The Nick DiPaolo Show - White House "Staph" Infection | Nick Di Paolo Show 422

Episode Date: October 5, 2020

Trump contracts covid, and so does his staff. Leftists' apologetic facade fades fast. Biden ballot buggery begins....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, we've been hearing ad nauseum the last six months, that quote, you know, we're all in this together. Horseshit. No, we're not. People like you guys and me, we're on one end trying to get to the truth, and on the other end are some really big, powerful entities trying to silence us. YouTube, who took away this show's opportunity to make money, is one. Twitter, who is shadowbammy, is another.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Hell, the entire Democratic Party thinks the First Amendment shouldn't apply to us. You know what? They're fucking wrong. I'm going to keep doing this show four days a week. I'm going to keep doing it for free. I need your help, though. If you haven't contributed to the show, please go to or click on the button in the video description to do it. If you have contributed, please consider doing it again. It's very important. This is my call to action, and it's bigger than me or you. It's a call to action to keep fighting for the truth and for free speech. Please contribute at, and thank you so much for watching. Share this show and like this show, and let's keep it going and growing. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Welcome to the show, everybody. How was your weekend? It's Monday again. Yes, it is. I was in a gunk. Thank you to the people that came out for sold out shows. Again, they only let 50 people in at a time. Had a great time. Can I just I love you people and I love that you listen to the show. If you come out to the show, though, don't yell shit out. There was a couple there. I still love you. They were a little drunk and got all fucking loud and kept talking to me.
Starting point is 00:02:12 But we watch the show every day. Okay. Doesn't give you the right to fuck up this show. Other people paid to get in. And again, I love you. I'm just saying. And the first show on Saturday night, I come out to the mic. Soon as I get to the mic, this guy about 350 pounds who was sitting at a back table, a bunch of people,
Starting point is 00:02:32 people moves up and sits at an empty table by himself at the front, ready to talk to me. And it just, and the same thing happened second show. And it just, you know, I'm fucking trying to try new shit out and it fucking ruined what could be almost a perfect weekend. Friday night was tremendous. I fucking, I was winging half of it, got a lot of new stuff that I think is going to stick. So let me just whine about that for a second. Okay. And it is whining. I understand. And it is whining, I understand. In your N-word segment tonight, I'm just going to fucking rant. Obviously, the big story, President Trump with COVID and everybody's yelling on the left.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I just went on Twitter, which I never do anymore because it's such a fucking cesspool of left-wing morons. They think they're so fucking cutting edge and they're so stupid. This is a hoax. He's faking COVID so he can say he recovered in 48 hours and it's really nothing. Well, you're right about the hoax part. It's all a hoax, folks. This is completely socially engineered chaos, as they say. Don't you see how the chaos is unfolding by stages?
Starting point is 00:03:51 Can't you see that? This is all bullshit to the point where I think everybody's involved. Socially engineered chaos. I don't know how you can't see it. This is the whole fucking, never mind him getting sick. The whole COVID thing's a hoax. California has a state of 40 million people. You know how many people have died in this so-called unbelievable pandemic? 15,000 in California. That's the best you can do with a worldwide pandemic. You know how many people die every year in this country when they go into a hospital for an operation and pick up staph infection?
Starting point is 00:04:26 It's probably twice that number. So this is the crazy disease that's going to wipe out the planet and Trump's handling it badly? It's all a fucking hoax. I swear to God, buy your Illuminati books, your Bilderberg books. This shit's been scripted out forever. This shit's been scripted out forever. Now all of a sudden, according to the media, it's only Republicans who fucking are getting COVID because they're the ones who didn't believe in wearing masks.
Starting point is 00:04:51 The masks are still horseshit. Go on the CDC. It says right there. Oh, my fucking... That's how you know it's like... It's so... It's so phony. They put a picture up of Biden and his wife
Starting point is 00:05:03 right next to Trump and Melania. Of course, the Trumps don't have a mask on, but the Bidens do. Democrats smart, Republicans dumb. Are you really falling for this fucking horseshit? You have to be kidding me. Out of the 200,000 people that have died in a country, by the way, of 330 million. Oh, what a devastating pandemic. Out of those 200,000, around 10,000 people have died of just COVID alone without any, you know, complications of diabetes, obesity.
Starting point is 00:05:40 It says COVID on their death certificate. Only 10,000 of the 200,000. It's hardly a pandemic. I'm on the plane going to goddamn Boston on JetBlue. Yeah, you have to put your mask on, but you can take it off when you eat and drink. Oh, so what? Fucking COVID can't penetrate peanut dust?
Starting point is 00:05:59 What the fuck? How do you guys believe any of this shit? Especially you morons on the left. I don't know if you're that dumb or you think it'll help Biden get elected so you're going along with it. It's all fucking bullshit. Oh my aching stem.
Starting point is 00:06:14 And as far as the president having this, you know, if it is real, I would have said, this is how we should handle it. He should come out and go, I was fine until I did those debates and got in a room with joe biden i mean him and his son have been sucking china's dick for what 10 years of course he gave
Starting point is 00:06:31 it to me when we were talking about the economy a piece of chicken flew out of his mouth hit me right here it's their fault i'm fine oh my god and then the the news like on friday oh is oxygen dropped and shit i mean god folks it's like watching at least that's how i see it anyways let's get on with it i can't uh social engineering socially engineered chaos all of it they're playing us like a fiddle okay you got amazon you got nike uh microsoft the biggest companies in the world who you can't break up they have black lives matter on their website okay a marxist organization if you don't believe it we're going to show you a thing later on and they're pushing a marxist organization which is to overthrow the united States, on big corporations' websites. So you know what?
Starting point is 00:07:27 The reset button's already been pushed. All those small mom-and-pop businesses are being crushed, never coming back. And you know, that gives the government an excuse, what, to feed money into the, there's your socialism. We're well on the way. I don't know what else to tell you. If you don't see it like that, you're retarded. You're fucking retarded. You dinks.
Starting point is 00:07:48 By the way, Jonathan's in a great room. It's one of my favorite comedy in the food. Stellar. Seafood on the main coast. Oh, you dog style me. Wow, what the fuck was that? Sounded like Rich Wood in his car. Let's get to the president this morning.
Starting point is 00:08:08 He remains fever free. But as I'm saying this, he's probably being released. He's off supplemental oxygen with a saturation level between 96 and 90 percent all day, said Dr. Sean Conley. This was this weekend regarding Trump's status at Walter Reed National Medical Center. He spent most of the afternoon conducting business. This was this weekend. He's been up and moving about doing headstands and somersaults, they said.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Front handsprings down the hallway. Trump said, nobody has seen flexibility like this. And moving about the medical suite without any difficulty. That's because he's a tough guy. You're going to eat lightning and you're going to drop thunder. He looks good there. I got to say, that's the skinniest he's ever looked. He's not that orange.
Starting point is 00:09:00 He actually looks skinny there. You know how it is. It's like getting the flu. He probably shit his pants about 11 times. He looks good. Trump completed a second dose of remdesivir.
Starting point is 00:09:11 He likes that shit. It's very delicious. Thank you. That's a promising experimental antiviral drug without complication. He did that on Saturday evening that he had two pizzas,
Starting point is 00:09:21 a couple Burger King bags, and he was ready to go. The status update came as White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said Trump's health had deteriorated to an alarming level on Friday, and he got in trouble for saying that. He got in deep shit. Trump's like, who the fuck said that? I bet you Mark Meadows will be gone soon. Who the fuck said that? I bet you Mark Meadows will be gone soon. Who the fuck said that? I'm trying to be strong. He had a fever.
Starting point is 00:09:50 This is on whenever, Friday. His blood oxygen level dropped rapidly. Trump vowed to be back soon in a video address. He tweeted from the medical center early on Saturday. Here he is looking all spry and whatnot. We're getting great reports from the medical center early on Saturday. Here he is looking all spry and whatnot. We're getting great reports from the doctors. This is an incredible hospital, Walter Reed. Great, incredible. The work they do is just absolutely amazing.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Amazing. And I want to thank them all, the nurses, the doctors, everybody here. The mechanics. I've gotten to meet some of the soldiers and the first responders, and what a group. I also think we're going to pay a little surprise to some of the great patriots that we have out on the street. And they've been out there for a long time and they've got Trump flags and they love our. That's all it takes him to get out of a sickbed. Did I see a Trump flag?
Starting point is 00:10:40 Take this fucking IV out of my arm. I want to talk to these. There were people like thousands of people outside the hospital. Let me tell you that the enthusiasm is not being measured in the polls. Go ahead. Let the man finish our country. So I'm not telling anybody but you, but I'm about to make a little surprise visit. So perhaps I'll get there before you get to see me.
Starting point is 00:11:01 But I just when I look at the enthusiasm and we have enthusiasm like probably nobody's ever had. Our people that love the job we're doing, we have more enthusiasm than maybe anybody. So it's been a very interesting journey. I learned a lot about COVID. I learned it by really going to school. This is the real school.
Starting point is 00:11:23 This isn't the let's read the book school. And I get it and I understand it by really going to school. This is the real school. This isn't the let's read the book school. And I get it. And I understand it. And it's a very interesting thing. I'm going to be letting you know about it. In the meantime, we love the USA and we love what's happening. I love you, Trump, you crazy bastard. I am your voice.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Oh, he makes me laugh incredible uh amazing um never seen before maybe the most enthusiastic but the truth of it is uh there's a groundswell people don't realize it the fucking the left the mainstream media has biden up by always doubled since the debate meanwhile there's another poll saying trump is winning i'd never heard of the fucking polling company but apparently it's not weighted toward democrats most of those polls you read the mainstream media they they interview more democrats and they don't let you know that. And then the, obviously the Trump fans don't say they're Trump. I don't understand why. Cause it won't get published, I guess. Anyways, he looked healthy to me. Um, so he, uh, yeah, he, uh, he got in his, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:36 bulletproof SUV and people are going shithouse. Harry is waving to the people out there. He left briefly, Walt to read on Sunday afternoon. And I greeted a throng of backers with a wave from an SUV. Who's that fucking, who's in the front, the old skeleton thing? So anyways, now the left's going nuts. That was irresponsible.
Starting point is 00:13:14 He put the guys driving this thing at risk like he didn't clear it with his doctors first. You people are the biggest lying sacks of fucking shit. doctors first. You people are the biggest lying sacks of fucking shit. And before I forget, don't expect to find out who the president is till 2023, because you can't believe what's going on right fucking now out there. Oh, my God. Anyway, it says following the brief spin, Trump returned to his suite at the Bethesda Maryland Hospital and people were happy to see him. Hello. Hello? Hello? Well, he was admitted on Friday, less than 24 hours after he did poopoo cockapoo. Him and Melania tested positive. Hope Hicks, supposedly she got it first. You know who Hope
Starting point is 00:13:57 Hicks is? Piece of ass. I mean, a stunning woman. She can give give me COVID gonorrhea, chlamydia all in a cup and I'll put some cremora in it that's how hot that girly is anyways of course the creature from the Black Lagoon had to weigh in Nancy Pelosi
Starting point is 00:14:22 speaker of the mouse had to fuck and there she is, she's never looked better, fucking piece of cheese. She had to weigh in. And this is her quote about Trump. This is right after she found out he had it. A brazen, his behavior was a brazen invitation for something like this to happen. That's the nicest thing she could conjure up, that wrinkled tea bag. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, she's a dirty little little thing she said that in the wake of finding out that he had been infected that's that's that's very nice of her shut your fucking mouth no problem shut the fuck up you cunt hey take it easy take it easy in an interview with msnbc pelosi said she wouldn't go on any other channel. She said she was paying for the, she was praying.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Paying. Paying is better. She said she was praying for the commander in chief and first lady. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know it. Praying. Are you fucking, how disingenuous. But swiftly attacked his attitude towards the pandemic. This is a tragedy.
Starting point is 00:15:26 It's very sad. Yeah, I'm sure you're crying in your ice cream, but it's also something that, again, going into crowds, unmasked and all the rest, was sort of a brazen initiation for something like this to happen,
Starting point is 00:15:38 the speaker said. Yes, yes, because the rest of America, they have to get out there, whether this pandemic, this fake pandemic is going on or not. You've, you've shuttered half the businesses. You want to keep this in the dumper? Just like I said at the beginning, introducing us to socialism 101. It's good to see the president out there. He should have rolled his window down and just breathed on everybody just to prove there's no...
Starting point is 00:16:06 Look at me. I was on two planes. I got to be honest. I felt shitty when I got home. I think it was the blue chips, which they don't serve now. They give you a sealed bag with a bottle of water and a couple snacks in it. I'm just looking at Pete. And Massachusetts has eaten at Hook, line, and sinker.
Starting point is 00:16:28 I had to go visit my mother in an assisted living home. And if I don't have it, I was following two guys down a hallway. And they were walking about one one-hundredth of a mile an hour. And one of them was farting. I was breathing it in. I'm not shitting you. I was in the wake of a truck. If I don't have COVID, nobody does.
Starting point is 00:16:48 If that travels by air, that's a true story. What a sad place. Beautiful apartment. I would live in my mother's apartment. It's fucking gorgeous. I don't need a house. But I don't want to live in that building. All the broads are in their late hundreds.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Bony asses. The rest of the country has to know that even with precautions taken surrounding the president, that people are susceptible. Is this Nancy still talking? So that they should ignore, she says, so they should ignore the, shall we say, mocking of masks and wearing masks. Let them decide, you dudes. Would you? Look at at a mouse all crooked from fucking blowing senators when she
Starting point is 00:17:32 was at aid. Hey folks, uh, come out. Like I said, I'm finally back to work on the road. And, one night was fun,
Starting point is 00:17:40 but, uh, this coming weekend, ladies and gentlemen, I'll be at stand up live in Huntsville, Alabama on Saturday. First time I think I've performed in Alabama. And then the next night, Sunday night, I'm doing two shows, Zany's in Nashville.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Then in November, I'll be at the Comedy Club of Kansas City, which I tell you, I did it a couple of years ago. It's a great club. Friday and Saturday, that's November 6th and 7th. And then on November 19th, I'll be at the Improv in Raleigh, North Carolina. We've also rescheduled my Vegas dates that were canceled in September. Those will be at the Plaza Hotel and Casino, Friday and Saturday, November 20 and 21. Please come out for that one. November 20 and 21.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Please come out for that one. That's Tommy's. It is so beautiful. Come out for all of them, obviously. Thank you to those of you who already have tickets. And I will see all you guys out there. Just wait to talk to me after the show. That's all I. Who else had to weigh in on Trump?
Starting point is 00:18:42 You know, Chuck Schumer, who's never opened his mouth without a filthy fucking lie coming out of it. We couldn't get tape on him that was clear on YouTube, everywhere we checked. You know why? Because he speaks in tongues. As my friend says, he's a shapeshifter. So is Pelosi, and so is jerk-off Governor Newsom. Anyway, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said it's not safe for the Senate Judiciary Committee to move forward with hearings for President Trump's Supreme Court nominee.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Oh, we didn't see this coming. As Rahm Emanuel taught the Democrats, never let a crisis go to waste. So this is, you know, he should wait because it's dangerous. Chuck, Chuck, Chuckie, Chuck your fuck. Amy Schumer's uncle or cousin or some shit. It is, she's related. It's enough for me to spank her.
Starting point is 00:19:45 What? So yeah, so he's using this, you know, cousin or some shit. It is. She's related. It's enough for me to spank her. What? He's using this as, you know, he thinks Trump should hold up the nominee amid a coronavirus outbreak that's infected three Republican senators. Yeah, only the Republicans are getting infected. Get this through your head. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker,
Starting point is 00:20:02 you. Only Republicans are getting infected. Are you fucking kidding? A little bit of smoking over the weekend. It goes good with comedy. He says, Chuck Schumer says, if it's not safe for the Senate to meet in session, it's not safe for the Senate to meet in session, it's not safe for the hearings to go forward, said the lying motherless fuck Democrat from New York.
Starting point is 00:20:31 He said that Sunday in a press conference. Do you believe this guy? Grow some balls. Grow a pair, Chuck. That's an excuse. Hey, it could be leprosy and AIDS mixed together and people could be dropping in the Capitol. We're still going to do it. OK.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Cut your fingernails. Get this through your head. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. By the way, I hit that. I play that all the time. But, you know, I defend Israel and like Jewish people a lot. I lived in New York. Oh my, Christ, my manager's half Jewish. And Sicilian, try to beat him out of a nickel. Anyways, yeah, he doesn't want to, we're the lawmakers and the staffers, they're not
Starting point is 00:21:20 required to be routinely tested. He thinks that's a danger. Republican leaders signaled they would move forward with their efforts to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett before the November 3rd presidential election. Finally showing some balls. Let's go, Amy! Let's go, Amy! Watch the NFL? Jesus Christ. You know, I don't gamble anymore I you know I play in a pool like I said with a bunch of people that I won last year 102 people I won the whole thing but um
Starting point is 00:21:55 you know I picked fucking Casey last night not Casey I'm sorry uh you know who San Francisco but you should really check to see who the quarterbacks are before you, even in a pool. I'm thinking Garoppolo is going to come out there. This fucking guy comes out who was in a Broadway play two years ago. And boy, did he play. Played like Marsha Brady. And the Eagles beat him outright in San Francisco. That was dirty, dirty, dirty.
Starting point is 00:22:26 beat him outright in San Francisco. That was dirty, dirty, dirty. Anyways, the Senate Judiciary Committee is slated to begin four days of confirmation hearings on October 12th, a move that Chuckie Schumer condemned as nonsensical. He said it was nonsensical. He said it was nonsensical. He said for Mitch McConnell to go ahead with the hearing endangers the safety of not only senators but of staff on the hill oh good oh boy you maybe they'll all get it this could be a blessing to all of us can you imagine if it ripped through the fucking house and the senate and they all fucking and a few of them dropped we have to have special elections too bad it wasn't as deadly as you're pretending it is chucky you fucking have so yeah pelosi they couldn't be nice about it you know
Starting point is 00:23:21 imagine if obama had sickle cell and we come out and said shit like that. I didn't even go on Twitter. I was just reading people who are quoting Twitter and shit and articles like, I hope he dies. Good. Fuck him. I mean, like actresses in L.A. and shit. You people are fucking at least Michael Moore was funny about it. He says, like, thoughts and prayers to the COVID. I like a good joke, even if it's against my guy.
Starting point is 00:23:49 That's where I'm different than the left. I can laugh at other people's jokes if they disagree with me politically. Anyways, there's a new poll that Trump leads in. And the reason I'm telling you about it why it's significant it's not weighted against republicans most of the polls you read the mainstream media ask more democrats that's just a fact they don't even i don't know why that is but that's how it is look at that beautiful hair i want to run my toes through it healthy pull my finger he's saying that to Chuck Grassley.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Pull my finger. I got one brewing. You ever smell a COVID fart? Boy, that bats too. Now on Sunday, Express Democracy Institute poll shows Donald Trump in the lead because it does not wait against Republicans.
Starting point is 00:24:42 The Express, David Maddox reported, the monthly Democracy Institute Sunday Express poll for the presidential election shows that Mr. Trump is still on course for victory with 46% of the popular support compared to his Democrat rival, Joe. I don't think that even the Republicans on TV were saying, we're not going to win the popular vote, but they think they're killing it in the swing states and shit. So I don't know if that's true or fucking not. Oh, fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Hey, take it easy. So Joe. Oh, fucking idiot. Biden has 45%, supposedly, to Trump's 46. Crucially, Mr. Trump's leading key swing states, including Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin remains at 4% by 47% to 43%.
Starting point is 00:25:37 So, just the facts, ma'am. This gives a projected electoral college split of 320 for Trumperini and 218 for Biden. You're a loser. You'll always be a loser. While the NBC Wall Street Journal poll sampled eight percentage points more, eight percentage points more Democrats, that means more Democrats will poll, the Democracy Institute poll methodology is fairer. The national poll has a margin of plus or minus 2.5% at 95% confidence interval. The national party identification turnout model is Democrats 37%, Republicans 35%, and Independents 28%. That's what makes it a little more fair.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Do you all get that? Don't believe anything. They got Biden. It's so funny. This is how you know it is just so. They got Biden. Oh my God, he's up by 58 after the, you know, tremendous job he did. And what did I say after the debate?
Starting point is 00:26:41 People are going to sit home and go, Trump was a bully. He kept interrupting and shit. And sure enough, that's how they're portraying it. But don't believe those. Remember Hillary? Do you remember Hillary Clinton? Do you guys remember her? She's a punter now for the Rams with those giant fucking feet. Remember, Trump didn't have a prayer and I sat there with Anthony Cumia celebrating each victory. Speaking of Joe Biden, this is a big story. This came out last week.
Starting point is 00:27:13 We didn't get to it, but there's a ton of this shit going on. I was listening to Glenn Beckshaw on the way in here and they were talking to a woman who was involved with the voting in Harris County in Texas and the fucking scumbag Democrats are harvesting ballots. Biden's Texas political director charged, charged in ballot harvesting scheme already. The Texas political director of Joe Biden campaign has been formally, formally charged
Starting point is 00:27:41 for helping to run an illegal ballot harvesting operation, according to two separate affidavits filed Monday at the Texas Supreme Court. So this is no right-wing conspiracy. Two private investigators, including a former FBI agent and former police officer, testify under oath that they have video evidence, documentation, and witnesses to prove that Biden's Texas political director, Dallas Jones, seen here. Oh, no. Dallas, you green-eyed devil. You're a real crumbum.
Starting point is 00:28:17 And his cohorts are currently hoarding mail-in and absentee ballots, ordering operatives to fill the ballots out for people illegally, including for dead people, homeless people, and nursing home residents in the 2020 presidential election. You believe this prick? Oh, that dirty cocksucker. Okay, do you believe this? Now, we already had, what's his name, O'Keefe for Project Veritas go undercover right and busted Omar's people in Minneapolis this is going on I was listening to this woman on on Beck it's going on in a ton of states Zuckerberg put 35 million dollars into this race or something and this uh and one of the guys that works for Zuckerberg sits on the voting commission? This is fucking filthy.
Starting point is 00:29:09 It's already on, folks. The guy who, this is the affidavit. This is the cop, the undercover guy. My name is Mark A. Aguirre. I'm a retired captain with the Houston Police Department. I am now a private investigator. Based on interviews, reviews of documents, and other information, I have identified the individuals in charge of the ballot harvesting scheme. These individuals include political
Starting point is 00:29:35 consultant Dallas Jones, who was recently hired by the Joe Biden for President campaign to oversee their Harris County initiative in District 13. OK, this just happened late September. I have in my possession videotaped interviews of witnesses attesting to the aforementioned people having groups of people completing thousands of absentee and mail-in ballots, including completing ballots for deceased individuals illegally going into nursing homes with the complicity of the nursing home staff oh my god and i'm glad covid hit and filling out and forging the signatures of nursing home residents you know what's going to happen they'll mail those and people are gonna go we got covid got COVID. They came from nursing. What a mess it's going to be. Signing up homeless individuals to vote using
Starting point is 00:30:27 the ballot harvest address, then completing the ballot and forging the homeless person's individual signature on it. Okay? This is going to be a mess. I don't know what you did. What are we doing? What's going on right now uh joe let me fill you in uh the guy dallas remember you hired him or we hired him for you he's doing his job he's cheating he's harvesting ballots he's talking to guys laying their own shit on the sidewalk and having them sign stuff and giving them two sprite cans and then. Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Folks, this is getting creepy. Anyways. Hey, we got a great new sponsor, Kanai. We are brought to you today by Kanai Pro Gear. Okay. This stuff is, it's the stuff they use in the military. You know what I mean? Vests and plates and all kinds of stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:23 And it's made with uh there you go and it's good looking stuff i i i put the one on on the left every time my wife's on the rag i put that on for a week it's true but it's it's really good stuff can i even has level three and level four level four body armor that is in stock, shipping now with practically zero lead time. All of the gear is inspired by military assault packs. They took military-grade materials like 500D Kodora nylon. Kodora is the brand name nylon, which is the strongest, lightest, and most durable. Standard features you can expect from Kanai Pro gear also include hydration capability, you can expect from Canai ProGear also include hydration capability, CCW storage, Duraflex buckles, and plenty of internal organizers for all the more standard stuff that you carry on a
Starting point is 00:32:13 day-to-day basis. It's really well made and you're going to need it when the elections go down. Lots of great products have come out of the military, aviator glasses, the Jeep Wrangler, great products have come out of the military. Aviator glasses, the Jeep Wrangler, and now you can get the Sarsena Expedition Pack. It's in use by the U.S. government. If it's trusted
Starting point is 00:32:33 by Secret Service agents, it's good enough for you guys. Plus, get a lifetime warranty on all of their backpacks. Can I also has been an incredible team that cares about getting you the right gear. They've sworn off automated responses, which I love and, uh, have real human customer service. That's enough to go with them right there. You can talk to actual people. If you don't believe it,
Starting point is 00:33:03 uh, give it a try a DM them at can I pro gear to talk to, uh, one of their specialists and not a computer.. Can I Pro-Gear also offers Afterpay, which allows you to break up any order over $35 into four easy payments with no credit check required. If you want this armor, you can buy it today with no lead times and get a 15% off with code NickDip at That's C-A-N-N-A-E Use NickDipp to get 15% off. After the bombs, folks, there'll be only you in CanI ProGear.
Starting point is 00:33:34 That's never been more true. This could actually happen. It's the most adorable gear known to man. And we thank them for sponsoring the show today. Let's go, speaking of thanks, I have to thank the people that have contributed to the show financially since last Thursday. Mark Palmer, New York. Ed Midgley, Rhode Island. Don Cooch, Georgia. Steve Vucevic, Illinois. Alex Hernandez, Virginia. Oystein Neisether, Norway. Brian Boyd, California. Jonathan Halsey, New Hampshire.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Paul Sagnella, Connecticut. Nick Geer, California. Don Keep Punchin' Omar, Wisconsin. Greg Walls, Florida. Andrew Nay, Pennsylvania. Stephen Laird, Washington. Chris English, California. Noah Evans, Oregon. Andy Navin, Pennsylvania. Stephen Laird, Washington. Chris English, California. Noah Evans, Oregon.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Andy Navin, Pennsylvania. Ron Remen, New Jersey. Michael Rabb, Massachusetts. Terry Moore in Florida. Gregory Kilgore, Oklahoma. Eric Nunez, Arizona. John Frail, Minnesota. Minnesota?
Starting point is 00:34:43 Is that ever going to go away? Why does it say RV? RV Baggioni, New Jersey, I guess. Malpy P. My pee-pee itchy Hawaii. I love people. Thank you guys so much. And here's people who signed up at Patreon. New monthly supporters, which we love. Jack Bernberger, Justin G, Justin Henniger, Carl Eggstrom, Clifton Opgaard, and Lincoln Stack. We thank you guys so much for contributing to the show financially. We need it. Let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:35:21 These motherfuckers are playing dirty. Nick, clean it up. Hey, your sister's box. We got a Patreon question. Jesus, you scared me. Fuck. I didn't know where that was coming from. Patreon question.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Dave in Maryland. Do you agree or disagree the most important issue in this country right now is protecting our Supreme Court? During the Obama era, both the First and Second Amendment were under attack by the Democrats. Thank you, Nick. Do we have any questions that are a little challenging? You're like Raj, you just grab the first one you see. Of course I'm going to agree with that. No, I'm not going to. Well, is it the most important thing? P.S. I went to the second Saturday show in Algonquin and you were great. Keep making us laugh. Thank you, Dave from Maryland. I wish I met you.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Hope you weren't the drunk guy. Do I think that's the most important issue right now, protecting the Supreme Court? Well, yes and no. I think we have it in hand. You know what I mean? By Amy Coney Barrett. As far as the Second Amendment, yeah, good luck when they try to take you, I'm saying to the
Starting point is 00:36:30 government, good luck when you try to come for our guns because then it'll be on. It's what separates us from Venezuela. And also the First Amendment, absolutely. I mean, they're already cracking down on the First Amendment, right? With this PC shit, you can't say anything anywhere. So, whether it's the most important, I think the most important thing is right now, as of today, the election and not letting those left-wing cocksuckers steal it, which they're already trying to do.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Let's see if CNN and MSNBC puts on the story I just did about Biden's guy in Texas harvesting. See if that makes the New York Times. Just check and get back with me. Thank you for coming to the show, Dave. I appreciate that very much. On Sunday in Portland, a woman, Portland, by the way, Oregon, not Maine where I was, a woman who was holding the american flag while participating in a protest was dragged to the ground by her hair by alleged antifa activate what do you mean
Starting point is 00:37:32 a legend the fucking why is it always what the hell's going on out here but res but resolutely gripped the flag and would not let go she finally freed herself and walked away here's the video it's a woman of color. And you're like, why do you mention that? Because they actually mentioned it in an article. I almost fell down. I love it. I love that she's out there. And watch the little douchebag white chick come over and grab her by the hair and pull her down. Watch that yeast infection on wheels. Go ahead. Dana White's there. And here we go. All over a flag. Can you imagine? Because she had an American flag. What more do you need to know?
Starting point is 00:38:26 Let's get it on. That was a biracial woman. Well, she might have been black. She's a woman of color. That's all. And her light's gone dark. Why does that matter, Nick? Because it's a sign that they get it now.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Plus, they hate. You know what they hate? Black people, even the ones that are out there, that all those little white punks are stealing their movement. And like we've been saying for years, if it does go down, those people that are helping black, the white people, they'll be the first ones killed. They don't get it. Oh boy. Lung custard. Who's got a fucking waffle cone? Last week, listen to this. This Portland mayor, I don't understand why he's not behind bars for dereliction of duty.
Starting point is 00:39:14 He took an oath to protect this country like all politicians do. This is a Marxist cocksucker. He makes Pelosi look like a right wing. Last week, Portland mayor, you know, remember we were put on this guy uh many times uh Ted his first name I suck cock and I love it yes Wheeler Ted I suck cock Wheeler asked the U.S. Attorney's Office and the Department of Homeland Security listen to this to rescind rescind not rescind rescind the federal designation of the Oregon State Police as federal deputies, ostensibly
Starting point is 00:39:50 because deputies could charge Portland protesters with federal crimes for assaulting officers, attacking federal buildings, and fomenting unrest, you know? You snotty little bastard. He's just a piece of garbage. Anti-cop. He loves BLM, right? So for you people out there, I'm going to play a video.
Starting point is 00:40:22 It's about four minutes long right now. So we can wake some of you up to what BLM is. Maybe you know and you just agree with them. But do you want to know who started it and the roots of it all? And I say roots. Fucking roots. Yeah. Three black lesbians started it all.
Starting point is 00:40:37 So it's really not about their beef with this country. It's really about their beef with life and why they don't fit into the mainstream in society. BML linked to communist China and Palestinian terror groups. We have a new video provide indisputable evidence, indisputable evidence, if anybody argues with it, that Black Lives Matter is tied to foreign communist organizations. In this powerful expose presented by Choose Freedom, BLM's founders are tied to Chinese Communist Party front group, a group founded by former East Germany Communist Party leaders and even Palestinian terror organizations. Even worse, the Democrats in this country. Filthy fucking assholes. Check out this video.
Starting point is 00:41:21 And if this doesn't make your blood burl, I don't know what will. Black Lives Matter leaders are tied to international communism and Palestinian terrorism. BLM was founded in July 2013 by three lesbian black Marxists. You fucking whore. Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. Opal Tometi is a strong supporter of Venezuela's Marxist dictator, Nicolas Maduro.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Both Opal Tometi and Alicia Garza are involved with the German revolutionary organization Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung. She's a molly dang cunt. Based in Berlin, with offices in Beijing, Moscow, and Manhattan, the organization was established by former East German Communist Party leaders to build a new wave of international socialist revolutions. We're bringing together socialist leaders from across the United States,
Starting point is 00:42:22 from Canada and Europe. Is that Michael Myers' character on SNL? socialist leaders from across the United States, from Canada and Europe. Pause. Leaders. Is that Michael Myers' character on SNL? Die bringen sie sich das. Sprechen sie Deutsch. Go ahead. Let the German talk. Of local struggles in the communities.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Leaders of labor. Of social movement networks. Leaders of socialist parties. of social movement networks, leaders of socialist parties. All three BLM founders are affiliated with a faction of the pro-China Communist Party, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, now known as Liberation Road. Alicia Garza is a member of Left Roots, a front for Liberation Road. You fat-ass depressed bitch black bitch! Garza and Chris Gores are allies of Left Roots comrade Alex Tom. Alex Tom!
Starting point is 00:43:10 A well-known supporter of communist China who openly supports BLM. Alex Tom was executive director of the Chinese Progressive Association, which is the main funder of Alicia Garza's Black Futures Lab, a black voter turnout group. which is the main funder of Alicia Garza's Black Futures Lab, a black voter turnout group. Based in Boston and San Francisco and run by Maoist communists for more than 50 years, the Chinese Progressive Association is the Chinese Communist Party's main grassroots support group in the U.S. The Communist Party of China openly and covertly supports BLM. The Chinese foreign ministry and the communist parties global times have been engaged in a malicious disinformation campaign,
Starting point is 00:43:51 deliberately stoking racial tensions in the U S and U S customs has seized items coming from China this year. That would be very handy for protesters. Patrice Coolers was mentored for many years by Maoist communist Eric Mann, a veteran of the ultra-violent Weathermen and the pro-China League of Revolutionary Struggle. So the black movement, not because it's the most oppressed, but because it's the most philosophically advanced, and it has a history of reaching out. If you ask every gay woman, Latino, Asian, white in the 60s.
Starting point is 00:44:27 What drove you? They would say the black movement woke me up to not just my own oppression, but, you know, I remember John Scagliani. Pause. To your own oppression? He's saying white people and say, well, exactly. You know, black people, I kind of understand. In the 60s, maybe they felt that.
Starting point is 00:44:48 White people, how are you being oppressed exactly? I don't understand what your goal is. What is your end goal? Where do you see more freedom and liberty than this country? Not to be a fucking jingoistic here, but what the fuck are you? What is your end goal? What's your idea? I don't get it. I don't understand what
Starting point is 00:45:06 your idea of liberty is. Let this fucking marxist cocksucker finish. How'd you come up with the idea of the Gay Liberation Fund? He says, why do you think we called it that? Because we believe in the National Liberation Fund of Vietnam. We were not just wanting gay marriage. We wanted to overthrow the government as part
Starting point is 00:45:22 of being queer. Pause. Yeah. Archie Bunker was right. to overthrow the government as part of being queer. Pause. BLM is all... Yeah. Archie Bunker was right. He'd always throw everybody a feminist, and so would I, by the way. Call them pink okamis and shit. Yeah, it turns out they're all tied together.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Gay group using the National Liberation Front. That's where they got the name. I don't like... And they all vote how, folks? You know how they vote. Go ahead. Let this thing play some more. Closely tied to the Palestinian revolutionary movement. Beautiful. We came here to Palestine to stand in love and revolutionary struggle with our brothers and sisters. Piece of shit. Dr. Lamont Hill. I was on Gutfeld's show with him.
Starting point is 00:46:04 I had the best line I've ever had on TV. I actually liked him personally because he shows his hate for white. He's a racist professor from Columbia. And we, you know, we were going at it a little bit and getting some good laughs. And somebody said, you guys should, I think he said, we should have a show together. And he goes, he goes, what would you call it? The professor and the racist? And I go, I'm not a professor. That quickly. Genius. He didn't know what to say.
Starting point is 00:46:32 He actually had to laugh. Look at him. He's a professor at Columbia. Fucking holding hands with Marxists, you fucker head. We fight the same nation. Palestine and Pakistan. Anti-black lesbians. Anti-black lesbians! What do we want? Pussy! When do we want it now?
Starting point is 00:46:49 What do we want? White pussy! When do we want it now? We want it now! Viva, viva! Ahmad Abou Zinaid! US-based Ahmad Abou Zinaid is a prominent BLM and Palestinian activist. The days of the U.S. operating as an international gangster are over. Ahmad Abusnaid supports Palestinian terrorist Razmay Odeh, who was once jailed for the bombing murder of two Israeli students.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Ahmad's father, Nabil Abusnaid, was once an advisor to Palestinian terrorist leader Yasser Arafat. Young Ahmad grew up admiring his father's comrade. Develop an international strategy, work with people all over the world, and overthrow the empire. Anyone who takes a knee to black lives matter is bowing to Chinese communism and terrorism do you hear that LeBron
Starting point is 00:47:49 and the rest of you Goodell all you NFL players who said that who the fuck said that who's the slimy little communist shit twinkle toed cocksucker down here Who said that? Who the fuck said that? Who's the slimy little commoner shit twinkle toad cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant?
Starting point is 00:48:11 That would be anybody who backs Antifa. Now you guys know, but you know, you're my fan, so you probably already know just what BLM is really all about. Got nothing to do with George Floyd and race. But they used that. My buddy's convinced that was a false flag, the whole George Floyd thing. And I said, well, buddy's convinced that was a false flag the whole
Starting point is 00:48:25 George Floyd thing and I said well why do you think that and he makes good points he goes have you heard much about that cop recently have you heard much about his national his wife was a foreign national who just disappeared well she went back to her home country well which country is that kind of weird ain't it oh you're a conspiracy now put on a tinfoil hey put on a tinfoil dress. Shut up. Speaking of communists, let's get right to the next one. Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. Ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Well done. In our make me a sandwich segment tonight, the Michigan Supreme Court denies Governor Whitmer's emergency coronavirus powers. Finally, Michigan's highest court confirmed in a landmark decision Friday
Starting point is 00:49:07 that Governor Gretchen Whitmer had overstepped her authority by repeatedly issuing emergency COVID-19 declarations without ever getting the approval of state lawmakers. She's drunk with power, this friggin' whore.
Starting point is 00:49:20 She's a little whore and a little piece of trash. In a narrow 4-3 vote, the court held that Whitmer violated state law by not working frigging he's a little whore and a little piece of trash in a narrow four to three vote uh the court held that whitmer violated state law by not working with the legislature like she didn't know that the detroit news reporter whitmer said our friend whitmer there she is look at the black guy going, oh my God, she has a mustache. She vehemently disagreed with the ruling.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Surprise, surprise. And we'll find ways to keep her directives in effect through alternative sources of authority. In other words, I'll go around the, you know, I know. While the ruling limits the governor's powers. See that? She's going to go around. Who's your fucking boss, huh? Who's your fucking boss, huh? Who's your fucking boss? It does leave intact the orders coming from agencies such as the Department of Health
Starting point is 00:50:12 and Human Services. Okay? So she'll go through them somehow. She's drunk with power. She's the frigging worst. She is the worst. Do you understand that, folks? They love telling you to put on your mask.
Starting point is 00:50:27 They love getting in your life. Do you get it? Oh, my God. It's getting frightening out there. I wonder if Trump's out yet. You guys probably know before we do. Be funny, huh, if they show him with no shirt on riding a horse like Putin? You guys probably know before we do.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Be funny, huh? If they show them with no shirt on riding a horse like Putin. Anyways, that's it for Monday. Good to be back from the road. And again, don't forget Saturday night, Huntsville, Alabama. What's it called? Comedy Live. And then the next night, Zany, right?
Starting point is 00:51:01 What is it? Stand Up Live? Stand Up Live. Thank God. Cleared that up. I'm live? Stand-up live. Thank God. Cleared that up. I'm just going to stand up there. No comedy. And then the next night, Zany's in Nashville.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Two shows. So please come out. I haven't been to Huntsville ever, and I've done Zany's before, so it's a good club. That is it. Remember I did five of them this morning. Five. It's a great birthday gift or whatever if you're a fan of the show.
Starting point is 00:51:32 And that's it. Anyways, you guys think and I will say it. You are so very welcome. We'll see you back here at the same time tomorrow. Have a good rest of the day, everybody. Thank you. guitar solo I'm out.

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