makes it fun living here i know a few people minorities are going to talk about you don't know you're an old white. Bullshit. I'm a half a greaseball. Look at me. I'm a 100% greaseball. Show this clip of these Mexican girls hassling the Asian student.
Starting point is 00:30:13 So where's this chaos assembly? Coronavirus, she yells. Hey, bitch. I don't like that. Yeah, that's not funny. I ain't like that. Yeah, that's not funny. That's a Chinese hat, apparently. If anybody should be making fun of other cultures' hats, it's not Mexican people.
Starting point is 00:30:37 The fuck, are you kidding me? These are George Lopez fans. This is breaking news that Mexican people can be racist to? We all are. It's natural. I'm encouraging more racism. Let's get it out of the way. It's just silliness. Yes, that was inappropriate.
Starting point is 00:30:55 But is that the worst thing? Is racism the worst thing on earth? Huh? Seriously. You've had it driven into your head that it is the worst thing. Is it worse than pedophilia? Rape? Murder? Raz goes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:12 What are you, fucking nuts? What kind of question is that? No, it isn't. No. He's a, you know, listen to George Lopez act. You tell me he's not racist? And you know what? Funny as all hell. Fucking love them. Everybody should be able to say anything.
Starting point is 00:31:29 But don't touch the girl. You know what I mean? Don't put your hands on her little. And by the way, 70% of the school's Asian. And the third video, the students are again seeing going up to an Asian student wearing a face mask. We just showed you. Proceeds to make her feel uneasy and uncomfortable before proceeding to shove her face by pushing her mouth
Starting point is 00:31:50 and then laughing and mocking at the Asian student. Okay. Is it like the Holocaust? Come on. Stop. The students from the Asian community comprise 72% of the student population of the school have been shown to be abused, humiliated, and insulted in a series of videos from the students and will unfortunately not feel safe and happy that such students will be allowed to continue to be a part of it.
Starting point is 00:32:18 So wait till Mexican Day. Wait till fucking Cinco de Mayo. You're 72% of the school. I say a slanted eye for a slanted eye. Hit them back, like Trump said. Hit them harder. They go rower, you go rower.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Oh boy, this show is going to get flagged like the fucking front lawn of the U.N. Anyway, so Asian people don't, you know, you're 72 percent of the school. And the Mexican girls are just having fun. This is why we live in a diverse thing. What else? I'm all for this nonsense.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Me and Patrice O'Neill, we're all for it. We're on the same page. Please help bring justice to the students. Listen to this. They're talking about it like it's genocide. In community who are targeted and affected by signing this petition, calling on the principal and assistant principals of the school to remove and expel the students. No.
Starting point is 00:33:18 I say no. Sit them down and go, look, knock it off, you wetbacks. That's all you do. Then rub jalapenos in their eyes. What do you want me to tell you? down and go, look, knock it off, you wetbacks. That's all you do. Then rub jalapenos in their eyes. What do you want me to tell you? They're just having a little fun. Leave the girls alone.
Starting point is 00:33:34 You need to shut the fuck up. I will not. A recent message from one of the girls to the moderator who posted it on Facebook revealed that she thought it was funny. who posted it on Facebook revealed that she thought it was funny. How confusing it is that this is the person that writes the article. You PC people,
Starting point is 00:33:52 do you really think you're going to live in a fucking country or a planet when none of this exists ever? Is that your wet dream? Is that how little you know about human nature?
Starting point is 00:34:02 It's never going to go away. I'm not talking hate crimes and shit. Obviously, I'm even against hate crimes, by the way. You don't know what it's like a person's heart when you get in a fight. You don't know why they hate each other. But you know my point. Do you believe the students, they're so confused, belittling and abusing students of Asian art,
Starting point is 00:34:22 it will be considered as something as funny? Hopefully, Bolsa Grande High School and the Garden Grove Unified School District do not share the same belief as this small group of students. Oh, my God. What a national tragedy, huh? Asian girl had her feelings hurt. Like I said, just wait for Cinco de Mayo. Then you ambush them.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Break out the sombreros and the fucking tequila bottle. Go nuts. Have fun with it. Then you hold hands after. Well, speaking of racism, here's one of the most racist people ever. And you know who I'm talking about. Jesse smells it. Pussy Smollett has lost his legal fight last legal fight to get his latest
Starting point is 00:35:08 charges dropped while the controversial state's attorney that was at fox broad who first tried the case slammed that as bullshit but uh there he is he's a fucking fetching piece of ass, isn't he? I suck cock and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. Lawyers for the embattled former Empire star argued in an emergency petition that a judge overstepped his authority and misinterpreted the law when he ordered the appointment of a special prosecutor. But the Illinois Supreme Court on Friday refused to throw out the charges. Good for them. Which again accused him of staging a racist homophobic attack against himself. The court gave no explanation for its decision.
Starting point is 00:35:53 You know why they didn't? It's self-evident. Okay? This was a white guy. He'd already been in prison for two years. While the actor failed to get the special prosecutor removed from the case, Chicago State Attorney, remember Kim Fox? Remember who tried to just make all this go away? She angrily defended her decision to initially drop charges, saying his low-level offense was just a prank. That's
Starting point is 00:36:20 what she said, the dummy. I hate this woman so much. I can't tell you. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. I hate that speaking cunt. She's cunt. It ain't true, but I need to tell you, you motherfucking cunt. You are a cunt. Nick, why the talk? You're going to get demonetized. Shut up! I'm loaded. Look at this shirt. The issue with Smollett, this is the DA talking.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Excuse my language, he says, is bullshit. She said that on the Ben, who gives a fuck, Thursday morning, marveling at how it was still such a dominant case for such a troublesome.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Here's her quote. Listen to the logic here. We have an abysmal homicide clearance rate. We have horrible abysmal homicide clearance rate. We have horrible violence. And the attention is on this case about a low-level offense with an actor who pulled a prank, she said, with clear disbelief. Yes, it is. Because this type of shit causes more racial animosity.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Thus, more real violence. How the fuck did you pass the bar? Is this affirmative action? Is this the result of it? This broad is dumber than a bag of rock. I'm not saying it wasn't offensive. I'm not saying it wasn't something that garnered our attention. But a year later, when I'm sitting with the parents who are mourning the loss of their children, she said of the city plagued by terrible homicide rate. Yes. So we're supposed to forget about what Jussie Smollett did? What kind of logic is that
Starting point is 00:37:50 for a district attorney? Fox said that the regular Chicago folks thought this case was stupid and have moved on. Oh, really? The rest of the country don't feel that way.
Starting point is 00:38:00 And let me ask you a question, Ms. Fox. If it was a white person doing this, faking a hate crime, would you feel that way? Would you dismiss it? it oh you would even covet it yeah you'd be you'd still be on the case who are you shitting i don't like this lady i don't like her nasty black bitch fox clarified her views on friday telling uh this france spielman show i don't think the
Starting point is 00:38:21 case itself is bullshit i think the fact that we are a year out since the case was disposed of which it wasn't supposed to be that we are continuing to talk about this in a city that continues to deal with gun violence you see how she's trying to pivot and get away from how she blew this whole thing she got caught being a biased racist pig and she doesn't like it we should be focusing on gun violence. Focus on all of it. You can walk and chew gum or whatever you chew. Lemon meringue pie. Fucking peacock pie.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Nick, why do you have to go with the ad hominem? I don't know. It's kind of fun, ain't it? Excuse me. That somehow this case has been elevated to one of the greatest criminal injustices of our time feels disingenuous, Fox said. Only thing disingenuous about this is you, Ms. Fox. I talked to people who are worried about the young people who say, why do we keep talking about Jussie?
Starting point is 00:39:19 Oh, what, 12 black people feel that way, so we should just sweep it under the rug? It's not me. it's what i hear from the community what community is that the community what community is that we can't believe we're still talking about this this is how you know she's full of shit she keeps backpedaling she goes i get what the person did was obnoxious and stupid but we have people every day who have agreements with our court to resolve their cases without public apologies. Well, he was a public figure.
Starting point is 00:39:48 We do not want to treat him differently than we would treat any other defendant. Let me translate. We don't want to treat him just because he's black. We shouldn't be treating him any differently. That's what she's getting at. Fox also insisted the 37-year-old actor had suffered enough. Oh, my God. Will you shut up?
Starting point is 00:40:05 Will you? Will you please shut up. Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? Will you shut up? Shut up. This is someone who hasn't worked, lost his, she says, this is someone who hasn't worked, lost his job, is the subject of ridicule on local national television. Yes, and he brought it on himself, you dumb bitch. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:40:26 How the fuck does this broad become a district attorney? Blinded by her own racism. Miss Fox. I'm burning up again. I'll be dead soon. I'm on here railing
Starting point is 00:40:42 how it's all fake, hypes. I'll be dead before anybody in this country. Podcaster Nick DiPaolo was found today in his fucking car with a lit cigarette on his chest. Oh, my God. Let's stay on black behavior, shall we?
Starting point is 00:41:00 I don't mean that in a racist way. We cover wacky white people in Florida every day, too, but it just happens over the weekend. Here's a story about San Francisco, one of the most beautiful cities there ever was, that has been run into the ground by ignorant liberal fucking, when people say liberalism is disease, this is what they're talking about. Critics are blaming California's no arrest arrest that's in quotes policy for the wholesale looting of a san francisco walgreens by a group of masked shoplifters they were young black girls is what
Starting point is 00:41:32 they were uh nick you know that for a fact yes i do i call them today i said what are you doing tamika for christ's sake you need makeup just hit me up look at my forehead i powder it every day cell phone video filmed by a cashier at the Walgreens showed three people dressed in black and wearing hoodies standing near each other in the cosmetic section of the store. Here's the video. Oh, my God. Oh, it's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Please let us stop. Please make us stop. Pause. More evidence that the experiment's not working. Young black girls helping themselves to shit. And you hear the Asian woman, please make us stop. Why don't you go over and cough on them? You'll kill them.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Fucking. But where's the security? Raz, where's the security? That's what I'm saying. Is there any security there? Hello? Hello? Hello?
Starting point is 00:42:31 Hello? Go ahead. This is reparation. Oh, my God. Call the police. Pause. I couldn't make this up. If you were making fun of San Francisco values
Starting point is 00:42:53 and liberalism and shit, you can't make this up. This is all because they changed the law in San Francisco. They upped the threshold. Now you can steal up to $950 worth of shit. And it's a, it's a misdemeanor, not a felony. This is liberalism in action. Then you see the white lady fucking with her glasses, probably votes fucking left her whole life. Oh my God. Now it's
Starting point is 00:43:15 affecting me. Why did she stagger in there like that? I can't make this shit up. A woman off camera says, oh my God, as you watch, please leave shit up. A woman off camera says, oh, my God, is she watching? Please leave the stuff. A woman later identified, as employees said, from off camera. You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. One of the robbers left the store with a full red bag on her shoulder and brushed past another customer. Anyways, KML said the robbers who looked to be women,
Starting point is 00:43:47 black women, I could be wrong, might be a Latino in there, I don't know, were calm and organized as they pilfered. Of course they were, because if they get busted, it's a misdemeanor, or whatever the fuck. They have the statistics to back up this policy is not working the police were called and officers responded to the drugstore but the uh the thieves had already fled i'm sure you couldn't catch him really california passing listen a proposition 47 this was six years ago in 2014 which made made nonviolent offenses such as shoplifting misdemeanors
Starting point is 00:44:26 instead of felonies, has been blamed for the surge in retail theft in recent friggin' years. If that's a fact, tell me, am I lying? Shoplifting of items valued up to $950 is now a misdemeanor unless the defendant has been previously convicted of murder, rape, and some sex offenses. That's where they draw the line. You can steal the makeup. Oh, you fucked a kid? Ah, now you're in trouble.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Do you believe what I'm reading here? Between that and sanctuary cities and New York's doing with no bail and the you can't hold a guy now uh do you understand it's liberalism at its best folks that's why bernie would get stomped again unless google gets involved or biden uh ko vr reported in september of 2019 that police said Prop 47 had created an increase in organized retail theft.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Lieutenant Donaldson said that shoplifting has increased statewide since they passed this thing. Gee, how do we fix it? Maybe unpass it? Oh, that would be racist, maybe. Raz, we've lost our mind. And the name of fucking tolerance. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:45:48 I just... Where's the fucking no security at the store? None? So you're really giving shit away. Let's come clean. You're inviting this. Hello? Hello?
Starting point is 00:45:59 I just like that. Speaking of Democrats and dumb liberals, we have a patreon question all right ryan l blackstone massachusetts my home state hey nick in your opinion what's going to be the next big thing uh the motherless fucking lefty dems are going to try and pin on trump is your mic on it's still right yeah uh i'm gonna try and pin on Trump in a desperate attempt to steal the 2020 election. Well, I don't know when you wrote this. You mean after the coronavirus?
Starting point is 00:46:33 After the sham impeachment? After the Russian collusion? What's the next thing they're going to try to pin on Trump? I don't know. They'll probably sacrifice one of their own. Like somebody's going to get murdered in the Democrat Party. I hope not. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:46:51 And they'll try to pin it on Trump. They'll leave a body of like somebody who used to work with Bill Clinton in a park in D.C., right? And they'll find, it's almost like Patrice's old rape it, but they'll find the McDonald's Big Mac container with Trump's fingers all over it, and they'll find, it's almost like Patrice's old rape bit, but they'll find the McDonald's Big Mac container with Trump's fingers all over it, and they'll swab his cheek. It's a great question. They're running out of shit.
Starting point is 00:47:14 I mean, a two-and-a-half-year investigation and it comes up with nothing, you know? And then the fucking sham impeachment. How do you people look at that and go, we still want the Democrats in there? I hate to be so partisan, but right now one team is committing all the flagrant fouls. I don't
Starting point is 00:47:32 know. It's a great question. They'll try to pin the Kennedy assassination on him, even though he was four. I don't know. It's a great question. It'll be something else. That's all I can tell you. Fucking headphones are fucking up my hairdo can you tell i have a rape audition coming up oh here's my scooter uh finally tonight on nick is uh cranky oh did i really want to do this? This is a long one.
Starting point is 00:48:05 I'm going to save this one. I'm going to save it. That and I'm burning up. Um, Hmm. Yeah, I'm going to save this one for maybe the bonus segment for you. Um,
Starting point is 00:48:17 Patreon members. What am I forgetting? Remember guys, please. This show is kept alive by donations at I just read off 20-something names, and you can still sign up for Patreon if you want to get that extra story and ask me questions, have the ability to ask me questions.
Starting point is 00:48:35 And again, if you want to sponsor the show, go to, and we'll talk about it. Tommy's got a few calls already. Might have a gun manufacturer that wants to get involved. I'm sure that'll help me on Google. Hi, yeah. I have three waiting for me right now.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Three more. If you guys go to, you want me to send a personal message I'll make on my phone. I sound like old Biden. You want me to send a personal message, I'll make on my phone. I sound like old Biden. You want an old Biden, Bama? Democrat to vote for the reelection? We can get Trump right now elected. A fucking hook grabs him by the neck.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Go to Click on my profile and tell me what you want me to say. I'll roast one of your friends. I'll make it on my phone and I'll send it to him. Or I'll say happy birthday to your mom and dad's sister-in-law. Or I'll tell your neighbor to go shit in his hat. I can make a break the day.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Whatever you like. It's really fun to do. And so go to Anything else, Raz? for my tour dates. We update them as we go. I'm going to be this week. I'm going to be at Magoobie's, Friday and Saturday night in Timonium, Maryland.
Starting point is 00:49:50 It's a great club. Don't let the name scare you. Why he won't change it is beyond me. Andrew's a great guy that runs it. It's one of the nicest clubs in my opinion. It really is. So come on out. If you have to put on a goddamn surgical mask, feel free.
Starting point is 00:50:08 But I'm going to make fun of you. I'm looking for a nice Asian mask. I'm trying to find one of those really racist Asian Halloween masks. Why? Just because that's the world we live in and people get upset and think you don't have the right to do any of that shit anymore. So fucking silly. That is it. You guys think it? it i will say it you're very welcome i'll see you back here tomorrow have
Starting point is 00:50:31 a good rest of your day bye-bye guitar solo guitar soloサブタイトル キミノミヤ

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