The Nick DiPaolo Show - WTF IS 444?

Episode Date: November 29, 2018

Trump Trashes Mueller, I Buy Al Sharpton Lunch, Migrants Making Demands....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Oh yeah. Good evening, folks. Welcome to the show. Streaming live on a Wednesday. Is it Wednesday? We'll do it live. Yes, we will. We'll do it live. Yes, we will. We'll do it live!
Starting point is 00:00:46 Fuck it! I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So, enjoy. You've got to get mad. You've got to say, I'm a human being. God damn it. My life has value. I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Ah, happy holidays, everybody. I'm dreaming of a white... Wake up, white people! Just like the ones I used to know. You know what I want for Christmas this year? What? A big fat cock! By the ones I used to know. You know what I want for Christmas this year? What? A big fat cock! Oh!
Starting point is 00:01:31 In my ass! Get out of my room, you sick cunt. Oh! Oh! Oh yeah! Wednesday. How's it going, folks? Hey, most important things first. Top of the show. Our buddy Jason Ramirez, he calls in a lot.
Starting point is 00:01:58 He's a loyal member, Patreon member, great fan. He asked if I could give a shout out to the fellow Vitos tonight. A relative of his was in a bad fire with deep tissue burns on 85% of his body. Kid's only 14 years old. They have a GoFundMe page set up, so we want to put that link up there. slash 6GM5B5C. Please contribute what you can. It's a horrible story.
Starting point is 00:02:30 We hope the kid Tyler pulls through. God bless you, Tyler. Hang in there, buddy. And Jason, like I said, he's a loyal fan and happy to do that for him. Real quick, dates. if you want ticket information this weekend i'll be at the corner comedy club in niagara falls ontario canada that's friday and saturday saturday december 22nd the comedy work saratoga springs new york monday new year's eve tarrytown music hall tarrytown new york sat Saturday, January 12th, Fairfield Theatre Company, Fairfield, Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Saturday, January 19th, Bobby B's Windsor Locks, Connecticut. Sunday, January 27th, Ventura Harbor Comedy Club, Ventura, California. Friday, March 8th, Wood Theatre, Glens Falls, New York. Saturday, March 9th, Cohoes Hall, Cohoes, New York.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Friday, April 26th, Steel Stacks in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. And Saturday, this is 2019 October 19th of 2019, Ridgefield Playhouse, Ridgefield, Connecticut. for your ticket information.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Let's get right to it because I can't take it anymore. What the hell? Somebody clear this up. 833-599-NICK. 833-599-6425 is the phone number. And this whole 4-4 business, I don't know, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:02 I got to be honest, I don't know what it is. People online go, well, how does Nick not know what 4-4-4 means? Well, I don't know. I got to be honest. I don't know what it is. People online go, how does Nick not know what 444 me? Well, I don't know. The same way 20 people I've asked who make their living on the internet didn't know what it was. My web guy who knows everything.
Starting point is 00:04:14 He knows the dark web, the light web, the Puerto Rican web, the spider web. He doesn't know what the fuck it is. I mean, yes, there's a definition. Do we have the definition? Let's put that up there. The number 444 represents archangels who are ready to help you. Right there, you lost me. Why would they want to help me? Generally, they'll help you with anything related to hard work. Again, rule me out. Endurance and and stability. I do P90X for that. I don't need an archangel. Maybe Tony Horton's my archangel. These archangels offer mental, physical, emotional support.
Starting point is 00:04:53 The universe will usually send the number 444. I can't read it because the camera's when you feel unsure or conflicted. If you're working on a project of some type in C444, this is meant to offer encouragement. If you're attempting to better yourself in some way, the number 444 meaning is one of inspiration, pushing you to reach your goals. The universe is designed to help you during your time of need. You just have to watch for the signs. My first question is, okay, why now? There's been plenty of times in my life I didn't see this number coming up
Starting point is 00:05:35 and I could have used it. Why now? Somebody explain that to me, please. 833-599-6425. People keep posting this stuff on YouTube and Patreon and everywhere, Facebook. Here are some of the posts. Lindsey Clark, 444. Sam Loomis, we'll find him.
Starting point is 00:06:03 I don't know if these are religious, really religious people, or I don't know. Keith Lamarche, 444-ZedbraRadio. Is that the only picture? Can we get the full picture of me? But I asked Priscilla, but I guess not. Somebody tattooed me out, put a picture of me. There's more. that's it well people are going oh is this the 444 guy oh the 444 shows coming on I I don't know what it is if it's a If it's a cult and I'm the leader,
Starting point is 00:06:46 I'll take it. It means ticket sales. I'll start. I'll have that tattooed on my forehead if it means selling out Madison Square Garden. Yes, right. I'll sell my soul to the wrong angel. The archangel. Encouraging me.
Starting point is 00:07:01 But there's a guy, Jay Rose, on Facebook, who is friends with my sister and brother-in-law's kid. Now, we've traced all these posts of Facebook. They're all friends of his.
Starting point is 00:07:18 I'm not saying that he's at the center of it. Is that indeed what it means? And are they talking about this show other people are saying nick it isn't what you think it's dark i'll take that too i've been called the devil of the fucking two-thirds of my career why stop now it's dark because i don't know. 4-4-4. I called my buddy, my web guy, Mike Baker. This guy lives on the internet. Sleeps it, eats it, breathes it. And he's like, what
Starting point is 00:07:54 the fuck? And what's creepy is when you Google it, I mean, you get that definition about the archangels, but that's it. But it sounds like there's a lot more to it. And my buddy Rob Sprantz had a good one i i asked him because he's another internet nut and he's like you know i said what is he he goes what are you the leader of a cult he goes just your luck you're the leader of a cult and 95 you follow as a male
Starting point is 00:08:14 uh which is true but uh somebody enlighten me call in we. We got a super chat. Already? About what? Patrick Doris says 444 was today's reading on Rosie's bathroom scale. Alright, not bad, Patrick. I got another one from Amber. Just wanted to let you know you have a female fan in her 20s.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Not 444, but another number. No, but I have I do have female fans in their 20s, believe it or not. And it's usually 666 that they have tattooed on their forearms. But that's good to hear. I have a wide demographic. Like I said, if people on TV know what they were doing, they go, this guy is what we're looking for.
Starting point is 00:09:04 They usually look for, I think it's 18 to 49. I have, you know, anywhere from 18 to 149. It's a wide swath, equal ratings. But, you know, I'm a little hot for TV, as they say. Not in the physical way. So I choose to be that way. I watch these shows. i watch these shows on fox jesse waters and and gutfeld and and i go oh they they would kill to say what i'm about to say right
Starting point is 00:09:35 now about what they're talking about they would kill and that goes for rush and and hannity and whoever else anybody on tv that leansans the same way I do politically. But yeah, this has been, it's creepy. It's popping up everywhere. I'm like, do I address it? Is that going to make it worse? Is it a dark thing? Then you got the Illuminati.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Then you got people who hate the Illuminati. So go ahead, Priscilla. Yeah, they're saying on Facebook and everything, oh my God, Nick, it is not angels. You have no idea.
Starting point is 00:10:10 You couldn't be more wrong. Someone please tell them what this is. Blah, blah, blah. And then they said Jay Rosen is a false flag.
Starting point is 00:10:18 The kid who you mentioned. It's Rosen? Yeah. Oh, it was Rose. But they're all like, someone please tell them what this means oh my god Jay Rosen's Jewish it is horrible
Starting point is 00:10:29 I'm just telling you that means I run NBC News hey this thing let's well Joanie in Manhattan I'm hoping it's the Joanie a friend of mine in Manhattan who is Asian she says 444 in Chinese in Chinese 4 is a bad number yeah well I'm hoping it's the Joanie, a friend of mine in Manhattan who is Asian. She says 444 in Chinese.
Starting point is 00:10:46 In Chinese, 4 is a bad number. Yeah, well, I'm not fucking Chinese, so I guess I'm all right. Joanie, fill me in on this. Fill me in on this. Well, I think it doesn't matter whether you're Chinese or not. 4, I mean, it means, you know, dead in Chinese. So if you put three together, then, you know, you might have a bad spell coming around. I hate to say that to you. Four means dead?
Starting point is 00:11:15 Yes. Every time and when I go to a Chinese restaurant, I order 4A, which is, you know a dead, dead cat with a side of broccoli. Okay. Jesus, Johnny. I was hoping, I was hoping that you were going to call me with good news, but, uh, wouldn't it be funny if I die in a Chinese restaurant?
Starting point is 00:11:36 What if I die in a Chinese restaurant choking on orange beef or some shit? Oh my God. All right, Johnny. Thanks, honey. I hope you do. Bye. Uh, she's right, Joe. Thanks honey. Bye. Uh, she's great.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Johnny. Hey, I whisper. So did she leave the house? Still here. All right. Uh, Jason,
Starting point is 00:11:55 come in here. Actually, Jason, and you're not gonna be able to get rid of this either. Oh God. I just lost a backbone. Well, that, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:13 that thing up there that says, uh, it wanted me to update my software, you know, install details later, but, but, but I was trying to move it.
Starting point is 00:12:20 I think I just clicked on it and now I'm looking at this. Can we bring back back uh here we go hold on let me click on this but uh all right it's a mess today i don't know why how do i get rid of uh the shit behind it where's back yeah but look at it's not working alright the 444 shit's already getting to me folks
Starting point is 00:12:59 alright let's get on with it shall we well the whole archangel angle of people saying it's not that, they're probably atheists. I'm not particularly religious myself, and I really don't believe in angels. I don't believe in heaven and hell. Well, let's say I don't believe. I'm agnostic.
Starting point is 00:13:24 I don't know. I think I want you six feet under your worm food. Bye-bye. Real quick, I saw this as I was coming on the air. Oakland University. Faculty at Oakland University, this is hilarious, that's in Auburn Hills, Michigan are being trained by university police to fight gunmen in their classrooms
Starting point is 00:13:50 that's not the weird part the training sessions have been organized by OU's faculty union okay, faculty union, keep that in mind the American Association of University Professors conducted by OU police chief Mark Gordon the training is part of the union's efforts to improve classroom safety for
Starting point is 00:14:07 students and faculty. He says in quotes, we believe that once faculty have been trained to do, uh, and what to do in an active shooter situation, they'll be able to share that information with students to provide a more secure learning environment. Uh,
Starting point is 00:14:22 says a, a UP president, Tom DeSena. In addition to training now, brace yourself, folks. IP President Tom DeSena. In addition to training, now brace yourselves, folks. I'm not making this shit up. In addition to training, the union has also distributed hockey pucks, I'll repeat, hockey fucking pucks to its members and students. According to Gordon, to fight effectively, faculty and students need to be prepared
Starting point is 00:14:42 to throw objects that are heavy and will cause a distraction. Didn't you learn anything from the caravan migrants? Rocks are a lot heavier than hockey pucks. Hockey pucks provide the ability to be carried in briefcases or backpacks. Are not considered a weapon. Yeah, tell that to anybody who's been hit with a hockey puck. It will meet the goal, no pun intended, of distracting the shooter, according to Gordon. Currently, the union has distributed, I'm not making this shit up, folks,
Starting point is 00:15:12 the pucks to its 800 members and is working with student groups to distribute an additional 1,700 pucks to students. My first question, what if the active shooter was a former high school goalie? my first question, what if the active shooter was a former high school goalie? What if Patrick Roy's son decides to shoot up his class? And the first 40 puck to throw him, he catches and throws back at your head.
Starting point is 00:15:39 And then he opens up with an AR-15. Another thing, a lot of mass killers wear what? Fucking goalie masks. At least in the movies. Are you fucking dicking me? You need a heavy object? How about a fucking, how about a doorstopper? A letter opener?
Starting point is 00:15:55 A fucking letter, you know, what do you call it on the desk? The teacher has a heavy metal fucking paper. Three-hole punch? A what? Three-hole punch or like a paperweight or something? Not a three-hole punch, no. A paperweight. You are correct. Fucking three hole punch. Well, I say that because I had a teacher who
Starting point is 00:16:08 would slam a three hole punch on the desk of sleeping students. Yeah, that relates to the fucking thousands of people that are fucking listening. But that's the point. A three hole punch would be more effective than a goddamn hockey puck. I mean, are you fucking kidding me? Again, this is part of the professor's union that
Starting point is 00:16:24 came up with this. This is a puck-free zone. What if we start putting up puck-free zones? Are you dog-styling me? Give them each a handgun. That's right. You heard me. Give them all a Glock 9. Every student. As they come in, you
Starting point is 00:16:41 hand it to them. Nick, are you nuts? Well, kind of, but it's no more crazy than fucking hockey pucks. And by the way, you know what? Hockey pucks, do you know they freeze them before a hockey game? That's why they really hurt. Are you going to freeze them? Otherwise, they're just rubber. They don't hurt that bad. I've been hit on the rink with a fucking frozen puck. Maybe you should give them hockey sticks. A slap shot will be a lot more effective than a girl. Oh, yeah, a girl throwing a hockey puck is going to... You have to be fucking sticking it in my eye.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Let's go to Mike. This fucking thing is jumping all over the place today. God damn it. Hold on, folks. Chicago Mike says he knows exactly what this 444 thing is. It's a big online conspiracy. Well, we know that much, Mike. What else can you tell us, buddy?
Starting point is 00:17:42 Welcome to the show. Hey, Nick. Thanks. Big fan to the show. Hey, Nick. Thanks. Big fan of the show. Thank you. Yo, this phone call is really easy. Hey, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, shut up, Mike. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:17:54 We're hearing every other word. Keep the mouthpiece to your mouth, please. Your thoughts. I think it's your phone system, Nick. I don't, Mike. Everybody else sounds fine. Go ahead. Four, four phone system, Nick. I don't, Mike. Everybody else sounds fine. Go ahead. 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4.
Starting point is 00:18:17 You're a mobster. I'm a mobster? You're a mobster. That's it. Goodbye. That didn't help, Mike. You're from Chicago. I'm a mobster.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Well, if that's the news, I'm happy about it. I thought you were saying monster. No, he said mobster, didn't he? Or a monster? He sounded completely normal on the phone. This is good when we're starting to get pushback from the fucking faggy, liberal, left-wing fuckstains that call him. That means he's getting out there
Starting point is 00:18:54 until I'm shut down by the Illuminati. George in West Virginia. Hockey puck's being distributed at school for active shooting George your thoughts hey man how's it going good go ahead yeah I'm actually a I'm a deputy sheriff in Virginia and this I could see this going over really well in our cities. Do you believe this, George? I'm not making it up. Let me ask you, George, how would a hockey puck, people throwing hockey pucks, stand up to an AR-15?
Starting point is 00:19:40 Well, I mean, they say, you know, don't bring a knife to a gunfight but I guess you know a hockey puck is better than a knife is what they're thinking I guess I don't know I mean the kids the kids can't even keep track of their homework and they're going to be able to aim a hockey puck from their satchel while taking fire accurately okay that's going to work. Maybe they can hide behind the hockey puck, but it really is the silliest thing I have ever fucking heard. Out of all the things that you can throw at somebody,
Starting point is 00:20:12 it's just a paperweight would knock the guy out. A puck's knock on it's going to give him stitches. Thanks for the call, George. I appreciate it, buddy. You can get rid of that call from California because I don't know what he's talking about. Lethal ampinelli. Not interested.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Anyhow. Let's get on with it. I'm so fed up with the world and where it's fucking headed. Paul Manafort. Let's get into the news, shall we? A lawyer for Paul Manafort, the president's one-time campaign chairman, repeatedly briefed President Trump's lawyers on his clients' discussions with federal investigators after Manafort agreed to cooperate with special counsel,
Starting point is 00:20:55 according to one of Trump's lawyers and two other people familiar with the conversation. The arrangement was highly unusual. It's not, by the way. It's perfectly legal. The arrangement was highly unusual and inflamed tensions with Mueller's office when prosecutors discovered it after Manafort began cooperating two months ago some legal specialists speculated it was a bid by Manafort
Starting point is 00:21:14 for a presidential pardon even as he's worked with special counsel Robert Mueller in hopes of a lightest which makes sense he's facing at least 10 years minimum and you know he's an older guy. That's about it for him. So he should be pulling every string he can for a pardon,
Starting point is 00:21:31 and I actually believe in that theory. But there's nothing unlawful about it. Giuliani, who represents Trump, acknowledged the arrangement on Tuesday and defended it as a source of valuable insights into the special counsel's inquiry and where it was headed. Such information could help shape a legal defense strategy, and it also appeared to give Trump and his legal advisors ammunition
Starting point is 00:21:53 in their public relations effort against the special counsel's office. Downing is the lawyer, Manafort's lawyer. While Downing's discussion with the president's team violated no laws, they helped contribute to a deteriorating relationship between lawyers for Manafort and Mueller's prosecutor. Good. Some pushback from these goons
Starting point is 00:22:14 who accused Manafort of holding out on them despite his pledge to assist them in any matter they deemed relevant. The conflict spilled into public view yesterday when the prosecutors declared that Manafort had breached his plea deal by lying to them about
Starting point is 00:22:27 several subjects so what problem you're the fucking problem you fucking doctor I'm telling you H you keep looking at me I'm gonna put you in the fucking ground I promise you Manafort's lawyers insisted that their client had been truthful but bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you. Not this time.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Manafort's lawyers insisted that their client had been truthful, but acknowledged that the two sides were at an impasse. Thought it was unclear how frequently he spoke to Trump's lawyers and how much he revealed his updates helped reassure Trump's legal team that Manafort had not implicated the president in any possible wrongdoing.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Do we have the tweet? Trump's tweet? I don't know if I gave it to you. Uh. in any possible wrongdoing. Do we have the tweet? Trump's tweet. I don't know if I gave it to you. Yeah, there you go. Phony Witch Hunt continues. Mueller's gang of angry dems only looking at one side, not the other. Wait until it comes out
Starting point is 00:23:16 how horrible and vicious they are treating people, ruining their lives for them refusing to lie. Mueller is a conflicted prosecutor gone rogue. Exactly right. You saw that guy Corsi we talked about yesterday.
Starting point is 00:23:27 He's a right-wing conspiracy theorist. That's what the left calls him. He went to Harvard. He's a right-wing guy. And we talked a little bit about yesterday that he emailed Roger Stone, former advisor to Trump. He's not even in Trump's circle officially. But Corsi sent Roger Stone a message back in 2016 in the
Starting point is 00:23:48 spring of saying hey WikiLeaks is about to dump more shit on Hillary blah blah blah so they call did they call and subpoena Corsi and course he gives up all his phone records willingly his computers his laptops all that shit signed permission they can go through anything. And they found that email that he had written two years ago. He's 72 years old, this guy. You're not going to remember everything you fucking emailed or what email you forwarded two years ago that he had forwarded to Stone. So they say he was lying because he forgot about it.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Because he has a bad memory. He's lying. Now he has to get lawyers up the ass. He's spending his retirement money. And this is what Trump's talking about, wrecking lives. It's fucking unbelievable. We know this is all bullshit because it's been two years now or over two years. And if there was collusion, you'll be seeing it on a loop on CNN, NBC, ABC, CB. If they had anything, you guys would be seeing it on a loop on cnn nbc abc cb if they had anything you guys
Starting point is 00:24:47 be seeing it on a fucking loop around the clock so excuse me uh yesterday morning trump unleashed another blistering attack on muller calling a conflicted prosecutor gone rogue who's doing tremendous damage to the criminal justice wait and, and we just read the tweet. The fake news media builds up Bob Mueller as a saint, he says, when in actuality he's the exact opposite, which is true. Like I said, go back and look at the Whitey Bulger story when Mueller ran the FBI in Boston and he jailed four guys wrongly, put four guys in prison for over 30 years, two of them died in prison wrongly. So I know he was a Marine and all that shit,
Starting point is 00:25:26 but seems to have taken a wrong turn somewhere. So he says, yeah, the fake news media president says, builds up Bob Mueller as a saint when actually he's the exact opposite. He's a 444. What? He is doing in capital letters, tremendous damage to our criminal justice system. Trump tweeted.
Starting point is 00:25:44 So Trump's going to fucking, Trump's going to go after this guy eventually. Now you will learn about laws. Laws of freedom. Laws of humanity. Now you and I will truly be the same, Chancellor. What is going on? Here we go.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Trump shares image. And now we're getting to something. This got me excited. I actually felt some blood flow in the genital area when I read it. Trump shares image calling for his opponents to face trials for treason, in quotes. Here's the image. This was on a pro-Trump website. On Twitter, actually. A pro-Trump Twitter account.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Now that Russia collusion is a proven lie, when do the trials for treason begin? And you can look in there and you can see Obama, who should be jailed first. The thick-ankled dog face, is she in there? Yeah, right in the middle. Then you got her friend there that was Wiener's wife. That's skank. Eric Holder. Podesta, I see. I see Mueller on the left.
Starting point is 00:26:51 I see Loretta Lynch on the right. Bill Clinton. Comey. Clapper. Even Rosenstein is back there. If there's any justice, at least half of those people will go to fucking jail. The image which the president retweeted from pro-Trump Twitter
Starting point is 00:27:10 account depicts a host of figures Trump has criticized, including President Obama. Oh, God, how dare you. Now that Russia collusion has proven lying, when do the trials for treaty... It's really fucking true. All this shit about collusion, you know what that was about?
Starting point is 00:27:25 And you've heard this on TV and radio, I'm not breaking any big news. It was distracting from what Obama did with his deep state and spying on the campaign of Donald Trump, a regular civilian at that point running for president. Imagine putting a fucking, putting a spy
Starting point is 00:27:41 into a civilian's campaign running for the, that is 50... That dwarfs Watergate. But nobody's talking about it. Nobody's going to fucking jail for it. So if there's any justice in the world, God bless Trump. I don't care if you like him, you hate him. At least you're seeing the underbelly of D.C. and what a filthy sewer this whole fucking city has become.
Starting point is 00:28:05 But seriously, do you really think a guy like Obama is going to go to fucking Hillary, who've made trillions since they got out? Seriously, will anybody even attempt it? Bunch of Republican fucking pussies out there. Bunch of fucking Paul Ryan fucking pantyways. You should be up their ass. Because it was all a distraction.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Once the collusion thing, the whole collusion thing was to distract from what they must be sitting there. Obama and his friends going, we got away with another one or they're part of the four, four, four thing. I, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Go ahead. Jack. Mike Ross. He says the Mueller investigation has and will prove nothing. Meanwhile, the American taxpayer is getting banged from behind funding it. Well, if you're going to get banged from behind, I heard it's not a bad way. Ryan told me that, and the girl I used to date in high school.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Hi-ya. Dump, get it, dump, get it, got it. Don't stare at me like that, Ryan. I'll come in there and I'll spank you. Dump. I like that, right? I'll come in there and I'll spank you. I like that kid. Uh, all right.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Jason in Florida has a, uh, an opinion on the origins of four, four, four, other B other, other than it being a zip code for some hip hop, uh, LA group.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Jason, what, what's up buddy? Four, four, four 444 is the inhale of Paimon yeah anything else
Starting point is 00:29:32 also birds birds that are named Mike he called him on a different number he what it's that same psycho from before was it the same guy I think it's the same voice yeah
Starting point is 00:29:50 congratulations Mike you've done a nice job anyhow who's for it jail all those people we're gonna get Trump we're gonna impeach the son of a bitch anyways let's get on to some shit that I think you're really really we're going to get Trump. We're going to impeach the son of a bitch. Anyways, let's get onto some shit that I think you're really,
Starting point is 00:30:07 really, uh, going to enjoy. You remember the Tawana Brawley case folks, L sharp, that it made him the scumbag on a national level that he is the race baiter. Um, remember there's a girl upstate Wappinger falls,
Starting point is 00:30:24 New York, said she was raped by a bunch of white guys and tied to a tree and left with excrement and wrapped in plastic and racial slurs written all over her. Tawana Brawley. Do you remember that whole fucking story? Well, Fox Nation, which is a new thing.
Starting point is 00:30:39 I guess they're a new online thing. They have something called Scandalous. The mysterious case of Tawana Brawley goes in-depth on the lie that made Al Sharpton famous. Fox Nation's exclusive trailer of the mysterious story of Tawana Brawley looks into the case of an African-American woman from Wappinger Falls,
Starting point is 00:30:59 who falsely accused a group of white men of having raped her. You're raping me! This is rape! This is raped her this is rape this is rape this is rape the tawana brawley rape allegations in the late 80s left an entire community on the brink of civil war the new york teens rape claims in which she said she was allegedly raped in the woods by multiple white men around uh this day 31 years ago and then left wrapped in feces-covered plastic bag with racial slurs written on her body, help springboard scumbag Al Sharpton,
Starting point is 00:31:30 the career of civil rights activist, Reverend Al Sharpton. Now, Mr. O'Reilly, there's no way I said what I said was. Not bad. Yeah. Yeah. It fucking made l sharpton a national fucking name god bless her huh we wouldn't have a liar liar whore liar whore you know but after an extensive investigation filled with twists and turns a grand jury found the allegations to be nothing more than an elaborate hoax i remember this despite this conclusion the lives and reputations of some were tarnished irreparably.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Still, some remain loyal to Brawley. Gee, I wonder what color they are. Or white liberals. And her legal team, convinced at the very least something happened to the teenager in 1987. Wow! You really narrowed it down.
Starting point is 00:32:22 You nailed it. Something happened to her. Yeah! She worked in cahoots with some other black people Wow. You really narrowed it down. You nailed it. Something happened to her. Yeah. She worked in cahoots with some other black people to have her tied to a tree and say, hey, let's make up a big lie about being raped and we'll smear feces on you. That's what happened to her. Something happened. If you purely look at the medical evidence, something happened to Tawana Brawley. Michael Hardy, a lying cocksucker, I mean an attorney who has represented Charlton, tells Fox Nation, the grand jury report, it
Starting point is 00:32:47 is what it is. Yeah, it's called the fucking truth. Does that report have to be accepted as the truth? I don't know if it does. He can't even say, you know what, it's total horseshit. The conclusion of the grand jury, he can't even say it to this day. It is what it is. What, did you just come out of Judge Judy's fucking courtroom?
Starting point is 00:33:04 Every other person comes out of Judge Judy's. By the way, Judge Judy made $147 million last year. Highest paid TV personality. You know what? She's the one woman on the planet I would vote for president tomorrow. I fucking love that woman. Stone cold killer Brooklyn Jewish broad. Takes no shit. Don't take no shit off nobody judy
Starting point is 00:33:27 uh duchess county prosecutor steven begonis his life was ruined he'd been falsely accused of raping the black teen and then somebody you know came to the uh attorney general robert abrams who led the investigation her father lost his job Her aunt lost her job at the state. They lived on I-95 for a few months. Good, I hope they lived in the Vince Lombardi rest area. Tell her she has a poodle on her head. And look at fucking Diane Carroll with a mustache behind, uh, want to bro-
Starting point is 00:33:57 Look at Sharpton. He's got Mary Tyler Moore's fucking hair. He looks like every relief pitcher from the Dominican Republic in the National League. He was really fat. Now the guy is sickly skinny. It was so bad,
Starting point is 00:34:16 they even had their credit cards shut down. Oh, I'm sure they had tremendous credit before this. Abrams, who says the allegations Brawley made were not corroborated by any of the facts, credits a meticulous investigation for bringing the light to what really happened that year just north of New York City. Now, Al Sharpton
Starting point is 00:34:32 later went on. There was a lot of other things. There was the Howard Beach incident. There was a bunch of Italian kids chased a black kid, and he got cross-trained tracks. He got hit by a car or a train or a fucking Vesper, I forget, and fucking die. And Sharpton, in his
Starting point is 00:34:48 sweatsuit, when he weighed about 300 pounds, he put a protest together and marched through Bensonhurst where he was stabbed. Hey, I'm knocking down it. I'm just saying. Anyways, you all know Sharpton. You know him
Starting point is 00:35:04 today, and this was 30-something years ago, because after all this shit proving he was a liar and a fucking hoax, they gave him his own show on MSNBC. Think about it. Think about it. Trump got in trouble because he looked at a picture of David Duke. But think about it. Think about a white, a white, you know, social activist with Sharpton's resume. If he would ever get a show on Fox or whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Just think about it for a second, will you fucking please? Anyways, I worked at Chris Rock on HBO. Sharpton was one of the guests and it was one of the fucking funniest interviews. So anyways, then I got Comedy Central. I actually had a deal with them for my own show, a pilot. We shot a pilot. One of the segments was me going up to
Starting point is 00:35:55 you know where? Harlem. To a soul food place called Amy Ruth's to have lunch with Al Sharpton. I'll never forget it. We picked him up in a van. I remember finding out he was paid eight grand for the day. And,
Starting point is 00:36:12 and, and yeah, he's charming and shit. And, and he's not a dumb guy that what, that's what makes it more fucking aggravating that he's, he chose to, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:21 use his, what intelligence he has, you know, because there's deep hatred of fucking Whitey. But anyways, we shot a pilot, one of the segments, me having lunch in a soul food restaurant with Al Sharpton. And I think you're going to
Starting point is 00:36:34 really enjoy this. This is me having lunch with Al Sharpton in a black restaurant. Yeah, yeah, boy! Yeah! I get this. All the food is named after famous black people. I think I'm going to take the Al Sharpton.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Al Sharpton? Perfect, sir. Somebody order the Al Sharpton. Damn, I should have ordered the Beyonce. I know it. Excuse me. We have Al Sharpton. I know it. Excuse me. Do you have an Al Sharpton? Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:37:10 That's an Al Sharpton. That's an Al Sharpton. How did you learn about race? How did you learn about black pride? Same way everybody else does. Watching the NFL, NBA. You need a lot of help. It's going to take more than a fried chicken sandwich with waffle.
Starting point is 00:37:24 This is delicious, by the way. But we're going to try. Here's the food. Moldy, moldy. All I say here is about is a colorblind society. That's what we're working towards. Well, how can we get to that point if we keep screaming at each other? I'm Irish.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I'm gay. I'm French. I mean, why don't we just go to work? Because we get the best out of each other's experience and culture and mix it in. That's what makes America. I mean, just think. You, Italian guy, sitting over there eating soul food. This is pride.
Starting point is 00:37:52 This is an example of how America is. This is heart disease, Al. This is your way of killing me. That's why you don't gain weight. You eat. You march. You're always marching. If you gave me reasons not to march, I wouldn't be marching.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Black people seem to be doing pretty good you wrapped up the sports industry entertainment you're doing great black pride is evident you can see i'm baiting him you know i'm throwing out these i know they're gonna go ahead we don't own anything in entertainment the major record companies we don't own you You know the business is run by Jewish people. Let's be honest. Come on. So you are saying that the Jews run the business. Yeah. If I said Jewish people ran this business, your favorite paper would say,
Starting point is 00:38:37 there he is again making a bias. I'm the one who can't say anything. You can say anything you want. Come on, Rev. You can say anything. Who's got more freedom to say what they want about about race chris rock or me you please chris rock says a lot about black people and white people he does and he gave you a job you said right absolutely and it was affirmative action got me oh oh check sir thank you you're welcome thanks for coming i don't know why you
Starting point is 00:39:04 give it to me look at the suit he's wearing. Look what I'm wearing. Because you invited me to look. This was your pride lesson. Hypotension's very expensive. Hey, you finally own something. Something's never changed. This just in.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Al Sharpton is proud to be black. Sorry about that. How does that not make... Are you kidding me? You know, if we ran that on Tough Crowd, people would still be talking about it. That's what people want, Comedy Central. You dopes.
Starting point is 00:39:34 You missed your chance. But Al, that doesn't change. Al's a bad guy. He's very charming and smart, but sorry, he's a fucking bad guy. 833-599-6425. He was behind the whole Tawana Brawley thing. And then there was a Freddy's something mart up in Harlem, a Korean store, where a protest
Starting point is 00:39:57 went down. The store ended up burning down. Like, six people died. Sharpton was in the middle of that. Then you had Crown Heights. He's been fl Heights. He's been flamed. He's used the media and even black people.
Starting point is 00:40:09 There's a lot of black people in New York that I know that couldn't stand Sharpton. Saying he just uses people and whatever. But you know what? The food was delicious. It was ripped. But people want that. That's relevant. That's funny. You got a white guy talking honestly to a fucking race baiter from the left.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Gee, I wonder if there's a market for that. It really fries my ass. Oh boy. I'm going to keep taking the 4-4 thing because Patrick in England, the same troll from before. Oh, then why are you fucking putting him through, dummy?
Starting point is 00:40:46 You know it's fucking him Ryan's new at radio he's called about five times yeah okay well fuck him but how do you know it's him I have his number he doesn't block it he's that stupid he switches between two different numbers okay well he's done now
Starting point is 00:41:03 now he's running to a payphone, if there is such a thing. Anyways, so yeah, Fox Nation is going to cover that in depth. I'm not sure why. But anytime you can prove a hoax pulled by the likes of people like Al Sharpton, you should run it on a fucking loop. Because as far as race goes and the media in this country, nothing is more
Starting point is 00:41:25 distorted once again why uh the new york post they had another story i didn't even bother pulling it you know how i mentioned a couple weeks ago every day they have a story that shouldn't even be national news some white guy looked at uh some white guy gave a black uh one of these employee the stink eye and that's like a fucking they have film of it zooming in on the fucking white guy's face. They had one today. Um, a black neighbor was helping a drunk white neighbor into his house and the cops stopped them or some shit. Oh, I bet you those cops had it up for that black guy. Uh, anytime you see a black guy carrying a semi-inconscious white guy into a house, it's usually not a good thing. One out of, I'd say, 1,100 times, it is a good thing,
Starting point is 00:42:10 so you can't blame the cops. I go on odds. I go on the truth. I go on experience, and I prejudge. It saves a lot of goddamn time. Let's get on to the dirty, filthy, third-world migrant caravan. A bunch of people from Central America that we don't need here, we don't want here.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Neither do the Democrats, pretending they do. No need for them. Already people in this country are losing their jobs to automation and all kinds of technology. Already it's happening. So you can imagine 10 years from now. But that's what we need. A nice wave, blue wave.
Starting point is 00:42:43 How about a brown wave? A fucking uneducated, semi-violent, semi-literate people. Nick, how can you say that? They're women and children. We already debunked that myth. So shut your fucking liberal pie holes.
Starting point is 00:42:58 That's what the country needs. Look at California. No country has accepted more cultures into a state than California, different cultures from Central and South America, and it's one of the poorest states in the fucking Union. Again, point to me to a successful
Starting point is 00:43:13 socialist haven, and I'll vote for Bernie Sanders, and I will date Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I'll take it a Fuddruckers. I'll take her to fucking Taco Bell at one in the morning.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Nick, she's not Mexican. I know, but I like to piss off people. I love when I'll see some of the audience I know is Puerto Rican. I'll go, what are you, a Colombian? And they go, fucking crazy. And I go, what's the difference? About a kilo? Oh, they love that type of shit. I'm telling you, they fucking love it. And I go, what's the difference? About a kilo? Oh, they love that type of shit.
Starting point is 00:43:48 I'm telling you, they fucking love it. The caravan. The caravan. Migrant. Migrant caravan leaders hold up. By the way, I talked to my buddy Randy Credico, who, his name is popping up in the Mueller, Roger Stone horseshit.
Starting point is 00:44:14 And we're going to get him on as soon as, he's very, very busy. So, but I did talk, I just want to let you people know. I'm going to have to send him a car service. Ha ha ha ha. Migrant caravan leaders hold oppressor, demand U.S. speed up asylum process, and when Trump heard that, he answered him.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Yeah! All right! How about the balls on his people? They're not even in the country yet, and they're making demands.
Starting point is 00:44:52 What are they demanding? Migrants who have spoken to the establishment media outlets in recent months have cited economic reasons for coming to the U.S. They want to speed up the... They're telling the U.S. to speed up the asylum process. Economic claims, though, as even numerous establishment media outlets have noted, do not qualify migrants for asylum. As a CBS Evening News report recently acknowledged, most tell us they are fleeing extreme poverty,
Starting point is 00:45:23 but that's not a condition for asylum or refugee status in the United States. Finally, somebody's talking Turkey. But on Tuesday, the migrant leaders claimed that they are going to get killed if they return to their countries. Really? So let me ask you a question. Did you think of that before you left your country with your kids?
Starting point is 00:45:38 With your fucking kids in tow? If you knew you were going to get killed if you refused entry into the United States or Mexico, and you're going to get killed if you go back, you took your kids with tow. If you knew you were going to get killed if you refused entry into the United States or Mexico and you're going to get killed if you go back you took your kids with you. Bye bye. Adios. Already making demands. That's a good way to come into a country
Starting point is 00:45:58 that you want to live in. By throwing rocks and shit, projectiles at the border police. You did it in Mexico, too. Making demands and then comparing the border police to terrorists because they used tear gas on you, which Obama did, too, by the way, and pepper spray and everything else. Somebody might want to call Chris fucking Matthews
Starting point is 00:46:20 and all the other jerk-offs at MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, Washington Post, LA Times, and point that out. The fucking media is so corrupt in this country, it makes me shit blood. Either that or those are grape seeds. I, uh, but, uh, on Tuesday, migrant leaders claimed that they are going to get killed. Well, uh, I like to pretend I feel bad for you. Later in a statement, the migrants again admitted that they were, in fact, coming to the U.S. to get access jobs, education, and health care, in addition to a life without threats.
Starting point is 00:46:58 You're in the wrong place. I'm getting threats. 4-4-4. But they want education and health care. Do you really think they're going to pay for it so what they want meets which parties talking points
Starting point is 00:47:13 that's right the Dems they know where their fucking burritos are butted ok who puts butter on a burrito a very fucking white guy when he's drunk at 3 in the morning we have a super chat go ahead Ryan let her fly Who puts butter on a burrito? A very fucking white guy when he's drunk at three in the morning. We have a super chat. Go ahead, Ryan.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Let her fly. All right. So Wheels said we need a new influx of Sicilians. A new influx of Sicilians. Okay. The only problem with that is Sicilians are welcome. Okay. I don't know if that's what we need. I mean, they're very close to Patrice O'Neill's people, but go ahead.
Starting point is 00:47:49 I got one more from Jack M. No, from Xander. 444 is not something you can just Google. It's unfindable. Well, I did. It's archangels. I Googled it. What you're saying is what you find on Google is wrong.
Starting point is 00:48:06 That's another way of saying it. But yes, that's what's creepy. When my web guy, Mike Baker, who practically invented the fucking web with Al Gore, when he was freaking out going, what the fuck? He went nuts. He goes, whenever we bring him a question, you know, technology-wise that he can't figure out, you know, he's like autistic. He'll lock himself in a room and shit himself for three weeks trying to figure the problem out.
Starting point is 00:48:30 And he was like going, what the fuck is all this? Anyways, my question is, do I need a bulletproof vest or a Goldie's glove? Back to the caravan and these filthy fucking the migrants listen to this this will fry your apples the migrants also claim that they were victims of repression from the u.s border patrol on sunday after the patrol agents fired tear gas to disperse migrants who were throwing rocks at the agent. I don't know why tear gas would bother these people. You know what tear gas is made of? Actually, pepper spray, not the tear gas. You know what pepper spray is?
Starting point is 00:49:11 It's actually made from hot pepper fucking... It is. That's the shit. So that's not going to work on these people. I mean, they'll put, you know... They'll put 12 habaneros in their kids' fucking garbors. These guys eat ghost peppers like they're Skittles. I don't think a pepper spray is going to fucking... They're already crying repression.
Starting point is 00:49:36 They're already shitting on the U.S. government. They're not even in yet. Turn the fuck around. Go back to your third world shithole. I'll say it. Trump can't say it or any of the other right-wing pundits. We don't need you. It's not a racial thing.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Don't take it personally. We don't need any more people. We need a moratorium both on legal and illegal immigration. It's already too crowded at McDonald's on a Friday night. Yeah, but we can work behind the... No, you can't. No, you can't. You'll touch the fucking romaine lettuce and give it E. coli.
Starting point is 00:50:14 What kind of racist horse... We were victims of the repression from the U.S. Border Patrol because of tear gas. The children were affected greatly, and we were only walking because we wanted to be seen as opposed to what? Coming over in cigarette boats?
Starting point is 00:50:31 You're walking because your mode of transportation at your homeland is a fucking wheelbarrow. We don't need you here. We don't want you here. Nick, you don't speak for everybody. No, I don't speak for Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and the Democratic Party who need you here. We don't want you here. Nick, you don't speak for everybody. No, I don't speak for Kamala Harris,
Starting point is 00:50:46 Nancy Pelosi, and the Democrat Party who need the votes. But I speak for a lot of black and brown people who did it legally to get into this country, number one.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Imagine the same, speed up the asylum program, get in fucking line with everybody else, cheese eaters. Yeah, but we can acclaim asylum. Well, if you go through certain ports of entry but we can acclaim asylum. If you go through certain ports of entry, you can acclaim it.
Starting point is 00:51:08 But you'll be met by a left-wing lawyer who instructs you on what to say. So you're full of, uh, poo-poo. Caca, caca, poo-poo. Ugh. Imagine calling the US border patrol
Starting point is 00:51:25 fucking terrorists and all that other fucking shit no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no That was Sarah Sanders Huckabee. According to NBC, the migrants also reportedly claimed that children died because of Border Patrol agents' actions. But reporters noted that those claims were completely unsubstantiated after checking with local authorities and non-governmental organizations. Even MSNBC and CNN couldn't go along with that claim. It was so fucking outrageous. And you know they wanted to. You know Wolf Blitzer was up all night going, there's got to be a dead baby somewhere. Find a dead baby.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Go to a hospital. Go to the dumpster. Go to Planned Parenthood. Pull out a fetus. And, I don't know, slap some baby powder so it looks like gas around it. Spray some right guard.
Starting point is 00:52:26 So not only are they fucking liars, not only do they, some of them are violent, they're fucking, you know, demanding, telling the U.S. government what to do. In addition to demanding a quicker asylum process in the United States, the migrants also requested an end to the arbitrary manipulative and involuntary deportations in Mexico.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Mexico showed its true colors, huh? When all these scumbags showed up in Tijuana. Huh? Now who's the racist? Huh? Now who's the racist? Thing is, Trump's been right since he came down the fucking escalator
Starting point is 00:53:03 and said, build a wall. He's been right about 97% down the fucking escalator and said build a wall. He's been right about 97% of the time. Yes, his personality stinks, but that doesn't matter. I'll say it again. The Bill Parcells, his players hated him before he got results. Let's go to our buddy uh jason uh ramirez the a4 mentioned jason jason how you doing buddy and how is uh tyler doing uh thank you nick for uh for the shout out i really appreciate that he's uh actually
Starting point is 00:53:38 got out of his uh first of one of eight surgeries um it's going to be a long process, you know, but he's doing better than he was about almost a couple days ago. So we're all keeping our fingers crossed. How did it happen, Jason? How did the fire? He was up at a bonfire in Arkansas with the other side of his family, and apparently a gas can was leaking, and I guess that fire just caught the fumes, and he was standing too close to that gas can when it went off so but uh he's at the best he's at one of the best burn centers in the country so uh he's in good hands but um okay well
Starting point is 00:54:15 so thank you for that i was gonna call about the uh the the migrant caravan i think what a lot of people are forgetting here is that one, when I was in college, man, I had to do a whole project about illegal immigration and how it helps our manufacturing and how it helps our bottom line economy. But what people don't realize is not only do they suck off the social security
Starting point is 00:54:38 system in our safety nets, but that money doesn't stay in the country. It's wired back to their families and Mexico and Guatemala and all that stuff. So that's money nets but that money doesn't stay in the country it's it's wired back to their families and and mexico and guatemala and all that stuff so it just that's money that just bleeds out of our economy on top of all the uh the aid that we send them so i don't want to hear that shit and one last thing and i'll get off the air uh the number one way i know that this is complete bullshit is having lived in a border state there are areas of the border that are completely wide open,
Starting point is 00:55:05 just no fence, no nothing. And this caravan just happens to hit one of the biggest checkpoints in the nation. So they want to be seen. They want to cause a ruckus. I mean, it's just all political, man. But anyway, Nick, thank you, sir, and love the show. Thank you, Jason. Good luck to Tyler.
Starting point is 00:55:20 No, you're exactly right. It's all orchestrated, whether it's money fromenezuela or soros or people like soros and again it's all about power and the democrat party the future votes they want to nail it down that's all it's about they don't give a fuck about the and people on the right excuse me big business uh on the right want the cheap labor and i'll say it again we really we can put a man we're looking at mars now fucking going to mars but we can't keep some third worlders uh from really i'll say it again landmines i always want to say one word but i don't know if it's one or two yes i know they were outlawed after world war one or whatever but uh know, we can rewrite shit. And make the wall, like I said.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Pepper gas. Land mines. Pepper spray? Pepper spray land mines? Yeah. Again, pepper spray is not going to affect these people. They live on ghost peppers for breakfast. They use it to spice up the bedroom.
Starting point is 00:56:19 There you go. Who doesn't? I've rubbed ghost pepper on the head of my wee-wee to get it going. It's no blue chew. It's like those icy hot condoms. All right, take it easy. Anytime I get on this topic, fucking Ryan goes crazy. No, but seriously, and as far as the wall goes,
Starting point is 00:56:40 and I love what I said yesterday. Remember Trump said there's going to be a big, beautiful door on the wall? You've got to have one of those ring doorbells. You're at your friend's house and you look on your cell phone and that camera of your house and you see 5,000 people from Ecuador on your porch.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Come on now! Let's get to man of these filthy. Hold on a second. Okay, how many words is it? So landmine singular is two words. It's land and mine, but when it's plural, it's landmine's one word.
Starting point is 00:57:25 When it's singular, it's two words? Yep. And when it's plural, it's land and mine, but when it's plural, it's land, mines, one word. When it's singular, it's two words? Yep. And when it's plural, it's one? Yep. Jason, you sure that's your interpretation? Is that right? Well, you're pretty good linguistically. That's what Google says. Google says I'm the head of 444.
Starting point is 00:57:40 No, it doesn't actually. Let's get to my boy Tucker Carlson, who I enjoy. I've been a fan of his for a long time. Even when he to my boy Tucker Carlson, who I enjoyed. I've been a fan of his for a long time. Even when he was at CNN and he wore that stupid bow tie. I used to go, I love this guy,
Starting point is 00:57:51 except for that fucking bow tie. But this happened last month, October. Video shows Tucker Carlson cursing during a bar scuffle. Fox News host says he was defending his daughter, Avenatti, considering legal action. So right away, you know, Tucker's telling the truth.
Starting point is 00:58:15 It happened at the Farmington Country Club Bar in Charlottesville, Virginia last month. In a statement released by attorney Michael Avenatti, lying, creepy porn lawyer, ass fuck, a country club patron said he may pursue criminal charges against Tucker Carlson after cell phone videos showed the Fox News host, again, this is from the Washington Post, almost making it sound fair, showed the Fox News host appearing to threaten him during a scuffle at a bar. He's at a bar, and he's with his daughter and family.
Starting point is 00:58:47 His daughter goes to the bathroom with her friend. They come back. They're crying. Some gay Hispanic guy asked the daughter, are you with that man, meaning Tucker? And then he said, are you Tucker's little whore? Which I believe a thousand percent, because when you hear this guy's background
Starting point is 00:59:06 left wing gay fucking Hispanic who thinks he's entitled to shit on anybody that he disagrees with politically and you want me to believe that you know well here's the video and again I don't know why it's the internet I find video and it's fucking bleeped
Starting point is 00:59:23 although no he does say fuck here right oh here's Tucker getting into it with these guys. Guys, guys, get the fuck out of here. Guys, get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck out of here. Get this fucking asshole out of here. I fucking love Tuck. He used to smoke camels and shit, and he quit then.
Starting point is 00:59:58 I think he likes to have a few pops. He's a guy's fucking guy, and he's really smart. But you better get the fuck out of here, Carlson yells repeatedly as Juan Manuel Granados sits at the Farmers and Country Club bar. A moment later, an unidentified man standing
Starting point is 01:00:16 with Carlson grabs Granados by his collar and appears to yank him up from his seat, at which point bystanders break up the confrontation. Carlson has not disputed that the incident took place. Why would he? And even volunteered that his son threw a glass of wine in Granato's face. Can you see the tone of the article I'm reading?
Starting point is 01:00:32 Can you tell it's from the Washington Post? Oh, it's just so fucking faggy. Threw a glass of wine in Granato's face just before the video began. But the conservative news host denied assaulting Granatoados and accused him of provoking the scuffle by insulting Carlson's daughter. Carlson says in quotes, it took enormous self-control not to beat the man with a chair,
Starting point is 01:00:52 which is what I wanted to do. Carlson wrote that in a statement to reporters this weekend after Avenatti published the video on Twitter. As you know, they're fucking enemies. What are they doing at the same country club? I guarantee Avenatti fucking knew Carlson was there there somebody called him and told him to show up in carlson's it almost seems like a setup it's almost like what happened to me at the comedy club
Starting point is 01:01:12 in carlson's version of events he was having dinner at the club with his two of his adult children and some friends toward the end of the meal my 19 year old daughter went to the bathroom with a friend he said in a statement which mediated another outlet obtained from Fox News. On the way back through the bar, a middle-aged man stopped my daughter and asked if she was sitting with Tucker Carlson. Upon learning she was the conservative commentator's daughter, Carlson said the man
Starting point is 01:01:35 responded, are you Tucker's whore? And called her a misogynistic slur. The woman returned to the table crying, according to Carlson. He and his son got up to confront Granados at the bar. My son threw a glass of red wine in the man's face and told him to leave the bar, which he soon did, reads his statement, which did not directly address the scene in the cell phone video.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Really? You need more after hearing that? Avenatti, who's a scumbag, who's known for representing accusers of President Donald Trump and Justice Brett Kavanaugh, called Carlson's statement an absolute lie. That's what Avenatti said. And that's how I feel about that. Justice, cunt! He subsequently released contradictory statements from Gananos and two unnamed people.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Why is Avenatti there? Maybe it's a popular hangout. But it's very weird, isn't it? Because Avenatti and Carlson, you know, they're fucking, they hate each other. The creepy porn lawyer, Avenatti. And you know him, you know he must be telling the truth just from the Kavanaugh hearings and the fucking witnesses he brought forward the lying whores that he brought forward so you know Avenatti's on the up and up here
Starting point is 01:02:50 just on the merits just on the face of it you know who's telling the truth in his version Granados was sitting with a group of friends at the bar and noticed that a woman from Carlson's table kept walking back and forth to order drinks she was intoxicated Avenatti said he said Granados had been drinking too
Starting point is 01:03:06 and finally told the woman, without realizing she was Carlson's daughter, I can't believe you're having dinner with him. Why don't you mind your fucking business right there, you big girl? Fucking jerk-off. Fucking quiz! Granados immigrated to the United States
Starting point is 01:03:24 from Buenos Aires. Yay for diversity. Give us more of these people. According to his biography at the Women's Initiative, a mental health provider where he sits on the board of directors. He's also an LGBTQ rights volunteer in Charlottesville. Granados sued a sports club several years ago when it refused to give him his partner and their son a family membership so he could get it on in the showers after playing racquetball.
Starting point is 01:03:48 I added that for emphasis. Resulting in a policy change after more than 200,000 people signed a position to support the gay dads. Carlson is, if not the polar opposite of Granados, at least a few time zones away across the ideological landscape. Gay rights groups have repeatedly accused him of mocking their causes on his highly rated Fox news show. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Which I watch almost every night, so that's a fucking absolute, never mocked anybody. Never mocked a gay group. Like, it'd still be on TV. Like, you could be a straight white guy, like Tucker Carlson Never mocked a gay group. Like, it'd still be on TV. Like, you could be a straight white guy like Tucker Carlson and mock a gay group and still have your job.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Shut the fuck up, gobblers of goo. Get right, go on that one. Granados would hardly be the first person this year to mix politics and public dining. But in a statement released Sunday through his attorney,
Starting point is 01:04:49 again, the lying sea sucker, he denied insulting Carlson's daughter and making her cry. I never called any member of his family any names, Granados said. You're a fucking liar. Go back to Buenos Aires. I never attacked his daughter, as Tucker claims. Tucker has created this story out of thin air it never happened
Starting point is 01:05:06 fucking quiz you are a liar I know it's a judgment call on my part but you are a fucking liar regardless of your sexual orientation you're a liar you're a bitch
Starting point is 01:05:24 and um yeah sexual orientation. You're a liar. You're a bitch. And, yeah. And your lawyer is Michael Avenatti. That's all I got to say. I guarantee you, this guy Granados saw Tucker Carlson and called Avenatti. Unless Avenatti was there with this guy, but it doesn't say that. Strangest shit has happened.
Starting point is 01:05:52 How about this story before I get out of here? I've been holding a pee-pee for a long time now. I don't want to get a UTI or an ITU or a TIA or a TWA. Hmm. This is quite a story.
Starting point is 01:06:09 An experienced skydiving instructor who plunged to his death while flying tandem with a student in Maine deliberately released his safety harness to commit suicide. Holy shit. Yeah! Brett Bickford of Rochester, New Hampshire, died on September 27th after he fell a mile to his death after separating from his student. The unidentified student landed safely covered in feces, no, with parachute and quickly contacted the police.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Bickford's body was found the next day about 750 feet southwest of Lebanon Airport runway by a search and rescue team. Maine's medical examiner concluded this week that Bickford's death was a suicide. A two-month investigation concluded Bickford loosened his harness midair and that it was an intentional act. Police said they spoke with other skydiving instructors and industry officials who all concluded that no one experienced, no experienced skydiver would loosen a parachute harness by mistake. Well, but again, I don't know. How do you know? Wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:07:14 That's not, is that, that's not the actual tandem, right? That's maybe just him. No, that's just a shot of him. I want to take up skydiving. So just so I can be in that position with that girl. How do they know? Definitely, though. What if the harness was
Starting point is 01:07:33 pinching him? What if he thought it was loose or too tight? What if he went to fucking adjust it? How do you know without a note? Seriously, I'm trying to give the guy a benefit of the doubt. He had been an instructor at Skydive New England in Lebanon for 10 years. Did not leave a note.
Starting point is 01:07:53 Nicole Corrine, director of sports promotion for the U.S. Parachute Association, told the newspaper that tandem skydiving has a solid safety record with an average of one student fatality per half million tandem jumps over the past decade. I hope that's not your selling point. You know what I mean? If I'm going, I'm going to go, okay, who was the last guy that died?
Starting point is 01:08:17 Now I want you to count up from there 499,000. Just to make sure I'm not fucking... How do you know? But that guy died if it was a suicide. You know, they always say he... I always love that phrase. He died doing what he loved.
Starting point is 01:08:35 Really? Fucking shitting his pants and screaming at 10,000 feet? He died doing what he loved. Being dragged by a bus for a mile and a half? I always liked that. Show up at a fucking funeral. You don't know why the guy died. Your buddy's funeral.
Starting point is 01:08:50 He died doing... Really? He was stabbed? Yes, sir. You got a better chance of dying skydiving than winning the lottery. You could be one and a half million. Say that again slow. You have a better chance of dying from skydiving than winning the lottery
Starting point is 01:09:06 oh yeah by a fucking yeah I'm not sure what your point is I think you have a better chance of dying from a skydive than getting bit by a shark with my luck I would win the lottery and die skydiving that night for being bit by a shark but that's just me because I was born under the
Starting point is 01:09:23 444 I got a super chat. You do? Okay, because I got to wrap it up here, but go ahead. I got to throw back to the hockey story. Mike Rossi says, is the NHL sponsoring these hockey active shooter pucks or what?
Starting point is 01:09:38 They should be, Mike. Again, professional sports organizations, great marketers, and that would be, can you imagine a guy, kid goes to shoot up a cafeteria at a high school and he's knocked unconscious by an NHL puck
Starting point is 01:09:54 signed by Patrice Bergeron? Then you could put that online and auction it off for breast cancer research and stuff like that. I still like my, what if the fucking shooter was a former goalie. 86 pucks thrown out of a one-cheek. He kicks 10 of them out, makes 48 glove saves
Starting point is 01:10:16 and then shoots you to death. All right, kids. Well, I got to do this one more story. This one made me really hungry This is the headline folks poo as in poo poo they spell feces with an A in the UK. What does it make it classy and less stinky? A feces. the UK. What does it make it classy and less stinky?
Starting point is 01:11:04 A feces. Say that. I found a trace of feces on my quarter pounder with cheese, I said. Not only does it feces, I'd rather find feces on my burger than a piece of romaine lettuce at this point. Traces of
Starting point is 01:11:22 feces have been found on every single McDonald's touchscreen swabbed in an investigation. Don't you guys got more important shit to do in the UK? I mean, half of the fucking Muslim population on the planet is living in London, and you're swabbing fucking Filet-O-Fish for caca. Senior lecturer in microbiology at London Metropolitan University,
Starting point is 01:11:42 Dr. Paul Mataweli, said, we are all surprised how much gut and fecal bacteria there was on the touchscreen machines. These cause the kind of infections that people pick up in hospitals. So now you don't have to go to the hospital to get this type of infection.
Starting point is 01:11:57 You just go to fucking Mickey D's. Lick the fucking touch buttons. That's how you commit suicide. How did he go? He went doing what he loved. He's licking a bag of, a picture of a french fries. For instance,
Starting point is 01:12:13 enterococcus faecalis, that's Latin for poop, is part of the flora of gastrointestinal tracts of healthy humans and other mammals. It is, well, at least it's healthy humans.
Starting point is 01:12:26 It is notorious in hospitals for causing hospital and quiet infections. Unsuspecting diners choose their food on the touchscreens, then head to the server to pick up their burgers, more often than not, without washing their hands. Which is true. I'll do a show in New York City. After the show, I'll take 20 pictures, shake 100 hands. Okay, 12 hands. And then I'll get a slice of pizza. And when do I? I'm bleeding from the in New York City. After the show, I'll take 20 pictures, shake 100 hands, okay, 12 hands,
Starting point is 01:12:45 and then I'll get a slice of pizza. And when do I? I'm bleeding from the ass 24 hours later. A screen at one branch was found to have a staphylococcus, a bacteria that can cause blood poisoning and toxic shock syndrome. I call that special sauce.
Starting point is 01:13:02 It starts around people's noses. If they touch their nose with their fingers and then transfer it to the touchscreen someone else will get it and if they have an open cut which it gets into then it can be dangerous I can't tell number of times I've had an open cut on my hand and went up to a touchscreen at the bank you go I'm out of here I want to die There was a lot of worries at the moment that Staphylococcus is becoming, by the way, that's a Greek politician, is becoming resistant to antibiotics.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Listeria bacteria, finally one I can pronounce, was found on Oxford Street in Holloway Road branches. So you people in England, stay away from the Mickey D's on Oxford Street and Holloway Road. It can cause listeriososis, which can lead to miscarriages and stillbirths in pregnant women. Well, there you go.
Starting point is 01:13:48 Save a trip. Planned Parenthood's 40 miles away. Mickey D's is five minutes around the corner because there's one everywhere. Would you rather have the coat hanger or fucking lick a picture of a filet of fish? Again, I regress. I digress.
Starting point is 01:14:05 Three quarters of the screen swabs show traces of the bacteria Proteus. That's my favorite Greek mythology. It is also widely distributed in soil. It can... In soil? What, a farmer's ordering fucking... It can cause urinary tract infections
Starting point is 01:14:23 and is also one of the hospital acquired infections where it may be responsible for septicemia. Oh, here's another one. Klebsiella, who I dated from my sophomore year, is also from the gut and mouth. They are associated with urinary tract infections, septicemia, and diarrhea. It says diarrhea here, spelled differently with an O.
Starting point is 01:14:40 And diarrhea. It says diarrhea here. Spelled differently with an O. Some species can infect the respiratory tract resulting. Oh, we get it. Okay. We get it. You're going to order food in England.
Starting point is 01:14:57 Put on a pair of fucking rubber gloves if you're going to touch the screen. Put on a whole condom on each finger. I don't know what to tell you. McDonald's says they clean the screens with disinfectant, but Dr. Marawellia said it could not have been strong enough. A McDonald's spokesman said
Starting point is 01:15:12 our self-ordered screens are cleaned frequently throughout the day. We give a homeless person 10 cents. No. All of our restaurants also provide facilities for customers to wash their hands before eating. Yes, because when I want to clean my hands, I want to go to a McDonald's
Starting point is 01:15:31 fucking bathroom. After I do my thing and I boil my hands in water for 8 minutes, then I grab that doorknob that has 6 inches of goat shit on it. And then I get my happy meal. That is it, kids. 4-4-4 up in this motherfucker, yo!
Starting point is 01:15:50 That's it. There it is. There it is. Jesus, I look good. That is not a... What the fuck? That is not a bad pick. We're giving Adidas a plug, too. That's a commercial for Adidas. is buying adidas now that was me by the way in uh in college my freshman year trying to get into a fraternity all right guys thank you so much everybody who tuned in on youtube facebook live and where else do we go patreon where else patreon nick else? Patreon,
Starting point is 01:16:25 Is there Mixler in there or something? Mixler, too. That's always in there. Isn't there? I'm missing one, no? That's it? God damn it, I thought we were doing better.
Starting point is 01:16:35 We're not on ABC today? Live? Not yet, not yet. All right. All right, kids. That is it. How I'm not more famous than this is beyond me. Go to the Corner Comedy Club,
Starting point is 01:16:49 Niagara Falls this weekend, Friday and Saturday night. I'm doing two shows each night. I'm going to go look at the falls. I'm going to get in a boat and put on the slicker because I've done that before. It's tremendous. It's like paying a hooker to piss in front of a fan in your hotel room, only more expensive.
Starting point is 01:17:05 Uh, I will talk to you guys, uh, tomorrow. Take care of yourselves. Bye-bye everybody. Bye.

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