The Nick DiPaolo Show - YouTube Mutes Malone | Nick Di Paolo Show #647

Episode Date: January 4, 2022

Pelosi to step down. Trump leads in polls. McLoyd admits to murder. PBR & @$$. YouTube censors Malone. Tesla owner blows up car....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, if you're not a paid subscriber to the show, please take a moment and subscribe now. Starting today, we are introducing the Nick DiPaolo Show phone line, where you can call up and leave a message for me to play and respond to on the show. This number is only available to subscribers. You'll also get access to the daily Encore episode, which nobody else gets, and hundreds of show archives. Plus, you'll get a discount on merch and free merch, depending on what level you subscribe at.
Starting point is 00:00:30 You can do all this at and click on an Encore episode or slash thenickdapaloshow. Thanks for supporting, and I can't wait to hear what some of you guys and gals have to say. Talk to you soon. Oh yeah! Welcome to the big show, folks. How are ya? Pretty cold down here in Georgia, Ford, Georgia. I usually set out in my underwear smoking a cigarette in the morning with my coffee,
Starting point is 00:01:39 and I tried that today and I lost two toes. But, you know, it gets cold down here. What else? Nothing really. I hate the beginning of a new year. I just hate it. Looking at my book, all these dates ahead of me. Fucking enough already. Kind of hoping I get COVID and want to ventilate it soon.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Yeah. There, I said it. I'm on Vax, so apparently I'm in big danger. Even though a fifth soccer player has died. Of course, they didn't mention, you know, he had a heart attack too, by the way. Four of them last week, remember I told you about? Four of them had heart attacks. Guys, healthy soccer.
Starting point is 00:02:17 You have anybody more healthy than a soccer player? And they all had vaccinations. But, you know, fucking that's a coincidence. And then this guy, we don't know. They don't mention that, you know. that's a coincidence and then this guy we don't know they don't mention that you know so probably means whatever you guys do it your way i'm saying and i'll do it my way i got a sister who's a nurse she's nervous that i haven't been vaccinated i said i said it's a choice between what government you want to kill you. China's virus or my own government. I think there's more nobility in dying from the enemy. How's that suit you? I don't know. I could be, if I'm on a ventilator, I might be going, give me that jab. What the fuck? But I don't think so. I've had
Starting point is 00:02:58 enough. I'm 59, 16 in a few weeks. I've had enough. Had a good life. Got some stinky finger plates and football toes and jokes. All right. And that's that. All've had enough. Had a good life. Got some stinky finger plates and football, told some jokes. All right. And that's that. All right, let's get on with it, shall we? In the N-word segment tonight, Biden's disapproval rating hits a new high, 56%, the same as his stupid IQ. Depending on how you vote, that makes you very happy or very sad. Believe it or not, it makes me sad,
Starting point is 00:03:26 but not for the same reason it makes Don Lemon or Rachel Maddow sad. I'm sad that there are still 44% who approve of how the fuck he's doing his job. How does that work? Sir, why do you approve of Biden's performance so far? Well, I hate store shelves that are packed and have too much shit on them.
Starting point is 00:03:45 It's easy to find the box of Tide when it's all by its lonesome. I'm also sick of paying reasonable prices for steak, pork, and chicken. I have a better chance of getting to a woman's pants when I make her dinner and she knows I had to take out a mortgage to buy the pork shoulder. Also, I like the idea that he's sneaking people from countries that are sworn enemies of the United States. I think that's good because this way it's easy to keep track of them. You don't have to watch the news and stuff. No guesswork involved. I run into them when they're buying fertilizer at Lawn and Garden or Home Depot, when they're buying duct
Starting point is 00:04:22 tape, electric switches and nails, or when they're hanging out at the reservoir near my house. You know, you can keep an eye on them. Also, I don't mind paying sky-high taxes if it's going to something good like feeding an illegal family of 12 from Guatemala who have been in the country for five minutes. I'd say Joe's knocking it out of the park. You know what I say? This is what happens when you steal an election and give it to somebody unqualified. That's the N-word. Let's roll. What do we got next? Wait, that is frigging... The Wicked Witch is almost dead. Here is finally some good news. I thought this was going to happen, I'm not kidding you, 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:05:08 A report by the Washington Post on Monday claimed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to step down. Let's hope she lands on a rusty nail with no tetanus shot. After the 2022 midterms, as Democrats prepare for new leadership in the days ahead. Bye-bye, dickhead.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Oh, she's so ugly. You cursed brat! Look what you've done! I'm melting! Melting! Oh, what a world! What a world! My world. My world. I think that was Betty White. Do you know she died in a poker game? She got in a knife fight. She was cheating.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Holy shit. After almost 19 years, this big-titted dumb bitch, House Democrat leader, they have to mention that every time they mention it. You notice they have to mention House Speaker Nancy Pelosi every fucking time. It's like when you watch football and they introduce a guy in the booth, Hall of Fame of Troy Aikman. All right, already. Okay. This isn't our first rodeo. We know we made the, I'm not a fucking gay choreographer. I'm well aware. After almost 19 years in the House, a Democrat leader to speak at Nancy Pelosi, California. Thanks for clearing that up.
Starting point is 00:06:21 House Democrat leader to speak in Nantzapaloo, California. Thanks for clearing that up. Could we say Vink in this country is expected to step down at the close of this Congress, ending a fucking horrible blight on the United States. That's not what it says. It says, ending a
Starting point is 00:06:37 historic career. Tell me if you can tell which way the person who wrote the article voted. Ending a historic career that included trying to end George W. Bush's Iraq war, implementing President Barack Obama's signature health care law, like that's a good thing. They're bringing up failures. Impeaching President Donald Trump twice.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Whoever's rightness is either jerking off or dingling themselves right now in squeezing President Biden's sweeping agenda through a narrowly controlled house. Yeah, you should be proud of that. Oh, that's right. She's a woman. She's not accountable. The Post. Oh, that's who wrote it. Plus it's the Washington Post, right? Marianna Sotomayor wrote it. You'd be very pretty if you didn't have John Elway's teeth. Look at her sitting there. I like to grab you cocksuckers who taught journalism to this generation and choke the fuck.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Do you understand they had Marxist teachers telling them, you don't fucking be objective. You put out how you feel. Just reading that article, it's a love letter. How about mentioning all the bills she held up and shit, and how her town or her city, where she's from, the knee-deep in human feces and needles and all the other shit she's done, I can't even name. Mention that. How about her tearing up Trump's speech, State of the Union speech, on TV? Did you mention that, you fucking little weasel, you?
Starting point is 00:08:22 The article also discussed some of the party's suggested replacements. New York Dem Rep Hakeem Jeffries. You talk about a whitey hater? This guy's straight out of Brooklyn, and he's just... He makes Joy Reid look like a right-wing conservative. New York really breeds the anti-white-black politicians well. Jeffries was noted as the early favorite. You've got to be dog-styling me.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Majority leader Steny Hoyer and majority whip James Clyburn would certainly rank in the discussion as well as though the report suggested some Democrats are ready for new leadership. I wonder who's suggesting that. Maybe AOC and the squad and all the other. I would love for them to come get all the ones that even semi-reasonable out of there. I mean, you're already sinking. They're already running it, by the way. So let them get some face time now. You old people get the fuck out of the way so get let them get some face time now you old people get the fuck out of the way so now we can blame who's doing it and that includes biden
Starting point is 00:09:30 i don't think he's gonna make it to uh i don't know i think after next november biden might be gone and replaced with uh you know who the bass player from sticks i don't know why i use that as a reference every fucking time. Hey, Steny Hoyer, why don't you put some tea bags under your eyes like cucumbers? Jesus Christ. There's Claiborne coming. That's as happy as he gets. That's him getting blown by Pelosi. Nick, that's childish. Fuck you. But the members interviewed overwhelmingly agreed that Pelosi's replacement should be equally as historic as electing the first female speaker. Okay, let's get a Puerto
Starting point is 00:10:11 Rican in a wheelchair with a hair lip who's blind and has a bag of shit on his hip. That leaves white men who are mulling a run such as Hoyer and Adam B. Schiff, a Pelosi ally, in a difficult spot with a party that is looking for more black or brown people. I'm not going to say diversity anymore. Less white people for a party that's looking to push out whitey. And good. You know what, stupid Adam Schiff, you fucking, ugh. So they don't want any old, they don't want any old white guys. Remember that, folks. Every time you hear the verse, that's all that means. There are white niggers. I haven't seen a lot of white niggers in my time. Me too. I'm looking at one. I don't like that word. Personally, Senator Byrd,
Starting point is 00:11:03 I'm looking at word. I don't like that word personally senator Berg I Don't like it unless it's in a hip-hop song, you know, Rick Ross. He'd be saying that shit laying it down You know Rick Ross reference from 29 years ago still love him. I don't know why Because he was a correctional officer You know it is also to the benefit of Jeffries. That would be the black fella right there with a nice suit on He looks like a rapist in a nice suit that went to men's warehouse. A horny customer is our best customer. Who would be the first black person to lead either party in the chamber.
Starting point is 00:11:36 And that's more important than somebody who can do the job. Do you fucking lefties understand how stupid you are? Oh my God. You're narrowing the field down. If they could, they'd say it has to be a Native American woman with breast cancer. The mention of Pelosi retiring ranks among one of the strongest reports to date regarding the future plans of the current House Speaker, as well as who will lead in the future. Good riddance.
Starting point is 00:12:03 A, she was a hooah. Oh, you got that right. B. She was a whore. That's right. Don't forget this. She's a malignant cunt. Typically, that job would fall to one of the Speaker's top two lieutenants. The majority, Leah Steny Hoyer. The majority,
Starting point is 00:12:20 Whip, Jim Clark. How can you call a black guy Whip? That's just... However, both of them, like Pelosi Pelosi are in their early 80s, which has sparked questions about whether it may be time for some fresh faces to manage the House. Gee, you think? They're in their fucking 80s. They're worrying about getting reelected. How about getting up in the morning? Honestly, I'm turning 60 and these thoughts of death are trickling in now. Honest to God, I mean, 20 years ago was 2002. That seems like 10 months ago to me. You know what I'm saying? I am in the fourth quarter. I'm on my own two. It's third and 31.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Both my wide receivers are out with injuries. All I got is Antonio Brown. He's on the field with no shirt on. Stupid. Guy could be filthy rich and... Mental problems. No, he's just a fucking jerk-off. How about that? That's how I take it. No more he's just a fucking jerk-off. How about that?
Starting point is 00:13:26 That's how I take it. I'm not, no more benefit of the doubt. Anyways, I'll tell you who would make a, never mind the next speaker of the House, how about the next president of the United States? And I'm going to be honest with you people,
Starting point is 00:13:36 you know how much of a Trump fan I am? I'm a little, I'm a little bummed out at his take on booster shots and shit. You know what I mean? He's starting to sound like the businessman. The Don dominating. Former President Trump, get this, his numbers are a little better than Biden's. Dominating the Republican primary in a hypothetical matchup. Reuters survey, the survey asked all respondents thinking about the presidential election in 2024, who would you support as the Republican nominee for president?
Starting point is 00:14:10 A whopping 54% said Newt Gingrich's girlfriend. Look at Trump's tights even going right. Overall, a majority 54% of Republicans said said they would support trump no surprise i am your voice lay off the fucking vaccine booster shit donnie i read the sites with the comments and people are not like even people who love you a little advice over here from a guy in a podcast in a building in nowhere with 11 people and no money. Telling a billionaire how to... Only one other potential candidate garnered double-digit support. Of course, our boy Ronnie DeSantis of Florida, who saw 11%.
Starting point is 00:14:57 That's a fucking whopping gap. With all the shit he's done, shouldn't it be like neck to neck? With all the shit he's done, shouldn't it be like neck to neck? However, that still leaves Mr. DeSantis 43 points behind Trump. Former VP Mike Pence, you've got to be kidding, came in third with eight points, followed by U.S. Ambassador, are we really considering nick nicky haley he's about as republican as fucking de blasio uh she got four percent teddy cruz he's a conservative um i know there's people out there but he said you gotta all of them have a blotch on their records but he's the smartest one out there as far as conservatives go. That's all I'm saying. Okay. Ask Alan Dershowitz.
Starting point is 00:15:52 He said he was his best fucking, his best student and all is his teaching. So I wouldn't mind seeing Cruz on the ticket. Haley, get the fuck out of here. I don't want to see you. And neither does the red meat of the party. We want somebody right. I would fucking Marjorie, what's her name, Marjorie Taylor Greene, I'd vote for her tomorrow. Her and David Duke I'd put on the ticket. He seems conservative.
Starting point is 00:16:21 That's a joke, folks. He's a real, apparently he's a real racist. Like he's any more racist than fucking Joy Reid. Remaining potential candidates, including Texas, ugh, Greg Abbott, please. Ugh. Greg Abbott. Another fucking rhino. I don't have time to get into it. Former Secretary of State Mike
Starting point is 00:16:48 Pompeo. Okay. Again, he's done a couple things lately that people are... Marco Rubio. He impresses me every time he talks, but he's made a couple big decisions that were like, uh-oh. Josh Hawley seems hateful enough. I might give him a few. Chris Christie, you can go fat fucking. Y'all fat fuck, look at you. Chris Christie? Y'all fat fuck, look at you. Hey, Chris. Y'all fat fuck, look at you.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I'm talking to you, Christie. Y'all fat fuck, look at you. He's the worst. He is, only in New Jersey could he be considered a Republican. Remember him fucking giving Obama a handjob during the fucking, on the beach? And he's just, oh, Trump's too mean with his, just a big girl. And he looks dog shit in a baseball uniform. Ever see that picture of him? He looked like a vanilla ice cream cone. He got 2%, which is 2% too much. Overall, 14% of
Starting point is 00:17:54 Republicans said they are not sure who they would ultimately support. The survey also looked at the favorability of Trump finding 46% at least leaning toward a favorable view compared to 56% who are at least leaning towards having an unfavorable view. However, 82% of Republicans have a favorable view of Trump. You know why it is? And he really isn't a conservative, folks, when you get down to a hardcore conservative. But you know what? I guess he's a populist, you can say. But I'll tell you why. The same reason I like him. He hits back. Sometimes he even starts the shit. That's why people love him.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Because they know the media is the real cancer. And this fucking guy loves the camera, hates the people who are behind it. I miss him. When he got done in the White House, it was like, I don't know, one of my favorite sitcoms going off the air. One other president makes fun of some guy, the security's taken out of his rally. He goes, hey, you've got a weight problem.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Y'all fat fuck, look at you. I think he said that. Y'all fat fuck, look at this. I think he said that. 52% who say they have a very favorable view of Mr. Trump. He was the best guy around. The survey taken December 13th through 17th among 4406, that's 4,000, I'm too tired to read, has a margin of plus, minus 1.7%. Why even throw that in there you're all full of
Starting point is 00:19:26 shit but see what an impact he made i just and here's my question nobody's asking i've brought this up on the show before what do the democrats do for an encore if trump gets back in i would be worried for his fucking safety. I am not kidding you. I would, Lara Trump would probably get kidnapped or some shit. I mean, they lost their shit so much so they stole the next election. That's how much they hated him. What are they going to do for an encore? I don't know. Let's ask Sayonara Tamada. What? Tommy threw this one in. It's kind of a local story if you live in Detroit. It's, no, you know why I like it?
Starting point is 00:20:12 Because we've sort of been getting around. If you guys haven't noticed, Tommy's picking the story. And we don't hit the race shit as much. Not on purpose because of what's going on with Biden. But the 18-year-old woman, that's Sayonara Tamara, that's not a real name. Her name's Tamara, black chick, of course, charged in connection with a fatal shooting of an off-duty, this is always news that we will always do on our show, Tommy, so I backtrack on that one.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Look at her. Are you sure she's black? She might be mulatto. Are you sure? Fucking says Goodyear on her ass. Cleveland police officer, she killed an off-duty police officer in Cleveland during a carjacking.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Admitted to investigators that she shot the officer. A prosecutor said, You fucking whore. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready. Assistant. Assistant Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Jose Torres
Starting point is 00:21:14 said Tamara McLeod admitted to killing excuse me, folks, I'm burping. Shane Bartek, 25. Look at this. 25-year-old kid, during the Friday carjack. And Torres made the statement during McLeod's initial appearance on Monday
Starting point is 00:21:32 in Cleveland Municipal Court. Cleveland Municipal Judge Susan Marie Sweeney, finally somebody that's got a little, set her bond at 5 mil, God bless. Finally a judge on the aggravated murder charge. She also set a $125,000 bond on a separate aggravated robbery charge stemming from a November robbery.
Starting point is 00:21:56 What a nice girl this seems to be. I bet you she grew up in a nice two-parent family. Nick, that's old-fashioned. We proved you don't need that. Oh, have we? Yeah, I got some property I want to sell you on MLK Junior Boulevard. McLeod is also a suspect in several unsolved armed robberies. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:22:23 It's Tanisha and Clyde. Unsolved Hammurabi's across the area, according to the court. I don't think she's black. She looks mulatto to me. All right, all right. Imagine, how old is she? She's young, too. She's 25.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Killing a cop at 25. Yet she's wearing a mask. I. 18. But she's wearing a mask. That message got through. You see what I'm saying? Also the message that white cops are racist got through i'm not kidding you look at her she gets all her information from either big tech or the mainstream media that's why she's wearing a dumb mask and she's killing cops nice going she could run for fucking she'll be the house speaker if they the carjacking and shooting happened at about 6 p.m. Friday in the parking lot of an apartment complex on Rocky River Drive. Don't go over there. I had a duplex with Stu McGillicuddy,
Starting point is 00:23:33 and he got knifed in the laundry room. What? Rocky River Drive at Fairway. My eyes are drying up again. Jeez. In the city's, who cares, Cam's neighborhood, and I'm sure it was nice. McLeod's ambush ambushed the cop and shot him twice in the back. Ooh, a lot of balls. He tried to fight back, according to police and court records. McLeod drove away in Bartek's car. Surveillance video recorded the
Starting point is 00:24:06 shooting, court records say. At some point, McLeod gave the car to another nice fella, Anthony Butler Jr. Police later spotted Bartek's stolen car, sparking a high-speed chase involving several suburban police departments. The chase ended when the driver crashed the car into a fence at an apartment complex on East 260th Street at Lakeshore Boulevard in Euclid. Jesus, what a nice afternoon. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. Well, this one particular guy, yes, but let's not paint with it. Why not?
Starting point is 00:24:45 Paint with a bigger brush. Butler is high being... Is high? I just said Butler is high. Butler is being held in the Cuyahoga County Jail on five million bond. I like the judge. On charges of receiving stolen property,
Starting point is 00:25:01 fleeing and eluding, having a dog shit haircut. Police found the gun in his car that is believed to be the gun that McLeod, the woman used to shoot the cop Bartek. McLeod is also charged in November, November 2nd armed robbery. This is separate of a Happy's Pizza on Detroit Avenue. That just, if I said to you, you just got it from Guatemala, but you could speak English. Happy pizza on Detroit Avenue. Oh, no, no, I don't go there. Without even knowing.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Very unhappy pizza. In West 74th Street. Well, we won't, well, you'll see her again, hopefully. Are they going to do more lockups? Bye-bye. I miss lockup. Are they still running them? I stayed, I like that show so much, I stayed up one night.
Starting point is 00:25:55 This is true. I started watching at six. Saturday night, they were doing a marathon at six at night. I stayed up till six in the morning, watched watched them all and I had seen half of them already just to see my favorite criminal down in Alabama he's a white guy, Billy he's famous some fucking woman actually married him
Starting point is 00:26:18 he's the baddest motherfucker can you imagine the Alabama prison and they're scared shit of them? Crazy redneck, what, Billy Bob? God damn it, I got a poster of him at home. Let's move on. Beer and ass. This made me laugh. Pabst Blue Ribbon, which is what I grew up on, my grandfather used to drink, would steal the little hand grenades out of his fridge. Apologized on, I drink it because I like the label. after the brand, they apologized on Monday, after the brand's Twitter account fired off a string of profane
Starting point is 00:26:50 messages to start 2022, including that dry January is so last year. I guess they had this thing called dry January. You're supposed to quit for a month, Abu. And people should, dry January. You're supposed to quit for a month of booze. And people should, they said, and people should try eating ass if they don't want to drink booze this month. Bon appetit. Honey, what do you want with your beer? Some ass. We apologize about the language and content of our recent tweets. The tweets in question were written in poor judgment, I don't think so, by one of our associates, PBR vice president of marketing, Andrew Deiskleiser. No, Nick really told Fox Business in a statement on Monday,
Starting point is 00:27:40 in no way does the content of this, I love when they do this, in no way does the content of this tweet reflect the values of PAPS. Really? You don't eat ass at PBR, the upper brass? Never eaten ass? We don't condone that. We're handling the matter internally. Ooh, sounds dirty. And have removed the tweets from our social platforms. The company christened this month Pabst Blue Ribbons Wet January, which sounds kind of dirty. I'll tell you. Here's one of the greatest jokes I ever wrote. Oh, my wife's so frigid.
Starting point is 00:28:20 If I go down there too fast, I get an ice cream headache. Fucking wrote that one 28 years ago. A play on the popular movement, Dry January, so they were calling it Wet January, which encourages individuals to abstain from booze, what? For the first month of the year. I don't think that'll happen down here in Savannah, where everybody wakes up with a pint of gin. And Savannah, where everybody wakes up with a pint of gin. I don't know why somebody was pissing. On Monday morning, PBR stepped up their What January campaign by writing in a since-deleted tweet,
Starting point is 00:28:53 not drinking this January? Try eating ass. Delicious. Thank you. Thank you. Sounds like De Niro's eating fucking Scorsese's mother's ass. Slim Jim, another company. I had a good idea for Slim Jims. When anorexics go lost, they should put a picture of the girls on Slim Jim. Slim Jim, another company with a colorful... Yeah, no, rim shot there.
Starting point is 00:29:22 another company with a colorful, yeah, no, rim shot there. Social media presence responded that legal must have off until the 4th, meaning they would have caught it. PBR also responded to irrational messages from both fans and critics of the brand's social media strategy. The brand tweeted, everything's an ass, all ass, no break. I don't understand what that means. All ass, no breaks. And don't understand what that means. All ass, no breaks.
Starting point is 00:29:45 And suddenly eating ass is on brand. I don't understand any of it. The brand even offered to hire former Tampa Bay Buccaneer wide receiver Antonio Brown, who may be looking for a job after he ripped off his jersey, stormed on the field signing it. That's them trying to be funny.
Starting point is 00:30:03 There he is after he sexually assaulted a cheerleader running out of bounds. Why would people have a problem with that? Why wouldn't everybody find that funny on the internet? And let me tell you what that is. We're talking about it, right? The whole internet was talking about it. So it wasn't an accident. That's the best kind of marketing where you went, we didn't mean for her tit to slip up. Don't forget that, folks. Not your tube. YouTube has removed the viral episode of the Joe Rogan Experience podcast featuring guest Dr. Robert Malone from its video sharing platform. Do you believe this? Out and out censorship. This is fucking authoritarianism. It's whatever you want to call it. During the interview, Malone, who claims to be part of a
Starting point is 00:30:51 collaborant, he claims, he is. Again, learn how to read the article. He claims to be part of a collaboration that reportedly created the mRNA technology widely used to create the COVID-19 vaccine. He claimed it. There's no way of verifying that person who wrote the article. Talked about vaccines, mandates, among other pandemic-related topics. At one point in the conversation, Malone drew parallels between current American society and Germany in the 20s and 30s when the Nazis came into power saying American society is developing a mass formation psychosis. Tell me he's not right on point here.
Starting point is 00:31:39 It was from basically European, he's talking about back then, back in the 20s and 30s. It was basically European intellectual inquiry into what about back in the 20s and 30s, it was basically European intellectual inquiry into what the heck happened in Germany in the 20s and 30s. Very intelligent, highly educated population. I don't know that I'd say that about America, which makes his point even more important. And they went barking mad, he said. They lost their mind as a group. And how did that happen? The answer, he says, is mass formation psychosis. When you have a society
Starting point is 00:32:15 that has become decoupled from each other and has free floating anxiety in a sense that things don't make sense, we can't understand it. And then their attention gets focused by a leader or a series of events on one small point, just like hypnosis. And that would be COVID. They literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere. Does that not sound like people you see walking around
Starting point is 00:32:40 with their masks on by themselves on a beach or whatever? Sorry, you can't hypnotize me. A guy tried it one time at a bar, and I did a number two on the stage just to prove I was fine. No, I didn't. Hum-a-na-hum-a-hum-a-hum-a-hum-a-na-na-na-na-na-na-na. Malone was banned from Twitter last week. Hey, can we burn Twitter down? Can we start actually finding people who, I can't, you can't promote violence,
Starting point is 00:33:12 but I don't dox them or whatever. Come on, you, are there any right-wing hackers out there? Let's throw a monkey wrench in that fucking shithole. Malone was banned from Twitter last week, again, because he's a little skeptical of what's going on vaccine wise so we should not hear from him telling rogan during the widely shared interview uh let's take a listen to uh a little clip here from dr malone the point is if if i'm not if if it's not okay for me to be part of the conversation, even though I'm pointing out scientific facts that may be inconvenient, then who is?
Starting point is 00:33:51 Who can be allowed? And whether you're in the camp that says, I'm a liar and I didn't invent this technology despite the patents, and there's a whole cohort of that, technology despite the patents and there's a whole cohort of that no one can debate that dispute that i played a major role in the creation of this tech and virtually he paid him played a major role in creating the vaccine but that's not enough of a resume for the people in big tech i think even google took it down youtube YouTube, right? Yeah. His resume, he helped create the vaccine. That is an undisputed fact. They're actually afraid of facts. And then they'll have a fact checker.
Starting point is 00:34:35 The guy helped create. Who knows fucking more about it? He doesn't know what he's talking. That's misinformation. I got to fucking remind me to write that bit. There's a bit in there I'll go home and sit down and go I'm gonna write this bit then I'll go oh I gotta learn the next fucking three bars
Starting point is 00:34:54 of Hey Joe cut to me at midnight I'm still playing guitar I swear to God the episode was posted in full to an account not affiliated with Rogan's Podcast YouTube cited a violation of the site's community guidelines. Another account also not affiliated with Rogan's podcast has posted the video as well, and it remains up at the time of the publishing. The original upload of the episode still remains up on Spotify, where Rogan uploads his full
Starting point is 00:35:20 interviews. I wonder how, well, that's where he is, Spotify, right? I wonder, I guess they've worked out their differences. Twitter users called out the removal by YouTube, stating the removal was because Malone challenged the current narrative surrounding COVID-19. Then what are you doing on fucking Twitter? If you know you'd be... on fucking Twitter if you know you're being... Well, Nick, you're on there. No, I'm not. I use it to plug shit. And I'll send post to my manager because they won't let me on it. I had three, I had two and a half strikes when the... I don't even know how they do it. Anyways, let's move on to the next story. Bang, bang, shitty bang, bang. What? Is this the final story?
Starting point is 00:36:11 It is. Final story. Faced with a car that was no longer working up to snuff, one Tesla owner in Finland disposed of the vehicle with a bang. And I don't mean he porked somebody in the back seat. disposed of the vehicle with a bang. And I don't mean he porked somebody in the back seat. Thomas Kattanian blew up his modified 2013 Tesla Model S and recorded the explosive event in a now viral YouTube video. Looks like a Packers fan.
Starting point is 00:36:38 It's a cheesehead. On YouTube video, which was posted earlier this month. According to Insider, Katanian made the decision after he was told it would cost him around $22,000 to replace the car's battery. You know what? This is the only response to that.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Can you imagine? I'm just guessing he doesn't have that kind of money. Why would you own one of those? It'll be worth a lot. No, it won't. People are going to be flying in spaceships in about two years, thanks to Musk. 22 grand for the battery. I guess it's a CS diehard.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Musk. 22 grand for the battery. I guess it's a CS diehard. Catanian first brought the vehicle over a year ago bought, excuse me, a year and a half ago, according to CNN. At first the car worked fine, but after about 900 miles, Catanian started to notice water leaks
Starting point is 00:37:37 what's in a canoe? And error codes per insider. Whatever the fuck that means. Danger, Will Robinson. Danger. No, Will Robinson. Danger. After he took the car to a... They wanted $1,100 for a windshield wiper. After he took the car to a repair shop and received the costly repair estimate,
Starting point is 00:37:58 Kattanian made the decision to go a different route. He then reached out to several YouTubers, including Laurie Voonsilta from the popular hydraulic press channel, as well as the experts behind the Pomerantz Bomb Dudes. I hate Finnish. When it came time for the main event, the team removed the Tesla battery and motors,
Starting point is 00:38:28 transported the car to its explosion site in Jala, a village located two hours outside of Helsinki, according to the outlet. Then, thanks to 66 pounds of dynamite, two bowls of chili from Wendy's, cadence and a Bic lighter, Kattanian said goodbye to his Tesla, which was blown up in an abandoned quarry with the help of the bomb dudes and their volunteers, otherwise known as the Gambino family. Let's take a look at this, shall we? Let's go to the videotape. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:39:18 That's good. If that's not the scene out of a mob movie. I just love this guy's thinking. $22,000 for go fuck yourself. He was so mad. He goes, I'm blowing this thing up. Did we mention he is a Papa John's waiter? Apparently the payments were.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Before blowing up the Tesla, the group dropped a dummy made to look like company founder, Elon Musk. See, now, Elon Musk would laugh his balls off at this. I've come to really like that guy. I still don't know what he does for a living. Guy's just an inventor.
Starting point is 00:40:01 He makes Thomas Edison look like an asshole, shooting people into space and shit. What kind of IQ does this guy have? He's the richest guy on the planet. Well, I guess I can see how he would be the richest. I mean, he's charging 22 grand for a battery. They dropped a dummy of him from a helicopter. We did that to my social studies teacher in high school. A dummy of him from a helicopter. We did that to my social studies teacher in high school. The figure was then strapped into the Tesla.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Jesus. Before the explosives were set off, according to the insider. Jesus, kid was pissed. You shit-kicking, stinky horseman who's smelling motherfucker, you. I'm having a good time. Lastly, Katainen pushed the button to explode the vehicle from the safety of a blast shelter, which he'll be living in and you and I will be living in soon. And
Starting point is 00:40:51 the team who helped him erupted into chairs as the car blasted away for good. The entire event was recorded and posted on December 17th where it has over 5 million views. That is it, folks. Good for you, fella.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I'm going to do that next time gas hits $6 under Biden. I'll blow up my wife's car. That is it. Again, don't forget Don't forget You can click on the store and pick up some merchandise and check on my tour dates. I'm a little busy the next couple months.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Tommy at one point has me like working, I don't know, without a day off for four weeks, and I said, Tom, what the fuck? You're the Sicilian in his 40s. I did that already. Anyways, and don't forget If you want me to roast a friend or relative, go to, and don't forget If you want me to roast a friend or relative,
Starting point is 00:41:49 go to, tell me about the person. I will make a video roasting that person on my phone, send it right to them. People love it, by the way. It can be mean, it can be nice, whatever you want. You know? Give me one about a girl you hate. That shit flows off my tongue. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:42:06 That's it. You guys think and I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow at the same time. Have a good day or night. guitar solo Outro Music

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