The Nick DiPaolo Show - W.H.O. Lying While People Dying | Nick DiPaolo Show #325

Episode Date: March 31, 2020

CNN caught lying. Thai President, Rama X, leaves with Harem. Bat soup back on the market. Thank you David G. for you "Ask Nick!" question and for your support on Patreon! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM E...ST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, ladies and gentlemen, and everything in between. I am so tired of this PC culture of being told what's acceptable, what is not acceptable as far as comedy goes. It's all acceptable. We live in the United States. It's about freedom of speech. I am sick and tired of it. That's why I created the Nick DiPaolo Show, Monday through Thursday, where I can say whatever I want and don't have to worry about sponsors or getting upset.
Starting point is 00:00:35 That's what the Internet was created for, okay? And we recently made the show free, Monday through Thursday. We can only do that with your help. If you go to, click on the Nick DiPaolo show, you can contribute to the show financially, which is now the life blood of the show. I can't thank you enough for that, but I'm sick of watching mainstream news and the internet, social media. It's all left-wing horseshit. There's two type of people in this world. People who are politically correct and people who are for the truth. internet social media it's all left-wing horseshit there's two type of people in this world people are politically correct and people who are for the truth
Starting point is 00:01:09 okay and that's what this show is about free speech and reporting it the way I see it and unapologetically don't have to worry about it so go to one Nick dip calm clip on the Nick Napolo, and you can make a contribution. Or you can go to, sign up as a monthly supporter. And if you do that, you get an extra story a day. You get to ask me a question and access to over 300 shows that we've done so far. And, folks, it's nowhere else. People are loving this show because they're like, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:46 I would love to say that at work, but I can't. So I go to you to hear it. And so many people go, you sound just like me. You sound like my uncle. You sound like my brother. And that's how most of the country feels, except for the Democrat Party and the fucking mainstream media. Okay. So we appreciate your support and we can only do it, uh, again with your help. So, um, I want all of you to enjoy the show. So enjoy. guitar solo All righty. Oh, Raz, that was beautiful. You're like Casey Kasem on that machine. Hi, folks.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Welcome to the show. The Nick DiPaolo Podcast is on Tuesday. Coming to you from Georgia. Nice to be with you. How you holding up with the coronavirus? It's only another couple of years. Don't worry about it. Don't hit your kids. I keep thinking of Jim Gaffigan, who has five kids living in a two-bedroom in New York. Probably has 10 houses. Who are we kidding? But he talks about that all the time. Good to be with you. Thank you for the contributions because the show's free.
Starting point is 00:03:36 We rely on you to keep it alive now. And you can do that by going to, clicking on the Nick DiPaolo Show. If you watch it on YouTube, hit that button right there. Or sign up at where you can be a monthly subscriber, get an extra story every day, and you can ask me a question. You have access to over
Starting point is 00:03:55 300 shows that we've already done. And we thank you for your support in these trying times because of those lying fucking zipper heads. What kind of racism is that? It's the old-fashioned kind. I don't even believe in it, but I say it because it bothers people. I will continue to say it. This is the problem.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Okay? World health organizations, not the United united states it's this lying communist government that you back up along with pelosi and the rest of the she's the fucking virus get a vaccine for liberalism you'll sell out in three minutes should have a test for liberal you know you do you bend over and stick a swab in their ass if they enjoy it. You're fucking liberal. What? My God, that was filthy. Kind of moved him in. Let's get right to it, shall we?
Starting point is 00:04:54 Oh, my God. Our favorite person. CNN's Don Lemon opposes taking coronavirus briefings live. Imagine that. MSNBC already came out against it. And CNN. These are media outlets who are against, who are against free speech. Just think about that. Let that settle in.
Starting point is 00:05:13 But you keep watching those channels, you assholes. Not you guys. Obviously you're watching me. Oh, Corona, Corona. I know I got it in Chicago. Never had chills like that in my life. And then I only had it for two days. Why?
Starting point is 00:05:29 Because my immune system, the smoke, even the fucking Chinese virus doesn't want any part of Marlboro Light fucking cancer. Anyways, during the transition between CNN's Cuomo primetime and CNN tonight on Monday, Don Lemon, you know Don Lemon, don't you? I suck cock and I love it. And Chris Cuomo disagreed over whether News Network should carry the White House press briefings. Can you fucking imagine? Yeah. Why would you want to hear from the people who are saving us? Oh, it doesn't go with your narrative.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Fucking sickening. Anyways, here's the clip of Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo just having a little debate. Thank you for watching us. Our coverage continues, of course, CNN Tonight with D Lemon right now. D Lemon. How you doing? Do you really want to have this conversation? Because, you know, when it comes out of my mouth, it's political. No, what comes out of your mouth is your boyfriend's fucking sugar cubes. When I say the exact words that you said, for some reason, it's political. Yes, because you make everything political, you ass fucker. I don't think that you should really listen to what he says.
Starting point is 00:06:35 You should listen to what the experts say. I'm not actually sure if you want to be. Yeah, that's who's behind them. And then they speak. You fucking bias, ignorant. ignorant hey i'm on tv because i'm black and gay but i talk like i'm white look at that face how many times he's made that biting into a pillow go ahead be honest that we should carry that live oh sure we should run snippets i think we should do it afterwards and get the pertinent points to
Starting point is 00:07:02 the american people because he's never ever going to tell you the truth and guess what he's going to do if you ask a question that is a legitimate question he and if he doesn't like the question he is going to say whether it's whether you're being mean or not or whatever he wants to call he's going to say that is a mean nasty question why because he wants his base to think that the media is being... No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Nobody's watching you. Your ratings are in the toilet. Okay? You take the fucking TVs out of airports, you wouldn't be on the air.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Nobody believes a word CNN has been saying, except for the idiots who are far left. That's why. And 93% of his coverage since he came down the escalator has been negative. And you have been leading the charge. You're a propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. You're a fucking corporate shill. And you gobble go. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Mean to him. And they're attacking him. It is all a plot. It is all orchestrated. And if you can't see it, I don't know. I don't know what you're looking at. So, you know, it's obvious. It's transparent to me. This has become those press briefings have become his new apprentice.
Starting point is 00:08:14 They've become his new route. And they've you know, they're keeping you on the air. That's the only time you get ratings is when he's on. You're so stupid. Mr. Limone're so stupid mr limon so stupid look at cuomo wants to look at fredo wants to headbutt this guy look at chris who's doing the lighting over there looks like every corpse i've seen it open caskets go ahead he treats the press and the media as if he's talking to the people in his rallies. It's the same thing. It's no different. It's just that the audience is not
Starting point is 00:08:50 there. I like you. I understand the frustration with his messaging. But you know what? Too many dead people. And there's too much. I'm not frustrated. Don't get me wrong. Shut up and let him talk. I'm just trying to point out the obvious. I'm just saying pointing out the obvious, especially as a journalist, is not being political. Why is Cuomo dressed like a limo driver? Then we're not doing our duty as journalists to point that out. You're not a journalist. That is our job, to point that out. That's exactly what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:09:18 I hear people saying, you are not making something up. A lot of people are saying, oh, don't cover it. Don't cover when he says this. I'm not saying don't cover it. I'm not saying don't cover it. That's not what I'm saying at all. No, I'm saying, pause. A lot of people are saying, oh, don't cover it. Don't cover when he says this. I'm not saying don't cover it. I'm not saying don't cover it. That's not what I'm saying at all. No, I'm saying play all of it. A lot of people are saying that.
Starting point is 00:09:29 No, MSNBC and you are saying it. A lot of people? What's your definition of a lot of people? Can you imagine? These guys are in the media. And they're pushing for censorship. Real transparent. Go ahead. No, I get you. I know what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:09:46 I'm saying something different. I'm saying play all of it. I want to hear everything he has to say. I want it all to be out there and I want him to be held to account. Because this isn't BS politics right now. It's not about nicknames. It's not about what he can call another party. It's about people living and dying. And a lot of that is going to fall in the full vote is done, not done by this government. Chris, shut your straight mouth. I have something to say.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Don Lemon, the biggest buffoon in the history of the planet. Oh, just fucking fabulous. Let's not show the press briefings. Will we get updated by Fauci and Dr. Birx and all the experts? We don't want that.
Starting point is 00:10:24 You know, Trump should just let them take over. He does say too much. Fauci and Dr. Birx and all the experts. We don't have to, you know. Trump should just let them take over. He does say too much. You can't wing shit like this. He's good at winging stuff. But when you do these press conferences and you talk about coronavirus, it's all based on math and statistics and models and science. Okay?
Starting point is 00:10:40 He's not a doctor. No president was. So just let the experts say more. but to be in the media and say we don't want to show it could you be any more bias oh my aching stem you really you really got me yeah speaking of press conferences um the media is still at it and and speaking of bias un-fucking-believable uh, CBS News admitted to a mistake, in quotes, on Monday after airing footage
Starting point is 00:11:09 of an overcrowded hospital room that was allegedly in New York City. But you know where it was? It was in Italy. It was a hospital in friggin' Italy. Can you stay catatonic? You are fake news. Sir, it was an editing mistake.
Starting point is 00:11:20 We took immediate steps to remove it from all platforms and shows,bs spokesman told fox news you really believe that he's lying last wednesday cbs this morning included a brief clip showing several patients and medical professionals in one room during a report about the rising threat here's what they showed. Okay, that's actually... This is the main hospital in Bergamo in Lombardy province. It's one of
Starting point is 00:11:50 the most advanced hospitals in Europe. Look, and they're showing it down below as a New York hospital. I mean, up above. Okay, that was from Italy. Oh, they made a mistake. How many times have they done this? It's like when they showed... you can get rid of that.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Just like when they showed Obama, they showed kids in cages. That was actually Obama's administration. Remember? They apologized for that. Sky News had reported that a few days earlier. AB News made it. They also made a similar mistake. Do you remember when they showed the Kentucky gun range and they were clamming that it depicted a fierce battle between Syrian Kurds and Turkish?
Starting point is 00:12:32 They were only off by about five thousand, ten thousand miles. Remember this million other example. I don't see Fox News having to apologize. another example. I don't see Fox News having to apologize. You guys are the fucking scourge. Why? Why couldn't, why doesn't somebody get corona at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, all of them? How do we do that? I wish I was smart enough to get some bat
Starting point is 00:12:55 soup. They FedEx that shit, I'll mail it to Don Lemon. Then he can leave it on his boyfriend's penis and that'll spread. I mean, just filthy, anti-Trump around the clock 24-7. Showing that and saying it's a hospital. Look, the hospital's a crowd. My wife has a niece who's a nurse in Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:13:22 And she's working around the clock. And somebody, she might have been exposed. They found out somebody at the hospital has it. So now they actually sent her home. I mean, no doubt dire straits. But Jesus Christ, you have to go to Italy to, oh, come on. So Trump had a press conference yesterday. And guess who was in the audience?
Starting point is 00:13:50 Jim, the Lion, Cox, Acosta was in the audience. And Trump went to him. I don't know if you have to, but Trump went to him. And guess what happened? He started reciting all the quotes from Trump when it first started. Here is the little fight they had. And it's people like you and CNN that say things like that, that it's why people just don't want to listen to CNN anymore. You could ask a normal question. The statements I made are I want to keep the country calm.
Starting point is 00:14:23 I don't want panic in the country. the statements i made are i want to keep the country calm i don't want panic in the country uh yeah so acosta read quotes from march 7th when he was saying trump was saying you know don't worry we're going to get over this it's going to go away you know shit shit a president should say what was he supposed to come out and scream we're fucked this is to go on forever. He wasn't making hard, he wasn't listing hard facts. He wasn't lying. Everybody else in the country could see it. And Jim Acosta goes, what is this, the end of March? Goes back three weeks.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Just there to irritate Trump. That guy, between him and Pelosi, could shoot him in the head and go sleep like a baby tonight. Go ahead, Trump, rip him into one. I could cause panic much better than even you. I could do much. I would make you look like a minor league player. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:15:15 I don't want to do that. I want to have our country be calm and strong and fight and win. And it will go away. And it is incredible the job that all of these people are doing putting them all together the job that they're doing i am very proud of the job they're doing that the task force has done that honeywell and procter and gamble and mike and all of these people have done i'm very proud it's it's almost a miracle and it is the way it's all come together and instead of asking a nasty snarky question like that you should ask a real question and other than that I'm gonna go to somebody else
Starting point is 00:16:04 it's just what it was. It was a snarky question. He's going back three weeks. So-called progressives looking backwards. They want guarantees. This is an unprecedented situation we're dealing with here. They actually say in questions, can you guarantee there'll be enough face masks?
Starting point is 00:16:21 Can you guarantee there'll be enough equipment? No, there's no guarantees in life. Fucking asshole. And Don Lemon, if you get rid of these press garments, you wouldn't be able to hear from Jim Acosta. People like that are so fair-minded. It is fucking beyond belief. He was just there to stick a thorn and Trump side. And don't call on him anymore. How about that? For censorship. Mama. I want to thank contributors, one-time contributors and monthly contributors. You guys are keeping this show alive.
Starting point is 00:16:56 There's not any other show on the internet where you can hear this type of honesty. And I thought of my next special. It's going to be called Your Feelings. And it's a picture of me on the toilet with a roll of toilet paper. And it says Your Feelings on the toilet paper. Then you guys do the math and get a chuckle. Then buy it. Oops.
Starting point is 00:17:18 You know, I shouldn't have said that because Adam Carollo will be using that for his next whatever he puts out. One-time contributions. Adam Carollo will be using that for his next whatever he puts out. One-time contributions. I want to thank John Muckian of Massachusetts, John McFall of Ohio, Tim Hershey, that name keeps coming up, Ohio, Glenn Delke, Texas, Joshua Davis, Kentucky, Doug Fink, New York, Danny Williams, Texas, Mary Jo Fortwengler. She Texas. Mary Jo Fortwengler.
Starting point is 00:17:47 She sounds like she's in New York. Mary Jo Fortwengler, Oregon. God bless you, Mary Jo. You're in enemy territory. Angelo Dante, Minnesota. Bob Pectelitis, Virginia. Chris Hutchinson, Washington. And now the monthly supporters at Patrick Carney, thank you. Amira
Starting point is 00:18:07 Arbelay and Kurt Carson. Thank you guys so much. Again, I'm not joshing with you. Talking to my manager yesterday, I don't know when we'll be doing comedy live again. He's saying October. I'm being like Trump. I'm saying, no, day after Easter, I'm going to the Funny Bone. No. Day after Easter, I'm going to the Funny Bone. It'll be perfect. No, I'm hoping. I'm hoping.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Look, that lady, that psychic, remember we reported last week? Sylvia Brown wrote a book 8, 12 years ago predicting this pandemic in 2020. And she said it would be a virus. I mean, she was dead on. But she also said it was going to come and it would go as quick as it came. And I believe in her, because who doesn't believe in a good psychic? I'm trying to be... I miss stand-up. My poor wife. You have no idea
Starting point is 00:18:55 how nasty I get. Well, maybe you do. When I'm not on stage to blow off a little steam. It's supposed to be cathartic. That's what it's for. If I have to wait until October, I'll be on the cover of Newsweek. I'll fucking have my neighbor's supposed to be cathartic. That's what it's for. If I have to wait till October, I'll be on the cover of Newsweek.
Starting point is 00:19:07 I'll fucking have my neighbor's head in the freezer. I don't know what happened. I fucking, his dog was barking. Here's a guy after my own heart.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Thailand's King Rama X. Sounds like a rapper out of fucking Cleveland. Rama X up in this motherfucker, yeah. Look how he's dressed. Like he's greeting you at the Hilton Hotel.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Can I take your bags? This guy gets a lot of snatch because of those things on his shoulders. Thailand's King Mahavara Longkorn. Longkorn, oh my God. Also known as Rama X. What kind of leader of a country has a rapper nickname? Has been isolating himself
Starting point is 00:19:46 from the coronavirus in the Bavarian ski resort town, oh, to have money, of Garmish Partakurchin with his harem of 20 bitches. I mean women. I mean chicks. Broads. 20 of them. 20. Not threesome.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Not a force. A twentiesome. And numerous servants. It's unclear if King Rama X's four wives are among the group of people. Gee, those are the servants. Honey, could you tell Malishnikov to take off her panties nice? This guy's holed up with broads. What better way to pass the time?
Starting point is 00:20:24 Here's a quote from him Christy Get down on your knees So Sabrina can see your asshole That's what's going on at that hotel room According to German tabloid Bild, King Rahm X booked out the entire Grand Hotel after getting special permission from the district council to have his many guests stay in the hotel together. The local district council said the Grand Hotel, it's called Sonom Beekle, was an exception because the guests are a single homogenous group of people with no fluctuation. What the fuck does that mean?
Starting point is 00:21:22 However, 119 members of his entourage were recently sent back to Thailand on suspicion that they contracted the coronavirus. And these broads are still in there. What are they getting paid? That's right, royal cock. Boy, some guys know how to live, huh? There's people at home with 11 kids. They're screaming, fighting, breaking shit. This guy's like, Diane, get on Pam's face.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Spin around nice. Call room service. We need 14 carats. My goodness. Nick, what have you done? I don't know. Hey, you know what the, I call them WHO, W-H-O, World Health Organization. A senior World Health Organization advisor appears to dodge questions on a Taiwan's COVID-19 response. This girl from Hong Kong, she must be a famous anchorwoman, she's cute as a button, is interviewing a senior advisor from a World Health Organization. On Friday, Hong Kong's RTHK interviewed Dr. Bruce Aylward, a Canadian physician, epidemiologist, and assistant director general at the World Health Organization. This is a big cheese, okay?
Starting point is 00:22:37 The interview was conducted via video link, was about international responses to the pandemic. In particular, Taiwan. You know, China doesn't recognize Taiwan. It's part of their, you know, they say we own them, but it won't recognize them as a country. So guess what? The World Health Organization, who sucks up to China,
Starting point is 00:22:58 I still don't know why, won't recognize or accept Taiwan into the World Health Association with all the other countries. Because China's saying, no, we don't fucking recognize them. So here's this woman interviewing Mr. Aylward, one of the senior advisors. Will the WHO consider Taiwan's membership? Look, he heard that. Look at this piece of spineless white fella hello hello hello i couldn't hear your question okay yeah let me let me let me repeat the
Starting point is 00:23:34 question let's move to another one then oh because because i'm actually curious what a sanctimonious smug asshole okay let's move to another one who do you think you're talking to disgusting go ahead look at his friends i'm talking about taiwan as well on taiwan's case oh i've done that before irs we decided to give dr alward another call to follow up and i just want to see if you can comment a bit on how Taiwan has done so far in terms of containing the virus. You can act like a man! We've already talked about China.
Starting point is 00:24:13 And when you look across all the different areas of China, they've actually all done quite a good job. So with that, I'd like to thank you very much for inviting us to participate. And good luck as you go forward with the battle in Hong Kong. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. You're a liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, and you know it.
Starting point is 00:24:35 What an ass. Problem? You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. Y onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground, I promise you. Not this time. The World Health Organization and in particular its director, General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, have been accused of being too deferential to China in accepting of China's claims about the virus outbreak, despite evidence it initially covered up. In February, Aylward, listen to this, who has decades of experience in battling disease outbreaks, led a World Health Organization mission to Wuhan. This is in February.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Several weeks after the pandemic started, they were there. After returning, he told media the country had absolutely turned it around. That's what he fucking said. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know it. In a clip shared by Chinese media, Aylward said the country knew what it was doing. And if I had COVID-19, this is a quote from him, I'd want to be treated in China.
Starting point is 00:25:42 What the fuck? Another giant institution that we can't believe in as regan said government government's not the solution it's the problem something like that uh well check out my shirt that Nancy gave me. Well, where am I? What am I doing? Hello? An accountant controlled, listen to this, an account controlled by the Taiwan presidential spokesman said the clip looks like the World Health Organization has a poor connection with more than just reality. The Taiwanese government said it has been cut out of discussions despite its success in claims that it
Starting point is 00:26:26 warned the World Health Organization about the risk of human-to-human transmission of the virus back in December, but was ignored. The World Health Organization did not declare a pandemic until March, when the virus had already reached more than 110 countries, infected more than 100,000 people. Let's suck up to the World Health Organization. Aylward defended the World Health Organization's response over recent months in his interview with The Pulse, saying it always knew there was a potential it would become a pandemic,
Starting point is 00:27:00 but society had the potential to prevent it if we do the kind of measures that China put in place. You fucking believe this guy? They lied about him. You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground.
Starting point is 00:27:21 I promise you. Not this time. He said any country which failed to do so had to take a look at itself why don't you look at yourself that's a video that's gone viral you just made an ass of yourself in front of the world and blew your cover on monday the world health organization website listen to this no longer appeared to list alewood as an assistant director general a cachet copy copy of the website captured on Friday contained a page with the job title and biography of Aylward. That link now directs to a list of World Health Organization's leadership team,
Starting point is 00:27:53 but Aylward is not on there. Bye-bye. He's hiding. He'll be back. I want to know why, though. Why are they sucking up to China, the World Health Organization? That's political, too? This is why people hate government and organizations and groups and fucking UN, World Health Organization, dickheads without borders. It's all fucking garbage.
Starting point is 00:28:20 It's garbage. But here's good news. And this backs up what Mr ale what's said about china and i say that with a tongue in cheek live animals are still for sale in chinese food markets that reopened after the country recently declared uh victory over God. Full of cats and dogs waiting for slaughter. And the unsanitary preparation of animals is, again, reportedly a common sight in Chinese food markets, often called wet markets. That's what we called whorehouses back in the 70s nah I'm just
Starting point is 00:29:06 I hate the wet work can you imagine they're open selling dogs and who wants a pound of fresh carcass bandage dog food dog food dog food
Starting point is 00:29:23 China ordered that its wet markets be shut down in January after facts emerged suggesting the coronavirus was first transmitted to human via bats and other live animals sold in the often filthy places of commerce. Again, that's why we're the only superpower left. However, now that China says it's beaten the virus the market seemed to have resumed business as usual the markets have gone back to operating in exactly the same way as they did before the virus said daily mail correspondent who observed the market's reopening in dong guan Dongguan. Oh, Dongguan. Dongguan. Not Don Juan. Dongguan. Have you had the Dongguan appetizer? The only difference is that security guards try to stop anyone taking pictures. Another correspondent in Gilean, a city southwest of China, in southwest China, a city southwest of China, in southwest China,
Starting point is 00:30:29 photographed a sign advertising bats, snakes, spiders, lizards, and scorpions for sale as a remedy for common illnesses. What the fuck is going on over here? And this is our big rival? You get a fever and your mother puts a scorpion on your forehead? What the fuck? Although China says it has beaten the covid19 virus many are skeptical about how honest the ruling chinese communist party oh really communist china lying uh they've always been known as sneaky and liars stereotypes are stereotypes
Starting point is 00:30:58 um not all again not all the chinese again in this country the asians the indians and the chinese are going to save this because they work around the clock. I'm just talking about the motherland. You know, the communists, the one that AOC and Bernie suck up to. This is what they want. Skeptical about how long it's a ruling Chinese comedy party
Starting point is 00:31:17 has been in reporting infection statistics throughout the pandemic. National Review says it has identified dozens of instances where in which china lied to the world about the virus uh in its borders so they're fucking nuts it's not going to be long before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy you have another cup of bat soup i've had the scorpion ramen noodles noodles. They love to put shit on a stick, right? Right? You know, in Chinese, I always order that, your chicken on a stick. I've never had the scorpions on a stick. Jesus, that's my worst
Starting point is 00:31:59 nightmare. Look at that. That's what they consider a flower arrangement in China your friends get a new apartment you bring that over I brought your scorpion bucket did you get any sides with it yeah coleslaw and potatoes what a creepy and I eat anything folks I'm just saying but good I even go I even when they say you know dog is good maybe it's delicious maybe it tastes like lobster but I don't fucking I don't know
Starting point is 00:32:30 Chinese researchers isolated this is a related story deadly bat coronavirus is near Wuhan animal market
Starting point is 00:32:36 oh my god the animal markets where the fuck am I on this thing way down here I kill you I kill you right now kill me
Starting point is 00:32:43 I'm right here kill me okay I come with two now. Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. Okay. I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your ass. Two chopsticks. Come over here. Talk to me in the face.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Like a somebody. Talk to me in the face, motherfucker. I stick two scorpion sticks up your ass. Chinese government research has isolated more than 2,000 animal viruses, including deadly bat coronaviruses, and carried out scientific work on them. Get this, just three miles from a wild animal market identified as the epicenter for the COVID-19 pandemic. They have laboratories three miles from a place where they're buying food.
Starting point is 00:33:21 You know, a bat, a rat sneaks out of their lab. Some guy behind the fucking food market catches it shoves a stick up its ass dips it in caramel and off you go several chinese state media outlets in recent months touted the virus research and lionized in particular a key researcher in wuhan his name is tian junhua as the leader in bad virus work uh very smart guy fucking met him a few times at one of my shows um that's a waitress telling you what the specials are uh Listen to this, though. This reports of the extensive Chinese research on bad buyers likely will fuel more calls for Beijing to make public what it knows about such work. This is one of the worst cover ups in human history. And now the world is
Starting point is 00:34:16 facing global pandemic. Rep Michael T. McCall, Texas Republican and ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said last week, Mr. McCall has said China should be held accountable for all this bullshit. You are correct, sir. How are you going to do that? What are you going to do? How are we going to hold them accountable?
Starting point is 00:34:38 We can't piss them off because where am I going to get my cheap lawn furniture? You get a dining room set for $11 made in China by kids in their late teens strapped to a fucking lathe. A video posted online in December and funded by the Chinese government shows Mr. Tian inside caves in Hubei province
Starting point is 00:34:58 taking samples from captured bats and storing them in vials. Chinese officials have said the virus likely spread from wild animals to people at wuhan's wuhan seafood wholesale market not far from the wuhan center for disease control honey i'm on my way home i'm gonna stop by the pick up a pound of fucking scorpions and uh this is a doctor you know i just left the hospital don't worry i rinsed my hands in purell everything will be fine.
Starting point is 00:35:32 British news accounts also reported over the weekend that some of the stalls at China's so-called wet wild animal markets, as they reopen, have begun once again selling bats and scorpions and resumed questionable practices such as slaughtering small animals right at the site. Bon appetit. Where should we chop them up? I don't know, Charlie's house. Bring the coffee. I'm fucking kidding. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:35:55 I look chubby today. Too much sodium last night. Chinese officials refuse to provide samples of its coronavirus strains to U.S. researchers. I'll repeat that. Chinese officials refused to provide samples of the coronavirus strains to the United States researchers shortly after the outbreak became public and did not allow international disease specialists to visit Wuhan
Starting point is 00:36:17 for weeks. Okay? Nothing to see here. Please, Pittsburgh. Nothing to see here, please. Nothing to see here, please. The Chinese video Youth in the Wild Invisible Defender records researchers engaged in casual handling of bats containing deadly viruses. The seven minute film boasts that China has taken the lead in global virus research and uncovered 2,000 viruses in the past 12 years, the time since the outbreak of the bat origin virus that caused severe acute respiratory syndrome, otherwise known as SARS. The deadly virus behind the current pandemic
Starting point is 00:36:57 is called SARS coronavirus 2.0. Also has been traced to bats. Fucking bats are are the grossest fucking I killed one in my house I told you it's on my album look up bat story google it it's one of my best bits
Starting point is 00:37:15 I've never been scared of anything more fucking bat was chasing me around our kitchen that was the first one we let it out the door somehow two nights later me and my wife are in bed lights are off me around our kitchen. That was the first one. We let it out the door somehow. Two nights later, me and my wife in bed, lights are off, pitch black. The only light you can see was from the VCR, the DVR. I'm laying in there and I hear this. I go, oh, fuck me. All of a sudden, I see something go by the lights on the VCI. I go, motherfucker. I almost started crying like a bitch.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Fucking, my wife was under the covers. The thing's hovering over her. I'm in my underwear. I went downstairs, made a sandwich, let her deal with it. No, I went downstairs. All I could find was a mop. I'm not doing this. I'm not doing the bit, but fucking Google it.
Starting point is 00:38:02 After about being terrorized for two hours, the thing finally landed sleeping upside down like on the top of uh one of our windows so i crushed it with a mop it was napping and i just put the good hair snack crap apart and people were going you can't kill bats and shit and i'm like yeah fucking tell me about it they go that was more that thing was probably more afraid of you than you were of it. Yeah, I had a funny way of showing it
Starting point is 00:38:28 by bearing its fangs at me and flying at me 400 miles an hour and pissing on our bed. Thing was paralyzed with fear. I fucking killed it. They do good things. I mean, they really do. They eat bugs and shit
Starting point is 00:38:41 and they do have a purpose, but Jesus Christ, one of the purposes isn't making fucking bat smoothies in Wuhan. Fucking Chinese. Anyways, prior to China's discoveries, an estimated 2,284 types of viruses have been found in the previous 200 years. But you want to eat them. What am I missing here? Chinese state media outlets revealed that Mr. Tian once failed to wear protective gear in a cave
Starting point is 00:39:09 and as a result came into contact with bat urine. To avoid contracting a disease, he self-quarantined for 14 days. This was years ago. He was way ahead of it. Un-fucking-believable. He says bats have a large number of unknown viruses on their bodies, he said. The more thorough our research on bats is, the better it will be for human health. Oh, for the love of my aching stem. I don't believe this guy.
Starting point is 00:39:37 What? Nothing for you. Show them. You guys hungry? Look at this. This is what they bring to your table. I eat anything. I mean, I have eaten anything.
Starting point is 00:39:49 I fucking had squirrel. I've had fucking antelope feet. Pigs, pigs noses. I really have. Okay, a $5 hooker I ate. Look at, look at that. What? Nothing for you at that! What? Nothing for you!
Starting point is 00:40:07 Oh! What? Nothing for you! Look at this one's in his own hot tub, rinsing his ass. Yeah, let's throw some scallions on it. Fucking filthy people. Dirty, dirty, filthy! We shouldn't call it...
Starting point is 00:40:23 What's, uh, Elvita King, Martin Luther King Jr.'s daughter or whatever? She really, I like her. She's very likable. She's on Fox all the time. But she was talking about Trump getting shit for calling it the Chinese virus. She goes, when you have Chinese food,
Starting point is 00:40:37 do you call it Chinese food? Yes, because it's from China. Amen, sister. I'm almost done, folks, with this shit. But come on, people are dying. And Shezen News, which I get, I subscribe to that, a publication of the Guangdong Communist Youth League. They have some good pictures over there.
Starting point is 00:40:55 That's what a Red Sox farm system is. Describe in December how Mr. Tian shuttled through caves and jungles looking for viruses with bats and ticks called vector organisms. He was trying to develop a vaccine. The report said that nearly 2,000 viruses discovered in China over the past 12 years nearly doubled the total number of known viruses. A search of the Wuhan CDC website since the coronavirus outbreak contains no reference to Mr. Tian on his work. He has co-authored at least two scientific studies on the Wuhan virus and its impact,
Starting point is 00:41:29 but he's not on the website anyway. Hmm. Anyway, that's enough. There's more to that story. But I'm tired. I told you no baths! Fucking bat soup. You know, it's kind of funny. New funny new york obviously getting pummeled we're like the epicenter uh new york city is now boy did i get out of there in time huh i thought it was property taxes that were going to kill me
Starting point is 00:41:57 uh but you know who else is getting hurt by this it's kind of funny the mafia in new york the wholesale cancellation of major sports in the face of the contagion has wiped out tens of millions of dollars in illegal gambling income. A historic blow to mafia, law enforcement said. Yeah. Can you imagine? These poor bastards. Give me the money.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Give me the fucking money. You hear me? You hear me? I got to come here and bust my body. Give me the fucking money. There's never been a time when they weren't making money through gambling, said one insider, since the days of Lucky Luciano when the five families started. He said this is historic. Thanks to the Internet, which replaced cramped social distancing nightmares of yesteryear's
Starting point is 00:42:37 wire rooms, it looked as though illegal betting would emerge unscathed during the virus early days. Then came the postponements and cancellations of what, folks? That's right, the NBA, MLB, March Madness, the NHL, Major League Soccer, thank Christ, horse racing, pro golf. All the shit is gambling loot to these guys. With virtually all American sports in an indefinite timeout until the disease burns out, a few dedicated gamblers have tried their hands at wagering on African cricket. I can't believe that.
Starting point is 00:43:11 I can't even make a joke about African cricket. I have no fucking... And Australian soccer matches. Oh, my God. Can you imagine Guineas betting on that? Go! Go! Anthony! Shava!
Starting point is 00:43:27 Newt Gagga! They're betting on African cricket, Australian soccer matches, but the underground betting scene has actually dried up on them, they said. A lot of people are living off that money, said one source, with the loss of fucking cash estimated to be in the eight figures and the worst of the diseases yet to come. Other mob mainstays have also been hard hit. Think about this. Extortion of restaurants.
Starting point is 00:43:49 All the restaurants are closed. With eateries ordered closed except for takeout and delivery. And construction rackets have been bringing in the bucks until Cuomo halted all non-essential projects on Friday. These fucking guys have me going out of their mind. Oh, boy, you. I don't believe this shit. I had four no-show jobs. No, a Trump hotel.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Construction's a very big deal because they had a lot of branches. One law enforcement said, noting that goodfellas don't just profit off the jobs themselves, but related ventures like the trucking and the ports. So they're losing money hand over fist. I don't know nothing about that.
Starting point is 00:44:30 And with fewer businesses open and generating garbage, private carding companies, historically a popular mob enterprise, are also feeling the pinch. Money-hungry made men may soon be forced
Starting point is 00:44:41 to lean more on narcotics. There's a lot of money in that white powder, Pop. Never tell anybody outside the family what you think. So they might venture back into drugs, which they did a long time ago and they said they weren't going to. There's still deals being made. One insider is speaking generally of the drug trade and not the mob's involvement.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Chatter captured recently on surveillance wires indeed portends a possible shift to drug peddling. Oh my God. A lot of the time, the big topic of conversation will be talking about gambling. That's dried up, one source says, so they're going to turn to narcotics. But even that comes with its share
Starting point is 00:45:21 of coronavirus-induced headaches. Much of the product once moved and mobbed up restaurants, bars, and strip clubs. That's where you got your fucking illegal drugs. Are now closed, thanks to Cuomo. So he'll be getting waxed. I'm kidding. He's part of the fellas. You can't be the governor or mayor.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Well, not de Blasio. They wouldn't even accept him. Big girl. Hey, guys. Real quickly, I want to thank,. They wouldn't even accept him, big girl. Hey, guys, real quickly, I want to thank, again, we have a new sponsor on the show. We partnered up with
Starting point is 00:45:54 You can put it up. They have a bunch of shirts, mugs, hats, posters, etc. Both exclusive Dick DiPaolo show gear and also some hilarious Trump-friendly stuff. They're driving the snakes out. Look at him. He's cute.
Starting point is 00:46:08 A cute little kid. Looks like Ted Koppel. So there's some of the shit. Again, look at me. I've never looked better. Uncle Sam Giancana. Hey, wash your asses. We're going to open the books for them.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Actually, I like that. It's a good color for me. Again, you can find all this stuff at This is important. Please make sure to use the promo code Nick at the checkout to get 10% off your order. That applies to everything on the website. All the mugs and I think Tommy typed this. Well, let me read it the way Tommy typed it. Please make sure to us the promo code.
Starting point is 00:46:58 That applies to everything on the website, all the mugs and shits and hats. on the website, all the mugs and shits and hats. That's right. You can get a Nick DiPaolo signed shit. Again, check out the and use the promo code Nick at the checkout. They'll keep adding new stuff, so we're going to update
Starting point is 00:47:19 every day and share with you, and I'm going to come up with stuff. All of a sudden, I'm going to become fucking Bill Blass or fucking Calvin Klein. I'll come up with some stuff. I'll be getting arrested by Al Sharpton. So please do that. Go to that. We thank them for being part of the show.
Starting point is 00:47:42 New York City sees a coronavirus death every 2.9 minutes in horrific six-hour stretch yesterday the coronavirus death total new york city surge this was on monday uh surged to 914 on monday afternoon accelerated by six hellish hours hours that saw the tally spike by 124 or one death every 2.9 minutes. Listen to this. As of 1030 a.m. update from City Hall, the five boroughs had seen 36,220 confirmed cases of a contagion with 790 confirmed fatalities. But by 4.30 p.m., the number of cases had ticked up to 38,087, while the deaths exploded to 914. Of the more than 38,000 cases, 7,741 patients patients or about 20 percent are hospitalized. Think about that. That is thank God for the ship that came in. We'll show you that in a second.
Starting point is 00:48:52 The beds are being built. But, you know, Nancy Pelosi says Trump's diddling or fiddling. Fucking you know what? There's still less disease in New York City than San Francisco. If you weren't trying to impeach the president, you dumb whore, with your boyfriend Chuck Schumer and the rest of the fucking idiots, maybe you would have saw this coming. Then you have the nerve to sit there and go, oh, he's fiddling and people are dying. You should go home and fiddle yourself. Nobody else is going to do it to you, Mama Luke.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Monday's horrifying leap followed a similar period on Sunday in which 98 deaths were logged. During a press briefing early Monday, Governor Andrew Cuomo reported that the Empire State as a whole had been hit by 66,497 diagnoses with 1,218 deaths. 297 diagnoses with 1,218 deaths. Oh, boy. You see the clips on New York? They show clips. It is so weird. I mean, not a homeless person in BC.
Starting point is 00:50:04 It is so, I lived there for 20-something years. Central Park, nobody. Times Square square you'll see like three people i want to go back and just walk around but then it's my city oh my god but people are apparently listening about quarantining and stuff most of them are most of them are um let's go to the uh here's some people in new york who weren't listening crowds of uh gawkers ignored new york social distance regulations impact the west side of manhattan on monday to watch a u.s navy hospital ship arrive to give badly uh needed aid the throngs of people stood shoulder to shoulder. That's not six feet. And by the way, six feet's not enough.
Starting point is 00:50:48 We did a whole story yesterday. They did a study in the UK. When you sneeze or whatever, the fucking droplets come out of your nose at about 300 miles an hour. And they put up, they say 26 feet, you'd be safe. That's when you wish you lived in Australia because each person has 12 miles to themselves
Starting point is 00:51:05 every time there's nobody there uh the throngs of people stood shoulder to shoulder took photos of the usns comfort look at this uh look at look at these that's what are you doing new yorkers what are you doing it's a dangerous situation get Get out of there. It's no good. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yes. The throngs of people stood shoulder to shoulder and touching each other and shit. Guess what, though? Rachel Maddow, a few weeks ago, has she ever been right about anything, including her haircut and her Adam's apple?
Starting point is 00:51:46 Take a look at this, what she said. In terms of the happy talk we've had on this front from the federal government, there is no sign that the Navy hospital ships that the president made such a big deal of, the Comfort and the Mercy, there's no sign that they'll be anywhere on site helping out anywhere in the country for weeks yet. She's a money-naked cunt. He said when he announced that those ships would be put into action against the COVID-19 epidemic, he said one of those ships would be operational in New York Harbor by next week. That's nonsense. It will not be there next
Starting point is 00:52:15 week. All right. I can't look at him anymore. That's the face she makes when somebody shows her a penis. Nick, why do you go after this sexual? Because they made it an issue in this country. They made gender an issue. They made sexuality an issue. You know what? I'll be glad to grab that baton and run with it. And why I'm dressed like a fucking guy who should be on a tractor in Omaha is Beyond me.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Anyways, at least a dozen cops, New York cops, stood by, initially did not disperse the boneheaded bystanders as they gathered and snapped cell phone photos of the ship pulling into the bay. After members of the City Hall press corps tweeted about the throngs of people, Comrade de Blasio communications team directed the NYPD to get the crowds to disperse.
Starting point is 00:53:04 So that's what they've done there. NYPD warned that the crowds about, they warned the crowds about violating social distancing, but did not issue any tickets. de Blasio has said that New Yorkers who ignore orders from the city officials to disperse could face $500 in fines. He says we still have some people who are holding out. What our officers and our other enforcement agencies are going to do, they're going to go up to someone and say, you have to disperse now.
Starting point is 00:53:41 And then that person will look them in a blank eye because they don't speak english and if they got here from yemen and they have a rape record so they're hiding in new york and they won't know what the cops talking about anyways poor new york great city but not the place to be yes sir i have a patreon question i hope it's slightly controversial go ahead question i hope it's fucking slightly controversial go ahead david g palm springs did you know that rachel meadow show is being broadcast on chinese state tv as part of the anti-trump propaganda i did not know that i bet you her ratings are through the roof you know why they're all telling her uh telling the chinese people that's Henry Winkler. I did not know that. But what's the difference between MSNBC and Chinese state TV?
Starting point is 00:54:33 Just the shape of their eyes, motherfuckers. That's it. Ding, dong, ding, ah, wah, eh, hing, hang. I believe that wholeheartedly. I'm sure Don Remen has a show over there too. Fucking jag off. Finally tonight, ladies and gentlemen, AOC, let's get back to a little politics. Remember, there is an election coming up in November,
Starting point is 00:55:03 a presidential election. Well, we think it might not be. They could push it till fucking February of 2039 at this rate. But AOC, remember her? Nice tits, bartender, left winger, dumb as a bag of fucking hammers. You remember her, right? Well, anyways, AOC has been quietly distancing herself she's doing social distancing not right here bernie's trying to fucking rub her left tit against his old cranky ribs what has she been doing lately she's quietly quietly distancing herself has nothing to a corona from bernie sanders in an effort to shift the progressive path forward, given his likely defeat in the 2020 primaries. Boy, how to be a loyal.
Starting point is 00:55:53 She's a little whore and a little piece of trash. Yeah, it's still sticking in her. The relationship began to break down in early February when Sanders campaign manager, Faiy Shakir. That's his campaign manager, Faiy Shakir, that's his campaign manager, part of the fucking, where'd you find him, ISIS? Faiy Shakir complained via text to AOC's campaign manager about her performance during a three-day stretch campaigning for Sanders in Iowa.
Starting point is 00:56:21 The magazine reported that Shakir was specifically upset about her forgetting to mention Sanders by name when she hosted a campaign event at the University in Iowa. The magazine reported that Shakira was specifically upset about her forgetting to mention Sanders by name when she hosted a campaign event at the University of Iowa. Didn't even bring him up. Sanders' campaign did not immediately respond
Starting point is 00:56:35 to the post request for comment on the allegations, but denied the remarks to Vanity Fair, adding that any reminder for the progressive Bronx Queens congressman to mention Sanders was a good-natured ribbing. Because they're so you know how those far-left people just the shits and giggles
Starting point is 00:56:49 AOC grew less interested in the campaign after Iowa according to the Huff I just said Iowa according to Huffington Post when the campaign opted to publicize the endorsement of Joe Rogan a controversial podcast since when is Joe controversial? To fucking get the most popular podcast in the world. If it was controversial, it wouldn't be the most popular in the world we live in, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:57:16 A controversial podcast host who has been criticized for the past remarks about what? LGBTQ activists. Boy, we haven't talked about them in a while. Get this your head get this through your head it's the wrong clip you're picking on the wrong people fucking quiz ah rogan is as fair as anybody yeah he's got again testosterone driven guy so automatically right but i i just realized res since the corona thing we finally got a break from all the fucking lgbt news every day and transgender and uh you know by the way before i forget you guys colin quinn said you're gonna
Starting point is 00:58:00 watch the series narcos it's probably been on netflix for a while i don't know i just started watching it i can't fucking stop it's a pablo escobar oh my god you gotta watch it it's fucking done so well i guess there's two you got narcos about him and there's another one i think about el chapo but right now it's escobar the medellin cartel and a DEA guy, a couple of DEA guys are over there trying to, I can't stop watching it. It's like watching Don Lemon swimming nude. I can't take my eyes off him. Ocasio-Cortez did not campaign for the Vermont Independent until just a few days before the New Hampshire primary.
Starting point is 00:58:41 This story's way too long. It's boring the shit out of me. The Sanders campaign told the Huffington Post that no such concerns about Rogan were raised. The campaign also expressed strong appreciation for all that AOC has done
Starting point is 00:58:51 as a surrogate for Sanders. Yada, yada, yada. On its website, the organization, this is a progressive Justice Democrats, the PAC, which supported
Starting point is 00:59:02 Ocasio-Cortez in 2018. Blah, blah, blah. I'm getting sick. I don't even want to read this. Anyways, on its website, the organization still lists the New York Democrat as one of its incumbent candidates, meaning AOC, along with fellow squad members. Remember these whores? Ianya Presley, Massachusetts, the most militant black woman on the planet. Presley, Massachusetts, the most militant black woman on the planet. Rashida Tlaib, remember her? And Ilhan Omar. Remember those
Starting point is 00:59:30 people? Remember those girls? If you don't, here's them talking. That's them in unison. Anyways, the gist of it is AOC's about as loyal as anybody else. Se sees Bernie's getting slaughtered fucking not hanging out with him now it's a tough world
Starting point is 00:59:51 politics it's a tough world and I guess AOC's dad called Bernie Sanders get this through your head get this through your head you motherfucker you that is it. What am I forgetting, Raz? Anything?
Starting point is 01:00:10 What? Again, contributions is what's keeping us alive, and you guys have been more than great. And I'm hoping we get through this coronavirus. For your sake, I'm giving you some relief. An hour a day, whatever. Or pissing off your wife whoever doesn't like me make them tune in they're the
Starting point is 01:00:30 best ones and uh and also you can sign up at we'll give you an extra story every day you can ask me a question and you have access to over 300 shows and if you have a business go to if you want to be a sponsor on the show Tommy's working on it right now the guy's indefatigable how's that for a big word I can't wait to go home
Starting point is 01:00:57 and have this scorpion soup with a fucking batwing appetizer dipped in blue cheese my stem is hard anyways that's it thank you guys so much with a fucking batwing appetizer dipped in blue cheese. My stem is hard. Anyways, that's it. Thank you guys so much.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Remember, you think it, I will say it. You are very welcome. And we will see you at the same time tomorrow. And stay quarantine. Bye-bye. guitar solo guitar solo I'm out.

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