The Nick DiPaolo Show - Wokeism pervades the US government | Nick Di Paolo Show #535

Episode Date: May 4, 2021

CIA releases woke recruitment video. Biden raises the migrant cap after far-left pressure. Cori Bush says America "racist AF."...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, I want to thank you so much for supporting this show. Free speech will always reign here, and it's only possible because of you guys. After all the problems with YouTube and the social media shadow banning and shit, not only are we still here, we are expanding. By the end of May, and this is for certain, we will have this show finally on Roku, We will have this show finally on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Android TV, and even an app for your iPhone or Android mobile device. That's right. Finally.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Yeah, fuck you, big tech. Who needs you? It's not going to stop us. And again, I'd like to ask you guys to continue to keep those contributions coming. You're the reason for all this great stuff because it costs money. To contribute, just look for the contribute box on or you can go to
Starting point is 00:00:51 and click on the contact page. Again, thank you guys so much. A lot of y'all might not like me after this, but I don't give a fuck. I'm going to say what the fuck needs to be said and what people are really thinking but don't want to say. Fuck COVID. We're fucking over it. If you're a scary ass bitch and you want to fucking wear your mask, wear your mask, bitch. I have a right to breathe
Starting point is 00:01:11 in motherfucking peace. If you're one of those motherfuckers that think you're going to catch it, keep your motherfucking dumb ass in the house, okay? That is on you. If you want to get vaccinated, bitch, get vaccinated. That is not on us to get vaccinated. Leave us the fuck alone. AIDS is real. Diabetes is real. Cancer is real. Diabetes is real. Cancer is real. All these shits is real. Car accidents, strokes, heart attacks, all types of shit. Accidental death.
Starting point is 00:01:32 We're going to die. Everybody dies. Our government doesn't get the right to dictate how the fuck we live in a pandemic. You don't either, bitch. Because this is motherfucking America. I am free. I have a right to breathe how the fuck I want to breathe. So for those who don't understand, fuck you and fuck COVID.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Next, it's America. I'm going to do what the fuck I want to do. Now let it the fuck go. guitar solo Oh yeah, yeah Welcome to the big show on a Tuesday How are you folks? That girl be mad That girl be mad As Tony Soprano would say, he said to a crack whore in one episode, you blow your dad with that mouth?
Starting point is 00:02:49 I like that girl. She was angry. I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore. And she was right on the money and kind of cute, you got to admit, you know. I love you for helping me to construct. That's right, Tanisha, I love you. I'm not a tavern. It's not going to fly in my neighborhood, but I love you for helping me to construct. That's right, Tanisha. I love you. Not a tavern.
Starting point is 00:03:06 It's not going to fly in my neighborhood, but I love you. She was. Thank you. Thank you. She'd be mad. She'd be right on the money. Even a street chick, let's say an urban girl, knows this covid shit is absolute horseshit there's nothing uh nothing there that she said that was wrong in my opinion can i just throw out a more statistic
Starting point is 00:03:35 for the 85th time about covid if you're under 70 you have a 99.96 chance chance of surviving. In other words, it's a goddamn cold. Every time they go, oh, Oklahoma's numbers went up. Okay, three people got a cold. Nobody gives a shit. You heard Taniqua. God damn it. Anyhow, let's get right to another angry black lady.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Got a lot of shit today. A lot of angry black. Look, I'm angry, folks. Black people and me, we, you know, as far as that goes, fuck. We'd be angry, man. We'd be, and my dad'd be angry. That's where I'd be getting it from. Those are beautiful nails, Tanika. Where'd you get
Starting point is 00:04:26 them did? A woman who claimed she was a teacher driving a white Mercedes Benz got stopped by a Latino LA Sheriff's Department deputy for using her cell phone while she was driving, then launched into a racist tirade. The article says tirade, a racist, black racist tirade caught by the cops body cam. I mean, this broad, you don't see black. See, this is the problem. We never focus on black racism. And I'll say it again. I read a poll when I was living in New York and the New York Post, and they asked everybody in the city, they did a survey of like 2000 people, who's the most racist. And black people said about themselves that they were the most racist,
Starting point is 00:05:09 which was a breath of fresh air followed by the guineas. No, I don't know. But check out this. If the right wants to start counteracting all the left-wing propaganda we get on TV and from the news, you got to start showing more more of this
Starting point is 00:05:26 shit remember this is a school teacher roll it you know why i'm being harassed today because i was going under the speed limit i was going at 38 yes you are ma'am good morning which is and the speed limit is 40 and i was going 38 so why are you harassing you're correct i pulled you over because you're a murderer. Yes, I started to record because you're a murderer. You can't be on your cell phone while you're driving. I wasn't on my phone.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I was recording you because you scared me. You can't use your cell phone while you're recording. I can record you. May I have your driver's license? It's at my apartment. What's your apartment?
Starting point is 00:05:59 It's at my home. I'm just taking my sentence. Pause. Do you have a... She's a teacher but her fucking driver's license is at home. This is how we've lowered the standards in this country. She's fucking ignorant. She's teaching kids. She's an out and out racist, a child herself. You're a murderer. Do you see what
Starting point is 00:06:20 the media has done? Do you know what the term useful idiots is i don't know if it was stalin or one of those that used it first but the media this is their useful idiots they pick on a whole segment of the population that's not too bright of all races and they throw that shit out there and this broad who's teaching your kids ingests it and she you know she thinks she's immune to the fucking law these blacks who knows what're going to take the wrong way. Go ahead, roll it. Do you have your driver's license? I mistakenly left it at home.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Do you have a picture of your driver's license? Yes, I do. May I have it? A picture? And can you call your supervisor, please? I already did. He's on his way. Good, because you're a murderer.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Oh, my God. You ignorant whore. And so you're giving me a cell phone ticket? Is that why you're harassing me? It's not harassment. I am enforcing the law. I have a right to record the police when they're harassing me. By all means.
Starting point is 00:07:15 But you can't do it while you're driving. I wasn't texting or none of that. Pause. You hear how she's fucking, like a four-year-old. I wasn't texting or you were on your phone filming. I'd rather have you cutting, pasting articles. You dumb cunt. Like a six-year-old. I wasn't texting and stuff. That is literally a fifth grade like argument. Let it roll. You murdered me and made me think you were going to murder me. Okay. Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. Well, that's not just a feeling. You're a murderer made me think you were going to murder me. Okay, well, I'm sorry you feel that way.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Well, that's not just a feeling. You're a murderer. Okay. Can you zoom in on that for me? Sure. Thank you. And I'm perfectly legal, and I'm a teacher. So there. Congratulations. You're a murderer. What's your last name? I can't see that there.
Starting point is 00:07:59 It's four. It's not show, Ari. Zoom in on that for me. No, because you're scaring me. You're threatening to kill me and my son. Can you give me a break? Pause. Threatening to kill me and my son, she said.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Well, I don't want to break up the meeting or nothing, but she's something of a cunt, ain't she, Doc? How do you mean that? She likes a rigged game roll it you i'll tell you what you keep smiling you're on camera you're trying to threaten to kill me i'm not smiling you're the one who's like hold that still i can't see that is this your car yes it is and you're trying to say i stole my own car because you're jealous oh my. Is that what that sounds like? Oh, my God. You wait for me right here, okay? You're jealous?
Starting point is 00:08:47 You have a citation. All you need to do is give your signature. He's only citing you for using your cell phone while you're driving. That's it. Here you go, ma'am. Sign inside the red box right there. For him being a Mexican racist. What is that name?
Starting point is 00:08:59 Gaso. Sign the citation, ma'am. Here you go, Mexican racist. You're always going to be a Mexican. You'll never be white. You know that, right? Neither will you, bitch. You'll never be white, which is what you really, Mexican racist. You're always going to be a Mexican. You'll never be white. You know that, right? Either will you, bitch. You'll never be white, which is what you really want to be.
Starting point is 00:09:09 You want to be white. Have a good day. You want to be white, go back. He wants to be white. You're the one in the white Mercedes. You're murdering me. License and registration. You're murdering me. license registration you're murdering me look at she teaches children she teaches children she teaches children okay what the fuck
Starting point is 00:09:37 camera back on me folks camera back on me camera back on me thank you what the fuck if you don't know how to direct don't play with the cameras back to the show you guys might need a dramamine at home watching the show we have uh we're training two guys who are very bright by the way they're just not showing it today all right uh can you imagine can you imagine look what that look what the media is turning out and she's teaching. Well, I'm sure she's teaching kids to be to be in love with the history of the United States, isn't she? I'm fucking real. You know how who else hates this country? I'd say Biden, but I know none of these policies you're watching are Biden's.
Starting point is 00:10:22 You can tell that coming right from AOC, Bernie Sanders, Pelosi. Just think of any far-left. None of this shit is him. He's just the puppet. Here's one. Biden's new plan lets the IRS snoop on your bank accounts. And I know why they're doing this. This is, again, about looking for white supremacy.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Anyways, Biden's plan wants to give an extraordinary amount of new power to the IRS. Give me the money, understand me? Give me the fucking money, you hear me? You hear me? I should come here and bust my body. Give me the fucking money. This proposal leverages the information that financial institutions already know about account holders, simply requiring that they add to their regular annual reports information about aggregate account outflows and inflows. Like that's any of their fucking business. Shut up. Mind your fucking business and shut up. Providing the IRS this information will help improve audit selection.
Starting point is 00:11:19 How fucking dumb do they think we are? So it can better target its enforcement activity on the most suspect evaders, avoiding unnecessary and or costly audits of ordinary taxpayers. Since when do the fucking IRS worry about the budget? This is about snooping around white people and hoping they find money you're sending to some skinhead who runs a Sunoco station in fucking Georgia, which I send money all the time. Giving the IRS more power to track money that moves into and out of your account is supposedly meant to help the tax agency go after the wealthiest taxpayers. I think we know who that is, don't we? Pretty much white. However, this new authority has been described as being akin to giving federal tax cops even,
Starting point is 00:12:05 they're tax cops, more of an excuse to claim a metaphorical probable cause to financially stop and frisk, which is a great metaphor. That's what they're doing. They're sneaking around your bank account like a cop. Don't you move, you motherfucker. I'll blow your brains out. No, you won't. I got $11 in there. Beat it. The U.S. operates under a so-called pay-as-you-go tax framework. Somebody tell Wesley Snipes and Willie Nelson, meaning that people are penalized if they wait until the end of the tax year,
Starting point is 00:12:39 for example, to pay all their taxes in one lump sum. This way, the IRS could see that people have certain degree of taxable income flowing through their financial accounts that they should be paying taxes on throughout the year. They can't get their hands on your money. It's your money, by the way, fast enough. And as a byproduct, they can snoop around to see what you're doing. The Biden administration wants to spend $80 billion to expand the IRS compliance abilities
Starting point is 00:13:11 in order to generate $700 billion over the next decade to help pay for the American Families Plan. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. American Family Plan. That money goes to anybody but Americans. That's what's so hilarious about it. And the benefits includes like new quasi-stimulus checks. Where does that $700 billion come from? From the increased tax enforcement that the $80 billion IRS expansion made possible. Oh, that's going to help the economy, huh?
Starting point is 00:13:43 And like I said, wait till they start snooping around. My God. Keep it in a mattress. All of it. I don't care if you're a cartel. Well, the cartels do. But the rest of you, does it have any money? Bill Gates, put it under your pillow.
Starting point is 00:13:57 That'd be one huge pillow. How about him? Not having a prenuptial. Typical nerd. Never had any pussy in his life till he got money. I love her so much. Do you see what his wife looks like? Looks like Bobby Monaghan
Starting point is 00:14:10 doing a woman on SNL. Oh my God, is she frightening. Not that he's fucking Tom Jones in 1972, but Jesus. So she's gonna, anyways, I'm digressing, but imagine the fucking chunk she's gonna get.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I hope she spends this on plastic surgery. But again, all these policies, even the one I just told you about, again, you know, Biden can't think of this shit, right? He can't even find his way home. So here's another example. Biden being pushed around again by the far left fuck sticks. For example, Biden being pushed around again by the far left fuck sticks, the headline reads. President Joe Biden announced on Monday that he's raising the cap on refugees admitted into the country to 60,000, 62,500, up from 15,000 cap the administration said would remain in place last month. So he lied. He said so he's he's bumping it up look at that boat there holy shit welcome to carnival cruise lines look at that yeah so he's raising more so more
Starting point is 00:15:17 people from shitholes can pour in and take our taxpayer dollars the move comes after the administration faced backlash from progressives who blasted the president for maintaining the number put in place by that big orange monster, Donald Trump. Democratic lawmakers on the party's left flank slammed Biden. I told you that's where it's coming from, AOC and the like. Slammed Biden for not meeting the $62,500 cap, despite plans to raise it to $125,000 for fiscal year 2022. They can't turn this country brown quick enough, which were laid out in his proposal to Congress earlier this year. Shortly after the blowback, the White House, with no balls and no spine, reversed course, stating it would unveil a number higher than 15,000 cap by mid-May.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Good for you guys. Today, I am revising the United States. I'm sorry, it's Biden talk. Today, I'm revising the United States annual refugee admission caps. Come on, man. To 62,500. What a piece of shit. Who said that?
Starting point is 00:16:30 Joe Biden. Who the fuck said that? AOC. Who's the slimy little communist shit twinkle toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? This erases the historically low numbers set by previous administrations of 15,000, which is more than enough. I say we have a goddamn moratorium on legal and illegal immigration. Unless it's from Ireland and England. Get my point?
Starting point is 00:16:57 Which did not reflect America's values as a nation. I love how the left thinks they have our values. You can't even mean that. Values as a nation that welcomed and supported refugees, Biden said in a statement. Yeah, but see those, they always say this is a country of immigrants, man. All our grandparents were, yeah, they came here and there were no social safety nets, you whore. They came here with $10 and they wanted to be Americans. They weren't coming over here because you were promising health care and all that shit. And I know you're smart
Starting point is 00:17:29 enough to know that, AOC, you big-titted moron. That felt good on my prostate. The new admissions cap will also reinforce efforts that are already underway to expand the United States capacity to admit refugees so that we can reach the goal of 125,000 and start our own soccer league. 125,000 refugee missions that I intend to set for the coming fiscal year, he said. And I said to Mr. Biden, you're listening. Your mother sucks fucking big fucking elephant dicks. You got that? I got it. Help me, Lord. Just far left policies, folks. Don't I love how they talk. They keep saying these are Biden's
Starting point is 00:18:22 policies. It's like Major League Baseball keeps referring to last year as last season, which was two months long. Words mean something, don't they? You know who thinks words mean something? There's only one guy left in the country. My good Jewish friend, Al Dershowitz. That's right. Al Dershowitz, who I interview. I fucking love this guy. I should have took his class, but you can't get into Harvard with a 2.3 business administrator. See all those books. Everybody else has those in the pictures. He fucking, you know, he read those in like a week and a half and retained every word because he's won't smot you up in this motherfucker. Dershowitz, a Harvard law professor who I interviewed last week. I hope you saw some of my best work and his. He called me after the show. He says he wants to go to a Sox game. That's all bullshit. Dershowitz, a Harvard law professor who
Starting point is 00:19:14 served on President Trump's impeachment legal team. That's how you know he's the only objective guy left. This guy is no right winger. We know that. He's actually pretty liberal. But when it comes to the Constitution and law, he puts all that shit aside like anybody else, like nobody else, I should say, in the country. Anyways, he said it was inappropriate for the federal agents to execute a search warrant on Giuliani's Upper East Side apartment last week. He was furious about it. You're out of order! You're out of order. The whole trial is out of order. You're out of order.
Starting point is 00:19:49 It's the first thing he said on my interview, remember? He said, he said, in a banana republics, he said, in Castro's Cuba, in many parts of the world, when a candidate loses for president, they go after the candidate.
Starting point is 00:20:01 They go after his lawyers. They go after his friends. That's happening in America right now, said a guy who is no Strom Thurmond. Unbelievable. He's talking about Biden. You're a communist. Huh? How do you like it? They tell you all the time what to do, what to think. They sure are. They're going aftery giuliani he continued uh nothing that giuliani it says not excuse me noting that giuliani was the u.s attorney for the southern district of new york in the 1980s dershowitz argued and and he remember during the interview
Starting point is 00:20:39 you know he said giuliani was pretty reckless with some of his searches. Dershowitz argued that a subpoena would have been more appropriate given that Giuliani might keep privileged information from his own clients at his home. A search warrant on a lawyer or a doctor or a priest? You don't use search warrants, he said. You don't use search warrants when people have privileged information on their cell phones and in their computers, you use a subpoena the way my wife did. What? The difference between a subpoena and a search warrant is like night and day, he says. It's not, it's just not constitutional, he said. Federal prosecutors are reportedly looking into whether Giuliani
Starting point is 00:21:22 illegally lobbied for Trump on behalf of officials and oligarchs. I think we already solved that problem, did we not, in the Ukraine? So I don't know nothing about that. That's what Trump said. Dershowitz said that he believes Giuliani has a strong case to challenge federal prosecutors if they accessed his iCloud in early 2019 when he was the president's lawyer. That cloud's beautiful, huh? So when people want to find shit out about you, there's a big dark cloud over your house. But he said that when he was Trump's lawyer, a claim that Giuliani made last week without providing further details. They gave Rudy Giuliani lots of legal arguments that he can prevail on, Mr. Dershowitz
Starting point is 00:22:05 said. Again, this isn't Jacoby and Myers or Morgan and Morgan. This is my boy Al Dershowitz up in that motherfucker. Apparently, they went after the cloud and other material and information without telling them. That's just not the way the government is supposed to treat its citizens unless it's being run by people who hate this country dershowitz i added that dershowitz said giuliani called him saturday to ask if he'd represent him due to his constitutional expertise and um i guess alan hemden hard then giuliani said this get this through your head. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. No, he didn't. Rudy, this is Dershowitz talking.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Rudy and I have had our disagreements over the years about everything, but we completely agree about the Constitution, Dershowitz said. And that's two smart dudes, man. And if Dershowitz says you got a case, you got a case. I really think Farah and Farah could win this one. I mentioned all these law firms down here in Savannah. I don't know what the history of Savannah is, but I'm not shitting you. Every billboard, every sign, every radio, every TV commercial is lawyers. Slip and fall lawyers. I don't know what, I got to look it up.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Anyways. Give me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. Wow, that came in a little hot, fellas, but that's all right. Jesus Christ. Sound like me yelling at my wife. In our Make Me a Sandwich segment uh today the cia released a recruitment video in march that's just starting to receive some much needed attention the video
Starting point is 00:23:52 proves the cia not only kneels in fealty before the cult of woke it also proves the cia is hiring and actively looking to recruit the most immodest narciss, grotesquely self-serving people in the fucking world. Woke millennials is what we're talking about. Watch this. Watch this obscenely pompous piece of garbage. And while you do, see if you can catch the one word that's not used in this video. This is a video that the CIA is using
Starting point is 00:24:31 to recruit people. And when I saw this, this scares the shit out of me because this wokeness is like a cancer and it is metastasizing all through the government. Check this politically correct horse shit out and try not to puke when i was 17 i quoted zora neale hurston's how it feels to be colored me in my college
Starting point is 00:24:55 application essay the line that spoke to me stated simply i am not tragically colored there is no sorrow damned up in my soul nor lurking behind my eyes. I do not mind at all. At 17 I had no idea what life would bring but Sora's sentiment articulated so beautifully how I felt as a daughter of immigrants then and now. Nothing about me was or is tragic. I am perfectly made. Who said it was? I can wax eloquent on complex legal issues in English while also belting guayaquil de mis amores in Spanish. I can change a diaper with one hand and console a crying toddler with the other. I'm a woman of color. I am a mom. I am a cisgender millennial who's been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. Pause. A nervous millennial CIA agent who goes under.
Starting point is 00:25:46 When you go undercover, you're not supposed to tell everybody what you are. Do you get it? This is more important than being a good fucking spy now that you're woke. Oh, my aching. All's I know in her history. I read about it. Hey, she was a whore. B, she was a whore.
Starting point is 00:26:03 No, she wasn't. She's just a proud woman of color who is so fucking into her. Who talks like this? Go ahead. I am intersectional, but my existence is not a box-checking exercise. Check this box. I am a walking declaration. A woman whose inflection does not rise at the end of her sentences,
Starting point is 00:26:21 suggesting that a question has been asked. I did not sneak into CIA. My employment was not and is not the result of a fluke or slip through the cracks. You didn't sleep, but you sucked somebody's dick. I earned my way in, and I earned my way up the ranks of the- Pause, pause.
Starting point is 00:26:35 This is implying everybody else that worked there, whether male or female, had it handed to them. You stupid, you know, what do you think? You're the first generation of fucking immigrants that climbed the ladder making up all this all these fake obstacles you couldn't have come to this country at a better time or whatever been raised in this country where why don't you ask white cops
Starting point is 00:26:59 and and lawyers who've been passed by because they're white, because of affirmative action. You're there because you're a woman of color. Everything you're saying is horse shit. You may be smart, whatever, but how can you be this self-involved and be a CIA agent? I'm glad the CIA is so woke. What are you getting notes from fucking Delta and Coke?
Starting point is 00:27:24 Oh, do you hear this shit? You pompous, stuck up, snot nose, English, giant, twerps, scumbag, fuck face, dickhead, asshole. Let it roll. This organization, I am educated, qualified and competent. And sometimes I struggle. I struggle feeling like I could do more, be more to my two sons, and I struggle leaving the office when I feel there's so much more to do. Well, stay.
Starting point is 00:27:53 I used to struggle with imposter syndrome, but at 36, I refused to internalize misguided patriarchal ideas of what a woman can or should be. That shit went away around 1960. But keep it alive, just like keeping the myth alive that this country is so racist and ingested male patriarchal. I'm ingesting what you're saying right now, and I need a roll of Tums. What absolute woke fucking horseshit. Talk red herrings go ahead i am tired of feeling like i'm supposed to apologize for the space i occupy rather than show us your people with my effort my brilliance i am proud of me full stop my parents left all right enough enough enough enough enough I don't want to hear any more of that.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Jesus Christ. Who says that? Huh? Who walks around and goes, I am, she should be going, I'm not perfect. Right? What a generation.
Starting point is 00:29:00 This is that generation. They wonder why they all don't get trophies and they think they're special and shit. And you know, our enemies are laughing their balls off. You think the Chinese have this when they recruit their fucking spies? They want to know if you can strangle a baby in three seconds and pour acid in a cup of tea. Good spies. This fucking videotape you just watched, this sits proudly on the CIA's verified YouTube page with the hashtags, hashtag know your value, hashtag women in Intel.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Everybody's a fake victim. She doesn't even realize that's why she climbed to the top. Because if she went into an interview and got turned down, she'd get a good lawyer. Even if it was a government job she was after. I, as an Italian-American, I've had it so tough. People calling me a spaghetti bender in fifth grade.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Spaghetti bender. Oh, God. Isn't it scare you people it should so anyways the recruitment video featured a preening unnamed narcissist who literally stretched around with her big titties uh saying how proud she is of herself and uh all this other shit stuff that she has no control over her identity her race gender you know i mean gender. That means she does like the dick. Probably none of it's from a white old man. But she's got generalized anxiety disorder. Yeah, welcome to the world. That makes me shh.
Starting point is 00:30:40 I am unapologetically me. I'll learn to do some impressions of a white guy. She says, and I want you to be unapologetically me. I'll learn to do some impressions of a white guy. She says, and I want you to be unapologetically you. No, you don't. How would that work, huh? Yeah, I'm sure an unapologetic white Christian male Trump supporter who unapologetically laughs at pompous woke cards being true to himself would go over real well in the CIA.
Starting point is 00:31:03 But did you notice the one word? This is Nolte, by the way, Breitbart. This guy is such a good fucking writer. It's the reason I try to don't write a book. He said, do you notice the one word the disgusting CIA officer did not use? Not once did she use the word American. She's gushing with self-pride
Starting point is 00:31:22 over everything about her identity, but not once does she say, I am an American. It's not a fluke. It's not a fluke. Do I have another video? I do, right? Here's a blind lady. Boy, how are the Chinese going to steal more intellectual property
Starting point is 00:31:42 if we have a woman with a guide dog sitting at a computer. What does she do, field the files? They hand her the actual computer chip, little bumps on it. Oh, these are dirty chinks. These filthy chinks are ripping us off. Look at this. Here's another one. This is on a video.
Starting point is 00:32:02 This is part of CIA 2. Check it out those abilities and we can offer a great asset to the agency i think doing that will make the agency an employer of choice that is the director's goal we at the agency have incorporated a large investment in physical infrastructure digital remediation and creating they creating. They didn't tell you it took like 11 hours to get this right. She fucking went off the sidewalk and walked into a tree twice. The fucking dog took a big dump because he doesn't believe in what she's doing. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Hiring blind people. And I can't get a job at one potato to at the mall. This is ridiculous. Okay, let this. She looks like David Lee Roth now from the back. Go ahead. Let it roll. More inclusive environment.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Enough. Okay. I want to say to her, get out of my room, you sick cunt. Oh, Nick, you should feel bad for her. She's blind. Are you going to tell me there's not a woman with 20-20 or even 20-90 vision, shitty vision, or male that has perfect eyesight that wouldn't be more qualified?
Starting point is 00:33:17 If you're telling me that, you can suck on both my white European nipples. Wouldn't you like to hear a HUD anchorwoman say that? Both of these people, especially the first one, come off as nervous neurotics, as emotionally fragile, wildly insecure. That might be okay for a receptionist job, but I'd prefer my CIA officers not have anxiety disorders and maybe have a couple eyeballs. Mixed with a toxic case of narcissism and self-regard that's right off the charts. Confidence is good. Confidence is important.
Starting point is 00:33:47 This isn't confidence. It's a sick form of empty self-worship. I'm proud of myself. Full stop, she says. Who talks like that? Who believes that? I'll tell you who my life partner, Kevin. Am I proud of myself?
Starting point is 00:34:03 Sometimes. Sometimes I'm not so proud of myself there's no full stop in either case but that's because I'm a grounded self-aware adult who knows he's far from perfect and not an insecure peacock who believes my identity defines a single thing about me if I ran a popsicle stand you folks I wouldn't want a woke top millennial working for me but the CIA the CIA openly recruiting these emotionally unstable, arrogant, empty-headed, bitterly angry, shallow monsters.
Starting point is 00:34:30 China must be having a huge... If I were looking to turn to someone, it would be someone just like this. Someone arrogant and insecure. Someone who believes they know their value and who's so insecure they ooze self-regard. From my experiences, there's a big hole in people like that. And whoever fills it wins their loyalty.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Boy, that was so well said by Mr. Nolte. And it's not the CIA, folks. The military. Remember the military agreed to change the names of some of the bases and shit? This is fucking frightening. Will somebody stand up and do something? I would, but I'm tired. I work like four hours a day.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Give me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. Wow, I must be starving. In another make me a sandwich tonight, our communities wouldn't have needed to spark a national movement to say black lives if America weren't racist as fuck. Who said that?
Starting point is 00:35:43 Chuck D? Ice Cube? No, Congresswoman. Cori trim my bush. She tweeted that Sunday. This is a Congresswoman talking like a common street whore. Again, have we lowered the value?
Starting point is 00:35:59 Think about who was in, think about when George Washington was the president and John Adams. Think about the people that were in Congress. This is what we got now. Fucking a Chukka Khan wannabe.
Starting point is 00:36:10 That's what a congresswoman said. Country is racist as fuck, she said. Where's my fat black bub? You fat nasty black bitch the congresswoman's uh remarks come two days after she praised a historic vote to defund the st louis metropolitan police department oh my No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. Born in St. Louis. Louis. Born in St. Louis.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Bush represents Missouri's first congressional district that includes all of the city of St. Louis, where all the killing is being done, and a large part of northern St. Louis County. St. Louis is ranked by Neighborhood Scout as one of the country's most dangerous cities because we let black people run it. Between 2009 and 2019, at least 179 people were killed by local police or died in custody.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Now, you know those were actually justified killings because we would have heard about them around the clock if they weren't, right? Yeah. would have heard about them around the clock if they weren't, right? Yeah. For the police. According to a report by Art Shitty Defenders, the figure represented the highest number of police killings per capita among the largest 100 departments across America. That's such a fake statistic. Yeah, because more crime's going on there. More gun fucking. We saw the attorney general try to go after a white couple defending the house against a BLM group that were threatening to kill him and burn down their house. And they got prosecuted, the white people. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:53 What friggin lies? Are you interested in the real story? I am a proposal by Democratic mayor to Shura to, Tashura, Tashura Jones with a furled brow, probably looking at a white woman right now, to reallocate 4 million. Now, are you guys getting the logic of this? They have like the highest murder fucking, they just, I just told you some publication said uh most police killing others the most one of the most violent cities and what's their answer this woman wants to reallocate four million from the police budget to affordable housing initiatives maybe if we put them in nice houses even though they'll have one parent they won won't do this. And defund the workhouse, a medium security penitentiary.
Starting point is 00:38:47 So they're going to defund the cops and prisons. Has passed the Board of Estimate and Appointment in a 2-1 vote. I don't believe any of this. I don't believe it, unless all the politicians are black and hate white people, which I don't believe. This is, again, folks, I don't know who's running the world, but the George Soros' the real people who can ruin countries, this is their work. The next plan will go through St. Louis legislative body,
Starting point is 00:39:16 the Board of Aldermen, for debate and amendments, according to Fox News. In a statement on Friday, Bush said, motherfucker, I hate this country, yo. Look at Tracy Morgan in a wig. In a statement on Friday, Bush said, Today's decision to defund the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department is historic.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Yes, nobody's ever done something so fucking stupid in their lives. It marks a new future in our city. Yes, more blood on your hands. She actually said that. Genius. That's your congressman saying we're as racist as fuck. For decades, our city, this is her talking through a translator. For decades, our city funneled more and more money
Starting point is 00:40:05 into our police department under the guise of public safety while massively under-investing in the resources that will truly keep our community safe.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Three-bedroom apartments with an indoor pool. She continued. Bush added, but even as more and more money has gone into policing the St. Louis
Starting point is 00:40:21 Metropolitan Police Department, continues to be the deadliest police force in the nation. Yes, because they are fighting the most crime-ridden streets. Do you ever try to connect those? Are you really that dumb? I want to believe you're as smart as regular people, like Joe Biden said.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Year after year, she says, all while violence in our communities continues to skyrocket. I wonder why that is. Is it because we're black? Newsweek reached out to Bush's office for further comment. This story will be updated with any response. The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department has faced several scandals this year. A spokesperson told Newsweek, oh, this is a Newsweek article, that Officer Richard Lovelace,
Starting point is 00:41:13 wait till you see this, died by an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound on Saturday after he was charged with physically assaulting a female officer on duty. You're raping me. This is rape. A cop. This is how crime-ridden St. Louis is. No wonder why they want to defund the police. They have criminals working as the police.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Lovelace, seen here, ladies and gentlemen, died by an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound on Saturday after he was charged with physically assaulting a female officer on duty. You're raping me. This is rape. Can you imagine that? That's how bad the crime is under Bush and whoever the mayor is, that the cops are criminals, which, you know, isn't totally unique. But earlier this year, two other St. Louis officers, Lafiel Lachey and Tori Phelps, were charged with rape. Sergeant Jetonia Claiborne
Starting point is 00:42:19 Muldrow, a third officer, was accused of tampering with witness in LaShia's case. There's the three. These are the cops. You know what? After looking at this, I think I am for defunding these thugs. Great. Who's doing the hiring? George Soros?
Starting point is 00:42:43 Oh, my God. Yeah, that's the answer take uh money away from cops it's so rife that they're beaten and insulting each other the cops whatever man do you know the clan predicted all this i have i told you and i'll say it again i had a buddy who went undercover not even the clan he has he used to he was a cop he had to go on to undercover white supremacists. They predicted all this. And I'm not condoning the Klan, but they were pretty accurate about some of this shit. They said that, you know, certain judge positions and a bunch of police commissioners
Starting point is 00:43:20 by this year will be minority and blah, blah, blah. And they blamed a certain segment of people for putting those people in charge. It's a hell of a coincidence. Anyhow, imagine that, a congressman going, yeah, this country's racist as fuck. Here's an example.
Starting point is 00:43:40 A New Jersey school nurse gets suspended after saying masks are harmful to students, which we obviously have evidence of. But can you imagine? They give her the boot for saying that, saying the truth. She has been suspended for refusing to wear her mask at work and suggesting that requiring children to wear masks all the time is doing more harm than good. Erin Peen, or Pine, who has been working at Stafford Township School District for the past three years, said in a YouTube video that the mask mandate is taking a toll on children's mental and physical health during the pandemic. We've known this forever, by the way. Here is her saying what she said, and the result was her being suspended check it out
Starting point is 00:44:27 just on a multi-faceted level you know kids learn how to be adults by recognizing faces and facial expressions and playing with each other and it's just not something that they're able to do this year especially for the little kids we have preschoolers three four and five six years old of course all of them you know wearing masks so just that part of it is awful and then you know we see the kids who are also having anxiety and having you know depression in kindergarten and first second grade that you just don't normally see something with like they'll come in with just stomach aches and crying and having, you know, nausea. I actually had a first grader come to me and say that she felt like
Starting point is 00:45:12 something really bad was going to happen and that the mask made her feel scared. And when she thinks about it, her stomach starts to hurt and she throws up. So she was sent to me because she threw up in class. And she told me, I'm not sick. She said, I'm just really nervous. So, I mean, to hear that from the first grader is just,
Starting point is 00:45:30 it's just heartbreaking, you know? Okay. Boy, I'm glad they weeded this teacher out. Looking after the kids and shit. Putting, doing the right thing.
Starting point is 00:45:40 I've had the fucking narrative that's coming out of the Biden administration and the World Health Organization and CDC and Fauci and all the other fucking liars she's this lady's sweet just a teacher looking after the kids well-being and now she talks about why she got the boat specifically friday of last week i messaged my superintendent my principal and my supervisor and i let them know that I was no longer going to
Starting point is 00:46:05 be wearing a mask at work. So I went to work on Friday without a mask. And then Monday, I went to work without a mask. Monday morning, I was called in and I was told that I was being suspended. Imagine called in and suspended for looking after the welfare of the children. Who would know more? She's on the front line. She deals with little kids every day. Not making it up. And like I said, this news has been around forever. But you know, Nazi New Jersey, fucking Northeast states. Just, ugh. She's a real threat, huh? Peen moved on to argue that not only are masks not effective in preventing the virus, but also they become breeding grounds for harmful bacteria when not used properly. but also they become breeding grounds for harmful bacteria when not used properly.
Starting point is 00:46:49 She said she has not seen a single child in Stafford wearing them correctly, yet the district makes children wear potentially infested masks over their mouths and noses for six to seven hours each day. It's just so ridiculous. Fucking government. You want anything ruined? Just ask the government. She said, I didn't think that voicing my concerns was going to make a difference. So I decided, in other words, they weren't paying attention to her. She, in the article, she kept emailing her superiors and saying, this is happening. And I don't really agree with this because the kids are rejecting the mask and it, you know, and she knows.
Starting point is 00:47:26 But they were ignoring her. So she said, so I decided I was going to do my own form of protest. I let them know that I was no longer going to be wearing my mask, which I absolutely love. She said. Payne said, adding that she was suspended and escorted out of the building, escorted out of the building like a common thug, like a school shooter. What the fuck is going on in this country? Honestly. Doing the perp walk. On Monday, she had the balls to go to work without a mask. You see who they're cracking down on?
Starting point is 00:48:10 Meanwhile, right, what did we watch all summer? Looting, rioting, burning, and the name of George Floyd. Thousands of people packing the streets. Nobody said boo about social distancing. The government is not applying the law equally and you'll see i'll draw a conclusion about six months and people go along with it's so soft this country is so i can't think of a softer state than my home state not home state now where i grew up massachusetts it is like the boston's like the San Francisco of the East Coast
Starting point is 00:48:45 and they're proud of it. How progressive. And they're so stupid. I don't think I could go back and do comedy in my home state where I started. They'll go, that's, we're evolving. No, you're digressing. You're digressing.
Starting point is 00:49:00 When a comedian who can say anything he wants as part of his job to tell the truth can't perform there because he knows they'll walk out or they'll just barrage the club with hate mail. And that's, I think, what would happen, hopefully, if I'm doing my act right. Here's an example. Brookline, Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:49:18 It's a bunch of rich hottie-totties right on the outskirts of Boston. Anyways, they're taking this shit hook, line, and sinker. Just days after Massachusetts governor, he's Republican supposedly, hilarious, Charlie Baker announced a relaxation of mask requirements. Brookline, a town just outside of Boston, doubled down on its more restrictive mask mandate. Can you imagine? You'd think they'd be applauding.
Starting point is 00:49:46 And this is all about control, folks. It's all these woke fucks like this guy. It's all about control. It's got nothing to do with the goddamn virus. They're preparing you to take orders for the rest of your life from the government. As of April 30th, masks are no longer required outdoors of Massachusetts when socially distancing is possible, according to a news release from the governor's office. First of all, how are they going to enforce that if I'm not? Come fucking arrest me. The updated mask mandate came the same week the CDC issued new outdoor mask guidance.
Starting point is 00:50:25 And that's all they are. That's not a law that said fully vaccinated Americans can unmask at small outdoor gatherings. Small. What's that, four or five people? Can you imagine they think we're going to fall? But Brookline, okay? Imagine they think we're going to fuck. But Brookline, okay?
Starting point is 00:50:45 But Brookline, after hearing that, town manager, first name Mel, middle name. Please give me cock. Kleckner. And health commissioner, Dr. Swanee. I suck cock and I love it.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Jet doing a Bill Cosby impression of a character. Nice purple suit. Where are the whores on 49th and 8th? Said in a statement on April 30th that Brookline would delay compliance with the governor's more relaxed order until the town's more restrictive mandate, which requires outdoor mask wearing, was reviewed at the next advisory council on public health meeting. A date for the council's next meeting has not been set. You know why? They have to get their marching orders from the Biden administration before they set a date. Can you imagine the governor's loosened shit up and they're going, not in our town.
Starting point is 00:51:43 We like virtue signaling. And that's what all Brookline's been like that forever. Just a rich, spoiled fucking, ugh. They said, our face covering requirements has served as a protective layer that limits the possibility of spreading of COVID-19. Hey, thanks for explaining
Starting point is 00:51:56 what a mask does, you fucking obnoxious idiot. And we are reluctant to relax at this point in time without further public input. And you're not going to listen to the public. You know what you need to listen to? The black girl we showed at the top of the show.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Taniqua laid it down. And she'd be pretty as all hell. Further public input. That's all they do, the libs. Meetings and reviews and commissions and such jerk-offs. They would have nothing else to do. It's how they stay employed, letting you fucking weak
Starting point is 00:52:31 people rely on them. Further public input and review by the advisory council on public health. Jet said that. Really? Keep reviewing it. Keep reviewing it. That's faggot stuff. Oh, it is. You want a quote by its name? That's strictly for fags. That's faggot stuff. Oh, it is. You want to call it by its name? That's strictly for fags.
Starting point is 00:52:47 That bow tie, I agree. According to the latest state data, Brookline has a 14-day average daily incidence rate of 5.8%, while Boston, a significantly more populated city, has a rate of 18.4%. In other words, all the numbers are saying, you know, loosen up. Under the updated state mask order, updated state mask order, face coverings are still required at outdoor events, except for when eating or drinking. Oh, God help us. Y'all fat fuck, look at you. They are also required in indoor public places. Oh, my God, Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:53:24 This is where it all started. Okay. It's where we threw government off our backs. I've spent a lot of the show looking at Jason. I'm sure people can go, what the fuck? You know, guys, you could use that camera. I'm just saying when I'm not fucking, whatever, we'll get it down. Let's get four more cameras. It may get crazy. Anyways, that's four more cameras and make it crazy. Anyways, that's it for today, ladies and gentlemen. I want to thank you for tuning in once again. Stop. Start speaking up, whether it's politically correct shit. Your kids are being taught or whatever. You know, it's not start breaking shit. Start getting angry. Start threatening local news stations, please.
Starting point is 00:54:07 getting angry. It's not threatening local news stations, please, please. I beg you, please. Again, don't forget the comedy gym, the comedy gym. Oh my God. The comics gym, the comedy gym. Yeah. It's a gym where you can work out next to Richard Pryor and Dave Chappelle comes in and Louie's doing squats. Richard Pryor's dead. Yeah, but he still shows up. Anyways, is the permanent home of the show. is also the home of the show. is home of the show. If you go to, watch the show, click on the tour button. You'll see where I'm doing standup. I got a lot of dates coming up. Um, thank God we're putting a new kitchen in, man. I sell 70 kilos of coke just for this motherfucking sink I want to be on. Um, what else, Jason? Don't forget If you want me to roast a friend
Starting point is 00:55:02 or relative for a small fee, I will make a recording on my phone and send that to them. Go to, click on my profile, tell me a little bit about the person, and we can ruin a day together. That is it. You guys think it, I will say it. You are very welcome. We will see you back here tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Have a good day, everybody. We'll be right back. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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