The Nick DiPaolo Show - Walz's CCP Police Connections | Nick Di Paolo Show #1613

Episode Date: August 15, 2024

In this episode right leaning comedian Nick Di Paolo talks about Great Walz of China, JD answers questions, couple jumped in FL and more! Like what you hear?  Get TWICE as much "Nick Di Paolo Show", ...full episodes of Steven Crowder’s “Louder with Crowder” show and more on Mug Club! Sign up today to get all their content at and use the promo code NICKDIP to get your first month FREE! Love Nick’s comedy?  Then come see him on tour.  Nothing beats seeing Nick LIVE!!!  9/27/24 - Wise Guys - Jordan Landing, UT 9/28/24 - Skankfest - Las Vegas, NV 9/29/24 - Skankfest - Las Vegas, NV TIX: 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That's the sound of your Papa Murphy's Pizza being made by hand. Seriously. And that's your made from scratch Papa Murphy's Pizza baking to perfection in your oven. Seriously. And that's your oven telling you it's time to eat. Because at Papa Murphy's, we believe Fridays should be taken seriously. Like how seriously your kids take movie nights. Thin crust take one. Every Friday get a large sausage cheese or pepperoni thin crust pizza for just $5.99. Papa Murphy's, change the way you pizza. Oh I thought there were more slaps in that. It's confusing. It was Moe from The Stooges. That was from the great, you know what, Dear Hunter. That might be the most intense scene
Starting point is 00:01:36 in the history and there's rats crawling and they're in bamboo cages and crap. Reminded me of my trip to Sandals with my wife and all inclusive. All inclusive rat bites. Fucking turds. Excuse me, speaking of turds, the Red Sox blew one last night. They kept going back and forth. This is why Fenway is the best park in the history of baseball. Because you can be up by six runs and you don't feel safe. That goes for the Red Sox, for whoever they're playing. You're not safe. You're just not safe. There's so many weird things. How many ballparks have a ladder?
Starting point is 00:02:28 Going up a wall that's been there since you know fucking bill put out a fire in 1933 It's just insane and they're up they were losing then they have a big like bottom of the eighth They go up 7-4. Everybody thinks it's fucking over of the eighth they go up 7-4 everybody thinks it's fucking over top of the knife they get the first couple guys so this two outs one more out they went 7-4 next two guys get on next guy comes up and the announcer goes this is the guy that caused the error last inning that late let the Red Sox go get he could redeem himself bang what's he do puts went over the fucking monster ties it up and then they Texas goes on to win.
Starting point is 00:03:06 They defend the world champs. And Sox did two take two out of three, but Jesus, they blew that one. I was really upset. I drank all night and got in a fight with two midgets. What? Who won? The midgets kicked my ass.
Starting point is 00:03:21 I was drunk. All right, folks. What is it? It's the last day of the week for us. It's a Thursday and I guess we'll get right to it. I can't, I'm having trouble doing research for this show or reading articles because of the gaslighting that's going on at a level I have never seen in my goddamn life. I just, oh, she's up in this. She's up in the battleground. If you're believing this shit, I don't know. New York Times today, there's an article about how they're letting in. All these illegals are registering to vote and are going to change the electorate
Starting point is 00:04:05 well if the right the republicans are doing their jobs or whatever or people who monitor fair elections uh... that won't work but there's millions of them the left is finally blown their love this is their money shot they've been they've been pointing at this moment for sixty years to replace old whitey. I didn't know it was going to be when I was 62 they were going to pull the trigger. To get us out of the fucking way and bring in all these third worlders and load them
Starting point is 00:04:35 up on social safety nets until the system collapses and you taxpayers pay for all this and just piss all over you and replace you. And it's happening. This is their move. They've been building up to this. And the fact that Obama didn't jump on the bandwagon still gives me hope about Doofus, who hasn't had a press conference yet, so-called Kamala, the first possible black female president. Don't say that. You're a racist.
Starting point is 00:05:06 If you call her a DEI, hire. So they got to be excited. Now they got the convention coming up. I think you'll see some Hamas anti-Israel people. They already started some shit, I guess, while they're preparing for the thing. So I'm just saying, obviously they try to kill Trump, they try to jail him, so they're gonna do what the evidence they have to do to win. We're not gonna know who the outcome of this election till I would say New Year's Eve of 2028, 29. Anyways, first story today,
Starting point is 00:05:43 if I turn on the garden tele't tell a prompter. Great walls of China, you get it, W-A-L-Z, oh, you sister's ass. Dallas has his own rim shot sounds. Ties between the Chinese Communist Party and Minnesota Governor Timmy Waltz. Look at this fucker. Oh, he's got teeth in this picture. We always see a picture of him now and he's got no upper bottom, just his little tongue sticking out like the snake that he is. What a big girl he is. He's a phony left-wing
Starting point is 00:06:15 American hate piece of garbage. Don't let him fool you. Anyways, Tim Waltz are becoming more alarming with Breitbart News Senior contributor Peter Schweitzer, revealing that the VP hopeful is connected to secret police stations that the Chinese have here in the United States. We talked about him on this show, did we not, Dallas? We did, months ago. During Schweitzer's latest appearance on Breitbart News Daily, Waltz was accused of being connected to a group called Minnesota Global, well that gives it away, that is allegedly tied, it's very easy, if you see a politician in global, the word
Starting point is 00:06:50 global, he's a fucking enemy of the state, that is allegedly tied to a secret Chinese police station in the Twin Cities. Only police station where you can get arrested, they put you in the pen and you still can have broccoli and kitten. Kitten? Schweitzer said these stations cooperate with Chinese intelligence in order to intimidate Chinese that are living in the United States that don't like the CCP or are critical of the CCP. We've talked about No. 91 before. Who is it? There's one in hand.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Can you imagine? You can't even... You leave your country, you can't even badmouth it. They take the shit personally they fucking follow you in April of 2023 New York police arrested two men for allegedly setting up a secret police station in order to collect information on opponents of the CCP Harry Lou Zhang Wang there he is seen here at the fryer later 61 years old of the, and Chen Jinping.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Hey, isn't the president Jinping? Xi Jinping, right? Yeah. I guess Xi Jinping's like Ting Fak Tao in our country. 59 years old of Manhattan. Are both US citizens accused of working with Chinese government officials to commit transnational repression? And who hasn't been victim of that?
Starting point is 00:08:07 According to Laura hearth, a woman seen here who I think is IA, nobody looks like that, has brains. Oh, my A can stem. Pepe. A campaign director with Spain-based human rights, non-governmental, she works for an NGO, that makes her ugly. Safeguard Defenders. That's the name of it. They've identified 122 Chinese police service stations, not gas stations, police service stations, operating across 53 countries. Sort of like Papa John's. What happens is they will literally go around and visit people and they'll go up to Chinese people who they know came over here and go, hey, you need to shut up. It sounds much better in Italian. Going on to refer to one alleged CCP police outpost in the Twin Cities, Schweizer said
Starting point is 00:09:02 it is tied to a group, get this, called Minnesota Global, which is a Tim Walls organization. I'll repeat that. It's a Tim Walls organization and it has connections to Chinese police stations, secret ones over here, that are of course staffed by the Chinese government over there. Right there that should be enough to disqualify the scumbag never mind that he ran away from I was thinking about how he ran away from his military look there's that picture look at that it's like he's got a looks like he just took communion but the host is a little meaty thing look at that snake tongue. No teeth on the top. How can you trust him? Now Tim Walls in 2020 and since 2020 has talked ad nauseam about the
Starting point is 00:09:52 abuse by the police, the Twin City police, the local Minneapolis police about their terrible behavior with regards to how they arrest people. But not a bad word about this, huh? Who do you think? people but not a bad word about this huh who do you think sister Chris Tim walls snake tongue fuckface I can't believe this is even a competition after what we went through with Biden in this douchebag broad last four years I can I can't even bel- and it's not, it's all an illusion. The truth is they're going to try to steal anyways, but I don't believe any of the headlines except for mine. I have not found one criticism that Tim Walz had of this Chinese secret police station that's operating in the twin cities. That's what Schweitzer said. Meanwhile he badmouthmouths the Minneapolis police. How about defunding the Chinese police station? Let's reimagine them as American police.
Starting point is 00:10:48 That was pretty good. I might have to give that to somebody. Probably my mechanic in Nissan. I'll keep doing that. It bugs people and makes them racist. Whatever. It bugs people and they go, it's racist. Well, so, whatever. That's the sound of your Papa Murphy's pizza being made by hand, seriously. And that's your made from scratch Papa Murphy's pizza
Starting point is 00:11:13 baking to perfection in your oven, seriously. And that's your oven telling you it's time to eat. Because at Papa Murphy's, we believe Fridays should be taken seriously. Quiet on the set. Like how seriously your kids take movie nights. Thin crust take one! Every Friday get a large sausage cheese or pepperoni thin crust pizza for just $5.99.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Papa Murphy's. Change the way you pizza. Um, JD Vance yesterday sort of took an interview with, I don't know what it was, Fox Digital or something like that. I don't even know his Fox digital or something like that. I don't know what the fuck that is But he took some questions unlike the jerk off he's running against for his You know running mate Kamala. They haven't had a press conference yet even Jim Acosta yesterday Hey, my ear. I just this just I don't know why but
Starting point is 00:12:06 This one just got like like it was not even on, and now it's on beautifully. Unless my ear just plugged, I don't know. I don't know what I'm saying. Might be a tumor. Hey, I'm feeling oozy. Anyway, so yeah, you know, he takes questions like Trump does.
Starting point is 00:12:24 They'll stop and talk to anybody Do you realize this douchebag hasn't had a press conference and Jim Costo was talking on one of her spokesmen and said hey And he literally goes you guys never gonna have a press car and that shitty attitude is and the guy gave him some fucking Bullshit answer and he goes yeah, that's not what I asked Are you gonna have a do you know how fucked up how far left you have to be to have Jim Acosta lose his patience with you? If you're a fucking Democrat, are you sucking my teeth? Let's first question. They said people, I guess they said the J.D. people are complaining a little about about you guys talking about, you know, personal things about Kamala,
Starting point is 00:13:05 like a race and shit, is what he said. Well, I think if you look at, if you tune into a Donald Trump rally, or you tune into the 64-minute press conference that he gave where he was really answering a lot of hostile questions, he is talking about public policy. He's talking about the ways in which Kamala Harris's government has failed the American people, and he's talking about his vision for how to get America back on track, right? We've got to drill to lower the costs of energy and lower the costs of everything else.
Starting point is 00:13:29 We've got to shut down that legal federal trafficking across the American southern border. We've got to do all of these things to restore peace and prosperity. Why you calling her an Indian bitch? He didn't really address it, but Trump was right. When he says he goes, yeah, she gets in front of a black crowd.
Starting point is 00:13:46 She's black. She didn't mention it the first eight years she was in politics. So I don't know why he's being interviewed at an at a auto zone. It's kind of fucking weird. Then they asked him about, you know, Waltz is talking about his military record and vice versa and they got into all that shat. Well look, I think Tim, for his service as well, but that's not what we're talking about. We're not talking about denigrating his service, we're talking about denigrating the lies that
Starting point is 00:14:15 he told about that service. Exactly. A liar, liar, whore. I think it's important for American veterans and the American people writ large to know that Kamala Harris chose as her vice president a person who said I carried weapons in war when he never went to war and he said that he retired as a command sergeant major when he didn't. This is not about his service record this is about his integrity and importantly about Kamala Harris's judgment in selecting a running mate who clearly doesn't have
Starting point is 00:14:38 the integrity to tell the American people the truth and if you're willing to lie about your service record for political benefit what are you willing to do I think a lot that we don't want happening in an American vice president yes sir he nailed that one okay when you think about it Trump Trump has actually taken more live fire than Tim Walz ever think of that ever think of that Mike it's way wanted it. Not the way I wanted it. Not like I'm dumb, I'm smart. Like everybody says. I work on those impressions when I'm on the turlet. Final question.
Starting point is 00:15:18 They talk about, you know, these guys are trying to label you and Trump and the MAGA people as weird. What do you think of that? Attack from the Democrats since you were named as the running mate. They call you weird. They call you creepy. Creepy. Is it sticking in the polls though? Your favorable ratings are underwater. Do they have an argument there? Pause. Just to jerk off Fox News. Even that, that's how, don't even think Fox is conservative for a second. I mean they do a better job than most networks, but don't call them conservative for a second. The guy asking it almost sounds like he could have been at CNN.
Starting point is 00:15:53 They're calling you weird, that's kind of true, right? I mean that's the implication. I'm sorry, I'm looking at Dallas because that's how it used to work. I used to, you were right above the, whatever, I feel lonely. Anyways, let him speak, I don't know were right above the whatever. I feel lonely Anyways, let them speak. I don't know what I'm talking about What we're gonna do in this race is we're gonna keep on focusing on how to make the American people's lives better The vision that Donald Trump and I have about a hand job every cheeseburger successful record that Donald Trump had in delivering low inflation Prosperity and peace all over the world the Democrats are gonna call people a lot of names
Starting point is 00:16:24 Look the Democrats are frankly calling the American people a lot of names for believing in common sense things. We're going to keep on pushing on common sense. The Democrats can call me whatever they want. I signed up for it. I'm here to make the American people's lives better. I wish he said they can call me anything they want, but just don't call me late for dinner. I would have fucking voted for him when I'm supposed to vote. I have said that guy's funny me ma that's what he called his
Starting point is 00:16:51 grandmother me ma they grew up in Appalachia should have called him he ha what you heard me dick cheese anyways a terrifying doorbell video has captured what's the name of the story? Slots and shots. Why am I not doing the titles? Since we went to the new. Terrifying doorbell video has captured the moment a Florida couple was ambushed, shot and robbed just outside their home after hitting a slot machine jackpot at a casino. So this is where we are now in America. You can't even hit a slot machine without some creeps following you home. I bet you they were Polish, Irish and Dutch. Delicious. I burped in a tunnel. Did you hear that? Kim Chambliss and her boyfriend, Val
Starting point is 00:17:48 de la Cruz, were targeted by two master sailors soon after they cashed their $3,300 winnings at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Tampa on August 2nd. How much time do you have on your hands when you can sit around, watch other people playing the slots and then follow them out? I mean, what and couldn't, wouldn't it have been easy to get a real job? Thugless fuck stains. Seriously. This is terrifying. These RingCams have become the new, where's that show on the ID network? Right? Ringcam. I mean a lot of them already feature ringcams but you know they have one called Text Me When You Get Home. It's about women who are always getting fucked up after they meet somebody on the internet and blah blah blah. Anyways here's the video and it's
Starting point is 00:18:40 kind of frightening. This is America. The chilling ring doorbell video captures Val de la Cruz, who was shot in both legs. Don't you move you motherfucker, blow your brains out. ...standing over him with two guns. [♪ soft music playing in background, with a soft sigh of relief.] That's the victims of interracial couple. It was only $3,300 too. I know, but you can't wait around.
Starting point is 00:19:11 I know, that's enough. There we go. That's what I wanted to get to the two Irish guys. There they are, straight from Dublin. Wow, they look so different than the six-man other thugs we've seen over the last ten years doing shit like this, don't they? I'm probably going to guess you'll see them in the final exhibition game for the Rams and the Eagles and they'll...
Starting point is 00:19:34 Whatever. I mean, what the fuck, fellas? And again, you don't want to blame the parents, but what did you guys do? Just leave these babies all over the sidewalks and shit defend for themselves what the fuck how much longer does America have to deal with this shat we've paid for slavery a hundred and fifty million times over there's your reparations now his fill with sports hi Tulane girls hockey team had a guy on it today who scored 41 goals. The two alleged perps later identified
Starting point is 00:20:10 as Kevin MacDonald and Stu McGillicutty. No, Marcus Jenkins. That sounds like an NFL player. And Tristan Wright, both 34 and 36, had watched the couple gamble and play the slots for roughly two hours before tailing them home just before 5 a.m. The cops said let me ask you a question first of all When I watch casino and you hit the thing
Starting point is 00:20:35 Rickles who's the floor manager goes let's go in the back. I'll take care of this privately. You know what people senior Now I see why But you guys you folks why i mean if you're gonna do that why not just like follow them out to the car and take it there why go to a house with his cameras and you know all those cameras in the park yeah but it's a huge casino the huge
Starting point is 00:20:58 park a lot i mean you could have done it elsewhere now you guys are gonna have to stay in stay in a cell and get three squares a day. Oh, that's right. That's what you wanted. I'm sorry. That all happened before, just before 5 a.m. A screaming chambliss who took a bullet to the back of the leg could be seen scrambling to get in the front door as the gunshots rang out, the doorbell video friggin' shows. Ow, my leg! Her boyfriend who collapsed in the doorway after being shot in both legs was seen pleading
Starting point is 00:21:27 with the two perps as they towered over the top of him. I ran and fell in the door and the other guy came out and shot me again for the third time in my left leg, Delacruz said as he recalled the terror. The suspects fled the scene moments after the ambush with the couple's cash as well as a watch and a purse. The suspects were later tracked down and arrested spending it all at a Waffle House. No, and arrested after investigators reviewed surveillance footage from the casino. Whatever, life under Biden. Whatever. Anyways, for those of you guys on Mug Club, stick around for the rest of the show.
Starting point is 00:22:07 The rest of you go to to sign up for Mug Club. You know what I'm saying? You do that, you'll get the rest of my show. You get Stephen Crowder's full show, which is unbelievable, and a whole lot more. Everyone's called Alex Jones is in there, and Brian Callan. You get a ton for your money. So please do that and Also while you're there click on the
Starting point is 00:22:33 Tour button you'll see September 27th, I'll be at wise guys in Jordan landing, Utah I don't know if that's the same wise guys I did before if they have two of them or I don't remember the Jordan landing part And then the next two nights after that September 28 and 29 in Vegas with all my buddies Joe list and his crew Big J, I think Lou Schoeman. I think those are skank fest guys, right? I'll be at a skank fest in Las Vegas September 28 and 29. So I'll pick up some chains there and be robbed at the La Quinta Inn they're gonna put me up at.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Alrighty then. And also second half of the show today, I'll be talking about what some woman said. She's on some council in Potsdam, Pennsylvania, town board member, some hateful ugly left-wing bitch who said something horrible for Trump, even in today's world it got me shocked. Also, why raw dogging? That used to be not putting a condom on when you picked up a shvish, but now it's, you
Starting point is 00:23:37 know what raw dogging is, you get on a plane without a book, you stare at the back of the seat in front of you the whole flight. Apparently that's bad for your health somehow, which is even stupider than raw dogging. I'd rather take the old definition, bang a hooker from the Dominican Republic with anal fissures before I'd stare at the back seat. All that anyways on the second half of the show. Hi, good night everybody. I'm just a little bit confused Oh, I'm just a little bit confused Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!
Starting point is 00:24:47 Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!
Starting point is 00:24:55 Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!
Starting point is 00:25:03 Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

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